ACARA Australian Curriculum Consultation Portal 12/02/2010 1

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1 Learning area Curriculum elements Science Rationale/Aims Organisation Content descriptions Achievement standards Year levels Kindergarten Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/2010 1

2 Science Rationale/Aims Rationale Science provides an empirical way of answering interesting questions about the biological, physical and technological world. The knowledge it produces has proved to be a reliable basis for action in our personal, social and economic lives. Science is a dynamic, collaborative and creative human endeavour arising from our curiosity and interest in making sense of our world through exploring the unknown, investigating universal mysteries, making predictions and solving problems. The : Science provides opportunities for students to develop understandings about science and its processes, the scope of its contributions to our culture and society, and its applications in our daily lives. The science curriculum addresses the diverse needs of Australian students by providing them with scientific knowledge, understandings and skills to make informed and responsible personal, social, technological and environmental decisions that impact at the local, national and global levels and to participate, if they so wish, in science-rich careers. In addition to its practical applications, learning science is a valuable pursuit in its own right, providing opportunities for critical and creative thinking, challenge and leisure. The science curriculum provides opportunities for students to experience the joy of scientific discovery and to nurture students natural curiosity about the world around them. These ideas resonate with the concept of scientific literacy, a term that is well established in the science education literature. The : Science encompasses the three interrelated areas of Science inquiry skills (incorporating skills and understanding of science as a way of knowing and doing), Science as a human endeavour (incorporating knowledge and understanding of the personal, social, environmental, cultural and historical significance and relevance of science), and Science understanding (incorporating knowledge and understanding of the biological, physical, and earth and space sciences). Aims The aims of the : Science are for students to develop: an interest in science and a curiosity and willingness to explore, ask questions and speculate about the changing world in which they live an ability to investigate questions about the world using scientific inquiry methods, including questioning, planning and conducting experiments and investigations based on ethical principles, collecting and analysing data, evaluating results, and drawing critical, evidence-based conclusions an ability to communicate their scientific understandings and findings to a range of audiences, to justify their own ideas on the basis of evidence, and to evaluate and debate scientific arguments and claims whilst respecting alternative viewpoints and beliefs an ability to solve problems and make informed, evidence-based decisions about current and future applications of science while taking into account moral, ethical and social implications an understanding of historical and cultural aspects of science as well as contemporary science issues and activities and an understanding of the diversity of careers related to science a solid foundation in science knowledge and understanding of the biological, physical and earth and space sciences, including being able to select and integrate science understanding in order to explain and predict phenomena, to apply that understanding to new situations and events, and to appreciate the dynamic nature of science knowledge. ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/2010 2

3 Science Organisation Content strands Content strand descriptors The : Science is organised around three interrelated strands: Science inquiry skills; Science as a human endeavour; and Science understanding. Each strand is of equal importance. Science inquiry skills These involve posing questions, planning, conducting and critiquing investigations, collecting, analysing and interpreting evidence and communicating findings. This strand is concerned with evaluating claims, investigating ideas and solving problems, making valid conclusions and developing evidence-based arguments. It also recognises that scientific explanations change as new or different evidence becomes available. Science as a human endeavour Science influences society through the posing of, and responding to, social and ethical issues and science research is influenced by societal challenges or social priorities. This strand highlights the need for informed, evidence-based decision making about current and future applications of science. It acknowledges that, in making decisions about science and its practices, moral, ethical and social implications must be taken into account. This strand also acknowledges that science has advanced through, and is open to, the contributions of many different people from different cultures at different times in history and that science offers rewarding career paths. It identifies the historical aspects of science as well as contemporary science issues and activities. Science understanding This is evident when a person selects and integrates appropriate science knowledge in ways that explain and predict phenomena, and applies that knowledge to new situations and events. Science knowledge refers to facts, concepts, principles, laws, theories and models that have been established by scientists over time. Science knowledge represents the building blocks of science understanding but it is the dynamic nature of science understanding that will be beneficial to citizens in an ever-changing world. Science across K 10 Although the curriculum is developed year by year, it reinforces particular emphases to account for the nature of the learner across three broad year groupings: Years K 2: typically students from 5 to 8 years of age Years 3 6: typically students from 8 to 12 years of age Years 7 10: typically students from 12 to 15 years of age Unifying ideas for each of the above year groupings are outlined. These unifying ideas draw together the three strands and the various disciplines of science and have been used to inform coherent development of the curriculum content and achievement standards at each year level that takes account of the distinctiveness of the learner within particular year groupings. The unifying ideas are developmental in nature with subsequent unifying ideas building on those for the previous year grouping. In this way, unifying ideas enable students to accumulate knowledge over time for deeper understanding. For example, order and change are necessary ideas to understand systems. A knowledge of systems provides the basis for understanding the nature of sustainability, equilibrium and interdependence. ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/2010 3

4 sustainability, equilibrium and interdependence. Years K 2 (typically from 5 to 8 years of age) Curriculum focus: awareness of self and the local world Young children have an intrinsic curiosity about their immediate world and a desire to explore and investigate things around them. Asking questions leads to speculation and the testing of ideas. Exploratory, purposeful play is a central feature of their investigations. Observation is an important skill to be developed in these years, using the senses in active ways. Observation also leads into the idea of order that involves describing, comparing and sorting. Unifying ideas for students in this age range are: Exploration: Investigation of objects and things around them as a precursor to more directed inquiry in later years. Observation: Using the senses to observe and gather information about the environment looking for what is the same and what is different. Order: Observing similarities and differences and comparing, sorting and classifying to create an order that is more meaningful. Change: There are many changes that occur in the world. Changes occur in materials, the position of objects, and the growth cycles of plants and animals. Some of these changes are reversible, but many are not. These changes vary in their rate and their scale. Questioning and speculation: Questions and ideas about the world become increasingly purposeful. Students are encouraged to develop explanatory ideas and test them through further exploration. Years 3 6 (typically from 8 to 12 years of age) Curriculum focus: recognising questions that can be investigated scientifically and investigating them During these years students have the opportunity to develop ideas about science that relate to their life and living, to answering questions and solving mysteries of particular interest to them at this age. The unifying ideas of patterns, systems, relationships, and evidence and explanation provide a way of drawing this broad range of science concepts together. In the early years of primary school, students tend to use a trial-and-error approach to their science investigations. As they progress through these years, the expectation is that they begin to work in a more systematic way. The notion of a fair test and the idea of variables are developed, as well as other forms of science inquiry. Understanding the importance of measurement in quantifying changes in systems is also fostered. While investigations are structured to assist students in their development of science inquiry skills, opportunities should be provided for students to explore questions of interest within the outlined curriculum. Building on the unifying ideas of exploration, observation, order, change, questioning and speculation, the unifying ideas of this age range are: Patterns: Through observation, similarities among objects, living things and events can be detected. These similarities form patterns that underlie the idea of regular repetition. By identifying these patterns in nature, explanations can be developed about the reasons for them. Systems: The world is complex but can be understood by focusing on its smaller components. Understanding develops by ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/2010 4

5 Systems: The world is complex but can be understood by focusing on its smaller components. Understanding develops by examining these smaller components, or parts, and how they are related. Groups of parts that work together as a whole are commonly described as systems. There are also systems within systems, or subsystems. Relationships: Studying relationships between different factors or variables including the notion of cause and effect. Evidence and explanations: Evidence is the driving force of science knowledge. From the data derived from observation, explanations about phenomena can be developed and tested. With new evidence, explanations may be refined or may change. Years 7 10 (typically from 12 to 15 years of age) Curriculum focus: explaining phenomena involving science and its applications During these years, students study science concepts associated with each of the major science discipline groupings: biological sciences, earth and space sciences and physical sciences. It is important to include contemporary contexts in which a richer understanding of science can be enhanced. Current science research and its human uses motivate and excite students. Within the outlined curriculum, students should undertake some open investigations that will help them refine their science inquiry skills. The quantitative aspects of students inquiry skills are further developed to incorporate consideration of uncertainty in measurement. In teaching the outlined curriculum, it is important to provide time to build the more abstract science ideas that underlie understanding. The unifying ideas of sustainability, equilibrium and interdependence lead to the ideas of form and function that result in a deeper appreciation of evidence, models, explanations and theories. Building on the unifying ideas of exploration, observation, order, change, questioning and speculation, patterns, systems, relationships, evidence and explanations, the unifying ideas of this age range are: Sustainability: The idea of sustainability is central to the nature of dynamic systems. A system has inputs, outputs and a variety of internal functions. The interaction of these inputs, functions and outputs determines the degree to which any system can sustain itself. The inputs include resources that may be renewable or non-renewable. Equilibrium and interdependence: In a system there are forces and changes that act in opposing directions. For a system to be stable, these factors need to be in a state of balance or equilibrium. This equilibrium is based on the interdependence of all the components within the system. A change in one of the components can affect all components of the system because of the interrelationships between the parts. Form and function: For objects and organisms, form and function are complementary. Form describes the nature or make-up of an aspect of an object or organism, while function represents the use of that aspect. Energy: Energy is the basis of all activity in systems. There are different forms of energy and energy may be transferred or transformed between forms. A guiding principle is that energy is always conserved. A challenge for humans is to use energy wisely. Evidence, models, explanations and theories: Just as evidence provides the basis of explanations, explanations are used and refined to form models and theories. Models and theories are more complex, abstract schemes or structures that provide a more detailed but tentative basis for understanding a range of evidence. Years (typically from 15 to 18 years of age) Curriculum focus: disciplines of science The senior secondary courses for physics, chemistry, biology, and earth and environmental science build on the prior learning ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/2010 5

6 The senior secondary courses for physics, chemistry, biology, and earth and environmental science build on the prior learning across these areas in K-10. Implications for teaching and learning The : Science emphasises an inquiry based model of teaching and learning. A balanced and engaging approach to teaching and learning science will typically involve context, exploration, explanation and application. Wherever appropriate, students should be actively involved in the science concepts being taught. This requires a context or point of relevance through which students can make sense of the ideas to be learnt. The context may vary depending on the students, school or location. Having set the scene, the teacher provides science activities through which students can explore the ideas, using language with which they are familiar. Using this exploration and experience as a basis, the teacher introduces the science concepts and science terms in a way that has meaning to students. With these explanations and science language, the teacher then provides activities through which students can apply the science concepts to new situations. In this way, it is expected that teachers will provide opportunities for students to be actively involved in learning from each of the content strands as they interrelate in particular contexts and activities. Opportunities for student-led open inquiry should also be provided within each phase of schooling. Within its many purposes, assessment should serve the purpose of learning. Assessment should encourage longer-term understanding and enable the provision of detailed diagnostic information to support student learning. It should show what students know, understand and can demonstrate. It should also show what they need to do to improve. In particular, the important science learning aspects concerning Science inquiry skills and Science as a human endeavour will require a variety of assessment approaches. General capabilities The, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has identified ten general capabilities that will be specifically covered in the curriculum. In the : Science, eight of these are considered inherent to science and so are explicitly included in the content descriptions and achievement standards. These are literacy, numeracy, information and communication technologies (ICT), thinking skills, creativity, teamwork, ethical behaviour and self-management. Each of these is embedded in the content descriptions of the Science inquiry skills strand and many are also incorporated into the Science as a human endeavour strand. Additional detail in each of these general capabilities is also provided in the content elaborations where appropriate. There are also opportunities within science to develop the general capabilities of social competence and intercultural understanding with an appropriate choice of activities by the teacher. Literacy is an important capability throughout science. Students will be taught specific ways of communicating through a range of textual modes and how to use and interpret the language of science. There is a development of the literacy capability, especially in relation to the communication of ideas, with an increased focus on more specialist use of language and representations as students progress through the years of the science curriculum. Numeracy knowledge and skills are used and developed within the science curriculum in a range of areas, often through measurement and the analysis of results from investigations. Students are introduced to measurement using informal units in the early years, then formal units and later considering issues of uncertainty and reliability in measurement. Both qualitative and later quantitative data will be collected and analysed as students move through the years including representing data in graphical forms. There will be the opportunity for students to learn data analysis skills, including identifying trends and patterns from numerical data and graphs. Statistical analysis of data will be used in the later years, which will include issues relating to accuracy of data, and linear mathematical relationships will be used to calculate and predict values. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are relevant to the teaching and learning in a large part of the Australian Curriculum: Science. This will include the use of the internet to research science concepts and applications as well as the use of digital learning objects such as animations and simulations to enhance students understanding and engagement in science. The use of the internet and local networks will facilitate a collaborative approach among students that models the methods of modern ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/2010 6

7 use of the internet and local networks will facilitate a collaborative approach among students that models the methods of modern science. In practical investigations, ICT will aid students in tasks such as data collection and analysis through probeware, data logging and the use of spreadsheets. This enables students to use and analyse results efficiently, allowing for the development of valid conclusions, and also allows access to other potential areas for investigation. Simulations and modelling using ICT provide students with opportunities to test predictions which cannot be investigated through practical experiments in the classroom. ICT offers opportunities to provide a range of media for the communication and sharing of students ideas and understandings both within and beyond the classroom. Thinking skills are embedded in a range of skills taught in science, including the ability to pose questions, make predictions, speculate, solve problems through investigation, make evidence-based decisions, analyse and evaluate evidence from their own and others work and summarise information. Students will be encouraged to develop their own understanding of concepts based on active inquiry. This will involve them planning and conducting practical investigations as well as selecting appropriate information from secondary sources and evaluating the sources of information to formulate conclusions. Students will also learn skills used to evaluate claims based on science, for example in the media and advertising. Creativity enables the development of ideas that are new to the individual, and this is intrinsic to the development of scientific understanding. Students will be taught skills that will enable them to develop creative questions, to speculate, to think in new ways about observations of the world around them and to suggest novel solutions to science-based problems. By their nature, science understandings change over time and the ability to be flexible and open-minded will be developed as students own understandings of concepts change and develop as they actively acquire an increasingly scientific understanding of their world. Self-management is intrinsic to the ability to carry out science experiments and investigations. There are specific selfmanagement skills that will be taught as students are encouraged to plan effectively, follow procedures and work safely in order to participate actively in scientific inquiry. These skills will become more important as the degree of guidance is reduced in later years and students are required to work more independently. Teamwork is an important aspect of science at a number of levels, both personal and organisational. From an early stage students will be required to work together, sharing ideas and discussing their work. As they progress they will be introduced to the idea that scientists often work in teams of people with different expertise and background and this approach is mirrored in the collaborative methods of student inquiry introduced in their own learning. Ethical behaviour is taught in relation to both experimental science as well as the use of scientific information. In carrying out investigations students are encouraged to gather evidence honestly and ethically, considering the implications of the investigation on others, on the environment and on other living organisms. This may be formalised in reports and risk assessments relating to practical work. Students are also taught skills used to evaluate claims based on science and this will enable them to make more valid judgments about social, environmental and personal issues that involve science. There will also be opportunities for students to discuss the ethical implications of various applications of science. Cross-curriculum dimensions The cross-curriculum dimension of sustainability is explicitly addressed in the content descriptions of each of the strands of the : Science. Knowledge and understanding of the natural environment, living things, ecosystems and ecological processes, and the processes and interactions of the Earth s spheres are incorporated within the content descriptions and elaborations for the Science understanding strand. Sustainability as a social and environmental issue to which science can contribute, and the human responsibility to contribute to sustainability, is incorporated in the Science as a human endeavour strand. Important skills associated with contributing to sustainability, such as researching, systems modelling, using scientific evidence to evaluate claims and to argue ideas are incorporated within the Science inquiry skills strand. Curriculum content that relates to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and contexts is represented implicitly in the content descriptions, and explicitly in the content elaborations. Specific knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is incorporated where it relates to science and relevant phenomena, particularly knowledge and understanding of nature and of sustainable practices. For example, systematic observations by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures over many generations of the sequence of various natural events contribute to our scientific understanding of ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/2010 7

8 Islander cultures over many generations of the sequence of various natural events contribute to our scientific understanding of seasons in Australia. Such examples of important knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are incorporated in the content elaborations as they relate and contribute to specific Science understanding content. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural perspectives on science and on related phenomena are incorporated within the content elaborations for the Science as a human endeavour strand. The elaborations in this strand emphasise both contemporary and historical examples of content that relates to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and contexts. The cross-curriculum dimension of Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia provides engaging and rich contexts for science learning. Some specific examples from Asia are incorporated in the content elaborations for the Science understanding and Science as a human endeavour strands. Links to other learning areas Learning in science involves the use of knowledge and skills learned in other areas, particularly in English, mathematics, technology and design, geography and history. There is strong support in schools across Australia for linking learning in science with learning literacy skills. The science tradition places a high priority on accurate communication. The language and literacy demands of the : Science are supported by and in turn reinforce learning of literacy skills. Students need to be able to describe objects and events, interpret descriptions, read and give instructions, explain ideas to others, write reports and procedural recounts, participate in group discussions and provide expositions. The union of science, mathematics and design and technology forms 'the scientific endeavour'. Although each of these areas has an identity of its own, each is dependent on and reinforces the others. Mathematics knowledge and skills are fundamental to learning science. Students need knowledge and skills in areas such as: measurement, graphing, ratio and proportion, unit conversion, scientific notation, an understanding of place in number (significant figures), estimation and calculation. A range of technologies, including ICT, are often used in the learning and application of science. The : Science s content relating to the earth and environmental sciences also closely complements that of Geography, both reinforcing aspects of each other s learning but with different emphases. History provides another avenue to the understanding of how science works. Science and its discoveries are a source of historical facts and artefacts. The strand Science as a human endeavour is an important link to historical developments. It is important that students come to realise that much of the growth of science and technology has resulted from the gradual accumulation of knowledge over many centuries. Students should learn that all sorts of people, including people like themselves, use and contribute to science. Historical studies of science, mathematics and technology in the early Egyptian, Greek, Chinese, Arabic and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures extending to modern times will help students understand the contributions of people from around the world. The : Science takes account of what students have learned in these areas so that their science learning is supported and their learning in other areas enhanced. ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/2010 8

9 Science Strands Kindergarten Content descriptions Science Inquiry Skills 1. Questioning Recognise and identify objects and events of interest in the students' world and ask questions about them 2. Observing Explore and make observations by using the senses, as appropriate, during guided investigations 3. Using Equipment Follow directions to use equipment safely 4. Communicating Describe and share observations and ideas using oral language, role play, and writing and/or drawing Science as a Human Endeavour 1. Nature of science Scientists are people who explore the world around them and share information about what they find Science Understanding 1. Living things Features and basic needs of humans and other familiar living things 2. The daily environment Ways the environment influences the daily lives of students 3. Everyday materials Names and features of everyday objects and materials 4. Movement Ways in which objects of different shapes and sizes move Achievement standard (Kindergarten) By the end of Kindergarten, students participate in guided group investigations. They use appropriate senses to explore and describe phenomena and objects of interest. They ask questions about objects and events in their familiar environment and describe observations orally and with writing or drawing. They recognise and describe characteristics of their immediate environment including identifying the features, use and behaviour of familiar living things, materials and objects. They understand that science is about exploring and investigating to answer questions and to find things out. They articulate ideas on how they use science. ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/2010 9

10 Year 1 Content descriptions Science Inquiry Skills 1. Questioning and predicting Explore, pose questions and make inferences and predictions about objects and events encountered 2. Investigation methods Answer questions by participating in different types of guided investigations including manipulating materials to test what happens, making observations, sorting and using simple information sources 3. Using equipment Act safely when using familiar equipment and working with others 4. Observing and measuring Collect and record data using ICT as appropriate, including measurements using informal units 5. Communicating Represent and communicate observations, measurements and ideas through oral language, role play, writing and drawing 6. Using observations as evidence Compare observations with predictions and use observations as evidence to support students' ideas and to answer questions posed 7. Reflecting on methods Describe investigations including what went well, and where difficulties were encountered Achievement standard (Year 1) Science as a Human Endeavour 1. Nature of science Scientists work by asking questions and solving problems (eg about living things) 2. Everyday science Science is used in everyday life (eg in caring for the local environment) 3. Science and culture People from a range of cultures have knowledge that relates to science (eg in relation to materials, living things and the local environment) Science Understanding 1. Living things A variety of living things, where they are found, and how they interact with their local environment and each other 2. Local environment Physical features of the local environment, including the sky and landscape 3. Changing materials Physical changes in everyday materials 4. Sounds Characteristics of sounds - the ways they can be made and how they can be used By the end of Year 1, students begin to pose questions about familiar situations and make inferences based on their observations. They take part in guided investigations, using simple resources to support inquiry. They communicate their ideas to others in a variety of ways including writing and begin to describe their experiences during investigations. They describe and compare living things and physical features in their local environment and begin to demonstrate understanding of observable features and events through their own questions and observations. They recognise and describe physical changes to everyday materials and describe basic types and sources of sound. They recognise and describe in simple terms how science is involved in ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/

11 materials and describe basic types and sources of sound. They recognise and describe in simple terms how science is involved in familiar situations. ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/

12 Year 2 Content descriptions Science Inquiry Skills 1. Questioning and predicting Explore, pose questions and make inferences and predictions about objects and events encountered 2. Investigation methods Answer questions by participating in different types of guided investigations including manipulating materials to test what happens, making observations, sorting and using simple information sources 3. Using equipment Act safely when using familiar equipment and working with others 4. Observing and measuring Collect and record data using ICT as appropriate, including measurements using informal units 5. Communicating Represent and communicate observations, measurements and ideas through oral language, role play, writing and drawing 6. Using observations as evidence Compare observations with predictions and use observations as evidence to support students' ideas and to answer questions posed 7. Reflecting on methods Describe investigations including what went well, and where difficulties were encountered Achievement standard (Year 2) Science as a Human Endeavour 1. Nature of science Scientists work by asking questions and solving problems (eg about using Earth's resources) 2. Everyday science Science is used in everyday life (eg in using materials, caring for pets) 3. Science and culture People from a range of cultures have knowledge that relates to science (eg in relation to technology, using Earth's resources) Science Understanding 1. Living and non-living Differences between living and nonliving things 2. Growth and change Living things growing and changing, with offspring similar to parents 3. Earth's resources Earth s resources, including water, and the ways they are used 4. Properties of materials The observable properties of everyday materials in relation to their use 5. Pushes and pulls Pushes and pulls as forces that make things move, stop or change shape By the end of Year 2, students collaboratively carry out simple investigations based on questions provided by the teacher. They record observations and information (including using informal measurement), sorting data where appropriate, and begin to use information and observations as evidence to support ideas. They communicate their understanding in more than one way and begin to reflect in simple terms on their experiences when carrying out investigations. They describe the basic characteristics of living things that differentiate them from non-living things, including how they grow and change. They understand that science is about solving everyday problems and wider issues (eg growing food, water supplies). They describe easily observable properties ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/

13 about solving everyday problems and wider issues (eg growing food, water supplies). They describe easily observable properties of everyday materials and make suggestions as to how these properties impact on their use. They have an elementary understanding of forces as pushes and pulls. ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/

14 Year 3 Content descriptions Science Inquiry Skills 1. Questioning and predicting Pose questions and recognise those suitable for investigations in familiar contexts and predict what might happen based on prior knowledge 2. Investigation methods Collaboratively plan and conduct investigations including testing, making models, using surveys and information research to find answers to questions 3. Fair testing Recognise whether a test or comparison is fair or not 4. Using equipment Safely use appropriate materials, tools, and equipment such as rulers, thermometers and scales to make observations and measurements 5. Observing and measuring Collect and record data using ICT where appropriate, including measurements using formal units 6. Analysing results Use a range of methods including tables and graphs to group, classify, record and represent data and to identify simple patterns and trends, using ICT where appropriate 7. Communicating Represent and communicate ideas and explanations using methods including diagrams, physical representations and simple reports 8. Developing explanations Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for students' findings 9. Reflecting on methods Science as a Human Endeavour 1. Influence of science The work of scientists has resulted in discoveries and inventions that we use in our day-to-day lives 2. Nature of science Science helps us to understand our world and can be used to make predictions (eg to understand living things past and present) 3. Science in the community People in the local community use science in a range of ways (eg in their work, in caring for plants and animals) 4. Science and culture Science can draw on and apply knowledge and experience from a range of cultures (eg in relation to plants and animals, astronomy) Science Understanding 1. Structure and function of living things The obvious structural features of plants and animals, including humans, and the functions of these features; and how the features of fossils inform understanding about living things of the past 2. Life cycles Life cycles and reproductive processes of plants and animals 3. Day and night Features of the day and night sky and observable changes due to Earth s rotation, including shadows, night and day 4. Liquids and solids The differences between liquids and solids and how they can change under different conditions 5. Light Characteristics of light including sources, the way it travels, forms shadows and is reflected ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/

15 Reflect on the process of data collection to describe what went well and what could be improved Achievement standard (Year 3) By the end of Year 3, students are able to generate simple questions based on familiar contexts and make predictions with guidance from the teacher. They make suggestions as to how to test their ideas and collaboratively conduct investigations, using simple methods of collecting data (including some use of formal measurement). They begin to use diagrams, physical representations, and text to communicate ideas; they recognise simple trends in numerical data and share their thoughts about their investigations with others. They have some understanding of plant and animal systems at an observable level, including the relationship between their major structures and functions, life cycles and how a range of people have investigated living things both past (eg using fossil evidence) and present (eg using experiments and observation). They describe properties of solids and liquids that influence the use of materials. They have a basic understanding of sources and properties of light and can use this knowledge to explain familiar observations (eg mirrors, shadows, objects in the sky, day/night). They can describe examples of where science is encountered in familiar situations and they are able to outline how science is used in the local community. ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/

16 Year 4 Content descriptions Science Inquiry Skills 1. Questioning and predicting Pose questions and recognise those suitable for investigations in familiar contexts and predict what might happen based on prior knowledge 2. Investigation methods Collaboratively plan and conduct investigations including testing, making models, using surveys and information research to find answers to questions 3. Fair testing Recognise whether a test or comparison is fair or not 4. Using equipment Safely use appropriate materials, tools, and equipment such as rulers, thermometers and scales to make observations and measurements 5. Observing and measuring Collect and record data using ICT where appropriate, including measurements using formal units 6. Analysing results Use a range of methods including tables and graphs to group, classify, record and represent data and to identify simple patterns and trends, using ICT where appropriate 7. Communicating Represent and communicate ideas and explanations using methods such as diagrams, physical representations and simple reports 8. Developing explanations Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for students' findings 9. Reflecting on methods Science as a Human Endeavour 1. Influence of science The work of scientists has resulted in discoveries and inventions that we use in our day-to-day lives 2. Nature of science Science helps us to understand our world and can be used to make predictions (eg to explain interesting phenomena, in engineering) 3. Science in the community People in the local community use science in a range of ways (eg in the workplace, in informing sustainable practices) 4. Science and culture Science can draw on and apply knowledge and experience from a range of cultures (eg in relation to the natural environment, materials and technology) Science Understanding 1. Grouping living things Grouping living things, including humans as animals, on the basis of observable characteristics 2. Interactions of living things Interactions between living things in a habitat, including simple food chains in local environments 3. Change at the Earth's surface Some identifiable characteristics of the Earth s surface are the result of natural processes of change, such as weathering and erosion 4. Properties and uses of materials Materials are selected for particular uses based on their various properties, such as flexibility, strength and biodegradability 5. Forces and motion Forces can cause things to change speed or direction through direct contact or by acting at a distance ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/

17 Reflect on the process of data collection to describe what went well and what could be improved Achievement standard (Year 4) By the end of Year 4, students are able to, with guidance, collaboratively plan and carry out single stage investigations based on their own and others questions. They demonstrate some awareness of fairness in testing and understand the difference between sorting and classifying. They safely use appropriate tools to support investigation, using formal units of measurement most of the time and record information and data using simple tables and graphs, including using ICT. They communicate ideas and explanations using a variety of conventional modes (eg diagrams, physical models, reports), and describe positive and negative aspects of their investigations. They begin to realise that scientists work in particular ways and that discoveries made by scientists impact on our lives every day. They recognise observable patterns (eg classification of living things) and simple relationships in their living environment, (eg food chains) and cause-and-effect relationships in their physical environment (eg effects of forces on motion, changes to the Earth s surface). They identify how science helps us make choices and how it influences both personal and community decisions (eg use of materials, protecting animal habitats). ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/

18 Year 5 Content descriptions Science Inquiry Skills 1. Questioning and predicting Identify simple questions that can be investigated scientifically and predict the outcome of an investigation 2. Investigation methods Contribute to decisions about the investigation method to use, including using fair tests, models, information research, surveys and data from secondary sources 3. Fair testing Identify the variables that should be kept the same and decide which one should be changed and which one measured in fair tests 4. Using equipment Collaboratively select equipment and materials and use them safely and appropriately, identifying potential risks 5. Observing and measuring Use a range of tools to accurately observe, measure and record data and represent it in a variety of ways including tables and graphical methods, using ICT where appropriate 6. Analysing results Identify and describe patterns or relationships in observations and data 7. Developing explanations Compare observations and data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations 8. Communicating Use a range of forms to represent and communicate evidence, ideas and explanations including using models and reports 9. Reflecting on methods Science as a Human Endeavour 1. Nature of science Science ideas and understandings change as new evidence becomes available (eg how ideas about disease and the solar system have developed) 2. Influence of science Science has led to changes in the way people live and its applications both influence and can be influenced by personal and community choices (eg in relation to public health, electricity usage) 3. Collaboration in science Teams of scientists are often required to work together on projects (eg in medical science, space exploration) 4. Contribution of scientists Australian scientists have made a significant contribution to scientific understanding in various fields of human endeavour (eg in medicine, space exploration) 5. Science and culture Science and culture interact to influence personal and community choices (eg in making decisions about health and medicine) Science Understanding 1. Micro-organisms The role of micro-organisms in areas such as human health, food and the environment 2. Space and our solar system The regular and predictable motions of objects in our solar system and how humans have sought to explore and understand space 3. Form and properties of materials Some materials are composed of observable structure or parts (such as fibres, crystals, layers or grains) and structure or smaller parts can influence the overall properties of materials 4. Electricity Electrical energy can be transferred and transformed ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/

19 Reflect on the process of investigation to evaluate the quality of evidence and to suggest improvements to the planning of investigations Achievement standard (Year 5) By the end of Year 5, students begin to pose meaningful questions that can be investigated and become aware of different inquiry methods (eg fair test, survey, secondary sources). They begin to recognise that changing, measuring and keeping some variables the same are part of a fair test. They observe, measure and record data honestly and begin to use tools to make accurate observations and measurements. They recognise simple patterns in data and begin to use data to support explanations, comparing results with any earlier predictions. With assistance, they reflect on broad aspects of their investigation process. They recognise, describe and give simple explanations for a range of cause-and-effect relationships and interactions within systems (eg the role of micro-organisms, form and properties of materials, the solar system). They begin to have an understanding of the properties of electricity and start to consider the microscopic structure of materials. They suggest ways in which science has affected society (eg work, health, leisure, space exploration). They understand that scientists collaborate, solve problems and share their findings and they are able to describe in simple terms the work of at least one Australian scientist. ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/

20 Year 6 Content descriptions Science Inquiry Skills 1. Questioning and predicting Identify simple questions that can be investigated scientifically and predict the outcome of an investigation 2. Investigation methods Contribute to decisions about the investigation method to use, including using fair tests, models, information research, surveys and data from secondary sources 3. Fair testing Identify the variables that should be kept the same and decide which one should be changed and which one measured in fair tests 4. Using equipment Collaboratively select equipment and materials and use them safely and appropriately, identifying potential risks 5. Observing and measuring Use a range of tools to accurately observe, measure and record data and represent it in a variety of ways including tables and graphical methods, using ICT where appropriate 6. Analysing results Identify and describe patterns or relationships in observations and data 7. Developing explanations Compare observations and data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations 8. Communicating Use a range of forms to represent and communicate evidence, ideas and explanations including using models and reports 9. Reflecting on methods Science as a Human Endeavour 1. Nature of science Science ideas and understandings change as new evidence becomes available (eg how ideas about resource use and sustainable energy use have developed) 2. Influence of science Science has led to changes in the way people live and its applications both influence and can be influenced by personal and community choices (eg in relation to sustainable practices) 3. Collaboration in science Teams of scientists are often required to work together on projects (eg in environmental science, in researching sustainable energy sources and technologies) 4. Contribution of scientists Australian scientists have made a significant contribution to scientific understanding in various fields of human endeavour (eg in agriculture, environmental science, sustainable technology) 5. Science and culture Science and culture interact to influence personal and community choices (eg in making decisions about resource use and sustainable management of the environment) Science Understanding 1. Relationships of living things Relationships between living things, including food webs, and suitability for particular habitats 2. Using Earth's resources Human activity, such as the use and management of water, energy sources and mineral resources, can have consequences for the environment and other living things 3. Major events at the Earth's surface The causes and effects of major natural events at the Earth s surface such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions 4. Changing and using materials Changes to materials caused by heating, cooling or combining can be reversible or irreversible and this influences the use of materials 5. Sustainable energy transformations Sustainable sources of energy, including water, solar and wind, and how they can be transformed into useful forms of energy ACARA Consultation Portal 12/02/

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