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2 - it - MADSON AREA TECHNCAL COLLEGE To Prospective Students The mailing address: The telephone number: How to Adclress Corrcspo~dence Madison Area Technical Colle1e 11 North Carroll S~et Madison, Wisconsin 570 5' Area Code 608 Address Registrar for catal()gs, application forms for admission, records and transcripts, Address Stuclenf; ServicM Counselor for infonnation regar<fulg housing, placement scholarships or loans. Address As$Want Director of nstructional Serokea for additional infoj" mation regarding any specific program. Address Busine~~ Manager for information regarding Bnanclal accounts. Visitors U'e welcome at the college. The adntinistr;ltiv~ omoes are open Monday through Friday from 8:0 a.m. to :00 p.m. They are closed on Saf:i.lrdays, S'Uildays, and CoUege holidays. VisitorS desiring to have interviews with members of the staff or to tout the college are urged to make appoinbnents U. advance. Tho College res~es the right to make changes in the regulations and courses ~ounced in this catalog without further notice. Studtmts should bring flus catalog with them wben they register, CATALOG ANNOUNCEMENTS OF POST SECONDARY PROGRAMS Volume Offered by The Area Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education District No. Norman P. Mitby, District Director Madison, Wisconsin

3 June 10, 1969 AREA VOCATONAL, TECHNCAL AND ADULT EDUCATON OJSTJ\CT NO. NON RESDBNT 'ljton A. Statewide Fuli Timo Post-Kish School Vcx:alional.md Teclmlcal PJ:ogrom l, Mea Vrx:MtcnaJ, Teclmlcal add Adllll: Education Dfliltrict No, * residents - N<me,, WiBct:m.Sln xealdc:nt" who a:n: non-t:~&ldents ot. Area Voca.tlooal, Temnical JUUi Adult Education Dt'trtct No, pq $1. 58 per &emester eredlt. up to o. m<lxituum ol $16.00 per semester. Special P'rovtBloo!!l: (Formi'J lor tbe.se ptoylsiod:!! may be obtainc~ at the.aj:ea Vacatlonal, Technical and Adult Eduoallon Oiotrlcc No., Madison Area Teclmlcal College,.lll Nod~~ Carroll Street, Modi.., Wis=lll, Room 16). Today's compctitiv~ job macrket de.mands specl~lize~ skill.s and advanced technolog1cal know-how. When you have tlm background, you are quaufied for a fine iob with a top salaru, l'esponsi- 1Jility, and respect. o. WisconsJ.n rcsldellts under.~ years o1 age who do not reside 111 a Wlsc:<mlb:i. Vooat!Olla!, Teclmloal and Adult ScMol district may have this bllllm paid by the county of :rcsldam.'e, h, WlooODBin reoldenta under 1 ye818 of age 'lilu> art legal reoldemso! a Wllictll!oin VOO!tlcm&l, Tecimlcal and Adult 5<hooldiotrlet may bave tills wl.tl6n ~by Board, provtded djat lbe stlldent notify such il...rd 011 requlxed forms ODd provided tl!at ouch Boord doeoliq: offer olnilloz prqp:om of s<udy ad tho1 which the otu<jedt wiehee to pursue..- AU Wl6coil81D J:e9identB 1 years cj '&'= ~ twer pay~ own tuition.t_ the ~ r.at.e, '$-1. 58~ aeme -r ext:dit up tq a!llaxlmum of_$16a.(i0 per ~emesmr. 8, St~wlde Fnll Ttmo ColleilaJ» T.t:- Programo!, llxea Voealiooal, Technical and Adult Edueat1011 Dl trict.no. reoldellto $L6 per ll~llte:rcre<ut... All Wi&t:(')]l8ln.ft8tdaltts under 1 year~t ot age _pay $.f~6 _per sememr credlt. U WloC<lBin reoidooto hw: notrebillonto a! me Area Vocoti...J, Tedmlcal..d Adult. Education ~c:t No.., die ctiwit)' ~f xestclence or the Vocattona.J, Techalcal1ld Adult School B<iard, t areoldem of Vocat!ODAJ. ')'cclmlcal.odd Adult School district, """""the eondttl """"djn.b. abov<., llha1j. pay an addltiodal $9.1 P'..,..otoor ctedlt, (See "Special Provli!OS" above for formo). C. Non-Reoldonto of WB<ODB.n D..,ill noo-reolderlto of W!sc:a!Ui:ln ~ n poat-hlgjt fuu-thne coll<!gl.,. "'"""""'' vocat:loo.al or teehrilr;:al ptogi:.8rul ~ $.. 00 per tilemeste_e- credit up to a maslmum of $~6L 00 per... Other Cour.ses Non-residents tu.jt1o.n.for nll coura:es and progl'bu.t!l oth.ex thu'thq; aboye, boc:h day and eyelll!ig lo 79 pet period or hour a!!ju<tructlon poyable n a<lvllico f.ar the lmlgth of tho oourse,

4 f 1- j n all cue me bldivtduaf studeu 1a respoa8lble for pxovlog hia residellcy atat11a. A'ls'J DODresident ~nt who ia u.lble to preec a~ cert1flcat1on for p,ayment of tuition shall pay hll or bcr OWD bldivtdaal tuition. Psymellt o! t.k:h tuition aball be made at the time of enrollment. NON llbsdbn' njmon REFUND POUCES. Tile unused poruon of a non-restdent tuition psymellt wtll be ~d if a written :request ls made JJy cbo atudezlt befoze tbe ead of the school year. 1be amowit of the :refwld wtll be d!e amoudt paid mlnua the amowat charged aa lhown in the schedule below. ~chedule A 1& used in de~ t11e!lmouit ~ me re!jdd for course& aeheduled 011 a semester baala, S<:he~ B.s \lfled 1n ~~the amollllt of 1he refudd for ~ adler couraes... Sebedule A Week in the &!moster Wbeu Student te Offtctally Witbdxawn from die COurse Befme Clan Beg1J 1- " Aftllr Week 1 Percent of_ Course Time Completed Schedule B Percent of the Total Pee Cluu:ged 0 5 1! Percent ol tile TOtal Pee Charged Before Clast DerJ.na l5 ~-~ ~ u -m. ~ ~r 75 ).00 The oulctal date, of wuhdrawat for refund P\ll'POSe8 11 1he end of uw ~alendar week ~ whlcb the ~ officially wlthdrawa fram cla88eo. Refunds of DOD resldent tuition wul not be made in &mo\jits.jell dlat p,()() tmles a class ill cancelled by the school U a c~s is ~ned by the achool, a fvll refwld will be given for that cla81. -be Area Vocar:lO!&l, Teclmtcal aad Adult.Bducidaa Dlatrlct No, blcludea:... Jefferson County leas the port1ou of the Oconomowoc ad Palmyra school districts; Sauk COWlly leilb the po~on of lbe tbaca add WHton ai:bool dlat:icta; DaDe County lebb tbe poruon of~ Banllveld school clstrlct; and Colwnbla CQunty; pl.wj the portion oithe Watertown, Columhus, Ralldo]pt, and W~~terloo school dlltttcts fd Dodse C!Urf 1 New Glarus add. BeJ.J.evtlle school di11trlcts in Green Cotmty, JUvez Valley acbool district in owa ajid RichlaDd Countiea, Portage school dlatrlct 1a Marquetm County, Oregoa.Kbool d1btrict in Gxeen Jd,Roc:k Countlu 1 Wiecouin Della scbool district in JWH!aU, M~ette &Dd Adams Counties, Mt. Horeb school d1st:rkt in owa County, Stougtdon school district in Rock County 1 Gild Reedsburg.school dirnrlct in ]UZM!au County. - An additional area Wblcb w1ll become part of District No. -.. of July 1, S die Wonewoc school district in Juneau County add inluchlodd County, TAB~E OF CONTENTS Board of Control Sponsoring School Districts Accreditation FtUiosophy and ()bjectives Functions and Goals History nstructional Programs Physical Facilities Student Personnel Services Student Financial Aids Registration Admission Scholastic Procedures.and Policies Schedule nformation Student Government Student Activities ' Associate Degree Programs : Course Descriptions for Associate Degree Programs 57

5 ~,_~ College Transfer Programs f.. l i ~ Course Descriptions for College Transfer Programs One and Two-Year Diploma Programs Course Descriptions for One- and Two-Year Diploma Programs Administration and Faculty Alphabetical ndex Numerical ndex BOARD OF CONTROL The college is operated under the direction of the Area Board of Vocationa1, Technical and Adult Education District No.. The members of the board were appointed by the county chairmen of Columbia, Dane, Jefferson, and Sauk counties. The board consists of seven members made up of two employers, two employees, two citizen members; and a school disbict administrator. Following is a Jist of the members of the board all of whom took office July 1, 1967 i Employer MembeiS George Hall Ray Rueckert Employee Members Marvin E. Brickson, Chairmon John F. Misfeldt, Treasuref' Citizen Members Harold Alwin, Vice Chairman Walter Brink School District Administrator Dougw S. Ritchie, Secretary Superintendent of Madison Public Schools '

6 , ) ~ t! '' '"'- -..-~ ' ''''""",,,,,_,_,_ ,... r The Area Vocational, Teclmical and Adult Edttcalion District No. includes: Columbia CA>unty, Dane County, except that portion of the Barneveld School District which lies in Dane County. Jefferson County, except that portion of the Oconomowoc School District which lies in Jefferson County. Sauk County, except thllt portion of thaca School District and that portion of Weston School District which lie in Sauk County. The portion of Watertown School Disbict which lies in Dodge County. The portions of the luver Valley School Disbict which lie in owa and Rich land Counties. The portion of New Glarus School District which lies in Green County. Additional areas whic1l wlu become part of District No, as of July 1, 1988 are: The portion of Waterloo School District which lies in Dodge County. The portion of the Portage School District which lies m Marquette County. The portion of Columbus School District which lies in Dodge County. The portion of Jaint District No. 1, Village of Oregon, in Rock and Green Counties. The portion of Wisconsin Dells Joint School District No. 1 in Adams and Marquette Counties. The portion of Belleville Joint School District No. 1 which lies in Green County. The portion of Randolph School District which lies in Dodge County. A part of District No., which will be detached as of July 1, 1968, is the portion of Palmyra School District which lies in Jefferson County. SPONSORNG SCHOOL DSTRCTS Baraboo Belleville Black Earth Cambria Cambridge Columbus Deerfield De Forest Fall River Fort Atkinson Jefferson johnson Creek Lake Mills Ladi Madison Marshall McFarland Middleton Monona GQve Mount Horeb New Glarus Oregon Pardeeville Portage Poynette Randolph Reedsburg Rio Sauk- Prnirie Spring Green Stoughtoil Sun Prairie Verona Waterloo VVatertown Waunakee Wisconsin Dells ' ~ l! ACCREDTATON The Wisconsin Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education has accredited the technical associate degree programs of the college. The Coordinl:lting Committee for Higher Education and the Wisconsin Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education approved the liberal arts curricula and the college is authorized to o.ffer collegiate transfer courses. The University of Wisconsin, the state universities of Wisconsin and MUlikin U~iversity, Decatur, llinois, accept llie college transfer' programs for credit. The college has full institutional membership in the American Association of Junior Colleges. The college.is recognized by the American Council on Education as an institutional affiliate. The college!s a member of the Council of North Central Junior Colleges and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. n 1966 the college was accepted as a candida~e for membership in the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The following special agencies accredit or give professional recognition to particular programs: American Dietetics Association endorses the food service supervisor's program; the Food Service Executive Association has recommended accredjtation for the quantity food preparation and service program. the Wisconsin State Board of Nursing accredited the practical nursing program, the Council on Dental Education of the American Dental Association accredited the dental assistant program; the Bo11rd of Certified Laboratory Assistants of the American Society of CUnical Pathologists and American Society of Medical Technologists accredited the laboratory assistant program; and the American Medical Assistant's Association lists the medical assistant and medical secretary programs on the association s listing of approved schools. 6 7

7 PHLOSOPHY We believe that there should be adequate educational opporhmities tq meet the needs of the people of our community. OBJECTVES 1. To provide adequate guidance and counseling for youth and adult to assist them in self-evaluation and attainment of their maximum potential.. To help people to prepare for jobs or for advancement on their jobs.. To help people prepare for new jobs when necessary in our changing industrial and business world.. To help people live more fully the lives their jobs support and to prepare them to take responsible community action as a part of life. 5. To p1-eparc those who wish to take advanced study by offering n two-year oollege transfer program. 6. To provide programs, facilities, leadership, or any other educational or cultural service which may be desired by the community. 7. To help people develop a disciplined intellectual competence and an awareness of our varied culture. l FUNCTONS AND GOALS To carry out its philosophy, the college offers educational opportunities for all high school graduates in its service area. ts presence encourages the enrollment of young people who might otherwise tenninate their education at the end of high school. With its strongly individualized approach to education and personal guidance, the college gives these students the opportunity to determine their vocational or professional objectives nnd to seek further education to gain their objectives. To aid these students to gain their objectives, the faculty works to: L Help students to understllnd themselves and those at'9und them and to understand democratic processes.. Prepare students to ta1ce part in the economic life of the community.. Develop students self-reliance by encouraging them to think critically in solving problems.. Encourage students to take part m some creative activity and to appreciate the creativity of others. 5. Help tho students develop their sense of soci11l responsibility and an increased understanding of the socio-economic problems confronting our nation and the world. 6. Teach the students an awareness of the contributions afforded by other idens, races and religions. 8 9 _....

8 HSTORY 1he Madison Area Tccbnlcal College was started in 191 as!he School of ndustrial Education in responsu to n 1911 Wisconsin law providing for the establishment of "continuation schools" where young people who left school to go to work could continue their cducatios. n 1917, a new law changed the name of the college to the School of Vo~tional ~ducatlon. Thi followed the passage of tho Smith Hughes Act wh ch prov1dcd federal support for vocational education. n 191, in recognition of tl e need for adult education, the college became the Madison Vocational ilnd Adult School. Ll 1961, tbc school wns renamed to more correctly label ts functions: The Madison Vocational, Technical and Adult Scl1ools. u odditioq tn vocational 11nd adult programs, associate> degree teclmical prognm.; wru-e offered. On July l, 1961 the college became :m area sci>ool with a ~..,n espondingly increased tax base comprised of thirty-oight school dlsbicts within the oountles of Colwnbia, Dane, Jefferson, Sauk, Richland, owa, Dodge, ami Green. On January, 1968, in order to koep the name and functions of the oollege parallel, the Wiscoosin Board of Vooational Technical and Adult Education ollic:i lly named the college, the Madison Area Technical College. Each name change represents the Bexib!Uty of the college to respond to the changing educ.ttional needs of the community. The basic philosopbv that tl1ere be adequate educatloonl opportunities to meet the needs of tb~ oommunity, has remained the same. 10!.. : '.l il fi!j ' J J J!,. j,[ it J! l.,, i ~ NSTRUCTONAL PROGRAMS The Madison Area Technical College provides many opportunities for education beyond high school.. The college offers progmms ranging from basic ndult education to two-ycat college transfer, two-yeo.r associate degree programs, one- or two-year diplomn programs, and certificate progr:ld)s. n is volume (Volume 1) describes the full-time programs leading to nn associate degree or diploma ns well os tho college transfer progrnms. The associate degree and diploma pn>grqjos give young people the prepa111tion they need to qualify for employmcdt. The college transfer programs ennble students to take the freshmen nnd sophomore years of college work after which they may apply for transfer to a four-yenr college or university. To tho.!:c who wish to complete two years n college and who do not desire to transfer to a four-year college or university, n two-yeo.r.associate degree general college program L< offered. Certificate prngmn1s ore composed of a series of the mnjor course selected from the r~gular diploma programs. They are designed to rneei individual needs and vocational goals. A student who has satisfactorily completed the major courses of the curriculum in which be is enrolled shall be el!giblc for graduiltlon provided he bas. a "C" average in these major courses, nnd has been rccommeucled by the division chairman and the tencher-cnordioator. He receives a certilicnte in lieu of a diploma. Volume U describes tho adult day and mming offerings, adult high school, apprcnllceship, and community services. PHYSCAL FACU.TDS Three buildings presently house the post-high programs of the conege. The main building, Ju. t one-half block from the State Capitol in down town Madison, includes classrooms, laboratories, shops, lecture halls, library, and student lounge, as well as other facilities. The!aro.,cr part of this build ing. a four story.;cction, W!\ built in Fifth and sixth Roors were added in 196. The original building was erected in l9l The Automotive and Diesel Center, on the cast side of the city, was built in 1~. t includes classrooms as well as laboratories for work on auto bodies, engines, brakes and alignment, tune-up, transmissions, and diesel nnd heavy equipment repair. Tisc Apprenticeship Center, at the same location, was remodeled in 196. Apprentices receive their related instruction in the classrooms and laboratories of this building. The Technical Centor, a two-story building to be completed in Sep tember, 1968, includes the following facilities: ten classrooms, two adminisllation offices, tw.o guidance and counseling offices, two conference room ~. two teachers' rooms, n materials resource center, a D!lltiporpose study area, audio visunl room, nnd laboratories for chemistry, physics, general metals, graphic arts, machln9 techoology, metrology and materials testing. metals, welding, wood and plastic technic.., and drafting. 11

9 ~ ~~~-~ ~ ~ Further building space will be provided in June, 1969, when Central U~versity Hlgh School, purchased in 1961, will no longer be used for higu lichool cjasses. n addition to the facilities in Madison, District No. has buildiug facilities in the cities of Fort Atkinson, Stoughton, and Watertown. The following facilities are included in the downtown building in Madison: Libral')' 'The library, located on tl1e first.floor of the main building, will expand to 5,000 volumes by '19'70. Student Lounge Scanlan Ha1J, located on the first floor, is a multipurpose student cen ter, serving for study, relaxation, and as an auxiliary lunch :room. Vending machines are available in an adja~t room. Dining Roolll$ Two cafeterias, on the ground.floor, are available for the use of students and faculty. They are operated at cost by students and faculty of the Quantity Food Preparation rrogram. Audio-Visual Centet Special instruction materials are prepared by the deparbnent of Audio Visual Aids, in cooperation with the faculty. All popular marerials are available, including recordings, tape recordin~. slides and overhead trans parencies. Closed circuit television and cable television facilities are used to give. classes the experience of presenting demonstrations and talks over television. The ~arne equipment enables large classes to view teaching demonstrations at close range. Book Store Students may buy necessary books and suppl.les at the college store. Paiking The main building of the oouege is located in the center of Madison, where the city bus lines converge, but many students arrange to live within walking distance of the college. Students are encouraged to leave their cars at home, since parlcing is a problem in the heart of the city. However, there are several city parking lots within a few blocks of the college for those who must drive. 1 STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVCES A major aim of the college is to assist students in making maximum progre~s toward suitable and satisfying educational, vocational, personal, and social goals. To facilitate the acco.mplishment of this aim is the pur pose of Student Personnel Services. These services cover the following areas: COUNSELNG AND TESTNG SERVCES Students and prospective students are welcome to consult with the counselors in the office of Student Services. There is a Student Services Counselor, a Financial Aids Counselor, a Housing Counselor, and tl Testing and Guidan~ Counselor. The Division Chainncn, the Associate Chairmen, the Assistant Chair men, and the teaeher-coordinators as well as the teachers all assfst in the guidance and COWlSeling of students. The Registrar and the Assistant Registrar assist student's in over-thecounter counseling... Counseling services include vocational guidance, career m ormation, assistance with academic and study problems, specialized testing and personal counseling. Students who desire it are given the opporttmity to work with a counselor in a oonbdentlal relationship in which they can explore their aspirations, aptitudes, interests, and any special problems they may have. HEALTH SERVCES n school student emergency health services are provided by making contact with the Registration Office (Room 16). Dial operator. HOUSNG An opel) lle of inspected and approved rooms and aparbnents is maintained in the office of Student Services. Students are advised to make their arrangements before August 15. The co11ege takes no other responsibility regarding housing arrange ments; therefore, care and judgment should be used in selection. The student and his parents are solely responsible. Some of the housing possibilities include the following: Private donnitories-range $10 to $15 per week. Rooms in private homes-range $8 to $1 per week. "Live-in,. opportunitieg in.return for babysitting and houseworlc services.. Apartments, three to six ~dents to. share e"penses (this may offer a less studlous atmosphere) $0 to $60 per month p.er person. YMCA-YWCA-These rooms are much in demand. Apply directly to the organization. Range $8 to $15 per week.. 1

10 f PAR'f TME PLACEMENT Many of the student~ attending tile couege seek p!ut-cime WOJ"k in order to cam moqer 10 defray e~penses. Students may have the assistance o the student ~erv~ce.s ~ounselors in securing employment. Students also rnny work m schoo1 or related agendes. GRADUATE PLACEMENT Employ~rs in the Madison nre.1 use the services of the college placement office m their effort to obtain q ualilicd workers,. Every eifort h made to assil;t recommended b'l"aduatc. in obtaining sabsfactory employment in their chosen fields. 1 STUDENT FNANCAL ADS A com[lrehensive flnanciul aid program.is offered which provid~s assistance to students who would otherwise be unable to llnance their cdu ('.1\tion. Thus, the Qpportunity (or higher education is extended to qualiiied young meq and women in financial need through loans, scholarships, grants, and employment programs. The finamial aid program is administered on the principle that financial assistance should be viewed only as supplementary to l:he elf(!rts of the family. Therefore, in order to determine need and make awards fairly, the parents of aid applicants are required to file a confidential statement. n the case of a student who is clearly emancipated, the parents may Sle a statement of nonsupport, All financial aid awards are based on the applicant's llnancial need. APPLCATON PROCEDURES t is recommended that incoming freshmen a1>ply for financial a.irl by February 15 of the year prec&.ling their enrollment in school. Appli ~ntion forms and instructious arc available from high school counselors and principals or from the office of Student Financial Aids. Continuing or transfer students should npply for a,;sistance by March 15. Students who have received assistance previously must reapply each year in order for the award to be renewed. Application forms and. inshuctiom are available in the office of Sn1dent Finnocinl Mds. LOANS WSOONSN STATE LOAN PROGRAM These loans are from funds established by the State of Wisconsin. The borrower must he a resident of the St11te of Wisconsin and enrolled lin a full-time post-high scholll program. Undergraduates may borrow up to a maximum of $1,000 per year. SCHOLARSHPS HONOR SCHOLARSwPS Each Wisconsin Higl1 School is allotted n number of Honor Schollll" shlps based on size of enrolhnent. The amount of awnrd ranges from $10<1- $800 depending on the student's need, Students in the upper 100: of their hlgh school graduating classas are ellglble to receive this scholarship. LEADERSHP SCHO.,ARSHil'S Only Wi~consin r~dents enrolled in n full-time Associate Degree or College l'arallel program a re eligible. Amounts vary with mwcimum award be!!lg two-thi~ds ol a student's llnancial need. ND AN SCHOLARSDPS Schol~Whips for Wisconsin lndill!ls are awarded annually by the Wisconsin Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education. Application forms may be obtained from the Office of Student Financial Aids. 15

11 GRANTS EDUCATOliiAL OPPORTUNTY GRANTS A federal stipend is available to students from low income family back grounds, Amounts range from $0()-.$800 depending on the amount the student's parents can contribute for educational expenses. Grants must b~ matched by the school through the nse of jobs, loans, or scholarships. Students must be enrolled full time in Associate Dc~;,rree or College Parallel programs. NSTTUTONAL WANS AND GRANTS There are many different types of funds which are made. available through the generous contribution of private donors. These funds are for the purpose of providing financial aid in th! fonn of short-tenn loans and grants to needy and deserving students. All.funds nre under the supervision and control of the Faculty Committee on Student Financial Aids. lnfonnation may be obtained from the office of Student Financial Aids. EMPLOYMENT WOl\K STUDY Under provisions of the Economic Opportunity Act of 196, students may be offered part-time employment as part of their financial aid award; Students must be enrolled full-time in an Associate Degree or College Parallel program. VETERANS PROGRAMS G.. BLL Benefits may be received by veterans who are eligible for educational assistance as determined by the Veterans Administration. Applications for educational assistance may be obtained from the nearest Veterans Admin istration office. WAR ORPHAN Benefits may he received by children of veterans who died or are totally disa~l ed as a result of disease or injury 'incurred or aggravated during s~z;rice D the Armed. Fo:ces, Ellgibility is determined by the Veterans Adrmmstration and apphcation fonns may be obtained from the nearest Veterans Administration office, WSCONSN VETERANS Educational assistance may be provided by the State of Wisconsin lor veterans who are part-time students. Assistance is in the fonn of re'imbw:sem en~ for tuition and textbook costs, Appllcations and information may be obtamed through the local county veterans service officer. O~-OF STA1E AND FOREGN STUDENT ADS No assistance is available for out.{)f-state and foreign students. These students should be prepared to finance their entire expenses il ~ r REGSTRATON APPLCATON PROCEDURES Applications for post-hfgh school programs are accepted after November 1 for the following school year. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from local high school guidance counselors or by writing to tho Registrar, 11 North Carroll Street, Madison, Wisconsin 570, Applicants currently enrolled in high school must have completed six semesters prior to making application. The closing date for advance application by mail for a fall semester is August 1. After this date, new applicants may apply in person for programs where Qpenlngs are available. Whenever possible the applicant should have the high school send with the application a transcript of high school record. f currently enrolled in high school, he should also send a listing of senior year courses and credits. f a graduate, a complete high school transcript should be supplied as well as a transcript of any additional education. These should he sent by the institution attended. Depending on his program cboice, the applicant is notified of a date for additional tests when his completed application and transcript have been received. Evaluation of application, transcript, and test results are made by the program ~hairm an and the applicant is notifled of the ~;tatus of his application for the fall semester after March 15. The accepted applicant is notillcd of detailed registration procedures prior to the start of the school year. n certain programs, applications are accepted for the second semester. A list of openings is available by the mid-term of the first semester. The closing date for seoond semester applications by mail is January. After this date, new applicants must apply in person. FEES PAYMENT OF FEES All fees are payable at the time of registration. Registration is not complete oor are students permitted to attend class until all fees are paid. ADVANCE RESERVATON FEE An advance reservation fcc of $15 is due within fifteen days after notification of acceptance. The receipt for this fee is the student"s assurance of a place in the program for which he has been accepted. This fee is not refundable, but will apply toward regular fees at the time of registration. REGSTRATON FEE Each student who registers is charged a registration fee of $. LA1'E REGSTRATON FEE Continuing students who fail to pre-register at the designated time during the preceding semester will be charged a $5 late registration fee n add!uon to regular fees. This additional fee is not applicable toward any other fees or charges ~d is not refunciable

12 - New st11denb in full-time post-high school programs who fail lo register and pay their fees at the appointed registration time, are charged an additional $1S late registration fee. This additional fee i~ not applicable toward any other fees or charges and is not refundable. LABORATORY OR MATERALS FEES Laboratory or materials fees, when required, are chiu'ged to defray incidental costs. They are due at the time of registration. STUDENT ACTVTY AND NEWSPAl'ER FEES All students enrolled in post-high progj&l's for twelve semester credib or mote with a vocational, technical or general education objective, pay a student activity and new~papcr fee of $6 at the beginning of the school year, or $ if enrolled at the beginning of the second semester. CHANGE OF PROGRAM FEE There shall be a $1 change of program fee for each change of program initiated by a student after the second week.of school. TEXTBOOK AND MATERALS FEES The student purchases his own textbooks and class materials e.s may be requim.i NON-RESDENT TUTON FEE By act of tbe Wisconsin State Legislature (Chapter 9, Laws of 1965), a non-resident tuition fee is authorized and charged for all students who are non-residents of Area Vocational, Technical.and Adult Education District No.. Non-residept tuition rates nre computed from a formula provided 'by the Wisconsin Board 11f Vocational, TeChnical and Adult Education. The rates vary from year to year as they arc based on current instructional costs and expenditures. Specific non-resident tuition fees for the current year are pmvided as a spccial.insert to this catalog. For students under 1 )'ears of age who do not reside in a Wisconsin vocational school district, but who are legal residents of Wisconsin, this non resident tuition fee may be paid by the county of residence. Forms for this pmpose '"ill be mailed at the time of acceptance. For students under 1 year~ of age who are legnl residents of Wiscon sin and who reside in a Wisconsin vocational school district, this non resident tuition fee may be paid by that vocational school, provided that the student notifies his loc~j.l vocational school and provided that such local vocational school does not offer a ~lmilar program of study as that which the student w.i$he$ to pusue. Fonns for this purpose will be mailed.at the time of acceptanet:. u some instances this applies to. students over 1 years of age. All out-of-state students, all foreign students and all non-resident students over 1 years of age 11re responsible.for paying th!lif own nonresident tuition fee. n all cases, the individual student is responsible for proving his resi dency status. 18 REFUNDS Tl10 college will refund the registration fee and th(l unused portion of the course, laboratory or materials feel~, in all cases where the college discontinues the class. f a student wiuulraws from class of his own accord, the registration fee ~hall not be refunded, but the unused portion of other fee8 will be refwlded. Refunds of course, laboratory or materials fees for students who \vithdraw shall be as follows, provided the studel)t completes a Withdrawal form and notilles the Registration Office, in writing, at the time of withdrawal.. First week -l<m if all supplies that have been issued are returned to the department clui.irman, Second week-701 Third week -0% Fourth week-11' Fifth week -None No refund for less than 1 shall be made. Persons joining or inducted mto the U.S. Auned Services, upon presen tation of a notice of induction, shall. have all fees refunded except the registration fee and the used portion of the labqratory, materials, or course fee. The amount of the unused laboratory, materials or course.fees sbaij be determined by the chain\'lan. All refunds must be requested prior to July 1 for each preceding school year. NOTCE TO APPLCANTS, PARENTS, OR GUARDANS Services, financial aid, and other benefits of the Wisconsin Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education aro provided on a non discrirnina(ory basis, as required by the Civil.Rights Aet o 196. ndividuals applying for or receiving assistance through this agency who believe that discrimination on the ground of race, color or national origin is being practiced by the Wisconsin Board oe Vocational, Technical and Adult Education may file a written complaint with the state agency, the federal agency or both. Any written complaint is to be signed by the complainant, shall give in detail the time, place, pertinent facts and circumstances of the alleged discrimination and shall be. submitted to the State Director, Wisconsin Board of Vocational, Technical Uld Adult Education, 17 East Wilson Street, Madison, Wisconsin

13 ADMSSON ENTRANCE REQUREMENTS Q". tt "'" The Madison Area Technical College is open to all adults who are capable of profiting from instruction. Post-high school programs are open to those who nre high school graduates, to those who hnve passed high school equivalency test!i (equivalence.is interpreted to mean a passing score in nil parts of the State of Wisconsin High School Equivalency Test or a passing result in the C.E.D. Test. A photocopy of the G.E.D. certificate or Wisconsin Hfgh School Equivalency Test results is required in these cases), and to those mature individuals who, through work experi ence, can prove that they are capable of mastering the subject matter. For particular programs within the college, admission requirements vary de pending on aptitude for the curriculum, available student stations, and a reasonable probability of academic success. A current application form indicates testing requirements, n addition, specific examinations are required for certain programs. A student's appli cation is evaluated on the basis of a combination of high school and other transcripts, work experience, entrance examination results and an interview, if it is deemed necessary. For entrance to the Comniercial Art program, a student must present a portfolio for examination. Health Occupation students must pass a stipulated physical examination. Barber, Quantity Food, at)d Food Service As sistant students must pass the physical requirements set up by the Wisconsin State Board of Health. Physical abilities,. in general, should be compatible for the program applied for. REVEW PllOGRAM Those students who do not qualify for entrance into the program of their choice receive cowlseling. A program of studies is developedlor the~ which helps them acqufre the basic skills fudged necessary for reasonable success in a certificate, diploma, associate degree, or transfer program. MlXED PROGRAM Mixed programs are available to students who are undecided as to their specific goals. TRANSFER OF CREDTS Students transferring from other institutions of higher leai'ning may have their re~rds evaluated by the chairman of the division in which they wish to enter and may receive permission to waive certain program requirements pzovided the courses being transferred are equiyj~.lent in nature and satisfactory grades were received. At the discretion (tf the division chairman, students previously en rolled at other institutions of higher learning who are no longer!;lcceptable for academic reasons at such institutions or students who were on probation upon leaving such institutions may be accepted on a strict probationary s~atus for one semester. Such students must achieve a grade-point average of.0 or better by the end of the semester in order to continue enrollment. 0 1 l t 7 -rtm zne-: - ADMSSONS TESTS --- Each applicant to the college.is required to tnkc tests for evaluation of his aptitude for the program to which he desires admission. UJ.lon re ceipt.by the C()llcge of an application blank nnd high school transcript, notice of a test date is sent to the applicant. A current applicati«>n blank indicates testing requirements. n addition, special tests and/or interviews are required for some programs. These special tests are given on certain Saturdays by appointment only. Notice of acceptance or non-ncceptance in the chosen program for the fall semester is sent beginning in mid March. Those who do not qualify for the programs of their choice are given the opportunity for a conference with a school counselor as to alternatives. FOREGN STUDENTS The Madison Area Technical. College is approved for the attendance of non-immigrant students Wlder.the mmigration and Nationality Laws by the mmigration and Naturalization Service. Non-immigrant foreign stu dents who wish to apply must demonstrate a level of proficiency in their use of English to enable them to pursue the program of their choice. 1

14 SCHOLASTC PROCEDURES AND POliCES SCHOLASTC REQUREMENTS Students must be in residence far one year to be elfglble for gradua Uon. 'The degree or diploma awarded to a graduate from the ~~~edited programs will not he presented unless tl c student has obtained satisfaclllry achievements in his major 1leld. n order for a student to oo granted a diploma or llll associate degree hom.the college in any area of traini'ng, he must have satisfactorily completed the entfre curr.iculum of his choice. He must ba, e maid:!.ined a.0 grade-point avemge. He must be recommended by the instructors within the department and by his chbirman. HONOR ROLL The Honor RoU is published at the eod of each semest~. High honors are nss!gn~u. ll those full,time students with a grade-point average of.5 or better and honors to those with <1 grade-point average of.0 through.. Any lull-time student who completes his ''Ou.rsc of study wjth a cumulative grade-point average of.8 or more will recc.ive recognition for ltigb scholastic achievement. ACADEMC STANDARDS Students are Cll(lected lo maintain a high levcl of scholarship. A mjnirnum of an ltour of outside preparation is wuauy required Ear each class period at the technical level. n college transfer oourses, an avej's.ge of two hours pel' credit hour may be expected. Grades nre recorded at tl1e end of each semester on the fullowlng basis: Grade D escription Numerical Polnb A Superior 9~100 B Above;, Average 85-9 C D Averoge Bctow Average 77~ F Failw-e ncomplete Below 70 0 W Withdrawal Crados are assigned at the mid-term of cacb semester. Students whose work is not satisfactory nt mid-seme~tcr receivt' an academic warnin~. Grad~ point averages ~re Sgurecl on a 0- scnle with four credit pomts granted for each semester credit of "A", tlu~e credit points for each semester credit of ~B, 1111d two credit points for cnch semester credit of "C". Semest~r cr~ts of "D" receive one credit point each nnd "F" grad~'s earn no cred1t pomts. Stucleot! in all prograrru are required to maintain an over-all gradepo~t average of.0 {nc' aver.~ge). Failure to do so results n adm.ln!stratlve action accordjng to tbe following schedule.. ~ ") \. d ) v ACADEMC PROBATON AND DSMSSAL One-Yeor Diploma Students-A student with a Olle year vocatiowtl obj~<ctive will be placed on probation if he has not co.rned a..0 averag~ at the mid-11emester grn<llng period of his Grst semester. he ba$ not ratsed bill grades to tho required.0 by the end of the li.rst semester, he may be asked to transfer or drop from his program. A student whose grades ate below.0 at the eed of the l!rst semester will.be placed on probation, r>r ill some cases, may be asked to uansfcr or drop from his program. A student who has improved his grade-point average to.0 by the end of the lirst nine weeks of the seoaod semester will be removed {rom probation. A student who does cot have a.0 over-all gmdc-point average by mid-term o the second semester will not be eligible!or a wploma unlcsj he can presen ~ written evidence from each iustructqr that he probably will improve his standing to.0 by the end of the final semester. Two-Year Diploma Sbtdents-Studcots in a two-year diploma program wru be placed on probation at the end of the first remester of their first year if th~ir.overall grade po(nt average s not at a.0 level (or at tb.e e.nd of any semester ill which they.f!ill below tl1is standard). f ll. students second semester grades average.0 or ahove, he will he removed from p robation. A student who has not improved )tis grade-poiut average to the neces sary.0 at the end of the second semester of his first yenr will be required to report 01' a conference with his chairman and one of the guidnce coo? selors to discuss his poosible dismissal &om the program. Every effort will be made to help such students Bnd a more ~'Uitable program through guldap.ce, Associabl Degree StudentS-Students in associate degree and college transfer programs will be placed on probation at the eod of any semester in wijlch they have failed to maintain a.0 grade-point average and m:~y be requested to lenvc the program after counseling. Students in the associate degree progr:~m who have not maintained ~n over-all.0 average by the end of the 8rst semester of their scoond year will DOt be eligible for an Associate Degree. Those in college transfer programs will be counseled concernlog witlldrawal from school. N COMPLETES A grade of ncomplete will be gi"en only if a stude,ot has done passing work and because. of llness or mai?t cause b.,yond his. control fails to complete the course requirel)lents. Mtss!n g a final exammatlon without notifying the instructor and having a salisfnctory excuse shoj result Jn an automatic "'F". ncompletcs must be made up by the end of the next semes ter except in continuing counea. n a continuing course, a student.must remove nn ncomplete by the end of tho next six. weeks Q automatically receive a failure and be withdrawn from the second semester ol the continuing course. No student shall be allowed to graduate without the removal or all ncornplctes.

15 ... -~.. ~~~ ca~~::s~!'il f1l.. ~~~ iiii.fiiiiz- ---.:: WTHDRAWALS Withdrawing from Sebool: A student withdrawing from school at aoy time is required to schedule a conference with his program chairmm and a counselor and complete a Withdrawal form. Failure to do so results in grades being r(:c()rded as failures. Withdra,ving from a Course: A student with a chairman's coosent, may withdraw from a course within the fmt two weeks of a semester with no grade being recorded. Beyond that rime, the withdrawal will be recorded as follows: WA-Witbdtawn, with a grade of "A~ at the time of withdrawal. W.B-Withdrawn, with a grade of "B" at the time of withdrawal. WC-Withdmwn, with a grade of "C' at the time of withdrawal. WD-Withdrawn, with a gradd of "D" at the time of withdra,val. WF-Withdrawn, wnh a grade of "F" at ~he time of withdrawal. WP-Witl.drawn, with passing work. W-Withdrawn, too soon to measure progress. ed' 1 is allowed in cad1 course. Unex One excuse~ nbscnc~ f W t ~~~~ the discretion of ihe.instructor, cused ~bsences n r cess ~ 1ft J:u:a~~ the final grade for each excessive result m the loss o. ono- lsidcred as one absence. n any clasii, absence. Three tardmes.c;cs arc cot r U cck of absence will rc~ult in the three oobens~tivet absct.ncellsy ~itr~~n~n ~om thnt cln~s. Rrodmi~~ion is with ~tudent mg au oma c:. the consent of the department chamn1111. CllADE 1\El'ORTS tb ecks oi the end of each Grade reports will be issued wl in two w m'ed s!ddcnts '11 be sent to the parents 0 unma semester. Such reports W d ort ill be sent directly to students 1 Jmder 1 years of age. Gl'a e rep s w years of age and over and to married students. TRANSCRPTS. d. 1 nd will not be released except The student's record s oonfl c~t ta ~ student is entitled to one free by the signed request fofclthe ~ltlubdeenm. :ci: for ench ndditfonal transcript. transcript. A charge o v '~ 1 -!..,. ' /;---:.ti- ~.\ -....:.:..:.! ;.'..::-'.,_:., OHicilll withdrawals will not be granted during the last three weeks of classes ill 11 semester prior to /na! exnminatfons. APPEAL FROM ACADEMC.ACfiONS AND READMrlTANCE Appeal from ac-o~.demic actions previously stated in thi~ section may be made to an Academic Appeals Committee. f a student bas been dropped For academic reasons, he may seek rcadmitt.:mce after a semester has elapsed. His application umst be passed on by the Academic Appeals Conunlttee. STUDY LOAD A full-time student in llil,1.<sociutu degree progtarn may take ;1 miiximum of eighteen credit hours. n some programs in the Vocational Studies Division, where the study is largely conllned to the classroom or laboratory, up to twenty t.:redit hours may be token. A student is considered a f-ull-time student when he is carrying a t\velve-hour credit load or is in chll;sroom attendance twenty periods per week. OUTSDE WORK A maximum of l w.!nt)' hours of oul~idc work is suggested (or tbe fulltime student. This ma~imum Da)' he too large for some students. When a student's ncademic work declines b~cause of his outside work, it will be suggested that he reduce his outsido work load. Financial aids are available to help those students who need such aid. :\ TENDANCE Attendance is the r~pomihility of the individual student. No class cuts are allowed. ln au cases of absence, work must be made up by ajjllngement with tl1e instructor.

16 SCHEDULE NFORMATON SCHOOL CALENDAR Classes lor the zlldo "" ch end J. 8 ~ 11 s ool Year' will be s. une. Graduation exercises will b J. gm on eptember 9 and twelve day recess at Chmtmas anci e o? une 6, There will be a semesters ~e.nineteen weeks in engt:ns e.tgh~ day recess at Easter: The ]. nnuary 6, The school calendar fti f~7 sem.ester classes be~n on nsert.. r 0 Will be published as an Ptlriod 1 Break 5' Break Class Schedules Time 7:6 to 8:.6 a. m. 8:Q to 9:0 a.m. 9: to 10:1 a.m. 10:1 to 10:9 a.m. 10:9 to 11:19 a.m. 11: a.m. to 1:1 p.m. 1:17 to 1:07 p.m. 1:11 to :01p.m. :gs to :55p.m. :o9 to :9p.m. :5 to :p.m. :7 to 5:7p.m. 5:7 to 6:00 p;m. 6:00 to 6:50p.m. 7:00 to 7:50p.m. 8:00 to 8:50p.m. STUDENT GOVERNMENT An all-school Student Council opel,"ates. with the following genera] purposes: To serve as a coordinating unit for the post-high school students and adults within the college for the purposes of: 1. Providing liaison between the administration and students, council members serve on v{ulous faculty oommittees.. Promoting citizenship and leadership txaining.. Operating as the students' voice in their school government.. Acquiring and disseminating accurate information to the student body. 5. Assisting with au-codege graduation. 6. Providing for social and athletic activities, 1. Arranging for assembly programs in accordance with the wishes of the students. The student activity fee card admits a stvdent to many au-college functions.

17 ṙ ~~- ~=~ ~---ww --~--- ~ -~-~ ~---~-*~--~ ~~ The cjty bas exceptional hbrary facilities and several museums, including STUDENT ACTJV.TES one at.the State Capitol bui!jing. There arc thirteen public beaches on the Madison lakes. Public and STUDENT COUNCH. priv~tely operated skating rinks are available. Boating and fishing are not The students, through their elected StuQent Council, participate in the limited to the summertime, since Madison is a center for both ice boating.admin,istration of student aifairs. Student Council.coordinates student activ.and ice &shing. jties, sponsors all-school convqcations and school events, and represents the The University oe Wjsconsin Arboretum preserves in their natural s~dent body in policy 1llatters. ~tate some 1,00 acres of wocxuand and prairie, which may be viewed at any season from public drives ;md hiking trails. n Madison there are opportunities for most c).lltural and social activities in which a student may be interested. ATLE'l'CS The varsity pasketball team plays a twepty-game schedule and compet~ in the Wisconsin Techpical College Co11ference. Other varsity sports incl"ude golf.and bowling. OTHER ACTVTES Studel}t.clubs have a full program of educational and social activities. The Four L~cs Repc.~rter js a newspaper published by, and primarily for, the full-time.students who pay a special newspaper fee at registration. Editing, reporting, writing, art work and photography ~re open to all full-time students. Typogr,aphy and photo-offset pooduction!lre handled by students m the Graphic rts department, NDVDUAL ENRCHMENT. ~n iiddition to the organized student activities, there are many <>pport\lmties for personal, social and cultural enrichment within the college and the community. A post-high school s~dent may enroll 'in any of the courses of adult day an.d evening school. For example, in Home Economics there are courses in clothing and foods; in General Education there are courses in literature, J.angllages; in Art, painting, pottery; in Dusiness Education there are business skill courses; many other educational and recreatignal opportuni ties are provided in the adult school. The college is a co-sponsor of several music activities~ivic (!horus, two aymphony orchestras, a munici).?~l band and c:ivic opera-whiclt sq!dents may join if they qualify. Other musical opportunities are classes in voice, J.liano, Jl1odem dance and instrumental music. The MadiS{)n CQmmunity offers a wide variely of activities which may enlarge the student's fleld of interest. There are a number of the~tter groups. The YWCA and YMCA wei come students into their athletic, recreational and social programs. The University pf Wisconsin sponsors frequent instftufes, concerts and forums which ~tre open to ~e public.! 8 (

18 Two \'EAR AssoctA'l'E D GREE i ~ \.. i. ' : TWO YEAR ASSOCATE DEGREE PROGRAMS Tltcse programs are designed to prepare for immediate employment for a cluster of jobs in a selected area. They are all two years in length and an associate degree is awarded at the satisfactory completion of an organized program. They involve an advanced and accelerated study in theory as well as practical application in the particular area selected. Accounting Architectural Structural Technology Automotive Technology Chemict>.i Technology Civil Engineering Technology Commercial Art Court and Conference Reporting Data Processing Dental Hygiene Electronics Technology Fashion Merchandising Fire Science Technolog~ General College Legal Secreta:ry Marketing Mechanical Design Technology Medical Secretary MetaDurgical Technology Office Mid Management Petroleum Marketing Police Science Real Estate Secretarial Science ACCOUNTNG ASSOCATE DEGREE The accounting curriculum provides the educational background requir~d for entry positions in private business and industry, governmental agencies and public accounting firms. Job eq~erience and continued education provide the necessary qualifications for advanced. positions in the field of accounting. F~T YEAR CnEmTs Course No. Course Name 1st Sem. ru:l Sem Acco'Jilting Business Mathematics Communication Skills 10-1 Business Organization and Administration Business Law Orientation Accounting U Communication Skills U Principles of Data Processing Business Economics Psychology of Human Relations Machine Calculation SECOND YEAR Accounting -ntermediate Accounting V-ncome Tax Office and Per.sonnel Management Systems and Pzocedures a Elective AccoWiting V-Managerial At::counting V-Cost American nstitutions Auditing or Governmental Accounting 0 Elective i. l : '; jl. Electives-Sec Page _

19 Two YEAR AssocrATE.Do:Ru ARCHTECTURAL STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGY ASSOCATE DEGREE. 'Jbe archltectural area is broad and chau~ging. t is the pwpose of the architect and/or consulting engineer to supply the OWJlets mth a set of plans and specifications of the structure desired. The architectural struc: tural technician will assist the (ll'chitect or engineer in the development of plans and specifications, ~eclcs on erection, altecations, and test of materials. Fll\S'l' YlW Coune No. 607-H S llZ S.EOONn YEAn Corsr~ Nam6. Archltectur.U Theory anti Drafting Construction Materials Tecbntcal Mathematics l T ecl!nical Science Communication Skills OrientatiOn Architectural Theory and Drafting n Electrical and Mechanical Technical Mathematics ll Technical. Science ll Communication Slcills rchitectural Theory ;md Drafting l Sucveying 607-llB Architectural Rendecing Mechanics. 809-lll Eoonomk:s Psychology of Human Relations Strength of Materials Contrl!<;tli and Specifications Steel Detailing Concrete Detailing Building Estimating Americnn nstitutions Seminar Elerove Architectll.ral Theory and Drafting V Omlns lrt Sem. nd Sem Credits AUTOMOTVE TECHNOLOGY ASSOCATE DEGREE Two YW\ AsSOCATE D.ECRE& The autc.motlve technician is in great demand as aq. aide to the engineer and destgner at the ~ufacturing level as a new or used cat sales man at the marketing leve~ or in service management at the consumer service level. Study emphasis in any aspect of the automotive industry is available in this program. FlliSr Y EA Course.No ! ' B SE.CDND YEAll Cour~a Name Brakes and Steering Wheel Alignment and Balallclng 'l'eclmical Mathematics Technical Science Communication Skills Orientation Engines Technical Mathematics Technical Science Communication SJdug Tune-up and Carburetlon 60-15Z Elcctri.cal Systems GOZ-15 Power Train Psychology of Human Relations 809-l.ll Eoonomics Elective Automatic Transmission Accessories and Air Conditioning American nstitutions Electives Electives for those woo wish to enter the area of Automotive Service Management ~158 Service Management Service Management Ports Dcpsl,tment Procedure Used and New Car Pre-Delivery Service CB.Enrrs n Sem. nd Sem Credits l}

20 . ~- Two YEAR Assocu..m DEG\EE Electives for those who wish to enter the area of Automotive Sales Service Management Sales Techniques p~ Department Procedur~. 600-BO Used and New Car Pre-De1ivery Serv1ee Electives for those who wish to enter the area o Automotive Manufacturing Technical Drafting Technical Drafting Manufacturing Processes ~100 Principles o Metnllurgy Electives for those who wish to enter the area o Automotive Servicing Service Management Special Problems Credits Arranged 1 SECOND YEAR Organic Chemistry Quantitative Analysis Econonlics American nstitutions. 60-llB Technical Methods ()f Analysis Organic Chemistry QuantitaHva Analysis Chemical Processes nstrument Analysis Seminar Elective Electives As approved by.the Trade and ndustry Chairman l'wo l'e.\l AssocrA'rE DEGREE ~ Th ch CHEMCAL TECHNOLOGY ASSOCATE DEGREE 'cal technician assists chemists and chemical engineers in the rese:rclte:d development of new products an~ maintena~ce of ~uality standards for.existing ones. He may work in testing, analys1s, setting. up and operal::i:llg ]aboratory equipment, quality control, and trouble shooting. FmsT Yi::AB Course No SM ~151 Course Name Chemistry Technical Science Technical Mathematics Communication Skills Orientation Chemistry Technical Science Technical Mathematics Communication Skills Psychology of Hwnan Relations Cmm:rs 1st Sem. nd Scm CVn. ENGNEERNG TECHNOLOGY ASSOCATE DEGREE The broad field of civil engineering encompasses all construction proj~ ects involving man's efforts to control or rearrange his environment. The planning and construction phases o all such projects require civil engineering technicians. ncluded in our highway, emphasis is the survey. detail ing and construction o highways, railroads, pipelines and transmission lines. The land survey emphasis develops the art and science of locating property on the ground and making graphical representations of the property. FmsT YEAll Course No Course Name Civil Engineering Drafting Surveying Technir..al Mathematics Technical Science Communication Skills Orientation Civil Engineering Drafting H Surveying Technical Mathematics Technical Science Communication Sldlls 5 Q\EDTS 1st Sem. 1ld Sem r l l 1 '.i

21 \1" ~ SECOND YEAR Legal Elements of Civil Engineering Psychology of Human Relations Economics Electives Surveying Civil Engineering Estimating American nstitutions Seminar Electives Elective for those who wish to enter the area of Highway Technology Civil Engineering Drafting '-116 Mechanics Water Supply and Sewage Strength ofmaterials Materials Testing Civil. Engineering Drafting. V Electives for those who wish to enter the area of Land Surveying. 601:: Topographic Surveying Topographic Mapping Land Subdivision Drawing 607;..17 Land Subdivision Drawing 601-,175 Boundary Location COMMERCAL ART 8 ~1-17 1~17 Credits Two YEAH AssoCATE DEG.REE. The stud~t completes his training by the development of an indivtdual portfali.o demonstrating to advertising agencies, art studios, and other prospective employers, his degree of attained proficiency F.li\ST YEAR CliEDns Course No. Course Name 1st Sem. nd Sem Commercial Art Design and Color Drawing Lettering Psychology of Human Relations Communication Skills Orientation Commercial Art Creative Lettering Design and Color 01~119 Figure Drawing Photography for Commercial Artists Communication Skills SECOND YEAR Commercial Art Advertising llustration AdveJtising Layout Figure Drawing 0-10 Graphic Arts Photography for Commercial Artists American nstitutions ' :\ l \ 1 l.i i j! r ASSOCATE DEGREE The Commercial Art Curriculum prepares the student for a career in commercial art as it relates to the broader fields of advertising, design1ng, illustration, and the graphic arts. Through lectures, demonstrations, and supervised study tmdel' the guidance of instructors with many years of practical experience, the student develops the required technical skills and professional attitudes. nstruction places emphasis not only on tecrmical discipline and competency, but also on the development of a creative and artistic sense capable of interpreting complex marketing problems through the techniques Uld materials of modem graphic illustration, ' \ Commercial Art V 01-lll Advertising llustration ll.' 809-lll Economics.' 01-1 Copy Preparation Graphic Arts Photography U for Commercial Artists Folio Preparation 0-1 Survey of Reproduction PJ ocesses

22 Two Yr:AR Assoc~.vn : DBCF.E Two YE.U ASSOCJAm DEGBP.E COURT AND CONFERENCE REPORTNG ASSOCATE DEGREE A touch (machine) shorthand program training ~tuden~ as court, legislative, or free lance repor ter~~. n1is work :11fords lot~resting DlentaJ activity and requires concentration, patience, 11015e, good. vtsion, and good health. Promptness and attention to detail are most demnble traits.. t is a profession n which many men and women have found personal satisfaction, stimulation of mind, and monetary rewards. FiRsT YE.'n CnEoiTS CourS6 No. Comse Nome 1st Sem. nd Sem Machine Shorthand or 17 Typewriting ll or Typewriting 'Business Mathematics Business Law Records Management Communication Skills Orientation () Machine Shorthand Transcription or 18 Typewriting or Typewriting V 101-lll Accounting American nstitutions Communication Skills SEC~:l!D YEAn Machine Shortband Legal Dictati.on SeCretarial Procedures C~ Orientation Business Economics Elective Machine Shorthand V Legal Dictation Testimony, Charge 1, and Depositoion Cooperative Court Reporting Secretarial Machines Psychology of Human Relntions Electives-See Pag.. ~ DATA PROCESSNG ASSOCATE DEGREE Data Processing, as a career, will provide an exciting challenge to those who are technically prcpareq to hahdle the increasingly complex areas of application lo which computers and data processing equipment operates. Students mti.st possess a high level of alertness and logical thinking ability. The data processing progr-am prepare:~ for fob entry n business and industry as a junior progl'lldlrner. Additional education ~nd job experience can lead to work in systems analysis. t also meets academic requirements for becoming a Certified Data Prooessor. Fms-r Y An Course No SOi ll SmoND Yt!A '1.5 1< Elecli l'~ee Pogc 51. C()Ufse Namo Basic Computer Concepts Electro-Mechanical Mnchineii Accounting Data Prooessing Mathematics Communication Skills Orientation Computer Programming l Data Processing Applications Accounting Data PrOQessing Mathematics Communication Skills Computer Programming otrodtjct!on to Programming Systems Psychology of Human Relations Business Economics Accounting V-Cost Advanced Computing and Programming Systems Data Systems Development and Design Business Organization and Administration American lnsutution$ *Elective 9 C!EDTS l$tsem. ndsem

23 'fwo YEAR Ai-'OCA n: D &11»: DENTAL HYGENE ASSOCATE DECREE The two-year curriculum in Dental Hygiene is designed or persons who- wish to prepare themselves as dental hygie_nists. The denta~ hygienist works under the supervision of a Ucensed dentlst and must be lioensed by the state in. which he or she practices. Employment for the licensed dental hygieiwt may be found with a dentist in his. private. prac~ce, in government health agencies, in the Armed Forces, m hosp1tals, m schools, and in industry. The dental hygienist gives the dental prophylactic treatment, teaches patients prescribed methods of maintaining dental health, takes dental X-rays and inspects the mouth for defects that should be called to the attention of the dentist. Frequently dental hygienists assist the dentist in operative procedures and management of the office. Admission to the program is determined by the faculty committee which selects candidates after detailed study of their academic preparation evaluation dulijlg their personal interview, and their performance on the' Dental Hygiene Aptitude Test. Tbe Dental Hygiene program is a demanding one, calling for a high degree of individual motivation, good physical health and stamina, good manual dexterity and an excellent background in biology and chemistry. Students arc required to buy ~uch personal items as uniforms, dentul instruments, specialized texthooks, and laboratory materials. Expenditures for these items, which nre the personal property of the student, mnge from $00 to $50. Most of this expense occurs during the lrst year. Graduates of this curriculum are awarded.an associate degree and are eligible to take the state licensure examination. FlliST y EAil Coui'S6 Na ~ll S Caurso Name English Composition Chemistry Anatomy and Physiology Dental Anatomy Orientation to Dental ctlrc English Composition 11 Clinical bet)tal Hygiene Dental Materials Uld Technology Pathology Microbiologo; Nutrition 0 Ciu:otTS 1st Sem. nd Sern SEOJ!"DYEA S (& Sociology Histology and Embryology Emergency and SurgiC'.tl Procedures Phnnnacology Clinical Dental Hygiene ll Economics ntroduction to Psychology Hygiene Clinical Dental Hygiene m Social Aspects of Dental Hygiene Speech Dental Practice Admi-Qistration ELECTRONCS TECHNOLOGY ASSOCATE DEGREE The electronics industry offers the technician a wide range of job opportunities in manufacturing, reselllch and development, communications or nstallation and maintenance of electronic equipment. Communications ~nd industrial electronics continue to expand at a rapid rate and the positioo of teclmiclan or engineering assistant within the indu.rtry!s one of the fast est growing of the occupatio!lal classi.llcations. Fmsr YE..U\ Coursa No. 605-ll ~ Course Name Direct and Alternating Current Fundamentals Direct and Alternating Current Fundamentals Laboratory 1'echnical Matheplatics Technical Science Communication Skills Orientation Electronic Circuits Electronic Circuits Laboratory Technical Mathematics J Technical Science Communication Skills CN:urrs l.st Scm. nd Sem

24 Two Yw.n AssocrA'fl'. J)rmm :J'. SECOND YEAR (l Electives Electronic Circuits Electronic Circuits Laboratory Circuit Analysis Electronic nstrumentation Psychology of Human Relations ndustrial Electronics Economics American J nstitutions Seminar Electives Digital Computers Electronic Communications Electronic Metrology Other Electives as approved by the Trade and!dustry Chairman FASHON MERCHANDSNG ASSOCATE DEGREE lfl.-18 Credits l 1 Fashion buy.ing and merchandising olfer many career opportunities to men and women who have imagination, ability, and an interest to create, develop and promote new fashion ideas and products, 11tcrc is an increasing demand for trained persons, J]articularly women, in the merchandising of women's. apparel Professional courses stress an understanding of fashion products and a knowledge Q( fashion-marketing principles and procedures, Field trips to l'etail stores, apparel manufacturers, and textile mills, as well as guest lectures by experts in those areas, enrich class studies and enable students to j!xplore career opportunit<ies. SBCDnd year students may obtain part-time supervised fob experience. FmsT Y:un Gotu'Se No CoU1'se Name Communication Skills Principles of Marketing Orientation Principles of Design Principles of Fashion Merchandlsing Principles of Salesma nship Elective C!EDlTS lst Sem. nr7 Sem, SECoND YEAn Electives , ,0-16 Fashion ndustries Dusiness Mathematics Communication Skills Credit Procedures Visual Merchandising Clotl1ing Design and Selection Business Economics Fashion Planning, Pn>motion and Coordination FasbiQn Show Techniques Merchandise Mathematics Principles of AdvertWng Principles of Retailing Elective American nstitutions Business Law Occupational Research and Analysis Retail Buying in Merchandising Psychology of Human Relations Elective Clothing and Textiles Fashion Construction Field Training Seminar Non-Textiles Speech Typewriting Retail Advertising Two YEhR AssociATE DEGl\EJ!: Credits z 18 11

25 . 1'.. '... :,_., ' ' Two YEAR AsSOClh n: OE<::nl!l! #'~ i,... ~.~. :.:... ~... p~:. FffiE SCmNCE TECNOLOGY ASSOCATE DEGREE Fire ScienceTechnology empllasizes the mastery of appropriate skills!lfld the attainment of teclmical as well as general information ncce$sary for combahng llre in today's technically complicated world. Tite tllreat of lire because of new w.mplicated structures and new n1aterials and the multi-varied social conditions o our present day almost demand training of the sort offered in this program. The various courses which make up this program have been sele<;ted to prepru:e high school graduates and off duty llre fighters in the special as well as the usual techniques o fire fighting. Graduates in this- program will lind employment in local llre departments, industrial plants, insurance companies, and otlter agencies such as state and federal forestry departments. Fm&T Y!AR Cour$e No SECOND Ytwi Electives Course Nume Communication Skills Psychology of Human Relations Technical Mathematics Technical Science 1 Fire Fighting Tactics and Strategy Communication Skills ll Economics Technical Science Fire. Protection Building Construction Codes Equipment AJ?paratus and Systems American nstitutions Chemistry Organ17.ation.and. Procedure Fire Prevention Hydraulic.~ Fire Suppression Chemistry of Hazardous Materials Emergency Rescue Fire Protection Systems Fire Alann Systems and Cmnmunications Electives Technical Mathematics li Legal.Aspects of Fire Administration Fire nvestigation CREDTS 1st Sem. nd Sem l-6 16 lll-lr Credits GENERAL COLLEGE ASSOCATE DEGREE Tllis curriculum is designed for the student who for economic, social, nr academic reasons wishes to combine liberal studies and electives from vocational or technical curricula. t covers a span of instruction which will introduce hlm to various ways of examlnlng and understanding the world ar?und him and himself in relation to that world; at the same tim6 it pcr mts him to t11ke commercial, technical, or homemaking electives. Students who have. graduated from an accredited high school or who are otherwise judged capable of profiting from suclr instruction are admitted to this curriculum. Students who successfully complete this curriculum with a mininlum of 60 semester hours of credit, with an overall grade point average of.0, ot above, qualify for the associate of arts degree. Suggested Minimum Requirements English composition Speech Social sciences Humanities Science Electives 00 semester hours 6 ~ester houu semester hours 6 semester hours 6 semester hours semester bouts 6 semester hour~ At least.5 of the <0 credit hnurs presented mujt be in.. llbcraf arts. Others may be selected from assoclnte degree technical curricula. Fll1&T YJ:AJ~ Course No SUGGESTED GENERAL COLLEGE PROGRAM Cowse Na.me English Composition Speech American History, ot History of Western Civilization Electives Engllsb Composition U ~can History, 1865 to the Present or History of Western Civilization ll Electives 15 CnEDt'ts 181. Scm. nd Sem

26 Two YEAR AssOCAn: D~Gru:t SECoND YEAll ntroductlon.to Psychology Survey of Literature B0:>-50 ntroduction.to Art History ol Music Appreciation Electives Survey of Literature H Sociology Earth Science Electives Electives As Approved by the Division Chairman. LEGAL SECRETARY ASSOCATE DEGREE An area of specialization affording the graduate opportunities not only in business applications but in a teehnical field. Completion of the educational requu'ements of this program and the necessary job experience can lead to certillcation as a Professional Legal Secretary. FDSl' YEAR CREDTs Cour8e No. Course Name 1st S nd Sem Secretarial Science or Secretarial Workshop or 1 Typewriting Of Typewriting Business Mathematics 11l.>-16 Legal Secretarial Law Records Management Communication Skills Orientation Secretarial Science or 17 Typewriting ll or Typewriting Accounting 11>&--16 Legal Secretarial Law BUSiness Economics Communications Slr.coNO YEAR Applied Secretarial Science or 18 Typewriting H m T yj.lciviting V Legal Secretarial Office Procedures 10-1 Business Organization and Administration l'r!nciples of Data Processing Psychology of Human RelatiOll Applied Secreb.rial Science Secretarial Machines Legal Secretarial Office Procedures American nstitutions Secretarial nternship or Elective Electives-See Pago 57. MARKETNG,tSSOCATE DEGREE Two YEA11 AssOCJA'rE DEc~ 18 1 Marketing offers many career pursuits. for qualifled :men or women with initiative and trained abilities. Marketing abounds with career opportunities in the retail, wholesale, manufacturing and related marketing Jield. Study involves a broad, dynamic and diversilled area involving goods nnd services, with many opportunities for specialization and growth. n.today's economy, the consumer is tile center of the business uni verse. Acceptance of this consumer concopt is having broad implication toward revoluti1jnizing economic thinking. As this conswner concept gains gycater acceptance, marketing is being identified a!i the most important function in business. Fmsr YEAR Course No Cqur~ Name Business Mathematics Communication Skills Principles of Marketing Orientation Psychology of Human Relations Visual Merehandising Elective Acoounting Communication Skills Credit Procedure, Principles of Salesmanship Marketing Research 7 CREDTS 1st Sem. nd Sem. 0 : 17 16

27 Two YEAll As$0CATE OEGJ\EE SECOND YEAB Principles of AdvertiSing American nstitutions Business Economics Merchandise Mathematics Electives Electives Business Law Occupational Research and Analysis Marketing Management Electives Acoouoting Retail Advertising Basic Computer Concepts Field Trainblg Semill!U' Principles of nsuraocoe Prlciples of Retailing Sales Leadership Small Store Management Typewriting Principles of ndustrial Marketing Credits 600-OZ SEOOND YFM\;1\ Technical Drafting. Manufacturing Processes Mechanics Technical Mathematics li Technical Science Communication Skills ll 606:-10 Technical Draftin_g Strength of Materials Principles of Metallurgy Descriptive Geometty Tool Design Psychology of Human Relations American nstitutions Technical Drafting V Product D~gn Machine Design Hydraulics Seminar Economics Electives Two YuR AllliOCATE DE<JU::E MECHANCAL DESGN TECHNOLOGY ASSOCATE DEGREE The Mechanical Design curriculum is basically concerned with manufacturing and ts various aspects. t is. designed for students who are interested in preparation for work in the development and design of mecbani cal products or the machines, tools, and equipment used in their fo.brlca tion or assembly. The increased use of automation in all industries has raised the demand for train.ed men in this field, and.ans demand will continue to increase. FmsT YEAR Course No Course Name Teclm.ical Drafting Manufacturing Processes Technical Mathematics Technical Science Communication Skills Orientation CEDTS 1st Sem. nd Sem. 5 0 Electives ndustrial Photography Optical Tooling Basic ndustrial Electronics Other Electives as approved by t.:he Trade and ndustry Chairman 9 Credits

28 Two Y AJ\.AssociATE DECREE MEDCAL SECRETARY ASSOCATE DEGnEE The Medical. Secretarial program prepares the secretary for work in the office of a doctor, clinic, hospital or for employment where a knowledge of medical terminology and professional procedures and ethics is required, t also provides excellent preparation for secretarial positions in any business. The status of Ceri:ifl.ed Medical Secretary can be acquired upon completion of the required job e:tperience. FRST YEAll Course No, lob SECONl> YEAB Course Name Secretarial Science or Secretarial Workshop Typewriting or Typewriting Medical Terminology Human Body Bus.iness Mathematics Records Management Communication Skills Orientation Secretarial Science Typewriting U or Typewriting Medical Terminology 1 Human Body ll Accounting Communication Skills Applied Secretarial Science Applied Typewriting Secretarial Procedures Medical Ethics and Law Psychology of Human Relations Elective Applied Secretarial Science Secretarial Machines Business Economics American nstitutions Secretarial nternship or Elective Electives As Approved by Du~ine.~s Education Chainnan. 50 CREDTS 1st Sem..nd Sem METALLURGCAL TECHNOLOGY ASSOCATE DEGREE Two YEAn AssOCATE OECRE This program is designed to prepare the student to work in the metals ~dustries. Mter studying the basic theory of metals, the student's program 1s concen.trated upon laboratory techniques, heat treating, and applied metallurgteal process. The graduate of this program may specialize in heat b:eatment, foundry laboratory technician, and metallurgical research technician. FRST YEAH CREOlrs Course No. Course Name 1st Sem. nd Scm Chemistry Technical Science Technical Mathematics Communication Skills Orientation 0 8Q6.-11 Chemistry Technical Science ll Technical Mathematics U ' Communication Skills Psychology of Human Relations SECOw YEAB Quantitative Analysis Principles of Metallurgy Principles of Metallography Strength of Materials ntroduction.to Photography Hellt Treatment of Metals ~ ~106 nstrument Analysis Fundamentals of ndustrial X-ray. 60-1!. Advanced Metallography ~10 Materials Testing Advanced Heat Treatment Seminar Electives - Electives As approved by the Trade and ndustry Chairman,

29 Two Y..:u kssoclate DJ!.(;HEE Two Yuu AssociATJ~ DliunEE OFFCE MD-MANAGEMENT ASSOCATE DEGREE. f t PETROLEUM MABKETNG ASSOCATE DEGREE To be accepted into C.."()mpany training programs in middle manage- The automotive sales and service indusby provides opportunities for ment, or for running and operating a business, the program of study pro employment and advancement for trained personnel. As projected automovides a well toundcd program in fundamentals of business organization, { tive production increases, opportunities for employment in the field of finance, management, and related studies. This program provides the stu t automotive sales and service proportionately increase. Present personnel dent with training nece~sary for employment and advancement on the job are inadequate to serve this rapidly expanding industry which requires in middle management and allied occupations. l newly trained personnel as well as retraining for those already employed. Students who satisfactorily complete this two-year program are trained FinST Y~\ CREDTS for related fields requiring a petroleum marketing background. Course No. Course Name lit Sem. nd Sem Accounting FRST YEAl\ Crumm Business Mathematics Courx No. Course Name 1st Scm. nd Sem Communication Skills Communication Skills 10-1 Business Organization and Administration Business Mathematics Business Law r Prim:iples of Marketing Orientation 0 l Auto Service Accounting Accounting ll Communication Skills Communication Skills 107-1Q Principles of Data Processing American }Dstitutions Business Economics Principles of Salesmanship! Psychology of Human Relations Auto Service Machine Calculation Business Organization and Administration J Sm:>ND YEAR SEOOND YEAR Psychology of Human Relations Basic Management Accounting Auto Service lli Principles of Marketing Service Station Marketing O.Bce and Personnel Management Service Station Management Systems and Procedures Elective Credit Procedures :Business Economics Business Statistics Auto Service V Principles of Finance "! Marketing Management American nstitutions Service Station nternship 109,-1 Management Techniques Credit Procedures Principles of nsurance or Principles of ndustrial Marketing Elective - Eloelivcs- See l'agc Electives Credits Small Store Management Principles of Retailing Principles of Advertising Parts Department Procedures. 5 f ~ : t:' 1 i '! ; i! Jl

30 Two Yun Assoc1,\'J'E DEGREE POUCE SCENCE TECHNOLOGY ASSOCATE DE.GREE ~e Police Science Technology program provides the student with an educational background necessary for insight into social, economic and d~c raponsibilitics wlu~ is necessary to basic polfcc work. Thll preservation ~f law and order ls an absolute essential in the healthy growth of any natlon. The American community is undergoing rapid growth as well as rapid social and economic change and this makes the law enforcument career an increasingly complex one. Graduates of this program wlll find job placement opportunities as unifoj'dled officers or civilians employed in police depal'h?~nts ~n the loc~l, county, state, or federal levels. They mny find. opportumhes wxt:h the rrulroads, department stores, or airlines as. d~tectives or speda.l police FRST YEAR CREDTS Course No. COtr6e Name 1st Sem, nd Sem Communication SJdlls Psychology of Human Relations ntroduction.to Law EnfoJXement Organization and Administration Economics 1~11 Typewriting 50-llO Orientation Communication Skills American nstitutions Psychology of Personal Adjustment Criminal Law Criminal Evidence Technical Report Writing r REAL ESTATE ASSOCATE DEGREE Two Yun AssOCA1'E D CREE There are numerous career opportunities in residential, commercial, and industrial real estate for b ained men and women. You may become a broker, appraiser, property manager, or mortgage lender. Real estate includes the planning and development of office buildings, industrial complexes, fann, planned recreational developments, public land acquisitions, shopping centers,, and the complex Jleld of mortgage ]ending and 6nance..This program explores the. basics of the real estn.~e market, property rights, ownership, constmction, flnancing and brokerage as they relate to the American consumer. FmST YEU Courae No Course Name Principles of Marketing Principles of Salesmanship Business Mathematics Accounting Communication Skills Orientation Business Law Principles of Real Estate Accounting Psychology of Human Relations Communication Skills CREDrrs l stsem, ndsem.. 0 j;,. :,. ' ~ a. li ll,_ SEOOND YEAn State and Local Government ntroduction of Sociology Administration of Justice 50-1 Criminal nvestigation Patrol Procedures Defensive Tactics American National Government and Politics Trame Accident First Aid 50-,15 Juvenile Procedures Trafiic Control Electives Electives Credits ntroduction to Photography Secretarial Science 5! J SE<;OND YEAn usincss Economics Real Estate Appraio;al Fundamentals of Building Construction Real Estate Law Principles of Adver.tising Elective American nstitutions Real Estate Finance Occupational Research nnd Analysis Employment Opportunities 00 Eieolives Credit Procedures or Heal Estate Appraisal must be selected from the elective program. 55 il

31 Electives lo.z Retail Advertising Property Management and Development Community Planning Fundamentals Real Estate Ethics Architectural Rendering Machine Calculation Sales Leadership Field Training Seminar Real Property and Casualty nsurance Law Real Estate Appraisal Credit Procedures SECRETAUAL SCENCE ASSOCATE DEGREE Credits Today's Secretary is a person who is highly responsible, good at detail, cheerfully poised, and excellent in secretarial skills. The successful secretary plays an extremely versatile role in today"s business world. The Secretarial Science programs develop these qualities in the student. A goal of an executive secretary is the rating Certified Professional Secretary. This program provides the educational background to attain the CPS certificate. FBST YEAB Crumrrs Course No. Course Name lat Sem. ndsem Secretarial Science or Secretarial Workshop or ~ or Typewriting or Typewriting Business Mathematics Business Law Records Management CommuniCation Skills Orientation Secretarial Science Typewriting or Typewriting Accounting Business Economics Communication SJdlls !' ( { ~ SECOND YEAB Secretarial Scien~ or ; Electives-See Page 57. Course No Typewriting or Typewriting V Secretarial Procedures Busi.ness Organization and Administration Psychology of Human Relations Principles of Data Processing Secretarial Science V Secretarial MacbJnes Office and Personnel Management American nstitutions Secretarial nternship or Elective Two YEAR AssOCATE DEGREE BUSNESS EDUCATON ELECTVES FOR ASSOCATE DEGREE PROGRAMS Course Name Accounting V-ncom~ Tax Governmental Accounting Business Statistics Records Management Principles of Finance Business OrgaJ}ization and Administration Principles of Data Processing Computer Programming TypeWriting Marketing Techniques Sales Techniques Credit Procedures,Medical Records Science Medical Records Practicum Principles of nsurance Credits COURSE DESCRPTONS FOR ASSOCATE DEGREE PROGRAMS Accounting Credits Fundamental principles of accounting including the complete accounting cycle. Journalizing, posting, accounting statements, adjusting and closing entries, and accounting systems are. empha sized. The use of credit instruments is studied as well as the examination of receivables and merchandise inventory costing, depreciation, and accruals. 57

32 ~ :;:1:~::: 1~~'"'" CredU Two YEAR AssociATE DJmRm The study of principles and concepts in partnerships and eorpo rate organizations. Accounting areas covered iuclude payroll, tnxes, departmentalization, branch operations, manufacturing operations, cost accounting (job order and process systems), budgeting, funds statements, statement analysis, stocks and bonds, and. dividends B~ic Management Accounting C1 edits Emphasizes the use of accounting reports, the problem-solving functions of accounting.in relation to current planning and con trol, performance evaluation, long range planning, budgets, c::ostvolume-profit relationships Accounting -ntermediate CrediM nterpretation and use of accounting statements in measuring the position of the business. Preparation a statements from im::omplete data, errors, and thell- correction, statement analysis, modern terminology, and depreciation measurements Accounting V-Managerial Credits Accounting principles, procedures, and methods applied in preparation of financial statements, analysis and interpretation of balance sheet and income statement including problems in tenninol!>gy, valuations, manufacturing statements, cash How and fund flow. Problem solving functions of accounting in relation to control, cost analysis, income tax planning, special decisions Accounting V-ncome Tax Credits A study of federal and state income tax laws, individual partnership and corporation tax returns, FCA taxes, practical applications, preparation of returns as class projects Auditing Credits General principles of auditing, study of internal control features followed by internal and independent audit principles, standards, procedures, and techniques, preparation of working papers. 101~15 Accounting V-Cost Credits Job order cost, process cost, standard cost, and managerial cost accounting are covered. The course emphasizes the use of costs in business planning, contro~ and decision making. Effective implementation of this theme demands that the student under-. stands the nature of costs and the basic procedures by which costs are accumulated and accounted for in a business finn. 58 l 101-1{) Governmental Accounting Credits '11te course covers basic concepts, techniques, and terminology of governmental accounting, use of budget, and division of governmental resources into purpose groups la)own as "funds" as a con~ trol device. nstitutional accounting for edu.cational institutions and hospitals is studied, Municipal accounting, municipal funds and balance are reviewed Machine Calculation Credits Fundamental operations on rotary electric calculators (Friden, Marchant, Monroe) and their use in accumujntion, negative multiplication, percentage, discounts, reciprocals, distribution, and prorating. Training is given on adding machines and printing calculators Business Mathematics Credits This course is designed for the two-year students in the technical studies. The primary purpose is to increase the student's knowledge and skill in computing practical financial problems of a business or personal nature. The material included forms a sound basis for subsequent or concurrent courses in accounting, investments business finance, money and banking, insurance, real estate: statistics, retailing and related business subjects. The course is divided into two parts: a review of the fundamental mathematical processes, and the application of these processes to typical business problems and pxocedures Business Statistics Credits ntroduces the student to the theory and application of statistics to business today, t is an introduction to methods of quantitative analysis to be applied in various fields of jnterest. The use of statistical methods as scientific tools in the analysjs of practical business and economic problems is emphasized Records Management ~ Credits Basic systems of filing correspondence ( alphab7tic, numeric,. ~eographic, subject), and non-correspondence filmg (card, Vstble records and special records) are introduced. The ling cycle, which includes inspecting, indexing, coding, sorting, and storing, is an important phase of this course Principre.~ of Finance Credits Primary emphasis is placed on the internal management of business funds. Special emphasis is placed (>n worki~g capital, man~ agement, and proflt maximization. ~c financlal prob.lem.s of growth are analyzed. E:x:ternal flnnncmg and reorgamzational problems are also included. 59 ~ : ; r, l j '' i j! \\ i 11 11! i i! l!! li r

33 Two YF..AR.ABsocrATE DEGliE?: 10-1 Business OrganiZ<tion and Administration Credit~ An introductory course designed to furnish tl1e student with an understanding of the variety of activities which comprise business enterprises. t offers the student an insight into the responsibilities ronnected with the operation of a business from both organizational and managerial viewpoints. Management concepts and principles are emphasized Office and Personnel Management Credits A course designed for the career office worker, emphasizing the office manager's responsibilities and duties. t includes principles of office organization, physical facilities, communications, perso:tmel management, analysis of office jobs, selection of office personnel, and conlrol of output Sy$tems and Procedures Credil.v Various systems and procedures techniques used in facilitating the processing of business lnfonnation are studied, These include systems charting, work measurements, work simplification, forms de8ign and control, company manuals, job descriptions, work sampling, and suggestion plans. Actual business situations are analyzed and recommendations are made for their improvement Management Techniques Credits Problems facing the management of a business enterprise are studied. Management principles are applied to such topics as the relationship of management to the business itself, to employees to the owner, to customers, and to the community. The ability to de.fine the problem is emphasized Employment Oppcrtunitiet 0 Credit~ A seminar approach to employment opportunities in the rea 1 estate field. lncludes gu~t spealcers, Held observations, and distn"butioil of data Community Planning Fundamentals Credits A study of the steps needed to insul'e sound development of new residential and commercial areas under our private-enterprise system as they pertain to the developer's and. to the planning commission's regulations Real Estate Ethics Credits An introduction to the chief issues of ethics: nature of the ugood~, "value", "right", "obligation", "justice", The problems of ethical standards. Decisions~the logic of practical choice Principle$ of.real &tate Credlt Explores the economic characteristics, organizations, planning sales programs, developing new markets, and is keyed to the specialized area of Real Estate and its managerial problems. 60 Two Yr.t.11 ASSOCJA'!'E DllCEll Real Estate [aw Crodlts Covers the fundamentals to be observed in handling a real estate transaction Real Estate Finance CredU.9 An applied study and analysis of money markets, interest rates, and real estate financing, with actual case illustrations demonstrating lending policies, problems, and rules involved in financing real property, including residential; multi-family, commercial and special purpose properties Real Estate Appraisal Credits A rudimentary knowledge of the principles and technique for property evaluation (principally residential) Real EM-ate Appraisal t Credits A continuation of.real Estate Appraisal, Explains the fundamentals and techniques of narrative report writing with emphasis on Market, Cost and tl1e ncome approaches, and the many related problems ProperltJ "Management and Development Credits The coverage of the functions o property management and development, market analysis, monetary inhuenc;es, lease and rent scheduling, m~nagcment planning, maintenance, tenants, and psychology of occupancy, syndicate and corporate management.!0-19 Real Property and Casualty nsurance l.aw Credits The basics of real property and casualty insurance a w as they pertain to a particula.- problem emphasizing protection against losses is studied with the intentiou of giving the sh1dent a general background Ori!mtation 0 Credits The orientation p.-ograrn acquaints students w.ith the various school services and career opportunities and helps him to adapt to an instructional pattern of advanced training Prlndples of Mtlf'ketJng Credi~ Designed to acquaint the student with the problems and policies of the manufacturers, wholesalers and retajlers, as these problems and policies relate to the marketing of good~ and services. Particular attention will be given to channels of distributions, types of business enterprises, product planning, points to consider before entering business, competition, coordination of pr()o, motional plans, pricing policies, study of marketing costs, role of government, market research, Ciedit policies, and manage ment techniques. 61

34 Two YEAR AssociATg DmREF Marketing Reseal'oh Credits ~he meaning of marketing research as shown through descrip hon, evolution, history, and function of marketing research Principles of Sale$111ansl1ip Credit$ A course in the principles of selling and the application to re. tail and wholesale businesses. Steps in the sale, rules of selling, p~ospective problems, attitude of buyer and salesman, the inter Views, methods of closing the sale, and types of customers are g.iven special attention SmaU Store Management Credits ncludes principles of operation and management applicable to small stores. Special attention is paid to investigating business opportunities, and to organizing, financing and controlling small businesses Serrke Station Management Credits This involves a study o service station operation. Basic management functions are identified, such as: customer, community and employee relations; training techniques communication rec'ords tax: management, compensation plans; ~ecurity, insuran~e, inven: tory control systems; use of statistics and government records. Techniques of.creativity and problem solving are applied to the management functions Servrce Station Marketing Credits A survey of the petroleum industry. Particular attention is given to channels of distribution, types of establishments finance competition promotion, pricing costs, role of govem~ent re;earch credit, business operations, identity of goods and services, and management techniques, Service Statltm nternship Credits Student intern in an approved :lervice station. 'bis is coopera tive training whereby the service station and school work jointly to provide meaningful training experience. Students are given the opportunity.to apply training to job environment. Reports, projects, and evaluation are assigned Sales LeadeTship Credits Deals with the theory and practice of leadership. Emphasis is placed on problem solving, decision making, creativity, inter views, goal setting, and leadership philosophy. 6 Two YEAll AssociA'rE DroREll Sales Techniques Credits A survey course of sales and the techniques of selling a service. Equal stress is placed on selling the product as weu as selling the service. The course covers all phases of the sales including approach, demonstration, close and departure. A short section is given on development of the personality and t:he art of selling one's self Visual Merchandising CretJ.its A stridy of the principles of exterior and interior display tech Diques and.the coordination of these techniques with current advertising and promotion plans. The basic principles of display and design, color and arrangement are applied in practical sima tions. The student constructs displays. The basic skills involved in using various pens to construct effective window and interior showcards are taught, Non-Textiles. Credits Non-textiles is the study of the sources, manufacturing processes, care, and use of non-textile merchandise in related fashion merchandising flelds such as leather accessories, jewelry, furs, household utensils, china, glassware, silverware, furniture, and paper Retail Buying in Merchandising Credits Analysis is made of the principles and methods that determine successful merchandise selection. ncluded in the study are or ganizations for buying, knowing what to buy, determining where and how to buy, and the aspects of merchandising inwlved in selling Princlples of RetaiUng Credits Careers and opportunities in marketing, business location, building fixtures and equipment, store layout, retail management organization, purchasing procedures, merchandise discounts and ordering policies, product inventory control systems, planning the merchandise budget, receiving, checking, and marketing merchandise, retail store promotions, pricing, retail store services, and trends in marketing are covered Principles of Advertising Credit.s The purposes of advertising, the economic and social aspects of advertising, consumer analysis, product analysis, slogans, trademarks, idea visualization, the mechanical production of adver tising, the media plan, newspaper advertising, radio advertising, television advertising, direct mail advertising, outdoor advertis ing, packaging and labeling, and the advertising campaign are covered. 6

35 Two f~ A.ssoci:An:.DEGREE &fail Adoertjng Credltt This course conslsts of a study of the special problems of retail adv~ing, the examination.of the advertising deplirtment and publicity division of a retail store, the procedures involved.in preparing a retail advertisement, establishing an overall budget and plan, close.examination of the media utilized by :retail stores, a study of sales promotion and 11dvertising research in the retail store. The students also have an opportunity to piepare nnd present an advertising campaign for the store of their choice. 1()...1() Pr#r.clpks uf Design Credits A basic course to assist the student in applying art principles to fashion merchandise. Stu!lenl:.!i learn to recognize the qualities of good design through practice and experimentation with dot, line, shape and form, space, color, and texture. Dress design and problems facing.designers today are discussed Fashfon Planning, Promotion and Coordination Credits A study of the soorces of information, principles, and procedures involved in fashion planning and promotion at retail and wholesale levels. Students investigate tim various duties of the fashion ooordinator. Written and oral fashion reports are presented Princip~ of Faihion Merclwni.smg Credits Students study the evolution,.economic status, and importance of the fashion industry as well as the role of fashion in historic ()9stume. Career opportunities are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the nature C)f fashion products, consumer motivation, and current practices related to.the merchandising of fashion goods Fashfon Show Technlque8 1 Credit Fashion shows are first analyzed as a means of uresenting fashion information. Students explore the techniques involved in fashion show production. As a part of the f::()urse, students produce a fashion show Clothing De.rign and Selection Credits TJis course involve$ the utiuzation of design principles and elements, wal'drobe coordination techniques and integration of.customer nee!ls and preferences with current fashion trends in the selection of fashion merchandise. Peroonal development of the illdividu~tl student is included Merchan!llse MathematiC8 Credits Material wvered includes percentages, trade discounts, basic profit elements, <letermining and calculating markups and markdownj, interpreting financial statements, setting price lines, inventory methods, planning sales and expenses, planning and calculating open-to,buy, and invoicet mathematics. The material is pretiented through a collection of problems that are practical to the average business situation. 6 Two YllM\ AssOCJ\.n: DmliEE 101-:1.'8 Fm lrior1 lndusfries Credita Domestic and foreign fasbion producers at the primal')' and secondary market levels are analyzed in terms of structure, oper atian, and location. Current trends and devejopments nre discussed. A study of the role of American and foreign desig.;~e;;s as well as their contributions is made by s.tudents through individual research projects Morketing Management Credit.r Topks include product planning, investigation of the market, sales organizations, sale:; programs and compaigns, and selection, management, training, and supervision of sales and service personnel Credit Procedures Credits Principles and methods of credit administration in the mercan tile and retail field are covered, including so:urces of information, credit policy, credit control, legal remedies, and collection techniques Occupational R~$earch and Analysis Credits The student selects a problem for study in the area of his future employment. He may analyze the product in that field in tenns of bow lo advertise it, how to display it, and how.to sell it more effectively. n this way, be is given the opportunity to learn and organize the product infonnation in a specific.field in its most p~suasive form. The student.also investigates.fields in which he desires future employm()jlt, He is required to prepare personal wsumes, le~r:o of application, and materials pertaining to a proper job interview Field Training SemiTillr Credits As a prerequisite, employment is necessary in an approved occupation. Projecl'S, reports, and discussions are coordinated with.situallons related to student employment. Participntion in this class will be subjected to employer approval to avoid misunder standing or misinterpretation of course.objectives Marketing Tedmiqu~ Credits This course stresses marketing as applied to channels of distribution, manufacturing, wlwlesaliug, retailing, service pusinesses and the consumer, relates rnarketing career~ to the process of distributing goods and services.!05-16 '"egal Seprotarial f_,aw Credits ntroduces the student to the legal terminology used in the practice of law. 65

36 l. Two Y AR AssOCATE DEG!EE lll Z Z Lega! Secretarial Law Credits Contin~es the study oe legal terminology; also provides a concentrated study and detailed discussion of law and court procedures. Secretarial Workshop. Credit For students who have completed one year of shorthand. Rcm: dial help is provided along with dictation and transcription. Tius course enables the student to recover previously gained skills and to reach higher levels prior to entering a secretarial science clru;s. Secretarial Science Credits A study of shorthand theory for beginning students. Shorthand and transcription skill building. Dictation rouge: 60 to 80 words per minute. Secretarial Science Credits Emphasis is placed on review of writing principles. Spellin~, p~ctuation,.letter.placement, and transcription a.re taught D1ctation range: 60 to 100 words per minute, Secretarial Science Credits Development of shorthand skill through sustained dict~tion at high rates of speed. Emphasis is placed on good phrasmg and the building o a shorthand vocabulary of business terms. Dictation range: 80 to 10 words per minute. Secretarial Science V Credits Emphasis is placed on speed of taking dictation an~?? p~oduction of mailable transcripts, nitiative and respons1b1hty m the solving of transcription problems are emphasized. Dictation range: 100 to 10 words per minute. Applied Secretarial Science l Credit A dictation and transcription comse involving the technical terminology of varied types of businesses.a~d proeess.i~ns. The cours_e is adapted to the specuic area of trammg-med1cme, law, en~neering, government, education, llnance, and others. P~ereqmsite: Secretarial Science, Applied Secretarial Science Cr~di~s A continuation of Secretarial Science, Emphas a~ S placed on increasing speed and accuracy and in actual applimtion of the course to job situations. Typewriting. Credits Development of fundamental skills in the operation. of the type Writers. Simple tabulations, centering, and the m lmmum essentillls of Jetter writing are included. A goal of 5 to 0 words per minute should be attained. 66 Two YEM AlisOC!ATE DEGREE Z00-1 Typewriting Crediu An intermediate. course to develop speed and accuracy in typewriting and training in letter placement, tabulation, manuscripts and varied rough draft material. nstruction is offered on both manual and electric typewriters. A goal of 0 to 50 words per minute should be attained Typewriting 117 Credits Typical office problems are ~pnasized through advanced work on letter styles, rough drafts, tabulations, business forms, account ing reports, and legal forms; and training is given in the preparation of duplicating masters and stencils and manuscripts, Speed of production and nccurncy of typing of statistical material is stressed. Proofreading is emphasized Typewriting V Credits Advanced production work on tabulated forms with unusual setups, manuscript and thesis typing, direct dictation on typewriter, machine transcription, and use of the Executive typewriter and Varityper Secretarial Machines Credits Students become familiar with various office machines ordinarily associated with secretarial duties. nstructions wclude training on transcribing and dictating machines, duplicating machines, and ca.lculating machines. Established procedures, practices, and standards found in modern business offices are emphasized tnroughou t the course Court Orientation 1 Credit Enables the student to leam the procedures and practices of courts in action. 'This is accomplished by field trips, visiting iecturers, and visual aids Machine Shorthand l Credits This is a basic inuoduction to machine shorthand, covering tl1eory, keyboard, and phonetics necessary for macliine dictation and transcription Macliin e Shorthand Credit~ Through continual theory review of abbreviations, derivatives, and new dictation materilll, speed in writing and transcribing are developed. Techniques for speed building are emphas i:~:ed Machine Shorthtmd ll Credits Short cuts for high speed dictation arc presented. Material from court room proceedings, conventions, medical, legal papers is used to build this. vocabulary. 67

37 Two Yt:t~.ll AssocrATt.: DJWliF.J; /5() Machine ShQrt1wnd V Credits This course ~s 11 continuation oe Machine Shorthand ll, Legal Dictotio» Credits Two and three voice dictation, literary, congressional, advanced legal, medical, industrial, and ~cienti c terminology are pmscnted. Lega~ Dictation U Credits An introduction to and skill building in dictation and transcription of juj)' cliarge material Testimony, Charge, and Depositlcm Credits Skill is developed in recording testimony and deposition dictation material. Tapes and.records are used to ;provide practice. Secretal'iol Procedures Credit~ Development of attitudes and personality tr~ts!or suc~essful office work. Topics included are office orgaruzation, duties of workers, o$cfl behavior and grooming, and receptionist and telephone techniques. Cooperatitle Court RepQrling Credits Advanced students take dictation in court situations with the assistance and guidance of a <;1uali ed reporter. Transcript.ion 1 Credit Provides additional time to transcn'be dictation notes adequately. Emphasis is placed on traj}scribing accurately and productively ~ Legal Secf'(}tarial Offwe Procedures l Credits Provides the smdents with the opportunity to d.u-ectly apply the terminology of tbe legal profession to documents, correspondence, and offico operation Legal Secretarial Offici! Procedures 11 Credits A nnishin" course for the legal secretary, further developing tecbjrlcal &!s and lcnowledge, Ethics and etiquette in the legal office are also stressed Applied Typewriting Credit.~ Provides practical ap11lication of typewriting to a specialized Held. Develops speed and accuracy in technical terminology, forms and procedure$, Secretariallntemship Credits A training program that allows the student to observe and apply ln a practical manner the tl1eory, skius, and techniques sludied.in the secretarial science major. The student works ~n an approved business office under the supervision and guidano;:e of a teachercoordinator and a cooperating employer. 68 '1'wo 't'e,ul i\ssq(;jj\.'r..: DOOilllE P1inciples uf Daf<~ Proces.rlng Credits A co';ll'se i~troducing. principles of business data processing as?sed m.busmess and mdustry. t gives the student a backgroul)d m tenm.nology, types, and uses of machines from unit record tu electromc computers. Topics covered include the evaluation o data processing syst~s, introduction to problems, organization, tyve.s of storage medm, fundamentals of input and output 0 perahons, and elementary Fottran programming techniques, 107-llJ. Electro-1\.fQdv.mical Machines Credits A survey of ~lecbic accounting machines, ffiustrating the needs f?r such eqmpment and the utilization of it in various applications. The concept of the unit record equipment both as an independent system and as a computer suppoxt system will be covered. ~aboratory.exel'cises typical of those encountered in business Wlll be conducted lt~ing various unit record equipment Basic Com1mtcl' Concepts Credits Fundamental copcepts and operational principles underlying all data processing systems. t provides a f«mndatiop for detailed study o_ specific systems. Topics to be covered will include the cvalu~tio? of data p~:ocess/ng systems, introduction to probl<'!m orga~tion, ~pes of stotage media, fundamentals of input and output operations, nnd elementary programming techniques. lf!i-117 Daro Processing i').pplications a Credits A practical application of business data processing through 8?ase stu~y nppr~ach to Ulustrate the advantages 0 data processtng eqmpment m such areas as accounts receivable accounts llayahle, payroll, and inventory control. ' ntroduction to Programming Sr;stems C1'edits The.wpottance of lhe basic ron,cepts of programming systems is studied. The PUl'POSe and function of such systems as assembly pro~ ams and ~mpilers, utility programs, ~rt-merge rou~s. momtors, and htgh-levellanguages are introduced, Computer,Programming Credits The functions and capa~ilities of a specific ccnnpttter and study of the tools and teclmlques of programming. Students utilize the computer in exercises, drills, and case studies which bridge the gal? between the theoretical and the r~l world of data processmg Computer Programming 11 Credits Advancing computer programming employing techniques learned the.first semester. Concepts of type programming, random.access devices, and program testjng are taught. 69

38 ... ~--~ ~~ 'l'wo YBAn ASSOCJ,vn; D!Wiu: : 107-lZl Afluanccd. Computing and Prog,.ammlng Synerm icrcdttl The student receives ~11fficient knowlcc;lge of progra~~ ng sysf tern concepts to 1 o.'lster any specific system w1th a mmunum o instruction, learning to analyze, evaluate, and mo~fy s~cld sy~i T cs introduced in previous courses are exammcd 111 eta ::::~d;~~ give insights into the various functionll o nd vanced ' ! {)1-105 systems. Credit.. Data Sy$leml Development and Design A guide throug1 1 the three basic steps in t~1e c~nluatlon of sycd tern: analysis of present operations, sp~jficahons for pr?p 05 t systems and implementation. Case stud1es are used tn pomt ou the techniques and tools nece~snry for the task. l k. Credits Principles of ndustrln Mar etmg An analysis [s made of the industrial marketing structure: Em;:; sis includes systems and management, c~tomers, plnnnmg,. keting channels, pricing, sales orgunizntlo~: customer services, management control, :md career opporlumhes..'.l Credits Design aml Color. D gn 15 the process of creating order out of disorder, of seleetesl. her f 1c t, a given ing and arranging of a variable num? e men 5 m the funarea or space for a specific purpo~e, ts mportance as damental building block of art n an.y form. cannot be overstressed. as the validity of any layout, illustration, _fash~on drawing painting or drawing s dependent upon an mtet1gent and ho~lly im~ginative use of the principles of des~g~. nd For this reason, strong emphasis is placed on prov1dmg a sou basis for unders ~andlng and applying these concepts lls a fi:j foundation for all work to be dime n this course, ~tnd later a more mportantly, on the job. 0 entation Required Z,~t No Credit tl, b t C merclal First year students are understandab,y vague a ou. 0 ~ 0 Art in action. For this reason a series of lectures by VSiting P.r fesslonals representing major areas of. the llel.d hel~ to bnig first-hand answers to the classroom. Th1s expenen~e 15 stdngl ened through several field trips to art and graphic art apartments in the are.'\ where actual work in progress may be observed..l! Credlt.f Drawing era hi An introductory dmwlng class emphasizing sound tsmansrcl ) and knowledge of basic drawing skill$ as related to COf?mc a art The course lnclndes the study of perspective, prop~rtlo~, c: st~ction of solid forms, light and shade and rendenng m e and tone. 70 rol-106 Advertising llustralion CredU8 Second year students experience the application of various tech niques through assignments directly related to advertising art. The first semester is devoted to product rendering and advertising spot illustration using mediums for line reproduction '1 Lettering Credits A fundamental course dealing with the construction, proportion, and characteristics of letter fonns, spacing problems, use of tools and materials as they apply to lettering and type faces used in advertising. Class problems emphasi7.e practice and proper indication of Roman, Cothic, and Script styles for comprehepsive layouts, Creative Lettering Credits Learning to execute finished lettering for reproduction through class problems, applying skills and knowledge in producing work suitable for use in typical advertising situations such as display headlines, trademarks, logotype, labels, folders, and letterheads. These will be done with pen and brush. Tho same tools will be used to produce work of the temporary or showcnrd variety of lettering Advertising llustration l Credits The student works on assignments related to advertising and editorial illustration. Additional Cltpcricnce is gained in use of the tonal mediums ond application of the human Sgure is made to illustration problems Figure Drawing Credits Traditionally, the training of the artist has included extensive drawing from the live model, demanding the utmost in observation and drawing skill. A mastery of the figures paves the way for au other art expression. This introductory cla.~s gives the student experience in life drawing as a means, not an end. 01-l0 Advertising Layout Credits Lectures on advertising concepts and layout design. Practical training in visuali;z;ing and lay!)ut of n variety of problems in advertising media and product displny Design nnd Color li Credits Continuation of Design and Color, Copy Preparation Credits Training in the basic slcills of preparing material for printing. Procedures basic to the commercial artist working the graphic arts nrea, The course is designed to guide the student through tbe three stages in the preparation of copy: annlysis of information, selection of printing process, and implementation of work (meehnnical prcpnrntion ). 71

39 Two YH,\ll AssocL\TH DHCame Figure Dmwiflg ll Crcdi!s This class serves as ;t bridge between Figure Drawing 1 and Advertising llustration. Dmwing from the model enables the 8tudent to improve his observation and understanding of figure construction ancl with the inclusion oe the fully clothed model inerease.q his understanding of drapery and how it is influenced by the underlying fonns. Techniques related to comprehensive and finished art are explored Commercial Art Credits The commercial artist is a disciplined artist. Drawing for spedfic assignments is a more difficult task than drawing purely for pleasure or self expression. The first semester is planned to give the student a working knowledge of basic tools, materials, a'lld studio procedures. Class problems are in accepted media and techniques which include: pencil, pen nnd ink, and scrntchboard Commercial Art Credits This is a lecture and professional demonstration course of a work shop nature in which the student experiments with the various m!ldia used by cornmercin] artists in advertising and the graphic arts Folio PreparatloJJ Credits The student's portfolio of art samples is the CU:lmination of his two years of study. More important than any other single factor in the job interview situations, it is the key thnt opens the door to a career in commercial art. The class is an open laboratory giving each student the time and opportunity to work on lndi vidual assignments designed to identify his personal abilities to the prospective employer and to prepare the completed portfolio under professional guidance Commercial Art Credit~ A continuation of the introduction to the usc of basic techniques of art for reproduction. The emphasis is on the tonal mediums, wash nnd opaque watercolor, nnd mixed media Commercial Art V Continuation of Commercial Art, Credits ()~101 lntroducti011 to Photography Credits An introduction to the principles of basic photography ar. it relates to the selection of illm, camera operation, exposures, processing, printing, lighting, and print evaluation in preparation for metallurgical structureh study Graphic Al'ls Photography for Commercial Artist~ Credit~ T~cor~ und practice. arc offered to tho art student to acquaint h1m w1th photographic ami related processes as they apply to the reproduction of art, photographs, and type by the offset process Gra11hic Arts P7Jotography fol' Commercia! Artists Credits A continuation of Graphic Arts Photograpl1y, Surt;ey of Reproduction Proce8ses Credits 0-170,.n;!"""" An introduction to the mech~uics of printing processes. t presents ~he mech~nical nn~ econ~rnical.limit~tions o~ gravure, letterpress.md the hthogrnplnc rnedta. Umts of mstruet1on cover typesetting methods, mark-up for typesetting, the point system, types of ~1l'~sse.s rmcl press sizes, kinds of paper and paper size standards, ~tnppmg and ptatemaklng, and an introduction to bindery procedures. Photography fm Commercial Artists Credit.Y 11te student aspiring to become a commercia] artist has an opportunity to. become aw~e. of the many applications of photography an~ specdlcallyhow 1t mtegrates with commercial art. The range of mformation is covered by a combination assignment lecture de~on~tr~tion, and discussion. procedures. The practic~l appli~ ~tion S mtcnd~d to give continuity and a better understanding ~n depth b~ provl~ing each individual the opportunity to hecome mvolved w1th bas1c photographic procedures. ndustrial Photography Credits Acquaints the prospective technician with the medium of photog :aphy as a means of conveying ideas or clarifying difficult sub )~Ct matter. An attempt is made to give the student a comprehen ~lve background ~.the photographic and reproduction processes m order th~t the ~dividual may utilize them to his advantage in supplementing wntten matter with effective illustrations. Fashion Constmction Crediu Designed to nssis t fashion merchandising students in developing an undexstanding of quality standards when buying and selling ready-to -~ ear merchandise. Emphasis is placed on the importance o~ ~ain m garments, proper fit, quality workmanship, and reeogmtlo~ of g~e!lt s~les. Students prcpa1 e samples in laboratory to gam famtlmnty Wlth the basic construction details and various metho<l~ of.finishing. garments. A tetm. project includes analysis and evaluat1on of a ready-to-wear garment in tenns of construction, fit, and selling points to be stressed. 7

40 .... <.-. ft,, ' ':. ;' ( f. '.~. '. 'l'wo YBA AssOCATE D&CEE Clothing lld Tenil& 5 total periods CrcdJ18 ncludes the basic knowledge of Dlltural anq man-made Gl>ers: their advantages, Umitatk>ns, care, and sellidg points. Yam ~d [abcic construction and finishes [or fabtics are stressed. Texhlc Jaws, legislation, and standards are ~eluded. Recent developments are presented. Laboratory exercises allow the student to experiment with textiles and to prepare a persodill textile bandbook The coutsc il designed to help prepare students for cm-e:rs ln retailing and clothing fields as well as for persons who sae to be intelligent consumers Organizalion tmd Procedure.ll Credit8 The organizatiooal structure of a municipal llre deparbnen~ is discus>ed. Topics of discussion nclude lire department orgaruzation, llre company organization, tbe baualion, the company olllcer, personnel administration, CODillunicatiom, maintellllce, training. =pany fire lighting capabilities, apparab!s and equlpment, records and reports, and legal ospects of fu:e fighting Fire Fighting Tactics and Strat6ll!l a Credit Fire fighting problems arc presented that are commonly ancoun tered by tha lire fighter. Fundomental strategy and the method of at rock employed for each lire problem pre~ented are thoroughly reviewed. 5()-105 Chemistrt) of Hazardous Materiah Credits A general introduction to ocyanlc chemistry is followed by the study of the proptlrtles, derivations, and uses of explosives and othhr dangerous articles such as lhmmablo liquids, flammable wlids, oxidizing material, corrosive liquids, and compressed gases. Special emphasis is placed on chemical labels and tbe hendllng of hazardous chemicals, iocludiog rodioactlve materials. S0-107 Fire Protection CriJdlt.! A course designed to lntroduco; prospective 6.~ to 6re. serv ice and related agencies. The history of fire semce and fire msuronce is studied. The course also provides an introduction to civil service related municipal ngencie5 and natlon!ll organiza~oos. t contains information on basic alarm systems, tools, eqwpment, and water systems Building Comtructlon Codu Credit 'fhe student is acquainted with i.hc basic principles of structural design. He. becomes familiar with masonry, frame, veneer, struc tural steel, and reinforced concre.te constructions. lluilding codes and fire ordinances as they apply to basic ronstructlon nre aho covered. 'J'wo Y&.\n ASSOCAT& Dllc:Jw Fire lrwcstigation a Credlu Fire detection problems are discussed abng with methods of detcnnining causes. t\rson iuvcstigdtlon, including the involvement of all rcoort!s and a-imina! oodes, is covered. 5rJ;J-11 Plro Preventio11 Cred/18 The organization and function of ~rc p)'cvention are covered. Topics of discusison include nspection, mrveying and mapping procedures, recommendati01u for correction of fire hnzards, engineering as a solution to fire hazards, enforcement of the solution, nnd public relations as nffccted by 6re prevention..'ioj-11 Fire Protection Syllems Cr~tdlt TopiC'! discussed include portable fire extinguisher equlpmcnt, sprinkler systems, protection systems for special hazams, Bro alann, and protcctioo systems. Opportunities are ahordcd for visits to local facilities that have fir;, protection equipment and ystems, so that critical approilals con be maw.. 50~~0 Equipment Apparatus oncl System~ Credit& This course is a complete study of the conventional and up-lo date lira lighting equipment. The thaory of operation and the problems of malntenanco ara also studied as well as tlle consldorotions for application of new equipment and new O<ulpment purcl ase. 50'J..l Emergency Re8C$ Credits This course is designed to provide a current study of tllc practical and legal aspects of emergcucy treatment and rescue of per sons involved in all sorts of situ.:>.tioru where loss of life is R prime oansidemtion Ffre SupprOSJion Credits nus OOUJ'SC myers the philosophy and history of lire protection, the history of loss pf life and property by Jlre, the organization and function of local, county, stnte, fedora! and private fire protection agencies. t includes a survey of professional career opportumlic$ Fire Alarm Systems and Com11Wnlcations Credih This oaurse providas a complete famili.1rity with conventional fire olorm systems and fire department communication systems. Students are given an opportunity to study the operation, theory of operation, and maintenance procedures necessary to maintaln good systems of communication Legal Aspoct of Fire Administration Credlt This is a course designed to introduce tho student to 'legnllmpli cations, flre analysis, fire ll)surnnce principles and arson nvestigation. 15

41 Two YW A!iSOQA''& Pmnu: lntroduction to Law Enforcement J Crerlits The blstory and philosophy of law ~nfor~"cmont arc presented, together with an overview of crime nod police problems. fl. survey is milde of the organization and jurisdiction of local, state, and federallnw enforcement agencies and oe profcssioonl caner opportunities and the qualilicfltlons required. Tite course is prerequisite to all Pollee Science Tecbnolo!,'Y oolljses UDless the student is rurrently employed as a law enforcement officer Organi:alion tmd Admiulstrotion Credils The student is introduced to the basic principles und practices involved in orguniution and administration of groups. Erophasi~ is placed on those princ lpl~ and nppllcatiom ussociated with or related to the monngemcnt of lmv cnfor~:ement agencies, includ ins. the planning function; problems in the. division of work assignments; specialization; techniques involved in control, coordination, and direction; internal communicatioos: budgeting; the patrol function; tr:uiio control; criminal invcstigatlon; vice control; jnvcnfle nod critne preveotlon progroms; custodial problems; record ; and communicntiom and transportation Orientatio~ 18 total pcriodj 0 Credits Orientation oonsists of n ~cries of lectures and group discussion.~ designed to assist the student Jn!!!!l_usting to the college and to his selected program as well as covcring occupational information Deeded by blm in order to become a successful employee in his selected field, Fom1er graduates arc invited to discuss need~ of the student before employment. Representatives of labor, roaoagement, business, and the professions are invited to discuss points of interest toward becoming an employee. School philosophy, student services and policies are czplilb1ed Administrotion of Tustlu CredJts Court systems nre reviewed, lncludlng procedures from incident to final disposition. Principles of constitutional, federal, state, o.nd civil Jaws arc analyzed as they apply to and affect lllw enforce ment Criminal Law Credits 1bis coune covers the structure, do!lnlilons, and most frequently used sections of the Wisconsin Criminal Code and other related statutes Crimirull Evidence Credit Tho student become.~ familiar with the kinds and degrees of evidence and with the rules governing the admissibility of evidence in court. 76 'fwo Yll,\R ASSOCATr. D~>Gru;ll l'atrol Proceduro.s Crocltt An nnaly"!s s mndc of the rcsponstbllitles, techniques, ~nd m~thods of police patrol ncluded are handling of complaints mechanics of arrest, 6elcl notctoldn!:, nnd repqrt writing. ' 50-1 Criminal nurjstiglllio Credits 'The student gains a knowledge of th" fundanumtals of nvestigation, ncluding; arrest. search and rcrording of the Cl'i!De scene, ~o coll~ion and preservation of physical evidence, scientlfio.a ds, the l1dportan'7 of _l.-no1~g the ~minafs modos openmdi, sources of infun:nation, ll\lerv10ws nnd mterrogations, follow-up, nnd caso preparation Traffic Control Credib Traffic low enforoi!nlent, regulation, and control ru-e pnsented, along with the fundamentals of trilffic acddent invcstlgolion. A study is made of Wisconsin motor vehicle laws Juvenile Procedures Credit$ A study is mado of the organization funelions and jurisdiction o~ juv~~ilo ng~ncie : the processing 'and detenuqn of juveniles; d ~s hon of JUVenile cases; nod ju~-.nilc statutes and court procedures > Defensloc Tactics 1 Crodlt n this course on defensive tactics and physical conditioning for ~olicc officers, the student is made awnre of the inherent dangeu m the law enforcement process and is shown the proper ways of dealing with perils to h~lf and to others in th~ policing activities. Emp_hnsis is placed on tactics that comply with the ideals of democrntic law enformmcnt. GM-11 TecJmical Repott Writing Jl Crodits Designed to acquaint the student with the purposes and principles of police reports. ostructioual units are geared to improve dictton,, spellilt_!{. copit~limtion, sentence structure, and knowledge of routine poltco langnag.,_ The stj,jdeot is familiarized with the preparation of normal police reports. Oral and written reports dealing with investigative material are required Traf!io Acident First Aid CNdits This COtJrsc.deals with the immedillte and temporary care alven in case of accident, illness, and emergency child birth. Tills course would qualify students for the standard or adv~~noed Red Cross Fil st Aid cerliftcate, 71

42 TwO Y:w~ AssociATE D'CilU: liqs-110 Dental Anatomy Credits Study of the structure, anatomy and ~nctioo of teeth and "dj~inlng.structures including.stress, occlustdll and anomalies. Drawong of teeth; cuvings to nn!ul'lll <izc; dent.1l nomenclature with attention to definition, rombimilion and application of tenns. Calcili cation, eruption, decalcillcation and shedding of deciduous and permanent teeth. Anatomy of tl1e head and neck Clinical Denlol Hygiene Credit,, Study of the objectives, principles and procedures of dental propbyla...js. nstruction nnd practice on manikil? heads n dental prophylactic teclmiquu. A study of.prophylactic lnstru~cnts and their uses. Laboratory exercises in.finger dexterity, mstrument grasp, linger rest, and llnger strengthening. Clinic:il p~ac tice with simple prop}tylactic procedures. lnstrwnent sharpemng. A study of the nature, effects, generation nnd use of Roentgen rays. Discussion wd practice with equipment, materials, <af~l}' measures, and technic followed io. making dental roentgenograms. Lectures and demonstration on the application of rccr.tgen rays for dental diagnostic purposes, Electropbysics of the apparatus; position of Jllms; angulation of the machine; and processing of films Clinical Dsnt<l! lyglene ll 5 Credits A continuation of Clinical Dental Hygiene A CQDSideration of oral prophylaxis!n its brondest sense. Study of mouth areas in which prophylactic instrumcn!ji arc used. De tailed clinical procedures. Charting. Technics for testing.for susceptibility to dental caries; use of!luorides and other preven live measures; ill5tructional prc<x!dures in oral l1ygicne and othe: health measures; patient.recall Cll11lcal Denial Hygiene lll 5 C e<j A continuation of Clinical Dental Hygiene, ()8-15 Hygiene 1 Credit A 6tudy of the general relationship of health to disease, n study of the various for<-cs which alfcct the human organism, and tho application of scientillc facts 110d principles tc everyday living Dental Matmnls and 1'eclonoloi:Y Credit! ntroduclioo to the nature, qunli!ics and general characteristics of modem dental matcru!js and dental operative procedure.. Sources, properties, uses, an<! techniques of manipulation of materials commonly used n denti try. Laboratory praclke s provided 01' prepara. tlon of materials used for restorations, hnpressions and models. 18 Two Yu AsSOCL\'!B DECREE Emergenoy & St~rgiclll Procedt~ru n the Denial Of}U Credit Emergency a!lsistan<:e and proccdutes in case!! of accident, injury ot illness, pending del!ni.tive medical or dental treatment. i Dental Practice Administration 1 Credit Topics studied include patient appointrneots, recall service, patient records.and chartiilg, written q,mrnunicatioru, telepho~~e contact:j, pers01mel policies, orderlng, storing and taldng inventory of supplies and materials used in the dental ollice Social Aspectt ot Dental Hygiene CredU. A conjoint coune designed to give the student a practical approach to dental health practices, to provide an undemanding of dental public health prin.r;iples and practices, to create no awareness of the opportunities for health education n dental ollices and the community, and to develop a coo.scidusness of a dedtal hygienist's responsibility for promoting the beolth and welfare of individual patients ns well u for the community Orientation to Dental Care Credits A swvey of the history, development and curmnt status of dentistry, dcutal hygiene, dontal assisting and related groups. A study. of ethics and jurisprudence as related to the practice of dentistry allied groups and particularly as they apply n Wis consin Medical Rerord Scierwe Credits Topres covered include obtaining, preserving, and using medical r<;cords, coding according to Standard Nomenclature of Diseases and Operations and tho lnternatiooal Classillcation of Diseases Adapted, statistics, legal aspects of medical records,.ethi~. Sh~< dent receive! an orientation to the hospftal and the medical r.,.,. ord department. 5!0-155 Uedical Records Practicum Credit Directed practice in a hospital setting designed to prepare the student for active participation in the perfoii!..nce of technical duties in the medical records department Medical Etllie8 and Law Creditl Medical ethics for doctor's employees and the legal responsibilities of docto<'s employees are considered n ibis course. T c student is intmduced to procedures commonly foll<>wed in a doctor's office. Consideration s given to the legal problems that could arise in a medical office. Actual practice work wtth spc. ciallst referrnls, laboratory reports, record releas~, consent to operate forms, and other medical records. Medical practice act.!, legal relationship of phy ician and patient. physlciao~s 'ppbuc dutie ond liabilities, health and occident nsurance program, govetnment medical care prograrru, and types of medical prac. ticc arc studied. 79

43 ----~ "---~ -~- 'fwo YEAn AssoctATE DEGnm: 510-lBJ llunum Body l CredUs The student is given a concise introduction to body structure and function. The nonnal state, abnormal state, the diseases and injuries which affect the human body and the various means, agents and procedures employed to prevent, care, or alleviate such ~nditions are presented in this cowse. Emphasis i~ on medical terminology related to body structure and function Human Body Credits Continuation of Human Body, Medical Termincilogyl Credits Emphasizes basic structure of medical words. Roots. or stems,. prefixes suffixes combining forms, and plurals of medical words are ib';ssed. S~dents are encouraged to develop good habits of reading and speaking, listening and writing in order to h~lp them develop a sense of correctness which will lead to detection of errors in meaning in medical dictation, Medical Terminology. Credits A continuation of Medical Terminology, Orientation 0 Credit& The orientation program acquaints the student with the various scbool services and with career opportunities and helps him adapt to a well planned instructional pattem for advanced training. Tune-up and Carburetion Credits The use of test equipment on the oscilloscope, generator regulator tester, baltecy starter tester, and distributor teste~ is covered. Disassembly and assembly of all makes of carburction are covt>.l'ed in the laboratory where timed perfonnance is evaluated. This is then transferred to the shop with actual units on the cars. 6 Engines Credits An introduction to the fundamental concepts in automotive engine design. The developme[ltal history of automotive power is analyzed, The zcpair of internal combustion engines is thoroughly studied by lecture and by laboratory demonstrations. Electrical Systems Credits Fundamentals of automotive electricity are covered in detail. These are applied to each electrical component, the battery generator, starter, ignition system, instruments, accessories, and lighting. Laboratory experiments on genemtors and alternators with disassembly and assembly of all electrical components are covered. 80 t f ~.i Two YEAH AssOCATE Dt:GREE Power Trai~J Credits A study of operative theory, mechanical construction and application of the conventional automotive clutch, manual shift trans mission, propeljor shaft, universal joint, and drive axles, Automatic TraMmi$sion 5 Credits An introduction to the theory, mechanical construction, and hydraulic operation of automotive automatic transmissions Accessories and Air Conditioning Credits A study of electrical, mechanical, and vacuum operated accessories of the modern automobile, Testing and repair of all common accessories are practiced in the ]aboratory. Automotive nir conditioning is studied and practiced Brakes and Steering Credits A study of the theories and principles of modem braking systems; brake design and function; problems and service of bmke shoe and drum, disk brake shoe and rotor, hydraulic systems, power brake and parking brake osystems. nclude.~ diagnosis, trouble shooting, use; and merchandising of all types of modern brake service equipment and tools Service Management Credits Various types of business organizations are covered and applied to the automotive wholesale and retail, finally converging to the automobile service department. The :service department operation is covered in detail and depth from the large organization to the small one, The conventional line method of management is stressed Parts Department Procedure Credits This is an overview of the parts department operation and man agement keyed to the dealership parts department. Explanation of a parts operation from the warehouse to the local level with all the systems of inventory, ordering, receiving, claims, material return are covered. Special emphasis is placed on sales, tying salesmanship to the parts operation, A snrvcy of the parts operation of local dealerships is taken nt the beginning nnd end of the course Used and New Car Pre-Delivery Servlcn Credits The proper procedures for "servicing out" new cnrs before delivery and the practices of conditioning used cars for resale are studied. Laboratory practice to loom the procedures is incjuded. 61

44 .. _,.,....,., TWo YEAR Asscxun: D~W 6W-16 Serowe Management Credlt The,bwn lll relation aspect of management is applied to the service depamncnt in the areas of employee-employer relations, customer relations, and interdepartmeot relations. This s a{l plied 1:o seivice department operation with ttpplication to new methods of mnnagetnent Wheel Alignment and Balancing Credits Study of the principles of wheel alignment; a.~e and frame straightening; wheel balancing; wheel, bub, and drum sttalgbteniog; rear suspensions. ncludes the theories and principles of measuridg, checking against specillcations, correction of front and rear suspensions, steering gears (including power steering) aod wheel balance. (J0-175 Specllll Problem$ Credits arranged Permission of. the instructor and the division chairman is Tequired. The student pursues. a course of instruction based on his needs or advanced technical knowledge or skill in the automo tive service area. The area of concentration is determ!rted by tbe sh!dent and his adviser. 60]}-181 Auto. Sarolce.Credits '11leory and laboratory coune covering the units of driveway service, rue repajr, lubrication, battery sel"vice, exhaust systems, cooling systems, brake systems, minor wheel balancing and trouble shooting, and minor repair of electrical lighting systems and fuel systems Auto Service Credit& Theory and laboratory course covering the electrical ~ fuel system cmd the testing and repairing of ~of the units, Auto Seroice li1 Credits LaboratOT)' course covering complete engine rune-up usmg modem testing equipment Auto Serofca lv Credlli TbiJS covers the theory, diagnosis, inspection, and servicing of tbe bralce system including hydraulic and power bralce systema l'rincipl611 of Metallurgy. Credlt8 A survey course introducing the student to the!leld of metallurgy. t includes tbe location of ore deposits, the conditions found in ilie earth derivation of metals frmn their ores, rellnement and puriflcau~n, admixture and alloying, and the manufacture into various shapes and forms for industry. The classibcatlon a ferrous and non-ferrous metals, the testing of metals fi)r mechanical properties, and ~Oil metal problems such lis fatigue 11nd cot ~:oslon are included. Two YlW AsSOC:A'l't> D)rol\ZE 6~10 Materlol Testing Credits A l~cture and l~boratory (.'Olll'Se dealing with the inspection and tesbng of m~tcnals, l>rlmllrily metals. The principles and proce ~ures of testing are supported through operation of various testmg. machines used in industry. Hardness tem, ~park tests, mag uetic surface tests, stress-strain data confirmation are examples of testing Cllem{cal Prpcesses Crediu The application of chemical principles to cljemical manufactur- ing_ and proccilying. Study is focused on industrial processes, mntenals, equipment, and problems involved in production lnsll'umetlt Ana1y9is Credits :rhe use of vario.us electrica~ and opilcal instruments fof perfonn u1g nnnly~es w1th ernpha~1s upon application.of instrumental methods, with consideration given to the limitations and common errors involved in using these instruments Principles of M otarlograp1ly Crodlts The leclure fiect!on acqu&lnts the student with the use of allo)' dia!?"ams and its appl!cation to metallography. The laboratory secti?n develops?roper techniques in preparing metauogmphic spectmens, operatton of the equipment and the ability to identify basic microstructures of common ferrous alloys, He Treatment uf Mrrl.al& Cmdi!s n the theory ~art, the fundamental of heat treating and the.reactions wb.ich occur in metals subjected to various l1eat treatmg cycles nre covered. n the laboratory, equ.ipment operation (gas and electric furnaces, controls and atmospheres) -:tnd practi <;al application starting with the heat treatment of simple tools and progressing through spcclnl steels and DOP-fef,"Os materials are cover.ed Advanced Metallograp11y Credits /l leeture and laboratory course with emphasis on the development of l11boratory techniques. Vttrious structur~ oi ferrous and non-ferrous materials are studied to develdp an undeatanding of what these structures represent, the cfiects on physical properties of the materials, l\nd the applfcntion to industrial uses Advanced Heat Treatment. c~edits Continuation of Heat Treatment of.metals, , With emphasis on understanding heat treating procedures, techniques, analysis procedures, selectiod of heat tre~ting processes, and npplicatlon from mehlllurglcnl :mnlysis. 8

45 Two Y!-:All ASSOCl \'1"1( D&el\1>11 Credit$ ~QJ-116 FuHdamenlal$ of ndustrlat X-ray A theory course pertaining to tl1e fundamentals of indw.-tr_ial X-my examination of mnterinh. Mntezia\s covered are machmc operat,ions, film development, nnd interpretation of the illm characteristics. Emphasis is placed on tbe interpretation of sm,tctures and application to industrial use!i. 60-JlB Technical Method8 of A1w!ym Credits Commercial and industrial matedals and product ~estlng and analysis, utilizing previously learned principles of qualitauvc and quantitative analysis, but employing different standard techniques to determine charact~ri.stlcs of materillls and products Seminaf Ctedifs A ~ection which provides opportunities for advanced study, b.oth g1-oup and incliv!clual, in the processes Etnd recording of 11roleet derelopmeot from inception to completion, The student selects a topic and tbrougli research procedure$ he collects data, tabulates. the datn, drnws conclusions, and makes recommendations. 'bis piece of work is to be availab1e for his job interviews. 6Q-19!J Orientation 18 total periods {) Credits Orientation consists of a series of lectures and group discusllions designed to assist the student in adjusting to the college and to his selected program as w<?ll as covering occupational infonn~ tioll needed by him in order to become a successfnl employee m his se1ecrecl field. Former graduates are invited to discuss needs of the student before empl(lyment. Representatives of labor, management, business, and the professions are invited to discuss points of interest toward becoming an employee. School philoso phy, student sen>lces and policies are explllincd. 005-ll!J JJirect and Alternating Current FundomenMs Credits The basic concepts and theories of direct ancl alternating current circuits. The DC concepts include an exposition of the electron theory and its relation to electdcity, Ohm's Law, circuit funda mentals, batteries, induced E.M.F. magnetic circuits, and DC measuring instruments. Alternating current topics include the generation and manipulation of the sine wave, inductance, capacitance, resooance, transformers, and Ohm's Law for alter nating current circuits. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registrntion in Mathematics, or equivalent. Two YEAn ABilOCA'J'E DmiiE! 6()1$-11 Diroc~ and Allcmating Current Fundamcrltakt Laborator y Credits The laboratory work is desi!,tnod to verify experimentally tho theory studied in Direct aod Alternating Current Fundo.mentnls 605-1~. t also provide~ the student with n vractical background m baste electrical circuitry. Prcreq~;~i.site: Credit or registration in Direct and Alternat!11g Current Fundamentals, Elec.tron!c Circuits Credits ~'he b:lsic principles oi transisto!'ll and other sol,id sta.ta devices, 10as tubes, an~ vacuum tubes nre presented. These principles are in~rporatc.d m the following circuits: recti.llers, pow~t supplies, basic amphllers, relays and relay controls. Prerequislt~: Direct and Altemating Current FWldamentals 6() or equtvalent ' Elcctrl)nic Circuits Laboratarq Credits 'fhe laboratory. work s ~esigned to verify experimentally th.e theo~y studted m Elcctroruc Circuits, OOS-11. t!s designed to provlde prll~hcal experience in basic electronic circuits. Prerequisite: Credit or registration in Eleotronic Circuits 6() or equivalent. ' Electronic Circuits 11 Credits This is 1\ co~tin~ati?n of the study of transistor and vacuum tube electr~nlc. e~rcmts Jntroduced in Electronic Circuits, The. cuctnts and theor)' of amplibers and oscillators are continued. An mtroclnction to pulse circuits fs included. Prerequisite: Basic Electronic Circuits, Electr<mia ircults l.(jbcratvry. Credits Labo~atory e~rcises ~ transistor ancl vacuum tube circuits. Pracpcal exper1enee wttb pulse circuits s also included. Prerequisite: Credit or registration in Electronic Clrcuits D 61>5-116 or equivalent ' Basic ndustrial Electronics Credits The principles and electrical properties of vacuum tube and solid state devices are studi~d ~ this ~sc. ~mj?hasis is plnced upon the ~ ses of tbese dcvtccs m prachcal CliCUtts such as tect:i6ers a~p~llers, oscillators, regultllors, power controllers ll!ld speeiai cu:cmts. Heference is nlways made to the electronic control of mechanwal processes. 85

46 Two Y1~n ASSOCJA'J' : ljf:gtum 6() G ndustrial ElectroniCS. Credi~ Th fundamental circuits and components frequently found 10 ind~strial electronics equipment. 11le basi~ ~ircu!t of n complete electronic control system and the cbaracterishcs of. the co~ponent 1 f ach circuit are studied. Servomechamsms, h1gh. fre ~~~~c; h:ating, resistance welding, silicon co~ttfi 1 :S:~Jll~~ photoelectric ~evices, a~d ~nnlog coml:r~'!j a;: '~e u<l~bdr~to; course. Prnchcal applications arc s sessions. a""ll6 El tro c nstrn Prerequisite: Electronic Circuits, OV".r-, ec m mentation or equivalent J Circuit Analys1 ' Credits J 1'h course contains the major applications of ca cu. us to e cctro~ics. Rate of change, limits, dilfcrenli~tion, integrali?n e~:~ differential equations are applied to practical problems m tronics. 11le laboratory sessions consist of computations as we as laboratory exercises.. El t... Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in ec rome c 1 1 cuits, o5-1 C dits Electronic nstrumentation. _ re Principles and applications of electro~ic m~asu_ring ~qlllpment. The VTVM, oscilloscope, ac and de bndge.clfcu_,t eqwpmcnt are examples of equipment studied. A companson.s made between analog and digital measuring equipment. Practical c~amples are studied in the labomtory..., 60S Prerequisite: Credit or registration in Electromc C~tcwts 116. Credits Electronic Communicallona d' f th n this course the student gnins n thorough U~ld~stan mg? e uence tif events required for the. transnusston of nn Jmage ~~~ugh space in the forms of electrical pulses; also, for tl~e pulse~ to re-create the image. Attention is focused on the receive~ an its components, including RF, F and videc fr7quency abplifler~ synchronization circuits, sweep systei, pu.1tur~ tutn e~. =~f antennas. The course is intended to d~e op ak u~thrs 0 10 'a] the TV system. :11le laboratory e)!:ctcjses wor Wl commercl television receivers ll6 or Electronics n Prerequisite: Eiectromc Circuits strumentntion, Credits Elllctronic Metrol01,ry 1 cl d This course is the study of the means of measurement.a: m 't e:, the measuring devices for pressure, temperature, w, eve 100 tion altitude a.nd radiation. Output as well as input. transducers ' d Experiments on the basic measuring devces are perfu~m~d~e the )abornto:ry, Prerequisite! Eleclr9nic Circuits, , Circuit Analysis , Electronic nstrumentation 605-1, or equivalent.!16 Two YEA AssociATE DOOREE Digital Computers Crsd/18 A study of the electronics aspects of digital computers. Number systems, lloolian algebra, logic circuits, computer arithmetic, and an introduction to programming, Laboratory exercises give practical experience with digital computer circuitry. Prerequisite: Electronic Circuits, and Electronic n s!rumentation, or equivalent Seminar Credits A project is chosen by the student in advisement with his major instructor. t involves concepts attained in all previous courses. Research, outline development, and final report preparation and presentation ara done under directlon of n communications skills lnstructo~. ''lls course emphasizes technical competency and the ability to communicate in oral and written forms Orientation 0 Credit& Orientation consists of a series of lectures and gtoup discussions designed to assist the studellt in adjusting to the college and to his selected program as well as covering occupational information needed by him in order to become a successful employee in his selected field. Former graduates are invited to discuss needs of the student before employment. Representatives of labor, management_ business, and the profess1ons are invite9 to di.scuss points of interest toward beooming an employee. School philosophy, student services and poficies arc explained. 606-l()f) Technical Drafting Credits An inttoduction to the basic theory of engineering drawing, its content and the instruments and skills necessary to.make a<.'oeptnble drawings. Topics covered include geometric constructions, lettering, and the theory and practice of orthographic projection Technical Drafting Credits A contirtuatioo of Technical Drafting, wherein the student is given an opportuoity to apply the.basic skills and theory to areas of special, yet basic consideration. The range of work covers pictorial representation, sections, auxiliary views, and introduction to dimensioning Technical Drafting Credits The final drafting course thnt Js primrily theory oriented. Time is spent in the area of dimensioning and tolerancing with specific emphasis on geometric and true position tolerancing. Other topic.~ studied include gear and cam design Tt?chnlcal Drafting V Credits A final course in the study of drafting, the purpose of which is to apply the theory aspec!:i of the first three courses, Emphasis is on the preparation of a complete detailed working drawing. 87

47 '.fwo YEA!l Assoc!A''E Doom : ~ Descrlptioo Geometry a Cmdils Denis with the fundamental theory of oxthographic projcetion ns it applies to point, line, and plane problcrru. This course extends the basic theory to the application of problems involving slope, healing, strike, dip, intersections, and development Tool Design Credit~ The fundamentals of tool design are presented to acquaint the student with the langu~ge and methods used in designing jigs and fixtures. The student is given the opportunity to camp!etc tool design drawings through problems and designing of jigs and fixtures. At the same time, he cnn further develop his skills in drafting. (J(J(J-.116 Machine Design.. CTec!it Application oi the basic principles of mechanics and strength. of material~ to the design of mad1ine parts. Typical clements stud1ed include bolts,.1crews, shafts, clutches, belts, chains, gears, and bearings Pmduct Design Creclit.s A. course designed to acquaint the student with the basic principlc.q of product design. EmphaSis is on functional cle~ign of a product as opposed \f> the aesthetic approach Jydtaulics. Credits A. survey course to acquaint lhe student with the fundamental principles of hydraulics, the component parts of the hydraulic. system, and the application of hydraulics in industrial production Mechanics Credits An introduction to the Held of mechanics, wherein study is limited to static forces. The solution of problems is limited to the mathematical nppl'oaclj, although graphic solutions are occasionally used as "checks''. Areas of study include resultant and equilibrant of forces, moments, nonconcurrent-coplanar forces (Trusses) and concurrent-coplanar forces Manufacturing Processes Cmdits A knowledge of present manufacturing proce~ses is of exll'cmc importance to technicians engaged. in industry. nstruction in this course deals with the technical fundamentals of important manufucturing processes, engineering materials, and the modem machine tools. necessary for processing these materials M (lllu{acturing Processes ll Credits dentifies man;1facturing processes and the materials as to design, specifications, facilities, and economics. '11is is done tl1rough visitation of various manufacturing concerns. 88 Two Y.t:An AssOCATE DEGREE 6' Strength of Al(lterials Credit8 An analysis of the fundamental con,>epts of mechanics as they apply to beams, rivets, welded joints, shafts, and various fasteners. Topics covered include simple stress, mechanical properties of materials, center of gravity, moments of inerti~ shear force and bending moment diagrams, and torsion Optiml Tooling Credit.>J To provide an opportunity for each student to understand the principles of optical instruments and to develop bu.,ic skills in their use in industry Seminar Credit& This course offers an opportunity for advanced study on ~n indiv(dual basis wherein the student selects a problem, collects data through researcll procedures, tabulates the data, draws condusions, nnd makes recommendations. The material is presented in the form of a hound technical report nnd is used at the time of job inletviews l?undamentals of Building Construction Credits A study of the fundamental concepts of good construction!llld their application to new ronstruction, existing construction, and remodeling. 6C11-.lll Arc!Jitecl!lrill Theory and Drafting Credits Basic instruction in freehand sketclling, arcl1itectural blueprint rending and drawing. Sketching of objects using straight and curved lines and utilizing isometric, oblique, and perspective views. Orthographic projection is emphasized. Axchlt~tal lettering,. dimensioning, architectural synibols and conventions, sections and details are covered. Drafting room standards and practices 1111d the use. of imtruments and ~uipment arc also oovcrcd Architectural Theory and Drafting a Credits Basic principles of one. and two point perspective and the design and planning for residential work are covered. The student working from codes and general specifications develops a complete set of plans for a small residence of frame, masonry, or combination constrnction and makes a speci6catlon analysis of the small residence which he designed. 60t--lla Architectural Theory and Drafting Credits Students nr(; given experience in detailing, section, and drawing by the me of the basic comtruction materials: concrete, masonry, wood, and steel. 'llle combined use of these materials for the best architectural design is emphasized. 89

48 r ~ ~ ,1. 6fll-1U Architectural Theory and Drafting lv Credits. The principles of design as applied to architecture are studied. The student selects a p.roject which he completes under the direc Uon of the instructor. The design must meet practical, economic, legal, and esthetic requirements Architectural Rendering Credits A basic course in the application of perspective principles of nrcbitectural presentations. DrawingS and renderings are made for presentation. Emphasis is on pencil techniques, wash and tempera colors Co~truction Materials Credits Lectures and practical work combine to develop an understanding of the general practices in the.field of carpentry, millwork. and painting and decorating. Also included are building layout procedures, construction of foundations, of.interior and exterior walls, of.hoor systems, and application and mixing of cementitious materials : Electricat and Mechanical Credit11 The student is given sufficient knowledge tq understand the wir ing principles for power distribution and lighting principles as applied to architectural design. State, city and local utility codes ate studied and followed. The operation of me~::hanical equip ment in the air conditioning field as well as the design and installation of systems ~sing this equipment is oovered. The design and installation o complete air ronditioning systems; including heating, cooling, humidification, and air cleaning are studied. Heat losses and heat gains are calculated in order to familiarize the student with accepted practices used in selecting the proper size of air conditioning equipment. Various types of automatic fuel burnmg devices as well as comparable fuel heating costs are also studied. Building Estimating Credits Acquaints the student with the problems and responsibilities of the estimator. The student works with check lists, catalogs, cost records, price lists, labor probabilities, forms, and quantity surveys. Emphasis is qn understanding techniques of estimating and methods of preparing estimates. Civfl Engineering Estimating Credits Estimating for general civil engineering work is stressed. The preparotion of detailed estimates as prepared by contractors for bidding purposes, the general estimate as prepared by engineers, and approximate estimates are covered. Areas covered are: highways, water and sewer lines, bridges, culverts, streets, and gen ern! construction grading Ctmlrm: ~J uucl Specifications Credits nstruction is given in the accepted forms of contracts. Specifications are discussed and a study is made of them for such construction mnterials as lumber, brick, steel, and glass. The student is assigned the problem of drawing original contracts and specifi~ations from an assigned construction prdject Strength of Materials CtOdits Basic principles of the strength of engineering materials is pre sented. The course includes simple stress, properties of materials, welded and riveted joints, beams, combined stresses, columns,.and reinforced concrete Concrete Detailing Credit Basic concepts of design as applied to concrete beams, slab s, columns, and foundations are developed. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of fimctional design. Practices related to the placement of reinforcing rods and to concrete mixtures ns indicated in specifications or plans are also studied. 6()7-17 Civil Engineering Drafting J Credits ntroduces the student to engineering drawing and discusses the required skills and instruments needed to make acceptable drawings. fi{ff-18 Steel Detailing Credits The student gains a. basic understanding of structural sections, terms, and conventional abbreviations and symbols used by the structural fabricators and erectors. He makes detailed drawings of beams and columns. Use of the A..S.C. Handbook and the tables of squares, logarithms, and the trigonometric functions are jntroduced for making calculations for various members and riveted connection details. He studies and. details such construction members as beams, columns and trusses of both riveted and welded construction '5 Surveying l Oreclits Designed to introduce the prospective engineer's aide to the fundamental principles of surveying. The methods of measuring di5tances are discussed along with the corrections which should be applied to correct errors. This is followed by a study of the transit and level. Tite principles of azimuths, bearings, and other angles are taught. (] Surveying l Credits Principles of surveying computations including traverse computations and horizontal curves are presented. ncluded is enough lleld work to gain an understanding of the field procedures require<l ~-~ t ;~.:. ~!7_'. '.. 1:

49 Two YEt\ll Assom,\'n.: DEGliEE 6fll-15tj Snrveylng ll Credits The principles of advanced surveying arc presented, The subjects covered include triangulation, state plane coordinates, photogrammetry, astronomical observations, and stadia. 6(]1-16 Matel'ia1s Te.~ting C~ edits Purpose of testing, equipment used, specifications, materials, concrete mixtures, design proportion, placing and curing, testing Topographic Surveying Credits '11e theory and practice of topographic surveying. Tl1e course includes grid system, ba~e line system, stadia system, and special surveys Topographic Mapping Credifs The principles and practices of drawing all types of topographic maps are presented. The course jncludes map symbols, horizontal and vertical control, hydrographic maps, and plotting student field work Ci-vil Engineering Drafting 11 Credits Elemental applications of drafting techniques to civil engineering and construction problems. Preparation of simple maps, profiles, and sections. Work in freehand lettering as required in civil engineering drafting rooms is stressed Cicil Engineering Drafting C1'edits This course presents the principles involved in detailing drawings of highway structures; including concrete, stce1, and prestressed concrete members Ci-vil Engineering Drafting N Credits To provide opportunity for each student to become conversant with application of engineering drawing to solution of highway and other route surveying problems with particular reference to horizontal and vertical curves, to earthwork computations including use of mass diagrams, and to the drafting work involved in making a route paper location Land Subdivision Drawing l Credits The principles and practices involved in the drawing of survey maps are presented. The course includes drawing survey maps, preliminary plat, final plat, and certified survey maps Land Subdivision Drawing Credits Continuation of Land Subdivision Drawing, Two YEAn AssociATE DEGRE> Boundary Location Credits The principles and practices of boundary control are presented. 'The course includes laws and customs relating to boundary, writing of property descriptions, and field practice in locating property, Water Suppry and Sewemge Credits This course is oriented to give an understanding of the principles involved in the design of water supply and sewerage systems. The following topics are covered; the basic conc::epts of hydraulics and hydrology, water resources and distribution systems, sewage treatment and distribution systems Legal Elements of Ci-vil Engineering Credits Legal principles involved in a civil teclmician's work are presented. The course includes language of the law, contracts; specifications, U.S. Public Land System, preliminary plats, final plats, and ethics Mechanics Credits Basic principles of engineering mechanics are presented. The course includes parahel forces, concurrent forces, non-concurrent forces, non-coplaner forces, friction center of gravity, and centroids Seminar Credits This is a section which provides opportunities for advanced study, both group and individual, in the processes and recording of project development from inception to completion. The student selects a topic (problem); through research procedures he collects data, tabulates the data, draws conclusions and makes recommendations. This piect~ of work is available for his job interviews Orientation 18 total periods 0 Credits Orientation consists of a series of lecrures and group discussions designed to assist the student in adjusting to the college and to his selected program as well as covering occupational information needed by him in order to bet:ome a successful employee in his selected Held. Former graduates are invited to discuss needs of the student before employment. Representatives of labor, management, business, and the professions are invited to discuss points of interest toward becoming an employee. School philosophy, student services and policies are explained. 9!

50 Two YEA Assoc!A'"E DECilE BO-151 Communiootiol~ Skll~ Credits The communication Rlcills are emphasized in relation to one another. Reading and study skills introduce the course. Grammar s reviewed and e:;say~ ore written to Jearn organization and logical expression. Various i!peclal business repor.s are studied and written. Or.ll reports are used in simulated situations. ndividual mastery of punctuation 1111d grammar is worked on. Business correspondence is studled and written CommuniCtion Skilu Credit. Essays, short stories, nnd a novel are read for stimulus to writing and for appreciation. Croup dis.cussion ls used to develop speal: ing abilities. A research report in a &eld of business is accomplished wjth cmphasl.< on the dl.scipllne of research. Business correspondcnro js written. All elements.arc balanced according to the _goal need~ of the group with business CO!Tespondcncc being emphasized Teclmiwl Report Writing Credits The course presents wrltiag of teclmical repom of various types and forms including the W1')1;ug of a term paper on a technical subject selected by the student Technfwl Mathematics 5 Credits A study of the fundamental operations of multiplica.tion, division, :Bodlug powers and roots on tl1.e slide rule using the C, D, A, B, CJ and K scales. To study the fundamental laws of algebra nvolving fundnmental operations, expijjlcnts, grouping signs; S{>C clal products and factoring. To further study algebraic fractions and equations and enable one to deal with practical formulas. To solve right and oblique triangles using trigonometric functions as well as the sine, cosine, and tangent laws in the solution of practical problems. To use logarithms in the solution of problems Tec1~niwl Malltematict 11 Cretlits To gain an in$ight into analytic geometry Sllbject. matter and application problems im'ohrmg maximum capacities. To solve systeti\s of linear equations in two or three unk-nowns using the varlmu methods as well as determinants. To use the laws of exponents in de,iling with negative,,...efo, and.fractional. cxponenb a,nd the.ir relativnsblp tv radical.s and equations involving lmnglnary and complex.numbers. Be able to solve qundratio equatlons by various methods and beeome familiar with the equations of tho conics. To study the following subject matter' binomial theorem, anthmft:lc and geometric progressions, vectors, trlgo OOOletric identl!p.s, and introduction to calculus using the prooesres of dilfer~mtiatlon aud integration. Prerequisite; TechnJcal Mathematics, 80-Ml or the cqulwlent Data Procesring MatJ1omcuie; 1 CredltN The course is designed to slllft with elementary notions of set.theory and number theory and l!dvance to topics in algebra which include polynomials, vectors, matrices, linear algebra, some function thoory, and to ttigonometry and some analytic geometry and calculus Data Procemng Mathemtlcs Ct edit8 A continuation o Data Processing Mathematics, Chamlnry Credits The basic principles of inorganic chemistry, nomenclature, cltemicnl colculations, and laboratory techniques are learned. The student is introduced to chemistry as an empirical.laboratory science. nformation pertains to important elements and compounds, their chemical reactions, atomic and nuclear ~tructure, and the nature.o chemical bonds Cllemi~try Crodlt1 The study of Chcm!siTy with.more dctajjed attention to ele ments, l:he periodic table, chemical and physical properties, sources and preparation, common compounds and industrial processes is continued. Laboratory work emphasizes knowledge of tbe properties of common metals. Nuclear energy and organic chemistry are in!roduced. 800-ll Organic Chemistry l Credits The ntroduction of carbon compounds is the basic stndy of this course. An understanding oi the properties molecular >1:ructure, nomenclature, and fundamental chemiml reactions of these compounds is gained. Emphasis is placed on the characteristic reactions of the seve;al functional groups. The number of aliphatic and aromatic substances is studied especially in the laboratory situation Organic Cheminry ll Credits Detailed descriptive chemistry of the <lampounds of ~ aliphatic and arom11tic substances is studied. n the laboratory these substances are explored through experimentation in preparation and purification along witlt continulug work on analysis and,o;ynthes!s of representative organic compounds. The applications and economic aspects of organlo cl1emistry are discussed Quantilotlve AruJlysis 1 Credits The principles of quantitative chemical analysis are studied. n troductory laboratory operations, fundamental calculations, evaluation of data, equilibrium, and the several methods of analysis procedure arc included. Each experiment ntroduces important teclllllques and theoretlcol principles. 95

51 Two \' All.AsSOCATE Dm,nu 800-!18 Quantlt.ati~e An«lysis Credits A oontinuatlon of Quantitative Analysis, , this course emphasizes systematic study of the th~o,ry ~nd technique of quaiiti!:at!ve analysis, including ~ppll~tions in induslrl!ll chemical analysis Technical Scle.nce l Creclils A study of basic pl,ysical principles w!licl1 have broad appficatiods in modern technology. Topics covered arc precision measurement, properties of matter, mechanics of liquids ;tnd gases, force, motion, work, energy, j.jowcr analysis of basic machines, temperature and the effects of heat, Ulennal expansion, calorimetry, change of state, heat noansf!:!r, elemenwy tl)ey.modynamcis, het cngil)es, refrigeratiol). nnd air conditionjpg, Lecture and discussion are accorn)?anied by laboratory W()rk and problem assignments Techn(cal Sc.fencs ll. Ct'edits A continuation of Technical Science, 8(16-15L Topics oovercd include wave rno:>hon, sound, acoustics, nature ol light, illumination, reflection, refnctiol), in~ference, diffraction, p01llri;,;atio:>n, ml!.gneti~m. electr()stp.tic;s, b<!$ic D.C.!Pd A.G electr) theory, circ!it$ llno:! machines,.and brief overviews of electronics arid puc)ear energy Reacting l~provem~nt fo, Teclmfca! al!d Vocaticwd Student$ Credit~ Re.;!.ding mprovement for techllical-vocational students ~ssumes a ce<tlliri lllllonnt of proilclency in m~, translaii9~. and intej'.pt~tion ~kill~. although these skills aze reviewed, The same eij:archy of skills is t~ught to technic;tl-voc;~tiooal students ns s tllught to colle~~ sttldents. rowever, the emphasis fs on technical and v~tional materials!lnd subject m!ltter as well as on other materials related to their mtere.~ts. An ;tltempt s made t() relate this course t!l o!her courses the student s taking and to,pplication in writing. T[1e approach is lecture as well as individu!llized and group study. 8Q9-l00 OMntalion 0 Credits Assists students.in becoming better acquainted wlth the varied services o:>f the Madison.A,rea Tccllilic!ll College. Provid~s at\ opportunity for hgt~er ~dju~ent to the school nnd the oqcupation fpt which fue student s training. 809-llQ Busirwr~s Econornlc;s c~edits This oo!!s!j ~s de~igped to help the ~tttd\lnt apply ecopomic 1\P!!rsis to the solutlo:>n of business problems after st;tidying So:lme pdn~!ple.o; of economics. The organizatiol). of ~ business Jlrrn, the ch~mcter of the demand Jmd supply for its products, ~sts 11nd pri~es, and tho relationship of the individunl business. to the whl>je e ~()nomy are ~t"'lied, Attention is given to:> the effect of social and techpical dmnge on business, 8() Ec=mlcs Credits Basic economio factors are studied, particularly in relation to bnsiness organization and labor organization. Economic systems, the role o:>f government, and the nature of supply and demand and economic growth are specifically considered. This course is broader in its orieutatioo than business economics. 8()9...1$1 Psyaholo~y of Human Relations Credits Conccvts of self are primarily emphasized, Learning, motivation and attitudes are considered in the prl;lcess of self,identiflcntion. Croup rclationsl1ips, adjustment factors and other relational elements are studied and then examined, Principles of mental hygiene and adjustment problems of a worker are studied so that thl) student may [earn to apply such principles n his irnme diate life Anwric(ln lnstllutions Credits The course is an introduclio:>n b) the social sciences, t provides th~ student with a starting point from which to begin his understanding of the processes that lnbucnce man's social behavior. Equipped with the basic concepts and methods, he can examine and analyze the institutions of our contemporary American society to understand their functions and the direction they give for the achievement o:>f individual and national aims. A researd1 paper for study o:>f some current aspect of one of the basic institutions is written: Buslnes9 Lew Credita This survey of business ethics examines raw as a key to personal justice, business stability and social responsibility. Students study the Uniform Commercial Code and apply it to sample cases, ]'rinclplcs of Jnsuwnco Credits This course e.~tplains the principles behind ilie various methods l>f handling loss. Risk and the shifting of risk s explored from social 11nd legal foundations up thll;lugh the general policies of life, health and casualty coverage Speech Credits This is a basic course in speech with emphasis on verool communication n ndustry and in social action groups. Techniques of group discussion and tools of parliamentary pll;lcedure are stressed. Speeches of persuasion and demonstration ate practiced. Listening and writing are studied n relation to specific speech nctivities. 00

52 COLLEGE TRANSl'l:ll COLLEGE TRANSFER The CQUege transfer programs provide oourscs comparable and [.'())'. responding to the first two years of work offered by four-year colleges nnd universities, thereby enabling the student in this area to transfer as a junior to a four-year institution. The general objective ill to provide oiferings, two years in length, which are transferable to other institutions of higher leaming. Admission is based on standards <.'omparable to those of four-year institutions offering simuar programs. Students who pursue a college transfer program are advised to schcd. ule courses that meet the requirements of their chosen four-year college. They should contact the college or university to which they intend to transfer for advice on specific courses they should take to enter their major field. To date,. credits in the college transfer progfarn are accepted by the University of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Stout State University, Wisconsin State Universities at La Crosse, Oshkosh, Platteville, River Falls, Stevens Point, Superior, Whitewater, Milwaukee nstitute of Technology, and Millikin University, Decatur, llinois. Liberal Arts Pre-Business Education and Administration Business Education Accounting Major General Business Major Secretarial Science Major Pre-ndustrial Education and Technology ndustrial Education ndustrial Techll{}ogy LBERAL ARTS This curriculum is designed for the student who wishes a broad general background and who intends to go on for further study for a baccalaure~te deg~ee. n general, it satisfies the flrst two years' requirements for vanous majors. f he has no major fl.eld in mind this cuniculum introduces him to several areas of study and serves as ; broad preparation for transfer. Suggested Minimum Requirements 00 semester hours English composition 6 semester hours Speech semester hours Mathematics or natural science Minimum of 1 semester hours Social sciences. Minimwn of 1 semester hours '~~Humanities Minimum of 1 semester hours Electives 15 semester hours ( all electives must be from the college transfer series, ) FRST YEAR Course No, SUGGES'l'ED LBERAL ARTS PROGRAM Course Name English Composition Mathematics (see page 111 or General Chemistry or Pltysics Foreign Language ( see pnge 110 or Speech History of Westem Civilization or ntroduction to Psychology English Composition General Chemishy or Physics Foreign Language (see page 110 or History of Western Civilization Elective CREDTS 1st Sem. nd Sem. 5 5 ~ 98 SECOND YEAR Contemporary Literature or Survey of Literature Am~can History, Sociology or. EconomiC or American National Government nnd Politics ntroduction to Art History Electives ii

53 CO...LEG. T.M.NSFJ;! Contemporary Literature or Survey of Literature American History, 1865 to the Present Sociology or Economics 11 or State and Local Government Music Appreciation or Beginning Music Themy Electives Electives As approved by the Division Chalnnan. Art, fo~gn language, llterature, music, and ather related course PRE~BUSNESS EDUCATON AND ADMNSTRATON These curriculums are suggested for those wh!> intend to prepare for further study at colleges or universities offering n bllccalnureate degree \~th a major in Dusiness Education or Business Administration, BUSNESS EDUCATON Fll\ST YEAH CREDns Comsc No. Course Name 1st Scm. n Sem English Composition College Algebra or 80-7 Mathematical Analysis for Busine.~s General Chemistry or Physics 5 80~11 American History, or 80-0 History of Westem Civilization Fundamentals of Speech English Composition 10-1 ntroduction to Business General Chemistry ot 006- Physics American History, 1865 to the Present or 80~1 History of Western Civilization l a 80~50 ntroduction to Art History or 801>-7 Music Apprecia ~ion Elective Cot.L CJE TAJ;S'B1 SECOND YEA Accounting " Beginning Shorthand Beginning Typewriting Ec:onomics Contemporary Literature or Suxvcy of Literature Earth Science Accounting ntermediate Shorthand 106-" Typewriting Economics or Sociology Con~empormy Literature or Survey of Literature ntroduction to Psychology Electives As Approved by the Division Chairman, 0 Shaxthand 106-!1.11 nnd/or T)P~writing will ~e waived if ll1c student hn had tlla equivalent <J! one year. of high school prepamtion. SllOrtlmnd l0&-.1 nnd/or ~writing 106-~ will.be walved if the 5tudent hils had the equivalent of two ye rs of l1!gh school prepiiiatfon. Electives wul be substituted for these courses. ACCOUNTNc- MAJO\ BUSNESS ADMNSTRATON FmsT YE.ll CREillTS Course No, Course Name 1st Sem. nd Sem English Composition College Algebra or 8{)...7 Mathematical Analysis for Business General Chemistry or 8~.1 Physics l 5 80-ll American History, ll:q7;..18!l5 or 80-0 History of Western Civilization ntroduction to Art History!>r Music Appreciation English Composition General Chemistry or 8~ Physics l American History, 1865 to the PreS'-'Ut or 80-1 History of Western Civilization 80-7 M11.thematical Analysls for Business 10-- ntroduction to Business 1()

54 ' ' COLLEGE TRANSJo'E! SECOND YEAR Accounting Economics Contemporary Literature or Survey of Literature Fundamentals of Speech ntroduction to Psychology Earth Science Accounting n Economics Contemporary Literature or Survey of Literature American National Government and Politics or Sociology Elective Electives As Approved by the Division Chninnan..' SECOND YEAR Accounting Economics Contemporary Literature or Survey of Literature ntroduction to Psychology 80-7 Mathematical Analysis for Business :Elective Elective~ Accounting Economics Contemporary Literature 11 or Survey of Literahne American National Government and Politics 01 Sociology Earth Science Elective As Approved by the Division Chairman. COLLf:GE '1'1\1\NSF.Ell GENERAL BUSNESS MAJOR BUSNESS ADMNSTRATON FmsT YEA!\ CBEDTS Course No. Coorse Name 1st Scm. nd Sem English Composition 1 80:-01 CJollege AJgebra or 80-7 Mathematical Analysis for Business General Chemistry or Physics American. History, or 80-0 History of Westem Civilization Fundamentals of Speech English Q)mposition 10.- ntroduction to.business General Chemistry or 800- Physics American History, 1865 to tlte Present or 80-1 History of Westem.Civilization ntroduction to Art History or Music Appreciation.z i. ' }~'lllst Y,\ll SECRETARAL SCENCE MAJOR BUSNESS ADMNSTRATON CREDTS Course No. Course Name 1st Sem. nd Sem English Composition College Algebra or 80-7 Mathematical Analysis.for Business Ceneral. Chemistry or Physics American History, or Histozy of Western Civilization Fundamentals of Speech English Composition ntroduction to Business : Genexal Ohemisby n or 800- Physics U American History, 1865 to the Present or 80-1 History of Western CiVilization ntrodu ~tion to Art History or Music Appreciation lo.'j

55 ColLEGE THAN8FE1 SECOND YEAn Accounting Economics 801~8 Contemporary Literature l or Survey of Literature ntroduction to Psychology Earth Science Electives Accounting Economics Contemporary Literature li or Survey of Literature American National Government and Politics or Sociology r Mathematical Analysis for Business Elective Electives As Approved by the Division Chairman PRE-NDUSTRAL EDUCATON AND TECHNOLOGY These curriculums are suggested for those students who wish to prepare for further 'Study in a four year college or university offering a baccalaureate degree with a rnajor in ndustrial Education. or ndustrial Technology. NDUSTRAL EDUCATON FmsT YEAn CREilrrs Course No. Course Name 1st Sem, nd Sem. 80l.:C0l English Composition ntroduction to Psychology College Algebra or 80-{) Mathematical Annlysis l Drafting Woodworking Elective English Composition Sociology 80-0 Trigonometry or 80-0 Mathematical Analysis Fundamentals of Speech Printing Metalworking SJ:OONn YBAR ~ Electives Power Mechanics ChemjstJy l General Economics 1 Physrcs Plastics ndustrial Organization Electricity Public Speaking Physics Elective As Approved by the Chairman of the Division. NDUSTUAL TECHNOLOGY FrRST YE:AR COJrS8 No. Caur8e Name B(H-01 English Composition ntrodu,otion t() Psychology 80-9 Mathemati.cal Analysis Drafting Woodworking Elective ,() English Composition Sociology 80-0 Mathematical Analysis Fundamentals of Speech 0-00 Printing Metalworking SECOND Y.!Wl 810- Public Speaking Chemistry 80-1 Calculus and Analytic Geometry Power Mechanics Elective OEnrnl 18t Sem. nd Sem

56 ~15 ~ Electives EconomJcs Caleulus nnd Analytic Geometry 11 Digital Computer Programming EJectr.lcity lnqustrial Organization Plastics As Approved by the Division Chairman ntrocluction to Bu.~ine.vs Crcclils A study of American Busi~wss-its organizatio~, ownership and management. Decision making, legal nod regulatory (.:Outrols, finance, personnel problems and legislation, Beginning Shortlzand Creclits 'fhe theory of Gregg Diamond Jubilee shorthand, designed to complete the theory tlll'ough reading and dictation practice lntermediute Shorthand. Credits A review of the prindple5 of Gregg Diamond JubiJee shorthand. Speed building emphasized through dictation and transcription, stress is placed on mailable letters. ; ', COURSE DESCRPTONS FOR COLLEGE TRANSFER PROGRAMS Accounting J Credits Basic!lCCOunting theory and practice covering all steps in the a~ounting cycle, Special journals, control accounts and subsidiary ledgers with respect to single proprietorship service and mercantile enterprises. Deductions pertaining to taxing and payro11 and year-end work re]ating to adjusting and closing the ledger Acctfflntf.ng Credits Accounting principles and procedures relatiug to the fom1ation o_f partners?ip~, di5tnoution of profits and dissolution, Corporation orgamzation, stock and bond issues, dividend payments, corporate statements, manufacturing concerns, using a voucher system, branch accounting, cost accounting, statement analysis and schedufes Accounting Credits Theoz-r, practice and problems pertaining to presentation of the flnanc1al statements-balance sheet and income ~tatement the ac~unting ~recess-valuation of working capital, plant' and eqlllpment, mtangibles 1 long-term liabilities, and stockholders' equity accounts, Financial statement analysis, and funds-flow and cmh-bow reporting Account~ng V Credir~ ncludes problems pertaining to the fonnation, operation and dissolution of partnerships and joint ventures. Jnstalfment sales and consignments. Home office and branch relationships, consolidated statements, bankruptcy and receivership accounts and statements, estate and trust accounting Advanced SFWrlfland Crec!its Dictation and tmnscription at high speeds witl1 continued emphasis on mailable copy Typewriting Crediu Acquisition of fundamental skills in the operation of the type writer. Covers the minimum essentials of letter writing, tabu1a ~ion an~ centering. For students with no previous typewriting msbuction. log- Typewriting ll Credits Emphasis is placed on the :improvement of speed and accuracy. Review of typewriting techniques and a continued study of letter styles and tabular reports. Production methods are introduced Typewriting ll Credits Development of high speed nnd accuracy; planning and typing advanced problems under production conditions; statistical reports, detailed tabulations, manuscripts and legal documents Prin:ting Creclits ntroduction and orientation to fundamental processes of printing. Related technical information is supported with limited experiences in the following areas: letterpress, lithography, and paper bindery Nutrition Credits A study of foods and their nutritional significance in relationship to energy, growth, maintenance and regulation of body functions Anatomy and Physlowgy Ctedtts A study of the human body as an. integrated structural and functioning unit, including the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory, metabolic, reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems' l! l! l!! f l!:

57 ;:; ~.. COLLEGE 'fliansj.ti'.j ElectriCitl! Credits Fundamentals of electricity. The theory and laws for direct ancl alternating current circuits is supported by limited experiments Digital Computer Programming Credit.s The fundamental operations in different number systems, as well as the study of basic internal and external machine operations. Various programming languages will be examined with an emphasis on Fortran and Cobol There will be practical applications <:oncemed with analysis, coding, and testing Draftrng. Credits Fundamentals of drafting, use of draftmg insfrurnents, tedmica ske~ching,. orthographic projection mtroduclng auxiliary and oblique v1ews, pictorial drawing including isometric, oblique and perspective projections, principles of dimensioning, sections and conventions, and fasteners, Metalworking Credits ntroduction and orientation to the metals fields. Re1ated technical information is supported by limited experiences of fundamental operations in the machine, hot metal and sheet metal shops Power Mechanics Credits ntroduction and orientation to neld of internal combustion en gines and the power transmission field. Technical information con cerning the operational principles of internal combustion engines ~e~banical a~d hy~raulic power transmission is supported by l1m1ted expenences m the automotive-diesel shops Mechanic.<. Credits An introduction to the field of mechanics. The following topics are covered: result ai:jd equilih.r.illllt forces, moments, 11tresses, concurrent-noncoplaner forces, static and kinetic friction ndustrial Organit.ation Credits An introduction to Jndustrla) orgaruzation. Various basic organi zational structures are identified and studied with the emphasis on the responsibilities of each part of the organizations to the industrial enterprise. A study of the roles played by labor and management in American industry Woodworking Credits ntroduction and orientation.to woodworking process. Technical infonnation concerning job planning, wood selection, woodllnish. ing and wood construction is supported by limited hand and rna chine operations in the wood shops, 108 CoLLF.CE '!'RANsFER Plizstie&. Credits ntroduction and orientation to the plastics field. Technical information concerning the composition and nature of plastics is supported through limited laboratory work and visitations to in dustrial plastic operations (compression molding, injection molding, thermo-forming, blow-fonning, casting, laminating, fabric:at ing thermosets) English Composition Credits A basic course in expository writing, including a research paper. Readings provide material for discussion and models for study. The course assumes a basic knowledge of English grammar English Composition Credits A continuation of English Composition, Extends the p1-actice of writing, especially of argumentation and persuasion. Novels and short stories, poetry and drama are added to the reading list to bring in some elementary understanding of these literary forms. The techniques of research are applied to a major critical review Survey of Literature Credits A study of the form of the short story and novel with the emphasis on English and American literature. Selected works from world literature serve as a supplement, The aim of the course is to show the variety and progressive development of these two genres. Prerequisite: English Comp. ll, BQl-16 Survey of Literature Credits A continuation of Survey of Literature, , this course concentrates on drama and poetry. Greater attention is paid to historical developments related to the literature, particularly the shifting attitudes toward fonn in general Contemporary Literature Credits Modem prose and poetry are studied in relation to contemporary society and the art of fiction. Representative readings rover material from approximately the 1880's to the 190's Contemporary Literature Credits A continuation of Contemporary Litetature, This course carries the study of contemporary liter~ture to Spanish Credits A basic course in Spanish in which basic grammar is learned. The approach is conversational, but the emphasis is as much on reading Spanish as on speaking it. Social and cultural aspects of Spain and Latin America are studied. 109

58 CoLLEGE TMNsFEB 80-1 Spanish 11 Credits A continuation of Spanish, 80-11, with the same primary emphasis on grammar and reading ntermediate Spanish 1 Credits The students have a grammar review and concentrate upon reading, oral and written exercises. The reading emphasizes social and cultural.aspects of France, Spain, and Latin America. Prerequisite: Spanish, 80-1, or two years of high school Spanish ntermediate Spani8h ll Ctedits A continuation of Spanish, Grammar review and oral practice and reading from selections of!ttmdard Spanish prose. Prerequisite: ntermediate Spanish, 80-1, or three years o high school Spanish. 80$-1 French l Ctedits The conversational approach is used with dual emphasis on spealting and reading. Social and cultural aspects of France are studied and read about and discussed in French. 80- French Credits A continuation of French, 80-1, with the same primary emphasis on grammar and reading The Making of Modern Europe, i5(j();.:z815 Credits ntroduction to the principal develqpments iii the history of Europe from the Renaissance to the fall of Napoleon. The course is intended for those students with a specific interest in history. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or previous college history Europe and the Modem World, 1815 to the Present Credits A SQPhomore level course in European History tracing the major politica1, social, and intellectual developments of the past 150 years following the establishment of the major national states American Hfstory, S Credits The origin and gr<>wth of the United States are studied. The course is a survey of American political, economical, and social development from the founding of the colonies through the Civil War. B()-1S American History, 1865 to the Present Credits Covers a survey of American political, economic and. social de velopment from the end of the Civil War to the present. no COLLEGE TRANSFER 80-0 History of Western Civilization 1 Credits The ideas and events which l1ave been primary to the develop ment of our society and its culture are studied. The early empires to the time of revolution in thinking of the "age of enlightment" is studied in this semester. An outline of events is studied and specific attention is given to dominant ideas in various ages History of Western Civilization Credits A study of fundamental ideas and events based largely on read ings of primary sources in economic, political, social, and intellec tual history from the eighteenth century to the present ntroduction to Art Hinon; Credits A survey of the various directions art has taken in difeerent coun tries in various ages as a result of national and religious traditions. The accent is on the heritage of Occidental Art with a reference to the Oriental and Near Eastern Styles by way of comparison, contrast, and clarification College Algebra Credits Number systems, properties of real numbers, functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, complex numbers, systems ofequa" tions, sequences and series, <md inequalities a:re studied. Prerequisite: High school algebra and geometry with average or better grades. Transferability: This course will not transfer for credit at the University of Wisconsin if a student has had more than two years of high school mathematics. Those people planning to enter the mathematics, engineering, or science.fleld should check the school they plan to apply to as.to whether the credit wil1 transfe1. Trigonometry Credit.~ This course covers the study of the six trigonometric functions, their inverse functions, the solution o right and oblique triangle~, basic identities, gmphs of the trigonometric functions, logarithms, trigonometric equations, and functions of a composite angle. Mathematical Analysis Credits A11 integrated treatment of topics from college algebra ~nd trigonometry. The course is designed to lay a sound foundation for higher courses in mathematics. The topics covered inclu~e: an axiomatic development of the real number system; a bnef review of elementary modern algebra; a shtdy of graphs and functional notation; a knowledgeable treatment of expo~ents and radicals; a study of linear functions, quadratic functi~ns and circular 01' trigonometric unctions involving trigonometnc equations, identities and applications, Prerequisite: College Algebra, or Trigonometry, ll

59 : 80-0 Mathematical Analysis Credits An integrated treatment of topics from analytic geometry and introductory calculus. This course is a continuation from the.first semester's work and provides a background of fundamental mathematical concepts before engaging in the study of higher mathtmjatics. The following topics are studied: detenninants, mathcmatica.l induction, pem,tutation, combination, logarithms, complex numbers, limits, continuity, di:flerentiation and integration. Prerequisite: Mathematics, 80-~ C(Jlculus and Analytic Geometry 5 Credits Designed for students of mathematics, science, and engineering. ntroduction to plane analytic geometry, basic properties of limits, rate of change of functions., continuity, simple derivatives of algeb.raic functions, curve sketching, maxima and minima, indefinite integration with applications, approximating an integration, and applications of definite integration, such as area between two curves, volumes, surface area of revolution, centroids, hydrost~tic pressure and work. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor or Mathematics, BM-0 or Calculus. and Analytic Geometrt) 5 Credits Designed for students oe mathematics, science and engineering. Differentiation and integration of inverse trigonometric functions,. natural logarithms, integrals involving the method of partial fractions, integration by parts, numerical methods to approximate de6riite integrals, review of detenninents, use. of deterrtlinents, use of detenninents for curve fitting, geometry of cones and C()nics, Newton's method of approximation of roots, polar curves, areas and integrals involving polar coordinates, parametric equations in kinematics and analytic geometry and vector differentation. Prerequisite: Consent o the instructor or Mathematics 80-0 or Calculus and Analytic Geometry lll 5 Credits Designed for students of mathematics,. science, and engineering. Scalar and vector product of two vecto1 s, differentiation of vectors, space curves, partial differentiation, maxima and minima, method of least squares, line integrals, double and triple integrals with applications, infinite series, convergence, complex series, and introduction to differential equations. 11 CoLLECE Tl\ANai'Ell Computational Statistics Credits A study o probability and combinatorial methods, measures of dispersion, measures of central tendency, estimation, univariate and multivariate distributions including; normal, poisson, chi square. The course contains a fair amowit of theory and derivations. Prerequisite: Minimum preparation-mathematics, 80-0; Preferred preparation-mathematic.~, Mathematical Analysis for Business Credits This course is primarily intended as an introduction to business mathematics. The material is illustrated with examples and applications. The mathematical notions introduced through the course supply the quantitative techniques for decision making at various levels of certainty Music Appreciation Credits A study of the elements of.music as they are related to perceptive listening. Basic forms of classical music are studied through reading scores and listening to records; The c.'ourse is related to works being peifolt'led during the year by the MacUson Civic Orchestra and/or Chorus and students are required to attend tluee concerts as a part of the course Beginning Music Theory : Credits A course for deve)oping rudimental tonal and rhythmic perception and memory through sight~singing and dictation. Basic notation,. intervals, scales and modes, selected music f~ harmonic and form analysis General Chemistry 5 Credits The fundamental laws and concepts of chemistry. Se1e.cted laboratory experiments illustrate chemical principles and develop laboratory.techniques. Two lectures or class periods, one dis ~ion perk:>d, two, two-hour laboratory periods per week General Chemistry l 5 c;edits Continuation of Genera] Chemistry, Applications of principles to chemical reactions, basic theory of solutions, metals and non-metals and their compounds, separation and identification of ions. Selected experiments to illustrate principles and pr~ vide techniques in qualitative analysis. Two lectures, one discussion period, two, two-hour laboratories.. 8Q6-1 Physic.t 5 Credits The properties of matter, mechanics,. heat and sound are studied through lecture, demonstration, and laboratory work. Laboratory practice teaches the application of these concepts and stresses the discipline of scientific study. 11 ~:

60 l!!) COLLEGE!MNSFER CoLLEGE TRANSFEn 806- Physics 5 Credit.J Electricity, magnetism, optics, and atomic physics are studied through lectures, demonstrations, and laboratory work Earth Scfence. Credits n this basic geography course the student is in~oduced to.a study of out physical environment and the ways basr<: geographw elements affect human life Sociology Credit$ The study of certain variations from social norms which en counter disapproval and to which theory and concepts derivoo frorn sociology may be applied. Focus fs on contemporary so<!ial problems Jn the United States such as drug addiction, suicide, alcoholism, functional mental disorders, marital and family disorders, crime and juvenile delinquency. Special attention is given to the reduction of depeudent behavior, social controls and the group approach to social l'ehabilitation,,, '..'':,.. '. ;. ' '. ~.'.'. : ''; Histology and Embryology Credits An overview of embryological processes, especialjy those involved in the formation of the face oral and dental ostructures. A study of cells and ti~sues. A study' of the composition and microscopic anatomy of the teeth and tlteir supporting structures Microbiology Credits Use of the microscope. Morphology, physiology, ecology and classification of bacteria; general survey of pathogenic bacteria,,irtises, molds, yeasts and fungi. Ceneral immunology including antigens, antibodies, anaphylaxis, allergy. L11boratory practice in preparation and staining of Dims; study of the cultural characteristics and identification of bacteria, with emphasis on those which inhabit the oral cavity. Preparation and use of cultural media; preparatioi:t and use of caries-suscepboility tests Pat1wlogy Credits General and oral pathology, to develop an understanding of disease processes, inflammation, tumors, and selected disea-ses, especially those of the oral cavhy Phaffl'JCOwgy Credits Di!cussion of significant pharmacology of representative drugs in current use in dental practice, to familiarize students with their or.igin 1 physical and chemical properties, preparation, modes of administration and effects on body systems. Special consideration given to antiseptics, pain-relieving drugs, and the anesthetics Reading mprovement for College Students 0 Credlta R.eadmg mprovement for College Students deals with materials and subject matter college students can be expected to encounter in college. An attempt is made to relate this course to the courses the students are CUJiently taking and to application in writing. The approaches ate by lecture, individualized and group study Sociology l Credits The course is an introduction to sociology. t stresses social structure, cultural pattern, the person and social groups, social institutions, and social change. Selected social problems are analyzt!d Ma"iage and The Family Credits The course is des.igned to meet.needs of young people who expect to many. t is based on the assumption that marriage and family living are important enough to require some preparation in terms of attitudes, feelings, and knowledge. By exposure to some of.the infonnation and accumulated experience of experts in the field, it is felt that young people can enter this relationship with better prospects of success Cantemporory Society Credits Descriptive analysis and interpretation of patterns of contemporary Amerlc~ culture; its social and economic structure and values. The relationship of these to national character; the dynamics of social change. Prerequisite: Sociology ; 809-0, 809-!1 Economics l Credits OHers the material essential to an understanding of basic economic forces. Business organization, labor organization, money and banking, relationship between national income and national product are considered. An analytic approach is taught Economics. Credits A continuation.of Economics, Emphasis is on pricing, determination processes, distribution of income, and some aspects of curtellt economic problems in relation to dominant American institutions American National Government and Politics Credits The structure and functioning of the national government, includ~ ing the jnstitutions of popular control. Particular attention is given to the principles of the American Constitution, civil liberties, political parties and pressure groups, administrative reorganization, the courts, and current national affairs. l i,

61 CoiJ.EC~ 'l'bansflm ~ State ancl Local Government Crediu Stresses the functions and politics of state and local governmental units in.the federal context. Particul11r attention is given to political party systems Uld the problems facing the states and cities: erimc, education, welfare, trllllsportauon and others nlroduclkln to Payclwlogy Credits A study of behavior including its devetopment, motivation, emo tion, perception, lcutning, personality, and behavior disorders. ' ' 11" ' " ''"' 1'"'" " tl"p -~----, , '. CoLLEGE TnANSFBl\ 810- Public Speaking Credits The course aims to develop the fundamental speech skills pertinent to public situations, Tbe student studies and applies those skills in informative and persuasive projects. Special emphasis is placed on audience analysis, se1ection of topic, preparation and organization of content, and delivery of the speech so as to meet the needs of the speaker, the audience, and tlte occasion. ; ~... : 1,.,.... '.'.: ! Child P.syc1w1ogy Qredits, 'l1le principles of human growth and behavorial development from birth to adolescence. ncludes metheds of studying chil dren, individual dijferences, patterns and sequences of development, and relationships with peers and adults P81JchologJ1 of Per.!OM Ad~ Credits Consists of an attempt to define and diherentiate between the healthy personality, the normal personality, and the unhealthy personality. Psychological concepts such as emotion, motivation, and stress are explored and special attention.is given to critical areas of adfustment, such as.infancy, old age, marriage and interpetsonal behavior. Prerequisite: Psychology, 801) Applied Psychology. Credits Practical application of principles of general psychology to vari ous problem areal! such as perception, le~ng, study, family living, social prolllems, counseling, personality evaluation, vocationnl choice, work, and leadership. Prerequisite: Psychology SOl Fundamentdl8 of Speech Credits Following n consideration of the process o oral communication, the student is helped to develop the skills necessary for fonnal and informal spealcing situations. Both tl~e physical and psychological aspects of human oommunication are sxamined Jn class work as well as m outside research. The student is introduced to the technique of selecting speech topics, organizing speech content and improving platfonn delivery, vin selected projects in oral interpretation and in infonnative nnd persuasive speaking.. ~ l ( t. f l


63 O.N:rr... AND TWO Y:W\ Dn'LOMA 0-c0 Architectural Drafting Communications Hwnan Relations Related Accounting 0-15 Pictorial llustration BARBERNG ONE YEAR DPLOMA This program provides nine months o full-time training in barbering. With this experience the trainee should be acceptable to an employer as an apprentice. Upon satisfactory comp[etion of the barbering program, the trainee enters employment as an advanced apprentice and senres an additional two years and three months to complete his three year apprenticeship. Course No ' Course Name Barber Techniques Barbering, Theory of Barber Science nstruments of Bar~ering Barber Shop Equipment Honing and Stropping Related Accounting Communications Human Relations Barber Techniques Bru:bering, Theory of Barber Science Bacteriology, Sanitation, and Hygiene History, Law, and Apprenticeship Sales Business Relations Basic Sales Social Shtdies Communications ToTAL No. of PEru:ons l&t nd Sem. _Sem CREDTS st Sem. 8 nd Sem. 8 ls 18 i ( f! 1 ' l BUSNESS MACHNES ONE YEAR DPLOMA Business lhms require a variety of skilled machine operators. The Business Machines field is one of the most rapidly growing areas of employment. Specialized busine~s machine training on up-to-date machines js the objective ol this program. Machine operators ~~auld 1w.ve a good. understanding of aritlw1etic, good fingel' dexterity, Vsion, and coordination. ~egbming jobs mclude key punch operator, m~chine ~okkeeper, machme calculator, duplicating machine and transcribmg maclllne operator. Course No. Course Name 10-1 Comptometer and Burroughs Typewriting or Typwnting n 10ih0 Applied Business Mathematics 10-0 Machine Bookkeeping Duplicating Techniques 0~1 Employment Orientation Communications 10-1 Machine Calculation 108- Typewtiting Typewriting ll 10-0 Key Punch 1() Records Management Human Relations Communicaticms Elective o. Electives-See Page 151'-. 11 To1~ No. OF PmuoDS 1st nd Sem. Sem r:rr Cru::Dm 1st nd Sem. Sem

64 ON&- ANn Two. YEAR 0li'LOMJ\ 0Nf'.r AND 'l'wo Y AR Dll'LOt.fA CERTFED LABOBATO:RY ASSSTANT ONE YEAR DPLOMA The one-year Ccrtilied Laboratory Assistant program prepares persons for worlc as assistants to medical tccbnologisu and pathologists or other qualified physicians in clinical laboratories. The program rembines instruction in fundamental principles in selected phases of laboratory techniques as well as clinical experience in hospital laboratories. The progr.un is ju. tend8d to train the non pro.fessionallaboratory assistant whose plnce should not be COllfused with that of tbe registered medical technologist. There are many opportunities for gainful employment in the hospital, laboratory, or physician s office. Course No. 51~00 51~ Hh' Cour5e Name Laboratory Pocedures A Laboratory Procedures A Medlca1 Laboratozy Records Orien~tion to Para Mcdicnl Terminology Elementary Chemistry Laboraory Procedures lb Laboratory Procedures lb Medical Laboratory Records Orientation to Para-Medical li Terminology ll Body Structure Laboratory Procedures lc Laboratory Procedures nc Trends and ssues n Lnborntory Assisting TOTAL No. OF PERODS 1st nd Sem. Scm i Summer Session CJilll)lT8 l at Scm nd Sem l Summer So.saion ( 1 ~ ' i t i CLEEK TYPST ONE YEAR DPLOMA Completion of the Clerk Typist curriculum gives nn understan~g of genern 1 business activities required of all office employees or occupatinnal competence. Students gain a mastery of the skills essential for initial employment and a thorough knowledge of the subject matter that will equip them for promotional opportunities. Typical beginning jobs are general oflice clerk, file clerk, typist, clerk typist, and receptionist. TO'r.u, No. OF Pr.RtollS C!\ 011"9 Cour$e 1st nd 1st nd No. Course Name Som: Scm. Scm. Sem Typewriting or 106- Typewriting Applied ijusiness Matbematics Machine Calwlatlon Principles of Business S-16 llecords Management Communications Human Bclatioru Typewriting n Or Typewriting ru OHioo Procedures Duplicating Techniques Related Ac<:ounting Communications 6 ()5..1 Employ.mmt. Orientation 6 Elective 5 Electives-Sec!'ago l 5Z r

65 ONE- AND TWO YEAn D1PJ..OMA ONE- AND 'l'wo-yilar DPLOMA CLO'J'HNG AND TEXTLES ONE YEAR DPLOMA A nine months academic year program in Clothing and Textiles ~an lead to career opportunities in the garment construction industry, in department stores, in sewing ~enters, in speclalty shops; for self employment; or preparation for personal and family living. This J?rogram is planned for the woman who has developed some skill and a genuine intere:;t in clothing OODstmction and who desires a career using these skills. 'l11e curdculum is Bexible and meets the needs n the student and the careet for which she is preparing. A student may elect to take one or several courses each semester and complete the program within three years. TOTAL No. OJ!' 'Enttms CamJJ:rs COftfS: lfit nd 1st.00 No. Course Name Sem, Sem. Sem. Sem Clothing Selection Advanced Clothing Construction Textiles 5 0h'l85 Work Management, Equipment Pattern Study 7 SOl--56 Communications Employment Orientation Tailoring Processes Fitting and Altemtions Special Fabrics-Construction lob Clothing Maintenance Communications S Human Relations Bas[c Sales Fur and Millinery Teclmiques 7 DATA PROCESSNG MACHNE OPERATOR ONE YEAR DPLOMA To handle the growing volume of business data which must be processed, skilled people are required to operate data processing equipment. Tminlng is received on punched and computer equipment preparing stu dents for employment as tabulating machine operators, coding clerks, aiuiliary equipment operators, tape librarians and console. operators. Students interested in earning an associate d~gree in Data Processing with emvhasis on Computer Programming should. consider the two-year associate degree Data Processing program. TOTA. No. of 'Emons 01!Bl>l'r Course lt nd 1st m! No. Course Name Sein. Sem. Sem. Sem ntroduction to Data Processing Data Processing Machines Punched Card Operations Sole Proprietorship Accounting Applied Business Mathematics ComrnunicaliOilS Data Processing Applications 57 :} Ele()tronic Computer Equipment Computer Operation Employment Orientatiou Communications Human Relations 6 "Electivti - t>7 Electives-Sec Page j _

66 ONE- AND Two-YEA!l D.!Pr.oMA DENTAL ASSSTANT ONE YEAR DlPLOMA Dental Assisting is a one-year program consisting of a total of 1016 class ami laboratory hours. Classes are in session ive days a week, Monday through Friday, on the average of six hours per day. The program is planned to give students an adequate orientation to the duties of the dental assistant from general office work to the technical phases of chairnlde assisting, laboratory techniques and radiology, Related instruction nms concurrently with tl!e prncticlll instruction throughout the program. Students have clini cal experience n sel<lcted dental offices, city dental clinics, and county dental clinics commencing with the latter part of the first semester. One unit of science and. one unit of typewriting are prequisite-5. TOTAL No. Course No ffi Course Name Dental Anatomy and Related Laboratory Prooodures Dental Theory Dental Therapeutics Chairslde Techniques l Dody Structure 'rofesslonal Orientation for Dental AuxiliarJes Typewriting Communication Skills Dental Laboratory Procedures Dental Theory ll Dental Therapeutics 508-:0 Chairside Techniques Dental Practice Administration Related. Accounting Psychology of Human Relations SOl-15 Communication Skills J 16 m- Pmnons lat nd Sem. Sem B CRE!lrrs 1st nd Sem. Sem. 1 % m~ 18 ONE-.AN> Two-Yua DPLOMA ELECTRONCS, RADO, Al'ffi TELEVlSON SERVCNG ONE l'ear DPLOMA This program provides the student with the lmowledge and sldlls necessary to perform capably as a radio and television service m_:m. nstruction is also given in hi-ll and stereo equipment and sma11 apphanc{!s. TarAL No. 01' l'er!ods Cli Drrs Cmme No ~ Wl5 Course Name Radio and Television Servicing Applied Mathematics Applied Science Communications Human Relations Radio and Television Servicing Applied Mathematics Applied Sc.ience Related Accounting Basic Sales 1st nd Serrt. Sem FOOD PREPARATON ASSSTANT 1st Sem. 7 nd.~er/ ONE YEAR DPLOMA. The Food Prewration Assistant program offers the student_ an o~po: tunity to. become qualified to pursue a career in the food servjces Within the hotel and restaur!lilt industry. t is designed to belp develop the skills needed for employment as a preparation cook, short order to broiler po~tion, or baker's helper.. Students who successful1y complete tlus prognrm may apply 1t as a prerequisite for the two-year diploma in Quantity l<'ood Preparation and Service. TorAL No. OF PEl\ODS CRED'S Course 1st nd l.l't ud No. Cour.re N(miC Sem. Sem. Scm. Sem Food Preparation Theory Food Service l 15 1JJ.-60 ntrod\lction to Food ntroduction and Analysis of Meats Bakery 6 1 S0-78 AJ?plied Mathematic.~ '58 Communications 6 17

67 ONs- AND Two-YEA Dll'LOMA 18-0 Food Preparation 10- Food and Beverage Purchasing 0-5 Menu Planping and Nutrition 18-0 Food Prepamtion Thwry Food Service Theory Bakery Human Relations Related Accounting FOOD SERVCE ASSSTANT ONE YEAR DPLOMA The Food Service Assistant program prepares the student for work in hospitals, college or university residence halls, school lunch programs, homes for the aged, nursing homes, or child care centers. A food service assistant, after completing this program and with additional CJ[perience, may qualify to advance to such positions as assistant food supervisor or food supervisor. A food service assistant works under the supervision of n dietitian or food service supervisor. During the second semester, three days a week are spent on affiliation at hospitals, residenco halls, nursing homes, school lunch programs, and 11 student center, for on-the-job training experiences. ToTM. No, OF l'ellxons CRE!lrrs Course 1st nd 1st nd No. Goorse Name Sem. Sem. Sem. Sem ntroduction to Food ntroduction and Analysis of Meat$ Prepamtion of Food Menu Planning and Nubition 6 0- Decorative Food ,1 Emp!oylllent. Orientation Applied Mathematics Communications 6 Preparation oe Food n-service Critique Practicum Human Relations Communications Om:- AND Two-YEi\1\ DwLouA GENERAL METALS ONE YEAR DPLOMA Tbls one-year program is an exploratory curriculum in the mctnls nren. lts purpose s to help the student select the area in which he would want more concentrated study in foundry, machine shop, welding, and metal fabrication. TOTM. No. Course No Course Name Metals!-ndustrial Exploration Fundamentals of Drafting Dra,ving nterpretation Communications Applied Mathematics Orientation -1 Metals -ndnstrial Exploration.1-11 Me<:hanical Drafting Human Relations Applied Mathematics Elective Electives As Approved by Chairman of Trade and ndustry. OF PERODS CREDTS 1st J!nd 1st nd Sem. Sem. Sem. Sem MECHANCAL DRAFTNG ONE YEAR DPLOMA This program provides the student with the :knowledge and skill~ necessary to handle a wide range of drafting problems with emphasis placed on those encountered in the mechanical field. ToT.u. No. OF PERODS CJEDrrs Course.lst nd 1st nd No. C01me Name Scm. s~m. Sem. Sem Mechanical Drafting 80 s 1-1 Mecltanical Sketching Applied Science Applied Mathematics Mechanical Drafting ll Communicatioll.!l Human Relations Related Accounting m 1-19 Machine Drawing

68 ONE- AND Two-YEAll DwwMA MEDCAL ASSSTANT ONE YEAR Dll'LOMA Medical Assisting is a one-year program consisting of a total of 960 Class and aboratmy hours. Classes operate flve days a week, Monday through Friday, on the average of fi"e hours per day. Students receive an adequate orientation to the. duties of the medical assi$tant from general office work to the teclulica! phases of examining room assisting and medical laboratory techniques. Field clq)erience is provided id selected medical offices o general physicians and specialists in solo, group, and clinic practice and in Madison area hospitals. Related instruction runs concurrently with the practical instruction throughout the program. A minimum typing speed of 50 words per minute is a prerequisite for entrance. Course No, 509-S ~ ~ Course Name Medical Office Practice and Procedures Medical Laboratory Procedures Medical Terminology Human Body in Health and Disease PerSonal, Vocational Relationships Related Accounting Communication Skills Medical Office Practice and Procedures Medical Laboratory Procedures Medical Terminology Human Body in Health and Disease Personal, Vocational Relationships Typewriting Communication Skills TOTAL No. QF PEiuoDS l.st nd Sem. Sem C!EDTS 1~ nd sw. Sw MEDCAL TRANSCJUPTONST ONE YEAR DlnOllriA A limited number of students will be taken into this program if they do not have the requited pre-requisites of shorthand and typewriting to enter the Stenographer-Medical program. The medical transcriptionist program is identical to stenographcr-mcdlcal except business electives are substituted for Medical Stenography and L Tor,\L No. OF PEOPS Crumm Course 1st nd 1st nd No. Course Name. Sem. Sem. Sem. s~m Human Body Medical Terminology Medical Etlrics Medical Stenography Typewriting ,'0 Medical Stenography Acctg~Bus Math Principles oi Business Human Relations 6 801~6 CommWJications Human Body Medical Terminology Medicnl Law Medical Stenography Typewriting h6 Medical Stenl)graphy Office Procedures Business Machines Employment Orientation ComrnunicatiotJS T

69 ONE Jo.ND Two-YE<U DlPLOMh QNURSNG ASSSTANT PROGRAM (60 HOURS) Tlle course is twelve weeks in length and is planned fl} give students an adequate orientation to the duties of the nursing assistant employed to assist the registered professional nurse in nursing homes and small ho.~pitals. The iitudent is prepared to perform those tasb supportiw to nursing practice which are both sole for the patient and practical for nursing service. The specific training objective is preparation for initinl employment in nursing homes or small hospitals where the nursing assistant's work i~ assigned and supervised by licensed. nursing personnel, Related instruction runs.concurrently with the pr~ctical instruction tllroughout the course. Students have actual work with patients under supervision and at the bedside commencing with the second week of the course. Curriculum Periods Per Week Communication. Skills Human Relations Human Body in Health and Disease Ethics for Nursing Auxiliaries Basic Procedures for Patient Care 1 total 0 Periods Students interested in enrolling in the Nursing Assistant Program should contact the Chairman of. the Health Occupations Division. 'This ~ourse clo~s 110t =r transfcr credit nward practical nursing or registered profcss!onol musing. ONE- ANO Two-YF.A Du LOUA OCCUPATONAL THERAPY ASSSTANT The oourse for Occupational Therapy Assistants is one acadenlic year ond consists of a total of 90 class, laboratory and..field prnctice hours. Students. are in class 0 hollfll per week. Subjects studied include Human Helah~ns, Health Concepts, Orientation to Growth and Development, Occ~!pattonal Thera.Py Theory, Techniques in Occupatlonal Therapy, super Vsed field expenence in Geriatrics and Psychiatry. The training program for Occupational Therapy Assistants offered by the Madison Area Technical C?llege follow~ closely the recommendations and requirements of the Amcncan Occupational Therapy Association. The main objectives of the program are to train individuah to assist in rehabilltation of patients through the use of supportive or m11intenanee activities and to assist in pr~ding specialize? activities for patients such as arts and crafts. Upon satisfactory. completion of the required curriculum, the student receives a one year diploma. Admis~ion requirements for the Occupntional Therapy Assistant program are as follows; High School graduation or equivalency Good physical and emotional health nterest in and capacity for working with geriatric and mentally jjl patients Desirable personal traits Minimum age: 18 years Students are selected on the basis of their qualifications and according to the order in which their applications are submitted, Enrollment is limited in order to insure high level inslru.ction and an amp1e measure of guided lcarmng experiences for each student. Students interested in enrolling in the Occupational Therapy Assistant program should contact the Chairman of the Health Occupations Division. OPERATNG ROOM. ASSSTANT The two-seme~ter program for the operating room ns.<.istant is designed to train persons to. Function as a member of the surgical team.. Perform specific functions in an operating room ot otk1 area of asepsis under the direct supervision of qualilled professional nurses ami surgeons. S~bjec~s studied include structure and fuitction, basic bacteriology m~clical tenninology, medical ethics, operating room procedures and tech~ niques, and human relations. Students have supervised clinical experience in affiliating bospitnk in the Mndison area during the two semesters of class work. 1. 1

70 Om:- AND Two-YEAJ\ Dn>LOMA The educational program for the Operating Room Assistant is a pilot program subject to the approval of the Wisconsin Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education. The first class will be enrolled in this new curriculw:i1. starling September, Students interested in enrolling in the Operating Room Assistant program s1l0u1d contact the Chairman of the Health Occupations Division. PRACTCAL NURSNG ONE YEAR DPLOMA The educational program in Practical Nursing is designed to attract those persons wl10 flnd satisfaction in nursing functions which are consistent with the short time ( 1 months) of preparation. This program is ofiered in the day only. Students spend approximately hours per week in class and in supervised clinical practice at affiliating hospitals and health agencies in the Madison area. Graduates of this curriculum secure employment in hospitals, state institutions, clinics, 'health agencies, and private homes. Course No () ~ Course Name Elementary Nursing Pr(lcedures and Clinical Practice Basic Medical and Surgical Nursing Body Structure and Function Health Concepts Charting and Communications in Nuxsing Personal, Vocational Relationships Personal Adjustments Nursing the Adult Patient, Theory and Clinical Practice Nursing oe Children, Theory and Clinical Practice Nursing of Wants and Mothers, Theory and Clinical Practice Nursing of Mentally U, Theory and Clinical Practice Oiversional and Rehabilitative Activities Community Hygiene 1 ToTAL No. OF PElUOJ)S 1~ nd Sem. Sem CREDrrs 1st nd Sem, Sem, () Nursing the Adult Patient, '11leory and Clinical Practice continued from previous semester Nursing in the Home Legal Aspects of Nursing, Vocation~\~ Relationships Phatmacology Care of Adult Patient Care of Children Care of Mothers and nfants Care of Mentally 1l ONE- AND Two. YEAR DJPLOMA Summer SessJo~J Summer Sesslo~ Clinical Weeks SMALL ENGNE REPAR ONE YEAR DPLOMA This program provides detailed instruction in the principles of op.:ra. tion and the maintenance of small internal combustion engines, Also in eluded is the study of the types of linkage from the smau engine to the machines they operate. ToTAL No. Course No ' ()9..., < (): Course Nume Sma11 Engine Repair Drawing nterpretation Welding for Related Trades Applied Mathematics Human Relations Communications Shop Practices and Schematics Machine Repair Basic Drafting Machine Shop for Related Trades Applied Malbematics Related AccoWlting Basic Sales Electives Elective 8()6..& Applied Science 15 01! PElUODS 1st nd Sem. Sem ToTAL No. of Pmuons 7 Cruwm 1st nd Sem. Sem. 5 z

71 ONE- AND 'fwo-yililll Dll'LOl\M STENOGRAPHER ONE YEAR PPLOMA Efficient stenographers.are required by most business firms. 'J11is program pre)?ares one to meet the exacting requirements of a stenographic career. Students with no prevjous trailiing in sj.orthand or typewrjting or those desiring to eam an assodate degree shquld take the associate degree ~ecrctarial science program. ToTAl.. No,.OF PERrODS CM!Jl'!S Coul'sc l!ii.nd 1st 11 No. Course Name Sem. Scm. Scm. S~;m Shorthand Typewrlting or 100-;5 Typewriting m Records Management 57 z Communications 6 8(}9-5 Human Relations Applied Busines.~ Mathematics Stenography 190! Typewriting lli or Typewriting V ll.'i. 101h'06 Office l'tocedures Bll$lness Machines 51 z Communications (> ~1 Employment OrieJltatioll 6 "Elective 56 Elecllv.-Scc J'nge STENOGRAPHER-LEGAL Ql'E YEAR D.'LOMA The legal stenographer must have ;1. working knowl~dge of legal termin ology, legal instruments, documents, and pleadings necessary in instituting and prosecuting a law ~uit, f!er duties are many and varied. She acquires the desired stenographic skill and relat«l training to assume respqnsibility a~ required in.offices of attorneys or legal.departments of industry. A super Ylsed internship in a legal.office is an mportant part of the.training. One year.of shorthand and typewriting are required as pre-requisites far this program. A two-year program, Leg!! l Secretacy, is offered for students desiring ~~~ associate degree. Course No ~ 1Q '5 SOl ~51 Course Narne Legal S~nogmphy Typewnting or Typewnting Legal Stenographer Law Legal Stenographer Office Procedures Legal Stenographer A.cctg-Dus Math Human Relatiqns Communi~tiOJs Legal Stenography H TypewrJting ll or Typewriting V LegalStenogrnpher Law Legal Stenographcl' Office P~ocedutes Ernp1oymept Orie11tation Bllsine.o;s Machines Communications H TOTAL No. OF PJ!.\ODS st nd Sem. Sem, CliE>T! ln nd Sem, Sem

72 .. STENOGRAPHER-MEDCAL ONE.YEAR DPLOMA Completion of this program qualifies the student {or employment wherever a knowledge of medical ethics, procedures and terminology is required-hospitals, clinics, and doctors' offices. Actual work experience is gained through a supervised affiliation. One year of shorthand and typewriting are pre-requisites for acceptance. A two-year program, Medical Secretary, is offered for students desiring an associate degree. ToT.u. No. OF PEUODS Cl\ED:m; Coarse 1st nd 1st.Znd No. Course Name Sem, Sem. Sem. Sem Medical StenQgraphy Medical Stenography Typewriting Medical Stenography Acctg-Bus Math Human Body Medical Tenninology Medical Ethics Human :Relations Communications Medicai Stenography Medical Stenogyaphy Typewriting Medical Stenography Office :Procedures Human Body Medical Terminology U Medical Law Employment Orie11tation Communications l ACCOUNTNG ASSSTANT TWO YEAR DFLOMA ONE AND Two-YEAn Dll'LO~A The two.year Accounting Assistant program prepares for practical work in bookkeeping and accounting. Cnshier, cost clerk, bookkeeper, credit clerk, sales order clerk, are several examples of placement opportunities to students successfully completing this curriculum. High school graduates interested in earning an assodate degree are advised to consider the associate d~gree accounting program.. Fmsr YEAll Course No. Course Name Sole Proprietorship Accounting Applied Business Mathematics 10-,' Machine Calculation Typewriting or 106- Typewriting Communications 105- Principles of Business Partnership AccQtmting Payroll Accounting Basic Marketing Human Relations Communications U 05-1 EmploYTUent Orientation SECONl> YEAR Corporation Accounting ntroduction to Data Processing Business Economics Survey of Credit Procedures Social Studies Records Management ntermediate Accounting-Problems Accounting-Cost ncome Ta.~ Acoountiug 8()9...,60 Business Law 0 Eiective ToTAL No. OF PEUODS 1st nd Sem. Sem ClU!.Vl'S 1st nd Sem Sem " Electives-See Page

73 0Jm..AM> Two-YEAn DwLUMA ONE.AND Two YE.Ul Dll'LOMA Alrl'O BODY TWO YEAR DPLOMA Thls program provides.tlle student wjth the lcoowledge and skill necessaj}' to perfonn well in the area of auto body and frame repair. This in eludes the unfoldiog of metal damage and restoration to the original contours. A high degree of skill is attained by the student in welding, metal fonning, alignment procedures and.finishing. ToTAL No. Fm.&T YFAn OF PEUODS CREDrr~ Cour~e 1st ml lo$1 nd No. Course Name Sem. Sem. Sem. Sem. 0-0 Auto Body Auto Body Related 5 1-$5 Drawing nterpretation Auro Body 0 ~ ()1...6 Auto Body Related Communications 6. S(Xh15 Human Relations S OOND YEA!\ 0- Auto Body ill 0 1 ~ Auto Body.Related ill Applied Mathematics 6 0- Auto Body V SO 1 0-.'67 Auto Body Related V Auto Body Repair Estimating AUTO MECHANCS TWO YEAR DPLOMA. This program provides the student with a wide range of career oppor tunities in the automotive service industry. He gains the necessary knowledge and skill in the.use of test equipment and tools.to diagnose an owner's service problem and perfonn the necessary correction. Fll\ST YEAn Cours(': No Q9..5 Course Name Brakes ;md Steering Balancing and Alignment Shop PraCtices and Schematics Applied Mathematics Communications Orientation Tune-up and Carburetion Electrical SysteJns Parts Department Practices Applied Science Human Relations SEOOND YEA 0-6 AutomOtive Engines Cost Esijmating 0-7 Service Shop Organization -1 Related Welding ToTAL No. OF P~ODS 1st nd Sem. Sem () Clutches and Transmissions ~ ()i...$6 Differentials and Drive Llnes New!Uld Used Car Preparation and Accessories Basic Sales Related Accounting 57 Cmm1.rs 1st nd Sem. Sem ' HO 11

74 ONE- AND Two-YBAR Dll'WMA DESEL AND HEAVY EQUPMENT MECHANCS 'WO YEAR DPLOMA This program provides the student with the knowledge and skill neccs sary for job success in tltc ever expanding heavy equipment areas. These areas include on and off the highway trucking, earth moving equipment, construction and warehouse equipment, dredge and well drilling equip ment and others. ToTAL No. Fms-r YEA~~ <W PERlODS Cru;nrrs Course 1st r!d 1st nd No. Course Name Sem. Sem. Sem. Sem Diesel '95 DraWing nterpxetation Applied Science Applied Mathematics Communications Human Relations 6. 1~9 Orientation Diesel Drawing nterpretation Applied Science Applied Mathematics Related Machine Shop 7 SECON> YW 1-,'7 Diesel ndustl'ial Hydraulics and Pneumatics Related Welding :01 Related AccoWlting 57 11)...15.Basic Stiles Diesel V Fundamentals of Metallurgy 6 ()...7 Auto.Service Management 5 Elective Electives As approved by the Chainnan of Trade and ndustry. 1 RETAL FASHON MERCHANDSNG TWO YEAR DPLOMA The Fashion Merchandising program is designed for the young man or woman who plans to enter depi'u't:ulent stores or specialty shops in various phases of fashion merchandising, Class studies stress an understanding cf fashion prod1,1cts, salesmanship, and n knowledge of fashion marketing principle.~ and procedures. Field trips, guest lectures, and individual projects enrich. class studies and enable students to explore career opportunities. Second-year students may obtain part-time superv.tsed job experience. A wide range of employment opportunities are available to students upon graduation. FlliST YEAR Course No )-0 1Q (}8 Course Name Business Mathematics Basic Art Elements Communications Orientation Fundamentals of Marketing FundamentalS of Salesmanship Survey of Fashion Principles Communications 10-5 Fashion m Business Techniques of Merchandise Display Survey of Credit Procedures Wardrobe Coordination Electives SEOJND YE.Ut 10-5 Fundrunentals of Advertising S00-8 Business Economics Fashion Show Procedure Retail Fashion CoordinaHon 10-0 Retail Mathematics Fundamentals of Retailing Elective 1 Tol'.u. No. OF l'eruods l8t nd Sem. Sem, CrumiTS 1st nd Sem, Sem,

75 0!-.'E- AND Two-YEAll. Dll'UJ:MA Human Relations Business Law Social Studies 10-6 Fa~hion Retail Buying 10-6 Occupational Research Elective Electives 01-7 Textiles Fashion Construction Field Experience Seminar Speech 10-7 Survey of Non-Textiles Typewriting 1()...:;! F1Uld1Unentals of Retail Advertising Course No. 0-i ()..()1 8CJ TOTAL No. OF Pn\JODS GMPDC ARTS-PRNTNG TWO YEAR DPLOMA Course Name Layout and Design Black and 'White Stripping Grapilic Arts l'botography Applied Chemistry Social Studies Applied Mathematks Communications 0-08 Layout and Design li 0-01 Composition and Makeup 0-75 Lithographic Presswo,rk 0-0 Relief Press Operations ~5 Human Relations Applied Mathematics Communications ClumiTS This program provides. the student with the knowledge and skills required to perfonn wen in the graphic arts industry. Training is provided in.most every proces~:!'hat reproduces information on paper and other materials. ToTAL No. F.msr YEA<l 01" fi:ruods CHEn us 1st nd 1st.nd Sem. Sem los los Sem.. Sem t!! i SECOND YEAR 0-00 Copy Preparation and Pasteup 0-- Printing Production 0-50 Printing Estiml!ting 0-90 Bindexy Operation 0-61 Platemaking.l)...M Production Planning nnd Control Electives ON~;- AND Two YEAl\ D1'10MA Copy Preparation and Pasteup Printing Production Printing E$timating Paper and nk Studies Applied Physics 5 Electives TO'l"..u. No. Electives OF J>Em:ODS 0-8 Advanced CameJ'a and Stripping Techniques 108.()..;7 Color Stripping Composition-Advanced Teclmiques 108 0;--19.Compositlon-Advanced Techniques 108 J1.Q...7 Lithographic Press Operations Lithographic Press OperatioiJS 1 ().i...() Process Color Process Color o-98 Seminar Tone-Color Processes 7. (j! CBEDrrs QUANTTY FOOD PREPARATON AND SERVCE TWO YEAR DPLOMA Principles of advanced quantity food preparation combined wiu management concepts for career opportunities in hotel, motel, club, re.ootaurant, institutional feeding, tourism and other public hospitality businesses. ToTAL No.. of PERmDS Cnwm Course 1st nd 1st nd No. Ct>t~t se Name Sem, Sem. Scm. Sem Food Preparation Theory Food Service 15 0.')...60 ntroduction to Food 7 15

76 ONE- AND Two-YEAn D'LOMA ONE ANV l'wo-yuan Du Lo.MA 18-0 ntroduction and Analysis of 0-0 Drill Presst:s Meats Engine Lnthe 18-0 Bakery Engine Lnthe Applied Mathematics Applied Science Communications Applied Mathematics 6-1 Welding for Related Trades Drawing nterpretation Food Preparation Food and Beverage Purchasing Orientation Menu Planning and Nubition Food Preparation Theory Machine Shop Food Service Theory Engine Lathe 18-1 Bakery Engine Lathe Production Human Relations Advanced nspection 101,...01 Related Accounting Milling Machine 0-5 Shaper Turret Lathe SECOND YEAR Applied Science Food Preparation Applied Mathematics Front Office Procedures Communications Food and Beverage Management Human Relations 6 and Service Food Preparation Theory Til Hotel Motel Accounting 6 SEXJOND YEAll 18- Bakery Economics Machine Shop Shaper Affiliation for Chefs Milling Machine Affiliation Evaluations Milling Machine. ;. 00- Grinding ndustrial Hydraulics and Pneumatics 7 MACHNE SHOP.--90 Fundamentals of Metallurgy 6 " ' -~ i 1-10 Fundamentals of Drafting Applied Mathematics ll 6 TWO YEAR DPLOMA Too program provides the student with the knowledge and skills 0-8 Machine Shop V necessary to plan and carry to completion a machined product. He learns 0-1 Milling Machine V to work from blueprints, specifications and shop drawings, select a mate- 0-7 Advanced Grinding rial or materials 1x> produce each part, set up the operntional procedure, 0-55 Machine Processes and produce the part to the dimensions required. 1-0 Electricity 6 TarAL No Tool and Fixture Design 6 Fmsr YEA OB'.PEmons CJEDlTS 0-98 Seminar 6 Course 1st nd lst nd Elective - No. Ccnme Name Sem. Sem. Sem. Scm Machine Shop Layout' and nspection Elective 0-17 Power Sawing As approved by Chairman of Trade and ndustry. 0-5 Tool and Parts nspection

77 ONE-.AND 1'wo-YEAR DPLOMA GENERAL MARKETNG TWO YEAR DPLOMA Marketing offers many career opportunities for men and women. The field encompasses a diversified area involving skills that require training in the merchandising of pl'oducts and -services at many levels. The curriculum provides flexibility through elective courses and projects encow-aging specialization by capitalizing on special interests and abilities. Students planning a career in general marketing, retail merchandising, or. who are planning to operate their own distributive businesses should consider consider this program. Electives 10- Fundamentals of Retail Advertising Field Experience Seminar 10-7 Fundamental~ of Retailing 10-0 Sales Leadership Development Typewriting 10- Small Store Operation Fundamentals of ndustrial Marketing ON~ AND Two-YEAR Dil'LOMA TOTAL No. of PEmoDs CEDTS

78 ONE-.AND Two-Y::M Du wma Si::CON~ YEAll 8-05 Vest Construction Trouser Construction Principles of Pattern Making Fundamentals of Lays und Cutting Mathematics for Clothing Trades Coat Construction 1 8-1Z Tailoring Women's Ga1ments Designing Men's Garments Designing Women's Ganneuts Small Store Operation 5 ToT,\L No. Electives OF PllROPS Basic Sales Applied Mathematics 6 6 WELDNG TWO YEAR biploma This program provides the student with a knowledge of welding processes, of metals, and of heat and its effect on metals. The student becomes proficient in the use of welding apparatus and learns how to select the right procedure for each job. Fmsr YllAR Co ursa No. Course Name -15 Welding -00 Arc Welding Z--0 Oxy-Acetylene Welding Applied Mathematics ,'95 Drawing nterpretation ,'56 Corrununications S00-.'5 Human Relatioru' -6 Welding -0 Arc Welding ~07 Oxy-Acetylene Welding Applied Mathematics 1-96 Drawing nterpretation Fundmncntals of Electricity ~9() FWldamentals of Metallurgy 150 ToTAL No. OF PERlO>S 1st nd Sem. Sem CREDTS 1st Sem. Ct\Dl'l'S 6 nd Si!m SEcoND YEA --51 Welding Advanced Technique of Arc Welding.5Z --0 Pattern Developmllllt Applied Science 7Z Z--19 Welding Trouble Shooting Machine Shop for Related Trades J Z--98 Welding Proced\ll'es, Testing and nspection Specialized Shielded Welding Processes V Applied Science Applied Mathematics m Seminar Elective Electives As approved by Chainnan o Trade and ndustry. Om:- AND Two-YEAR DJPLOMA WOOD TECHNCS 1WO YEAR DPLOMA This program provides the student with the knowledge and skills necessary for job success in the woodworking industry. He becomes familiar with the materials, common and special hand tools, power tools, machines and processes of the industry. Trade preparation h for the highly skilled woodworking trades such a$ carpentry, cabinet making, and wood finishing and painting. Couw~ No Course Name Woodworking Blueprint Reading Applied Science Applied Mathematics Human Relations Woodworking Cabinet Drawing Applied Science Applied Mathematics Communicaticw TOl'AL No. OF PEluoDS 1st nd Sem, Sem l9 Cmmls 1st nd Sem. Sem

79 SF.OONJ)YEA 09- Woodworking lii <10-89 Architectural Drawing Tool Maintenance Job Relations Social Studies 09- Woodworking V 00-6 Machine Maintenance Seminar Elective Electives All appro\ ed by Chairman of Tmde and ndl1stry. Course No. lol ~101 1() ~0 105-S : <J BUSNESS EDUCATON ELECTVES FOR DPLOMA PROGRAMS Course Name Sole Proprietorship A!XXlunting Partnership Accounting. Related Accounting Principles of Business Typewriting r Typewriting 11 Typewriting ll Principles of Data Processing Key Punch Records Man..'lgement Comptometer and Burrough 1! M11chine Bookkeeping Business Machines Fundamentals of ndustrial Marketing Basic Salesmanship Sales Management Survey of Credit Procedures Basic Marketing Human Relations TOTAL No. OF J'EROD! ' S CnFJlm..~.1 Students deslring additional electives in the Businc.'!S DJvJ5lon or othet divisions of Madison Area Technical College should obtain npproval of their advisor or department chairman. 15. J ~ 01'11!:- ANJ> 'i'wo YY.AJ Dll'LOMA COURSE DESCRPTONS FOR. ONE AND 'l'wo YEAR OPLOMA PROGRAMS Related Accoufltlng 57 total per{ocls Credits Fundnmr.mtals o rccordl ng buslnes~ trnmactlons, prepnrlng statements of ineomc and oxpenso, cash and credit l'ontrol, purchasing and inventory proccduru~ nrc topics lllcluc1cd ln tbb course Per ~om plarujing to work in, mnnage, or own a huslness will fln<l thb course very practical and lwlpful. J0l-.J0 Legal Sfenogra1Jh!1 Accountlllg~ BusbJfJSil Math 57 lolul tjcrjods Credit8 Assisls the legal secretary in Jwcping the llnancinl record~ of an il(tomcy. 'The complete bookkecp!n~ cyclll s studied. Combined cash jm1mals, case and collection docket~, and allocation of costs. A review of the fundamental processes of ttrithmetic, fractions, decimals, porcentt~ge nrc nppllcd to business statements, bank rcconcllintion, and ncome tnx: forms. A study is made of various accounting forms, payroll forms, nni1!iociru sccurlty records. O-0 Medical Stenography Accouut/ng- Brtslne$8 Mat1 57 total perlod8 Credita Assists the medical stenographer to handle cfftwtively the business aspects of her position, such lis billing, rtccounting, maintaining linl!ncial records and generally S'E'rvlng as a physician's booldeepcr. A review of the fundnmentnl processes of arlthmetic,.. fractions, decimals, percentage, and interest s applied to business problems dealing with bank recon.cll!at{ons, payrolls, and income tax returns. The complete bookkeeping cycle is studied, and a model practice set for a doctor's office is ccmpleted with.emphasis on actual pay1 oll forms. HospitJil hwenlury records are reviewed Sole ProprletoraT1ip Accounting 95 tcjtal perlocls Credits The theory of accounting as t relates to a mercantile enterprise. n the development o the theory, the complete bookkeeping cycle i.1 covered which includes journalizing, posting, trial balance, workshc(lt, fmanclal statements and adjusting and closing entries. An examlnntion s ronde of special foumals and ledgers. Payroll 11roccdmes arc nlso cove1 ed. 101-Jl$ Pari11ershitJ Aoccrmtlt~g 95 total periods Credits A contlnuatl~>n of Accountfng, 101-U covering problems relating to partnerships. Classillcntion of accounts, admissiqn o new partners, negotiable instruments, taxes, and the acquisition nd dlspo~nl of llxed assets lu'e included. t is basic for studbnts plannlng to mnjor in accounting or for those planning to secure positions as hookkcepe~.~ or junlor accountant.~.!5

80 --- - ~ ,_,. $!...,.._.., , Corporation Accounting 95 total J!eriocls Credits Consideration is given to the corporation and its operation. Legal organizntion and records o a corporation, classes and :values of capita] stock, SUJPUs and dividends, reserves and f!wds, the voucher system of accounting, manufacturing accounts, annual reports and closing the books of a manufacturer are subjects covered. l01-0 lntermetuate Accounting Problems 95 total periods Ctodits A study of advanced problems and applications of 1inancia1 statement preparation is covered. A CJ,'itical analysis.of each account. classification is made in an attempt to.meet the currently accepted accounting principles ncome Ta:r Accounting 57 total periods J Credita A study of federal and state income tax laws pertaining to individual and varied business enterprises. Related problems and tax forms are a part of this course Accouniing-Cost 57 total periods Credits The fob cost or production order system, the process cost system, and the standard cost system are discussed. Accounting for ma terials, labor, and factory overhead expenses gives the student knowledge basic in the field of cost accounting Payroll Accounting 57 total periods. Credits A basic course emphasizing correct procedures in recording wages earoed by employees. Payroll deductions and laws relating to withheld items are stu.died Key Ptmch 5 total perlock Credits Development of speed and accuracy on t1te alphabetic and numeric keyboard. Payroll, numeric sales analysis, and alphabetical sales analysis are included with the studying, planning, and preparation of the master cards necessary for these dijferent applications, Nine lectures are included in the course. Prerequisite: Touch typewriting, minimum speed of 0 words per minute. 1()...1 Complometer and BUtfoughs 95 total periods Credits A foundation course in key-driven calculators covering the four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multip1ication, and division. UJ>on the satisfactory completion of this course, the student should be qualified for calculator jobs not requiring speed of operation.. 15 O N&- AND 'fwo-year DU>..Ot.iA 1()..1 Comptometer and Burrou/Yls ll 95 total periods Credita Business applications, problems, and reports with emphasis on building speed and accuracy in the four fundamental operations. Students attain operating efficiency through concentrated practice and timed tests Machine Bookkeeping 5 total periods Credit.<t Burroughs Scnsimatic: Handling customer and creditor accounts, cash receipts and disbursements, payroll, labor and material reports, statements, and journals by the machine method. Monroe Bookkeeping Machine: Posting, entering, balancing, and totaling on bills, ledgers, and journals by machine. A pr~ctice set: is completed to carry out the entire cycie. National Cnsh Register: Procedures involved in handling accounts i eceivable, accounts payable, payroll, and sales distribution Mad1iue Calculation 95 total periods Credit~ FWldamental operations on adding machines, printing calculators, and rotary electric calculators ( Friden, Marchant, Monroe) and their use in accwnulation, negative multiplication, percentage, discounts, reciprocals, distribution, nnd promting. 10- Machine Calculation 57 total periods Credits For students not enrolled in the Business Machines curriculum. nstruction is given on ten and full keyboard adding-listing machines and printing calculators and automatic electric rotary. calculators. Stildents bec'ome competent machine operators on materials pertinent to their fleld of trainlng. 10-J.'SO Duplicating Techniques 76 t(jtal periods Credits Students are given an adeq11ate working knowledge of the opera tion and care of duplicating machines used in modem business offices. PJaJUiing, layout, and accuracy of the master copy are emphasized. Mimeograph stencil, spirit and liquid processes, and offset are covered Bttsiness Machines 57 total periods Credits Especially developed for students in the stenographic or related area of h'aining who have not taken separate courses fu transcribing machines, duplicating processes, and calculating machines Fundamental.r of Marketing 5 total periods Credits An introductory course that helps the students understand the role and functions of producers, wholesalers, and l'etailets. A survey approach is used to study consumer psychology, market ing research, advertising, pricing, government regulations, and consumer organizations. Attention is paid to product planning, 155. l!j lij,,!

81 " --~ ONE A Nil Two. YEAl\ Dtl'l.OMA lq...:jq5 Fundamentals of Marketing 5 total periods Credits Special emphasis is applied to mllrketing principles, policies, and problems. ndividual problems and reports are assigned to help the student sea the day-to dny application of marketing principles. 10-SO{J Basic Art E7ements 5 total periods Credit11 A basic course to help shtdents apply art principles to!a.~hion merchandise. Experimenting with the principles nnd elements of design, students learn to rccogn~ the qualities of good design and become more aware of the problem.~ facing degigncts today. 10-:08 Survey of Fashion Principles 5 total. periods Credits Students study the evolution and importance oe the fashion inilustry, the lature of fashion products, consumer motivation and buying habits, and the role of fashion in hi&toric costume. Career opportunities in the field of fashion merchandising are ~lored Wardrobe Coordination S total periods Credits Students learn to utilize design principles and wardrobe coordina~ tion techniques to integrate customer needs and preferences with current fashion trends ln the selection of fashion merchandise. Personal development of the individual stude1lt ill ncluded. 1Q...10 Fundamentau of Salemwnship 90 wtac periods Credits A oourse in the fundamentals of selling and the application of retail, wholesale and direct sales. Steps in the ~ale, guides for selling, prospective problems. attitude of buyer and salesman, sales interviews, methods of closing the sale and types of cus tomers are given special attention. (Great emphasis is placed upon perfonnance. Jn c1ass presentation.) 10-1 Orientation 18 total periods 0 Crcdit8 The orienbition program provides the student with an opportunity to become acquainted with other students in the market ing program, to learn about the total school program, to become familiar with school services; to 'learn about the Distributive Education Club~ of America program; and to adapt himself to the instructional pattem of advanced ttaining. 1(};...'115 Basic Salesmnnshlp B total per{od.s Cmdits An introductory sales course which stresses the proper application of sales techniques to skilled occupations. Sales techniques are applied to job disciplines, designed not only to create greater efficiency on the job but also to improve working relationships with fellow employees and customer5. 1~16 Fashion Show Procedure 18 t<jtal perlod.y l Credit Fashion shows are analy.ted as a means of presenting fashion infonnation. Students learn the principles of fashion show planning and productiol) by actually proucing a fashion sbow. -~ n i ONE- AND Two-YEAll DPLO A Retail FMh!on Coordination 6 total period.~ Credits Students explore coordination of the buying, selling, promotional displny and training functions within a retail organization or department devoteil to fashion merchandise. The duties of the fashion coordinator are analy1.ed. 10~18 Field Experiance Seminat 18 total periods Credit.1 Students must be currently employed in a job that is considered appropriate by the instructor. Projects, reports and discussions are coordinated with situations related to student emplo>'lllent, Participation in this class will be subjected to employer approval to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation of 0011rse objectives. 10-:1!) Techniques of Marc!umrli.ve Displav 90 total periods Credit.~ The principles of exterior and interior display techniques are applied in practical situations using design elements, color, and arrangement theories. The student constructs various ldnds of displays. The basi~ skills involved in simple showcard lettering as it applies to displays are taught. 10-S0 Sale8 Leacler~hip Developrmmt 6 Mal pereods Credit~ A course designed to impress students with the importance of setting goals. Emphasis is placeq on getting aloug with people and learning to identify and solve problems Sales Management. 5 total periods Credits Topics studiro include a basic introduction to the field of slllt;!s management, in relation to the.entire field of marketing, the fundamentals of sales organization and policy determination, tbe recntitment, selecl;io,n, and assimilation of salesmen into the sa1es force, a basic orientation to compensation plnns and the handling of salesmen's expenses, supervision and stimulation of salesmen and the planning of territories and quotas Fundamentals of Retail Advertising 5 totm periods Cnullts The purposes of retail advertising, the organization of the adver tising department in 11. retail store, tbe publicity budget, the different types of retail advertising, media selection in retail advertising, sales promotion in a retail store, the wlue of researdt in retail advertising, interior and window display as utilized by the retailer, and the activities necessary to successfuuy carry out an advertising campaign. 10- Small Store Operation 5 total periods Credits ncludes principles Of operation md management techniques of tbe sma1l stores. Areas of special attention are linance, taxes, ac counting, insurance, office management, promotion, o,nd other specialized store activities

82 ~ Fundamentak of Advertising 1 7 total perfuds Greits An introductocy course covering the fundamental purposes of advertising as well as the basic social and economic benefits of advertising. The following broad areas are covered in an introductory fashion: The workers in advertising and what they do, the examination of the consumer for advertising ideas, a study of the product and its advertising aspects, a basic orientation to the various types of media available to the advertiser and an examination of the mechanics invqlved in creating an advertise ment, measuring the effects of an advertising campaign Occupational Research 5 total periods CrcditB Career pursuits are investigated in a general area of marketing Study includes research of speci6c jobs or field opportunities. Activities include interviews, collection of occupational information and field observations. A resume is prepared to assist the student in future employment interviews Survey of Non-Texti!es 6 total perior!s. Credits The study and analysis of items such as jewelry, leather, furs, shoes, hand bags, arid gloves. Emphasis is on ronstruction, quality, care, and use Retail MatltematicrJ 5 total periods Credits Some of the matl1ematical problems faced by merchandisers are presented, analyzed, and solved. Students apply business mathe~ matics to these problems Fashion Retail Buying 5 total periods Credits The procedures lor buying are analyzed based on understanding the organization for buying. analyzing the consumer, determining what and how much to buy, fonnulating the buyjng plan, and setting the price. Merchandise selection is included Fundamentals of Retailing 5 total periods Credits A basic course covering careers and opportunities in marketing, business location, building Hxtures and equipment, store.layout, retail management, organjzation, purclw.sing procedures, merchandise discounts and ordering pqlicies, product inventory control systems, planning the merchandise budget, receiving, checkjng and marketing merchandise, retail store pl'omotions, pricing, services, and trendc; in marketing Fashion in Business 5 total period$ Ct'edits This course covers the bac)cground, evolution, status and importance of the fashion industry. Special attention is given to the development o.f the foreign fashion industries and mell'kets. The role of American and foreign designers is studied as well as their individual contributions, ~ f: l ONE- AN!> Two-Y All DlPLOMA 10-:71 Survey of Gredtt Procedures 57 total periods Credits A basic course which includes the study of vadous types of credit ( cons:umer and business) and the management of credit p1ocedures Food and Beverage Management and Servke 8 total periods Credit This course covers all subjects from menu planning, forecasting ao.d sales analysis to production, budgeting, and equipment. ) 0-1 Front Office Procedure 6 total perlod.y Credita Front Office Procedure emphasizes the crucial human and public relations responsibilities of the front office operation. The necessary principles of management, routines, and ae<:ounting are thoroughly covered. 10- Hotel-Motel-Accounting 6 total periods Credits A study of the basic accounting tenns, practices and statements in common use in hotels and motels. The use and.importance of accounting infonnation to management decisions is developed. 10- Food and Brroerage l'urcluzsing 6 total periods Credits The eotire range of food purchased by quantity buyers is covered in this course. t summarizes knowledge and principles tl1at have taken buyers years to learn by experience and stresses the importance oj specifications and bow to write them. 105-J0 Applied Business Mathematics 57 total periods Credits A course for students intet~ding to study accoudting, Cl!lcu1ating machines, or preparing for civil service examinations, ntensive review of fundamentals. 11le -course includes percentages, dis OOlDltS, interest and bank discount, payxoll records and deductions. 10$-16 Records Afanagement 57 total perioc:l8 Credits Covers the basic principles of fl1ing. Students eam rules by coding and filing cards alphabetically and study methods of filing by using miniature letters and.filing boxes. Methods mcluded are alphabetic, variadex, numeric, and geographic Principles of Btmness 57 total periqck Credits A fundamental course introducing the student to the 'latied functions and operations of a business enterprise. How it is fmmed; financed, and managed Legal Stenogropher Law 1 8 total periods Credits A cotir!le for legal stenographic students covering terminology and its meaning and various legal appllcations pertaining to forms and documents encountered in legal offices

83 :iff ".., ~-.. ~ ~--~ "' '----~ Om:.- AND Two-Yv.n DPLOMA Om. AND Two-YEAB DPLOMA 105-J6 Legal Stet1ographet- Law 8 total periods Crediu Typewriffng 95 total periods CredUs An enlargement of Legal Stenographer Law, 105-6, with For persons desiring to 1eam the touch ~ystem of typewriting. t continued work on legal situations confronting!:he secretary in includes the 'Study of parts of the machine, mastery o the key. her daily meetings with clients and attorneys. board, drills for rhythm and accuracy, correct typing habits, Office Procedures 57 total perio Credits simple Jetter.setup and tabulation, and timed writings. The purpose of this course is to develop knowledge and appreoia 108- Typewriting 95 total periods Credits tion of business procedures and practices as well as a better un Students continue to work for greater speed and accuracy, Trainderstanding of good public relations. Discussion centers on proper iag is given in business Jetter writing, tabulation, business lonns, performance of clerical duties, business etiquette and good pubc and rough drafts. lie relations. ' Typewriting 95 total periods Credits ShortTuznd l 190 total periods Credit~ Gives the student an opportunity to work on varied statistical For.students who have completed the theory of shorthand. A reports, legal fo11t1s, report \Vtiting and manuscripts. Employ~ review with supplementary reading, dictation and transcription ment t~ts are given to increase production ability. Prerequisite: l is given. The dictation range is between 0 and 80 words per Typewriting, l minute. Students receive dictation live and by use of pre recorded tapes Typewriting V 95 total periods Credits Developing greater speed through timed writings and improved Stenography 190 total periods Credits i production methods. Efficient operation of transcribing machines An advanced course stressing the development of shorthand is an important phase of this course. Prerequisite: Typewriting skills by dictation at higher rates of speed. Emphasis is placed 111, on transcription for mailable copy, office procedures and practices. Dictation speed ranges from 8D to 10 words per minute ~ M edlcal Stenography through use of live dictation and multiple channel tape Typewriting 1 95 total periods Credits J laboratory. Coosists of a.review of business letters and forms common to a1l offices; introduces the student ta the practice a typing actual 106-J1 Legal Stenography total p~rioi/$ Credits medical letters and forms--case histories, consultation reports, Development of a legal shorthand vocabulary, with dictation and t operative records, discharge summaries, X-ray and EKG reports, transcription of legal material. Dictation range: 80 to 100 words l>repnring insurance forms; the preparation of abstracts and per minute. f articles for medical journals, and typing minutes of medical 106- Legal Stenography ll 100 tqtal period$ Credits meetings. There is emphasis of speed with control on ten-minute Additional emphasis on buildi.pg a legal voonbula.ry and the de- il ~dungs. velopment of dictation speed with accurate, rapid transcription :l ~e~ Stenography " on a production basis. Dictation range: words per Typewriting 95 total perioth CredJt.t minute. A continuation of Medical Secretarial Typewriting, 1()6...(() Legal Stenogrop]ler Office 'This course emphasizes production typing of medical letters and Procedures l 57 tat6l periock Credits fonns. The students arc trained to transcribe medica) material from macliine dictation. Preparation of legal documents, special transcription procedure, techniques appropriate to the legal office, takinji of depositions, ~ 106-:6 Medical Stenography 15 total periolh Credit~ and general office practice applicable to a legal ce are covered. Development of medica] shorthand vocabulary, with dictation Legal Stenographer Office and trauscrfption of medical material. Dictation range: 80 to 100 Procedures 57 total 11eriods Credits {1 words per minute.!i A continuation of Legal Stenographer Office Procedures, Medical Stenography 1l 15 total periods Credits,l 11.8 with advanced methods nnd prnotices. Stttdents work on A continuation of butlding of medical vocabulary and develop techniques designed to speed production. Ethics and etiquette in ment of dictation speed with accurat(), rapid transcription on a the legal office are important. phases of this course. Foduction basjs; Dictation rang(): 100 to 10 words per minute rl 161 t. 1 j,

84 ~ ~------, ,.._... _,., rp'..._... -, M j Om:- AND Two-YEAn DPLOMA ONE- ANb Two-YEAn Dli'LOMA Medica! Stenography Office Procedures 8 total periods Credits A study of the mail classillcationsl postal and telegraph service!\, and office etiquette, The responsibilities of the secretary for processing the office mai1, and the handling of dictation procedures are covered. The principles of alphabetic, numeric, geo graphic, and subject filing and records management are studied Fundamentals oj ndustrial Marketing $ total periods Credits This course includes an analysis o the ndustrial Marketing.field; jt includes purchasing activities, marketing problems and the modem marketing concept. Attention is given to customers, planning, marketing channels, pricing, sales organization, cus tomer services and career opportunities. ~ : :.., Data Processing Machines 57 tota~ poriods Credits Designed to acquaint the student with the tenninology, processes, and functions of automatic data processing equipment with emphasis on typical unit record m~chlnes. The planning and layout of cards and forms are also introduced and studied, lu!-0 ntroductwn to Data Proce.ssing 57 total peri{)ds Credits An introduction to the field of Data Processing, acquainting students with the terminology and techniques employed in the operation of unit record and computer equipment. n tltis course, the student is familiarized with procedure development, coding methods, card design,. the fundamental principles of the Qasic equipment and specific data processing applications Data Processing Applications 57 total periods J Credits A study of business and industrial data processing systems and procedures utilizing automated equipment with emphasis on the principal accounting applications Electronic Computer Equipme11t 57 total periods Credits This course acquaints the student with fundamentals of computer system operations. A study is made of the ''arious peripheral devices and their functions , P'U11ihed Card Operations 76 total periods Credits This cow:se provides training in the mechanics of operating the key punch, sorter, interpreter, reproducer, nnd the nceounting machine. ncluded is the development of control panel wiring techniques for this type of equipment. J(J/...5 Computer Operations 76 total periods Credit.s Training is given in actual computer operation including console operations, peripheral device set-up and operation, job processing and control. The fundamentals of a computer operating system are applled in typical job processing environments. 19tJ-0 B~c Marketing 57 total periods Credits This course covers basic marketing principles applied to economic fnrte!tions, organization, and management 0-01 Graphic Arts Photogmphy 1 total periods Credits An introduction to the process camera, both vertical and horizontal. A study is made of films, chemicals, and processes used to pmduce high-contrast line and halftone neg.-ttives. Laboratory work includes the making of line shots, basic halftone procedures, and use of filter for various color of copy to be photographed. An introduction of optics and high rehection is made pertaining to the process camera. D-01 Composition and Makeup 1 total periods Credits Covers all operations performed in the composing room. Units o work covered are: hot metal composition (machine and band), conversion of hot metal type to cold type for use in lithography, setting of cold type (art type; format, photo type, V llli Type Headliner, Protype, and others), makeup of type fonns, a study of type faces. 0-:0 Relief Pres.? OperatiOna 108 total periods Credits The lockup. imposition, makeready, a,nd feeding of relief printing presses. Maintenance of printing pres es is mcluded. lu-05 Layout and Design l 5 tt)tcjl periods Credits Fmldamentals of layout techniques necessary in the preparation of advertising. Class work encompasses lay.;mt and related problems emphasizing design principles as applied to typography, advertising, pr<>duct design, color. hand display lettering, copyfitting and illustration. By proceeding from thumbnails to roughs, comprehensives and :ll.nally mechnnicals, the layout emerges a finished product. Course emphasis it: laid on the development of creativity and expression in the layout Copy Preparation. and Pa$teup 7 total periods Credits nstruction is given in the preparation of copy for ads and brochures. Analysis of space is studied for the allocation of space for photos, copy, and nrt work. The laboratory experience in this course provides practice iti various materia]s and techniques used in preparing mechrnlcal layouts for photo-offset lithog.-aphy. Emphasis is placed on writing instructions for futtber processing of the job

85 _ """:" , ~ ;, \ ONE. AND Two. YJ!.Al\ DlrLOMA 0-07 Copy Preparation and Pasteup 7 total period.t. Credits A continuation of Copy Preparation and Pasteup, Layout and Design lj 5 total periods Credits With a continuing emphasis on creativity and expression, student produced mecbanicals are transformed into oameta-ready copy. Fundamental techniques in the usage of cold-type setting machines, pre-printed type in tab fonn, pressure-sensitive letters, words, symbols, borders, decorations and clip-art are employed. b-18 Composition- Adoonced Teclanlques J 108 total periods a Credits The operation and :maintenance of the linotype machine; The basic parts of the machine: magazine; keyboard, casting and <Wtributing divisions are $tudied, repaired, and maintained. The more difficult makeup jobs are part of the course. A study of automatic tape punching and tape operated mac::hines is made Composttlon- Adoonced Techniquell totql periods Credits Continuation of.advanced Composition, 0-18; The composi tion and makeup of more djfficult and eomplejc jobs are assigned. Punching of tape and the feeding of tape jnto the casting machine are included. 0-8 Advanced Camero onil Stripping TechniqUe$ 108 total perlom Credit9 The techniques, skills, and operations necessary to impose negatives and positives for the platemaking process are studied and practiced. Fl!l~ are prepared from pasteups, keylines, and ()ther methods of preparing ropy for reproduction; The student is. required to analyze the project, determine the stripping procedure that will produce the completed Bat in the least amount of time to maintain the control and tolerance required in the finished press production. ()...9 Black and White Stripping lob fowl periods Credits The student is introduced to basic stripping techniques, including both negative.!uld positive stripping procedures for single and multi~page stripping. Laboratory work includes use and maintenance of common stripping equipment as we1 as the use of various types of photo-mechanical materials. Each student has an opportunity to become familiar wjth proofing materials used in industry. An introduction is made jnto basic photo-o.ffset lithographic platemaking. 16 Om- AND Two-YJW\ DPLOMA ro.-0 Process Color total periocl Credits Advanced techniques are practiced which are. necessary for the production of the various types of copy ~o be prepared in nega tive or positive form preparatory for platemaking. A further study of the cam~ra operation provides the student with an oppor tunity to produce ba]ftones, duotones, and process color separations. Emphasis is placed on the use o.f filters, den.sitomeuy, masking, and other color separation and color correction techniques. 0-5 Process Color 108 total perloth Credits A continuation of Process Color, ~ ColOt Stripping 108 total periods Credits A continuation of Advanced Camera and Stripping Techinques, 0-8 with emphasis on color stripping. 0- Printing Production 7- total periods Credits Each student is given or selects production tasks in the graphic arts area. He practices the actual worldng procedure he will use i11 his prospective ~ployment by drawing on previous instruc- tion in the graphic arts program with the aid and guidanc~ of the instructor. 0- Production Planning and Control 6 total pef'iotls Credit.; Planning, scheduling, Md controlling a printing job may be a simple process in a small plant but a complex process in a large plant. This course involves the need for control of produc~on, budget control.oi sales, production tlnancing, job. analysis, analysia of processes and materials, productitm routiilg, adjus~ents, lil;hographi~ plate handling, the printing unit, and delivery system. 0-7 Printing Productwn 7 total pe1'iods Credits A continuation of Printing Production, 0-. 0~50 Printing Estimating l 6 total perioik. CredH~ A study of estimating of each oindividual part. of a printing job, putting all together to come up with the entire cost of the job. The making out of requests. for estimates for jobs and of estimate sheets for the Ctistomer a,re included. Such items as. paper costs, type setting costs, press costs, and bindery costs are part of the course PrintiJi.g Estimating 6 total periods Credtte A continuation of Printing Estimating, 0- plus learning.the use of the Franklin catalogs for letterpress and for lithography. 165

86 .r ONil lin > Two-YW DlPLOM 0..,61 Platemaking 7 total periods Credits Designed to cover the materials and proceduros in preparing for offset lithograpl.tic pti.o.tiug. The care, operation, and storage of these plates are included. BoU pre-sensitized as well ns wipe-on plates ace prepared, 0-6 Paper and nk Studies 6 total periods Cn:dits A study is made of the piqpctties of paper: manufacturing proce.ss cs, characteristics of the various grndes and fiuishc, requirements for printability, paper troubles, and paper t<jsting. t also includes a :study of p,ridting ink: the manufacture, working properties, different ingredients, printability, evaluation o process inks, :md tbe testing of inl:s in the laboratory. 0-7 Lithographic PreS Operatiou 1 total periods. Creditt Demonstrations and practices provide. the student witll experience in malcing press adjustments such as: bearer pressures, gripper' :uljustments, pressure adjustments, timing adjnstnients, proper pl11te and blanket packing, ;1nd.a study of possible causes and cures of paper distortions. Through actual press operation, effectiveness of proper adjustments can be analyzed. 0->!15 Lithographic Pre!J8WOrk 108 totul1>eriods Credit$ nstruction on the mechanical operation o various offset presses. A practical study is made of feeder operations, conveyors, register systems, ink rollers, dampeo r adjustnicnts, lithographic plate handling, the printing unit, and delivery systems on offset presses. 0-7!1 Litlwgrapli1c Press OperatioM 1 1 total periods Credits A CO)t.inu.a.lion of Lithographic Press Operations, 0-:}7. ~ Tooo and Co/01 Process '7 Jota.l periods Credits Various llhotographic technique' arc emphasized: among these are duotoncs, tlitones, special effect screens, and false color. The student is inttod~lc!l<i to the Be~ibilily of combining processes to 1!Chieve the desires of the commercial artist. Studei ts work with blaclc nnd white as well as color. The student has nn opportunity to evaluate all clements of the pmdttction order to choose tho best pos~ible photographic pro~'css Birulerr1 Operation 7 total periods Credits A study of all book bincj,iug operations us well ns the work done in the U. S. G9vernment l'l-inting Office. Setting up and operating the sbop bindery equipment and performing bindery operations that aro largely hund opera\lons. Field trips nre taken Srm~inar Credit& A. specific topic or area is selected by Cl!ch student and approved by the instructor. The student pursue.< the development of depth of knowledge and ~kill in his selected area. ln vocational cducn tion, tho emphasis is placed.upon tlle development of major skllls involving problem solving or judgments which need to be m11de Fitting and Alterations 7 total periods Credits The course is d esigned to assi.st the alterer to understand the basic principles of the adequate 6t of ready-to-wear fashions. Emphasis is placed on tl1e analysis of the ltoblems for alteration and the procedure for altering women's and men's garments. Students prepare themselves lor employment in the alteration of women's and men's ga:cments T.~lloring Procr:sses 108 total periods Crodita This cour~e is designed to pwvide ba5ic knowledge and skids in the tailoring processes. The machine (short-cut) tniloring method, custom tailoring, and the unfaccd suit technique are ncluded. ln laboratory work the students tailor a garmen~ using each of tha methods. 01- Fur P11d MiRincry Techniquea 7 tt>tal periods Credit.'J Emphasis is on restyling of a used fur garment into a new desigjl. dtmtllirotion and care of fun, repairing worn spots, aiid fur coustruchon processes are included. Re..tyling of neck pieces into bo~s, designing fur coll:u-s and trim, as well as working WJth ne1v mlnk skins, are other topics to be covered.. Jn millinery the covering of Ernmcs,.blocking of felts, as o;vell ns draping of hats, are includ'ed. Emphasis is on the design of bats in relatjon to the individual ;md to the costume. 0l...JU5 Clctl!ir g Maint rmonce 6 total periods 1 Credit Designed to assist the student in developing skills in care and maintenance oi a wardrobe. Topics oovcrcd include mending and repair, spot and stain 1-emovlng, cleaning,launderil)g and pressing, storage of clothing and packing for travel. This is a preemployment course for repair and drycleaning aids, maintenance Jpccialists for institutions, self-service clothing centers, alteration departments, and home dressmaking studios. 01-J70 Faslilon Conatmction 5 total pedods Credits To proviclo students with an understanding of garment construction and qu~tlity standards for ready-to-wear merchandise. Proper lit and basic constructiou details arc discussed as well as information which n sales person may use ln selling a garment Stu d ents prepare nmples in laboratory. 167

87 m '"" WWR.! --,.... = FFR O~r:. AND Two Yl:Ml DJPr.oMA Ttntllu 8 total periock 1 Credit Students gwn an understanding!lf the 6bers u~ed in manufactu; ing fabric~ for tu.ilored garments, the cornblnabons of 6~rs, theu cbarncteristics uses and properties. Special fabric llmshcs and their construction o~ pressing requirements are studied. Suit or coat design appropriate for a particular fabric s ~'Onsidercd TexJilc1 5 total periods Credits Designed to provide the textile infonnation which students in retailing need in order to select merchandise wisely and to sell it. This benc,lhs both consumers and distributors. Emphasis is placed on textile laws and legislation and the unde1standlog of commonly used textile tenos. Laboratory e.x~ses allow the student to experiment \\~th textiles and to prepare a personal textilllllandbook Spe(:lal FnbriCf----C~rpctlcn l(jj total periods J Gradlh Emphasis is placed on the prep81ation and handling of special fabrics nvrulable for construction. t includes sheers, metallic and ~M.lin fabric, pcrmdeot press, crepes, double-faced fabrics, velveteens, Jamlnnt~. bonded, stretches, vinyls, leathers. Tieselll'ch and experll!lentat!on are conducted on the fabrics. Students fash ion a glll'ment hom one of the special fabrics. ~1~ AdOflnC!d Clothing Gon#fuction 108 total pcrlod.r C~edils The course s designed fo develop ability in technlqncs of professional dressmaking. Emphasis is placed on high-fashion de Jigner fltilshes to attain the couturle!' look. Laboratory work ncludes a child't gannent, slaclcs, nod a 'COuturier design in addi tioo to samples of various c<mstruct!on techniques Work Management Equipment lkj toto~ periods GrcdiL Students study job analysis in the clothing construction 11eld, personal work analysis, standards of workmanship, and develop proees~cs to effectively utilize time and encrgy, The selection, U$C and care of home and power sewing machines and equipment 1a emphasized. Students are given assistance in planning a home dressmrking studio or a commercial workroom. :}01-88 P(lfiem Study 7 total periods Gredtts This course is introduced with the hfstory of the pottem lndtu try and the development of a oommercial pattern. The study of patterns ncludes the phllo.mphies of tho p11ttern houses, the components of patterns, and the selection of p11ttern size for the figlire. Methods of fitting patterns prec!lde the study of the princi plcs and procedures of flat pattern design alteration. Lnboratory <JXerciscs nclude the.fitting of a basic dress and slacks, making the basic pattern, and. the designing and construction of a gar m11r1t from the basic dress pattern. 168 ONE AND Two-YBAil DlPLOMA Clothing Selection 5 total periods Grcdiu The course fs designed to prepare students to select nppropriatc and becoming fashions for seh and others through on understanding of the social, psychological, and ec.'onomie significance of clothing. W;udrobe selections are based oo a knowledge of fashicn trends and the applic:ltion of basic elements and prioci pies of design. Students select a fashion design with ap1>roprjnte accessories, prepare a display, and model the design for a fashion sbow. 0- Decorative Foud 6 total period$ 1 c~erlil Students learn the fundamentals of decorating and serving foods for commercial use, including preparation of icings aod g;unishes, basic decorating techniques, use of color, and the selection and use of tools. Decorative principles 81e applied to appetizers, salads, cakes, and other desserts. 0-5 Menu Planning nnd Nutrition 6 total perfoils Crcdiu Students study the nutritional qualities of food, and the relationship of nutrition to menu planning. They gain an understanding of the requirements in preparing various types of menus, such p.~ school lunch, cafeteria, restaurant, entering services, iustitu tioua1, and meuus for special functions. ModiHed diets used in health care facilities are ncluded. (}-56 l'raparmlon of Food 7 wtal perlo!u Greditr The course provides practical e.lpcj'enccs in the preparation of foods and the use of standardized recipes. Principles of food preparation are emphasized. Students Jearn efficient use of tools and cquipmont, and principles of work organization Preparation of Food fatal period$ Credits Study includes.food purchasing and storage, portion control, and recipe costs. Students plan, organize, and prep81c complete menus with emphasis on quii.lity products nod attractiv!l service ltilroduciinn to ~ood 7 total perioils Crt:(li/.8 Students study the physical properties and princtp1c8 of preparation of eggs, milk, vegetables, fntit, cereal products,. batters and doughs, salad and salad dressing, gelntio, frozen foods, and bevemgcs. They gain an understanding of the tenninology used in the preparation nod service of food, th~ nutritional qualities of food, and how food is used by the body. A knowledge of the sanitary aspects nf handltng food is included ',<'.

88 ONt.:- AND Two-YEAn Du L.oMA 0-J(Jl Practicum 88 total period$ 8 Credih A.Hlllation with hospitals, school lunch, nursing homes, residence halls, and Student Union gives students an on-the-job view of the fqod lndwt.ry nnd practical experiences io food service and large quantity food preparation. These practical on-the-job lll' periences are provided for the student during the second semester on a 6-hours,a-day, -days-a-week basis. 0-J6 ln-serclce Critique 6 total periods Credits During the affiliation program, students are given opportunity for group evaluative discussions of experiences gained on the job, TAe.courst! includes learning to meet new situations and problems and sharing in-service leiu'dings. 05-.JlJ Employmmt Orler1tatlon 6 total periods Ctedits The study of Employment Orh.m~ation hel~,>s the student prepare for a career by focusing on pen;onal qualities. considered!important b}' employers. Emphasis is placed on self-understanding and self-development. Students study and apply concepts jn the areas of personal improvement and job perfonnance. The development of attitudes and values which contribute to succes.~ on the job and in personal living are stressed. 0J--()() Arcllitr:cttmd Drafting l :80 total periods 8 Credits Three concurrent activities present the subject: ( 1) drawing of structures, (} architectural workbook, () applied mathematics and science. 0-J0 Archite~,-tural /)rafting 80 totul pe1 iods 8 Crcditll A continuation of Architectural Drafting, Pictqrial llustratiqn 6 total periods Credits A basic course in the application of perspective principles of architectural presentation. D1 awmgs and renderings are made for prp.sentation Architectural Drawing 7: tvt(ll periods Credit~ Drawing of a house plan. Floor plans, elevations and details { carpentry-cabinef!naking) are ~tu died and drawn. ();..9 BlUeprint Reading 7 total periods Creit An lir)troduction to the intel'jlretation of blueprints, cabinet drawings, lllld sketc!jes. Materials, floor plans, symbols, conventipns, elevations, notes, and details are sh.tdied with the emphasis placed on the h1terpreta.tion and visualization. ot-.1 SmnlC Engine Rt-'J'rlir 108 totol periods 5 Credltr The principles of small internal comhwrtion engines is studied in detail The laboratory work supplements the theory. Skill in diagnosing proplcms, operation of testing equipment, disassembly, repair, assembly, and tl'sting is developed through actualtepair work. The systems of con'trol such ns ignition and carlluretion are included. All repall' work is based on tlu~ manufacturer's spccillt:ations. 0- Mac!linc RB]wir 108 total perioo.~ 5 Credit& The repair of.smnll engines which supply power to operate some machines is emphasized in this <:curse. The linkage systems, the belting systems,!he gear driven system.~, sharpening of blades, balancing of rotating elements, wheels, sl1ieldlng devlces and dutclu:s nre some of the areas emphasized both from the standpoint of operational principles and skill in repairing. ()...0 c1ut o Body 0 towl periods 1 Credit8 An introdllction to the area of automotive body and framework The related work is supported by devdopment of skills in the basic welding of their metals. The unfolding and reforming of shape on fenders, doors, trunk lids, nnd hoods. is accomplished by roughing bumping, metal finishing, filing, grinding, sbrinking, solderhlg, followed by partial or oomplete rc.finishing. 0-1 Auto Body 0 total periods 1 Creditq Materials and products lor metal repair and refinishing are studied and applied in the manner required for various repair and refinishing procedures, nstruction is given in the- principles of each operation and iu the use of each tool or mnchine including power tools. (Safety is emphasized.) Alignment of doors and other opanings are <:overed.judgmen~. sldll, and speed in petfonning. the tasks.are carefully checked. 0- Auto Bod.1 ff 1) total lleriods 1 Credits Preparation 'is.made for exten.~ive auto b!jdy repair. AU the skills studied in Auto Body, 0-0 and, 0-1 are applied in the repair of major wrecked auto.s. The operations consist of frame repair and rcplaeement, repair and replacement of all types oi auto panels, splicing nnd sectioning of auto bodies, wheel balandng and aligrunent. Complete refinishing and blending skills nre performed on the r~tored wrcclcs. Safe working procedme~ are emphasiled. 170

89 0- Autn Body V 0 total per/oris 1 CrGdlt.y Continuation of Auto llody, 0-. The emphasis is placed on the interior, glass, trim, roof covers, energy absorbing steering columns, cast factors, and management problems. Emphasis is also placed on work skills and proficiency to approach the empl()yment status..0-1, Au!o Body Repair Estimating. 5 total periods Credits This is a lecture, demonstration, and discussion course and covers problems with which the auto body estimatot" is confronted. The use of parts books and.the part of the collision estimator are studied. Each student has an opport~~nity to do some estimating and check his worlc against repair costs. {)-5 Tune-Up artd Carbutetion 180 total periods 5 Credits The techniques of diagnosis and analysls of tl1e electrical and fuel systems am studied. The laboratory is used for diagnosis of operational problems. Repairing and tes"ting procedures are emphasized. Test equipment OpBralion is practiced. T1e prlndples of co.rburctot! and their repair are studied. ()<1-J(J Automotive Engines 60 total perio<k 10 Credits The theory of automobile engine operation, construction, and design, along with methods of engine testing, diagnosing, disassembling, repairing and reassembling arc thoroughly cove,red. Students become familiae with the tools, machines, and equipment used to rebuild automobile engine:;. Emphasis is placed upon the development of work skills and pwflciency in actual engine rebuilding. ()...7 Auto Service Management 5 total period.~ Credi~ An understanding of the role and function of an aut.:~motive service manager. Tlae responsibility of each rnember of the staff nnd the procedures of completing the servicing of customet"'s automobiles. The laboratory fachities pro\'ide the opportunity to get limited practice. 0--$18 Part! Deparlment PracUcer 6 total periolh Credit.t Thl$ is an overview of parts department operation.keyed to the d ealership parts department Explanation of parts operation from the warehouse to the local level. wltb all the syst~s of inventory, ordering, receiving, claims, material return are covered. SpeCial emphasis s placed on salesmanship within the parts.opereration. Parts practice is given in a labomtory situation with use of dealership parts books Bmkcs aud Steering 180 total perioth 5 0rFJdlt8 A study of the fundamenlnls of p :ls.~ cngcr cnr brake systems including hydraulic systems, power br11ke systems, and selfadjusting brakes. '.fhe fundamentals of manual and power steering. Much of the course is in the trouble shooting and service area using the manufa.cn1rci:'s manual as 11 guide. 0-1 Dalwwitrg tmd /lllgrtment.zso total perio~ 5 GrcJclits Covers the basic principle of balnnolng and alignment on modern passenger Cill"s. The inspe«i:.ion, correction, or replacement and adjustments of all susllcnsion parts and the role they play in the proper operation of the vchicle. Time is devoted to nlignment of cars with modem alignment equipment. ()--55 Clutches.and Trm1smission.y 5 JotnllJerlo(T$ 7 Crcdit.1 Operational principles of clutches nnd standard and autoll)atic transmissions 11rc studied. Emphasis is placed on diagnosis, repail", testing, and maintenance procedures through the use of reoommende,d manufucturing procedures., 0-56 DiUcrentials an(l Drive Lines 108 total periods Credits The theory., operation, repair, and trouble shooting on diffcrellt assemblies, on drive lines and a. de assemblies. Emphasis is placed on sldll in correction of the problems common to dhferen ttals, drive lines, nnd rude.~. <UJ-57 Electrical Systems 180 total periods 5 Credit~ The principles of electrical systems used in the automotive industry are studied. The detailed operation and servicing of bat teries, starters, distributors, generators, alternators, nnd regula tot s arc observed and practiced in the laboratory. Emphasis is placed on,the diagnosis nnd repair of the auto electrical system. W-81 Auto Body Related 1 5 total periods Credits Related information pertaining to welding of metals fonning automotive body and frame stmcture, repairing principle.~. and safety practices nre studied. 0-6 Auto Body Relatid li 5 total periods Credits The basic principles of metal finishing, soldering, metal forming, shrinking, painting, and alignment arc covered~ (}...65 Auto Bod11 Re[ated Tlf 5 total periods. Credits The related informet.ion pertaining to wheel alignment, wheel balancing, frame straightening, and the equipment used to perform these operatiods, along with procedurbs of restoring total wrecks, is studied. 17:1

90 .. ' " i ON.> A~l1 Two Y~~R Dwu>AtA «J..$l Auto Dody Belated 1V S wtal periods Credil.!i The basic principles pertaining to the interlor materials such as seat rollen, glass, sealing mediums, upbolstety and inner body structure of wrecked automobiles are studied. AppUcation of these principles is covered in the laboratory period. 0-7 Shop PracJice.r and Sch61Mtic.t 6.tow! periods CtediJ" This oold'se is designed to give the student an understanding of proper selectioa and care of hand tools and equipment. t also provides an understanding of fasteners, locking devices, and thread te.nninology. Other topics covered include reading speci.gcations from manlu!s, interpretation of schematics, and proper shop practices. 0-7 Service Sl10p Organization 8 total pcr(qds Credit8 To study the role, function, and operation of all departments of a small and large automotive establlsbment. Special attention is given to the responsibility of the service man to the organi7.a tion and to the community. 0-7 New and Used Cor Pnparation and Accessoriu 90 wtal periods Crediu Thls course covers the p~ and techniques used in checking and servicing of new and used cars. '!be proceduros and skills DeKle~ to insta!ung. testing. and urvklng of accessqdes includidg air conditioning. Mtnor servicing of door and window regulations and headught aiming Drawing nterpretations 5 total pcriod.t Credits Autamotlve drnwin~ are studied by the student to develop his ability to use shop manuals and shop reference materials. The instruction includes related information that is of value to the student. 0-.'9 Orientation 18 total periods 0 Credit.! Orientation consists of a series of leotureg and group alscussilm$ designed to assist the sludent in adfusling to the college auq to his selected program as well as covering occupational information needed by him in order to become a successful employee ln his selected Jleld. Foni!er graduates are nvited to di.!cuss needs of the studeot before emoloyment. Representatives of labor, JTillllngement, business, and the professions are invited to dioouss points of interest toward becoming an em:ployce. School philosophy, student servi<le$ and policies are explained. 17 ONJ;. i\n> Two-YEAn DmpM\,J!H-J97 Co$1 &iillla!ing 6 tohfl11eriod~. CrctliiN The analysis of factors contributing to the repair, rebllilding, servicing or manufacturing of the product or components of the product Js made. The economics of labor, parts, rent, mnchinc purcha.'i'c, light~, 11nd various other factors pe talning to opera lion costs is e.~tim:1tcd. Flnt rate an~ other procedures arc used..jo!j-0 Woocltcorki11g 6() total perio~ 8 Cr(l{./l(s This COUl'Se presents to the beginning muleut an introduction to tho current information on tools, tool processes, and materials. t introduces the student to the technological developments!n wood products, tools, and bnilaing teclmique.~. S:!fet)' is cml>h a$i~ecl. </tm~1,1.l Woodworking ll 60 totnf.jierioth S Crcclits Tl10 student h btivcu 11 basic and useful understunding of the field of woodworking. (){1-~ W oocluorking H 60 toliil11criotl.r 8 Grecli/.1 This course present~ the tcc:hnological developtnents in products, tools, bnllding techniques, materinl~, safety, design, nnd re.~ding prints.,}()!)...:jj lvooclworking V 00 total11eriocfs 8 C,-edit.' Prepares the student for employment in the field of cat'l'enlry and other woodworking crafts. Covers techniques nnd procticru; in house building; kinds of construction, nails and nailing, floor framing. exterior wall construction, introduction to roof construction. interi9r irushing. Boors, production line houses. ()9.,16 Machine Maintenance 1 carol periods Cr~Ulits An n<lwncerl course for trnde prepnmtory and adult students. The work consists c!jitlfiy of sharpcming, adjusting and maintaining such woodworking m~chlnery as disc snnders, belt sanders, pl;mers,.~hnper, tenoning machine, nnd l1and and circulnr snws and jointers. 00-J-50 1'aol Mait1lenarwc 6 total pet iocl~ Cr~clit., Tlul principles of thu pi'qccsscs of maintaining ham! and portable woodworking tools nrc covered by lecture and demonstration. Tho studcj1t develops skill in recognilting the need of 1-cpail'l<, pra clict~ in the repair, recognition of assistance in repair maintemmce, evaluation oe the repal.t's, and the eost involved in replacement nnd/or repah: Cabinet Drawing 7 total psrlods Credits ntroduction of pictorial dmwjng including isometric, oblique, and pen.11ec!ive. Detailing of the wood constmction of basic cabinets. 175

91 ON AND 'fwe>-yb.\11 DJPLOM-' 09-JBO Job Relt1tiotlf 6 lolal period~ Crc<lils Job relatiom is de:;igutl<l to glv~ the all}u<:nnl \11e basic fundn mentals for ppli.cation for employment, personal rel tions witl1 e.raployees, customcr.r, and other people with whom M corues in contact while 011 the job. [t also includes the fundmnent:tls of supet"\'isory dovelopmen~ ()9...~ OrisntatWn 18 totai7jeriod! 0 Credits OriCD!ation consists of a lierlcs of lectures nnd groop discusslous designed to assut the student in a.dju.stiog to tho college and to his selected program as well as covering occupational infonua lion nee<led by hlm in order to become a succes~fu! employee in his selected field. Former graduates are invited to di~cuss needs of the student before emp!oymc.nl Represent:ttivcs of labor, man agement. bu.sincos, and the professions arc Jnvitcd to discws poinls of interest toward be<lo.ming an employee. ~hoot philosophy, student erv!oes Uld policies are explained Seminar 1i total periods Credits Tbe as.ignmcnt af n specific tovic ot area is selected by each student. He pwsues the developjj<!nt of depth of knowledge and da11 in his.elected :uea. Ho is assjsted in hl punuits by tl1e ln structor. n vocational education, the emphasis s pltccd on tho devdqpment of major sldlls involving problem solving or judgnlents which need to be made. 1~ 1 Diuel fx) total periods 7 Crcditt An introduction to the. fundlurlentlll princi[>les of diesel power and die.sel. powered equipllx!llt. Emplwls is placed on the attainment of prartica.l understanding of the mechanics lnw lved. Shop technique end methods are dcv~loped through actuol testing, diagnosis, disassembly, inspection, and reassembly. 1~: Diesel 11 5 total period$ 0 Creditt The practic>l experiences in thls course aro al'tangcd to familiar tze the slndcnt with techniques nnd sldlls needed to mnl:e pro[>cr judgments and decisions relating to 1\eeded S<!ryice of various diesel engine parts. The student is ni!o given op.(ornmitie. for practical experiences with heavy equipment b nkes ond electrical gear togethe: with tbe theory of operation 116CllSS8.C)' for futuro problem..,!ving in tl1ese areas. 1-J7 D!escllll 70 ota! tjeriodl 10 Credits Student actiyitjes n this cours11 ure nrranged in order to develop self reliance and competence in rebuilding, overhauling, calibrllt ing. and testing af diesd ~"llgino fuel systems Z-7 Dr~e! V 70 total perilldl lo Credit~ 'Tralnlng experiences n this course a.re selected in mder to acqu.unt the student with the sl:ifu and teclmical "know-how" ncccssa.ry for proper mainten:tnec nnd repair of constrnction equipment, power transmission units, bydrnulic ac<:essodes, steer ing rn cchnnl.<m~. track and undercarriages. 1~ Orlcntotlon 18 toto! periods 0 Credi~ Orimtali<>n consists nf n ~eries of lectures :md group discussions clcslgned to assist the student ln adjusting to the college and to his selected piogr&m ns well as co,-ering OttUpational infojms. tion needed by him in order to be<.'oflle a successful tm~ployce n his selected Aeld. Former graduates are invited to discus> need, of tho student befnra employment. Representatives of labor, management, business, and the professions ru"e invited to di.cuss l><~ints of mterest taward becoming on employee. Schoolphilaso phy, student sejvces and palicics :11e explained FtJndmmmtal.r of Electricity 6 toto! pcrillds J1 Crodit: A ~t\ldy of jhe ftmdtunentnl laws gaveming DC and AC eleotricity. Electrical circuit factnrs (voltage, current, resistance, and powor) ue discussed Jn detail. Meters to m~ure these factors are uscd c:xtcnsively i.n c.rpcriments. 111e student becomes fan1iliar with magnetism and electromagnetic devices and experiments with motors, genemtors,.and relays Radio.<111d Television Servicing 1 5 total periodt 1 Credit.t An ntroductory study of electronics which oovcrs Ohm's Uiw, units of measurement, electrical cbcui~, compooent pnrts, electron tubes, end transistors. Following tho intioduc:tory study is a study and appuc:ation of radio sorvlcing. television servicing, electrical applillllcil servi<>ing, and shop instrument repair. 1-:165 Radio and Teleoision Seruldng $ total periodr 7 Credit A contlnuatioo of Radio and Television Sen-icing, 1~. 1-,19 Orientation 18 total periods 0 Credit.! Orientation canslsls of a serle.1; of le ~tures and group dlsams!ons de.1igncd to assl$t the student in adjusting to the college and to bis. elected progmm as well.,. covering occupatjonal nformation needed by him in order to become a mccessful employee in bjs selected &old Fonner graduates ue invited to dis cuss needs o'f tho studeot before employment. Representative~ of lnbor, management, business, and the professions are invited to dbouu tjoints of!ntvrest tow~rd beroming an employee. Schaal philosophy, studant services and policies are cxpl"ined. 177

92 18-01 Foad l'refll1ft1tio" Theory J(J tutal ll<jiiotls Crctlit Orientation of all fatilitles, care and operation of clecttical m~ chine. and equipment. Operntional procedures of gns and s~eam c.1uipment nnd prad icnl dishroom Oi><'ration and proce ~iure. Use and care o mall tools, knives and materials. nterrelated to all areas ure essentials of hygiene, ~'lfety and sanitation. Elementary techniques of food preparation and service with practical apjilication to lnboratory assignm<mt. 1~!oocl Preparation Tiletmj lj 8 tutor periods Credits Evaluation follow-up of the students laboratory activity in as,igned station;r. Dil<cussion of problems and correctional adjustments a. it relates to food production. S.ubjects closely allied to prac~cal training and correlated te> the laboratory are covered. Tcchnique5 and theories of meat preparation :llld analysis are crnphnsizcd. Demonstrations provided to acoomplish objectives pins vi~nai aids. ' 1!1-01 Food p,.c'r<llion l :11!0 total pertod8 Credit. f'll!ld preparation for the school cafe~eria provides experience n preparing foo!l ill quantity. Studel)ts nre as~igncd through a rotationol system to all stations of the kitchen. B~sic menus for oil entrees arc used, with emphasis on the selection of items which give the student the widest e><pcrlencc in preparing n Vllrlety of popular entrees. The cout se includes preparation of all types of food: mant, Rsb, and fowl; fresh, can~ed, and fro7.en vegetables; farinaceous product<; casserole cookmg. t also ncludes principles of thickening ogents, techniques and preparatioq of basic stock. and sauce.t; on~nt cutting, lx>ning, tying, ~nd portioning; elementary storeroom operations and procedures. nterrelated to all areas are the essenlialt of hygiene, safety," and sanltntion Food Prepnrptlrm ~~~ ll 6 toto!. period~!j Credit ntroductlon and theory of stocl<s, soups; sau=, and gra~r. Types of stock, ingredients, procedures, and clatilicauon. Cwses of sauces and their derivation. TYJ.>eS of soup, terminology :md pr~cucal p~ures f?r laboratory use, types of thickening agents nnd proportions, gatn!sbos and accompaniments Food Scmlce TheoriJ 6 total JlCrio~ Credit. Method. of Taining for ~~~e. v:mous food services n.re e.<j. ctlenced by each student by the mdlvdual development of n food service training outline. Eaclt st11dcnt complete., n set of staudardizl!d recipes oe"the paniry, short order, ~1nd broiler areas. T.bis ncludes, research for variety, te<ting for accumoy, calc11ln!ion 1nr yield, nnd review of preparation method.,; & kcry 1 5 total perloda 1 Cwlil The.~tud~nt obt:tins an-understanding of the fundamental J)rinciplcs of baking, the function of ingredients ajjt! their effect <ll the 6nc hcd products. Pic, C<lkcs, Danish pa. lty, [>ttff t>aste, breads, and doughnut. are prepared. Proper care :wd me of "'1uipm<mt are included &tkery ll 90 t<jtol 1 cn'ods Credit., Bakery contains dct!uied in lructious "nd graphic chans of p!'oc-ed\orcs for cake decorating. The student l>rogresses fro1n tl e AJlC's of t'u<o decorating to the more advanced steps ncc..ssary to bcwme n professional. 'l11o different typ<'s of icing and "'lg'" work nrc prncticed. Tite lll<!u item for the school cclfcc break l< made dllring thi~ penod of!mining. 1$-!Jakary -1!{ 105 total porlods Credit., A continuation of llakery, 18-0, which is a prereqnisite. Eacl1 student momages ;md supetvis<l.~ other students ;n tbc bake shop for a period of fom wecl<s with emphasis on the art of making fancy pastrie FooL! Service 15 tohil periods Credits The school cafeteria and dining room provide a lnboratory for foe>d service. Foods from tho production area including meats, soup, salads, sandwjche.1, nnd beverages arc served. Arrangement of food, ]lortion control, disposition of left-over fi>od from the service line, proper storage, mnintemoce of equipment,. ~ani talion and dishwashing are 11 rts of the training offered. Through the' daily food service to tlw fat1\lty and students_ within tho school, tho studtlnt is made aware of the value of the proper personal appearance and the appropriate a\titudes to hnvc townrds the customer. di8-0 ntroduction aml Ana/y$1& iif Moo!$ 7 total pcrloth Credits 1he history of the meot paclcing industry and the meat inspection service. denn6catlon of the wholesale Blld retau cub of bed, pori<, lamb, veal, and variety meats..proper cooking mctl10ds <!O!llbined with ~'Qsls and ykld Food Preparation tdtlll periods Credits A continuatlou of Fuod Preparation l, 18-(), 'The two phases a1 c closely correlat"!l for progtes>ion and for review of important facror>. Rotation of the stmlent continues and time spent in each orea depends on tl1e taiportance of the station, development of the student, and individual abilities, Progre<Sion of menus has been seloctcd to coordinate trntn1ng on a more advanced basis and provide the widest r1111g~ of experience for essential,1nu useful dlslle/1, Many speclalties and foreign favorites are included fur grejlter experience n all categories. Herb&, spices, and wine.< tlfc u->ed more W<tensively. 'ne mportance of hygiene, safety, ond sanitation in all,, tnlion~ emt>hn. i7.ed. 17\l

93 18-79 Affiliation for Chefs 1. lot«l ptjrlods 15 Crctiu., The fourth setncliter offer. Jopervisory experience of kilcloen sto lions within the food preparation area of the!chool and prnctical experience in plonned outside njii.liatlons. A minimum of 0 hours per woek is spont at v:uious oidiiotiod&. Current affiliation llhce Ulellls are in hotels, supper clubs, ll<>spitllls, institutions, student lunch programs, aod bakeries. E\'oluation fom1s :\'U completed by f,., pcjsoo w.bo is in charge of the student during tho affiliation amgnment Students are required to ''Omplcttl o written rq>ort of all their experk'nccs QQ the fob. Stofi members make weekly or bi-weekly coordid.ating visits to :J.SOignecl ~udcnt plocements. Students return to the school for two periods a wcelc for instruction, discu.stion, and C\oa!aatiou. Jfl.-80 Affiliation Eooluaticn t8 total periods Credit., During the.t!llliatio~ period, one oftcmoon [lcr week s SJ:)ent!n school at which timo the evaluntion tj...,t has been completed by the person in chnrgc of the community affiliation is discussed. A seh-evaluat!oo and a record of learning oxperi.ences that the ~tudents have encountered are Ol!llluated. Progress.reports and eya[. uation are combined and students nre gr.aded aocordfngly. 11J.-9 Orientation 18 told! FJGrloas Q Credits Orientation coniilis of a series of lec ture.~ a.nd group discussions designed to a~sist the student in adjusting to the college and to his ~elected program as well as covering oocupatlonalinfonnalion needed by him in order to become n suc<:a!qful employee n his.elected field. Fonner graduates are invited to diseuss needs of the student 'before employment. Represenmtives o labor, managcmenl, busine>s, and the p:ofessiom are invited to discuss points of interest toward beoomlng an employee. School philoso pby, student...vices and policies are exp!nincd. 19-.'100 lrulustrial Hvdrmili~ and Pneumallc& 7 total period~ Credit~ '11le fundamentals of fiuld power and the components ore covered as to principle, function, terroinology, and usc. Study of machine tool circuits Js used to make appucation. ()..Jl)O E11gi11e Lathe See Mch. Slo CrodiU Undemanding of operational prioclpl"s, ne~mcncla!lu'e, paru mlliotenance, and development o( skills in turning, focing, center drllli~g, form turning, shouldlll's, tool geometry, tool grinding, tool positiqnlng, tool solccoou. ~01 Engine L~the ll See Mch. Sh. 0-ll0 Credit& Understanding limits, fits, tolernncos a(ld advancing skills!n tapering, angle turning, UNC tnre~dlng, kurling, drill.ing, nnd reaming. 1~0 0-JlO Engine Lall~ ll See Mcll. Sh Credit Understanding the principles of t hreading (Acme-Square ntemal E~ernal ) boring, holding devices, and developing s~;lls in the for~ogoing processes. E11gl110 lathe L'ro<lucti<m See Mch. Sh Crotl!t Continuation of =!;ine lathe work with emp~is on?vallccd operations and proouctlon tooling: fl<turcs, too!mg, plwlllulg multiple operations, time reqttircmenl:s, and costs. Advanced Tntpeetion See Mch Sl~ 0-81 CrediU Selection oi inspection!mti'ull\ents, accuracy and skill of measuring, sequence o opmutioos, materials selecti011. An und=taoding ond calculation of mca uring procedures. MtUing M~cli!tlll See Mch. Sh Cr.edits ntroduction to milling wilh ernphas!s oo type.~ of machines, basic operations terminology and safe practices. Operations wiu include pin~ milling, sa'~g. straddle milling, form milling, work holding, 1pouds, and feeds. Mi/J)g Maclotll8 11 See Mch. Sh. 0-8 Cr~di t.t Advanced work on milling machines which ]neludes vertical and loorizontul machines, speeds und feeds for materials, finish con sidernuons, keyw(l.ys and splines, standard attaclunen!s, work holding methods. Milling Mncl mo U Sec Mch. Sh. 0-8 Credits Additionnl "'ode on milling with advanc'c!< setups ond tooli!'g. The student acquires skills n setting up nnd an understanding of boring, T-slobi, :wgular and fonn milling. Holding irregular parts ond time for operaunns of a similar nature are stressed. Milling Machine lv Sea Mch. Sh. 0-8 Credits Completion o! mllling machine operations with emphasis on in dustrial requirements and standards. Operations include j!~ and fixtures indexing for gearing (spur; he!iro~ level, wonn). Speml attoc~ents arul adaptations for dlflicult opemtions are studied. Orie:ntmioro 18 totalporlod.t 0 Credits Orientation consists of n series of lecturej and group discussions designed to assist the student in adjustin)l to the couege and to lois ~elected program 5 well :u coveting occupational infonnalio.." neede<l by him in order to becume a,.uccessful employee in h>s selected Geld. Former graduates are!nv:ited te~ discuss needs of lbo c<tudont bcle~ro emple~yroent. Representatives of labor, management business and the professions are im ited ~o discuss points of nterest t~wu'<l becoming an en1ployee. School philosophy, student servi.,.,. and policies are explained. l/jl

94 ! :: : ONE- AND 'J.'wo-YEA11 Dll'LOMA 0-17 P.ower S~ng See Mcli. Sh Credits Unde,stan?i~ basic.sawing principles, maintenance and development of skil!s m $~wm~, power sawing (band and reciprocating), blade selection and mamtenance, holding and feeding devices. 0-0 Drill Presses See Mch. Sh c,edits Understanding the principles and maintenance of drill presses a.nd developing.operational skills. 0-:)5 Shoper See Mcf1. Sh, CJ1 edits Develop ~n under.;tanding of shaper operations, cutting tooh, work holdmg metl10ds and applications. The following areas EU'e sh'~sed: safety, tool geomehy and materials, speeds and feeds work holding. ' 1J-6 Shaper See Mch. Sh. 0-8 Credits Advanced. operati~, on the shaper with emphasi~ on accuracy and maclune capability. Emphasis. is on angular cuts, 1torizontal and ocurved cuts (contours), dovetails, finish, materials job estimatiol}, and materials. ' {)..JJ Grinding See Mch. Sh. o..:j8 Credits Principles and skills of face, shoulder, cylindrical, taper, and internal grinding.!1jj-5 Turret Lathe 1 See Mch, Sh Credits An understanding of the principles, care, setup, mid operation of a tm;:et lathe. Turni_llg, fac~g, center drilling, Jonning, dril1ing, reamlll:g, cutoff for smgle pomt and special tooling. ~ M.achfne Shop for Reklted Tratks 7 t(jtal periorl8 Credits Se1«>~ed?perations are used to develop.some skill and understanding m the use of basic machine tools as they apply to the related trade such as automotive work. ~51 Layout and ll!sp8cfft>n Se~ Mch. Sh. 0-M Credit 8 To develop a fundamen~al understanding of basic!inspection procedures. ~~! j! 1 ONE AN> Two-Y~l\ DlPLOMA 0--'1 Advanced Gri11dmg ~ee Mch. Sh. 0-8 Credits Developmf:lnt of skill in the gridding procedures and meas~ng procedure of parallel surfaces, right surfaces; and the sharpemng of helical cutters, ond mms, side cutters, and face cutters Maclr.(lle Shop 80 total periods 8 Credits Machine Shop consists of the following courses: 0-51, 0-17, 0-5, 0-0, 0-00, and Machine Shop 60 total periods 8 Credit.~ Machine Shop consists of the following courses: 0-(), 0-(}, 0-0, tl , and Machine Sftop ll 60 tora~ period~ 8 Cmlit.f Machine Shop consis~ of the following courses: (),-(, 0-10, 0-11, and 0-. (}...,8 MacMne Shop lv 60 total peri.ods 8 Credit,~ Machine Shop V consists o the following courses: 0-1, ()...7, and Tool atul Fi:l.tw e Design 6 total perinds Credits lj)trocluction to tool desjgn ancl gaging practice. Elementary jig and fixture design and accessories are covered. Special problems are used to introduce drawing technique of tool and fixture design. Mass production methods and tooling practice arc discw;sed and explained Seminar 6 total periods Credits A supervised course which provides an opporl\j,nity for independent.~tudy and specialization in a particular area of machine tool work. The student selects and completes a project or combination of projects which allows him to further develop his skills in drawing, machining, and tooling. A report and evaluation are required for credit. l l'i : il 0:-5 Tool and Parts lns}1fjction See Mch. Sh Credits Undef$nding of the alignment and fixtures for machining multiple J>.aJ:ts, To develop an understanding and use of ptut inspection gaugmg Machlr1e Procr:s~es See Mch. Sh. 0-8 Credits ~ advlldced course designed ~o introduce students to new machine,developments, techniques; and processes. Consideration oi matenal and accuracy requirements ns they relate to new products and machines enable the studeqt to select the proper m 11 cbining sequence for economy and preclsion, 1-00 Basrc Drafting 5 total periods Credits Basic drafting is a course based on approximately 0 drawings which gives the student ample opportunity to develop both skills and knowledge. The specific area of the material includes: lettering, geometric constructions 1 simple scale drawing and dimen. sioning. nking js optional Mechanical Drafting! 80 total periods 8 Credits A course which gives the student an opportunity to develop both ~kilts and knowledge, t includes lettering, geometric construe tion, scale drawings and dimensioning. 18$ 18

95 ONE- AND TWo-Y.EAll Dll'LOMA ONE- AND Two-YEAll DPLOMA !techanlcal Drafting 80 total periods 8 Credit~ A continuation of Mechanical Drafting, ncludes crwssections, auxiliai}' views, pnttem layouts, construction of curves, intersection and screw threads Fundamentals of Drafting 7 total periath Credits An introductory coune which provides instruction and practice in the use of drawing nstruments, views, projectiods, sections and drawing conventions. Techniques of dimensioning parts, screw thteads, and fasteners are practiced. Special problems are assigned to improve and develop student skills in drawing interpretation and practice Mec11anical Drafting 7 total periods Credits A continuation of Fundamentals of Drafting, Mechanical Sketching 7 total perio~ Credits A course designed to provide training in the expression of ideas through freehand sketching. t covers the principjes of orthographic projection nnd three types of pictorial drawing, namely, isometric, oblique, and penpective. The fundamental prlncipli!s of sketching are applied to problems related to the metal trades. 1~19 Machine Dratving 57 total periods Credits Covers detailing and assembly drawings including limiting fits, tolerances and allowances. 1~ Drawing nterpretation 1 5 total -pc.riods Credits The basic principles of engineering drawings are nterpreted. Through interpretacion nnd sketching, the student develops a visualization to the part, section or assembly. Drawings pertinent to the work are used Drawing nterpretation ll 5 total period~ : Crediu A continuation of Drawing nterpretation, with Cll)phasis jnto depth ol interpretation for the purpose of developing procedures, estimating costs, materials or checking agajnst standards. Drawings pertinent to the area of work are used. -90 Fundamentals of Mcfallurg!J 8 total periods Crediu Designed to orient the emit to the Geld of metals, their structure, refinement, admi:i:ture, properties, and uses. The emphasis is placed on the application of the metallurgy to the ncld of study. Heat treatment, work hardening, heat a1fect, and alloying aro covered '0 Metak {-ndustrial Exploration 5 total perlo<u 7 Credih The laboratory- eltperiences and support informatloo which the student receives in this course are selected to pro\oide hiin with a comprehensive background nnd foundation for further study in any of the trades which de.1l principauy in products made of metal. Metals deals with the welding and foundry areas. -1 MeUils 11-lndustrial Exploration 5 total periock 7 Credit~ Metals ll deals \vith sheet metal fabrication and machine shop practices. --9 Orientation 1 total period.t 0 Credits Orientation consists o a series of lectures and group discussions designed to a-~s!st the student in adjusting to the college and to his selected program as well as covering occupational infonnation needed by him in order to become a successful employee in his selected field. Former graduates are invited to discuss needs of the student before employment. Repr~tatives of.labor, management, business, and the professions are invited to discuss points of interest toward becoming an employee. School philosophy, student services and policies arc explained. ~ Drawing nterpnifotlon 7 total perioth Credits Students are trained to visualize, interpret. and scale elevations, plan views, sections, and details from dilferent types of metal working blueprints and to translate them into practical fabrication details. S-JOO FundL!mentals of Tailoring 108 total periods Credits The basic course teaches the necessary skills in the fundamental band and machine operations common to the tailoring trade. 'Thll selection and use of toob and equipment, including the power sewing machine and pressing irons, are studied. Safety hazards and practices in a tailoring shop are included Princip~ of Repairing and Pres$lng Men's Carnw11ts and Wome1~s Cannents 1 total periods 5 Credlu T1e coune helps the student develop skills in workmanship in men's garments, as cuffing, lengthening and shortening trousers, pocket repnir Qnd replacement, general ncreasing and decreasldg size, zippers, sleeves, collars, fastenings, and linings. n women's garments, students repair pockets, repair and reinforce wom areas, sleeves, collm, fastenings, waistbands, and linings. The use of pressing equipment and pressing techniques are studied. 185

96 =;' ~ ONE AND Two-YEAn DPLOMA :18-05 Vest Corutructi01~ 7 total]jfjt'iods Credits The student learns the techniques used in constructing single and double breasted vests, fonnal vests, or vests used for special occasions. Details such as cutting fabric, innerfacings, taping, lining, pockets, and buttonholes ~uitnblc for the particular style of vest are emphasized Fundamental Power Scwi11g 7 total period.~ Credits Student~ develop basic skills necessary to operate power sewing machines, including the care of the machine and a knowledge of the parts of the machine. Safety factors are emphasized Trot~ser Construction 1 total period.y 5 Credfts Selection of fabric, style, and cutting receive emphasis in constructing trousers. Students learn sequence in joining seams, seam finishing, trouser pockets, constructing the fly, shaping, tacking, and cuffing. ~ Coat Construction 1 total periods 5 Credits Principles and techniques of constmcting men's suitcoats, top coats, and overcoats are.~tud ied. The selection and preparation of fabrics, -canvas, tapes, padding; and lining are demonstrated, Students learn the use of pressing equipment appropriate for this construction. Standards in evaluation of workmanship nre emphasized Tailoring Women's Garments JOB total periods Credits The student learns selection of proper equipment, choice and fitting of the pattern, preparation of the selected fabrics, con struction of the interfacing, shaping, pressing, lining, and finishing touches for the completed garment. Suits or coats are constmcted Tailoring Women's Garments total periods Credits Students strive for the custom-tailored look in making suits, coats, and slacks. Advanced techniques in pockets, buttonholes, necklines, and other details are taught. Students construct a gnnnent using unfaced suit teclmiques or other tailoring procedures. 8-1 Alteration Problems Men's Garments, Women's Garme1tts 1 total periods 5 Ct edils The course emphasizes the varied operations and techniques \tsed in bnsheling men's trouser.~, vests, snit coats, nnd top coats, as done in clothing stores and. custom tailoring shops. Techniques in altering women's skirts, jackets, and coats are studied, Work management pro cedures used in alterations departments are emphasized. 186 ONE AND Two-YK<\.R DPLOMA ff-.j0 Fitting arul Special AUeration Problems 1 total periods 5 Credits The course helps students gain an understanding of fitting problems in men's wear, their causes, and alterations needed to correct these problems. Special fitting to counteract figure defects is studied. 8-5 Machine Techniques for Tailors 108 total periods Credits The course helps students acquire skill, speed, and proficiency in the use of steam pressing equipment and.power sewing machines. Factory and workroom techniques used in the production of tailored garments are taught Fundamentars of Lays and Cfltting 7 total periods Credits Procedure, management, and equipment used in the cutting department arc studied. Students learn how men's and women's pattern lays are accurately made, A study of cutting includes cloth, cutting piece goods and trimmings, and cutting time schedules. ~6 Princip'fes of Pattern Making 108 total periods Credits The advanced student studies the various tools and equipment nsed in designing, taking measurements, and drafting a pattern for the individual figure. Figure problems and necessary pattern details to meet these problems are studied. 8,'65 Designing Women"s Garments 7 total periods J Credits Students learn the selection and use of tools and equipment used in making patterns and the drafting of patterns for suitcoats, skirts, and slacks. Various styles of sleeves and necklines are considered. T1e use of proportion tables and designing for figure types are included Designing Men's Garments 7 total period Credits The student studies the principles of pattern construction used in custom and ready-made tailoring shops. He studies the selection and use of tools and equipment used in making patterns. Patterns for vests, coats, and trousers are made. Determining appropriat~ ness for the figure type and occasion are included Mathematics for Clothing Trades 5 total period$ Credits The student learns to read and write correctly n~rmbers and terms \vhich are used in the clothing trades. He studies computing yardages and costs of cloth, estimating costs of making various garments, discount, pri(.'e work systems, taxes and insurance, rates and fees charged when shipping merchandise..-0() Arc Welding.5 total perioch 6 Credits Arc Welding covers tl1e techniques for welding the basic joints in the flat and horizontal position, using mild steel and low hydrogen types of electrodes, Flame cutting of mild steel is included

97 ~.. ON - AND Two-YEAn Dll'LOMA Jl9-5 Oxy-Acetylene 'Welding 1 7 total periods Credits To provide the opportunity for each student to lea~n the gas wel~ Jng processes used with iron and steel by weldmg all types m flat, horizontal and vertical positions. The techniques for gas welding pipe are ajso covered. Oxy-Acetylene Welding li 7 total periods Credits The student is acquainted with the brazing of steel, cast iron, and aluminum along with the welding of cast iron, aluminum and nonferrous meta1s. Other processes included are hard facing silver soldering and the joining of dissimilar metals. Advanced Technique of Arc Welding ll 5 total periods 6 Credits A course to develop in the student the manipulative skills for pipe welding, M..G., and T.l.G. welding on steel, stainless steel, and aluminum in the fiat, horizontal, and vertical positions on all types of joints. Welding for Related Trades 7 total periods Credits An introduction to the area of arc and oxyacetylene welding. The fundamental principles of joining ferrous and nonferrous metals are studied and demonstrated. Basic welding processes, equipment operation, and safety procedures are practiced in the laboratory work. Emphasis is given to welding procedures and practice in the major area of work such as machine shop, auto- motive and diesel mecl:!anics, and sheet metal. welding 6 total perlods Credits Provides the student with the principles which make the electric arc and fuel gas welding processes useful tools in manufacturing. Emphasis is placed on sa~ty, o~ equipme~1t, on tech. niques and set up materials used m welding operations. Welding Procedure&, Testing and nspection 5 total periods Credlts To study the welding codes, develop welding procedures, study the testing methods, and obtain a knowledge of weld inspection methods. Welding Trouble Shooting 6 total periods Credits Study construction, operation, maintenance, and trouble.shooting of welding equipment, Evaluation of welding procedures and ana. lyziog of the problems. Recommendations and testing for im proved welds. Specialized Shielded Welding Processes V 5 totnl periods 6 Credits Develop skills in various processes using various metals and procedures. Emphasis is placed on the semi-automatic process of submerged arc welding and gas metal arc welding "" ~ ~ - -..,~ :j ONE AND Two Y&-.n DPLOMA -0 Al'c Welding 1l 5 total ptjr!ods 6 Credits Develops within each student comprehensive manipulative skills using all types of joints and welds in the vertical and ovel'lwnd positions. Test plates for opcmtor qualifications o structural steel fabrication are prepared by the students. N~0 Pattern Developme11l 7 total periods Credits The basic principles of parallel line development, triangulation and radial line development are demonstrated. Each srudent prac tices these principes as applied to the fabricator and the welder. A series of projects are developed to become progressively more difficult Welding 6 total period., Credits To provide the student with a comprehensive view of all weld ing processes, historical background, fundamentals of the processes, equipment, applications, and economics of each process. Wekling 6 total perio~ Credits 111le studf>nt gains knowledge of how to weld metals and alloys, of the meclmnical properties al most metals and alloys, of the expansion, contl'action, and shrinkage of metals, and studies the sizes of welds and their strength. Orientation 18 total periods 0 Credits Orientation eonsists of a series ol lectures an,d group discussions designed t1> assist the student in ndjustmg to the college and to his selected program as well as covering occupational infonna~ tion needed by him in order to become a successful employee in. his selected field. Former graduates are invited to discuss needs of the student before employmcut. Representatives of labor, management, business, and the professions are invited to discuss points of interest toward becoming an employee, School pltilosophy, student services and policies nre explained. Seminar 68 total periods Credits The assignments of a specific topic or area is selected by each student He pursues the development of depth of knowledge and skill in his selected area. He is assisted in his pursuits by the instructor. n vocational education, the emphasis is placed on the development of major skills involving problem solving or judgments which need to be made. Barber Techniques 5 total periods 8 Ctedfts An introduction to the various services performed by the barber. The instruction meets the requirements of the Wisoonsiu State Barber Law and tl1e Barbe!' Division of the State Board of Health. Students JU'e given patron work ~d on-the-job lnstruction to develop the necessary skills, 180 r }: f [ l '

98 ONE- AND Two-YEAR DPWMA 5Ql..,'0 Barber Techniques li total 11eriod.s 8. Croclits A continuation of Barber Techniques, Emphasis is on haircutting, s~ving, shampooing, and tonic Rl)plications. Tonic treatment, hot oil treatments, and advanced facials are added. StudentS are given instruction and patron work to fwther develop necessary skills. 5{)1...;)11 Barbering 1, Theory of 18 total periods Credits Barbering covers hair cutting, shaving, shampooing, massage, tonics, facials and packs, hot oil treatment, and simple tonic treatment. Rest facial, rejuvenating facial, and clay pack are included. This is lecture-dem()nstration and supervised practice :11 Barbering, Theory of total periods Credits Covers the theory of advanced hair styling :118 n~trumentli of Barberlng See BarbC Science JOO nstruments necessary in the practice of barbering. Shears, combs, clippers, razors, hones, strops, and secondary jnstruments. Emphasis is placed on proper selection, nomenclature, use, and care Bacteriology, Sanitation, and Hygiene See Barber Science J91 The importance of sanitation and hygiene in barbering. The cour.~e is divided into four units: Methods of sterillzation, instrument sanitation, barber shop sanitation, and personal hygiene. Emphasis is placed on the practical methods of sterilization, proper procedure of instrument sterilization, daily duties of barber shop sanitation, and proper hygienic practices Barber Sl1op Equipment See Barber Science Equipment that is associated with the -barber shop: major shop equipment, linen, and supplemental shop equipment, Emphasis is placed on nomenclature, usage, and care Histcry, Law and Apprenticeship See Barber Science 50l...J91 A survey of the history of barbering with emphasis on the solution of problems that existed in the past and how their solution developed better principles and methods for future yeajs. The course also covers a comprehensive study of the Wisconsin State barber law. Emphasis is placed on the barber observing, applying, and maintaining the regulations set up by the barber division of the State Board of Health. A brief study is made of th ~:~ apprentice indenture issued by the ndustrial Commission of Wisconsin :11 Sales See Barber Science Offers information pertaining to phases of salesmanship and advertising that apply particularly to barbers. ncludes an introduction to sales, building a snlcs talk, points of selling, steps of a snle, and sales points for barber 8ervices, 190 ~ \! tl "l ;)()l...j ONE- ANn Two-YJ;:.,m Dn LOMA Dusii!C!.Ys Rclation.1 Sec Bar /Jcr Science Offers information relative to patron relations and employeremployee relations Honing and Stropping See Bnrb6r Scie11ce Two methods of properly maintaining a razor. The time is divided between theory and actual practice :19() 8adJr:r Science l 50 fotal periods Credit8 n~truments and equipment necessary ol' desirable in the l?ractice of barbering. Emphasis is placed oo JJomenclature, usage, care, and proper selection Bmober Science li 18 total periods Cre11its Barber Science U covers bacteriology, sanitation, and hygiene; barber history and law and apprenticeship problems. Barber sales and business relations are dlscu.~sed JOl Chairsitk Techniques l 16 total period~ Credits Practical application of the skills needed in dental assisting. Such ~kills include instrument identification, oral evacuation, receiving and dismissing patients, tray set-up.~ and chn.irside assisting. Students become familiar with tl1e theorr and principles of dental radiography as well as the proper method of processing, mounting, and.llling of radiographs C1tairside Techniques 16 total fleriods Credits A continuation of tbe practical application of the skills needed in chairside assisting. Students become familiar with the physics of roentgenology, operation of the X-ray machine and radiation pr()tection. Emphasis is on clinical practice of exposing intra-oral radiographs, preparing restorative materials, and developing d~ntal assisting skills appropriate to various dental operative procedures :10 Dental Laborator!J Procedures 16 total period~ Credits The chemical and physical composition,.function and limitation.~ of the materials used in dentistry are studied. Laboratory exercises are provided to acrtuaint the student with the various laboratory procedures used in dentistry. 508-()5 Dental Theory 6 total 11eriods Credit., Lectures and discu$sion focu.~ on the relationship of microorganism.~ to disease, particnlllrly those occurring in the oral cavity; etiology and prevention of dental caries, hi~tology of oral tissue~.,<;ob...j06 De11tal Tf!eory l 6 total perlocl9 Grcdit.v A study of etiology and pathology of diseases affecting teeth and their supporting structures, An overview is included of the dental specialties; namely, pedodontics, orthodontics, endodnntics, public health, and oral surgery. 191

99 ~ ~-~ ~----~. ONE- AND 'l'wo-yeall DPLOMA 5()8-10 Dental Anatomy and Laboratory Procedures 108 total periods Credits A study of dental nomenclature, growth and development of teeth, fundamentals of tooth form and function, and their supporting structul'es. Laboratory exercises include drawing and carving teeth and preparing study models of deciduous and permanent dentition and edentulous mouths Dental Therapeutics 18 total periods 1 Credit Basic information js presented regarding the relation of diet to general and dental health with emphasis on normal nutrition. ncludes principles and techniques of first ::~id and emergency care of patient in a dental office Body Structure 9 total periods Credit Cells, tissues, and body systems and functions are studied in relation to dental aspects and influences Dental Thera7Jeutics 16 total periods 1 Credit A continuation of Dental Therapeutics, with emphasis on basic pharmacology. Discussion on drugs which must be controlled through prescriptions, anesthetics, legal responsibilities and handling of drugs, classification of drugs, drug standards and controls, drug limitations and precautions Dental Practice Administration 18 total periods 1 Credit Topics studied include patient appointments, recall service, patient records and charting, written communication, telephone contacts, personnel policies, ordering, storing and taking inventory of supplies and materials used in the dental office Professional Orientation for Dental Auxiliaries 18 total periods 1 Credit The course is designed to aid the student in identifying herself and her role a.'! an auxiliary member of the dental health team. The relationship and responsibility of each member of the team is considered. Units presented include personal health and grooming, professional conduct, history of dentistry and allied fields, trends in ethics and jurisprudence, certification and licensure, professional associations Personal, Vocational Relation.$hips 1 6 total periods. Credits Principles of ethics are reviewed to help the medical assistant develop ability to cope with problems that may arise in her chosen field. Fundamentals of contacts with patient~, telephone procedures, health and accident insurance programs, collection fees, handling of mail, legal aspects of medical practice are studied. 19 il [ ' '( \. j' ;1 f.j r ~; '!. l t r j f ll rl - j i ~ ONE- AND TWO YEAR DPLOMA Personal, Vocational Relations11ips l1 6 total periocb Credits The course is designed to help the student to adjust satisfactorily to her chosen career of medieal assisting. The student is introduced to her responsibilities of assisting the physician, caring for the well-being of the patient, and acting as a link betw~en. the physician and patient. Personal considerations include pnnc1ples of grooming, courtesy, and etiquette. The student is introduced to ethical responsibilities. Medical Office 'ractice and Pmcedures l 7 total periods Credits A basic understanding of what a physician's office is ]ike and how it functions is developed in this practical course. Principle~.of common disease transmission and their implications for sanlbzing and sterilizing of instruments and other materials; operation, maintenance, and the use of sterilizing equipment and knowledge of selection of method are stressed. The student learns how to prepare patients for examination, and to assist with examinations, treatments, and diagnostic tests Human Body in Health and Disease 1 5 total periods Credit& An elementary study of human anatomy and physiology. Common disease conditions are <:Onsidered along with a study of the structure and function of parts of the human body. Human Body in llealth and Diseasa l 5 total period Credits Builds upon foundation material presented in Human Body in Health and Disease, The course is planned to extend the student's learnings in relation to the patient and to herself. Medical LaboratD7'1) Procedures l 90 total periorl-1 Credits An introductory course designed to acquaint the student ~ith simple laboratory techniques that may be don.c hy a med~cal assistant in a doctor's office. Through demonstrahon and practice, the student learns to perform common tests used in the medical office. Bacteriology, urinalysis, and basal metabolism testing receive special emphasis. Medical Laborat07'1J Procedures li 90 total perlods Credits Builds upon concepts and skius introduced in Medical Laboratory Procedures, , Planned to extend the student's learnings in relation to electrocnrdiogrnphy and hematology. 19 1: )! l o;! tl ~!

100 ~-~-----~ ON>:- ANU 'fwo-yun D u wma S09-J60 l1edicl Terminology 5 total period.. Cndit& An orientjuion murse in the langunge of medicine. Efforts are directed toward promgting a. knowledge of the elements ol medj. cal terms and an umlustanding of standard medical terms and abbre\'iat!ons. Emphasis is plat.-ed on correct pronunciation which helps lead to correct spelling of medical terms. ~1 Medical Terminology 11 5 total pcrloth Credib The terms selacted in thb coune revolve 11l0Ulld the human body in hoalth and dise.ue. The pridciple to proceed &om the JlOJTllal to the aboonnal is realiud in the org&dizatlonal pa.ttum in Mlich anatomic terms form the foundation for diagno$1ic temu and related operati\'c and symptomatic tenll$, 500-(1 Af cdictll Office Prtu:tice and Procedures 11 7!J total period. Creditl The student learns identification and preparation of instruments and materials u cd in routine procedures; methods of passing and receiving insfrumcnts and the preparation of basic setup to assist the physician with el'imlinations and treatments; aseptic procedures; assisting with minor office surgery; uso and care of dressings, And care and collection of specimens. Preparation of bypodennio injections and the administration of medicines iu the offlce are reviewed, Sl()..JOl Ekmenfary Nut8ing Procedure and Clinical Practice 1 1 lolal peri(ldl: 8 Creditt Lectures and demonstrations an~ supplemented by laboratory practice. and clinical experience. The &tudent becomes familiar with basic principles unde;lying uursing care and develop! sldlls in the simple nursing procedures w ed iu the care of pntieot$, The.rtudent lea.ms how to function on tl1c ourlfng team in the hoospltal situation and lww to assist the registered professional nurse n the <me of the more "'"tely ill patient&. Sl0-J0 Pharrntu:Oiogy t1kll ~rioth 1 Credil Knowledge and =derslllndings needed by the practical nuuo in the administration of simple medications and lnje«!ons. S10-JQ Body Structure and Fun<tion 5ol total period.r Credit. An elementiiiy study ol human anntomy a.od physiology emphasizing the ppl!cation o this lrnowledgo to the principle, of healthful living and to the giving of competent nursing care. 51()..J(U Community Hygil!1W 11 total pcriocr. 1 Credit 'The meaning and malntenanw of individual health corut!tutes one p1u't of tl1c course; n the other, the student becomes familiar wit!1 the problems of disease control, J>rcvention, nnd switahon that nffe<:t the health of the community. Mathod~ commohly u.<ed to protect the hcnlth and promote the 5afely of the c01nonunlty on lltional, s t:~tc, and loeal levels ore presented SW-1.1.'i!0-17 llrrsl~ Metllwl mul S 11rglcul Nurolng 60 total pr;rlocl Credit Knuwlcclge, sk!lb, nncl undcrstl!.lldlng needed to mc;et the nu.r.:ins need$ of t>atients with "'mmon medical :md surg cnl condttjon are cmphas~1.ecl n this hn ic oourse. Dlvclliomrl ond. llel~rllllltatloo C, Actlulfie 16 totlll periods 1 remt The work of tho rchabtlltatlon team and the part the practlc:al nurse pby on the tum is stressed in tbh basic course. T~p os presented include the activities of dally ~hong, the value or d"'"i slonnl activities ts tjart of rehabilitation, and the importance ~ 1ngc pf motion. Emphasis s placed on what i.< left or what,. possible fm the patient to accomplish. Pcr. mwl, Vocotio1111l ReTotlmuhlp.r 18 taotal t etioil& Credit Tho coourse focuses on ethical responsibilities in nursing an~ elementary principles of b.uman relatlon hips. Th. e purpose olthts COJrm 1~ t o help tho beginning practical nu rs~ s~der:t ~o develop an undal'l!tanding o people during the pcr~od m wh10h she i.< ndju tfng to the hospltnl situation. Tlenltl Conceru 6 t~tal periorl.r Ctedits 'The cnur~e pan. two semester~. The Orst portion focuses ~ tl1e mconlng and practice of person:.! h.1lth, th_e u.nderstondmg by the!ndent of basic m1trition, and the applicahcm of the latter in her per~nal llfe. 5llh116 Cl a ~ing noo Communlcctiom, 1 Cremt in Ntrr~ing 18 total periods The course coj>nt of.-runinlng the complex means of oommnnlrotion, the psychology JnBoeooing it, and the beb:lvlora.l cultural aspects that determine its course. t ranges from the ~ c sldlls of writing and reportlnt: to the cnmplex tech.ni~ es of mler l"'rsouol relotlons. The empha.'li is ~n the appltcation of <'0111 mnnication skills in the nun lng situation. Nrrrsin«oj nfants nnd Mo!hc,., Tl ~::nj ant! Clinical Practice l llo tolni JJCiin<l.t -1 Cre,)it., This cour.<c rt d<uigucd to pmvidr. the student with :m under. standing of maternity nursing :1.< nn individual, family, nnd com n111nlty affair. Anatomy and physiology of. human,reproduction, ltregnancy, labor, delivery, nnd the puerpermm are mcluded. ~re; natnl care, po toatal care, the physical development ond ensumg care of the llewborn and premature infant are covered. Clinical experience focuses upon care of the mother and. her ncwbom infant. 195

101 .51()...18 Personal Adiustmonls 17 total periods 1 Credit Designed to h~lp tho student in making satisfactoiy adjustments to practical nursing, Emphasis is ploced on methods of study and gaining an unde1 standing of self and others Nursing of Clll/dren, TT!errry and Clinical PratJtice 168 total periods Creqit. A beginning experience is offered in the uncler.'ilonding and care of well and sick children. Nanna] growth and development are stressed 85' a necessary understanding of the practical nurse jn ordel' to cll'ectively help the sick c!jild. Clinical experience emphasizes the nurse's role with tl1e child and hi.< family during hospitalization, 510-J Nursing nf Mentally ll, Thcrn y and Clinical Pmatice 160 totul periods Credits Classroom instruction and chnica] experjence in tho.cnre of the mentally ill patient. The octal problems associated witl1 mental illness are stressed, and consideration is given tc the communiiy's facilities for dealing with these problems, This co11!se provides the student with a basic understanding of tl1e dynamicll of human behavior so that sl1c!!lay lrettcr understand both herself and her patients. 51()...5 Nurring in the liomc 15 total periods Credit The adaptations and adjustments required in home care oi the sick are presented in thls course. The importance of cooperative relationships with the family and tho application of nursing ethics to the 1 llorne situation are topics given special considexation, 51()...1} Nursing The Ad1dt Patient, Tlzcory and Clinica! Practiae 90 total periods 10 Credits (Cm1tinued d11ring the summer) Organized instn1ction and clinical experience in nursing care of the aged, chronically ill, and convalescent adult patients. Emphasis is pl ced on positive health aspects, remotivation and rehabilitation of aged, and long-term patients. Covers the preventioll and control of tuberculosis, including individual care and community problems, Emphasis is placed on the needs for case flnding. early diagno,.;is, sanatorium care, and a.scptic nursing technique..51()...7 Lcga! Aspect af Nursing, Voeational Relationships 15 total periods 1 Credit Tho course i designed to acquaint the student with the legal rcsponoibilities inherent in nur.;ing, legislation pertaining to practica l nurse licensure, and acceptable employment practices for trained practical nurses. State board exrunination, annual registration, replacement of license and other aspects of licensure are oonsidered. 196 l l j l i ONE- AND Two-Y~o:AH DwLOMA 510-JBl Medical Ethics 19 total]jerlods 1. Cr~<lil Medical elllics for doctor's employees nnd.the legal respons,b,ht:~~ of doctor's employees are considered in this course.. 111e stude, is introduced to procedures commonly followed m a doctor'. office. Consideration is gl\ en to the legal problem. that c.o].!d nl'ise n n medical office. AcluaJ prnctice work w1th sp001il 1St ;.eferm.ls, 'lnboratory reports 7 re~grd releases, consent to operate forms~ and other medical records, 51()...8 Medical Low 19 total pe:i?'ls 1 "',edit Modica! practice acts, legal relatiombip Df physician an~ patie?~ p h ' b1'1c duti " nnd liabilities boalth and acctdent m- ysr~mn s pu ~. ' rams' and es surnnce progt ams, govcrnme~t med1cal cnre prog. typ of medical practice are studted. Prcreqt1 isite: Medical Ethics and Procedures, ,510-Jii H1<ma" llody 57 total period Credits The ~tudent s given a CDnc1se introduction to body st~cture an~ function. The nonnal state, abnormal.state, the d.1seases an jnjuries which all'cct the lmman body and the vanous r ~ns; agents and procedures employed to prevent, care, ~r ~ ~vmte ~uch ~onditjons are presented in this course. Empha~s 1s on medical terminology related to body structure and func!jon. 510-JB Human Body n 57 total periorl Credits Continuation of Human Body, Medical Terminology 57 total perio.u!l Credit Emphasizes basic structure of medkal words. Roots_ or stcmd, prefixes, suffixes, combining arms, and plurals of medteal ~or s re stressed. Students are encouraged to develop good hab1ts of ~cading, speaking, listening and writing in order to help. tl1em develop a sen>e of correctness which will lead to detection of errors of sense in medical dictation M<ldical Terrninologv 57 total period,; Credits A continuation of Mediool Tcm1inology, 510-JS J(){) toboratory Procedures A 1 total. peri.od,; Credit. Lectures discussions, and labar.atory exercj~es m basal metabolism, electt ocordlography, bacteriology, parasitology,.<erology, and hlood bank Laboratory Procetiures H A tot?! p~riod., 5 Credits Lectures~ discussions and 1aboratmy exercises m urlnnlysis) hematology, w1d clinical chemistry. 516-JV Laboratory Procedures B 06 total perl?ds. 5 Credit. Spcdallnboratory techniques and clinical expenence m. an affihating clinical laboratory in basal metabolism, electrocardiogrnphy, bacteriology, parasitology, serology, and blood bank. 197

102 516-JOJ LniJoratrny P, ocedmes ll B totulpcl'iuds (j Credit~ Special laboratory techniques and clinical experience in an affiliating. clinical laboratory in urinalysis, hematology, and clinical chemistry Medical LnhoratONJ Records 1 18 total peri"'~'' 1 Credit ntroduction to laboratory records ineluding ha.<ic labot atory mathematics Orientation to Pal'a-MerlJcnl 18 total periods 1 Crcclit Orientation of the student to the para-medical occupations and to the ~ole 'mel responsibility of the certified laboratory a..sistant in relatwn to other members of the medical team.!f16-j(jl Medical Laboratory Records 18 total twl'iods 1 Credit ndividual problems, records and reports are examined to help the student see the day-to-day application of recording a horn tory test result< at'curately. Normal test results are compared witlt abnormal test re"tlts in order that the student may develop sensitivity to errors in charting on laboratory record.<. 516-JOO Tetminology total periods 1 Credit An elementary study of medical tet minology with em pltnsis on medical labomtory term.< Terminology T 18 total pel'lod, 1 Ctedit A continuation of Lnboo at0ry Terminology, incluiling abbreviations and nrmes of tests frequently ordered by ~he physician '1 Laboratory Proceclures C.8 total periods Credits Lectu.res, discussions, laboratory techniques and clinical experience m an affiliating clinical laboratory in Hss\te technique. 51fl-J Laboraton; Procerlmes l C 0 total periods Credits Lectures, disctl sions,. laboratory techniques and clinical experience in an affiliating clinical laboratory in the use of the autonnaly7.er and chemical robot, 51fl-Jl6 Orientation to Para-Medicalll 18 total periods 1 Credit A shtdy of clinic and hospital policies and regulation~ for the medical lnbomtory aomstant. Emphasis is on ethical conduct and the desirable personrl qualities each pcrwn involved in a service occupation shou ld possess in orl,lcr to he successful in pu hlic relatioru 'rends and ssues in Laboratory Assisting 18 total pel'iorb 1 Credit Empllasis on factors that influence the field of lnbm atory medicine, medit,.] ethics, and responsibilities of the iridiviclnal laboratory as.~istnn t. 198 ~ l i 1 i! ' ONE- AND 'J'wo-Yt:AJ Dn 1.0MA 516~ Body Structure 5 total periods Credits See Body Structure, Ql-56 Communications 6 total periods Credits This cours~ is designed to imptovu the student's reading, writing, nnd listening skills und to help him grow in the use of language for varied purposes of communication, Commu,lications 6 total periods Credits This is a continuation of Communications, Appliecl Matltematie& 6 total periods Creclits To bc<jomc proficient in the basic operations using whole numoers t'ommon fractions, and decimal fructions. To understand per ::ent and Le able to solve problems involving it, To be able to solve verbal problems as a consumer and ns one preparing for an occupation A]Jplied Mathematics 6 total periods Credits The course involves a study of ration, proportions, and avcrag~. The study of measurements as it applies to various geometnc figures such as the circle, triangles, rectangles, p[)l'llllelogra.m, trapezoid, and many composite figures, To be able t~ determ1nc perimeters, areas, and volumes. To carry out geometric construction. To study algebra to the extent of being able to use formulas Huently Applied Mathematic: 6 total periocls Credits The course involves a study of logarithm, slide rule, and trigonometry to the extent that one woul~ be~me pro8cient and accurate in these aspects of mathematics. t mvolves the usc of logarithm and trigonometric tables as well as the slide rule in solving practical application problems Appfied MatiU1matics V 6 total periods Cre~lts The course offers n review of introductory algebnl before s!udymg in more depth the nws of exponents,.. factoring, algebr~ie fractions radicals, linear systems of equations, and quadratic equations: Trigonometry!:; stuilied as it applies to right and oblique triangles Appfied Clunn~try 7 total periods Credits An applied chemistry course for lithography students._ ntro~uctory elementary inorganic chemical principles and ~he1r applications to lithography are studied. S00-10 Elerrumtary Chemistry 7 total periods C~edits This course is intended to up-grade and extend the student's previous knowledge of basic chemical theory and to help s~dents apply this theory in dev~loping nsefnl laboratory techniques. Students arc introduced to organic chemistry and its relation to human physiology. 199


104 ADMJNST\A'UON' AND FACUL'lT AREA COORDNATORS ADMNSTRATON AND FACULTY ADMNSTRATVE OFFCERS Norman P. Mitby B.E., Wisconsin State University-Whitewater M.S., Stout State University Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Glenn F. Olwell B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, University of Southern California and University of Wisconsin Madison Registered School Business Administrator District Director Assistant Director, Student Services and Operations John R. Ardelt B.E., Whitewater State University M.A., State University of owa Don J. Christianson B.B.A., University of Minnesota M.A., University of Minnesota Hayden D. Gray B.S., University of llinois M.S., University of llinois Harold 0. Hoverson B.E., Whitewater Stal:e University M.S., University of Wisconsin Graduate Study, University of Wi.~consin Glenn L. Johnson B.S., Stout State University M.A., Stout State University Greater Madison Area Fort Atkinson Vocational and Technical School Reedsburg Office Stoughton Vocational -Adult Center Watertown Vocational and Technical School ' Alun C. Thomas B.S., Mankato State C<Jllege M.s., Stout State University Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Assistant Director, nstructional Serv.ices James T. Luessman B.S., Wisconsin State University-Platteville M.S., University of Wisconsin Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Portage Office Howard B. Rom B.S., Uruversity of Wisconsin-Madison M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, University of Kansas and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Registered School Business Administrator Joseph H. Seiverd B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Wisconsin Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Business Manager Registrar STUDENT SERVCES STAFF Clifford V. Andreoli B,S., Northern Michigan University M.S., University of Wisconsin Carl R. Brice B.S., Wisconsin State University-Platteville M.S., University of Wisconsin Orval A. Gabriel B.A., Wisconsin State University-Superiol" M.S., University of Wisconsin Louise D. Gundy B.S., Wisconsin State University- Platteville Assistant Registrar Student Financial Aids Counselor Student Services Counselor Assistant Student Services Cmmsclor il Robert H. Gwynne B.A., Dartmouth College M.A., University of Colorado WAGA-APGA-Member Assistant Student Services Counselor Housing and High School Relations 0 0

105 : ~.. AJ)MtN.LS'J.'JA'l'lON AND li'acul'n' PUBLC NFORMATON COUNSELOR Mary Lou Diehl B.A., Antioch College Newspaper Reporter NSTRUCTONAL SERVCES STAFF Arthur F. Caturani B.A., University of Pennsylvania M.A.L.S., University of Wisconsin Sm:anne Caswell B.A., Lawrence Co!ege Graduate Study, Tufts University and University of Wisconsin Richard Gnun B.A., Northland Co1lege M.S., Stout State University Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin ndiana University, and Chrysler Safety ~stitute Janet Jeffcott B.S., University of Wisconsin M.S., University of Wisconsin Margaret Kittredge Carleton College Tuskegee nstitute University of Minnesota Grace Scho~cbert B.A., Univer~ity of Wis[)onsin Library School Certiflcate, University of Wisconsin -.-._R,..,. LdJ!l&--..,..., ,-= ~ tj }! School nterpretation Librarian Library Assistant Audio Visuni Consultant Assistant Librarian Library Assistant Librarian Janice Wolf 'b.. L rary Assrstant B.S., Umversity of Wisconsin-MUwaukee Graduate Study, Library School of the Unlversitv of Wisconsin and Prospect HaJJ, Milwaukee CHARMEN Robert V. Ahrens B.A., State College of owa M.A., State College of owa Graduate Study, University of Minnesota and University of Wisconsin-Madison Associate Charnnan Business-Marketing 'l C.. Bluschke B.S., Stout State University Journeyman Painter H;~rvey Lois N. Farnsworth B.S., UnLversity of Wisconsin M.S., University of Wisconsin :Belle C. Fiedler Dental Hygiene CertUkate, Marquette University B.S., Marqnette University M.P.H., University of Michigan Maud R. Gilhert RN., Roosevelt Hospital School of Nmsing l!..n. Certificate, Syraeuse University B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Winfried V. Guenther B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison wisconsin State University-Milwaukee Layton Art School, Milwaukee Velma B. Hamilton B.A., Beloit College M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, UniversJty of Wisconsin Madison Eldred L. Heiser Special Study, Stout State University and American Hoteljlvlotel Educational nstitute E:'iecntivc Chef Roland Johnson B.M., College of Music, Cincinnati M.M., College of Music, Cincinnati Special Study, Europe and United States Dean H. Kammer B.E., Wisconsin State University-Whitewater Ph.M., Univer~ity of Wisconsin-Madison AnMJNS1liA1'JON AND F ACUJ.1'Y Associate Chairman Trade and ndustry Apprenticeship Chainnan Home Eeonomics Associate Chainnan Dental Au:<iliaries Chairman Hea1th Occupation~ Associate Ohainnan General Studies Art Assistant Chainnan General Studies Associate Oll[tinna!'1 Trade and ndustrv Qttantity Food Preparation and Service Associate Chairn~:ut General Studies :l\ 1nsic Chairman Business f 1 j j ' l l j li ll li ' i 05 ol ~--

106 AllMNS'J'liATON,\N.l FACUJ:!')' Elmer C. Rieck B.E., Wisconsin State University-River Falls M.A., University of Wisconsin~Madison Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison Jnhn S, Robinson B.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison M.S., University of Wisconsin-Mndison Daniel Scheid B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Grad\1ate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison and Stout State University Denn H. Wessels B.S., Wisconsin State University-River Falls M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Special Stndy, National Science Foundation Jnstitute at University of Houston and University of Pennsylvania Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison John Wilson B.S., Stout State University M.S., Stout State University TEACHER COORDNATORS John D. Birong B.S., University of Minnesota M.A., State College of owa Graduate Study, Oklahoma State University, University of lllinois Special Study, National Heart Foundation Fellowship at Mayo Clinic Virginia M. Cascio B.S., University of Wisconsin Registered Medical Technolog!~t ( ASCP} Lucille M. Dagnon R.N., St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing, Madison B.S., St. Louis University Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin and University of owa Chairman General Studies Assistant Chairman Business Chairman Agriculture Chairman Trade and ndustry Assistant Cbairman Trade and ndustry Eledronics Technology Medical Assistants Certified Laboratory Assistants Practical Nursing Judith A. Finn B.A., University of Wisconsin M.A., University of Wisconsin Graduate Study, University of Chiengo John R. Gilsdi)f B.S., Stout State University M.S., Stout State University Special Study, National Scie.nce Foundation nstitute, University of llinois Raymond C. Hu1tner B.E., Superlor State University M.A., University of Minnesota Special Study, National Science Fowldation Jll.stitutes at University of Minnesota, Knox College and University of Utah Charles A. Johnson B:S,, Stout State University Specinl Study, General Motors School, Bear Manufacturing Company nstitutes Journeyman Auto Mechanic Nancy McCreary B.S., University of Wisconsin Dietetic nternship, University of Cnliionria Dietician Graduate Study, University of WisC(Jnsin Merlin J. Maiers B.S., owa State University M.S., Stout State University Journeyman Auto Mechanic Robert Pagel B.S., University of Wisconsin Marian M. Racine School of Hotel Administration, Come!) University Special Study, University of Wisconsin H. Douglas Re<L;ten B.S., La Crosse State University Craduntc Study, Winona State College, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater St11te Univerxity, nnd La Crosse University 07 ADMNS'l'RAT10N AND FACULTlr Mechanical Design Technology Mathematics Automotive Mechanics Food Service Assistant Autornotive Technology Driver Education and Traffic Safety Quantity Food Preparation and Service Athletics

107 Anll{lNlliTRAnON AND FACULTY /U>MNJS'l'l\<\'l'JON AN) l~acuj.'l'y -:,. :.;_ ~_li... James E. Uowsam B.S., Stout State Vnivcrsity M.S., Stout Stahl University Special Study, University of Wi~c<>nsin, University of Minnesota, and Milwaukee nstitute of Technology Kathleen Saunders B.S., Mount Mary Collego Graduate Study, University of Nebraska John H. SchiJiak B.E., Whitewater State University M.S., University of Wisconsin Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Specia.l Study, Milwaukee nstitute of Technology Warner Schueppel D.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison Roland 0, Sprecher B.S., University of Wisconsin Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Special Study, National Science Foundation nstitu~~ at University of Wisconsin Yaman S. Tari B.S., Robert College J!;ngineering School, stanbul, Turkey }.S., Kansas State University Registered Professional Engineer Fred E. Theiler Stout State University University of Wisconsin Special Study, Lincoln Electric Company, A. 0. Smith Corp<>ration~ illld Hobart Brothers Technical School Wis~nsin State Welding nspector and Consultant Certified Journeyman Welder Jeannette A~ Van Vondewn B.E., Whitewater State University M.S., University of Wisconsin Special Study, University of Wisconsin 08 Machine Tool Trades Occupational 'Therapy A~sistants Accour1ting Da~a Processing Sciences Civil Engineering Technology and Architectural Structural Technology Welding Sec1 etarial Science J! J l 1 ) Jane E. Von Gunten. B.S. University of Wisoonsm Spe~-ial Study, Chicago Art nstitute,. European Study Tour (Art nnd Fasluon), and Temple University Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin FACULTY Mary E. Abel B.S., University of CincinJJnti Joan S. Agard B.A., Olivet College Graduate Study, Loyola University University of Wisconsin-Madison Janel Allwardt R.N., University of Wiscm1sin-Mndison Donald :Bayreuthet B.E., Wisconsin State University-W hitewater Graduate Study, Wisconsin State University Superior Harry A. Beach B.S., Stout State University. Graduate Study, University of Michigan and University of Wisconsin-Madison Journeyman Auto.Me~hanic John J. Bednar A.B., University of Notre Dame B.F.A., Art ns~itute C>f Chicago M.F.A., Art nstitute of Chicago Patricia Bennett R.N., St. Francis School of Nursing B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, Dominican College, University of Wisconsin, and Mat l]n~tte University Bradley P. Bjork B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Mabel B. Bloxham B.E. Wisconsin State Univcrsity-Whitewate>r Graciuate Stndy, University of Wisconsin- ]\'[ n eli son 09 Fashion Mcrchandish g Practic;tl Nursing English Practical Nursing AccomJting Automotive Art Business Administration 1\nsine~s Machines

108 - - ~ !"'Millifiliift ----BK------!ftiiMSiiltm- - nlllll-m rlil" --z lll a - 11 : i : '! r..f: ' AoMNr8TRA'lON AND FACULTY lda Borders B.S., State College of Arkansas Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Edward M. Brockett Milwaukee School o Engineering Vocational, Technical and Adult School at Milwaukee, JanesviHe, and Madison Special Study, Stout State University University o Wisconsin, and General Motors Journeyman Auto Body Repairman Susan Brooks B.A., Vanderbilt University - M.A., University of Wisconsin~Madison James G. Carnitz B.A., Stout State University Graduate Study, Stout State University Paul Ohader B. S., St, Cloud State Co!ege Graduate Study, University of Minnesota George Cooper B.S., University ofwisconsin-madison M.A., West Virginia University Graduate Study, Marquette Medical School Omer P. Creydt B.S., Stout State University Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Nancy Dennin B.A., Hunter College M. A., University of Wisconsin-Madison Paul DeRose B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin- Madison Orian. Dhem B.S., Stout State University M. S., University of Wisconsin-Madison 10 Foods Auto Body Spanish Machine Trades Dmfting Psychology General Metals Mathematics Science-Physics Machine Trades,) l ) f. - J J l t ~ d ~ J 'lj ~:, 1 ~J.. 1_._.-.. J l Durothy M. Dittmer H.N., St. Mary's School of Nursiug, Hocbester, Minnesota B.S., University of Dubuque Graduate Study, Drake University, Marivn College, Catholic Universty, Oshkosh Stale University, and University of Wisconsin Madiwn Winifrec.l P. Doran B.S., Cornell University M.S., Cornell University Lester Druck B.S.L., University of Minnesota L.L.B., University of Minnesota Jean C. Duesler.. R.N., Central Maine General Hosp1tal B.A., Bates College M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison Mitzi Duxbury B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Virginia F. Fahey B.S., Edgewood CoJlege Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison and University of Wisconsin Whitewater Thomas Flygarc. B.A., St. Olaf College M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison Jack Frandy B.S., Wisconsin State University-Superior M.E., wisconsin State University-Superior Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin MadU;on Gary Gade.. Diploma-Printer-Madison Area Tcdm1cal College B, S., Stout State University Robert Gilbertson B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison 11 ADM1NJS1 RA'l'ON AND l<,acul'l'y Practical Nursing Clothing and Textiles Economics and Business Law Practical Nursing Medical Assistants Secretarial Science Political Science Mathematics Graphic Arts History - ' ~ ~-... -~.1.~-

109 -, ~--~ ~ - ---" ~- AnMN1S'1"11A1'lON ANO FAC!JLT~ AvML"''JST!tA'l'lON AND FACJL'l'Y Estelle B. Goldenberg B.S., Temple Uuiversity Graduate Study, University of Wi~consiu Madi~on James Gr(:)cn R.N., Bellevue Hospital Special Study, Columbia University and University of Wisconsin-Madison Mnryln M. Grimm RN., Columbia School of Nursing, Milwaukee B.A., Luther College Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Gordon Hale B.S., Stout State University FCC, First Class Communication License Robert A. Harker B.S., Wisconsin State University-Platteville M.S., University of Wisconsin--Madison Charles Haycock B.S., University of Wis(.'Onsin-Madison M.S., UnivCJsity of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Thurman D. Hesse B.S., Wisconsin State Univcrsity-PlutteviUc M.S., Stout State University Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison James Hilton B.S., Wisconsin State University- Superior Janet H. Hoopes B.A., University of California M.A., University of California Raymond C. Hom B.E., Mississippi State University M.E., Memphis State University Phillip Hutchinsou B.S., Wisconsin State U1dversity-Platteville M.E., Pennsylvania State University Svcrcl'arial Scicn~c Nursing Assistants l'ractic!al Nursing Electronics Science-Physics Art Welding Art English English Mathematics Elizabeth Jallings B.A., Unlver~ity of Wisconsin-Madison M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, llinois nstitute of Technology Mary Jenkins B.A., Mary Washington College M.A., University of Virginia Graduate Study, University o North Carolina Hobert R. J ohnsou B.S., Bradley University M.S., Bradley UniveJsity Kat:herine Jordan B.A., CoJlege of St. Catherine M.A., Colorado College Graduate Study, Creighton University, University of Colorado and Edgewood College Marjorie M. ;Kamm R.N., University of Wisconsin-Madison B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Owen A. Kampen University of Wisconsin-Madison Art Students League, New York Professional Artist Glenn Ketchum B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison William E. Kilgollt B.S., University of Wisconsin- Madison Graduate Study, University of W~consin Madison Harold R. King Special Study, Stout State University, University of Wisco11$in, Eastman Kodak Company, National Graphic Arts.Association nstitutes English English Electronics English Practical Nursing Art Agriculture American nstitutions Graphic Arts 1 1 -~ J,... -

110 ADMJNlli'l'Rh'l'lON ANll li'acul'j'\' John P, Kins B.S., UniveJ sjty of Wisconsin-Madison M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Special Study, University of New Hampshire, Oak Ridge nstitute of Nuclear Studh:s. und University of Wisconsin-Madison Hichurd L. Klecker B.S., Wisconsin State University-Hivcr Falls Mary Kuntz B.S., University of Wiscon~in-Mndison Edward A. LaSchum B.S., Michigan State University Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Journeyman, Auto and Diesel Mechanics Patrick L. Leary Dunwoody Bakers School Wilton School of Cake Decorating Madison Restaurant nstitute Special Study, Stout State University and University of Wisconsin-Madison Master Baker Mildred Lidicker B.E.; Wisconsin State University-Whitewater Graduate Study, Wisconsin State University Whitewater Elizabeth McHale B.M., University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Shtdy, University of Wisconsin Madison Mary E. MacDonald B.S., College of St. Catherine M.S., University of Colorado R.N., College of St. Catherine Charles Marquardt B.A., Milton College M.S., University of Wisconsin:..Madison Graduate Study, tjniversity o Wisconsin Madison Sden C(.,_;Chcmistry Agriculture Laboratory Assistants Automotive and Diesel Mechanics Quantity Food Preparation and Service Secretarial Science Music Practical Nursing Speech f 1 i j Mary Lou Masik Diploma Dental Hygiene, MarqueHe University Special Study, ~arque.tte Uni~ersity and University of WJsconsm-MadJSon B.S., Marquette University Registered Dental Hygienist Philip Maurer.. B.S., Wisconsin State Umversity Stevens Point Graduate Study, Ball State University Lawrence Meicher B.S. Stout State University Spe~ial Study, Bear Auto Safety Se_rvico School and Northwest Auto Electrical Service Schools Pnul W. Meister B.S., Stout State University M.S., Stout State University R. Mable Mierke B.E., Wisconsin State University Whitewater M.A., State College of owa. Graduate Study, University of Colorado and University of Northern Michigan George. Mitchell B S Kansas State Co1lege of Pittsburgh M.s:, Kansas State Colle~e of Pi~burgh Numerical Control Semmar, M1lwaukee Technical College Journeyr:nan Machb!Urt Frank J, Mooney... B.S., Wisconsin State Uruverstty-Eau Claire M.A., University of Hawllli Catherine Mueller B.A., llinois State University Maureen Munger B. E., Edgewood College Dennis Ann Nichols M.T., Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. ADMNlsTRAnoN AND FACULTY Dental Auxiliaries Driver Education and Traffic Safety Automotive Automotive Secretarial Science Maclrine Trades History Business Machines Secretarial Science Laboratory.Assistants 1 15

111 AUMNSTA'J10N AND FACJJ,fl" ADliUNlST\ATO"-' ANO FACU.TY Roberto Ninedorl B.E., Wisconsin State University-Whitewater Graduate Study, University of Wisconsiu Madison lda May Norris R.N., University Hospital School o( Nursing, Chicago Special Study, Cook County School of Nursing, University of W.iscons~Madison, University of Maine, and Marquette University Anne Nottberg B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Don Oberlander B.A., Buooa Vista College Gradunte Study; University of Minnesota Journeyman Printer Jolm D. OchaUa B.S., \Visoonsin State University-Whitewater Graduate Study, University of San Francisco, Colorado State University, and University of Wisconsin-Madison Warren C. Olsen Wi<iconsin State University-Platteville University of Oregon Army Cooks and Bakers School Chef Training, University of Wuoonsin Madison Special Study, Stout State University and University of Wlsconsin-Madl.~on Chef Michael N. Opacich 'B.S., ndiana University Graduate Study, Butler University, Denver Univcr. ity and University of Wisconsin.:. Madison Paul E. Patterson B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Special Study, University of State of New York <kaduate Study, Stout Stnte University and University of Wisconsin-Madison Se<.-retarial Sciente Practical Nursing Psychology Graphic Arts Mathematics Qmntity Food Preparation and Service Accounting Electronie,, Catherine Pawelski B.S., Edgewood College M.A., Catholic University of America Certified Professional Secretary, nstitute for Certifying Secretaries, Kansas City, Mo. Arthur L. PeteJS B.A., University 'of Michigan M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison David Peterson B.S., Stout State University Marshall G. Pettis Oregon State University Licensed Civil Engineer, State of Oregon Licensed P,ofessional Engineer, State of Wisconsin Special Study, University of Oregon and University of California Robert J. Piactnza B.S., Bradley University M.S., Northern llinois University Nancy Baker Pick B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Helen R. Prichard B.E~ Wisconsin State University-Whitewater Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Sharon H. Raimondo Diploma in Dental H ygiene, Marquette University James J. Reininger Wisconsin. State University-Plattevlllc Eau Claire Technical nstitute Stout State University Master Barber Russell Reuter Special Study, Stout State University and University of Wisconsin-Madison Journeyman Carpenter Secretarial Science Engli.'lb Diesel and Heavy Equipment Mechanics Civil Engineering Technology Marketing Marketing Fashion Merchandising English Dentul Assisting Barberlng Wood Technics

112 ~ ~~ ~ " '... - Vjrglnia G. Rodeleld B.E., Wisc:onsin State University-Whitewater M.S., University of WisCQnsin-M;ullion Gra<luate Study, University of. owa and University of Wisconsin-Madison William H. Ryan B.S., University of Nf!W Hampshire L.L.B., LaSalle Extention University Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Lawrence Sager B.S., Univl)rsity of llino.is M.S., University of llinois Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin Madison Wanda L. Sawyer R.N., U)!yersity of Wisconsin-Madlso!l B.S., Unive~sity of Wisconsin-Madison Pbyllis W. Schwebke. B.S., Stout State University M.S,, University of Wisconsin-Madison He!en G. SCQOD B.A., University of WisCQnsin- Madison M.S., Univ~rsity of WiSCODSin-Madison Secretarial Science Mechanie<~l Design Technology M;uketing Practical Nursing Clothing and Textlles A.ccountin g Seth Scott Welding Special Study, Madison Area Technicul College Journeyman Welder Melvin SetUDans B.S., Stout Stat~ University Journeyman Auto Mechanic Allan W. Sentry B.S., Stout State University Graduate Study, Stout State University and University of Michigan Special Study, Generql Motors Corporation and Ford Motor Company Terence Sheldon B.B.A., Wisconsin State University-Whitewater Graduate Study, Michigan State University Susan Sinclair B.E., Wisconsin State University-Superior 18 Automotive AutO,\o~e Data Processing Secretarial Scienoc Agnes L. Slater B.S., University of Wisconsin Madison Wallace L. Smith USAF Correspondence Courses Madison Area Technical College A.S.E.E. WisCQnsin School of Electronics Special Study, Ford Motor Compl!ny Clinics journeyman Auto Body Rcpainnan Don L. Sorenson B.A., University of California-Los Angeles M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Ricl1ard W. Swanson B.A., Rockford College M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison Erling F. $wensen B.S., Stout State University Graduate Study, Stout State University Journeyman Compositor Philip L. Tarpltl}' B:E., Wisconsin State Univers!ty-Wlrltewater Graduate Study, UnJversity of Wisconsin Maoison and Wisconsin State University Whitewater Donald B. Trudell B.S., Univcrslity of Wisconsin-lUver Falls M.S., University of Wisconsln-Mihvnukee Master of Fine Arts, University of Wi~-consin-Milwaukee fames Van Loenen B.S., Kansas State University M.S., University of Missouri Graduate Study, University o Missouri Registered Profcssionnl Engineer Eleanor.Wendt B.S., Stout State University Graduate Study, Stout State University and University of Wisconsin- Madison.Bernard Wilkendt B.A., St. Vincent College M.B.A., Duquesne Universit} 19 Practicul Nursing Auto Body Psychology English Graphic Art~ AcCQunting- Business Machines Art Civil Engineerfug Techll<)logy Clothing MRthematics

113 AnMJNJS111Al'roN AND FACUL'l'> Harriet Williams B.S., University of llinois Graduate Study, University of Wisconsin- Madison Lany E. Wilson B.S., ndiana University M.B.E., University of Wisconsin-Madison Cat! Wucherpfennig Stout State University U.S. Army Engineer Schools ndu strin l Engineering Certificate John Worden Colt School of Art Ame~kan Academy of Art Commercial Artist Herbert W, Zimdars B.E., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee M.S., Marquette University George H. Zuehlke B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison Upholstery Marketing Diesel and Heavy Equipment Mechanics Commercial Art Prafting Civil Engineering Technology ALPHABETCAL NDEX 0 B in.ct.erlology, aanltatiun, ami i1 )tgl~n~ 190 H~f"~~rnll.. tl'lidrr~m~nr::::::::=: l~r L

114 Collc><e als,-obro Lll ~.!f~r ~r.i:~~~~ona:::::::~'ia g t.ru.n.&ccl' progrum.e, lis t ot -... _.. 08 Colur strlppla.j; Ci6 Commercia l Art..«8110Clutc _ dcgn.-c JJ u.:ram ~ c. 1 CCUNiG d ascrjpticntl 'i ~ ~r.=~~========== ~~: CUJnmuul<:aUon skjil g Communlty ~ielle ly.c cj;',~r~n!und~mcnw GO ~R=.J~~~~-===::: :: : :: tg~ C<Mnptontel!r and burrou;lus... Ui-1, 16~ g:,:;g~:;::lonnl.tatlatic concept., b""lo ftb operation :! 69 cj:~~~~:~~dg p;o;,ii;niurng:--.;.atoh1 8~ con ~~~~m,-;,d maiorlnii-:::::::::::::: ~g g~~~i:~~t~~~ta~~~rl7.i;-:::::::::::::: =~ g~~~=~:~ ~b~~~~ur_':,_:::::::::::: 1~~ Con.trasta and speojocallonk ll. g:~r:~ ~~~~ 0 t~~cl:fo~~!...::::::::: r~~ Copy prepa.ru.tion c!j"'!.::tn~-~~~~-=====~~~ m Coun~Jins and testing servl ce ~ CoUrse kscri~uodj &MOC.tato de,..-eb collep tranater El'; lor. cod,l~oma and eonterence reportine, auoelate or~~tfo:r~~-==::=::=::: ~~ reportjnr. ccopera.uve :i~f~ e ~:,r,::.~ -::=:::=:::::oi. 1g g~:,~~~ tmnoter or %0 evidence lnvest.lsatjon fll\ V R D ~:~tlve HtlOllltltry ~!tnc= ot=::-_:::::=:::::= ~ 0 ~ : rncn'a r an uent.h: lsi woman'a llm.rmenl!t: Deal!:llltl' Dk:.sel G. J7'i Diesel and h t!'-\"y cqulp.qtc.qt n)ctbt&.n~. % Yr. c.!h>lo:nn. progmnt JU g~~~lleb un~ drh c Hnco C.Onl put.t.r programnl fdb --~ U computera Dlnln.g r oom Dlplonln. progr ott\8 couroe de~~<rh> OD list or Dl~ o.nd altornaun~; current t unrla.mentuht ~ tundamtnta!s laboratory ~ DlverelonA o..nd rehabiutatlve actlvtuea l 9G Dn.nJoc o."'hltcctur al ucbltcetuml theory , DO buslo "- 18 ctvj engjnccrlng , 9 ~:,::~f~t'~-~:_:::::::::::::::iia. ~ ~~ tccho!o:o.l Dra.wlni' DnLWJng ~r~~~~~ --=============== ~ ~~ Jnterpo'Oltatlon ----~ ,18, U6 ma.cbln.t l U Drill prc:qcs ! Duplle.,tlnr tenhnlquu i E E&rth ""lejloe l H E<OliOliu , ll, 00.Wonomlcs, >Utilncao , 00 P.JecUvea Kacu tor as.ooc!atc degree probu~~ 'tord'ipiotmprosniili&=: tli Jm:,'J'e&,!.,bnnl""' n sy al<ma Eloetrlelty los!lloctrlcltl'. tundn!jlentala 0( n; Blect ro mcchnuical mllchtncs ' ' Blectrontc c:jroults.,._.... t!i clr011lto laboratory communication S ~~;:>~~C:nt~1~gn~~~~-:::::::::::::: J=~ metrolo&y lillectronlu, radio, and tctcvlolon oerv- J:Jioc~~~~fb \lj~n~~~~~~:~~~~~c@;cc l:f projlroon H Emc~ncy antot 1 ~m'~_!'!~:~~:~.:~-~-~~: 79 rticuo ~ E!aJplayment upoorlunltles ortontauon plllc:r'cnt work Ab i<jy ~ Earlne lotbe , 181 produetloo Rl Rtlq!nfJ ~~ Eo~rlloll composition l iiu Entrance req,ulrcmcnt : o Equ l~>n~&ftt app&ratwo and orote:oa Y.uf'O~ and the mnoleno world --- )10 &r. ~ ~! r F, pbyaleal ~~ ::;~~:. r.ruil::"-====~ ~ m Facl!U.. =~~~ ti:d~~~r:~ -============= ~ : ~ mereha.ndlajnr. a..ssoclflte dcgreo pro-..j":c!toini.' -PriDCiiiiUOi-:::::~ ' ~~ merch~~.r.dl ~nj:, retail, yr. illplomu. pl:~-;,;:n P<omotiOftiad eoordtii.it~ l~:... -=========== m p rlnclploo, trurvey or &1 ~g~~ p~~rr show t.cchniques 6t ~f~ , 11 exportcneo.&eminar ~ tr~lnlng.!femtnar ~~~~~~~.~r:~r~~fpte&-<>-r-:::::::::=:::! 1 l~ ~~:riclul uhla;, atudeil.t : 11, 1G ndndnlltratlon, leg&! A.apcotfl ot "lli Llf nt H)'l-itc ms and communlcatlone?6 f~~~n~a~~~ (:~-~~-~~~~:~_:::::: ~: prevention protection H 11rotccUon ayateru.e S HCi c nee t cchnol o~:;y, 1\.M!OCinto degree J>ro~:rarn u Upp~aston '1U Fltlln.: :~ :~J ~~~er&tloftpiobfima-:::: Jl+ Folio preponotlon H B'ood aad be etaa"e mana eme.at and et.m" o n 1 :"bmragepurebo.oioii"::::== m lntrodw:tloll to Jlrep:u-Atlon uefslan~ 1 yr. djptoum Tlr:~t~n-:=:=:::=:=ist, i7i, lfl r:~~~-~~~-======== m ~'Vloo aatlotant, 1 yr. diploma pro-..,f.;f~ iheory ======== m ~g~g/ r,: "::t~~";,\,al~~-=====:: ~~ ~~c~o.~~--~~~:~::... :=::==:=:: 1i~ =Lg~!~nw~;a~r:_:::=::::::::: 11J Fur and millinery techntqull>l &7 H HcniUl <:OoepU US Hirvl ! Key punch - K lu

115 :,. _, ) t,. {.. il\, ::'. ' '.- lh ~~~~~!: -===== ~==::::: :::_:::: sii, m design mlllntcnance ~~~;y:~e~- -======== :::::::::::::::::::: l\faehhi<j m HhOp, % yr. diploma jl ro~:rnou - - -lhl, 1;' Hhop :1 whup tor related trndew whorthnncl '7. 68 t~chnh1 U<>~~ tor tu llor Making of modern Eu_..>JOO ~!~~7:~~~~}n!~~~~~~~" -::::::::::::: ~~ Marlcellnll', ussoclutc de~rl'c pragrii.- ~ T. 8 bnslc JG Cundamentala ot ~. 156 genccnl yr. diploma. prdgram - 1~8. 19 ndustrial, lundnmcntuls oc H~ nmnagor.1cnt h principles ot n rl!llenrch ~ techniques Ma.rrlota;o and the tnmlly Materlnls teatlng % Mathematical annlywl~ ,11 Mathcmt.tiC!J applied U applied busl ne~ts !i9, 15' data. proc1!1!sing DS!Of' clothing trades &7 merchancllae u retail technical \lcchanlca l dca18n technology, MBOCiate dcgroo program ~ H. ~9 drn!ung, 1 yr. diploma program ;_ 19 sketching ltteoha.dc!j ,!!, 108 Medical a.nd eurglool n ursing, baslo &~~~~Btant, 1 yr. d lplomc. progrrun cthic!j e thics nnd l.nw lnboro.tory procedures !1 h\ boratory record& Jnw otftcc prnctiec 197 and procedures , 10 1 HcOrd eelenee records proetlcum A,.ecrctary, nssoolll.tci degree program 5U stenog s tenograph:; raphy otllc i prooodurea B 161 stenok!'phy typewriting lgl terminology ---~ , 1.9 1, 107 tra.nscrlptlonll.t, 1 yr. <llplomn pro- K!'lm :11 Ycnu plannllls' and nutrition l G9 Y crchancllae ~!f/:g;~,~hn~~=======:::::: 1 ~l MetaUogrcphy Metnllurgtcnl technology, lls~oclatc de- s cc prosrom MetAllurgy tunda.mentals o( prlnclplea or !! ctl\ln-lnduatrlal exploration sr. otalworklng OR ~ etrology, elcetronlc SG Jotlc:robioto«Y Millin~; n1achine l Modern Europe, maklnlt or Mn.11lc &Jiprecfatton l>fule theory, be~l nnlnl:' a N Now a.nd uacd car preparation and acccaaorlos ~ Non-tcxtttca -----~ n Non-lcxlllc,;, ~ lln' C )' nf Ll Nurslru,: B~i~tnnt 'OJ:TUU ! n the houlc ot chlld~n J 95 or lntnnte and mothere ot 111cntally ~ llig t>'occdurco and ellnlcnl prnctlcc ~ t he ndult patient J 9G Nutrition OS 0 ObJectlvoa OecupatiOnlll reai!qrch rescurch and annl)'al therapy anel~tant ~ OHco a.nd ~ersonncl management mld-mnnnscmcnt, associate des-reo pr~~~~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::: te~ One- and two-year dlplunm l>l"llj;r;u"~ U S Opcratln~ room as!<istnnt L~ :l Optical tooling ' B~ Orgunlo chcml,gtr,r :tl Organlantlon nnd allmlnlatmllon G und prcocdurc H Orientation ----Gl.?0.?G. so. 8,. 87,,a, 96. 1GG, , 117, 180. llll, 18fi, 18:l Orientation t o Jlllr&-medlcnl D8 Ont.~ldc worl' ~ p P~per and nk atu.tles tr.r ~!::t!n!esmri"mcni" 1 practices procedu re Pathology Patn>l procedures Pattern devot011ment !1 mn.lc:lng, p rlnc.lple or HWd)' l fo fl J>eraontLl adjustments l~u vocational relatlonshipi ---U, U, lufi Peroonnel acrviccfll ltudcnt :1 Petrolewn market ng,. ag»>clato dogroo program :1 PharmaeoiOJ'Y ~. ld' Philosophy ll P.hotoaraphy Cor comn>erolal a1-tir!h :1 graphic aru lu ln <luatrtal :1 lntroducuon to Phyaleal taellltlcs Physics , H, 0U Plctarlal Uitratlon U rr:r,~sen~ :::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ) ~ ~ P latcmnklng Pollee Cienoo wchnology, 1-0cln.to degree program Porii:~han lc ~--- '10~ ~awing ~ sowing,!utulnmcntnl !8 C train Prnotlca.l nur~lng, 1 yr. Lllplomn tn o- gram ~ P rnctlcum H Prc buslnc~" cilucntlon ~tnd ntlntlnlstrn- ~on Pre-lnrlwotrlnl cducl\tio n snd tcchnolog)" Printing estlmilung lgg production G fit p 1 o1jallon and cl lsmlw~al, ucm l<!nolo ~; l''occm C:Olor Pro< net l~'!lb;n ~~~ Pi'Oclllt!llon plnnn ln ~ uml coutrol ---- log Prcrc~ 1onnl o rhmt a llon tor dunla l 11\Xlhu'!H tn \'i'o!;l'alnllllnt; ~ ten o~. Jnli'Oductlon to r.~ Propct ty n unnccmcnt nnd dovolotooiicill Gl. J>~~~~ft~~f' uhllll H8 ~t~;~~:~ 0 ~o~1tooib :::::=:::::=: s 7.~~~~~o:~~~~~~rJ;:s~~~':.~lo-;.-:: ::::=: m l"ubllc op kld!r Punchool ea 'll operation H~ Q Qnn.ntii.Hth e unalnls SS, '6 Qu«ntlb' rood urcp11rauon ~tnd ~crvlcc1 yr. dlplom!~ progruut Hb, 1G R lttulio und tclc\ laltm Jj(!r VC: HcadlnJ: mprovement 9r., 11 Reniln>lttonoo Z n~~p~il~lo Gl nfi!oc!lto dqifi'co program G, 6G ctllic" Rf c~~n~ : :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 01 principles o r GO Jlc:tl property and cwmalty lnsurnncu nccurtlu Jaw tnanugemont !1, 169 nt Retund!l Re~:lstrotlon Reller prc~a operations lb:t Repairing ana prenlng men's,.armczjta, woman's gnrm~nts i n'j,~~lng n meroh!llldlalng mnthcmntlca G6 n'}t:a~l~ff~cnws or m pr lnolplca or ~ G He port Wl'ltlng, tochnlcnl o, 9 Rc~ro!ll oetlon J>roccssca, survey or s Sales ~ lco.dcrsh lj> l<luaerahlt> development -----~ RD!;etuenl ~~ t ecl1.nlqtte "~~'"_:'~~~ G fundamentals ot J>rlnclplea or :t Scllt!<lnlo ln Cormatlon ~~ Sehuh1rshlpa Schuh.uotlc. ''! t>rocedures nnd polle!c:s ~ Rcr:;;~~~~~i~~~t:r :::::::::::::::::::::: 6 Science, applleol Se~f!~~~t,\ p ~~~~~~;-::::::::::::::::::::::: :~ liclonce, nmodntc degree p rosram - ii G, 67 sclonca GG Mc lence n1njor, collel:'e trllnatet pro- 10 w.frk~1 1 :op--:=:::::::::::=::=:=: GG!;ecrctnry lesal, 1 yr. tllplorna. pt ogrnn ;;z ma<ll.:nl, 1 yr. diploma program --- "" a Sc!mlnar ----8~. 87, 80, OS, U7, l'ig, 18, 180 l'lcrvlco " llll\mll;cment s1 1 s. 11hop on:anl;mtlon gln.tlon "trlion n'unnscmcnl lnlct n~hh> G fi.:.!., station null katll)l: ~ G~ :S>Cr ~ 18. Shop prncllco!h nnd X l'h ~ onallc M t 7 Shorthand l07, 160 noachlno H. oa flkctchln!;, rncchttn1cl Small en~;lnc repnlr Small enslne rormlr, 1 )'1', cllpiol\111. pro g rlll!'l Small store 1111\hll!;CiliCDt ! OJJC'l.tlOil Sodnl stutlle~ sociolo~;y Spanlah lou, llo Speclnl tnijrk~ ~'Ofl~truc llon flpcclnl problcum Speech , 1 l G, 01 SponsOring school <llntrlct~ Stato Olld local 110\'0rntnent Statl ~tic!j, bulncs" ~D Steel <leta.lllng J1 Stcnogrnphcr, 1 yr. dlplom.. pt'ogrnno - 16 legal, t yr. djplomo. progrnm medical, 1 yr. dlplonn progmm Stcno~:rnphv Streni;tlt ot n>atcrir , tl St~~~~~-,tlc~ J8 athletics attcncltu1cc council ~ counhclln~ nml tck\ng aervlcc~ 1 llnanclo.l nl~s , 16 ~overnmcut health t~crv lccs housln~ loudj;o :.! ~~~Ttt~ ~,f~ ~::~~~-~~~-t~--=::: ~: pcraonncl oorvicc!j S ocrvlccs sto.n: :oa study loaol Suney ot Utcrnturc Su"eyln,; ~1 Sy tcms o.nd proecolurc~ GO 'l'ui~~:~len lalw T o! fi prooeucs G7 t wo-year diploma. t>rograno U9, 150 women'y g nrments lsg Te&clter coordinators na rej~i:j~ mathematlc methods or nnnlysla report writing' ~ , a~ science D 'l'ermlnolog'y TestlmOfl:Y, clmr~;c f. ttnd deposition - ~8 Teats adrnlssiotls Texttloa ~rone a nd coloo JH'ocesM To~~d 1\xture <lcalb"fl --- ~ and part.a lnypccllon design maintenance ~ T~g~lc 9 Urveylng (1 rr~~~nt nrat :~.ii ~ eontrol rrnnacrtr>tjon !_l~ ' l' i'l l.d'-c' jlt~ " ' \. ~ ~... J '

116 NO ~!Y.C.u. JNuux NUMERCAL NDEX -.-. ' : i ~.. u UN<' and now co.r J)rl! dellvery H.rvloo 81 v Vest oon~trucuou --- ~ Ut! lfil-lll Accounting t -~ ~1 lm-lu J~l~1~:: ~~ ~~:~~r~~~n;; -:: a Hll-lU m; 111- ll& ~~~"l ~~~tl~~uictit"'a«oiln-t: 10-'-16 u ~~f~~p~~v:ft~esfsn-::=: ~ '"l:' &-1$9 G< Accounting U-ntcrmcdlo.te 68 10~-ltl.Fuhlon Ftant'llns;'. Proznotton 101-1~ Accoununc t'v-)tnnu&:erlul.. 58 and coordt!ultton Gi 101-1! Accounuru; Vll-lllc:Qme Tnx ~ P rlnc\j)\e5 of lras h1un Mer ~~ 1 68 cht10jbin~; "" ~ ~t'~ani-i7=c08t-::::::: ~s FB11hfon Sho~ Tcx-llhi('JlleR , GovcJ nmenta.l.. o\.ccoontlnll' Clothing D~1tl~ nn,1 ~lett Mnchlno OralculutJon ~.. n-ftii.. iiiilhtmat!ca-:: x=~tm~ ir-==--==:=== i~ li"aahlon n ust'm.es At."COuntlng m Marketlnc M!l.noccment CrC!dlt Prvcedur~ G ~~~tl~\~c~~ nttrlg-::::::= i~~ 10(-17 O c::c:upn.t1on ~cl!c a.rt:h om\ 10 1-~0 GS Lc~~~~w~~~~~i, ~~~t~~~~w~ 1a 10(-175 Ft:f~n~ :~~ --*"------;-:::: ~0l 'Ma.r'k&tlng,_ &a "r~~;tt.k~cji~~g;~.r~r"~~: uaa.lli!tii :._ 15! 10-'!0 1 0 ~105. ~~~~~ ~~'if,j SOle l'roprlctorsllir> J\<:cnunt r tar, Baste Art E lement» ~... 1U6 101-MG P~~fnersihtP -Aeeo~ntrn.;- :::: Uf 10'-08 Survey o! Fn.shlon rrlnciplcj :u~ Corporation.Accr.untllllr W~&raro b!l CoordlnAtton - -:-- UG 101-."U!O ntermodjatc Accounting l"undamotjblls ot Snle.~man Prl)btal't1J! )( 101-!0 l llcomo T.o:C Acc:auntlU-;' --- ua. 10,-1 or1~iftattott-::::::=:::::::: Ui 101-:17 Ac:countln&-Cost }0-:llli Basic Sn.lesmttnBhlp ~1-~1~ Pa.yroH Acc.ounUng U OC- 1& Fatnlon Sho\.- Procedure Re.t.QJ lru.ehjon coordfnmiort 15'1 1~~ 1 0 lcuthonlatlcs ~9 101-US ExperJ~nce SenUm\r Hi ( StatllltiC~ l 0t-Jl9 Technlquoa o! Meretumdlr:e 10 ~-116 Me.n n.~nfll cnt DJapha.y !-1G ut Flnill.ttcc C- J0 Sal.eo~~~ Ltunfe.r.::.hJp Davetop m:m 10-1&( Or;:a.nlzn.tt0\1 nu(t A m n str:ttlon D toc'-1 stt'?~n~rai"n~emctlt-=::=: 10- t:s omen 1tnd. Personnel ltfnhll.h., ! Ft nde.mental» ot RetnU.Adme.nt GO S1~~ro~e -apefitjod::=: U~ g,.'"stomt and Procct!urc:...-- n! O...SZ Mn.nl'l.sement 're:::hntquca... 6D L0 ~-5 l.,u ~f\.mantn.l $ ot,\dvertl ~lng Enu~loym~nt Oppoth\r.Ue~ ~ - -,. 1!18 }&i:u Community Plunnlne:: Fnnf1 a.~ 10-6 OeeuJM.tlonn) Re..re.t,rch... l!ilii menta.l" ~0 l0~-185 Rer..l Etta.\e Et.M~e - --~- to ~g::m 10%- 110 eo 10-6 Fuhlon Retatt Bttvlng %-18~ H7 PundanteJJt&.la ot..rctnllln.; - US Ul <~~r ~~~tl~~~~~~~u~-== fu =c\j;~~l~! J!~~-~~~~...:: m:m 'Rcn! Rea.l Est&te F.stato A Flnaneo pprllfjj;l( - J t1 Gl ~~~~~n o'l' ~~r~r~ures 11~ 10-1R1 Rea l E:itntc Anvra. r~;al n <0 },,ood uml Bcvcrn,se Mnn&g'e- 10!-190 PtD~~rt~oan~ n~~~~::=--~~ Gl 10(- 1! Fr~~b}hn! ~~~or~-~:::: Ul 1(} &tel-motel.a.ccounun~r RCfJstr=trAi~~-~~~:~ ~t 101--H Food. Nld P..OVQTD1;'0 J>urehRJ~~ 10- ntrodtjcuon to ~u.slne tot n!; tks Rei P\\1" HS..e1al S:.cc.retatto.t LAw! ~ Comptometcr ttncl Dtlrruughs t..ec:!\1 Scr.:rct.nt.&J La.w li... '~ CG r &' lo!i-1)~ Applied Bue:ln efl~ )fo.tht!mnt.. 1 6~\.C Comptomelcr n... nml Dnrrour;hu..,. tua lea ---~ --- ~ tos-:nr. nccorll."'.mana.~~nt oa-a~o JOo-S Prlnclplep; pt Bualneu ~~~: ~~=rj~& m:m..:=:::: t:g 10~-!C t..ogul Stonogr.>;>._ """' _ 161 Maehtno Cnlculatfob '15 l06-g Lemtl Stcno.srAJ'htr Lnt'i ~ lco D\mJJ.co.Un~: Tenhnlque.t...-- l~g ~-10 nuslnes~ l\f6c"l1lner~ l[ili u.tltll Wnr"ktthoo Science SG 10(-llt OrlenttLUon ----~ ct log-11 Science CC.11- LM Prtl'lcJflleA. nt M n.rkl'-t\n,:; ---- tt log-us sct~nca nt.._..._ G t Ol-10 6! tnc-uo Selene(! lv _... G N;}~~~~; J~S:~~\O!ilTP-: 6 1D<l-l ccrctarlol Scfo.n~ 1 C "Sr.W Store Ma.~tment --! '106-1; AnnHed Sec.t"Ctt\tt.:tl Selcnee loc-101 Scrvtro StAtion Management cr Service StnUon J.aTk.etlng -- G! 10G-11 l ''ype, rlttrj.c;- r - g:.---~---- lm- loi Sl!rvlce Statkfn ntert'l~hlp -- 6 l OG-US 'r~wrltlng:. l ~ llo J...cflder$hlt> ~~=r~m~ Rr 1 _::::::::::: ~ 7 10-Ul D-lH ~J'~b~~lefaii..:::::: 6S 10C-19 Seeretr..ria.\ Mo.ehtn~ ol- t!t e UJu u Court Or!cntnUon --~ ne Buyt~ Jn Merctumt, tt~l~ ::~~~,\ 1 t1 =:::: 67 nc '~ lon-h 67 '!1.1

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