Course Objec4ves. Pimp Your Presenta4on. Title. Key components. Abstracts 9/18/15

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1 Course Objec4ves Pimp Your Presenta4on Meryl J Alappa:u, PT, DPT, PhD Mark D Bishop, PT, PhD Describe and iden4fy components of a scien4fic/clinical presenta4on Iden4fy key components of an abstract Iden4fy key elements of poster design Describe organiza4on and formamng of a planorm presenta4on Describe how best to disseminate informa4on in a poster v. planorm presenta4on Key components Title Introduc4on Materials and methods Results Discussion/conclusion/summary These elements cross formats and vary with each format except for Title. Title Should immediately catch a:en4on Difference between: Pimp your presenta4on How to make a scien4fic presenta4on What you expect is what you get VS. Pa4ent expecta4ons interact with those of providers Abstracts Abstracts Posters PlaNorms Required for submissions to all scien4fic mee4ngs and accompany all scholarship. O]en also republished in secondary abstrac4ng services and journals JOSPT for CSM, J Pain for APS, etc A reviewer (or colleague) should be able to tell quickly the value of the report 1

2 Abstract An effec4ve abstract is brief, informa4ve and wants the reader/reviewer to find out more! a succinct exci4ng descrip4on of your work Should: Explain why your work is important The so what?" Describes the objec4ve(s) of your work Briefly explains the methods Unless the research is about methods, this should not be a major focus of your abstract Abstract Should: Succinctly state results, conclusions, and recommenda4ons this is what most people want to know tell the reader what you found and recommend The abstract could also serve as an outline for your poster or presenta4on Wri4ng for brevity and clarity There are o]en strict work limits on abstracts You can eliminate words without changing the meaning of a sentence Examples located can be eliminated from almost every sentence without any loss in meaning. that unnecessary in many sentences. careful E.g. Careful examina4on would you do it any other way? Wri4ng for brevity and clarity The same thing with phrases it is shown that it is a fact that it is emphasized that it is known that Use readable English rather than La4n plurals formulas rather than formulae Posters Essen4ally illustrated abstracts Most common methods of dissemina4ng informa4on at conferences Convey more details than in a talk/planorm Provides an opportunity for more Q&A exchange between author and reader than a talk or paper Posters All visuals and text should relate to a succinct message convey a clear message and support it with a compelling combina4on of images and short blocks of text So know your message! What is the one thing you want your audience to learn? Focus on that throughout the poster. If it doesn't reinforce your message, leave it out!! 2

3 Keep it simple Be bold and explicit If you have an interes4ng result state it in the 4tle Make the strongest statements your data will support Why down play an exci4ng finding? Don t repeat the results but state your interpreta4ons in the conclusion sec4on Simple messages are more memorable Details get in the way of your main point Supplied in person once you have caught their a:en4on Create a dra] poster focused on your main message What details are essen4al for conveying your message common problem is focus on methods Omit anything that is not essen4al Edit text carefully Use simple language and reduce any sentence complexity Edit, edit, edit Simplify! Supply details in person at the poster Make sure you KNOW the details State your results with headings But focus on results and conclusions Remove all but the most essen4al informa4on about your methods Iden4fy general details of your methods in case you're not in front of your poster when someone comes by Audience There are three categories of readers in most audiences Woolsey 1989 your area of prac4ce specializa4on prac4ce areas closely related to yours unrelated area To sa4sfy them all provide context for your work Explain the big picture and why the problem is important Use plain language to present your work Avoid jargon and acronyms Interpret findings so that readers in all categories can understand how your work helps solve the problem you've described Audience When you do this you will get different types of feedback People in your field of specializa4on will read whatever you present no ma:er how well or poorly you present it. People in prac4ce areas related to yours are worth capturing have interes4ng insights and perspec4ves about your work But they will require context for your work and likely to be unfamiliar with your jargon People in unrelated fields can be a:racted by an accessible message, and provide valuable insights and links to distant fields. R require you to explain the problem and the solu4on will not understand your jargon. 3

4 Audience Alterna4vely, consider the type of mee4ng. Specialists only. For example, Women s Health Cer4fied Specialist or FAAOMPT? You can assume a high level of specific knowledge You can use jargon Make other presenta4on shortcuts Related to methods Wide- ranging discipline For example, FPTA Annual Mee4ng assume familiarity with the discipline in general, but there are so many sub- special4es that jargon is to be avoided and language simplified Planning Crea4ng an effec4ve poster requires 4me and planning What is the message? You must be able to state your main point(s) and conclusion(s) clearly and succinctly. All visuals and text should relate to those points and conclusions. Don t forget what you put in your abstract. How much room do I have? Determine specific size requirements - visit conference web site or otherwise consult with conference organizers. Area available determines what you can fit or have to leave leave out layout (landscape vs. portrait orienta4on) and how things will be organized How much money do I have? Determines whether you use glossy or dra] quality paper, use cardboard or foam core for moun4ng, create the poster yourself or contract it out Laminated at IFAS or paper at architecture Example of cloth poster for travel Timeline Especially important if mul4ple authors Start with the due date and work back to create milestones Allow 4me for peer review and heavy edi4ng Timeline Here are some ideas for establishing milestones Assumes that you're doing other things during the week Allows 4me for you to reflect Can turn weeks to days and skip dra]s as 4me pressures require 3 weeks before Plan out poster Create first dra] of poster Edit.ruthlessly Timeline 2 weeks before Distribute dra] for peer review (round 1) Make changes suggested by peers Week before Distribute dra] for peer review (round 2) Make changes suggested by peers Final print Present poster Wri4ng A clear visual grammar guides readers through your poster. Your poster should guide readers to the important informa4on use a format easy to read in a crowd use organiza4on cues to guide readers through your poster. use headings intelligently to help readers find your main points and key informa4on Balance text and graphics to create visual appeal 4

5 Layout Layout Balance and white space Should have a visual balance of figures and text, separated by white space Balance occurs when images and text are reflected across central horizontal, ver4cal, or diagonal axes Layout Use headings to orient readers and convey major points Headings Use headings to summarize your work in large le:ers. Good headings help move readers through your poster The more important the point, the larger the type Make the strongest statements your research allows Graphic and figures Simple, clean graphics show rela4onships quickly be:er than text or tables centerpiece of your poster Draw the readers a:en4on Graphs should be simple and clean. Write explana4ons directly on figures or figure legend Avoid references in text Use simple 2- dimensional line graphs, bar charts, pie charts. Try to avoid 3- dimensional graphs unless you're displaying 3- dimensional data Can be difficult to interpret Graphic and figures Text on graphs must follow same guidelines as all other text so that it will be visible Use photos that help deliver your methods or message Posters are a VISUAL medium. Text should be simple, direct, and LARGE Text Minimize use of text if images and graphs can tell the story instead Use phrases rather than full sentences. Use an ac4ve voice. Le]- jus4fy text; avoid centering Use an easy to read text Consider Title: 85 point, Authors: 56pt Sub- headings: 36pt Body text and cap4ons: 24pt Depends on space Pay a:en4on to text size in figures must also be large enough to read! What size poster is required to present? 5

6 Color Use color to a:ract a:en4on, organize, and emphasize Recommend a light color background and dark color le:ers for contrast. Avoid dark backgrounds with light le:ers as 4ring to read And cheaper to print! S4ck to a theme of 2 or 3 colors More than this and viewers will be wondering about the colors rather than reading your poster Overly bright colors will a:ract a:en4on - and then wear out readers' eyes. Poten4ally consider people who have problems differen4a4ng colors, when designing graphics e.g. inability to tell green from red Edit, edit, edit If it doesn't provide cri4cal support for your main message, ELIMINATE IT! Ruthlessly reduce text. Edit all text to simplify verbiage, to reduce sentence complexity, and to delete details. If it's not relevant to your message, remove it! Have colleagues comment on dra]s Are your objec4ve and main message obvious? Edi4ng Print out a le:er size dra] Can you read any of the type? Are these the colors you really want? Does it look too busy? Do your main points pop out for readers? Presen4ng Consider preparing 2 to 5 minute tours of your poster Tell viewers the context of your problem and why it is important your objec4ve and what you did what you discovered Then what the answer means in terms of the problem/context Focus on the graphics and results You want people to remember you and your work! Consider bringing copies of a handout for your readers Use your poster as a visual aid - don't read it! Making a poster So]ware Power point Adobe illustrator/design Publish- It, Corel Draw, LaTeX PlaNorm presenta4on Usually 10 to 15 minutes The best presenta4ons make 1-2 limited points If your research has two or three broad research areas choose one of these to present give separate presenta4ons that allow 4me to develop and discuss the other areas 6

7 PlaNorms The elevator speech summary of your work PlaNorms Decide central message and add suppor4ng informa4on Generally follow guidelines of sec4ons: Introduc4on, Methods, Results, and Discussion/ Conclusions/Significance For each sec4on, ask yourself, What is my central message? PlaNorms: Introduc4on Start with general research objec4ves and a li:le about the context of your work Make a clear statement of the hypotheses tested Ask yourself: how does this tell my audience why I did this experiment or research? Methods Unless your material relates directly to methodology, keep your methods sec4on brief but clear Ask yourself: What is really relevant to this presenta4on? What did you find? Results Did your tests come out the way you expected? Support with graphics of your data and sta4s4cs May be shorter than you first expect, and this is ok! The more concise and clear your results are, the more 4me you have to talk about their importance Be:er to have quick results that are really important than lots of results that aren t important Discussion This is a sec4on that is o]en OVERLOOKED in oral presenta4ons Speakers run short of 4me and rush through this, poten4ally the most crucial part of any talk This is the Money part of your talk for the audience Consider the major point that you people to remember Discuss not only what your results show but also why they are SIGNIFICANT and MEANINGFUL What s the difference between these two? Demonstrate how your research relates to the larger picture or issues Why should anyone should care about your findings This will summarize your work for the audience 7

8 References Recommend ci4ng a few references focusing on papers that guides your objec4ves or conclusions Acknowledgements Common to acknowledge sources of financial support and clinical or research assistance Presen4ng The first ques4on is how many slides to use/make Some people recommend one slide per minute, some one every 2 minutes You should allow 4me for some slides Graphs, results, discussion other slides might go faster pics of equipment or methods keep in mind each presenta4on is different Text slides Less is more" and "bigger is be:er." Design slides for people simng in the back of the room If your slides aren't visible and legible, then you might as well not use them Text slides can be a good way to outline details as you present Text Use very few words. Try six lines of type per slide Translate statements into bullet statements or an outline Use simple language, minimal jargon terminology, and short, uncomplicated sentences Remove small words Summary of results versus results summary Remember that you will also be speaking to your audience Text slides support what you are saying Never a subs4tute for your oral presenta4on and don t read from your slides Use contras4ng colors Text - color Dark type on a light background or vice versa Avoid red type Difficult to read off most projec4on screens Avoid bright yellow as a background 8

9 Tables Tables are tough in presenta4ons Many tables are full of 4ny words and numbers that are very hard to read Copy and pasted from somewhere else Never helped by a speaker saying, "I know this is hard to follow If you must have a table? keep it to about four columns and three lines Graphics Graphics are most important in the Results sec4on Effec4ve graphs will clarify your findings at a glance Poor graphs will just leave your audience confused Limit the amount of informa4on that you put into each graph. You might be tempted to compile all of your data into one comprehensive graph, with every variable for each subject across months of tes4ng DON T Keep it simple Let each graph make a point, and plan to put just 1-2 graphs on each slide Orient your audience when discussing each graph What type of graph is the best for the data being presented? Bar graphs Comparing two or three subjects (or groups) for two or three variables (e.g., large groups vs. small groups for rest 4me, play 4me and feeding 4me) Stacked" bar graph is good to express propor4ons of the whole e.g., out of 10 trials, what propor4on ended in success vs. failure, with "success" at the bo:om of the bar and "failure" stacked on top, and a separate bar for each subject Other types Line graphs Used for displaying change over 4me One line- graph can accommodate several sets of data Too many lines can get confusing Three lines is probably the upper limit for any one graph. Pie charts Used for presen4ng propor4ons of the whole Two pie charts next to one another allow you to make a comparison Color Sca:er plots Good for presen4ng data that does not follow an overall trend Try not to randomly point a laser pointer over the whole graph Choose a per4nent point and emphasize it Color is very helpful in presen4ng your results Three lines of color represen4ng different measures is easier to follow than three black lines black with different symbols Choose bold and clear colors Follow the same rules for graphics as for text Contras4ng colors for the graphic and the background Use large font for 4tles Use colors consistently throughout the graphs If one graph presents high or low" for one treatment, and another graph high or low" for a different treatment, use the same colors for all of these graphs. Use different colors if you show a comparison of "male vs. female." 9

10 More graphs Mark "sta4s4cally significant" findings with asterisks, or maybe even write significant findings on your graphs Label graph axes clearly and put a good legend in place i.e. font large enough to read Titles and sub4tles should be brief but descrip4ve Make sure graph axes aren t too close to slide boundaries the projected slide maybe smaller than the slide on the computer! Other images Photographs/images can be used effec4vely throughout your presenta4on Not only to make your points, but to break up the monotony of text and graphics, and to keep your audience's a:en4on! Who doesn't like a pic of you trea4ng in the clinic? You might use a picture of your subjects or prac4ce in the Introduc4on Images are also useful in the Methods sec4on they inform your audience immediately about your subjects depict some new apparatus or to show your subjects in ac4on But images enhance your presenta4on only if they are of high quality. Choose images that are clear and easy to make out Presenta4on 4ps Reminding yourself that your audience will be listening to many talks Make yours as clear and dynamic as possible However, some presenters might be too nervous to just wing it You are the expert here so I encourage you to do this Make your presenta4on as natural as possible Use short phrases to help keep you focused and address your important points Address the audience as the intelligent laypersons they are Make eye contact frequently Eliminate nervous sounds like uh or um Prac4ce, prac4ce, prac4ce! Presenta4on Almost as important as the language you use is the speed at which you use it Talking too quickly makes it hard to follow because you re nervous or because you have too many slides Talking too slowly will make the audience s mind wander and lose interest Prac4ce, prac4ce, prac4ce For your first talks you can write down milestones for yourself on your notes e.g., Introduc4on 0:00, Methods 3:30, Results 5:00, Have colleague 4me your talk Examples 10

11 Aim of investigation The impact of minimizing vaginal nociceptive input is unclear on proxy measures of central sensitization such as remote pain sensitivity in women with chronic pelvic pain. Other studies have shown that blocking peripheral input with analgesic agents decreases the magnitude of local and remote pain sensitivity in other clinical pain conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which 2% lidocaine gel applied to the vaginal mucosa affects local (ie pelvic region) and remote (leg and hand) pain sensitivity. Methods Women with pelvic pain lasting at least 3 months underwent a natural history session consisting of quantitative sensory testing (QST) using pressure stimuli locally (puborectalis muscles, vulvar vestibule, adductor longus tendon) and remotely (lower leg and hand) and heat stimuli at the forearm. Next, they completed 2 additional sessions where they were randomized to receive 2% lidocaine (VL) or placebo (VP; sterile lubricant) applied over the vaginal mucosa and completed the same QST measures described above. Separate repeated measures multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVAs) were conducted for 1) PPT and heat threshold (HTh) and tolerance (HTol) and 2) [clinical pain ratings?] pain intensity ratings at baseline, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes post-ointment application. Time and intervention served as the within subjects factors. Results The MANOVA for pain ratings indicated significant effects for intervention (θ=3.76, F(9,9)= 3.76, p=0.03) and time (θ=1.04, F(9,27)= 3.11, p=0.01). Follow-up ANOVAs [I am not a fan of MANOVA followed by might just as well do the ANOVA s.better yet, examine the discriminant functions from the MANOVA to determine which variables are uniquely contributing to the MANOVA. Could also do step-down F-tests (if I could remember how)] showed intervention effects for pain ratings at the upper (F (2,16)=10.28, p=0.001) and lower (F (2,16)=4.36, p=0.03) vestibule with lower ratings at both sites with VL compared to NH [but not for VP?] and time effects for HTol (F (1.83,14.63)=4.92, p=0.003) with lower ratings at baseline and 15-min compared to 60 minutes. The PPT and temperature MANOVA indicated significant effects for intervention (θ=7.83, F(9,9)= 7.83, p=0.003), time (θ=3.52, F(9,27)= 10.59, p<0.0001), and intervention*time interaction (θ=1.17, F(9,63)= 5.33, p<0.0001). Follow-up ANOVAs showed: 1) Intervention effects for HTh (F (1.08,8.68)=7.11, p=0.03) and HTol (F (2,4)=36.46, p<0.0001) with higher HTh and HTol temperatures with VL and VP compared to NH. 2) Time effects for HTh (F (4,32)=21.31, p< and HTol (F (4,32)=10.02, p<0.0001) with higher baseline HTh compared to all other time points and lower HTol compared to all other time points; and 3) Intervention*time effects for upper vestibule (F (8,64)=2.64, p=0.02) with higher PPT at 60 minutes compared to baseline with VL compared to NH and HTol (8,64)=3.10, p=0.005) with higher HTol at 30 minutes compared to baseline in the VL and VP sessions compared to the NH Session. [I could not follow all these analyses! There must be a better way to present or organize them] Conclusion Our results showed that the application of VL reduced pain ratings at the upper and lower vestibule compared to the NH session but not compared to VP [so VP fell in the middle?, or was it different than NH too?]. Additionally, both VP and VL were associated with higher HTh and HTol temperatures compared to NH. The lack of significant effects at some local and all remote sites may indicate that solely treating the local pelvic region with an analgesic ointment may not be sufficient to reduce the impact of central factors such cognitions or maladaptive behaviors related to pain perception [or it takes a lot longer before the central effects are manifest in remote sites]. Additionally, the strength of VL may not have been sufficient to block nociceptive input to the vaginal mucosa overlying the puborectalis muscles. Formatted: Highlight Formatted: Highlight

12 DOES THE APPLICATION OF TRANSVAGINAL LIDOCAINE MODIFY PAIN SENSITIVITY IN WOMEN WITH CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN? Aim of investigation Blocking peripheral input with analgesic agents decreases the magnitude of local and remote pain sensitivity in other clinical pain conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome. However, it remains unclear whether minimizing vaginal nociceptive input impacts proxy measures of central sensitization such as remote pain sensitivity in women with chronic pelvic pain. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which 2% lidocaine gel applied to the vaginal mucosa affects local (ie pelvic region) and remote (leg and hand) pain sensitivity in women with chronic pelvic pain. Methods Women with pelvic pain lasting at least 3 months underwent a natural history (NH) session consisting of quantitative sensory testing (QST) using pressure stimuli locally (puborectalis muscles, vulvar vestibule, adductor longus tendon) and remotely (lower leg and hand) and thermal stimuli at the forearm. Next, they completed 2 additional sessions where they were randomized to receive 2% lidocaine (VL) or placebo (VP; sterile lubricant) in a double-blind fashion applied over the vaginal mucosa and the same QST measures were completed. Separate repeated-measures multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVAs) were conducted for 1) pressure pain threshold (PPT) and heat threshold (HTh) and tolerance (HTol) and 2) pain intensity ratings to PPT and thermal stimuli at baseline, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes post-ointment application. Time and condition (NH, VL, VP) served as the within subjects factors. Results The MANOVA for pain ratings indicated significant effects for condition (θ=3.76, F(9,9)= 3.76, p=0.03) and time (θ=1.04, F(9,27)= 3.11, p=0.01). Follow-up ANOVAs for pain ratings showed significant condition effects with lower PPT pain ratings at the upper vestibule (F (2,16)=10.28, p=0.001) and lower vestibule (F (2,16)=4.36, p=0.03) in the VL condition compared to the NH condition. Additionally, HTol ratings were significantly lower at baseline and 15-min compared to 60 minutes (F (1.83,14.63)=4.92, p=0.003). The MANOVA for for PPT and temperature indicated significant effects for a time*condition interaction (θ=1.17, F(9,63)= 5.33, p<0.0001). Follow up ANOVAs showed two significant time*condition interactions existed. First, PPT was significantly higher at 60 minutes compared to baseline in the VL and VP conditions compared to the NH condition ((F (8,64)=2.64, p=0.02)). Second, HTol was significantly higher at 30 minutes compared to baseline in the VL and VP conditions compared to the NH condition (8,64)=3.10, p=0.005). Conclusion Our results showed that the application of VL reduced pain ratings at the upper and lower vestibule compared to the NH session but not compared to VP. Additionally, both VP and VL were associated with higher HTh and HTol temperatures compared to NH. Additionally, the strength of VL may not have been sufficient to block nociceptive input to the vaginal mucosa overlying the puborectalis muscles.

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