LEA: Panama-Buena Vista Union School District Contact: Dr. Kevin Silberberg, Superintendent, LCAP Year:

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1 Page 1 of 79 Introduction: LEA: Panama-Buena Vista Union School District Contact: Dr. Kevin Silberberg, Superintendent, ksilberberg@pbvusd.net, LCAP Year: Local Control and Accountability Plan and Annual Update Template The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Annual Update Template shall be used to provide details regarding local educational agencies (LEAs) actions and expenditures to support pupil outcomes and overall performance pursuant to Education Code sections 52060, 52066, 47605, , and The LCAP and Annual Update Template must be completed by all LEAs each year. For school districts, pursuant to Education Code section 52060, the LCAP must describe, for the school district and each school within the district, goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, for each of the state priorities and any locally identified priorities. For county offices of education, pursuant to Education Code section 52066, the LCAP must describe, for each county office of education-operated school and program, goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, who are funded through the county office of education Local Control Funding Formula as identified in Education Code section 2574 (pupils attending juvenile court schools, on probation or parole, or mandatorily expelled) for each of the state priorities and any locally identified priorities. School districts and county offices of education may additionally coordinate and describe in their LCAPs services provided to pupils funded by a school district but attending countyoperated schools and programs, including special education programs. Charter schools, pursuant to Education Code sections 47605, , and , must describe goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, for each of the state priorities as applicable and any locally identified priorities. For charter schools, the inclusion and description of goals for state priorities in the LCAP may be modified to meet the grade levels served and the nature of the programs provided, including modifications to reflect only the statutory requirements explicitly applicable to charter schools in the Education Code. The LCAP is intended to be a comprehensive planning tool. Accordingly, in developing goals, specific actions, and expenditures, LEAs should carefully consider how to reflect the services and related expenses for their basic instructional program in relationship to the state priorities. LEAs may reference and describe actions and expenditures in other plans and funded by a variety of other fund sources when detailing goals, actions, and expenditures related to the state and local priorities. LCAPs must be consistent with school plans submitted pursuant to Education Code section The information contained in the LCAP, or annual update, may be supplemented by information contained in other plans (including the LEA plan pursuant to Section 1112 of Subpart 1 of Part A of Title I of Public Law ) that are incorporated or referenced as relevant in this document. For each section of the template, LEAs shall comply with instructions and should use the guiding questions as prompts (but not limits) for completing the information as required by statute. Guiding questions do not require separate narrative responses. However, the narrative response and goals and actions should demonstrate each guiding question was considered during the development of the plan. Data referenced in the LCAP must be consistent with the school accountability report card where appropriate. LEAs may resize pages or attach additional pages as necessary to facilitate completion of the LCAP. State Priorities The state priorities listed in Education Code sections and can be categorized as specified below for planning purposes, however, school districts and county offices of education must address each of the state priorities in their LCAP. Charter schools must address the priorities in Education Code section 52060(d) that apply to the grade levels served, or the nature of the program operated, by the charter school. A. Conditions of Learning: Basic: degree to which teachers are appropriately assigned pursuant to Education Code section , and fully credentialed in the subject areas and for the pupils they are teaching; pupils have access to standards-aligned instructional materials pursuant to Education Code section 60119; and school facilities are maintained in good repair pursuant to Education Code section 17002(d). (Priority 1)

2 Page 2 of 79 Implementation of State Standards: implementation of academic content and performance standards and English language development standards adopted by the state board for all pupils, including English learners. (Priority 2) Course access: pupil enrollment in a broad course of study that includes all of the subject areas described in Education Code section and subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of Section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 7) Expelled pupils (for county offices of education only): coordination of instruction of expelled pupils pursuant to Education Code section (Priority 9) Foster youth (for county offices of education only): coordination of services, including working with the county child welfare agency to share information, responding to the needs of the juvenile court system, and ensuring transfer of health and education records. (Priority 10) B. Pupil Outcomes: Pupil achievement: performance on standardized tests, score on Academic Performance Index, share of pupils that are college and career ready, share of English learners that become English proficient, English learner reclassification rate, share of pupils that pass Advanced Placement exams with 3 or higher, share of pupils determined prepared for college by the Early Assessment Program. (Priority 4) Other pupil outcomes: pupil outcomes in the subject areas described in Education Code section and subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of Education Code section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 8) C. Engagement: Parental involvement: efforts to seek parent input in decision making at the district and each schoolsite, promotion of parent participation in programs for unduplicated pupils and special need subgroups. (Priority 3) Pupil engagement: school attendance rates, chronic absenteeism rates, middle school dropout rates, high school dropout rates, high school graduations rates. (Priority 5) School climate: pupil suspension rates, pupil expulsion rates, other local measures including surveys of pupils, parents and teachers on the sense of safety and school connectedness. (Priority 6) Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement Meaningful engagement of parents, pupils, and other stakeholders, including those representing the subgroups identified in Education Code section 52052, is critical to the LCAP and budget process. Education Code sections 52060(g), and specify the minimum requirements for school districts; Education Code sections 52066(g), and specify the minimum requirements for county offices of education, and Education Code section specifies the minimum requirements for charter schools. In addition, Education Code section specifies the requirements for translation of documents. Instructions: Describe the process used to consult with parents, pupils, school personnel, local bargaining units as applicable, and the community and how this consultation contributed to development of the LCAP or annual update. Note that the LEA s goals, actions, services and expenditures related to the state priority of parental involvement are to be described separately in Section 2. In the annual update boxes, describe the stakeholder involvement process for the review, and describe its impact on, the development of the annual update to LCAP goals, actions, services, and expenditures. Guiding Questions:

3 Page 3 of 79 1) How have applicable stakeholders (e.g., parents and pupils, including parents of unduplicated pupils and unduplicated pupils identified in Education Code section ; community members; local bargaining units; LEA personnel; county child welfare agencies; county office of education foster youth services programs, court-appointed special advocates, and other foster youth stakeholders; community organizations representing English learners; and others as appropriate) been engaged and involved in developing, reviewing, and supporting implementation of the LCAP? 2) How have stakeholders been included in the LEA s process in a timely manner to allow for engagement in the development of the LCAP? 3) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was made available to stakeholders related to the state priorities and used by the LEA to inform the LCAP goal setting process? How was the information made available? 4) What changes, if any, were made in the LCAP prior to adoption as a result of written comments or other feedback received by the LEA through any of the LEA s engagement processes? 5) What specific actions were taken to meet statutory requirements for stakeholder engagement pursuant to Education Code sections 52062, 52068, and , including engagement with representatives of parents and guardians of pupils identified in Education Code section ? 6) What specific actions were taken to consult with pupils to meet the requirements 5 CCR 15495(a)? 7) How has stakeholder involvement been continued and supported? How has the involvement of these stakeholders supported improved outcomes for pupils, including unduplicated pupils, related to the state priorities? Involvement Process The Panama-Buena Vista Union School District involved stakeholders of the LCAP through the following processes: 1. Bi-Monthly During each regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting, principals report on their school site LCAP snapshot reports with focus on the progress towards meeting district goals and metrics. Stakeholders are able to address the Board on the LCAP during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. 2. January 11-12, 2016 The District updated school site principals on the current LCAP, district needs, and future goals, actions, and services. Principals participated in an activity to prioritize needs, actions, and services. 3. February 1, 2016 The District updated school site academic coaches on the current LCAP, district needs, and future goals, actions, and services. Academic coaches participated in an activity to prioritize needs, actions, and services. 4. February 1-12, 2016 The District began distributing surveys to 4-8 grade students regarding the LCAP. 5. February 1-12, 2016 The District began distributing surveys to all certificated teachers regarding the LCAP. Teachers were asked to provide feedback regarding needs, goals, actions, and services. Impact on LCAP 1. Minutes from the school site snapshot reports and public comment were collected and summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched and used when appropriate to guide the formation of goals, actions, and services. 2. Results and feedback from the activity were summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to guide the formation of goals, actions, and services. 3. Results and feedback from the activity were summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to guide the formation of goals, actions, and services. 4. Results and feedback from the student surveys were compiled and summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to guide the formation of goals, actions, and services. 5. The survey indicated student literacy, intervention, and class size as high teacher priorities. All results and feedback from the survey were compiled and summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was

4 Page 4 of 79 then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to guide the formation of goals, actions, and services. 6. February 1, 2016 The District notified parents, via phone call in English and Spanish, of the availability of the online Parent Survey regarding the LCAP. All parents were invited to give feedback regarding needs, goals, actions, and services, including parents of unduplicated students and parents of students with exceptional needs. 7. February 29, 2016 The District met with the CSEA, PBVTA, and Teamsters union groups to review the LCAP, district needs, goals, actions, and services. Members of the groups were given the opportunity to provide feedback regarding future LCAP goals, actions, and services. 8. March 7 & 13, 2016 The District notified community stakeholders, via phone call and flyers in English and Spanish, about scheduled Stakeholder Listening Posts regarding the LCAP. 9. March 10 & 15, 2016 The District held Community Stakeholder Listening Post meetings. All stakeholders were given information regarding the District s needs, future goals, actions, and services. Stakeholders were given the opportunity to participate in activities and provide verbal or written feedback regarding the LCAP. 10. April 5, 2016 The District met with the CSEA, PBVTA, and Teamsters union groups to provide an update on the development of the LCAP. Members of the groups were given the opportunity to provide additional feedback regarding the update. 11. April 7, 2016 The District met with the Title I Subcommittees to provide an update on the development of the LCAP. Members of the subcommittees were given the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the District s needs, goals, actions, and services. 12. May 5, 2016 The District met with the DAC committee to provide updates and present the LCAP draft. Committee members were given the opportunity to provide feedback regarding goals, actions, and services. 6. The survey indicated strong reading and math skills, technology, and supporting student emotional and behavioral needs as high parent priorities. All results and feedback from the parent surveys were compiled and summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to guide the formation of goals, actions, and services. 7. Feedback from the union groups were compiled and summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to guide the formation of goals, actions, and services. 8. Phone calls and flyers notified stakeholders of their opportunity to provide feedback regarding the LCAP needs, goals, actions, and services. 9. Feedback from the Community Stakeholder Listening Posts were compiled and summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to guide the formation of goals, actions, and services. 10. Feedback from the union groups were compiled and summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to guide the formation of goals, actions, and services. 11. Feedback from the subcommittee was summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to guide the formation of goals, actions, and services. 12. DAC committee members were able to review, ask questions, and provide feedback regarding the LCAP goals, actions and services. Committee members asked clarifying questions regarding some of the actions steps, which were answered during the meeting. There were no written comments submitted in which the Superintendent needed to

5 Page 5 of 79 respond to in writing. 13. May 12, 2016 The District met with the DELAC committee to provide updates and present the LCAP draft. Committee members were given the opportunity to provide feedback regarding goals, actions, and services. 14. June 10, 2016 The LCAP was made available for public inspection at the District Office 15. June 14, 2016 A Public Hearing was held at a regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting for review and comment on the LCAP. 16. June 28, 2016 The LCAP was taken to the Board of Trustees for action. Annual Update: 1. Bi-Monthly During each regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting, principals report on their school site LCAP snapshot reports and update the progress made towards meeting district goals and metrics. Data shared included items such as CAASPP results, Physical Fitness Test scores, STAR Reading and Math growth percentiles, and RFEP results. Stakeholders are able to address the Board on the LCAP during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. 2. November April The District met with the DELAC committee and reviewed the LCAP during the regularly scheduled monthly meetings. Committee members were provided information regarding the LCAP process and were able to review and explore the LCAP goals, actions, and services. Data concerning the progress of EL, LTEL, and RFEP students was provided. Committee members were also given timely information regarding parent and stakeholder meetings, surveys, and input opportunities. 3. January 11-12, 2016 The District updated school site principals on the current LCAP, district needs, and future goals, actions, and services. Data concerning students on metrics such as STAR Reading, STAR Math, DIBELS, and CAASPP, attendance, and suspensions were reviewed and discussed. Principals were given the opportunity to provide feedback. 13. DELAC committee members were able to review, ask questions, and provide feedback regarding the LCAP goals, actions, and services. Committee members asked clarifying questions regarding some of the actions steps, which were answered during the meeting. There were no written comments submitted in which the Superintendent needed to respond to in writing. 14. The LCAP was made available for review. 15. The public was given an opportunity to provide comments regarding the District s LCAP and Annual Update. There were no public comments regarding the LCAP. 16. The LCAP was approved by the Board of Trustees. Annual Update: 1. Minutes from the school site snapshot reports and public comment were collected and summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to help assess current LCAP needs, goals, actions, and services. 2. DELAC committee members were able to ask questions and provide feedback regarding the current LCAP goals, actions and services. Questions and feedback were recorded and summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to help assess current LCAP needs, goals, actions, and services. 3. Feedback was summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to help assess current LCAP needs, goals, actions, and services.

6 Page 6 of February 1, 2016 The District updated school site academic coaches on the current LCAP, district needs, and future goals, actions, and services. Data concerning students on metrics such as STAR Reading, STAR Math, DIBELS, and CAASPP, attendance, and suspensions were reviewed and discussed. Academic coaches were given the opportunity to provide feedback. 5. February 1-12, 2016 The District began distributing surveys to all certificated teachers regarding the LCAP. Teachers were asked to provide feedback regarding needs, goals, actions, and services. The survey included opportunities for teachers to provide written feedback on the progress made to date on the goals and action steps. 6. February 1, 2016 The District notified parents, via phone call in English and Spanish, of the availability of the online Parent Survey regarding the LCAP. Parents were invited to give feedback regarding needs, goals, actions, and services. The survey included opportunities for parents to provide written feedback on the progress made to date on the goals and action steps. 7. February 29, 2016 The District met with the CSEA, PBVTA, and Teamsters union groups to provide an update regarding the progress of the current LCAP goals, actions, and services. Members of the groups were given the opportunity to provide feedback regarding current LCAP goals, actions, and services. 8. March 10 & 15, 2016 The District held Community Stakeholder Listening Post meetings. All stakeholders were given information regarding the District s needs, future goals, actions, and services. Stakeholders were given the opportunity to participate in activities and provide verbal or written feedback regarding the LCAP. 9. April 7, 2016 The District met with the Title I Subcommittees to provide an update on the current goals, actions, and services. Members of the subcommittees were given the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the District s needs, goals, actions, and services. 4. Feedback was summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to help assess current LCAP needs, goals, actions, and services. 5. Teachers were invited to provide feedback regarding the District s progress of the current LCAP. Results of the survey were compiled and summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to help assess current LCAP needs, goals, actions, and services. 6. Parents were able to provide feedback regarding the District s current progress of the current LCAP. Results of the survey were compiled and summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to help assess current LCAP needs, goals, actions, and services. 7. Union members were given the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback regarding the District s progress of the current LCAP. Feedback was summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to help assess current LCAP needs, goals, actions, and services. 8. Stakeholders were given the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback regarding the District s progress of the current LCAP needs, goals, actions, and services. Feedback was summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to help assess current LCAP needs, goals, actions, and services. 9. Subcommittee members were given the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback regarding the District s LCAP. Feedback was summarized in the District s LCAP needs assessment data. The data was then reviewed, researched, and used when appropriate to help assess current LCAP needs, goals, actions, and services.

7 Page 7 of 79 Section 2: Goals, Actions, Expenditures, and Progress Indicators Instructions: All LEAs must complete the LCAP and Annual Update Template each year. The LCAP is a three-year plan for the upcoming school year and the two years that follow. In this way, the program and goals contained in the LCAP align with the term of a school district and county office of education budget and multiyear budget projections. The Annual Update section of the template reviews progress made for each stated goal in the school year that is coming to a close, assesses the effectiveness of actions and services provided, and describes the changes made in the LCAP for the next three years that are based on this review and assessment. Charter schools may adjust the table below to align with the term of the charter school s budget that is submitted to the school s authorizer pursuant to Education Code section For school districts, Education Code sections and 52061, for county offices of education, Education Code sections and 52067, and for charter schools, Education Code section require(s) the LCAP to include a description of the annual goals, for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils, to be achieved for each state priority as defined in 5 CCR 15495(i) and any local priorities; a description of the specific actions an LEA will take to meet the identified goals; a description of the expenditures required to implement the specific actions; and an annual update to include a review of progress towards the goals and describe any changes to the goals. To facilitate alignment between the LCAP and school plans, the LCAP shall identify and incorporate school-specific goals related to the state and local priorities from the school plans submitted pursuant to Education Code section Furthermore, the LCAP should be shared with, and input requested from, schoolsite-level advisory groups, as applicable (e.g., schoolsite councils, English Learner Advisory Councils, pupil advisory groups, etc.) to facilitate alignment between school-site and district-level goals and actions. An LEA may incorporate or reference actions described in other plans that are being undertaken to meet the goal. Using the following instructions and guiding questions, complete a goal table (see below) for each of the LEA s goals. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary. Goal: Describe the goal: When completing the goal tables, include goals for all pupils and specific goals for schoolsites and specific subgroups, including pupils with disabilities, both at the LEA level and, where applicable, at the schoolsite level. The LEA may identify which schoolsites and subgroups have the same goals, and group and describe those goals together. The LEA may also indicate those goals that are not applicable to a specific subgroup or schoolsite. Related State and/or Local Priorities: Identify the state and/or local priorities addressed by the goal by placing a check mark next to the applicable priority or priorities. The LCAP must include goals that address each of the state priorities, as defined in 5 CCR 15495(i), and any additional local priorities; however, one goal may address multiple priorities. Identified Need: Describe the need(s) identified by the LEA that this goal addresses, including a description of the supporting data used to identify the need(s). Schools: Identify the schoolsites to which the goal applies. LEAs may indicate all for all schools, specify an individual school or a subset of schools, or specify grade spans (e.g., all high schools or grades K- 5). Applicable Pupil Subgroups: Identify the pupil subgroups as defined in Education Code section to which the goal applies, or indicate all for all pupils.

8 Page 8 of 79 Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes: For each LCAP year, identify and describe specific expected measurable outcomes for all pupils using, at minimum, the applicable required metrics for the related state priorities. Where applicable, include descriptions of specific expected measurable outcomes for schoolsites and specific subgroups, including pupils with disabilities, both at the LEA level and at the schoolsite level. The metrics used to describe the expected measurable outcomes may be quantitative or qualitative, although the goal tables must address all required metrics for every state priority in each LCAP year. The required metrics are the specified measures and objectives for each state priority as set forth in Education Code sections 52060(d) and 52066(d). For the pupil engagement priority metrics, LEAs must calculate the rates specified in Education Code sections 52060(d)(5)(B), (C), (D) and (E) as described in the Local Control Accountability Plan and Annual Update Template Appendix, sections (a) through (d). Actions/Services: For each LCAP year, identify all annual actions to be performed and services provided to meet the described goal. Actions may describe a group of services that are implemented to achieve the identified goal. Scope of Service: Describe the scope of each action/service by identifying the schoolsites covered. LEAs may indicate all for all schools, specify an individual school or a subset of schools, or specify grade spans (e.g., all high schools or grades K-5). If supplemental and concentration funds are used to support the action/service, the LEA must identify if the scope of service is districtwide, schoolwide, countywide, or charterwide. Pupils to be served within identified scope of service: For each action/service, identify the pupils to be served within the identified scope of service. If the action to be performed or the service to be provided is for all pupils, place a check mark next to ALL. For each action and/or service to be provided above what is being provided for all pupils, place a check mark next to the applicable unduplicated pupil subgroup(s) and/or other pupil subgroup(s) that will benefit from the additional action, and/or will receive the additional service. Identify, as applicable, additional actions and services for unduplicated pupil subgroup(s) as defined in Education Code section , pupils redesignated fluent English proficient, and/or pupils subgroup(s) as defined in Education Code section Budgeted Expenditures: For each action/service, list and describe budgeted expenditures for each school year to implement these actions, including where those expenditures can be found in the LEA s budget. The LEA must reference all fund sources for each proposed expenditure. Expenditures must be classified using the California School Accounting Manual as required by Education Code sections 52061, 52067, and Guiding Questions: 1) What are the LEA s goal(s) to address state priorities related to Conditions of Learning? 2) What are the LEA s goal(s) to address state priorities related to Pupil Outcomes? 3) What are the LEA s goal(s) to address state priorities related to parent and pupil Engagement (e.g., parent involvement, pupil engagement, and school climate)? 4) What are the LEA s goal(s) to address any locally-identified priorities? 5) How have the unique needs of individual schoolsites been evaluated to inform the development of meaningful district and/or individual schoolsite goals (e.g., input from site level advisory groups, staff, parents, community, pupils; review of school level plans; in-depth school level data analysis, etc.)? 6) What are the unique goals for unduplicated pupils as defined in Education Code sections and subgroups as defined in section that are different from the LEA s goals for all pupils? 7) What are the specific expected measurable outcomes associated with each of the goals annually and over the term of the LCAP? 8) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was considered/reviewed to develop goals to address each state or local priority? 9) What information was considered/reviewed for individual schoolsites?

9 Page 9 of 79 10) What information was considered/reviewed for subgroups identified in Education Code section 52052? 11) What actions/services will be provided to all pupils, to subgroups of pupils identified pursuant to Education Code section 52052, to specific schoolsites, to English learners, to low-income pupils, and/or to foster youth to achieve goals identified in the LCAP? 12) How do these actions/services link to identified goals and expected measurable outcomes? 13) What expenditures support changes to actions/services as a result of the goal identified? Where can these expenditures be found in the LEA s budget? GOAL: Identified Need : Goal 1: Increase student achievement in reading and mathematics. Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1_x_ 2_x_ 3 4_x_ _x_ COE only: 9 10 Local : Specify N/A To improve student performance in early literacy, reading and mathematics as indicated by the STAR Renaissance and DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) assessments. Rate of teachers not fully credentialed 1.2% ( ) Rate of teachers teaching outside of subject area competence 0% ( ) Rate of teachers teaching ELs without authorization 0.1% ( ) Priority 1 Metrics Rate of core classes taught by fully credentialed and appropriately assigned 99.8% ( ) Rate of students lacking their own textbook 0% ( ) Overall Facility rating from Facility Inspection Tool (FIT) Exemplary at all sites ( ) Teachers trained in CCSS and other content standards 100% Implementation of CCSS and other content standards 100% Priority 2 Metrics All EL students will have access to CCSS and all state required standards instruction (as measured by observations and professional development) API n/a CAASPP LEA (% at or above standard ELA/Math) 39%/28% (2015) African American 25%/14% Asian 63%/52% Filipino 63%/46% Hispanic/Latino - 34%/22% White 47%/35% Low Income 30%/18% ELs 17%/12% Students with Disabilities 11%/8% CST Science LEA (% Proficient or Advanced) (2015) Grade 5 49% Grade 8 57% CAPA LEA (% at or above proficient) (2015) Priority 4 Metrics Grades % Grades % UC/CSU completion rate N/A Rate of Students meeting AMAO 1 and 2 targets ( estimate) AMAO 1: 54.9% AMAO 2 <5 years: 21.9% AMAO 2 >5 years: 35.3% EL Reclassification rate 6.2% ( estimate) AP Exam Data N/A Rate of CTE Course Sequence Completion N/A EAP Rates N/A CAHSEE ELA/Math proficiency rate N/A CAHSEE ELA/Math 3-year Pass rate N/A Percent of EL students making progress toward English Proficiency 54.9% ( ) Priority 8 Metrics AP Exam Participation Rate N/A STAR Reading/Math Student Growth Percentile (SGP) Reading/Math (Q3-2016) Grade 1 55/63 Grade 2 55/56 Grade 3 51/49

10 Page 10 of 79 Goal Applies to: Grade 4 56/52 Grade 5 51/47 Grade 6 54/56 Grade 7 53/52 Grade 8 55/53 DIBELS (2016 EOY) Kinder 78% Grade 1 70% Grade 2 68% Schools: All schools, elementary and junior high Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All pupils including: ethnic subgroups, socioeconomically disadvantaged pupils, English learners, pupils with disabilities, and foster youth LCAP Year 1: Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes: Priority 1 Metrics Priority 2 Metrics Priority 4 Metrics Priority 8 Metrics Rate of teachers not fully credentialed 0% Rate of teachers teaching outside of subject area competence 0% (maintain) Rate of teachers teaching ELs without authorization 0% Rate of core classes taught by fully credentialed and appropriately assigned 100% Rate of students lacking their own textbook 0% (maintain) Overall Facility rating from Facility Inspection Tool (FIT) Exemplary at all sites (maintain) Teachers trained in CCSS and other content standards 100% Implementation of CCSS and other content standards 100% All EL students will have access to CCSS and all state required standards instruction (as measured by observations and professional development) API n/a CAASPP LEA (% at or above standard ELA/Math) 44%/33% African American 30%/19% Asian 68%/57% Filipino 68%/51% Hispanic/Latino - 39%/27% White 52%/40% Low Income 35%/23% ELs 22%/17% Students with Disabilities 16%/13% CST Science LEA (% Proficient or Advanced) (2015) Grade 5 54% Grade 8 62% CAPA LEA (% at or above proficient) (2015) Grades % Grades % UC/CSU completion rate N/A Rate of Students meeting AMAO 1 and 2 targets AMAO 1: 57% AMAO 2 <5 years: 24% AMAO 2 >5 years: 39% EL Reclassification rate 9% AP Exam Data N/A Rate of CTE Course Sequence Completion N/A EAP Rates N/A CAHSEE ELA/Math proficiency rate N/A CAHSEE ELA/Math 3-year Pass rate N/A Percent of EL students making progress toward English Proficiency 57% AP Exam Participation Rate N/A STAR Reading/Math Student Growth Percentile (SGP) Reading/Math (maintain between 35 and 65) Grade 1 55/63 Grade 2 55/56 Grade 3 51/49 Grade 4 56/52 Grade 5 51/47 Grade 6 54/56 Grade 7 53/52 Grade 8 55/53 DIBELS Kinder 83% Grade 1 75% Grade 2 73% Actions/Services Scope of Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted

11 Page 11 of The District will implement and maintain class size targets as negotiated to focus on addressing the needs of all students. 2. School sites will maintain a tiered academic intervention program and special education program for students needing strategic and intensive interventions, including English learners. a) Training for administrators, academic coaches, teachers, and instructional aides b) Maintain 1 academic coach per site c) Maintain instructional intervention aides Service Expenditures LEA-wide $4,140,312 a) LEA-wide b) LEA-wide c) Elementary Title I Schools Other (certificated salaries benefits) LCFF - S/C a) $364,627 Professional & Consulting Title 1 Other $228,004 Professional & Consulting $80,464 & Benefits LCFF S/C d) Maintain FTE(full time equivalent) intervention teacher per elementary site d) All elementary schools b) $2,533,801 & Benefits LCFF S/C $244,510 & Benefits Title I c) $2,600,491 & Benefits $3,301,799 Classified Salaries & Benefits $9,164 Books, Materials & Supplies $1,735 Professional & Consulting

12 Page 12 of 79 $4,669,171 & Benefits LCFF-Base $369,819 Classified Salaries & Benefits Title I d) $1,629,786 & Benefits 3. The District will maintain curricular materials to support literacy instruction. 4. School sites will maintain a process to regularly review the progress of ELs (English learners) and LTELS (long-term English learners) in order to implement an action plan. 5. Teachers will provide ELD instruction 30 minutes daily to English learners that focuses on the explicit teaching of English syntax, grammar, vocabulary, and text structures correlated to CCSS. a) Implement protocols for administrative walkthroughs to monitor ELD instruction $514,969 & Benefits Title I LEA-wide $430,913 Other LEA-wide ALL Foster Youth _x_redesignated fluent English proficient Other LEA-wide ALL Other Textbooks, Materials and Supplies Restricted Lottery b) Provide students access to the ELD standards c) Maintain available ELD materials to effectively maintain the EL program

13 Page 13 of The District will implement and maintain an action plan to provide increased CCSS and ELD-standards-aligned resources and materials to facilitate effective Designated and Integrated ELD instruction. 7. The District will identify, monitor, and provide additional support for EL students who are not making adequate progress towards reclassification. 8. The District will provide additional instructional intervention staff to address student educational needs targeting unduplicated pupils at low income schools. 9. The District will maintain Kindergarten SEI (structured English immersion) classes that target beginning ELs to provide intensive language support and access to core curriculum. 10. The District will maintain additional/increased services to ELs by utilizing EL Program Specialists to support EL students, teachers, and parents. 11. The District will provide RFEP (reclassified fluent English proficient) monitoring system to monitor student progress. 12. Teachers will utilize adopted curricular resources and materials for all state content standards, including CCSS ELA and math. LEA-wide ALL Other LEA-wide ALL Elementary Title I schools Sandrini, Loudon, Panama, Berkshire Other ALL $228,196 _x_low Income pupils English Learners Other Classified Salaries & Benefits LCFF S/C ALL $523,628 Other LEA-wide ALL Foster Youth _x_redesignated fluent English proficient Other LEA-wide ALL Foster Youth _x_redesignated fluent English proficient Other LEA-wide Other 13. The District will establish protocols and maintain a system for LEA-wide & Benefits LCFF S/C

14 Page 14 of 79 administrative walkthroughs to monitor the implementation and use of CCSS and all other state academic content standards. 14. The District will plan for staff development days and release time in CCSS, ELD, and UDL implementation and monitoring progress towards student mastery of standards, including curriculum specialists, academic coaches, and assistant principals. *Action step targets unduplicated pupils 15. The District will implement a system to measure students progress towards mastery of CCSS. 16. The District will maintain a rate of 0% of teachers teaching outside of subject area competence. 17. The District will explore the feasibility of providing extended school year services on non-traditional school days (e.g. targeted summer school). Other LEA-wide $980,699 Other LEA-wide Other LEA-wide Other LEA-wide ALL _x_low Income pupils _x_english Learners _x_foster Youth _x_redesignated fluent English proficient Other and Benefits Educator Effectiveness Grant

15 Page 15 of 79 LCAP Year 2: Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes: Priority 1 Metrics Priority 2 Metrics Priority 4 Metrics Priority 8 Metrics Rate of teachers not fully credentialed 0% Rate of teachers teaching outside of subject area competence 0% (maintain) Rate of teachers teaching ELs without authorization 0% Rate of core classes taught by fully credentialed and appropriately assigned 100% Rate of students lacking their own textbook 0% (maintain) Overall Facility rating from Facility Inspection Tool (FIT) Exemplary at all sites (maintain) Teachers trained in CCSS and other content standards 100% Implementation of CCSS and other content standards 100% All EL students will have access to CCSS and all state required standards instruction (as measured by observations and professional development) API n/a CAASPP LEA (% at or above standard ELA/Math) 49%/38% African American 35%/24% Asian 73%/62% Filipino 73%/56% Hispanic/Latino 44%/32% White 67%/51% Low Income 48%/33% ELs 25%/20% Students with Disabilities 24%/21% CST Science LEA (% Proficient or Advanced) (2015) Grade 5 59% Grade 8 67% CAPA LEA (% at or above proficient) (2015) Grades % Grades % UC/CSU completion rate N/A Rate of Students meeting AMAO 1 and 2 targets AMAO 1: 60% AMAO 2 <5 years: 27% AMAO 2 >5 years: 42% EL Reclassification rate 12% AP Exam Data N/A Rate of CTE Course Sequence Completion N/A EAP Rates N/A CAHSEE ELA/Math proficiency rate N/A CAHSEE ELA/Math 3-year Pass rate N/A Percent of EL students making progress toward English Proficiency 60% AP Exam Participation Rate N/A STAR Reading/Math Student Growth Percentile (SGP) Reading/Math (maintain between 35 and 65) Grade 1 55/63 Grade 2 55/56 Grade 3 51/49 Grade 4 56/52 Grade 5 51/47 Grade 6 54/56 Grade 7 53/52 Grade 8 55/53 DIBELS Kinder 88% Grade 1 80% Grade 2 78%

16 Page 16 of 79 Actions/Services 1. The District will implement and maintain class size targets as negotiated to focus on addressing the needs of all students. 2. School sites will maintain a tiered academic intervention program and special education program for students needing strategic and intensive interventions, including English learners. a) Training for administrators, academic coaches, teachers, and instructional aides b) Maintain 1 academic coach per site c) Maintain instructional intervention aides d) Maintain FTE intervention teacher elementary Scope of Budgeted Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Service Expenditures LEA-wide $4,307,747 and Benefits LCFF S/C Other a) $364,627 Professional & a) LEA-wide b) LEA-wide c) Elementary title I schools d) All elementary schools Other Consulting Title I $278,004 Professional & Consulting $80,464 and Benefits LCFF S/C b) $2,618,727 and Benefits LCFF S/C $258,591 and Benefits Title 1 c)$5,142,835 Certificated Salaries & Benefits $3,394,087 Classified Salaries & Benefits $9,164 Books, Materials & Supplies $1,735Professional & Consulting

17 Page 17 of 79 $2,295,200 & Benefits LCFF Base $380,567 Classified Salaries and Benefits Title I d)$1,684,593 & Benefits $544,978 and Benefits Title I 3. The District will maintain curricular materials to support literacy instruction. LEA-wide $430,913 Other Textbooks Materials and Supplies Restricted Lottery

18 Page 18 of School sites will maintain a process to regularly review the progress of ELs and LTELS in order to implement an action plan. 5. Teachers will provide ELD instruction 30 minutes daily to English learners that focuses on the explicit teaching of English syntax, grammar, vocabulary, and text structures correlated to CCSS. a) Maintain protocols for administrative walkthroughs to monitor ELD instruction ALL LEA-wide Foster Youth _x_redesignated fluent English proficient Other LEA-wide ALL Other b) Provide students access to the ELD standards c) Maintain available ELD materials to effectively maintain the EL program 6. The District will maintain an action plan to provide increased CCSS and ELD-standards-aligned resources and materials to facilitate effective Designated and Integrated ELD instruction. 7. The District will identify, monitor, and provide additional support for EL students who are not making adequate progress towards reclassification. 8. The District will maintain additional instructional intervention staff to address student educational needs targeting unduplicated pupils at low income schools. 9. The District will maintain Kindergarten SEI classes that target beginning ELs to provide intensive language support and access to core curriculum. LEA-wide ALL Other LEA-wide ALL Elementary Title I schools Sandrini, Loudon, Panama, Berkshire Other ALL $234,828 _x_low Income pupils English Learners Other Classified Salaries and Benefits ALL $538,932 Other and Benefits

19 Page 19 of The District will maintain additional/increased services to ELs by utilizing EL Program Specialists to support EL students, teachers, and parents. 11. The District will maintain RFEP monitoring system to monitor student progress. 12. Teachers will utilize adopted curricular resources and materials for all state content standards, including CCSS ELA and math. 13. The District will maintain a system for administrative walkthroughs to monitor the implementation and use of CCSS and all other state academic content standards. 14. The District will plan for, if funding becomes available, and release time in CCSS, ELD, and UDL implementation and monitoring progress towards student mastery of standards, including curriculum specialists, academic coaches, and assistant principals. *Action step targets unduplicated pupils 15. The District will maintain a system to measure students progress towards mastery of CCSS. 16. The District will maintain a rate of 0% of teachers teaching outside of subject area competence. LEA-wide ALL Other LEA-wide ALL Foster Youth _x_redesignated fluent English proficient Other LEA-wide Other LEA-wide Other LEA-wide Other LEA-wide Other LEA-wide Low Income pupils English Learners Other

20 Page 20 of The District will plan for, if funding becomes available, providing extended school year services on non-traditional school days (e.g. targeted summer school). LEA-wide ALL _x_low Income pupils _x_english Learners _x_foster Youth _x_redesignated fluent English proficient Other LCAP Year 3: Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes: Priority 1 Metrics Priority 2 Metrics Priority 4 Metrics Priority 8 Metrics Rate of teachers not fully credentialed 0% Rate of teachers teaching outside of subject area competence 0% (maintain) Rate of teachers teaching ELs without authorization 0% Rate of core classes taught by fully credentialed and appropriately assigned 100% Rate of students lacking their own textbook 0% (maintain) Overall Facility rating from Facility Inspection Tool (FIT) Exemplary at all sites (maintain) Teachers trained in CCSS and other content standards 100% Implementation of CCSS and other content standards 100% All EL students will have access to CCSS and all state required standards instruction. (as measured by observations and professional development) API n/a CAASPP LEA (% at or above standard ELA/Math) 61%/46% African American 45%/31% Asian 82%/71% Filipino 85%/72% Hispanic/Latino - 56%/40% White 72%/56% Low Income 53%/38% ELs 30%/25% Students with Disabilities 29%/26% CST Science LEA (% Proficient or Advanced) (2015) Grade 5 64% Grade 8 72% CAPA LEA (% at or above proficient) (2015) Grades % Grades % UC/CSU completion rate N/A Rate of Students meeting AMAO 1 and 2 targets AMAO 1: 63% AMAO 2 <5 years: 30% AMAO 2 >5 years: 45% EL Reclassification rate 15% AP Exam Data N/A Rate of CTE Course Sequence Completion N/A EAP Rates N/A CAHSEE ELA/Math proficiency rate N/A CAHSEE ELA/Math 3-year Pass rate N/A Percent of EL students making progress toward English Proficiency 63% AP Exam Participation Rate N/A STAR Reading/Math Student Growth Percentile (SGP) Reading/Math (maintain between 35 and 65) Grade 1 55/63 Grade 2 55/56 Grade 3 51/49 Grade 4 56/52 Grade 5 51/47 Grade 6 54/56 Grade 7 53/52 Grade 8 55/53 DIBELS Kinder 93% Grade 1 85% Grade 2 83%

21 Page 21 of 79 Actions/Services 1. The District will implement and maintain class size targets as negotiated to focus on addressing the needs of all students. 2. School sites will maintain a tiered academic intervention program and special education program for students needing strategic and intensive interventions, including English learners. a) Training for administrators, academic coaches, teachers, and instructional aides, if funding becomes available Scope of Budgeted Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Service Expenditures LEA-wide $4,479,568 and Benefits Other Subgroups: (Specify) a) LEA-wide Other a) b) $2,705,905 and Benefits b) Maintain 1 academic coach per site c) Maintain instructional intervention aides d) Maintain FTE intervention teacher elementary b) LEA-wide c) Elementary Title I schools d) All elementary schools $273,477 and Benefits Title I c) $5,627,216 and Benefits $3,424,844 Classified Salaries and Benefits $9,164 Books, Materials & Supplies $1,735 Books, Materials & Supplies LCFF S/C $72,196 Books, Materials & Supplies LCFF Base $391,525 and Benefits Title I

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