Handbook for Gifted In-Field Endorsement Candidates CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GIFTED LEARNER

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1 Handbook for Gifted In-Field Endorsement Candidates CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GIFTED LEARNER Course Description: This course focuses on the characteristics of gifted learners and their special academic needs. Course content will include issues and identification of special groups within the gifted population such as low socioeconomic learners, underachievers, girls, racial minorities, and the twice exceptional. Some of the other topics will include but are not limited to: history of gifted education; issues and trends; evolution of the definitions of giftedness; development of multiple cognitive and affective skills, and career guidance and counseling needs. Main Text: VanTassel-Baska, J. (1998). Excellence in Educating Gifted & Talented Learners, 3rd Edition. Love Publishing Company. Denver: Colorado Supplemental Text: Colangelo, N. & Davis, G. (1997). Handbook of Gifted Education, 2 nd edition. Allyn & Bacon. Needham Heights: MA. Course requirements: 1. Review of the literature: Prepare eight article/journal critiques. Three articles should be focused on the general characteristics and needs of gifted Three of the articles must be on the same subgroup or topic you will be researching. The remaining two articles should focus on different subpopulations of gifted learners. See textbook chapters also for appropriate information on your topic. A. Gifted girls (see Chapter 8) B. Underrepresented gifted /minorities and disadvantaged (see Chapter 6) C. Gifted learning disabled students / Handicapped gifted students (see Chapter 5) D. Underachieving gifted students (see Chapter 5) E. Highly gifted students (see Chapter7) F. Young gifted children (see Chapter 4) G. Social / Emotional needs of the gifted (p.30-38) H. Gifted visual-spatial and auditory-sequentially learners (p ) 2. Present information researched on your subpopulation of gifted learner with your group 3. Observe a classroom with gifted students (two 30-min. visits). Prepare a written report and share your observations with the class. 4. View video taped gifted class and complete observation form. 5. Interview a gifted student and prepare a written report. 6. Prepare one of the following alone or with a partner or triad: A brochure for your faculty about the characteristics of gifted students A brochure for parents about gifted students A PowerPoint presentation for your faculty about the characteristics of gifted students 7. Essay Exam on course content Course Policies: Attendance is required for the ten class sessions. Only one excused absence will be allowed and will require a make up assignment in order to earn the endorsement Earn a min. of 80% of total possible points in order to continue in the Gifted In-Field Endorsement program.


3 CURRICULUM FOR THE GIFTED LEARNER Course Description This course will emphasize curriculum and program planning for gifted students at all levels. Students will focus on various curriculum models and various types of program design for these highly able learners. Programs examined will include those offered within the school day and as extra-curricular activities. Students will design components of a differentiated curriculum for their content area/grade level. Main Text: Heacox, D. (2002). Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom: How to reach and teach all learners, grades Supplemental Text: Excellence in Educating Gifted & Talented Learners, 3 rd edition. Van Tassel-Baska, J Course Requirements/Activities: 1. Review of the literature: Read eight journal/articles and write a critique for each related to curriculum for gifted learners. One article will be supplied. 2. Develop a gifted program philosophy and at least five program goals (addressing essential questions) for a gifted program in elementary, middle or high school. Work with a partner or triad in your grade group - elementary, middle or high school. 3. Work with one or two others to present a curriculum model or activity for the class from selected models/activities. 4. Interview a teacher of the gifted. Turn in a typed report and share your interview with the class. 5. Develop a Bonus Box of higher level thinking activities for a specific grade level and content area. 6. Differentiate a lesson for gifted students by altering an existing lesson or developing a new lesson. A framework will be provided. Try-out this lesson in a classroom (video tape). 7. Create a Webquest or other Web based activity. 8. Create a Track for a topic you teach 9. Plan a topic for a unit for your classroom that includes gifted learners (unit to be designed and implemented in the next course). A form will be provided of required components. Course Policies: Attendance is required for the ten class sessions. Only one excused absence will be allowed and will require a make up assignment in order to earn the endorsement Earn a min. of 80% of total possible points in order to continue in the Gifted In-Field Endorsement program.

4 METHODS & MATERIALS FOR THE GIFTED LEARNER Course Description: Instruction will be targeted to the needs of teachers who will be expected to plan, design, and implement appropriately differentiated instruction for gifted Candidates will be expected to relate the characteristics and learning needs of the diverse population of gifted students to appropriate instructional methods and materials that are needed to implement effective educational programs for all gifted and talented Candidates will be expected to develop and modify instructional content and methodology to meet the learning needs of gifted students and demonstrate this knowledge by creating a gifted instructional unit of study in a content area. Main Text: Heacox, D. (2002). Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom: How to reach and teach all learners, grades Supplemental Text: Colangelo, N. & Davis, G. (Eds.) (1997) Handbook of Gifted Education. 2 nd Ed. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Course Requirements: 1. Read six articles concerning gifted curriculum dealing with higher-level instructional strategies in your subject area. 2. Develop essential questions to guide instruction in your instructional unit (proposed during Curriculum for the Gifted Learner course). 3. Create a pre-test for your instructional unit. 4. Review instructional resources (provided in class) and write a brief evaluation of their use with gifted 5. Using one of your Bonus Box activities (from prior course); create the supporting forms and necessary items for a student to engage in this activity. 6. Plan a tiered lesson with a partner or alone. 7. With a partner or by yourself, plan a webquest for your students (can be part of your instructional unit). 8. Develop appropriate activities for your instructional unit/or two mini units for gifted learners in elementary, middle, or high school to cover a minimum of ten class periods. (Rubric will be provided) 9. Video tape one or more of the lessons within your instructional unit. 10. Self-evaluate your instructional unit (form provided) and have a least one of your lessons observed by a gifted teacher or an administrator (form provided). Course Policies: Attendance is required for the ten class sessions. Only one excused absence will be allowed and will require a make up assignment in order to earn the endorsement. Earn a min. of 80% of total possible points in order to continue in the Gifted In-Field Endorsement program.

5 IDENTIFICATION/ASSESSMENT OF THE GIFTED LEARNER Course Description: The responsibilities of teachers of the gifted include the identification of students for this program. Appropriate delivery models for serving gifted students is also covered. Course content will include helping teachers to identify gifted behaviors and academic performance most often exhibited by gifted Course participants will also learn how to formally identify gifted students through testing. This also involves selection, administration and interpretation of assessment instruments that meet the requirements specified by the Georgia State Board of Education Rule Main Text: VanTassel-Baska, J. (1998). Excellence in Educating Gifted & Talented Learners, 3rd Edition. Love Publishing Company. Denver: Colorado Supplemental Text: Colangelo, N. & Davis, G. (1997). Handbook of Gifted Education, 2 nd edition. Allyn & Bacon. Needham Heights: MA. Course Requirements: 1. Read and critique six journal articles focusing on identification of gifted students to be shared with the class. Some topics as: A. Identification practices and/or procedures for gifted programs B. Under-identification of one of the following: females, minority, disadvantaged, or handicapped C. Multiple criteria methods and/or measures for identification of gifted students D. Authentic assessment of performances or products for identification 2. Present information for a Georgia school district, or another state, regarding what instruments and criteria are used for gifted placement. Comparison to Georgia s criteria will be made. 3. Read assigned chapters from the text regarding identification and answer the discussion questions 4. Review several test instruments and complete the "Test Review Forms (provided in class) 5. Complete a case study on a student for mock gifted identification. Test instruments, inventories, and rating scales for taking a student through the entire process will be supplied. 6. Mid-term Test 7. Administer a learning styles inventory to your class and tabulate the findings. 8. Participate in all class assignments and discussions Course Policies: Attendance is required for the ten class sessions. Only one excused absence will be allowed and will require a make up assignment in order to earn the endorsement Earn a min. of 80% of total possible points in order to earn Gifted In-Field Endorsement


7 Southwest Georgia RESA Endorsements Self-Assessment Dispositions Rubric Candidate s Name System School Subject(s) Taught Grade Level Element Knowledge of child and adolescent development Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished Score Teacher displays little or no knowledge of the developmental characteristics of the age group. Teacher displays partial knowledge of the developmental characteristics of the age group. Teacher displays accurate understanding of the typical developmental characteristics of the age group, as well as exceptions to the general patterns. In addition to accurate knowledge of the typical developmental characteristics of the age group and exceptions to the general patterns, teacher displays knowledge of the extent to which individual students follow the general patterns. Knowledge of the learning process Teacher sees no value in understanding how students learn and does not seek such information. Teacher recognizes the value of knowing how students learn, but this knowledge is limited or outdated. Teacher s knowledge of how students learn is accurate and current. Teacher applies this knowledge to the class as a whole and to groups of Teacher displays extensive and subtle understanding of how students learn and applies this knowledge to individual Knowledge of students skills, knowledge, and language proficiency Knowledge of students Teacher displays little or no knowledge of students skills, knowledge, and language proficiency and does not indicate that such knowledge is valuable. Teacher displays little or no knowledge of students interests Teacher recognizes the value of understanding students skills, knowledge, and language proficiency but displays this knowledge only for the class as a whole. Teacher recognizes the value of understanding Teacher recognizes the value of understanding students skills, knowledge, and language proficiency and displays this knowledge for groups of Teacher recognizes the value of understanding Teacher displays understanding of individual students skills, knowledge, and language proficiency and has a strategy for maintaining such information. Teacher recognizes the value of understanding students interests

8 interests and cultural heritage Knowledge of students special needs Teacher interaction with students Student interactions with other students Importance of the content or cultural heritage and does not indicate that such knowledge is valuable. Teacher displays little or no understanding of students special learning or medical needs or why such knowledge is important. Teacher interaction with at least some students is negative, demeaning, sarcastic, or inappropriate to the age or culture of the Students exhibit disrespect for the teacher. Student interactions are characterized by conflict, sarcasm, or put-downs. Teacher or students convey a negative attitude toward the content, suggesting that it is not important or has been mandated by others. students interests and cultural heritage but displays this knowledge only for the class as a whole. Teacher displays awareness of the importance of knowing students special learning or medical needs, but such knowledge may be incomplete or inaccurate. Teacher-student interactions are generally appropriate but may reflect occasional inconsistencies, favoritism, or disregard for students cultures. Students exhibit only minimal respect for the teacher. Students do not demonstrate disrespect for one another. Teacher communicates importance of the work but with little conviction and only minimal apparent buyin by the students interests and cultural heritage and displays this knowledge for groups of Teacher is aware of students special learning and medical needs. Teacher-student interactions are friendly and demonstrate general caring and respect. Such interactions are appropriate to the age and cultures of the Students exhibit respect for the teacher. Student interactions are generally polite and respectful. Teacher conveys genuine enthusiasm for the content, and students demonstrate consistent commitment to its value. and cultural heritage and displays this knowledge for individual Teacher possesses information about each student s learning and medical needs, collecting such information from a variety of sources. Teacher interactions with students reflect genuine respect and caring for individuals as well as groups of Students appear to trust the teacher with sensitive information. Students demonstrate genuine caring for one another and monitor one another s treatment of peers, correcting classmates respectfully when needed. Students demonstrate through their active participation, curiosity, and taking initiative that they value the importance of the content. Expectations for learning and Instructional outcomes, activities and assignments, and classroom Instructional outcomes, activities and assignments, Instructional outcomes, activities and assignments, Instructional outcomes, activities and assignments, and classroom

9 achievement Student pride in work Response to student misbehavior Expectations for learning Directions and procedures Explanations of content interactions convey low expectations for at least some Students demonstrate little or no pride in their work. They seem to be motivated by the desire to complete a task rather than to do high-quality work. Teacher does not respond to misbehavior, or the response is inconsistent, is overly repressive, or does not respect the student s dignity. Teacher s purpose in a lesson or unit is unclear to Teacher s directions and procedures are confusing to Teacher s explanation of the content is unclear or confusing or uses inappropriate language. and classroom interactions convey only modest expectations for student learning and achievement. Students minimally accept the responsibility to do good work but invest little of their energy into its quality. Teacher attempts to respond to student misbehavior but with uneven results, or there are no major infractions of the rules. Teacher attempts to explain the instructional purpose, with limited success. Teacher s directions and procedures are clarified after initial student confusion. Teacher s explanation of the content is uneven; some is done skillfully, but other portions are difficult to follow. and classroom interactions convey high expectations for most Students accept the teacher s insistence on work of high quality and demonstrate pride in that work. Teacher response to misbehavior is appropriate and successful and respects the student s dignity, or student behavior is generally appropriate. Teacher s purpose for the lesson or unit is clear, including where it is situated within broader learning. Teacher s directions and procedures are clear to Teacher s explanation of content is appropriate and connects with students knowledge and experience. interactions convey high expectations for all Students appear to have internalized these expectations. Students demonstrate attention to detail and take obvious pride in their work, initiating improvements in it by, for example, revising drafts on their own or helping peers Teacher response to misbehavior is highly effective and sensitive to students individual needs, or student behavior is entirely appropriate. Teacher makes the purpose of the lesson or unit clear, including where it is situated within broader learning, linking that purpose to student interests. Teacher s directions and procedures are clear to students and anticipate possible student misunderstanding. Teacher s explanation of content is imaginative and connects with students knowledge and experience. Students contribute to explaining concepts to their peers. Use of oral and written language Teacher s spoken language is inaudible, or written language is Teacher s spoken language is audible, and written Teacher s spoken and written language is clear and Teacher s spoken and written language is correct and conforms

10 Feedback to students Lesson adjustment Response to students Persistence Student completion of assignments illegible. Spoken or written language contains errors of grammar or syntax. Vocabulary may be inappropriate, vague, or used incorrectly, leaving students confused. Teacher s feedback to students is of poor quality and not provided in a timely manner. Teacher adheres rigidly to an instructional plan, even when a change is clearly needed. Teacher ignores or brushes aside students questions or interests. When a student has difficulty learning, the teacher either gives up or blames the student or the student s home environment. Teacher s system for maintaining information on student completion of assignments is in disarray. language is legible. Both are used correctly and conform to standard English. Vocabulary is correct but limited or is not appropriate to the students ages or backgrounds. Teacher s feedback to students is uneven, and its timeliness is inconsistent. Teacher attempts to adjust a lesson when needed, with only partially successful results. Teacher attempts to accommodate students questions or interests, although the pacing of the lesson is disrupted. Teacher accepts responsibility for the success of all students but has only a limited repertoire of instructional strategies to draw on. Teacher s system for maintaining information on student completion of assignments is rudimentary and only partially effective. correct and conforms to standard English. Vocabulary is appropriate to the students ages and interests. Teacher s feedback to students is timely and of consistently high quality. Teacher makes a minor adjustment to a lesson, and the adjustment occurs smoothly. Teacher successfully accommodates students questions or interests. Teacher persists in seeking approaches for students who have difficulty learning, drawing on a broad repertoire of strategies. Teacher s system for maintaining information on student completion of assignments is fully effective. to standard English. It is also expressive, with well-chosen vocabulary that enriches the lesson. Teacher finds opportunities to extend students vocabularies. Teacher s feedback to students is timely and of consistently high quality, and students make use of the feedback in their learning. Teacher successfully makes a major adjustment to a lesson when needed. Teacher seizes a major opportunity to enhance learning, building on student interests or a spontaneous event. Teacher persists in seeking effective approaches for students who need help, using an extensive repertoire of strategies and soliciting additional resources from the school. Teacher s system for maintaining information on student completion of assignments is fully effective. Students participate in maintaining the records. Student progress in learning Teacher has no system for maintaining information on Teacher s system for maintaining information on Teacher s system for maintaining information on Teacher s system for maintaining information on student progress

11 Noninstructional records Information about the instructional program Information about individual students Engagement of families in the instructional program student progress in learning, or the system is in disarray. Teacher s records for noninstructional activities are in disarray, resulting in errors and confusion. Teacher provides little or no information about the instructional program to families. Teacher provides minimal information to families about individual students, or the communication is inappropriate to the cultures of the families. Teacher does not respond, or responds insensitively, to family concerns about Teacher makes no attempt to engage families in the instructional program, or such efforts are inappropriate. student progress in learning is rudimentary and only partially effective. Teacher s records for noninstructional activities are adequate, but they require frequent monitoring to avoid errors. Teacher participates in the school s activities for family communication but offers little additional information. Teacher adheres to the school s required procedures for communicating with families. Responses to family concerns are minimal or may reflect occasional insensitivity to cultural norms. Teacher makes modest and partially successful attempts to engage families in the instructional program. student progress in learning is fully effective. Teacher s system for maintaining information on non-instructional activities is fully effective. Teacher provides frequent information to families, as appropriate, about the instructional program. Teacher communicates with families about students progress on a regular basis, respecting cultural norms, and is available as needed to respond to family concerns. Teacher s efforts to engage families in the instructional program are frequent and successful. in learning is fully effective. Students contribute information and participate in interpreting the records. Teacher s system for maintaining information on non-instructional activities is highly effective, and students contribute to its maintenance. Teacher provides frequent information to families, as appropriate, about the instructional program. Students participate in preparing materials for their families. Teacher provides information to families frequently on student progress, with students contributing to the design of the system. Response to family concerns is handled with great professional and cultural sensitivity. Teacher s efforts to engage families in the instructional program are frequent and successful. Students contribute ideas for projects that could be enhanced by family participation. Relationships with colleagues Teacher s relationships with colleagues are negative or self- Teacher maintains cordial relationships with Relationships with colleagues are characterized Relationships with colleagues are characterized by mutual support

12 Involvement in a culture of professional inquiry Service to the school Participation in school and district projects Enhancement of content knowledge and pedagogical skill Receptivity to feedback from colleagues Service to the profession serving. Teacher avoids participation in a culture of inquiry, resisting opportunities to become involved. Teacher avoids becoming involved in school events. Teacher avoids becoming involved in school and district projects. Teacher engages in no professional development activities to enhance knowledge or skill. Teacher resists feedback on teaching performance from either supervisors or more experienced colleagues. Teacher makes no effort to share knowledge with others or to assume professional responsibilities. colleagues to fulfill duties that the school or district requires. Teacher becomes involved in the school s culture of inquiry when invited to do so. Teacher participates in school events when specifically asked. Teacher participates in school and district projects when specifically asked. Teacher participates in professional activities to a limited extent when they are convenient. Teacher accepts, with some reluctance, feedback on teaching performance from both supervisors and professional colleagues. Teacher finds limited ways to contribute to the profession. by mutual support and cooperation. Teacher actively participates in a culture of professional inquiry. Teacher volunteers to participate in school events, making a substantial contribution. Teacher volunteers to participate in school and district projects, making a substantial contribution. Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development to enhance content knowledge and pedagogical skill. Teacher welcomes feedback from colleagues when made by supervisors or when opportunities arise through professional collaboration. Teacher participates actively in assisting other educators. and cooperation. Teacher takes initiative in assuming leadership among the faculty. Teacher takes a leadership role in promoting a culture of professional inquiry. Teacher volunteers to participate in school events, making a substantial contribution, and assumes a leadership role in at least one aspect of school life. Teacher volunteers to participate in school and district projects, making a substantial contribution, and assumes a leadership role in a major school or district project. Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development and makes a systematic effort to conduct action research. Teacher seeks out feedback on teaching from both supervisors and colleagues. Teacher initiates important activities to contribute to the profession. Integrity and ethical conduct Teacher displays dishonesty in interactions with colleagues, Teacher is honest in interactions with Teacher displays high standards of honesty, Teacher can be counted on to hold the highest standards of honesty,

13 students, and the public. colleagues, students, and the public. integrity, and confidentiality in interactions with colleagues, students, and the public. integrity, and confidentiality and takes a leadership role with colleagues. Service to students Advocacy Decision Making Compliance with school and district regulations Teacher is not alert to students needs. Teacher contributes to school practices that result in some students being ill served by the school. Teacher makes decisions and recommendations based on selfserving interests. Teacher does not comply with school and district regulations. Teacher s attempts to serve students are inconsistent. Teacher does not knowingly contribute to some students being ill served by the school. Teacher s decisions and recommendations are based on limited though genuinely professional considerations. Teacher complies minimally with school and district regulations, doing just enough to get by. Teacher is active in serving Teacher works to ensure that all students receive a fair opportunity to succeed. Teacher maintains an open mind and participates in team or departmental decision making. Teacher complies fully with school and district regulations. Teacher is highly proactive in serving students, seeking out resources when needed. Teacher makes a concerted effort to challenge negative attitudes or practices to ensure that all students, particularly those traditionally underserved, are honored in the school. Teacher takes a leadership role in team or departmental decision making and helps ensure that such decisions are based on the highest professional standards. Teacher complies fully with school and district regulations, taking a leadership role with colleagues. Candidate s Signature CST Member Signature Date Comments:

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