Annual Update Plan for Non-Academic Units

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1 Annual Update Plan for Non-Academic Units Department Name: COLLEGE ENTERPRISES-PARKING Purpose of the Program Review and Annual Update Process The purpose of Program Review is to provide a venue through which the college can evaluate its programs in relationship to the College Mission and its Strategic Goals and priorities. The program review process promotes a self-reflective evaluation of programs in a manner in which faculty can identify programmatic successes within their disciplines, identify areas in need of improvement and establish departmental goals for enhanced programmatic and student success. Each department and unit completes an annual update of their efforts. This update is used to provide the college with an indication of improvement in student learning and the resources needs for each program. The Annual Update serves as the central planning document for requesting and prioritizing resources. The values of program review: Strengthening of programs through faculty led self-evaluation and goal setting; Fostering inter-departmental cooperation and communication; Stimulating dialog on student success and programmatic improvements; Evaluating each programs unique contribution to the College s Mission and Strategic Goals; Promotion of long-term planning focused on the use of data; Ensuring that curriculum and offerings meet student needs and promote student progression; Providing a venue to justify programmatic augmentation and to connect program needs to resource allocations. Enhance transparency about college programs to the broader community. The value of self-evaluation is enhanced with the broad inclusion of individuals contributing to your department or unit. It is recommended that each department or unit make all efforts to include all faculty, staff and administration. Each department or unit may include additional information in their Annual Update Plan as needed to fully describe their department or unit. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness is available to assist each department or unit in their efforts to complete their self-evaluation. The completed Annual Update Plan is due by to on September 30, Following submittal, the Program Review and Viability Committee will review your document and provide feedback for your department s review. Departments will be notified regarding budget and resource requests in the spring, following receipt of budget projections from the District Office. 1

2 Section I. Program Review Response Complete Table by: a. Reporting progress on program review recommendations b. Stating the anticipated outcomes and progress to date Recommendation Progress to Date Anticipated Outcome of Department/ Unit Goal Additional Resources Required in That the unit implement a system for monitoring and ensuring accountability in the collection of parking receipts at special events That the unit increase involvement in the AUO process as they are currently at the awareness level. That the unit regularly assess quality of access and efficiency in the use of parking facilities. An annual assessment report should include improvement efforts to address the parking challenges during the first few weeks of the semester and what is done to accommodate large numbers of students coming to campus at these times That the unit regularly evaluate effectiveness of the South Gate Shuttle in meeting student transportation needs to and from the main campus. Re: Admin. Unit Outcomes e.g. PLO's Survey Survey Athletics Met with Learning Outcome Coordinator and plan in process Unit has no employees Assessed the situation and hired additional Sheriff's staff to patrol traffice for 1 st two weeks of schoo. Talked to OIE about surveying on student survey 2

3 Section II. Program Description College Mission: East Los Angeles College empowers students to achieve their educational goals, to expand their individual potential, and to successfully pursue their aspirations for a better future for themselves, their community and the world. 1. Please provide any changes to your programs of study or programs of service, since the completion of the Program Review Self-Evaluation. 2. Describe any trends, recent events or activities that have impacted your program(s), since the completion of the Program Review Self-Evaluation. Please be specific to each program provided in the list above.(p) a. Which of these changes or trends have most impacted your programs? b. What efforts have been made to address these changes? c. What effect have these changes had on student goal attainment? 3

4 Section III. Program Assessment In order to fulfill the College Mission, the college has developed four goals. These goals serve as the broad planning objectives through which all other college planning documents and departmental plans will be based. Together these goals provide a foundation for building a true agenda of student success. Goal 1: Increasing student success and academic excellence through student-centered instruction, student-centered support services, and dynamic technologies. a. Using the following link, evaluate your efforts to improve student achievement (retention, success, program completion). What plans have been put in place to improve these outcomes, since the completion of the Program Review Self- Evaluation? (D) Goal 2: Increasing equity in successful outcomes by analyzing gaps in student achievement and using this, to identify and implement effective models and programming to remedy these gaps. 1. Evaluate the success and retention rates by demographics Please describe any follow-up discussions that have taken place regarding these retention and success rates. What efforts have been planned or have taken place to address any inequities, since the completion of the Program Review Self-Evaluation? (D) Goal 3: Sustaining community-centered access, participation, and preparation that improves the college's presence in the community, maximizes access to higher education and provides outlets for artistic, civic, cultural, scientific and social expression as well as environmental awareness. 1. The college strives to reach non-traditional students. Each discipline may have a different nontraditional student base. Based on the following enrollment data, please describe any findings regarding your enrollment as compared to the college and/or community. Please describe what efforts have been planned or have taken place to increase access to your programs for these underrepresented groups, since the completion of the Program Review Self-Evaluation? (P) 4

5 Goal 4: Ensuring institutional effectiveness and accountability through data-driven decision-making as well as evaluation and improvement of all college programs and governance structures. 1. Please share with us two or three success stories about the impacts of Student Service or Administrative Service Outcome practices on student learning and achievement within your department. Describe the practices which led to the success. 2. As an attachment, please include the 4-column, Program Learning Outcome (SSO/AUO) report from TracDat for each Program of Study. If you have not completed an assessment for a Program of Study, please complete and include the Program Assessment Plan. The following tables will help you to identify the different components in the Student Service or Administrative Service Outcome (SSO/AUO). This will help you investigate problems students may encounter, and lead you to a meaningful assessment method that will stimulate dialog and change. Program Learning Outcome What aspects of the outcome are critical to measure? For each aspect, list the courses in which that aspect will be assessed. What do you hope to learn from the assessment of this outcome? What challenges or problems do you think you will uncover? Program Learning Outcome How will you directly assess student performance of this outcome? If Necessary, how will you indirectly assess student performance of this outcome? Who is responsible for what? Timeline for completion of assessment 1. 5


7 Section IV. Program Plan Complete Table A by: a. Based on the data provided in the preceding questions, review your department or unit goals for the next six years and the programs involved. Additional goals may be added if necessary. b. Reporting progress on stated goals c. Stating the anticipated outcomes of the stated goals Department/Unit Goal Programs Involved Alignment with Education al Master Plan Objectives Alignment with Tech Master Plan Objectives Alignment with Facilities Master Plan Objectives Progress to date Anticipated Outcome of Department/ Unit Goal Additional Resources Required in ? Description of goal List of programs involved None None None Description of an previous or ongoing activities Description of anticipated improvements on measures Description of resources required to accomplish department goals None None None None None None None None None 1. Please describe what additional resources are required in order to meet your planning goals. 7

8 Section V. Department Evaluation Rubrics The College seeks to continually improve its processes and enhance student achievement and institutional effectiveness. Below you will find two rubrics with descriptors of effectiveness standards for student learning outcomes and for program review and planning. Please complete the rubrics to indicate whether your department meets each standard. Be mindful that your responses will be validated by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE). Below each rubric, please provide a brief narrative on your department s level of implementation. 1. Please evaluate your department s effectiveness in Student Learning Outcomes. a. Complete the third column of the rubric by indicating whether your department meets the standard by inserting Y for yes and N for no in the third column. Student Learning Outcomes Rubric Levels of Implementation Awareness Development Proficiency Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement Characteristics of Department Effectiveness in Student Learning Outcomes The department has defined outcomes for some courses and programs. The department has established authentic assessment strategies for assessing course and program learning outcomes. Department allocates appropriate time and resources to support student learning outcomes and assessment. Faculty and staff in your department are fully engaged in student learning outcome development. Student learning outcomes and authentic assessments are in place for all course and program learning outcomes, and all courses and programs have implemented assessments. Departmental decision-making includes a dialog on the assessment of course and program learning outcomes. The department completes comprehensive assessment reports that include planned improvement efforts. The department uses its resources and, when appropriate, requests budget augmentation to support improvements identified and planned through the student learning outcomes assessment process. Course and program learning outcomes are aligned with Institutional and General Education Learning Outcomes. Course and program learning outcomes and assessments are ongoing, systematic and used for continuous quality improvement. Dialog about student learning in ongoing, pervasive and robust. Student learning improvement is a visible priority in department goals and practices. Results of the learning outcomes assessment process are a fundamental data component in department program review and planning. Y/N To be completed by OIE. b. Provide a brief narrative assessing your department s overall effectiveness on student learning outcomes (awareness, development, proficiency, or sustainable continuous quality improvement). 8

9 2. Please evaluate your department s effectiveness in Program Review and Planning. a. Complete the third column of the rubric by indicating whether your department meets the standard by inserting Y for yes and N for no in the third column. Program Review and Planning Rubric Levels of Implementation Awareness Developmental Proficiency Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement Characteristics of Department Effectiveness in Program Review and Planning Department program review self-evaluation/annual update plan is completed in full and submitted on time. Department planning includes broad participation, use of quantitative and qualitative data, and alignment of department goals with college mission and strategic planning goals. The program review self-evaluation/annual update plan includes effective measures for evaluating progress in completing department goals, and desired outcomes reflect improvements in department effectiveness and student learning. Requested resources are thereby justified. The department effectively uses its resources to achieve its goals, support the College goals and support improvement. The department ensures that its goals, and measures toward completing those goals, are known throughout the department. The department assesses the progress toward meetings its planned goals and program review recommendations. The department planning effectively incorporates program review results into improvements in instruction and service delivery. Program review processes and department planning are ongoing, incorporating systematic evaluation, and used to continually refine and improve program practices resulting in improvements in student achievement and learning. Dialog about program effectiveness is ongoing, robust, and pervasive. Data and analysis are widely distributed and used throughout the department. Consistent and continuous commitment to improving student learning and educational effectiveness is a demonstrable priority in the department. Y/N To be completed by OIE. b. Provide a brief narrative assessing your department s overall effectiveness on program review and planning (awareness, development, proficiency, or sustainable continuous quality improvement). 9

10 EAST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE For Academic Year USE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH POSITION REQUESTED If you are requesting more than one position in this discipline, prioritize each position by # Hiring requests will only be considered when they are submitted by the department chair. For Counselor requests, please identify any additional Program Reviews that should be considered: Department: Discipline or Program: Replacement Is this a replacement request for a full-time position that has not been filled during the last five years? Name Date Yes No Name Date If yes, provide the name(s) and dates of separation. In addition to the information provided by OIE, please address the following questions. A. Staffing Hours /50 pts possible 1. Hours (30 points maximum) Do you currently have the standard hours to offer an additional full-time faculty during the spring and fall terms? In fall 2013, how many total hours were offered in this discipline? How many hours were taught/worked* by all regular/contract faculty? (Include ONLY those hours that are necessary as part of their full-time load.) How many hours were taught/worked by all hourly faculty? (Include hours for hourly assignments taught/worked by full-time faculty) In spring 2014, how many total hours were offered in this discipline? How many hours were taught/worked by all regular/contract faculty? (Include ONLY those hours that are necessary as part of their full-time load.) How many hours were taught/worked by all hourly faculty? (Include hours for hourly assignments taught/worked by full-time faculty) * worked applies to non-teaching counselor and librarian assignments List the faculty member, reassignment position, the reassignment (0.2,.04, 0.6) and the reassignment dates. Do not include positions that are permanently assigned to the department (ex: Department Chair, Department Centers) Example: John Smith, Curriculum Chair, 0.6, Fall 2012-Spring 2014; Michele Ramos, Senate President, 0.8, Fall 2013-Spring

11 2. Trends (20 points maximum) Please justify the replacement of the position or need for growth: a. For instructional departments, include enrollment trends and any factors that may increase or limit WSCH or enrollment. OR b. For non-instructional departments (Counseling and Library), include an assessment of faculty/student ratios and any other factors that may affect these ratios. B. Educational Program /50 pts possible Please reference your most recent Annual Update and Program Review Self-Evaluation (PRSE) to answer the following questions: 1. How does filling this position align with the Program Plan and/or recommendations of your department s PRSE? (25 points maximum) 2. In what ways will filling this position further departmental efforts to develop or enhance new or existing programs and/or curriculum in ways that cannot be done by current faculty? (25 points maximum) Oral Response (Optional): TBD Please be on time and note that no additional or updated paperwork will be accepted. Originator Department Chair Designated Dean s Signature For questions regarding the Program Review Self-Evaluation process, please contact Maribel Carbajal-Garcia at the Office of Institutional Effectiveness: (323) OR 11

12 Perkins Funds Proposal Guidelines 1. Proposals will be assigned up to 85 points. Extra points may be given for interdepartmental proposals, proposals that are project related, and proposals that tie in with the non-credit basic skills program. 2. You must complete the Program Improvement and Permissive Activities form and the Perkins Required Use table on the next pages. You need to complete these forms for EACH TOP CODE you are submitting a proposal for. In the Perkins Required Use table you must identify activities your program/dept. is developing/implementing with or without Perkins funds. Activities may not necessarily relate to this funding request. However, all sections must be answered. If you are not able to identify an activity for each Required Use then your funding request(s) must address the required activity. 3. Handwritten proposals will not be accepted. Proposals must be submitted by Thursday, March 19 th, 2015 by 4:00 p.m. NO EXCEPTIONS. 4. There is no limit to the number of proposals that a department can submit. However, if you are on the proposal ranking committee, you cannot vote on proposal(s) that involves your department. Please rank your proposals collectively, staffing and projects, by department. If ranking is not identified correctly the committee will rank proposals for the department. 5. Proposals must include a budget summary reflecting the exact amount requested and an expected timeline for completion/implementation of the proposal. The person directing the project must be prepared to submit a completed purchase order with quotes if requesting equipment or supplies by or before Thursday, September 24, Include exact specifications: vendor, make, model, etc. Remember, if prices go down after the quote has been submitted, you will not be able to use the extra funds. These funds will be swept to the general pot for future use. 6. All questions on the application must be answered in the space provided. Failure to do so will result in automatic elimination. Be specific and clear in your responses. The committee will be judging your proposal solely on what they read % of funds for equipment must be spent or encumbered by January 30, 2016 that have not been spent or/encumbered by the deadline will be swept to the general pot for future use. 8. An electronic copy ( ) of the proposal and the cover page with the original signatures are due by Thursday, March 19, 2015 by 4:00 p.m. 9. ANY QUESTIONS about the Perkins Proposal please contact Laureano Flores or Laura E. Ramirez ext

13 Perkins Proposal Program Improvement and Permissive Activities Form (10 points) Briefly describe program improvement issue(s) concerning this TOP code and include specific examples. (Limited to 2,000 characters, or approximately ½ page of text.) For sample narrative responses, click here. Briefly describe how the issue(s) will be addressed. (Limited to 2,000 characters, or approximately ½ page of text.) For sample narrative responses, click here. Below are the nine 135(b) Requirements for Uses of Funds. Programs receiving these funds must meet these requirements. Indicate with a check mark those requirements that the program currently meets (met). Any remaining unmet requirement(s) must be addressed with completed or ongoing activities by the time of submission of the final report by August 30, Note: If all nine required uses of funds have been met, funds may be used for the permissive activities specified in number 10. Indicate with a check mark which requirements have been met, below. Requirements for Uses of Funds MET UNMET 1. Strengthening the academic, and career and technical skills of students participating in CTE programs through the integration of academics with CTE programs. [ 135(b)(1)] 2. Link CTE at the secondary and the postsecondary levels, including by offering elements of not less than one program of study described in 122(c)(1)(A). [ 135(b)(2)] 3. Provide students with strong experience in and understanding of all aspects of an industry, which may include work-based learning experiences. [ 135(b)(3)] 4. Develop, improve, or expand the use of technology in CTE, which may include training to use technology, providing students with the skills needed to enter technology fields, and encouraging schools to collaborate with technology industries to offer internships and mentoring programs. [ 135(b)(4)] 5. Provide in-service and pre-service professional development programs to faculty, administrators, and career guidance and academic counselors involved in integrated CTE programs, on topics including effective integration of academics and CTE, effective teaching skills based on research, effective practices to improve parental and community involvement, effective use of scientifically based research and data to improve instruction. Professional development should also ensure that faculty and personnel stay current with all aspects of an industry; involve internship programs that provide relevant business experience; and train faculty in the effective use and application of technology. [ 135(b)(5)] 6. Develop and implement evaluations of the CTE programs carried out with Perkins funds, including an assessment of how the needs of special populations are being met. [ 135(b)(6)] 7. Initiate, improve, expand and modernize quality CTE programs, including relevant technology. [ 135(b)(7)] 8. Provide services and activities that are of sufficient size, scope and quality to be effective. [ 135(b)(8)] 9. Provide activities to prepare special populations, including single parents and displaced homemakers enrolled in CTE programs, for high-skill, high-wage or high-demand occupations that will lead to self-sufficiency. [ 135(b)(9)] FOR THOSE REQUIREMENT(S) LISTED ABOVE AS UNMET: Describe specific activity(ies) intended to address the unmet requirement(s). (Limited to 2,000 characters, or approximately ½ page of text.) For sample narrative responses, click here. 10. Permissive Uses Per Section 135(c) (check activities to be funded with CTE funds) 1. Involve parents, businesses, and labor organizations, in the design, implementation and evaluation of CTE programs. [ 135(c)(1)] 2. Provide career guidance and academic counseling for students participating in CTE programs, that improves graduation rates and provides information on postsecondary and career options, and provides assistance for postsecondary students and adults, [ 135(c)(2)] 13

14 3. Local education and business partnerships, including work-related experiences for students, adjunct faculty arrangements for qualified industry professionals and industry experience for teachers and faculty. [ 135(c)(3)] 4. Provide programs for special populations. [ 135(c)(4)] 5. Assisting career and technical student organizations. [ 135(c)(5)] 6. Mentoring and support services. [ 135(c)(6)] 7. Leasing, purchasing, upgrading or adapting equipment, including instructional aides and publications (including support for library resources) designed to strengthen and support academic and technical skill achievement. [ 135(c)(7)] 8. Teacher preparation programs that address the integration of academic and CTE and that assist individuals who are interested in becoming CTE faculty, including individuals with experience in business and industry. [ 135(c)(8)] 9. Developing and expanding postsecondary program offerings at times and in formats that are accessible for all students, including through the use of distance education. [ 135(c)(9)] 10. Developing initiatives that facilitate the transition of sub-baccalaureate CTE students into baccalaureate degree programs, including articulation agreements, dual enrollment programs, academic and financial aid counseling and other initiatives to overcome barriers and encourage enrollment and completion. [ 135(c)(10)] 11. Providing activities to support entrepreneurship education and training. [ 135(c)(11)] 12. Improving or developing new CTE courses, including the development of programs of study for consideration by the state and courses that prepare individuals academically and technically for high-skill, high-wage or high-demand occupations and dual or concurrent enrollment opportunities. [ 135(c)(12)] 13. Developing and supporting small, personalized career-themed learning communities. [ 135(c)(13)] 14. Providing support for family and consumer sciences programs. [ 135(c)(14)] 15. Providing CTE programs for adults and school dropouts to complete secondary education or dropouts to complete secondary education or upgrade technical skills. [ 135(c)(15)] 16. Providing assistance to individuals who have participated in services and activities under this Act in continuing their education or training or finding an appropriate job. [ 135(c)(16)] 17. Supporting training and activities (such as mentoring and outreach) in nontraditional fields. [ 135(c)(17)] 18. Providing support for training programs in automotive technologies. [ 135(c)(18)] 19. Pooling a portion of such funds with a portion of funds available to other recipients for innovative initiatives. [ 135(c)(19)] 20. Supporting other CTE activities consistent with the purposes of the Act. [ 135(c)(20)] Check all types of activities to be funded with Perkins Funds: [ ] Professional Dev. (including stipends) [ ] Instructional Equipment Purchase/Replacement [ ] Facility Rental/Lease (off-campus location) [ ] Curriculum Development [ ] Program Marketing and Outreach [ ] Other (specify) Check one: UNMET REQUIREMENTS WILL BE ADDRESSED: [ ] Entirely with Perkins Funds [ ] Entirely with Other Funding Sources [ ] Using Both Perkins and Other Funding Sources [ ] Instructional Materials Purchase/Replacement (including software) [ ] Project Administration [ ] Programs/Services for Special Populations [ ] Consultants or Other Contracted Services 14

15 APPLICATION FOR PERKINS FUNDS Perkins Required Use (20 points) Perkins Required Use Strengthen academic & technical skills of students Current Activities Core Indicator Status One: Technical Skill Attainment Two: Completions Three: Persistence & Transfer Four: Placement Five: Equity Non-Traditional Emp. New Activity Continuing Activity Planned Completed Link secondary and postsecondary CTE programs (at least one program of study) One: Technical Skill Attainment Two: Completions Three: Persistence & Transfer Four: Placement Five: Equity Non Traditional Emp. New Activity Continuing Activity Planned Completed Provide students with strong experience and understanding all aspects of an industry (WBL) One: Technical Skill Attainment Two: Completions Three: Persistence & Transfer Four: Placement Five: Equity Non Traditional Emp. New Activity Continuing Activity Planned Completed Develop, improve, and expand use of technology Professional Development Evaluate programs with emphasis in meeting needs of spec. pops. One: Technical Skill Attainment Two: Completions Three: Persistence & Transfer Four: Placement Five: Equity Non Traditional Emp. One: Technical Skill Attainment Two: Completions Three: Persistence & Transfer Four: Placement Five: Equity Non Traditional Emp. One: Technical Skill Attainment Two: Completions Three: Persistence & Transfer Four: Placement Five: Equity Non Traditional Emp. New Activity Continuing Activity Planned Completed New Activity Continuing Activity Planned Completed New Activity Continuing Activity Planned Completed Initiate, improve, expand and modernize quality programs One: Technical Skill Attainment Two: Completions Three: Persistence & Transfer Four: Placement Five: Equity Non Traditional Emp. New Activity Continuing Activity Planned Completed 15

16 Provide services & activities of sufficient, size, scope and quality. Provide activities to prepare special pops. For high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations leading to self-sufficiency One: Technical Skill Attainment Two: Completions Three: Persistence & Transfer Four: Placement Five: Equity Non Traditional Emp. One: Technical Skill Attainment Two: Completions Three: Persistence & Transfer Four: Placement Five: Equity Non Traditional Emp. New Activity Continuing Activity Planned Completed New Activity Continuing Activity Planned Completed 16

17 Application for Perkins Funds Staffing Proposal points Rank if multiple proposals being favored by discipline ( ) Please note that you must have also completed the Program Improvement and Permissive Activities form and the Perkins Required Use table. You only need to complete each of those forms once regardless of the number of proposals submitted. Program TOP Code Department Initiator/Contact Person Signature Phone # Department Chair Signature Supervising Dean Signature Total Funds Requested Budget Preparation Student Employee Position and Rate: Program Assistant Career Guidance Counselor Student Worker 9.20 Student Tutor I-9.20, II-11.04, III Unclassified Non Student Worker Professional Expert (rate TBD) Hours per week Number of weeks Subtotal Hours Fall Winter Spring Summer (3 weeks) Total Hours Hourly Rate Total Cost X 17

18 1. Describe the typical duties, support, or expected activities the employee will complete. (10 points) 2. How will staffing this position support a.) the required uses of funds(10 points): b.) core indicators (10points): c.) program review (10 points): d.) annual goals( 5 points): 18

19 Application for Perkins Funds Project Proposal Must be a CTE approved TOP Code program NOTE: Core indicator data must be reviewed every year. Contact Laura E. Ramirez for current data. 85 POINTS Possible Rank if multiple proposals being favored by discipline ( ) Please note that you must have also completed the Program Improvement and Permissive Activities form and the Perkins Required Use table. You only need to complete each of those forms once regardless of the number of proposals submitted. Program TOP Code Department Initiator/Contact Person Signature Phone # Department Chair Signature Supervising Dean Signature Total Funds Requested Title of Proposal 1. Is your Proposal interdepartmental? Please have the chair of the departments involved sign below. Print Name Signature Department 2. What is nature of this project request? The project must be more than an equipment/supplies request? Indicate how- for example are you revising curriculum, developing a certificate, conducting an event, etc. (10 POINTS) (5 sentences) 3. Please provide a brief description of your proposal idea and state how it supports the a.) Requirement for Uses of Funds: (5 POINTS) b.) Core Indicator Data for your discipline: (5 points) c.) Unmet Requirements/Permissive Uses: (5 points) 19

20 4. Please write a few sentences indicating how this project relates to goals stated in the program review (please reference) or operational plan of your department. (5 POINTS) 5. Attach most recent advisory committee meeting minutes/attendance. Identify, if applicable, where the advisory committee supported this project. (5 POINTS) 6. What are the expected outcomes of your project and how will you evaluate the success? Identify how many students will be impacted by this project. (10 Points) Number of Participating Students Number of Participating Faculty 20

21 Perkins Funds Budget Summary (10 points) (Not required for Staffing Proposal) Proposal Title Date Proposal Director/Designee Department/Area (Each participating Department/Area must complete a separate form) Anticipated Completion Date Object code: Amount Subtotal 1000 Certificated Salaries (hourly instruction) 2000 Classified Salaries (professional expert, instructional aides, tutors, clerical/ student help) 3000 Benefits for permanent certificated and classified employees 4000 Materials & Supplies (books, media, software 1, printing) 5000 Operating Expenses (contract consultants, lecturers, conferences, postage, mileage, travel, advertising) 6000 Capital Outlay (facilities modifications, equipment, computers) 7000 Other (student grants, student travel) Total Requested 1 Less than 200, considered supply; otherwise considered equipment Total 21

22 SAMPLE RESPONSES Briefly describe program improvement issue(s) concerning this TOP code and include specific examples. Example A: Student achievement is below state level. Program attrition is below state level. Increasingly there is limited access to clinical training sites. Increasingly there is limited access to clinical faculty. There is a need to maintain employment rates of completing students and involvement of non-traditional students. Example B: A) Facilities for EMT s & Paramedics need to be improved. The classroom, restrooms, lab and storage space provided are extremely inadequate. B) Old outdated equipment needs to be replaced with industry standard equipment. C) EMT and Paramedic staff needs to stay current in the field. D) Female enrollment in the program has decreased. Bringing female numbers up needs to be a priority. E) Program and course SLOs and assessments need to be developed. Briefly describe how the issue(s) will be addressed. Example A: Provide support materials to enhance student success. Expand student proficiency in computer use and test taking. Promote online practice of state board reviews. Provide faculty training in BVNPT test plan and curriculum coordination. Integrate technology across curriculum and provide for integrated academics. Provide exposure to industry through observation and work experience. Expand industry contacts to increase clinical training opportunities. Example B: A) Funding from the recently approved bond measure will provide funding for new construction. B) New industry standard equipment will be identified and purchased with a combination of Perkins and District funds. C) Professional development opportunities will be made available with Perkins, District and other sources of funding. D) EMT/Paramedic staff will participate in non-traditional career fairs. Female staff will serve as role models and mentors for female students. FOR THOSE REQUIREMENT(S) LISTED AS "UNMET -- Describe specific activity(ies) intended to address the unmet requirement(s). Example A: Provide faculty training in test plan preparation and curriculum. Example B: No unmet requirements, therefore no response required. 22

PROPOSAL FOR NEW UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM. Institution Submitting Proposal. Degree Designation as on Diploma. Title of Proposed Degree Program

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