Conservative When Crowded: Social Crowding and Consumer Choice. Ahreum Maeng, Robin J. Tanner, and Dilip Soman WEB APPENDIX A

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1 Conservative When Crowded: Social Crowding and Consumer Choice Ahreum Maeng, Robin J. Tanner, and Dilip Soman WEB APPENDIX A PILOT TEST Manipulation Check anxiety Group Statistics crowding N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean uncrowded crowded Independent Samples Test t-test for Equality of Means

2 anxiety Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed t df Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper

3 Mean Regulatory Focus Scores by Conditions promotion prevention Group Statistics crowding N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean uncrowded crowded uncrowded crowded Net-prevention Score Net-prevention Group Statistics crowding N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean uncrowded crowded Net-prevention Equal variances assumed Independent Samples Test t-test for Equality of Means t df Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper

4 Equal variances not assumed

5 STUDY 1 Manipulation Check Descriptives Feeling crowded N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound crowded uncrowded Total Feeling crowded Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Independent Samples Test t-test for Equality of Means t df Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper

6 Number of Safety-related-words Identified safetyw Descriptives N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum crowded uncrowded Total safetyw Sum of Squares ANOVA df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups Within Groups Total Number of Other words Identified otherw Descriptives N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

7 crowded uncrowded Total otherw Sum of Squares ANOVA df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups Within Groups Total Preferences for Safety-related Products Pharma cy First-aid Descriptives N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimu m Maxim um Lower Bound Upper Bound crowded uncrowded Total crowded uncrowded

8 Total Pharma cy First-aid Sum of Squares ANOVA df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total

9 STUDY 2 Preferences for Safety-oriented Options Pharmacy First-aid N Mean Std. Deviation Descriptives Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum crowd sparse nopic clutter Total crowd sparse nopic clutter Total Pharmacy Between Groups ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. (Combined) Linear Term Contrast

10 Within Groups Total Deviation First-aid (Combined) Between Contrast Groups Linear Term Deviation Within Groups Total Contrast Coefficients Contrast conditions crowd sparse nopic clutter Contrast Tests Contrast Value of Contrast Std. Error t df Sig. (2-tailed) pharmacy Assume equal variances

11 First-aid Does not assume equal variances Assume equal variances Does not assume equal variances Mean Regulatory Scores by Conditions Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: promotion condition Mean Std. N Deviation crowded messyroom NoPhoto uncrowded Total

12 Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: prevention condition Mean Std. N Deviation crowded messyroom NoPhoto uncrowded Total

13 Net-Prevention Score (Prevention-Promotion) Net-prevention Score Descriptives N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum crowd sparse nopic clutter Total Net-prevention score Between Groups Within Groups Total ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. (Combined) Linear Term Contrast Deviation Contrast Contrast Coefficients condi

14 crowd sparse nopic clutter Netprevention Assume equal variances Does not assume equal variances Contrast Contrast Tests Value of Contrast Std. Error t df Sig. (2-tailed)

15 Mediation Analyses: Bootstrap Mediator Store preference. MODEL RESULTS Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value PRE ON CONDI PHAR ON PRE CONDI TOTAL INDIRECT, SPECIFIC INDIRECT EFFECTS Two-Tailed

16 Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value Effects from CONDI to PHAR Sum of indirect Specific indirect PHAR PRE CONDI CONFIDENCE INTERVALS OF MODEL RESULTS Lower.5% Lower 2.5% Estimate Upper 2.5% Upper.5% PRE ON CONDI PHAR ON

17 PRE CONDI CONFIDENCE INTERVALS OF TOTAL, TOTAL INDIRECT, SPECIFIC INDIRECT, AND DIRECT EFFECTS Effects from CONDI to PHAR Lower.5% Lower 2.5% Estimate Upper 2.5% Upper.5% Sum of indirect Specific indirect PHAR PRE CONDI

18 Product preference. MODEL RESULTS Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value PRE ON CONDI AID ON PRE CONDI TOTAL INDIRECT, SPECIFIC INDIRECT EFFECTS Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value Effects from CONDI to AID

19 Sum of indirect Specific indirect AID PRE CONDI CONFIDENCE INTERVALS OF MODEL RESULTS Lower.5% Lower 2.5% Estimate Upper 2.5% Upper.5% PRE ON CONDI AID ON PRE CONDI

20 CONFIDENCE INTERVALS OF TOTAL, TOTAL INDIRECT, SPECIFIC INDIRECT, AND DIRECT EFFECTS Effects from CONDI to AID Lower.5% Lower 2.5% Estimate Upper 2.5% Upper.5% Sum of indirect Specific indirect AID PRE CONDI

21 STUDY 3 Prior-Cleaned Data Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: store_choice in_out crowded Mean Std. N Deviation uncrowded outgroup crowded Total uncrowded ingroup crowded Total uncrowded Total crowded Total Descriptives store_choice N Mean Std. Deviation Control A n a l y s i s o f V a r i a n c e -- Design 1 Tests of Significance for store_choice using UNIQUE sums of squares

22 Source of Variation SS DF MS F Sig of F WITHIN CELLS in_out crowded in_out BY crowded (Model) (Total) A n a l y s i s o f V a r i a n c e -- Design 2 Tests of Significance for store_choice using UNIQUE sums of squares

23 Source of Variation SS DF MS F Sig of F WITHIN CELLS IN_OUT WITHIN CROWDE D(1) IN_OUT WITHIN CROWDE D(2) In-group crowds vs. out-group crowds vs. control. Descriptives store_choice N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound in-group

24 out-group control Total store_choice Between Groups Within Groups Total ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. (Combined) Linear Term Contrast Deviation Contrast Coefficients Contrast condi in-group out-group control Contrast Tests

25 store_choice Assume equal variances Does not assume equal variances Contrast Value of Contrast Std. Error t df Sig. (2-tailed) In-group sparse vs. out-group sparse vs. control. Descriptives store_choice N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound in-group out-group control Total store_choice Between Groups ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. (Combined) Linear Term Contrast

26 Within Groups Total Deviation Contrast Coefficients Contrast condi in-group out-group control store_choice Assume equal variances Does not assume equal variances Contrast Tests Contrast Value of Contrast Std. Error t df Sig. (2-tailed)

27 Cleaned Data Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: store_choice in_out crowded Mean Std. Deviation ingroup outgroup Total crowded uncrowded Total crowded uncrowded Total crowded uncrowded Total N Descriptives store_choice N Mean Std. Deviation Control A n a l y s i s o f V a r i a n c e -- Design 1 Tests of Significance for store_choice using UNIQUE sums of squares Source of Variation SS DF MS F Sig of F

28 WITHIN CELLS in_out crowded in_out BY crowded (Model) (Total) A n a l y s i s o f V a r i a n c e -- Design 2 Tests of Significance for store_choice using UNIQUE sums of squares Source of Variation SS DF MS F Sig of F

29 WITHIN CELLS IN_OUT WITHIN CROWDED(1) IN_OUT WITHIN CROWDED(2) In-group crowds vs. out-group crowds vs. control. Descriptives store_choice N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound in_crowd out_crowd control Total

30 store_choice Between Groups Within Groups Total ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. (Combined) Linear Term Unweighted Weighted Deviation Contrast Contrast Coefficients condi in_crowd out_crowd control store_choice Assume equal variances Does not assume equal variances Contrast Contrast Tests Value of Contrast Std. Error t df Sig. (2-tailed)

31 In-group sparse vs. out-group sparse vs. control. Descriptives store_choice N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound in_sparse out_sparse control Total store_choice Between Groups Within Groups Total ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. (Combined) Unweighted Linear Term Weighted Deviation Contrast Coefficients

32 Contrast condi in_sparse out_sparse control store_choice Assume equal variances Does not assume equal variances Contrast Contrast Tests Value of Contrast Std. Error t df Sig. (2-tailed)

33 STUDY 4 Average Message Evaluation by Conditions Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: avg. eval crowding framing Mean Std. Deviation N prom uncrowded prev Total prom crowded prev Total prom Total prev Total A n a l y s i s o f V a r i a n c e -- Design 1 Tests of Significance for avg using UNIQUE sums of squares Source of Variation SS DF MS F Sig of F

34 WITHIN CELLS crowding framing crowding BY framing (Model) (Total) A n a l y s i s o f V a r i a n c e -- Design 2 Source of Variation SS DF MS F Sig of F WITHIN CELLS FRAMING WITHIN CROWD ING(1)

35 FRAMING WITHIN CROWD ING(2) Logistic Regression: Behavioral Choice Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(> z ) (Intercept) crowd frame crowd:frame *** * Signif. codes: 0 *** ** 0.01 * Wald test Crowd X2 = 0.67, df = 1, P(> X2) = 0.41 Frame X2 = 0.32, df = 1, P(> X2) = 0.57 Crowd:frame X2 = 5.6, df = 1, P(> X2) = 0.018


37 STUDY 5 Number of Decisions Not to Invest num_keep Group Statistics crowding N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean crowding empty num_keep Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Independent Samples Test t-test for Equality of Means t df Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Decision to Investment After Lost Descriptive Statistics

38 N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Percentiles 25th 50th (Median) 75th crowding uncrowding Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Ranks N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks uncrowding - crowding Negative Ranks 18 a Positive Ranks 9 b Ties 1 c Total 28 a. uncrowding < crowding b. uncrowding > crowding c. uncrowding = crowding Z Test Statistics a uncrowding - crowding b

39 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed).035 a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test b. Based on positive ranks. Decision to Invest After Won Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Percentiles 25th 50th (Median) 75th crowding uncrowding Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Ranks N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks uncrowding - crowding Negative Ranks 12 a Positive Ranks 6 b Ties 10 c Total 28 a. uncrowding < crowding b. uncrowding > crowding

40 c. uncrowding = crowding Test Statistics a uncrowding - crowding Z b Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed).178 a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test b. Based on positive ranks. Percentages of Decisions to Invest as a Function of Decision and Outcome in the Previous Round Previous Rounds Did not invest Invested and lost Invested and won Invested overall Crowding 28% 47% 97% 81% Uncrowding 41% 75% 95% 84%

41 WEB APPENDIX B PILOT TEST Crowding Manipulation This is a study about how consumers perceive photographs. Please spend a few moments looking at the image below and consider how you would feel to be in the scene. [one of the following pictures was presented] Please briefly describe how you would feel if you were in this scene.


43 Concerns in Daily Life What is most important to you? Please read the following statements and rate the extent to which each of these issues is important to you at this very moment. There are no right or wrong answers, only your personal feelings and opinions matter. Please circle the number that best reflects how important each issue is to you right now. A bigger number indicates higher importance and a smaller number indicates lower importance to you. Totally Unimportant Extremely Important 1. Doing well in work Not making enemies Being smart Being more active in politics 5. Paying attention to

44 my family s needs 6. Avoiding getting fat Enduring personal safety at night 8. Stay healthy Working harder Avoiding unsafe sexual practices 11. Not looking unfashionable Drinking in moderation Making new friends Making specific plans for the weekend

45 STUDY 1 Words Grid Please complete a word search task to clear your mind in preparation for the experiment. Please try to identify as many words as possible in 3 minutes and write down the words that you identify on the provided sheet.


47 Vacation Study Imagine that you are going with friends on a cottage vacation. Your flight has been delayed for 15 minutes and now you have some time before flight. You remembered that you need some first aid supplies in case you get sick or hurt; however you also would like to pick up some snacks. You don t have enough time to visit both, but you can choose to visit either a pharmacy to pick up first aid supplies or a convenience store for snacks. Which one would you choose to visit? I would Definitely visit convenience store Definitely visit h

48 Promotion Gift Study Imagine that you went to a newly opened Canadian Tire in your neighborhood. The store was running a promotion which gave away a free gift. You can choose one of two gift options between first aid products or a box of cookies. Which one would you choose? I would Definitely choose Definitely choose ki

49 Manipulation Check How worried do you currently feel? Not worried Very much worried How crowded do you feel in this room? Not crowded Very crowded How clean do you feel this room is? Not clean Very clean

50 How cramped do you feel in this room? Not cramped Very cramped How furnished do you think this room is? Not much furnished Very much furnished How relaxed do you currently feel? Not relaxed Very relaxed

51 How tense do you currently feel? Not tense Very tens

52 STUDY 2 Crowding Manipulation This is a study about how consumers perceive photographs. Please spend a few moments looking at the image below and consider how you would feel to be in the scene. [one of the following pictures was presented] Please briefly describe how you would feel if you were in this scene.


54 Vacation Study Imagine that you are going with friends on a cottage vacation. Your flight has been delayed for 15 minutes and now you have some time before flight. You remembered that you need some first aid supplies in case you get sick or hurt; however you also would like to pick up some snacks. You don t have enough time to visit both, but you can choose to visit either a pharmacy to pick up first aid supplies or a convenience store for snacks. Which one would you choose to visit? I would Definitely visit convenience store Definitely visit h


56 Promotion Gift Study Imagine that you went to a newly opened Canadian Tire in your neighborhood. The store was running a promotion which gave away a free gift. You can choose one of two gift options between first aid products or a box of cookies. Which one would you choose? I would Definitely choose Definitely choose ki

57 Concerns in Daily Life What is most important to you? Please read the following statements and rate the extent to which each of these issues is important to you at this very moment. There are no right or wrong answers, only your personal feelings and opinions matter. Please circle the number that best reflects how important each issue is to you right now. A bigger number indicates higher importance and a smaller number indicates lower importance to you. Totally Unimportant Extremely Important 1. Doing well in work Not making enemies Being smart Being more active in politics 5. Paying attention to

58 my family s needs 6. Avoiding getting fat Enduring personal safety at night 8. Stay healthy Working harder Avoiding unsafe sexual practices 11. Not looking unfashionable Drinking in moderation Making new friends Making specific plans for the weekend

59 STUDY 3 Welcome. This task consists of a couple of brief unrelated mini-surveys being conducted by different researchers at several universities. Please follow the instructions provided carefully, the whole thing should take you about 15 minutes to complete. To start, please click to go to the next page.

60 Survey Check To ensure that the survey is functioning properly, please select "price" from the options below. Memory Processor Speed Price

61 Dot-Estimation Task This study concerns determination of your group classification based on a particular type of cognitive style that relates to how visual imagery is processed. According to Hoffman and Routledge (2004), people can be reliably divided into two cognitive categories: dot-overestimators and dot-under-estimators. Following a series of studies, Hoffman and Routledge (2004) concluded that these two groups are distinguished by several differences. For example, variation between the groups on the dimensions of analytical problem solving ability, degree of cognitive bias, literacy, mathematical ability, and social competence, have all been identified. In this study you will complete a dot-estimation task, which we will use to determine your group classification. You will be shown a series of pictures of dots and be asked to estimate the approximate number of dots in each one. Please provide your initial, immediate guess which will be used to determine your classification: dot-under-estimator and dot-over-estimator. Such groups differ in cognitive style, and we are interested in the effects of this form of classification for new psychological characteristics. Specifically, we are interested in your perceptions of others in terms of similarity and differences. Please begin the Dot Estimation Task.


63 You will be presented with a series of pictures containing dots. Your task is to estimate the number of dots in the picture. We want you to give your best, instinctual guess. There will be ten pictures presented and each picture will be shown for ½ second. First, on the next page is a practice task to get you used to the format. Please make a quick estimation of the number of dots in the picture. You will only see the dot image for 1/2 second. How many dots would you estimate were in this picture?


65 Ok, that was the practice, now you will complete a series of actual dot estimation tasks. Remember, you will only see each image for half a second. How many dots would you estimate were in this picture?

66 How many dots would you estimate were in this picture?

67 How many dots would you estimate were in this picture?

68 How many dots would you estimate were in this picture?

69 How many dots would you estimate were in this picture?

70 How many dots would you estimate were in this picture?

71 How many dots would you estimate were in this picture?

72 How many dots would you estimate were in this picture?

73 How many dots would you estimate were in this picture?

74 How many dots would you estimate were in this picture?

75 You have just completed the dot-estimation Task. Your classification is now ready. Please continue to receive your classification. Your classification is: DOT UNDER-ESTIMATOR

76 Your responses indicate that you are part of the dot-under-estimator group. The test you just took examines individuals differences in cognitive style. Please correctly identify your group from the list below. o o o o ball-under-estimator dot-over-estimator ball-over-estimator dot-under-estimator

77 In-Group Crowding Manipulation In this next part of the study, we are interested in your perceptions of other people in terms of similarity and differences. Below you will find a picture of a group of people. This is a picture of dot under-estimators (i.e., the same group as you) taken when Drs. Hoffman and Routledge, the inventors of the two different cognitive styles, invited dot-under-estimators to their annual convention. Please describe three ways in which you think you might be similar to the dot-under-estimators in the picture.

78 Now, please carefully look again at the picture of your group above and then imagine that you are present in the scene. Visualize the scenario in as much detail as possible. Please briefly describe how you would feel. You have now completed the dot-estimation study. On the next page, you will be presented with two unrelated product choice tasks. To begin the next study, please continue.

79 Out-Group Crowding Manipulation In this next part of the study, we are interested in your perceptions of other people in terms of similarity and differences. Below you will find a picture of a group of people. This is a picture of the dot over-estimators (i.e., the other group from you, not your group) taken when Drs. Hoffman and Routledge, the inventors of the two different cognitive styles, invited dot-over-estimators to their annual convention. Please describe three ways that you might be different from those dot-over-estimators in the picture.

80 Now, please carefully look again at the picture of the other group above and then imagine that you are present in the scene. Visualize the scenario in as much detail as possible. Please briefly describe how you would feel. You have now completed the dot-estimation study. On the next page, you will be presented two unrelated product choice tasks. To begin the next study, please continue.

81 In-Group Sparse Manipulation In this next part of the study, we are interested in your perceptions of other people in terms of similarity and differences. Below you will find a picture of a group of people. This is a picture of dot under-estimators (i.e., the same group as you) taken when Drs. Hoffman and Routledge, the inventors of the two different cognitive styles, invited dot-under-estimators to their annual convention. Please describe three ways in which you think you might be similar to the dot-under-estimators in the picture.

82 Now, please carefully look again at the picture of your group above and then imagine that you are present in the scene. Visualize the scenario in as much detail as possible. Please briefly describe how you would feel. You have now completed the dot-estimation study. On the next page, you will be presented with two unrelated product choice tasks. To begin the next study, please continue.

83 Out-Group Sparse Manipulation In this next part of the study, we are interested in your perceptions of other people in terms of similarity and differences. Below you will find a picture of a group of people. This is a picture of the dot over-estimators (i.e., the other group from you, not your group) taken when Drs. Hoffman and Routledge, the inventors of the two different cognitive styles, invited dot-over-estimators to their annual convention. Please describe three ways that you might be different from those dot-over-estimators in the picture.

84 Now, please carefully look again at the picture of the other group above and then imagine that you are present in the scene. Visualize the scenario in as much detail as possible. Please briefly describe how you would feel. You have now completed the dot-estimation study. On the next page, you will be presented two unrelated product choice tasks. To begin the next study, please continue.

85 Control Condition Now, please briefly describe how you feel at this moment.

86 Vacation Study Imagine that you are going with friends on a cottage vacation. Your flight has been delayed for 15 minutes and now you have some time before flight. You remembered that you need some first aid supplies in case you get sick or hurt; however you also would like to pick up some snacks. You don t have enough time to visit both, but you can choose to visit either a pharmacy to pick up first aid supplies or a convenience store for snacks. Which one would you choose to visit? I would Definitely visit convenience store Definitely visit h


88 Manipulation Check Earlier in this sequence of studies you completed the dot estimation exercise and were classified as a dot-under-estimator. Please check one of the following answers to record how you felt about this classification. I identify with dot-under-estimators a lot more than I do dot-over-estimators I identify with dot-under-estimators somewhat more than I do dot-over-estimators I identify with dot-under-estimators a little more than I do dot-over-estimators I identify with dot-under-estimators and dot-over-estimators to about the same degree I identify with dot-under-estimators a little less than I do dot-over-estimators I identify with dot-under-estimators somewhat less than I do dot-over-estimators I identify with dot-under-estimators a lot less than I do dot-over-estimators

89 Attention Check Recent research on decision-making shows that choices are affected by context. Differences in how people feel, their previous knowledge and experience, and their environment can affect choices. To help us understand how people make decisions, we are interested in information about you. Specifically, we are interested in whether you actually take the time to read the directions; if not, some results may not tell us very much about decision making in the real world. To show that you have read the instructions, please ignore the question below about how you are feeling and instead check only the "none of the above" option as your answer. Thank you very much. Please check all words that describe how you are currently feeling. Interested Hostile Nervous Distressed Enthusiastic Determined Excited Proud Attentive Upset Irritable Jittery Strong Alert Active Guilty Ashamed Afraid Scared Inspired None of the above


91 STUDY 4 Part I [The photograph below shows the manner in which the room was set up for the first part of the study]


93 Survey used in the part I. SNACKS AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Welcome to today s study. Your participant number today is Before you proceed, please note that you will be asked to sample four out of six snacks available today. The snacks available are 1) Chips 2) Cookies 3) Popcorn 4) Dried Mango 5) Fruit (Berries) 6) Caramels All of these snacks have been purchased from a major grocery store earlier today. They have been stored with appropriate attention to hygiene and safety. None of the snacks have approached their expiration date. If you are allergic to any of these snacks please DO NOT sample them. Please list below all/ as many snacks that you are NOT ALLERGIC to and that you have NO CONCERNS in sampling:

94 Snack 1: Snack 2: Snack 3: Snack 4: Snack 5: Snack 6: The study will proceed as follows: Step 1: Welcome and completion of consent form and this sheet Step 2: Sampling of snacks (approximately 10 minutes) Step 3: Return to computer room to a) complete the evaluation of the snacks and b) complete an online survey and any related activities. Step 4: Conclusion, debriefing and payment. Please sign this form to acknowledge that you have read and understood its contents, keep it with you and return it to the experimenter when you leave the laboratory today. (signature)

95 SNACKS AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Thank you for sampling the snacks. Please answer the following questions. There are no right or wrong answers and we are only interested in your personal opinions. 1) Which snacks did you sample? Please list: Snack 1: Snack 2: Snack 3: Snack 4: 2) If you could purchase any one of these snacks, which one would you purchase? 3) Rank order these four snacks in the order of their TASTE 1) 2)

96 3) 4) 4) Rank order these four snacks in the order of how NUTRITIOUS they are 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Which of these four snacks would be most appropriate for Serving at a business meeting? Serving to a casual gathering of friends at home? Serving at a student association meeting? Thank you for completing this survey. Please alert for the experimenter so you can start on the computerized portion of today s study.

97 Part II Thank you for participating in Part I: Food Sampling Experiment. Welcome to Part II of Snacks and Consumer Behaviour Survey. Please enter your 3 digit Identification Number below There are no right or wrong answers to any of the questions we are simply interested in your honest opinions. Please click the arrow below when you are ready to begin.

98 Crowding Manipulation This study is about how people perceive photographs. Please spend a few moments looking at the image below. On the next screen, answer the questions that follow. [one of the following pictures was presented]

99 [one of the following pictures was presented] In one sentence, describe what you see in this picture. Please briefly describe how you would feel if you were one of the persons in the picture.


101 Prevention Condition This part of the study evaluates health care messages. The message to below was developed by the association of dental hygiene to educate college students. Please read the following carefully and provide your honest opinions on the next page. IMPORTANT: NOTE THAT ONCE YOU PROCEED TO THE QUESTIONS PAGE, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RETURN TO THE ARTICLE. How You Can Prevent Gingivitis Gingivitis is a serious and very common dental condition, but it is 100 per cent preventable and easily treated if you have it diagnosed early. So if you begin to notice the signs of gingivitis, then you need to pay a visit to you dentist for a recommended treatment plan. The condition is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria inside the mouth that converts into plaque and leads to bad breath, bleeding gums and often sore or swollen gums. If you leave the condition for too long, it can cause more serious conditions such as tooth loss, periodontal disease and even heart disease. You can easily prevent the condition from occurring by combining good home dental practices with regular dentist visits. By brushing, flossing and rinsing twice a day at home using the correct technique and then having a professional clean twice a year at your dentist, the instance of gingivitis is drastically reduced.

102 Before you brush, you should floss your teeth and get all the bacteria and food particles that get trapped between the teeth out. Brushing with then help to get rid of the bacteria on the tooth surface and get rid of plaque. Using a natural toothpaste that is based on mint oil is the best choice as it is both effective and gentle on your body. Mint oil is a naturally powerful antibacterial agent and also has anti-fungal properties. In contrast commercial toothpastes contain detergents, which can act as allergens for many people. Mouthwash is another essential part of a good dental routine. It is able to kill bacteria left over in the mouth, particularly the bacteria that gets stuck around the gum line. Additionally, scraping your tongue can also get rid of a lot of bacteria that can lead to gingivitis. You can buy tongue scrapers, or alternatively, use your regular tooth brush. Protecting your dental health from the onslaught of gingivitis is relatively easy, but the key is consistency. You have to ensure that you are brushing, flossing and rinsing twice a day to prevent the build up of harmful bacteria in the mouth. When you visit your dentist you should discuss how you can best prevent gingivitis and other dental conditions and ask them to show you how to most effectively brush your teeth as many people do not use the right technique. If you have read the article carefully, check below and press the arrow to continue. You will NOT be able to return to this screen. Yes, I have carefully read the article and would like to proceed.

103 Promotion Condition This part of the study evaluates health care messages. The message to below was developed by the association of dental hygiene to educate college students. Please read the following carefully and provide your honest opinions on the next page. IMPORTANT: NOTE THAT ONCE YOU PROCEED TO THE QUESTIONS PAGE, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RETURN TO THE ARTICLE. How You Can Get Brighter Smiles Everyone loves a bright white smile. Fortunately there are a variety of procedures and products available today that can improve the look of yours. When exploring these options it's wise to know the difference between "teeth whitening" and "teeth bleaching" and familiarize yourself with cosmetic dentistry and its terminology. With so many companies offering their magical teeth whitening treatments, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. To counteract the influx of these potentially bogus programs, several websites have recently popped up with accurate and easy to digest information regarding your teeth. Whitening one's teeth is the process of restoring teeth to their natural color. This is done by removing the build-up and dirt collected on the tooth's surface. You can achieve these results with toothpastes that boast a whitening agent. Having your teeth cleaned regularly is an excellent way to keep your teeth free of debris.

104 Bleaching one's teeth actually whitens teeth beyond their natural state to produce its desired result. The use of a bleach-containing agent will draw out the stain and color leaving them clean and whiter than before. There are two types of bleach used in this process. Hydrogen peroxide is used by your dentist in a controlled environment and contains a high level of peroxide. Takehome kits use carbamide peroxide which has a lower percentage of peroxide and is therefore safer to use on your own. Over-The-Counter teeth bleaching products can be purchased at your local drugstore for the most affordable prices. A good choice would be one that uses a tray (as a dentist would) that covers the teeth and holds the peroxide-based gel in place over your teeth. Other options include strips and "paintable" teeth whitening gel. Many toothpaste brands incorporate peroxide as a way to bleach teeth while brushing. Professional take-home teeth bleaching kits are slightly more expensive but are dentist-approved and therefore more reliable. They utilize the tray process and are custom fitted for your teeth. This makes them more effective than over-the-counter brands. Custom molded trays may take several weeks to receive so plan accordingly. The long and the short of it is that teeth whitening works. Virtually everyone who opts for this cosmetic treatment will see moderate to substantial improvement in the brightness and whiteness of their smile. However, teeth whitening is not a permanent solution and requires maintenance or "touch-ups" for a prolonged effect. If you have read the article carefully, check below and press the arrow to continue. You will NOT be able to return to this screen.

105 Yes, I have carefully read the article and would like to proceed.

106 Message Evaluation The following questions are related to the message that you just read. Please answer the questions honestly. This message is very convincing Strongly disagree Strongly agree This message is very appealing to me Strongly disagree Strongly agree This message speaks to me.

107 Strongly disagree Strongly agree This message said something important to me Strongly disagree Strongly agree To what extent are you willing to keep up the good dental routine that has been suggested in the passage? Not at all Very much

108 Floss Intention Measure Since you have first sampled food, we have arranged for floss should you like to floss your teeth. Would you like to floss your teeth before leaving? Yes No THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION. NOTIFY THE RESEARCH ASSISTANT FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS BY RAISING YOUR HAND.

109 PART III [Those who chose to floss their teeth were led to a room pictured below]

110 STUDY 5 Investment Game You have been given $10. Treat this money as real as you will be entered into a competition for a prize based on your results. You will be making ten rounds of investment decisions. In each round, you must decide between two options: invest $1 or not invest. On each round, if you decide not to invest, you will keep the dollar. If you decide to invest, your earnings will be decided by a coin toss. If the outcome of the toss is heads, then you will lose the $1 that was invested; if the toss is tails, then $2.5 will be added to your account. You will be given ten opportunities to make this investment decision. If you do not invest, keep $1 If you invest, H = lose $1 / T = win $2.5 Earnings from this round Keep $1 Invest $1 H/T (Please write $1 if you decided not to invest) Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5

111 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 TOTAL BALANCE:

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