PASCO COUNTY SCHOOLS Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan (FBA/BIP) Guide

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1 PASCO COUNTY SCHOOLS Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan (FBA/BIP) Guide


3 Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide information to support teams in the development and implementation of Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans (FBA/BIP). This is not intended to be an exhaustive text, as many reference materials on the concepts of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and FBA/BIP exist. The four steps discussed this guide for the FBA/BIP process align with the problem- solving process as outlined in Guiding Tools for Instruction Problem Solving. See the resources section for information on reference materials. The FBA/BIP process is based on the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). ABA seeks to determine relationships between the environment and behaviors. While the internal or emotional state of the individual is important, the science of ABA seeks to define and measure observable behaviors. ABA has many techniques, which can be implemented in the classroom setting to increase or decrease behaviors. The FBA/BIP process should be completed by a team of professionals with parental/guardian input and participation. The size and members of the team will vary based on the complexity of the problem behavior and the student s needs. The classroom teacher must be a member of the team. Additionally, a team member knowledgeable in behavioral principles should be involved. In cases where the team is using the FBA/BIP process to pursue ESE eligibility, either initial or additional areas of exceptionality, informed consent from the parent/guardian is required. The District School Board of Pasco County (DSBPC) has developed processes and forms to assist teams completing FBA/BIPs. The Behavioral Multi- Tiered Systems of Support: Guiding Questions Flow Chart guides teams through the process of examining tiered levels of behavioral supports provided at the school, class, and student levels. This guide will assist teams in determining if a student needs Tier III levels of behavioral supports, including a FBA/BIP. See resource appendix. The Brief FBA/BIP process is intended to assist teams in thinking about problem behaviors in a functional way. It relies on indirect methods of data collection and has a more consultative model. The Comprehensive FBA/BIP process is intended to assist teams with more complex behaviors, or when a problem behavior serves multiple functions. It relies on direct observation and data collection systems. Typically, this process will require multiple meetings to review and analyze data. The Wraparound FBA/BIP process is intended to assist teams in supporting students with the most complex behavioral concerns. These students often have intensive mental health needs and complex life events necessitating expertise in Revised /0/

4 behavioral principles, community resources, and/or trauma- informed care. This process involves the collaboration of multiple agencies and the student s support plan will extend beyond the scope of the school. Involvement of a certified behavior analyst and Office for Student Support Programs and Services staff is required. These additional personnel assist teams in developing and coordinating services, as well as, securing resources to meet the student s individual needs. In cases involving physical aggression or self- injurious behavior that lead to "serious bodily injury," school teams should immediately develop a crisis plan. Once the crisis plan is implemented, teams should begin the FBA/BIP process. See resource appendix for Crisis Plan forms. Teams should also consider the development of a Crisis Plan if the team believes that the student s problem behavior is danger to the students or others. Facilitating the FBA/BIP Process Conducting the FBA/BIP process can be challenging for teams. Often individual team members have strong opinions about the problem behavior and the underlying motivation behind the problem behavior. These opinions may be based on facts or the emotional state of the individuals involved. The facilitator of the group strives to ensure that all voices are heard during the process. Additionally, the facilitator must guide team members to focus on observable facts and events. The facilitator utilizes questioning skills to gather information from the team members to guide the team through the FBA/BIP process. Throughout the process, the facilitator must work to build consensus among the team, as well as, build buy- in for all members to actively engage in the process. The facilitator must guide the team to appropriately assess of the feasibility of the data collection, interventions, etc. for the classroom staff who will be responsible for implementing the activity. The facilitator might ask the teacher(s) Can you do this in your classroom? If the teacher(s) is unsure that they will be able to implement the FBA or BIP, the facilitator must work with the team to identify alternatives or secure support and resources for the teacher(s). Demographic Information Both the Brief and the Comprehensive FBA/BIP forms request teams to complete basic demographic information about the student. The Comprehensive FBA/BIP also requests teams to summarize relevant background information about the student. Teams should review educational records to determine if there is background information relevant to the student s current needs and problem behavior. Additionally, teams may choose to interview parents and the student as part of the Revised /0/

5 data collection process. See resource appendix for parent and student interview forms. Functional Behavior Assessment - Step : Problem Identification In order to develop a FBA/BIP, teams must determine the problem behavior to be addressed. At times, students may have multiple problem behaviors. Attempting to address all problem behaviors at once may not be feasible for the teacher or may not allow for focused intervention to change the student s behavior. When determining the problem behavior to be addressed in the FBA/BIP, consider the following: Is the behavior harmful or dangerous to the student or other individuals? Does the behavior interfere with the student s learning? Does the behavior interfere with other students learning? Does the behavior interfere with or impede social relationships? Does the behavior occur frequently? Is the behavior age appropriate? These questions may assist with prioritizing the behaviors to be addressed. The behaviors of concern can also be ranked placing the behavior having the most significant impact on the student s success. Defining the Problem Behavior Before a behavior can undergo assessment, it must be clearly defined in specific, observable, and measurable terms. The definition of the problem behavior should be clear enough that any observer could determine if a behavior has occurred. If the definition of the problem behavior has multiple aspects (tantrum = screaming, throwing materials and hitting staff), then all aspects of the behavior must occur in order to be counted as an example of the problem behavior. Non- example: Laura throws tantrums. Example: Laura will drop to the floor, cry loudly, swing her arms, and kick her feet. Non- example: Donavan is aggressive towards peers and staff. Example: Donavan will strike peers and staff with an open hand. Non- example: Joey is off- task. Example: Joey will tap his fingers or pencil on the desk while looking away from the teacher or his assignment. Baseline Data Once the problem behavior has been clearly defined, teams must collect baseline data to assist with determining the function of the behavior and set appropriate behavioral goals for the BIP. The data collected should inform the process of determining the relationship between the behavior and the environment. Teams Revised /0/

6 must determine the method of data collection that will to best measure the student s problem behavior. For the Brief FBA/BIP process, teams typically use informal, rather than direct methods of data collection. Teams engaged in the Brief FBA/BIP process may choose to utilize the Motivational Assessment Scale (MAS) or Functional Assessment Scale (FAS) to assist with determining the function of the behavior. See resource appendix MAS and FAS forms. For the Comprehensive FBA/BIP process, teams collect direct and observational data. It is suggested that a minimum of two 0- minute direct observations of the student be completed with the observer using a data collection method determined by the team. Additionally, it is suggested that ongoing data collection by the teacher may assist the team during the FBA/BIP process. Consider the classroom setting and demands on the teacher when selecting a data collection system. At least three to five data points are needed to establish a baseline. Methods of Data Collection Antecedent Behavior Consequence (ABC) Recording system of anecdotal report where the antecedent, behavior, and consequence are recorded. This system allows teams to analyze the relationships and patterns between the behavior and the events immediately before and after the behavior. It can be helpful in determining the function of the behavior. ABC card templates are available to assists team with data collection. Behavior Rating Scale (BRS) system of data collection where teams define specific behavioral anchor points on a - point rating scale. The anchor points can indicate frequency, intensity, duration, or latency of a behavior. The teacher then circles a number on the scale for each recording period that corresponds with his or her perception of the behavior. The BRS is an efficient way to collect data for comparison between different settings or contexts and between baseline and intervention implementation. Additionally, the BRS system is self- graphing. More information to design a BRS is under the Intervention Data section of this document. Duration Recording system of data collection measuring the time for which the behavior occurs, from its initiation to conclusion. Frequency Recording system of data collection reporting the number of times a behavior occurs during an observation period. Interval Recording system of data collection in which the observation period is divided into a number of short equal intervals, typically, 0, or seconds in length. The observer counts the number of intervals in which the behavior occurs rather than the instances of behavior. Revised /0/ 6

7 Latency Recording system of data collection reporting the time period between the presentation of the stimulus and the initiation of a response. Rate Recording system of data collection reporting the frequency of a behavior during a defined time period as a ratio. It is most often used to compare the occurrences of behavior when observation periods vary in length. Time Sampling system of data collection in which the observation is divided into a number of short equal intervals, typically minutes in length. The observer counts the number of intervals in which the behavior occurs rather than the instances of behavior. Resource appendix has samples of data collection methods listed above. Functional Behavior Assessment - Step : Problem Analysis Problem analysis allows teams to determine why the problem behavior is occurring. This step seeks to determine the antecedents that cue the problems behavior, the function of the problem behavior, and if the problem behavior is related to specific people, situations, or activities. In the problem analysis step, teams analyze the data collected and develop a hypothesis. If the problem analysis is incorrect, it is unlikely that the Behavior Intervention Plan will be effective. Setting Events Setting events are circumstances in the student s life that may make it more likely that a student will engage in a problem behavior. Setting events may be environmental, physiological, or social. These events may occur directly before the antecedent, or hours or days before the antecedent. Examples of setting events may include noisy conditions, hunger, thirst, sleep deprivation, previous conflict, etc. Setting events may be changed or manipulated to address problem behavior. If setting events cannot be changed or manipulated, teams may choose to develop a plan to implement when the setting events are present and may impact the student s behavior. Antecedents Antecedents are observable events that occur immediately before a behavior. The antecedent serves as a cue for the behavior to occur and must be repeatedly reinforced to continue to cue the behavior. The purpose of identifying the antecedents in the FBA process is to determine ways to change the environment to reduce the likelihood the problem behavior will occur. Consequences Every behavior results in a consequence. In behavioral terms, a consequence is not a disciplinary action, but rather a consequence can be used to either increase or Revised /0/ 7

8 decrease a behavior. Consequences are any stimulus presented contingent on a specified response. Identifying the consequences that are maintaining the problem behavior will allow the team to develop a replacement behavior which achieves that same consequence for the student. Over time reinforcement of the replacement behavior will increase the likelihood that the student will engage in the replacement behavior rather than the problem behavior. Functions A behavioral function is why the behavior is occurring. The two functions of behavior are either to gain or to escape. Students engage in problem behavior to achieve a change in the environment to meet the two identified functions. Students may use the same behavior at different times, or with different antecedents, to achieve different functions. Hypothesis The hypothesis statement serves to clearly explain the factors influencing the problem behavior in one concise statement. It includes the antecedent conditions under which the behavior occurs, consequences that maintain the behavior, and the perceived function the behavior serves for the student. Hypothesis Format: When (antecedent), the student will (problem behavior), in order to (function). Functional Analysis to Confirm the Hypothesis If the team is having difficulty determining the function of the behavior, a functional analysis may be helpful. In the functional analysis, the antecedents and consequences are systematically manipulated to determine what is maintaining the problem behavior. For additional information on the procedures for conducting a functional analysis, see reference materials listed in the resources section. Replacement Behaviors A functionally equivalent replacement behavior is an alternate behavior that the behavior plan seeks to teach the student, which allows the student to meet the same function as the problem behavior in an appropriate way. For example, if the student is screaming to escape task demands, the functionally equivalent replacement behavior may be to teach the student to request a break, which allows a short escape from task demands. A physically incompatible behavior is a replacement behavior taught, which is physically not possible to complete at the same time as the problem behavior. If a student is wandering the classroom to escape a task, the physically incompatible behavior might be task engagement at the student s desk. For this type of replacement behavior to be effective, the reinforcer given for engaging in the physically incompatible replacement behavior must be more powerful than the reinforcement the student receives from the function of the problem behavior. Revised /0/ 8

9 Teams must carefully consider the use of a functionally equivalent replacement behavior or physically incompatible replacement behavior. Teams must weigh the power of reinforcers maintaining the behavior (i.e., function) and if the replacement behavior is a skill the student currently has in his/her behavioral repertoire. When recommending replacement behaviors consider the student s ability to communicate and whether a communication skill would be an appropriate replacement behavior. Eliminating a problem behavior alone does not ensure success for the FBA/BIP process. If the student is not taught an appropriate replacement behavior, the student may engage in a different problem behavior to achieve the function that was achieved by the original problem behavior. Replacement Behavior Format: When (antecedent), instead the student will (replacement behavior), in order to (function). Behavior Intervention Plan - Step : Intervention Development and Implementation During BIP development, teams focus on what will be done to decrease the problem behavior and increase appropriate behaviors. The BIP guides teams through intervention development and implementation by identifying what will be done, who is responsible for doing it, and when and where it will occur. Data are collected to determine the student s rate of progress. Additionally, fidelity data are collected to determine if the plan was successfully implemented. Crisis Plan When a student s problem behavior poses a risk of physical injury to the student or others the team should consider developing a crisis plan. The crisis plan describes what actions will be taken by staff to ensure the safety of the student and others. The crisis plan also must describe how the student will be returned to his/her scheduled day. Behavioral Goals Both the Brief and Comprehensive FBA/BIP process requires teams to develop behavioral goals for the student in the BIP. The behavioral goal must identify the student by name, the target behaviors, and the criteria for mastery of the goal. The BIP requires teams to set goals for increasing the replacement behavior and decreasing the problem behavior. These goals are based on the baseline data collected and should be measureable and achievable for the student. For example, if the student performs the problem behavior at a very high rate, a goal of no incidents of the problem behavior may not be appropriate for the student. Revised /0/ 9

10 Conversely, if the student has never performed the replacement behavior, a goal of the student performing the replacement behavior at a high rate in multiple settings throughout the day may not be achievable. Teams must carefully consider these goals as they assist with determining the long- term effectiveness of the BIP. Intervention Plan The intervention plan component of the BIP asks teams to develop the interventions for the student. These interventions are in the areas of Antecedent Interventions, Teaching Interventions, and Consequence Interventions (more information below for each area). Teams are required to identify key aspects of each intervention including: What will be done?; Who is responsible?; When will it occur?; and How will support be provided for the intervention? The interventions developed must align with the function of the problem behavior and must be feasible for the teacher working with the student. If the interventions are not feasible for the teacher, they cannot be implemented and, therefore, will not be successful for the student. Each intervention must be task analyzed by the team. Task analysis is the process of breaking down complex sets of behaviors into their component parts. The intervention plan task analysis section describes the actions the teachers and staff working with the student will take in order to prevent, teach, or reinforce the behaviors. The task analysis of the interventions should be clear enough that anyone could easily follow the steps and perform the intervention with the student. Coaching for Implementation of the BIP Team members who are responsible for implementing the BIP will often need training and coaching to do so effectively. Once teams have task analyzed the interventions, teams must determine whom on the team needs to be trained to implement the plan and who on the team will provide the training/coaching. At a minimum, the classroom teacher implementing the plan must be trained. Training on the plan should include direct instruction of the plan using modeling, role- playing, and/or practice sessions with the student. This training should take place when students are not present or if the target student is present then with no other students present. The training seeks to build confidence and comfort with the steps in implementing the interventions. Feedback to the teacher, as well as, input from the teacher is essential in this process. The chart developed for the Fidelity Observation (see below) is a tool to assist in the training process. Ideally, the teacher will score 00% proficient with the steps in the plan during this training session before starting the intervention with the student. When beginning interventions with the student, a key aspect of coaching is ensuring ongoing technical assistance for the teacher. The teacher and coach should agree upon the process of delivering technical assistance (modeling, observation of teacher, etc.). Ideally, the first day the teacher is attempting the intervention the Revised /0/ 0

11 coach would be present to assist with implementation and provide feedback and support. The coach may also assist by problem solving with the teacher to further refine the intervention. Initially the need for technical assistance may be greater and, over time, this would diminish as the teacher becomes proficient with the interventions. Antecedent Interventions Antecedent interventions are changes to the environment or setting that assist with preventing the problem behavior from occurring. These interventions may include using visual strategies (schedules, social stories, visual direction cards), student s seat location, providing choice, non- contingent positive reinforcement (catch them being good), etc. The antecedent interventions selected must align with the antecedents identified in the problem analysis. Teaching Interventions Teaching interventions are skills that will be taught to the student. These skills may be incompatible with the problem behavior or allow the student to access the same function (escape or gain) as the problem behavior. There must be clear alignment between the function of the behavior, replacement behavior, and teaching interventions. If the teaching interventions do not teach the student to utilize the replacement behavior, the BIP is unlikely to succeed. Consequence Interventions Consequence interventions are used to maximize the use of the replacement behavior and to minimize the use of the problem behavior. These interventions should include methods of reinforcement to increase the replacement behavior, as well as, methods that prevent the student from having access to the identified function when the problem behavior is demonstrated. Consequence Systems Consequences can be manipulated to change behavior. Consequences may increase or decrease behavior. The type of consequence (reinforcement, extinction, punishment) is determined by the student s behavior after the consequence has been administered. Reinforcement the relationship between a behavior and the consequence where the behavior is maintained or strengthened by the consequence. Reinforcement always increases or maintains a behavior. Students may find various situations to be reinforcing that are not readily apparent to the adults in the environment. If the function of a behavior is for teacher attention and when the student demonstrates the behavior the teacher yells at the student, then yelling is serving to reinforce (increase/maintain) the behavior. Positive reinforcement the presentation of a stimulus following a behavior, which increases the future probability of the behavior. Revised /0/

12 Negative Reinforcement the removal of a stimulus following a behavior, which increases the future probability of the behavior. Extinction the withholding or terminating positive reinforcement for a problem behavior, which decreases the future probability of the behavior. Punishment the presentation of a stimulus following a behavior, which decreases the future probability of the behavior. Over time, the power of reinforcers will change. It is essential to continuously evaluate the potency of reinforcers and make changes, as needed, to maintain appropriate levels of reinforcement for the student. Fidelity Observation The BIP requires the team to develop a plan for fidelity and complete fidelity observations. It is suggested that fidelity be assessed each time technical assistance and coaching is provided. At a minimum, more than one observation must be completed at different times of the day. These observations seek to determine if the staff members implementing the interventions are effectively following the planned interventions. If there are areas of concern identified in the fidelity observations, teams must convene for coaching or retraining on the identified interventions. Over time, fidelity can become less consistent. It is important to assess fidelity of the interventions regularly to avoid drift away from ideal implementation. Intervention Data To assess the effectiveness of the BIP, data on the replacement behavior and problem behaviors are required. Teams should develop a plan to collect this data during the implementation of the BIP. Ideally, the behavior data collected would be similar to the data from the baseline in order to make comparisons. The data from the baseline and intervention phases must be graphed. A dashed line on the graph indicates the different conditions between baseline and intervention. Each time the team changes the intervention approach, a dashed line indicates that change. Behavior Rating Scale The Brief FBA/BIP process recommends the use of a Behavior Rating Scale (BRS) to collect intervention data. This data collection system is also recommended as an efficient way to collect data for teams using the Comprehensive FBA/BIP process. Begin developing the BRS by determining the anchor points for problem behavior on the - point scale. Revised /0/

13 Step : Determine or estimate the occurrence of the problem behavior on a typical day (e.g. - 6 times, 0 minutes, etc.). This becomes anchor on the scale. Step : Determine a reasonable goal for the problem behavior by the end of the intervention period. This becomes anchor on the scale. NOTE: no occurrences of the problem behavior may not be a reasonable goal depending on the occurrence of the problem behavior on a typical day. Step : Set anchor as a worse than typical day for the problem behavior. Step : Set anchor points and as intermediate steps between the typical day (anchor ) and the reasonable goal (anchor ). As the BRS is completed, it creates a graph of the student s behavior. For the problem behavior, the graph should show a decrease, so the worst day is listed as anchor and the goal is listed as anchor. Next the team sets the anchor points for the replacement behavior. These anchor points are reversed to show an increase in the replacement behavior. Step : Determine or estimate the occurrence of the replacement behavior on a typical day. This becomes anchor on the scale. Step : Determine a reasonable goal for the replacement behavior by the end of the intervention period. This becomes anchor on the scale. Step : Set anchor as a worse than typical day for the replacement behavior. Step : Set anchor points and as intermediate steps between the typical day (anchor ) and the reasonable goal (anchor ). Additional information regarding creating a BRS can be found in the reference materials Prevent- Teach- Reinforce: The School- Based of Individualized Positive Behavior Support. Different Types of Anchor Points Frequency anchor points can indicate the actual occurrence of a behavior (e.g. times), a range of occurrences (e.g. - 6 times) or a percentage of time that a behavior occurs (e.g. 0% of the opportunities). Using percent of time allows for comparison between observational periods with different time durations. Revised /0/

14 Examples: = More than times = times = times = times = times = More than 0 times = 8-9 times = 6-7 times = - times = 0- times = More than 0% of opportunities = %- 0 % = %- 0 % = 0%- 0% = Less that 0% Duration anchor points can indicate the actual time of a behavior (e.g. 0 minutes), a range of time (e.g. - 0 minutes) or a percentage of activity that a behavior occurs (e.g. 0% of independent work). Using percent allows for comparison between observational periods with different time durations. Examples: = More than 7 minutes = 6 minutes = minutes = minutes = minutes = More than 0 minutes = 8-0 minutes = - 7 minutes = - minutes =Less than minutes = More than0% of work time = %- 0% = %- 0 % = 0%- 0% = Less than 0% Intensity anchor points indicate the intensity at which a behavior occurs. Behaviors measured with intensity anchor points may be acceptable if the behavior occurred with less magnitude (e.g. screaming vs. whisper). Example: = Ear- piercing = Louder than outside voice = Outside voice = Louder than inside voice = Inside voice Latency anchor points indicate the amount of time that passes once the student prompted before the student initiates the task. Latency can be listed as actual time or as a range of time. Example: = More than 6 minutes elapsed = - 6 minutes elapsed = - minutes elapsed = - minutes elapsed = Less than minutes elapsed As the BRS is primarily a perceptual scale, adjustments to the anchors may be necessary for teams to determine that the original anchor points do not accurately reflect the student s performance of the problem or replacement behaviors. Revised /0/

15 Sample completed BRS: Data collection Directions: Record the date below each day s label. Circle a rating for desired behaviors and problem behaviors. Set anchor points for the behaviors based on the student s current levels of replacement behaviors and problem behaviors. For example: Replacement behavior: Asking for a break = more than 0 occurrences, = 7-9 occurrences, = -6 occurrences, = - occurrences, No occurrences Problem behavior: Hitting teacher and staff = more than 0 occurrences, = -9 occurrences, = 0- occurrences, = -9 occurrences, Less than // // // // // /8/ /9/ /0/ // // Replacement behavior - Define anchor: = more than 0 occurrences, = 7-9 occurrences, = -6 occurrences, = - occurrences, No occurrences Problem behavior - Define anchor: = more than 0 occurrences, = -9 occurrences, = 0- occurrences, = -9 occurrences, Less than Behavior Intervention Plan - Step : Response to Intervention Fidelity of Implementation The fidelity observations assist teams in determining if the BIP is being implemented as planned. The fidelity assessment is essential before making decisions as to the effectiveness of the plan. If the fidelity of implementation is Inconsistent or Not as planned (see Response section of FBA/BIP forms), teams must determine strategies to increase the fidelity of implementation. Decision Once the BIP is being implemented with fidelity, teams must review the post- intervention data collected on the problem behavior and replacement behavior to determine if the plan was effective. Revised /0/

16 Ideally, the data would show a decrease in problem behavior and an increase in replacement behaviors. In this case, teams may decide to establish a new goal or increase the criterion for the goal; expand the intervention by adding different people, setting, or routines; or fade intervention components by fading reinforcement through an intermittent schedule of reinforcement where access to reinforcement is systematically delayed or decreased. If the data does not show improvement in the problem behavior, teams must review the hypothesis to determine if it correctly identifies the function of the behavior. Teams may choose to conduct another FBA to determine the hypothesis and create a revised BIP, to address the revised hypothesis. If the hypothesis is correct and the behavior is not improving, the interventions are insufficient to meet the student s needs. Teams would meet and revise the BIP to include more powerful or modified strategies. Resources Applied Behavior Analysis John Cooper, Timothy Heron, and William Heward Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers, Eight Edition Paul A. Alberto and Anne C. Troutman Guiding Tool for Instructional Problem Solving (GTIPS) State of Florida, Department of State 0 Prevent- Teach- Reinforce: The School- Based of Individualized Positive Behavior Support Glen Dunlap, Rose Iovannone, Donald Kincaid, Kelly Wilson, Katie Christiansen, Carie, English Resource Appendix Behavioral Multi- Tiered Systems of Support: Guiding Questions Flow Chart Crisis Plan Template Interviews Functional Surveys Data Collection Forms Direct Observation Tools Revised /0/ 6

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