0 Well B should accompany the application for aling the Detroit Arsenal for the Or-

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1 Head The Po t For. ' ell s or People You Know K. THE NE POS Fi.'nre 'Time.. loney.'t p in. ewa rk r..;t 11 YSLER WLL UNVEL T -48. T A K JULY 1 w;;;kon Capitol Trail School Scheeltted To Start Next Week r Con trad For Cons truction Awarded To Wilming ton,j., lit' 1'" Firm \1 Meeting Of Di trict noard 'l'hi. Week; Cont rllc,.., Buildi ng' Sched uled Fo r omplel.lon n August, 1953 \\'ork 11 the propo 'cd E. Frances Medi ll School to be built on t Trail is sch duled Lo be.'tarted next week. (APlhO ntracl fo r the bu ilding of t he new elementary. chool was warded T e co hih wcck. to 'Th e R uper t, C ons t l'uc f on C.mpan,Y o f W' - ing ton at a mectlng of :he boald of the Newark SpeCial School Di,trict. Rupert's bid of -t was lowe t of foul' submitted. Other which subm itted bids were: Er-@ Oi aballl1 and Sons. nc., $458,- FO'rner G atluat.e JO1S Sh ppheard and Com pany, nc., Ullivm-sity Military StaH and John E. Healy and Sons, L l. Col. Bernard saac Greenberg, of 3 N. 27th Street, Wilmington, has one.story 12-c1assroom structure been assigned to the staft' of the Military built on an 18-acre plot 1 Department of the University of on Red Mill Road, just oft t h e Delmvare as assistant pro-fessor of military Trail. science a nd tactics. Colonel plans call o" the building Green berg has assumed his new duties. in August ot Colonel G reenberg is a lo'mer student at Delaware and g raduated as a Wilmcr E. Shue, district suhad announced that ofmember of the class of Colonel Brookside Park, proposed and Mrs. G reenberg have two daughters Susan Ann and Beverly Ruth. development just outside of had offered a 1-acre plot within the development as site for a new elementary to Mr. Shue, school ofseeking still another site to 'CCt another elementary within the city limits. point out that if it is to find the site in the city, it will be necessary to look outalthough the opinion is that the children should not be sent from their homes to attend far as possible," says M'. Shue, our policy to locate the elemenschool in sections of the district they are needed." hig hly probable, school officials half-day sessions are a cernext y al' in the elementary duc to crowded conditions. decision can be made at they continued, unt.i l it is how many new pupils w il1 enthe elem entary grades for next only other solution to the of space is to reopen th e Delue building which is in such extensive repairs that officials have just about ruled!his possibility. Ao Rhodes n Highway Last Week.tonard A. Rhodes. '82, of Brandy Springs and formerly a resiof Newa rk, was killed last Thursin a' head-on collision on Kirk Highway at Limestone Road. victim's son, W. Paul Rhodes, is warden at the New Castle Workhouse. to state police, the acci OCCurred when Mr. Rhodes, who driving north on the highway, at- Traffic Situation Wo(-ries Residents Of East Park Place Congratulations n Order Dr, and M.rs. Herbert A. Dom, 618 Academy Street, are shown here receiving a visit from Mrs. Norma Handloff, Newark's Welcome \Vagon Hosless. The vlllit was made on the occasion of the Dorns' admittance to American citizenship n naturalization ceremonies held n U. S. Dlsrlct Court n Wlmlnglon recently. Dr. Dom, 65- year-old, Berlin born eoonomlc professor at the University of Delaware, and his wife, Elsbeth, were classified as "sta.teless" persons prior to the ceremony. Dr. Dom was a judge under e German Wlemar Republic but resigned' his post when Adolf Hitler came to power n Germany. 'ligh Govern1l1ent, A r111y Officials To Witness New Conlbat Vehicle Failure To Notify Residents n Demonstration At Local Plant Previous Rezoning Actiol1s.egal Says Newark SoJicitol' By Mail Not Neces. ary n Previous Cases, He States According to,ent this w ek b y City SOlicitor John P. Sinclair there is no Question o( the l egality of Jectacular Tank how Will Lift Security Wrap From Mas ive Med ium Tank Engineered By Chry 'er And Built At Newark Plant; Pilot Model Was COmlJleted December, j 95 1 recent rezoning actions taken by New- The attention of the nation wjll focus on Ncvark on Tu day, arh;lneiiion of the legality of these July 1, when the new '1'48 medium tank wi ll be dramatically unrezoning ordinances was posed at last veiled to the public for the fir t time at the Chrysier Delaware week's meeting of Council when it was Tank Plant. brought out that in none of the recent Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, Jr. will be among the sev-. ':ig; e :tsr::i :to:' eral hundred guest who will witnes' the spectacular tank how All action was halted on the m at- lifting the security wraps f l'om the rna. sive medium tank, latest,tel' of reading for the final time, at l<!addi tion to America's armored might. last week 's meeting, an ol'dinance re- Miss S lizanne d e r DCl'inn R. T. Kell 1', Jr.. General Manager of zoning a portion of East Main Street he tank plant, staled that the show fr om residential to business when At Mitchell Hall Tonight will demonstrate (or the first tim" Councilman Don Hill pointed out that Suzanne del' Derian, soprano, will the capabilities of the T-48 to invited be the feature ar tist in the second guests, including high-ranking Army ;:eo:u\od oa! eed znic:;'i:;e ihat all residents o( the area h ad not nt i;sir:ettn:::;. series e:i:;:. a no:'io o:iatl: i ev:,been notified by maa of the ","oposed action. This ccncert will be held in Mitchell representatives. Council Secretary Charles Long ad- Hall beginning at 8: 15 p.m. tonight. t was also disclosed that a pilot milled that in none of t he recent oc- The public is invited to attend. There model of the T-48 had been completed casions have residents been so notified is no admission charge. at the Newark plant on December and the question was asked by a mem- Miss der Derian received her bache- 14, 1951, just eight months after the ber of the a udience i1 this meant that lor's degree in music from h e Uni- first structlll'al steel had been e rected all of these rezoning actions woul( versity of Michigan. She has spent at the h.uge ne\ plant.. then be illegal. hel' summers at nterlochen Music MliJta ly security had prevously pre- Newark Students Will Produce was r eported that Mr. Sinclai r Camp, Bay View Summer College, and vented all but the bri e fe t m ention answered, " don't k now." He has de- Tanglewood-Berkshire Music Center, of th e powerful T-4. the fi rst allnied this. the latter conducted by the Boston n.ew medium tank bult for the Army lhree Plays on Campus July 2 "Actually," Mr. Sinclair stated, "the Symphony Orchestra. s ll ecwomoprll detewlyarnlel\ v comb."t vehl'cle, question o( the legality of the pre-., Petition Signed By Residents The Department of Dramatic Ar;s hoped that its success will make it a ",ious zoning changes was not beforc A 1 S Ol the T-48 was designed for Army 1'- council, and made no such admission. pp catlons tl dnance by Chrysler Corporation, Of Area Requests Council and Speech of the University of Dela- pe,'manent part of too summer r ec- " did say that did not k now' BOA A America's largest World War tank To Take Steps n MaUer ware Summer School in cooperation reation program. whethe r the city secretary had sent elng ccepte( t 'builder, and is now entering a prowith the Newark R ecreation Associa- The program (or the evening of July n otifications by mail in previous cases, N k D C duct ion stage at NewaJ k. At last week's meeting of Newark lion will present three plays at Mit- 2nd will include scenes from Philip 'but assumed he had. This is quite ewar. ay amp n the T-48, Chrysler Corporation, City Council, Councilman Sam Diehl Barry's SPRiNG DANCE, a deli gh t- dfferent from admlttm g to a lack of which has cooperated with the 1'- presented to the body a petition signed che l Hall on July 2nd at 8: 15 p.m. ful comedy, Shakespeare's. A MlD- knowledge or opinion concerning the Eight-Day Session To Start dnance Depal'tment on tank developb h 5 f 'J' f th E t Highlighting the e\>en ing's entertain- SUMiJER NGHT'S DREAlVf d zonmg amendments", ment programs since the nd of the iar;:'lo;a;e area, :e: out C- ment will be scenes from a spark ling F erb r and Kaufman's Broadwa'y s,- "For the benefit 'o f those residents On June 3; Open To Boys last war, has complete!y engineered a lege and Chapel Street, requesting comedy, a Broadway success, a nd a cess, STAGE DOOR. 'Of Newark who have relied on zoning And Girls 8 Years, Older, lank combining new h uu and turret th t 't ffj i s take action to halt famous classic. SPRNG DANCE will be directed changes made by Council," h e con- design with the latest in armament sp:ed: o. apark Place by: Youg Newark people?f ju nior high by Miss Norma Wright. The cast will tinued, " should like to state that in Otl'icials of the annual Newark Da. and tire control et Jipment. -<Putl'ng up additiona l signs spec- and high school age will paruc ate include: Gail Lambert, Mady; Jac- my opinion there is no da ger that Camp a nnounced this week that np- The Ordnance' Department aniiying the speed umit.1 s actors, pr.oducers, and technjln s queline Chickey, K!ate; Joan Lawson, he prevous acts of coun.cll n chang- plications are still being accepted :c l' nounced some months ago that the 2-nstalling signs warning of the m the playbill under the up erv l slon Frances; Phyllis Manning, Sally; mg an a rea from one zonmg c1 assl fi<;a- the eight-day session which will b 12 cylindel' V-type Ordnance-Continfact that children are p laying in the 1 students enroll ed as dlj'ectors n Nancy Custer, Miss Ritchie; Carol ho,: to another can be dec1ar 7d m- held on June 3, July, 2, 3, 8, 9, 1, ental eniu., )"lwerin, the T,,48 w beal ea. the University of Delaware summer Brader, AJex. lv ajd because of falure to notiiy by and. 11 at t.pe Newark Recren<i<.. 11 A- \,tu Cllr. CD!PO 3-J>lacing ot a stop sign at the cor- school. Over thirty young Nt!wark Mrs. El izabeth Anderson will direct!mall e. owners.of th.e area rezoned. sociation site under the sponsor t Ordu.e pl8nf"lk n r of Manuel Street and E. P ark dramatic aspirants are engaged in the A MJDSUlVLMER NGHT'S DREAM "ThiS S true sm ce n all cases the of the Newark Parent.-Teacher Asso- Orleans. The fi rst shipment of these Place. project w hich meets every aiternoon and the cast will have: Petey R einhart, >.w ner s themsel.ves have ben the pell- ciation and the YMCA. new power plants altived at the Dela- 4-Attempl to arrange for having a from two to four. T he playbill is part Quince; Lenny Loudis, Bottom; Ricky 1JOJ1lng o.r movmg partie.s. Any girl or boy of the city and vic- ware Tank Plant in May. motol'cycle policeman patrol the arca of a general program for the stimula- Parker, Flute; Bill Mote. Snout; Bill FollOWing. the rev eatlo n l st ;e e inity eight years or older in good Chrysler Corporation financed and more frequently. lion and improvement of dramatics Colburn, Snug; David Gaylord, Star- that the r es ld ent.f s t Man C ee_ physical condition is invited to enroll. 'buil t the huge new plant at Newark. Acco'rding to Mr. Diehl, the traffic in 111e schools which the dramatic veling. 'h.ad not been no. ed y ' r All registrations should be mailed to Five principal boildings, including a has increased by five times during center at the University' h as b een con- STAGE DOOR will be directed by cil postponed ac.tlon on. e m ta Henry M. Brader, Newark Elementary 21-acre manufacturing building, com_ the past two months and is particularly ducling through its a nnual. <:on1er- Mis Joy Murray. Th e cast includes: u.ntil JUlY ::: o ; gh tiltya t School office. So far 4J youngsters have prise the plant layout. The,OOO,OO<\. heavy in the morning and evenings ences, festivals, and, other sel vices to LOls Hyre, Terry; Joan Otto, Jean. :n to odi n:ce. p been enrolled.. sq. ft. plant was bull t in record time due to workers going to and from the school and commun.ty theatres. t S (Continued on Page 8) g The fee for the eight-day session on a 24-acre tract. Chrysler Plant. t was suggested that is $8. A $2 tegistration fee which Chrysler also recently b egan oper- Well B should accompany the application for aling the Detroit Arsenal for the Or- Wh t uy enrollment is part of the total $8 fee. dnance Department. t was in that Chrysler officials be asked to place $5 a notice on bulletin boards at the The plant calling attention to the concern S sa, Mrs. Grace Gibb, former Newark plant, constructed for the Army in of residents regarding the children's teacher, is camp director. Cam.p coun- 1941, that 25, tanks were built by sajety. sell Ol's announced this week are: Jim Chrysler during World War n. "l\othing but arrests will correct the my Seydell, Mary Bueche. Marcia The T-48 will go through its paces situation," said Councilman Frank Warwick, and Marguerite Tierney. for the tank show guests on a test Durnall and suggested that t he mat- Cost Estimates Of Sewer And Water Projects Bus transportation wili take the course especially bujit for next Tuestel' be turned over to the police com- children to the camp each morning, day's mportant event. Compact and miltee for further study, which Coun- Estimated To Be To Be To Be leaving Newark school at 9 a.m. and complete, the t.est course adjacent to cil did. Total Financed By Financed By Financed returning at 4 p.m. the Manufacturing Building will dem- Project mmedla..te Direct onstrate the versatili ty of the T-48 Paul Hodgson Will Attend Summer Conference At Penn to make a lert t urn at the in- Member Of U. of D. Staff at the.mk,e 2, c 'i One Of 4 Educators Cho en Newa"k, ntered To Discuss Family Finances ion. Both vehicles were and Kn ox, although badly P aul M. H odgson. Teacher Trainer,, Was (ound to be uninjurcd Agricultural Education, University o( at the hospital. Delaware and Delaware Stat.e Depart- 1 Chjef Deputy Warden ment of Public nstruction, is one of Mr. Rhodes is su rvived by some 4 educators chosen by the u nison, Joseph A. Rhodes, Phila- verslty of Pennsylvania this summer a sister, Ella May Rhodcs, to attend the university's summer. (OU' grandch,ldren, and one w orkshop on family flnanclal secunty educajon. Scholarships were award- servces were held at the cd by a uj1lversity admissions com- Jones Funeral Home on Mon mittee from nominations sent 111 by superintendents of schools and presidents o( teachers' colleges. The program Will open in Philadelphia on June 3 and continue through Aug. 9. The workshop is one of four being h d in American universities this summer to encourage better high school and college teaching of family fina nces. Subjects to be covered will include sources of income, budgeting. buying and borrowing on c redit, ho e rental and ownership, bank serv1ce and savings plans, life insurance, ge.neral insurance, n vestments, SOCial Security, wi1js, taxes and all othc:r phases of financia l planning. GC. O' Dalliel Nalned To COl1llllund Pllcific Forces t. The Dcpartment of Army announco Mr. lloj'l'lson. those Cd on June 21 the appointment of e nomet were: om- Li utenant General J ohn W. (lron rm lck, Raymond Mi k O'Daniel as commanding gen- Mend Edmonson. Frank eral of the U. S. Army in the P acific. le1n o l rson, Ed Saucermnn. Since Jast July Lt. Gen. O'Daniel has WOl1ac Edmonson, commanded tbe First Cor in K orpa. W DoUglas Robi nson, Rob- n a recent article n a W ashington oadro\\' Beck, and Fr d pap' r the unit was described as "the POst Was long 5t in Korea and probably 1ac- he r clpient o( n ing the most enemy troops of any l or attajnlng Am rican torce." ncluded under n renewal l or the Mi ke's command are troops and unts a dozen ditrerent nationalities. Sanitary Sewers : Newark-Chl'ysler nterceptors Southside Sewer Laterals <Capitol Trail Lateral Sewers tsilvenbrook Area-Pumping Sta., Etc. Wilson Tract nterceptor 'Pumping Sta. Oulf<l ll Sewer C hristiana-barksdale San. Sys. New London Rd. Lateral Sewer Elliott Hts. Lateral Sewer Ogletown Rd. Lateral Sewer Sewer Total Water Supply: Exploratory Wells Additional Wells fj'reat ment & Plant Additions Storage Additions Water Main Extensions Distribution Loop, West Distribution Loop, East Distribution Loop, Norlh Water Total Grand Total Cos'" Bond l8ue AsseSBlllent n Fature Change Annolmcetl ;:ectaonis:ean=i;uvz;ab\ $246,4 $234,4 $ 12, For Brownie Camp it:;:'_48 tanks will sca]e walls, cross 72, 56,2 45,6 32, 27, 11 1,5 59,1 14,4 18,8 $683. 7,8 4n,8 62, ,8 84,2 JJ6,5 $64,4 $1,323,4 31, 18,6 4, 32, 27, $383, 7,8 2,4 1, 78,8 $117, $5, 4>J.OOO , 28,8 14,4n J8,8 $199,2 $199, ,3 2,4 52,1 62,4n 87,8 84,2 116,5 $523,4 $624,2 On July 16 a public hearing will be held at 8 p.m. (DS'1') in the Nwark High School auditorium at which time the property owners of the city wjjj be glel'! the facts regarding the $5, bond issue which they will be asked o approve n.order that the city may carry out it planned improvement and expan On of the cty water and sewer facilities- This will represent a $3, reduction in the amount origiall y asked and is the result of recent conferences between city official and representatives of the firm p.'anning such mprovements at which time e v e y effort was made to reduce the figure in light of objections raised by residents of the cty. Presented above s a chart prepared by J_ Francis Nelde, city engineer, in which is shown the actual amounts to be spent on the various items, and the portion of the expense that will be borne by the bond issue and by direct mnt.. The ftgures n the first column represent the cost of varous projects, some of which ' b included in the present expansion and others that will be necessary at a later ;1 t t: take are of the expected growth of the city. a e The second column rpresents those projects that are nessary at this time and which wh be financed by a combination of bond ssue and direct assessment 88 shown n the second and third columns. wide trenches, n egotiate steep slopes, Mrs. G. T. Borcherdt, Charge ford water obstacles, and manuever Of Day Camp After June 26 at all speeds over djfficult terrain. A corrugated concrete "washboard" road Mrs. Ernest Mayne, n eighborhood will also severly test the tracks and chairman of Brownie Scouts, an- suspension system of the new m edjum nounced this week that a'fler June 26 tank. Mrs. G. T. Borcherdt, district chair- n conjunction with the demonstraman, will be ih charge of the Brownie' tions on the test course, the invil d Day Camp program, Anyone wishing guests at the Chrysler Tank Plant Will to cancel a reservation or secure in- have an opportuj1lty to mspect the maformation about the Brownie Day chining and assembly operations in Camp program from July 7-1 should the local plant.. 'get in touch with Mrs. Borcherdt. A bus will leave from the Newark Five Newark Girls High School parking lot on Lovell Avenue at 9: a.m. each morning, and At Church CaJnp then pick up the girls at Country Center at 3:45 each allernoon, retuj'ding them t.o the l\ewark High School Former White Clay Pastor parking lot. The children will be accompanied on the bus by the follow Heads Conference Staff ing adults. July 7, Miss Ruth Burris. July 8, Mrs. H al'old Feeny. July 9, Mrs. William Stonecipher. July 1, Mrs. Anthony Loudis. J. Crowe, Former Ue illenl Dies in Uidley Pnrk, Pa. James C'owe, age 65, of Swarthmore, Pa., (ormer Newark r esident, died on June 24 in Taylor Hospital. Ridley P ark, Pa. Mr. Crowe was a native of this vicinity and t or m any years was engaged in business here. He was the son of the late James and Mollie Crowe. n addition to his wife, the former Carrie Lutz, he is survived by one son, Rees Crowe of Springfle.ld, Pa.; a sister, EJ Five young people from the Newark P' sbyterian Church are attending the Young Peoples Presbyterian Conference at West Nottingham Academy which is near Rising Sun, Maryland and about twenly three mil s west of Newark. The conference consists of two hours of class work daily in subjects relating to church work such as mission study, projects ror youth work, committee work, Bible study, etc. and special services such as vespers, twilight song services, and r creational programs. The staff, consisting of men and women experienced n church and youth work, is headed by Reverend Hendrick VanDyke, pastor of the Ashland Prellbyterian Church of Glen Arm, Md., w ho w ill be remembered as ie Crowe Adams, Clementon, N. J.; the former pastor of the White Clay and a brother, William Crowe, Newarkark. Creek Presbyterian Church near New Services will be held on Saturday Those attendng from Newark are morning from the Williams Funeral Carolyn Chalmers, Margaret Frye, Parlor Baltimore Pike CUlton Virgini a Lanier, Jane Milliken and H':!lghls, Pa., with nterm,er:, in Ches-\ Dlrolyn Nutter. They expect to reter Cemetery. turn Saturday afternoon. Y" sl

2 - -- "'-. -- wat'k, Delaware, Thul' day, June 26, 1952 ' asul' r. This family group came to class; 1\rs. Daniel Harrls, Miss J oan ' Hospital where examination disclosed ot upon defendant. exclusive of the day TO TlE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANJ: Mill Creek Hundred from l\1ontgom- 1 J ckson, int rmediates. only severe bl'uises, Cooti':,11T' : h :\o,!; wv:'o un t, u."w;';:. 'l:. s:efed o:.'rllr cry County. Pa. in 188. The Booster Circle members and Mr. and Ml s. Einar Stoutland and address s 9 18 Delaware Trust Bldg.. WU- wlthln:w days after such sevtce. excl\'svo The Wlmolausis Home Dcmonstra- their families will have an outing Camily have reurned trom a hree,,;t. Delaware. an answer to the flflf ' t?o"!.,ef!e'av'::"an :;"c "; The Extension service of the Uni- tion Club realized S75.5O from its an- ' aturday acternoon and evening to weeks molor trip to North Dakota To serve upon defendant a copy hereot the complaint. the case will be tried wlthvarsily oc Delawa re will nlel'tain the nual rummage sale last month. The P ort Herman. where they visited Mr. Stoutland's.n t'l,fe t:(ej'ianot be served er- o U :ci s not made upon you June Jul\' 3 m mbers of the Delaware State G range Cl ub met June 18 with the president J oanne La Founta d B 'ba a parents. sonally. lo publish tllis process as re';\1tred and if ihls summons s l?ubllshcd as reand lheir families on Aug. 12 for an 1\rs. John Edler, Jr. There were 1'; Whiteman are repre;;n ttn Eb:e/ 'M', and Mrs. William Heam of by statute, Ja.me. M. Maloney.:l\. bt;i.;u.. i::'na":crfc yo all-day picnic. mem?ers preset. A demon stra ton at the :'eninsula Me.thodist Coner- Limeslone Road, h ve pureh se d the Dated June Prothonot.al'y raf;,#!natr s,:;,nbeb..,!e a' wjt beeer::tlc ;mst:en:; ::w:!p 1atsO c:' ivf:, b a:. ;t:ilo Camp this week at Cen- :o :o:s{; t;. :ee: Tf T t : n:rv:f!:n;:;i; t1ho"utcm\e se will be ing. Beginning ut 1: a.m., the gro up Dale S eyour and M s. Chari s Har- The 'Eb eeze t' Fellowship went to y a's. ti\nyi'oudac:jt se s.:'!vr: J a m'o ot;ey wi ll be taken on a tour oc the farm rmg,ton. Jl:et mont the.membe.rs arc Governor Bacon Hea lth Center last Harmony Gl'ange No. 12 held its fi.te,a!nef ;:;:e'avee a"n: June 19.26: July starling at a.m. with the extenson asked to brng theil' choce l ectpes. night for a wiener roast al the cot- final session until August 18 last Mon- the comlalnt. the case wlu be tried wlthofficials in chal'ge. A basket picnic. Pleasant tage sponsored by this group. day. even.ing. Plans were m ade for a out t u:ro'::'a;!:e s not made u n you N TliE SUPEROR OURT luncheon will be followed by a pro- Ms.Edlth Patlerson and Mrs. f Corner Ketcb famly pcnic and covered dish sup- and it thl. summons s publlshera. re- '6 r/ifkw'tj'i :::nt::.:ttn:chvill e:o, ;:r;p:eevf eaee:e: se7!:onf;: ;n!:ss% s a:leu:ne:sd;t; :c: th;,e h,nauli>:;;: fjatflrt gs:?moi The Pr:;:'r:XTALLOY hc:s j li1l ;t it/ al! t O;: t:.' : \:i'n J. Horney. pastor :het d:n;:i:;. W: tvi: a:: ' g. w/r;a. f?titg;:i::t;t?: :.%::; ':/a#.1 n!f.;e:a m;:vgiae,b\. :1.C ade l\:ls of Ebenezer Methodist Church. will be aid in observing Neighbor Night and Pennmgton, lhe lecturer, was appomt- Prothonotary N.;aSs aand'c?:lt i i!;:l a\.tyulj away!-om his pulpit on Aug. 17 and 'Provided the program of r ecreati on. cd t? attend the Middle Atlntic. Lec- Junc 19.26; July has been a resident of said County and db. to ;nel : gn ;: 24 fot, his annual vacation. rfhe grangers will sponsor a hayride Llrers Conference at the University f Sia/,' tea('f4ial a s age: Ebenezer Methodist Church July 12 stat'ling at the grange hall. Maryland on July. 9 to. 11. Th semt- N THE sutifou:)' t'hfl:f1,[ie That W,llam Malloy Hale. Tl. s the grange are the local cou nty commit- The closing exercises for the Daily Daniel Harris is arranging the ride. monthly card p rlles Wll conim.ue on STATE OF DELAWARE N AND son of the petitioner. Naomi C,'ain Santee assisting with lgemn ts. Vacation Bible SchO will be held Union 4-H Club will hold a picnic tjhue l fiarsltt uand thtrd Tuesday nlguts or Ch 'arlefsoa R. NprEoWstkCaASsTr.LE CNOOU. 4N46TV (O at his name s Will iam Malloy Hale. tomorrow at 8 p.m. 111 the sanctuary. Saturday a fternoon at the home of y d ugusl..w Plahltllf Action but that for the past elev n ( t ) years 4-H Del egat e n'vashington Bible Study, m emory work, group Marcia and Cynthia Harmon. Red Clay Creek Presbyteria.n Church' v.. ALAS'SUM- he' has been known as Wil liam Malioy F N Cl C si ngi ng and recreational activities will \erm<lld The Aid Society will hold its month- Lou ise pr os :(endan t. i ffrl; sa+,dhe desircs to have his name chang- 'u r el' e 4- '!r s as:t last be demonstrated in the program. our Miss Helen M. Pennington has ac- y meeting.tonight.with Mr. and Mrs. :f, TrtT:LA:iw CASTLE alfd Jnt,'lll e the name of William week in Washington taking pari in the be scenes from the Bble will be glvep cepted a teaching position in th Egbert Klalr on Lmestone Road. COUNTY : And yourrfat:o:a,i1;grd)ray. etc. 22nd annual National 4-H Club Camp. as fojl ws: First. "Garden of Eden" Pennsburg J oint Consolidated SchoolS. Y'ttn'f6ii;;t;tiDOU WERE Petitioner and Natural Mother They were Dorothy Pierson. Hockes- by JUni or and kllldergarten classes; She formerly taught at Morrisvil le Alias Summo". Divorce To summon the above named defendant Henry A.. 1!aT'.MalOY Hale sin; Marjorie Brown, Glasgow; Mar- seend, "J esus in Temple," a dvanc d Public schools and was first grade N ESm.:Er;,wRi'N 'tndthe n w';,ct2n.a{};rv:efl'i'::y AUol'lley for Petitioner tin J ohnson, Laurel; and Kenneth JUnior class; thlt'd, "Jesus. Teacher of teacher at the William Case Building. FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY of service. defendant shall serve upon 6t1,yOFDWTLE SS. Richtern. Viola. P arables" by intel'mediates with shad- Lt. Douglas Annand is the injured Chrysteen B. Flff.r Nl'ct1 14 n dre! m?:y3lat,1s A';;;rc"1ri BE T REMEMBERED That on this 11th They were selected on ihe basis of owgraphs ;fourth, "J es us Command," Son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Annand in v.. ALAS 'SUM: Bldg.. Wilmi ngton. Dclaware. an answer rol?: J,' ;e D s,}:o nglyn outstanding 4-H record, leadership, by beginners and a playlet "Open the Naval HospiLal a San Diego, Calif. rvin L. F Ob?d an t i:1rlbl: loth e ::'ig::;,t ' d efe ndant a copy hereof Public for the Stale of Delaware. NAOM and community service. Selection as a Door." There are 74 students and and not Richard as was erronously THE STATE OF DELAWARE. and of the complaint. cf. \';l1i; b h,: '\O::,b National Camp delegate is considered teachers enrolled. Attendance awards stated in last week s edition. Doug- To&hHERJFF OF NEW CASTLE sofal\e te:'b!!:t tf cs S: 'ul?;ci?si '':taidl al' t1,.g"o g s %stll;,a; ; Henry Wise. Attorney for STATE Ot' COUNTY OF NEW BE T REME 1 day o f June. A. be(orc me. the lie for the Sta te of CRA N SA'NFORD. the nam d, who being b:o.' m cor d l n to n\v, d cpo!:>e and snvs ;;tsl r! ted in the forogol lljl N.loml Crain SWORN TO and SliBSCRBED me the day and,\ (,:U" ufore"md EDMUND S. HELL NGS Notary Public Stale of De laware Appointed M 1'ch 14. H' Term of Office-Two Year." Edmun rl the highest honor that can be award- wil.1 be given. The teachi.ng staff nd las is very slowly improving. y<frh1:,'6fcj>r:je?u WE..lU: by statute. James M. Maloney t ed a 4-H boy or gll'l, says Samuel, asststants tnclude Ml s. Kl1sey Whlte- Dale Nowland, son of Mr. and Mrs. To summon the above named 'defendant prothonotary rue. Naomi Cl'ain Sanfol'ci Gwinn, state 4-H Club leader. man, Mrs. Mel'ri tt Lynch. beginners; Gifford Nowland. narrowly escaped ' that. within 2 days after service here- Dated June SWORN TO and SUBSCRBED be (ore June July 3,Ml's. Gladys Unger. Mrs. Carl Nel- serious injuries last Tuesday when he l\'1ill Creek Htmdred de7.;r:: se:i,:s. M.y: ; :s st;) eodv e'ny f: ll O:f tl eo:da:ci News Sara Pennington Evans. Correspondent Phone Hockessin 598 lein. Mrs. Ralph Whiteman, Mrs. wagon... hile on the farm of his uncle, Edith Patterson, juniors; Mrs. Rich- Marshall Golt near Kemblesville, P a. ard La F oll nta in, advanced junior He was removed to the West Gl'ove t: ::: :..:- :- : :-:..:..::: :-: :- : :::..:..::.-::-:-:-:-:-:..:-:..:-:..:..:-:-:-:..:..:.:..:.. :.. :-:.':":":-:-:i: itsto:e :ktih t;i bev: :,Yn; o :1: NOT CE :1: ihe home of Hennan Samendinger. The :i: club is proud of its junior leader, Miss oj- ;:Ot:Yo:i v;:, :e;:7;s o:.!::.' to Rest-dents of Newark '!. National 4-H ClU b Camp in Washing-. f: s stol\'.:;:ty w k,ye: :i: :l: m.unity service and leadership. Miss :l: Effective J... l y 1, 1952, the e lec h'ie mete r r ead : P'erson has had eght years of club.1..:. work. She has been stale girls' rec-';' ers will tart theil' monthly m e t,e,' r eading on the.;- ord and dairy foods demonstalion :l: :: winner. She is a student at ihe Uni- ::: fit-s t of the month ins tead of 11 the twenty-thin!. :1: v ersity of D eluware. + T en families from lhe Hockessin ::: E lecl1 jc service billing iu Jnly a nd the r e after wi)] he F riends Meeting spent the past w eek- :i: ::: end in Cape May, N. J. at the F riends ';' approximat e l y one w eek late r tl1an in the pa t..!. General Conierence where the 3th ::: + :i: anniversary o world Quakerism, is ';' City of Newat-k..;-,being celebrated. X :::. The Woodward ' and Klait, rellnion :l: Jamcs F. Neillc, :;: will be held this year on July 26 at.!..:. ' the Hockessin Friends Meeting House :: City Eng inc e r. :1: for the descendants of Frederick and.j..:.,hannah Supple \Klau' t,j'o,eph :!: J une D, 26 :l: and Mary Klair Woodward. The clan 'j-.:. will come 111 the acternoojl and 'njoy :;: :i: a basket pl n i c supper at 6 p m..: : :. :..:..:..:-.;..: :..:..:-.:":..:..: : :-:-.:.:..:..:..: : :-.:..: :.:..: :..:-:..:..: : :..:..:..:..:..:..:.,:-:..:._; : :..:..:..:. Josep hmitchell is the president.and, -,--- - Mrs. B. Waller.Gregg, secretary! NOTCE TO RESDENTS OF NEWARK. DELAWARE Pursuant to Seclioll 17 of the City Cha rtet' nnd Section 122 of the Zoning ;:nai CeatiS l:l' egjllavre n s\ c 1 ln c cting of t.he Council in the Council Challlb rs nt 8 P.M.. E.D.T.. on July 15. ]D52. at which time the Council witt conside r fol' nnni passage a proposed orclinance entitled "An Ordinanc(' Amending City Ol'dll1ancc Number 99 B y Rezon ing Cel"laJn Land On E ast Main Street From "RO" to ' Business. " ChArles D. Long. S ecretary of t he Council of thc City of Newark NOTCE TO RESDENTS OF NEW ARK. DELAWARE Pursuant to Seclion 17 o( the City Charter Bnd Section 122 oc the Zoning Ordinance, notice s hereby given of a public hearing at the regular stated meeting of the Council al 8 P.M., E.D.'r., 11 July 15. J 952, n the Council Chambers, nt which time t.he Council will consider f or nnni p assage a pt"oposed ord inance entitled " A n Ordinance Amending City Ordinance Numb r 99 By Re7.onl n g ertain L and At The Juncllon Of The Capitol T 'ail And East Moin Street From " RS" to "Business." Charlcs D. Long. Sccrct.ary of the Council o r the City of cwark NOTCE TO RESDENTS OF NEWARK. DELAWARE Pursuant to Sc tlon 17 of the City Charter and Section 122 of the Zoning Ordinance, notice s hereby given of a public hearin g at the regular stated mecting of the Council at 8 P.M.. E.D.T.. on July 15, in the Council Chambers. at which time the Council will consider {or final p assage a proposed ordinance entitled "An Ordlnance Amending City Ord inance Number 99 By Rezoning Ccrtain Land On The Easlc,'ly Side O( Elkton Road From "RS' To "Busi ness." Charlcs D. Long. Secretary o f the Council of the Cily of Newark T MAKES TNGS EASY FOR YOUR WFE, AND ADOS MUC- TO T-E JOY OF L FE NOTCE The C Olll'il of the C ity of Newark i in tituting a pension plan for City employees. con. i clering Propos als w i1l be r eeei vell by the Mayor anel City COlmcil of Newm'k, D e lawm'e at the City HaH, Main & Acarlemy S treets ulltil 8 P.l\i., E.D.T., Jilly 8, S p ecifications a t o numbe r of employees to be included, the ir ages, years of e mployment a nd othe r n ecessary information may b e obtaine d f"oll1 the Council Secr e tary. The COllllc il reserves the "ig ht to r eject any 1' all proposals. Cit y of Newark Charles D. Lou cy Secretal'y NOTCE OF PUBLC HEARNG ON A :PROPOSED BOND SSUE FOR THE CTY OF NEWAR( Please take notice that a puhhc h ea"iug w ill be held in the Cit y of Newark, New Castl e County and State of Delaware on July 16, 1952 at 8 P.M., Ea tern Day H g ht Saving Time, in the auditoriuld of the Newark High School pursuant to and in accordance with the City Churter ill order that the Council of the C ity of Newark may present to the freeholder of the City; proposal for the borrowing of tbe s lim of Five Hundred Tboll and Dollars ($5,.) for tbe purpose of improving and enlarg ing the water and sewer systems of tbe C ity of Newark. :j: i SPECAL Announcelnent to Depositors and the Public Effective July 1st, % NTEREST ON ALL SAVNGS i\ccounts No Limit On Deposits ntel'est Paid On Full Balance Special Bunl By Mail Enve lopes Accounts may be opened and all transactions handled by mail. Ye inter e t rate on our avings accounts will be increased from 1 V to 2 '7- on the full balance and there i no limit on the amoun annually, nterest will b') paid which we will accept for deposit. n view of the increa'ed cost of everything our customers buy, we are pleased that the earnings of this bank permit and warrant t his increase to h elp youl meet your increased expenses or to help you accumulate depreciated dollars at a faster ra te. You r con fidence has been responsible f or our succe 's and pro perity. We incerel), appreciate that confidence and will d c\'erylhi llg humanly possible to warrant its continuance. YOUR DEPOST NSURED UP TO $1, Open a Savings Account Today and Save and REMEMBER tell your neighbors and friends about our NO SERVCE CHARGE on Check Accounts mall Enough to knolo You - Big Enough to Ser ve You - Make this YOUR Local Rcmk Newark Gas ervice <q.th =r Phone 6 2!128 ;.:1 (HURCHMAN< ROAD d The Public h earing on July 16, 1952 is re<luired by the prov ision of the City Charter before the Coulleil may s ubmit the question of tbe desirability of a bond i s u e to a r eferendum vote of tbe freeholders of tbe City of Newark. Cbarle D. Long Secr e tary of tbe Counc il of the City of Newark

3 class post master at King's College, their daughter, Dolor s J anet to 1\11'. P risco, Precious Symbols-Elsie Dc hepherd, River Ruad neal' Delaware City; Un- Carl Creston StafTord, son of Mr. and P risco, ympathy-r uth Anne Wi- Benediction. drr the Postmaster Examination Act M s. Lewis. StafTol'd r neal' New- son, Duet- He l s K nocking, 1'vu s. Paul P icnic held on Thursday at the otoc 1938, as amended July 18, 1941, the ark. Miss Davia, a graduate of New- Burge, \1rs. George Moore, Good- ",ge of M rs, 11ammie Palm l' neal'?one o( competition is extended to in- ark High School last week is m- Bye- Mary Frances Collings, Song by Shurlcston, Md. clude aclual residents of Bar, Christ- played by the Farmers Trust altice, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiq; iana. Delaware City, K irkwood N w Wilmington T rust Company. 1111'. ta f- /i,.\ 'Sufi' Price ) 1y t h Caslle and S. G orges, Delawr as ford a. graduate. of Conrad H igh 'h'l lc Predict ing C.o t.,' well as Kings ollege. Form 2358 car- School S engagl'd n farming. 1\ h L ries a detailed explanation of the 1111'S. H arvey Burris is a patient in 1'1 11 H em;n lg eve modified residl'nce requirement. Ap- Wilmington General Hospital where LANDSCAPNG pllcalions must be flied by JUly 8. she was opemted on F riday. H er rela 'cr St.il:il,,:t'.on lj rctor EJls Arthur Kern, secretary of the boal'd of tives and friends wish for her a speedy 1'. la't week s,liel mo't cost of lv- Civil Service exam iners of New Cas- recovery. A.11ms conlinue lu sdl at or ncar tc Post Offi ce said the place anel elate M'. Thompson Brown who has been :Jr '195t-52 penks,1111 that so-call cd [Ot the rxamination will be announc- a patient in the h ospital with pncuf" rtc( S arc " m tho cd to the qualifie d a pplicants acter mania for several weeks is improv-.>;! id this "llyth ot sofl pricc's" the closlllg date at J Uly 8. the pres- ing. SHRUBBERY LAWNS PRUN G fantenance light GRADNG P LAN G JOSEPH L. LEAlY, JR. 's riccei \' C'e1 many rf 'ponslble bus- enl acting postmaster of t he K ing's T he following Children's Day P ro >;men and otlll'l's, Hl' adel d that 5 College P ost Offie is H enry V. Tobin gram was r endered at P encader Pres- Newark ''rcent or the items in the Bur!'au Sr. The position paid $3,97 last year. byterian church on Sunday m orning...:..:..: :..:..:..: :- :,.: :..:..:..:..:-:..: :..:..:..:..:,.:..:..: :..:,.:..: ;..;,.:-:..;,.;..;,.:,.;,.:,.;..:,.;,.;,.;,.;,.;..) Labor Statistic' Consumel' ndex The salary is based on receipts. March- Onward Christian Soldiers, -:,.:.. :.. :-:,'ere sejiin at t\'o-ycfl' peaks; M'. H a rry Moore suffered a s un Hymn-Jesus Kever Fails, Scripture.'. l.}.. i,o:hcr 2! WrCl'llt wcre wlthlll two stroke on Wecinesday and was re- R eading fo llowed by Prayel', Elsie Dc :1: S J Off :1: percent of penk, whle "1'CS of only moveci to Delaware ihospital. H e r e- P risco, Ba ptism of three inrants- R v. :!: pecta u y. ers :1: :o'percent wc r. Cllr enough below to turned home on Frida y improved. Ashworth Burslem, S mile-nancy De V _ "., -:" 'ura._ calied "soft i k ric s we' Mr. and imrs. Hilbreth Horney arc Prisco, A W elcome Speech-Shirley 1!el'l:,\:b;)(;Ud)miik' frcsh :: ;' ntldieth w edding an- ;ieeume AUe;,. H i H P- 1 Ceilillg Jllly Spl. fruitsnnd 'l'l(c!ablts nnd many other M.iss Marjorie Br wn daughter of ba l:- Neatherly, 'C h il e n, l ' ly-m: ::: 1951 Chev. 4-(h. edan $1743 $ 1495 :!: f«>ds; also Suil nnd hats. automobiles, M'. and Mrs. Allen P. Brown a m em- sage-david Wil son, My M.y!- Ca ro- ';( Chev. 2-dr Sedan $1977 $1695 :i: 1lomobi l l'l'pnlrs and lnsurance, bel' of the P encader 4-H Club w as line Golt, J esus Loves Us-Bonnie ::: (Powe.'glide ).;. rents. beer, bcauty and barber shop selected as one of t he w inners of the Buchanan, Song by the P rimary Class -:- :;.: n'ices H Club honors who w ent to Wash- - T en Little Children, Love J esus- ::: 1951 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan $1762 $ 1495.;.,or is hrrc any indicaton th at inglon, D. C. on Wednesday fa ' the Robcrt Moore, L ittle Am-Judith -: Chev. Aeor-Sedall $ 1124 $15 ::1': TC" arc cuming down on the th ings annua l National 4-H Club Camp. Moore, QfTering-Choit'-l n J esus, The ::: 194,7 Plynlouth Sm. Wagon $ 965 $ \e gov rnmcnt must buy 1' its vast Selected as a delegate to t he Na ti onal Doors To Heaven-Judlth Roames, '1' d 2 $1642.;.. SlJ B_Sc Rii3E)t;;,rl. c'fense p ogrnm,. MhCr lllsl de Ul e camp was termed by Samuel Gwinn, The Bible, The Church, The Home- ::: 195 Do ge -dr. Sellun $1395 :;: :t:r:e:n af:c;n J:,;e t : i gn : t:r :_l y Loelll"i ::n t i:: ;;o n ::; :'an :ehi :' :1: :: :;e S d: ag:(n : : :!: i1ing on petroleum. chemicals, m et- tives and friends want to congratulate, Brown, On Children's Day- Dorothy :i: 195 Bllick 2-dr. Sedun $ 169 $1575 :1: lb. building materials, au tos and Major ie as having such an h onor be- De P l'isco, Song 'by three girls, ::: :1: tllcks. mach in ry and many others. stowed upon her. Thin k When Read That Sweet S tor Y :.:,:. 195 Buick Super 4-dr. Sedan $ 1897 $1795.;. n the foreign markets, the govern- Mr. a nd Mrs. Willia m L. D avid of of Old, Song by the P rimary Class- M h., S. 'i' ent lvas recenlly forced to allow high- Bear announce the engagement of God s Ncar, The Daisies-Be tty De ::: - ec anlc S pecla :1:!r prices for Chilean copper, e said B k $95 '! the same time, a $1 a ton llcrease... : uic Coupe ::: 1:fil11;J l.:.i!!::- Y:; -'::.l: ::tif. Ei, h: Cleaning Cm'l lggcslcd CALL ::: 6161 Newark, Del :1: T t's n hc!!: a r a l k - :1: NORTHEAST _ 5267 :1: :;:.:,.:..;,.:..:M:" ;..:..:,.;..:,.:..; :,.; :,.:M;,.;,.;!ah::S \:;all:;v:: t : +:..:-:..:-:-:..:-:-.:-.:-.:+:...:-:-:--,... x-:-:..:..:..:..:-:..:..:--:..:--:,.; furth and carrying."..... :,.:.. :--;.. ;.. :.. :,.:-:.. :.. :-:.. :-1: l Katherin e J ones. New Castle County home demonstrat ion agent, luggest pulling cleaning on wheels, ld using a cleaning cart. Running Plastering & Cementing back and forih adds weary m il eage ;nd minutes, and often interrupts the.ork so much that it adds nervous nsion as well., l;h:uc tirs jn ;d::;;l st CALL,JOHN NASH, JR. non a whe led table or cali that can roll from place to place. A stur dy, Phone Delaware City 7781.ashable cart is fine. f you u se a B 53 B D ron with two shelves, it can car ry nolonly the small items such as soap ;nd brushes, but pails of water and mn hand vacuum cleaners. News of Bear (n. Leslie Ford, Correspondent Phone New Castle 6484 Relatives and friends of Mrs. Mir Brown who is a p atient in the Brandywine Sanitorium are sorry to lear sh is not feeling so w ell. )rs, Paul Burge spent Wednesday 11th 'Uss May Sayers of Wilmington ' l Quite a number il'om this vici nity re attending Bible school being h eld 1 Newark Bible P resbyterian Church., and M S. Harry B. Walker Sr. have' returned home after spending Rveral days at Valley Forge, P a, )liss Bessie Davis of Wilmington!jlfnt Thursd ay with her sister Mrs. Anna Harrington. The U. S, Ci\'il Service Commision al Washingion, D. C. would like anyc:te interested to take an examinauon for fiuing the posi lion of second r:-: :+:":":":i';;;;'- ;":: ;":"::": * ; Welding Shop f. Kemble ville, Pa. 5: + Phone 2261 i- l Be prepared b y having your : lawn mower sharpenc(l DOW. Y New mowers in' slock. Trade in {. YOr old mower now. :!:, Work called for and deliver ed. 'j' Call tor free demonstration. ::: Authorizell Reo Sales & Service :s: (:.. ;,,;,,;,,:,,:,,:,,:,,:,.:,.:,.:.. :,.;,.; :,.:,,;,.:,.:.. :.. :.. :,.:,.;:' EW Brick Ul1u;h 1Jomes For Only S13,95. CmfFORTABLE MOOERN LVNG Full Concrete Basrment Oil Heat Copper Pipe Throughout AJUl'ltnum Window Sash ROCk Wool nsulation ' Eleclric Hot Water Heat r Large Living Room-25 sq ft. Three Bedrooms-large cloe s ' llaruw ood Flotrs ram l c Tile Bath, Large Odcrn Ktchen O t ade and Seeded La Attlleslte Drivcway il\'crbrook Devel 1'111 1:'11 uc. NEWARK t.ptt e U. or D. Agrtcultural XpertmcnVlt Stnlton) """'pie Open Dnlty 1 to 4 SoUth College Avenue.... ;,.:,.;.. ;";":-:";-:":";":";";":";":":":":";":";":":-:M:";":":":.: GONG SQl\EPLACE? Wor/c - Movies - Shop/ling - Party - Train Bus - Doctor CALL NEW AR( TAX 2342 RADO CONTROLLED CABS 6 :3 A.M. TlLL MDNGHT ox ear, e. r a Now! Hitch your wagn nside Ford's ali-metal, two-tone Country Sedan there's room for eigbt or a balf-ton of freight (and like the Country Squire, it i easily converted in just three m inutes' time). t's a V-S, tool to your needs! There's a new Ford station wagon for y!.. purpo.! priced for your purse!.., Ford's ncw 4-door Country Squire is actually 2 cars in 1. W'th "Stowaway" ccntcr seat folded into the floor and rellr seat out, you get the most level load pace in Ford's field. With seats in, it's a roomy S-passenger sedan. Sides and tail gate are fin ished in mabogany grain and trimmed in genuine m aple or birc F ord's all - new 2-door Ranch Wagon is the lowest priced fullsize utility car in America. Yet it offers many costly-car featuresl Choose either the lo-h.p. Strate Star V-S or the all-new to-b.p. Mileage Maker Six. Only Ford in its field gives you this choice of h igh-comprcssion power '\ You can pay more -". but you can't buy betterl White.dewall.1,.,; Fordo matl c:, Overdrl v' E to;t:t calon ' n lemd l Wogon optionol at utro co.t. qu P ' _ t,!" ljbled to change wltttcut no C.. "T e st Drive'! them at your Ford Dealer's! FORD FADER MOTOR-COMPANY Newark Hel'. Y'al'e, Folks!,49 C Your Opportllllity 1 Sa ve ill (l Ria Way PNK SLMON Choice Alusku n 49c GOLDEN CORN tdeal Whole Kernel 1 :.: 4 LMA BENS Seaside Brand : 49 c SPAGHETT t :..,;,e : ; 4 1z 49c TOMATO JUCE deat Fa ncy, Z ::': 49c LEMONDE tdeal Frozen Concentra te 4 :::' 49c MAYONNSE Fresh, Creamy Hom de L1 le j 49c PP.,E.JELLY Glenwood t:iz 49c.JELLY Glenwood Apple Raspberry Stock Up! S ave in a BigWflY! -= l 1 'Z 49c CQntinuing ollr Gigantic Sale of DEAL FANCY FLORDA ORANGE, BLENDED OR GRAPEFRUT JUCE 4 z C,. cans Virginia Lee Fluffy, Sno,,",'-White P la in Angelloo Exira C a k e S S pecilll! Get one today a nd you 't be back for mot'e befo re t he week ends. Great w it h fru it, berrie&, ce crea m or s ummer beverages. Va. Lee Pineapple ced La yer Cakes ea 69c Marble Pound Cake m '" 31 c Nut Sticky Buns p kg 6 29c Apple Coffee Cake ea 39c Assorted Bu ns pkg 6 29c Jelly Buns pkg 6 29c Cream Coffee Cake ea 31 c Save 3 c or More! Gct Eiuiched Supl"em e a:reu,d PRN CE SS ENRtCH ED MttRGAR NE b 22c P.A'4 ERJOE Wheaft Hcm ies 2 pkgs 29c c 16,o z 1 5 c loaf Repeat Sa le of We -Ag a d Sha r p REE :. tb "'J!J Extra Speciall Some S lices Removc-i Slices of These Hams b 98c B unt-hu. No Sli ces Removed b6le T U R KEY S F r S: ykredh "e tb 6] c Leaan Smoked Picnlitts b 45 c CH CKEN FRCASSEE 3 can $ 1.39 Short Ribs of Beef lit 49c Fa ncy Pollock Fill ets b 29c S liced Pork Livel' 39c Fillets of Perch! 39c Meaty End Pork Chop s b 53c Pan Ready Wh itings lit 17c Sklnt ess Frankfurts b 49 Fa ncy Haddoclc Fillets b 39!_:!_ )Y c: M! :':.n_? SPECAL SALE OF LUSCOUS CALFOR NA Canl OU They are Jumbo 36 size Pink Meated E.da Sp ecial! ea Georgia Freestone Peaches 2 tb. 3ge Lar,e Fresh Fla. Limes doz 45c Large Bing Cherries lb 35c BROCCOL F rb er bch 15c LMA BEANSF r d= t- Z 19 lbs c 2 6 oz ca Ds oz pkgs 39c deal Treasure Chest of 32 Pieces Libbey Fine Glasswal'e On ly c with 1 labels from a ny d eal Products. Famous Safedge rlml. Now You Can Get Excitinlly New, Colorful Hollywood Dinael'wal'e Hel'e Startling Savings t 16-Pc. Starter Set S Dinner Platel, 4 Cups, 4 Sa ucerl, 4 F ruit Dlshea (with,5. n Acme Reg llter Rece ipts) See the Seh. Prlee. E «e l l'f'e lune , Qua nll1, R8 11 Re.e"eo... M'i.li M.i"" i' M;i""_!llJ.!&ca,!,a.iil.. Ui Buy Defense Bonds v t 81 e : f sl t '

4 Four THE NE,*K POST An ndependent Newspaper P ublished Evcry Thursday by the Newark Pos t, llc Thompson Lane. Newark, Delaware Locally and ndcpendently Owncd a nd Operated rn e:telf a Qj' C1':de: li n1h!5 5 ( tlsshd og :teeqw! : 1. FREDERCK l\utchell En ter d as second class mailer. March at the po. tomce at Newark. Delaware. under the Act ot March 3, J879. Newark, Delaware, Thursday, June 26, 1952 FUllCl'al Uite ullll'dav mgniton. lv's. J ames Chambers and Mrs. Della Olhoson of Stanton, and FO' M"i s lila Kimble' tli ree brothcrs, J ohn A. Johnston of Mi ss da Louisa K imble, 74. retired Stanton, Howard J ohnslon of Elmschool teachcr, dicd Wednesday, J unc hurst a nd Maskle J ohnston of Milford.25 in Wilm ington General Hospital. Crossroads. Si :Sa <i e i vr t 6 :: t Main Funera l services w ill be held f rom Street, N work, with her sister a nd l; h trcn teuleag; b; :' ';hi:u;:.v;'' t:it! v; Creek Chllrch Cemt e ry. Fric.nds may H. and Sarah T. Kimble of Appleton, call at the home Frrday e venrng. Md., she was a graduate of the Mary adn iat:;:1;: : tch1 : t ai o leo Additional Personals years ago, Miss K imble taught in the Mrs. Bernard L. Grcer. Miss Mar tha schools of Cccil Coun ty. Md., l or 27 Ann Greer, Mr. B. L. Greer, J r. and years. She was a membcr of t hc Re- Miss Peggy Lee J ones of K noxville, tired T eachers' Association of Cecil Tenn. were cwark visitors on last County and head of Elk Chapter. Saturday. DAR. She a lso was a ctive in H ead of Christiana Pl'esbyterian Church and l\lrs. Paul D. Lovett, Ml S. W. F ranits W illi ng Workcrs Socicty. n addi- ces Lindc Ll and Mrs. H. DuVal Cleaves lion to her sistcr, she leaves two nieces a rc serving \Jlis week as counsellors and a nephew, onc oc whom is Mrs. a t Girls' S tatc. TlC session opened Amos J aq llette of N wark. o n Monday at Wesley J unior College F llneral serviccs wil l be h eld a t 2 and is sponsorcd by thc American p.m. Saturday a thc R.T. Jones F un- Legion. Dep. of D elaware. eral Home, N wark, with interment --- in Hcad of Christiana Ccmetery. M Sgt. and Mrs. Norman Sparks and Friends may call Friday the funeral homc. H's. Kate J, Bl'Owl Dies On Wedue «la y Mrs. Ka te J ohnston Bl'Own. 88. onc of the oldest m cmbel's of tile White Clay Creek P resbyterian Church, d ied at h Cl' home o n Nottingham Road neal' the Head of Christiana Church Wednesday, J une 25. T he widow of J ames Brown, she had lived i n that area for t he past 48 years, and befol'e that she lived in th 1ilford Crossroads area. She was also a member of the lmprovemcnl SOCiety of the White Clay Creek Church. i\r. Robert H. Duenner, Jr. of Tulvening at son R icky of Tampa, Florida, Mr. and sa, Oklahoma visited his father, D r'j Robert H. Duenner and Mrs. D uen- Mrs. James Robinson, Sr. of Middletown and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Groscup were recent din ncr guests of Mr. and i\ lrs. L ee L. L ewis. -- To M l'. an d Mrs.J ohn Hickman o t 3 Caldwell Place at the Memorial Hospital on J unc 2, a daughter. - M l S. F rank G. Cohee of Claymont spcnt the past week with her sisters, l\.isses Ann and Carolyn Chalmers. Mr. Cohee a ttended t he Shr ine Convention at Miam i Beach, Florida. -- Mrs. Harold TifTany, J r. and son T iftie of Bayside, New York arc visiting Mrs. Edith B. T iftany, Amstel Ave. Survi ving a l'c tht'ee children, Miss -- E li zabeth B. Brown. Norris J. Brown 1\11'. and Mrs. J ohn P. S inclair and and Gaylor K. Brown, all at homc; children werc R choboth visitors over three sisters. l\trs. Mary Beatcs of Wil- the past w ekend. EL(TON S(OLD SERVCES Licen ed Plumbing a nd Auloma tic H eating W a ter Pumps Conver ion Oil Burner Phone 576 Conlracting 25 Thom 'on Circle Newark, Delaware l: TRANST MXED CONCRETE CONCRETE CO. PHONE, ELKTON 437 Elkton.:' Maryland, 1.:_: :..: : : :..:_:...:_:.: :. : :...: :.: :...:u:_:.: : : : : :...:_: : : : :_: : :.: : : : ;.: :.: :. :...;.:. : :...:.:. i NOTCE! A ::i,i; :s:oo::!::::r:n:f R:::!. :']";.::j Th Board of Health l'ef)ue t your coopel'atioll ;:: in ridding the ity of weeds. A icie f"ol1l the d efinite : h ealth haza,'c] 1 ufte,'crs of hay f evel', ragwecd, golde nrod, and othel' wecd and lau gra lll'ovicle heltel' for 111 qlliloe. Pica e OW YO' lot low. All pel' on who fail to colllply with he ahove directive will be ubjected to a fine of 1 and a dollm' n clay penally for en h day that saitl llui alice exi ARD OF HEALTH CTY OF NEWARK.. t The Future Bride 1\11ss Esther A. Lloyd M rs. Archie Bare of Tweed's Mill, Newark, announces the engagement oc h er sister, Miss Esther A. Lloyd to Pvl. Herbert Hooven of Cl'eslon, N. C. FO' every four people si tting down to a meal in 195, there wlll be another Vt!rson at the table in according to prcsent populaton trcnds J i: QUlJOWAK S $:.of!'ng State Theatre f M i: d L;'s ' v:; g;.leo e N a L. ark is a gradua te o f Newark High... School a nd is employed al t he Conti nental Diamond Fibre Co. Pvt. H ooven, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H oov n of Creston, N. C., is i " stationed with Army Medical Corp at Ca mp Pickett, Va. B efore entering the service he was a m ember of the Blue Mountain Boys, WWVA, Whecl - ing, W. Va. 2 Shows _ 7-9 p.m. CO h e:ir.a n s h ave bcen made Saturday Contiftuous from 2 P.M Sunday Mat. 2 P.M.-Evening 8 P.M. P Cc. Low ell H. Gray oc the 5th -- Mobile Army Surgical H ospital of Friday.June :>2 uh cribe to The Newluk Po 1- '2. per year. THE 294 E.. lain St. BELlEVrNG ALL THE BBLE TO B E THE WORD OF GOD; STA Dll'\G AGA S1' THE MODER APOSTASY A ' D ; CONTNUJ G N THE JilSTORC PRESB\"J'ERAN FAlTH; PRESENTt G CHR1ST AS LORD AND OUR ONLY SAVOUR; WE WELCOl\JE YO TO R ER\.CE SUNDAY: Sunday SchooL 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship : A.M. Evening Evangelistic S ervice 7: P.M. WEDNESDAY: Bible Stlldy and Prayer at 8: P.M. Dr. John W. Sanderson, J r.. Pastor Elect For Sunday School Bus Service - P hone 3245 at 6 P M You Can't Match frgdare Refrigerators Automatic Washing Machines Ranges roners Dryers Water Heaters Kitchen Cabinets & Sinks Sales & ervice Food Freezers NEWARK ELECTRC CO, 173 E, Main Phone ::Cbl::n G:;:ml\:s!!d gr The Wild A. e: alu\ : ilhy alurday -.June 28 Elkton Road a nd was formerly em- Dilla "ore Plyed a t thc cer Corporation. Robert Merrill n Technicolor Aaron lick Fronl Skill-Experience Dependability ncr of Old Oa k Road this past week. Punkin Crick Prescription-filling dependability Mrs. R. A. Lun;a Miss Mora Lunn Plu is our keynote! The skill and FriculY Scrvice. W E WOUL) like OUr $ neighbor ' to consider u. a friends-:-tmincd 1 render a specal ;; '\'icr under '. pecial circum ' lance,. We like our town and we like t he people in it, and We 'Y to re fl ec hi feeling OUt' S l'\ tcc. You can 1 tnt t lis t o Ottl' very be t at a ll tim, and 1 keep ou r h a l'ge s w ilhin fa mily r equl'ement. WM. J. WARWCK President Newark Funeral Home nc. 121 W, Park Place Phone c::: For Blls 1"/Ol'l/al;oll. NEWAHK, DEL. to Ell TO ' CHESAPEAKE CTY CECLTON,!\D, of Edinburgh, Scotla nd are h ouse many years of experience of our guests of the M isscs Wilsons, 313 East fopalollg Cassidy professional pharmacists assure e:-=-=-=-=-:----_ Ma in S treet. Dcvil's P1aYO'l'onnd you only accurate results, M '. and Mrs. ur W. Crawford Sun.-Mon, June 29-3 ELECTROLUX ;sa':fa; 'n: ( :..: n;:) :t A Mar/ell e Diptriclt When necessary. w e will be glad to pick up your prescl'iption, fill (Vacuum Cleall.er) :. ;.a\ofo:,na r l\:knsd ;l::' Arlh"r Kelllledy and deliver it to you. Sale & Sf''\'icc J ohn K. J ohnston, 136 South College Rancho Notorious Arthur J. Johu Ol Avenlle, a nd w ith h er sistcr, M rs. E. n Technicolor H. L ake, and family, 22 K ells Avcnue. N E G H B R S R D 1 Ph: 6, Tues,-Wed..June 31.July 1 Newark, Dc!. 1r. and Mrs. B. A. W imcr of S outh PHARMACY :egv::,:nuteftari d:i itf C H"m 'Jhrey Bogart 72 E. Main Dial Deadline - U.S.A. : /.n;;d lv s.a :'1'ei:' Cesspool alltl. 'Jl lic : Cr are celebrating their 5th wedding Comill!! 511- E>. T \l\"ks CLEANED annl\'ersary QlO Van i s ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l. rangemcnt would allow 3 bed- W'' S H' k rooms pills den 1' scwing room HELP 173 E. Main EW ARK ELECTRC CO. P hone lam. e man on 2nd!loor with additional r Phone We t Ches ter W : CC:O;' ixtllo WANTED, D- A- V--S- B-u- R-Nl-E-R--E- R-V--C-E f. or" ilmi ng ton,1-2.j.j () C!> ELECTRCAL SERVCE : n F. LAWAp.E AVEN E HOUSE WRNG ELECTRCAL CONTRACTNG Larger homc: ideal room ar- APPLANCE REPAR Call has living room, dcn, dining room,... kitchcn, outside dining possibi- TYRE & DELAWARE AVEl\'UE, NEWARK, DELAWARE lilies on sidc porch 1' in yard; ifale and Female Worker s AUTHORZED \VA YNE D EALER and a n attached gal age. F or Light Assembly Work j '" OL BURNER SALES, ERVCE, NSTALLATON ra C. Shellender! cai eaa;: s :n/ d: On Out Production Lines HEATERS VACUUM CLEANED maintenance at a m inimum. DAY PHONE - NEWARK shows a 12'; rcturn on invest- THANSPORTATON ===NGTS&F.. OLDAiYS.-... NiEWWCAS:T:LE286= l: READ VLLAGE FROl\'J NEWARK Double, 2 bcdl'oom unit. P os- DRECT TO OUR ill " e,st se\le.r,,;-ca\r6att<s MoRSE ;4. your Jll' r..,s _ std -JUlY. PLANT GATES _ ; ' s T:!\\: :l; a; Bus Leaves Newark Daily At \ _ proximately 4 foot frontage; 7:2 A.M. And Comes Direct Real Value in Rotary owers! ideal spot for combinati on h ome and busincss. To Our Plant Gates. Retul'ns Direct From Plant Gate And ; 2n.,t:h S:a:s5s Arrive Newar'k 5 :5 P.M. for 2 cars plus loft fo rmel'ly EMPLOYMENT OFFCE used as a chicken hatchery - OPEN DALY' 8 A.M. TO 5 P. J. would make near pcrfect "gang" room (or the kids. SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 12: Mal y land..5 miles of! hard roael; about 5 acres; hill, woods a nd stream; living room, 2 bedl'ooms, modern bath, kitchendinette; Cul basement; 3 ca r garage and 3 sheds; owner will ta kc a 12 year purchase money m Ol tgage. nvestigatc. PEC ALS 3 bcdroom, six room homes in Westel'll District. Two homes in thc 4-odd thous-. and brackct - long possessions (approx. 9 mos. to a year). nformation at offi ce only. 3 Doors from tate Thea tre ewark Office Located Evenings By Appolnbnent HANBY -WORRAll.r. June 19,26, J uly3 ',' REALTORS 1:..;_:_:..:_:..:_:_:_:..:..:..:..:..:_:..:..:..:..;..:_>.:..:..:..:..:..:..:-:..:..:..:-:..:-:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..: :.-:.. t CalJ Grover S una tt 2269 AERAL PRODUCTS, nc. ELKTON, UD. Ke'egs'ake DAMOND RNG FllRBANKS-.:..... " 2" Rotary Power Mower le t us demonsfrcjfe these fecjturesl Belt mower (or uneven, twig strewn lawns. Cuts c1o to buildings, w-elks, and other obsrruc..,ions. 2" crucible steel bar cm; gra.. ( mulch fin.nets Bar can be reverst<j fa present Sk3111P cutting edge. Star" easily. Handle adjusu 4 heihll Rubber'li.red wheel Sa/,., main housing ",. <xlen. ton fin,ng. below cutl,ng b.. "n ail lides Li.:hlweiiht aluminum (rame V-bell drive (or qu4rj:k adjustments. FUNERAL HOl\f.E ncorporated -e- 254 W, Main Street Newark, Delaware Phone R. T. JONES * FUNERAL DRECTOR * PHONE We t * fain Slreet NEWARK. DELAWA RE WEA r! for HHE HEATHER Ring 3S. Also $ S and n platinum $ Wedding Rina _ 12,SO Mervin S. Dale Jeweler Purina Newark, Delaware - Dial 3Z21 Chow Farm Machinery NEWARK, DEL, PHONE 4231 Painl Genuine Tux.do., cut. r F ull DrtSS, Whilt."ormaJ. G AnMTf.[D TO rlt R t'ao nllble Ratt

5 _. E will be hostess to the next me tin!\ Vi'hc: ";e;e:ting as eat'ly as ----===_=:::==================:-::::=::The======_====_. OCla vents Reports will be heard fl'om those members who so ecently nltendcd hort COllrse at the University of. De laware. Topic for this mecting will be ' "swln.. and those on the eommittce in.clude Kathy Lane. Lannic Richards. Bill Crothcrs. Ronnie Campbell and Raynor Johnson. CLASSFED ADV Fiv. MRS. FRUT HEY' P 'll PRE ENT PANO RECTAL The pupils of Mrs. T homas J. Frutchey will present a piano recital at her home on Orchard Road on Thursday. June 26. hose t a ki g part are Nancy Hyre. LOS Hyre. Dian Reynolds. Elois Rohr.baugh, Margaret Ca rns. S ail Reed, Kathy Kay. Charlotte Phillips. P endleton Ha ll. Nancy Hall. Sandra Scott Lesli e Arnald and Lydia Woodmansce: TWNS BORN TO THE MAJOR DALYS Major nd Mrs. J. P. Da ly. J r. of Alexandria. Va. are receiving congratulations on the birth of twins' a son J am es Michael. and a daughter: Marie: bol'll June 2. at the hospital at F ort Belvoir, Va. 11ajor and Mrs. Da ly who are fo rm- er Newark residents. have two other children. Patricia J ean and John P atrick. ll. Mrs. Daly will be remembered as, Mis Ke lli e Edwal ds. Major Daly is stalloned at the U. S. Air Base jn Washington, D. c. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Brummer. P ossum P ark Road. a re receiving congratulations on the birth o f a son, David rs. Herbert Wnrren Mason of Not- late Hel'bert Warren Mason was a Powell Brummer. born. Sunday, J unc MRS. DORN HOSTESS TO NEWARK CLUB The Kewark H ome Demonstration Club will mect Wednesday, July 2. t 8 P.M. at the home of Mrs. Herbert Dorn. 618 Academy Sb eet. B e fore. hcr maniage on June 14'1 Following a wedding trip to Mr. Diffcrent dishes from other lands will be the topic for the m onth. ;. S;:; e a sd; :h::ml; 'Cli Smith's home. :ran.nibal, Mo. t he young Mrs. Dol'll, the h ostess. w ill make Bemier and the late Marcelle Beooiel'. couple Wi ll reside n Newark. Both arc her famous German "apple cake." of P aris. and the niece of Mrs. George employed at the E xperimental S ta- E. Brinton, Dallam Road. Newark. tion of Hercules Powder Co. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Heim of Orcha rd R3d spent the past weekend in E aglesmcre. Pa. w here M.r. H im attended the P ennsylvania Vocational Confercnce. M s. Heim will this week attend thc conference of Synodical at Hood Collcge, Frederick, Md. tingham Rand. Newark. Delaware and mcmber of the firm of S. D. Warren 22, in the Wilming on General Hos New York City has announced the Company o f Boston and a Director of )ita1. engagement of her daughtcr, Miss thc F irst National Bank of that city. -{larah Elizabpth Warrcn Mason to Wil- Hc was for many years ownel' of th e Mr. and Mrs. P aul Morton and daugh- -{lliam Henry Nels n, Licutenant CU tis P aper Company of Newark. tel', Ruth3nna, of West P ark Place; The risses Louise Laltomus, K athy USAF'. son of 1lrs. William H cnry Nel- Delawal e. and Mr. a nd Mrs. J ohn T hrone of Wi- Lanning. Margarct tl nd Lois Kay and Miss Margaret Ri ng, daugh t.er oi Mrs. Helen R ing. 149 South Chapel Stl'eet, observed her twcnly-seventh <birthday on June 16. and entertaincd at a barbequc several f'iends including Delores Moore. Emily Moore. RUUl Moore, Hopc Ri chards l na Ciebulski a li of Wilmington and i,er sister. Mary Elizabeth Ring. Mal'ga rct is employed vith Atlas Powder Co., Wilmington. PANO WANTED- UPRiG"iT."" ' - GOOD cond ition. Reasonable. Call i\ 11' B41re BLANCHE MAE EVERETT West Grove li.ltc WLL EXHANGE: 4-ROOM AN D BATH Slip Covers. Drapes and ReullbolsterV." i;.n g: cc:; growv /l. al ;1: Estimates free with or without material outsklrls. nqu ire NewO'k Farm & Newark. Del. Route l--ogletown Road 'lome Supply. -2-1\e Phone: Newark 645 OUSE TO LEASE OR R,Nl: FAMLY '""T""--- o f 4 relable & responsible. C hoosmg Newark as best for u s in 12 statcs ""uuld lk to seule belween now nnd, ehool., opening. \Vould buy older hou!'=('-good '.s;{)..,, size-rooms. if priced ighl. W. \Vaener, 272 C recn St. HalTlsbul'g P a. -2U-lp YOUNG LA DY DESRES SMA'LL B.\1'- Apt. close i n. by.july 14. Phone Lp, /; chelor Wantprl To Rent your gifts. HQUSE5:6-7 HOOMS PRE: F'E RABLE N s uburbs, max. rent $65.. Phone \V ll_ of lifetime mlngten Rever se':l ges.<:.::: beauty n. TFro"oU ;;',:W?'o?e 'J';,';"E,, B:e 1 c w ark ava.llable about September 1. TOWLE STERLNG = iev c n ottar \6Pli'1 g l ;1 ". Jr.. of Chc:;ter, Pcnnsylvania. L icutcnant Nelson was graduated mington have retumed home after a Nancy Carswell are among the Ncw-. ;..;..; ; ;..;-.;..;--;..;..;-.;..;.-;..;..:.-;-.:-; ; ;..; :..; : '.1. f}:. ;:E7{;jE :i ::i;}f l::::::::' 1 1:...:.:t.'.S.;d.:.n.:::.:_n.a l..;.tl..:.'p.,.fo... Ch,&:1 j W;Oi;\'B" 1 o" l;"" ToLETs. AME:Aa:ANDARD NewarK We nrc a s m a ll i lnil y looklllg f)' a n ice home with yard ond \'-'1 11 consider any fail' rent for a house that meets Ollr requil'ements. Loca l references furnished llp Wanted To Buy LOT OR OR 2 ACRE PLOT SUTAB LE fol' house. High ground pl'cfenccl. \Vith, 1 miles of Newal'k, Re, son b le. Wl'lte P. O. Box 13. Newark ltp For Rent 2ROOiViSW1TH OR WTHOUT BOAR D Phone Ph,llps Ave tc FURNSHED ROOM. 2ll N. Chapel. Phone lle CA - :,nl i S4ehn i swal:n;,ll:: Kappa Epsilon Fraternity and is at :lno ra; Ji';ledL gd:' WOMEN WANTED :l: at the L. John's dllll-cll, :1:.. ( gewa er :'l d c:'ci';gpa,e. re s,t an artist and illustrator in New,present stationed at Lackland Field Day at thc Methodist Church. Randy :;: Lewisvillc, Pa., 11 Sat- :!: J eweler Est n k,!; 3i1O"e 5 1 Sing:'9_11 York C,ty. l Ti ss Mas n's father, th'c l jn San Antonio, Texas. was born March 18. :;: unlay, July 5, 1952, at :;: Del. St. 52 E. Main St PANOS NEW AND USED SPNETS -- United ndustries, c. :1: 2 P.M..;. New Cnstle Newark U,\St t;:',?sildd;s.r:b,;j'eii TAYLOR-SCOTTON Red Lion announce the engagcment l'lr.andmrs.cunton W. Woodmansee ::: Tenll s Cls1 :;: sen L on requ t Call phone 1' W " Lc 'EDD NG JULY 3 ftheil' daughter. Miss Dolorcs Janet antd famdilf Y of W5S Haines Strcet hhavde E lk11l, Md. Al lell W',..1.: <':11 1 )'1, A,cl..:-_-.: " ' toludlocrrizedstart cjacr\vveed l er q'."$ ik' :' J 6 Bow slre e \.".' David. to Mr. Carl Creston Stafford. re urne rom est Kingston. Ro e The weddng of 1\ilss Agncs Clugs- son or 1\[1'. and Mrs. Lewis C. Star- sland where they spend scveral days W] ::_'.:..:..:..:..:.. :..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:_.:;. GROUP OF '., to 3 acre restr'eted bldg. ton Taylor. daughter o[ M'. and Mrs. ford of ncar Ncwark. with 1111'. Woodmansee's parents. Mr. l"{ llance or ""...'...'"S'>.'-,"X"'""S3\ i $ \\;"O :ne3u;i \,' C:'vng:O R. Rullu Ll'roy Taylol' or West Park Miss David, a graduate o[ the New- and M.rs. ClifTord A. Woodmansce t( Place and 1\11'..Jnmes Lester Scottun. ark High School [his June is employ- -- Startiu!! F X PER T a FLEXBLE PLAS1'C P PE fo" cold wa- SOn of ll"s. James Lcster Scotton. Sr. ed by the Farmcrs Trust office. W il- M'. anel Mrs. Charles M. Gibb of L..J...l :...7n 2:;;} Pii: ;;' S;:-2:;i.; and the late :'lit. James Lestcr Scot- min!!ton Trust CGmpany. Dixon Drive, Christinc Manor were J R de T V S e Mam Street. (j-19-ltc on. Sr also o[ Newark will take placl' M r. StafTord a graduatc of the Con- given a h ouse-warming on Saturday L1 y,;) a 1 efvce 4" FBRE: SOL PPE. 8 t. lengths with on Thurs:iay el ening. July 3. at 7 rad H igh Schol. is engaged in farm- evening with guests attending from coupling. 3:1e p r (. J. M.!,,,ng,,:s. 151 :te::n ttllw\ th Btl;nC:;a\;ti, ing. ;:;sat:il:: ;c:;atem: APPLCATONS Cn]) NCWU-k 6-179] East Main SU cct. - - _'::: e Re'. John Oldman. Jr. performing the 1l\1RE-BAKEn o[ the fam ilies of the ngrams, Bur- NOW BENG ACCEPTED : RCA _ SYLVANA _ G.E. : B,7t,e;; ;O:E3!.t:!:: cesoylnr will hnve as her maid WEDDNG, AUGUST 9 t::: :r,:inib:y:::esd iio(' :;\ Day Shift 8-4,:3 Sales _ Service B,CoLe15(,$5Lr:,. e of honor. her sister, Miss Mary Jane Mr. and Mrs. F. Clifford Moore. of home from Ashley Road. Ncwark. '" Phone Uc Taylor. and as bridesmaid, Miss Mary 151 E ast Clevcland Avenuc announce -- Startin!! Rate 9c V. W. Nields & Sons Bueche. also of _'cwark. the ngagement of thcir daughtcr, 11 [rs. Helen M. Tyler spcnt the past... FARMS 1 to 3 ACRES. DWELLNGS 1lr. Richard B. Hammond of H aver- Miss Elizabcth J ean Moore to M.r. Le- '.weckend with h cr husband, Corporal Apply A t 44 Ea Ma ill S L'eet Phone e ;j"j' i\w,\ J n; to;;m\,,uw hu mmrl roy E. & wn MdMRooR Twuoo CompanyOffl.ce B...1 :::::::_B::::::_1:n ushers will be 1111". Richard A. Davis Everett ie. Baker of Kalispell, Mon- Fort Monmouth. N. J. where he is at- ri p :: :;.hu.ophcot:; o[k:n:r; taiss Moore will leave by plane fo' :nfh::e;aisoa;.ey (Old Nat 1. lag-ne sium Plan!) Taking Cologne Away Wl-th You?_.TEh(;S"':Wms. CF. Jr;;,E \ H.; and [ r. H. llerccr V e$cy. Jr. (.f Montana on July 3, and the wedding. pigs. Wm. Harringlon. B'll;i Claymont, cousin of the groom. will take p lace in M.on ta na on August DODG E '47 CUSTOM 4-door R. & H. 4 Both i'liss T!lylol' and Mr. Scotlon the 9th. --=--=-...:.:...-=-..::...-=--=--=--=--=-..:..:...=- new tll'es exceilent condition. Phone are June graduates or the University \. T,. Be Snlart - take ltc of Delaware and are employed by the GREEN MEADOWS 4-H L '" ew_ HOT PO NT RONER $99.5: OM.BNAduPon t C_o_m_p_an_y_. ATTEND "PATTY CANNON" fl-ne it in "Stick" W\,t d it;jwjonco :i?'o 'c!; DAVD-STAFFORD th! h;l a;r : e n?'-n CllaUs ar _ T_ra_ile_l'_ c_a_m_ '_,_R_OU. _tc_4o_. _n_ea_'_gri;!-'t'p 8NG AGEl\U:NT ANNOUNCED day, June 2, when it was presented d. ' SHULTON... $1. BLDG. LOTS WE:LCH TRA CT CHUR H. M' h 11 H 11 rye eanln' g'- road. Phone tp Mr. and Mrs. William L. David of Ph;li S e Batt: n: Chestnut Hill Road S T C K COL G N E Old Spice D e!'l3 kp\ 4Lnew3s Concentrates F'ie1lllship Garden 6-26-ttc _.. "'Vn_p1us a brand new -')(ra P J R S EST Y L E Desert Flower MAHOGANY CH NA CLOS ET. DN1NG ri':t';,"d ;edlvae;';'i '/, : _b'i[ Answer: Mtl1boltel "\Xl;"len they are installed, each home will have direct communication with Our bank. Try this convenient, popular banking method-bank br Mail. WLMNGTO TRU T COMPANY Farmers Trust Office cwark, Delaware crving- tills ommunlty since lember Federal Reserve ystem )r. Member Federal Deposit nsurance Corpor.. Uon "",,'."""""",."""""""","""",!,,,,,..,,."'!,r,"',""'!'''', i at no extra charge. As por of our quality drycleaning service, we are now includin.g a big new EXTRA-FUMOL MOTHPROOFNG. At no extra cost to you, miracle FUMOl will absolutelr protect your clothes.and FUMOl is odorle4s, colorless, and harm ss a fabrics too! M & M DRVE-N CLEANERS 4-HOUR CLEANNG SERVCE 11 N. Chapel and 24 W. Main EACH,/.- Early A11lel'icall Old Spiel. Frimdship's Gal'den Deserl Flower NOXZEMA 85c size Special 59c PRO PHY.LAC TC TO. BRUSHE VacaLion p. 3 for 69c COTY TOLET WATER $1.85 WiLh Sachet F'ee yardley... $1.5 LavclldCl' Bond Street LOlli COTY... $1.5 L'O'iguu L'ail1lanL Emcl'uude OUR DELVERY SERV CE S FREE - You Jlay no more for a Jlre cription or any item when we deli ver than you do when you call at our tore. We are glad to offer thi added service and welcome your phone ca ll. RODS DRUG STO 'PJ <P.4ak.Htac d ( EME Q5N JONSON. PrlOP. oppo,',rf,tare Ti-Et:lT1?f. VEWAQi<, Df:L. <''''''t f<yt :.<...,249 HOT WATER BOLER COMPLET.E WTH burner & contl'ols. Also 1urge CC ltet'. Phone 656 br c COOLERATOR REFR GERATOR. Phone _26-2tc 8 SQUARES OF' GRA'Y ASBESTOS ROOF shingles, 2 pail's of swinging garac doors 14 x 8) 2 light nxtures for wall n kitchen. Phone lc E GLSH FORD (Thomes) " TON DElvery t ruck. Excellcnt condllion. Phone lc USED \3 H.P. YORK w rndow AR ONdilioner 8. J:U'\'ey Refrigcratol' Co., Phone N wark tre Miscellaneous SEPTC TANKS. CESSPOOLS PUMPEDcleaned. J im Ryan. Ph.one Smyrna Otp. PAPER HANGNG. E. E. Trlvl ts. phone Up EFRTGEHATOR SERVCE AND SALES.vce Harvey Refrgeration Co.. 27 T)'t! Avenue. Phone S-tto PLUMBNG SUPPLES : PPE-GALVAN zed or black: all szes. Cut and threaded to specifications..t. M. Singles. 151 East Main Street. Phone tfc CESSPOOLS. SEPTC TANKS CLE...NED. (}dorless excavating. Free estlmate9. R J. Wesl. Nottingham. Pa. R D 2. Pho". Oxford 651-J lf. REFNSH YOUR OWN FLOORS-EASlL Y done Wth our High-Speed Floor Sander nexpe.nslve. Newa.rk Lumber C8_tfc: PAPER flangng-all WORK GUAR. anteed. G. J. Matthews. Chrisliana. Del. Phone New Cnslie p Dial 4941 For Your Post SuhscriptJoD e, f sl i '

6 The Ne The appointment of Bob Sicmen as '- 1 ===================-===============-============-=-=====-=======-===== Bob ienten Nalned Assistant To Dave Nelson At University asslslant director of health, physical education and athletics at the Univ r sity of Delaware, was announccd lasl week by Athletic Director David M. Nelson. A graduate of Delaware, Siemon was appointed graduate manager of athletics by William D. Munny, then nthlet c dir ctor and head football coach, in 194. Oedipus, beaten favorite in the Georgetown Steeplechase Handicap last Friday, has been assigned topweight of 164 pounds for this Friday's 1, two and one-half mile ndian River Steeplechas Handicap. Oedipus, champion jump ' for the past two Locals Down Ches apeake ily Siemen, 32, was graduated from Wi- years, has been returned to New York N ine 5-4; ' Viii Meet E ll ton mington High School in 1939 and at- nnd may pass up the ndian River. ewsl ;SA==================;;===T=======-============ Hall{inart lind ewal'k To Third Susquy Leagu e Win Nexl S unday n Away Game takes JFill Feature Saturday Racill O' Card King Ranch' Hig h cud Will A ttempt To Score Third "(1'. h Victory n 15th Henewal Of Mile n d Furlong E ent JCo: lg ( 3 -Y ear- ds W h ich Will Be 'North l ore Than,' t, nun tended Delawarc from 1939 through Thc Mast, winner of the George <!> He served as a second lieutenant town,has be 11 given second high- Newark scored its third victory of King Ranch's P"' (.\' ll'gh ud, : ':thwi,r'anti:i, w: i. ta,a:\:., tre'u the season last Sunday in the Sus- Douhle F ea tll re 11 ;'rf p':, :;\i ', :;;o:,: lrom Sc' vic in breeder, of Clarkesville, Md., is ship- quehanna League by downing the Lan.!!horne Track. favorites in the SO,OUO,,"lard R ich One of the four Delaware students ping his good spl'inter, Senator J oe, Chesapeake City Braves. 5 to 4. Hal u ards Stakes to b(' run.t.,," Stanton to win four letters in athletics in on(' from Delaware Park to Monmouth Kinar making his first appearance for Sclle{lule(l Satllr(lay avalon Saturday. year, Siemen earnej <lwards in soccer, Park lor a try at another stake. Sena- the local club pitched brillant reliet This 15Ul renewal DC h" R:chard.! track, basketball and tennis as a senior. tor J oe just recently finished fourth in ball to gain his fi rst victory of the sea. a mle. and. a Lurlon" tl t [or 3'year: He won a total of seven lett rs whlle the Oc anport Handicap at the North son. Ronnie Woodwad making h is in- ron Mike 1agiJ ' Viii Be aids, Wll clmax the 11 'xt-t last Wl'tk at Delaware- anu a trophy or scor- J ersey track. He has an engagement ilial start of the season suffered a wild ncluded Among Con les t a nts of racing at the locnl trark. ing the highest number (points in in the $t5, Rumson Handicap at streak in the fourth inning and Kin- n print -Car Attraction. n his last ouling Hilh Scud prato intra-mural athletics over a four-year Monmouth Park Wednesday. art, after walking in a run, blanked cally ran away lrom till' rest of th( period. n a letter to Racing Secretary Gil the Braves for the remainder of the Langhorne, Po.-Activity at Lang- field 111 he Kent Stakes on.june H Siemen also has coached Delaware's Haus, Trainer Preston Burch apolo- game. horne Speectway switches to night t'in'ing easily while s,'tllng a ni'"!' junior varsity and freshman bask e- gized for taking his horse away from Newark scored one run in the first time operation beginning this Satur- t:c miec \i:;en1il;i seconds lor ball, baseball and tennis teams dur- Delaware Park so abruptly. Burch whlfn with two out B illy WOOdward dl,any'queevesnc'hinegd'uoe ltoifcieavlsenhtsavfeo r tihsteedl'nl.a_ That. smashl. ng efrort pushed thing the past six years. A past presi- explained he was sending four run- walked and scored when Run J enkins Ma ' dent of the :Middle Atlantic Confer- ners he had at Delaware Park to Chi- doubled to right center. Newark scor- ::e nlrn:gggmih gu:e: to lehr'':::'d V) :::t s;e:: ence's Southern Division, Siemen cago for racing at Arlington Park. He ed four big runs in the top of the olds of the year. Other 11'obabies makes h,s home in Newark. e :: f r 'o sao:1 t:h U\tl 'i, ca= wc::::: n;i: :: d mi ;'::::to:el;a:: possibilities for the rucha"ds inc1ud: decided. Ronnie Bramble was safe on a fle ld- for the first time on a quarter mile J ampol, a disappointment in the Kent.Sparks Hurls, Bats ra <Babe) Hantord, who rode King ers choice forcing Cataldi at third, dirt track the sprint cars will also be Brush Bul'n, also twice winner a; Ranch's High Scud in his record- Ronnie Woodward then walked load- resented. Delaware; Fred R., Star of PerSia, Local Legion Nine breaking Kent Stakes victory, has been ing the bases. Doug 'l;'iley then squeez- p... and others yet to be hearci from such engaged to handle the three-year-old ed in Bobby Gregg, Bram'ble scored. ron Mke Mag,l, r ecognlze as the as Golden Gloves, Armag<'ddon, Count To Second Victory n.de p endent sprmt cr champon and Flame, Closed Doo,', Suggested. and Son of Ben'brough in Saturday's rich when Albie Sparks flied out to cen- To the American racing public, Tea-Maker is a. famous thoroughbred, winner of the 5-m'le champlonsh,p others. H A F B Leonard Richards Stakes. tel' field. Woodward and Doug Tilley one of the best sprinters in the country. But to his pal, Bossal. Tea-Maker at Langhorne last August, wiil le.ad Mrs. Walter M. J en'ords' One Counl o rn e r ccounts or oth J ohn D. Shapiro, president of tile scol'ed when the Chesapeake City in- is just a horse, a good companion who's been around the F. Ambrose a strong fi eld to te post n the spl'lnt winner of t.he B mont Stakes reo R un Scored By O'Daniel Laurel Race Track, was a visitor Sat- fi eld booted le ball hit by R ed J en- Clark stable a iong time. The nine-year-oid Tea-Maker is also a very. ca l' l eatl." e includng the veteran Mke cently, will remain on the sidelines n Win Over New Castle urday. He was taken on a too1' of kins. Total four r uns on just one hit versj.tiie horse, for he has competed in hurdle races as well as on the flat. San Fellce and Buddy Powers. during the ruehards. A bad stone inspection by Bryan Field, general and two errors. Frank Errico, popular Philadelphia bruise on his left front foot SullerEd The Newark J r. Legion nine tucked maj no <eagwer. Bfl.Dowe ln \svapraerapda'."'lkg' Lady sh,'p- o ft:e B;o auvret c:'::;; k!rthreshl Exll'a Prize Added For fillies and mares is renewed.july 5. driver and perhaps the most improved in the Belmont, will keep him out of away its second vielo of t se s n addition to the solid gold cigarette driver in the short track sport, will the Richards. iby downing New Ca s ;; Postlast ped to Delaware Park from New York four walks and two hits. Winner Of New Castle box which is awarded to the winning be gunning for his first triumph. n Friday's highlight will be the run. day evening by a score of 2 to 1. Albie to start in the Delaware Oaks returned Doug Tilley second sacker for the Delaware Park's New Castle Handi- owner, the winning trainer and joc key the last feature staged around the ning oc the $1, added lndian Rit." Sparks pitched sh ut-out balj for five to Long sland Saturday morning. An Newark club was the fielding star of cap, whose.<dded money last season this time will be presented wit h small- short course Errico finished a strong Steeplechase Handicap. The field will innings before the boys from New injury incurred after Parading Lady the game whlie participating in three was doubled to $5, and the dis- er replicas. ncidentally. each of the second and according to racing offi- probably be about the same as com. Castle pushed ac"oss a r un which was arrived at the Stanton course was the double plays and having two hils in tance increased to the classic m il e and Stanton track's l4 stakes. carries a ials if the event had a few 1nore laps peted in last Friday's Georgetown, won unearned. Albie also proved the big reason for not having been entered five trips to the plate. a quarter route, will have something handsome trophy 111 addl\ron to the to go the Quaker City ace would have by Mrs. Esther dupont Weir's ThE gun of the local team with the bat ovel'l1ight in the Oaks. Sunday Newark meets the strong else added when the big event for purse. showed the way to the checkered flag. Mast in front oc J am. Navy Gun, which hilling a home run with on!! mate J oseph J. Paoli's seven year-old Elkton Pirates at Elkton. Moxie Brown -:-=--::---=-=-=-,--,--".,.--::-:--, Tommy Coates, 1951 point scoring deael-heated Lor third with Crooning aboard in the third inning this being Alacrity, w hich appeared to have is expected to start the game whlie W champion, will also be pointing for Wind. is expected to try for the r. the margin of victory for the O'Daniel broken down badly in Saturday'S first Nelson King, so far undefeated in the PLAY MNATURE GOLF his initial win of the campaign. Last dian R iver. American Way will prob club. race, suffered a rup tured left foreleg 1 League will be on the mound f or the 18 HOLES OF F UN AND SKLL FOR YOUNG AND OLD time out the T,'enton speedster fi n ably represent h Rokcby Stables. The local lads wfll be playing all suspensory ligament. He was not des- Pirates. Newark Ncw'k M inia llh'e Golf COlu-Se!! ished!?urth. (;{)rdon Hat'vey, current their ga mes away this \V ek. Monday's troyed. Easl C leveland Ave. & Capitol Trail.1 e:l?::.oy: a::tcfnt:: :7t y, A Pomponio and Dave Tel' game wil h the Del. Post was called Trainer Moody J olley notified Del- ab r h Open Weekdays 7-11 p.m. Sat.-Sun 2-11 P.M. son championshl'p will be in the stl'ong on account of rain. On Fl'iday evening a\vare Park officials that h e is def- Tilley, 2b '... ' Night events at the Langhom', the local Jads play Post No. 29 in Els- initely pointing Cain Hoy Stable's Sparks,rf 5 field. so too will spectacul ar Jim De- track will commence at 8:3 P.M. mere. Armageddon, third in the recent B el- B. Woodward, cf The next home game of the local mont Stakes, klr the rich Leonard J enkins, b 3 legion boys will be Monday June 3 ruchards Stakes to be renewed at Del- Blaney, f 5 when Claymont will be in to take on aware Park Saturday. Cataldi, ss 3 the O'Daniel boys on the Continental Gregg, 3b 4 1 Field. O'Daniei O. 1 New Castle r a;":n c ab rho a Steele, 2b a R. Woodward, p Wierzbicki, 2b 2 1 Kina,1, p ::n;, c;r 3 g g Totals Cbesapeake ab r h o ThOl'l1ton, 3b 1 1 oj, 1 3 g D. Gee,ss 2 : :;\ 'b 2 o p, 1 2 g 1 E. Schaen, ss 3 o Wardell, U 2 1 H. Brooks, r-f Emory, p rag,rs, 3b ' Cully "Batted for Wardell in 7th Hudson, 11 1 O'Daniel 2-2 Knotts, 2b New Castle J -1 Bristo, 2b Fallers, c Consumers are eating more chicken. Dickerson, p 2! :.._ > The average consumption went up Totals 5 from about 18 pounds per person in Newark : to almost 3 pounds in Chesapeake 4(}.-4 :J. L.JH.".!'-"'''''''''''\W r:..:-:-:..::' :-:-: : : :..:-:-:-:-: : :-: :-: :-:..:-:-:..:..:-:-: :..:-:..:-:..:-:..:-:..::-:..:-:.:.':":-:"":1: 1. CALL * Carswell, ss Truskey, f Sparks,p Hurm, lib, cf J. Thol'P, c Cunane, rf Whitlock, lib Beldyk, 3b McDowell, 2b Conway, rf J. Smith,rf Reynold, 1'f i BLL STEENSON 3: t * FLOOR S::::: -:EFNSruNG l NSTALLATON OF PLASTC OR STEEL WALL TLE ::: LAYNG OF RUBBER OR ASPHALT FLOOR TLE OR LNOLEUM.1. :'. t 39 + S. FifLh 51., Oxford, P a. :s: HOPKNS POULTRY FARM :..:..:-:-:-:-:-:.. :-:-:-:..:-:..:-:-:..:-:..:-:.. :.. :. :_:-:-:-:..:..:..:-:..:-:..:..:-:-:..:-:..:-:-:-:-:-:-:..:..:..:..:..;:' FRESH KLLED FRYERS AND ROASTERS Capitol Trail Dial WALTON WELL DRLLNG, NC. Drillers of DOMESTC & COMMERCAL WATER WELLS For E.tlmatcs Call ROY T. WALTON CARLSLE on Churchman's Road, S They're Off at Continuous racing through July 5th POST TME 2 P. M. Daily Double Closes 1:45 P. M. General admi sion $1.8.. reserved seats $1. addjlional FOLLOW U TO NCE ft. Sea Que.", op"a,-ltadn o} b,. Tro/n n.f Mercu ry Motor - FJectcralt and Tl'ojan Boat ca & ad' OldJ... U. Roberls Kit Boats - Haggerty Sea She)] "",her. Friend. lleea" 12 and 14 Sport man - 14 ft. Angle r AND ft. Sea Queen O.K.'D QUALTY PJu li Craft Boals GARS.OST LESS Open Thurs. 'Til 9 o'clock BQut Trailers Ph. Del. City 4431 (or 4568) Outboard Purl, Repairs, and Service Word Tracto... add Dearbom Equlpmenl \:i; Open Evening' Phone Follow the uirectional igu po l e d on the h.iglrways for the bes t rollle 1 the raclrad ;;

7 ' WATNG NOW OE J) \" H,HHO llepalr SEllVCE EWA HK ELECTRC CO. n mi nut e to ehccl< these tlmel), ""turq in 'round-tlte-clock leeds for hr :11l11 and brauty. They ro\'" h,lt ou get more for your ton e)' :t ;\, :\\, ilk PHARMACY _more de pendability.,. more satisfaclioll... OlE A V.NGS - bec:lusc we f.at un' yo ur favorite qualit)'-)"'ven brands a t the lowest "rices possible. For real economr - it's time you turned tf) NEil'AlK P.\itMACY (or a ll your drug slt.re needs. DOU'L j 5 i!.':,. \, EDGE ( BLADES JO or 1St 21 49C' for_ 98c...!...O!..., BA8P.AD \,r 7 OUT OF 1 'Plastic Strips J WOMEN OiOOSE OTEX name! FlESH.COl!1,[ 39' '-_ 39 C /gor.-..gor...- r5$:-:';; :":)':7!fjJ: (';tjj:'i''(,:,fr; :*;,.y.m?j MRA The dainty cosmetic hair remover cream Odorless, 65 2'/2 1'. sil'e Pree Pa,.king C BRDGEPORT Dial We Carry A Complete Stock of Fre h Film n A Wide Variety of S izes And Types -fm; SHAMPOO PLUS EGG 4 :. 59c / Dr: West's Miracle-Tuft J TOOTHBRUSH' 58jff AER-A-SOL NSECTCDE Kills flies, mosquitoes and household nsects, quickly, $1 easily. 12 oz. size 79 Free Dl'livery S even thei' son nnd his family, M'. and 1\11'';. sists of Miss Hazel Johnston, l'l.iss ommittee l'om the lmpt'o\'elllcnt David Andel'son, Jr. of Harmony R ad. Roma ine Benson and John Mul'l'uy. Society following the morn,ng sen 'ice..mr. and Mrs. David Anderson Jr. The Supper Committee for the t 2: P.l: l. 1'. Wiiiurd G. Purdy vsited friends in Haddenfield New Chlcken- alnd l ppe, wishes to thank will preach. Jersey, last Sunday. all who helped in any way with the is :i: ' zie atro!n1:iu:: pr::: \l owe l' s on the altar last Sun- '; ; ; ;"; N ; : E : :W" ; ':":":H";";O-; :U ;"S- : E : : ; ;": Alfred Greenwalt, in Lumbrook, day were pro dcd by Miss J ane Hnm- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gallaher and mell for 1\1rs. daughter, Ellen, motored t Hrris - School las. Andel'son's Sunday FOR S LE on RENT burg, Pa., last Sunday. The flowers next Sunday will be Six Miles From 'cwark We are glad to learn that 1rs. John provided by th m mbel's of Miss Hn- m rt R::s:n (O\,,,C UCY Living Wil son who has been confined with zel Johnston's Sunday School Class. illness at the home of her mother, MlS. Room. 2!led Rooms, L arllc Kllchell- D in ing no ll. B Ulh Room w ll h An"l l Levi Murray, Eastburn Heights, is now Homecoming Day it:;r s, Slil ::rdhngl::,,;.;es;n :;w able to be about again. Next Sunday, June 29, wi\l be cele- kitchen. Automntlc Oil fired twill. Rgeville Park Branch Library bra ted as Homecoming Day. Rev. Bis- t c.\t.\':,';o b'.,c,;,,"pa. The branch library at the home of : will preach at the 11: A.M. serv- edd\i'e \Y e f ',o:.go";'. r,t, M'. and Mrs. Charles Raymond, Lau- house on be fi nanced on Rent b RSls re Avenue, will again be open to the A light lunch will be served by a CALL KE mle VLLE public on Saturday 1: A.M. to 12:.: : ;. ; ; ; ;..: ; ; ; :: :..; ;_; ; ;_.:..;. ;..; ;..:..;. :np. d on Tuesday from 6: to.: : : ; :..: : ; : :..:_: : :..: :..:..:..:..:..: :..: :..:..:..: : : : :_: :." : ;..: ; : ; : ;..;_:_:_;.;..;..; ;_; :. White C y Creek Presbyterian Church ; NOTC The V'acation School is concluding ::: E :!: :i: the first week of its two-week session.,..t. with a good enrollment. Any wishin t :i:. enroll for the final week may do :!: All Departments will be :1: Mrs. Ralph Lindell has been added ::: :: J On, h H D enn son, right, president of Dennison Mo tor COmllany, s shown to Nurse. the staff as Assistant and School.. C LOS E D.,-...' completion of 25 years as Nash dea ler. The wa rd was made at a dln- u y,wth a public program at 11 : T J U L Y 4 & 5.;. ",e re being preseted with a handsome clock trophy by E. M. Christie, The sch.ool wi ll close on Thursday, :.1... :.: Nash Motors Philadelphia zone manager, in recogniton of his recent J 1 3. ner held recently n Ha rmony Grange Hall t which the enure stall of A.M., followed by a picnic on the :!: ::: =::S:,:::,;::::,::;. ;?:J.:;:ts: :::::::. :: ;&::":;::.:: ': 'Bm ' t 1 : iu i.. July 1, with Margaret J ohnston lead- J.:. 1. J - J.. ' :i; 7i:CZ111h;'hAt :!::;E::::itw;: ::c::;11::i:::tt::og::,: ij(rz' 12 =(c'fi;r; j y scrap iln-n metal which they would like.x"'"'oooooox"'ooooom - Dr. 'Willard Purdy To Bring to have the troop collect, arrange frr S p ecial Message On S unday ' :. c u'':t:n bil,(v Sunday, June 29, will be observed less. prior arrangements have been as Homecoming Day at White Clay made. ':k \rian Church on Kirk- NEWARKER GETS DEGREE This marks the 2th annive"sary of Donald E. Trimble, 224 South Chapel, the first church structure on the pres- Street, was one of more than 3, ent site of the church. students receiving degrees from Har- At the 11: a.m. service the pastoj', vard University at commencement ex- ' Rev. Bishop, will preach on "A Glor- ercises held last week. ious Future." Special music will be Donald was awarded the degree o[ provided by a quartet of young peo- Mastel' n Bu i n es s Administration. p e: Jane Hammell, Carl Butterworth, He receved hts A.B. from Harvard William P each and J ohn Peach. in 195. A committee from the mpl'ovement Socety, with Ms. Alice Hammell, Canitol Trail News chall'man, S art'ang tng to serve a... UhthO l:'oh:el::nntg 2 :ric:.:: : Marjorie M. Bishop, Correspondent Dr. Willard G. Purdy, Moderator of Phone 6318 the Synod of Baltimore, and pastor of --- First and Central Presbyterian Church Mrs. Charles Lonl!. KirkWOOd High- Wilmington, will bring a message on way, is convalesci ng at home follow "The Church That Ought To Be." An inl( a major operation. anthem "n God's House" wil l be sung ]\'[rs. Bessie,Johnson, mother o[ Mrs. by the senior choir. Long, is now residing w ith her cousin, 1:1 rs. Minnie Knotts, at 168 West P ark Tl'Oop 55 Will Collect Scrap Per l e:w, J r. is regaining the Metal fcl'e On atnrday use of his foot which he injured last Members of Boy Scout Troop.55 will week by stepping on a board with a make a scrap m etal collection on s at-! r USly nail in it. urday [rom four gal'ages here in New- il1,. and 1\lrs. Da vi d An derson r /llll ark which have cooperated by saving Germantown, Pa. have been visiting NOW OPEN We Are Now Ready to Serve You Expert Repair Work Under The Supervision of Dave Van Pelt All Work Called for and Delivered Visit Our New J\'lodern Service Sta tion At 235 Eo MAN STREET Trivits' Diamond Serv ce Station 1111 / y' 81., e f l 81 i ' the DRY C. ANNG RUG CLEANNG AND TORAGE GRA D OPENNG.' Towne Cleaners, nc. Delaware's Most Modern Ddve-n Cleaning Plant EU(TON aud BEVERLY ROADS, NEWARK on MONDAY, JULY 7, 8: A.M. TO 9: P.M The Public is Cordially nvited Towne's Services nclude SHOE REPARNG TALORNG FUR CLEANNG A D TO RAGE

8 Eight Y ll. E. (;')hdll \,.;'jll HOllor] \\,lal'(1l1 C Olll'll' (,Cl l William F:. Godwll. o n uf ;\11'. and Mrs. End W. Godwin, D l ap l nne 1\lon or, was Ullt- uf the members of the graduotinp cla:s of the Wharton E ve> lllg School oc Accounting a ll d Fi nonct' to 'l'civc a C L'l"tifia tt' o r Pr o 1cU'ncy at com lnt'nc(:ll1 l l1 exercises hdd n'cl ntly. T hose attl'nding the com menc('nwnt were: 1\ 11'. and : 'S. Earl Godwin, 1\11'. Edward God Wn, Mrs. LJelbert ' rossall. : 'S. Uorothy c l o n, Mr. nd Mrs. Cli ftonl F. Lee, Mr. and \l rs. J ohn Schreiber of Ba Umur". :\11'. and! 'S. George Sadler of Lansduwne and!'s. Haymoncl Ford of Wilming t on. s'ly and :''. Herman J\liddleton. Tech!lcal Drector of the University Thea <Continued Froln pa!:e ) tre. CUrlalll time will e 8: 15 p.m. Lh evcning of July 2 a nd admission will CUllnie Parker..7udith; Patsy Hall, Kaye; Uale Casey. Berni ce ; Virginia be free. Lanicr, Madeline; u Roberts. Little ] Mary; Barbara Yal s. Pat. W!'kend specials on beefsteaks and T he entire pl'oject is under the en. ::s tt a;s d :) ;d r:::on, ; cl:al supervisi on of Dr. C. R. Ka e, [ound, was higher livestock and whol Drector of Dramatics at th!' 1..,n, \ er sa le meat prices. ;;;:=======--=- -_ r" TAKE ADYAJ TACE OF OUR AT TH ' TJ;\r E TO CLEA FOR FALL H E \PER RATE YO ' R FUR r\ E E Sylvia ' ield, of the Bluc lien 4 T1 Club, Newark, is De laware's statc Dress Revue winner. She was selected from 37 contestants at the University of De laware Short Coul'se last Bandle,:tder Guy Lombardo lakes lime out from his bandst.a nd chores week. H ' reward is an all expense to chat. with 1\1 r. a nd 1\11'8. Herman \forrls of ewark, during their visit trip to Na tional Club Congress in to Ule famous 1tei Roosevelt. Grill last. week. Winners of a. conlest on Chicago ne xt Nov mber. "The Big Pa.yoff" t.etevision show ( BC TV, 3-3:3 p.m. daily), rr. and M iss Field's w inning outfil was a Mrs. Morris stayed a.t the Hotel Roosevelt. for t.wo days while in New ballerina length, white eyel m =YOrkCit.Y. broidery formal. -- C losin.. Exer c ises Fl'irlay For [ormel' chief of the Delaware Mili COllnl y 4, H Dail'Y Judg ing C ontesl To B e Helt!.Plans are made for holding lhe New Castle Coun ty 4 H Dairy Judging Contest on Sat urday, July 12, accord l ng to Maurice l. F ield, 4 H club agent at large. The public is invited to e lary District. was appointed to h ad l\' Clhocli t Vacalioll Sch ool the combined civil defense organiza Closing exercises for the vacation lion of Wilmington and N w Castle church school of the Newark Metho Counly last week by Wilmington's dist Church w ill be held on Friday Mayor J ames F. Hearn.. morning, June 27. The school has been Former ly. Col. Dunn was direclor in operation for two weeks with an of civil defense for J'ural New Castle enrollment of 171 chldren.. Counly. H e will succeed M. dupont r c a:7 tsvf:i/ :':.. t;: :; :o:s tr e:i:;:.d as city defense di of the children while the parents of Call E. MTH lc waj'k 635 1' 64-1:5 Before You Buy Take 7 exciting min. utes to see (/Jui hear aboltt the ellitre/y new - completely different CYCLA MATC FRGDARE ts the rejrigerflt.or YOlt lwve hoped for Phone for FREE info r mation and trade-in appraisal. Newark Electric Co observe the in teresting educational vent, which wil l begin at 9: A.M. on the University of Delaware Experi' mental Farm, Newark, Delaware. et=i1 fr:lste tr;ij,4';oo;"""''''''''''''''-",( Here are a few well-priced homes for sale. All clubs in the counly are urged to enter teams consisting of three memo bel's for this contest. These members d o not h ave to be carrying a dairy project in order to compete. Any num bel' may compete from a club. The teams will be selected at the contest by the trios of highest scores. ELK Theatre ; EL ; COUNTRY HOME gr am., ;, On lot 1 x 2 ft. Wth plenty of old shade a nd shrubbery two story dwell Col. Dunn A ppointe d To, lng, rge living room. dining loom, ktchen Wth breakfast nook, enclosed New Civil D efen se Pos t ) front and back porches, first floor.. t.hree. ni e ai ry bed rooms and bath. S torm Col. George W. Dunn, Newark, '( " sash and screens, excellent condtion insde and out, only three miles La l ; is not backward when it ; Newark, very attractive home. Elkton school bus. An unusual buy at $12,. comes to aving y ou mono. EAST PAR..K PLACE ' Puhlic Sale ', e y on nationally advertis.<,,. Bungalow, brck front. two good sze bed rooms. larg living room, attrac OF e d jewelry and appliance, tlve ktchen, tle bath, dry cemeted basement, oil hat. H.W. floors. storm r HOUSEHOLD FURNTURE ; ) sash and screens, fronts 15 feet on East Park. P ossession at setijement on P M,< 1847 ROGERS BULOVA ;, $12,5. COMMUNTY BENRUS, H l hful A' C d" d SATU RD AV, J UNE 28, 19;;2 S DAMONDS SPEDEL i.. DELAWARE AVENUE, ea t. r on,hone 34 E CLEVELA ND AVE., NEWARK '... ELGN GENERAL ELEC. \ Large faml y home, SX bed rooms, \hree baths, ij hot water heat, slate Wnter and Summer 3 p.eee hvlng 1' m suite. 1 piece din ) r oof. new two ca r garage. plenty of shade and roomy lot only two blocks from Elkton, Md. Phone 92 n gi:c eo're'i1l:; t 5s ei.i e y: J.;e rs ujt; i 'ARKER WESTNGHOUSE 8 University. Good condition. f you need plenty of r oom this home will suile ineg i(ds::; ge3r/o;el;t.%s.in SCm CK TELECHRON t you. A real buy at $21,.. Friday June 27 congoium runners. book rack. t..,ble. elec. i TALK S C H EAP SO F H s 17m (1 Of W'Onan e;i.r ra: M! lra c.c.r 9 a, " YOU' R E N THE MARKE'r, COUNTRY HOME "- "' en d tables, electric iron. ironing board,, 1\vo bed rooms,. large Jiving room. kitchen and bath, expansion attic w ith Robert Mitchum ab.., n a r: b; treoo:r:g {i FOR ANYTHNG, stall'way for addlllonal 'bed oom. Furnace. full size basement, lot 7 x 168'1 utensils.. ot di shes. 2 wash benches, lot \, 4 miles to Newark. Only a few years old, Newark school bus. only $63..T_a_n_.e_ R_l_,s_s_e_'_' le:sabpo?t ic;.",'ff'atyn[;, C. LEO CLYMER ; PROSPECT AVENUE S t d June 28 old o.i lamps. Brass Lamp, lot old china " 1. a ur ay and glnssware. } AT Brick, seven rooms and bath, large dry basement, Circulating warm air D on h e F ealure. MRS. CARESSA Terms Cash. B. CROWE, Owner " 132 EAST Jl<AlN STREET },. furnace, house in excellent condition inside and out, no redecoration necessary. Pistol Hal-vest rs' Auctioneer ;,,,",'!,","""",""".,,,,,,,, No better buy in Newark, $9,5.. P osession at settlement. with \_.... ELK MLLS \ Richard il1arl.in find 7 rooms (3 bedrooms), large front and side porches, oil furnance. Garage., - NOTCE Large lot, plenty of old shade and shrubbery. 4 miles to Newark. Ex.cellent D. OLn lxo, '1_ buy at $9,. Road Block E MARSHALLTON HEGHTS with.1 Bungalow- Masonry construction; 5 r ooms and bath, h wd tloors, brick flre Charles McGraw and On July 4,th and 5th our yard place, full size, cemented basement, oil heat, expansion attic (room for 2 addi- '.Toan Dixon tlonal rooms). attached garage. Close to school and stores. Wilmington New will he CLOSED ark bus. A Good Buy at $ Snd ay June 29 We have six new homes for selllement possession, two in tow n and four Just This Once with Peter wwjord (n(l. Janet Leigh Mon.-Tues.. J une 3,.TuJy 1 Carson City with Rflndolph Scott and Lucille Norman n T ec1micolor Dllring the month of July and Augns l, our store and office w ill h e open on S atllrday mornings, hut no d e livcries will b e made. E. J. Hollingsworth Co. out si de, all good buys, ranging in price $12,3 to $ one oc them should suit you.. f you want to buy or sell give us a call. Selling s Our Business LAWSON STARCHER R eal Estate & nsll.rance 267 E. MAN STREET PHONE: 651 NEWARK Gibby Young (Salesman) DELA WARE Wed.-Thur. July ::..-=-==========:...:::!!.2!2!!..! Skirt Ahoy with Esther Williams a,tl Joan Evans n Technicolor Friday July 4 A Girl n Every Port with Groltcho Marx an.d Mflrie Wilson! p,;::.' ' R" ",., 6 tosmwo.\a.l1. Gregg Jewelers and SUvenllnUha Sunbeam. Unlvenal and O. E. Small EJectri. Alllancn Newark's Store 1 Better ValUe!! 178 E. Ma.n t. Phone 2436 SSS,s'$$SS"' On / "' PTe-winneri PToducing Abbott.9 Golden GUeMUey Milk. She lady ary / Abbaltl Loctut Grove Fann. /amow Guem.y. - an important. ourc / Abba", Golden Gu"nuey Milk. AllGlTS 1l111ES, lle., 1D15 25 Ulln St., 11.llltn t takes only a sip of Abbotts Golden Guernsey to make folks enthusiastic about this wonderful milk from Guernsey cows. Abbotts Golden Guernsey Milk is protected by the Abbotts system of bonus payments to farmers for extra cleanly care and by laboratory control. Order from the Abbotts Milkman or phone W ilmington With Over 11 tems Pric d Below O. P. S. Ceilings at FRYN CHCKE CLEANED & READY TO COOK 2Y2 to 3 Pounds Completely Cleaned Weight b O.P.S, CELNG._.. lb.58 REGULAR FRESHLY KLLED (3 to 3Y2 bl, average!) 4 9 C FRYERS or BROLERS o.p.:b NG l b. 35 c SLCED BACON :';.G.r :5C 45 c Armour's lunch Roll SLCED %.b 27c Armour'!; Bologna :: 1/ 21b 27e :.:!N;. : b 49 c Armour's B. C. Hard Salami %.b 29 c FLET of FLOUNDE,R sss b SSe TOMATO JUCE KETCHUP!'RDE OF THE FARM Campbell's 46' 1 can bol:l. OUR OWN TEA Wg? ';kb 3g e 75 c HEntZ PlCKlES FRESCCKUEUi BER :. 23c BABY foods B;TErtNET.:iR;dC t::; e STRAWBERRY PRESERVES OLD VRG NA 1;'2 5 e CORNED BEEF, HASH SUNNY l lb 2g e KNSALE 'fomatoes 2 25 c CaUf.rn ia Pink Mlat Jumbo 21 S18 CANTALOUPES NONE PRCED HGHER each 25 2 fc... 4'='.;: BANANAS C GOtDEN RP E NONE PR CE D HGHER Orange Juice O lr OS'H 2 25 c Snow Crop lemoo.ila FROZEN 2.:. 33 e OUtnge Juic! SHOW em FROZEN 2 : 29 c Welch's Grape Juice FlOZEN 2 : 3g e Birds Eye Broccoli Spears FRO ZEN k;' 29 c ARMOURS TREET. 1 ' 41 c CORNED BEEF HASH ARMOUR ' S ' 35 e TUNA FSH CHCKEN OF TH E.SEA BTE S ZE 6 t, ':' 31 c 5 '/'., 37 BANQUET BONED CHCKEN c LPTON FROSTEE DEiRT 2 :k;: 23 c JELLY CED DONUTS p t:r : 25c JAN E ANGEL FOOD CAKE PA RKER :;:.' 45e BREAD i ::r:r4:1!a ::n:raa ; 15c 11';: b 22c FAMilY FLOUR SUNNYFELD! 3ge 1 75e,,-vv-,,-v, 25.lb 239 bag MEl-O-BT SWSS CHEESE ices t;;b 35c l L MONTE CHERRES 1i :EET 17i::29c Enjoy A G- P Fine Coffees ced 8 O'CLOCK j " 1JbAbNa, i:w.;b 77c! RED CRCLE :t::ged 3 lb bag, ; VGOROUS AND WNEY BOlAR 3 lb bag, $2.37 don't miss this big WOMAN'S DAY Bonus Exfra 28 PAGE SUMMER CO OKBOOK Over 25 cool, qu ick,... y r.cipes and 31 minus. For." cooking and more ivin9july th is lummlr this t.rrific col., s.ction of hol.w. a h r U minus and recipes is ririct y for you. ;r...,,],11 a. 11totY, Tl,.... Sat.rday, Junl 28 1h Corner Main and Haines Streets

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