2UG Zagrebacka umjetnicka gimnazija. " s pravom javnosti. Gymnasium

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1 2UG Zagrebacka umjetnicka gimnazija " s pravom javnosti Gymnasium

2 uoorocjosjj r v, u Europska dimenzija obrazovanja Welcome to ZUG European dimension of education Gordana i Mladen Koludrovic, osnovaci ZUG-a Zagrebacka umjetnicka gimnazija, utemeljena je godine kao druga privatna skola u Republici Hrvatskoj. Od osnutka do danas nasa je misija predano i uvijek iznova pronalaziti nove i bolje nacine obrazovanja u kojima temeljne ljudske vrijednosti cine okvir za sve nase odluke, daju nam smjernice i definiraju ozracje. Upravo su nove metode, projekti i razvojna strategija, ucinili Zagrebacku umjetnicku gimnaziju otvorenom za medunarodnu suradnju, a partneri na daljinu, medunarodni projekti i razmjene pruzaju ucenicima europsku dimenziju skolovanja u srcu Hrvatske. Zagreb Art Gymnasium was founded in and was the second private school ever opened in the Republic of Croatia. From the beginning until today our mission has always been finding new and better ways of education, in which human values constitute the framework for ail our decisions, providing guidance and defining the school atmosphere. New methods, projects and development strategies have confirmed that Zagreb Art Gymnasium is fully opened to international cooperation, projects and exchanges providing our students with the European dimension of education in the heart of the Croatia. Temeljne vrijednosti / Core values Nastojimo poticati i njegovati vrijednosti koje su od koristi svim na ucenicima, njihovim roditeljima, profesorima, suradnicima, citavoj nasoj gimnaziji, te naravno drustvu, gradu i obrazovnom sustavu u kojem djelujemo. - postovanje prema obrazovanju i ucenju / respect for education and learning - usmjeravanje pozornosti na izvrsnost / focus on excellence - ljubav prema umjetnosti / commitment to the arts - kreativnost i jedinstvenost / creativity and uniqueness - prihvacanje razlicitosti / embracing diversity Our effort is aimed at encouraging and maintaining values that benefit all our students, their parents, teachers, colleagues, entire school, and of course the local community and educational system with which the school interacts. Nasa misija / Our... I U svijetu u kojem je znanje moc, a kultura i umjetnost bogatstvo, nasa je misija da predano uvijek iznova, pronalazimo nove i boije nacine obrazovanja mladih, kako bismo in mogli uspjesno pripremiti za sve buduce obrazovne i zivotne izazove koji su pred njima. In a world where knowledge equals power and culture and art equals wealth, our mission is to always find new and better ways of educating young people in a creative environment and to be recognized for educating students prepared to conquer future life and all future educational challenges.

3 \m PS Ni\\ stenct u najuzem srabpu gracia i ica, te povijesnog posreanoj Diizini i mnogobrojnih okruzenju skoleizeji, galerije i ca, restorana i trgovir.. ^ i sadrzaia, Gim- _,.._ prometno povezana s ostalim dijeldvima grada te je an pristup skoli bez obzira na miesto stanovania. ited in the center of town negfuhe main square tinjevac surrounded by many Seautiful sights thati inw/nt er schsoteurroundings, there - galieries, libraries and ITS ana snaps. In addition, the d by different means of transport and ajo students, regardless of the location of their horne. Prometna povezanost /Traffic connection tramvajska stanica / tram station: 2 min autobusna stanica / bus station: 10 min zeijeznicka stanica / train station: 10 min Emina Debeljacki, prof. ispitna koordinatorica za driavnu maturu/ Coordinator for the National Examination Nasa gimnazija provodi plan i program opce gimnazije u trajanju od 4 godine koji zavrsava polaganjem drzavne mature. Tijekom skolavanja u ZUG-u, strucni nastavni kadaru svakom segmentu usmjeravai vodiucenike prema ostvarenju njihovih ciljeva i postizanju zeljenih rezultafa. Tako svi nasi ucenici ispitima drzavne mature pristupaju potpuno spremni sukiadno svojim ambicijama i zeljama. Nase dugogodisnje iskustvo je pokazalo da je temelj kvaiitetnog obrazcvanja upravo suradnja nastavnika i ucenika prema postizanju vrhunskih rezuitata. Zagreb Art Gymnasium performs general gymnasium 4 year program after which students are obliged to take the National Exam if they want to continue their education. During education at ZUG teachers guide pupils through educational process toward achieving their goals and desired score level. Thus, our students enter the examination process fully prepared in accordance with their ambition and desire. Our experience has shown that the foundation of every good education is the close cooperation between teachers and students to achieve best scores possible. Lovorka Banovic, prof. nastavnica engleskog i njemadkog jezlka / English and German language teacher Razvoj tehnoiogije i modernih oblika suradnju sa skoiama iz raznih dijeiovc jezika u nekim formalnim i neformalnir postaje nuznost, a u nasoj gimnaziji njir nerskih ustanova, zadaci i kviz< razinu oisane i usmene komunikacije. omunikacije putem interneta te ucestali medunarodni projekti omogucuju nam iurope i svijeta ctme su izbrisane dosadasnje prepreke aktivnom koristenju stranih okruzenjima. Stoga danas, vise nego ikad, poznavanje jednog ili vise stranih jezika vo je saviadavanje i ucenje uzstak. Video konferencije s ucenicima inozemnih parti znanja te chatroom rasprave samo su neke od akfivnosti kojima ucenici podizu Technology development and development of modem forms of communication via the Internet, and ZUG's frequent international projects allow us to cooperate with foreign schools trom different parts of Europe and the world. Therefore, today more than ever, knowledge of one or more foreign languages is of key importance and a necessity for young people but also a very pleasurable experience when studied at ZUG. Video-conferencing with other students from European partner institutions, assignments and quiz, and chat-room discussions are just some of the activities through which students raise their written ana oral level of communication. Minja Maretic Murtic, dipl. ing. arh. strucna suradnica / Art Programe Associate Dizajn je sve sto nas okruzuje - arhitektura, moda. produkt ili graficki dizajn. a za stvaranje lijepih i funkcionalnih prostora ili predmeta vazna je kreativnost. Crtez predstavtja pocetak stvaralastva, od pocetne ideje do realizacije. Crtajuci se misli i crtezcm se stvara, a proces dizajnironja zapocinje potezom olovke na papiru. Najvaznije je da se umijece crtanja moze nauciti i izvjezbati, a upravo nas tim pomaze miadim, originalnim i kretivnim osobama da nauce kako predociti i realiztrati We can find "design" ev«beautiful and functional in architecture., fashion, oortant. Therefore, drav drawing represents The beainning of creativity, from inii pen on paper but the most importc l f::-ion process beg^n ed and perfected I ctice. That is why our team can heip young people to

4 Obrcizovne rnogucnosti Educational opportunities Program ZUG-a namijenjen je svim ucenicima koji imaju ambicije nastaviti svoj obrazovni put i stoga traze kvalitetno srednjoskolsko obrazovanje. Uz redovni nastavni plan i program ucenici se prema svojim zeljama i interesima takoder mogu ukljuciti te aktivno sudjelovati u nekim od nasih izvannastavnih aktivnosti i programa. ZUG's program is intended for students that are motivated, ambitious, seeking for higher standards and are planning to continue their education. Apart from obligatory part of curriculum, our students can choose and participate in a number of extracurricular activities and after school programs depending on their interests and abilities. Urnjetnost / Art Iskustveno se pokazalo da sudjelovanje u nekom od umjetnickih programa poput vizualne umjetnosti, glazbe ili scenske umjetnosti potice aktivnosti u mozgu koje pornazu ucenicima da lakse i jasnije razumiju i druge predmete. Urnjetnost njeguje inventivnost, samopostovanje, samodisciplinu, suradnju i povecava stupanj motivacije. Ucenici koji sudjeluju u ovakvim aktivnostima stjecu kompetencije potrebne za bolje snalazenje u zivotnim situaciama, razvijaju sposobnosti kreativnog pristupa rjesavanju problema te izrazavanja misli i ideja na razlicite nacine. losure to visual art. music, or drama promotes acin the brain that helps students understand other subjects much more rly. Art nurtures inventiveness, self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation self-motivation. Students who participate in some art activities gain the necessary for understanding human experience, developing creative lem-solving skills, and communicating thoughts and ideas in a variety of Crtanje i slikanje / Drawing and painting 9l Modhi dizajr>/ Produkt dizain I Crtanje pruza temelj za sve druge kreativne aktivnosti - kao sto su slikarstvo, kiparstvc i grafika - ali ono je takoder izravno povezano s citanjem, pisanjem i matematikom. Postoji snazna veza izmedu crteza te geometrijskih oblika i mjerenja sto svakom poiazniku pomaze u stvaranju jasnijih korelacija s drugim opceobrazovnim predmetima. Program crtanja i slikanja osposobljava ucenike za izrazavanje svojih ideja i misli kroz razlicite tehnike crtania. Drawing provides the basis for all other creative activities - like painting, sculpture and printmaking - but it also provides a direct link to reading, writing and especially mathematics. The connection between drawing and geometric shapes and measurement' simply cannot be denied. Our drawing prc gram is enabling students to express thei ideas and thoughts through different drawing techniques. Ovaj program ucenicima pruza priliku za ulazak u svijet rnodnog ili produkt dizajna. Ucenici savladavaju vjestine potrebne za razumijevanje procesa dizajniranja, tehnika crtanja te u konacnici i aktivno sudjeluju u stvaranju vlastite modne kolekcije ili dizajna nekog uporabnog proizvoda. Ucenici usvajaju vjestine osnova crtanja Ijudske figure, modni crtez. crtezi uporabnih predmeta, izrada maketa i modnih dodataka, upoznavanje materijala i raznih likovnih tehnika, povijest dizajna. Design program provides students with the perfect opportunity to enter the world of product and fashion design techniques. All the skills needed to understand what design is, and to take an active part in creating your own fashion or product design collection. Students acquire skills of drawing human figure, fashion drawing, product designing. decorative items, production of models and accessories, learning materials and various art techniques, history of design.

5 a kultura / Media culture Napretkom digitalne tehnofogije, njezinom dostupnoscu kao i svakodnevna uporaba interneta donosi mnogobrojne kulfurne i drustvene promjene u nacinu informiranja, komuniciranja i onoga sto smo do sada smatraii zabavnim. isfovremeno, stariji mediji kao sfo su knjige, radio, tetevizija i film jos su uvijek sveprisutni fe se ispreplicu s novim medijima. Upravo inferdsscipiinarnim pristupom i integracijom vile razlicitih znanja i segmenata obuhvacenih ovim programom omogucujemo ucenicima da steknu potrebnu razinu teorijskih znanja uskladenih s prakticnim istrazivanjima i radom. Ucenje kroz iskustvo ukljucuje niz samostalnih aktivnosti ucenika koje imaju za cilj razvoj vjestina potrebnih za kriticko misijenje, rjesavanje problema te da u konacnici kod ucenika pobudi znatizelju kako bi po zavrsetku skolovanja biii spremni za daljnje obrazovne i zivotne izazove. The introducer of digital technologies and emerging Internel Era has generated quite a few cultural transformations introducing new possib lities fi H i::;'ormafion distribution, communication and amusement. At the same time, oider media sue! as books, radio, television and film are still present and are colliding with the newer media. The interdisciplinary and comparative frameworv of < its in; lovative programme combines theoretical reflection on various media segements with a practical research and media skills. Learning through experience involves different spectrum of acitivirh-js. These should improve the skjo.; for * ritical thinking, problem solving and for students to become curious and proactive young people prepared for Further educational and life challenges. Fiimska grupa / Moviemaking Fotografska grupa / Photography group Novinarska grupa / Journalist group Aktivnosti Filmske grupe usmjerene su na razvijanje vjestina u osmisfjavanju i stvaranju digitalnih video filmova. Ucenici ce nauciti o svim aspektima proizvodnje fiima u kreativanom i zabavnom okruzenju. Tijekom godine ucenict upoznaju elemente filma i rade na procesu sfvaranja {pisanje scenarija, snimanie, montaza i dr.). Osim uzivanja u stvaranju fiimova, ucenici sa svojim ftfmskim uratkom sudjeluju i na nekim od filmskihtevija miadezi. Aktivno sudjelovanje ucenika u Fotografskoj grupi prvenstveno pruza mogucnosf uzivanja ijubifelja fofografije u stvaranju fotografija. Tijekom skolovanja ucenici stjecu uvid u nacin izrade razlicitih vrsta fotografija koo sto su; modna fotografija, fotografije biljnog i zivofinjskog svijeta, dokumentarne fotografija, umjetnicke i komercijaine fotografije. Na kraju skolske godine, najboiji radovi izlazu se na zavrsnoj izlozbi. ZUG schoolyard je on-line publikacija koju smo pokrenuli s namjerom da citatefjima pruzimo uvid ne samo u vijesfi i dogadanja unutar skoie vec nov i svjez pogled na druge zanimtjive i aktuaine feme, intervjue i strucne radove. Kroz sudjefovanje u radu skofskog casopisa ucenici sfjecu vrlo vrijedne vjestine i iskustva potrebna za nastavak obrazovanja neovisno o izboru vrste studija i daljnjeg usavrsavanja. Activities are designed to develop r'-jik if ilvs- air of digital video moviemaking. Student: \-:l\\ about a)l aspects of movie production in a creative and fun environment a^ they pfan, shoot, and edit a digital movie of their o\vn! During ih-r vecii- ^fuclenfo art 'ntroriuced to the moviemokinq process vvi'iile ieornino about and ;.:[xx:f:sing topicj :y.;cfi as sroryboafci:, cainei\:i jvci';nit;!j^:; ofrj computer video edilim. Besides ^njoying >; ;;. moviemmaking procs.ss, student:, ^ro participate in youth fiim festivals. \ ::'. - : : ifiicij i.'!tir.!1 :. ; ijhoiooiupny group!:'i^"-' rii1., offers ^uciints the possibi!;:y TO =-x.vp'3r. jhoi-" love- to\va:r ; phc-- r^n;nr,;,y, Ou!i!i.:; -: Jucarion Students g*t is: inrighl Into creation ol difi'/.-rent kfrids of fo'ioci'ophy iii^-.,-.- i'o:-:":ion i\jto^rap!'iy. -. ' - o'jruphy. docum'-nrary photor:!"';:!:;! i/, ci^^or: ofiotc"!!"'."]::;!':-/. ;/: > cii'cii co't-mercial piioto^iroi it-; :; --.-; ;= in- school yoar, '' --:.. i->c-:,i -..-:.<>}.: 01 ' :,,.; ; -ic ;e:';tr,-l ; ::!-! ie E~in -:.} -:'-:i; '.lik-'d. ZUG Schoolyard is an on-line magazine that has been launched with the - io give leaders ihe in-.fnhi nr'a <;--' vs IVH only about the school life but atoo to offer a new and fresh view on other interesting contemporary education <.;; related topics, interviews and exp-.-n or ticies. Through working tor :cl"ioci "ncioazine student:; gain skill; cmr.- -n : that wii! be Q^ great u;e ia'-i-r during Hr»lr education rvgardlml ol -!v Purthw professional troininc; path -. ) ;hoos«. Dramska grupa,,didaskalije" / Acting and drama group,,didaskalije" Osnovna uloga dramske grupe "Didaskalije" je poticanje izrazavanja, komunikacijskih vjestina i jacanje samopouzdanja ucenika. Kroz niz razlicitih aktivnosti i vjezbi svaki ucenik, bez obzira na prethodno glumacko iskustvo ili znanje ima priliku savladati glumacke tehnike te dobiti ulogu u nekoj od skolskih predstava koje se na kraju skolske godine prikazuju u jednom od zagrebackih kazaiista. Na taj nacin ucenici koji aktivno sudjeluju u ovoj grupi unapreduju svoje glumacke sposobnosti, govorne vjestine. samopouzdanje. sposobnost vodstva i samopostovanje. The main role of the Acting and Drama group "Didaskalije" is to encourage self expression, communication skills and selfconfidence in students. Through a range of different activities we present the opportunity for every student, regardless of previous acting experience or knowledge, to learn drama techniques, which gradually leads to their performing on stage. In this way students who take an active role in this group can build or improve their acting skills, speaking skills, confidence, leadership abilities and self-esteem.

6 Opceobrazovni predmeti Obligatory curriculum classes Opceobrazovni gimnazi: nastavak daljnjeg obraz> dio nastavnog plana i p ' " daljnjeg usav n omogucuje polaznicima ZU velikom broju hrvatskih i stranin svi lika omogucava da uc <vi^ obrazovanja ovisno o f il*^:; ' ;.-."? : anja kao temelj za jbavezni eru i i nastavnika temelji se na mecti,«.,,.--. _.,_.-., ciljeva. Nasa teznja usmjerena je na njegovanje okruzenja u kojem ucenici i nastavnici mogu otvoreno komunicirati o svim podrucjima vezanim uz rezultate i napredak ucenika, njihove brige, problem i postignuca. Sve navedeno vazno je za medusobno razumijevanje i zadovoljstvo u procesu ucenja. of Croat which all decision is based on areas of interest and the de tween people who trust each other, respect eac are commited to a mutually shared goal. Creating an environ- heir concerns, issues, obstacles, and achievements brings ment where students and teachers can truly communicat understanding and satisfaction to the entire learning expe with ri-impirnnmti [;rjnvflrrlr i~ from many different fields like natural scifor further educationl'sonifckdentscan choose and study at wide range egular program is a ma ndafot^"pwfct of the curriculum for all students r further training and education during their study at ZUG. Their vation and personal involvement. Partnership can only exist be- Drustveno-humanisticki predmeti / Socio-humanistic courses meta osposobljavaju ucenike da m< razumjeti, interpretirati i promisljati o svij i dogadanjima koja ih okruzuju. Nastav usmjerena na to da ucenike pripremi i pruzi im potrebna znanja i alate kako bi postal! cjeloviti mladi ljudi koji predstavljaju demokraciju i gradanstvo kroz aktivr nje u procesu obrazovan )-humanisticka podruqa nt obrazovnog procesa jer os ju misljet temeljeno na znanju i cinjenicama. ubjects that are a port or sot mistic courses enable students to rstand, interpret and reflect about /orld around them. Together with Viers, students are working toward mming fully developed young people representing democracy citizenship in a participative manner and taking part in the process to understand the dynamics that move the world today. This is a very important element of education process because it allows students to create, form and express their opinion based on knowledge and facts gathered during classes. Predmet / Course 8. is teaching

7 Jezicne skupine predmeta / Language courses U bilo kojoj kulturi bilo gdje u svijetu, poznavanje jezika vrio je vazno. Jezik nam omogucava mnogo vise od komuniciranja i izrazavanja misljenja, stavova i emocija. Jezik je sadrzan i u raznim oblicima, najcesce je to usmeni i pisani obik no jezik nalazimo i u neverbalnim oblicima. Kao takav, jezik je nuzan u ucenju i razumijevanju. Vazan dio procesa ufienja jezika je njegova prakticna primjena u usmenoj i pisanoj formi. Tijekom nastave Jezicne grupe predmeta ucenici protaze kroz veliki broj usmenih i pisanih vjezbi i zadataka koji ukljucuju konverzacijske vjezbe, prezentacije, rasprave i niz pisanih radova od kojih je pisanje eseja jedan od vaznijih elemenata ocjenjivanja. Vaznost poznavanja vlastitog ali i stranih jezika najbolje je izrekao filozof Ludvig Wittgenstein, "Granice jezika su granice znanja". Languages are important in any culture anywhere in the world. Languages are very poweful and can do much more than just enable people to communicate with each other and convey their emotions. Language can be written, spoken, shown or otherwise communicated making it absolutely necessary part in learning and understanding. Very important part of language learning process is practical use of written and spoken language. During the education students have many written and oral exercises and work opportunites to practice expressing their opinion and thoughts in the right way. This includes fluent speech, oral presenations, debating and a variety of written asignments especially essays. The language of one country can reveal its features and caracteristics giving us the insight into the people and culture. In the words of the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein ; 'The limits of language are the limits of knc Jezik / Language I.Strani jezik / (.foreign language ILStranl Jezik / il.forelgn language : / Croatian Ian Jerik / English la Jeztk / Italian! Skupina prirodnih predmeta / Natural science courses Znanje steceno kroz grupe prirodnih predmeta omogucuje polaznicima da razviju kriticko i analiticko misljenje te sposobnost rjesavanja problema. Nastavnici prirodnih predmeta kroz nastavni program kvalitetno pripremaju ucenike za pristupanje ispitima drzavne mature. Ljepota prirodnih predmeta lezi u otkrivaju slozenosti i raznolikosti svijeta kroz kontekst matematickih i znanstvenih nacina spoznavanja. Knowledge gained through natural science courses enables students to develop lifelong competencies in critical and analytical thinking, reasoning and leading to problem-solving abilities. Natural science teachers aim to provide the quality high school program that prepares students to enter the final examination fully prepared to achieve their desired score level. These courses reveal the complexity and diversity of the world within the context of mathematical and sciledge. Predmet / Course Sportske aktivnsoti / Redovna nastava i program TZK-a odrzava se u dvorani Sportskog i rekreacijskog centra Salata. Cilj sportskih aktivnosti je pomoci ucenicima u njihovom rastu i razvoju. Isto tako, redovnom tjelovjezbom ucenici stjecu samopouzdanje i pozitivan stav i osjecaj o vlastitim postignucima. Osim obveznog dijela programa, ufienici mogu koristiti i klizaliste / tijekom zime/, te kosarkasko igraliste. rukometno igraliste i bazen u Ijetno vrijeme. ZUG sport activities offer workout classes and programs held in the Sports and Recreational Centre Salata. Our goal is not only to help students be involved with sport activities helping their growth and development, but also to gain self confidence and feel positive about their accomplishments. Obligatory sport activities are great foundation for any sport and will provide a jump start for the future. Beside the obligatory program, students can use ice skating rin /during winter time/, basketball court, handball court and swimming pool in the summer.

8 Medunarodna suradnja International cooperation Ucenici ZUG-a tijekom nastavne godine imaju mogucnost prijaviti se i sudjelovati u raznim medunarodnim programima u koje su ukljucene sve skole partneri iz EU. Neki programi financirani su od strane ZUG-a (sve aktivnosti koje se provode), a ucenici koji sudjeluju u programu snose samo svoje putne troskove i dzeparac, drug! medunarodni programi spadaju u Comenius programe koje fin^ncira Europska komisija, te ih prati Nacionalna agencija za mobilnost i programe EU. Sve to uc«omogucava besplatno sudjelovanje u programu i stipendije za posjete europskim parjper skok During the school year students at ZUG have the opportunity to apply and participate in var tional programs with our partner schools trom the EU. Some programs are funded by the tivities carried out during the program) and the students who part Jtpate in the program pay only trave. ing expenses and pocket money. Other international pro; ^wied out by the school are a part of Comenius program that is being fully financed by the EufS &».^^ ^ ion and monitored by National Agency for Mobility and EU programs. This program allows^^h ^ pticipation in the program and a grant for visiting European partner schools. Education and Culture DG I Lifelong Learning Programme Program cjelozivotnog ucenja / Life long learning programme Comenius Program za cjelozivotno ucenje jeaan je od najvecih programa Europske unije u podrucju formalnog i neformalnog ucenja koji gradanima Republike Hrvatske pruza priliku za ukljucivanje u europski proces cjelozivotnog ucenja. Programe u Republic! Hrvatskoj provodi Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU, a ustanove i korisnici dobivaju financijsku potporu Europske unije koju dodjeljuje Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU. Time su omogucene mnogobrojne aktivnosti kao sto su razmjene ucenika, rod na zajednickim projektima s partnerskim ustanovama iz inozemstva, razmjena i suradnja nastavnoq i nenastavnoa osoblia s koieaama iz learning program is one of the largist programs of the European Union in the formal and informal learning. Throughout this program Croatian citizens have an opportunity for inclusion in the European process of lifelong learning. With the advisory support from National Agency for Mobility and EU Programs and funding resources from European union this enables a number of activities such as student exchange, joint projects with partner institutions from abroad, exchange and cooperation between teaching and non-teaching staff with their colleagues from abroad and various other activities. Ciljevi potprograma Comenius su promicanje svijesti o raznolikosti europskih kultura kroz suradnju obrazovnih ustanova koje sudjeluju u Programu za cjelozivotno ucenje, poticanje osobnog razvoja sudionika, razvoj i usavrsavanje vjestina i kompetencija te njegovanje ideje o europskom gradanstvu. Ustanove koje sudjeluju u Comenius pro-! i»*-*tniju razinu obrazovanja i vise u HJUUL.I lusn iu ucenike i nastavnike. Main objectives that emerge from Comenius program are: promoting awareness of the diversity of European culture through co-operation of educational institutions participating in the Lifelong Learning Programme, encouraging personal development of participants, developing and improving skills and competencies, and fostering the idea of European citizenship. Institutions participating in the Comenius program have the advantage in offering a

9 Comenius asistent / Comenius assistent Osim Comenius programa, nasa gimanzij'a vrlo rado suraduje i s nastavnicima i studentima nastavnickih smjerova kroz projekt Comenius asistenta. Cilj ove aktivnosti je omoguciti studentima i nastavnicima bez radnog iskustva upozn> : ' dimenzijom obrazovanja, poboljsanje njihovog znanja stranih jezika. drugih europskih drzava i njihovih odgojno-obrazovnih sustava te unapredenje nastavnih vjestina. Prednosti ovog programa su brojne kako za samu ustanovu tako i za ucenike. Buduci da je nasa skola uvijek nastojala njegovati medunarodni pristup i multikulturalnu klimu, ovakvi projekti upravo to i omogucuju. Apart from the Comenius program involvement, our school gladly and with enthusiasm cooperates with teachers and pupils who study to become teachers some day in mutual cooperation through the Comenius Assistant Project. The aim of this activity is to enable future teachers and teachers without working experience in teaching and to introduce them to the European dimension of education, improve their knowledge of foreign languages, other European cultures and their educational systems and improve teaching skills. Benefits of this program are numerous, for both the school and students. ZUG is always trying to encourage international approach and multicultural climate, and this project is just the activity that supports our school's efforts. Program razmjene / Exchange program Nasa iskustva sudjelovanja u programima medunarodne suradnje i razmjene pokazala su se kao vrijedan dodatak obrazovanju i povecanju stupnja zadovoljstva i motiviranosti ucenika. Opcenito, obrazovna vrijednost medunarodnih projekta i partnerstva je povezivanje i zblizavanje skola zemalja s razlidtim kulturnim znacajkama kroz interaktivne aktivnosti u kojima sudjeluju ucenici i nastavnici u obliku posjeta partnerskim ustanovama, te putem videokonferencija, internet platform!, a i dr. Ucenici na taj nacin upoznaju druge zemlje, obicaje i kulture, povecavaju razinu znanja jezika (u pismu i govoru), usavrsavaju komunikacijske i druge vjestine potrebne tijekom cijelog zivota. Naravno, vazan je i zabavni element suradnje i medusobnog druzenja ucenika te stvaranje trajnih prijateijskih veza i nezaboravnih uspomena. Our school's experience in international exchange and cooperation programmes have proven to be a valuable addition to the education of our pupils and has immensely increased the satisfaction and the motivation of our pupils. The educational goal of the international projects and partnerships is to connect and bring different partner schools closer together by means of interactive activities performed not only by pupils but also by teachers. This is done through different forms of communication, visits to the partner school's premises, video conferences. Internet platforms, exchanges etc. In this way pupils get to know other cultures and customs, expand their knowledge and vocabulary, they brush up their communication and other skills which will be of use to them till the rest of their lives. Also, the fun element is not to be forgotten: bonding with each other and making friends for life.

10 j!rjs dnjsiysfjj r\nc\\~/rr\\r\ J ^**J ^/ -^_>J J ^_x ^x j ^ X Our social involvment Osobni angazman i volontiranje kroz organizirane aktivnosti i godisnji program humanitarne grupe ima za cilj doprijeti do sto veceg broja onih kojima je potrebna pomoc. Potreba za promjenom vlastitog nacina zivota i ponasanja vec je odavno prepoznata u cijelom svijetu te se velik broj mladih ljudi ukljucuje u razne aktivnosti kojima sire ljubav i dobrotu prema onima kojima je to prijeko potrebno. Volunteerism which is made into an organized activity program has the goal of reaching out to the less fortunate people and creating a difference in their lives as well as our own. The need for changing our own ways has been already recognized worldwide and a iot of young people are willing to go out of their way to spread love and kindness to those who are in need of affection and support. 'rojekt "Male ruke velika djela" iiziraju nekoliko aktivnosti vez uz pomoc i osobni angazman na podrucju humanitarnih podrucja. Kroz te aktivnosti ucenici jacaju i promoviraju drustveno odgovorno ponasanje. Dio aktivnosti ukljucuje prikupljanje financijskih sredstava, a dio aktivnosti se odnosi na osobni angazman i posjet onima kojima treba ljubavi, topline, node i veselja. U zelji da izmame osmijeh na lica, ucenici Zug-a svojim angazmanom uljepsavaju ponekad ne tako lijepu svakodnevicu. Each year, our pupils organise several activities concerning providing help for the less fortunate. Through thes ties they strenghten responsibility. These activities include collecting financial means as well as visiting those who are in need of love, warmth, hope and happiness. In this way they brighten some people's lives.

11 SKOJCJ Summer school ZUG je prva gimanzija koja je u svoj program rada uvela i Ijetni nastavni ciklus koji se odvija u Ijetnoj skoli u trajanju od 3 tjedna. U SAD-u je ovakav nacin rada s ucenicima ucestao i vrlo dobro prihvacen, te se pokazao kao vrlo ucinkovit za sve ucenike koji tijekom Ijeta zeljele produbiti svoje znanje iz podrucja opcih predmeta koji su obvezatni dio driavne mature ill izbornih predmeta vezanih uz istu. U Ijetnoj skoli ZUG zeli svim ucenicima ponuditi inovativni oblik usavrsavanja i nadogradnje znanja stecenih u redovnoj nastavi tijekom godine. ZUG is the first school'who has ir through the summer vacation p are very common "and v all students that would duced a summer accepre leepen thei Yogram that tdkj -vams in - effect! ring sum Ljetna skola ZUG-a nije konvencionalna skola, te je upravo zbog toga privlacna ucenicima koji se teze snalaze u klasicnim radno-organizacijskim uvjetima ili onima koji iz bilo kojih razloga po zavrsetku nastavne godine imaju nedostatna znanja iz odredenih podrucja. Osim redovnih predmeta, ucenici se mogu odluciti i za pripremu specificnih znanja i vjestina potrebnih za upis specificnih studija poput arhitekture, dizajna i modnog dizajna za koje su osim znanja potrebne i odredene tehnike i vjestine crtanja. Program Ijetne skole obuhvaca ukupno 60 sati poucavanja te prakticne i terenske nastave, a provodi se kroz 3 tjedna. Nastava se odvija svaki radni dan u vremenu od 10:00 do 13:30 sati s pauzom od 20 minuta. ZUG summer school is not a conventional school, because it is attractive to students who have difficulties coping with the classic organizational work conditions, or students who have insufficient knowledge in certain areas. In addition to regular subjects, students can also choose the program of preparation for specific skills necessary for some studies such as architecture, design and fashion design for which other techniques and drawing skills are required. Summer school program includes a total of 60 hours of instruction and the practical and field work carried throughout 3 weeks. Classes are held every day from 10:00 am until 13:30 in the afternoon with a break of 20 minutes. U Ijetnu skolu ZUG-a prijavljuju se svi ucenici koji su voljni raditi na podizanju razine znanja iz jezika, matematike, opce kulture, prirodnih znanosti i drugih specificnih vjestina. Osim ponavljanja gradiva i produbljivanja razine znanja te ostvarivanja boljih rezultata na testovima, ucenici se na ovaj nacin pripremaju i za nadolazecu skolsku godinu kako bi je zapoceli sto spremniji. The summer school includes additional involvement in raising the level of knowledge in languages, mathematics, general knowledge, science and other specific skills. Besides the repetition of the teaching material and deepening the level of knowledge and achieving better exam results on tests, in this way students prepare themselves for the upcoming school year. Detaljnije informacije o terminu i cijeni Ijetne skole mozete pronaci na Detailed information about the program and the cost of school can be found at

12 Ljubav prema znanju i uspjehu :-)


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