and the Common European Framework of Reference

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1 Life UPPER-intermediate and the Common European Framework of Reference B Mike Sayer

2 Introduction What is the Common European Framework of Reference? The Council of Europe has developed the Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (or CEFR for short) with a view to promoting language teaching and learning within Europe. The CEFR aims to provide a descriptive framework which encourages the development of language skills and intercultural awareness, learner autonomy and lifelong learning. It is of interest to course designers and coursebook writers as well as teachers, testers and teacher trainers. The CEFR aims to promote a coherent approach to language learning with an emphasis on examining what we can do with a language. It also provides a framework which permits the comparison of the language levels of individuals in an impartial way. What are the aims of the CEFR? It is important to be aware that the CEFR is designed as a set of common reference points and not as a set of points that should be covered systematically in study. One level or one set of reference points is not intended to refer to a year of study or a number of hours of study. It recognises that students have different aims and learn at different speeds. The CEFR does not intend to prescribe a method of teaching, and recognises that there are a variety of methods relevant to different teaching contexts. However, it has a clear focus on the four skills and on developing an ability to communicate rather than acquire knowledge. The CEFR also emphasises acquiring the skills to learn independently. It encourages autonomy in students and focuses on what they can do and not on what they still need to learn. The CEFR intends to help define teachers and learners objectives. Teachers need to understand what they want to achieve on a course and students need clear objectives. The CEFR provides a set of descriptors and levels of competence that help focus such aims. How are the levels of the CEFR organised? The CEFR has six levels which range from A (students with a starter level of English) to C (students who can use the language fluently and with precision). Below is an overview of these levels. Proficient Independent Basic C C B B A A Mastery Effective Operational Proficiency Vantage Threshold Waystage Breakthrough Students can use the language precisely and fluently with near native competence. Students are proficient in the language and have a wide range of vocabulary. Students are able to express themselves in increasingly abstract ways. Students at this level can maintain conversations. Students are able to get by in an increasing range of social situations. Students can express themselves in simple, basic language. Note that the CEFR recognises intermediate levels between the global levels above A+, B+, etc. Each of the six levels of the CEFR is defined by a large set of descriptors can do tick points which aim to define the expected language ability of an individual at each of the levels. For example, one of the descriptors under the heading at A level is: can ask how people are and react to news. At C level, a descriptor under the same heading is: can use language flexibly and effectively for social purposes. How does the CEFR correspond to Life? The Life series has a communicative approach with an emphasis on learning language in real life contexts and on producing language in a broad range of speaking and writing situations. Consequently, its approach mirrors the functional descriptors of the CEFR as well as its broad emphasis on being able to communicate in a range of realistic situations. Life Pre-intermediate covers the majority of competences for B. Life Intermediate covers the competences for B and some of the competencies for B. Life Upper-intermediate covers the competencies for B. In this booklet, each exercise of the Life series is mapped against core descriptors at the relevant global level. So, Life Pre-intermediate is mapped against descriptors at the B Threshold level, the first six units of Life Intermediate are mapped against descriptors at the B Threshold level, the last six units are mapped against descriptors at the B Vantage level, and Life Upper-intermediate is mapped throughout against descriptors at the B Vantage level. How does Life match the aims of the CEFR? Life s grammar and vocabulary syllabus encourages the linguistic competences needed for students to be able to communicate successfully. In particular, the Grammar and Word focus sections provide information and practice necessary for students to build their understanding and use. The emphasis on the four skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in Life reflects the same emphasis in the CEFR. The Critical thinking sections develop students reading skills. The Real Life section in each unit of Life introduces and practises key functional areas of language which mirror those in the CEFR. The video section in each unit of Life develops students ability to follow real spoken and in English. It also encourages students to use English in realistic roleplay scenarios. The I can sections in each unit set clear objectives and checks that these objectives have been achieved. The Workbook and teacher s resources give students extra practice and learning resources. The Workbook aims to develop learner autonomy. Can I learn more about this? You can find more information about the Council of Europe at Hyperlinked pdfs of the CEFR are also available at this site. Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

3 LIFE Upper-intermediate CEF Overview Framework level: B Communicative activities: Reception (spoken) DESCRIPTOR : Can understand standard spoken language, live or broadcast, on both familiar and unfamiliar topics normally encountered in personal, social, academic or vocational life. Only extreme background noise, inadequate discourse structure and/or idiomatic usage influence the ability to understand. Understanding between native speakers: Can keep up with an animated conversation between native speakers. Listening to radio and audio recordings: Can understand most radio documentaries and most other recorded or broadcast audio material delivered in standard dialect and can identify the speaker s mood, tone etc. STUDENT S BOOK ACTIVITIES U ex; Ua ex, ; Ud ex, ; U ex, ; Ua ex5, ; Ub ex0; Ud ex, ; U ex; Ua ex, ; Ud ex, ; U ex; Ua ex, ; Ub ex, ; Ud ex, ; U5 ex, ; U5a ex; U5b ex, ; U5d ex,, ; U ex; Ub ex,, ; Ud ex, ; U ex; Ua ex,, ; Ud ex, ; U ex, ; Ub ex, ; Ud ex,, ; U9 ex; U9a ex; U9b ex, ; U9d ex, ; U0 ex, ; U0b ex, ; U0d ex, 5, ; U ex, ; Ua ex, ; Ub ex, 5, ; Ud ex, ; U ex; Ub ex, ; Ud ex, U ex Ub ex, Reception audio/visual Can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. Can understand documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in standard dialect. Uf ex,, 5; Uf ex,,, 5, ; Uf ex,, 5; Uf ex,, 5,, ; U5f ex,,, 5; Uf ex,,, 5, ; Uf ex,,, 5; Uf ex,, 5, ; U9f ex,, 5; U0f ex, 5, ; Uf ex,, 5, ; Uf ex,, 5,, Reception (written) : Can read with a large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes, and using appropriate reference sources selectively. Has a broad active reading vocabulary, but may experience some difficulty with low-frequency idioms. Reading for orientation: Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, locating relevant details. Reading for information and argument: Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. Ub ex; Uc ex, ; Ue ex; UReview ex; Ub ex; Uc ex, ; Ue ex, ; UReview ex; Ub ex; Uc ex, ; Ue ex; UReview ex; Ub ex5, ; Uc ex; Ue ex, ; UReview ex; U5a ex; U5c ex, ; U5e ex; U5Review ex; Ua ex, ; Uc ex, ; Ud ex; Ue ex, ; UReview ex, ; Ub ex, 5; Uc ex,, ; Ue ex, ; Ua ex; Uc ex,, ; Ue ex, ; UReview ex; U9a ex, ; U9c ex,, ; U9e ex; U0a ex; U0c ex, ; U0e ex, ; U0Review ex; Ua ex, ; Uc ex, ; Ue ex; UReview ex; Ua ex, ; Uc ex, ; Ue ex Uc ex; U5c ex; Ub ex; Uc ex; Uc ex; Uc ex; UReview ex Ub ex, ; Uc ex, 5,, ; Uc ex, ; Uc ex, ; Uc ex5, ; Ue ex; U5c ex, ; U5e ex,, 5; Uc ex; Ub ex5; Uc ex; Uc ex; U9a ex; U9c ex5, ; U0a ex; U0c ex, ; Ua ex; Uc ex5, ; Uc ex, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

4 Interaction (spoken) : Can use the language fluently, accurately and effectively on a wide range of general, academic, vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the relationships between ideas. Can communicate spontaneously with good grammatical control without much sign of having to restrict what he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality appropriate to the circumstances. : Can engage in extended conversation on most general topics in a clearly participatory fashion, even in a noisy environment. Can convey degrees of emotion and highlight the personal significance of : Can take an active part in informal discussion in familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and making and responding to hypotheses. U ex; Uc ex9; Ue ex; Uf ex,, ; U ex; Uf ex, ; U ex; Ua ex,, ; Uc ex0; Uf ex, ; UReview ex,, ; U ex, ; Ua ex5; Uf ex, ; UReview ex, 5; U5a ex, ; U5c ex0; U5f ex; U5Review ex, ; U ex; Uc ex0; Uf ex, ; UReview ex,, 9; U ex; Uc ex, 9; Uf ex, ; UReview ex, 5; Uf ex, 9; U9 ex; U9c ex9, 0; U9d ex; U9f ex; U9Review ex, ; U0f ex, ; U0Review ex; Ua ex; Ub ex, ; Uc ex0; Ud ex; Uf ex; UReview ex, 5, ; Uf ex, Ua ex; Ud ex, ; UReview ex, ; Ua ex, 5; Uc ex; Ud ex; Ud ex5; U ex; Ub ex; Ud ex, ; UReview ex9, 0; Uc ex, ; Ud ex; U5Review ex, 9; Ua ex, ; Ue ex; Ua ex; Ua ex9; U9b ex9, 0; U9f ex; U0a ex; U0d ex; U0e ex; U0f ex; UReview ex U ex; Ua ex, ; Uf ex; UReview ex; U ex; Ub ex,,,, ; U5b ex; U5b ex5; U5c ex,, 0; U5d ex, 5; U5e ex, ; U5f ex; U ex, ; Ub ex, 5, ; Uc ex, 5; Ud ex; U ex; Ud ex; UReview ex9; U ex, ; Uc ex, 0; Ud ex5; UReview ex; U9 ex; U9a ex; U9f ex; U0 ex,, ; U0a ex, 0; U0c ex5; U0f ex0; U0Review ex; U ex; Ua ex, 5, ; Ub ex, ; Uc ex,, ; Uf ex; U ex, ; Ua ex, ; Ub ex,, 5; Uc ex, 0; Ud ex; Ue ex, ; Uf ex9 Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments. Can express his/her ideas and opinions with precision, present and respond to complex lines of argument convincingly. Goal-oriented co-operation: Can outline an issue or a problem clearly, speculating about causes or consequences, and weighing advantages and disadvantages of different approaches. Can help along the progress of the work by inviting others to join in, say what they think etc. Ua ex; Ua ex; U ex; Ua ex; Ub ex, ; Uc ex; Uf ex; Ua ex; Uc ex, 9; Ud ex; Uf ex9; Ua ex0, ; Ua ex, ; U9c ex; U9d ex; U9e ex Ub ex,, 5, 0, ; Uc ex; Ub ex, Ud ex; Ua ex, Can understand detailed instructions reliably UReview ex,, Transactions to obtain goods and services: Can explain a problem which has arisen and make it clear that the provider of the service/customer must make a concession. Information exchange: Can give a clear, detailed description of how to carry out a procedure. Can pass on detailed information reliably. Can understand and exchange complex information and advice on the full range of matters related to his/her occupational role. Interviewing and being interviewed: Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer. Ud ex; Ud ex Ua ex UReview ex; Ud ex Ua ex; U0b ex Uf ex; Uf ex; Uf ex; Ua ex; Uf ex; U5a ex; U5b ex0; U5f ex; Ub ex; Uf ex; Ud ex; Uf ex; UReview ex; Uf ex; U9d ex; Ua ex, Interaction (written) Correspondence: Can write letters conveying degrees of emotion and highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences and commenting on the correspondent s news and views. Ue ex, ; Ue ex, 5; Ue ex5, ; Ue ex5, ; Uc ex0; U0e ex5, ; Ue ex, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

5 Production (spoken) : Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples. Sustained monologue (experience): Can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his field of interest. Ub ex; Ua ex; Uc ex; U a ex; Ub ex; UReview ex; U5 ex; Uc ex; Ub ex; UReview ex, ; U9Review ex; U0a ex, ; U0b ex, ; Ub ex U ex; Ua ex; Ub ex; Uc ex, 0; Ud ex5; UReview ex,, ; Ub ex, 5; U9a ex0; U0d ex, 9 Sustained monologue (debate): Can develop a clear argument, expanding and supporting his/her points of view at some length with subsidiary points and relevant examples Addressing audiences: Can give a clear, systematically developed presentation, with highlighting of significant points, and relevant supporting detail. Can depart spontaneously from a prepared text and follow up interesting points raised by members of the audience, often showing remarkable fluency and ease of expression. Ua ex; Uc ex Production (written): Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety of subjects related to his/her field of interest. Reports and essays: Can write short, simple essays on topics of interest. Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion about accumulated factual information on familiar routine and non-routine matters within his field with some confidence. Can write very brief, reports to a standard conventionalised format, which pass on routine factual information and state reasons for actions. Ue ex; Ua ex; Ue ex5; Ue ex; Ue ex, 5; U5e ex; Ue ex, 5; Ue ex; Ue ex,, 9; Ub ex; Ue ex; U9e ex5, ; U0e ex5, ; Ue ex, Ue ex5; Ue ex,, 9; U9b ex0 U5e ex; Ue ex5, Communication strategies Reception (spoken & written) Identifying clues & : Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Ua ex, 9, 0; Uc ex, ; Ue ex5; Ub ex; Uc ex; Ue ex; Ua ex5; Uc ex, 5, ; Ue ex; Uc ex, ; U5a ex0; U5c ex, 5, 9; Ua ex5, ; Uc ex,, 9; Ue ex; Ua ex; Uc ex5, ; Ue ex, 5; Uc ex, 9; U9a ex; U9c ex; U0c ex, 9; Uc ex, ; Ua ex; Uc ex Interaction Cooperating: Can help the discussion along on familiar ground, confirming, inviting others in, etc. Planning: Can plan what is to be said and the means to say it, considering the effect on the recipient/s. Uf ex; Uf ex; Uf ex; Uf ex; U5f ex; Uf ex; Uf ex; Uf ex; U9f ex; U0f ex; Uf ex; Uf ex Uf ex; Uf ex; Uf ex; Uf ex; U5f ex; Uf ex; Uf ex; Uf ex; U9f ex; U0f ex; Uf ex; Uf ex Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning 5

6 Communicative language competence Linguistic range : Has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to his field and most general topics. Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition, but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and circumlocution. U ex; Ua ex0; UReview ex, 5; U ex, ; Ua ex, ; UReview ex; Uc ex, 9; UReview ex5; U ex; UReview ex; U5 ex, ; U5a ex; U5b ex, ; U5Review ex, 5; U ex; Uc ex; UReview ex5; Ub ex; UReview ex, 5; Ua ex; Ub ex; Uf ex; UReview ex, 5; U9 ex; U9c ex, ; U9Review ex, 5; U0a ex5; U0b ex0; U0c ex; U0d ex; U0Review ex, 5; U ex; Ua ex, 9; Ub ex, ; UReview ex, 5; U ex; Ub ex; Ub ex; Uc ex,, 9; UReview ex, 5 Control : Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control. Does not make Vocabulary control: Lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication. Phonological control: Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. Orthographic control: Can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing, which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate but may show signs of mother tongue influence. Ua ex, 5,, ; Ub ex,, 9; UReview ex; Ua ex, 9; Ub ex,, 9, 0; UReview ex; Ua ex, 9, 0, ; Ub ex5, ; UReview ex, 9; Ua ex,,, 0; Ub ex, 9, 0, ; UReview ex; U5a ex, 5,, 9; U5b ex,, 9; U5Review ex; Ua ex, 9, 0; Ub ex,,, 0, ; UReview ex; Ua ex5, ; Ub ex,,, 9, 0,, ; UReview ex, ; Ua ex5,,, ; Ub ex,, 9, 0; UReview ex; U9a ex5,,, ; U9b ex,, 5,,, ; U9Review ex, ; U0a ex,,, 9; U0b ex5,, ; U0Review ex; Ua ex5,,,, 0; Ub ex, 9, 0, ; UReview ex; Ua ex5,,,, 9, 0, ; Ub ex,, 9, 0; UReview ex, Ue ex; UReview ex; UReview ex; UReview ex; U5Review ex, 5; UReview ex5; UReview ex; UReview ex; U9Review ex; U0Review ex Ub ex; Ud ex5; Ua ex0; Ub ex; Ud ex; Ua ex; Ud ex5; Ua ex9; Ud ex; U5b ex; Ub ex9; Ud ex5; Ua ex9; Ud ex5; Ub ex; Ud ex; U9a ex9; U9d ex5; U0b ex9; U0d ex; Ub ex; Ud ex5; Ub ex; Ud ex Ue ex, 5, ; Ue ex, 5, ; Ue ex, 5; Ue ex; U5e ex; Ue ex; Ue ex,, 9; Ue ex; U9e ex; U0e ex; Ue ex; Ue ex : Can express him- or herself confidently, clearly and politely in a formal or informal register, appropriate to the situation and person(s) concerned. Ud ex; UReview ex, ; Ud ex; UReview ex5; Ud ex; UReview ex; Ud ex, 5; UReview ex, ; U5d ex; U5Review ex; Ud ex; UReview ex; Ud ex, ; UReview ex, ; Ud ex; UReview ex, ; U9d ex; U9Review ex; U0d ex; U0Review ex; Ud ex, ; UReview ex; Ud ex, ; UReview ex Pragmatic : Can communicate spontaneously, often showing remarkable fluency and ease of expression in even longer complex stretches of speech. Can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as he/she searches for patterns and expressions, there are few noticeably long pauses. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular with native speakers quite possible without imposing strain on either party. Ub ex0,; Uc ex9; Ub ex; Uc ex, 0; Ub ex; Uc ex; Ub ex; Uc ex; U5b ex0; U5c ex0; Ub ex; Uc ex0; Ub ex; Uc ex, 9; Ub ex; Uc ex0; U9b ex9, 0; U9c ex9, 0; U0b ex; U0c ex0; Ub ex; Uc ex0, ; Uc ex0 UReview ex; UReview ex, ; UReview ex9, 0; UReview ex; U5Review ex, 9; UReview ex, 9; UReview ex, 9; UReview ex; U9Review ex; U0Review ex; UReview ex Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

7 LIFE Upper-intermediate CEF mapping Framework level: B Unit Relationships Unit opener (page 9) a Unlikely friends (pages 0 ) Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues.,,, 5,,, 9, 0 0 b A confused generation (pages ) Can express his/her ideas and opinions with precision, present and respond to complex lines of argument convincingly.,, 5, 0, Reading for information and argument Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints.,,, 9 Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

8 Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 0, c Bloodlines (pages 5) Can express his/her ideas and opinions with precision, present and respond to complex lines of argument convincingly., Reading for information and argument Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues.., 5,,, 9 9 d A face from the past (page ) Can engage in extended conversation on most general topics in a clearly participatory fashion, even in a noisy environment., Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 5, e News from home (page ) Vocabulary control Orthographic control Lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication. Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing, which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate but may show signs of mother tongue influence. 5, 5, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

9 Overall written Correspondence Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. Can write letters conveying degrees of emotion and highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences and commenting on the correspondent s news and views., f Immigration (pages 9),, Watching TV and film Planning Cooperating Interviewing and being interviewed Can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. Can understand documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in standard dialect. Can plan what is to be said and the means to say it, considering the effect on the recipient/s. Can help the discussion along on familiar ground, confirming, inviting others in, etc. Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer.,, 5 Unit Review (page 0) Vocabulary control Lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication. Can engage in extended conversation on most general topics in a clearly participatory fashion, even in a noisy environment. Can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as he/she searches for patterns and expressions, there are few noticeably long pauses. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular with native speakers quite possible without imposing strain on either party., 5,, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning 9

10 Unit Storytelling Unit opener (page ),, Understanding between native speakers Can keep up with an animated conversation between native speakers. Sustained monologue Can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his field of interest. a The film of the book (pages ) Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments. Can engage in extended conversation on most general topics in a clearly participatory fashion, even in a noisy environment. Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments. Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 0 Overall written Sustained monologue Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. Can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his field of interest.,, 5 5,, 9 b A close shave (pages 5) Sustained monologue Can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his field of interest. 0 Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

11 Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. Sustained monologue Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples. Can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his field of interest.,, 9, 0 0 c Once upon a time... (pages ) Sustained monologue Reading for information and argument Can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his field of interest. Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues., 0,,, 0 d What a disaster! (pages 9) Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. Sustained monologue Can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his field of interest. Can engage in extended conversation on most general topics in a clearly participatory fashion, even in a noisy environment., 5 5 Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

12 e A real-life drama (page 9) Overall written Orthographic control Creative writing Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing, which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate but may show signs of mother tongue influence. Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety of subjects related to his/her field of interest., 5, 5, 5 f History of film (pages 0 ) Watching TV and film Planning Cooperating Interviewing and being interviewed Can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. Can understand documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in standard dialect. Can plan what is to be said and the means to say it, considering the effect on the recipient/s. Can help the discussion along on familiar ground, confirming, inviting others in, etc. Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer.,,,, 5, Unit Review (page ) Vocabulary control Sustained monologue Lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication. Can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his field of interest. Can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as he/she searches for patterns and expressions, there are few noticeably long pauses. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular with native speakers quite possible without imposing strain on either party.,, 5, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

13 Unit Science and technology Unit opener (page ) Can engage in extended conversation on most general topics in a clearly participatory fashion, even in a noisy environment. Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments. a Is technology the answer? (pages 5),, Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. 5 Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. Addressing audiences Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments. Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples. Can give a clear, systematically developed presentation, with highlighting of significant points, and relevant supporting detail. Can depart spontaneously from a prepared text and follow up interesting points raised by members of the audience, often showing remarkable fluency and ease of expression.,, 9, 0, b Revealed world (pages ) Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments., Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

14 5, c One size doesn t fit all (pages 9) Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments. Reading for orientation Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, locating relevant details. Reading for information and argument Addressing audiences Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues.. Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples. Can give a clear, systematically developed presentation, with highlighting of significant points, and relevant supporting detail. Can depart spontaneously from a prepared text and follow up interesting points raised by members of the audience, often showing remarkable fluency and ease of expression.,,, 5,, 9 0 d Computer problems (page 0) Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 5 Goal-oriented cooperation Can understand detailed instructions reliably.,, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

15 e A technical problem (page ) Overall written Orthographic control Correspondence Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. Can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing, which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate but may show signs of mother tongue influence. Can write letters conveying degrees of emotion and highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences and commenting on the correspondent s news and views., 5, 5 f Augmented reality (pages ) Watching TV and film Planning Cooperating Interviewing and being interviewed Can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. Can understand documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in standard dialect. Can plan what is to be said and the means to say it, considering the effect on the recipient/s. Can help the discussion along on familiar ground, confirming, inviting others in, etc. Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer. Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments.,,, 5 Unit Review (page ) Goal-oriented cooperation Can understand detailed instructions reliably.,,, 9 5 Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning 5

16 Can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as he/she searches for patterns and expressions, there are few noticeably long pauses. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular with native speakers quite possible without imposing strain on either party. 9, 0 9, 0 Unit Art and creativity Unit opener (page 5), a All about Melbourne (pages ) Interviewing and being interviewed Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer. Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments., 5 Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 9 Information exchange Can understand and exchange complex information and advice on the full range of matters related to his/her occupational role. Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples.,,, 0 b Reverse graffiti (pages 9),,,, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

17 Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples., 5,, 9, 0, c Hip-hop planet (pages 50 5), Reading for information and argument Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments. Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues., 9 5,, d Personal tastes (page 5) Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments.,, 5 e You ve got to see this (page 5) Reading for information and argument Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints., Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

18 Overall written Orthographic control Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. Can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing, which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate but may show signs of mother tongue influence., 5 f Urban art (pages 5 55) Watching TV and film Planning Cooperating Interviewing and being interviewed Can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. Can understand documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in standard dialect. Can plan what is to be said and the means to say it, considering the effect on the recipient/s. Can help the discussion along on familiar ground, confirming, inviting others in, etc. Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer. Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments.,,, 5,, 9 Unit Review (page 5) Vocabulary control Lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication. Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples. Can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as he/she searches for patterns and expressions, there are few noticeably long pauses. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular with native speakers quite possible without imposing strain on either party., 5, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

19 Unit 5 Development Unit 5 opener (page 5) Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on complex subjects, integrating sub themes, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.,, 5a From reality to fantasy (pages 5 59) Interviewing and being interviewed Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer.,, 5,, 9 0 5b The Kerala model (pages 0 ), Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. Interviewing and being interviewed Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer., 5,, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning 9

20 5c Sustainable development? (pages ) Reading for orientation Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, locating relevant details. Reading for information and argument Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints..,, 0,, 5, 9, 0 0 5d Evaluating a project (page ), 5,, 5e Big cities, big problems (page 5) Reading for information and argument Overall written Orthographic control Reports & essays Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. Can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing, which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate but may show signs of mother tongue influence. Can write an essay or report that develops an argument systematically with appropriate highlighting of significant points and relevant supporting detail.,,, 5 0 Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

21 5f Aquarium on Wheels (pages ) Watching TV and film Planning Cooperating Interviewing and being interviewed Can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. Can understand documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in standard dialect. Can plan what is to be said and the means to say it, considering the effect on the recipient/s. Can help the discussion along on familiar ground, confirming, inviting others in, etc. Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer.,,, 5 Unit 5 Review (page ) Vocabulary control Lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication. Can engage in extended conversation on most general topics in a clearly participatory fashion, even in a noisy environment. Can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as he/she searches for patterns and expressions, there are few noticeably long pauses. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular with native speakers quite possible without imposing strain on either party.,, 5, 5, 9, 9 Unit Alternative travel Unit opener (page 9), Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

22 a Staycations (pages 0 ) Information exchange Can pass on detailed information reliably. Goal-oriented cooperation Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Can outline an issue or a problem clearly, speculating about causes or consequences, and weighing advantages and disadvantages of different approaches.,, 5,, 9, 0, b Voluntourism (pages ), 5, Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 9 Interviewing and being interviewed Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer.,,,,, 0, c Unusual places to stay (pages 5), 5, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

23 Reading for information and argument Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues.. Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on complex subjects, integrating sub themes, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.,, d Couch surfing (page ) Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 5, Transactions to obtain goods and services Can explain a problem which has arisen and make it clear that the provider of the service/customer must make a concession. e A disappointed customer (page ) Overall written Orthographic control Correspondence Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing, which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate but may show signs of mother tongue influence. Can write letters conveying degrees of emotion and highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences and commenting on the correspondent s news and views.,, 5 5, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

24 f East Timor (pages 9) Watching TV and film Planning Cooperating Interviewing and being interviewed Can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. Can understand documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in standard dialect. Can plan what is to be said and the means to say it, considering the effect on the recipient/s. Can help the discussion along on familiar ground, confirming, inviting others in, etc. Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer.,,,, 5, Unit Review (page 0) Vocabulary control Lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication. Information exchange Can pass on detailed information reliably. Unit Natural resources Unit opener (page ) Can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as he/she searches for patterns and expressions, there are few noticeably long pauses. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular with native speakers quite possible without imposing strain on either party.,, 9, 5 5, 9,, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

25 a Water conservation (pages ), Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation.,,, 9, Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments. 0 b The minister for no oil (pages 5) Reading for information and argument Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints.,, 5,, 9 9 c A world of its own (pages ) Information exchange Can pass on detailed information reliably. Reading for information and argument Overall written Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources., Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning 5

26 d The climate change debate (page ) Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. Sustained monologue (debate) Can develop a clear argument, expanding and supporting his/her points of view at some length with subsidiary points and relevant examples. Can construct a chain of reasoned argument: Can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.,, e Waste of energy (page 9) Orthographic control Overall written Correspondence Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing, which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate but may show signs of mother tongue influence. Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. Can write letters conveying degrees of emotion and highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences and commenting on the correspondent s news and views., 5 f Galapagos energy (pages 90 9) Watching TV and film Planning Cooperating Interviewing and being interviewed Can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. Can understand documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in standard dialect. Can plan what is to be said and the means to say it, considering the effect on the recipient/s. Can help the discussion along on familiar ground, confirming, inviting others in, etc. Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer.,,, 5, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

27 Unit Review (page 9) Vocabulary control Lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication. Can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as he/she searches for patterns and expressions, there are few noticeably long pauses. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular with native speakers quite possible without imposing strain on either party., 5, 5, 9, 9 Unit The news Unit opener (page 9),, a A life revealed (pages 9 95) Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments., 5,,, 9 Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

28 b And finally (pages 9 9) Sustained monologue (experience) Can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his field of interest., 5 Listening to radio and audio recordings Can understand most radio documentaries and most other recorded or broadcast audio material delivered in standard dialect and can identify the speaker s mood, tone etc. Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples.,,,, 9, 0 c From hero to zero (pages 9 99) Reading for orientation Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, locating relevant details. Reading for information and argument Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints., 0,, Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues., 9 0 d Spreading the news (page 00) Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation.,, 5 Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

29 e A residents meeting (page 0) Orthographic control Overall written Can produce clearly intelligible continuous writing, which follows standard layout and paragraphing conventions. Spelling and punctuation are reasonably accurate but may show signs of mother tongue influence. Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources., f Mount Fuji (pages 0 0) Watching TV and film Planning Cooperating Interviewing and being interviewed Can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. Can understand documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in standard dialect. Can plan what is to be said and the means to say it, considering the effect on the recipient/s. Can help the discussion along on familiar ground, confirming, inviting others in, etc. Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer., 9,, 5, Unit Review (page 0) Vocabulary control Lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication. Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples., 5,, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning 9

30 Can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as he/she searches for patterns and expressions, there are few noticeably long pauses. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular with native speakers quite possible without imposing strain on either party. Unit 9 Talented people Unit 9 opener (page 05) 9a An ordinary man (pages 0 0) Reading for information and argument Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues. Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 9 Sustained monologue (experience) Can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his field of interest., 5,,, 0 9b Pushing the boundaries (pages 0 09) Can engage in extended conversation on most general topics in a clearly participatory fashion, even in a noisy environment.,,, 5,,, 9, 0 0 Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

31 Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions of real or imaginary events and experiences marking the relationship between ideas in clear connected text, and following established conventions of the genre concerned. 9, 0 0 9c The king herself (pages 0 ) Reading for information and argument Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments. Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. Can use a variety of strategies to achieve, including listening for main points; checking by using contextual clues..,, 5,, 9, 0 9, 0 9d Right for the job (page ). Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments. Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 5 Interviewing and being interviewed Can take initiatives in an interview, expand and develop ideas with little help or prodding from an interviewer., 9e Professional networking (page ) Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments. Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. 5, Life Upper-intermediate National Geographic Learning

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