Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Global Competency. A Tool for Mapping an Integrated Curriculum

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1 Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for A Tool for Mapping an Integrated Curriculum

2 Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for A Tool for Mapping an Integrated Curriculum Prepared by Bora Simmons July

3 Table of Contents PART 1 - Introduction and Overview... 1 A Framework for Environmental Literacy... 1 Essential Underpinnings... 2 How are the Guidelines for Learning (K-12) Organized?... 2 Educating for... 5 How are the Global Competencies organized?... 5 Linking Environmental Literacy and... 7 Comparing the Environmental Literacy and... 8 Part 2 Linking Educating for and Environmental Literacy... 9 Part 3 Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for References... 20

4 PART 1 - Introduction and Overview How environmental education is conceptualized and implemented in elementary and secondary schools is critical if we are to meet our ultimate goal of environmental literacy. Integrated across the curriculum, environmental education draws upon and supports learning in the natural and physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities. These disciplines are connected not only through the medium of the environment, but also through the development of environmental issue investigation and action skills needed for civic engagement. With a focus on global interdependence, we also know that environmental literacy encourages and ensures that individuals work locally as well as globally. Environmentally literate individuals demonstrate the competencies and dispositions that allow them to fully participate in global civic life. Because of this attention to global civic life, it seems important to look critically at the linkages between environmental literacy and global competency as articulated by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the Asia Society Partnership for Global Learning (Mansilla and Jackson, 2011). As teachers and other educators map their curriculum and develop the instructional strategies necessary to implement mandated standards, and to advance global competency and environmental literacy, we felt it would be useful to provide a resource that highlights some of the natural linkages between global competency and environmental literacy. Companion documents that illustrate the linkages between environmental literacy and the Common Core State Standards, the Next Generation Science Standards and the C3 Framework for Career, College and Civic Life are also available for download at A Framework for Environmental Literacy Excellence in Environmental Education - Guidelines for Learning (K-12) (first published by NAAEE in 1999 and most recently revised in 2010) offers a detailed curriculum and instructional framework and vision for environmental education that promotes progress toward sustaining a healthy environment and quality of life. By setting specific expectations for what young people should know and be able to do by the time they complete fourth, eighth, and twelfth grades, Guidelines for Learning (K-12) translates general notions about environmental literacy into an age-appropriate framework for effective and comprehensive environmental education programming. The guidelines emphasize the development of conceptual knowledge as well as thinking, investigation, and action skills necessary for civic engagement. They rest on the idea that environmental literacy must be a goal of society and that environmental education must play an integral role throughout educational systems. Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 1

5 Essential Underpinnings Environmental education builds from a core of key principles that inform its approach to education. Some of these important underpinnings are: Systems: Systems help make sense of a large and complex world. A system is made up of parts. Each part can be understood separately. The whole, however, is understood only by understanding the relationships and interactions among the parts. Interdependence: Human well-being is inextricably bound with environmental quality. Humans are a part of the natural order. We and the systems we create our societies, political systems, economies, religions, cultures, technologies impact the total environment. Since we are part of nature rather than outside it, we are challenged to recognize the ramifications of our interdependence. The importance of where one lives: Beginning close to home, learners forge connections with, explore and understand their immediate surroundings. The sensitivity, knowledge, and skills needed for this local connection provides a base for moving out into larger systems, broader issues, and an expanding understanding of causes, connections, and consequences. Integration and infusion: Disciplines from the natural sciences to the social sciences to the humanities are connected through the medium of the environment and environmental issues. Environmental education offers opportunities for integration and works best when infused across the curriculum, rather than being treated as a separate discipline or subject. Roots in the real world: Learners develop knowledge and skills through direct experience with the environment, environmental issues, and society. Investigation, analysis, and problem solving are essential activities and are most effective when relevant to the real world. Lifelong learning: critical and creative thinking, decision-making, and communication, as well as collaborative learning, are emphasized. These skills are essential for active and meaningful learning, both in school and over a lifetime. How are the Guidelines for Learning (K-12) Organized? Ultimately, environmentally literate individuals possess a sophisticated set of knowledge, skills, and dispositions that allow them to solve novel environmental problems and determine the best set of actions; they are engaged in civic decision-making and action. Four key elements of environmental literacy have been articulated and further delineated in guidelines: Strand 1: Questioning, Analysis and Interpretation Skills Environmental literacy depends on a willingness and ability to ask questions about the surrounding world, speculate and hypothesize, seek and evaluate information, and develop answers to questions. Learners must be familiar with inquiry, master Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 2

6 fundamental skills for gathering and organizing information, and interpret and synthesize information to develop and communicate explanations. This strand is comprised of seven guidelines, each of which details specific skills: a.) Questioning b.) Designing investigations c.) Collecting information d.) Evaluating accuracy and reliability e.) Organizing information f.) Working with models and simulations g.) Drawing conclusions and developing explanations Strand 2: Knowledge of Environmental Processes and Systems Environmental literacy is contingent upon a deep understanding of the environmental processes and systems that are typically included in the Earth system sciences and the ecological sciences. Importantly, environmental literacy is also dependent on an equally deep understanding of human systems, including political, economic, cultural systems and their relationships and interactions with Earth s physical and living systems. Understanding the ramifications of the interdependence of these systems is essential. Strand 2.1: The Earth as a Physical System a.) Process that shape the Earth b.) Changes in matter c.) Energy Strand 2.2: The Living Environment a.) Organisms, populations, and communities b.) Heredity and evolution c.) Systems and connections d.) Flow of matter and energy Strand 2.3: Humans and Their Societies a.) Individuals and groups b.) Culture c.) Political and economic systems d.) Global connections e.) Change and conflict Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 3

7 Strand 2.4: Environment and Society a.) Human/environment interactions b.) Places c.) Resources d.) Technology e.) Environmental issues Environmental literacy is not limited to conceptual knowledge. The environmentally literate individual is able to identify, investigate, and formulate potential solutions to environmental issues. Environmentally literate individuals have the skills needed to determine what if any action is warranted and to make reasoned decisions about their own involvement. Strand 3.1: Skills for Analyzing and Investigating Environmental Issues a.) Identifying and investigating issues b.) Sorting out the consequences of issues c.) Identifying and evaluating alternative solutions and courses of action d.) Working with flexibility, creativity, and openness Strand 3.2: Decision-making and Citizenship Skills a.) Forming and evaluating personal views b.) Evaluating the need for citizen action c.) Planning and taking action d.) Evaluating the results of actions Strand 4: Personal and Civic Responsibility Individual dispositions are also critical to environmental literacy. Environmentally literate individuals accept the premise that true civic engagement depends on the recognition of rights and responsibilities. They are willing and able to act on their own conclusions about what should be done to ensure environmental quality. As they develop and apply concept-based learning and skills for inquiry, analysis, and action, they understand that what they do as individuals and in groups makes a difference and they are willing to take responsibility for the effects of their actions. a.) Understanding societal values and principles b.) Recognizing citizens rights and responsibilities c.) Recognizing efficacy d.) Accepting personal responsibility Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 4

8 Educating for With the publication of Educating for Global Competence: Preparing our Youth to Engage the World (CCSSO 2011), a framework was established that addresses the need for a generation of individuals who can engage in effective global problem solving and participate simultaneously in local, national, and global civic life. Put simply, preparing our students to participate fully in today s and tomorrow s world demands that we nurture their global competency (CCSSO 2011, page xiii). Global competency is further defined as the capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance (CCSSO 2011, page xiii). How are the Global Competencies organized? Educating for Global Competence: Preparing our Youth to Engage the World (CCSSO 2011) articulates a set of four capacities. Although each is important individually, they are seen as interdependent and ultimately forming an integrated outlook on the world: 1. Globally competent students are able to investigate the world. Students investigate the world beyond their immediate environment. Identify an issue, generate a question, and explain the significance of locally, regionally, and globally focused researchable questions. Use a variety of languages and domestic and international sources to identify and weigh relevant evidence in addressing a globally significant researchable question. Analyze, integrate, and synthesize evidence to construct coherent responses to globally significant researchable questions. Develop an argument based on compelling evidence that considers multiple perspectives and draws defensible conclusions. 2. Globally competent students are able to recognize perspectives. Students recognize their own and others perspectives. Recognize and express their own perspective on situations, events, issues, or phenomena and identify the influences on that perspective. Examine perspectives of other people, groups, or schools of thought and identify the influences on those perspectives. Explain how cultural interactions influence situations, events, issues, or phenomena, including the development of knowledge. Articulate how differential access to knowledge, technology, and resources affects quality of life and perspectives. 3. Globally competent students are able to communicate ideas. Students communicate their ideas effectively with diverse audiences. Recognize and express how diverse audiences may perceive different meanings from the same information and how that impacts communication. Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 5

9 Listen to and communicate effectively with diverse people, using appropriate verbal and nonverbal behavior, languages, and strategies. Select and use appropriate technology and media to communicate with diverse audiences. Reflect on how effective communication impacts understanding and collaboration in an interdependent world. 4. Globally competent students are able to take action. Students translate their ideas into appropriate actions to improve conditions. Identify and create opportunities for personal or collaborative action to address situations, events, issues, or phenomena in ways that improve conditions. Assess options and plan actions based on evidence and the potential for impact, taking into account previous approaches, varied perspectives, and potential consequences. Act, personally or collaboratively, in creative and ethical ways to contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally and assess the impact of the actions taken. Reflect on their capacity to advocate for and contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally. Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 6

10 Linking Environmental Literacy and This document was designed to provide insights into the mutually reinforcing connections that can be found between Global Competency and the Environmental Literacy framework. To illustrate these linkages, a series of detailed matrices, displayed in Parts 2 and 3, have been created that cross reference these linkages. The matrices were developed with two distinct purposes in mind: 1) to help educators identify natural opportunities to connect the curriculum through a comprehensive, cohesive vision of environmental literacy and 2) to help educators identify how environmental education can support the development of global competency. Ultimately, this document is meant to be used as a tool for curriculum development and instructional design. Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 7

11 Comparing the Environmental Literacy and When the cross-references between and the Environmental Literacy framework are taken together, distinct patterns emerge. These patterns help us answer two questions important to curriculum development: 1) how can environmental literacy instruction best support the development of and 2) how can instruction designed to address Global Competency also support the development of environmental literacy. Table 1 displays an overview of the linkages between the Guidelines for Learning (K-12) and. The linkages are drawn from the more detailed matrices found in Parts 2 and 3 of this document. For ease of interpretation, the level or degree of cross referencing is coded, with darker shading indicating a stronger connection and lighter or no shading indicating little or no connection. Table 1: Overview of Linkages between the Guidelines for Learning (K-12) and Key: Level or degree of linkage None Limited Moderate Strong Strand 1 Strand 2 Strand 3 Strand Investigate the World Recognize Perspective Communicate Ideas Take Action It should be noted, as something of a disclaimer, that any attempt to identify linkages between Environmental Literacy and Global Competency is based on perspective, interpretation, and ultimate use. Some may well see linkages that are not identified in this document. Others may well feel that weak or non-existing linkages were identified. Our task was to try to find a middle ground one where we provide reasonable guidance to the natural overlaps and gaps between and Environmental Literacy. A great deal of the final interpretation will rest in our own practices and how we build curriculum and instruction to address both Environmental Literacy and. Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 8

12 Part 2 Linking Educating for and NAAEE Excellence in Environmental Education: Guidelines for Learning (K-12) 1. Globally competent students are able to investigate the world. Students investigate the world beyond their immediate environment. Identify an issue, generate a question, and explain the significance of locally, regionally, and globally focused researchable questions. EE Learner Guidelines 12 th Grade Strand 1: Questioning, Analysis & Interpretation Skills 1.A. Questioning Learners are able to develop, modify, clarify, and explain questions that guide environmental investigations of various types. They understand factors that influence the questions they pose. Strand 2: Knowledge of Environmental Processes and Systems Strand 2.3: Humans and Their Societies 2.3. D. Global connections Learners are able to analyze global, social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental linkages. Strand 3.1: Skills for Analyzing and Investigating Environmental Issues 3.1.A. Identifying and investigating issues Learners apply their research and analytical skills to investigate environmental issues ranging from local issues to those that are regional or global in scope. Use a variety of languages and domestic and international sources to identify and weigh relevant evidence in addressing a globally significant researchable question. Strand 1: Questioning, Analysis & Interpretation Skills 1.C. Collecting information Learners are able to locate and collect reliable information for environmental investigations of many types. They know how to use sophisticated technology to collect information, including computer programs that access, gather, store, and display data. 1.D. Evaluating accuracy and reliability Learners can apply basic logic and reasoning skills to evaluate completeness and reliability in a variety of information sources. Strand 2: Knowledge of Environmental Processes and Systems Strand 2.3: Humans and Their Societies 2.3. D. Global connections Learners are able to analyze global, social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental linkages. Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 9

13 EE Learner Guidelines 12 th Grade Analyze, integrate, and synthesize evidence to construct coherent responses to globally significant researchable questions. Strand 3.1: Skills for Analyzing and Investigating Environmental Issues 3.1.B. Sorting out the consequences of issues Learners are able to evaluate the consequences of specific environmental changes, conditions, and issues for human and ecological systems. Strand 1: Questioning, Analysis & Interpretation Skills 1.G. Drawing conclusions and developing explanations Learners are able to use evidence and logic in developing proposed explanations that address their initial questions and hypotheses. Strand 2: Knowledge of Environmental Processes and Systems Strand 2.3: Humans and Their Societies 2.3. D. Global connections Learners are able to analyze global, social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental linkages. Develop an argument based on compelling evidence that considers multiple perspectives and draws defensible conclusions. Strand 3.1: Skills for Analyzing and Investigating Environmental Issues 3.1.C. Identifying and evaluating alternative solutions and courses of action Learners are able to identify and propose action strategies that are likely to be effective in particular situations and for particular purposes. Strand 1: Questioning, Analysis & Interpretation Skills 1.G. Drawing conclusions and developing explanations Learners are able to use evidence and logic in developing proposed explanations that address their initial questions and hypotheses. Strand 2: Knowledge of Environmental Processes and Systems Strand 2.3: Humans and Their Societies 2.3. D. Global connections Learners are able to analyze global, social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental linkages. Strand 3.1: Skills for Analyzing and Investigating Environmental Issues Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 10

14 EE Learner Guidelines 12 th Grade 3.1.D. Working with flexibility, creativity, and openness While environmental issues and investigations can bring to the surface deeply held views, learners are able to engage each other in peer review conducted in the spirit of open inquiry. 2. Globally competent students are able to recognize perspectives. Students recognize their own and others perspectives. Recognize and express their own perspective on situations, events, issues, or phenomena and identify the influences on that perspective. Examine perspectives of other people, groups, or schools of thought and identify the influences on those perspectives. Strand 3.2: Decision Making and Citizenship Skills 3.2.A. Forming and evaluating personal views Learners are able to communicate, evaluate, and justify their own views on environmental issues and alternative ways to address them. Strand 2: Knowledge of Environmental Processes and Systems Strand 2.3: Humans and Their Societies 2.3. D. Global connections Learners are able to analyze global, social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental linkages. Explain how cultural interactions influence situations, events, issues, or phenomena, including the development of knowledge. Strand 4: Personal and Civic Responsibility 4.A. Understanding societal values and principles Learners know how to analyze the influence of shared and conflicting societal values. Strand 2: Knowledge of Environmental Processes and Systems Strand 2.3: Humans and Their Societies 2.3.B. Culture - Learners understand cultural perspectives and dynamics and apply their understanding in context D. Global connections Learners are able to analyze global, social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental linkages. Strand 3.1: Skills for Analyzing and Investigating Environmental Issues 3.1.A. Identifying and investigating issues Learners apply their research and analytical skills to investigate environmental issues ranging from local issues to those that are regional or global in scope. 3.1.B. Sorting out the consequences of issues Learners are able to evaluate the consequences of specific environmental changes, conditions, and issues for human and Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 11

15 Articulate how differential access to knowledge, technology, and resources affects quality of life and perspectives. EE Learner Guidelines 12 th Grade ecological systems. Strand 2: Knowledge of Environmental Processes and Systems Strand 2.3: Humans and Their Societies 2.3. D. Global connections Learners are able to analyze global, social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental linkages. Strand 2.4: Environment and Society 2.4. C. Resources Learners understand that uneven distribution of resources influences their use and perceived value D. Technology Learners are able to examine the social and environmental impacts of various technologies and technological systems. Strand 3.1: Skills for Analyzing and Investigating Environmental Issues 3.1.B. Sorting out the consequences of issues Learners are able to evaluate the consequences of specific environmental changes, conditions, and issues for human and ecological systems. 3. Globally competent students are able to communicate ideas. Students communicate their ideas effectively with diverse audiences. Recognize and express how diverse audiences may perceive different meanings from the same information and how that impacts communication. Listen to and communicate effectively with diverse people, using appropriate verbal and nonverbal behavior, languages, and strategies. Select and use appropriate technology and media to communicate with diverse audiences. Reflect on how effective communication impacts understanding and collaboration in an interdependent world. Strand 4: Personal and Civic Responsibility 4.A. Understanding societal values and principles Learners know how to analyze the influence of shared and conflicting societal values. Strand 3.1: Skills for Analyzing and Investigating Environmental Issues 3.1.D. Working with flexibility, creativity, and openness While environmental issues and investigations can bring to the surface deeply held views, learners are able to engage each other in peer review conducted in the spirit of open inquiry. Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 12

16 4. Globally competent students are able to take action. Students translate their ideas into appropriate actions to improve conditions. Identify and create opportunities for personal or collaborative action to address situations, events, issues, or phenomena in ways that improve conditions. Assess options and plan actions based on evidence and the potential for impact, taking into account previous approaches, varied perspectives, and potential consequences. EE Learner Guidelines 12 th Grade Strand 3.2: Decision Making and Citizenship Skills 3.2.C. Planning and taking action Learners know how to plan for action based on their research and analysis of an environmental issue. If appropriate, they take actions that are within the scope of their rights and consistent with their abilities and responsibilities as citizens. Strand 3.1: Skills for Analyzing and Investigating Environmental Issues 3.1.C. Identifying and evaluating alternative solutions and courses of action Learners are able to identify and propose action strategies that are likely to be effective in particular situations and for particular purposes. Act, personally or collaboratively, in creative and ethical ways to contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally and assess the impact of the actions taken. Strand 3.2: Decision Making and Citizenship Skills 3.2.B. Evaluating the need for citizen action Learners are able to decide whether action is needed in particular situations and whether they should be involved. 3.2.C. Planning and taking action Learners know how to plan for action based on their research and analysis of an environmental issue. If appropriate, they take actions that are within the scope of their rights and consistent with their abilities and responsibilities as citizens. Strand 3.2: Decision Making and Citizenship Skills 3.2.C. Planning and taking action Learners know how to plan for action based on their research and analysis of an environmental issue. If appropriate, they take actions that are within the scope of their rights and consistent with their abilities and responsibilities as citizens. 3.2D. Evaluating the results of actions Learners are able to evaluate the effects of their own actions and actions taken by other individuals and groups, including possible intended and unintended consequences of actions. Strand 4: Personal and Civic Responsibility Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 13

17 Reflect on their capacity to advocate for and contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally. EE Learner Guidelines 12 th Grade 4.D. Accepting personal responsibility Learners understand that their actions can have broad consequences and accept responsibility for recognizing those effects and changing their actions when necessary. Strand 4: Personal and Civic Responsibility 4.C. Recognizing efficacy Learners possess a realistic self-confidence in their effectiveness as citizens. Part 3 Linking NAAEE Excellence in Environmental Education: Guidelines for Learning (K-12 and Educating for EE Learner Guidelines Strand 1: Questioning, Analysis & Interpretation Skills 1.A. Questioning Learners are able to develop, modify, clarify, and explain questions that guide environmental investigations of various types. They understand factors that influence the questions they pose. 1.B. Designing investigations Learners know how to design investigations to answer particular questions about the environment. They are able to develop approaches for investigating unfamiliar types of problems and phenomena. 1.C. Collecting information Learners are able to locate and collect reliable information for environmental investigations of many types. They know how to use sophisticated technology to collect information, including computer programs that access, gather, store, and display data. 1.D. Evaluating accuracy and reliability Learners can apply basic logic and reasoning skills to evaluate completeness and reliability in a variety of information sources. 1. Globally competent students are able to investigate the world. Identify an issue, generate a question, and explain the significance of locally, regionally, and globally focused researchable questions. 1. Globally competent students are able to investigate the world. Use a variety of languages and domestic and international sources to identify and weigh relevant evidence in addressing a globally significant researchable question. 1. Globally competent students are able to investigate the world. Use a variety of languages and domestic and international sources to identify and weigh relevant evidence in addressing a globally significant researchable question. Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 14

18 EE Learner Guidelines 1.E. Organizing information Learners are able to organize and display information in ways appropriate to different types of environmental investigations and purposes. 1.F. Working with models and simulations Learners are able to create, use, and evaluate models to understand environmental phenomena. 1.G. Drawing conclusions and developing explanations Learners are able to use evidence and logic in developing proposed explanations that address their initial questions and hypotheses. 1. Globally competent students are able to investigate the world. Analyze, integrate, and synthesize evidence to construct coherent responses to globally significant researchable questions. Develop an argument based on compelling evidence that considers multiple perspectives and draws defensible conclusions. Strand 2: Knowledge of Environmental processes and systems 2.1 The Earth as a Physical system 2.1.A. Processes that shape the Earth Learners understand the major physical processes that shape the Earth. They can relate these processes, especially those that are large-scale and long-term, to characteristics of the Earth. 2.1.B. Changes in matter Learners apply their understanding of chemical reactions to round out their explanations of environmental characteristics and everyday phenomena. 2.1.C. Energy Learners apply their knowledge of energy and matter to understand phenomena in the world around them. 2.2 The Living Environment 2.2.A. Organisms, populations, and communities Learners understand basic population dynamics and the importance of diversity in living systems. 2.2.B. Heredity and evolution Learners understand the basic ideas and genetic mechanisms behind biological evolution. Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 15

19 EE Learner Guidelines 2.2.C. Systems and connections Learners understand the living environment to be comprised of interrelated, dynamic systems. 2.2.D. Flow of matter and energy Learners are able to account for environmental characteristics based on their knowledge of how matter and energy interact in living systems. 2.3 Humans and Their Societies 2.3.A. Individuals and groups Learners understand the influence of individual and group actions on the environment, and how groups can work to promote and balance interests. 2.3.B. Culture Learners understand cultural perspectives and dynamics and apply their understanding in context. 2.3.C. Political and economic systems Learners understand how different political and economic systems account for, manage, and affect natural resources and environmental quality. 2.3.D. Global connections Learners are able to analyze global, social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental linkages. 2. Globally competent students are able to recognize perspectives. Explain how cultural interactions influence situations, events, issues, or phenomena, including the development of knowledge. 1. Globally competent students are able to investigate the world. Identify an issue, generate a question, and explain the significance of locally, regionally, and globally focused researchable questions. Use a variety of languages and domestic and international sources to identify and weigh relevant evidence in addressing a globally significant researchable question. Analyze, integrate, and synthesize evidence to construct coherent responses to globally significant researchable questions. Develop an argument based on compelling evidence that considers multiple perspectives and draws defensible conclusions. 2. Globally competent students are able to recognize perspectives. Examine perspectives of other people, groups, or schools of thought and identify the Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 16

20 EE Learner Guidelines influences on those perspectives. Explain how cultural interactions influence situations, events, issues, or phenomena, including the development of knowledge E. Change and conflict Learners understand the functioning of public processes for promoting and managing change and conflict, and can analyze their effects on the environment. 2.4 Environment and Society 2.4.A. Human/environment interactions Learners understand that humans are able to alter the physical environment to meet their needs and that there are limits to the ability of the environment to absorb impacts or meet human needs 2.4.B. Places Learners understand place as humans endowing a particular part of the Earth with meaning through their interactions with that environment. 2.4.C. Resources Learners understand that the importance and use of resources change over time and vary under different economic and technological systems. 2.4.D. Technology Learners are able to examine the social and environmental impacts of various technologies and technological systems. 2.4.E. Environmental issues Learners are familiar with a range of environmental issues at scales that range from local to national to global. They understand that these scales and issues are often linked. Articulate how differential access to knowledge, technology, and resources affects quality of life and perspectives. 2. Globally competent students are able to recognize perspectives. Articulate how differential access to knowledge, technology, and resources affects quality of life and perspectives. 2. Globally competent students are able to recognize perspectives. Articulate how differential access to knowledge, technology, and resources affects quality of life and perspectives. Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 17

21 EE Learner Guidelines 3.1 Skills for Analyzing and Investigating Environmental Issues 3.1.A. Identifying and investigating issues Learners apply their research and analytical skills to investigate environmental issues ranging from local issues to those that are regional or global in scope. 3.1.B. Sorting out the consequences of issues Learners are able to evaluate the consequences of specific environmental changes, conditions, and issues for human and ecological systems. 1. Globally competent students are able to investigate the world. Identify an issue, generate a question, and explain the significance of locally, regionally, and globally focused researchable questions. 2. Globally competent students are able to recognize perspectives. Explain how cultural interactions influence situations, events, issues, or phenomena, including the development of knowledge. 1. Globally competent students are able to investigate the world. Use a variety of languages and domestic and international sources to identify and weigh relevant evidence in addressing a globally significant researchable question. 2. Globally competent students are able to recognize perspectives. Explain how cultural interactions influence situations, events, issues, or phenomena, including the development of knowledge. Articulate how differential access to knowledge, technology, and resources affects quality of life and perspectives. 3.1.C. Identifying and evaluating alternative solutions and courses of action Learners are able to identify and propose action strategies that are likely to be effective in particular situations and for particular purposes. 3.1.D. Working with flexibility, creativity, and openness While environmental issues and investigations can bring to the surface deeply held views, learners are able to engage each other in peer review conducted in the spirit of open inquiry. 1. Globally competent students are able to investigate the world. Analyze, integrate, and synthesize evidence to construct coherent responses to globally significant researchable questions. 4. Globally competent students are able to take action. Assess options and plan actions based on evidence and the potential for impact, taking into account previous approaches, varied perspectives, and potential consequences. 1. Globally competent students are able to investigate the world. Develop an argument based on compelling evidence that considers multiple perspectives and draws defensible conclusions. 3. Globally competent students are able to communicate ideas. Listen to and communicate effectively with diverse people, using appropriate verbal and Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 18

22 EE Learner Guidelines 3.2 Decision Making and Citizenship Skills 3.2.A. Forming and evaluating personal views Learners are able to communicate, evaluate, and justify their own views on environmental issues and alternative ways to address them. 3.2.B. Evaluating the need for citizen action Learners are able to decide whether action is needed in particular situations and whether they should be involved. 3.2.C. Planning and taking action Learners know how to plan for action based on their research and analysis of an environmental issue. If appropriate, they take actions that are within the scope of their rights and consistent with their abilities and responsibilities as citizens. nonverbal behavior, languages, and strategies. 2. Globally competent students are able to recognize perspectives. Recognize and express their own perspective on situations, events, issues, or phenomena and identify the influences on that perspective. 4. Globally competent students are able to take action. Assess options and plan actions based on evidence and the potential for impact, taking into account previous approaches, varied perspectives, and potential consequences. 4. Globally competent students are able to take action. Identify and create opportunities for personal or collaborative action to address situations, events, issues, or phenomena in ways that improve conditions. Assess options and plan actions based on evidence and the potential for impact, taking into account previous approaches, varied perspectives, and potential consequences. Act, personally or collaboratively, in creative and ethical ways to contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally and assess the impact of the actions taken. 3.2.D. Evaluating the results of actions Learners are able to evaluate the effects of their own actions and actions taken by other individuals and groups, including possible intended and unintended consequences of actions. Strand 4: Personal and Civic Responsibility 4.A. Understanding societal values and principles Learners know how to analyze the influence of shared and conflicting societal values. 4. Globally competent students are able to take action. Act, personally or collaboratively, in creative and ethical ways to contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally and assess the impact of the actions taken. 2. Globally competent students are able to recognize perspectives. Examine perspectives of other people, groups, or schools of thought and identify the influences on those perspectives. 3. Globally competent students are able to communicate ideas. Recognize and express how diverse audiences may perceive different meanings from the same information and how that impacts communication. 4.B. Recognizing citizens rights and responsibilities Learners understand the importance of exercising the rights and Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 19

23 EE Learner Guidelines responsibilities of citizenship. 4.C. Recognizing efficacy Learners possess a realistic selfconfidence in their effectiveness as citizens. 4.D. Accepting personal responsibility Learners understand that their actions can have broad consequences and accept responsibility for recognizing those effects and changing their actions when necessary. 4. Globally competent students are able to take action. Reflect on their capacity to advocate for and contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally. 4. Globally competent students are able to take action. Act, personally or collaboratively, in creative and ethical ways to contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally and assess the impact of the actions taken. References Mansilla, V.B. & Jackson, A. (2011) Educating for Global competence: Preparing Our Youth to engage the World. Council of Chief State School Officers: Washington, DC North American Association for Environmental Education Excellence in Environmental Education: Guidelines for Learning (K-12). Washington, DC: NAAEE. K-12 Linking Environmental Literacy and Educating for Page 20

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