A Week With Aunt Bea

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1 GUIDeD reading IMAGINATIVE RECOUNT A Week With Aunt Bea Written by Judy Nayer and illustrated by Debbie Tilley KEY IDEA Aunt Bea comes for a week s visit. each day, she and the narrator, her niece, set off on a fun adventure. By the end of the week, the niece is exhausted and not unhappy to say goodbye to Aunt Bea. LITERACY STANDARDS ADDRESSED IN THIS PLAN IsBN RL.K.3* MAIN FOCUS Key Ideas & Details Sessions 1, 2, 3 describe how characters in a story are linked together and/or describe major events in a story in sequential order. *Standard adapted from another grade RL.K.4 Craft & Structure sessions 1, 3 Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text. RL.K.5* MAIN FOCUS Craft & Structure Sessions 2, 3 Identify structural elements of a text, sentences, paragraphs, and stanzas and their purpose in conveying the message. *Standard adapted from another grade RL.K.7 MAIN FOCUS Integration of Knowledge & Ideas Sessions 2, 3 With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts). RL.K.10 Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding. SL.K.1 Comprehension & Collaboration sessions 1, 2, 3 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. L.K.1e Conventions of Standard English Additional Instruction Use the most frequently occurring prepositions. L.K.4b Vocabulary Acquisition & Use session 2 Use the most frequently occurring inflections and affixes as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word. L.K.5a Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Additional Instruction sort common objects into categories to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. RF.K.3c Phonics & Word Recognition session 2, Additional Instruction read common high-frequency words by sight. RF.K.4 Fluency session 2 read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding. W.K.3 Text Types & Purposes Writing Connection Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened. W.K.8 Research to Build & Present Knowledge sessions 2, 3 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. MoNDo BookshoP GrADe k 1

2 Session 1 LEARNING FOCUS RL.K.3* Students read closely and use text evidence to describe the major events in the story in sequential order. PREVIEWING THE TEXT 5 minutes Read the title and author credit with students. Invite children to study the cover illustration. display the back cover as you read the words on it aloud. I wonder what happens in the week with Aunt Bea. Let s read the back cover.... What did you learn about the story? Aunt Bea is coming for a visit. You can t tell yet what will happen. VOCABULARY RL.K.4 Point out the word Monday. Have children identify which letter is uppercase. Read the first page. Help children notice that each page will focus on a different day of the week and that the major events are described in order, day by day. COMPREHENSION SHARE Sometimes pictures give information we don t find in the text. Pictures can add to our understanding of the characters and the story. Corrective Feedback Have students closely reread the title and first sentences to think about the kinds of major events that will occur in the story. Encourage them to silently or softly reread line by line and look at the pictures, stopping to think and talk together about their understandings. REAdING THE TEXT CLOSELY 10 minutes Explain the learning focus to students. Ask them to read page 2 along with you. discuss the text to check their application of the focus. Many stories have more than one character the person or animal that the story is about. Let s look at page 2. Who are the main characters here? Aunt Bea and the girl How can we tell that this is who the story is about? You can tell from the picture. Do they look like they are having fun? Aunt Bea is having fun, but the girl isn t. How can you tell? Who would like to share? Aunt Bea is smiling. She looks proud to be on top of the jungle gym. The girl looks worried. Read page 3. Check to see how well students are doing with the application of the focus. Provide support as needed. Then read through page 4 with them. As we go through the story, we ll pay attention to how Aunt Bea and the girl act together. We ll also pay attention to what they do, day by day, in order. Now let s read page What does the picture show? Aunt Bea and the girl at the zoo. How do you think they like it? Who has thoughts about this? Aunt Bea has fun copying the monkeys, but the girl looks embarrassed. If you are satisfied that students can apply the focus, go ahead and read the rest of the book with them. If you are not, return to pages 2 and 3. Our job as readers today is to think about what s happening in the story, in order, day by day. We ll also be thinking about how the girl and her aunt get along as they do each thing. We read about what they did on Monday and Tuesday. What day is going to come next? Wednesday I wonder if they will both have fun on Wednesday. Let s read page 4 and find out, and then we ll read the rest of the book. SL.K.1 DISCUSSION Collaborative 2 A Week With Aunt BeA discussing THE TEXT 10 minutes Invite students to tell what the girl and her aunt do on page 4. Turn to a partner and talk about where the characters go on page 4. Then talk about what the picture showed and how you decided if the girl and her aunt both have fun.... Who wants to share what you told your partner? The sentence and the picture show that they went to a ball game.

3 Do you think they both felt the same way at the game? I think Aunt Bea had fun at the ball game, but the girl did not. How did you decide? We looked at the picture. The girl is making a face because Aunt Bea is so loud. Focus on the word playground on page 2. Let s read the second sentence on page 2 again.... The last word is very long. It is playground. Can you find a word in it that you know? play What other word is in this big word? ground If we put the two small words together, we can figure out what the big word means. What does play mean? have fun, do games Ground is a little harder to explain. What do you think this word means? a place outside, a yard So if we put both parts together, we get playground, a place to have fun outside. When you see long words you don t understand, see if you can find smaller words that you know inside of them. Confirm students good use of the focus and encourage them to keep it in mind whenever they read stories. You worked hard at trying to retell the story events and thought about how the characters act with each other. Try to do this each time you read a story. E-RESOURCE Formative Assessment: Comprehension Using the Quick Start Planner, note this session s learning focus. Observe each student s articulation and use of text evidence to evaluate individuals effective use of the learning focus. DISCUSSION TIP Remind students to speak only about the topic that is being discussed. RL.K.4 VOCABULARY Unknown Words TEACHER TIP Explain that when a story character tells the events in the story, the writer often uses the words we and I to name the characters. TEACHER S CHOICE COMPREHENSION: WHAT HAPPENEd IN THE STORY? E-RESOURCE Formative Assessment Have students use the blackline master on page 10 to think about the major events in A Week With Aunt Bea. Review students answers as you evaluate their mastery of the learning focus. RL.K.3* COMPREHENSION Major Events MoNDo BookshoP GrADe k 3

4 Session 2 LEARNING FOCUSES RL.K.3*, RL.K.5*, RL.K.7 Students return to the text to read closely and describe major events in the story in sequential order using text evidence, identify the purpose of structural elements such as sentences, and describe the relationship between illustrations and the story. RETURNING TO THE TEXT 5 minutes Ask students to reflect on the text read previously. Guide them to recall how they applied the learning focus to their reading. Let s go back to our discussion from last time. Aunt Bea comes to visit for a week. She and the girl do something different each day. Who remembers some of the things they do? On Monday they go to the playground. On Tuesday they go to the zoo. Do Aunt Bea and the girl enjoy themselves? How do you know? Aunt Bea looks like she is having fun. The girl looks worried or embarrassed a lot of the time. I can tell this from the pictures. ELL SUPPORT RL.K.3* Discussing the Text Ask questions at students language proficiency levels and provide the following sentence frames for student responses: First,. Then,. Next,. COMPREHENSION SHARE Look closely at the pictures to get more information about the characters. The pictures can show what Aunt Bea and the girl are doing and how they feel. 4 A Week with Aunt Bea Reading the Text CLOSELY 10 minutes Describe the new learning focuses. Invite students to reread page 2. Check to see how well they have understood the focuses. If you are satisfied that students can apply them, set the reading assignment for the session. If not, provide corrective feedback as suggested on page 2 of this lesson plan. Sweep under the first sentence of page 2 with your hand as you discuss the structural elements in the text. We talked about some of the major events in the story. Now let s look at how the author tells about these events. Look at the groups of words on this page. Read this part with me: Aunt Bea came to stay for a week. What do we call a group of words like this? a sentence How can we tell it s a sentence? Who would like to share? It begins with a capital letter. It ends with a period. That s good thinking. Now what part of the story does this sentence tell about? It tells about the whole book. It tells what the whole story will be about. Now let s read the second sentence: On Monday we went to the playground. What part of the story does this sentence tell about does it tell about the whole week? No, it just tells what happened on Monday. Let s flip through the other pages.... Why do you think the writer puts just one sentence on each of the other pages? The sentence tells about what happens on that day. It s the thing the two characters do just on that day. So you noticed that the book has a sentence for each day of the week. How do you think that relates to the title of the book? There is a sentence for each day, describing a whole week with Aunt Bea. Explain that good readers also think about how the pictures and the text are connected. What does the picture show on this page? It shows Aunt Bea and the girl at the playground. It shows what they do on Monday. What do we learn from this picture that isn t told in the sentences? We see that Aunt Bea is having fun, and the girl isn t.

5 As we keep reading, let s think about whether the words and the pictures match up. Let s also think about what else we can find out by looking closely at the pictures. Formative Assessment: Phonics and Fluency Listen to each student read a portion of the text. Observe whether they fluently pronounce taught sight words such as the and we (page 2). Pay close attention to fluency as well. If students need additional practice with decoding or fluency, provide the necessary support at the end of the session. Ask students to note words or phrases they find challenging for discussion after the reading. discussing THE TEXT 10 minutes Guide students in a discussion in which they describe the remaining story events in order, using sentences to identify major events and discussing the connections they can make between the text and the illustrations. Let s take turns retelling the major events in order. Let s think about how the pictures and the sentences match up and whether we get different ideas from the pictures than we get from the sentences. What is the first major event? Aunt Bea and the girl go to the playground. And what else do we know from looking closely at the picture? The girl doesn t look happy. Do the words and the picture match up exactly? What do you think? They both show that the characters are at the playground, but the sentences don t say how the girl feels. You need the picture to figure that out, don t you? Let s do the same thing with the sentences and the pictures on the next few pages. Point to the word mountains on page 6. Let s talk about this word. Who can tell us what mountains are? They are very tall places that are outside. They re like hills only bigger. What does this last letter s show us? There s more than one. That s right. The letter s at the end of a naming word, or noun, shows that the word means more than one. Let s think about some things that there are more than one of in the classroom. I ll write down your ideas. tables, pencils, windows, kids, books Now let s see if each word you named ends in s. Let s circle the s that shows more than one at the end of each word. Help students understand the idea of talking with partners about texts. Often we have group talks or talks between you and a partner. We talk about many things we do in kindergarten and lots of books we read. When we have these talks, I want you to stay focused on the topic. Why do you think that s a good idea? If we talk about other things, we might not get our work done. We won t have time for fun. We might not learn anything. I want you to stay focused in your discussions so that we do learn things and have time for fun. SL.K.1 DISCUSSION Collaborative L.K.4b VOCABULARY Affixes DISCUSSION TIP Have children rate themselves on a scale of 1 to 3, showing how well they stayed on topic. They can raise the number of fingers that matches the rating they choose. MoNDo BookshoP GrADe k 5

6 E-RESOURCE Formative Assessment: Comprehension Using the Quick Start Planner, note the session s learning focuses. Observe each student s articulation and use of text evidence to evaluate individuals effective use of the learning focuses. RF.K.3c PHONICS & WORD RECOGNITION Sight Words RF.K.4 FLUENCY Read with Purpose and Understanding RL.K.3* COMPREHENSION Sequencing W.K.8, RL.K.3* WRITING Gather Information TEACHER S CHOICE PHONICS ANd FLUENCY FOLLOW-UP Phonics Practice Write the and we on a whiteboard or on chart paper. Point to each word and say it. Then use the Look and Say Words routine to practice these words. Remember, you can t always sound out Look and Say words, so we re going to look at the letters and practice saying each word until you can remember it and say it quickly. (Point to the first word, say it, and use it in a sentence.) What is the word? (Students say the word. Repeat for both words.) Let s go back to page 2 and read these words in our book. Fluency Practice Lead students to complete a sentence frame to establish a purpose for reading and to show their understanding. Provide this frame and have students complete it orally: I will read to find out. (what a week with Aunt Bea is like) TEACHER S CHOICE COMPREHENSION: SEQUENCE OF MAJOR EVENTS E-RESOURCE Formative Assessment Have students use the blackline master on page 11 to arrange the major events that occur in A Week With Aunt Bea in sequential order. Review students answers as you evaluate their mastery of the learning focus. TEACHER S CHOICE CONSTRUCTEd RESPONSE: COLLECT TEXT EVIdENCE E-RESOURCE Formative/Summative Assessment Have students use the blackline master on page 12 to introduce the constructed response question: In A Week With Aunt Bea, Aunt Bea and the girl act differently from each other each place they go. What are some ways that they act differently? Have students use self-stick notes to mark places in the book that help them answer the question. Point out that the details they include can come from the illustrations as well as the main text. Review students self-stick notes as you evaluate their mastery of the learning focus. 6 A Week With Aunt BeA

7 Session 3 RETURNING TO THE TEXT 5 minutes Explain that students have read about what Aunt Bea and the girl do each day. Now they will retell the story and look closely to see what the pictures show. What does the sentence tell us on each page? Who would like to share? It tells the event in that part of the story. Does the picture always match the sentence? yes How does looking closely at the pictures help us understand more about the girl and her aunt? Do they feel the same way about the thing they are doing? You can tell in the pictures that the girl isn t happy about the way her aunt acts. Sometimes she looks worried. Sometimes she looks embarrassed. LEARNING FOCUSES RL.K.3*, RL.K.5*, RL.K.7 Students return to the text to read closely and describe major events in the story in sequential order using text evidence, identify the purpose of structural elements such as sentences, and describe the relationship between illustrations and the story. REAdING THE TEXT CLOSELY 10 minutes State the learning focuses and invite students to reread pages 4 and 5. Check to see how well they are doing with the application of the focuses as you have done previously. Then have students reread pages 6 through 8, paying specific attention to retelling events, thinking about the sentence content, and relating the sentences to the illustration details. Let s go back and look closely page by page. We ll think about whether the sentence and the picture on each page show us exactly the same thing. Tell me about what you notice on page 5. They go to the lake on Thursday. You can see that the aunt is having fun on the big duck on the lake. I think the girl is worried. Do you think Aunt Bea and the girl have the same feelings about going to the lake? No, Aunt Bea is enjoying herself, and the girl is worried. VOCABULARY RL.K.4 Make sure students ask questions about words they find difficult or confusing in their reading, such as the word Thursday. discussing THE TEXT 10 minutes Facilitate a discussion that links the three learning focuses at the end of the story. Remind students that the sentence on each page tells the major event. Thinking about the picture and the sentence together gives them a better understanding about the aunt and the girl. Let s see if we can retell all of the events that happen in order. It s okay to look back at the sentences. What happens on Monday? The girl and Aunt Bea go to the playground. And what can we tell from thinking about both the sentence and the picture? Aunt Bea is having fun, but the girl isn t. Continue having students retell the remaining events and review other details about the girl and Aunt Bea that they can gather from looking closely at the pictures. Support students as they describe what they notice about each illustration and what this shows about how the characters are linked. You ll reread this book again on your own. Remember to stop and look closely at the pictures. Why is this helpful? The sentences tell the event, but the pictures show how the characters feel. SL.K.1 DISCUSSION Collaborative MoNDo BookshoP GrADe k 7

8 Encourage students to share what they notice about each page with a partner. Remember to stay focused on the things we talked about the major events and how the sentences and pictures show the characters and events. I noticed that on the last page, the sentences and the picture matched up. The girl went to sleep! Very good! You can see how each day made up a week with Aunt Bea and what the girl s reaction to her aunt s visit was. W.K.8, RL.K.3* WRITING Respond to Question TEACHER S CHOICE CONSTRUCTEd RESPONSE: WRITE TO SOURCE E-RESOURCE Formative/Summative Assessment Have students use the blackline master on page 12 to write a response to the question: In A Week With Aunt Bea, Aunt Bea and the girl act differently from each other each place they go. What are some ways that they act differently? Tell students that they can use their self-stick notes to help them write their answer. You might wish to have students use multiple copies of the blackline master. TEACHER S CHOICE Writing Connection W.K.3 WRITING Narrative WRITING A NARRATIVE E-RESOURCE Summative Assessment Review with students the story events from one day in the book. Students will work independently to write an imaginative narrative, retelling what they did with a family member on one or more days in a pretend retelling. Guide them to use a separate sheet of paper to write their narratives. Consider having students neatly recopy and illustrate their final writing. Have them read their finished work with the group. I want you to think about something that might be fun to do with a family member. Pretend that you really did it. You will write and draw about what happened. You can start by finishing this sentence: On, we went to the. You can write about and draw one or more than one thing that happened. 8 A Week With Aunt BeA

9 TEACHER S CHOICE Additional Instruction WORd STUdY Common Prepositions Point out that the words On Monday tell when something happened. Words like to the circus show where. Make a list of prepositions that tell where or when, such as to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, at, after, and with. Prompt students to use prepositions from the list to form statements about things shown in the illustrations. Use specific prompts as needed. Where is Aunt Bea? Where are the clowns? Aunt Bea is on the clown car at the circus. The clowns are in the car. L.K.1e CONVENTIONS Common Prepositions VOCABULARY Sort Words into Categories Help students identify a category they can use to sort words from the book. Let s take another look at where the girl and her aunt are on pages 2 and Who can share where they are? at a playground; at a zoo What do the words playground and zoo have in common? They name places. The words playground and zoo can fit into a category we might call Fun Places to Go. What other words from the book would fit into this category? Can anybody find others? ball game; lake; circus Those are good words from the book. When you put words into categories, you decide how they are related, or what they have in common. This will help you understand the words better. L.K.5a VOCABULARY Categories PHONICS Sight Words Use the Look and Say Words routine to help students practice reading common high-frequency words by sight. Choose words from the text, such as the, we, to, and and. depending on the group s ability, add other sight words they have encountered. Remind students of why it s important to know the words just by looking at them. Then practice reading the words in random order. We re going to practice our sight words some more using our Look and Say Words routine. Who remembers why we call them sight words? It s because you can t sound them out. You just have to know what they are. Yes, these are words we find in almost everything we read. It s important to know them all and to be able to read them in a super speedy way. Let s see how well you know this list. We ll read the words together, then I ll ask each of you to read a word. You ll have to listen for your name as I point to a word. Here we go. RF.K.3c PHONICS & WORD RECOGNITION Sight Words MoNDo BookshoP GrADe k 9

10 Name Date Comprehension: What Happened in the Story? What did Aunt Bea and the girl do together in A Week With Aunt Bea? Choose two days and draw what Aunt Bea and the girl did on these days. Draw them in the order that they happened. Fill in the day at the top of each box. What They Did on What They Did on Mondo Publishing Score: 10 A Week with Aunt Bea

11 Name Date Comprehension: Sequence of Major Events The girl and Aunt Bea did many things in the story A Week With Aunt Bea. Read the sentences from the story below. Write the numbers 1 through 7 in the boxes next to the sentences to put the events in the correct order. On Thursday we went to the lake. On Sunday Aunt Bea went home, and I went to sleep. On Monday we went to the playground. On Wednesday we went to the ball game. On Tuesday we went to the zoo. Mondo Publishing On Saturday we went to the circus. On Friday we went to the mountains. Score: Mondo Bookshop Grade K 11

12 Name Date Constructed Response In A Week With Aunt Bea, Aunt Bea and the girl act differently from each other each place they go. What are some ways that they act differently? Fill in different days of the week below and write about how Aunt Bea acted and how the girl acted. Remember to look at the pictures to help you. On Aunt Bea acted The girl acted On,.., Aunt Bea acted The girl acted.. Mondo Publishing 12 A Week with Aunt Bea Score:

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