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1 Class : VII RAMJAS PUBLIC SCHOOL (DAY BOARDING) Anand Parbat, Delhi CURRICULUM PLAN ( ) Subject : English S.No. FA/SA Task Marks Learning Objectives Methodology Skills to be developed 1. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1 Unit Test 10 * Reinforcement and assessment of the content and taught in class * Individual assessment through a pen paper test * Reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar FA1 Syllabus UT Global comprehension of the Tigers Forever(Poem) literature content taught Sentence (subject predicate) Critical / analytical thinking 2 FA 1 Notice Writing Holiday Home Work Read Chapter 1 to 7 of the supplementary Reader ( A TALE OF TWO CITIES ).On the basis of the reading, do the following -- A) Write the character sketches of the two main characters. B) Write a poem on one of the themes displayed in the story. C) Prepare a story cube including the key elements Your favourite character Title /Author Summary Main scene Themes Ending 10 Reading for pleasure and for comprehension Intensive reading for understanding the themes,plot, characterization of the story Class discussion predicting the story of the suppl. Reader on the basis of its title Giving guidelines for the preparation of the holiday homework Discussion in the class preparing for holiday homework on the following- a)content b)presentation c)timely submission d)self-reading Exploratory Comprehension Creativity/imagination Originality Critical thinking Visualization

2 FA-1 FA-1 FA-1 FA 2 FA 2 Interdisciplinary Project ( Tourism ) 10 To enable the learners learn about the topic To work in a group To enable them to collect the matter from different sources To enable them to learn the format and style of brochure SPEAKING ACTIVITY (Topics will be based on MCB,Literature and current topics)` WRITING SKILLS (Based on MCB,Literature and current topics )WORKSHEET FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 2 UNIT TEST 2 Unseen Passage/Poem The Magic Bonbons (Prose) Letter Writing (Formal) Determiners C.W./ H.W./ NOTE BOOK ASSESSMENT 10 To enable the learners express a personal experience coherently, fluently, accurately with proper tone and style To use effectively 10 To enable learners express one s personal feelings/ thoughts/ activities during the course of a particular day in logical way. To express creativity freely To learn good vocabulary 20 Reinforcement of the content taught and developed 10 To reinforce and facilitate the understanding of the content Students will prepare a brochure for Jaipur. It will be assessed on the given rubrics- Creativity Group dynamics Content 1. Correctness 2. Originality 3. Presentation Individual presentation of learners in the class Gather information through various sources Individual assessment through a work The task can be assessed on the following rubrics- A) Written piece follows are chronological order B) Accuracy C) Expression D) Relevant details E) Grammatically correct Individual assessment through a pen and paper test Periodic monitoring and checking of writing work done Language and vocabulary Making notes,managing work and being systematic Creative Critical/analytical thinking Speaking with correct intonation and style using appropriate vocabulary,phrases and relevant content Building Confidence Creative writing Vocabulary building Developing expression Thinking Composition Skills Reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar Global comprehension of literature taught Critical and analytical Language and vocabulary

3 3 CLASS GROUP ACTIVITY ( STORY NARRATION 0 taught To enable the learners to build/ develop appropriate vocabulary, spellings, writing and neat hand writing Working together in a group 2. Cooperation 3. To learn to express themselves 4. To develop the dialogue framing 5. To use effectively FA 2 5 LISTENING ACTIVITY WORKSHEET 10 To enable the learners to listen the BASED text for specific information To enable them to comprehend the text To answer the related questions FA-2 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT -1 1 SA 1 THE MAGIC BONBONS (Prose) To enable the learners to appreciate a literary genre ( prose ) and the writer s style of writing To develop new vocabulary To make the learners appreciate the in the note book as class task/ home task Students will be divided into groups and they will build an unbelievable story. Then the story will be narrated to the class. They may talk about- 1. The year, date, time 2. The place where it happened 3. The persons or things involved 4. Description of the act or happening 5. What you thought about it Name of the story Events in the story The used Creativity Presentation Individual activity The learners are given work s after listening the text and they are asked to answer the questions and interchange it for peer correction. Reading Class discussion Work Sheet creative Making notes, managing work and being systematic Language Creativity and imagination Fluency and accuracy Unity in thoughts Cooperation and coordination Making inferences and judgment Listening Thinking Reading with correct pronunciation, intonation and stress Reading for global and specific comprehension

4 story in terms of its plot, setting and characterization To enable specific and global To develop and understanding of the theme /s conveyed in the lesson 2 SA 1 TIGERS FOREVER (POEM) To enable the learners to appreciate a literary a genre ( poetry ) To appreciate the literary devices in the poem To comprehend the meaning of the poem To draw the learners interest in nature and its aspects To make the learners understand the theme-beauty of jungles, relationship between animals and human beings. To make the learners appreciate poetic style which conveys intense meaning Reinforcement of the content read through class task / home task/ work 3 SA 1 IDGAH (PROSE) To enable the learners to appreciate a literary genre ( prose ) and writers style of writing To develop quick thinking in the learners and enhance their imaginative powers To enable specific and global To develop new vocabulary Recalling of the sweet memories Reinforcement of the content read Recitation Class discussion Summary Descriptive paragraph on how you feel about animals Reading, explanation, interaction, discussion Letter writing ( Informal ) Building vocabulary using new words and phrases in speaking and writing Reciting a poem with correct pronunciation, tone and style Global and specific comprehension Building thought and poetic expression Developing writing by integrating literature with devices Reading with correct pronunciation, intonation and stress Reading for global and specific comprehension Building vocabulary using new words and phrases in speaking and writing

5 4 SA 1 A SONG FROM THE SUDS (POEM) To enable the learners to appreciate a literary genre ( poetry ) To comprehend the meaning / theme of the poem To enable the learners to appreciate the poet s poetic style To make the learners comprehend the literal as well as figurative meaning To enable the learners to understand literary devices/ figures of speech used in the poem Reinforcement of the content read 5 SA 1 THE SEVEN CREAM JUGS (DRAMA) To enable the learners to appreciate a literary genre ( drama ) and writers style of writing To develop quick thinking in the learners and enhance their imaginative powers To enable specific and global To develop new vocabulary To develop an understanding of the theme / s conveyed by the text. To make the learners aware of the importance of different clubs. Reinforcement of the content read Loud recitation Class discussion on poet s life and work Class discussion on the rhyme scheme, literal meaning and themes of the poem Work Sheet Reading Class discussion Role Play Reciting the poem with correct pronunciation, tone and style Global and specific comprehension Developing writing by integrating literature with Writing for self- expression Appreciation of the poem values Building thoughts and poetic expression devices/ figures of speech used Reading with correct pronunciation, intonation and stress Reading for global and specific comprehension Building vocabulary using new words and phrases in speaking and writing devices values

6 SA 1 WRITING SKILLS FOR TERM 1 Letter Writing / Applications to the other incharges Notice Writing Diary Entry SA1 GRAMMAR TOPICS FOR TERM 1 Sentences-Subject-Predicate Pronouns Adverbs Determiners Tenses Modals Transitive Intransitive Verb Active Passive Voice FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT -3 1 FA 3 UNIT TEST Message Writing Oft, in the stilly night (Poem) Conjunctions To make the learners write in a style and format appropriate for writing letters (formal and informal)/ notices /diary entries/paragraphs To enable the learners to plan, organize and present ideas coherently by organizing their ideas logically and concisely. To enable the learners to introduce, develop and conclude a given topic To reinforce the formats and value points for all writing tasks. Teaching the rules of grammars related to various topics and their applications/ functional usages Reinforcement of the rules and usage 10 Reinforcement and assessment of the content and taught in class Using the Extra Marks SLM for writing tasks to teach and reinforce the formats for the writing topics and their value points Work s with writing tasks based on the themes high lighted in the Course book, literature and socially relevant topics Class discussion/ brain storming on the tasks/ questions to be done in the class. Using the Extra Marks SLM for the various grammar topics Reinforcement of the rules and usage through exercises in the work book and the module Work Individual assessment through a pen paper test Composition Critical/analytical thinking Presenting ideas in clear, grammatically correct English and a logical sequence Planning, organizing and presenting ideas coherently by introducing, developing and concluding a topic Comparing and contrasting ideas and arriving at conclusions Using a style and format appropriate for letters / notices/ diary entry Building critical thinking Reflecting over important issues Reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar Global comprehension of the literature content taught Critical / analytical thinking

7 2 FA 3 Writing Skills Based on the literature, MCB and current topics 3 FA 3 INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECT (DISASTER) 20 To create a coherent and grammatically correct composition focusing on the topic selected. To enable the learners to build/develop appropriate vocabulary spellings, writing and neat handwriting To enhance learners creativity and imagination 10 To enable the learners to work in a group To develop the skill to scan for specific information To enable them to gather the information from different sources Periodic monitoring and checking of written work done in the note books as class task/home task Students will write a REPORT on floods in j and k and it will assessed on the given rubrics 1. Format 2. Content 3. Fluency and correctness of Composition Making notes, managing work and being systematic Creative Critical/analytical thinking Editing one s own work effectively Reading Listening/ Writing Thinking Skills Building vocabulary 4 FA 3 Class Group Activity The Battle of Blenhiem( RECITATION AND SUMMERARISING) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 4 1 FA 4 UNIT TEST 4 Unseen Poem/ Passage Mowgli, the wolf child (Prose) Omission 10 Working together in a group Cooperation Appreciation of poetry sound,rhythm, Rhyme and meaning Presentation of recitation 20 Reinforcement and assessment of the content and taught in class Reciting /Singing aloud in a group (every student is given a turn to recite ) Presenting the meaning of the poem by group members Individual assessment through a pen paper test Recitation with correct pronunciation and style Comprehension of the poem Confidence Speaking Creativity and Writing Working in a group Cooperation and Coordination Reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar Global comprehension of the literature content taught Critical / analytical thinking

8 Prepositions 2 FA 4 C.W/H.W/NOTEBOOK ASSESSMENT 10 To reinforce and facilitate the understanding of the content taught in the class To enable the learners to build/develop appropriate vocabulary spellings, writing 3 FA 4 SPEAKING ACTIVITY- based on Literature book,mcb and current topics 4 FA 4 LISTENING ACTIVITY BASED ON WORKSHEET and neat handwriting 10 To enable the learners to speak using appropriate word stress, sentence stress and intonation patterns To enhance learners communication To enable them to express their point of view clearly and effectively To make them to participate in spontaneous spoken discourse in familiar social situations 10 To listen to a conversation/ talk/ text and understand the topic and the main points Listening for specific information required Understanding and interpreting SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT 2 1 SA 2 OFT,IN THE STILLY NIGHT (POEM) To enable the learners to appreciate a literary genre ( poetry ) To comprehend the meaning / theme of the poem To enable the learners to appreciate the poet s style To make the learners comprehend Periodic monitoring and checking of written work done in the note books as class task/home task Individual presentation of the learners in the class Gather information through various sources Individual assessment through a work / audio clip Recitation Interactive class discussion Language and vocabulary Making notes, managing work and being systematic Creative Critical/analytical thinking Speaking with correct intonation, word stress, sentence stress using appropriate vocabulary, phrases and relevant content Building confidence Oral presentation Working in a group Listing comprehension Interpretation and evaluation Sequencing ideas Critical/ analytical thinking Distinguishing main points Reciting the poem with correct pronunciation, tone and style Global and specific comprehension Developing writing by integrating literature with

9 the literal as well as figurative meaning To enable the learners to understand literary devices/ figures of speech used in the poem Reinforcement of the content read 2 SA 2 MOWGLI, THE WOLF CHILD (PROSE) To enable the learners to appreciate a literary genre ( prose ) and writers style of writing To develop quick thinking in the learners and enhance their imaginative powers To enable specific and global To develop new vocabulary To develop an understanding of the theme / s conveyed by the text. Reinforcement of the content read. 3 SA 2 SAYS DOGBERY TO THE WATER (DRAMA) To make the learners appreciate the play in terms of its plot, setting and characterization To develop new vocabulary To enable specific and global To develop and understanding of the theme s conveyed by the text Reinforcement of the content read Reading Discussion Work Reading Class discussion on playwright s life and work Class discussion on the setting, plot, characters and the themes incorporated in the play Role- play Writing for self- expression Appreciation of the poem values Building thoughts and poetic expression devices/ figures of speech used. Reading with correct pronunciation, intonation and stress Reading for global and specific comprehension Building vocabulary using new words and phrases in speaking and writing devices value Reading with correct words stress, sentence stress and intonation Reading for understanding/ comprehension both global and specific Anticipation and prediction Developing writing by integrating literature with Building vocabulary, deducing the meaning of unfamiliar terms in a given

10 4 SA 2 THE MORNING AFTER (POEM) To enable the learners to appreciate a literary genre ( poetry ) To comprehend the meaning / theme of the poem To enable the learners to appreciate poetic style of the poet To make the learners comprehend the literal as well as figurative meaning To enable the learners to understand literary devices/ figures of speech used in the poem To develop the learner s skill to derive happiness from nature Reinforcement of the content read 5 SA 2 THE STRANGE MAN S ARRIVAL (PROSE) To enable the learners to appreciate a literary genre ( prose ) and writers style of writing To develop quick thinking in the learners and enhance their imaginative powers To enable specific and global To develop new vocabulary Loud recitation of the theme/s Interaction and discussion with the class Reading text Writing for self expression Developing thought, critical analysis/ appreciation on the basis of the text read values Understanding of the literary device used Reciting the poem with correct pronunciation, tone and style Global and specific comprehension Developing writing by integrating literature with Writing for self- expression Appreciation of the poem values Building thoughts and poetic expression devices/ figures of speech used. Reading with correct pronunciation, intonation and stress Reading for global and specific comprehension Building vocabulary using new words and phrases in speaking and writing

11 WRITING SKILLS TOPICS FOR TERM 2 ARTICLE WRITING STORY WRITING GRAMMER TOPICS FOR TERM 2 SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT ADJECTIVES PREPOSITIONS CONJUNCTIONS REPORTED SPEECH To develop an understanding of the theme / s conveyed by the text. Reinforcement of the content read To make the learners write in a style and format appropriate for writing messages/ diaries/letters. To enable the learners to plan, organize and present ideas coherently by organizing their ideas logically and concisely. To enable the learners to introduce, develop and conclude a given topic To reinforce the formats and value points for all writing tasks. Teaching the rules of grammars related to various topics and their applications/ functional usages Reinforcement of the rules and usage Using the Extra Marks SLM for writing tasks to teach and reinforce the formats for the writing topics and their value points Work s with writing tasks based on the themes high lighted in the Course book, literature and socially relevant topics Class discussion/ brain storming on the tasks/ questions to be done in the class Using the Extra Marks SLM for the various grammar topics Reinforcement of the rules and usage through exercises in the work book and the module Work Composition Critical/analytical thinking Presenting ideas in clear, grammatically correct English and a logical sequence Planning, organizing and presenting ideas coherently by introducing, developing and concluding a topic Comparing and contrasting ideas and arriving at conclusions Using a style and format appropriate for letters / notices/ diary entry Building critical thinking Reflecting over important issues

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