Snail Race Author unknown

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1 Demonstrated Reading Snail Race Author unknown Day 1 (Schema Building, Prediction, and Vocabulary Development) Schema Building 1. Some people like to tell everyone about how good they are at things. We call this bragging or boasting. 2. What are some things people like to brag about? Rephrase the student s response, offering additional information as appropriate. 3. Thank you for sharing that with us. Can someone else share something that people often brag about? Rephrase the student s response, offering additional information as appropriate. Prediction 1. Display the title and illustration. Our story this week is called Snail Race. 2. Think about the title and our discussion. Raise your hand if you have a prediction about what might happen in this story. 3. Allow two students to predict. Coaching point: Restate, rephrase, and praise student predictions that include possible characters and events. Reading for Fluency 1. Read the text aloud, without interruption, modeling fluency and expression. 2. After the reading, ask... Were our predictions correct? Were there any surprises in this story for you? Vocabulary Development Words for explicit instruction: smug (S1), heartily (S3), identical (S4), transpired (S6) Words for implicit instruction: inched (S4), approached (S5), conclusion (S5) Page 1 of 12

2 Demonstrated Reading Day 1 (Schema Building, Prediction, and Vocabulary Development) (Vocabulary Development continued) 1. Direct students attention to the word in the text. This is the word smug. Write the word on a piece of chart paper. Say the word smug with me. (chorally) Smug. Smug means overly proud. My best friend acted smug because he always won every race. Raise your hand if you can tell me a time that someone you know acted smug or overly proud. Be sure to use the word in your sentence. Coaching point: Restate and praise students usage of the target word. If students usage is syntactically incorrect, restate students ideas while modeling correct syntax/usage. Always have students repeat correct usage. 2. Direct students attention to the word in the text. This is the word heartily. Write the word on the chart paper. Say the word heartily with me. (chorally) Heartily. Heartily means with excitement. I laughed heartily at the funny movie. My best friend worked heartily when he got a fun, new job. Raise your hand if you can tell me something you do heartily or with excitement. Encourage response and discuss (see coaching point on this page). 3. Direct students attention to the word in the text. This is the word identical. Write the word on the chart paper. Say the word identical with me. (chorally) Identical. Identical means the same. I have two dogs that are identical. I know two boys that are identical twins. Raise your hand if you can tell me about two things you know that are identical. Encourage response and discuss (see coaching point on this page). 4. Direct students attention to the word in the text. This is the word transpired. Write the word on the chart paper. Say the word transpired with me. (chorally) Transpired. Let s map this new word. Construct the word map on the chart paper. - First, write the new word in the center box. - Second, tell students the part of speech and add it to the chart. - Next, add the definition, followed by synonyms and/or antonyms. - Finally, have the students assist you in writing a sentence using the new word. verb (syn) happened transpired took place The big math test transpired last Friday. Page 2 of 12

3 Demonstrated Reading 5. Redirect students attention to the new words written on the chart paper. Let s say our new words together Point to each word while chorally reading each word aloud. Smug... heartily... identical transpired. Post the chart paper for the remainder of the week. Page 3 of 12

4 Demonstrated Reading Day 2 (Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Structural/Language Analysis) Vocabulary Review Words for explicit instruction: smug (S1), heartily (S3), identical (S4), transpired (S6) Words for implicit instruction: inched (S4), approached (S5), conclusion (S5) 1. We learned several new words yesterday. Direct students attention to the chart paper from the previous day. 2. Smug means overly proud, like my friend who was smug because he always won the race. 3. Heartily means with excitement, like when I laughed heartily at the movie. 4. Identical means the same. My friend and I have identical cars. 5. If something transpired, it means it happened. Our school concert transpired in December. Reading for Fluency 1. Listen and follow along in the text with me again. Then we ll echo read the story. Read the text aloud, without interruption, modeling fluency and expression. 2. Now let s echo read the story. My turn first, then your turn. Remember to put the same expression in your voice as I do in mine. Echo read the text one sentence at a time. Do not pause at line endings; only at punctuated or properly phrased breaks. Coaching point: Assure that students are emulating your rhythm, use of voices, and points of emphasis. Stop, reread, and coach them on sections where expressive reading breaks down or stumbles occur. Implicit Vocabulary Development 1. There were three other important words in the story that we can figure out from the context of the story. 2. Here is the word inched. Direct students attention to the word in the text. If we think about the sentence, context will help us with the meaning. They inched along the roadway An inch is a small unit of measurement, so if they inched along the roadway, they were moving very slowly, about one inch at a time. Inched means moved very slowly. 3. Here is the word approached. Direct students attention to the word in the text. If we think about the sentence, context will help us with the meaning. The two approached the finish line... When we race, we are always moving toward the end, so approached the finish line would mean that they came near. Approached means came near! Page 4 of 12

5 Demonstrated Reading Implicit Vocabulary Development (cont.) 4. Here is the word conclusion. Direct students attention to the word in the text. If we think about the sentence, context will help us with the meaning. The text said the snails were...a half an inch from the conclusion of the race. We know that the race was nearly over, so being half an inch from the conclusion means from the end of the race. Conclusion means the end! Page 5 of 12

6 Demonstrated Reading Day 2 (Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Structural/Language Analysis) (Structural Analysis lesson) Structural Analysis 1. Name the Target. Our target today is the suffix ish. 2. Define the Target. A suffix is a part added to the end of words to change their meaning. 3. State the Rationale. Recognizing suffixes makes it easier to read and understand longer words. The suffix ish means resembling or similar to the base word that comes before it. 4. Model the Target. In the story, the author wrote that the snails were smug and sluggish. The suffix ish came after the base word slug, so sluggish means resembling or looking like slugs. 5. Write Suffix ish at the top of a sheet of chart paper. Under it, write, sluggish resembling a slug. Suffix ish sluggish resembling a slug boyish resembling a boy foolish resembling a fool fiendish resembling a fiend impish resembling an imp childish-resembling a child 6. Extend the Target Beyond the Text. Let s look at a few more examples. 7. Write the word boyish on the chart paper. An older person acting like a young boy is called boyish. The base word is boy. So boyish means resembling a boy. Add resembling a boy to the chart. 8. Continue the procedure for the remaining words in the list. Page 6 of 12

7 Demonstrated Reading Day 3 (Comprehension Question Answering) Vocabulary Review Let s review our new words from this week. Point out the words on the chart paper as you discuss them. Coaching point: Assist students in making their sentences syntactically correct; this is often a difficulty when using new vocabulary. 1. Smug means overly proud. Who can use smug in a sentence for us? 2. Heartily means with excitement. What is something you do heartily? 3. Identical means the same. Who can use identical in a sentence for us? 4. If something transpired, it means it happened. What transpired this morning in our class? 5. Inched means moved very slowly. What were some things that inched along? 6. Approached means came near. Can someone use approached in a sentence? 7. The conclusion of something is the end of it. Who can use conclusion in a sentence? Reading for Fluency Let s echo read the story again. Remember to put the same expression in your voice as I do in mine. Echo read the text one sentence at a time. Do not pause at line endings; only at punctuated or properly phrased breaks. Coaching point: Assure that students are emulating your rhythm, use of voices, and points of emphasis. Stop, reread, and coach them on sections where expressive reading breaks down or stumbles occur. Comprehension Question Answering 1. I have a few questions for you about our story. 2. We re going to practice our Question Answering strategies. Page 7 of 12

8 Demonstrated Reading Day 3 (Comprehension Question Answering) (continued) Question 1: Who claimed that they were the fastest? 1. When the question uses words from the text, we can use the keyword strategy. Display the keyword strategy poster and refer to it while guiding the students. 2. What was the word that came from the text in this question? Encourage response (fastest). 3. When we find the keyword in the question, we simply scan for it in the text. Let s scan for the keyword, fastest. Remember, you can first scan for words that begin with the letter f only. 4. When we find the word, we then must read the sentence containing the keyword. Point out this line of text and chorally read the second stanza. 5. Now can we answer the question, who claimed that they were the fastest? Encourage response (yes, the second snail). 6. Remember, we use the keyword strategy when the question contains a word or words from the text. Leave the poster on display for future reference. Coaching point: Do not allow the discussion to become a guessing game with students. Whenever there is confusion, model the process again, doing the same think-aloud process as in the first example. Question 2: Who took the lead? 1. What was the word that came from the text in this question? Encourage response (took the lead). 2. Now let s scan for the keyword. Remember, you can first scan for words that begin with the letter t only. 3. When we find the word, we then must read the sentence containing the keyword. Chorally read the sentence, Their slowness was identical and neither took the lead. 4. Now can we answer the question, who took the lead? Encourage response (yes, neither of them). 5. The steps of the keyword strategy are: (1) find the keyword in the question, (2) read the sentence containing the word, and (3) answer the question. Page 8 of 12

9 Demonstrated Reading Day 3 (Comprehension Question Answering) (continued) Question 3: Where did the snail race transpire or happen? 1. For questions that ask about settings often questions with the word where in them we re going to use a look-back strategy. Display and refer to the Look-Back to Learn! (settings) poster as you guide students through the procedure. 2. When the question asks for settings, there are several things we can look-back to find. (1) We can always look for place names sometimes they re capitalized and sometimes they re just typical places like school, the store, or at home. (2) We can look back for position words words like up, down, near, or by. (3) We can also look back for direction words like north, south, east, or west. 3. Let s scan the text for our setting words. Move your finger through the text to show the process of scanning. Here are two setting words. Down is a position word and street is a place name. Let s read the sentence with those words. Chorally read the sentence, Two smug and sluggish snails one day were racing down the street. 4. Does this answer the question, where did the snail race transpire or happen? Encourage response (yes, in the street). 5. If we remember to scan for place names, position words, and direction words, Question 4: Where were they when they boasted of their speed? 1. Let s scan for setting words in the section where they boasted. Point out this line in the text (stanza 4) Move your finger through the text to show the process of scanning. Do you see the next setting word? Encourage response (yes, roadway). 2. Good. Roadway is a place word, so let s read that sentence. Chorally read, They inched along the roadway as they boasted of their speed. 3. Does this answer the question, where were they when they boasted of their speed? Encourage response (yes, the roadway). 4. So what can we scan for when the question asks where (for a setting)? Page 9 of 12

10 Demonstrated Reading Day 3 (Comprehension Question Answering) (continued) Question 5: What happened to the snails at the end of the race? 1. Did the question contain any words from the story? Encourage response (no). 2. For questions like this one (and many questions about characters feelings), we will have to make an inference. 3. The Making an Inference poster will help us to remember the strategy. Display the Making an Inference poster and refer to it throughout this process. 4. The first step in making an inference is to say what we think. What do you think? What happened to the snails? Encourage response (they were run over by a car). - I think that...they were run over by a car. 5. But it s not enough to say what we think. We have to find words in the text that support our thinking. What were those words? Encourage response (they never crossed the finish line and they got tired). - because the text said...they never crossed the finish line and they got tired. 6. Finally, we have to tell what we already know that makes our I think that statement make sense. - and I know that...they got tired might mean a car s tire ran over them. 7. Now we have a good, strong answer to the question, and we ve supported it with text and what we already know. Whenever we need to make an inference, we ll use the poster to make sure we ve included all three parts in our answers. Page 10 of 12

11 Demonstrated Reading Day 4 (Comprehension Metacognition and Graphic Organizers) Vocabulary Quick Review Let s review our new words from this week. Point out the new words on the chart paper as you discuss them. Ask students for definitions, synonyms, or usage in sentences. Coaching point: Assist students in making their sentences syntactically correct; this is often a difficulty when using new vocabulary. Reading for Fluency Today we re going to chorally read the story. Let s remember to use our best expression just as we ve practiced it this week. Comprehension 1. Name the Target. Our target today is to identify the main idea in the story. 2. Define the Target. This means that we can tell about the lessons we learned from reading the story. 3. State the Rationale. Stories often teach us things that can help us to live better and happier lives. 4. We re going to write a main idea statement about our story today. 5. What did we learn from the story Snail Race? We ll use a main idea sentence starter to help us. Write the following sentence starter on the board. In the story, (character) found out that (lesson). In our lives this means we should/should not (personal theme). 6. Let s fill in the details. Who were the main characters in our story? Encourage response (the two smug snails). Add to the sentence. 7. What did the snails find out? Encourage response and assist students to make the inference that the snails learned that bragging did not help them to win the race. Add to the sentence. 8. In our lives, this means we should not? Encourage response and assist students to make the personal connection that we should not brag we should simply do our best. Add to the sentence. 9. When the sentence is complete, lead students in rereading the main idea statement: In the story, the snails learned that bragging did not help them to win the race. In our lives, this means we should not brag we should simply do our best. Page 11 of 12

12 Demonstrated Reading Day 5 (Processing and Response to Reading) Reading for Fluency Today it s your turn to read. Let me hear your best, expressive reading! Coaching point: It may be necessary to still coach and offer assistance in the reading on day five. However, it should be an expectation that students will read the piece perfectly, without interruption at least once. Processing Response: Comic Strip Materials: Paper, rulers, pencils, markers, crayons, colored pencils 1. Today your task is to make a comic strip to tell the story of Snail Race. 2. The first step is to decide how you want to name each panel of your comic strip. Often, we do this by naming each major event from the story. 3. Demonstrate this process by drawing the six panel comic strip form on the board. Then, using a Demonstrated Reading story from a previous week, list the major events in order on the board. 4. Then we label each frame with the event name at the top or at the bottom of the panel. Label each event in order in the panels of the comic strip. Events one through three go across the top row with events four through six in the bottom row. 5. When this step is finished, you may then illustrate each event in the corresponding panel of the comic strip. Illustrate two to three events. 6. When all of your events are written and illustrated, you can use colored pencils to enhance your illustrations. Demonstrate. 7. We will display our comic strips in the cafeteria for our friends to enjoy. Page 12 of 12

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