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1 l:, T, (, gs s HomEt Sr fn ' ' \. ' :!;!:!::?.qr. Oct 25 al the W,lyne State Stu At Dstrct Co venhon ([pnl C('nler Cecl BlSS, a Wayne Am(ncan {glrn, lv,ln tlonlllly prollmfmt spcllker for the L. Scars Post 4:{, rcc'('lvpd two tc;er.af,tl:wa:c/f{l\ul.l '\r c :r c p/j'?:t \2C'O(;. pr'rsllllully canjh' S.'('d.to acheve.. W fc 'the a.nnu<l dlld welfare {'_' \l('('ess H' l ss humorously and tllton ant thl' Am 'l'! C<l ll:' ('lla factually conv lees hs ludcnd'e!l! ton. f that!lprsllnalty lllanag:cmcnt. George Hofeldt and Ch"rs tlh' hy n s cccs,sful cco!'wmlc Bergholz.teprescnt d the Wayne fll,n.g('m nl! Post. Ne offcer elected n- Dr. Blss s a practc:lng den. c:lude Gar e D. S lors, dstrct tst n Sou')( Cty, 0. As past' command r,.nn Lo:en Her charman of t e Amorcan Den. melbracht dstrct vce <omtal Assocatlo '$ Economc Co.".! mander. : mttco, he ha apr:;.earccl on prp.. Ponc.l ws splccl,. to hrj'j;t lhe grams n m<lny parts' of the 965 dltnc C'lJnVf'nlHH. Unted States. < "Cllr"d LOln"l w be f('atured on 'w ""'''''. '" he Por Bnq".el. Colleg Fo. jndnton hls spec,ly prepareq. 0m was " h, h"h\ghl ar he, 9r>3 banque\ M ke YeHLly Pll.. hpld n lfrcmnt hose who at- as. ""r ns (:: b;ll\n6la;u; A!"ecJrul budge! fr SPPO!"t of parc'd pork,.',the col('*e and a major-gfts cam pqgn elnergpd from the Wayne Other featues of the Nebras- StOlte Fdundaton's annual ka Porl Baquet nclude the ng Fm[aly., meet- prcser.taton f Breed Bu'des, On thc jfo,urlh annversary of thp Pork Chop an lea d e r s h : p [oun(\atolj' trust/'rs' approved: awards, spon oreel lnnuelly ;ty A budgeof nearly $2,000 to ad WOW rado a d televson, Omll- the colleg: \ ncludng $,000 n ha. Goerno Frank Morrson scholarshp and awards to slu- FRT PLACE FLOAT n the Wayne State home- udges 'thought' t sh,wed the most orgnalty,.- wll crown th Nebraska dents andraculty, $6,000 n match- comfng parade So.turdoy was ths entry by Berry bnd best llustrated the homecomng theme, Pod.; Quhn. ng funds *r the Natonal DefeJ(' _lol, lsng 0 themcfl' of "Seal Up 0 V_!?r.' 'Woyn Stote Showtrrye." ;:\:;:,onl:;:,:j.:d.pp:;0 ltmjl::me::?:r.'6 Home, Extenson Club;-'w-e-e-ll,j,'-s:--e---:---a-t-:-r-e _. :(tn( lrct l:;; JO:n Dtk So- ltdno rcrf;tl'; Aft...R: L f' r! H L tt l!((k $50,000 fo'lcompleton of canst'lc- enu. c,.,evemeo. oy Oct ' tlgln and qulppmg the C('ntf r O,yt,! t $40000 fol a ppe olgan and $0 Wd)jn( (ollnl\ l'xten,lon clubs --"- --, OeL Nome Cou ell Offcers 000 for lnt llallon of an FM radlo held Achtt'l,l ll( nl Da Frday anrl lltop Latk, Carroll, and Oct At WONne ty Sthools :latlon, ftcrnhn. '!msldp MOle than Scattcred f';c'lghboh Wtntoe Oct., Award 0 a $300 gl anl to Dr 27 ph mll 6 (crtlflcac wcr ph'se ted to Sll!pnl (OUC lrccl's' were Merhn Kl mbach assocate pro clubs \\Plt 25 Wayne County ExtenslO mem OcLH.: el('clt d al Way c lgh school last fessor of dustra al'ts to pur Men Mlxf'fs \\3S chargc bel's who had been n Ettenslon Oct WulfllsddY Jp n Chrstensen was Sue a stud or mdustral actvty of lqlstjallon membershp O\Pl 25 years Oct. 3 '.. _ JldllH'd pl(,sldc t m Northea t Nebl afka Mrs BdSl OShllt n rt mg t------r- Elected fro the senor elass The tru tees re-elected all of- ('fjllol c!lall man v. plcbnh'<l lhr!: :were Stuart) Bernthal, Davd fleers. fo mer l Ner:aska ;yer-,-r()lj]ll an,l lltl oll[[ prj dll> pn',. Ha$ebrock, RChard Helgren, "or Val o-terson as presdent, l]rntsl \'r<, \Varn'n!\Talrolz 'H!S Lnda Symo r, Jayne Ethten- State Bankng Dector ':'enry,kn, nlnh('(,r! pro:ram: nllmt)(']" lmp and ebbe Wghtman;! Ley of Wayne as \lce presdent, Mrs Lvnn Jon.s, Nrs. Dean 'unors name were Phllp Kel- Bank Presdent Adon Jeffrey of!..tom On Jack Ma ske Kathy Chrs- Wayne as secretary-treasurer.! Owens, Mr.s. Kelt w ns: d s. en'sen and Sa"dr Moyer. and Attorney Kenheth Olds o Lloyd Straght, accom anle y, Wayne as resdent agent. M.rs.,John S, presen ed a 'l/q- S:lpho!no!'cS lecte were Mark' cel rl.umber. They represented J!ohns:lfl. Dave jrees, Nancy Wert n otel'.ctlon,the.board passed Star.Extenson and TlOwn and a'nl DC'bblt' Wrght. The freshmen rcsolutlo cohmmemgfrs. HCr Counry clubs, carrotl. A tap cllt'dell Davd Brown and Mary r y be. y h r herk 0. O 0 dancs number was pre ented by J,0 Cool<!,sa ls' h 0 t e;:ec y set(' Jane and Jeane Rpg, Km < 0. c 0 ars lp an. le. ayne. a p (uglr Dane Gldersleeve and staff for tusasuc support. of Jae ljl/ttler, under the! drecton W. S... P [lhe Foundaon. Th" sl"ff h" owle!cal ayne L D e ayers about to ptr cent of all contflhu-,of s. f:'ry mme., tons sne the fglllldaton was \" ].:'[:,[' Cl!"cor,dl, (Olllln Gve "Kll 9 Comedy",formed.:..' c,rl> h-olde,,. And thtt board had specal Ar old fa\'odte of st;lge colne<lt pr?se.forl Wayne busness and Vl<t', "Arsctllc and (ld Lace," wll b6 professon. men who have con- "(0 performcd Sm!day, Monday nnd tbut'ed 2 per cent of! total or Crt)lCl] Tu('sday lllgh by Wayne State gfts. ll()n of Mr" <llctors. Eght trule('s were fc plecll'd tn l\johr, and l\jrs W::tltcr Curam tme [S 8 o'clock for ths tree-'year lterms on Ole' founda FenSk, assl.tc:rl frst sho,,\ of th! cohege drama sea- ton: Ne offcers name we r e ' SJn. thp Actmnstraton Buld,,"ames C.! Keogh, New York,. as- Mrs. Val Damme, clharman; 09 audllorum.! ' s$tant. maagng edtor of Tllnc Mrs,! lev Roberts, ecretary- Th S a storfy of two chllrmng magame; Howan! D. Mca.c-hn, treasurer; Mrs. Lylel Marot, ol{! ladlt's, played by Lnda Mey- supeflntede?t of Sha.w.er MSS?n read'tg leaer' Mrs AL Walker eflnk and Judy! Zelnsk. wh?t pop- SChool Dlsnc.t. Kansas, Dr. L)le halt'; Mts. 'Ja":Je Robnson: ulat(' l!ler cellfl' wth the remans S?y.our, Clha.lran of the college saf-et. Reelected, were Mrs. of mal(' roome s. The zany plot s dvlon o scence and mathe Rud Lone, vce \ charman; colllpjc,rrl h antcs of the lao mat:lcs; s. Magaret Hasebrock. M G s L e ct enshp',dlcs' npplll'w. playc'd by Greg West Pomtl, presuent Of 'he Gp.- Mr::! Wbu'r Otc'ht, hzstoran; Hancock. who thnks he s Teddy ('cral.follndtlon.ofwon\len\s cll::)s, : Mrs. John Mohr, Wayr)e, char. Hoos('\ pl. tlrts H. DeWtz. Or ane o. l' a.: man! and Mrs. Walterl Fenske, Also. parld,at.ng n, lt. s ('l rtro:yn.a, s.-,: Hons_ chalrma. SOlllP!lnH'S dcrcnbed as lllmg a attorncv Vel"l Falconer Np\\ lp slhl'rloffl'nn. "a: do<ted n Pantng. Contest,. co!lledy ae.<fr'y Rans, Rlcha.rd YOk, aud\-'vsua; specalst'. and!to ljlp. Hllsev hllll(hn.g fund., : ;';! :,'!!!! QUEEN CNDY. MNT EN addresses tootball rawd at 3,50U ofter her coronaton as monarch of yne State s 964 Homecommg Saturday. n for ground s Ron') Buelt W Club present, who presented the trod anol roses andl fqotall to Q,ueen Cmdy. At rght s 963 Queenl Jonyce Johns n,.wo crowned her s.uccessor. The other Queen canddates are oqone Forbes/ Sue Welch, P:;;-e"- :h:ra:;.. Watng Jorcta.n. DX.l Stoltenberg, "Jm MS. M'\x.,."...e.. Jl!'nse.n. Wayne. OSkl.s Jlghland: dub,had charge Wnnng frst prze, SS n the lal"slerk. C ard Petersen, and Of tablc', d;:oratlons. c,ffce hour \\ndow. pant!g contest aturdy t,porgp Zutrle n. Ph t 5 0 ho"te.$ses \A( rp Farm Fans, Wah were Cndy Mmtken and J dy Zle l)r H,clen ussell drects the eas n eason pens feld; North \'al('y. an l-oskns lnsk. who decorated the ndows pbv... l, Saturd y-hunt Safely lomrmakcrs. HosknS: l-hlre,;t at Lttle Bll's. ', , " , " " ---- Second prze, $0, w nt to.,'.,:, :, Jayne Hughes, Margaret Free- "', " berg Alce Tengen and Dav-d '',"' ':'" Park, who decorated Bll' Mar- ket asket. Thrd prz, $5, :, ',. Ycs'j: the jackpot for the cash h ';gt:t.ll Tea;u;rt has clrnbed to $550 for Thursday nht' drawng at S p.m. The #ame of Eleen E. Damme, Wnsdd. was called last Thurs day,,*d snce she was not n a parte J:latng merchamt's store, she mssed wnnng $500. cevc :a l $0 consolaton check. She dd re- ' wellt to Wlte, Th>ma who R :. hl h parnted the wmdows at Coast to e ew na $ 5 Coast Store. Tne contesl as spolls,"ed bl WS Homecomnn the Wayne Chamb(jr of c]merc p.. :J to promote homr cdmfng f stlvltles Cmd Mmtken re!gned Saturday ta;v:: ;alrllce urh as qu en of 964 homecommg at Mrs Nancy wortmanmrs Shrley wne f.oo0:etlon ga\ e the Hamer and Mrs r\yn Young aubur -taned senor from near members of Wayne'b rs aycees l'remo the lggest vote among lfve fl< hsts he "as crowned by last ye 's qu en Janyce Johnson, Dxon Farm S"reaufets before football game crowd of "Meet the Carlddat s" aboul BSOO DXON Dlxonl..j'-'\llt, Farm Wayrje ratbd. homeco';"ng a 't'u " suqcel atmetlcally, Wth the Bureau ls sponson.n;g a eet the footb teaml beatng Peru State, Canddates progrh,.mondy'.oc 4-7, rd the 'eross country team 9.at the Allen hgh schol aud}- defjea g Mdland, (De-- tofmm. The meetg" begjjt.s at g tals Spo:rts page.) p.m... _. BeT Hall Won the homecomng c.and,ates.for ahonastte sweept kes trophy' for ts over- Cld local offces C!lve b.n n- all per!9rmance n compettve vted to ajt end. oters. Wll.be eventsj errvs frst-place float degven a.n.portunlt\l to qr;-s.tlon Pcted) tr=aned seal wth the the ffe seekers!,and SCUSS slogan 'Sealng a, Vctory_" Ter-j cor:s!ltuhonal ametn:dmen s ap- race fla 's float won second, Morpearmg on the No. 3 ballot. _ H' th d The publc s nvted e):mo; y wo;'frst '"th ts campus ""----lhrd d>sp\a.. BeY was second and Ander!) an Ple Halls ted for -64 Thufna y -ght's skt show by :==\t --:_$.58 u th adrune r="=- -:f ':See H,', 7'N-Page 6 /OMECOMNG QUEEN co dldates from Wayne :Hgh, Sc;hool. a! (oo.mj r,._ left to r\jht)!jean Chrsfensed,.vu'g.tnb [Wtt..and,,da 5eymour. Ba,k.'."" JaYn._...EC _enkamp!,n J, '. - '! _

2 n....o'-_-':'-_- 8" Sute Pan Same thel safe and easy 'Wly wth thenvenent 8", saute pan. Saut.r.Ush.roo.oysters and olhe meats "an,foods wthout OrJ:Y about WDrm: or stck Tapered Ftenc6- ;.:ts:d.. for """ $2.99! No eedto sc:0lrtllsp -because'foodnevet +--_++_-=-_-;- EWS t&e grddlb s rface wth amaz jog TeflO'S,so smooth tha.t -favorte.8.' eoods absolute JY wll DO sr No more ds #.pponrm ts at pancake tme, :. to s: ;: $6.95 deanng-=-:-. rth nml ao(l famly, Mrs. Robert orfolk, last home. Sunday n tbe. Harry wehe.r nell. an Cr..,.,.).wa.nc rrpll, Mr..V..0..h.\t..er,and,Mrs. a.n.. d..r..dnn;r Goa y rson, Wayne, :Od., "meetng for the.at rurl H)..e.h letter Mo.. r. tlth.,g.. and tcl" Mrs.. Gr.an. J.ohn ttpttt(l.ntska,.,c 'Dace (!nhuer..w.lr. 0.. Wo)'nc' r(l.'..._.. N..;\..P'-' Gh! l...oborg A.. n0. l".."c,k Cortoll'\"[ r;s..' \.. Mrs. J;lelbcrt 50 gebarlh Mr. and.!'' Wll Rob, As. and rcrry Nortolk, a d carrer... WakMlclrl.... Etllo 8Chlon, ClU';" ". J;rlt,and, Mrs. Dary) Haase Corpus Chrst, ex, and Mr..8rtd Mr., a d,m.,rs.'.,uans Asmus,. 'Mr. Dnd Mrs. Arthur Ufman:n. Oct.. Mr', nnd 'Mrs: tonnle NcullRU9T Wnkeflelq'." ): ' Hadar. ' MrR. Howard. G les were vstors r nd" Mrs;,A Wemer, No:r 'Perce, 'Mr. nnd,mrs. Altdd Ml Kltnetobc, Hoskns, 'a son, 7 bl;,...',:-. Cke, ApoUo. Pa, \\\ere n the E. E. RObrrts horne 'rhurs '., w reo, vltora n,'the Vle:to':' 'ler, Wnsde. Henry' PngelJChcro. 4 oz.," Cuestl n tho "rt.' BC'j'., MEET YOUR CA"'DDATES NATONAL and STATE REPBLCAN CARAVAN' wll be n WAYNE on OCTOBER '5, Sr'E'ET GORNER RLy on ' THRD and MAN :30 p.m.' j 5-lb. can Tokay grapes ' The "'rlerul'est Stores n Townl FREE samples of Bar-S S",6kes plus FR;E samples of Meadow Gold 2 plus chocolate mlk Satl/rday Only!!, CuJ,hy'sBar-S baneles canne am 00"0 pure ground beef. 3: 7 C dahy's, '8" (callee! ' 0 ogna rr;:;cl slced 39. Lb. C Cudahy's Bar-s 2oz l pkg. Wmmer's sknless weners.cudahy's Roundup,Uee. bacon, 2b -lb. pkg. Slver Dollar Nght Drawng ' n our store Thursday at 8:00 for $550 'to let tssue' Mlll t ',,:; rolls...7,,' ".;,[; ncan (;'es P. ;kln...,..'.,-' b. 39'C', kg- '.,.., ButterNut. t.off.ee.l l, "'-$39 ' calnfster.....l...,).....-o.....'' r.nt9ht guets 'Monday n the day evenng. '. C k."homo SUday '.vng. kee, la., and r. and Md.. Lyle 'O'lt, 2: ::\t'r. olnd Mrll. Carl Hen- homo,,last \l(r.ek 'Ycr.c,'Mt/l;', U. ta Ecklt.nn, home. TheY' Blbl M h. K t. Walke..and panne Kef.' Marotz were Vstors n, t.h..j. E. shaw. York. l.dnughtel., Cnrol Ann. nlta.shane, a FU.0h!C.O....,.. n.t. :,.Tueay mornng f r Wy e Cls. ",st, rneq,home Saturday from Pngel home Sunday evmg. 6 Jbs" 0: 0::>. Ml's, ltqnshu-w 'J 'Mr, nnd Mn, F.rlw!'ll.plHurE o ng.. :rho Tmty :Lutheran Y:0ung a, tp Oal,furna.,Mrs. Lz.ze Pus was :honorcd the termer Betty ''MQhlfeld j ;Wayne. nnd.joel,,to'thl,dqn. WYO"' "l'. t, and Mrs. Gustav Hede eoples albe cjss met for ther' r., l"s. Hred Brumcls wee Thursday'for her'bt'thdny, '$he en-.,ond Mrs. Hl!'lll...ndl'uY, lt'...'.. nu,, p,,nobrara, and Mr. a d Mrs. flt fau mectn.gl Jast.Mbn.daY:.t!.:, :VlS.,.the Rent.Y Langenbc-g, tcrtaned 'members 'Of.,the,a,rtltday. ; ",.M. r. 'nnd,. Mrll. l.,\:hh'l L..nl.'.'."..,. r., A 'd P', wcre n," at he rrmty Lut.eran pa.(,. ".r. ho....'frday..,cnn g. club. The afternoon. was '.'.cnt n WAYNE HO.SPT. L. p. Jled S"U"lV.."v.<nl.ng.0..,..,,'. 0 ayne, Ne 'k*"g 87 Phone $' f r ad e:pnpnr : s last ochla- school ba'emen.: Rev.,G-",, n'' KeHy YOlwler, Car contests.' Przes went t 'Mrs.,Ed l.' th«lln. The 'out J( stnt'o "guc9t,.;,;; olt,,'. S'.,'le Ed Gre n orne B.Frank:,led th devoh()s, "Elee-: roll,ry,':asmus, Norfolk,,spcat wn Wntel', 'Mrs. John leensa.hg. : Saturday.',.me.'nlng,fOf'. 'Om,,hU., :st:lbttohn. n 87u: '.,(jwjhlpllr u'ull.} w',ekly by )u. MargD,ret ',3Y e,.. tl of f was held wlth Latryl Ad tt d J J) Ptt h \ Sh H lslt 8 Eo ('r'l'lnll!r:.c,te-rd n the pobtortlce' t Wny e, '..,ebrns. ".a 88. ls'lec- l.enry;,pngel, Cherokee, a., Mr.. O 0 lcrs J '...' th..,w. 'j! end t: tb.c Hans' Asm s Mrs, Emma Bryant j Mrs. Rs Nhl.. me: 0,a on",s- w.. ere. r!, no.. ".,v _ v"..'''!.'..'....'... ' ora)' ('lllljs m mutter. teturn Pfl o.ge G nf nteed. Copy mullt be a ' Mrs.'.'': E. P;ngel a d Mrs. Stae, [OSldent j DLek, Ogel, vce 'ho 'e. ' sen and Mrs. lfrank Marte*", ford, N.Y,: Amo: lloccenhauor. o Holt lnd Spllth(rbes,.,,, L! allbllllt(c(l b Mondoy net rnoon, Chr.tncc Schroeder wer'e vstors prslden; Sandr{l,Aeve a,$ec ':"'nd 'Mr. Arnold Wttlet Mr c Mr' L rel\e left Wayne: Glenn Loberg,,Carrollj vl.sll lmer'nardor5. ',,';", _""":, nm" 'W. Marsh n "he Em Gutzmann home r?ary; Bob Furrn8n. treasurer :a ': a' y 'W reo,dn.,-er,uetl l Grand,:la'nd. ereaaner:!,s,:r M:s. Otto Wagner, C! t:'on; Mr'!. \ '.' '-"':'.:' ",',!;L""'.: 5U..::::F:.:::::...=::.::+ -+_.::A::r-.::e:;:":;:.:.:O:;g:...=M::.nn:.::n:.:«::...:...-- TdanVC:.'Wlls aehle', G','Yr:;:::0:u::::::: rr y r::t:n'k::u::::e hreth:ve f:':: y;;:t't;_!:l:,,;;;;,,;b.,'..:.',:., :lt?::;ut6 JY;u8: 'rll. RSdey and StevE'n, Nonal,were Wstonsln Sy.,,". m e' rs. Frank Kruger,ome.:"'. '." l)ubllntlol. VltOr,j -Sunday even.ng n the, J.. V.S r n the-clarenc:c BOJc home,.,mrs era Debuhr Den,j_." -la.,:.(:.'..:'" ta Ry Wachter home (G. B. Fran,k, pa'' or) :No?' 'Sundy e:veng.. l\'f. nd Mrs.' Eldon Tll*s' and STY LE 'S' HOW : ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Green attend Sunday, Oct. }...8. sun4.ay SChOOl,...,aTl t. ta Wl t t t,r, Hum.Phrcy. fam.n n.sde. w'.ere vstors n." " l.. ':,,. 'ed a' thresher reunon at obrara 9:.45 a m.; rhp, 0;Oj Lades',. spe ttweekend n the horne"of the J n,boh:n home las Tues- ' '",, 3t.unday and wre guest n the Ad famly DJghjG:30:p... J ber,.pa nts, 'Mr, a, d Mrs, Aronld day e 'g. '. "", "\ G'/.v Hedemann home. Wedne.day, O.t. 2: h",r, 8:5,Wt.', 'Mr, nd Mrs. Le'orul Waller, Fashons for Men and. Women by Swan', Mt. and Mrs. Wayne ',homas _p.m.." M, d Mr, Ha s Asmts wene Whtter C.Uf.rrlved :at the atl<lllded a brthday gath. ng n. Evongell.e'!Jnlted Brethrengne s n he R"dal Bru,"el. '",'me omr. 'nd Mrs. 0-. Sponsored by Woyne Hosptal AU'lary th Robed Thomas home, Wayne, Ch..,r o e",jk,tuf$day,evenmg.: Waller and famly for a: weeks r Satu'rday evenng, honorng Con- J (Wenden DaVS, pstr),r'j' Mr$. tare'tlce Kruse, vst. TUESDAY OCTOBER 20' n., 2th hrthd,y. Sunday, Oct. 8: Worslllp, 9:30 P ge, '0)< Arthur Kruse wer Mrs. Leo K.r.ch enlcrtaned lor ',.,,, : M. r. an...d Mrs. Gustav eppat'l a.m.. ; Church,school, (: '. r-. st'lj.s sun. y evenng n.'thet, her so.n. Larry's second brthday,. At Cty A'ud,torum Njobrara, Mrs. Gene La)'lh 'ye and -,:'" led J,. Brogle home-. Frday' aftrnon, Guests were' c.ldren, J...o.r and Steven,' Valen, PejJ\Ce Evangelcal.net Re :M s.l. 'ed Brum-els, Mr&. Et Mrs. Clarence ohnson and. Keth. D rt r 7 5m trde, an ' Bll 'and Elmer'!eppat Church, n Ulrfh. Mrs. flarence 'Sehro- Mrs. Hentty La genberg, Jr., and esse' :.,p !---..;; wrt. supper gllests Sunday ld the (Jobn E. Saxton, p.to"l., Mts' Walter Fen.ke, Mr. Lyle PegllY and Ms Henry Langer. Style Show..8:00 p.m.' akers Mue Langcnb gl sr., Mrs. Rasmus E Green home,. : Sunday, Oct.. 8:,O.Shl, 8:45 ',a tz, Mrs.,Awalt walker an berg, J sr,.. [[okns. unor no emakers Nelsen,. Mrs. Edwn Broge and tm:,r. and rs. BJl Dre"Vs and a m. Pastor ROOcrt MlddletGn, ltl.', '-8 Qus Bndn attel'!ded h'e M'rl and Mr.' Lyle Marotz at..doo'r Przes: $200, c0thtng and luggo.q,e. ht'ld tkr st qll mee' g bcl Mrs. Fra k, Marten. Guests were,jumor, Movl.!le, la" were v:reek. den, speaker; Church scool, 9:45...q, u cm meetng of ExtenSon tended 'the dng and recep Must be present to wn, " ), _ J n lhl' hom of,lndu nderson. Mrs. Eml a'bryant, Madson, Mrs. entl gue,sts Jl the J. E.. Pmg-el --- :, dub tlwayne, Tuesday. ton dnner ot... Rakes and :--';rw remb('!'l answered all call Eva HO'htln and Paula, Mrs. home.,mr. and Mrs. E. E. Roberts and M. ld 'Mrs,. M'arvn Schroeder Ramona Rm d Nebraska Cty Prce '$.00 : Jl. ".' J.( nk or food co.ntan: Clarence.c,hrOedr, E'sther.. UlrCh M.rs. F.rank Weher a'h'ralph, Terr. wre supp.er guests Frday J;d so. were vsto-rs n.., the Er- last Saturday t St. cfta. ng mlk" dscusson by the nnd. Mrs. J.' E. Pmgel. MS. Enyn Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Welh rand evenmg ld the Bll Roberts home. n -eh home Thursday evl- Cattlollc churc, and were guests kadl't"" on- lmeal Plann g and Ulflcn\! rs., Frank Martn '"asslst- Gordon, Mrs. Agnes La dreth, Randolph... ' n the Mr. d 'Mrs. Harold cake followed. L nda An ed wth el"vng. A brthday cake Hoskns and Lou.e Weher, Ew?g, Mr. and Mrs., Ray ekms and!' al Krug.r, son of Mr. and Rakes home. demo.slrhted how to bake was,bake a.nd decorated by Mrs. attencd t?e bjrthda)- ga hermg ljana, CaroJl,. 'Were Vslfors Sun- f:r., r,voh tuq'er, was onored Mr. and Mrs. ale Hntz, 'Perce., spongl:' cakr. Lunch wa,,served Edwm Bogle. honotmg Rlc,hrd Kumm, orfolk, day evemng n the Er,est Eck n,r:st b'thday at hs home were dnner ge sts Sunday n th& hv :"'S. Arderson and Lnda. Saturday evenmg mann home... u daly! nght. rvng Anderson, home, l\-.l!hv and ppay Martn and De- Duplcate el..dge Club.M. r. and Mrs. D.onald! hlers, Mrs. Frank Weher and Ralph, B hlp Paul W. Mlhouse, D.D., e n'>l' - Pus \ff're n Chrrge of Mrs, alqn Brodnagen enter el\rett and Mr. and. Mrs. Crag Mrs. Agnes Ladre.th, Mr. and Kan a!cty, Mo., and conference Nov, (j meetng s wth taned Du llente Brdge club mem. Cabk, Norfol, WNe <hnner gusts Mrs. Os.car 'Yelher a!ld Gordon sq.pe tjndent,,dr. John Wchelt, W:llkl'. Teao Me cr, reo bers Thu 's(l,,ay afternoon at her last Sunday n thr Harry cl-hcr am LOle WClh'O.r, Ewm, tej'd- l'..nq, '. of the Eva.ngelcal Unted l ).J()J'!l''. home. zes went to Nancy home. eel a brthday arty for Rchard tet r n church. were guests at ) l.roffff..an, PhYllS. Brodhagen, Fran Mjrs. Harry 'Schwede was. Ull'lm, Norfolk:, Saturay eve- a,f "jvshp djnner at the Broth Sept. 9: M.r. and Mrs. Delon Cbrd Club Me ts Anderson, Bonne Ulrch, Dorothy fenle.tl from Lutheran Com lmt] mng. L ertho d J!3.fdg. Tuesday. BshOp Ml Lueshen, a son, aughn Del, 7 bs,. :\lr alld Mf'" Howard Fuhrman Fogle an os Phllps. The next hols'llalh Nofo]k. to qarks ld Me Mr. d Mrs. Erne.st fckmann hpus, sp ke on hs European tour, oz. Grandpa cnts are Mr. and f'l\l'rlaned lard club Saturday meetng ll be Oct. 20 wth Mrs. mo lal o.sp.ltal, qmaha, esda. entertame? for her buthday Sun ad of the conference ht"ld n Mrs. Elrtl:er Lu. shen and Mr. and ('\'nng, Mr. and Mr. Edde PhlJps olfolk She was njured n an aut acc day evenmg. Guests were Theo Grr a. Mrs. Clau'Pet rs, Plger. Wchman, Nl folk, were gllest. den Sept. 26.! rloe Eckmann, Mr. and Mrs. John Th annual Guest Day of the Sept. 30: Mr and Mrs. Sam (';n,.,. 'Prz.es w nt tn Mrs. Ruymo*'d PTA M h M.,.and Mrs. E. E. RO.b*ts and RC',Ck' Mr. and rs. Jack Kleen- EV.' go.hcal. Unted B ret h r e n Sloan, Calforna a sonl, Da.vd Ol Walkr'!", Lor n Denkel, Herm n -Hoskns P.n'A wll have a Safy Terr attended the. wedcllllg and, sang, Mr. and lvfrs. Otto Kleen- chur, was he'd Wednesday afte:- ver, 7 lbs., 4 oz. G'r'and;l}arents Hrl'hchnder nd Hlbert Netz. meetng t: the Hoskns Publc recc tfon of Jean Mler.and RayJ sang, Mr. and Mrs. ax ck- noon are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Le-rner Or! 20 meet ng s at the Ra - School ho s Monday, Oct. 9 lt mon,c..thompson, CouncJl.BlUff.s, map. n, Mr,s. Albert JenkmS dwlv.a Mrnd Mrs. Hlbert NetzJtc o.ct. 9: Mr. an<j, M.rs. Ar",. y.n Neu- ]J]one! Walker home. at 8 p,m. JMlrs, Totn Ryan of the. \,. :Od Barbar, Carroll, an om and arry were vstors n the haus, Wakefeld,\', a daughter, Amy - Accdent e'tords Bureau" Lncoln,,Mr. n.d Mrs.. :arence Waack <ld.d Allen Pfltchl:\rd, Norfolk. Card Lore enke home Frd!'lY evenng. Jo., 9 lbs. 2lh oz. Wayne hosptal. Trple Three lub Mee.t$ wll be th $lpeaker mlmn VSted Wllham. Wookman, pnzes were won by The?dore Eok- Mr nd Mrs. Canton Reber an.d Oct. 9: Mr. and Mrs. Phllp ''ll(' f'st fa. meetng of Trple ---' Pl e,rcc l. Monday evenlng.. rna.nn, Barbara enklos..m's' daug Ers, attended the Dstrct Holml;Jerg, Mankato, \ 'Mum., a Threr Card rllb was opeped wth Vstors f$t week n the. Claus!:Ml'. and Mrs. Lallrence.J chens Max Eckmann and, J?'hn Reck. '. a dnner at PllCngers Monday eve Rathman orne.were Mr. and Mrs. and Renee and Mr. {lnd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wlham Fenske,. lrn FoUow*g, the dnner the Loue Bra r j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fted.Joehens atlended the mum Mrs. Water Fenske and Pastor gl"lltlp met at the Albert Behmer.Lenemann, Randolph, Mr'. and sl0w at Concord last Sun ay nf-.john Saxton ttended the fau cn WlTH' Norfoll! Przes went to Mrs. vef Langenberg and ternoon, ference at UDlted Ohurch of Chrst, \'". 'Erc Mejrhenry. Lyle Mar- Mark, Om 'a, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mrs. Max.aasC', Pcrc. and Albon Frca'y. _ ot/ :lnd Mrs.!Olver Ke.sau, Mr Rathman, ayne, and Mr. and M's. Arna.ld Wll.t.er, Norfal C, and Guests. n the EdWn Wnter, ;]n( Mrs, Walter Gutzman, Nor Mrs. Henry Langenberg, sr.!w's, EdWn BrogJe. spent onday hoe Frday we.re Mr. and Mrs. fulk. WNe guets. Mr. andl r Mrs. Henry Langen. n the Arthr Kruse home.' rvn Klug, Nce, Calf. The berg, sr.,..ye e V.stors n the Clar- Mr. ad Mrs. John Eckmann Klugs are e,nroute home from a Return from E rope. etc JOh.non home, Wayne, Sun- and Mr,. and Mr!;. Wllam.Eck.,trp to tte East.,. Mr, and Mr. Walter Gutzmann d y even mlann, Huron, s, D-j, were dmner. Mr. and Mrs., Thomas Klr!tMtr.eturned last we k aler,a sx- 'r. ard :+s. Henry Langenberg. gue.sts Tllsday n the Ma- Eek Tck, COk.ato, Mhn., a,nd Mr.. l weck trp to Europe last week, sr" vsted,wednesday to Saturday mann hble. d?ra RoQ,er, Hector, Mnn.: were' ll"{'hmd Scod nd England Bel- nl:' the ByrnlBaxter Ran.ch, Johns- Mr.' and Mrs. John Re h re dmner guests Thursday "u/t 'the N helands Nrway to,fo Robnson, ; Valentne, turned Saturday after spen lng a Fred Jochens home. D,ho S\V(\d.'n, Denmnrk, Ger.anY, Aus: N w Merd t Dam and nake Rv- week Wl..th relatves at Cava r and Mr. and Mrs. :ye M.a.rob, "M.'.' lra, taly, SWerland and France. F Huron, S. D. ad Mrs. J. E. Pmgel and Henry Tr:lVel WQ3 'b car, tra, bu, er a s'd tm V L b 'r. and Mrs. Arthur W eken Pmgel, Cherokee, a. : attened p!;lne <'nd :08 They were guests a d r. r, 6m: sn : th and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rarg- smor.gasbord Wednesdar evenng of Mr. and M. E. '. Smth, Pe w ekend the t..:jaus Rathman st dt were v.stors n t'heclaus at Osmond, sponsored qy mmantt>rborough, E glanrl, parentf of and Henry L ngenberg, sr., home. R thman home Sunday ev nng. uel Lutheran church.,' thrr on-n-la and Mr. ald Mrs. Mrs. E : Gren vsted Mrs. r. and Mrs. Elmer oepke Mr. and Mrs. Henry, lemacb. 'folly Smth a Calforna. Bertha Ste p t Frday afterqoon n w re vstors Sunday even ng n hav.c reulned "'orne frq'a tnprto :' D h Nurs' Home, Wayne. th Gustav Eckmann home Calforma, Brthday Clubl eets r. and s. Edwn Broge. Ed- r. and Mrs. W. K. S elton, Mr. and' M't's. Chrs Tetgen; Mrs. Lzze Pus entertaned d and a k and' Arthur Kruse D ugl!ls and Donald, Perce were Wa:yne, and M.r.. and Mrs. Erwn Brthday club t her home ''hurs- at ended a rthday. pa!"ty' n the v tors n the Clays Rathman U:lrlc were Ysloors Stl.nday eveday afternoon for her 79th brth M rlen W t r home, Norfolk. hon": h me Saturday evenmg. nmg n the Chnt Reber ome. day, Bunco p zes went to Mrs:. 0 ng Kell 's ffth.brthday, Satur- r. and Mrs. Wllfm JEckmann Mr. a.ftd Mrs,. Clarence Johnson Edwn Wnter, Mrs." John Kene- d y even g. Other guests were a d Mr. and Mrs. John Ecmann, and Keth, Wlayne, Mr. and M'lts. slng, Emma ryant, Mrs. Henry M and or. Arnold Wnter and ; r DEd:end SC a, grnl as. := b,rg Tuesday afternoon. : Langenbergr sr., were vstors n r,. and Mrs. Harry Weher and flhe Claus Rathman home Satur faly were dnner guests nday day even ng, n. j cr:';:rle e.;. r. C.. },S.r aef$o.ts:.,a:n B:S :d a:a ruar da/nae fl e:e: t moon n the Wlbur B hmer and Mrs. Claus RathmaJl were vsome for Mchael's br!hdy. tors n the Henry Langenberg, sr. ranke and Debbe Welller were home, Sunday evenng, a renght guests Saturday n the Mr. and Mrs. Donalljl Volwler Ctlag Cable ho.. me, N.orfolk entertaned for ther daug.hter, Kel Mr. and AUs. Donald hers, ly's second brthday Sun6ay at dn Bennet and Mr. aqd MrS. Crag ner and su per. GuestS! were Mr. Coble, orfolk, were dnnelr guests and Mrs. larence Volwler, Mr..

3 Hold F 'ther-son.banquet October 7 Re(h{:l*'r L\lthrran church held th( jr rtlw',so!l hnfjucl lat W'dn4',sd: Y evenllg.'. Hev. S. e de Flh.'('s gave the nvoc,ltnn and hrnl deton und Wllam Klg!('f gv(' thp w(:lcomc. Wd e;llm(' frllm f: thns was gven hy Sll.'. c'tl'e, hy \.vr,'."dtj Hnn Wredt. and res.ponse R)ger from Lue d('rs presl(,nt!"d n trumpel SOlll, ;(,:ntnpalll'll hy./('rlyn Tholl\.,,'n R{,(,O!l.annl was gven Thorn., Thnmsl"ll, Y(ll.ln!('st ',.n; (;('',ld and Loren Dunk lau, Yllun-g,(!. l falhel's; HUFl!l Bcclonnn: \'fl LOj!(!sl grandfllthcr: Henry (;lljllhh WJllll', rdrlcst father and father wth losl sons: and Bob Tlmmermlan. l'.'."l.df:llht'r;.e.lll!ln N'pw York,. R.. Olert.!l' son from fllrtllf's dstanc'e Kt'nt l spoke nnd showed "Hlps on A': sk,. Dr, Kennclh Hl'OWrl' W,l.tll'lslmnsler and Cllff Dahl, was. s::mgle.ader. Church WortH n."l'rvpd under d rvc!ln qr. n ETvn Hagernflnn,,"', ; Mrls, _Fn'd -{per Fartn9t Club lh'olds ljun,chen t Tea Room Fortnhlly m('j Monday at Mller's ['a l'j\anl fll' a o'clock ltmrh('on, M s..john T. Bress N, Mrs, Ma 'l' LoVl:' and Mrs. Phlp!\-lllfl'h \\.'0 brdge prz- ('.. ' Thl' mc{'tn wns the 38th an qversary or he Ol gan:r.aton of f' club,,.. _...,..,. NTER ATONAL FLM FESTVAL Early "how 600 p.m. Wednesday! S LESLE-/Mr. and, Mrs. Edwan:! c. 'McQustan announce. the enga ernent of ther daught.er. Mau een Gal, to' Wllam S. Wenke Lncoln, fon of Mr and Mrs., Sterlng Wenke, Pender Mss "'!QUSlan. a,senol' ut the 'Unv _ sty of Nebrask and her lance s employed by G and G Manufa tlllrng CompaJny, Oma h,a: 'lhe ouple plan an Oct. 3 weddng.! Mrs. M. ce Gves Travela e at Mnerva Mr.s. M e Rce presented a truvelog n, "Nebraskalnd".at the Mner a, meetng Monday afternoon the Mrs. Yale Kessler, home. Fo rteen members and a guest, rs. Ada Costersan\ Stevens nt. Ws.,' attended. Mrs. J.. Johnson was electl cd vce p esdent. Mrs. Fred Dale wll (\st the oct. 26 meet ng, Twa Gu sts at Club Meet S'Al rvn w:;nksts a elta De Jast Wednesdav evenng n h Mrs. Ed Wolske home. Pr.s were won by Mrs. Dean S-c am and' Mrs. Everett Rees. Mr. Rees wll host the _2 m t_g, _ FRDAY.thr P,TA MAT NEE :2>00 p,m. S.td.y-"TOM\lV MONDAY AND CHAMP" Ma-tnee 2jOO p.m. S,und,ay-and Early ShbW!600 p;m_ Mondl!lY..,.. " Because b rh ust be phto",aphed early o n tme fo!(hrlstmas DelverY. ': r, j F, Rc Houn Spe fs t Anl ' SCor J. Jom.esB,J!h)r,e.ot,:,:::j,:,;::o'::":'"'::,;;:l7:'rl""'" Wompns Club -d y Evel'll9 RlteS!Slpday 0, Ndrf9k,urhA..r't,.e' t,.,.er,.t..,.t. ;;.,..u.r.'.mcj...,". wt;ln. ol:;'toulsvlo, was louuctln\nrtot!!:l \\\"!' ave Panel. D.scusson lrmytw'o mmhprs \'elre' pr e,;- T" ut::., "," Ull lh)wcrgll'l, ln nlclc y flrmhtr. tll' cakh,, Wnlt'rC'(!Cl W'Jl'V,,nt')'l cmt.at th ' Woman's ell)!etn' ern,", -Meth S of- T ch g -Set Carroll, W!>' 'jn\lumrcl. "(;uhhc\!\,!' DCllll,May.. Noln, peld'' t Mss n Study Meet 'rduy,to hear CJt SCJ m! 'upcr.,, ence,l'" a the'- AA ',W!'teUng \ n'n'!> on (OJ' 2O gu(}!.j W!:' Oar!onc loljnbufu. H(l lanon" Mrs. A Lamp, Loulse'Oshurn ntew..lont F. J. l,lalll spl)k on \ Thursday bvenlng, 't',w e- stu hdd {O\llH ll the c(>r,'lnony,. Mr. JhAltll(.et\.w. Hllrlu ;".lhjll lmll' nd Mrs.,-J hn Shlery prcsent('d "ll,,',l gr:,'c:,><:'sl',ofol,t',,'n"e,g,(,j';: dent' loun[e; ' lorcn St} l('nbcl'n 'lml',mr.'\.' pon )J"" nsoll, : y of h', Cty" at St. PauJ',.; ucahn and d:'mductcd : JUC' vote to efeat the 300 amend the \\'l'ddh g chkl am Mrs, Jcury thlt hrhlt. cho!h f 'two.pno cl'llu ' t>slon 't dy,hmrsday. artur- tol) and ajlsw >r per rl ment and wll 'be r 'res ntt-d,' at.kct(!l!hh., l\j('ll.. :hans' l'hlllfc'!. 'dl'h. 'rhf\ '(lolj)h,':. A.'rs,,, WOt'S,so shown, and!-tlld- GF'WC p'resldpll, m'lcllnwr! thtl!jehlo,!' 'eon ernt ":. ths.. vlllu h\ ldhol'l, all{!ldt,t 'the Wayne, nfter Ul' rctlll'n.fl 6hl. ' ponel (s ussnn, "The Mobl, ",.- t "f q The' gr uj.l..',c cour gm,to' Barllc!t'r, Clroll, cllc:mnl s,t"r'vn For h r J,lohl!t,"\\'ny flll!cmblc:t oon. A n ro, "rhc Clff Dwcl- Mrs. Wlnn. <',;e'l> o;)('k. a metn. ll'sda,ev.r.at: 'fllty bl'h e, n.l-:rndullte \of.t.o!: wll rtllllth! ' t',.al Pc-ur( Strout.:.: les for 'werc dscllssed. Dct. :' 'dflm!jnrl,llhln' d lv. A amendmet. Unl\'l'l's\V of. Nl'brnska nnd Wnyn(l Bluck- luus.,,. : " Mrs. A. st Don.nan was host.- rcte'pton!lonorng "'s,,asf' 'Tho, fellpwshlp co mt ce. wll Statl' Col g-l', 'n,{' hl'd{!ll'(ut, A Tt" lrldr l a llrll'ltate '. b" " N hrotlck s pl:wned at,\'(";! Pont host thp".d.n.n., r. me...,ngov.. 2.; gradull!l' )f.wnsde. h\.f,lh' :>.'el'o'0 B,Ullt! h.ttl.l }lchool anft l!t llloh;.ton., S>,. A ': ut 8 attcl\\lcf. ext Oct. 8, The 'J).lrd ('f n\'en- Mrs. Bur on" Merr n;. fellow- and Norf(,Junol' C()Uce, at. bookkc{llcr at Ltu\'on.Kuhu.' Com.;, 7heetmg \S ov. 2 lon wll h(' lwld Clarks:m shp cba man, wl!' eo duct n lrulcd W,lm(" Slute (''olltogc nnd puny, WlY\l!. 'l'lw bl'dcgroo,nl! J H d M today, : llsed b ',sale at t e g s com the. Auton nton lll!ltlutc of ona. lenj:hgetl n rnmln!.., Mrs. a'yceees 0 eet The publc s n\'l('(jl,llknr! pany bu lng Oc t. 4. oceeds,tl, The, C\>up( resldl' at 24 ltn. " Mrs, Jjye-eel; met last Mondav guc!>t nght Oct. 23,t lh(t ('Hv to' he l;5 toward,thc c!holar Stre(t, VN'mllon. K n, lvenng 0 p'lan ther bake- sale audltortlm bf!gjtr at 8 p,lll shp f d".,!.,." ('.hur'..ch Has Last fb' Oct. 7. Eght members were 'Spetlkers wll lj(, Kprn('lh l()ld, t resent and Mrs, Marllte Bahe County Dpmoerate. plrty tha!" Cty 5. rs HO' M' etn M ' W d '. ::'e::;:' ::..o. joee ;;b;t) Al)/f!:a(hU:l!Y Seven J embers Hen led, th. arl,yn'" fttry on Worshp SU",dy,!! Brasrh *nd Mrs. Shhey Ha Mrs Ly:e (:amblp hera l' a osetlhme::: :h d: Gerald Otte Marry,HOST\lN8-Membcra.' ()t,:mnlp':. mer men)bel' of the t'ltl at ths man. Mr.' WUl S rolu!jer,wll, '. u('. EVllnglllcul. alll '" n,'\d,,'r ' M' meelng. lostess{'s,, rf' 'ollh' kt S d t'hm'ch "'orthcd'l ollb8kl lo ' bt'! tt,'" have he Nov, 9 m etln r,. t 'n Btt '. ""."s ",... ', WHS sc Boosters to,pr ubo<sre;';. a ur ay u.e \":(,.;\c'",;pd Ash,! Mrs. C. M, en vpn,' l\'r VFW Auxlary Meets' Mrll9tl--Wltl'Y, WnvtH'. "nuh. Pa$"o',tohn 'F:: Suton G.ve Fur Scolarshps How.,, W,lt "'" J "''fm', VFW Auxlary mol MOnday (er 0 Mr, und, Mrs, Chr. Wtt"y, call 0 worshp, p,'avor.nd;'}' ung.' Ml'sl(. Frd' Br' ad':cj\ \ ;.a evenng at the",wornar's clu ButtC!,,and Gerald,Otte, san 0' Mr. come, lnd Wnltr F(,lnlll..,.-...c...,.... :,.':....' At ther meetng Monday eve rla BrucC' rooms wth 'members.! HQstes aml M s. Raymond Otc, Wayne, grogatlou chnlr!nn. 'HPPlt', ::,)l.,,', tlng Wa ne- Hgh Schol MU'sc ses were Mrs. Luther Ulll:ken, were mul'red tl double rng rtes "Remnscng an,d 60lnl{ Onwar ','_ Boosters dl.lcded t Q..' gve four PNG Has Guest 0 qt Anta Schnoor daughter of had \ hlte carnatwn cors'ae'l Mrs. Dagmar Jo hnson, rs. A- Saturday mornng at Butte St. Pt. ChrhUuc J.uckl' )lnycl!.uc,;pt: "'". scholarsh PS to An Stat. Club Room's Tue do MJar,'"ec:-e(4L"shsC','onOoorO NMosfOlkA'Va(nnrla NoMrlro,.anwrl.reMrll'ostsJothonlhesehreneOeopr_ bert Frost and Mh. Ro Beeks. Ler and Paul 'Catholc' church by lude. }otlker$ ncluded, ApP:J\' About 4 attended the meetng Ll l' '" -l\ Next metng s Nov, 9. Rev'. James He!. Tho church Schroeder,. Wom-ell' Ms.SlQ.Q. ry--.:: llnd Claylon SouthWjC atcorn. Forty-two members and ll('sl Bush CUl'rol were rna rled sun-ltjon br 200 followmg the {'ere- - chor sang th'o lnphnl hgh moss, Socletv' lrc!ddent l and' Mra,,,:,,v. plnled h Sandra 0 s, satlg attended ttle PNG ultst dnv lny evpmng n double tmg ntes mony Mrs Howard porter, Altus L;odge Wll:' 8 GUEtS arcompnned by Sster M. Clorel- oretl Wetzler nnd Mrs,,'M,;, "Old Mothelr Hubbard,," "Even Tuesday atcrnoan at the.om :l! Norrolk Chnst Luther!n church OkJa, reglstered guests and Mrs. At Woman's Club' eet la.. Mt'C'rH,cnr;y, fo.rmo c()n,a:,roh,a,l)t Brave"t Hearts Ma' Swell." an's C'lub rooms 0st sses WC'rC' Hev Alwr! r BostlemJln offlclat &.lanl y lansen, Mrs Walter Sun Gven. n marrag'c' by her fn. m(hll.crs. ljuer wns rjl :r't and "Clmb Every ountan." Mrs Eth(' Phpps!\- 'S lenn cd and Wllllam L Korth, Mc derm and Luclle Loberg ar Eleven members atte cd the ther, the brde woc n floo!' lentth n fqrmcr pastor" Augus! pmm' The serlor chor co cert wll etta Frost and AllJan Ed anls' em sang 0 Promse Me" and range guts Rebekah Lodge mectngl!frd8y. gown of peau wlh fttcd ho(uc(>. Chul'ch wumen crvcd ut nr,}l.l., be oct.} and the ban, wll at- Mrs Hlma Pf>ferson Atte 'ThC Lord sprayer," Jaceompa Mrs Allen Koehler, McLean,' Mrs. Oscar Peterson w s host long tapered slecyes lnd skrt OWNhp.Ollr: f()lowng".tpjjc, :r' tend a st te marchng and con- Perrn pnd pearl S well had rt!('d by <\hn MCkow N rfolk and rrs Ella Schnoor, Wayne, ess, The,Lodge wu n.ct at 7 front adorned wth n'.pmbl'otlc'rt'd..,', _': :,.:. -' ".,t al. neoln Nov,,Nov. 6 ehalge M thep0h, N[)v 0 G\(n n marnage by mer uncle ('ut a served the cake, and Mrs " pm Oct 23 n'nd wll b guesls'..... D Joster, o.tng wll be ul 3 p, S tb(' on( tll('c(ll" ll,'o Koehler lclean,( 'he brldo Jo.ep' Bu.h pour"d Watlre"es at he Wman" dub guel nght ale,fl;srvfo"\"rrolf SEE,BYTHllcH R",, ",,.. n h' band room. worr,l floor length peau de soe v.eretdonna Rae and Debbe fonowng ther meetng.! cmwn of pearls and',whlle flowprs 0 ChCll?ge Meetng Tne. lown. \\th apphqued bo(.lt.ce, swag SC.hoo r and Patty nnd Mary Ellen and she cn.l'l'nj a c<ls-cude of pnk Mr. lnd. Mrs. Orvl, '!' f. ṇ Observ. Annversary Amercan Legon, Auxlary :.PCf\lng;,rr(; v' ofch:lfl Jl: :.seaes Crcle of the Wayne OES Plans CPft '0lt'S,.,.. :t;'!el: Chj8h"j8, H ",."'/..h ' wpl hold ther Tlr"rl: y ('..('nn!,( 'ft'll fr:!l u pearl trmmed pllbox. For her g'jng.away ensemble Drve fo'r. October 29 Matron of hnno wah Mn. RC,h. WednNldllY evenng. '_' RELD'ENMr, ana rs. Rob,meetng at 7 p.m, n!pad, of 8 shf' carred rpcl l'dcs on a the b. e chose a cranbe-rry color Wayne Cha,pter 94, OS, met b"ra(rs8 lm"lol,n" w y cgrer(ag(lh'llonl" luunn., B' aars :. M, ra. 5, J. Helo/ Mr,' "t...,,' w,m,r.,.,:. crt. Wobb(.nhorst o-bserved ther as orgnally plannrr! ll(: 0 the, pl'ayer hook cd dr ss wth blac'k accessores. Monday evenng WJ,th Mrs. Ja- "' U n M n l' 7th wedtlng annversary last Hosptal Aux'larv s yp holv (" Srhnoor orfolk served FoJow;ng a weddng trp to Mn son Preson and Dr.. Wllam brdemad. Th.ey wore floor lengh. CnlJffkord falle l! Mlr l.nthd', ;.h..,8r slatpd for 8.' 'h' ' '.' "ct f h' d jlth f - Kocber ptesdng. Substtute of. gownly of pnk 'and rose brocnde -ee nul' VlJ l!'( n.' C",lU-:., Jf,' h"oatmurodawye"evenmnrg,'ugn'("lessrsn, tnhe,lkr l' ssler as mal. 0 oor, o nesot e 'eoup e wl arm near j.., tll,0 rr' 'k h hacek home Meadow Grove ( M t JrSPPh 3ush, Mmnea,polls, was Carro. fcers welte Mrs. Jason -t"reston, a e a anu en le{ pm, am w J C,.,. '.'.: Staplema, Mr. aod Mrs. Gor.. Mrs. Arp Hosts J Cub!b sl man for hs broth"'r. Stanley The.brde was gradl'ated from Assocate Matron, an4 Mrs. l;lums..' ".Sunday. ".' ;,'.' j don Casal tmd Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Henry Arp w S h :'Jtess Jnsen, Carroll, ant! Donald MC'"Le n hgh sehool and s em- Ralph Crockett, ""varder. ' Denns otte, wayncas best Mr. and Mrs. B:- J. GulfJY:.:.:, dl Clarence Slapleman. to JE clyb Tuesday,.l\ rs. Atfrer!!\nchlrr, Mel,llan, us-herod. ploye :by Northwestern' Bell Tele- A drve wll egn,oc'. 29 to ma.n. nnd Bll Young", ne, W.lS sons, MlnnCal}ols!. Mln..", orr Sydow aqd Mrs, Jula;!a.<.$ won :Th( hrdf"s mother woc royal phonej:company, The brdegroom COll:tct grts for Fremo t C"hl groomsman. Hchard a mop, Saturday to speld, the J,ce Engagh"ment prze.!>. fr,. Haas wll huyr:' the : blr and the brdegroom's mother attcnqed Wayne' Stte College,and dre 's home and--... Plattsmouth Creghton, and Patrck Young, wht Mr. lnd Mr. A. ",.' An.nouq 'G O' clw"r ' dress of teal blue Both servef n the U S Army senor ctzen's' hol\e" \ Wayne, usher.cd. Mr, ar. Mr. Cllffor.,;bahl.,h. ct. 27 mf'etlng. C -".... " _.:- Mrs. "talter BreSSler,. c'har. The mothers of the couple holh.tertalnecl Mr and Mrs, Don Shbh Of Maureen McQ!Ufston B'db' M t T k d d: -; man of tne servng contmttee,. wore royal blue ensembles wth e nng, MJ ncapolll,. Molnn" at",dn; B:rj m:t 'lesrts CvLnl: foeal FORECAST Be' :.n Coup Honor e ;:'J ' g: wtedfna:ratlf elsa,' held n :' t N; t;n'.rh5; c,.g: l wth.mrs. Evpretl HO., rrts.:\r,s. l!,.,-hurs'd' 'Yo Oct, 5. NaB.cJ ERN_OhMdr,eUnadtMSrhs,o.FWrcder John Kaj" Mrs. Pruden e Kay,' Butte Le.gon Ball..Carol.OUe rcg-!sfln'\,ersary. ThC.Y Wl'rc overntht., Ed Grubb was a gu s. Mrs. FMerlsb'erA, at?:toarnyd wmorr'ks'.wn,alldebne stered guests ant Cecola Llmp-. guests n the Dahl 'homcnltl left M,artn Wllers and M s, Wrrner _ W man, MnL Leon Daum and Rta Frday mornng fd Nev d,, tna;:lh (";rc(vf'r"(,' )::npntrnhae:ear Lades Ad :d.:erd hosats lsc :.mplfed at the Nov. meet- ---, ",-,--, --,-'--"'" ,----.'.,-,--'-!Ken Lcre. :\ol's. Armand Hscox brdj shower honorng Nancy -. 5.'L la a:ettes Meet T" sda ;C"'rll'lle, Mcs, Kurt Olte Rob el. Colerdge, ' Ml'rry Mxe,s Meetj"g,.'....'..e,.c S.5, ''.. rs. Bud Fl'o('hleh was' hos!-,frsl Raptst WMS, Laura Wade Th rty guests were presept. Held Tuesday Afte,noon M ('g last TuesdHY C've mg to 8!.Jolly Elght. Mrs. Charles Hekes Seat d at the brde's table wth Mrs. oward Wacke):' was Gln'coal: 'O,U,\ n,ee, " Etes. przes were \VO bymrs. Dt?lrct'Cllk Woman's Club con- ss RohMPe 'we:e MT'b rs : Gene ho.st.es... t Merry Mx.or,.. Tues-, Jm Marsh, Mrs. Ket Jec- and ';;J'n lon, ' f>.on n ass d.n., rs. Dck es, Mrs., day ane noon. SJ,l: mmbers Mrs. LeRoy Barner. rs..ech ':kecu Mrs. w.e. Lndsay 't. Thes and Mrs. Fred and, guest. Mrs. Darrel!Grothe wll be hostess Oct. 2. t ' r, und Ava olo Brudl"gam' wer Sturday; Oct.,7 Lu'c was served by Mrs. Jm l ' e :Waynp Comm,\.mty Hosptal Aux- Kav r ugh, Mrs. Merle Kava. present. C()uples Club M et eld Hal'Y naug " Mrs. JO'hn O'Nel, Mrs. Mrs. L sue Allerpan ave a b k ctzenshp report 0,6,cam.pagn. ol,. "', A.C':,day, 'Oct. 9 ' Goer s, Mrs. Merle Gubbels, smears, a d reports'! wre he,ard" 'ulmb ma,nou(e'lt,nglllt"h":sr,a l'f.cdo 'Plae,"t Mrs. Jaycees; a c sa &. Gay} 'd pflam, Mrs. J 0 h n ". t ' 'r r on achev ment day at ""'nsde Wednesuny evenng at t!lc ell reh. :St. Paul's Ev!;'nng Stud,'8 p.m. Mrs. Art Bernbaum, Mrs. Ed f' :: l :.. H;r nl' e:(l!fjyn, Crcle W's Sadd e Club pfla z, Mrs. Donovan Pflanz,. :her;v:\fe.s:od served. About 5 aue]'.cd.. JRe.',,J(yl';'tc' U, Emma :rl Yd Fsh fnd Mrs. Floyd "Sleton of Beddng."!', ' Gode,presented the lc$so; on Brks M s Rohde and Larry Thes Yeaa as M::P::rctrMa t,axtofm ;d.!,o;r{' War covered dsh dn- were marred Sa'turday. musc; M A. Werner Mnn, so- cal; Mr. Wagner, health 4, ' l [;lll', 6::30 p.m Two Guests Attend Mrs. Wac er, 'ctzenshp; Mrs'. 'ft'eern Attend LM T:, (?ocnty Hosptal Aux- Sun yl Homemakers Lawrence.T'homsen, eadng; F, M D G ll'l d d Mrs. Allean, news rern, rter., l,:ar,. sly'le s..'ow, cty audtorum r. arre an an l':'" Ffteen, members we {' prfsrnt H ' t ".". Mrs W gner wll Mst the ' Tuesday evenng at! (' L -L mer('an Legon Auxlary, 7 Mar a el'er were gues s.murs Nov.' o meetng. ;"j'! meetng. Mrs. Dck wrrkcr, and p.-ln. a:etl njrsoa' : : Mrs. l'4ck Gray hal.' elevotons.. :\,'F'W prst :;29, --- Mrs. Leonard Gade-km and r"!progressve Home-makers,' Mrs. kmp;' 0m e... Thrteen members! j. '_l 3'rnard Splttgerber were present. 0 bl R R' E... krnthal served. r ('xt T ' p' t 't h.' au 9',n9 ''tes meetng, SKoy. 0. "," vw, Mrs. Lotte Perrn 'OeY"MOlrns EPeThPerS<zeMsrSweArle,.. ' ".. '! -,. FB. :'b. Leon Lamp v n ''. u,,-.j 8-ELtes, M,rs. Keth Jech bert Galmble, Mrs. E'lla Schnoor Un,te t Worth' Msr s,dd.ornee!s w s,:" Wdr.,dayo Oct, 2 anrl Nd. GllJand, oj. rnan"l r le-asant Valley, Mller's tea Offlcets elected to take over n ' ' Thursday to NFB. {.ests vf're. '0 Janury were Mrs. Paul Dang- A en C.,Vo' W, e'.r Mrs. O. K. Brandstetlter. rs berg presdent Mrs Fred He Alan C,amer, Mrs, j<ul't Otte <'dendly Neghbors. k J J< er,,ce presd'jnt Mrs. Hem; Susan M a ' gar e t Wc),rtbman,,' re d M)n Wne:l's. W tte Pj' :; St., lubpau's S. 'Mrs. LeWFrederC, sewng ;group aj] e Ree.g'. Mrs. lvn 's.e.cretar'-treasurer, Ree, news reporter. an.d :ttt.erwnn4lll(fraer Mrs. Brandstetter, ;"Jov. 2 rryeet- ystery: Club Mrs. K!8'therne Wntersten wll Volwler, sqn' of Jr. ad Mrs. ng wtl be wth Mrs. :\"orrs pan- e]ta mk, Mrs. Everett cfees hos<! Nov. meetng at the Clarence Vdlw'ler, were!marred' dahl. St. Paurs Lutheran hayn e Womans club roms.. Sept. 3 n double rng 'rtes at ' d, (. Paul', LCW, 2 p,m, Loosvlle F "t Me ods ohureh Extensan Cu b H. S Cotere Mee s Monday by Rev, llo ney E, m"tb, Baby Shower Fr ay BrudgamsGllests at Colrrle met M nday wlb M", Altendng 'lbebr e were Mrs. T u"day Od. 22 ' - -. J' r.' HOSKNS-----.Hghland Womn s J., C b LesH :Hs. Mr. tchard Arett John 'Wortan, West Pont, and Extenson club memb rs her a ' r lly Dozen u, was guest. es were wqn Mrs. Dale. Stoltenberg, :Lneoln.., folly Dozen met n the Anton by rs'. Paul arrngton, Mrs. Donald G. Volwler,' Carrpll, was baby shower for Mrs Wll'am P dersen home MQnday. Mr. Fra Uorgan Mr.s. Aret, best man and Dw.!n Volw, Car- Marquardt and sonl Set t a d Mrs. August Bntdgam =="==:S::;:==+:::::::::;:;;:::::::=+:::: :' ;:: lr:b.eranndo'na wre gucst.s and Mrs. Fred Reeg w n the prze. Nov. 9 m-eetng guer:'oar}vl. W yoe W n be n the Reeg horne. _ e w:; pr:te, e : jtompsons Entertan of honor. JArs. Lane :\.farotz nd 'D,nner Club Frday Mrs. George Langenf,er g, jr., Golden' Age Dnner chb met ar.rlrraen,ght..nflte;;t?v n h: F.da:y e.venng for cooperatve t' supper n the Erc Th()mpson :: A:hBe;re nan and! 'e t' e.;n a :: :+---'""'---...,---, :--f---""l Gorge Noakes. oh Meets Thursday, DEB met Thursday evenng! \\'th Mrs. Frtz Ells. Mrs. Jahn,"!,Rtze and MFS. Ted B.ahe were : gests. R.rzes were won b."y MJ;'S. Hlen Russell, Mrs. MertQn Hl too and,mrs. Arnold' Mall. Oct. 22 meetng wlll be wth Mrs_, Hjloo, ur G\le Attend Uck.,'rdKlatter Club p.uests: at Klck and Klaf;ter Mnday afternoon were Mrs. Gorge Bretbarth, Mrs. Bernard Belman, Mrs. Val Damme and l\- s; Wlter Splttgerber.,Ten gu sts were present. Mrs. Roy Albertson. was hostess,. lrs. lfarvey Lar presented M lesson., "Scleollm of cd' '[ r ;ff o? mje: : '. J::;::::F:::;:l=::::;==:..._.: j :-..;,.-_--+--f-Jlltel. lb, Nov, Ba'lbara 0 meotng, Severs' w ' hae, 'tt=-+----t;...--.!f::ftf---t;fr=f].'h " \!

4 ' land 'f,.-, ' J *bat'sf... bestll B.kng'.. lwnt, W5tATE AT'ONAL,ttlllnN6 :ACCOUNt All the. c.0.'velnenc.e of a fpe\llheckng Account are our$ at a ny,', cost. Tme roved n PPY, ng blls, Prmonentr"corcls and rcepts. J'lnd prest,ge, top',! HE STATE ATlONAl BNK M.mb.J F,D,.C., :, take TH 6.H!tS@R{ out 0, CAR CARE (ORnL.UTO h. CO.,, q "'"'""""" '''',',. <""'[''$r.''l',"l --;-"'j",,. :4:±::::d=:b===±:==:::-7,=t::-;:::-:::. <'l{.,.;;r...j.f, :.;,t...,) ''l jg,,;; d:e w::':dl. t;u:: t, co:.ad,h;; a:r,'o;:, J(;::m,lst MODe n\!'. Mrs. H.cnry Dnk.' "", "" '.:' t"t: ",:f Glen Nelson home, Carrol. and yl(l JoHanson, Pam o*d Katen wth Mrs, Uafold,' Osltl:rauatd.. "ll P., :',",{ Thursday were guests n'th Lyle were also guests. Knr(!n Johanson charman.,nccoj.llljt ot c..'outy, l::lg' a( J,e esson, "eean ": ",'! Peters home, Osmond. was flower glrl. offcer.!! lnd )('!lllhmts woa d' ;;e'\'m Mrtlr, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Graneld, and n,glrt Wll \H'c.llcu'Cd to each: ' Amor\g- H d.. " Roll call was a ' Mr, and Mrs. Daryl Gramt ' d and COURTHOUSE OtC'. Mrs. lhllllltl, C!\lvCl't, COUllty:: ' pkture n, ach! member as a,sons, M'. and Mrs. 'Del ayne c.hulrman, 'CCl'Jvcd u: l\"'o YlJ:a::pl.",'hUd. ' Granfeld and lamlly and Ken, ROUNDUP A CCfl,llClt,.or ll''ll w.. l.o.lon.,' ncut Kell, Perce and M. and cd to M'S BHll Whcclcl' Mrs ' --- ' Mrs. Ejnar Cook, Carroll. lad a lzrll Chl ltt',.;!'" 3t s. Cllrenc, l l-_- F-<llow,lp 0 nller H. d' ' Hayrack de. Held [' ', rl"{''oh\o,,j' l'p e('r.,.unnree', Sml,mdabye,rsAfbtaedr lo' er Sunday at N brarn County: Court:, N;J,n fd 2'lll:nlt;;;'''',nr. "p... Art and Bob Olson and Mrs. Lars Oct. 7: Mh:htlel Keellan, Waync,..' " '." t lona nt er Lelgllc held a dnnh, sl [s were shown and a Olson and Mrs. Gurney. Lorenz fned $0J nnd $5 costs, npropcl bxtelslon work. \'':,Joe.Mattes, h y'tack de SUllday '\'('nn'g,,'llk W,'S lvc'" by Darlene Wag, lt b K Wakefeld hlstnllcd the CW coun.,. went to gloux Cty Sundav to sec urn. Comp any e tll Heed.,. '" ' TWbty e ht emhers nnd guc\ls n(r <m t r fxperencc& 'n the L f cty polce..' ty OCft"C'S: \rs, 'lcl'f Jf.mry, wfc pres nt. Robert latlg wlls Peace Cor)s n Afrca. ar's 0 son at Sf. Joseph's hosp! Oc. 9', Anlom'o 'loral"", Blooln. COl.m,t)" charmon; Mrl' Myrol.l,- tnt. Last Wlcdnesday Mrs. Lars 0 l.l "'" 0- k M D no e' en>n.',.,-, son, Mrs. J-ans Bauerme$ter ad lng Prare Mlln. Lned $0 and $5 ', v l'e e H rl!llll;, 8" un '. '. Project C b eefs. rs. Art Olson vsled loft, Olson. costs ovetwldth: Complant by Bok.cmpcl', gl'oup CH'"l'ma,Y; M", H:n:( :;clbm;:;: at Wl;SJ:'C.. pjedc W hj.and.mrs. a 'pahr and Br: G U::tr:Ollf l _ ::ldlrcll::.u YLcn:: the ' home 'b.f Jtlrs. A, L..Ulclwr H'sdaY art'lnodn. Mrs. vrl Ho r:n Us Ja M:h sd lned $0 and $5 costs speedng appotnted nod.llslfllcd W(,"C reat -,-- _---t-- land presh e(} at the meetlng and MelanC..!' andolph,' wer '.a.fter- rnght. Complant by' D. Matejka lug lcuur,.\rs. nrncc Wlt?ll", ;... relolerl the nterestng events of noon a. pper guests Sun<ly n slate patrol ',' musc, Mrs. Glen Ndson; )H.Hllh wr trp 0 Omaha. There were the Llo unknu home. MJ and Marrage Llconlos: and safety,.mrs. Cltjrcncc lu t\'l'" nne llemfers and a guest. Mrs. Mrs. Joe nkle called SUhday af. Oct. 3: Rob:rt D. Heller, 25, lon; ctzenshp." Mn!. Lcslle Jolr' Denns K"tchen, Sflnta Barbara, ternaon., Wsner d Martha Haase, 2 ;0"'; publcty, Mrl. Jll.' w?rnlt" Calf r spot. Mrs. van Ho, Mr. and Mrs. Leonrd B cker, Wsn " an, A!'lm on Clm('(r wl!ls lhown,.dwb anrltmrs. John Beerbohm Norfolk, were Sunpay c enng Deed Fled, Schenk lnd Anua Mnl'lo KrlcJ,h, t::avp lhc lesson., "Reparng Gar guests n jhe Lloyd Dunklau orne. Oct. 6: Agust Kruse to Arthur j\ldr.d "(jet Out.To.vot:' polte S.. hlenls", Mrs. Rachel Craven and Mrs. Dranselka and wfe, WO of t.. J ;le l:8 ;l( l c X:ert'; 'ew Memers ntated THS CORPORAL ant-mssle mssle ll be port ernor,morrson.and 0 her.gnt,es wll be 'on Bob PMendergast, Planvew, and n Taylor and,wachob!> Addlon llry And second prlzo WllS WO, '"' Fve ne\f members were lntat of the ggantc armed force dsplay at he Wayne' hand to dedccjte 'the bu!l. The Corporal s Mrs. arln Madsen were uests to Wayne, Wayne county, Nebllls by TQwn and Country WakctlQl,. cd n to th nternatonal Order of Naton.o, Guard armory Sunday, Oct. 25 when 45 felj!t long, 3& lnc s lttlamter and weghs ::n aenen :trshr'v ncd ka?cr 79'am, Harmeer bnl':c \'C. t. ;h;' :;ohtcrshalltwed;ae::nat the local Guard unt offcally opens and ded- 4,46!pounds empty. t s pesently' dsplayed n Mrs. Pendergast vsted 0 the and Lcvada R. Harmclr tn Jack l, t'-' as guest New members are cates the new armory. Ceremones wll nclude the Armory parkjng : t;,. John Ruhl home Frday afternoon. Kavanaugh, and Betty.KavanaU:h, Mr. and Mrs. \ferne Laraon'Yl atlrllh' "p-fflth, Tonja Behlers, the dsplay of weapons and a helco ter. Gov ts. and 2, blk., Frst ddltlon ted Wednesdlly n he- home of;_;. Curol AnOtllansen, Sharon Popel-! NORTHWEST to Clfroll, r $3,500 and Mrs, Harold Vhlte an 'fa.''; ka and Ja. elle Horn. A recepton Stanton, werc dnner and supper j Yahnk', Omah'a, Dann Prawtz, ert ansens aftqr the bplsm of W k' f" d Oct. 7: Clff'Ord A. Johnson and y Laurel "... followed t e ceremony. guests last Slmday at thf Bruno Plger and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tru,p.' Lynne Hnsen. She wore a e e wfe to A. J. AtkS nd w, l,t 7. Mr. and ll"s. llltold Dl'an.l',a Shltt"'erber home Brund ck the' amtsmal dress that her 8 Taylor and Wac ob,s- Addton Lo M'r. and Mnl. Oscar Koeste' spa t akers Club Meets PGu:sts Sunday fternoon at the Cum ng' c'ounty achevement grand dther haa worn. Sponsors W:kf:dWAm k" 2 Wayne, exccpt W60 Ucrcof, for the weekend n LlncoltJ. vjslt lorn('mf'rs Project club met Arnold Sefken home were Mr. day as observed last Frday were Anta Schnckloth and. Jane $,600.,,, Nor.man Koester. They al80 'n!rhursday thernoon at the home and Mrs. Clare Swanson and Ma 'lt the cty audtorum. Mrs. Hans. Oct. 7. Carroll. SecurlJ'J' nc., tended the Nebraska South Pr ' l lf Mrs. 'eorge Dnklage. The vs, Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. George Frank Morrson was te man Ma 'ore Stehehs, Randolph, Mrs, Turner s Hostess to Wayland R. Zlmm,ern,tan, ts s lma, football game. ;" ' esson, "M mlng Garments" was Roggen-bach, Wayne, Terry Pflue- speake. Mrs; Ottwn Schlueter, and otte Bressler, Omaha, were Mrs. Kermt Turner was hostess nd 9, excpt the Nl t. 9, all m M'r. and Mrs. Gene Whclalor,: ', "ven by tv rs. Otto Luther and gel' and fanl Youngmeer. f Pender, s, county charman. wcekj tl guests [Of Mrs: '-Myrtle to 'pleasant, Dell club Thursday af blk. 8, orlffnal town oj Carm, lurned last Wednesday trorn'l rs. ;oorge Dn Ber ard lage was Barelman. elected pres Mrs. \'. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. George Duane Golde Bed and and erntertan Mr. a d d Mrs. the followng Vrgl Chambers guests Bress Mr. t. ld MrS Merln Bressler ternootn. be hostess Ms. n Marvn November. Draghu wll Nebraska,. able consderaton. for $.00 and other val WasltngtQn thrce.w.eek. trp and..wll Oregon. rcla.uv.e.8"'.. _ ;'' ' ent and n ws reporter; Mrs. otto flaughtcr spent the weekend n the fur dnn r last Sunday n observ- an f m,r and rs. Myrtle Bress. --'- Dxon ounly' MtOrC.SJ:. l,uther, vele presdent and Mrs. Bruno SplttgE'rber home. a'lce of he" latter's brthday:,mr. ler jof er oters Sunday afternoo Rtes Held for Mrs. Joyce Allen ty wll 88t Oct. 20 t th...l., ernard Bdrelman, secretary and Mr. and Mrs. Car! Schermeer and Mrs. ra George and famly, at K nneth Gu ta sons for hs News has becn receved ot the glon,hel, Emer..,n,.t Bp.m\L, ' J treasurer. ' were callers Wedncsday evenng Omaha, r. and Mrs. Ed Grubb, brthd y: neath Saturday mornmg of Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. llawll Wheeler, M' omen's djub Me'efs n the Bruno Splttgerbcr home.,wayne, r. and Mrs. Ed Mc Mr. ard Mrs. Dean Myers and Russ.ell Joyce at a,syracuse, Nebr., Mn. 00" Lln.felt.r and Mrs lerbert Lundahl,ancf 4- W Mr. and 'Mrs. B. J. Scrvner' Gure. P nder and Mr. and Mrs. dflugh et were vstors Monda hosplta afte: a lengthy llness. and Mr. 'Albert Lundahl, Wt ',Junor wmen's club met Thurs, and daughter, Cypr l\ss Hghts, Harrs H nemann and aughter, even at RObe Hanscns. jfuneral servces were held Mon- SCHOOL NEWS flold, we c dnner and luncheq (:v at the', Congregatonal e<hurch. Calf., are vstng two weeks n Wayne. e Dck, Qtechts t ok,homemade c day afternoon.. M' Joyce was A.len HomecQmlng Slated guqsts of r and MrS:LejH natct': )e!ores agner showed sldes the Anton Pfluege"'t home. Elkhor Valley Fertler and cream! tq the Er n 'Bottger hom the former Nelle acker, da-ugh Allen Hgh Homecomng cere. SUf.day, ".r ". 'J\'hch she colleeted whle n, the Mr. and Mrs. Allen Splttgerber Supply C mpmny, owned land op Tuesday 'evenng. tel" of. Mr. an Mr. G. W. rack. mones wll be Frday Oc $.. Bob C x, fol'mer co 'mctfcbl 'eace cors' n North Mrcll. A and daughters were vstors Sun- erated b Mr. and Mrs.' Leland ( MrsJ C. W. cgure attende er, roneers n Park Hll,com- The crownng wh tafm'plac 4t teac'her Allen school fl.jj:ljt.m',l! slver tea a.. s held wth proceeds day evenng n the Lavern Hass "'orst, h s been sold to the tunerad ljervcegl Wednesday at n.l,ldl y. the half-tme of the ga' between On leave" f om the Soux Cty'sChOV aong to th ' a[fhrts assocaton. home. Amercan Cyanamd Cqmpany, Soux Clf for James Edward R,--- Allen and Colerdge. loat'lde to,stuy or hs doctorate B th Prnceton, N. J. The company s ley,. sn of!\!'. and Mrs. Led,Mr..and Mrs. Lev Dalgren orated by Allen Pep Club, WN b Unvelslt of Soulh Dakota" ',j,.,coup!es C "Meets Ch h n operatl n at ts fww plan,t Rley. a grandson of the Noah Mc wc:e dmner guests Sunda.y b the led by baton twlrlcrs Ellen Ca. Gues.tS){ Mr. and Mrs. c4rll Young ], al'red Couples club urc es... east of 'W nero 'Gure, lender.,"ural was at Pen Enc G. Johnson hom. penter Jean Duranl Debb Car Goodwm aturday evenng fort, }(t at St.,aul's LuLhera'n church Trnty Lutheran Church der.rsl'mcglll re spent'wednes Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eflckson'were ElaY.n Snyder and 'Danne EH: Goodwn's brlhday were "lan. arlors MOJdy evenng wth Mr. (Caryl M. Rtchey, pastor) day' tel Fpay a the Charles Mc dnner guests Sl;nday n the ' Lev An alumn dlancc wll.be held Mrs. Mar n Whceler (lnd Curt M.l' nel Mrs. lerbert Geu 'and Mr. Sllnda'y, Oct. 8: Sunday school, Gure hom Helgren home. the hgh school gymnasum 00. ad Mrs. Marlyn KarJbcrg an jll\l Mrs. ene Holland as hosts. 9:5 a,m.; Church srvcc, 0'3.0. A gup met' at the Dale Nelson Supper guests Saturday n, the ngthe game (..ary"m. and Mrf!.,0hn ar l'ht topc was "Chur(:h Et home undy evnng to celebrate Art Meer home were Mr.! and _. berg, Mr.. Trevett and.mr. n. \ c'ltwue." Sl_es", were showl"\ by Mr. St. Joseph's Cathollc Church the b thday, of Albert G. Nelson. MrS. Clfford Loeb, Laurel, and Klnderg"rten Class News Mrs. Ver KUJ jbcrg and fa dy aod Mrs, Xertl.Ou Schulz,,consst. (J. C. Conneally, pastor) Mr.jand trrs. Albert L. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Albert Behrens, Mrs. JerrylWeber and Patty an Emerson ", rljg of a trp through Swh:erland, Saturday, Oct. 7: Masses, 4:30 Pleasant Val y Ad Mee'S atendd 'a rchatvar arty Sat- Amerst, Colo: Mrs. Boyd Som,and A_an vste. Mr. Mrs. Morrll: E.' y brma.". us;hra'payed' FDrenc p.m. and 7:30. Mrs. V va J-ugelma, Mrs. Urdyevenng for Mr. and M. rs. J FrldEa y. ekvemn g..mr andllrs. Tuesday ""fuf:rnoon. Janet SQ,tu,nekd tlmondv aft.rl'!.l.t Q;o d G lll 'orocco a e am eser Sunday, Oct. 8: Masses, 8 and Agnes Jorge sen, Mrs. Wnne Geral GrOTe, Wayne. ' oe. rc son JOl.e re tlves celebrated' hr brthday Tuesda wee va at. on. T'he.V' f..., l Anzona and Colorado. 0 a.m. McQustart, ra Bressle" Mrs. Sx embtts of Farm Fans at helpmg,mr? Carl, Sundell cele Janet drew a gft from tho brthda and Mrs.Herb Ed r S" C )', ), MarE' Puls, rs. Jerry Clausen tended. Extenon club meetng a't brate her blrthday. k' box and Mr. som treated th' Kalll" M. ond 'Ms. aul Sr:" t\ Mavs S'"ans spent S'unday Congregatonal Church and daughter, fs. Georg:e Claus.- W,. Frday. They were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Albet Ec,hten mp group for her daughter" brthd and fa'm lv, Kenslngton,[_Ky.,. n ght wth'she y Sefken. They (Renhold Abele. pastor) sen, Mrs. Md Barker and G, Mrs. Ronald Samp- attended Gary O. lson's rth. T.he t 'tl' b S. ay. Elz"r. uckett Bethany Q j;, a tended he Altona lther " ' T _ S "ay p'arty Wednesda au. umn mo S ecomlng '00 'H 8 fh' K '!, ;" l \,,',' _ a.uu.daty,oct,8: Cqurh school, daughter and Mrs. Esth,er Hll. son, rls...lj:ro;y levers,. Mrs. ::',,', vous',n '.thet)dergarten room, an S 0 0, a,ny;. Y':"",.:- ; eague ha l3ck \fde. Slda:.He:te lw a.nr-.; Rlornmg worshp.. Omaha, attend d Pleasant Valley Hans fek' Mrs. Albert L. Nelson -"; and Mrs. ". ',.,. '. : _ J..'.M'r..aru:.Mp,. Verno:,.r,lOD.,.,' g n n Mr, and' Mrs. :.presto RO'gen. 'thursday Oct. 22: Adult clas's, Lades Ad me tng Oct. :att the an; Sf, ': Jv.nor Greve. The Mr, nd Mrs,.,,'".' t> M"' Hlmrr 'Honored f" t(!nd _ CUJ;.J4(pt..04!j;,J _ 2 p.m. horne of Olga d Acelafuen. gro ",h lel'lfurnsh sandwches son, Oakland, an Mr. and, Mrs.. F d. f day -even ng and were :"HV(,!rrugb b 'ch and faml\y were nner Norfolk. They g ve $0 ph l:. for "aftej;'nn lunch.and assst- Albert Echtenkamp were supper ' ay eve g a group rom Op guest of r and Mrs,.;m Qua!!) g ests Sun ay af\ the He.nrh H!- Methodst Church brary.ftmd of P nder, to urchase ed n fe!rvng. guests Sunday n the Gary 0 4 Nef al Chapter 9 oes went to Waus Challer ew dub VS! cd Elm' t k mann ho e, Crrol.', (Keth Brunng.' pastor) books. The orga 'zaton w s start-. Mr fnd Mrs Ed Krusemark and sn home n honor Q.f the hostess' HOamatmleonndd ww.,u'parescehnatepdtera' 50y'ea' NurslOg orne, Ponea, st T! Peggy an Roger Schmdt spent Sunday. Ocl. 8: Sunday salloo. ed at the S C. ressler orne n Mr. -d Mrs. 'mrvn Frey were at brthday.,. ". lay aller oon, t e wecken n tle Donald }[an 9:4p a.m.; servce, lq;50. MYF, Lesle n 920 an an observance St... hr' res. Mnln., for a weekend Mrs.,Art Meyer and rs. ne'.st membershp pm. Eldred Smth Odds nd End 4 H club e sa home., " 6:30. S planned next y ar. Mrs. Wnne at the rt Jorgensen, hgme. They Packer vsted Mrs. :Wlla A. w<;jrtby patrn,. Allen, pr.esente achlevem nt day Saturday eve n.- _ 4 r. and Mrs. ", Paul Hlert 't'hursday, Oct. 22: WSCS. 2 p,m. M Q tn' a harter attend d the \ wedng of Betty Meyer at Dahl Retrement,nter MSS HowC\rd,Wth a Star pm fro at the C*b room Leader, JJ. et Sund y h. Ftemont vs ng m;m:ra hc: c nscter at Jorgenp. and :j\chael Mart at Thursday afternoon. ' Opal chapter. :Those attend.mg wer Warner, ave a'-report ot the ear : r lapves a d fnends. Chrst Lutheran Church P l V R Lttr Lewstm'l. Mnn. ; T.he newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schulz and Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Smth, Mr'l k progra was gven by _the em 'j" Wast We nesdayl, evenng Mr. (Paul H. Moeller, pastor:l wheea;he ad eas rgakd. Te are en).p qed n 'a hosptal n Ro. Loren vsted 0 the Gerald ofen- Paul Koester Mr and Mrs. How bers ' l',nd: Mrs. drrest \tansen ente- 'L t h November meetn wll be wth chestell. Mmn. kamp home,. CarroH, la",atur o _ ard Gllespe ad Eveln, Mrs M. and Mrs. Roy Hellner m v,; ' tand Mr. and Mr. Pete He- Led30. 5: u e r "!\rs. Agnes Jorge sen...l., clay., Anna Janssen. Mrs. Verne Lar to toe L theran Sunrse '- a'no,t' sen, Norfolk Mr afld Mrs V', Stlturday, Oct. 7: Confrmaton ' \. Mr. and Mrs. Leon AndJrson son, Mr. Carl ',Anerson, Mrs '550.Gor n Drve, Soux,Cty' ",;.' rett Mr 'and' spn and Mr' '" m Mr. and Mrs. C renee Becken- Sh',es and Suzanne, Oz:naha, were week- Ezra ChrJstensn. MSS Hammon Raymon Duraflt, Dafe 'JacksOn; :sson fest - h d f ' h end guests at Ernest Andersons. taught school 0 ]Allen for man D b C'r J', lfll carol. anb, for Lou Ann's nnth! auer an. am Y. ere.nc e.on V ft.rs, Martn Mdsen They. had cooperatve- dnner,sun- years., Je: le Jac o'n :cere:...'.,afr:" '_ rthay., ' ;Sh?nC:'o. 9:30 a.m.; sodrtev; lat e; h 48 R4 R d h nay n the Tm Shellngton home.. Wnklcr ltended MY}' ray at Mr. and rs. Charles Roggen'r the Wsner Wake eld football e. 6 an 0 P Mrs. Kermt Turner and 0lscar Club Marks Annversary! Mornngs e College, SOUXl,C y/ nd'mrs. eorge Thompson anj n;yon,'ool:: b ch, \Mrs. da Rewnfle, Mr. anq Mrs. Erna Tuchr s vstng,(amc. Md ld, M St h t!3eeker, sr., attende,d funeral.erv. Sandhll C,lub, Allen, ceebraed',saturday. n the mortung, trey t-- :\,rs.. V. gler and\ Mrs. R. FJ ths we(k n the.mr. Wllam Thc Eml Tarnows elped LeRoy M' ant Wr x. a t spn c.es!or Helen 0 C.onnor. loux ts 25th andlversary Oct. 6.. Fve tended an ssembjy and classr ROgge$baCh spent tl)e weeken BJarelman home. G' P d br h on a B he nesgar)n e 0- Clty, Thursday mornmg. of the,charter members stll be- sessons. n the atlernoon tle wth $r. a d Mrs. J,ohn Kopha-! Mrs. Wllam Barelman had as b'ay Sdey a eontr S arsa JOhn morras V&na. Mrs. '.The Clar lter famly. asf'oleur long to the club. They are Mrs. tended th Morrmngsde.South mer" Who,ere honord' on' ther l, supper guests Saturday nght: Mr. Mrs. Mabel Cl enbe rd s Lynn <J;ale:l.wayne,_ and Mrs. Cltv, were vlltors Sunday JOlD Polter, Mrs. tr Krause, kota lootba game, lcl'th wtdcln{. and Mrs,. Loren Beckler and sw'ndng some tm wt Mrs. Wlly ahler, West Pont, were 'noon at Kermt Turners. Mrs. Everett Carr, rs 'Joe Carr Dnner g"esh. n the,c.. Guests S[daY eveqng n the famly. NClrfolk, Mr. and MrS]. Edth Flynn, Peder. vstors: n the Max Stahl home Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bse anl Mrs. Anna Janssen. Mrs. Ben hom,hom 5uAtt4lr honorfrjl, '_, ' -rn. ry 'Br un eck hom. were Mr. Wllam Wley and famly, Wn- Joe Wlsons were at Melvn Wednesday afternoon. and Verde vsted n the GeM Dson, aso a harte member, but and Mn. os G,:H)d on thelr:5 t ::' - -j ard ME'S. E nest StueV)'!, Mr. and sde. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Von 'Seg- Wlsons Frday even g hbnorng Mr. n(j' Mrs. DO\lglas Bergen- Bose home, Wayne, Sunday eve. nof'longer a member, ',was also pres- w'l'ddng nnlversary M.";. :'ll's. elaren c!=ornet Mr. and gern and famly, Hoskns, and the brthday of Mrs. Meln Wl- ske sp$t, the weeke#d at the Bll nng. Gerald, who had bee., a en. Corsages were presented to and MrS. Nell Sf.hn., Joyce. : lrs. Ernest Brmdec. Mrs. Frpd:l Hahlbeck, Wayne. son. Helmer lffe enroute to Ft. Lup-, patent n 5t. Joseph's hosptal, al charter members. Gue'sts, who Jance, leaundale Mr. f ' lrry. alrs,sr, C, e: Mrs. Wllam Barelman and Ervn Bbttgers 'W re dnner ton, Colo. Soux CtY returned home Sat- have been members, were Mrs. Mrs. Leo ard R.app, Bll "a, Mr$. Erna Tucker spent the guest.s Sundy at the G'lbcrl B. auss Mr. an Mrs. Jm Ste.vens and urday. Maxne Bjornson, Orchard, who.re- Mke, Ben on, Rev, and Mr,. O' Hn a d Mrs... enry prj now and weekend at the Ron HU'ter home, WaynlC.. Krsty, F lfuoot, were vstors rl Thursday evenng Mr. and Mrs. ceved a corsage _for.comng the Ltrell, Arl :n. Farbury, Mr.,. -:::==:j;.=:::.:...:..l::..::ll:;j",:al;:d::a::nd+;:m:rs:,::g:r9c:e::s::ta:r:k:'. home, Omaha, and n the Gale Mrs. Ervfn Bottger and! Edth the B :Helmer home over the LeRoy Johnon attended E r farthest.; Mrs. Ear Kel, a former Mrs. Marl n :Anderson, Stee, r Goetze home, Fremont. attended a' country arnval at weeken. Johnson's brthday party at THurs- teacher of Sanl :d00, and Kay, Cone: ;d Ron 0m.,.r - Mrs. Mare Hansen, Pnder. Thurtorr l:jj school rdy eve- Mr land Mrs James. Tetgen ton., Mrs. Troutman, SOUX t'. Mrs. ry Scott, M,f,rd, and,,! was a vstor Frday evenng n nng. Proce ds are to be l!sed to and fny attended a famly Jane and Jeanne Rng spent Ray Brownell read letters from 50m, So x Cty....,> _:.,. the Gorge Dnklage home. buy deep free,e for the school. gatherln at te Herman Thomp- Saturday wth Jana Dahlgren, former l;embers unable to attend. Jerry Se t, Lusk, WYO',..WBS a!. ;< bam,..p: am!: Tdoas ;e:f Mr. and Mrs. AJ.b rt &tule's,: son hlam.e, BereSford, s. D., Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schulz atnd. A memofl was presented by Mr;; weekend g est of Ron sondlt,.',. Wayne, v. and M. Adolph 5MunrdCJYt"n" Mrs. Glen Burnbam, ed a corn pckng contest last James ltchell and Mrs. Ernest Claren ho b.orne.., Both, boy&_ a.,!.'\ the Patrck McGJ.l home. Henschkl' am Mr. and Ms. Ru- _ tl _ Monday at Bancroft. 'Johnson n memory of the seven tend Neb' ska Vocatpnal Tee '.- \ Mr:, and Mrs. Harold.Dnkage dtllph Hamrher lla've b en assst- waynev.sted n the Cha.rhe Sohn Mr. and.mrs. Dean DahlEen deceased members. Mrs. Everett cal School, Mlf;. ''"' spent Thursday and FrdaY n ng at the Marvt:l M 'er home. home r '5-y. and chldren and Mr. and s. Carr was n charge of the guest Mrs Nor s E ry /jnd Mz:s. J _ Omah:a, Saturday they vsted Joy- Mr. :Meer was njured a com- Mr. a '.Wfrs. Charle Sohn were Stanley Dahlgren and chl: en book and Mrs. Wendell 50m greet- Warner at ended Cumng count t' ann at Ue Unlversty of Nebra _ka. hne laccder)t Frday, sng part dnner *sts Sunday n the Ed- were dnner guests Sunday n', the ed the guests. Mrs. Walter Krau,se acheveme t day Frday a,., Mr. and Mrs. Lee Clayton,a.nd of a fnger, The Don ld Bhld- wal Ma enery home, Elk Pont. Wllam Bucb,holz home: poured and Mrs. Joe Carr served noon. '...,:. daughter, Omaha, were weekend gamsl, Carroll. also ass ted.,aug- Mrs.J hn Kuhl and chldren The Kermt Turner famly Were punch. Otbs assstng were Ms.,!, j guests n the Roy Sullzer home. ust ajnd Carl Thun Wa e were spent harsday_afternoon n the supper gueste Sunday n the f>en- Maron Lppolt' and Mrs. Jack Mt ' k' f"".-. $. Gene Koehler vsted Mr..and vstors n the horn,. ' Augt!.st Ublge home, Fordyce. ns Fredrckn home. chell. Wsner owns Wa e.e,,, ' W Mere'k' e'ntd'.arr Y He Ketenrds ovmedj:,mr. and Mrs. Flenry Mueller. Mr. : Mrs. Everett Robns. Mr. and rs. Darrell Nelaon Wakefel traveled to Wsne: Emerson, were vstors S day at Hartng o;. v:rere guests Monday Maskell, an Mrs. Ray frnd Achevement Day Held day nght nd sffered a 34j, e COllMcge,'.FnrdemMon r ;:, Leon Popken Wlla'm Hansens. Mr. nd Mrs. n the rtn Madsen home. hlped BUe ewton teleratel hs. Dxon County ExteDS0f: Achev(:;- ba'c.."";,:,t Ardell Mueller were vs ors Sat- Mr. n Mrs. Martn Madsen brthday Wedpesda.y. evemng. ment Day was held,ot. at Wake WJner 5 ored "On,0,th, c and famlv and Mr. and Mrs. urdayj. called. he 'Y.ar.ren Chrstansen Mr. and Mfs. Stanley Da!UJren feld Hgh School audltc-r urn. Host- ond qu.artt,and ag,hp. n lb.jjr.. n;tl. w:: ':::t :. wee: Md. Albert L. Nelson nd Mrs: home, 0 olk, Flrday mornng. attended Couples club. meetn at ess clubs were.lf." Emerson Wkefel s touchdown came JJ, " Dale :Nelson,served: St. aul Ad Mr. n M'S' John Hll and Concord Sund;ay evemng. Pf?ject. Frendshp. Hap y Home thrd perj :;.a:.:':t:;a;:tnwo;;vgan:n Thursday. November h stesses famly. R n.clol h,_ spent.wednes- Mr. and Mrs. August Lorenzen. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::t=:::=;::::::::l;l wll,e Mrs. HermFln Ba er and day n e D nald Wnkelbauer Wayne, were supper guests un versry., Mrs. 'Eml Tarnow. borne day at LeRoy Johnsons. ' ThLfDllowng women attened Wat Me)er. Loveland" Colo:,.r. n Mrs., Warren, Janssen Mr. and Mrs. 'Ho\vrd De.tln the WCS dstrct workshop at t " d M d "G h ood was dnner gues TJUr.ay aj: and fa e gpests, Saturday an r. an r:s. J. CU e. ' Mado Frday: Mrs. E w Arnol Brudgams and v 'ted al pvenng.. the. Gordon Janssen Laur, were, supper guests un- mms;c'hn, :=cs Henry Xorths n the ate n. home, 0 ge.. day D the Meyer home. r. Qum y and Mrs. Keth Brunng. Mr.l, and' Mrs. Carl Hru'dlgam, Mr. n ts. Carl Janssen, Detlefson, f h r;.ently ft h d suff.ered brn the M t.,. and Mrs. Harley Zeht Mr. and Mrs. Robert HanSEn and Colerd e, were dnner guest Sun oss 0 ' s. an m,a c f lb A t Hlk d M d day n Wa...en Janssen home chopper acc ent. L l, and 'amly, Hudson, Colo., spent. rwultsan-s:nand y for La Y:.; brthday. ". Mr.,n? Mr. Lloyd Roe!;n' nd $eekend h the John Zehl helped Arnold Brudgam remem- Mr. ". s. Warren Janssen SOD!;j 'VSted ld the MerlD' aul MrS:_ Eml Carsten, Mr. and her hs brthday Wednesday eve- and fam re guests Frday home, Wayne, Wednesday ev, rs. Gordon Sedvy, Gretna. and nng. evenng the Bll Bermel borne. Mr_' and Mrs., Lloyd Roeber d Mr. land Mrs. Frank Sedvy, Mrs... Mary Kodel anat Edwa\d, Mr. a,..,m. Joel Hnkle were sons and MrJ and rs. Ve el Wyne, were dnner and supper Colerdge, were supper guests!wests s ' yvenng n the Mur Hntrom. Sott and Jeff. erguests SUnday n the Orvlle wet;lntday at Arnold Brndga'!'s. ray Le 'oj,. mllon, S, D" were dnner, gn,xle en holne, Wayne. ' R". Caryl Rtchey and famly, '>rr. a Mr, Julus, Olberdng SUJ.da y ll thetvf;jbw;, B:l': h r. ard Mrs. Carl Schermeer Mr. nd Mrs. Wllam Ha;lsen and and fa y, R ndolph, were sup- m'. and Mrs.' Bo 0 an an. vs ' Monday' evenng n the chden, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold p.er gue t ' ay n the Joe Hn- S,ODs ad.d Mat'Lne An.dron., h Bruam, Mrs, J\.able Olnken- de hom '. oux Clt.y. w re Vlsf?rs,Sa day.,r a$.l:'bnmdeck beand. Mr. and MrS_ Carl Brud- ;'Mr. Otn Peters,were 4 the Hjam,Lund 'bome. Mr. "\ had. ab dnner guests 3und.ay, Mr_ gam,l' Henry Boktrmper. 'Anta ghests d y ln t Ed Stratll: ad Mrs. Mohan and Mr. and s. and Mrso K)","'e,\Koebmoos, Ml- Schnckloth and fullus. eyer man ho e. Rndo, fuld we:r Ja,lmer bp;:n attej}d: t.b: OOt 'hb...,...;"'..,..,.,...,.h-*,,,,,,,,,,,+r7 -.L...,.-ll",,;-...,..."';'---t : a d '): nd M B rt were dnner guests S;unday at Rob- guests th,a:le, Petrs home, of D_ e F?n _ " ''J'; _ ar.. fld,'"a rs. u on "-.,'. "", ',;',

5 L.,..!, Carlson, Mrs. E. T. warnemunlje'l Mrs. Art ScheUpepcr, Mrs. H. T Neely. Mrs. Alyn Schmode, Mrs t, J'. <rae-ber,nnd Mrs. Loue KahJ. }'ddny ('VClllt: n tho )(lll.wj.lck,,"lpl ('d V hlkltmp. Octj 20'ork(u: ,Mrs. WerneT. Janke wll host the homl', tobert 'K'olP and Denl' wut -bc' M's. Gerald.Do{kcr,and, - -l-_ _.:.: oct 23 Ucchng. W.elblc w(.'r.' QVl''nlgh( gu(!lt.., 0'.. :\':;- HO, '"Klndt., Nov.,".0l C, du)' evenng n the W eker hom \. wll be '!;lrs. UlockQr bnd Mn' Lbr... ry Bo-ard Meets ll the Edd!( 'Petersen Pl",ohle Crub Mech,, tr. and Jttrs. Otto "Qld nnd Ml'" Mal'k DClnhonl..Mn., Lptltc.'J'.Praw. dd m;adnr::p' BG SAVNGS The LOW PRCES y u see here are just a 5 all sample of the VAL*ES you'll fnd at SAV M R'S HARVEST SALE. e've Scores of QUALTY BUYS n your avorte hrlth and groom ng suppl es - famous brands a LOW SALE PRCES,,L, H'lUPS' MLK! Of MAGNESA r 5 tablets 69 ( olo SPCE OEOORANT SPRAY FOMEN $ nlmlc 00 f ask plus tax Ls tere.,..,...,. 25'" rog, 59c 39c Reg, 90, 68'c,.' NOW Save at Say-Mar D.calum 2989c Phosphate,,00's,':;6',;/.. Fa,hl.n Rte, reg, $.5998 Compl' te Home Permanent,,SAVE. C Wlnsd.' Llbl':l ' Board mel Oel. Mrs F d Wtt' t : h t D..onn Ulbrtl,Y and Chll.drcn Wf>fJ ltl P(,!'.d at tll(',lr WML T.cct.ln. 3 at he lbrar)' room, ;\frs, ajph to G T. OClllc lbwd:; St sltors MunMlY.'\'t!lllUg n tl\t aud :nv', n report or, the rau)" u nrn('(', v('l' lrcsldcnl, wa l S. t P. e b M Chrs Hn'Rho'.z holh', Wl)')t.'.' Punell S(')l(.'tnhcl'. A dhlln"l&don dhlrj:e of tll(' ll'('[lng C;llld..-s oel cr.ooje mes e:,;.. Ychr-:: Shs. t.ll'lm PfeJlft'" HH'llt Slttul' Wll/> ('d h)' Ht',V., M. Wper\; :::';, ;\:see,,',e'::::::;,:,c'f / :CSl.. :nn : [{ank Dangbcrg wll?', :r;::(:/:'\:::"':::'::,:, :;,(;:::'n:::::,:':::: Books "Our dedellt (lnd!. fhe Trnty L thetan Mssq,nary Rulh' C;:rcle Meets brthda)', gl'oul Q.('lends,wmJo T}lPst\ /llld \rl..- Sam nechcr( Ton:h h "nsl: Jw\t' been pjlal'... d Wecrmsday. act 2 " f h d' l'nll'rtahu'd n lls. lu,me. \ycdnc-\' WU('. gu!l, n tll' }ornc8t ld'on on thc' shelf. Scattered Nghhors w:khn'scocetyoof tc(;t:os da cvcnlng 'logt'('!lsjvl' ptc: 0 nl" Vhync, Thurl>day aft0l00n -Ronald ( {b('r! NClfolk <lnd \r Th;:l;, \ :. 22 vcc mct Tuesday at the church. ;ct: t:\trdt:\-'; for ':lonlll'' meetlng. V rn HUzl' \\('l SUpple uc"s ' J.l'lSUre L lows trl Mlor.tza BrCht, Jack '/Jl>lte, lrs" Chrl$l day m the Wl,l s Hlzl' home (o-l('rjp Cub Such presded. Mrs. Ralph Prnce, '.' Weble a\(l Mrs. Walter F.'mk'. See By. Th'e Herald l $ Jt;nsl ltllfl) LlJl'ton --- Mrs. J. Bruce Wyle and Mrf!hf,:tt' d",m';r'o',llt,a:fhrn,,,,o,,,,h,.a,,,n,",wn'le''. ' ". "',', 00. ane H' llt'l, KllSl Tl' twll, Colene Me ts Thursday Charles Farran were' honored fo.... U :,gl:\;',,\l;:;;;<,f;::, ::;,:kjl \:';,':lnfr"c :e;r; le:/ ef:. s 'tl";<h";:,:f l:,: anr. L:y:Mnlll.rtrcAtl:! other rl.'lallhs.\nd Jnt'H.ls L. Neely rr '(lved the prz{', JW.rs, ErckSOn read the scrpture. Mrs.,won by Mrs. Herbert K.e,t"n!wng, -:lles, Sunda'y n tho."oyd An. Mr. lnd M '. luly {;anhl{', Fred l';l"l'k,on Wll be hgstcss Oct. Suehl was hostess. :\-trs. lt'rbcn Ollz, \'> tal'l En. tro'...s, holl'le, ' Waynr, Wp.rl v.r:t"s Tle.da al-: 23. le's, "lox Brud'/-:llll nr.d Marv!'\- Mr. and Mr, Arn.ln B..:m.rn lerno(m n tl< {:lfl HJ"(lll/.V\.JU h..eensang. vs!('(! n Hw A't Drnn!lclkll home h::;,::n,dab*'e:n:::: l' :tt::;jtb:an:onl':churches... tl ;l;:"e;:,;;';::::s''::y.:;c;' L.enerd S'hw.n. day n th lea, BrClllzynskl. at cards \H''C receved by Mr, and Methodst ChlJ,.ch, Leonard ljnd Marvn. Andcrsclll:( fullllly. ;pcnt last.sund.qv home.,,, \rs. Ervn Ju('gel' Mr. and Mrs (J,ohn Horner, pas.lor) nomes.. Tle Cullens' attended the Sr!lllyll'' wth 'Mr. lnd Mrs,. nar :\lr. WllS Hllz(' and! \<":; Vernon \ldjlr und Glbert Spll Sunday. Oct. 8: Sunday school, funeral of Mrs. Fred )all'd al Cllr, an Haley.,. ",' ",,,.:".a0cl5 cavcn ỵ PClll, VndllYafter. gcrbl't" 0 a.m.; WCft'shlp servlc.. roll Saturday. Mr' and Mrs, Robert Sl.''r. noon,wth Mrs, -. J. Lullt;<m n,. th f t t db M H ' W Mr and Mrs. ()tto Feld lnd Bnu'c and Leanne,' TotrJJ;lgton,,':. Mr ond Mrs. "dwl.tl Brugr n and ''=es Ad jlwml Meets Theophllus Church 5 00 en re y orey a n oyn. famly were guesl$ n pte Rubcll Wyo., vsted Weftnesday,\0;, f! ' Mr., and Mrs. on SlCd.'CllJ.<J,?, and 5. Paul's Lutheran Lades Ad CA. D, Weage, pastor) homecomng Grade n the cage,,0 W! anlm:ol Feld home, wtsner, Tuesday cvp. day n the Jt)n Owens '"hom.e:. ' Kt'Vl, Norfolk, were?uests the a d LWML met Wednesday after. Sunday, Oct. : Sunday school,! nng n honor of the Feld's wed. Spendng' the weekend at. 'lob ".' DennS Rowers orne atul'dy l've n, :30 a.m.; worshp servce, 0:30. roll, and Mr. and Mrs. Denn n the! Donald Pfeffer home, home. W,sAdr. Saturday' th, Ber. dng a,nnvcs[lry.. were ther daughters, nole' al':,'. ; nng for the jrlhdays of Harry: noon Wth 3' members and guests, Bwers, Joan lnd Barry Lee were Wayne. nard Jensens were supper gu sts.n Mrs. AlVn Bargstadt had de Judy.. :"'.,.-, '',r Lee Bowers'and' Mrs. Sledsc!lJa g. Mrs. RUss{'\ Hoffman, Mrs. Wayne Trnty Lutherln Churh 'vlstrs Mood y evenng n tho Mr. d Mrs. Wlls Rltze and the Wlls Rtze home. votons. Mrs:'Rhard MUl.'r pl'(.' Mr, and Mr, W.ltor LUfW ':, <,;..) Mr. and \-l's l..john, HOW"S and :lh'oh\r:'nj)oars:ce' (H. F. Otto Mueller, pastor) Berne Bowers home.,r Blly, rst Jens.en and Mr-;, Mr. and Mrs. WernC?'Mann andsded. Snack bar worker!; at Lu chldren len Saturday after t,q). f,., ru fanmg''y'n "',<,::ed:n'l,",:.jrllso,:u(.'l's,d'j,',n:vl" p resl'llt, ' Wednesday, Oct. 4: Senor chor Mr. ad Mr. Clarence Pfeffer Jam('s. aveny wer supper guests famly and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth the.ran hosplud. Ndrtolk.,"rldny ter' spendng a week h,.,/l<j,: \;' '- '-....,0 Hv <. ehearsal, 8 p.m and famly spe t Thursday evenng Thursd n the Bern 'd Jensen Wagner and famly were vstors wre Mrs. Chrst Wc'ble and Mrs Owens home, ',: '.',,:,j,,; '." Vstors TUl,s}av afternoon n the Frday, Oct. 6..Junor choj', t t Mrs. \lfl.llll' Ard.'rst"!.'. h.ollll' v,,'ere Ne.ghborr;g Crcle Meets p.m., Mrs. James l'o'('ny, Krlst Jensen Anna Carstens entertamed Negh Saturday Oct l' Senor contr : \ ]'".., ;;':;7rJ,r::!' :'llhj',: f'f:gljrrj;:s?;e f; :fs/:::s;;;:h:o: LA,D n E,.,', Come' t,o OurB9 K.'TCH EN,:,:,' j',' l\:r. alld MrJ. Warrell \larotz lutl' of Nor' olk, Sept. 27. Przes. " and fllmly wete vstors FrldllY WPTe won by, Mrs. Dora Deck, Mrs. St. Paul' Ev, Lutheran C.hw,ch. \. evenng n the Vjrnon Mller home. j John ROhlff Mrs. Robert go- an:! (H. M. Hlpert, past0') '..,.",,'; '".:<",!. Mr: and Mr.. LlOyd Roeber Mrs. Lestr Deck. Te nex reg Frday, Oct. 6: Membershp Wake eld, sprnt. SundllY afternoon u.lar meet?ct. 22, S wth Mrs. lass, 8 p.m. n the \'prnon l\-llkr!jolllc'. " red :"VlurhJ leer. Saturday, Oct. 7: Sat u r day l\s. Sam HCCllC'rl, (Jadys amj hurch school, p.m.; teachers ::,. '! W.s alt.ell.dn tlul'shlng bel'.tl Brdge.C,Ub.Meets ble class,'s " NlObrlll'a Sunda. Ml'. H...t Hnpet entcrtanf'd Sunday, Oct. 6: No Sunday.,. Sgt. and M'. Leon Kocn and ],4 Brldge lllb Frday. Guests chool; MssOn Sunday worshp, «famly, Fol" Cr,mpbell, Ky" 0'- wcrt' Ntl", Th!'el'n Froehlch, M", 0:20 o,m,' Rev, Woller Bartb, ) :f.;';;;7p;lt::,;;e';{;(,;:j(hfl'm,,,::!::r:tl:ble: Hlly, Mrs.,la!lleS Cavrny and J. <.;. Swclg 'd and Mrs. Loue Krst Jensen m'rl' \'Sltol' Tucs-;ahl Przes went to MrS r.::_.e.r.. plus tax """".", Sze 620.dr $)20 and Saturday Many (ustom+mde Features: * Lazy Susans * Pop-up Mxer Shelves * Adjustable Shelves * Sldng Pan Drawers '' ' WE WLL BE OP THURSDAY NGHT Odober 5, fr Ths Event! Come n and see our 4splay, have a cup of coffe,e and be here!for, the Slver Dollar Drawng h* FREE COFFEE fo 0-/' Thursday, rday! See Our (om,e e\ Dsploy 0 the NEW'lQNG BElL and VERA [ Ktchen,!Cabnets PR([ED so LOW YQ $55!ths week! CAWT BELEVE T! FREE October 5, 6, '&7 SECTONALLY QUtTTO FT NTO ANY AREA YOU MAY 'HAVE! : DRAWNG Over '$30 n Merchandse Przs Ị --" Wll be gven away by' ou.' stpre,0<clebrate ths Opn House. Regster toda.y You do not have to be preen,t to lvn. Wnners wll be '''otfcld. 5...: MBER :CO,.,,.... aye, Nebr. Phqne 3!S-20

6 6. " ELDEN ' The Wayne nkbr,) Hcrd'd, T,ursdoy,Octaber 5, 964' Snturdny. EWS THURSDAY October 5 COllNfR OF THRD AND MAN-WAYNE ;30 P'l". l ') THE SSUES '. "wb pon!"or('d by t,. P: prj".,\. Flr!!t Mflthodsl Churl-',} ; LLL zonl'"\ fnlll'tlhy, GrlH.'(l. soclatbn. (Cc:cll ' Bf8S,., Pnston NtH folk, dnn('r, tl:30. L Oc. 7. Cllhlr(>, 'UPsfHlv, 0(' o: Sunday tu,lhoul ' W ' dho', P n ',/tllff. g.u ' ". G,'yne,' '! Sunday Oct '8' L{H'lh''S!-:lUll WCt!ScSdllY. Oct 2: Glmma Qel, - day, \"'OSlP, 30 ntd U Pll,) l!, JO P m, "lm nnl! c.llljcussljm: MRS! DUANE KRUEGE!:.j Ph ne YU Ch,ur' 'h'e' S... Churc)..schnl" 9 45, scn'll hll: )uulh clu ', 75; udult chor, 8.SQ, GlH',tf Tl Ul'l'H)UY ('\'('njn! n the'jlh ' Hallly, Randolph, Hud George ' / MYF, Wed esdn, 30 Ot 2 \Vl'h'y "\' '---FlrJt Dapthlf Church,Jolm Wohbe herst home,,,,pre :'-rs.] Peppel', Webb, a Epl-opo. Church l lowshlp, 6 Pll, Jr hgh!'lf.. (\"nml, 'l'llc'l:sl'l, pfllfor) Rpy Anders, Mrs., ''l'nd.a!tpley, Suppe' gucgts Sunday n th..., ChanCe! dloh. 7bo, J' htj.l"h Mtl', Wc'dnl'sdll>'" Oct 4: VohlUtr and :\'8. Hc;)('rt WOhh:,nhorst.! L Francs Brcdorck home, Plan Wltse Chapel 7 30 laf,"!"'.", "r,",',','".',.. t.",,-,,',... :\"('.w." wr('.ja,mes Broderck and (James Barnett, pastol) "'h () j '" F' t d9l" 7 Pll: Prlly{'!' mn.\uh"tpt"l",'\.." " '-. urse By, ('\... ' S \lc Y -tt Pllt. wth' tlll' cl'uslldc u C 'JO.USOl hol ( \\ as ;Ylr;, J':Jllll:J. He, ;'.'.. <Jnlll Mrs. Br.lb l<lrpp" and Sunday, Oct 8 Church schqol, cours<;" a.lll. : lty llllllllbl'tutn. B..._ : Domlld. :\'<ry.(. 0'::5 <-.ll.;,nornng prayer, 0:3, _,, 'J'hul".'clap, Ocl'.' 5: '.WOln'l M s. Alvl Hoth \\':ls a guest n Dunel,gucsts n the Bernard Ar-] / 'Redeemer l;j.t:leran hcl'c Mls..sOl.UU'Y Stcl'tY sludyl, 2,::30 '. lh:e 'Jake.'. M )'l.'.'l' h.". lh' Tue.SdUf'.a.r- duser h ln.e. Sunday wcre Charles U'r;telo Presbyterl,n Churc{. (5, K. de F'leesc, PlS{)fr)...r J Mrs LllUl'll Wade nome., :., tarnoon wh n :'ll's. Mey('r (ller- Ardus?rand Mr.. and Mrs. Jerry (John w. Vuth, paslor), Thursdny, OC't.! 5: Sc'whg grhup. ' sndlll' Od, J8: Sundlly -sel., ;. lalled the ttl" Nght Out (,lt.,ardlscr.nd lamlly, Handolph. l Sunday, Oct. 8: Church s hool, :30 p.m. ' 9 ;o5n'll,; worshplcrvlcl,-t-l\,s Dnnel' glll sts Sunday n tlle Law \r. a -Mrs. awrcncc Larson communcants class, 9:30.m; Saturday, -Oet.: 7: JunJ{>!' cllo:\", Sl\[.(-e fro n Hf,manS ; YOUU,. _: rlt('c Vcgt hollle were Mr an,lvbted "hurlday wth Fronk llar. twol'sh servce,'ll; nurser pro. :30 p.m.; {.'tmfrmato.n class, 2.. low.s'hp wul polhlck,'llpp-n':',,6 Mrs. Merle 'yl(''. Creghton. ' son. Ha!llgton. ' vdcd; estmrste-l' Youth, 'p,m. Sunday, 0('\" 8: Enrly S('l'Vlcl'S,p.m.; (; spel sl'h'lc(.-elt. C.'l Y. Ud., Guesls,a a d:nr,cr he.d ]the --- Wcdn day, Oct. 2;. Pre-byter 9 and a.m.,sc:rmon: "To Stuud"';!llortlll, 8..,d. Enrl Scho -r"over home Su.day Attends ffunerat an 0 n, Dr. Warren Wllams adult Bble elass llld Sunday Mouday. Oct. 9: ''r'ustcqs,...,:3l). were Mr, r.,d Mrs, R,mald.::. Funerl scrvces were held wll, e on "Chrstan ltzen- school, 0. p.m.; llclcons, 8:30. ' -oln and'. eborllh, Dakota. ty, Thur5da n the Catholc church 5hP,'. pm, Unted 'ampus Wednesday, Oct 2 Youth dlolt, ' Mr. and frs. chard Sc ultz Cleanvatl'" [or a frmc-l' Belden l'hrlstla Fellowshp, WS' Brch 645 p,m, Vlsltrrs ut 30, ttla-ell St, Paul's Luthoran Church.. and Mrs pal Schultz, YJaosa. l'cs'dent; J\ s.,jom 'reedenjackt H,om Father WJlham lehman els m('etlllg, H _ (Hohert E Shll ck, fluslor>! The group. sper,t( the. afternoon Blr.aJ \!'tl.s n he Cathdc ceme \\ J speak on 'Mncc,l Mu 'nages, ' --- SnturdllY, Oct 7 Jr. clltctll m, vlowrng sllktos taken Denver lery, RaHlolrh. Attendmg the ser 5 pm, tholl" practce, 8 n Grace Lutheran Church pm Sllnbeull tholr, :,ll; J', by Mr, Scpulh. vc!'s ["" Beden were Mr. and Mssour Syno:l thull 2 Senor cntc('hhull, 2:3(. t';uests Flfday allerno:m n the l\rs. Chns, G'<lf, :Vr. and M:s. St, Marv's Catholc Church (E J llerntpal, pash ) S,"du Ocl 8 Church lldl )O' Clarence S,laplenran hollll'.wt:'lt Chr.S A.jduse.r.'.l\r, and Vt'S.'. HS.'S t (\\'Jllam C Kleffman, pastor, Thursay.?ct. 5: Gamn)a Dl'J, 9 : n n,m.'; ldull llhe. cl/lfs:/u::5...mr, lnd :"of!'s' AlVn Young,!Han'l ;Vlosl'lcy Walt Graf ard :\lr. and ' Thursday, Oct. 5J: Ma '5, chapel, ex. bold, 6,30 p m... _rdvne wc}n,hlp,,0:30., ','. umlph. weeken ':"ors 'r 'd ThH's. Servng ts pall, : 30 a.ll.; Bngo, hall, 8: 5 p. m. Satur'pay, Oct. 7: J ltnlo' l'lwll',... (.,'".'d ". u" ucsto,','n Lt,e. MrS. 'Dl."... t,oa.,.e"s '- we,','. Chr,." ",- At'llusol', Cll"S Frday, Oct. 6: \a '5, chapel, p,m.;! S alur d ay sc 00 an d con _. Mond,l),.. ()( t ).. h\ en," ng, " 8 _.... y, {llhy WhPPle home WfJl"(' :'ll". and (;raf, y.,jalt Graf, Fred The-s and :30 a,m. : frmalqn rsll'lcton, '30 8 p.m.. -r _- l\lrs. Honall )laches anr! d' ugh Blss. MlrselC'y,' Belden, and Robed Snlllrday, Oct. 7: M ss, church, Sund4L Ocl. 8. Sunday SChOlll Wcdnc'sday, oct 2 LSA COlfje n tem s'r.a;.adut,'.!> rs.,lbc' Law't" v'ste.! ", 8 a.m.; nstructon fer ublc school and Ble classes 9 a m worshp chapel 7 pm; Senor chor, 30; " b AN ANMATED ELEPHANT enttled "Jumbo Jumbo towered ov,erf prostrate fg.ure reprcsent- chldrcll, :30 to 3 Pn.; confes servces, 0, Rev' l'-'lcde;lck NlCd Luther'LeLlgul' hay rde, 8,, T(.wsuay a' lernoon J Wth D 'nnts Neghbo s Fll Slo V,l' - U d ft H ','ng a Peru State.l,, dder, sons, 4:30 to 5:30 an.7:3p to 9. ner West PolOt, presjdmlt o[ '" " t h N k <,'l'c'tory won seco rp ace or crracc a ::r :? J,C e-. 0., Frendsandnc'ghborsme:tatthe. J,', G t f M Su.nday, Od, 8: w.mass, 7 Norhern NcbtllSka DlstlHl-t lnjlll'j" N W d an- the Wayne State omecomng parade Saturuay. "'.., T,,r;r ""'" \les s? '8. ln ee C :'vlelv -'raham home Thursday "a,n,;' low reetm- ass, junor ch ge RegstratOn [or holy GUll ' Mrs. Katte Rudbau tn the Lee' nnd ftll' a s lo for hm Mr. Gra : -- ' g 30 h. mu On ' t llbl n tt tp e, Seffens hoe, Osmond, Sunda nf'lbam wa.. burned on the hands and uvolons W('''e led by l.'. Wayn(' Ch L'-. ( ' - :' 0: ; Jg) nass, sedlor Slon, St n's., \al{(_flelle_'t" :.'0.:-._...l...;- tn noon werl' \lr. and )''rs, Glen face n la gasolne exposon ten Fsh an.d Mrs. Charles )Cr;,c!ll' lk., UrCrJgeS "''!A M. ' 0 t Wesle,adt an.mrs..'.la.l'.a.. nel?"ens. d.ays ag0 T.hose who asssted we.'fe A fall supper was plall'd j(;:,,. ness."oes OU{ ;y, c omfl, Mr. aud lrs, Arnold /.'Jtrnan Maurce Chllds Bll Eby, Donna" Oct 2 Unon' Church " {ape, a rn mass cape, vsted Tues('tly ('vclllng n tlm Be-n van Pfl nz. Ed! Mackln, Marvn : (f{( \ Kll!J (ook pastol) Tuesday, Ott 20 ConfessOns, 6 Wth borne.,hazelh-or t, Earl Bethune, Dean Dstrct Presbyteral Mee-ts rtf' Slnd.l.\- Ott 8 (hunh servce, V!rs Beulah Jones sppnt Sunda\ to q pm, mass, urch, 7 Mr. and Mr: {Jon.ler :l'nltn, an" Mary's _Har Socety met 'Thurs-' LlnfOld S\\('et, pt{,ld{ d.t Sunday, Oed. 8: Churc servce, braka NUlsmg flonh A'S::)tut,m, Frst Churcll f Chrst l. Mrs. Byro:fl McL!ltn Vsted WC'd- Cunnng am and Paul Sellentne. Nlcbrala Pr{'S'h.\-(ul. SOClt!\ 930 d m, Sumld.\- sthool, 030. ld 6maha at the Standard lleaul\ [ Wednesday, Oct. Mas'S, Chap- J.lCsday evenlg n the Dan Dawson ' met at the Launl P esb\ lenan_, and Barber show. le, 3? am, NeWMan club, Brch home, Magn. ' St. MarVf Altar Socety Meets church ll an all day meetmg Wed Methodtst Church --- room, 6 30 pm Mr and, r? John Kooh and" Eghl embers of the Belden St"; nesday begmnmg at H.\U a m!\s (Hl'\ HlllJard Burgess, pastor Chfford Dahl prpslt!c'nt of Nf' -- c l:olp,h, and }fl'..:tad,\rs. Han'cy day afternoon n the Bernard A' meetng fllrs. Erv Sta.. p.(,man 9:/5 a,m.; Sunday 'scbool, 0:45. wjj head a nelegaton of memb?rs (208 East Fort.. Street) Eddl,e, Beldqn, attc[l(c'd the um dllsr h me. A regular bus,ness presented a report en her Vst.,_ altqndng the natonal eonvpntlrln Sunday, Oct. :: Bble seho J, ho\-\ Suncla) lrrn()on :lt the T'Je- meetngfas held followng a lunch :the Nalonal meetng. held. St. Mary';> Cath.,lc Church at Mam cach. Fla.. Oct. 2[)24. 0 l m.; comrnuqn!serv'ce, ll (m<lska EXPrlmcllttll ' arhl, con - eon, M s. Art Berbaum wll en summer at Purdue Ulverslty (Father John Fylnn) Da'l represented the Nebraka As-,' (.'O:d. '.. tert:an t e socety at her home, nda.na. Recognton for readn,j Sunda... Oct 8: Mass, 0 a.m. so.d.aton at the. mpetng of tw Assembly o G Church - Suppe. gut'sts l'l'lday th Ar-. NoV, 2, aards were prese\'jlted to \l'''. N.".tl,;ona Governmg COllncll: (-le. (van Mer,er, pastor) uold le-lm? home were Mr. and - Gcra-d Leapley and 7l'S. Dnnel guests Sunday n the <J Mrs Curtl.'f P.apenhauscn unn -. tapleman. Cbrs Jo gensen home were Danne Sunday, Oct._ 8: unday sch, amly. Colq'rdgp. Mr: a d Mrs.. Charles Hnt e'tl- _ l'ct d M ' d 0 a.m.; worsp, f h; chldren's Guests Slhday ('venng n the teramed relatves at a dmner Commercfal Club Holds Meetng 30 ken,. CO' er! ge, an r. an. qlbert J. Shult!, Don Schulz serv,ee, 7 p.m.' Chrt Ambasador Mr5 Kate Hok<Jmp home- were:. Sunday f thr home..n honor of Th.e monthly ml'etng of the Bel- Mrs: ck Jotgcnsen and Che,rrf'.an.,c Perry:, Jarvs, of Redg.as. and evenng se.rvce, :.7.:30. b' Wu)nrc. Wa ne, ath.nded a gas ventmg _" -+---'-_.. _ Mrs, Alfl"cd ersclll'nlt and daugh" ter. on, Kenneth's 7t lrthday. den 'Commerct<tl Club was held sh; 0,at Norfolk Tuesday evc' r READ THE:HERALD WANT tel's, Handolph., and.\lrs. Delbert, Gests ter Mr.. and p. ale Tuesday evenng wth 0 members SS' T L H d nm The school wa.s rcmdlldl'd bv :Krueger andl VJdu., '! l-lmlz" Mr. nd Mrs: LeR}y HllltZ and 'fv(' 'guests prpsf'nl Plans e y De era.ga, Ve_nt nsttl.'l.'.'.,_ Chcago. (ln ADS EVERY EEK Herber! (Uest,.sSUdaYtljt('rnoonln.tlle.andsonlandJalellntz'NO-furtheOrt.20P('nhOtls('wel.(' ';_==== :.:. :_========== Abt homp were Mr and folk, an Mr. and Mrs. John Me,- dscussc'c!. Mrs. Alvn J Ehlers ancl famly, fl'r, Mo oe, La. : Mr. n-d Mrs. Roy --'errng, Ta,m Wayne t Fre Call Wednesday pa. F a., were overnght guests AlES SllPpr glests Sunday n. the( Lade,s d " Meets... Belden 'Fre Depanment was cal- d \ s. Wllam Kane Thursday TN SE, CANDD',_ GraWs La e home, WaltdJcld,! Prfsbytenan Un.lOn Ladle Ad led Wednesday noon to' the farm sthe Kellner, Lo Angles, vs-.j mlttee Those members who at damage oj :'r.. Wllham Kane and Lmda. J tended the Pres!l.tr:lal meetmg Mrs,. Frank Morgan has r-eturn.ed the pre OUS ay Laurel gave Marners Meet hollll' rom ystng n the Dr. Jack ther re orts Devotons, "Called F :'nrgan home, DC'lmar, N Y. She of God' and nstallatllon of the Marmer coluples met unda) also spent a week vstng Lt, Col. '., offcers ror 965 were drected by eenmg n thu Prcb)-tena Dnwn. W. B. Cannng, Durham, N.H. ' " wert' Mr. al rs. Glenn Graff" met Thursday afte:nc-o-n te horne of Mr dnd \S Glenn W{S- led. londay evenmg Wth Mrs. 'W;lL 'BE PRESEN, eldl'll, Mr 'and Mrs Ted Graffls] church basement Wth M"' Blll teadt to extmgu a chmney ffe l]htllll.knc. Mr. and Mr. Do, Eby, MS Darrell Graf ant Mrs No SerOUS dama"e \\-as done but h.am'.: h_athy llnd Scott, Mlssourt Chrts A duser on the servmg dom th ktchen rccrl(d some smokel V.allt)". la:" werc wecend.g.uo.sts n "H'RUSKA. Mrs. La renee Fuch and Mrs. Wall chrch basement,\"th electons,t: Mr. ar,-.:l Mrs. Otto Test, sr., were EP BLCAN PA,-O.llfressman- Huetg. Mrs. Huetg also present-, offcers. SkJppC.l d /l,., \lr :l:ll Jtlesl... Sunday evenng n. the Har- - RrV :J ed so-me:! scrpture readngs. rs. LdeRMOY B;;m o,,st. l\ll( s, Jan Kratkc llolllc', Pender. R.A ft,h BEERMANN _ \ r. an, r5- ane "ep:l'.,'j.c: t T Leaves r Vet Nam. Keepers, 'M'. ancl 'l'l'. Cynl Smtth " S. and Pursers, 'r. aryll '..,. fulera ervlces ", P/4 arry MeDanad, who spel enee Stapleman. Mr, En"".,.. t.uovernor' a 30 da leave wth hs parents, Stapleman presentrd the U d ( d, Mr. and Mn. Elmer McDollald, efl on" "Dfferent Forms of The..! new at oneor <"',. 6H'T BU RNE' Sunday for San Francsco enroute Couples servng the lmt"heon were JJf to Vet Nam. McDonaJd wll be Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vloung and :'lr_ r Mrs E Hogle d d f G ) attache to the heleapter fleet as ad Mrs.. LcRey llrmg. 0" ror (Cr te or OYernOr a unne and m.,echamc., Pevlousj t e servmg comml.t{'c w FlnNal s('j"vccs for Mrs Esther ' RL!S THONE ly he h d been based n Fl S/J R v. and Mrs., elt( Cook and! Hogle, 7j. were held Thursday 3t 'GH 't Houston Tex., Mr. and Mrs_ C3) ton BallC'en. Concorda Lutheran Church,' Con- 'cord 'r; Hogle ded Oct. 6 at (Cddotefo.r Lt. Goy.ernOr) Mrtha Cce Meets Monday aberves 93rd Brthd.ay Wahrp]d hosptal.: j l Mart Crcle met Monday af, Mrs. Mary H", Spome" Laurel, cr-,.ll THE CAND'!DAJES e Att G ner'" ternoon wth Mrs. Nna Weed an resdent.'ncc 9u. fhated ;l[ ntes. Pallbearers!.::l! rney.e u:,:, Mt. K te Radbau n the Lee Stef 93rd brthday \\'('r(' Keth, Slephn <nc! Wllam. 4' EY ER" fons ho e, Osmond. Mrs, Loy negh'bl"lrs and,re!.lty'cs Sllulle, Hobert and Buford L,CL "RENeE M,- \ Fsh gafe the lesson and devot'ons: n her home. {;lasl[)l'k and.\lchael Hoglc. Mrs. A derson wll be hostess to E... t!lel Olva Smth, daughter the No. 2 meetng.. Jolly Eght Play Brdge (f Er... <lnd Huldah Smth. \\"a5 Secrletary of State 'JoPy Eghl B'llc club wll;, born }arch 6, 885 al Burlngtan,.. Women Socety Holds Meetng hosttss M:s..Bob la' per l:et Wcd-; lao Sll: ('amp to Co.ncord a. FR '. NK. MARSH, The lcjthoclst Wcmen's SOCe!YlneSda y evelllng n obhjp s ('al'_... m:' and L\t'd n met W:llre'sday wth Mrs. Earl Mrs. Alvn Yotn \\'on the lr:'l\t'l :, all,hl'r :le ex('pt '[';Of Fsh as hostess 'Twelve members, ng prze and Wll. htl' hosl('s-; at 8 cars she spent Cl.arlOll,.a. were pr sent.?>.lrs. Hert Mtchell the Oct. 22, mee'llllg, SJe marrted John CalVn Hogle, was co hostess The lesso-n and..:.-,:\>larch 904 at Wayne. They,..;::::.:;,;'=..:;==-::-==-:-:-:.:.:-:.-:..::.:.:'...::..:=:l lved n Concor-Laure! are3 : where they farmed and dd spr.:!y servce,, ', HcrQ-parents and her husbac o FNS R"TPSTARTNS preceded h!, n 'death, SurVvors, So easy ou hardly beleve t. A,lllf.Jude t\vcl, daughters; Mrs. BU- tght lft,. qucl{flp of the. starter. ' """. ' f rd (Eth ) elk D s knob sta ts thle' engne nstantly. :, :\Ones, :nd lrs src <'Ver: 's the orld's easest startng- _...' '"",AGR'E' 'C uy;lty : ll; HT :Er.;;D\:r}E: :Los Angeles; nne grandchldren and fve greflt grandchldren, '.. " w;rtra,a;yr.on@ HOc::::no:-:age ) GFlNG TlPHANDlNG jl Zer F'O' M"AST ''8 sweepstakes scorng, Nehardt l,.ghtest weght, perectly bal men rated frst place, Berry Eas anced, v braton free. llg.ht,strong ' second, Morey thrd. magne m alloy housng. H Lo, As advertsed n the Farm and Home Sect n The W Cfub athletc letter.,adjusts.t e handle. men's group, ctntrbuted G' flew. feature to homecomng!, also' a, 'GfNG R,TlPBAGATTACHM NT TRRAMYCN ''A N.M'AL tormu, A new organzaton of alumn. At 't Saturday lunch, the members B S. ra s/eafc.atcher bag.. snaps $. elected Bll Wtte of Wayne as on a d f_no OOS_ 7! alumn presdent, Duane Meyer. 5 OF G R TlP H GHTADJST NT ' lb. :dsxbe:r; t::":::: N t Adjusts for cuttng grass n 2 po',' nd lots' l letc -drector, as secretary trea>at6 v "s-l-,to 3 U,., urer. Stan Hansen of Wayne s L :a of. t,e aards com-. =.. p.wt.l:rh..:. a.:.s. l.. ::.r: \ \ :ffoe: ;:t:n!!:: bogs yflable.. : : :. :';;'e':"erle':t ncase of bal. After the premnlatq. Jour W. l:!vethe,te rny ' l.:_.. W'. Bud... )McNa',. :eer:hara:eatll' wll be held at:,.", ' f th',0' d y - tltewavlae"ncltonol Th" d rf..,ment p;,f '.'. 0'.rdw"re. e;lneth: tetlag :e Guard-"A'm,'rYl for;tr.:,.v.-county 'lot Gebrge Mackln, Wayne;., JOe e!!c:latral.. e Munsnger. M.alvern.,. ;';,,:Re.-':. ". _,. AOJ' J :'-, p'hot:l - 375,. Johnson; Danvlle;' 'ml:, "attd :::':;; "' -H-!..--t---"'_-t-----t---:Peterson Ponca Paul' 7""'---:'::=:::"':";:'_":""-""'::":_""," J...-t-----"'-Tt"\7;t:;:tt,.P,-,-,

7 '.n::'d'es'sonahn'm:e'.t: o THW.;..turnJ OFe" ( Eve,thng Mu t 962 luck SPECAL 4.dcor.. V.6 stck. A nce one! Go!?6,!.tTsplley <omel 96A;oRdoeO2 9WAGON 96' FOD GAlAXE 4-door,V 8,.?utomatc, wth hllack nteror. 96 FORD GAlAXE., 96 dool'vsalc'88do, heater, A cream puff. Yo, 2 E. 2,, CENTRAL NE t HEREFOR ASSN. FRst A NUAL S4LE, ' Regstered Hefer - teer - Com+erc:al Hefer 80 (LUB AL VE'$ ' Broken ow,ebraska :PM (Frdo;:'Oe C" 'om PR-/AL ;;;l.:; NS?Q. ".." 0,"" COl' Anderson Dalel Brown oarrj Ottun L. Jones 8 O. MoMman Ol'to and Jay Evans kv e:.:;erch Pederson t-jreford Rac:h Joh Cooksley Alfr ' Ptz.er & Son B'ernard Phfer & Sons..:''''. ".n, Rhodes, C0llCJ!utts, 00., Mr. nd'llr".' V.". The Woyno (Nebr,l Hcrol,,Thu"doy,o\'.r 9, 9G4.,,\ :""... :-...,...+-' rnoon t Rng as 3 gusl n a d Mrs Charles Keyser, Allen. Clvcr. :an( Mr. and Mr;, " '.." l'lle We 0l' RUbeck home. CV 'relurnod Sun day ee. lfc<lgepole, _..AN \.AN'l'.ED. AT ONCE.ell'l' '. '. ' a f. el' rtlng the nca' W("J'U nng. \valer Chnn alfended :l!'e.- Wllf a::t:o7 jj; '/hu'leeo ghwnyn, \t' Ollyar } l09th Erg. W'A,.:k\El:c!r CARDS.of THANKS, -'!""'--'-! lc(hng th state c nven on Mr. and Ms. Dean Rowe and" D'...' 5 bury or \\'rte Rawlegh Dept.',_ _-".._",,...,._. '.'-,"..d.: :\.md!'lll.m' Johnson Vllt qavlfl Cll'lson e t Thu arjay by aron, LeMa:rs. a, were guests ', NnJ-50.2,O, "rccklrt,., 5,29P' MANY,THANKS to l..oll l'tl(\. 'd llll! sd l\ ll(' Albm.Johnson e (or Sl DOO where he wll stmdny tt the Merle Rng bmc,.+- lves,nclghb(}rll Dnd fren a for holll t tht lo,)[ S.ll.l! tan \ll n the Mlrmes. Supper guests Tuesday JD the. " CGE-JUNOR-'ORSE lor: lhe Jo'crs.. N'ds und gut unt J.l:q \ n-l \,.J(hllSQn wpre r and Mrs Re ben G d.bcrg, J C Bressler h?me t.o celebrate F' P t thsl sreb - Sales Rcprell'c atve to U8. U mnda our annlv'r ary 3. ' \l)l SUl)! \'.dll'! noof} m tm' t s Axel 'redrck. on an l lord Roy Fredrtckson 8 bj'!thday ercft. SALE O crft s. sf p. t rebred. ag-r.porr tme for ('stabllsted Nt'.. rnska happy o,.,:ne.. :\lny.((lll 'llle.,s. YOl.' n.' n(!!jolll(' f.':crc dmner guests SUlldUj n the M'r ann Mrs Bd Sandahl. ruft S 9\ 7; 3522 ar Darro:"" c. Compony Reply, glvmg ug', ex nl. 'Mr. nnd Mrs. -. Suml.,o5c (\, H..' <lnd )Ol )lt'lson lllle.joh son ho e \' and rs.martn Holmberg can rensen, pcrlencc and rrerencs to FY,._."... _;.C..,; Wt t \ llll th,' ('hllll(l P('r he Ed oescher famly latend and SylVa StJernldt were supper 2 ml,north a{ld 0/.. west ',Jf The W a)' n c Herald, Wayne, MY SlNCHJ: ''lanks to 'dlmljjf 'Ol nlllt S"'rdU ) <a famllholuse wamt8 dumer guests Sundav m the Lloyd Chrs- HAE YOU\8EEN the n 'Segler Wayn. ot3 Nebr.. b5f2c and,.relntvl's ror cards, 'l()\\,(, t M, and M s. Lawrence Rng nday fo thp. Marhn Johnsons, tlansen home m servance of her Heaters :wth the famo s travel- _' --"- _---_ _",-_ _- --'-.._-'-t----- u.nd gfts.nd to Dr. l\als n,,the wete gue5t$ undny ev'!nng n Hrrtmgton brthday. ng floor hat Stop m at Coalt " FOR 'SALE.. nurses nntl hosjl!lll!ll f fut th Dck Slotlthl home to ob. rhursday a.lternoo, tjelghbors Mrs C L Bard entertamed at to Coast Stores, Wayne, nd look,,.wsconsn Select 'W'A'NT,E D thejr excellent clre whle, \\U ser a the-r 4 ld weddng ann!- qlpcd,mr Suse Mller?scrve dmner uld supper Sunday Mr. at all the models, gas, ol or wood HO 'FEN and GUERNSEY n the hosptal. Thank, YO au no Vl'O y r bll thda. and Mrs trlcy Bard and fam- s7tl lle' y SPRNGNG }JERS W. very much. ::!...'!.f:..., OlSP._ \!ld \f' f,l undah! am Mrs Elv s Olson, Mrs.!Marvn jy, Mr can J Mrs. Gordon Bard' ANT E D' HOllrll Spt Jl LndH).Jllt 'Mon m f'ttlt and rs. Bud Erlr'dson at- alnd Jan \' CARPETS CLEAN EAS R wth so lb. Hefers., " ' WSH TO tank nl fend!l th, [' )()\ d Slllk(!Jonl,.rtm'ton tded a eetng 0 the Log," Mrs. Denn S Cal"lson and Doug the Blue Lustre Electpc Sham-, HRDLlaKA BROS., C?eap or!dsob.led lve!jtock..who vjst('d me.' Q. d :att cl.lrda 'hl l.ll'l \[\Jtl d the Ls<'r alley dst ct Covenant Women at were dmner guests Saturday 0 rpooer. Only $ per day. McNatt 3 les wost of, Randolph Phone Yne Q:.'lect.pat"tdall,OWal.eOr'OWDhlrlsC.RwObca'r',l.Un Wllo.sl. Sll h,,llll( local cl ureb Tuesday toe Russell Beckman home, Hardwawre, Wayne, Neb' ska 05 d W \ n \- \llhuf Borg' \-s]l 'Mr. anc:l Mrs Erck. G. Johnson Wayne n -the afternoon they wee ; Phone 46-J20 s ec3,l oyn Renderng o. tel' BenUtnck and the hospltl:l staf. { tll' \ lllull.\n( 'lank tertajn at dnner and sup- vsrs n the Harold GathJe PlUJSCRP:TlONS FOR LE: Dur6c Boars _ the Yqur' sed Cow Deler.Mrs. Dora M, r:,. hl '( b'lllll" (!ll:ha Sun/llY or Sunda Edla. Ruth and ls. h. Tbe mo$t mportant thn.e do red gs wth more red mat., t26u,' 'WSH' TO TJANK all,ho reo ') f{rj!l(" SWlll ("hll srty sle Colln, Mrs. Helen Welt- MMr Land Clff Munso!. and s to flll your doetor's RX lot you Lo'cate loll..! mles south of Wayne. WAmED: ant contract$'.and membered me wth AlUs, flow- lth nlhl hll \Jlhluldl(,Jlflh<lollfJelJ (ll rlll \! Hn)uts feld, artd Lon M...s. Beac"', Le-vl CaUf' r qahtgren Mr. and Srs un d y e nqnlw:r\vltorsl ar ar orne, nv'" GR.ESS UAALL S Arnold'tuthmanand)sons.., t7tfla.'er.h. C ng,'free est mates, ers, car.ds.andv-lstswhlelwas tn holl( Rudy Lun berg. LmMeon d M Phone F-'-O-R-' '.---::--p bred Hsmpshre al ' o8t3c the hosptal and 'snce my return r an rs G rg J ' c;: u e, ljorne. Swcal thanks to Dr John llwl d \ (', n' '\,Uld lls To obser e Mrs, Elvs 0]50,,'5 t d th Ch eo be eusen Boars, acclllated and guaranteed.," - and the nurs('s \nd Pastor $hrck, T ml \r 'l('np,lnll d M and lu l Utd3Y Tl ursday, Mr a!nt! Mrs. ';UdV ve;;m am ers home PANT 'UP, FX UP TM -.Com lenry t runs and' Sons, Pender, FO..RENT Mrs. Ella Nelson. ' ()5p l' J\; tj:;::n g.f: ;l;('70;: \-llt r: Encks n were evejlld VSt Dmner and supper guests Sun anet:: o: esn:!'ebr. one 4668,. 05\7 MY S;'CgR 'l{ans to fdcnds "lt MH M s Jl.noJr Olson Mrs la ry Wendel an Mrs d;eyr n.,.,.trllc cbalrl Sundell. home mseed 0, brushes, th rre and RE L EStA'E d ll' f Jll Wn( \'llrlr tl [rk B,n(,lt' N('h.,<l"U W<l: elman. Geneva, were.. ;n rche Er,lekson, accessores, Stop at Coast to Co_ast 'M ' RE:PN$H THOSE OLD'F OORS. 'le::.a J:: ;lltcl' \l:ll.,tl ulwr) hllll(' Sljlldl' :l!lt!j'.joon \'!-ltdrs Slltrdny afternoon ln the MSHta' ;rdg- t;v;', rb and Stores, Wayne, for all- yo r par[- y.'eneta:. or:pd= 'ebg:ur hosptal, and aft{'l' l' rch,'rncd Mr. and Mq. Hlrry Mlls nd qon!on BaN home. Debbe, Mar. Th J. m 't fa on:.. d Lng needs. a3qlf home. Specal thanks to' Hov. fdnly, Mr. and Mrs. Ross thl"on wut,an overnght \guest elat. 'n et MUs songs Jone n E and refs wth 'our'qudlw lellls, BGhlth f 'S "t Mrl'l E Jamos and trthurl F:,elt' we're Slnday. ome ves"und e ar ow u:>la son HEADQUARTE-RS for la 'mow' T"'' BUY TO 5 LL vamshes Dnd waxes..trgltten wln H:nsc{'n VlSl s. l ' 06 ; dnrtler guests unday n the Mar ' Mrs. Pe rl Scott vsted Fr brat th bytl' JfternofonL',celec ers. AU types_push t pe" self '!"feal ESTATE your 'rugs by rentng our! qarpet --- -,.._-._----- vln Felt home., d:v aftern on wth her nece, See T ays 0 lna an propelled and rdng. M ny new shampooer. Const to Coa8t!'Stores, The resdents,,' managemen$ and..t'' 'Ad:'!! J( hnson fallljy spet ML=S. HNb{' t Nlmann, Wayne. usan. ; models to choose from. e rade. : 'Wayne.' \ j5tf staff of th.e'ndhl Retre-lle t Ce.- Slllrln' ;ll(''n ll' H thr Fr;Jnel Mr, and rs. AJ Jepsen, South Ew'aayYnBte.rms. Coast.to Co t Sloa r 3 e o'tl Plr perty Exchange :"..; + 'tel' wsh to publcly thank t c fol F.\ jwr!j'lnl', Soux Cl.V vsted n tlte Lau- S B Th H d ' FOR RENT: Large two 'l;edroom. W.. ee.. V e e ra_ 2 r ' s 2nd. f Ph apartment Phone '04c owmg ayne H' ness!jrnls or,'lwl'l'lltl' lung v(-'d \!fs, : r('ncc' CarLon home Sunday. '.. th b ff n'bl tcd't.'->") h'.:l'pn('' Carl- ' Mrs. Lclura Don and Mrs. FOR SA,LE FOR. ;E: Acreage at Belden, APARTMENT FOR RENT,: rand :r: t un;uo:ar:k; 6:. S(ln hflllll' :<; Mnnt!:lY nf-lerooon'll lnga Atkn, Wa.yne, wer.e dnner Mrs. jula Perdue spent 'Sunday phon., ' olt3 new. Stove and refrgera,tbrfu.rn- Rexall Store' Herb' Dlllck WH e h Do Pte th b 5 p od. b' 4b60b'. h tl G dr'.' P ltg's Supr' VB}U, s and 'Jedtk LOft::sa, :tebnoa:rm, 96dC' VO'lEolPAt ;e;t"s'e DA N 95;uo;otE;elrNGhlaN \ P?sserger, PQ.wer brakes and Wndows'llUggage rack, cea nslrde ald out. r5o \"?,X Lo'" ". 963 CH VROLET '/2-TOf4 PCKUP 96'CeHdVROLET 2-TON TRU4 95J'C'Hdller%_TON PCKVP Stock r.ck and host 4-speed. nethe nbude E e a p;; ahnodmuar capa; at gn f$ld B :, FORoSALE rt.. E::C:e, l;g.; SS: Plumbng and Heatng. 05c : q tended the- Jam-es Bush and Anta Ste, W'akefeld, Nebr, Bns :may t, Buldng. Phone ! sulf' _ FEDERAL' LAND BANK ',:Ml's. Wdlter Chnn Went to Schnoor weddng n, Norfolk. be seen October 5 and 6 from 60 tres Dxon County Land. FOR THE MANY EXPRESSONS ASS elaton CHltff'ld. Mnn., early Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Merle Roeber and Unlm r ved T ocajed SWJ4, Sec FOR RENT: Furtlshed t'o room of sympathy and acts of kltdncss 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p,m., or at any v apartmenl For "" thr torm Folx 'Jol nok, Manllger 'no rnng t Vst n the Cecl daughters spent last Wednesday ::>, Tf nshrp 20, Range 4, Dxon. 0:>< e, s durng the llness and pllsbbg of, Wllkefl 'd. Nebraska H U-jodes ho e. She accompaned evenng n the Gary N.eln home tme by contactng the Wayne count nqure of wndows, 30x62". Phone B75:S.S:c our mother, grandmothm"', an{ sls n,'.honor of hs brthd ay. County ASCS offce. ter, we wsh to cxpr!ess our h.f8r-tr-'--;:----r-::::::;;;;;====;!::::::::t: ' Supper guests 'n the Andrew SALE TO BE HELD ' H E L FOR RENT - 2 farms, 3 0 ares, felt thanks. Mr. an(l Mrs. Ejllm.er: Parker home last Sunday were Mr. at the Wakefeld Bn $te, enry. ey 3V;z mles west of Plger n J Hgh- Schulle aad famly,' M.r. and,mrs and Mrs.' Gary Well, Hooper, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2. 'Slate Natonal Bank, way 275 or 5 mles sout west Of :d r2:khng f:yr,' Mr. and Mrs. Mathes Holt, Le at 2:00 p.m. 08t2 Wayne, Nebr. oltf Carroll. Phone Harry P- let. '439- : bahon, Kan., and Mrs. Mary.Horst L 2957, Stanton. o5tf Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Olson; and mn;adh :ngt YOUR H E A T E R'- HEAAR- E -BY OWNER: Three..! GeoS_._ ---#---Lr:!:' the weekend n the George Ma,gnu-. TERS-fo all types of heaters, ranch style home. 'wth MSe SERVCJ'S WSH TO EXPRESS my s.pccre son -home whhe ther mether, Mrs.?tl, gas, co-a'} or "'"Ood, new 0{ used, apart r or recreaton room. Ed '.. ' thans to all wo j'cmemb.cred Forrest Magnuson ttenqed a Sun- S Coast to Coast St'orres, Wayne. Kam, t, 07 Sherman.' olt3c, me Wth cards, gfts, letter... and day school convenn n Omaha.' 2..t_f ' vsts whle was n the ho$pta! Mr. and Mrs. Melvn Grer, Mn. FOR SAO con;lnaton F, M' FOR SALE WLL DO'BABYS'M'tNG t'nght and now at home. 'Specal Uanks formafbl; Contact,sERNcARD'r FER.... ;Ml.sn :Clty,' lbraska WAU), Auctlonee neapols', Mnn., Mrs Edna Grer, storm dh. M's. Alber Frost, A gj 0 farly well mprov.ed ca' f.r[70:r 5J.ne. Kr:Z reahae:/(};:j;cs Laur}, and Ml:"s, nna Grer spent 025 Pearl st., : d ----:---r- the hosptal stafr for ther excel- Tduheurh'domaYe evenmg m the J"a Per.H U N T N:G SUoPPL.ES., Guns,,rgmall. arm'of 0 acres. GOOd MOVNG? '' lent ea.re, to ncghbors, re.la:tves wate -'4vstem, good pasture an Mrs. Avna Bush spent Frday shell, decors, t:'lothmg, censes, very lesy terms. 5% nterest,and frlcnds that helped n' any n the C. J. Pernn home. leadng se4, camp stove., sleep- per <n uln. Located 4lf.-. mles Don't take chances wth l ; your wa.y. We arc de'cply gratc-fl. M'. Mr. and Mrs. Lou. McCauley, mg bags, ett. are all avallabl at north st' of Carroll, Nebr. valuable belongngs. Mov wth AUgust Mattes. 05p Chcago, spent the weeken.d n the Coast to Coast Stoes, Wayr e. Stop Aero Mayflower. Amrca's Jula Perdue home They also vs- ere an.d save {n all yo\r hun;- Call or see Hed n the AlJan Prdhe home. ng equlment. _ most recmmended movr. Mr. and Mr,. Lee Selon, R.n dltv arl Wrght Abler Tr..ansfer, lle.. dolph, a"dmr. and Mrs. T. P. Roo- For The Best Qu ty j Phone Wayne, Nebr. Phone : Nebraska Grown Seed...c ayne, Nebraska : j7f CONRAD'S SUPER,GRO YeldE ;ASt ess The ConrJjLd's Fr mont Your N -braska Seeds en 083 ' FOR SALE Due o dvorce, we have a)ate modbp utomatc Zg-Zag sewng < "9nc, lke new. Does all fanc esgns, makes button holes' e'fvs' on buttons, onogramt, Ql.nd hem.s, all Wthout attactjeqts. For more nformaton J'n hg machne, wthout ' ' oblg t r, mal ths ad to, 'maler CREDT \\ 927 Ames Ave., \ Omaha, Nebr. 05p DO YOU WANT TO DO SOME : thng about your drnkng? Wrte AA, Box 83, Wayne, Nebrasb, n5lf EXPERT TYPEWRTER al>d add ng machne repar servqe. HUbnard's Servce. 3 Pear Street, Wayne. Phone a27t McNatt's Rado & TV Servce Phone TWO '55 John Deere Cobbnes, wth robot heads tor!custom Combnng. Beans, mlo qr corn. MALE BOOKKEEPER. Call 53J2, Randolph, Bud roulter. ab to type and help' ;, 05 FOR SALE: Holsten Spr:ners 0 ttort:r:ogxe es For the Best n L::ld b 6aat:;al' Herald, wayne,. Ne Rado and TV Rep;r Phon , lny28t52 :::-==-W----- Jy2f Phone ' W Servce"All Mak J, SWANSON TV Wayne's Oldest TV Stolre f -lc,,,joor, 'sodan, rado, h.at r'/ standard. tran.mllfjlon..:, oj[ -lc 62 Ford Galaxe 4.doo Oln, '.cyllnd", 't." d.," ard transmsson. rado" h t or, '. 6 For Galaxe f 4 door kodan, udlo, heoto, Crulse.ofmlltlc. ' 60 Falcon Std. Wago" ' ::ot;:r ra.nsm'sslol':' 60 o'utk LeStre 2.door sedan, rado;:, hejt..;'-:::::;.lf-::;k':" lre,. '... \ ';\ 4-door Super Sdan. 6.cYlne standard tr,ansmsson, radlp,., heater..m _! \ S9 'mble:' -lc-lc 6 Chevrolet Bscayn '. 4 door sed..n, 6 cy., stand":' :d' transmsson. \-lc.' S9 Ford Galax 4 door sodan, rado;''...he,ter, Cruse_o.matlc..! S9 Pontac Catalna' 4 door sedan, rado, hemter; automatc,transmlsslo.n. 4.door seda'n, rado, hater" automatc transmsson. 4 dpor.. sedan, rado, f!eafer, st.ndard transmsson. *... S6 Che rlet Hardtop -8, automatc fnlnsado and heater.

8 J Th, W"M ",... H" T,"", 0<>"",J"" '"'''',...,, '" ",..l.'.".,," - -.n.. *.,!or a meager 26 yartls rushmg,,82 Calhoun, Randy ouets.nd Den- ya ds passmg, Nmc of Peru's 33 nle Wlhelm, :U bng plays went for losses - J BULLOOZ R DGS: WSC Fllback 8u, Motthsgrnds out.h;l "; Tlta Breeze; Mss, ut Tr Net for 'Cats Wfy.h;.. ;taast! a fo.w t.' t. bah t me,; snqp 937 and u-r lat, Saturd - n 47"7 vjeto Y years of the last fve over Peru S ate. a complete an J r ''.. dote for the btter medcne th y v.. ayn s perfor.mance ag;unst had swallow'd a WPl'k parler l! :eru, ough, ndcates. the lnak- Kearney Sn ' : ' neo;et., :d ;;:a;:tt:l:07. Whether r not the tonc led for 40 yards rushng whle good enou to nspre anothef. holdng Peru to 8 a welogme wn over s Saturday's foe spet6de for 3,500' homecomng another pr lem. The foe. W - fa,ns. " 8m Jewel College of Lbert."" wayne' attack revealed several Mo., t:eleb tng ts hqmet:omlng brght. d.velopments, one. of- the t 2 p.m. man on.s bemg a new passng The two. cools have never me! threat th Dean de'buhr n the but Wayne s a fe\'t clues to mens recevln role-, for the frst Hme UTe Wlha l.tewp]]"s ('al-ber. t at Wayn(, Although he stu played boasls the t"logan, "Campus 0 conl'deralble tme at quarterback, Ch'ampons Sports" _ Hnd wth debuhr at rght end - snagged good reaso. hav.ng won sx con- fve pas!'jes from freshman Qur erenc(' ch r$ponshps last year, terbacl{ $evc Fensten, the fust footbal, tbasketball. baseball. one goodl for a tollchdown. trs:ck, golf <lrl cmss collnlry. W.r "ensten tossed 3 uf Waynt'3..bas _:_ec_n>n'n('(' champ n foot 6h)t:'hhJtg.T.sm csahl;x.tl ceptonallor a freshm.an. The lt- "'E NEW' le ( pound) lnncsotn, n also ran 'or 23 yards. usually from EMNGTON 'deep beh d the lne when he col'ld J uj not loft pas. G W4 """rw,.j.",fj., Whle the Cats hoked' mpres UlRf.A!L sve n he ar, the ru$r,g jug- J. UMP ACTOlt>.H gernaut 'was awesome Halfback,f Jeny Klcon ',aveled 40 y.,ds! SHOTGUN smlng 'WC., and Fullback Bo". Fal'. moo.th Dctolt.. EalY toke.dtlwn. '. Nall,l.ral pontng. Rugged. dpe,oblct, 8 Amazngly low prce. Before yau buy your nlw hotgun. btl l:rl and lee 'the "Wngmaller'l" eclul"lt feoturl. T.lllllnllunllllk'l'.Amlll Preant lb, N"'" 'un l{,toa M MODEl "Wlngma.t,r" a?deo: af Rumn glo Arm, Co...pany. nc. As adverlsed n the Farm and ome Sedon oesch r Hardware.. a phes!onts explo e from a mlo patch over walk.qut by Nebrasko G me Commsson feld.',," ':'.F'us, r rusted. scores of brds ma.nl from corn and!'mlo tejd.'';''wlch Jlr tpco rl'treat?n balm loll days. As Jnter,.;S... S..., ;...,..the trdlw'" S.hll.t to he P. y,er.coyer. At present, b.rds are sf; kottere,,but Should be. more congre otedby openng'dny. 't,ha'.o.."s la.".ge..s' ht.,."., (93 day,.'... apen.' Matthe rushed 0, also scorng twke a kckng fve extra s:g;ntl;;et;;:::o:.:n::; ran hm ut of boun-ds on the onc yard hne Halfback Denms Krby plung d that yard On the next play. Ths pjll a 4-0 score,on the board. Soon after, Peru' snared a Way.ne fumble and moved 26 yards for ts oy glory Halfback Owen Del'k. pu hed.the' lst three y.ards,. and Jm ardlck klcked the pont. A t:llp ng penalty t:anceled Wayne ouchc',wn by freshman Bob Peace when Coach Jermer n:r:;.: s hl::::;n ::: stopp9d another drve, but the W-ayne ubs plugged away. J\tl sqphomo e HaUback Jm Connck powered fve yards for the lalt Wldcatl' tally, wt<h only seve'" seconds left n the game. Frosh uarterback Jm Gray en gnecred hat last drve of 49 yards, contrbutng runs {)f 5 and 3 yards hmself. " Whle Wayne offense t09k ct. 7. S,hoa.lng. t" ours half hour',before sunnse to unset and lmt are 4J daly, and 20 'ln ';possess;o. n NEBRASKA and can hot,'pheasant; qulr;, grose,lsmall game, and wa: ;. '''.09.the::somc: hcl'sc _ --. ;.' K gp.ns cf ths Wayne dccnsc rna H 'b k W' F' chlw<wcre Dean nt'ble. Hoger ase rooc.. S ' rst Pollman, Gene H lcksen. Dave Br ss. Bob Novalt. 'ary BemSS n Cross Co.U$;tr Meet Hoger DO-WJt stout' C'fLOct r ' and l by numerous OlhcrSJ the oaches C"dtOr Hgh :SctJo.ol' eganed the reflected " J Class A ChamPonr:hP of thc, an A Jmmecommg c' ud of about nual warne tate nv'alonal Hg':... 3,50 atched SCh-ool C ass Cou try,,' mec Tues- Scpre byr quarlel S - day, and Creghto \vbn the Class wper. 0, OJ, B ttle h narrow\ly mssed last ayfc ' year f h ndlv'jual wnmn n Class A W St t F was Da e HaseboQ'ck of Wayne ynea e res men Hgh, ho,ou,e. 'he.9 mlle course r 0 mn es flat, f.,t Downed by Augustana,es', hg,school " e ye' n e col.ege 5 r;ew ct''ppus course. Wa ne State's freshman footbal] $ Yctry was,,; bg factor camj malte.s ts th.rd and last ap 0 ay'e 5 t>:-'rl p.lace team peurnce of 964 tonght, entertam rankng. 09 oulh Dakota U. Jrosh at 7.,Crofton has cop ed: the chm- /\uustana Colle'ge's Jrcshman p?nhp fjve me 'n seven yeats, team lcarnt frnm behnd then stal- mssng only n 9 (second) and led 0 a"late theal to'dce-at the 963 (thrd)..:,. Wayne freshmen at Soux FalL.., Runnersup. n. ass A were last Tl)ursday nght, 8-3. fchlly.ler lth 50 Olnts;.Wayne, Wayhe's frosh struck frst wlh 5; Perce :6.2, and,.bloomfleld'93. a 65-ya\rd touchdown sprnt- by half. DAN E --- DACE Every Saturday 9ht from 9:0 p.. tal the musc of The Mssor VaJey Rbl rs Everythng! from Waltz tl, rw t " at tle ' COTTONWOOD NN 5 mles north and mle weft of len on,hghway O, Avalable for Prvate Partes - Call 6424 at 5 DUX C,ty {.,AYNE HGH HAKREKS: 'hrd pa e wnners "; uovc Noye" ":Srd, and Loalch HarolCl MO. nhe Wayne State Hgh SchaolCrosl Caunlry clejewsk; (kn'lllng Gordan Spe, 9th; Ken "m t are (standng) Leon Jorgensen, who fnsh- Jncs, 35th, and Darrel Petcrsol, 24th... e... 4th; Dove Hosebroack, lrsl; Mark, Rabnson, ']These postons are subject to Hoffman Gf'an l 5 23 Wood Grm\Tl.:. 2 6 'l ch$nge," Ball explamed HgQ scores LyalJ Tlcdlkc 22;) Roeber Orunselka As for outstandng performances and 6(h, Brahmer's Bar, 900' and Docschcr Severs ' $ 00 FdaY mght, Coach Ball sad ne 2586 Gathje-Sull.j 0 8. : :e tenfe:::r bt: Busnessmen's w Hgh scon.'s: ellf( Baker, 27 an for';, pe ally smce t was hs frst game Wayne Herald ; Ama Bahe, 203 and 563; Zach : on defense Swan-McLean 32 6 d9oc;w('le, :!9. rday mght's game Wll start Canada Dry Voge-l-Mnben Troutman 24 4 at '7:30, and wll- nclude Home Coryell Auto Co Wllcrs-Topp' U( 8/>2 colflng half-lme cerem.ones. F,rst Natona,l Ba k Oal-Burl 7,,Wayne Greenllous Ubon-Wcs-Hansen 7 WAYNE BOWLNG" tsnatonal Ba'k ; e;u 6 /:,:! llnnol'5 prnted luorted f l,: _!'-,.;' lgh scores: DOll '\lngeman, 23 Pnkleman MdJowllfl ; 3 99c "! F,!day'Nte Lades W: ;;d 609; swan-mcle\an, 935 and Janke-Wllers-., g W,"..! for ',',.vennghouse Transf..20j 25, Johnson-Janke 9YJ 8 ṛ!'_----':"'"'--...;'..,. edga:;; 8: Poneer League' w EchtL'nknmp-.l<'rcvert 9 20 hrader & Allen Hat..4' 92 Way-ne Gran & Feek:l 6 Vahlk'amp-Kohl 8 20 Women's Se--omlos's arlyn's Beauty Shop..2', 2 Bll's Cafe.j...,.\ 5 Hupp-Janke 5 2'2 ' r wn s... ', 3 Wolter's Servce!.',... S Hgh scorc", l':dna Vahlkamp. STRETCH NYLONS. ',. eoples Natu'al Gas 7.! 6f.! Dahl's Ret. Center.' 4 6 HO; Martn WUrs. 202 and 5.; ober's ' 7: 7 Wayne Book Store] LaVna Topp, 486; D,l-Burtj' l:u:l, on 6 8 Bell Telephone... 9 Wllcrs-Topp, 893. <T 9;nhd ::rwsl,ly566so:: ';l u'pment... l Hlt'n Mss w l Ctt w Carroll Farm. St. Brank 8 2 O;-Qn ; Bessler's 9 5 Flbe:'s Pharmacy 6 4 Bll's Cafc 6 8,cNatt Hdwr. 8 6 or efpr:t <eed 3 7 Early Shft 5 9 orco ee s...,... 9 Marlene's Cafe J4-0!jayne's Body Shop Hgh scores: Jm Collns, Larr} El Rancho 2 2 Ftedrckson's 5; 8 2 Fuoss, 224; Jm CoBns, 644; Book Squrt 3 ptopelty Exchange E 'ung CO-llorete Store 973 and ' '. Wayne Co. Far 3. W rtman Auto. 3 Communty w. psuopneercr\'.'lu 9V, { < Sweet Lassy 9 5 Langemeer's, nc. 5 9" " O'f5on F d 'St 9 5 Ben Frankln Store 4 '0 Carhart Blf.! \''j.:;,o Farmer,e Eevr 8 6 Super Valu _to 3 Coca Cola 5 H' Sorensen's 5 9 Carhart 'Lumber Co Hgh scores: rene Mason, 22U; Wqlske's 4 20 Bl's Mark'et Basket 2 2 Joanne McNatt, $37; Poneer, 79;!; Get your C...RtJlltly,"Nort! Wnterze Rght! let us prepare )tour cor 0(Y"nler wth a :bumper 0 bumper check up <jnd servcng., wnter weght ols; antlreez,coolng syslem flushout.and complete motor tuneup. Permahent Type ANTltFREEZE ' per galln $2 00 nstalled' Qua SOc WORTMAN AUT().. CO 9 o 3rd.Phane37S3780 All!C,S " new Ddes. 2 ' for $00 S'lght rtcg.ulllrs of Can'non, HAND TOW.ELS Frsts to 79c ech. Assorted colors. lgh'scores: John Dall, 233 and Wayne Co. PPD... ' 3 Bll's Cafe, ' !---- ;!BreSSl!f'S 944 and Ltt-le Bll's 9 5 Davs Produce 9 5 CJuch Le gue w Hgh scates: Don Wttg, 222 ard Sh H' LO d HEL " WANTED 8 k D ' df!,we 'tycnoerds.at, 2Pau ', ', Super Valu, "03 and 2'''", ootlng. ours ste '. : oc e". own e, ne 0' back eld..perlenee.: "" " not necessary but elpful. A,?ply n unform to Rck Bornhoft Cancor-la onday N,te Lades w Each wek the Nebraska Gam (23, above). ' Concorda ove's Sgns.la 5 C(,mmsSo..O ssues the sun,rse and, Grace Lutheran Hotel Morrson sunbct hours for the convenlent'c 6; Methost Jerry's Cafe 2 8 of hunters. Snce NorfoUt s the South. U S -)( Evangelcal N & l\ Ol. 2 8 closest POlOt for whch these lmes.' H D S' f d' J Wnsde 6t. Paul Sav Mor Drug 2 8 are named, the Herald 'wll carry ev, 0 ecom,ng r all) mmanuel Gllette's Dary 9 the Norfolk tmes each week'. Hunt...X Cop ' WESTERN JEANS rregulars of $2..49 NOW'- 2 for $300, ' T Mxed Denomnatons Sch,lnode-Weble 0 0 ers should set ther l;vatches ac ,. Twn frst balf touchdow s gave - --_ -, Methadst Bee's Beauty Shap 9 cordng to ths tme 'vne, Men's Whte S?uth oux C.ty the need d mar sweep around rht end, wth,t'j wnsde 2.., Farrner's Hybrd 9 For each 3 mles ",est of Norgn. Frday mg.ht, as the made seconds showng pn the clock and Hgh scores: Alfred Mller, 255; Nu-Tavern 9 f,a3kmldeds eoant msubn,ur'aectanodneom''neua,ceh. thr Ho.mecommg a succelss wth scored ther secon touchdown. The Avn Roeber, 57; Concorda, 86; State Natonal Bank 7 3 '., a, 3 6 vlctry over waynel, pont alet was golxl and the Car(l.:> Wane St. Paul, Dahl's Ret. Center 2 8 Oct. 7-6:44-5:46 zes 0 to 3. The Devls. came up \'tlth an- led 36. H gh F. d J Oct 8--6:45. 5'44 other defensl..,e battle, btlt had Ths' wasn't alljhe aetnon n th. ' Wednesday Nte Owls w 207t Dreurt:l:, \7rg: Od:, 9-6: Now only -- tro,::! o:::vl,y;eal goo game frst half, howey r. 4 r'f tr:::':l. & TV.. Sgn s. 836 an g;. ;=::: ;jt for $00 defensvely" sad wayncoach T,he gun soun ed, endng the Plger Corner S-ce,. 7 Frday Couples w Ort. 22-6: Je'rry Ball: "but oherts; y we f.rst half wth Byne n posses- Troutman's Grocery 5 3 Jech Barner Oct : were just 'asleep." SO of the bal, but a penary, Brahmer's Bar 5 3 Thompson-Weble.8 0 Oct 24--6:52-5:35 n the second half thc C rdnal aganst South SOX was declned Ttjpl F Feeds BraschBahe'. 6 2 Pheasant and qual shootng got. no farther than the W yne 40" and gave the DrUs one more Fl-nk's Ybrd. 5 3 Zach Lowe 5 3 hours are from one-half hour be!szes Sand M Q'nY, h l7x a;egnt C;( pay;creen pass to Done Gen lk;;v;rner Ma,rket. ;; :-;teny : lf2 f_o_re_s:_s_e_u_nt.h.su_ns_ct_,--- :. half, \\th ther secend clrh-'e end looked as. though he Devls mlght Clff's Tave"----"-'.'.-,'.'.-..' 7 BraUngeclegg, READ THE HERALD WANT the ng when the gun sounded. score aglm, but h was forced oul Wayne Co. Far Brd 9 9 Baker-Meye.r. 3t2 4.'! ADS EVERY WeEK Men's whte and gray. when South Kelly, Souxa Cardnal was frsttac t' escore onthe the s.econd 20.?al/f saw mo,st oj,::-+t:===============::=:;: : : ===:;:=====::-:-:-:-:-:':::: $ 00 covered a Wayne fumb-e an sam. t?e act.lon taklogl. place n md, pc-red 33 yards for the T. The fl,eld WJth no. selou threats by pxtra pont aqempt was \v de. ether lb n t e fmal pe,nod. ".--:: :... Wth 4:6 remanng n t e sec- Frday ght,he Devls wll ' ond quarter, Jerry Wehrer scored pla.y n' ant. her Hfmet:o.mng con. oy$' Ooe-Lon on a counter frdm the -for r lon, test, ts me ter OWl\. The Wth. a run of 45 yards Tl e' PAT foe. Wll } 'he lougn Sanon JACKETS was wde c!lb, for hoh some offensve 2._S_o_ux_ _.:...back wth a :g:ae he W yne lneup have Szes 8 to ],6, reg. LRand';;-,e"'d;:e"'rs±-n-;-ha-s-g-an-e-'to $700, '"... BEST TH GS lelt ball," xpla ed Coach Bal.. '.'000",' N LFE atl eeback r." 'olumbus, 4963 champ, dd not' enback Phl Sock and a converson cr. " : 7 lock b Paul Craft.,!'-, ' Augr.ra',a,etallated m!"edl, Wldcat ',Harr ers Wn ate!. b.y.,e.tu,rnln s t'.he..kckoff for a TO and added the pont. Wayne State,! poted ts second Late n the second!quarter an cross countr* vctoy f! two meets uge feld goal made!t 0-7 Saturday>, wh a 7-38 wn over A safety H:l the thrd canto Mdland. ' lfted Augustana to 2-7 when a Carl Owc\zarzak r'p.ated n bad pa'6s from ccntr to Jhe Wayne frst place for Wayne wth a punter was downed n the- end zone. 5:49,on!'Alayne's; three.mle anf::r k avl:oe n6 course' an,d teamm8tes A\ D. (:corng chance as a Wayne half- e5 adfllatzer followed ack fumbled a'n Auge punt at the Todd :'Fer.gSon led the Mdland fw.o"yard,lne.. Al.lgUsta".,.a captal h 6 f zed forlslx p-nnts. runners Wt a :25 or fourth A 60 d th:r h spot. John cr.ard, 630, and Al, -ya.f( rve n e..ourt pe'f'- GatzemeyeT, h6:32, rounded out 'od brought Wayne- up to 8-3 on Wayne's sc'x on g qujn.. le t. ruv;- "n by halfback Also earn g Mdland ponts were Denny qau, 6:33; Rod Lec- Coach Hal Walter r:''):ted' good tenberger, 6:9; Leo-nard Huneke, play by Sock, Mller, J'm Gray, 6:59, and Jer{y Flora, 7:37. Darrell Fenton, Jn,Kloube;c, The Wldcat harrers are n Ln Roer Parr and Fred! Perce. con today far, a meet;' wth New_':h... n_.r.n. traska..esleyn.! "..."e has be. en Ptng..def.ens.veY. Mke C rman and Bob Reeg WLLS JOHNSON wl start a tack! s, and Ed Sber r; has m ved t guard Doug', Phone Manske we t to e d and Tom Ad d!so wll take ver at quarter: back. "Other ffens e sta;rters are: STATE FARM end, Don eter n; guard' BU. Lfe nsurance Woehler center B! bber.. tedt; rg t half Je. y Wehrer; nd fullba k, 0 e r n." Regular $6.95 SURCOATS..Szas 36 to 42

9 . Pete , Ml,lgan C RROLl Drawg Thurs., Oct. 5, for $550 Cash brawng Every Thursda"t 8:00 porn: $ ConsalatOl Prze t t-jlot Present :- PARTCPATNG FMS \ Ane's Merchat Ol Co. Baner's TV Mne J.ewe'ry. e.n Frankln M lodee Lanes Carhar.t Lumber C.o. afeway Store Coast! to-coast SOy-Mell Drug Ca.,yell Auto Coo Dale Jewelry llatonal Food Mnt Bar Don's Btter Shoes herry's Felbe Pharmacy State N tona Bank DoJscher Hdweo Shra er-allen Gamble Store Su er Vafu < Frst Noonol Bank won's Lades' Gressl Rexall Swan- clean Lar$on Dept. Store Tedt.. e Applance Lor$on-Kuhn Tr angle Fnance Bll's Mtket BQsket ayne Herald McDo old's WQyne Jjook Store Mc ott Hdwe. wortan Auto Cb. *& S Ol Co. W ne Skelgas Fre.drck+on Ol Co. otel Morrson,<ern Frm Equpment Nu-T vern Lttle!B's Bar. ymrn potography yy m? t EWS Ms. Edward O$wqld - Ph "8 5 ::e:h:u:na'llhe r"?ld Mr. and Mrs. MelvJjt Mag usad Mr. and Afr George Bodanstedt Mrs ArC.e Lmdsa'. Laurel, and and famly were dj)ner ucsts were Vstors Sunday evenng n Mr,and rs M,lUrce Lndsay -Sunday n the Mrs, ella urry the Joe AHa' orne V5tors 'undur aftcrnqsjn n,he home, Poncn. Mr. llnd Mr John Hamm Were Clarence orrs home were Nl'!\OCrs,. Eunce Glass and M. and \sltors Frda evenng n the For and Mrs Oscar Swanson MrH Carl l"lmbr('ct, tllurcl, were, 'rest Nettleton lome' Mr anj Mrs Hobert abererhvols,lnlr Fru.lay n the Dewy Jones Marcella S ufclt entered Our d " ". Lad>, of L9 des hosptal. Nor J:;c:nloa:e e P::;lS S. f folk, Monday or treatmept. cdnesda evenmg th!' Lem oe,e y. Glenn Lob g recently ('ntered Jone ho e Wayne hospl'. MrS an< Mrsl l\llltn Owens Socal forecast j Mrs. cunol Lndsay atlende<! Davd an Megan J;'n' dmner Thursdy, Oct. 5 meetngs at aure, O'Nell an guests Su day n lhe John Owen:; S lclal Nplhbrs ll old Skllen Schuyler the ttsl wet'k for th home, Wa ne ('rg- Unted Presby rlan Women'g Ad, Mr ad( M;r5 Edwal Robelts Happy Work-'rs Her Bra ler o o. \oh., Df'lta D{'k r. E Jr nes Douglas Os ald was an oven!. were v 5"" rs ursuuy evenmg n s dot 7 nght guest M nday n the 'orrcd the Geolg Johnon home a:,;, ayhob;rt Johnso Nettleton hom '.,Mr, and Mrs: John lam and Wednesday, Oct. 2 ' Dnner guetts Sunday n the SSll were.vlsllors SatrddY cv. Frf'ndly WednesdaJ, A v n Clc-flord Lndsy home were Mr, njug n the (J.C'Org,e JO,hnston omc. :.0-:' and Mrs. Larry Lnd-say, Brlm{ta Mrs. HOnJ(, Blllhl'lmer ad fj('! (JnjjN You h, rlresb.\.' eran ll_nhl.. _r:_._-o-:.--'- _('_ rhl\'t'd Pr('.hYleran Wo en's.."wlce.. You already pay taxes to support Jgenerous federalstate medcal program fjr those over 65 who need t. Why pay agan for a plan that sn't needed? Surpr,ed? (,hlmcl's arc you newr l'''anl of the h"lt-:ylls Law, pas'l d b!' Congress n %0. \\le call t... Health Opportunty PnlP:ral for the Elulerlyo Ths prohamenablcs lhl\'dual states, wth faderal assstanl'e. to g'uarantee to OWl) elderly person who nce,]s t the health f'are he or s]w Tl'ljUll"So Thou$ands of j"l'oldc c'pry dayan' benp: helped by ts lmlad benefts.. y"t, the,sjpp-(crs of the proposed l\edcal'e '",\:; would haye you belye, that ts passaw s lll:g-ent...that pl'rsbns OYer 65 ae ddprwl of neelhl cll\cal, care becansetlheycan't pay for t., So why p y (\yce? Fnd out abput the health pr l.(ram you're already Slp- JO.ot."'. Fm, '""m'" "" "",th ". r, f w the elderl 0m your area, ask yom doctor ' were vlstors Wed sday lavprs for hospta S. Mrs, Ch,.rt aclqrjoon 'jn the ;dw'ard Oswald Whtney, Nrs. Mary Druke. Mrs, hoflle. Bllery Pcarson, Mrs. Robert Ml..;> "Swnnson w; an over. Johnson (lnd Mr, lvor Morrs wee hste/l). Ad Thursday, Oct. 22!\lprTY Mahrs, Mrs Aht:_ Socal Neghbors Me, S')e-lll Neghbor.s w. me at h<:l ShOlf's'"'l,<lmp LQU ge 0 l. ls.nstead of n he H<.r ld S len :'L homp as prcvou'",jy pa ned.,wth SX!cachers and' Pastor J[.sunday, Oct. 8: Mass 0 a.m. M _ Hlpert prpsf'nl. 'a.hor Hlperl!' dpvnln!ls. Arnold ansen gave Methodst Chur h the slj('rntcnc!f'nl's report. Car! (.John K lorner. p stor) Pf'tl'rson.!..;aV( thp s('ctelary':s re Sunday, Oct. 8: Wor hp, 9:4!P : pdr! '','af'll('rs!wgan tnakn ar a.m,; Sunday' 'school". for Chrstlllfls pr0r"ram Wednesday, Oct. 2: C or prac \'px( meetng :s Nov. -2 lte, 4:5 p.m. THE WAYNE.HERALD' --::-::-:-7:--:-:---::C:------'_._--_00_-... ' '--. Melhod." Youth F low.hlp M.." 89th Yeor - No. 25 Wayne. Nebraska 68787, Thu,,oy, Octobor S, 964 Socton 2 _ Pages'.!o. 8. t'lhddlstl' You h Fellowshp, _:-_' '... me Sunday cvenn at the church Doe and famby, ren, S. D., al)<! Wayne, n homo!' of Dyleen's ffth ly, Bemcr, and Mrs, Bob Cr4m. llllrnllllonul Pckup" soc al room Cor a pot-luck lunch BU Noelle'. dolome, S. D. blrthdny. ' dall lnd Ned Hansen, O"lanlt ' E, (': lalley, WOYQO-. l'()luat:., ft ' a Hl.lloween hunt. Members Mr, and' Mrs. Edward Oswald Mrs. Loue ;Kru-sc ond Mrs. Mel Mnnhall -Lo.yd, 50n of M', -nod Eml or John Jult \Voyuol"'Ford. l mv ted ther paren s and lmnes aud DougLas 'were vs9rs Frday vn' Erhardt \rt'rc vstors Wcdnes Mrs. Gcrlld Loyd, ('nbstell, Sept. Elvs 'OKon, WBcflod.,Ford. r,:'" a5 U(lsts. After the hunt th evenng n he Hubert Nettleton l'd<ty n the.ml, Tdgcn home, 28 n the U. S. Navy. He wll fe, 962" ro returned to t e churb when ho rne. Waynb, n honor of 'Dy. Mr, and Mr., Ward Wlcox.and cclc hs boot tranng nt Snl Albert TO)J. PHgel', Chovrolo." D.erlnls Raulston. devot6ns and leen's ffth rtpdly. Deloros, Norfolk, Mr. end Mrs.. Dgo 96,. ).,,;' "., P.dures of a tnp to the lack. Mrs. Fortest Nettleton and Carl Lambrect, Laurel, and Mrs. Mr, nnd Mr!, H"rm'ln (;('rnt.: F:dor Phl) Ave, 0!.knll, Chv. llls t erc shown. ext meetmg s' Mrs. Edwardl Oswald aqd Douglas Albert Lambre<:t, Planvew. Anl son WC'C vlsllth'n 88. <ln n rolet. Oc. 5. were callers SJlturday aflcrno{)ll' were vh,tors Wodnesd.y ev. lh Tony Bokempcr home 959, ' _ n the Mrs,..,-rank Lorenz honw, J nng n tho DowV Jones., home. ; da Cnl"ltcrs Wn l" Wfll! MhOdS.t WSCS M Mllard Hurlbert, SpUy und ' Mr. tl \llrs. <:dwal H.oberts nn'al"ray r.r Bdktb Jevp" ',;','- He,.",j ethodst Wome Kevn, Sou".Cty, were- vslnrs,<,.'('".',:'lsllors. Mnnday cvcnmg. n the Ed Eckermann home: ' 5orcl's wnynl5"c,hovrolt, "rfl'.'," Chrstan Servce Sunday n the L$Vern lurlbt'rt,tll' \ "'ln Wttlpr home. y: aflrnoon wth 2 home. Don Buml. Llnt'oln, was dn anr'm :;; J:dm:".J,ck K.rucscr.,. W.lnsd-O. 'Ch).Y.:...' tw guests, Mrs Mrs. Evelyn De-osher and fam: fwr guest TU('sduy n the Clarence Mrs, Nelle Porrln, North 8...<. "'S! an Mrs Ronald xon. Norfolk, ly and Mr. land Mrs. Jerry k-! Woods home >nlllls D. Longe.' Wllynb. ella y, pretsenl. Mn<;. Arthu Lagc was n losher and 'Densa were SUPJl('r Mr, alld \'> l\tlrvn Bard ard :::OoU;ed C:nd:efN'farv n :.rgrr VaOr\:s ahtnee g;s dgleoshtsomseu.nda n te Delmar Ed.Jldlt.n(lfor!\} )::n\.,;'-;l 'nv:stl Grand Fork.. Uchrd or Guy Slevens, n.:' thl' msonary rep rt 'and Mrs. Mr.', and. rl. Joy Tucker and!lf'f{' :Lnrl t'.dln.g f.'loc.rul erv- Mr lnd Mrs' Fay Mltlson!ldc, ' nrd, 952..'. _' Cla:renee Woods gav a rel>ort on Mrs. Robe Johnson and Mar.,('s for M l'red Hlm.p('nt th!' w('ek("nd n th(t Don ', ml$slon,arje.<;... gomg. ut on dt, u y sha were \..,eeken vstor. n.\ r. an.(" '- J' 0 (' ', v,ln "' h l <' (. k John [,' 'Hedel. Wn.,de, Chvo j' agg.uson ', SOl nnw a " m Ht.' rolet Pckup, " ' ' ff;elk('s :neje. %ats h Ru.h Tc;kor hqe, Greeley, :t('n:::;r ll ':,r_':;;:.rlasn CJJl'Sll ryno'::;:,: L{'CH' Marten, lolklnh, Ford! arp Tmm, who are n h Wayne has o'lquht K t dm' holll\' lo or of Stanl('y's 6lh nrjg 'c.kup 9S0,lr" pla!. Next meet{ng wll be Oct. per:;' nl n<;n an<;t( brtav, t Th d. lr. and Mrs Hoy Lt'M'lwr, )0l.:u/ol Klrsl;'h. lorktlf..f'(. 2 wh(',n Mrs. Joy Tucker wll LThurSdhay af ernon n thf' Wall: nnn:rt:u;;lston ::nlt/ h:e JtJhhard, Mr and M" Darn'l C W. Schou),' WuyrlC,f hcv ael. 'Lutheran Laymen Mee/t St, Paul's Lutheran l Lay cn's St. Paul's Luthera hurch!.pagll(' rnd.sunday e'v<\nq$. t he (t M, llpttrt astor) chure-h sora room wh. nmp Satunav, Uct 7 Saturday! mf'mher..,"('sent. P''.lof! H Jper' J church s;hool, 9' a.m.,eld.d\,votlons and.johln-.pet rson! Sunday, Ocl. 8: W'rshp, 9 a. : t{,l;;:lp l';:t;'s:;mm, F(;P(' \ ll.; Sunday school, 9_:, Plan." HobC'rt Pf'ler::;on wasjhost Presbyteran Congre atonal t\'t'.hl ll{,pln. Wll lw Nov_ 8, Pas (Gal Axen, pas or) tor!. M_ lllprrt Wll scrvc. Sunday, Oct. 8: Wo shp, 0 <. ll.; Sunday school,, 5lndav School eld sr{;;oj 't,t; H.r_!'LJ!tL\nTh: : OUac ohsuor ows l'\(enn a! llw rhmch *ocal room (Father Meyer, p star) ;rvvee r!'s(;flle,:.y:;' ae :oe, A W.: were Mr. and Mr6. John Owens, Jlr'Mr;n;l':r;rv';Ynl,'949 - :' '"', Rnehardt Hank was osle::;s.. r. an rs. r ax..., a: Wayne, fy\r. and Mrs, Walter (," Mr. and Mrs, Art Zt'sl{'r ard WHlam S,lclnm.. nn, Wl,ync tu.. mgs,,., rl' wc'tkf'nr! VSltOls: Ludwg and famly, E;vllns.vlle, Bll Zsft'r Wl'n' lnn,'t' and sup. dl'blllwl''nlck.. " ;, "'' Jn:aort."'o, o<lson nd" and Mr, ln Mr:. obert pl'r guc'sls SUndllY n ttlp Olto 948- " _,,:, and famly w,.e vsltors W<,drH"', wslmmons ad famly, Torrlngton, ZC!sJpJ' honh" Arthur ':. Lnge, Cnrroll, r'b. tb; p.. ::. ;nfn 'llo' a7 g::" ;ln<'h;:;;(,rl\;ltllt;lrr,pral\l wrp,anrm';;ltt M;'s H::;:ll:l; nw''d Damon, Wny»c, ChtJ y;. spp s. blrlhday'.'.. Jrs T('srla\ ''VPlllllg,'n the K<'ar. -amm(r,. WakPfeld, and Ch/lrlw 939 ;' >< _,:' Supper guejls Saturday pv"dln Lacka.'!lome BondrC'p.J, SHlt,h Soux Ctv. Wl'r\' '\l'tl,lr Zlll' WY,",....ll n the LaVu'n lurlbprl.!rom(' l' ' W. vsllol.'s' Sunday l'vl'tlng n the ':d were Karpn,l-urlhel;t, Soux CUy. Tllllrsd:lY rn;'.!'.laul;r:({'(' ::;n Jljngst,home. Larry, ConDe Hurlbert and Barry.!ron\{' Soux Cty Mr. and Mrs. Perry Johnson C Te' Supppr gucts Wpdnp<;! Y \ took Nck Pderson to Omaha ars rue S nng 0 the Delmal Edde'!lOlH Saturpav where he left to reo PERFORMANC were Mr an Mrs!\('lvlO D(' turn to hs home n Copenhagen, loshler Dem,rk Regstered'. Dora GrrfflH spent <l few dns :\ ll,'!n Wllll( md llarold - mthemrs "ranj,or('nzh()ml \\ THJ!'tlf'd.lY ml..,.._... _ Dmner guests Sunda\ Jll thr lll'v!(!\ln l!ornk' NOlfolk wal d Oswald ollle \\ere l\ r lh! Fred Bard and Mrs Ed' Fors 965 Mrs FOllest Nl'e!on ;:lod \ berg, Anchorage", A4tskll, left ',]l()< M,tllcn WdYflP H\llb and Mrs, Hubq!'t Nettleton, Dyll'('n for Lncoln Tuesday fter vlt f'!. A. Jenkns, Carroll, anrahen,%ynerln TOP), ng relatves here and! a.ttendng. Ch{'rt Waynp, were dnner guesls Sun :as:t:rv for Mrs. Fred S. W, "Hartman. Wayn('; j'onl day n the Wlls Lagc home. lr:-: lhlj. lallng w: l vstor ::f/ Eblk:, e;" Ul(':/ Mr_ and Ms, Lynn.Tonc<; and V.!('(lJwdlY OJ(' MJ.rVJn S/)m y, g.:,,.... famly were tstors Frday ('V(' honh'_',. ror.d, ". nng,ll the Delmar F.drle hom!' '... :\" and Mrs_ John n.(,s, Pc.nny,. "(l{t.lxland Credt Cor " Waynt', Mr's_ Vern.o okamp' and :\ll t chell were vsltors Tuesday n hl' : v.::'\ldl( {,v/jv P'lt, vao; Ernest,Junek, Carroll, Ford Earl Anderserl bome, :, llllrl!)!'r Jllt\(' 964 Mr. aod Mrsl. Harold stoll<:nlh'n.: ;<'!r :.And Mrs. Art Fork, \'lsc'(jw, Norman Carr..Wnsde, Ford were vstors $aturday cvellltlg n daho. v.'pl"l' SUPPl'' gul'.ls '['llf's Lester Deck, WnSde': Ford He('s <lnel \lrs'_keth' Ow :,Mr. and Mrs, Rchard oslager the EmV T!etten home.,day. at he rj(jward Fnk home Adolph H. Claussen, Wayne, Hl! call W,lS <l sweretl by and Deborah were suppe guests Mrs. avld Garwood and Annt', Supper guests Frfdv n the Dodge. an artr:ll' f om homl' Monday n the Merln Lnscott Way':!e,! ere vstors.satunl'ly Edward Fork home r 'observ. Edward Bowers. Wayne, Chevy ahou( t 'Mrs, Enos home. evcnltlg n the MarVn hom ance of hs b.rthdav were Gladys Bf'n W, Brum<'ls, Norfolk, Ford ;thj Mrs. M<lrln Han- ' Mrs. Andy Rsser. Norf lk, and home, and Ernest Fork, Mr,: and Mrs. Hobert.J Haag, Waynt'.!"Ol:d..nl'Dlhers. [Jf'nny. Recs,. C. Hansen, Wnsde, w.e vst Holly Rees. "',as a vstor Th\lrs: Vol/erson, Herman and Loren or Peter Moody, Wmsdc,,onps. Cnda OWf'ns and ors Tuesday afternoon ll the day afternoolll 0 the Brach lur Myrna and Mrs. Agnes Rose, Ford.. Johnson prespnted a mus ' Mrs. Frank Loberg ho,me. bert o-me. :,.( Laurel and Mr. and Ms. Kermt Arme Ebker, Wayne, Ford. llum!)('r The groyp made Mr. and Mrs. OtS' lth, Mr;' ndy Rlss.er,. N@rfolk, ac, Fork, Judy and Norman, Battle Voss Shellng Servce, Wnsde, fjr Nov_ 2 tlcctllg Wh;ch Tllcoma, Wash" were, ov rnlght,.. H. C) Hansen, Wllls.de, were rl.lll-, Crf;l<ek, la. -, ff."--"""'(jj8-- ;UV dr;t;;: : ::: s:ay n the,0 ren;/ffe::ssda the Maunce col;"j:;g,--:;, ll :e:; ' \o'rrs, co.charman. Bruce and Brenda Froen t, Cole- Mr. and ;Mrs. Kearney La,ks,. afll'rnoofl n the Ervn Wttler wll make Thanksgvng Tg :teu:esrl h eengu;tl dcll' l''e 9oml'..., Mr. and Mrs. Melvll hufelt, Lenzen borne, LaureL ;-.;'orfo!k and Mr-. and Mrs. urray Mr. and Mrs. Clfford,Lndsay Erne 0 Lecy.a.nct Duane, Sholes, were were supper, guests, Wf'rlnesday rs n were vstors Sunday after oon n n tbe Arche Lndsay home. Mrs. Don PowllJY the Ervn WttlC'r home. Mr, and Mrsl Clar Swanson am Phone Mt and Mrs. Allen rahm, Mavs were v tors Sunday n tha E.onne, Rodger and ark, were Arnold Sefken, home, Alton. Hrsch Reunon Held. dnner guests Sunday n th Mrs. Mns, ErVn \lttler was a Vlsrtor. _..:. tt' W h St Saturday aftennoon n the Jerry lmjch reunon was held at the a Spe/;ts T::daya n'-he Baer home, Wayne. :.r('a: Hrsch home Sept. :27. There: Merrll Baer home 'were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George JO'!<n;tonl! ",'r(' about?o. m(:mher present:, and Mrs. Chrs Baer and Mr. Mrs. Eunce Glas's. Mr. and rs, Wth Hpnry Hrsch, W.atel bry, he and Mrs. Hans Henrc son, Art Wax, Haotngs, la., Mrs, BlT' '!rkst rn('mlh'r,and La\JrJ(' LJnn: p. s 0 tha Jonfs and Mrs. Dewy JonC'.'3 dallghll'r of \r.,and Mrs, e;_re;nd'mr's Herb Wlls, elh, were vstors' Sunday n tle Ora "'ve;" Wakdt'ld, the, Handv and TOllY, Wnsde, wc're Wax hollc', Wayne. mem Jer. wrergl;';e.sunday n th Don G, a:::;r Mar: c teyw:ckv';:: Eml _B<lr -<l.ld \'thy Bokemper \. N 'R J k'n and Ho'S Wednesday evenng. n tll'.' were \'.lf}r<; Sunday the Her Ln' :,n:rp' rv'sto; snnda. af- Merle Gubbel home-. j man.ja,'r horn",..( rooon n the Ernf": E man Mr. and Mrs, Tp Froen.r!t, B.Turf' Mrs, Ed Evans, Mrs. Bdl home.. and Brenda. dolerdge, were Slp-! K,ahmer, rs. Norman Voss, Mrs. Revnold Loberg, Ve non per guests Tuesday evenng n tlll' Mrs. Tony Slmmon were guests Loberg, Esther Loberg and rs. Russell Hall hme.. last.thur,sday e,veolng.,at Dako- EHlabe-th HOf;l<sch, Randolph, at- Mr. and Mrs, Ray Blcek. Donna ta C;lty. Frrema.n s Aux,har. The tended funeral servces Mo day and Doreen, Colome, S. n.. \\'f'rp group)s plann.,g to organze an for Leo Hoesch, Montcello, la. overnght guests Saturday n the Eerson Auxlllrv.,. Leonard Bruggeman was a dn- Edward Fork home. r SllP('r gu('sls Sunday n the E gue:,l Sunday n the Ed ard Mr. t:lnd Mrs. Forrest Nettle nlpr Srhulz h(je were r. and Fork home Afternoon June eon, tqn were called Thursday aflpf ;<'h r:arl S,hlJlz. Wet PO-nt, Mr gucsls were Mr. and Mrs. Don noon n the Hubert Nelleton homf', anrl \lr.,,_ Harold Schulz and fam at 8:00 for $550,! fr makes t ejsy Soot Remngton " xpr8u" P.lflc SbDt next tme ybu all hunllna. YDurlltb,adyoudld NO POWER losr Coast to Coos Store\. J;, ',:.., : :C:EW :AR CWMBE NO SCUfflNO OR SPllTNO," PERfECT ONlTlbN Avallablo n 4 2, 6 'nnd 20/lUL,. u,r::d''ll::ahl'.b:;. hl bllapapar.holl,. tml,gtmj, 0 lnd your length Rll!l:'J:'o:f; ::, \':tl2: em; As advertsed nj the Farm & Homo Secton lak lor your pcot cd/or blue lor srt, whle for medum,,, '{EALtH qpf\:'oruny PRpGR';:V FOR T:-E, E'_::JERLV.!. tve COUNtV.AAEpCl! SqETY. "' FL -O-GLAS$ s the orgmal and only wndow materal that carres a 2 \'E R GUARNTEE.laok for t)e FLEX O'9LASS tm the edge. -GLAS A\vour Local!-dvr r Lmbr. Dealer,, \

10 ''/' ' /o'm! tl'pnrtfll'tt ofla 'lvuh nr'wl- \ Yorf may no,f grf(',;th rdu ral +bll P!',,,. J' ltl t!,?,j:mfl df"lt!ju't!" N(Jrtdr l jj ;; }'Oll rrod the l"dlfjr;tj/ \luu},}'' ST;JS " tlt'ptulht ' (J/,' /'('rsfm j', a/muon p! btlcl 'r,jf Cfln(f " moll f tll! Jubert J!CtH'tl'l jlgu hm.'('.ljl;fjfll. You. ), (Jf tlf(',."nd-,r. '(' t rrnlf'r, W'le! g'.l'n {'{tn'!ttl tllolglt [0 nh mfl ;s t t duty 0/ rm edt/ora fl'ruer t scare" p rlm}/ ro'blnt lltl the',wr;trr S pr td tol UJ'l.!( rlj ('ultl!!fu'ls brfare ' st d(7)."f ',-,'rlt'. c,(lrd.'lr auff/lon to J,rl mporlfltll ubj('( hal t nlln fl:,' m's 'h,f u[rtt>r shou, t bf obt' 0 9;tle YbJ may' have ove'l'/oolu'd<,,.' ' a' pp'e"r'.wee'k" h ts' own spc,c'al way, s a vt p { t of ",, N"'aPt"j'. 'n'.'d"'olf,., :'N"Pe?w" Sn p th( great edfce of freedom n W lch tl\ts ('puntl"v ests. c n, "J.','.)(V! l'';''!n;r&p(;tt!.\l lp;, loll. And ""hen, f\lcr t!ohe day. cd tor r;,'k the ll'pear llce dr mode,t by dll\\'llg' ther o' tl honh, they ha e a Those Hdden Taxls rjt anll an.9blgatoj to do J,'U8t. hat. We know - or Hhould!<no" - 'that TfH nut n'!wpapprlprolvldes a. erv- we p y n dltect taxes On lfl orne ancl cl' that : unqye" rrelcable, d a prdperty to COmn'Unltle, coun ler, fllldamrntal' PH't of ur r,lltonal lfe. tatef\, fnd the ederal government d t...; paeg tell alt endl AR tory of the we k)w 0 certam Hales or exl'le ax- ( \,'tlt. ", gl eat and Hmall, U at nfutnce e, All h afl thl<l.t on gasoll!h' [- :,nd ddl'j' ne tlhe deh lneh of pac of But f allollc thllks th('sl' : del u to ll:::. Thregls gool newfl'and had - ut, hh tohl bj, he l sorely mu ;tak(-'n, For whatevth' tb character, t part O'thc l'verv hlllg "e need and huy h loajded,'.;dll'ltlf' n thfng'f!. Only tht newrp. per wth Hlden taxes - thohe pad byf_ "! "deqlately record t and ke p t plers of raw matenalr, by mannl.letur, ;t." h,'4lory n the ever-rowng fle of er, b)f Hhlppers, by retacr, and by ev- ",,, s,;,t '. oryon} lovo!v,l 0 the 6n p; procefor t'\'nlld hh.here,-; 0 frlecdom ore brng g n pr<'>cluct tu: the c0hll er. '.l:tl hanlthat QJf freedpm of the PfjPHR. lo,' mportant urfl there taxert'! he.\ ).r,llld H'\'Hpaper -R, n a l-ehe, a watch- Ct{'n Publc Expenrltlln Surve of ]('l' d' thd publc. t :-;talnc.'-\ for nteg ty New York provdex xome Htartlng- ex- ;, ld far dealng n publc and pr ate amplc$. Acrordlng to t, a quart 'of lk :rr;ll., NqwBpaperH, ollnnumernblf' 0('- ('arr(,'! 87 dfferent hcldpl taxpr n, _ llll., n'v(> unearthed.lnd t'vf'alfd vo- p,otlld of hambtargpr t dffpre'nt jd- :tll'll.c, (j tl'urt that \hlllld oth(>re,den taxes, a pa:' of shoes lg dffe 'ent h;\'(' rl'l,ant!d fol'f'vpr hqred nel hd<jgn taxer, and a pal' of ovprall!'\ 48 '<!"'\,",')lap{'l'!'\ havr Ruc(,(,R$full' fought for (ffpfe/nt hdden' taxes. So t goe:-;, d( wn, \ (']'\ ('Ol 'cvable knd uf f{f()rm, 0 'tpl th!.' el,ltllefl fohter of. goods :\ld serv.l ;\!':w d <, hf'nrtenng od{f', that the Rub- Thl pomt:-; U a \'dal but not puhtl Z-!'( lltprl'r demandr" ed fac: Evpry tax x HR!'\('( on tothe \'( ltlh natjon hah a prf's 4ultelke conhu'er, t has to be, And t s.that n- '(t",lllg' g llr t doc'r froll gtpat et- dvdlll wage earn.er who \vould an 'tl (lfllhf't;l, clcm n to the majl(l!o\t mot 'rom a dr\ e for p('olwmv hat tfll' Udllltl\ \\PpllJ{'$ E"Jt't'v OlH of rlally produee rrsylts at all tl\'('lsl of C't;o:t:H of papm, "!th wor!nlt-----""""rnlm--:;v:;oandj:rrru' ApprYe$ ;e era;: e 000 Este.m.J.te e;"t atrhe,.k., " U tablshng a!echncal..""t. nco : agency through vl'tl('h oca] fer Cntennlall (mmssdn ';:rlan a;j:anne..!.,,' Wr t:hljv;?;', fo Ll",r'OLN - The State CEn ':.llr to *ovld adfhtlonallelec. loan from the labor eparent. 'ntl;l C'omllnsson has gven tnclty.to the cty. of Pe.ru. He 'Wll gather more dlata <)d the : o,programs whh,n \".hs ra,y, ajors sald' peru programg avalable n Nelbras- $400,0)0. C().t an estmated Stat,e,Colege wll. be arsur d.of ka.jl.nd on preparng the St/lte'R progralns wll be ncluded suhlent, electrlclty 0 me tts appdcatons for fnletal,r9.nts. n tlt' comn sson's budget re- growng *.eds, The Economc Op-pottunty Act qlll'h of thl965 legslature,: H tes mony came durp a f'lladted by CongrsR last sum: ' tdl other: programs are ln healg the board l;once'tmng mer, allows for 90 percent fed- (' dlscllsso slage pnd wll bc a.. dspute, over whether Al\bun era,ad lo local communtes :\ kl'n' p at \ later meetngs O,.f c or Easer Nebraska ublc to hlp combat poverty and, also ht' group,, Power Dstnct should serve Peru provades for establshment of '/ '' comm.san hps a[}pon- and Per St,te. youtlt -eons,ervaton camps and ('(' '3 comm Hees to work pn He al t.he State Nqrmal tranng centers. <;pc'fc proj ts n connecupd Board S. nvmced that th Au Du\levey sad local programs \\,t:h NebTas a's lootl brthdy burn facll hes are such that they wll be drafted. supmtted to ('('ll'.hraton n 967. have ade uate poer to cary the g,overnor's offce for revew \.!:lmes bel, Lntoln, char out}. contract a sgned.y au hen scnl to the federal gqernm;ll of thp c!mmss(ln, says he holltje df th,e cty,o Pell ann ment. H federal approval s dll' not pxpcjct the (jverall bqn- hat Wth thls adchtlonal sup grant d, a program wll get a, get [0 hll $ jmlon. ' Commtte ' jrequests approvd C'mentaj power, the cltf of eru ean adequately supply the second revew by the gover or's offce h\' the commsson last we{'k lnr, olege w,'th ts elctrcal needs," Dlevy. sad pre,sent taofor- ('lded: '. A,cordl g,to Major" th oarrl malloj lllchcates the act wll Fducatonal l televson $35 75' s.very concernlea ab0ht a gve Nebraska about $25,0 0 to :lq:rlllture,!$37,500; 'prog'raln;.osslble ower shortage at the establlsh a coordnatng agency. promotons, $8,250; college alum allege. e uged that te!mat. t s antcpated that ap-p ox. n\ jff;l.rs, $$,700; commemorat er J;le de ermmed as quckly as mately $900,000 \vll he' ade stamp, $OJ50; rado haj osslble,.,avajalble n the' state for tom tr('e plantng, $23,; ('r)mme'nlorate" medal, $27,00 ;. He sal that la$t August the ty of P ru, the cbllege and the unty fcton programs. nal,'(' grass, $26f.50; c oard ag eed to an agreefoent EpceRhalts Deaths n. llmly count better ent,' $,- nder wh eh Auburn would ro. Dr. E. A. Rogers, state hulth (':mada Nebras a la, de wholesale power to the cty f ' f 26 t drector, says two deaths are s: c,c'ntpo al aws, $7,500 rve Yars or. cen s per ';f P 0 att d P "'old nvolved,n the 4 presumptve {'l'nlennlal crmvento s, $0,OOt" w' our an eru " "" 't u " 't t th " f encephaltts (sleepng sckness) NPhJ:aSka et zen awar, urn s 0 e co egl:j' or '. cul-tu al, $45.300: bo!.90 cents sah?;;renyto thee a floats, $40,000; natonal oj aso:\seals tgrce: Publc Health Servce. $2,b. and poneer re; - lege plant of frm an;{ reason- The 4, along wth two con- g able elec.real power." rmed casps also reporteel n :\lo 3Ppr:red was a sped Peru!'dlayor John J. Mcp.tre the stntc-, were scattered over l''tl"llpst for spendmg $25,0 0 $ad the lty's generaton equp. eght countes. jll' a gtudy y a natonally rep- rnnt s 0 d and n constant need Dr. Rogers sad all the cases OcJ.nzed "('s('arch organzaton to bf repar. The cta, he sad, as reported n Nebraska nvolved l!'l'rllnp *braska's natontd \vell as the college would be n equne type ence"phalts. "Thjs s ll.\.((' and to help n the econom real troulbe f the man generat. a'specfc vrus nfecton center ll' dl'vc'lopm t of fhe state. Or ever roke do'wl. ed n thl' bran tssue whch pr U'ge Alp' plll'cat' n OK rnarly affects the nervous sys o Apply or Funds tern and can call!';e mortlty..\ D MajQrs, Omaha, a mer/l- Nebraska has appled for fed. ) ates a.,> hgh as 50 per cent," )('r o[ the state Normal Boarp, ral funs for establshment of he sad., h:l urged He Nebraska Powr Manpower Thanng and teo Western equne ef).ce-phalt s Hl'\'('w Boatd to approve n :lppllcaton,the town of A - F'elopment faclty at the old Ar y Ordnance depbt, Sdney, transmtted through the bte f a common mosquto, the h'eat d- Announcement of the applca rector moted., L on was made by Governor orrson and Jerry Gruber of N' E he' Nebraska La,bor Department', The Depot s slated to be :.!a'sed out by the Army by 967. ' t wts constructd durng Wlorld 'E t J... ' llowance, nstructor costs and by N t, ar H, X ens (;) tr GrUber: sad approxntately OO'OOO' needed for trnng PPles. he center would pro- Myrtle de a tr nng faclty for ahout Anderson 3 5. perso s and would be op-..._- wated eoeratvely by the state Upholsterng wth Vnyl.. s. an educaton depart- Homemakers wlm are co sd- Al'!cog to Gruber, 0 n- erng the re-upnolsterng 0 a al curs s are beng proposed. cl trt c:pnr : f[. hey wqu d cover auto mechan. able fabre now_ J' s, clerc work and food servo es jobs. One af the,vnyl opho ery The,,,,gOV rnor, sad he was op. fabrcs ha be the answer f.t tnstc a ut gettng approval easy cleanng 3.]nd durablty ' are the pl&q, Gruber, sad the'plan qualtes you are lopkng for. self has been approved b.y the Furnture covered wth ny,. S. La Department but that upholstery can range from lcasads ha e not yet heen pro. ual desgns to the most sothsv:ded. tcated elegant antu rep:ro 'The or ance depot s soma ducton. Ths upbolstery m,terseven l north of Sdne. ;r;gec:: :een:: C,'.. rd,natng Agency unusually hard wea,. compared ttlan G0t,ef' Morrson says plans to other coverngs,., re, n. made for seg pp a tyf' :=. hef(l:e ' st t:., =.o:::':: freuentl.y fdu:od!, the :rtores e F al 'E&mOnc Oppor and last e un,. Jaty'Dles" 'unleve'y, a'n a-'stant pported vnen:ts-; eet :..."' vryl wthout any backng. Wth '--' _. hs ype, the fabrc has a tend- ' c lmn 'wrters reportcd that ole cncy to crack f used round, K ushy ws nnw wearng a sel. very sharp curves on a ljlece of c hearn!g ald. That's the frst furnture..,' 0 al noljce 've saw that ole. Vnyls havng farc backs fau K ushy' evpr done any. lstenmto three, categones - the. exl n From my observaton, when panded vmyl, spported Vnyl, he asn't talkng,hc was poundand. breathable vmyl ng hs sht,e on somepun. The The expanded vnyl s lam ne 's that he has took,to llsten. ated,to. a ntte"d jersey lback ngj'ls the best thng to happen _ng, glvm,. a.soft hand] and to he world snce they come great flxlbllt.y. 'out wth Foregn Ad and the The supported, vnfl provdes see less watetmelon, strngth for heavy duty app T -e m'ore and morc about less catlons. t s adc smlar to and ess tem of the week was the,expa.nded v.nyl.ex<ept that wh f one of theol Federal ago the fabnc bac.mg:.ls tronger. encles was nvfstgatng the way Br.eathable vmyl S a type of. the* was conductng rado lsten. fa,lc,tha',t goes, throg,h a p:o- ng surveys. could gve 'em Cl:SS, \\hc(, : vry fnt quahy soe good advce but know of v,.nyl.,.' deposted on a f, bnc thel an't gong to takc t. nbackmg such. a anner tat ste d of callng to see how many he. fabnc retams S porosty. lst ners a program has got, they rhls makes the faboc extreme oug t to tally the number that ha;lltry,wden.used as, c: j.ls when the pro WJth the wele range n types, 0 th. lt ft bo t styles, and cost of vnyls the l' e po lca on" a u a honlf'ltlwker can fnd one' that,gj f'o the papers S that all s.u::;t rght for home and fam. y te j'candldat(>s was 'tc most pat not c folks we got n. the coun Tme to Check Freplace Chmney There s nothng lke a warm trno matter ho'w blg a :ss thm s was n, te was, wlllmg glow of a cracklng fre n the and eager, to gt n offce a,nd freplacd on a cold nght. And stra ghten em out. And the sle before wnter comes on, home of e mess d('pends. on who s owners should check to see that tal n,.the Repubbcans was ther f eplaces' and chmneys Clal g t was the large econure safe and ready for use. om SlZ and the De-mo(':ats was Chmneys n the avera,ge home call g lt the small ad)ustffe'lt do not,usually need cleanng. However:, f they do, vacuum szel. Wll, Mster Edtor, 'm. aox cleanng, by a commercal frm OOfer; fall weather. Lke a s the best method. Che-meBl hea oj d'olks, hanker fer the soot removers arc not very ef/ goo ole summer tme, but th!s fedve and can create a fre su mer they've sorter over dd hazard. t, ' d 'm longng fer the frost Allhough freplaces are not an on the punkn agan. {'cclllomcal means of heatng a "," Yours truly, home, a well-desgned, properly " Uncle Zeke bult freplace can enhance the - appearance and comfort (){ a;.j;" room. m f you are n doubt about eya,n;gpu;hfeatter<;; f places and Chmneys" F,B, No. llm9 gves some ponters on desgnng your own freplace, and sugg('stefs on how to nspect all(\ mantan the unt after t s bult. Ths bulletn may be secured through the local coun- ' ty exten!>on offc_ Comng Events.. Oct. 5: Achevement prol!ram spon'sored by Dakota County Home Extenson Counc,l, 7:30 p.m., Dakota Cty hgh school audtorum Oct. 2: Home F,conomcs Day for homemakers on campus of Agrculture aod Home Economcs, Lncoln. 0 Yeors Ago Oct, H, 954: Olvc: Rechert as namt'd Re p.ubllcan canddate for dstret courtty commssoner... Approxmately 650 perons attendcql the Wayne county 4-H aehcvemlnt bnrbeeu(' nnd buldng dedcaton last Wodne', day al the fargrounds' '. Glbert Mattes as selected',,as a regonal Star o'armer Tuesday nght, nt thc " annual FFA conventon n Kansas C y, Mo,.,. \ 7ohrerrO{;:Oe::d r:trrs5newc: \ vcton of vandals who have dam ged several \ country schools.. _ Kent Hall reeev d un awnrd \ as "Old standng Jaycee ( the onth"... \Kathryn Sandahl, daughte of C, F. Sandahl, \Wake el ; was elected prev!!ent (f,the Nebrns. S te Student Nurses a'ss'ocatol last Tues day, * * 5 Yea,s Ago ',OCt. 3, 949: Gov, Val Peterson wll be featlted speaker at guest nght, of WaYle Woman's e:lek. wa;:o g;;ltesc sel'vaton assol;aton has announced corn pnce sllppor rate n' the county wll be $.3 per bushel Mrs. Erwn Ulrch, Hoskns, represented Wayne County at the mectng of the Nebraska Dvson (f the Amerean Cancer Socety n Oma Cattlemen Urged to Enter Bulls for Testng Wth nterest pckng up among Nebraska stockmen regardng bull testng ths fall, prorty for avalable space at the two stalons wll be,gven entres receved before Nov., (lffcjys of the Nebraska Beef Cattle m provement Assocaton sad ths week. Ths remnder to nterested beef catle producers came from Dck Dunn, Thedford, charman for bull testng n western.nebraska; and Russ Vllnderkolk, Ct.v, lce ted the, call t.o becoml' pmlor,of',!$t'l;,j;.::: Paul..uthc 'an cl_l,rch, Wayne',,, el.ln, teyfl, '. son 0 Mr lnll Mr9, Cnrl 'Mcy('r,' ''ton,grand cfulmplon c.et hl the Ak SO D.lyestoc.k how. ' t. netol aden;bl:jlt. :;;l,rql:r crated colllrles WM coj!eetcrl' h"l'e '. th.rjlhh churches ( ptl!tt we.e.k,,, Nne Wllyn6 o,unty, med ftlvd llm\th'lt sl'h!ellvl' ml'vcc,q UU, 'Thcy wc'tc ll am l:urdot!t, JulllH Wckorl, Lo' lc! tlrudlga' thul erbl"t trcnlrckhol, '" hdnn, John' n'rtlggcl" tylc l\:h'k('!!)',, ers nfld Wlllnm ngram,,, COAch,T Wakefeld tojan8 <ecenlcl ho Wayn Knlghls 3-),hl. n gbtlw played Fdduy tt Wllyne!: clcl{c Ccld, * :. 25 Yeors Ago tact, 2,,939: Wn'ynl", flrsl, Wht,C rostll t,hls'!leason w,ns vs e Tuesday mornlnll peratufc!t At'OHlng to J. s: 'l-t6rnh stood at 34, Wayne county's quol'a C Cross roll and Than A gross 0 b:cd hy' Hoffmlln hf9' ter!l, nsdc, londuy n th-clr dl[lc'fllll 88,R!..j Herefords, whlh was one of the ntrest UVO.'lq(!k. auctons c.ver held n tljje secton,,, Co.ngrr.afl-" mnn Karl Sternn plam lb ho n Woyno'Sotn My afternoon.,, AdolpJl Jltlcr, n m addrcs!4' F*':; day, offercd pence n Eur:opc or a wnl' whlc l",le', clams he wll wn,; ltcr "tatod thl)t he urd..:, Russa ollld determne th outeome of tht':! P Uth state..... "r *. *,;. :];, 30 Years Ago t Oet., 934: Wayne state- TCllcbers., won tl) frst home football game or the Frday evenjng by defeatng Nebraska Un B team from Lncoln wth a score of 6tto..2,J,.;,_, Golden Rule stote was robberl of $,209..,Jn Jl chnndse over the weekend.,. Dr, T. W,Bt St republcan cnndldnte for state tj'caluror..,a " Rchard, 0 ha, Monday., "The, Hasty Heart," a 949 Bronl way theatrcal succes$, wll be \brought to nortjleaster! Nebraska by Wayne State specal phlgrams commttee for a performance at the col Johnsbn, rcpuullcttn canddate tor:' t ' lege audtorum n the nar futllfe. torncy getjrrnl, addressed lul nterl:!rtcd r9p'. ' Wayne Man Street Tuesdny lftcr)oon,.'. Rq J * * lef offcers (rom, nne ("6untlC', mt ot 'cty bn, Waynl', FrldjD.y to hear totc admlnlstratol's from 20 Years Ago Lncoln explan the ne\'''. 'clel plln whch wtt t : :- J, c, cl.jldt, Nt ths n'on:- _ --:-_-r _ !Jcllwood, charman for 'eastern always ready for est4apc t. 'c 'A 'Nebraska. Entry dates arc Nov, 4htng roof fres. o nent 5 ' 6 /7 lor anmals at lhe hl':- 5, - Have the rght mc:tg cn:ndsto: :'Rt:? t r,/;qtrghnln,,. Col 'umn Mueller feedlot near Ogallala, protect from freezng.. wher'c.'. by servng Wl'stern Nebraska 88 a' nf'ccssary... <: Harold tct faclty,.. G, - Always ke'y cltern' ngall. bu'{ll, etl orets tett :oad, flclgl.) Ma!y B wth' hs swng. n hs runnng mate Mr. Mller, th(lugth,' t s a horse of a dfferent color. You h'3.ve n hm strctly an alley fghter - one (f the gut punchng, "throw the boots nto 'em" type. Sometmes thnk he s absolutely, devod of any of the mlk of human kndness for s9me of the thngs he says, some of the accusatons he makes would bl."ter the skn of a dnosaur. Then we turn to the other sde and take a look at Hubert and LBJ -,,Al reports have t that.,mr. Humphrey s an erudte, leamed, scholarly man. 'm not denyng that, but frankly n hs speecht;.'; t seems that he sets hs mouth Jast J.y frst vote for a gong and then goes off and presr"ental canddate n 90B. ela",:mess, Ht.,He mmaasrter Oaf rltpaorf Grea balls of fre that was 56 '- e s a Ell to ye:;tr ago. Snce then have tee and sarcasm but lt seems to depa%'ted several tmes from the me that no matter' now lofty tra. d onol blue-belled tyljle of hs learnng, he, enn roop pretty Repu canlsm espoused by my far down n some of hs dscus ancesltors and have voted for sol'ls \ -both r Democras and Republ- There there S LB. He travcans. j So what! sy here today es far and wde 0 what he cannqt, b-r the wldest stretch of maghaton, be lad at the dmr calls non poltcal mssons. But for a man, who s not campagn Of!Ptsa.h.POtCS. Rather t s ng, he can shake more hands sort f an ohjectve look that s and kss more babes than all beng takcn at the present cam the rest of them put together pagn and the leaders n that and down n my beart beleve camp jgn. Just a personal as that whle he s dong ths, he ses ent of t all. s 'slently twstng a lot of arms, spekng of the campagn t. He hasn't Crectly resorted to self, can say s that n the. : :x,se r;e c6not.t DEAR MSTER EDTOR: \ /:dsal :ek::rr:se yourself but what ths urbane. They was a nu ber of nterest- a str et and alley f*ht as does bengn 00khg gentleman loads ng tems n the p pers last week, ths o. Here t s only half ov- a lot of the shells that hs boy matters that ha ou'ght to be t t' l 'f th r Hubert fres. ' prnted on the fr t page but got :t,,.s,sce;q lup, et : So far haven't heard to(l bured nsde 'On acceunt of the fnsh up,as the champonshp many ssues dscussed. About the poltcal" campa was now hog- gutter fght of all campagns. t :t Sr\eefeJkt:sftht gr::&;d ntst and med- n' :,tetbaff:' T "elect me and we'll straghten ene perfessons was gttng n all Fla ea' hand n t even though everythng out later." How ther two-bts w rth. Ths den- ther Af,hods vary_ AU of them don't know. They don't tell us tst feller clame the ycunguns opera,e.. : dfferently when t that. ' of today was co fg dqwn wth come to' woong the favor of the t does seem though that the. a dsease knowed as "TV Maloc- voter. whole campagn s beng carred cuson." He say ther eye teeth ' Mr. G<;ldwater makes some on n such a manner as to cheapwas growng n\\ard on acount rather" extl'avagant statements en ts great objectve and that :f::';: 0 t;fl;: tn' e,h:rtohtoa:f;: t %:ra:!f the only cure fe t was to dust' hs and labels them or thet are seekng. ther pants and et 'em up n. a Wth ms as ",phones", th'mm J!::hgchtoonveote foo,t oo, ' h r 'm xpe tng h to 't etc'. P ts me a bt,n mnd of a 'C VV' oe' strongeett rs fromvaros'" fghte. who. dances, around the tor too am confused. n fact, parents organ auons advsng rng. rt 'Of weaves n and out_ a:pojlfuped5: 5 u;' that dustng a y ungun's pabts s NoW d t'len lands a blow, but tthe chcken yard. \ now ago the Co sttuton, the Sa- '. ;a=lo:tq:,.tl:''t:,'ff:e=f::ans+=:th:e*a:r::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, preme Cour, nd the Fedefal,. Housng Adntralon, -, ' Then they Nas ths feller. FFE"ENCE mtste\e r;raet: THERE S D '( :;hth :a:e:s a:k:a:... amng lfe ns,e cqmpane, a*d we dear frend ant try to gt ac- be happy to explan' the adantage of' Northqnanted wth somepun belndm western Mutual. hs pdcketbookt That's mghty, ' strong lanag., Ms Edtor. adt '::l;fc: N THWESTERNMUTUAL LlF,.E. NS. CO,. edeal SOCl, etv come the,n,ext,', - _Professonal B)dg. Phone 35-8 ff=ge of rem w.sh;;l_:"'+"",,:...;...r at l'ther staton must be memo water Sllppl!f':l nrc ne"ecssble, bers of the Assocaton, accord 4 H Stako n Natlon'._ Agrleulture, og to Elmer Vogel, Stuart. U. S. Agrculture s thc grclt. NBC A pre'sdent. Out of state cst ndustry on earth, nlhl t, s edr:m;e ;c;n:s:oc; ;q(eal3n: :t:gt ur. membershp fee, and thereby be ture. Fewer farmers wl -prq-. come elgble duce more than' ever bllfqre,: So to enter an-' what happens to the boys and mals n l h.' grls growng ut> JOn the farm totest. day? ' The, man ob- SOjTC answers can be found jectve of the amon th!',monafhun BOQ,OOO tests, under a program spon youths enrolled.the Natonal 4 Agreulturnl.a'wards prol sored by NB- gram, say Chlb hadcrs, CA and expanqed t.,ye,ar-,. ls. The hgh partcpaton _n, ago to promote be er/orm'&nce rcu,ltllral projetg lqdr;,tes a testng h gen)ll,.a4'to sre- rowrng nterest p le.'.producas an educatonal method to ac tlon oj food and fbcr, t shows quant catue prodcers lr- Nc!hat young fal'mel'! W'J(W.e l:n braska wth procedures Ot per- au {hey can he/orl:! 'decldlqg formance testng, Vogel statcd. what tcr lfe>,' wor,k wll b,e" Are You Ready for Fr,,? SuperOr project ache".emnt The best tme to thnk" about brngs _recognton from lntf!rfre on your fflrm s before t natonal Harvester Company, happens. sponsor of the,agrcultural pro Those who do gve t some gram for 0 years, Awards arc_ thought beforehand are least.. 8 trp to the Natonal 4 l{ Club lkely to hav'e a fte, Here s Congtess n Chcago for -thc.stae :b:of fre precautons to thnk ;t;' :fo,h$gq ;:fa'. -- Know how to call thc shps for sx natonal wnners, fre department; post.you.' fre Whle club members.lenrn, to department number and ex. grow hetter crops, rase, be change al the tel phone. Make nd dary ea. ttlc', m,odernze, f,arm,, "lre y(lur frc department s fa'. mg methods and study far ml;ar wth the layout of your management, they also..lear farn house and barn exts and job responsbltes and how t locat'on of 'Water supples.' get aong wth people:.' 2. _ Check cdndton of heat., < eepng.buldn?s goo4 _r:p:. \ ng equpment ncludng chm..par :,nd mprovmg rural surneys and {lues-. Malte an repalrs rondjlg:5 beome lessons 0 nccessary for safe operaton, shlp Check electrc wrng for wear and loads replace worn and nadequate wrng; use only s-ampere fuses unless a crcut has been specally desgned for larger loads. sh'uld oua::[: :fbl:oof an emergency. Have ladders ---- '

11 : Th. Wayn. (Neb,,) H.,.lld, Thll'!da, Ot bn 5, %f ' 3! :,;:==::t:===='==:-:7j),:":v:,,j" d:<:'o:l:o:s':''",d:::,et:op:7c. "g r ' "Y.Cun Amercan :'\r:ther,' Who Sht''!'':,rs. Jtlrncs Hc-nnl l, TO; g;j\'c. Esther L VC" _ Phone 98 _!.dnnary Mn,ut!.. EWtcnslon cur,cll MeC!ts ' HOh o.:tw Card CluJ) Metehl. - t " M'.! llnd M'$. Wllam Dohrer. tl;::;;-l \'\:l:r\d ;L: were ho. ls to he.hhh 0', Low canj FlO! ('lljfll':. lllh.tln h('ld lt tho dub F;tl'l ay cvenlll! fj scorcll H(t'fp;dlon jf{o()jjl of lhe Slanto:l en( (ttl. AlSt" BOtlller, N.atona] Bnk Two'lll'w dubsj,c'?,ry,0 ren, r.,an( rs. nr. afl' hl 'lfer Nl\ l}ghlers, ". sch, lerclcr,and t " Henry,nohrn. g(t, rtd tlt '\ear \'egn!lo[" Club..;: t:j h(,tost'codore (.aubms 'Hl'lll cf ltanton 'ollnly, lyn;,,---+-'. W llt,!" Sch{'lPt'!H'J ('!J;llfm<lll pl"f"!... r)l'd, ' Wlln to Learn Club Meeh!, Wmg To Learn c!l.\b met 'fhm:; F'YE Elect Presdent "day rrncrnoon at tle!lome oc Mr ' 'l!ld \lf;'.!l.l;berl K:wdt'r.' S: n'th('n; :;; Sljn:llr, "ll' \ tll' wl'{'kt'lld at N hl'jlsk: :\.! < FOTst. "la.jsey,:,.\;:h',(l'tl%.sw"ce::;el. -'.lhl'.,,\ llll'l', tbe n(('l'najon Sl"Cf{'t :sters were rrvealed wtt - lnn :,llllltj."'xl"hanl!e lluu\rll,tlll, J a gft qxchmgc )lrs. Paul.\['s.. 'lndl' \\ asl ('!'dl'd H'psJdplll, ck wll be Oct. :l hostf'ss DLlf 0! - 'r.. tu'4' ljt'xt Ylal' f'rl',sl'ly,;!,(',<l('lln, :lnh'" g.o,'.\'. and Mrs, Bll Hawkjm and nqlltt:,'l.jl ljc[' ;,\ ' \<lhh. \\<ls,ojl8, Wsner were dnner and Slp ll exchh.tll-',; ::.tudl'nt tu ',AuHtrall<t per gu('ts Sundu}' n the Sd Hawk S,'lll l!l.h.l (0 J\Llrl"l.!Jj',M"s. ns h(me K.und('l..', lt' (rr'lll'r hart n hdeul l Dnne' ','lc.sts $urday n the Lee ( (h l'[ol, rdlj 'Lor-ense home, West Pont, were --.,-- - Mrs. V'jllle Nrllor, Stanton, Mrs Robert Korth njured Flcrcnl' Brandt and Mrs. Fern,(;:H J/{jlftl\;:' r', ho: lsa'/ 00 ;[' ) d Mrs Herman Wllers fl!l.'d \( ll)l( to hjs lgh! accom:pjcd by Mr and Mrt Ro) h,lllr!,",llt lof n rdlm alel Andersel, Belden Vsted.r'nda) l!{'nt.t :-.!lollle S('pt 23 \\th Mr Jane Rllslemeyer at Ta.'" Jlrl,.., <n (nsj!,lgp ( bjtha Hme! Lncoln. tlrn went to (' lhll,: llth! h{ dllll' (ntung Omaha to attend the JrOde'O and {d J tlll machne Y,Prl.' 0\ 'ltught gu{'sts n the Eu r\->,u ', \ t lllpuljll'd gene W!cbel home VlSltl:rsundaY n the F',>rd Selg Valley CultUlo Club {t hull( Well' M an Mrs Wl \ :tk (']!J mel at tl{' lam \,{odcrhor. Mr. and Mrs. WlJW oj \'.'fltll'th Rodd T!Uflj Reuh"n onderhop and Mrs. Lena W('rl'd ('a]\;q!:;th a nr:enh, a\rvef :.\, PUPll\ oj' \'erst', Mrs, meler. l(jrd \',' \\ tl a Mrs. }Ln Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones were '" \\,J('l'lllJ,l,'l lj(' tlv 0('\ 9 guests Slnclay n Ow Howard Thew hsl!', ho;'e;uo\ Saturday n the WSCS Meets Harold Sbhermeer hump were Mr. Tl/ WS( 's l'j ThursdllY attn and Mr. Harry Pus, porllad, nuoll ' thl' :\,tllodlst church Wth lore., Mr:- and Mrs. Frank ReJ::pn',ld('tJl ';' (;t'ford Burrs' OT). hold and Mrs. Dcra Renhold. t'llll! ;, L'l'lng by rcadg t r Mr. ad Mra. Fbmk J(mj':!'s en part (Jt' '.),)hl Wesley Servl'e terta,ned lt. dnner party, Wedl'lul' l\\ml)t'rs' answl'f,'d, nesday evenmg to honor the, brtl' rull \''t!or" were Pastor! day of l\jrs. Kenneth Rood. C-uests l(l\\:tld H ).'rt()j], hs dallghlc'lf : were Ml and Mrs. Kenneth Rood :'-lr. H('hlt'd, :)"(' and chldren, and Mr., and Mrs. Ray Rd,.\onl, :\-.vrlll' Carson, :ll\ \", L(lnl'll'ugr ]l('lllwtt WRS rlec!r,r! 'Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stern, Nany Donna lntl Cone, Blar, Were dnner fur Self.L)e!.guests $unday n the Charles Ol't,' 5 was slt '.lckes h,me. After,no,oo calle.rs n- '' An Electon cludpd Mr, and Mrs, Earl Hekes l\'llh \r, Earl md W. C Hekes, Obert, and,'mr. (':lrun and Mnl. and Mr,,;. Kermt Andrews an:l ch<lrge :\'3 :?"_._r,_,. _._. r;::::=*;;r-- CENTER CUT RB PORK CHOPS CENTER CUT HAMSlcesl. COUNTRY STYLE SPARE'RBS..'work!harder 0'.-.-go laj'th r at U. S. All Purpose Red Potatoes LO $ Florda Red or Whte Grapefrut 6 FO s9c 69c MLK OF MAGNESA Rna, 2 n. Ol" pla, or mrnt lav-ored }- j, 2 for SUPPORT NYlONS SMl!, C'mlQrt seamed OM" mmlm 2 par 4.9., gac RELl SHAMPOOS cholqe Qf 4, kllld _, _ 2 for.9 gac HAND LOTON CarOl Nome wh oothn& 4tlloln, 8 fl. 0. 2for.9 TDY HOUSE PRODUTS FREE OFFEK MAlllNf'-x TOPS-REC VE " FREE KE NEDY HAlf DOLLAR DEXO.L- "-Ole 49' BLEACF LGUKG. 7' SPRNG- 2+Ole 49' RAN ;-;,-mer ".OZ, 79' PERFEX 5v,.Ole 33< CLEANER 33-Ole 7' GERBER'S SOFTEE WhHe... CoJon.d 4 STRANED Tolet Tssue' :.:: ', Facal Tssue BABY POFfS 2 S9 c FOOD QUCK COCO"" ;.u c c duc< d::ocoa2,lj,s. 79 c N$ ' ",p =c Chocolate Morsels : L t - BETY CROCKER Layer Cake BABYRUlH 5e Candy Bars np TQ!' cur GREEN :' ara9ul

12 ,, '..,.".. " he,woyn. Ncbr,) Herol, Th! rsdcly, <Xtober 5, 964 'XON N ws, M. Sterlng Borg..,.. Phone' U Pt Rehn: Co Pckng Contest M,,0ng th cqntchlanls n the.'ohn YOtlng and Krs, Mrs. Chlf' 'Nraska cor pc/ng contest Mon cnre Nels n and: Mrs. Myron Drks. day' ll Bane rt' was Paul taj,n, 8lJ Gr, 5, Nor-folk, was a supper DOD. Arno g t0se who att.cn{\cd guest SUl day n the Russell An 'f e;;:t a rnjrswj, Ul,' k(!alfy and Anta Eckert were q. Mr. a d rs. LcHoy Pell- overnght guests l Frday n the Mrs, ler k and da Harold (;('org('l Agnes Ldbnard home, Wakefeld. Je, me Ma.ck y od M,', and \rs. S',k St,lng Borg nn Anna, OC'fety tnd M,'s' lcrn ChamlJlrrs 8nfa;lY. akota Cty, w('rr om Socal :,orecost Frday, dct. 6 :'JUeS' nd<\y n,th(' Elul'ld Cub Scquts, Allen Prescott home', Monday, Oct. 9 Mr. and M s, Maon.Qust wert' 'Meet f Canddate. 8 p.m. Allen vtrs Frd t"\e,nmg n the S. E Hgh Sch > Audtorum E home. Tuesday, Oct. 20. and M's. WaH Johnson anrl TwWgh Lne, Mrs. John Young Kc'n were ftertnoon and supper Wednesd V, Oct. 2 guts Sundar n the MarlC'n Dahl Sunshn _Club. Mn. Ray Spahr qut borne. f, thursday Oct. 22 Mr. and M s. Duan(' Whle and t fauy were vstors SU:day pv(' d t WSCS nn n the feorgc Whte home Daly Doe s Meet Malrtnsburg., TtH'scla.Jt afternoon Daly Doers Among thoe,,,,hn attended.tlh' Hobby Cllb met at Daly Hall. The D"'m Count Ex!pnslnn nh'lllbcr 'made wnd bonnets and achevement show at Walldlf'ld tl'dd.v bdrs. Mrs. Donald Shef K Wednesday ftf'r,noon W'"{' :\rs, mlln st'j"\'{'d. The next meetng wll 'tw NlH', J G'S Granmotho,.s' Club Meets l;randmp,thcts' club met Tuesday ()(Jn for h rovered dsh luncheon <t tllf' Mh. Velma Frans home..\! r."".j, (' McCaw wll be Novem! )('" h() trs:;. Frdy, Oct. 6, Ar SOcty Meets The "TpREADORS" S Am),', altar sodety mel Adm. 75:c Parents nvted Tuesrlay ('venng at the parsh -+ l0s('_ 0,t('ss('s were Mrs. James, (,JarkSOn n,d Mrs. Vncent Kavan Sotur oy, O ct. 7 «ugh, 'll next lnc'ctng s Nov. 3. BOB RADBURY.., An-ne Ma e Schulh: Baptzed and hj Orchestra \000 Ma,ne Schultz, nfant daugh- Adrrsslon 75c -\' of ". and Mrs_ Delos Schultz. bapt'.ed Sunday mornng at W,S Sundy, Oct. 8 Llllted Lljtheran church. Laurel...,!:('\ L<lJ'ry Spomer offcated TONY! BRADLEY \-rs. Arthur Anderson and Paul! S\VO!O werc sponsors. Mr. and :\lrs. Arthur Anderson were dnner Sunday jn the Schultz AHernoon vstors ncluded Chrs Skovboj Laurel, Mr. and Mrs Svovbo, Blar, and Mr. and,paul Skovbo and Bran. by ttu'.:ldg somc.thng Ul.Cy co Jd do Don Thes, Mr. and!'l'rs. Mlton me to cslabulh rpgonal ado CU.UlC conecpl.!ol; church Wa,tc... J the Olver Nce holllc\!.wer(!:.. hh'. ThUl'sdl)" COol' Mrs. Jom to t>e helpful at home. ', boys Johnson and famly. Mr. and -Mrs. se s n Nebrska.land upheld a bury, am,later \\ere vstors n th and Mrs. Keth Noe, lrooln.' and S' Ct took a short hke and carre pap- J<red Dangberg and famly, Mrs p' pasal (0 redulcc byl onc the Dum- Hoger Sc'hl'oeder home-; Allen..!0'S. Hanald Allen A.nn. 'lllyy -Mr, nnd' M!: er ra8d t<>tb COU,bcct lltter'd They Henry Danzgber g,!\' l'lm nd Mrs d be ot Dxon County CommSSon Mr. and Mrs':. ohn Thomsen and.mr. and Mrs. Don.J,.."jt<lber'" SlU'lllhy took Mrs. Clllrl.8 prac ce e eu scout a ancc- Wayland mmerman, j r an er,llbu.r WOre.VlsltOtS sunc.by,eve Norfolk, an,d 'rs, sa' rlney (' Ncr olk whrl'c,'" 9" -left b. r ', men.wds.,noel Stanley bough, Mrs. Mdford Roeber atuj famly nlog tho Ott M h'... V hom m,adelcookles for lunch. Mr. and Mrs Larry Luhberstedt n 0 aas orne. tlded a rosary Wcdn s- Ore.'. Berv' ' and famly. Mr an Mr George Clh Frr:y ::rhewsa.'_,!,_ servt. orc DXON'-,;- Pl(O :s ',''"" "',"; WSC:$ ", t. Thursday Lppolt, Mrs Jay Mattes nd lar ure es.l. keuy home. -, <O_ Wen 9 Socety of Chstan len, and Mr. and Mrs. Gl!."l"ld Heek- MthoJ'st Church Mr, and Mrs, Adolph Bloom, :hurhe.t :5yrt lea; '_., (Jesse A. Wtheb. pastor) r(l el\s:sdl:lt:e ::: and Mrs. "E,arl.Eckert led t e les- Lesle- NoeNamed PrescJ,ent jnday, Oct 8 Worslllp, 930 Larson home Canby Mmn Wed son.', Plans were made to serve Lesle Noq. Dxon, wa' elected a*rday OChOO neday and Th'ursday,. lncl an4, have a bake salel lec- presdent of the Dxon County y, t 2' WSCS Mrs Sade Drme)' wa a caller on,!day. Nov. 3. Several 'uests Farm Bureau at the annual meet Tuesday mornm!. 0 the Max Hahn were present to see the c llm'ed mg Wednesday evellng at the ;Ex t. Anne's (ath lc Church home sldes Whch M5. Maron Qu t had tenson offce n Allen Sterlng (Thomas Htch pastor) Mr. and M s. M.. P. Kavan tken On a trp to Denmark. Mrs. Borg was named vlcepresldent S turda)'. Oct 7 Glade school augh were vstors Frday morn Marv-n Hartman, Mrs. Caro Hr Borg and Eldred Smth were chos catechlsfll, 9 30 m ng n the Alden Serven home chert and Mrs. Jack West rmat) en to attend the S!at Conventon Snday, Ocl. 8: lass, 0 a.m. an.d also called n the ArftOld servd re.freshments The next n LnCOln.,. Also el(bcled were d M?,.nd. a',. o.el.. 9 : Ugh school n W".e home to $00 Douglas \\Ute meetng Ml be oct. 22. rectors from each townshp n the struton, 7:30 p.m who recentty broke both s n county. --'-. farm accdent. Swahsons Mark Annversary The group dscussed and voted.salturday Mls. Jll ChambPTs Mr. ancf Mrs. Corrlnn Casal and' Frday evenng a group of rela- on varous reso.lutons. The fav- mov'd fm D:xon 0 a home se famly, Belden, were dnner guests Uves gathered n the R dolph oed a resol.ulan to esta?sh a has 'Pulrcased andj remodeled n Sunday n he Lester' Paton h_ome. " peo,es Nafural.qs FRE( 4-HOUR SERCE ON A L GAS APPLANCES -CAlL- Swanson home. Concord, n bser dfferent basts for mmg a ABet f Mrs. Ve eal 'Gadc and chldren Offce: vance of ther 57th weddng ann- farer's feed granl acres M 8Qd Mr. Ocent Kavan- were vslq s S nday n' the Frank ' ;:,a mu:s,ncu:.edarll' WhCh would encourage <' aug anfj Vnce at ended tle fall Johnson 0' leo After Hours: o 37-S..2pOO +--t-o!ctcethey su ted asup 'r $unda eveng t mma- \'sto st alurday: aft(,uo_n'::_=::;'_:_:_:_:._:."'-==="7:----::':-:' =':::'=:lr.)==:t::fj): and hs Orchestra AdSSO $.00 COMNG!-- Sun. Oct. 25 CLy* McCOY hnd hs Dxdland Band! "---- Halloweenl Party Plaflled 'Wednl'snay evenng ntermedate McLhnds-t YouLh Fellowshp met at thl' churcb. Deanna and Jmrny Thompson f'd devotons. Mrs. A" ('0 Prescott drected recreaton. Hey, Jesse Wthee gave the les, son. The group made plans to havl' a Halloween party and ny-te the senor MYF group. Mrs. -Carol lrcherl served. Next meetng s.\.0\'. 4. Cub Scouts Meet Cuh Scouts met Frday after se-hool at the Allen Prescott home. The theme of the meetng was "Help'ng Hands." All the cubs were present to answet roll call f bt frst you do succeed, hy somethng hcrdr, -l< l' -jt: Bo was buyng a new car 'and needed a' loan He asked, "How lang 4an have and >"" do make my frst payment?" l W.f"ed the tme and date to ft hs nlld. t Let us help YO", too, n fnancng your car "lth a low cost auto loan. < < < Chbroctcr makes the man, Experence make the character, Mstakes make the' exper'nce, tt!(l: lt! " Dayau have a wll? Many tmes accdents crcumstances n settlng estates. Bath the husband and wfe should have wll. ; crea. t\.nu"sual Est te plannng should be a famly affar, so seerour lawyer soan. _+..;< l' t O,n <r,we get up n the monng we fnd that, t,;. rest of the day depen<tjs on the rest of the rght, ' ; <<<, our ancestors Etre sn/ as mportant knd of ancest<brs we j.vll be. ',,'ts., :lyn(lnljnlllj MEMBER.Po.c.; WWAYE. NEBR,, USDA Choce, Safeway-ag Beef Boneless Rump Roast...Lb, 8 Potk Sleg '. Lean, tendec; SHced 4 from Shoulder (Boston) Butt.. '-Lb. D f Q Hnd Quarter, Lb. 57e Dee 3 uarter FRONT Q\JARTERS...Lb, a:r:. Bonele$s Hrm ::,o\,, 2 bbyls29,(alchup \ -o.e! '. B fls.. m Qualty FToten EABLES Pkgs. $ ls. French lreen Beans, CboPWd Cut Green B Broccol, Wh e Kernel Com, ed vegetables'. Peas & Carro,Peas, Potato Pes, Chopped tor Spnach r Squash. ' PllsbuTy Whte!. AG L FOOD Ml, 5-0\ 3.9.(SA...VE.,... Pkg.'. 20t....Lb ' B k- Ch- k Armour Star STUFFED 5 at Safw,y..Lb. Lun ' eo CornK;ngBrand_ 3-b. $'" Spced Luncheon Can " en NEW, Enjoy lbts of Kraft CARAMELS BLh.29C Post GrapeNuls Pa, 29c Jll" rmeap" G'r'. Uh" ". 'rm '"' " k Lbby ', Ca'9C Bartlett Pears B:n'h.n..-3 N $ Pzza Mx wjth chee.$el. 25Y,-o,..89c Cef Boy. Dee.. Pkgs. ' M'. SAVE loc Res es Orse S qhocolate...2-oz. Pkg. 39c " ' M ' a r garlne " 4 $ \J:Jlue ;... Bonrlet SL\,VE 24e on 4bs.- ctns, -b, Jonathan Varety extra fancy APPLES 0 alb: Rosyred " C BASKET.or BOX " " "' $3.49 MELROSE CRACKERS ;.;9c '!r! t 5,'k, Saute or C Cream ' Lb. Cap n'. Cboce,!!!llllUUllllllllllnnUlUlDJllllDRllllUll!lHllUmllllJlllllllRUllmlllllllBlllllllllllllDUlllHUml!!lllllUllmlnunnulhn mlllmrltl_uulllflllllllllllmllllllulllllllllll_ TOMATO SOUP Campbell'0 No. C. Can 99 _ oay K;tehen,= Ge an Chocolate /A C ocolote Cakes Erozen.. 5-oz. (ake,c -wfb pnrch""" of..', 2_lb'WAGrad.Ee A. (HEESE -..-'...'.....:- '. -Wtlh purchase of 2O-oz., Loaf Skylark wjre or Wheat lad Check YOUT Supply of These Lslerne PtC H.:t: 890 Buffern Tablels ':'':' 790 Safe.a, Asprn f.an... 9c Vcks Vaporub '.,:' 49c NwAny S "atspeway Soup ":"':':'tab"...:...57bc BrownB Mx :'!/'tk':':;p='" Manze Kleenex=...:,.. " ShoJ Safeaywh Confde"&!, ' LuWhp D_rt. roppn..p, ' -Gran Bread Skylark h; D...::.9 Package 3 b" ;P.._,,'"'''''';':''',,'':;;,,\;.,.''''''' :,s W rg t 5 onuts ).. of2 s C Anf-F leo,:.:,..gallon'l..b9 R Froren. 39'. r- ae -ar Pumpkn Pe PremWn Qaly..PeC.No..,.".0 peale.,,ghtn:ed to t, UUe6. Slver Dol,ar NhtrDrawng:n our _tor.e,:!ftu:_:.t _8l.fr_ $S $puh r e FJ.' Dom;o;';'kTnal'=: '

13 ...U;.,(j;.D.D.t.n.uc-f-... Our b. '65 FLWd s the mot slent-rdng Ford ever! Has a\new s.tronger hody. Tough lew frame. (They "Hlle'" no',,s,r Olll) e\\ gentk ('.Ol. prngs -at all.four Wheels.] t.'sound l'ulaton ::\ a ound. New "Bg Sx" enne -ndllslry sbggest-que cr on seven man bearngf, not four! Come qllet-test the quetest!,... \ '65.\.best year yet o go see. yol.tr For4 Dealer l \ East (hrd '' Wlla\l!-'Cloud h0l<.', New pt nca and Mr. and' eetest..nthe '65 FORD Galaxe 500 '[.TO one of he quetest Fords ever 'bult!. rde wbtld! V\lO TMAN '. ' Wayne. N r. Mrs. Loren gu('sls'sunday n the G!OD Mack add rl :,,, ' \ \. \.. '\--"...,, J, Phone 375-3*8 'l,d Mrs. A. E. SlnJ.Y K 'R D kw d' Te Wonc (tcbr.l Herold, Thursda'y, October 5, 96 e,at(' P 'k and famll)o', W' yne. n the Clll hom(!. n,the ev n..na Mr. Laurdr. ' '.': aren. ec e s-...-.; \---...;..--..;..;...,...;..._,...;;; ;"!r lud j\ 3) lubhajd and lfcrnoon Mr',and Mls.,om Park anl Mrs.!Doo Oxley an Mr. and Mr. ad fs Keth Non,LPCOln'l t fm k!\f k.l rjllllll cmonl were vl.!ton; n d famly, SOUX Clly, Jon d the Mrs. Gamld Jewell j lned tj.e were d n r and luncheon juplltr; Merv ln G Hamm,n ) C. r ';00 t' ore md M!; jr:)qlt \O' t w h C'!8 n,' lro.m_p g.o.'.l lllld,ly UlHle Alle'n Pre(Cotl home: g U}.. roup sundayn the Olver Noe OUC _ (,':ln waf;rrs! n(' Vl t: l ml l"uc on ompany" en or'l \ and Mr:; St.l'rlmg Hon: mb culc.ml'us, Rmgtled, la was Mrs Rollen Dunn and sons were Mr a d Mrs Don enon! gham - -d' Wllcnr.r,Jcnnne.llrcn Mnrh Mrs. Ronald \nk("n' W:S )r /\flll!', \\'[0 callel s UCH,fU) f'\c } ornlght guest Sunday fl the Suppl'r guests Wednesday n tbe and fa () nere Vsltors 'dncs' Wnsl e Ceremony \lnnn and lha "'leman See By The Hera d ] folk: V("dnl"'( Y and Tlur:-.dll) llng tl' DH.k. hambers home J hn homsn home )ax Rahn horne day e\'c JD Ule Gerald CUlung ' c()nvc'lon whcl'olnht, alt{ ndl'd lw stalt,,,'( '''l' HJ :ll l!: )-son SOUX Ct} open! rs Alden Sel'ven and M s M Mr and Mrs J C Mj::Caw and ham ho e, Laurel Kun'n R:w nl'ck daughter 0 Also n"jjqtln! wf{>,frs Adolph ( \\l'{'k HSltlng Ul th(' sorl P Mr Hnn Kavanaugh nere dmner uesls Mrs Else Dunn spent Tbursaay nest Sands, :'tlrs Ho} \' and Mrs Wlmer Deck \\ff," :\lcr, Mrs Rch'lrd Mlll'r \t. f.l Mr, "d Mrs. Rev lhn,f. a" : V:sU rs Frll ay dftl'rn()(jl n the S' home W dneday Jll the Jock Kava laugn logethel n SOUX Cty Spahr d Mrs Ray Spn'u \\er" wt" drjd MerVn n llamm - m v(ll"non Mller, MfS Olto Kanl. nnd Mr!l Donnld HUHl afffl Earl lason h' prl' \-''' "rpd \ andl Mrs Etlll CUnnllgham hlmf.-..., Mrs Bob Khntbcrg and Mrs guest h rsday and Fmlay n tl{' llf Mr and Mrs Wlter Hm Mrs Wllrn'u,Mol' tz MS t'rb famly, Hound Lllkt., rttlnn.\ Vll MaUl', nd \-r:'! l'nr\', '«;hlll, Dlanlll HUlldllph wpr' dm rs C W George \Broken Bow Mallen Reynolds, Laurcl? were LeRoy Jr,hrhome Wayne w'n]le \\ec manled 30t S\n lloltz Mrs C,l'fllh Bt chl'. Ml ttd '\llerl,''u!lu "'tny rto. Laat weak nd gucts'ln t,e Ed Sunday n tht' 00 ('un 5Jl'n r.ev{>ral d,ys l the amd \lsltor" luesday evewnlg 0 the Mr a d Mrs Du'dley BllltclHord d,y al WHude St Paul's Juthf,r. "Ul(' WU ('", Mr" Frllnk Brudl [noull ' > S.. nome ete Mr. l!{r.d Mrs.. home (. ore home Lynn Kuhl home and Da d were dmner guests Sun tlfl churdl bv R('v H M Hl(' t nn and Mrs Wlblll BenNhoof Mrs, 0avo fngllll, and cht n R y man d Salll, Mrmellpols,,jlL! M s H,a} Spa.hl Vtl'l e vsltors'e Sy n the W mer l\rlr and Mrs Dlck Chambers day m h( Fred Gould home : 'n Wllard Mnna Norfolk. Lll The coup!t' took \V('ddln t lp Nul'fulk, \ sltmj n llt' Pun : R(hard SaJa Munster, 'nd" and '\((lnesday :lll('rnoonjll tjl{' erlel h.om W e Mr5. Vlr.t AS- Vtelc \stars Wednesday afternoon Guest 'undlly afterlloon n the 'hp W{'rldn Prayer" and "T (> to th{' Hllck Tlls nn(,\ Wll 'eshltl ()l honl(l lust 'Vl'tlnrsdny evo f. How.rd Sala and DllVld, Denver. Kavanllugh H}/ne, La re r,.los A e LrrY H rfel, n the Hafbld Mner hon!!e, Wake Fred Wer omc \'oere Mr am,urd Prnyt ] nc('tlmpanlcd lv n Wlllsule The) rc both rad Mr. and Mn, L"wrtnCl UW Jonng the Sunday were Mr a:-.t Sallrday n{'nlrj;\- and Sou-x Cty, alvn R hn, 0 kota fll'ld Mrs Or e CrOOd\'ol and famll) (lh'r Bchml'l, Wmsdc rllnd M' :md ''f F;l'ntJst n,m, artd Mrs Jo n t.\ellcr Monroe LallY Lllhl)(,tl'(l L HaYl Cty. and Mrs. Ruth lg, La re. lr and Mrs Norman Lubber Lncoln, l' and lrs Russ,el! Kb (.un n Dlulrlag(' by h('r fa lllltes of WUHlde hgh school and ltu'! n!t('fldt'd tl'" wodfn'l of ulh La" and'va Sa'ro, Ol]'kdale." ]. \nn lltl ndt'd lh.' v.ed ng 0 llr.\; tamlal Bento and chld and Mrs Sorell Hansen were sen an amlly. Laurel, Mr and: th('r the bnde won' a whte floor the bnde s ('mp!oyed Lutll('ran Jnnkr n t:lllrhda. 0. '-nst StJ,: MJ. and \.\\'''n lllk ljld JJll)t'lg <tlld Wajlllnd Zllll f{, Hlb,on, la and Karen and gljlsts Monday m the Marvm Ell)' Mrs J GClge-r:rnd fanlll}. Al h'ngth goun of organzl over tar CnmmUnttv hosplt.al Tht' brllt' urdlly \ \., lamly \ Sllt, \",\llllll:t' 'r',j[t WnSde " tor S{ hultz Ponca, wer dm S(, homp SOUX Ct} len, andl. rand M s Paul Bo,; {('le ml an lrnp lrtpd Slk lluson - - n('hls' and.\.<.\', l'.lnk \; lld' l\-lr (ja\ton StngJ >\ C guests Sunday t the Fl'l \lr and MS Ray Spahr and and{aml \pt! Wth ]p\\plel! crown She WL;llE. 0\f K0(!!Sll'l",.'. :--'U':..\ l \ ("W., llll \\ (,,[':-':-' llda),'v ttc! hl me After oon \ Sllor famtly WP u. supper guests Sunda) Mr an Mrs Sterhng HO g and rlpd cascadmg red TOst'S ' l'qqrrge!lljl h ll( "l' BJJ.; holjlll \-\(f(' DL'nm:-, 'rankh and Blll'n the Lo)d Dunklau home, :Ran An,na re \-.sltars Sunda) e\e Jam' Deck was matron of hon /V0 V 't S' 't \ andll\l' l)lm LHhlll)l)t'fJ \.! a tllls (llph nmg lln".je Paul Borg homc 'l' and Karolyn Deck, Hoskms Fl Slor!'.. lll,,, ;;".. f'rlll", '' W WAYNE V o J t) \ rl 'J\ 'llllgll u('sb M and :\lrs Robe l Smlt! and Sunda} evenmg Mr and Mrs M Lonne $v,anson and Karla John ant {' l'n arnm los e were ' Ms: r ::\: 'l\l<,;';(::. :::::! tll \Jl Sadl( C"fY Lmcoln v,e c v,e'kend P K<anugh allended a supper son Wet: VStors '}lday n tllllblldtmathr'v wore pellcock ptl\,"nl falnly alld.\" ;llc!.\l (;UlltlJ'!lJnH gu'sts m the Waller S(:hu,tte oml lat WalPlbtbry mmaculate Concep Ted Joh son home :. blue taffeta floor CT'gth gowns ALSO SERVNG laur[( phone 250.3)5 JO..son \'; Sam BJ,l[{hfolrl lck Hank and Larry (ar well.' lon chunh Mrs larence Nelson \\a:-. a elll n' can led urns Mr. und l. ('klj U\\< :lnl ( t\ V,'( dlnllr glll' Sat O\rnlght guests rfldfly of avd Dnner guests Monday n the le' Cun ay ufternoon n the?'ln Shan Ha m Osmond and <WNSDE phonl.'" JB6.JJ son, L<'e(b, llll' ;), \',lld \", n lll J)udk) Hat(hJordlAbs lulhe LOUls Ahl homq Jhn Young home were Mr. and Velml:!- ranz home Bugh De oskms wcrf' flower ' Oscn H k '. hu unday ;Vr and lrs mp Mrs Jewel Cupp and Con(lje, Ft, Mr a d MS Ells Haltman and!lrl,.nd bearer Peg:gv and M", and.\rt., C. W':, tara Beals, Td ent. Ore,tMf ]0 at Ma\Jerr ranch, JOj rara Mrs Alfred Jensen, Laurel. home, :'.lanm l?tlm Wln,.ldp \\<ls u;: lund.y(' a tl''j,')\' ;:":'' J;t;:: 0 rlcr EJuests Tuesay the Su de and Mr,md Mrs Gorge Dodge, la., Pvt, MlchaO (upp, ;OJcy, P rca, \\cn' dtnml-r gllcts Hl)l!nev Oe k Wlnsldp bghted d Hahn htjlh'. \ lloyd Wndell h;>me were Mr.. W'Z attecd a tu($lllllg hlb Ft Leonard Wood, and Mr, and SundalY D the llnlf altman randl('s Our Pe g e dmtwr g(l",l.'>\'llllsday {'Llt anj Mrs A E Stng ey La re, t and Mrs H(nard 'ell ( ell Dlnnpr guests Sunda. 0 the J Mrsl oy Ne;son Vtas a \ sllol jhes( man and Robll Hamm Th 0 j f h G d l'r('t'.'\-('( ';J\\ 'llle. Mr and Mrs Nt:weH St;nle an:! we e dtnller guests ' flday tll< C MlCaw hume wel'e Mr and Thursd y afternoon n he John! Wmslne and Ronn\{' Asmus 0 're r( er 0 teo n T 'J j y Mr ar:! Mrs Claybn St,," ley LeJloy -'enlerlck home Ml' L C Doescher and famly, Pehrson home klls Vtl'le groomsmen U!>llr!s Rule "] 0 world-wde afflaton Ole (;rsl\'l ',\:3.",. ", \, n :,\, son dnd hlld *H Clara Beals ') alent, Oll :vr and Mrs Darrell Doescher and Mr a d Mrs M('r!r Ka\anallgh: V,{,{, D.l Detlk, HosknS, llld Don f d d b d aurt/ded a llttl-:lng,, d )t'l) \\ llda) alto'no:jll anl My,nd \0> Newell 5 nle\ son dnd Mr:-; Vern Schulz and son, 'Dnd fa llly and Ml and Mr'amm'b t nsce h t a cpen a e tunero rectors; at Nlorfolk! l' hone l we e dmtll r guests Sl,lnd.J)! tht WaH and Mrs Jack Westerman James Kavanaugh and f.llnl! (\J(' t:l: <tta erreanl ts mt=mbers ore pledged to prp" Vstor. «:-.;';;';.\ oj]" "ll Jlld '(lll"otjwllcult' Stanlry hlllllt \r dllll \lf H D Schooc)\, were \sltors Sllnda\ aflprnoon Hll M d ffth h' h n ll(' '..'lll \\, \ ' \(lljllg Jl lll.s Hpnry ()bl)c dod MS [lld Jr South SlOllX Ct), ",ere guests the V cent Kavanaugh!JOml t':-.(: r br:ad/7r;ssc : V C unera servce 0 e 9.. Maljpl U''-l"'. '\\;' '::' 0' \htles W('fr VlSl0ts Wt'dtH'sdl) Sunday n the DH:k SehuoldY home Mr.' d l\-trs. Frank Johnson and 'l{'('essres Hoth had red rose est qualty. always qt moder.. l'hrbtl'.l l dlqd :\l: l' 'l:, l!''t'llng ttl the' thel r:jmcr Gen!')JlCJ 0(' :\ol dndmrs :<:JmlrChrstenspn Mr Mrs Wlburn Penlerlcl{'rstl'<'s' W' d b Lnur('t Wl'l'l'MrJand fhursdayevell\ngmrand rs laurel and :\ts Mabel Auten, were ltorsthursday('enjngml Mr"and ;-'rs B.",.nrogr,en ate prces 'creproj to e Mrs. (. W George, Broken ':', '----',,wd famlly E dred Smth we.e n VVJUsa Pll'!(e \\ere guests Sunda,y n the the N ell Stanley home wpr(' hosts to'llje re('eplon fur 225. Wayne's member. Bow and M' and Mrs Albert 'rs. Ear Ma were thdy attended an Ea tern L)lln Kuhl home Mrsl, 'Eldred Smth \'oas a guest Joan Deck regslcrpd guests and Be.mann, Dlakota Ct;, were 5 br ceremorw honormg Ave :\r and Mrs Allen Prescott and Wedne (lay afternoon n the :.'ll:lrju'l the ajtendants and Mrs Art Rabe dnlner.guests!sunday n f",c Har H mmon-d, who has b3en a e?".nllly, wele VSltOlS Thursday e\e QUst ljme ', lsslled wth' gfts. old, George h<lme. be,r of the.o'dge S0, y,ars.. f.ss nm g " m the Robert Lam, b,home, Salu d,ay,vonne \at.tcs wa. s :H, Mr, and,\lr.\[ '. --;, ;lalt,l:l Hp,mmond, Norfolk, was for er- home, Wayne.. overn ;t g t of Slaron Prescott \n'rf' vsllrs :\lold:,y' ;lflclll()"_!l_','..:.. a teafher at Allen school \r. May Jewell and lr. Wl}' n th lt\llcn Prescot! home. Mrs. Ella Wolfe presded at thp._, qndy Schutle was an.o\,('lnlghl mn Herrel wee callers. the Mrs ]Ray Spahlr was a vsllo:- guest o,f Allc(' LUX,' n the La\-\- 't'nce' :\r, Abee crfd lome lllst wee.k. Tuesd afternoo,nl n thl'.vrs Sa VqU' D.E t ft.ld APfllDE(ATED Lup.; hl'me. \', and :\-rs, Dave Chpmbes, de B l home. " A".P /o\ r 'll J\" Sade Blne) W" a Th,,,,ton, and M,'. and Mrs, Jm, :Udn(lay uflrrjloon n tle,,challljl'.', \<k.ejleld, we slpper RE tthe HERALD WANT ' Stanley home. Sunday m thc Dltk Char':- S N MY USNE S Mr. and M' lan) <;"" and home., OS EVERY WEEK Pggy, Norfolk. were \ts.tors fues-.mrs. B Garvn and chldren -- --elg y ' k ft ho ne thl' Duane Wh'tp hom(', dlll c.vcnn n. the RUSl',', A keny, uere guests Th.ursda We \nl' Now Ttl ng Al'p,tlntments. unday M" and M" M. and Mrs. Marl'ln Ellyson and hlr-! MONTE'S BG],.EST D*ks and atlended [8.llllly, S.OL)o., Cl!y, were gu('sts U&;B." MONT> "-Y thru FR'lAY dy reonon at la." wco'kend n tn,- Soren lan;o,n 0 ber S ' UK Mr' and Mrs home, '4nnual CO OlD 8.'00-5'.00! ran'l Y, Loveland, Cllo lll", and ars, S.. Eddy werel ' R'D ',r..a.nd M,',. U",a'.lom;on,,:a"NS V,-,da,v el"'mng n th." Mrs, c'ar.r t RJ Both Ray and BH Here to Serve You wdll> Vllsltors Sunday ('\,pnlllg \' SadlP Bnne)' home thell Bud Hanson hclh' Hya'll, Wendy and Carhlll Lub- ' 'tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Stelng berstrdt, \'ere vsltcrs la'st Salur, 6 Bdrg were j,n Onawa, la., were evpnlng tl(' FrC'c Lubber 4 OJ: $ ", 2. HOUR OXYGEN EQUPPE[) AMBULANCE SERVCE, afternooll lj Jlllllll!nllll.ll!llllll.alll!!l\'Jl-""",,""ll'lr-;:: E CA ',' TS'U'p' ' tey attended funeral servce$ for lome-, Wayne' f.b.. : M;;. a:,';rsunl,;hjnequ;;'d S,mper Stf',::,,;;:":c; e 'CEo off CS.JKu t, l-hnton, la, wer{' slpper \'.. ljen Stlllglcy, Randolph, -:J... _- -r;: TUNA4 ':::: $,'!.HHES'4':,:::;"' hal4:;.' l jpneapple-grapefrult DRNK4:::'l \ (;';'c",beans ::'j DeC'MoonteRcreNam or hale ; $, : or Peas 5 cans w6 Can.. E A'NGEL FOOD CAKE MX 52;Oz. 39c.:":;";:;:;--_..._--:--:::-:-----_..._---...;.---- : FLAV-O-RTE -'!'':'''''''',.,',.'..."cqn'..[(, : FLAKE' Reg'. 57c THTU:ON 50 ;:'J''_: J.: J,! NES'rL' 'S Reg. 9c ;.?.:':}?.',,:;:,, :ro'!.39': $.S.D.A. CHOCE wth s.v.t. Prce's Effectve _ FlAV.Q,RlTE frozen ] a..lrt",o<t. ' thru Dc. 7 r---.'- -.,PEACH.APPLE.CHERRY.,. r-j.. lrllleb(! A=D;--J' 5't " l== =RUChY W FLAV.O-RTE fozeh L for $!Slt Meat Pes., s;%. pkg. j 0:.." lb. Sk; 2\; 8g e, 8 5.S.D.A. ChOce C SUPER VAW "OZE" ASSORTED, '2ge.,.. Vegetables.V::.ElS. :: R,OM L STEAK Lb. We R!serve the Rght -to Lmt Quantty..s.,DA. Choce Lb. -Bone Seak 9 9 CHamPrto...s Slvt,Dollar N,ght. Drawnat SUPERVALU Thursday For $550 At8 P.M. Shank and Butt.. '.., WE.GVE 5 &, GREN,, \"

14 ;F;f{: 6 and may further provde fol' (,c'lprocul and pro- LEGAL PUB CATON -----_._- O'rl('El 0<' Ron \''E th, ['(\;. (" ('''\ n t!. ;':"[,,a ('f'nl) D\d :, HaltUl " (dl' ('0\ t.j wlge oom;"on",. "'- j EAC-t = l';!'(f', the land ncreasedl' b.y reaso valuet of sha e 0' ornamental tre s planted along,the hg way shall notl be tnk nto account ln the s scssmcnt of such n d. The value of a hal e substantally cnlrbut d by the Vctera':fS' Adm straton of te Uml'd,..r'Ple..c ts.tales veteranlor mu a llple Cl - putee shall bl exem t trom taxaton durng t e lfe of such Veteran r wthr dfu h rfma l rage. No pro fty sh be exempt fro taxat,fhe8n:ttttfd,?ed n..-t= \. tje ownershp Or! ':" thereof may t,e leved bv valuaton Of other '\'fse upon classes of ntp.lgble property as the egslature may, detergm' ap pth a tptohtwldf:: P'hS0, proft-shanng, o othcl" ('mploye benefl plans as dqfll 'd b...)p tle LegslaLurq may be dvl'ul"ed to, b exempt f'om taxaton, 'faxes, o her than property txes, may be authorzed b.r law. EXlstmg reven}:lc' laws shall con.tnue pfreet untl changed b the Legslature, The Ll'gls],lture may provde that hvestock shall consutuk : scp<lj"a!e and dlslmet class of property for purpwcs of taxaton nrtotlutf' taxaton ot vestock located ths tate fol' only part of a yer." P;-e; Amendme -N 4 Consttutonal amendmrtt authorzng a dfferent metod of taxng motor vehcles orwed and held for resale by.dalflrs and also a dfferent methodo taxng prescrbed motor ve 8 des ow:ned by resdents olf s slale. regstered n ths slab, and operatng n nlersl4lte commerce. FM l Agan,st \ \ trucks, tralcrj, semtra c.rb!, truck-}'nctol", or C'OlbJn<lton3 thereof, cohstng of" those.s',f!;:s t: lslr't ', -and (Jpr' lng n. nterstate commerce, and may provd recprocal and proljo tonntc laxaton of 'Udl vehcles; Provdl!d, tl<lt such tax procc'cds fl"o moot" vehcles taxed each gu sfllc ;':; tpwnshps, l'tlb. vllages,,(\ seholol dl'l tnets of such collnlv n the same proporton 'that tl ' levy of C'll'h \llenrs tn the tolnl \(;'\'y,[' ald county 0 persol)al t.m glble properly. ''' L{'g sl<tul"e rn y prl":crlbe standards and llh'thorl for he dp\['l'mm,pon of the value of lal (l' otlh'r tangble form value. unl al approprtlon, a'nj upon an accosnt specty ng each tem, No money' u d:;/mp suance of a specfc 8)' pll'opraton matte by law, and on the presen.. f taunn ot a warrant ssued as the Leg5ature may drect, and no mqney shall be dvertedl from lloy appropraton.at:k(jfrfr:a;tfuo: whatever by rcsolutlbn." (2) To amend Al'tcle' x., Stctd 7 n;2'fros "Sec, 7. The Govcrnol' may. at the commencement of each sesson, and at the close ol-,hs term of offce and whenever the Legslature may requre, gve by message to the Lt'gslature m. formaton of the condj.. ton of the state, and shall recommcnd,such measures as he shall to cl s!l\,l)' by \'aluatjoll r:,\l ct'te"':tr oth('f propely. J ommcnc('mnt ot each other than P'lf)(''\,V " 'egular.sc'ss.0n he shall resent, hy message, Q xcl;",,a'\e's\lr\tl\\.. omplete temzed' budg lu(, lws sh,dl (ontllllc t of the fnancal reul'enfents of all depart n effect ljllt.l c!hdl2('d h.y the L'.L:S!,ltllJ!l'. The ments, lstltutons and Jl;.Ft,.:\ :/k d"')l Nl o'( agences of the tate for thp ensung bcjnum. stltt/te a :('p;j.l.l" q-nd Sud bud t>t shall )e prepared Wth such expert dlstmd ('l:l:- u[ PlllP']"ly jor pu'po,,('s ljf tx.ltj() <lnd <SSls"tance 'Hnd under tjy full:el" p ()\'de such l'egulatons as may j(j" ] (','pl (ll'a] :'Hl )l() rt he provlded by law. No < J t (. :J ': : ]]\"(" \l'l k ]n"\('d appropratlolls shall be,tat ' for U],,' made n excess oc the \(',]" )'Pcomml'ldaton con t:.ned n such budget tllllcs hy two,thrds vote of the Leglslature, and PfPosed Amendmenl No.5 such excess so approved C nstutonal amendmenls shall not be subject to to rovde for a realqnment of veto by the Governor: dlt es of certan state exet.'u. Sec, 22. The Legslature shall provde by llv offcer'; as the Legslature ma prescrbe. statute for the keepng J Fur of <ccounts and the repurtng- by those agences J /\ ",ln't uf the state whch are l'equlred to admnster cash funds not subject TEXT F PRO-POSED to appropratol't by the CONSTTUTONAL Legslature, and an an- AMENDMENT JlLlal report thereot shall be made to the Governor under oath; and ony ot fcer who makes a -false report shall be gulty ot perjury and punshed accordngly. Sec. 23, All expendng agences of the state as the Legslature may pro 'vlde shall at least ten clays precedng each regular sesson of the Legslature severally report to the Governor. who shall transmt such reports to the Legslature, together wth the reports p the Juc;ges of the Supreme Court of defects n the qonsbtuton and laws,, and the Governor or the Legslature may at- any tme requre nforma tlon, n wrltln" under oath, from the ottlcers of all ependng alen... lt:fon' '{h: :nclr t\:jty: OS'26, All ollleers 0 &ovcrnment shall gve bond 88 nay be pre. scrbed by law." (3) To, amend Artcle 'V. seclon 9, to rcad as follows; r ' "Sec, 9. The Lcslsla8 lure sholl provde by Jaw, that all clams upon the treasury shull be examned and adjusted as the Legslature may provde betore any warrant for tle amount allowed shall be drawn. Any party r:tlveodnb at whch he hns an lntcfcslt may appeal to the.d9 trct court." (5) To amond Artcle XV, secton 7, to rend a!..07: The Lcgsl.- tu're shall provde for t,lc athn:tt t tl'ro:y': :fntfee : St; consttuton, whose.ompensaon JS not 0 ler.. ' wse provded for, w 'ch shall be pad out of a y lunds not otherwse a - r proprnted." roposed Am,endment No. 6 Con.muUon$! llmendmenl a thofl.lng th,. Leglllature to parately defme. classfy and r gullte loans and nstallment s tt. and to establsh max nlu,m rates therefor. o For o Aganst TEXT OF PROPOSED CONST'lUTONAL AMENDMENT, Be t enacted by the' peope oj fhe State of Nfl'bra!ku, Secton. That at the gner 8 a,l electon n November, 964, there shall be submtted t the electors of the State of Ne ras ka for approval th.uo/nng amendmen! to Art_ ll,: secton 8, of the Consttuton of Nebraska, whch s hereby'pro. posed"chf8efsalt_ ture shall not pass lod8 or specal laws n ay of the followng cases, that s to say: For grantng dvprees. Changng the names of persons or places, Laymg out, openng alterng a'nd workng roads or hghways: Vacatng roads, Town plats, streets, alleys, and publc grounds. Locatng or changng County seats. :.' Reguhlllf, ounly nd 'l'o\vnsh.l ()(fco. tlccs;lr: (;CJt: dlf:lf JJ'( t,fosms\t(,!lcf COMlllblcs.. P:ovldlhJ:: rol' chnnj(thl of venue, n cvl lhltt crmnul l\c:-l, T\l'd lvn\, cr ::nrlol' '( J\{F\ ' Cl:6.'dY%: the 'clcc,. tol. of Offcers n 'rown Hhps', ncol"ponltc'u Towns or CllC', Sur'nmonnJ: 0' (>m panelng Grund 0' Pett: Jures, \. Pt'oydLug for the bdndlna bf cues, t(l\vn,, pl'cclncl!, school u :dht's or othcl' munclpaulc. ProvldnR to' the mall- : Dgelcnt of Publc 8l'hool8, The opcnllj.{ lnd conductng of any electon, or desgnatng tbe place of Tlr or mortgage,,. of'real ettute belongng ddbllf; othetl Thj:! protcct!ol of go me. or lh. Chflrterlng 0' lcensng ferrts, 0,' toll hrdgcs, motett' :;: ncrcaslng' and deerells ng feell. pocccntuf;l:c or allowonces of publc DC.. fleers, durng the term for whch sad offcers are elecled or llpponted, Changl';g the,w oc dcgcr\jng to flny corpo- ' ' raton, a!lsoclatlon, or n.. dvduol, the l'lht to lay dovjn!'uh'oad t4l!cks, or; umndng exstng ahartel's for such purpose. Gruntng to llny COl' poratlon, assocatlo, or ndvdual uny spc'cwl ot"" exclusve prvllcges, m... t';oro;jj 6a notwthstandng UllY other provsons o[ ts Consttuton, the LegSlature shall have a(jtho ty to!leporatcly defne and classfy' loans and nstallment.sales, to establsh moxmum rates wthn classfcatons ot loans or nstnllment sales whch t establsher, and to regulate wlh n!!pect thereto, n au other cases where general Jaw con be made applcable, n9 specal law shall be en acted," ' :ReS;JoctrunYfbmUed FRANKMA H Secretary of ate (Publlllh : Ume9, Wks. ot Oct. 2, 0,26, JOM) r gong to Wsner to get Mrs, A, and,mrs, Ray Klne and Lela bert's mother who wll return Lumb, Phllpsburg, Kan" and home wth them, Berle and Harold Carrck, Bagley,' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Albert la.,, ' s,aj:y ::efa:ypt sot sx ;, v n:atrd:' Sunday Albertsens vsted n the to spend the weekend n the l WU Lester Albertsen home, Canton, Ham Kugler home, ', S, D. Orval Hckerson.pent,st Mon- Among guests.. n fhe! Robert day to Frday at a sales meetng Lamb home last week were the. n Salna, Kan, followng who had come tp attend Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Han...n,'.., ' the funeral of Wlson Lamb: Mr. Hed n the Burdette Hanen home, ald Mrs. Earl La mb add Charles, Wsner, last Wednesday..,r C Clgo, the Paul Lucas famly, Mrs. Herm'an LeJlm.n; vl,lt.d D over, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Saturday and Sunday n.the Mar Lamb, East Sant Lous, ll., Mr. tn Meyer home, -WakefeW..',];0''(''; '4) ('REnTon... n 0 '''',lll;' ("lll "f \\'nynp (''' t '. :\'lj rn k,( ',,' 'U' l',,( the Etate of l... " fll". llpcc'ast'd., ',' :-;" (, " \:,'hr".. ha, To A,l '''l'''!'lpr] ;\""" \, llprpln' v,'n hat, ) < 'll" "" jl l". d ",'" t P l">\l,t ','",) "" '" frol (' );.. ''(h h. LEGAL PUSLCATON-=== ',':',,,, '00"'('' TO' (JRF;H..,OHS! :[lt"d ('otull.le.'<r<;\; ('onrt \\ Hnp.: " % he performance 'of the last sesson of the le!sl ture ndcates e 'should Have some new vews en legslaton M::my of the lows passed were-, eclared unconsttutonal and the legslature was r dculed by a natlnally-clrculated magazne. t has been sad by a promnent state offcal that. % of the s'2natr5 are 900 worker; 5% overage; 25% be lew avrage, and 5<;"0 mgl't ust as wefll not be there at 6. lt elected prome to be 0 Lorker. EL-=<:T lyu C ', AROTl tj the Legsl.turb repres n:tng the 8t. dstrc Wa ne, StaRton and Perce Countes Vour VoM W: For 30 jgj Agon$t VOl,E Ol AGAt$T :,. Wayne County \ Tachers, Assn:', Tn the l'fut!pr of thp (r; t:t::p'f n::ll:':\'. COCernf'rl: Xntke R hpreh,\" l('jam a"alnst >lad ' \ll L---pQ-B :C-Ac.:T",.",O;cN,-_+_,\: :"OTC'E (llt l'noh.\te OF U' (ll;l.- on or bhf"r,.fanollry. 96", or (;onty,nehraslul. " court of \Yayne COl nty, ' and berlnga Oll 0,,3520, Uk. 9 Pag 96 :,flrl6/,n a(:'(':juh,l Estnte 0 no' c. Buckngl am, lj,t J o p.m..,dpreasc'(l. :::;:: h',:c':,:>;u;:!ll:;;; r;,';:fcl\;: \; ";.=,,,.==;;;;=!;;;;;=;;;!;,=- ptnt:t d(\efcea'.r a.d BOc hum ut;! ;:xecutor thereot', W lrh ON THE :0:Obr 2r. Ot ;8Q';.: WHTE BALLOt :) Endors«:l by the Ner.tSka State Chamber of Commemt ".. \ BJllph F,'Beennann s, - ' A fghter for Consttutonal governm'"t A COllBervatve.t ' For ecessary foderal.,prog'rtms Aganst unnecessary pendfug Ne<oded n Congress \0 represent U8. ELECT Ralph- :-F. Beerann, u.s. EESENTATY'. ' Redubll=on ',' 'Frst Dstrct, " ' Heermann. for 'CoDe5S Commttee: Mn -G. W Fremoot, charman; hn t. SelJecJt Lnco r ebak...:" 'J _: MooJre re3sw"_,.",

15 ,',' Regsteredl Pnamnacst SAV-MrbR FARM R HARD f. ADKNS J. BOARD OF REGENltS e:,erst:or' t:'ska [964 of Regents Presdert l ve',tolk Feeder, Barker... World \f!ar Vetera (Navy)! wo Chldren at the UnverSty of Nebraska qollege Graduate EDUCA TlON S THE EST WE CAN MKE FOR OUR CHLDREN [. 'NVSTMENT j --:j-p::::_.._- BUfness anprofessonal RE(:TdRY J- -=L,--+-. '-CH-RORACTORS - - <- :YNE, CTY F;C -=-=-==- --:':\',;, :<:" _, _ Maor [ OPTp'METSTS '" A D. LEfvvlS DC.Chrs -Tetgen CllmORAC:'{)l{",CjesJ;ea rn--; W. A. KOEBeR/a. D. (Es. H4) cty Clerk - OP\'OMETRS'!r!'lturoC'aJu!ne!l'l' Scrvce Howard Wtt lu Ens.lth Sly('('l 'Cty Attar ey _ West 2nd PhonC' \\ ayll', Nebr.. B. B. :$ornhoft Wayne,. -Counclmep - fslj.ene--!!chrd. EQU TABLE L FE fdrehn ASSURANCE SOCETY Ll'leScytnolr,: Kent H\l Ol- ne "'ltell ' )..\TE5 romce KETH JBCH C L U Glarth Dwson _ [2" \\ Rth. WrnE' E. j:. Hatl('y f.. OJ -- - FRE Dependable nsurance SWANSON,TV & APPL ALL MAKE TV SERVlCE ADMRAL -+ MOTOROLA R""MLTOtl< - WHTE. Phone ' Wayne PhO,,;[ DRUG *PLEMENT HOSPTAL 375-3'42 37"" :) S 'Thompson Kt'th Reed Call FOR ALL tour NEEDS Phone peon C. P rson Agency WAYNE qounty OFFCALS we_r. Wayne! QrmerS nsronce Group ALL,YOUR!NURANCE NEED FAST cr:ter\,j[,:n])ly CHRS E. BARGHOLZ Phon()' 3.'':j64 ( WaYnL' NSUAN4E - BONDS T.0 l' t llyout Nepts ln ReHabl Companes St te Natonal Bank Phon Man Henry \rp Clerk: C.'A. Bard Judge: :Sl!r bnha\le '-;!D;tutr Halev 37S-DeS Sllpl: Gladys Porter Trl':!surer: Leon.a B.hd 'Cler], of lstnct C0rt John T.!Bressler 37522flQ Agdcultura!l Agent: Harae:;! ngalls :Assstant l>rector: Mrs. 'EtHer Martelle 'Attorney:. Charles rcderrn.ott Vl'tprans Servce Offcer:' Chrs Brghol.z ,comrnssoers: Ds.. John Surber Dst 2 George Stolz : Dst. 3 Henry Hohneke Dstrct P.. obaton Offcer: Wllam no 2flS-250, F NANCE! Kern For Equpment SALES d SERVCE AllS Chalmers f-c New dea -!NvJ:ST New Holland - Fox - Lnndelll ' Phone Wayne CO P qne 75-, "t,., TRANfLE FNANCS, Personql - Machnery nd.automoble Loons at6nol Bonk '' ENTS SAVNGS SURANCE OrAL BANKNG 25 WaYne L,oY SlEWNG MACHNES Tedtke Plumbng Heatng and Appl('nce AMERCAN STANY.R\) GENERAL ELEC,UC Phone Wayne, Ner PHYSCANS BENTHAC< CLltC 25 \\. 2nd Street Phone 3: Wayne, Nebr. GEORGt: L. JOHN, MD 'llysru.\:--j Ato"D SURGEON 4 East 3rd Street ELECTRCANS TEDT<E ELECTRc WRNG CONTRACT0ltS Farm Hme - Commercal Phone AMBULANb Wayne, Ne,l)r VETER NARANS WAYNE. VETERNARY OLlNld, Phone :lt for Veternaran or! duty 0 West st Street " '}/LTSE MORTUARY ULANCE SERVc: W lard Wltse - ROWr Wlt censed 'Funeral D ectors Phon ' Wa Dt Fe-Elect ROMAN Unted States Senator, Republcan 3$l. 7 _ 7.0 HRUSKA _ "6 Cuffolet mp0j4 Spo.rl Goup(J-'Wt/t, Sweep-/neropf. what oll see moves go ","t'll floll tt.w the '"JU'/(. (V8'. "'th-6bj.bbt-to 4(}(J "JJ. :, On looro at those longer, wder lnes tells YOU t's of 400 hp. And the road feels lke s'atn l th.n.of.ca.r. y.u just couldn't buy before wthut e.nrne8 cafe p w}th n FU. Co..l supelso.. ' ge ng moo thehgher prce brackets. Butone drve system, teamed t Wth a Wde-Stance desgn, and ' w" tell'bnalotnlore.! lll\d" our' famous JeWmOoth rde smoother and '.. ou.'\te got lot/! knd of engne gong fo'r you. ploe stablethan ever. " Servng all Th,'lls an even ha:jf dozen of them ayalable, \ Begpnn;g to feel lke t's yur.knd, of.. :;:;:;s by, ths year-anythng you name from a 'l,ueter, ca There b no doubt about" t WhmyoU mprove our \ swr runnng 6 to '! VS wth the 'thorty drve thereal thng atyour Chevrolet deater's.. S' -\"""'*-""7-"'&-; :b,t:l. }r,,:,!' _, C RYE, AUTO COMP"Y.:=,"_.TWDST. WAYNE Fa;.=.. "'"';"--..':",':-' ;. --=. :" ',

16 As low As! $ TH.SE ADMRAL EXTRA Q\JALTV FEATURES " 24 kt. gpld precson wrng' {n Vtal areas o Front C lor TV Contrast/ Blghtn 5S control.,,:,, ", 'Jl ATJfVRA,.. MOl'k (/ 'fwl!!.\ ''l!"ll/gll<jut lte n'l'll! SWANSON TV Yo"r ADMlRAl Dtoer 3 Moln, St.:.Phone ,'' '". ".',, "'.' ',' T.'.".' """'"... o"'} "...,...' ' ":"'. 8' N CO '. 'NE W'! Mrs Jay Mattes alnd Har0D, J Evcrl.Jtlm:on an r ramly., Mr. and B.er..ardl.. M. ack. l\ff.s' Macke '. 'e them Frld.y evenll)g to spend the and Mr Melfred Roebe:r nd t. Mrs. Jm Nelson and famly, Mr. ms ed'to spend the week n tho weekend. lly, Mr and Mrs George Lpp t anc! Mrs:, Mar)Jn Johnson and lam- Cld,r son home., ovderenang hta,dg"ejsa\soenjohtnhseon, ' 'wlletol' an Mr and Mrs, Larry LUbbr. ly and Mr. and Mrs. Dean SRJ" " " U l.,- ' tedt and lamlly. man an famly... ( u r-hes j Johnson h9me Wednesday. -r- [Mrs. Wymore Walln was a dm.. Alr and '\rs. ar Roch returned Mr Wlfred Nob. -+- Ph Golden Rule Ub Meets ner guest Sunday n the Wallace F Ch h home Sunay m'rndg after vst Golden Rule club met T ursd,ay Magnuson home (:;:-Da Lt: paur) ng a,week wth\relatves at Rud l!\r and Ml s Hucl W('st and \ rs Cltl cnc<, DnhlQUlsl nd al fterncon 0 be Rudolph Blom DlOnr guests Sunday n the WH Su day, t. 8: SUday sch 0, yard and ltalsoll. Montana. Ttace. Ed cmont, S D spenl t(' lls A ternoon Ut'sts n e Mr ome Electon of offlce s as bur BakeT h<,me were Mr'" r.d 0 a 0\.; Worshp,, Evenjnt.LeRoy Koch ws a 'dnner. guest past wecke d n the LPorge VOl and M s Wnlt<'r John n, Don wd Presdent, Mrs Bll Stall Mrs ErVn Klramet and famly, fello shp, l:llncelled because of Frday n the Carl\Koch home. lets home Dlalllqu.t and HtH.:lHlJe, a! ld Rev g,.jvlce l>resldent, Mrs erm"n Mr' and Mrs Gus Kraemer and meet ngs n Wayne: Mr. and frs. Wlfr(td Nobbe an\ earl Nels m and Dallenc an! tllld M s.f\ n LLttlrJa " d Crag tole secretary. Mrs LeR y Koch Mr and Mrs Clarenee.Pearson We nesday. Oct 2 Prayer *nd famly, Mvl add Mrs. Earl \'lat Mr j and M s \d\ KO nan! YJr ad :\ s Kenneth :ncksol md treasurel. M s Clff taumg Dmner guests Sunday D the albc study 8 a m te nd farr\ly Mr and Mrs Malt famly, Wa nc, \\ere ucst5 Su [ald Kevfn \\('rf' dmnel gu 5t Fll ach member was asked t brng Budd Hanson hot\ne were Mr anj _ J' St:peton and famly and twr. n.nd day aftern 0 0 the Ueolge Vo dly n tlll' Raymond :rckson t homemade Chrstmas e oraton Mrs, Kenneth lson. Davd and C ncortua Lutheran Church Mrs. Rchark! Olson were Thursday Jers home J lml' 0 the November meetm '. Guests Arden Evenng guests were Mr (bert Johnson vce pastor evenng guests.n the l'rands Mat Mr aod rs Harold Gunnel so $ Were Mrs Kenneth And rofu ant and Mrs Oscar Johnson and Mr Su day Oct 8'Sunday sch tes home to help Lnn celebrate hs and Mrs. ldur Carlson... el S ty Mrs Bob Oberg Mrs Q l,tcen Er and Mrs Howrd Mau and famly 945 m:; worshp, ' brthday. guests Sun $ aftl!tnoon n th 0 e.. WD wll! be the NoV'emb r ostess Guests Wednesday evenmg n the Mrs. Jm Krchner and daugh. Lawrence N ln hurnt Wnkefle] W n' W f r C b M t -K-- E nt Th tt f Jm CLarkson home were Mr and Mr, Pat Evert Fremont spent le's, Mrs. Wlfred Nobbe" Mrs Mrs Gle n' Magnuson wa jll :{' s V(f=r{' Ub (' Wf'd tcrn n \nlp<;te ErwDUSJ a Mrs Robert Hart and famly. Mr Wedn sday to Sunday 0 the J:m Bll Reth, Mrs. Norman Ander guest saturju} afternoon H l\l n('sda) tftclno(,n n UH (enneth Lcstc Meycls Wlcox, spr nt the August SedVy and son and Mr:s Clark on home Mr Evert l()l cd son, Mrs. Helen Johnson, Dean and Mrs Thoma Erv,!n home -:. K,US(n ho!e Ml.<tl F.rVtln v,cekpnd n the'marlyn DhlqUst Mrs. Thon as l':rwn was a, dl' W;JS n l'jlrge of thl' aftqrnnon en! home.,. ncr gcst.. unday Jl ll;'.(,[t'llb l('rtalllll 'nl, Eaeh llh'lllwr drc.w \". and Mrs. Jm Clarkson, ROb-. Magnuson h Tlt'. fllr hlrtl day names fql' tbl' com ert and Frands spent the v.jeekend Guests Fr day aftltnboll n hl mg. YPHt _ \lrs. BOb. Shl'!'ry WJ n the Keth dla,rkson homel Walt Ms., Fred Jlllson hod{' were :\lr.y., )(' \(J'dlll)('r hos!l's. \ lll. n:t.e Nelsor and :''S, ThollJ'r Guests Tue$day evenng n tle ErWn., ' Murk Annversary Raymond Ercksb,.. homo were Weekend h.uests n the Sd WS':., rs,.]{udoph..,.vans0!.mrs. N. O. AnderSoE and Ullan, ness home[, Brookngs, S.O ' on ther 57th 'eddtlg Mr. and Mrs. A, rt Ande,rson wore Mr. +d Mrs. Harold Gun., Frtday {'ve. mg n! and Mr. and Mrs. creon Allvn. ner:m andj Mr.. and M', s. Alex' (;ll'.t,; alll"ndllg'wf'l"l' Karen som spent the weekend Brown andl famly. 'The group J';llll Thps:, \llr, am! 'ln the Harold Burns home helped Grg.. Brown celebrate Thr's..\r,,a.lld'!\rs_ Guests Sundy afternoon n the hs fourth rthday.!-jlld faj)ll Y,' Mr, arold Burns home' wcre Mr. and Dnner g esls 's'jnday F'{'d ad, fam rs. Charles Junok and famly, Marlyn Dahll:tusl hoj)jt, W(''(',l, l!t'nry Mr, : Sholes tel' Myers. K'Fvn.r!lhnsot. alld _\'.' W:.\ l<lnd el'm:tn, Mrs. Hoy JOQnson was a, guest j ; rhursday "Hernoon n,toe Georc Anderson home. Ml'S. Geoge An ' lcrso was a Frlday affrpoon r uest 0 the Roy J.()hnsoQ ho c. Mrs. Jay Mattes was a guest Monday aftemo:m n the R dolph Swanso," home. Mrs. var An ders.on \was a Fr'day m$mng caller.. :\lr. and Mrs Rlldolph Swanson W('re gucsls Thursday afternoon n Lhe Larrv Lubberstl.'dt home., Mr, ad Mrs. George Anderson! and Morrs,Johnson were guests Sunday aftcrnoon n the Hoy John son home ws':d a 's te g;;,johnson home. Mrs. Meredth Johnson: spa,nt Wednesday n Mtchell, S. q., vstng her mother, Mrs.!Frank Edger n the hosptal. Mrs. Art Johnson and Mrs: Otell Magnuson spent Tuesday afternoon n the Jm Nelson home. :\'. and Mrs. oeo som and Noel lsol spent Sunday vstng n the Noelyo som, Dck Stallng homes and wlh Mrs. Noel som, Soux tty.. Mo'nte som, Jm Tnkelho.rf,,'r,r. and Mrs. Qeo som and Mr's. E rl!'est Swft were guests Sunday evenng n "he Larry Koester! hoje. Stace Koestpl' srwnt :\londay evc thng n the Deo som home. Wll Haberman, Wllngton. Coll) rado, s 'Vstng relatves and ' frends n the Concord vcnty. Patty and Krchner spent \fedn.esda y n WUlarcl Holdorf omc MM. and!\rs \Tax Holdorf and! Mr. :and Mrs. Wllard Holdorf and fmly were gucsls Frday f"venng! n nl?' Don Cook home, Norfolk The Artems Extenson club,,toured the GooClwll ndustres, Mez Bakng Company and the Methodst Hosptal Tuesday., Guests Frday evenng n the Art : Johnson home to help the host ob '. :n bh:na:socdmh'loa Mr. and Mrs. Melvn Majgnuson 'nd famly, Mr. and Mrs. ';\orman.{\.nderson and famly, Mr. and Mrs. '''''<'''',U:':::. Jane. l\:,{van Clark, Mrs, Ron Klrch.ncr home. wore Mf.l... -_Wll.. _" ad Fl""'lr" E. E.f'lshel. JO" and Mr,. Lydl 'MUY" Mrs. Kenneth--- ;t9at.,scn and M... Col-rdge..,", """""!f"":_ Ed l<lrehner WC'.. U.S4<.ThUl:Sda (tlcsts MoodlY: n tc.r.. fjoof,....h...'.h...e... afternoon n the at Cobden -Lp e' Krchner hotncrt,o help,:u, home- to hlp the fo :?s'cclcbr;ttc Obkl('fVC hor blrthd ay. wcro.., :, her brthday. '" : ' Ere9t,Echtc ukamp" M,t'8. ClrrUlo Carla JohnSOn dod -Lonne Swan' Flogc, Mrs. Etrny_ nunk., U" J'fl son spent Frday n the Ted J'obn. Ualk and M', Jm Klrc-h,nl'. a " son home., "<,' dnl\lghtol'9. l:vlmlnf( gullsl w,,_;,\.",,;,:' :'. Dhmer and supper, U.lt Sun,';-", KLtchn('l'',. ".'; day n the Vern.al Peter.on,,(;,ucstfl Momlny cvcmln" tn,:t.l(!', f. hom. were Mr. and Hu. nar.\t'l)t.,jos,hlmn hoc to hp,,sltc_, ' Peterson and '.mlly end Mr. and cc'l bto hs hh thdny Ycrp '. Mrt. Arvd Ptt.rtcm.. na Mrs:,rncst Swnp"on_nn.,l,,<. ly, Mr. Ohd Mrs. EmU Swan8 n,. Mr. n'nd Mrs. Meredth. Johnson Mr. nnd )(S,,' A(t John$on;,>'M.r" and famly were guests Sunday, and Mra. tc ;;."'J_ohnsQn, nnd:"b!:/:-.'- evenng n the Arvd Peterson Mr, ADd Mrs.' fd'",:". home. Guests Monday afternoon ly. and Mr,.-p:r' were Mrs. Dean Hanson, Ruth Dnd!on and' faj ',-', ': : :'::: Johnny. Gues Wednesday nftr -_..---,...' '--:l noon was \lrs..otcua Magnuson. "lread W &?"."0< Guesta Sunday._._'.. _._,_:t!..up:w!!.f'l:apacty!. N',N-STOP PCKYG! NW!..U M,UNTED PCER Plug ng s no problem ww a Supelcker. Down and tangle! corn grabbed up by the kedy gatherng umt and you breez t,j,'t.:: on th ugh "OO-plus Yelr" lke never before! You get clean l:j::'::: Wayne, Nebr.


18 ,, Everyones after the Gaudy. t "...c,'c :;.{',. _ H E's a gaudy as fan-dancer, as sneaj<y ll a woodtck, and h' has a {;oce lke a nlptured stearn callope. Hes a Chnese mmgrknt wth a wcked eye, luld tlhcre s no other creature lkelhm. He's the rng-n('ked pheasant, of conse, and h( regns as unchallenged k\lg of brds across the h r 0 a belly of Amerca. From lh( mllng dary farms of tl" cast to the very foothlls of the Hocky Mountans, the plwasant struts and crows lke a poltcan. And hetween the dary farms and the mountans, where the ()lljltry Hatlens out lke splled mlk, here the rng-neck holds forth n greatest numhers. On the endless prares of the cornland and the undulatng wheat, here Kng Rng-neck has bult hs throne, and here no ran )travels who docs not s{){m realze that he s n the land of the _pheasant. 8 there anu sweeter sound n the;whole wde wor'" than the smooth sldng tretwn 0" Remngton 870 Shouldera Remngton 870"Wngmaster",, Work the cat-smooth acton,,, and ear the soft "shuck-shuck" that tells you the empty shell s long gone and there's a fresh load n the chamber. A sweet sound f ever there was one' Sold. There's no clatter and rattle wth a Remngton 870, That's becal,lse t has precson bult double acton barsthat preventlwstng and blddmg. Shooters tell us that an 870 acton feels as f t sldes on ball bearngs. '. Strong. The recever s machned from a sold block of stee!. he bre&h block locks soldly nto the balte!. All the parts of the acton mechansm are made for each other,,, work together as a team, Smooth. t doesn't make a bt ofdtference what knd offodder YO'U feed a Remngton Model 870. Whether you're pumpng a second load of No. 4's for a wde-flarng mallard or sldng home a powerful rfled slug to down a bg buck,.. t's smooth and quck, By the way, the Remngton 870 s stll at prces that won't make you flnch.,,as...,.;.. "... =a.,e;b?>.''t low as $ t's t,alored for your partcular type ofshootng-wth over 49 barrels, choke and gauge combnatons. nterchangeable barrels, too, Wrte for free Guns and Ammunton catalog to Dept, HB-l0, Remngton Arms Co., nc, "W,ngmaster",s Rl!'g. U. S. Pat. Oft. by Re-m"2ton,vms Com pany. (nl:. Bndgeport. Conn n Canada: Re"mnKton Amos of nad.. Ljm,t. 36 Quen EJ,zatn Blvd_. Tot"OntD. Onto F"l,r Trade reta.! p.r;c n stale-s kavq"&: Far Trade hr!.. PrOf ""' subjt!ct to change Wthout notlo!. Pheasant Hstory The hstory of the pheasant, from the tme t became estab lshed from brds brought ver by Judge Owen H, Dey, Unted States Consul-General at Shangha, late n the 9th Century, to the present s a dramatc one, But there s t{){> much present-day pheasant drama to dwell long on hstory. t s drama that starts wth the hoarse, strdent voces of the cocks as they establsh terrtores n the sprng, The bg love scene takes place from March untl Aprl, dependng on the localty; and then the drab hen sett e s down to serous housekeepng, She bulds a nest of what ever materals are avalable, and she flls t wth a dozen or more eggs. Then for 2.3 days she ncu bat them wth the patence that rewards her wth motherhood, The chcks are able to travel a m? s t mmedately, and for the' next few weeks the hen watches over them wth sucdal devoton, throwng herself aganst all and everythng that threatens her brood,

19 r -- A"'r,l,.0"J" "f J!0ltl" th,..hlll,,tnk..; "ff f"r tll('jl \( v,',.,th"",' \l'v a',".0w "0 ".. r.",, Th.. y hay" "'(',d>!, tl v,,ll'" t,..y WT" two ""... k, '>!"," 'v ' hav,',tr,.." h, ("'l"l'h,;... Jll';Jrll,l drl(l \\"Lfc hlll': n (/-. ('r to \"\"]\'' '"," (,hall' Lttle ''lll' \(Hlllf '(', ('J.\n.lj lt,,\ tl,.. """"'' W,". L"t,, \"''t.:,cock.. jwgn to ' 'l',t.:(',.' <')(',.",,,.,' ()[). "\,L;"" '''ldl,'' " g"",,y ", l'\ ''' ('(nlll',", d Ll lllflrn,ng '",..",,,,,,"l!,,l!,,' " a,,!('dll d ",!tll)",ll!t,lfnol( s,jd 'll ;H (()\ }llhlf O\'t'l '", """",'.lld hh, hlllgry dd '" '",,,arl:ol ll(' hlltllg \('a\(,", 'l,d (',\; O!"'T,l g.dav, g("ll'ral,' tll' '!xct"'tll'tlt atld,"j.. l',jl"' h.lt fr. Hllg '('h ).\' doth ''','\l t,. Tll('lt, ''' "s th,. llall walh, ", ""''' r"w an" "...l',, do,t.:,-arl'r,'" f ll(' "og, a pollf,-r pl'rhap',, '"'''''' f t " \( alll fool.,}, ",> h,>!",,, tl"'ldo-'.\ "'lahl' 'r".. \l"r,' >",\-., how,'v''r, ll(', ".. k 'll'a,"j' wll pl t, '.\" do"' alld hon' throllgh,,,d.. n ov"'r lhl' a kath '''l d fr,,.t.:},t tr!ln. l"avng tl(' dog ollv.\ 'lwll. alld th.. mall "\"' l'sk. Tll' p'},t'a,anl, a rltllll't, as.tl htl\(' hllow who hay!' tr..d,,, ' hlll ll'thl' oven. The LJrl,ttk, to ltl' gl'lltlnd,tnh,oml\,. app;ln'ntly s(,cure n th,' knowledge that t s safe f l s hdden. But when the decson s fn'llly made to forsake thp,'arth for tl(' ar, thc acton can tun] a huntn's knn's to jellv and drve a top dog to snappng at the wceds. There s a clatter of wngs and the ncrve-s hat t e r n g eaekp that announ('(' to all wthn hearng that Mr. Pheasant s takng ol and everyone had hetter clear the rlmwav. Ths s the moment of the hnnter. Ths s the se('(md he has dreamed ahout and equpped hmself for. l(' shotgun jams a g a ns ths shonlder he,swngs the harrel t< eatch up wth the hrd. Hunter Often \sjudges Oftt'n he s j u d g e s the cock's speed and the strng of shot zps through the crsp fall ar behnd the long tal feathers. Other tmes the rooster tps a wng to catch a strong prare wnd: and the shotgun punches only the ar. But O<'Casonally the shot s g(xxl, and the brd tumbles down. t s then the Tunter's role to run lke a snged rabbt to collect hs brd, for ther reputaton for runnng to hde s only too well known. The prze s worth t all, for no gmne brd s so majestc and mpressvp, ccpec'ally to a wfe who knows the culnary art of hllng the feathered beauty nto a dsh to- match the bro's colorful lfe. (, : ;.:.! 'l \, - L _.-"':. ;. r ' ; l.eo Balndn,San Francsco.\Calf (f..,(f.., ln best-performng '--Jl.J s'hell' 've C\ cr used ry\ a t all fa nge"_ ;'l/"v J H. Sargent,Jr..S.LOusPark.\M,nn (f..,a They gve me '--.A.J the dstance need ror those shot that arc just!ry""'l harely Wthn range. V'>J \ WtO N.llf".hg -tt,q"f! The uotes above are yp of the enthsastc commqts we c ntnually receve about Remngton pa tc shells. And frankly, we're not (00 surprsed. Wrve known abou' e performance ladvantages of Re(nngton "Express" and "Shur-Shot" plastc shells eyernce the begnnng. Howthey seal power gas so perfectly, gve more pow r, better patterns. That they keep loo9f of ther factcrry-fesh power... P,'O#tf shf"n th,' n'f)st pf),,,rfulh')" ' 0 hug? ':'. \ AllenW.Warren.Mnneapols,Mnn fl...a The most powerful game l...j..j loads 've ever shot.!' And th. e walerproorbody (j)() "S: a great bonus. Andrew Kleeber. Glenshaw. p K(f.., They're everythng \-.A.J want n a shell more power and 00: etter pat[frn. r")/ y.. do!, PHt\SANT t:ookfl)"'o ' A mnter ThJ wepe s credted to Franke '(lellx er'of SollX Fall. S.D, and t tak(s hree-quarters of an hour: 2 pheh.onl' ;" pol_ntl buttpt Of n(jrj(urnp lob!e.,poon lqud smoke _ Cu tll' plwas<ult nto '\lar"'rsl age n rt fr."r;ltor for at l'ast 4l hours.!'onn\!shallow plll of heavy allllllllllllll fol to t the JTot!'r. a sall('" pall melt *ll'tter amllw\t ntl very hot. Slowly add sl<'ak,aucl': str hr.,kly ard hl'lll throughl}'.. Skowly add en'am and "l((flld,hlok,:'. MX wdl and turn down!heat.. PlljdufC the lj uuered hrds d"'vly wth sharp knfe pont. t('5" punc tures w\ allow bastng sau( to pclt'trak. l.ay hnls ll tlt; pall and salt lbl'rally:jsldl' uncpr thl' hroh-r lanl('. A, ln'at blglls 0 dry. lll'g,l bastng Wth astry hrmlr. B'Lst, at least cvny lllllut,,. tllrnlllg t>lrds ol'l'a'ollally. Don A. Danda, Hllsborough, C'allr (f..,a Plenly or power '-A...J excellent patterns They're he onlyfy shell., to u')c. 'V'zJ A, G. Schuehle. Roselle.llhnol' fl...a Terrfc range-- the '-J.J Knd of patterns y.ou ry\ can't mss Wth ')./')j even from one season to the next. That they're waterproof and scuffp' f. Feed slck and smooth. Can't swe or splt, regardless of huntng cond ons. (You should see the ple of un lcted comments we have' about t t!). We frst sad t n 960. Four years and hundreds of mllons of plastc shells later, we stll say t: Remngton plastc shells are the most powerful S (Red) Hawkns. Dallas.Tna' /,-;t...a Remngton..,hell., have ''--''J performed 'he,,' Wth cleaner h'" dnd fewer. ry\ l.flpplc""> more power Y'V H ( Wdllam", Shaker Heght">. OhO (t...,a "J her k no<..kjuyo n l \...A..) rdnlje \ l<:ntd<,tll U'-.e 'cm rn all the tntle 'l."j you can buy. Wrte for free Guns and Ammunton catalog to Dept.HH-O, Remngton Arms Company, nc. S"-" ::;',-,ryl" J:<e_ J S, Pat Gfl l.d f"-:' " ll'a<j'!''''":'' ''em -Awn J.,. ComD"'. n,: Br,dg'!'porl. (.0<>... (-,66/)'; -;;'..n nda:- R'!'m "o" Arm, ') C.,...da l.m,t...-j. 36 UU'!'e" E l.ath"" Blvd "7"on)r'to 0"" J

20 na Jet. JAMl CA S a fburb ofj\am by Jerry Charles Lovely Jamaca grl bathes n the exl)laratng cascade of rushng water at Dunn's Rver Falls near Ocho os, Jamaca. Ths s one of the most exctng tourst attractohs n Jamaca 'and annually thousands of vstors make the trp up the le<fges asssted by expert gudes. Dunn's Rver Fdlls are one of 'the most-photographed of Jamaca's many wohders. ABOUT an hour from Mam, the same dstance n ar mles as Mnneapols to De trot, les the greenest sland n the Carhbean, Jamaca_DdmnonWth,n the Brtsh c.ommonwealth..'. t boasts t bluest water, the whtest sand beaches, and ' f course champonshp golf courses, but t las a whole lot of other thngs you seldom hear about. Tropcal blossoms from Bouganvllea to Hbscus and Frangpan ere-ate wde areas of untold color tht s a photographer's paradse. Brds of every hue abound. A lttle yellow ad )ack "sugar brd" wll c'ome along whle you are breakfastng and take sugar rght out of the bowl on your tray. Each town has ts own lttle art gallery. But agrculture s the man ndustry and n Jamaca that means sugar, bananas, coffee, cocoa, pmento, gnger, and ctrus. Seated comfortahly n carts drawn by tractors, you can see t all, talk to planters, on a plantaton tour costng $4. Clmate? Take your choce-from the steady degree sea level t@ the coolsh sxtes n: mountanous areas. Mandevlle, a small town 2000 feet up n the centn of tl(' sland, has an dpal clmate n the wnter. much lke our own summers. t s the lasl outpost of Brtsh Ce,)' lonalsm-a way M lfe rapdly dsappearng -where you wll meet retred army colonels, busness and professemal people from many parts of the world, some of whom lve qute well on as lttle as fve pounds a week ($4.00). A'rlnes cooperate wth a round trp fare of $69 from Mam. Many good hotels n all parts of the sland are $0 per day per person and Englsh s the language.,no passport, va..'cnaton or "shots" are need(.. Except for February. just go. reservatons 'rc not a necessty. Clubs and organzatons can get a free color and sound flm 6mm enttled "JAMACA NO PLACE LKE HOME" to show at meetngs. The flm runs 30 mnutes... shows the beauty of Jamaca and all of the actvty avalable there. Wrte Sterlng Moves, ltd., 200 S. Mchgan, Chcago, llnos. Allow two weeks lead tme. " f oo o!",, NFORMA TlON CENTER '<7 '4'c DAYS "-V/" FROM :! ;t....; '" 0",; [$B9*J Wth a background of moss and vne-covered trees, fly fsherm'ln'tres a cast for r mulletton at pcturesque Black Rver near Jamaca's south coast. The sland has many comparatvely un-)" fshed rvers and streams whch flow down from hgh mountan areas whch reach an alttude of over 7,000 feet n the Blue Mountans. HOUND TRP Vld JET from CHCAGO at the delghtful hotel Choce accommodatons Beac Vew Lve t up. n lu sh surroundngs wth nformal, casual, vacatonng n true Jamaca style. No stff shrts. here; but easygong, reloxed atmosphere. Each room wth balcony overlookng rch, flower-abundant scenery. Every room ar-condtoned. For MAPgourmet meals-add $5.00 a day. The servces of Farm and Home Secton are avalable to anyone wantng to travel, regardless of where they want to go. We dan make all arrangements, from flght plans to hotel reservatons--<lld nclude the entre package n one total prce. WANT TO GO TO JAMACA NUMBER OF PERSON(S) NTERESTED N GONG... f you desre addtonal nformaton for a wntr vacaton to Jamaca, merely complete and mal trys coupon (wthout oblgaton). Mal to Rural Gravure, 20 N. Carroll St., Madson, Ws., lee y.u'/-rt'.' llt NAME:. 0' fo, / l., W,/t PR.ESTGE VACATONS p NC. ADDRESS:. ZONE..._... STATE.. 7 N. STATE STREET CHCAGO. LL

21 ----\ : lr'l!:lr@l'[;_l:!'!llj!., ;4" TEFLON S DuPont's regstered trade mark for ts TF non-stck fnsh Untl they nvent pans that wash themselves, you won't ftd any cookware that's easer to clean than Teflon! DllPont's amazng Tellon fnsh s so slck, you don't even need cookng ol or fat r normal use. Foams coo wthout stckng, and Teflon-coated pans clean up wth just a swsh of a sudsy cloth. No more tedous scourng! Save tme, save work, wth Teflon. (Save htoney, too, when, ' you buy the complete set!) Complete set ncludes: qt. sauce pan wth cover 2 qt. sauce pan wth cover 3 qt. sajjce pan wth cover 0" sktflet 5 qt. dutch oven cover for skllet or dutch oven nylon spoon and s.patula recpe booklet all for $9 95 There's a complete West Bend ddteflon,ktchen"... cookware, grddles, skllets, applances, bakeware /' '._.?\. ll'. \\ / k r AUTOMATC BUFFET CHEF " ELECTRC SKLLET JUMBO GRlDqLE loy," COVERED SKLLET DRP CATCHER 9 CAKE PAN ROUND CAKE PAN 6 and 2 CUP MUFFN PANS BAKE AND ROAST PAN LOOK FOR WET BEND TEFLON Af LEADNG HOUSEWARES, HARDWARE AND APPLANCE STORES THE WEST BEND COMPANY Dept. 3A, West Send, Wsconsn \

22 \ Mnnesota-grown soybeans tend to yeld! hgher proten and lower ol analyss because of clmatc condtons and geographc locaton. Here, Charles V. Smpson examnes some home-gro..,n beans from hs own farm. UMUSAl CROP. : "R0Al_0r Speeds Me. Soyben. Va ety :..,'\ Nj;<;()TA soybeln gr()wrs, bn't'tlers, crop M. nprov'ment groups am Unversty specalsts artt now engagld n'll unusual development prograjjl a!nwd at producng l new stran qf soy hean for export to thl' Japalll'Se rnarkd. T? sp'(. up thdl 'lforts. they havl' arrangl'(l to rotntn breedllg mater.ds lwtwdl Mnnesola and Chlt\ South J\llt'rcl. Ths sll'p)(xl-up program allows thl'sl' groups 0 mak, two plantngs and hlll'v'sls "ach yelr. As seed sovbl'.ms art' l"u-v'sled n '\(' locaton, tl\l'y ' l0\' to the otl\l'r 0 lake advantag"' of to ml.uer growng s"ason.s, O..l.lt' n e'l('h lt'msplll'n:.. 'lle Markl.'t T\l' n'awn. r tlus a('('elerat, "( advlty S tl\l' fad that a markd already t'xsls n japal'l lor all 'slmakd H Tllloll mslll'ls of footl'qllaltv soy wans a yt ar. Ths' fglll'l' wa.s an-v("( at by Charlt's V, Smpson, Charman of tlw A<';t'''; Soybl'an Assocaton's Markd )evl'lopl\l'nl COll mttt,., and Dredor of thl' Soybeall (:olln('l of r/ Anll'rca..asl year, soybe"" ;'xports frolll tlr, U. S. to Japan n:adll'd,\.:2 mlloll bllsl\l'ls, noll' than Aml'r(-Japalll'setr"dt' n both ()lton a"d wheal. The doll,u vahll' of hs tr"d, wa.s a re' onl $4R.p mllon a t s t'xl)l'('ll'd to rst "t t"lst R per ('t'nt n HH4. A fmtl\l'r nd('"ton of the poll'ntal of ths m"rkt'! s \l' Lwt that ths yt'ar Jap,Ul wll ll' forl'l'd to llport mllon addtonal bllslll'ls from Commllllst (:hn, The Challenge At prl'sent, two fadors art' lmtllg S. opportllntes to 'nter ths markd Ol a Llrgl'r sc," prodlldon and qu"lt. t s ht's(' two L\ctors whch tlw Mnnl'Sota poh'tam ams to OV"f(Hn,' To mereast' prodllduhl of bf(''dlllg loat"nals, growers are usng tlt' lajl'st managt'lrwn tools: regular sol tests, mnmllltl tllagl', and dwmcll weed chltro. Throughollt thl' hrcedng, growng and cross-hreedng work, Am/wn pn'-,'nl<'rgt'wt' chemcal h(rhcde has hel'n usl'd to ('onl fll br-oadleaf w('eds and grasses. By clmnat ng competton for mostuf(' and nlltr"jlts ll tl<' sol, ths herh(:de has gvl'n :l t) 9 hllsll<'ls ]wr 'lt" yeld ncwast's on Ch"rll's Smpson'.s own Tl'lonka farm. The USl' of ths product gv's SOl<' ndcaton of tl](' vl tl nct'as('s whl'h mght w expected and alo chltrhult's to tll' valj(lty of tll' test results ohtaned. As seeds become avalahle, thl'y arc n,jeawd to members of tlw Foundaton Se,';l Stock Croup and the Mnnesota Crop mprov"t,wnt Assoca ton. By plantng thn and followng tl<'!wst clltural practcl's and weed-control ml'tho\', somc growers have l){'en able to "hlow lp" a sngll' hushel of eed to :3,600 pounds. DstrlHtl'd around Mnnesota n ths fashon,,""j{)- and no-fold nereasps have been acheved n a growng Sl'ason. Qualty The problem of qualty s attack(d gerwtcally. Breedng materals from Japan, speefcajly developed for the producton of fo()l] products, are about to be crossed wth Mnnesota-adaptc d soybean varetes. Ths effort s pf(x"('(dng on schedule under the drect(hl of Drs. Jean Lambert, Wllam Kennedy a,nd Rchard Cooper of the nsttute of Agrculture of the Unversty of Mnnesota. The result of ther work should produce a stran of soybean large n sze and wth a lght color, a thn seed cnat and a colorless hll m. The proten content of the new stran should average about 42 per cent and t should have a low ol analyss. Mt soyhe'ans now grown n the U. S. are proc ssed for ther meal and ol fractons. Food-qualty beans, th,)ugh, are used whole, ether fermented or n a water-extracton pnx'css n the producton of food products. The dual challenges q,f developng a new soybean stran and ncreasng producton are equally mportant to the establshment of a Japanese export market. Evenhlally through breedng and growng technques, researchers wll acheve an acceptable varety Qf soybeans. Producton, however, must somehow break through the hushel barrer to ncrease velds to,3,5 to,50 bushels per acre. Every bt of 'knowledge must be used to compensate for the costs nvolved n transportng soy to Japan. These fxed handlng, storage and shppng costs now add $.30 per hushel to the local market prce of Amercan soybeans. Ths ncludes 5 local handlng charge, 2.'34 nland freght, lo port charge, 34 ocean freght, 4,3 Japanese duty, and.5 Japanese handlng charge. Though the market already exsts, t s clear that Mnnesota breeders and growers wll have to control ther producton costs at the same tme they am for yeld ncreases. Good cultural practces, effectve weed. control and sound fscal management, however, promse to speed ther development and producton work

23 owans.proote: f,l nternatonal Undertandlng! \,! F-.Gary Alban, r T!'.Am''crln l'u'ld Servce s n'onsbu; for '.Jrngng sl'ljl'raj.. thousatul foregn stw[(mts to ths c/lfmtry llh y for the purpose of studyng n! OCll hg!l sell/jols. Th;y stay wth Jn AlwrulT! fatllly for ow'yl'ljr. ''<fllowng s Jn l'c(jlmt of, hc!l; small lrlwa cmnrnunty enhance:> the pro,!;rlm wth ts {!nlllwl frendshp weekerul.,: r' f TRY"SUper-O" DRY DP and LTTER DUST n cold. damp weather when..nlallon s double mportanl and when lquds alon't praclcal you can protect gllnsl many vruses, lce, elc. wlh Super D's power'ul germcdal and bacterostalc aclon. Also helps conllol ammona odors. Sa'e, easy o-use. Cet Super O rom youl 'arm supply slore. Ask about Carbol O"O'ecllO Whte Pant _. he doubj.,duly. santaton control. For lterature, _,te Dept RG-040 C!?o. Natural Brldg_, N Y buy by Brand Name! Theres NEW YELD MAGC n! '\ T AKE 8 foregn studelts from 3 dfferent countres and put th m all together n un Amercan eornmunty fj)r a weekend, and you'v(' got an nternatlmal YO\lr.hands! t's not the type' that makes the hlg headlnes... hut the knd that creates a hond (_deeper understandn!f so greatly needed among the peoples of the world. Ogden,' owa, a rural.communty of,eoo ctzens, ha,s had an annual foregn student weekend for thn'c \{'arsj to whch Amercan Feld Servce students n'ltllp area a;e. nvted. They stay n the homes of local ngh school shldents, and partcpate 'n a pubhc program, where they tell of ther country or perform dances or muscal numbers typcal of ther homeland. Hecreaton s also a P' rt of the gatherng as the foregn guesls enjo roller skatng, bowlng and party game.s t roughout the weekend. Ths year at Ogde, a fund rasng carnval was held. n the tw 'gh event,,oqo ctzens partcpated and ore than enough money was rased to brn anoth!er AFS student here for the next school e-a. The ('..ordon Chrsten sen famly has been a'epted to be the Amer can parents. \ (Lga Hernandez of CQsta Rca s Ogden's prt:'sent exchangee and stys Wth the Nonnan Bergstrom famly.) The entre pwject provdes rch memores for the guests and ctzens as :well. The. ASers all speak hghly of Amencan hosptalty and look forward to rehmng to ther homelands to tell of ther stay here,, And local resdents wll 0lg remember th Australan lad who dscussed.u pecular problem he had wth hs pet kangaroos. t seems they enjoy sldng on a slck hallway floor n hs homel, Then there was the Urn kv student whb sad he "just couldn't unders d the grls n hs country." But he confd that comng tp Amerca ddn't solve the pr0 lem because he can't understand Ametr-an 5 ether!, A Greek guest bejame sghtly confused!.vhen speakng of a popular Amercan sande ch: "Hot cat." But the true goal of ogen's Frendshp \Vc'{'kend s accomplshed:.. a show the AFS studf'nts that Amercans are he same as they and that peace and goodwll among the na tons s our desre." Followng are the qualfcatons for an AFS ":\mercan famly." The Ogden communty exemplfes them annually:. A heart, large fenough to sha(re a porton w'tll another chld from another lmd for a year and probably forever. A mnd, opf'n to the dfferent lfe and culture the student wll brng "'lth hm, open to aq, '('{'ptng hm for hs dheren4 and not for smlartes. And a share of laughter and) gaety to shrnk the problems wheh may dj,me up and to strengthen the bonds of communcaton. HYBRDS Tho Modorn Bmakthm SHod New DeKalb XlHybrds are brtngng some of the greatest yeld ncreases srce the development of hybrd corn These remarkable new DeKalb XL Sgle Crosses and 3-Way Hybrds' are the result of s0nle of the world's most advanced lgrcultural research. Expermental crosses receve the Xl "brand" only after extensve tests show ther ncreased ablty to fght ol dseases and nsects.. to take thck plantng and hgh fertlty... to stand well... to produce extra BG yelds. Look at examples of ctual measured acre08g e,.'[ farm yelds below. No wonder the Bg Swng s to " DeKalb XL Breakthru Hybrds. Outstandng DEKALB 963 Measured Acreage Yelds NAME Lesle Draunasky Floyd lemon Fred Febg Heyo Semers Herman Ryf Fred Dahl Raymond NclJoll Charles Arnett Edde lee Rchards Morsse & Lawler Raymond Boteher Ron Haug STATE Wse. Oho Colo. owa nd. Mnn. owa Nebr. Ky.. Mnn. ll. BU./ACRE $ More Farmers Plant DEKALB Corn Than Any Other Branrt. DEKALB AGRCULTURAL.SSN., NC., DEKALB, LL ComOlerccJl ProduclH'l &. D,d,btr,o,. of DeKolb Seed Corn, Ch.. & Sorghum 'DEllJ' s Raakflred lud... "L" _bon an Varety

24 W, :,' j' '!. by Maron Latzko FALl.'S harvest splls over,fro ts horn,'fpl..nty n Odol,..r. EVlTytljng : tastes so good. J{'Tlpe fdes a.. k.. horns of.pl..nty too, bul, s,"n..hf)\'v, there's always need for new flll'rs.:'. An elegant lookng, smlle to Pfl'P:\fl: fl'cp" for Odol,..!'s "pp!<'., Skllet Baked Stu!f"d Apples. Th.. stuffng., mll('('lh'at and wallluts. To flame these apples, mostl'n, sugar cuhes wth\( fnon e.\lrad or hgh.proof hrandy or rum. Perch them on the hot (!<>sserl,\lght them and watch the famly's ey..s lght np!, Another recpe you mght lk( to add to yom fl..ss a nl'w way to buk..,apple pc so that t nev('r bols over. A full('), a ho!<"n tl(' top p( crust,and a luscous cnnamon syrup are th.. only extra requr..d..qulpment. Try t! A delcous way to serve peaches., n all old fashojled favorte.kuchen. Ths kuchenhas a surprse toppng of sour T..am. You can ps.. fresh, canned or frozen peaches. t's delcous served fresh from tl(' o\(en, hut f there happens to be some left, just refrgeratl' t and rellf'at t when you W tllt to se t later. f OU want to save the memory of summer and fall to elljoy n tllf' n\dde,f wnter's snows, Pear and Plum Jam s good for remndn4. km('llk hcc too that f you have extra fruts from last year's aljlndal)(,(' n,the freezer, you can usc th('m to advantage n Funs and jdles for fllfthn storage. n most recpe ft's vegetable rccpes <re mghtv '>lan.' To fll ths nclld, Spced Hed Cabbage whch s cook..d wth awpll's and flavofl'd wll. onlltls and spces wll hecome a well worn recpc card. : Vegetables can tempt the eye and stmulate tlt' appdjll' bccause of ther delghtful colors. They cah he served smply or n ullsual l.lmb!latons. You mght lke to try seasonng wth c('lery or garle salts. The d. dton of almonds or mushrooms do's "llrprsng th'ng., for gr...n heans. Henemlll'r vour handv can of Jllushroom soup f VO wsh to CT..am a vege tahle quckly and ('legantly. Let your horn of-plenty spll n dffeflnt, delcous was. Fall's a wonderful tme of the year.,, SKLLET BAKE SHJFFED APPLES Clp brown sul{lr J ;or 4."lre." of lemon. slced thn cup whle SU{llT f'"nremeal /' Clp',mler Chapped Calforna wa/nlll' na,h of salt tlo h bakng apple, Heat hrown sugar, whte sugar, water, salt md lemon slces n a bg skllet. Pre heat oven to 400 degrees F. Pare top half of apples, and cut out mo$t of core from hlossom end, leavng a lttle "plug" at stem erd. Cook apples, pared end down, n the gently bolng syrup n sklll't on top of rarlge ahout 0 mnutes or untl.lghtlv softened. Tlen hm them over, and fll cavtes wth prepared mncemeat and chopped walnllts. Put skllet nto hot oven ankj. bake, uncover{d 0 to 5 mnutes, untl just tlnder. Haste occasonallv wth syrup to glaze them. Serve farly hot, flamng or not. To flame, dp sug,u cubes nto lemon extjfact, hgh proof brandy or mm. Fut them on top ofthe apples, lght them Prettt.st f room s darkened. SPCED RED CBBAGE 2 w/wle cloves 3 cookng apples l, cup chopped onon 2 ba-v leaves 4 cup marsarne or buller medum red cabbage, fnely shredded / 'tablespoon sugar nsh of cnnamon,-'4,cup vnegar / J.,cup water tablespoon sall Peel, core anq"suce apples. Sautt' onon and apple n marpune n a large sauce pan untl onons are lghtly browned. Add.cabhage and str untl cabbage looks wlted. Combne remanng ngredents an add to cabbage, Blend well. Cover and smmer ),; to :2 houts. Str occlsonallv.'\akes to ),; quarts. (contrwc<! )

25 '..., t ' \,, B,AKN No. meltln. No scrapng. No measurtng. Just,snp and rqueeze., r The next tme your favorte recpe calls for bakng chocolate, try new Choco-bake! Perfect resuts guaranteed by Nestle, And Nestle's makes the very best chocolate.

26 S,ugar, show r.---- THREE-FOURTHS ACTUAL SZE ----) ,...---, _r_ _r T -, NEVER-BOL.qVER APPLE PE Pastry lor 2-crusrpe 6 medum apples Cnnamon Syrup / Lne he pe an wth the frst crust. Pare, 'ore and slce apples; arrnge n astry lned pan. Roll top cr st as you dd for )ottom crust. Cu crcle from center large en ugh to nsert end \. of funnel, and C t slts to allow steam to cs ape. Place pastry ver apples; sea and flute edge as desred. B ke n 400 degree. (hot) oven ntl crust s well browned a d apples are ten [ er. Me'whl prepare SYHlP, tmng t to e fnshed about the same tme as the pe (5 mnutes should be adequate). Rtl,tnove pe f ro oven and mmedately nsert funnel nto center of pe. Pou Cnnamon Syrup nto funnel b.bout " at a tme, Wtng pe after eac addton to allow syrup to spread evenly. CNNAMON SYRUP, 3 tablespoons butter or margarne teaspoon, cjnnamon tablespoon cornstarc" '4 teaspoon s4lt 2 tablespoons sugar V2 cup lg"t qr dlrk com syrup Melt margarne n small saucepan. Blend +cornstarch, then C,nnamon and salt. Mx n com syrup. Strrng constant. y, brng to a bol anq bol 5 mnutes., ' Pot watchers, oven peekers... rejoce! Set of [aakng thermometers and baster alnlv SlDD plws on label from ether Swft's Premum pjre Pork Sausage or Smokes! Ths. durable set ncludes a deep fat and candy thermometer, a meat thermometer, a skewer, and a non-breakable baster All yours for one doll;pr and a label from ether a package of Swft's Premum Pure Pork Sausage or Smokes. They're both delcous... burstng wth energy buldng met proten. Serve them soon and send for your Coqkng Thermometer Set Send label and one dol lar wth your name and address to: Cookng Thermometer Set, Box 64, Sprngfeld, Oho. QUlty, freshness assured SWft'S Premum Meats, loaded Wth valuable meat proten, are always FR ESH beclause Swft supervses every step of meat supply Thclt's.what we mean when we say, "The -" best meats come from SWlft " ' EYery ;Good': thng we do s amed at pleasng YOU! ""/lr7:::::ll/ SURPRSE PEACH KUCHEN Preheated oven Rutle...ed bakng d"h, 2-quart rectanguwr, 2 cup' flour 3;4 tea!poon salt 4 teaspoons bakng pmvder,4 teaspoon mare cup!juf<ar cup mlk egg, well beaten l cup (V2.,tck) margarne or butler, melted Toppng: j'h cup., thnly.l<:ed peacm', draned tea!jpoon cnnamon 2 table.poon ugar cup dary rout cream ",. Sft together flour, salt, bak-' n&--powder, mace and sugar. Combne mlk, egg and melted butter; str nto dry ngredents just untl blended. Pour batter nto bakng <hh and cover wth peaches. Mx together cnnamon and sugar.:nd s p r nk e over peaches. '3ake 35 mnutes. Rem 0 v e from oven and spread dary sour cream evenly over the Kuchen_ Rerum to oven for 5 mnutes.. Note: Peach Kuchen can be refrgerated for several days. Just reheat to serve.

27 ' GRASSROO S LEANNGS by 8m Stokes Easy to Use'" ustspray and Wpe CLEAN The Anny has developed a new shell that carres two bullets, reports The Stephenson Fanner of Lela. U. The theory s that f the frst bullet msses ts mark, the second one may score a ht. ; Ths s progress that comes 20 years too late for a lot of us. A dplomat s a man who can convn e hs wfe that a woman looks stbut n a fur coat, clams ne Cavaler (N. D.) Chroncle. '. A column n The Tr-County Truth of Cbumlmsco, nd., suggests that a chld's muscal nterest be ncouraged by mprovsng homemade nstruments such as rots and pans for pract drums. r The wrter says t s the parent's mpottant responsblty to accustom a chld to "beautful muscal sbunds." There s no connecton wth ths tem' and the prevous tem, but The Tmes of Worthngton, nd., reports that there are three general types of noses found n older plumbng systems - water hammer, whstlng and chatterng. Whle our plumbng never has been known to whstle, t does whne once n awhle. Grls used to be shy and dressed lke Moter Hubbard, says The Petersburg (nd.) Press, but now thy are bold and dress more lke her cupboard. ' The. De Smet (S. D.) News reports that women own 65 per cent of all savngs accounts, are n lne to )nhert 70 per cent of the naton's wealth and now control 8$ percent of total consumer buyng power. ' That percentage on buyng power has to be a msprnt because there can't be that much of t"except homes lke ours. You're an old tmer f you th,nk the towjt square s a place and not a person, says le Bloomfeld (Rep News. Our summer was much pleasanter because of an tem we read early n the summer n The Peny CoUnty Trbune,' New Lexngton, Oho., The tem sad that deep cultvaton can hurt the garden. Snce we were afrad we mght go too deep, We spent the summer n the hammock. \, DSCOVERY Ths helpful husband s accomplshng more than dong hs wfe a favor. He's makng a dscovery. He's dscoverng how smple Speed Queen automatcs are to operate... how clean they wash... how well they're bult. He sees the terrfc beatng these washers are takng. The Clay Cty (lod.) News reports that a senator sad baj::k n 92 that "A system of natonal roads would be a frvolous expendture for the beneft of a few wealthy pleasure seekers." How about. that? Many of us had no dea w were wealtb;y pleasure seekers.. ' "You're gettng old when the gleam n your eyes s the sun httng your bfocals," says le Ponee...Revew, Phlp, S. D., "f you want to leave footprnts n the sands of tpe, you have to wear work shoes," says le Clay Cty (nd.) News. The CoUDba Mssouran has the answer for areas that suffer drought. t reports that "Elephants are the hydraulc engneers of the Afrcanl wlds. n tmes of drought, they gouge wells n dry rver beds, provdng essental water for other anmals n the vcnty." NQw, as to gettng an elephant... "Nothng s opened by mstake as octeq as one's mouth," clams le Tyndall (S. D.) Trbune and Regster. "You are gettng older," says The Naoce County Journal of Fullerton, Neb., "when you feel your corns more than you do your oats." REWARD Now hs wfe s enjoyng the same dependable laundry servo ce n her home... the same smplcty of operaton... the same clean washl'rg. Thanks to Speed Queen con laundres whch prove how dependable Speed Queen washers really are. (t's what's nsde that counts.) Your Speed Que.en dealer can gve you the fac. See hm. Or u.,.te, Speed Queen, dvson of McGrllw Edson Co., Rpon, Wsconsn. -, le Fronter of O'Nell, Neb., scratches ts edtoral head over the fact that the government collects taxes from smokers; and then takes ths tax money to prove that t s dangerous to smoke, spends more of t for tobacco prce supports, and uses the rest to get cgarettes labeled as dangerous to health. Mfrs. Df Clllm.. HllD LallQ ElUJlllllt Famed fbr Dep,mdablty f you had to run an advertsement fmeone to do yourwfe's job, t would have to read lke s, says le Daly Leader, Madson, S. D.: "Woman wan To help n house. Eghteen-bour day, seven-day week. p n. Must have knowledge of cookng, sewng, medcne, law, chld welfare, elementary electrcty, bookkeepng and m Must be strong and wllng. One who can help n garden preferred." QUEEtt frs. f Cttutreat.. H..., 4plt Famed for Dependablty

28 '" by fran K'em, W,, ) N hearty fall apttb, need "appea""lng, t's tme to put spaett, maaron and,oodles on to cookl, Th sversatl,'e foods (gr,ouped under the' genral, term of almen aly Jl>a:tesor ml'j.caron "food$") are,especally nrshng when they are CO bned wth the whole proten of chees eat, eggs and mlk. The hole wdrld s wse n ther use. n taly t ese products are a staple the ratonal det. Ther are trcks to be leaxlned from tal}'!, thojgh, such as butterng spo ghett after t's boledl and draned t@ prevlent t from stckng togdh r. ' The are methods to be temembered whle ebokng these macaron f s. A lttle background of wheat s.ours!;nay help n understand' g. There are two types of wheat - soft and hard. The harder wheat s, the most gluten, the mysterous 'rote that makes dough stck t gether and become/,lastc and strtchy.softerwheats contan les and are therefore usrd for more dellcate pakng such asce flour. serve ends are mlled for housewves' au-purpose flours to best erage needs. ' Our m wheats, whch are usually used, n all macaron "foods", are the hardest wheats. Thexl' heavy gluten ontent makes them especally utrtous and capabl of bolng h water. Don't overcook them ut them n a large pan of saltedl:olng water, uncovered, and s' occasonally to prevept stckng. lfy can be tested for do,neness b breakng a pece on the sde of, pan., f Y want to avod "bol'overs", add tablespoon of ol to your watr. : Rtber to slghtly um:lercook f yu are 'akng combnaton dshes at requre further cookng such af Con ett Macaron wth Com ake. Ths casserole s an excellent sme d' h served wth such meats hamburgers, hot dqgs or bam. ' Another dfferent approach, s NOodl:feSSng, for Roast Chclcen. t's a elcous devaton from bread s ngs. Nr matter how they're OOoked, rna on "f" are delcous., ;, \, MOSTACCOL wth RCH TOMATO SAUCE cup fnely!chopjed onwn ' bay leal!'up dced ce te(jspoontl salt cup dron mu$hroom peces (4-0unce con). te(jspoon, pepper clove BOTC, (ntlly chopped Delcous favor secrets.. are fours wth ths great new Karo Cookboo! Dscove a whole new world of flavor and jun n the newkaro Cookbook-more than 00 recpes! All creaed and tested n Karo's ktcbe...all easy and ecollorlucal to make n yours wtll foods you use every day. Your famly wll sa "My"goodnes, ths meat daf tastes good tonghtl and What dd you do to chcken, fs great'".. and "Ob bp-y;pecan pel" You see, Karo ad elcous new flavor and appetzng'new texture to food. And Karo makes even everyday meals delghtfullydherent,too. Nowondef all over :Amerca "the new way to cook s wth Karo'" Karo s avalable n pnt and quart bottles; Wso n 5 and 0lb. cans. send fbr jour new Karo Cookbook today. Just 25e andkaro label. ) ' K.ABO COOKBOOK O:&'P'EB ', &:: 95L.N_York. N.y 0048 " Please send me the new Karo cbocbook. Enclosed s 25 n con and one label from any $ze Karo bottle or can.. (Pleue do not.end tam'ju.) NAME ADDRESS' 2 cups romatoes ( pound 4-ounce con) 2 roblespoo SOla ol SA, cup romaro pasre (6-0unce can) pounds srp,'unc eel,' cup beel sflx:k (or cup Wller plus boullon reaspoon "rebon, cube),, reospoon lmt 8 ounces mosroccwl reaspoon "yme,,! S,aute OnO*," celjry, mushrooms and, garl. c n salad ol n heavy saucepan. Add ground beef and contpue #kng untl meat begx4 to brwn. Add all other ngredent except mos taccol. Brng to b<?lng pont, strrng freq!lently. Reduce heat an snlmer slowly about hour. Cook mostae<jol n rapdly bolng salted water 2 to 5 mnutes or untl tender. Dran th.oroughly. ace qooked mostaccol on heated platter or servng plate. Pour over tomato sauce. Serve rth!fated Parmesan or cheddar chse. Makes 4 to 6 servngs. _ L crrt_.,..-...: :-ZONE. STATE

29 " CA.f:ROLE OF flldcken KALAKAUA WTH MACARON 2 medum. onon,. chep,ed 2 cup. cream tyle com (, pound 4-ounee can), green p/jp,er, " pped 2 cups to"/,,,o.auce (two 8-<Junce cad) l,4 cup olve ol 2 'easpd!ons chl powder. '- tea.poon mwe. garlk. 2 can. mushroom., draned (4 ounce each) 8 ounces elbow njzcaron tea.poon. sal, quart chclten!,th Z ounce Parme8lln chfle." 2M! cup. cooked C.]l'.ken peces '4 cup,arne or butter Saute ono,n landgreen pepper n olve ol; do not browl. Md garlc. Cook macaron n rap dly bon.g, saso.n d c.hc.ken brot untl:tcnder. Dran pmbnc coo maca.ro, the sa. teed olllon, r.:d epper and garbc, chcken, corn, to saucc, chlb powdcr dssolved 0 small amount of h )!: chcken broth, mu.shrooms and salt. tn.g mxture to smmerng pont. Turn mxture lntoreased 2 quart casserole. Top, wth Par:Jlcsan cheese and dot wth butter or margan{lc. ak. n moderate oven (350 F.) about 25 mnutes, or untl cheese s melted and top /O a delcat b. wo. Makes 4 to 6servngs., NoqDLE DRESSNG for RPAST CHCKEN Saue sc e d onons, dced! celery and chopped r e e n peppers n b u t. r or.margarne. Combne wth dced, cook. gblets and neck meat. Add cooked n()(}o dj. Son wth thyme, l'oultt seasonng,chop. ped p r s ley, salt and peppel(. Toss lghtly, but thorouly, '\-._ ,..-; SPAGHETl TETRAZZN MAYFAR pound cooked chcken meat 4 ounces cooked srrwked hom 2 tablespoons butter or margorne 2 cups slced fresh mushrooms Supreme Sauce: l,4 cup butter or margarne. cup flour: 2 teospoom salt l,4 teaspoon: pepper 3 cups chcken broth 2 tablespoons sherry wu... 8 ounces long spaghett Grated Parmesan cheese Cut chcken and ham Jul. enne-style.. Melt butterormar garne n.sk!llet. Add mush rooms and saute. To prepare Supreme Sauce, melt butter or margarne n large saucepan. Blend n Hour, salt, and pepper. Gradually add chcken broth, strrngconstantly; cook untl sauce s thckened. Add sherry wne. To three-fourths of Supreme Sauce, add chck en, ham d mushrooms. Reserve remanng sauce for toppng casseroles. Coo\c. spaghett n bolng salted water untl tender. Dran. Cover bottom of 4 Qr 6 ndvdual casseroles wth cooked spaghett. Pour chckenllmxture on top of spaghett. 'top wth remanng sauce. Sprnkle generously wth Parm l;an cheese. Place n moderate oven (375 F.)' untl cheese s melt and a delcatebr0wn, about 20 mn utes. Mes servngs.

30 -"--- r!' NewAQton than the lea \ns lqud bleach Do you havel'these bleach problems \n yourw_...food and nk stajjs, grmy collars and s, yellowed pllowcases? Tl you need the new blea4t concenkte +nth three actve lngredents nstead of 'tle one Yob've, n gettng n the leadfuglqudbleach. Ydu need nwacjton that goes, atrwt"!' problems n t,' w!ore,' '... et clothswhter '',. knocks outes"wth. conntrared chlorde,'. :W,0.;. knocks out.andgnmewth pow cke4 cfu,auers. Three...m ks out yellowng wth a ";whtener., Yes, new trle-powered Acton-n han y, safe!ty'-jeaed, >. ' quck-dssqlvng packets-gets clot es C,,,;; N NOV""' '"! whter tbar any lqud chlorne bleach!,-_..._ 'SAFETY-SEALED PACKETS ', TRY ACTON TH GAN OF A Bj.EAC ',

31 } Vote mowd!, J, by:',' 'm '( t wasn'oember 27, 963. H f Ofm town's 4,700 : popula,dn j<jmmed the theq r The newsreel re- ;ewed tel Kellnedy ssass':lat'lm.. &n. eople a,lauded th stene.:. '" of my towns- Russa? "tuba? Red Chna? \. " No. My town s n md-ametrl a Most of my townsmen are chronc msfts whose e rnn9s average 20: ents per ay. The name of my,*,,,5 outhern Mch-:. 'rh:rsjlda never been eldj'embrkedthe md.) '4le-aged urg'ar next to me.lw,hwell. He wa.!,rvng hs ffth term here..,...!! " take t you voted for Nxo /J.$al:l. :. "You kddn f? never voted:lre. got sense "\!0nough to know no matter who" the best Joh "C>. Publc's gohna get s the wo ""t The hell wt 'otn't" That's sedtous phlosophy, n t? ''The hell wth votln'!" means down wth democt royr country, your government an,d, therefore, eve',ome (whre government really begns) n the land...., Yet, 've voked such sedton yself.' Only t came )Ut somethng'lke ths: "Couldn t Qe t to the polls; ad other thngs to do on electd,cly:./'. The reflecton,ured me nto 4eep concern andldlne, down wth ths H,.ard Cnd hea fact: was strp d:.....o..f y votng prvleges for man electons to coe-.'nht felt left no room for self-steem.. ', As the featue move ran, w n ered how my fellow!nmates felt aout not beng alo ed tcf> vote. Later, que d nerly 300 of them. most ndlcated! th coulrtt cre less. Egh lnd duals admttedl fh d neer voted! (Could fe,d.s that, lande. us ere be ger,nane to such dlr ar'd f r democracy?). Consder thred responses to the' esto: Dd you vote, regularly whe/, you were free? {", '' Gdmblng s)mdcate underln' ( ge 33, servng 5-0 ;:',,ears): "The organzaton alway ow td t that voted; ':;:ven told me who to vote for'''...' : Habtualdr.unk (dong -2 fo()jpport): ''Theyd '"..,.'...!.:.,t....' d :0;0;:nb;J/ h:::tj '...,...,o..:, k..t.,. l ;here'd... t.:::: :;:::... ':as too drunk to care any mor..''.., be a bottle or two aroondyan somehow, be- '....,.:.f... ore we consdered all the SSU...!(.... ja....n....,...'.a.., canddates and :decded who'd get our vote, t s' etler too late or,., '.....,.'...'..... Vote fraud fall-guy (age 72,,...'....,.",."......,9. /..'..t'...,j.,.d.ays was gravy days fo me...'....a,..ys lvoted. Got ve.....,.' %-2): "Electon. 'bucks a ballot. Sometmes' la&, ffty-fve, SXty <.";':::. "..,<..,..'"?;O ars.. ;:,','.[' ')': for me-e.", t's occson,,:::,cult to face the,",.:':lr!or of patrotsm and "k.,.'... see. nstead of \)'ohng, 've often gone huntmg g; attended to.,:elfsh matters of aorted knds, 've leaped on )::',very lame excuse'n the Arne ters' book. But :Fllr'" meday 'll have a chance to ' determnaton. ever agan to skp an opportu. teo Tll then.'... '. What about you?. ":":;": lke many other sheer h Amerca'; full.,'). ::shoned freedom, the prvleg g s never tontow. Therefore,.' '!;\!;;pletely apprecated untl t s '!", l : '. agree wth the mmgrant d, 'Amercans on't adequately apprecate ent because they don't under lc:)wever, O\;lr Star Spangled em of governat t an't." ' aves best hen

32 ,.!. " Don'ts _te for 'any',hng less tha,n! '!! <. '. "'......_. _......_ _.._,.."'-"-.-! "...._-_. ""-..,."', -..,,.,. o,_,_,_,_''",_



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