f~r February 19. ~ as to be. named. In another l-'o-rt. J

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1 if 11'r::~' /.,'~ " ~/.. lj' q,'" '"e ' ",;'.~l!i!'~'~~~~!!!!!!~~:' ) - " ~~~~.~~:.;;*(~~t~the WAtYNt HERALcn!14 ;:~~;~! C:onti.l"'ance of t e Sta~el~~~~~~~~~~;:;:=~=~:~~::~:~::~====:~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~;~~~~;;~~~;:::'==:==~~~::":::==::~=2~~~~~~~~~~~= ~:~;Pa;c;:~:l ~en:t ~YNNTH~YE_AR VV AyNE, N~BRASKA. THURSDAY:JANUARY 30, 1941 NUMBER THRTYN}'"E :;;~~::~U':ff~2r,~::c111: linic Summary' l.~g~s~~:t'it ~ijb ' Requirements of CUb t;a~':,;:;~:iend8' Planning Boa;d '1~~Et't~~~~Wb~N-jDamage A~ti~~~ '~::n:n::nz'~er norlheasl No- Tf\~ePresented.BY FRED S. BERRY AdvancedWork m;:~y~~7':~~ub~~g~~~r~:~' Gets Flaying in AS WAS PREDCTED i Against Wayne br..aska points~were reprf&e nted at ~. -, FOLLOWNG their no?nday, For this each member will mvite. BELOW zero weather.:vas prea il)eeting pf the legis~a,ve com- F 0-.1 E 0 luncheon Monday, K,wan- WO.ll Re StudlOed one farmer friend 88 hs gue,'- L10ncoin Fr."day dlcted for Fnday mght and To Be Settled mittee ~n government t Lincoln - rluay Venin! ians listened to a talk by Fred ~ J. T. Bressler, Jr., L. B. McClure again fot Saturday rught. But. j Friday; fternoon to con 'der a bill - ~~:~~7te0~;~~.s~~;e;;~:i~~ and. Don Wightman comprise the ~one came, and h=~lonal!~~e;i~~ ~~!ea~~:~~1%t:~co;;pi~iv~:a;o~a~~::.~~/o :;.:;.:~:{~~~c~~~io~:o:~~ CO~~;"i:dw':17'~:~;~nef~~:~~i~l~c;:~~rt:ae:,n~diGO~:~::~~U~;~~~~;~of #EE~:rl~i~~':p~~ CO~i~~ ~:~~of~7:;nl phere as discussion rela~ing to su- Of Commerce Here. plained that the property tax Action of Council. Brown and H. D. ~son were Set.up in State. deted a warm spell, but instead Special Sea.&ion. ~:t~:::~s :~~ce~:~~p~:~~ WaSyPneeCi~h~beivritoi!esco~C:~~f~~ ~~~t~f ~~o:::~~~7;:d~m~~ Requirement,> f()r 'adv~nced named on a comml to ~ec b()~e~ra:;;:;ina~ :h::usef~~~~~ ~(!~~az:~ocanuo~~;l~~~~~ The damage.'action Wed by the f th 1. b d ~ ki t. the state's business, the bulk be- trainwg at Wayne city ying about bnnging pictures. of the pared, they would have be n Connectcut!...1:utual nsurance ~m~eft~~~t~~e's'~u~at~~na~~ys~1941, as summanzed following "lng gathered from numerous course, discussed by the city coun: Rose Bowl football game herc. reau," the government commttee arou.s.ed to feel:ngs of WTath As company agamst the Cty of Wayne, tern, drew the most fir.e, and no cseo,mm,tedulnoilmyecm'linbe,crss"awnd'lltheb,e,'wplvrce's other sources He suggested that eli Tuesday C'venlng. will be in- of the Nebraska legslature late :t '",'as. weather SCientists cou1j set for trial Monday in dlstnct ld. ' d t nd h the while members 0 f Neras b k' as vcstigated further before acton is, F b Q' t Friday approved t a billd tof abohsh 0 exp',aln that the elements had court. was settled. Thursday aft- one cou mlsun ers a ow Friday ev~nmg at t{jt: auditonum 11 1 t taken, Costs and possibility for e ruary 00 a the ag.enc?' 5: up to ~ t a - a:l the earmarks of an impend- 'moon when the council, meetcrowd in attendance felt. Speeches as follows: To foster industrial ~~c~::r~on~~lr~i~a~~~:~:,~:= service Wll be studed,. yea~tlonal bulldmg pro- ng battle, but that the mtense mg n sp '1:lal sesslon. agreed to a againsl perpetuation of lhe board growth of Wayne by encouraging As thc advanced course requres N Cit" gram. Delegations from var10us enid...a, dlverte-d by counter proposal for wlthdrav,al of Ole ac- ~~v~~~~a~i:~u~t~~rf;;~se:d~~:~~~~el~~t:';r~~r~;;''';o'~~;;:~~~~;t~ ~;:,~f~;i~~o1~;e:~~~i~:~:~~~ ~~:~~~~y;~y~na;~,:i~o~'~~~~:~~o~, ear omp e On :~i~;"'~~er:::~;n,;;;~~t~n,~::;'~ ~~':'iyt~~c:;,~nm~:3~d r~~ ~~~ ~nf:~~,~::~=g:~: J:~ tioo, rfarrange thescope of high use of locally produced products be equipped wlth border lights' M''' ----:-- V : posmg the planning board. Wayne, ",'~llo; soothffi nerves and s.avffi company s land northeast of schools and colleges consolidate present legslature ejected a rc- and also obstructon hghts. The 1 tary Servce olunteert.crmcord, Laurel, Dxon and Car- Wayne Det.a is f th t ~~~~ ~c:~t~~d;;~;~~:r':;;~~a~~~aa~ ~~:t:~ ~~:~~g;;a;;,~e g~j~,,~~~p~;n: ~~~~;~tss::~~~;e~n~h:,~a~a;~; border lights would be around the Are Nearly Sufficient ",11 weer represented by abc,ut ~~~,~~:;e:::,w~7;~ f~l~h:v~~ w,11 be work'ed out e :,~m;;:e 'ed N marketing research committee; to preference when they had the field near the ground. Obstruct~on To Fill Number. t h 1 r t y. R. W LRy. and R the we<?k-end to a depth not \'<ayne render.1ng works, another advantages hitherto gam. 0 promote/the organizaton of a nox- lightei would be on trees, wirtd~,~w. B <J r tel 5 gave bf1ef talks unusual at th.:..s season Absence); defendant 1l L'le acton, w~ have voice was raised in defense of the lous weed dn;;tnd m Wayne coun- ~~;~~ct~ot~~ s~o~tpa~~~<;:noin~~~ mji.'i, power lmes and poles Wayne UJunty.<, qufjta of 1, m(>n agatn.st the set-up. Others Wf:q of wmd allowed the layer most-,tn come to an ag-:-eement Wl~ the board. ' ty; to crecite an audtorium com- around the fleld. Trees to th~ to.take a Yf"lr " <.,{']('ctv(' SNV.CC went from Wayne were W. H ly tn remarn where t fell, and lllsuranc-e compar,y also befor~ the ttee w th the objectve of mak :~~~~m;'~~ ~~~~;n::s~~~~~l~~t~- nl)rthwest about a quarter mile training Will bl"' [lled miljnly by Swett, R. L. Larson. A. L S'),:an, consequently rr;.ad.:'- were not n:l",tte; S djsml.ssed.. t seems the planning.board was ~~ a m~re extensve use of th; ~ are probably the most distant!iucr volunteers. Othf'rs will be taken E. W. Huse, J.,[". Bres...<;ler, jr, L. seriously dnfted. Recent 5J)0WS : n,e Cty c0utcti agreed to have established. under Gover~or Bry- auditorium and coordmating VClrJ~ obstructons that would have to be from the lst q[ dr;:jftecs 10 the W. Eilts, DQn Wghtman, W. R have added tf) an alre-ady ex- a d;t.ch 250 (eet long dug east ot an, and that t was kept going by ous acilvlties which have been sug- lghted, according to Pilot nstru~ order numbers arc calleli. McEachen, T. S. Hook, ~enneth traordmary mosture supply, toe bulldmgs on the land W~lch l!'i appropriatlnns under GQvernor t d t tak th d to Proposes Slash tor Stanley Fuller. Voltmte<'rs on the lst arc Ed- Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Clarer.c-e strengthenmg the hrjpe for a wet,farmed by Lloyd Powers., T)us Wll dcuroc,hnrganth' "t""v,g'aans, zpaoti,.~~~ e~u"st~~:; ~fo~'~w~nay"onnea,nd:caor;,o~p ~e',craltlly,e,'nrnegw; ",Ct ~hulrhsee ' Advanced tramlng would also ward E, Fetg}1~Leland J. Hull, Wright. A. B. Jen.S n and Ley;: ye-ar,mean straghtenmg Logarl creek "... Sh J:' d requre a class room.,mr. FqUer Clayton M. Powers, Jackson K. Roberts went :rom Carrnjj fnr th15 d[stan~, t is expected a tgtal of $ was appropriated college, public ofliclals and others n C 00 "EOn S states that the office at the grounds Bumgarner, Lorenz W. Jungmey- Spe:lal critlclsm was gjven the 1,tnat a dtch Mil solve the drainby the state and that expenditures d t d th ' tlon could be remodeled.:tor this_ A er, Lyle A. Llcke, Earl R. Jones, planm-n? board,s proposal tf) re-e B d i a,g-f' problem. The cost of such a of federal funds for WPA surveys m or er 0 eve op e dvja -'-- flonr must be placed in the hangail' Fred E. Kub{k, Geralrt H. crc0n- vamp...:nebraska s educcltlonal ~ys~ xtenslon oar rr.an;;e S estjmated at $600 to raised the cost to nearly a half pr~gj~~~nal activties, compiled Nebraska Teachers Colle&,es >UJ allow for dtsmanteling worlf. nor, MelVin T. Nydahl. Altle C. tern by havltg a "lnglc bnard.of! S-;'OO A';s-ewage disposal plant million dollars. t was suggested from the cl111ic dlscusslons, mclude Would Suffer in Plan ThiS Will be done for the pnmar;- Selders, Frank M PhllllPS,. Jr., cnntrnl for the Unversty (f T\"- E t d H 'J.-rJuld cost S5-O.OOO to $60,(J()Q Wth lhautcaatn,oyn,f,a'rcrls,gaotf,onvaolru eotloheurchs,ir,blg the followmg: To make a survey N B d t cours(>. The anvanced work also R<'llph R. Fergu.<;on, John J. Mc- braska Cion the Stale Teachers ("01- S ec e ere a monthly operation eost of about ed n ew u ge. req1::1ltes wash mom facilities at GUre, RaymQnd L. Korl. lr-ges, tht> closing of ~mall schryj!<;!$300. t jects could be salted down frr any ~;stwl~y~:t:~~~~c~e~hal~;~n:~~ A cut )f $16,000 in appropnalion the grounds Three whose name:-; are now and lhe creaton ry( il ~t.ate board p s ~ondueted f A$ soon as weather perm)ts ditch P"ls sspiblac n ftu"turreemgua'k'deancteh'ebustta:lhe~st to continue retail promotlfms de~ for each of Nf'braska's state te---dch- A plane and addtional parts With the me"c:!jc;j1 ildvs0ry bflilrd o( secondary educilllon to ~uppjant rogram or constructlor1, the dty wd let a 1 t ers colleges was recommended for must be prnvlded for study by ad- are Rex O. Miller, AlVin W. WJl- the state superrntenderrt S QffJCe Annual Meetmg Tue.day contract for the worle school system n conflict with ~~~~; tf) tubn:~~g:~::ee ~~~~Wl~ the biennium by Governor DWght vance<i sluc!pnt..'i. t,s planned to lers and Wm E. Mllier. Proposal of Board. n Auditoriunt. Because of the amount involved democratic" processes adds the bur- t t t d sign dver Gnswold n his budget message have a plane at the college for Those whf) hdvr- pas~('d physllal Thf' O-polOt program propo<-.ed n the damage action, a E.. Siman. den of resistance to the gallmg ours, a eree roa d 5 a - TUl.'Sday. Regarding the teachers study of thnsc taking the primary exarrunallrms ;nri who v:lil be by the hoard ncluded the follow- \-hs Paul Sp1JlJ.gerbf'-r, Alf:-e'd <;('rv.ng the clty n the ad cost of mamtenance, Using Wayne and gui mg trave ers colleges the governor sad, " am course. taken n the" orrip! n;lmpd 10 flll thr> ng. Frst. a 1'mgle board of ('rm- Sydow La.,l,Tenc-e Ring, J...e.p ~l~ : ~ the councl to a-eeep( ~ * *.:+ here; to obtam illuminated sgns submitting the budget recommen- All regulation!> mll.'.t be" moat quota arc Wm F /)ownpy, (;{'o trol for hlgher educaton With d l[,n and F. Moses were E'let:'tffl posal Ru"ell Barlel, and Roille W, :~d~~i~'~~t7;u~{c~:~~;; ~~,;;,~ta~:~ datron, of Govcrnor Cochran, with strrctly observed n qualfying for H. Beekman, Wal'er C S'rate, Ora Sngle excoulive budgct aod,mgle ~;.:~"~~.::'\~~:;;::~~~~~~~:x;t With settlement of the ~:~ ~e::;aa~~:~;~~oat:o~~n;r'::,~: improve do,"'ntuwn parking 'fa- one chertio', [ lim "erluc~g thc thc mjvaoced 'oun,', Mr. Fuller R W.x, John VonSeggern, John ~~~t~ugtl~~e ~~:';:r'stt~c~r"~ebdr:s:;~ the annual pro",.m and rar'y at, ~;~;~;:;:;~ctc:~':sslonset ly in behalf of dissolving the board ~:~~~~::' l~o t~7.:~~~:pep~esgtd::~~~t,j~~ ~~oun~ o~ each no[~:~lt~h~or ~llf~:~ ~~pl:j~\th;\~m~~l~~~t:v~:~:\~ J, Hank. Rod~~~!->. for all professonal trammg except tf'11dpd by about 600 at V. ayn _' _ and p r act i c i n g retrenchment. w 1(' W;.~S ah t t - reo u n -tad t~ V f ~. t h t nl g 11 ~duate auoltrlnum. Mrs. LRslle Coley, D rib Car Among educational leaders who sp~~ngrs~~alll~~~~~~gtledfe~~ll:~~ltt~r:; ~~~~~~:~~fri~~) c sa e supcnn- :~~~~~ce~dn~,~~{~~~;ht~4 sco~plet- a ue 0.- () )Jle~ :~~k,erclll ~~~re~~mdaen("e ("ourses, cnljnty project dub chalnnan. and i8t" ute ds addre8sed the committee was T f $ th t\ t d teo Sh ") tramlng of high school teachers T P Roberl,;, AAA chairman. are F F" P d. tnp to Lmcoln, com picking ((Jrt- he ncrease 0 " mel mg ne pnmary courses 0 a,' o\-\'n n fogranl members of the board by"nrtue of, or "st erio t~,.~ogn~:~cl'holes~el~htino:tilnhlhe~p~eaof up~lea~s~ep~.uk"::e~r~s 4;:-~H~~ daincel~,pv~,ntc,~es~:.,~'t~,o,:s:e:emkp~~as~,',e~c ~x~p;e~r~,~- ~~lrt~;~~p~.r~~n\~ngdel~tsh~;~c{,~cl~o~;: ~~~lf~b{)ut njne would Lkety 1 ~::lg~o;t~l:e~~~ at:c~~~:y~o~~~ their offl~. j'_ a ~~cgtms~a'~thi~w~ar~t::p:o;'pdulh~ahr~~sw;"",o'h~ei~s:', ~~YS- :~~~:U~il~~~lOnp;~~~t;;gne;t~~ Go;;:;n~~~te~~.buaget recom- ~:~~C~oc~~~~~:~iOv~a~~~~~~ Speaks at Meeting n ~:~h:~~a:~dan~~s:vi~;o~::~~~ :~~tnr:~ =n~~~~~o= Far Asembly Pr~&m <>,. - ano replaces that ellmmated by The councli delayed until later Rev. Walter Brackensick to tram rural and elementary The program,tuesday, opened Program of Music GiTen District Conte8t"~ Td'Be Held Here fjiiitl'lt't and final h1gh school music conte:jt Wll be, held n Wayne April 18 and 19 With Prof. K. N. Parke as local cltairman, A contest will be held a~ O'Neill at the same time to take,care of the schools in the western part of the district. The annual speech contest is set for March 28 in Wayne. mended by Governor Griswold, m- service n Wayne. Training School. ers college train teachers for tour- mg accompanist. Alfred S!dow, ) Wednesday Morning. too great in these times when de- ~~::~,toc;=~~~t;;t:~::.ati~~:~ eluding estimated special cash and Li~uor sale license was ~nted Rev. Walter Bracken~lck spokeyear high schools; fourth, estab- chauman the past y~ar, reylewed ~ W-a training school children fe.nse appl'onr.iationb are~mounting c':~:-'-, etc,; and to help or.ganize fedetal 'funds, was $57,42B,5~2~.'ruesday by ~ council to~ to the P._'T'. A. meetll1g at thehshing a state technical school in accomp~shments.~f the extel"lan jwere ~~en reoort cards Wednes... and the ft:d.eral budget j tl'agical-.l:"f."tti. 1,r..~{;('l ith $ ' a"' ~T: -rth N b a$k B _ /. ooe of the state teachers,college servce in orgamzmg sou con.ser-,jy'out of. ~alanee" ",.' ealued'c~ittro~crlaulm~_nd ot'l~~~~~~s at ~he co~p~~~ ".. ' ~"< >~: "J~ T. e! a.~ver;;ge - ~...~ll,x~e t(ammg SChOOl. M~day f.<l '!s' Tfth 'esta1:5l:shing a state vation work conductiilgtest plots day for We first semester., * **. - pr'op-'fl y the 1939 legslature pany. Orrrcers of the company 'at'e evenmg On "Values of Hobble--s n an,, 1 and tin 4 H d,'fhe 5th grade had ""'me,'o,.c'.l,al and $57,545,652 proposed by Gov- Otto Stratton, HCiroid Dodge Bnd the HO;:r!p." Hobbles keep a fam- bnard to administer secondary and pro~o g - an women s percentage ot parents :rhe governor and legislature TheTfoo'oRd,.~i:mWr,ppalsa'tnY,,-;1.<> J ernar Cochran. r. E. Stratton, PPTnlSSOn was gl\-"~ 11y together dc'\elop t;-1ste for bet- elementary educalt~n; Sxth, estab- club work. :~:a~~i:e;:l~~~e~~~~~~yitn ~~~~;~~ ail'port, soil eonservcitjon cllstnct, The governnj" favors ;:j hl~'llnlci en to operate the pre-sent#ou.l- tcr things-r1~ life and ~('lleve tpn_lll:::.hmg six-year high S('h~1s 1n f R WChBa~l..<; ili T A. me-eting i~~ behalfwhen 88 Mo ~T ~. a and useless jobs, and they can be Cpo,U"nvetYd fa,nl'a"llrc,lear'lv,-p,creo, maog'ri,ocnu'l't,un,ra-1 property tax budget of $10,910.1.')4, tlon <t the hot!'!. tj()n"'n lndlvlduals, the srwaker Wnntlnu~d on Pag p Tw, ) a Mr:. co~~ e:p~lned the ;:)ect 3rd grade was ~nd. ~1 per, - totalmg.$612,700 ~s than curn'nt ~-~ / 'tat~., : d rlub work for thp year, and MSS Ct'nt and the 10th thrd ~tb. 56 ~~~:71%~ ~~se~ltl~~~~~~' ~el~~c~,t project<; Lnd <lthlet]l' events ;He appropntitlon1'. Corhran had pj'n- W" C "d Hobbie5 wpre dloplayprl and: R t Cond cte HpJpn Schroeder tnld 0f her tnp: p('r cent. The compfmllf'r :,etup nstltute<t <JccumWP"''lhrrReleV1o'eSw"f';i~~~)c;:tyea p,n rl,1- :F>l'.ROfl,:!~)1 1':-"WTty!;X ODS er drmnn.5tr<jterl Ttw prngram fol- es U tn th - til b g n PrQ~, Russel Anderson present- --r- '---.'. t. r,w'" D;-;npl ;'!rt sang ' Bf'Ciutl-1 Ch e na tnn::a (" u con res..." 1 ed the hgh school boys' dom.1s ~~~e o~e;~~st~a;~h:t h:~~~s l~ (~~'~~~ :\ flh:lclal l"ep<j! 1, to f,p P"P- ~rl\ rj"/lill rt'~ f)!l1m('fldf'r: W d Do "t fill!ltrilmpr ' With Mr- ErlW<-iM H W d d,gag,; n K. f and the rruxed group in a -progrnm ng sur'',, e, causing much V"X,"-,<"Cllh:d Fnd,ly, "hows trolcll rr>u:'lpb f'd\'jl~ the llnvl'."lly ;ljjl'l(jpl"l,~ ee strlc Hil. rt pi.rl)"mg the ;J("('flmpdnlm('nL i ere e nes ay' t th,lm,.nte-cnalrrnaeo 't'). Wednesday mormng for assembly J.',. " tl')j\ rwh:hlgr-ri, lth'l('cls,[j;": thr' agt0nomy-a e s..., unj'" rsl tion and Uniform dll~5atisfactlon uf $5,7;W",U "nrl expc'ndillllps of,thjnt j'jj )w;lilll 1)('("<111.<"(' 'f tlh' ~-- ljdrrl"'l,11:-"1 pl;lypr! th{' dnjm Wth -----:: since told of the \---alues of' program. all without apparent economy, m:y $$,48(,9J ()C['-,C~",'Vc'co,.gl'l)ts""".(,bfa,.i';""l""""".:,~ rjl'!('!ls' mcl1l.<llnlrlg ttl ' BindweJd Eradication forl\lr<.: fbrt a("("r~mpany\ng.hfl,ll,ajnoaonzo Holbrook Passes jl extensjon work and shawed PiC_ Stl4ient council ldvlted. th~ f' d 1 d d f...,. \. ;1[10 Brlrb;jJ a ~,111:i sang' A LUlla.-, Awa Earl Sunda tures of hybnd COrT, grass and children and faculty members 0 al~d t~~s 1~~~~~}O:~~i~lly,Ol'f~~~(;:r~; and $400 lrorn thl' Mcn's ("LJ j,x- usr- nf t;xl''i [" filar! Wayne County Will Be liy" Cinrl "Arnf'rlc;l th(' Beautiful Y y Y d f tr p the pl~bl1c school to attend. the assumed by ~chool presldl'nts, ~('-".;:dtl:~~,:,r-'$3~1~~':~d;;)r$~~jd~:jj('x(~:::~~ ~:;lf\j(.~ ~./:~"l;l\~(~:~~ Discussed Here. ~ T"',rnmy DanwlsX~~tdS m<l~lmba 1 After llnen. f::~~~ ~~~:~e~~. 0 a J wayn~ ~-La~e:n<1 basketball properly l"esto.:.ed* t~.them. SlOn, $:~;l ;i5 fill hlghw'y:-', $146.11:.:! t $10 () 1 t s,110 With Mrs.. anlc s ac- Funeral rtes were conducted Room Spence district extenson game u yeven Q' """1'. f''"a"ln,','["['<t,',','~.',m$"'{'j"" $,.':'/.,1,',", """,,,m'c,'t',n,,.', ~:;,:/:.,r~:r,' 1~:~~;'(j'~::~~J;;l('nl~! 1~;Jtlr{:~ dl:(.;:~~~~l'~.(,;;~;:.~ll(;:~,\r~tft:r~;:()rl;l~ :~~:r~yny~~~ h~~~e M~ae D;~;~' Wednesday mornmg at 10 at Sllpervlsor, also'told ad...-antages of Th 6th Sgram:~~pa was,. -..~ b!t;-lu $J:.:!,noo ami ;,rirlltlg $100 ~. - th rl,t Beckenhauer chapel for Alonw the extenson service. e, 9 '~' J. :'",,' c ') ")( $ ',"8.98 lor l)["oollltlon, $21021 for ()()() fill" m:llntpn;lllr'p of s1.<1te 111- ~~:~rt:~\\;~;y<~\~.'" A;t~ntc~:;ted("~ n~r::bers from "Hans and Gret- Holbrook, 79, who dleo Sunday A~t Chet Walters pre-slded. publlshe'd last week Wlt.n~ Ja~es ~). "tltuttoll~ heartll the ad...anta E'S and dls- tel. R~v. Bra.ckenslck ~.n? Doro- mommg about 2 o'clock at a local "Dancing aod luncheon clost'd the Hcrfkens as editor. Delore" M)crs agncultun', $ [or UUltT ('X- advant~ges of organlz7ng for cr<jdi- thy ~~\-e a plano duet, Nocturne hospilf-l where he had been a en'nmg. WfiS as.."'lstant eciltor Reporters p(~nse, $2,068.4il for salar[(':-., $147 ~ 'twn are ur ed to attend. Con~ n F. Martha Smth read a poem. couplc of months. Dr. Vietor West _J_~ Wf'rc ~1yra Alderson. ljern-a:u llo for tl"av(', $ ['Jl' Chnst- Magnus Westlund Sl rable inte;est has been!'hown D. Hall had an ~nterestmg dls- officiated. The body was l."kpn to Will Be Married en-oke, Alan Danll'~ls. M.anm mas festlvltle:-., $ for avla~ Sale s Successful.,. e play of old cams and sjlvenvare SOUX Cty where servces were Harm.~. DarreU Hart, Jamce Jo~tlOn, $2',.09 lor sonal se('ul"jty,md n SPite r,f threatening weather ~~u~t~ ~ir7~.1. tu form a Wdyn from Denmark. Some of the' CQms held at the W, Harry Chn~ty n Ml-d-February snn, A.nabll KorfL Billy M~tn.n. $19J,62 for miscellaneous. d were over 600 years old. Mrs, W. challel n Momlllgslde Wt'dnesday... d M J hn L'ity Spdaker Comes,!Vonday, M'll~lUS Westlund's farm C~mlng cuunty ha~ had a wee P. Cannmg had a pencil dsplay. v T C BBtho s-.nr. an f"s. 0. R eam an- Jobn Neel.v. Robert Penn. Rlthani Powers, Nettie Re1bold. Man.lyq. Carroll N. Smth of Sioux Cty, sale was iltknded by a bg crowd eradlcatlun dlstnct m opc'ratlon Roll call was answered by the Cit 3.30 Wth Re.. -~ h pah nounce the approachmg marnage Swett and Lots WeseJoh.. oj.. Will gve the principal address at and the offel"jng sold well. Roy about a year. Agent' Joe Wal<;on family hobby Parenl<; and teach- y~r ~~a~tg eja~~n~~.thto;~t...~~durcl~ lo( their daukght.et, MlSS MEva, to Blographles were 'ftt1t\en for the L 1 [Johnson lfflctclt('d and the First and Robcrt Mundcrloh chairman d b ed 58 Th. Vl"rme Broc man. SOD 0 f r. and ~ 'oed tnc ml'ctmg }< nday, co D<:i1 ey 0 NatOnal ban... clel.ked the sal". f th dot t b' d it ers nttcn ng' num er. e Floyd cemetery n the Clty. M Ed Brockman The weddmg ews r and the or.ewescn SiOUX City, Will :,C'l\-"C' a~, toast- Mr. and Mrs Westlund are mu\-- :1l ~c w)~:~en~\~ll~ e::rnnd 1:~~ 5th g~ade harl the largest repre- Alonzo Holbrook was bom Scp- ;s r: et f~r February 19. ~ as to be. named. n another l-'o-rt. J master.,p. scntatlon n the attendance <lnd so tember 22 1~61 at Marshalltown, ' d ted f lof the p-aper are the ansv.'u's. About 250, members and ther mg tl) Wayne and will be' n the swwcr qlucsk'olant', r~gu'',redirvn,!ot,hcofpltahoc get the flag for a month. The 3rd owa, and' rr\o\'~ to Mapleton n them'ts':,rne"nagmsewhaoosgrl :n~a attenr;: ives, plan to attend the 0:30 dlll- house vacat"d by the H. W. Bona-..,,~.~ grade was "('('ond H med Be th Se. a Will Take Tests ner and program. wltz family whfl went to Calforna divsion of noxlou.<; weeds in the The 4th 'and 5th grade pare-nts e ma ~ 7a i887rso~ Wayne college one year. Mr ~ome tjrrlc <lgo. TnH' Prescott, who depa~c'nt of nj:1;rlc'tllture and n- and teachers who servpd were Mrs. at Mapleto~ Octo, an Brockma~ was graduated from For Civil Service owns the farm, has not Y t Hn- spedlon, U:js been invited here W lte Ph M'h J T G lie _ the l~tter died some years ago. He Wayne hlgh school and also (rom. nounl:cd whl) wlll move v, the from Lincoln to speak. : ~r ~pp;, B~sl~r ~r M~ marn~ Grace Jury at Atkmson, Wayne State Te~cher:' college. Miss Mary Esther Perdue reports place. A bill r~ardlfig bindwcc'd dls- P,' s...,,.,' Neb., n Mrs._Holbrook pre- The couple Wll live on the today in Washington, D. c.. for # Clarence McGmn, Mrs, L. W, ceded her husband in death M Le final tests in a civil servi-ce ap- ">ouple-m---~a-"-r-l -e-d- tncts ha!> ecn mtroduced lrl the Jamieson. Miss Coral Stoddard and D sed e ding black- Brockman farm near can. poidtment She has already pa..c:sed \...J,~ 1egislaiture nd pubbc hearmg on :vss St.ella Traster. Smi~e:nd h:r::s:oerain Mapleton first exammations. Miss Perdue Tu da E eni'ng thls me!asu~ 15 set for ths Thurs- The group meets again Febru- f 32 Lat h w n Byron Ruth Sale left Monday for Washi.ngton and es Y V day a 2, Several from here wses"ll ary 28 wilh the 8th grade and f~~s i~'7~a an~r Ne:r88::;' ';d Draws Big Crowd arrived there Tu-'ay, The ap- Miss Evelyn J. Beckner, daugh- ltke,ly 1 ~ttend. The bjll propo. _ rural school in charge of the pro- carne here 20., vears ago. porn'tment is f~;-r- s\edo..."r.nic: ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beck- to slmvh'fy the procedure for form gram, "Advantages of Good. -J Byron Ruth's farm sale Tues- -r... ner, and Edward H. Dunklau, son ing wf'ed districts, to reduce or- Speech." StlrVlVUlg Mr. Hal.brook are two day was attended by an extra work in a iovemment office...,lrs. of Mr. and Mrs, John Dunklau, ganiza~ion and operation of weed ~ sons, A. J. of San Dego, Cal., and large crowd. Because.oflhespring- W. F. Perdue accompanied her were married Tuesday evening at district co!>l'l and to simplify and V" ke Alfred of Sioux City: and three lke day, a number of women ae-- daughter and plans to spend a few B at Our Redeemer's Lutheran classify district operation, Cum- etennary Ta s daughters, Mrs. Sadie Hurd of companied thelf husbands. Buying days with her in the east. church, Rev. W. F, Most perform- ing c~unty leaders favor the Up New Practice Sergeant Bluff, owa, ~- Earl was acth'c. Tom Hughes officiated mg the ceremony. The bride wore measure as they feel the work OJ". Wm. Hawkins this week re- Strong oc BuUalo ~ke, ~~. and and the State Nationa~ bank clerk- ~~~~~~SSW~~b~ll~t~~~~~~h~r~~could be accomplished more easjiy signed his position as district su- Mrs. Arthur RewlnkJe ~chil=' ed the sale. Tll:!' Byron Ruths plan ~~ ~J~:s~;U;l~e:~;;"li~:'n~~~: :;~~~~~ss cost under the pro" ~~:::~~o~o~o;ea~~lo~ayn~~~ri~:;~e~~j~;"~oe='t~~~~ Sa~ ~oal~;e:~da~r~l ~w::~~~~ west of Wayne. SOl"',' Conservatl"On for Heron Lake, Minn., where he ~~:g~';.~~ng~e~ l{'and 8.J~e who came here from owa, move will take over the veterinary prac- th h no receded h. to the fann. Mrs. Erdmann is the :A rea on ncrease bce of the late Dr. Wm, Smith, No de:u~l ers ve p un n former Fay Davieso", of lhis place. Students nvited To Enler Contest High schools of 10 northeast Nebraska towns have been invited to send one girl each to the distict DA.R. citizenship contest to be held at Wayne city school Saturda\>. Februal'y 8. at 2, p, m, One will he selected to compete in the state contest, the.winner of the At the beginning of Ne- ~U;:~::. ::~t~:e~~:~:~;: brask~ farm land in organized Hawkins and family are moving soil ctnservation was about three this week to one of the Ed. Seyand ore fourth Urnes as much as mour apartments and will go to a yea ago, according to informa- Heron Lake later. tion' eceived by Chet Walters, coun agent. Eleven new districts voted the conservation during the ar, raising the total of the state m 1.0 to 21. 1Considerable int has been shown relative to, ad ing ~more land to the Wayne coun disthct. Soil district acreages increased with funds to be raised ncrealied from 7:10,{lOO to 2, 500,~ last! year n tl1e _te, set' Equity Sesslo~ 'ity~ session of, di~trict court NUMBER AlTENQ CHLDREN'S HOUR Story hour at Wayne city li~ brary last Sat:ur9-8Y was attended by 60 children, Ms. Clara Heyl- ToPromote Health ;::u: :c:~~~stories nexl Saturday With BiJ'thday Ball ". vfayoo county's fund to fight Plan Resur(.aclng against infantile paralysis will he On Road,m County The state board,willlet contract this Thursday evening from the. Februar,. 20 for iresurfac::mg tile presid~nl'sbirthday'ball n Wayne Wakefield-Perideri bighway. auditoriwn. H. E. Ley is Wayne. county c~ainnan, MiS. P, A, Davies of Linroln, came 'Tuesday 10: 'visit,mrs. Mae :"un;,;~~,~::~~f~ Jil, Gulliver hqdl,f:mrs. Davies goes tobl~~elp... ~ to visi~ 1>F (,eaves JoopltaL Mrs, E, J, Fue:der. who had undergone an operntion in R~~, lell a,haspllal ''u~ay and is convalesdng n a hotel there.

2 ZORNA/M ' 9vJMUJJ~~ (fl".greene $ul1day. i\1q"i,day Tuesday. Februa~y Vol. 8 ~ ' usband: "You ill never succ~ed 1 making- that dog o ey you." Wife: "Nonesense. J is only a matter of patience, had difficulty with you at first." THE KNOT HOLE Wayne, Neb., Thur., Jan No.9 HERALD.,WAYNE, NEBRAS~.TlWRBDAY. JANUARY 30, 1941 ~~~~~~===f==vt=c==~~==~~~~~-==~=e=.- om~.,-w~t.n ".. ~r. an~' Mrs. Wm. Victor J pent Mt. add ~...!.. C. L. Bard, Hm-ll'y, clerk, m?""e:yl-lfre. on _ a~d :ead. M~ wa--s ~de by 'co~.s,to.s~rv~.1'0rmer Senator Edwm S~hultz; all day Wednesday with Mr1and r?on and vale, Mr~. Lawrence Sup.andoil.~_... J... " Mtner and setoffdm by Ftch that ~educlbg, small of Elgi~i tepresented the tea'ch~5 Mrs.AlVin Ra'Stede 'Rngl.and Larry were dmner guests Henry faltlz, Jr., January Ott. Sale seer License be granted h,?ols.to two- c,?ueges and the Rural Area School M'r and"mrs. H~nry Nolte land a?,:spent Sund~Y in the Orville salary. "---r"""" to the North Nebraska Beverage prpvisiop t.n.-at assbciation n 'Oppo~g the plan- child~en s}:}ent Stmday eveni~ in E ck~on ~ome n observance of Hans Sundahl, January sa1- Co. rk., pr~)vided Otto Stratton th~,~w~ last, yea);'s in nihg board's continuance. Several the E. J. Ltmd"ahl home, J mrp.e's brthqay of Saturday> aty, surrender ~cen:se n(jw herd by ur-year, institutions; o~~ers added their word of oppo- Mr. arid Mrs. W. C. Ring land Mrs. Edgar LaT~on spent Fr,'da y H. D, Addson, January sa1- h~m and that the mayor endorse elimination'of,nor- Sltton to the set...~p Merle were dinner guests in;the a ter:n oo?- attendmg Mrs. C. P. ary his written approval on the bvnd~ in high scliools, the Following the bhe heahng, Geo. Buskirk home Sunday. all s brthday party.. Tuesday Fred Elhs, January salary Motion. put by the m<jyor and on 't~kiyjg (wer this the legislative c mmittee turned Mrs. Rollie Longe,?icky and Cl temoon she, Mrs. Henry Nelson and trash, 42,00 roll call the tojlowing voted "~ea," t~'chers; tenth, in its report favo g repeal of the Bobby spent last Tu'esday after- a d Mrs..Jack Soderberg hel~ Homer S. Scaee, 2 weeks to-wlt: Lu~dberg, Miller, Wnght, planning board ae noon with Mrs. Rudolf Kay. ' n. Ne~ Larson remember <.n- salary McClure, Fitch and Perdue.- Sum. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boe<. ken- 0 her annversary...' R F. Jacobs, JanuJry sal-. Motion 1l) adjoum. :.1'ottem cu- nsura~ce 1.-:" '. ' "'Prunes Hb. Pkg. 19c *Flopr sbnsw~l!t... medturn stze 24-1h lh. "" Rat:... Ball.~ Coffee 1 lb. B'~ Aftway... whole bean freslmes... Zc ii:' 35c ( The Wayne TOTAL *Grapefruit Siz(O 96 5 for 1St' *Oranges ~~~~~76. Do. 3lt *Ofllftges ~~:;e~8~. Doy. 19t Cauliflower Lb. 9c: *Potatoes Peck 17c Bag 9SC l\~ashed Red Triumphs c ' '.r... ~1 WP~ ~-. x-i$iansen's bi~day ~of Mon- sala~, less adv. i h n.. n..~~r;hat Lk:en~----;;er~~~~~-~~nted -~ for he\ring-said P:titj~n, wh'eh b-ersons interested in said t'i:ja~ '.. '.' '.1,.. '.. SoltthwestJ dkefl'elt d)/. Mr. and Mrs. H'arry Conner John Mindrup, January sal- lotto Sirattqn be surrendered. And all persons interes\ d may ap~ by pubfishing a copy of tris or ;.', '.'.", t"."1l a "...".,; -~~,.~ &t'p.r'. Tom Lampert pf CO~', (By Mrs La'.~wtee~nc~g) ete~as~ present.. 8rY..: : n roll call the followmg voted at,thecounty'corurttooniinwayij.e, :';:..,,1"":: :,~~.,: -;;, led tre fight ~or repeal of: ""...,, Mts. Rollie Longe and the,boys Walter S. Bressler, bal. of "Yea," to-wit: Lundberg, Miller, and show, cause why the prayer ~~~:?n~"?::,' teo crea~ii1g the board and AJ:1gela Sand~hl spent We*-nes-. siutd last W~esday afterno?t w~ter salat~. and lfght MciClure, Fiteh and Per- Wright, Of the petitioner should not be $emt~l?l'o~~s";' :..i upo~ witnesses to. bolster day night with Helen :Eri~sdp. t~e John Zlcht horne at W1S- colnm., due. granted; and that notice of fhe.', r '.' his contenton that "it ls utter' M d M B b NelSor ~ n r. 1Thursday the Longes were Walter S. Bressler, city The application of the North pendeney of said petition and the (Seal) 'wa~te of, ~oney to make repo~s: Tl1JU~~d~~ ev:~'ingojn th~~ doh ;ner.guests in the Albert Longe clerk, money adv., etc Nebraska Beverage Co, nc. for em Marmg theteot, be given an j30t3 o:h.j~omethldg the pepple don t Ka horn h,.eo n Wakef'refd. Wal~r S. Bressler, Cty Sale Beer Lieense 'W<lS presented der in the Wayne Herald, a wee-kry newspaper printed in said county, three Successive weeks prior to said day ef hearing. - otel nr,cpect(uljy <:uhmlhp1i J. M. CHERRY, County J udg.e-. Company Report of Concfit' ~mings. and Notice of nd 'btednks -as of :tjeeetnb'e'r 31, 19'W ~X~~m;r~~n~~t '<'emtj.t31, 1939 ne.ceived ftom reg ~tate mortgage he ',plailn fig board, establisqed QJ. Ed. hauer, Alice Jane atld Bud visi[ed 'the 231 telephune lrne s~bsen.b- '-lry ned. Rep<lJ.rs 1~4'unctettGovernQl"Chas Bry 0tress ncatlon. tl"l J. Ch le h F'{j ' S held their annu.ll meeting WJth Walter S. Bressler salary M. L. RNGER, Ta~es. :#nd contijllued under GOv." R. r: Ca P ~:en~g.as. am) rs orne n ay t e president, C. "!"-. Bard, Monday 3rd (Juarter' 75,UO ATTEST;... Mvyur. ~~~ewa~~c;entalbulding & Loan ; QChr.ah, spetnt $455,710 to make n mp rogram Mr. and Mrs. Lawr.ence Carlson e en!ng. Mrs. Ray' Agler, Mrs W, A. Stewart, J<.Jnuary ~al- W. S. BRE.SSL~, j.. -,fihdlr:tg!~';state! funds.supplied and Larry Gene visited m the L W!7ence.C.arlson and Mrs. E..J..lry j30tl Cty Clerk. i Tr:rrAL npr"mft_;res o)i*;$1(}~ooo bf this,jhe remainde!'t Vocational Work s Given Rutherford Nimrod home Sunday L.ndLlhl VSited Mrs. Bard and..dl W. L. PhPPS, Jwnuary 5a1- B:,]anc(' rm hand ~mb 'l'" 31, 19<ffi,;;t" "c' "...,. " j ft e~jo)led refreshment:>. ary SCYrcr OF PROBA'rt OF wn.l,';",.' J1., ( To babte Men to Do n ;:r:~~~~'wrence Carlson and Mh. 'Mrs,.Clift Munson was compli- Geo. Bornhoft, Janu<Jry sal- The stnte at Nebraska, WaynfC: TCJTf"-L '}1",[-;, t,,'. Work of Liking. c. A. Bard attended Serve-An mentrd Mtmday <Jf.ternoon w~en a ary county,ss. ;:. L1ABtLr'hEs ~~~:6',' h ",:tf.. with Mrs, Harold allion Wed- large! gro~p of nelghbors, friends RrJS:Coe Jones, gasolin<-' ;Jnd At a c(,unty routt, held at the fnj(> nc-cidental BuilrJ'n:g & Loan ,i.:~.. l.;:.~.~:.. V":.a',:y.'. l. e'.8' - ":..~e gt.j~i~~fo~;:i~:~:s~~et~: ;~~i~~~ nesday afternoon. and te-atlves from t(jwn gathered oj! county ("(Jurt room, in and tnr said -"',~,n inter~t '9 ~o t tJ.~, lliteracy, to raise the educational Tuesday, January 21, was Janet a~her home to remmd her uf an- Peoples- N.atural G;l.., Co., county ()f Wayne, on the 28th day. i'rh..', levq1.in the basic subjects such as Ramsey's 7th birthday and Mr. and 0 er brthday. The VStors gijs 2,26 of January, : Rpg;ular payments " tl) \.'.,:::.:..?':\D. -. t club,.~!.:." l'e" N"b tithmetic, English and spelling, Mrs. Edgar Larson spent the eve- ~.rought luncm and spent a SOCial Hob H~s.';E"~u.~i;- f"1 darc!:'t 3.00 n the matter of the ~tate of C;p~~i<d payttw"tlts, to 12-3l-40 'f' U J... e r. to teach tbe weening of an honest ning <:.t hn home. lne.,soux ity oune ry & Boll- August Loberg. ~ce-ased. P"Jrj frnm new loan " 1"', C ' ',,'l, day's work through training on the at ~;r~,~v~~ye~~~~~ f~:7~~a:f~~~ A.~~~,'Jr;;;r.~~;~j ~('r~~l..~_.r~.gb'~~~ :~dc~;;v;rsmdnlj("( t JOgs ti(~:or~~i~r;; ~~~;~;a~/~~ 1'i"Th.ursday TJanuary 30' ;~~': :~~r~ ~~~l~~ro~h:~~~ ning celebrating Mr Heydon's a~d Betty, Mr. and. Mrs. Luwr{:'nCf' W<.Jlter S. city the instrument filed on tm- 2ith UK,'t r"a.';son" of the vocations, to train hjm for birthday of SHturday. Ring. ilnd L~lrry sfjen~ ThUrsd<-ty clerk, monf'y ;J. b- day crf January, 1941, and purport- \..oj, leilsure time activities and provde Mr. and Mr.,,;. Lawrence Carlson even -g ut~, 1.. :l<jr~s cl'lebr~t- '[""'.bor and laundry ing to be the la?t Will and Tertastarring,JON HALL him an opportunity to take some and Larry Gene were <ot Ponca JOg urdljn '> 18th blrth?uy. (0- N..W. Bel Te]PjJl,'me CrJ., ment of. said d(-(_e'ased, m.ay be ) cultural trajnmg All VbJectlves Saturday visiting Mrs. PC-'Clrl Scott Opl'fatl\'('.unc~e.on Jncludlng flremen~f'o, 5.55 pruved and allrraed "'-" the last Friday _ Saturday have as tl'1elr ultjmate go<jl the <:.nd the Dwaine Scott::;. ho~e-~<jd; ~ > (~e~~ fwa~l served. A motto wn.~ marie by McClure Will and Testament rjf sajd August k Of d t tl b Mr. ;md ~rs. Emil Lund and t Lie ~- H' "'ln n, <lml y w~re and seconded by Wnght that the wberg, deceased, and that the ex- Jan.3t - Feb. 1 ~~es~:':t th;~~gh~ul:et~~ {'~;(jl~~: Gene Vsited Mr. and Mrs. Her- a. oyu uge man s.or <J famjiy application of the NrJrth Nebraska ecution of said instrument may be DOUBLE FEATt11lE P:ROORAM trammg program man Hanson Thursday evening di7ner,sun,d<:ly observmg Mr. Hu- Beverage"'Co. nc. for Pac$ege Li- commtted to fdyr:e Lmn as ad- ATlF5;'T n tire vocational fjeld, the camp while Jarllce was ~t choir practke. ~enme~~ s ~~~~~~rs uf :ioni~:sd'1;~ quar LiC('n~e be ~(,<,ommfhded,to ministratri~ wtth will ann 'x-ed. ~'(»::2"l rf~~;~n utilizes the resource's of the camp, Mr.,and. 0 rs..cleul,ens Nmrod Pri~("illa who has been at DakrXa t~e State Liquor (r,ntml C~mmls- ORDERED, ThClt Ff:bru.3ry 14, H,,":f' C~d\'en *Winesap *Jonathan *Delic.ious ~:~rc: TRY SAFEWAY '8 (;UARANTR1> MEATS THEY PLEASE YOlroftfPLETELY fr Y{JlfR frfonej' SA~K!. tece1pts~- B~J!;;r.N> rtu+'" OTidentai Building & Loan Du-p C M Craven. Wayne, Nebr rp-aj e~tate mor1g~t! T\l.r, hundred elghty--eight shares of (;Dltal st~ e.,'j1d;lnr.!jng <:t SlOO.Of) per share ~~h1.59 ~ib19c ~'16c ~. 16c,. ~~. 24c ~;~. toe $ 4929ft 4.5ag.ao S !lll ~B3.s :; 5, S i.492,98 $ fl $; S n '4..'52 S 5.4fl252 None :: 50n Of) 2R.S.OD on $31 :ro<oo HENRY F LF:Y SN'T~3ry-Trt":l.~r"~ thec~~~,ex~nsiooandcor-~~=s~=~~~:u=~:dtythdpdst~ww~ks,ca~euplj t'"in~~i igi i=iti'nig~,~~j~i-i ipi i~i'~di~~~~i4il iaitilioioi icljocik~a im~i ~~~ ~~-~~~W~(~.~c~O~ry~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ respondence cuurses. This voca- while Merlin <.Jttended a cl.g,ss par- hth3t mornng <mel \':111 rt'mzl!n at tional training js based upon the t orne individual needs and inte'rests uf YThe Rudolf Kay famil were Betty Jane n;lfd \'i~iu'd O\'er l8st the boys. This mvolves personal gue:,;l" in th(~ Melvin Long~ home Widnesd;:Jy nght ~'.t~. her te<:.lch ~~~~;:l~n:d o;~ tta~. ~~r~~:'''i~l~~et~~ last WednesdBy 'evening, celebrat- er" M~'" F:unl:'e Gilst<Jfson.,Hi.'r US(~ of vocational guidance" tf:ch- ~n~ their."('cond wedding ;::JnnVe-f- ~~~.:~;' t~lha~ : '~'f~'in~;)r~!:. \\~~t;p~~ niques. gary. gue~ts n thf' T P R( b( t ( Vocational subjects found in the Mr. :'lnd Mrs. Hertn8!1 Hanson ('[J~p'llm('nting 'E\'~r('1~ ~~,~s l~:~~ Winside camp include: VocatH)llll] were SUltlO'JY ~~t('rn~on a~~ ~~t- S a't.trnding- fht' \lni\'c'r<;itv this,,(,_ agriculture, soil const'rvatlnn, ~:;~:l:~l~~j'j r~;ma:~:('d --'~r~~' ;1j('D~V:~ m(>~h'r' " fann management, nuto mcchdni('~, nlflg. LaEt TH Mr. nnd truck majntenancc, concretel:ll/l- Mr. and Mrs. W('slf'y RUbeck, Mrs.,J,,( childrpn struction, surveying, draftin~, (,8r- Mr. and Mrs_ Clare Busl,irk <rnd visitod Nl". ~fhj :vtrs (";rl Sundell. pentry, woodwork, commercial Gnylin Wf'l"(' dinner gu('o;ts last :vr..!mrj i\jr~. Albert Sundell nnd subjects, cool;:ing, baking, carp nnd Tuesdny n the Chauncey Agler srhlll', Mr. and ;Vlr~, Carl Sundell use of tools, blacksmithing,md homf'. wc're ;lnong the rc-]atl\'('s who cnground course for aviation. Mr. Elnd Mrs. E. V'l. Lund-<Jhl,nd jo:red ;)n oyster >:upp-er together Perhaps the most important part childreij V.'iltro at Ellis Johnson's Th\l)"$rl:ly ce]{'br.lting C of the whole educational set-up is Sunday ;:Jltcrnoon ;md :-; JC 'nt thl' A, Sl,lnrlclj', J~lrthd'--lY n hi;; th~t of counseling and guidance. evening n the Albt'rt Sundell homf', Officers endeavor to help each home, Frtlny pvening Mr. nnd Mrs. than in camp to adjust himself Mrs, R8Y Ash Sfwnt TUf'."d.<ly Rollie Longe nccompanied by :vtr. socially, educationally, emutlonally with her mother ln celebration of :llld Mrc; R<lY Philbin, ivliinan MJand vocationally. The Winside her birthday. Mr. Ash and the.k ler ahd Mllrr"is SiilldBhl were camp makes UBe of the sponsor J. Lundahl family joined th('m in NorfnJk for the finals n the gojd",n System. Under this plan, members the evening. glm'ps ('(lot(>s1. Bud Killion won of the technical service Hnd tjw Mr. Lnd Mrs..Jack Soderberg his bout so wlll f{o to Omaha e<irly anny have a certain nurnber of and daughters. Mr. nnd Mrs: Art in F'cbnJary tn p:lrti( llxlt.e,urther. enrouees whom they n':jtervicw. Borg and Annett ' were dmner He ac('ompanlp(] th ' Lnn s hero- Complete records are kept )f each <nd :;pent Sunday Jl the:lnrl '('malnul ()\'('njl~llt interview. cd Lundin horne. The Rlr;il l!ump ""'{'llly hpld ;J While the army Js responsible Th(,. Wm. Palm('r family moved special WJth the j.:l]"{:~id.ent, fot' the training pfoxm, the tech- to thetr new home in Wayne the Mrs~ F. A. Wedne>.day <lft- nical service is resp nsible fnr il'l.- Dst flf {hi" w('er. Mr.,lnel ;vn--<;. ernoon wh(,11 the "Window struction in the field r on the job, Elvis ()lsl)ll ~Jte wt-leomed." lf'w Treatment, \vas LJy Mrs. Neverthel 'ss, a gredt numbq' 'of neighburs Jll ther placc. L1W'PtH'l" Ring ('(JOtl'llJ\l!cd tu the classes al-e taught_by thl' tech- Mr. and Mrs, Edg:Jr L:Jrsnll ~11r.i the rdrcshnh'rjh,lnd ~ hllnr!l",rnical servir:-e. n th~ Winsidf" camp, E<J11, Mr.,lid Mrs. fknry Nplson Chu,r.'1ho\\.'l"r w;,>. 1~1\'('n MS. -:1 classes in agriculture and c(jnf-;~'r- and SOilS \V('rf' Sllppr-r gllf'!;ts Frl~ mpf BU{"('kf'llh:Jllf'l" wh,) va1.ion are t.uljr;ht by FOl'prn('l\ f,. (by Jl thc R {:. Hahlbeck horne a V;lllPd mf'mj{'' ;mil 1.<' K. Swartz,.J, W. Whitney, C. C. f(,' Mrs JJril,lbeclt',<; brthday frum the (l,mmullily Md"C!l 1. Butler, M. P. Kessler and Ag:ro(lo- Mr. rind Mrs. Art Borg and An- Whlie thp mpn ';'(')"c attending mibt W. t. Harder. Subjeds on lwttc WE're among the friends en- Wm Pnlmcr's farm sale last Tuesm(!Chlllnics and blacksmithing are tert<lned at dinnor WedneRd y day,."...'lrs. (j:-;car Bjorklund and under the supervision of Camp evening in the Byron Heydon ho e- Mr!i. Albert Sundell were with Mechanic J. H. Lowe, Subject!> in honor of Mr. rf.e'ydon's bil'thda Mrs. C. A. Bard for a committee dealng wth engineering' an~ of Saturday. eeting. The three ladies served handled by Engineel' G. L. Eli-1 Mrs. Joe J()hnson.was among < r >freshme-nts for the Junior Mist~orpe and Junior Assistant Teeh- number who helped her mother, sionary ~ociety at Salem Saturday mcian~. Tedford. Safety is stress- Mrs..1. A. Sundell, cplebrate her afternoon. About 40 children and ed in weekly safety meetings and birthday Wednesday <:.fternoon a number of mothpf"s were in atunder'the SUpervision o~ Superin- -..yhen they visited ;)Td hnd lul1ch- kndance. An pxcellent program tendent E. E. Stipsky. For(Dlan M, eon at her horne. wa.s given with the npw lead~rs, P. Kessler is safety a~sistant. Sunday the Rudolf Kay family Mrs. Anhur Hollm'nn und Mrs. C. W >Te in t'he Albert Longe home for L. Rtrd, in charge. Read the Herald Want Column dinner ih honor of 1vJr~!. Nolan 5-LB. lilt!'" Megh Bag ~t;1lijt 4 LBS. 2.Sc :3 LBS. 2.Sc Mi'"iK.. 4 Z~~ 2r5c Sec-ond month's c~mte;-t of n.aktirur the- bah, girl pictured on Cherub label.. belfins ~tut day. rt.ah now to t!lter and "ftar~ in tht!5.0~ l'.a.m P'rlu~ Gc-t (nil drtans ::uul t':ntr-v blank at Saf~way. Easy to rooter... no q.nt(>rr("f"r to wtt1.('... JDlt M'1t'<'t a nam('.,

3 January 31 and Febr-uery J[ A PO Pound.23c c"uneil Oak Superb Amber SYRUP Coffee PA:,\ULY Bl\Go Ex('hamr(> the enrpj.y ~ a "'d ~t 22 ca.n.t gold pil... lnn di3he<l., The pee!' of au im.itauon napie extncts. Keep a bottle in the pantry for na:vtt.nng sugal' s:yrup a.nd home mad~ fudge. REGULAB DME SZE. This deuciatr5 pan~sprea.d ~~?~V~~~:~~ fant fe-eding. ~~i:: ~~He. 25~ Perfect Pancakes E-v~Time ROBB-'fOSS PAN:~ FLOUR The rtnfst ~it1z" p3.n""!:m1l!11:' and the most pa.noca.kes r: the money, 3-LB. BAG Red Triumph POTATOES c 7c Oc 21c 15c 19c loe. OYSTER: {'"'"- CRACKERS 2 Pounck... _......_..._... 19c loo-lr BAG... tam9beu';' SOUPS 3 CANS.. 25c AU Kinds except Mushroom -and Chleken';' Superb Milk 3 cans.19c Navy Beans tt~:.._._. 20c!lfier'.r.. C Flak PER ". 9 Oln es PKG.... c t"._ Exee-Uent SUGAR GOLDEN BRO~ 20c 15c loe 2-1.B. BAG Lb. Loaf, ";c. t-lb. LOAF Ket'p a stltji)ly on hand fm pancake syrup, for the baked b~ and caram~l frosting. PER POU~"'D OUR EVERYDAY PRCES t-lb. LOAF Our Every Friday Feature Chocolate Puff COOKES :(~) Ma Abo Be Pui'chued.~itn 8l",e rood-onrer Sta.mp~ Jft 1)1!Ll'YD, PJiONii' 171' on }~~~~~J:~;~:T:~~;,.:!;~:.j:~'4.' 'SPRY n rich tomalo saw'e-. Excellent for Quick )unch('s.. 8el."Ve hot ot ('old, For ('Onvp:olfOnce and ~c}m}' you should stock your pantry at thls s:pedal pri~. Pound ean. ltc. 3-LB. CAN 2 Popnd _ 29c SW3reroown Cake Flo~r ~~AGE Matches ~~~TON Robb-RC59 All F1a... Gelatine 3 PKGS_.,_ Make yonr nfoxt white rake with Spry. A ptjl"t' vegetable au-pul1>ose shortening. Best for deep frying. Ma Br~'s '" Whole Wheat gread Nancy Ann The Better Bread Kraft As90rted Milk Caramels Morning Light Pork & Beans ~A~G~A.'1 Our Top QnaUty fancy Chocolates ~~"D All one kind or a..~ \ Leve,r Bros. Products-Week-end Specials Lux ~~~gel+._ 9c ~~GES..,20c,Lux Toilet :Soap 3 ~ms_ :_._-:-:..._.11c.rinso ~: ~=::~~c.~._ ~i&g~ c Lifebuoy Srp 3 CAKES~ -'d on :. \1c a RESH CTRUS FRUTS. '. "F. T... - imn.' PEl( 33c ancy J.A:: ons Juicy..._..._.._..._._._..~,....._.,..' '*,.' '. Calli'Orni<' _ PER. "... 'c L~rge Or,nges Na s,...~.._.._.d07f.;. ;_~--;33 *Tex,s Grt»efruit. =..-s....._~..._,-4 ~O'~;_7115c D- t : " A - ForS -.- _ PER... 15c. e lcous PP es L_,._."..._... ~..J)OZEl'j.. ""-;--:.-..." N." C'. L 'tt'. 2.JUlll:SO- i'w 7c. ew, top e uce..,."c,~.,"":"...:...~."_..._._..,..",..._ HEADs..,:",:,-';L...:1,,,,,,--....". "...., -. 10c 10e J50 \"pin' Family Pancake F~oltr Big 3'Hb. lo B;ltl ony_.... Crackers ~~~., Soap P & G 3 Giant Naptha. Bar~.. Matches J,":,.'/ (' :: '\'j'...l/'''' (. '-J' ','. l~,~s t' :~7:~=':.~T - 11~~~:tV ~~i:ing for ou S:W;::h~ nt.~0::::~:::~~:7~:a:f.jo::::ra~" '::erie""lmoney. Thbse fsh-lv:,at!ons. t is not~ g. like an qfne'4's::::::~nd F~ilO'e ~l\9".rjre :nj-u,,-ongl ultu~ua ~ [1...n ilj :i dnr:lle so can throw 'lowed him on J the surface of tion. What do you think happened? ermen. and l'omen orel vi tw:.. American sea resort, 16r it is N' of NE. u. of SW" of S " l:'h F ' ".;., W' t (Jut my ib~ ;l"'ain.~enow course) an watched h,'m ='ole D. ds "'- fil ' ~ ~. '" d' M.. '" anny forgot all ab(>ut it. t Was classes. One epen on tines ' few 1 thy. There is a great water shart- Warren Cowen to Bernice Sim~ ~g.:rts ',Olm m,~lean atefs~ l''':-''(~r P'\~)..ritl) isl d.:pt. ulica and go deep and dee,1!el When very exasperating. We are now cents for survival. The otl1ers, who age, iwt t does have s.cenic beauty mns, Jarluary 28 for $1 and oth-,,,' 11,~. L. t (.! d ujt: t>~jel" boint. Herejt is sl.in- at last he d sappeared we started motoring through the heart of the frequent it at night for a while, w.hen you go on drives around the er consideration., undivded inter- Trav.eling With the lleigl) part:r, mowin(we sa?, some. wnitos'1 s~t on. the F'a.cific ~galn.! ~ink the ~utboor and returned to the suppo'sedly stormy area. We mu::.1 [md a diversion from llielr daily mountams. There are two beaches, est m EYl ot SW14 and SE %. of expormg'alon~the coast of Mexi- small riael oe5 or lo-pounds, jump- r 11 wnte eve!!)' day at thls time boatj emptyl handed and dis- be luck-yo becnuse this: is supposed work. We are aachored a couple one Where everyone swuns in th ' , and west 50 feet cf N~2 Gf co, Kenneth Petersen writes of tin... ing out of the water ev 'U"where.,pecause e~erything seems so nice couraged. We started the enlfine to be the worst time of the year hundred yards from the dock. t mornmg and one where everyone lot 21, Taylor and Wachof addlusual ex:pe-mence-s anq. sigl1fs as They gcdn scnools and every once, Find smoo~jf and dreamy with the on the yach~ after hoisting the life to cross the gulf. We had northerly S very cool and comlorlnble out swuns n the evenings." tlon to Wayne. fonows: ' in a while you see a wliole gr/)up :'sun slowly dropping behind the b03f>nce more on board and start- winds last mght that put us along here in the bay at night and we - _ <ThU'SdaY';t,ecePbei- 19-This ' jumping up out of the water malt- ihorizon. ed otoring throbgh the absolutely ~icely at about 7 knots. lhe have sleep well, providing ':e can for- Property Deeds Filed.. NORTHEAST WAYNE m.ornmg aga went to Panama ing a bi~ turmoil. Next we saw "Tuesday, December 24 -;" We ca watersj A little later we saw Just sighted land.' Captatn says it get the roosters crowmg and the Property d~s filed in Wayne - John and Rudolpn Geewe s en City. had ~anne.d to take my:" Some porpoises, fish about 6 feet )made a record roud today. Between another tu.rue floating along a lit- is a'!ong distance off but the skies dogs barking. The roosters around county this we'ek mclude the fo1- Fnday afternoon at H,_c P d~ c' camera along but found that we long and weighing,about 400 or noon of yesterday fmd noon of to- te 'ahead, We were d~tenninecrto are so C"lear$-it makes it appear here are mxed up, it s " "rns to me, lowl,ng: ~we's were not auo ed to 'titke one 500 pounds. These fish fire very day.. jwe made exactly 50 miles. 'do (1r die,'.$o, with the captain at closet. "beli~ve the point of land, for they crow all night and are She-nff of Wayne crjunty to F.ed-! Mrs C. J. Gilaspey of!\urfolk, ashore, Stores,in Panadm eity playful and dart back and forth 111. We've been bucking head winds the wheel and Danny and on the the northwestern tenninal of the quiet in the mdming instead of ejraanluafryarm2 Mfoort r g:sges.,c00'l'soer,a4t!0onr': spent.:.st week n the C K. Corhave odd.hour~, Nearl~ every store and out under the boat, alongl'lide ever flince yesterday noon, tier~by side ready with the gaff we were Gulf of Tehuantepec, is Port Log being quiet in the night and crow- ~ blt home closes over the noonj.hour. Hours ~nd just ahead of it. They go very C11llking t necessary to do what we all set to give that turtle a cheldce Angeles in Mexico. During my lng" the morning. 1 ~ess th 'y NW":14 and NE l~ of S\\ l~ dod Mr and Mrs <thas Fr.:mz"n o"'d :.re 8 to 11:30 and 2 to 5:30. This near the surface and 'blow' every call tacting. Later today we hit to see if he could pull under a 32- duly morning watc!1 saw a new grlt the, wrong start ll. hfe when o! SE 14 of JO and!' 2 of ~E 1/.4, of family spent,5:dday e\ enjng at :dt'temoon Went to the YMCA now and,ehen, A little later we another dl tqe famous 'flat calms' ton schooner. On our rfrst try' we kind of fish, a luminous one that, they were young. Every MeXlcan b John Horstman's and' had., a shott haircut:. really saw snakes, These were just and have been running the engine went a bit wide so we turned all when t comes to the S1Jriai'e tr)wn has a square, a block n the Carolme C. Bard to MJnnie C. Mr and M. H G had it tut short because probably ordinary sized, a_bout 4 or 5 feet ever since. Danny and figure'cl the way alfound and tried again. shows as- a spot of light"aa>ut ~ center of town with be-nchf's Cochran, et a!., January 24 for S 1, w;re' TUesda;S~ eft1anp-<:t~':'~w: won't see civilization again for long and look something 1ke rat- the mileage per gallon when going The next trwl we were close foot n diameter. Our watet~ply around the Sidewalk and trees, a NE~ of 18 and E/ Z of SW1'- and week at Ed Meyp~er g.-. ~ -, five or six months. Dan <lod were tiers. They float along in the water slowly, ijbout 4 knots, to be about enou.gh to get a good jab into his S gf'ttmg low, We've tumed on the sort ()f gath:-nng place. Here many SW 1;4?f SE 4. of i-26-5 :\-1r. and M~. ;~es'johnson and going to invest in a pair of cliij- and 'slosh' up against the side of 2 miles per gallon ~11d when going undersde Wth the gaff and start- small tarfk now which holgs about fjf the MeXicans spend ther e-...e- Shenff!}f,Wayne county to U"'l famly spent Friday e.,'emng 1a<;t pel's, but: decided we would ha,.ve, the shp. WOW! ',Just cau~ht a at 8 lmots, we get <lbout 7/8 miles ed to'haul hm aboard. He was 70 gallons. Use of fresh-water s HlngS, slttmg and talkmg to one Gese, January 27 for $91126, 'xeek at Ray RObinson's, o~r hall' cut short and just take fish. was sitting here wntlryg in ~cr g<;illon. Th~y all-owed us to try heavy and cumbersome. We had now confined to drinking and another or e-lse walkmg around the SW14 ofl NW 1 4 of 'Mr ;md Mrs. Albert Lambr~ht ~l.ong a pair of scissors.and trim ~y log when all, of a sudden my 'f at 4 knots all today and thus he-drd thad a turtle S helpless cooking. We have to wash with square. Another very mterestlog Lmcoln JOlnt Stock Land bank - and Frank Ruth spent last Weclotf the rough- edges as tme w '.nt lme started wpiz.:/iing out 01 my we proved Our polnt. We have when on bis back so we flopped salt water and. like t. dd plate S the. market.. All the fflod-1 to Arnold H. Parson, January 27 ne'>day;;t Byron Ruth.s. un. Returning to the boat; helped reel. CapUiin cut the engines (we ubout 300 gallor& of gas left at hm on hl3 back, tied him up and most ingenious clothes washing tuffs are dlsplayed and suld here for $10.000, ~Wl.'4. of with. the filling of gas tank6 and had been motoring because of the present, maybe a~ llttle less. We Sdt down, very much pleased Wth this morning. first rubbed hard d<.ljly. The farther one progresses Anna Spahr to Greenwoocl' "Yn. Thomas r t g.. d -0 'lashi-ng on' of five extra"so gal- calm) and r started reelmg in. t ;struck a nlce breeze this evening our acc0rlphshmentr Most of the water soap all over them, then the dirtler t g('ts. n AC lpulco ',.e 1 Cemetery as,>ociatlon, January 28 resdent of Ponc~~f ~race~tu~: Qn bsjrrels, thus bringing our to- was about like moving a freight "Yhich S pushing us along at about aftemoon was spent lashing se- tied them to a rope, the end of <..re warned nr;t to buy \ ""get8bles ; for $175, 1'2 of ~""E l;4 of 5E ~ of died Thursday. ~, tal g<.l~' to 500 ganons, enough for car, reeling in that line. After wholt 4 knots, but the trouble is, t's com- curely the boat,md the now empty whch ted to the lowest part of or me-b.ts ae there S no sewgr' ge $":1/ 4. 0f , cfmtalolng fh e.~-- _ about 400 miles: Next we filled up _seemed hours the end of the me ng from the exact directon we gasolme drums, n preparaton for the bow of the. boat about a foot syskm ot all und the ground sj BCrE'S. Dr Paul Leahy. 36. o~' with good Balboan water. The got close enough for us,to ge"t a W,H1t to go. Therefore we have to the fitormy Tehuantepec gulf. above the water line. These clothes \(:ry much polllltf'd wh['re he Jdnetta Wright to Grc m... ooc! C'Y..~ ho dh'd of head a chest grocp..ries from the comrrll,jsary ar- ghmpse 01 the fsh SlOce W( ljuff or!' a bt, puttmg us about 15 Every now and then wbile work- 'traded back about 5 feet npxt to vcgetahk-s. are g:rown. The gs Cemetery assvclatlon. JamJaY 28. ~:ljune~,n d. car acelden P'3~- J"lved and th~se had to be ;w'ttled couldn't fmd the gaff, With whllh ur 20 de-w,e-es off to the n(1)rth of mg on deck we, would see bg tllr- the bow of'the shp where'" t cut.s and chckens eat the thmgs ~w:n-'' for $750, El1 of SE". of SE~ of pnt:ne Tuesday J"st.lOEoe".'~as a f,.uc~'dayndt,)pga,~jc'x~dccapwtfaoyr' tthhcjsla~un%ryus. to land hlm, we hcld to use the (Jur ((ursp About ~ 30 this morn- tles noatlng by One funny thmg the water. Every time the ship ;Jnd thete'by ha\'e gcrms m Hieit SW 1~ of , conialnmg L'."C' r)t"othe'r of Father B J var:y and ~ -'... land109 net By this time the fsh m.g when WdS steermg, S<JW S that el,cry turtle- has Gl bird would hit <:l wave t would.'1plasn me';jt Acapulco S really a Mexl- acres. ~>rrs \fane He-rtert of "f.aur-ej. D-e-- Mr. J~elgh ilnd myselt decided. tq was pretty v.ell 'played out chd thc biggest sthool o[ porposes p<'rch 'd on ts bdck restmg a;id water qute strangely over the,an trnh<:t town. People come Caradoc H. MorriS and wife to cea<:ed leave's his Wj~ and two ~(J tu th(' launolry for t. When we dd{l t k](~k up much of a fuss (dn b uthfully say there were at baskmg ih the sunlight After fm- clothes, twlstmg, bc'3tmg and flpr(' frum Mexlc0 Cty tor thel'r Oberlm Morr,s, January 28 frr. S1,, da ~ghter5. i.jltivl'd thpre we found t was not While the captam lfted hm out least d J 000 of them Maybe thflt shmg the l<jshmg 8rH! fllldmg out washng them, thus providing me i nearly ready; all was w<lshed but of the water by holstmg the me, was d unjverslty When S3\\, t1hlt HOWard had prf'pated turtle Wth a fine washing machine. a~!!.[~~~;~~~~iii~~~;'~~~~~~ 1.1 not press"d. Afte-r explaining that Mr. Leigh thrust the net secul:'r:,ly thc'tl! commg t Q'splked Jl<e a great soup and turtle steak before Dan- "Thursday, january 2~We arel ftii _ we COU!J. t w,ot for a day jllst for 'under and around him. By thn; bl,lck \~<.l\p t toul<t me some tjme ny, the captain Howdrd Gnd now about 240 mjles from Acapul- ~ laundry, they gath.ered it all to- time {Jil three lines were most ef- tq puzzle dllt whnt t w S Theyproceeded to butcher the ithmg co and have.~j80 mj!es of gasoline 81 ORE.::::=:.:el::li" gether CiJ \~l' (ould dry t on deck Jicwntly tahgled but we hq.d the camr' t!o5('r und closer and went t was.1 Job but we finally SllC- left. We can't use a grea~ d '-al of ~Friday ~ =:" ~ while at SE'U. Ths laundry estab- fish. t was a yelluw jack (simil<j lght dcoss rlur bow, JumplOg and ceeded Tomorrow get my frst the gas for we need some for en- and YOUR F D AT MEA.LTlME ]jshment W,S large, doing all the to a dolphin) about 3~1 or 4 ff'et blowmg That type' of fish breathes taste of turtle soup About 4 30 this terlng the harbor and too f we'r lo Saturday washmg for the army and navy long and weighed about 20 or 25 nw and then qy (omlog to the 1<Jftf'rnoon two uf the most playful out of gas, sailing close to land and of all United, 3t<ites employees 11 pounds. When lymg nn d~'ki the <.,urfdce of tlh~ wtfter and blowing' porpoises, came alongside our bow a calm comes up and \vith t an the zone, The plant has approxl- whole fish change-d three -n~rey l ut, hole n the top of the head These fi~h, pb'jut 6 feet long, inland current, t doesn't make <l Morning Light m.ately 700 workers on the laundry chfferf>nt corjl's. FJJst t W<L d gold \ lttle' Zitcr S,lW d monstf't of Jumped up (jut )f the water 10 person feel so safe. We had Z little Bartlett Pears ~.~~ 2} payrolls, working two shifts, thus co-lor; n about 3 minutes t h,)d, \Vhal'" lleoh 't lc'3st 14 or H front o[ our bow <leo hgh as 10 and trouble With the cnglne today. A Full rip ', memow pea~ in a ~ooo syrup. giving contmuous servce day ami changed to a pal ' blue and ofl little' Jcet long feet. The-y Jumped for awhile varve spnng broke. Dem <:lnd for sauce and salad. '": night. t was about 6 o'clock when later t tul'dl.-.cj. dark brnw~ t hdd "Christmas, December 2.s~lt has and then startf'd weaving back and started dlggmg m SlOce the motor we returned to the ship. The dnve be: tl an experh.:nce rnn"lt excting bh"n tc~ltlfc;:llly hot today anc\, we forth, up and dnwn and around out is n the most OcOnVenll?nt place r Florida Grapefruit ~.~S C back through Balbo<;J. was very cool ~~nd had won for me the dollar hardly moved,t all, maybe about boy Spllllt, bhjwlng.' flapping the the desgners could fmd After and pretty, the lights having been bounty prize for the first fsh ::10 Of' 35 milef;. Tonlght s sunset is surface wlth ther tmls and domg about two hourg (j[ puffing and ~~:o~~~: :~::~~t~~i~:.prep:a.ra.t.ion for break turned on along the streets and a tjtlu'ght, ths havlog bef'n offerpd ilbsolut('ly the most bealtlful of All sorts of tncks. We took some workmg we floally managed to ful moon out. As usual there were by M~, Leigh. Oh, oh, Danny just any ypl Wp'rc running low on nlc(' moves of them atrd thf>lr an- gf't the broken spnng out and a ~n~j~,c:jl~y ~:~s~7~c~~v:~~~~~;~ ~~~~':.~~~~t a~0~~~npobue~~~(. lt'~\11ma~:~~ ~~r~72x t;ll()al::;~~ ~J~;jn~ ~~~ds(~' ~;~\~ ~r~~.w;~~~: e :~(~l:~~ ~~~nw~~~r ~:('tt~~ ~~~](::n~hsn ar:~o~~w T~~;;e ~~>~: 7.one. Tlle-r(' S hardly, a time when black and whte Let's.!-it (, whl'"r(' stt..'p"tpd tnward t und fbhed t smr)othe"st 'v!'" t'vf'r <.,e<>n t. 30 ejr 35 fec't long. Wc cuuld hear i you don't see at lealilt one plane in was''? was going to :-.ay th;lt d up 'fnth the fl h gaff A little ]avr Sunddy, Decernbt'r 29 _ We them 'blow' about two blncks' the sky, eitlwl' bombers or combat ljttle later s<'lw a shark. Thf'Y anouh'l Cdl1,W along and we re- mel de about 100 md~s betv.een away All day we have b "f'n planes. They <.re all United States move along very slowly' and r!p- [)f ated 1he Pfflcedure We re pretty noon of YE'StE'lday and noor1 of to- changing sails on thp shp. i1j]anes and nclrly' all <ir ' of lberatehy through the wat >r N{'xt pr oud 1)( (lllr b(jx fl~hlt1g' ddy, which (()mlldermg ~m t too "Fnday, January 3-Tact, -tad, chromum fmish.. we SrlW a bg tarpon Jump. t becau<.,r 1,l' l::.uppiy WhH h bud on the PaelfH:. We're now tact We are g019'g so "low. At this Find Pacific Smooth. looked <bout the size of a h(;rs~ How;lld 11"( " t(j "t;lrt hi." fi'p " gt't- about 600 miles from Arupu!co. rate the" remamlri~ 200 mlleg look "Fnd:ly, ])r:-ce-mber 20.--The Pa- Two ('omplete rods and l(>pls \\,(,)(,1 tmg f,'.~ Wp'll plrlbaljly pnd up ME'xCo. This afternoon anotherlblg and long. f we aren t flghtmg (fe S \'l'ry smooth; consequently then ngged up and our 1)('-; ( 1(' (tlilvplng down thl' mol<.,t, fll)' 'ral(' calm l hit u~-and here wf'" are head winds we have a mcc W'<1cC'- the ship ('an tal<e ful advflntage gan lit earnest. W( f'll i ~ lldlin7' ;me! we colltd do t \\ tl! lltprally,t anchor We' tnerl <: new ful c<.llm 10 whch we dnft With oj any!jrefoze hljwever smllii. s<jme time before Dunny,Jnrl (1,.\ - rio c!jfferetht ill the' spet'd wf,'rc 111g"ht ~ail, the bajloon Jb, <lnd t 1the (lirrent b<jck. to where we: v1t"re movjog' <:long very slowly, self wgan getting bltl's making i'f(,\v With,<lit!';.' Kf'n- takes ~d\'antage of E'Very breath sl:jrted. travl'"ling'.ut abuut the rate of four SU11..'n..t~ Arc AttraM.ivf>. npth's yearning 11) be' With his.of Wind s() 1 would say off h;md Try Harpooning Porpoiw. knots. We left Balbua last night "Sun<by, Dec mbc'1 22 -Abouthom~ lolkfo; l,m thp?olida y S ex-r:-v e are hitting pos"lbly t~f" amaz- "Saturday, January 4-Stlil leo about 6:30 and with our"pi]ot stul t- every mght thete S :J Leautiflli. ~Jl ~sjied ~ h.s log c.:hn"~rt1ils day mg sp E'-d of"'1 knot. A blt ag~e miles from Acapulco. We had a' pd from the harbor to the channel. sunset. Thf. clouds are silhouetted Thursday, D~cemljl"r 26 - Wc saw a tunny ]noklllg spa mbm,,1'1 nice breeze cnming from exar;tly Un ou, way we passed the 700 stl'ikll1g1y with rcd fringh aroundl m<ldp 8. gocld run 1;f;t nig-ht ~lnd a Sparlish man-f)-war t's q tp' the rllrectlon we wanted to move; fnot~,:,tenmt:'r 'City of Washrngton.' them. t sn t ]fl.'b1 when' the "lin up till!1(,ll!l lllr!ay, 110 miles ThiS an uneomm(jn thing and h a About 111a<:;t night Da'Tt. roused me Alrivmg,it the channf'l,<] ldunch S going: dm\"n, til > dowl" ;J(' ~ll- ' S \~ h'lt uj.,,1(,\,/ ocean. \\'(' i llttlp ('rcle of flf'sh that hvr E'S from my slumber and told m'2' he drew up besde us and we were h(ju(,ttpd all {J\"('r agaln."t thl' Cln t rn.lih' good time [t ~\l "ndaround. t..., VCtlll1 and "qllf'f'z"~,:mel wanted to try to h3rpoon a bg 1,gain un Ollr own. Because there fectly blue sky Not \ ery ;:1('-1 \"(' ),\{' l1l11y l.'io galluns of gas stlngs t porporse. went up on dffk and \Vas no \\"ll1d we decided to use tile tlvlty today, mnf'ly a YPlc;d!,left, ~q "rlll \\~' \', ill.!la, e to <.;tdl t Studi{'s ~ollth('rn ~"tars. there, all around the shp. WTe motor n!' a while. This we did un- smooth quret d;jy on the 1';1('11"",.,':.tlll g U\lt t!lt'<.;t' d<.lytlme C<Jlms ~n- ":vfnthfayr [)('ce'ln[wr ~O- get 1?g" porposes ljlowmg and streak- ~ til about 4 thl~ morning, when we We'v!' had f"irly g00d Winds t(-1 tt <ll " mfjtm ng through thut. up eun... morning "t 4 (lnr! stf'{'r ng through the water. t was very: hoisted salls. Smce then WP have day although Wr' hardly!dl,\'{'d.it We lad:1,>wplj Jl('e1..:e ths m()jn- till 7. As Sit ;t the wh 'f'"l n thp l1ght out because of the brihiclntl floated along, smoothly, slowly, nil bptwf'pn 4,1. n. and Jtion. i J:lg, cl;mlr~l.!: :j"~jl1.. l.he' w~~t',t~el:f'~y d,jlknl;'ss, Wth the.~ky CO\'('n'o mllon (lnd whf'n you nokf'd n ~hf'1 but surely. ThS mornmg, after Since that a njcp ljt'eczf' tws sprung U 1T1 1 rng l!,, ljl (Jdd r <11 h \~ hl n With star<.;, g{'t a...('l y gnod l hance l.w,l!cr (mp cfjuld ;oce th(' path of 1 scrubbing the deck and cleaning up wl'tlch pu-"h~ U.<l; alrjtlg' slll()(l1h- "ailing <Hlr Crl\lT:W (f \\E'<.;t nor1h t'l \\'3tch thl:'m as thpy gr<lr!ually ('\CY mo\'rng fish, by a strp3k of everything, we strung up sorrle y <t about 6 knots. Right lltlw \~(',> thf> Wind shftedn<.;p or (hop l1jt of Sight pck olj) silv('r. Now thesf' fis"h are big and i rope for un improvised clothes lirje there's, ~ch()ol of benlt,)" ;dj"llt 1l(lrth :lnr] Wf' tn 'buff off' til: til(' dlff('rent ("[)flst(.'h;nns Hnd: f;lt They're }O or 15 fe('t long and and hung up'our half-m,mdcrtld 20 fcc'1 behnd the bout,1w V.l' "rf' \~y cl()"f' h:lu1ed, gf'nc''ally study t!1(>m ] get more \... elgh a lot. They won't bite a 'JrtlclC'"s. At present we orc '1"Oln~- "Monday, D('rf'mbC'r 23 ~ WC"v(> ~'\lmll1jg llirthw{ st by north, nbout and morc mterested lfl them and bne but we figured, Since they illp; Point Mala and ure about J(llo been hovlng- the be-st fish dlnth:'rs..w rlpgrt':... til t)h' north(,l~n of aur tt (' titoe just :-1lps by. 'm r<lpldly swam so close to the boat, maybe milc's from Balboa, thought my dolphjn t[l"t('d bet- (Uti) <';1' l11ft' 1:-' ~ l~ol)d willd that.'> 11 "rnlng the name<.; of some stars. we could harpoon one. We got out Sight Jumping Fish. le' than the benitos. Of course putt, ll?; 11",dong at about,"j kno~s ne constellation whch 've seen the fsh gaff. We knew..ve would- "StllurdllY, Decembel' 21-This J.?o.nny and Mr. Leigli don't agree s,o w~' w. ill prob<..lbl~ contnue ths an vjhh:h is said to be visible only n't be able Just to 11ft one o..'et the llas been a day of sights'. This \\ith me but the ~tain do('s. 'm (o.urse till we stlll<e northerly hcre the south is the Souther n Sde of the Shp so, to the loop m ~r-; - -.~-~ wmds at the Gulf of Tehu.antepec. Cross. This S ~ group of stars offthe end of the rope, we fastened At prl'sf:'nt we are about half w~y to the south that forms the four onc end o[ one of the halyards, n ~o Acupulco. As far as seamanship corners of a perfect cross. Around rope which goes up through a pul ~ concerned Dunny and are get- the top are four bright stars which ley at the top of the mast and back tmg t. good.. We can form a halo. This afternoon we down. This h8lyard we used was hoi.s. e sauls and t ct quckly and saw the biggest turtle yet, about one with a pulley system on t,, efflcwnt~. 6 feet in diameter. Three birds giving us a mechanical adv'll1tage.,ec er ave ('~e perched on his back. A little For an h~ur we tried, taking tums, J8Q r '!es si ce yester- l<ltcr two sharks started trailing to hoolt one of these.: fish but we tt1"ese-lousy eadwinds our Uoat. They glided along dio:- couldn't seem to. Although port is k ep~it will p ' 1'6hab y be two ltd \ reetly in back of us So we only per laps at enst wo ays away, more w s: before we."" each Acu- needed to look over the stem 'and Dan and r have been polishing pulc'o,,'" down upon them, perfect1y distinct brass, was~ing the 11f(' lines and a, Territo~y' of urtlcs. in th~ clenr blue water.- As you few other JobR, so that when we do "Saturday, Dp~~b( '28~Made h8ve probably heard, sharks arc hit port, Danny won't have to work about.50 milcs:ffilf 51 'light line usua11y surrljunded by a group of on. board. all the t!me. About 5:30 ttavel. We're gett g ~ to the ter- pilot fish. True enough they were. this everung we hit a huge school ritol'y of turtles. hs! m ing we Around each were swinuning o.f fish: n ~n hour we caught saw one floati ~Ollt 200 feet about: 40 small!ish, each 10 inches eght big bemtos, from the boat. Si ce it as very long. r'hese small pilot fish attach "Sunday, January S-We at last calm and we wer 't mov,dan- the~j~lv~s to the shark at times have hit a-tine wind and are mov- ny and unleash the 1 boat, and ~t Off him. Mr. Leigh got out lng on our course. We travelled at dropped ~t over t:t.e sid -..and his 32 ajtomatic and tried shoot- about 9 knots for awhile, but had equipped with a net, boat lwok, ing ooe of them but he must have to c!-it down our speed to 6 knots,, and fishing gaff, started in pursuit. missetl for all the shark did was We'",e yet.70 miles to go. At this These: turnes go to see!p a.nd float contl~ue swimming. A short time rate/we should Ait Acapulco some with tf:\e current, par~ of their ago r. Leigh, Danny and com- time tomorrow, This mnrning we shell stcking above water, Since bined brought in the biggest fish picked up three, rive-galon, l1ir "this turtle was asleep we Were able yet, :1 yellow pack about 6 feet tight eans that were floating along. to motor up besde hun. We had. long, t too!{ three o( us half a!n We have been skirting the shore ~plamled 'to pick him up with the hour ~to get him aboard. A!.iSh all day! about 5 miles from it.,han!d net, but one lqolt at him that Size can pull. There are ranges and ranges of qui~kl}t changed O[r minds. He "T~esday, December 31-We're mountains, ~igh bluffs an~ c1i~fs, ma.d~ our net look bke a thimble. now cltn the outskirts of the Gulf The mo~ntams are a contmuaton N~*t we decided tq g~him by a of Tehuantepec where the far- of the Serra Nevadas. sh p, quick jab underneath with famed northers blow. The Gulf 01 Arrive in il>ar.paloo, th~ hobk of the gaft this time Tehm~ntepec is: regarded by sea- "Sunday, JanuarY 12-We ar- ;he j?st lay there, Sl~'ping and man ~s the worst and most donger- rived, in AcaPtifco last" Moriday,floatmg, With a might lunge we 0!l~ stretch of ~ter On tne Pa. evening, January 6 at about 1. jabbed mto l~ls unde shell With clfie boasts. Even steamers and The harbor here is perfect, shel" f t 1'l.e garf ~nd got a ~r:,,, o!d?~ hi~{ t:mk~ts drop f.arther to'yard ~ te~ed O? fl~ ~ld~..by!ti~ moun.qilt~k. ~ a ~a\;;h.~~ ~~e UP. took whenjapproachmg the gulf so that tams Wth a narrow cli.an~elas an ;on~,look :-,~th hs lbl~ ell~y,eyes they Ea y avoid the terrible gales entrar;,.ce, Once inside it mares you :~~., started,. paddl n!' s. ~ard. ~ that low chiefly in the winter think you're on a bilt lake. Aca,he ~~uld vj~,le we tne t? 1~ ~~m. mont s. l>ulco'is differerit from anything l~~ (i~~ld, s~ th~~ h~. ~~ w.n~?mg. At -bre~nt all we have is, very 've ever seen. The center attrac :f8r.~he )jow of tfie fife oat s~ea fair J"orthero/ winds, putting us tion of the towii rught: ll(e seems ~1 ~~t d?~w~:s!ow~~,~ut s':lr~~!. alo~g~tow':l'd: Acapulco at. t!te rate to be ~i~id~d o~fw~ t~o ~ffces,.,we,saw t~.t,an &0 6f..S ) :poun~ of 7 : mots. n another 100 miles the dbck and the square. There is t~le of 3 by 5 or 6 t' dmen- we ill be in the center: of the but orfe dock nefe and thafis near_ ~~1''W.a~~Mdesl!llie([<t!,~Clltigh~ ~.a~ea.., d. iyfuudfmexlcans. r can'f tnd out ~;y )'i gaff, J.n a:.lif.e boa. W:e.. \~ere,: " New Year Slips: n. ' what strange fascination Utat dock t~ylllgtolillurehow.iwere go~. "W. ~daj",' January. l-,-,ast?p1ds ~i1!lie peopr~; but it'niof af 10 se. ~n<! let night we~t ~p the fog hom,har somethmg,,m,t the. ime the edges.ay. al ne JDstead bor b lia d harbol'hom alaeaely Of.. e dock are lined with MClCi. boat,{l" drus~' to: 'h nl{ 1 the New Y~."~ince " ", women.fish- " rl1,en ll1c~-4'.,dan, 0 1 ' d,be at the wheel:at 12 ~:fr he" dock. 6ft :the w~ p..ed to- liave him. wake'" U9. the- mirref ior e,turtle. :\Ve to lpa];;:e these.'\tas"t. ~~ of 2c '

4 ~when the town was the bat e ground between the mvading Ge mans and the Norwegian and Eng lish forces, 70,000 were klled in the fight ~ The major had been condemned to be shot by the Germans but escaped over the mountans to Swedt'n, tj1c'n thr6ugh R llssa" Jand Srbena to Amerca n Narvlk he was d young l{i-wycr, not over 35. He left a Wife and small dclughter, who pscaped tl) the far nol th and were.>tll VH1g there sevel at mont)1sago when he lcist heard from them lh< 1l1""ts Nurway 'ijdl again b(' a fl ee naton. /, SA'SFlED.: ' A -writer for a current n1flgazine elkplats how immjgr~tion agents md e.ed settlers to ~ome here from qreign lands When ths country was undeve,l(\lped. AgentS went abroad to speed the tde of new"icomters. St amship compames wanted the busmess, and :railroads iwanted to sell ther lands, Karl S der, a boy of 10, was With his parents who came from southern Ukrame to settle n Kansas n the '70'~, and now as an elderly man, he rejoices, despte expenence With drouth and. grasshoppers, despte the hardsrllps of gettmg started n a hew country, that he lives in a land of freedom Clnd opportumty~he has vlslted Jus native land, and.he regards wlth deepest SOl ow the unhappy plight of mh~bltants of the Ukr::lme. The "'1flter says n cdhclllsjon. "Accd>ld ng to Karl Seder there ~ no part of the (uunty whelc the NaZl dea S more unpopular than the German-settled pal t of Kansas. Nobody there, wants to go back wf- 'J G he CClffie from, whethpr RUSSia 01 Germany So 1t wou)ch. app(:'<jr that we did a good JOb 1hen we went abtoad to "ell lemd, the constitution, reedom,1l1d uppol tuiljty y Out methods may h",vc been hlgh-plessulc But the goods we sold have given satsfaction to t.he CListOl!1/e1 s. And from the (ustr)mcrs!we h<l\c' vcllue lecel\l'd" foj.1 PWA grant The pletm e of thp (omp1etcd blllldll1~, as 1t Clppear s n the O,lld8nd ndependent v".hlch ssuui dll attjactl"e specjdl cx11tlon fo the dedlcai(lly occasion, suggests th<lt t compares favurably Wth (ludltonums that cost much mon'" \\.th fcderdl Elld CongratuldtHlns to ()akland's SPJllt Of ndependent e l 1f towns evel ywhele had m<lde lmplovemc'nl}; n the sam0 W,ly, the 1~'der.~1 deflclt would nut now be S') dppallmgly dlge. Lny'isla'tl've J\T ews lslandls,trength 0" lv' s ~eviewedon...letter, f Fortyfirst Ye~r 'W~lian:A. ~rossla.nd CelebratJon of the 41st anmver- ~====,='=~S~ta:::::t=S=e~na;;l~o;,"=!J ~~; ~~r;~ b~e[~~~;n~l~l~~~~ Ctizens are urge~ to study Buletm 10 a fve'~seclton edition Legiglabve B\ll No. t7 re1vtmg to contmnlng 32 pages sabelle Gue- the board of educatlorlallands. and so of Hono)ly.u, sent rcopy of the (HeleasedbYweste~NBpaperUnoD.) funds, T~e bll provdes that the paper to J<.lcquehnC". Wightman Let's Think Sanel r ~~~~s S~~l1 i~:~a~~~eno~n bt~~d~~~~ U~~~ ~t~~~~~s ~n~\e~'lote~lr~~:~~:, On Defense Ste located on school lands, that coun- tellmg how they guijrd the Ha- Amenca sho,,nr rtlll"t, prety attorneys shall bnng SUit to col- WalJdD sldods and why the slands pare for poss C' Wclr, but why lect delmquent rents, that ntate eire so lmpqrtant,s a naval base to should we become hys!elca bout lands sold on contract shall be the Unltedl States There S 51tU- t? Why n do the jot) a Si.me taxed as real estate; that dc- ated the only naval base around way, by eps'! Why Dividing hnquent lessors shall not rent oth- whh h mdy be described a cucle not push a on the producton We, ('cl(h one (Jf U<:, dl e l1c1med er school lands untl back lent S of 4,000 mjles rllameter Without of pants, sho,llfle:;, cannon, ~u- to endolse the form qf so"lal.<:;m paid; that two addltioocd em- anywhere tou< hmg contmental planes, amm nithm and every- thdt would dl\ de Wth lis what the ployees be authorized, one to over... SOil. n that Circle are 12,500,000 tl1mg our so,?ler S \\ need) Why other fellow has, bu~ we ob ec t to see alllcases and real estate and mlles of open Wolter, more than confme th pl()ductlun uf these dlvldmg Whdt \\e li.tt\(' \\~h the one to adnumstcl permanent trust four tlm('s the trjtal area of the ~~~~;:db~o mlnk~ tt~~(,~~:~l,.~l: a,,',] other fellow ff what y(ju 1dvefunds conslstmg o[ bonds, secun- 48 states No power except the md hou (' t J 't dustry before il bc-', s s, 00 s, cals, Ulnl urc, ;~e; :ann~i~~~~t~: ~~~ Se~~~t~(~~ ~7t~~~ t~~~t~~rcl~d~~c~~:~~;e~:~~~ fore there S wlth '[11<:h or fjthel thl.n,g:;-has <l \<1lul of as to equ and traln ddlcrs) much as $2 325, YDU ha\ C j OU full ~~~~~:~~a~~:n~ll~h yout senatur ~~~~VS1~U~~;gg~~~.e~a~::~C<1:~t~~err:,~= Why Pupset the \U' so share of nl the wealth (jf the nd-... b dl d b t k tlon, W( ludwg <111 the bl m~ The proper admwlstrcltlon of me COlpS bemg doubled c~ a~l~e~f y r~d~l~{,r/r~t men homes, l\e stock,.jljoi.lds, mtl~ this vast education irust S Just The mcrease n almy strength p p by chclndls(' etc f yuu have molt dbaut the most 1mPOl tant task that ano gf'ne'l ell lnformb'tllm concel n- thl eatemng to take till m (Jut> you might be called upon to d'i\ rlc state offcers composing the bo!cl:rd 109' Owt p<.1rt"df DatlOnal defens(' Why disturb thp fdtnl fclm- J can per'form, far m()le mportant ocrupl('s 0nc SectlOD Ann) lv Wth a day-to-ddy lhl(ldt (f a~ than many of thell other dutes <;trl'ngth n HDWiJll, mpasured by udl to the culors, when ti, 1 fdthu ~ The governor, Chdllm,lJ1, seuetaly manpn'apl hds been lj1creased 50 r,f fdmily th<.lt bleurj \\ fij" \\Jl LJ of state, state llelsurer, altmncy per ccnt Slll(( (Jutbre<Jk of -11wl b l' more \ "l1uable tt) thr 11,'\ n, generdl and state ::,up~nntendant EUlupl'dn Wdl dnd the )esultant cl plljducer than as ij soldlll J, llli- ' are the dllectol S of a 20 milljon tlghtl nmg of mtel natonal tenson (Jut equjpment? J ~ Emung WdS n Omaha dollar concern, ywidmg dn JDcome Thc-,p1mary plj:rpnse for the n- f v.e must tlam men, \\hy 11 t [Ul'<;ddy un bu."jnl':js ill about one millon dollals each creased milltdry ~tlength n these bke those of 19 to 21 yeurs \\hlll Paul :\1Jne~,md A T Ca"cioaugh year Hundteds o! Jural and tov.n s,mds S f('1 J'rJtect1ng the Pearl alp not y(t ploflclent n ndustlj' V. ('!..' n (Jmdhd Tuesday., schools, our stclte university ijnd h8rbor na\al bdse Army expen- Thl re an' a mllllon such t J Hunteml'r was n SlOUX.~-~~---~--_--t:L-_,_ 'lnormalschools dod thousands of dlturesn Ha\\dJ lxc!uslveofcon- mn d\allable every )t:'ar (\ ru(~rlay un busmess Heat-ing school chlldrt.'n dnd students coelstructlon projects, totaled $32,- the men 'Who... U fght OU \1J lld Mrs J T Blessler, Jl depending on that ncome. These 1233, m 1940, an JDcrease 01 f any, fve yr'<:rs from n Omaha Wednesday (,'nil! nu(',l rrom _P~(l~~~_~ directors are chdrged Wth leaslj1g $9.528,15498, (J 41) pet cent over nl)\\ They are the m('ll 'AJ1tJ can \\ 1",-,> Pt <; Se\\..>t1 W<:S here fmln 1,619,000 acres of schoollancls, ap- the ]:9:39 totdl ' be spared now With til(" lpclst pos- \\ :l'cbd g O for the1reek-en? prased at $6,458,000, probably R{J:<:Jnf'sS, lndustl y.nd ('lv1c af- sl8-!e dsruption to Amf lltoln n- J (jur \\t 19ht FREE <1t KlrKmdtl worth mole Th('y must look Clftcr f,llrs dre told 01 i.lnother sec- dustrl<ll producton l( ' ~tut(.':ia"e your penn) J.:!Otl andcnforcesalcsluj1tractsoflands hdn Hawall's two major crups, A llttlp sane thmklng pd!c.><:s :.lr dtld :\1rs P L Malch WCll' amountmg to about une mllilon sug<.lr and pmc<lpplts yh'ld o\er hystcrjd light now \\Jll bt ij)')(luc- 111 \um'!l',n, S D, FllddY,:llld dollars. They <le dllcctly espon- $100000,000 yearly. As expend- tlve of reo.;uhs should \\ar (l,me in Sd,tlJlddv sl.ble for the contmued dnd cajeful ture of \ast sums of money for de- the tutuf', cis t mi.l),11<s f '!lpnre Steutc\ die sp('nt mvestment of about 12 millon dol- fensc projeds mdkes Ha'W<-lll m- \1' WeCh-( nd rtt her home 10 South lals n bonds, SE;'tUlltn:s and cash ctcdslngly \dluable ~ls dn Amen- ProductOn s Result :-=1 ( x (t) tr'hose mvestments must not be cdnoutpostmuwf'a(lflc,lnjl1l.:11y Of Three Agencies 11'Jl r l.;t ll,[futd (Of -L-l-tJng<" mpalred 01 PlmC~,-~1 wll be lost,loci Cl\1l1an lcad(ls al,c calefully Producton n Ament f!~~\!'~l("ody J.lth hs SbtC"l, Mr.".' and mcome suffel hese dll~etors stuclymg the tel ntory s depend- three dl,>tlnct and nccc<; n":l (- M :\1r~ W l'v' above named hol\e a big Job Oil cnce upon nlcllnldnd <:ources of dlents t employo, l(-lbrlr "('k.,,:ulel 0.;' 'T' d m.ja:-,on 11[ thelr hands. food Hawdll, do(s produce 40 per of ml'n ~ hpads ijnd hdllds rill'! ])lllcr 1)(1~fl~':f Ul:S ay... lth Mr." ThlS lob of arlrnmlstel Lng om cc'nt of ts \e~etdbles, 28 per cent AmcrJ(d t S the pi \ 1cg(' of c C h: :\1 ro.;~ )r ~ ;'\il ho,~t r t h Mote May Obtain 1 20 bjilloll dolloll 'ducatlon,d tlll~t of ts dojlly ptljoucl'i 34 pel (pnt onc of u t'j tllgtlll't '-1](11 1 J e8l es h l J r l f, 41,r t :.f. pl'- 10.;Hr nt till' v..cekcnd L f F. as no a ways b<;cn done d.~ wl'll 0 S rll <:, n':l ten 0 S me.1t. ductlll1l pff(llt ao.; e..-1n f) Jllogment.1 \\,111 hom( oans OJ armltlg as t could ha\'('~n done. De- :0 per (pnt of ts ('gg~ dnd 30 ppr offers the best (P)(Jrtunltll2o.; til(' \11,./\1111 {,dmbl!' J,1S(ln (L[ MP:f<lmJlllsHl W'Wnl'county lmquencles 111 ntcn'st and JldY- cent of ts J<,h AprogrClmalwdYs largest 01 ml."t pelm.jnpntly cos-) dr,[rlll 111 1,1mJl(l\1ll fl()jll rn.:1y djlply 1m lchabjllt.lll(ln io,ds menlo; on leases, SellE'S (unit d( ts t,) nsul c,hicqhot(' ~upply even n Sill cd dl\ dl'ndo.; jll the \\ lrk uj:,' ' ( lltlv dln(",! g th<ll1 ale flow diling so, drhlounced ~ldd bonds hd\c OCCUrcd 111 the (ol:o;c' of \\dl hls been wolkl.'d rlut head or... h<-jnrl, \\!..' put 1lllu t n H L,;lo.;on and \\ E \,(nflllm s('(llnty SUpC1VJ:'O, Ray L pa~t, to what extent the (Ullds f()j the slands PloouctlH crnplily tdlllt,il v.lth Stgl'tttl \\(e 111 LlliLoln f!ll!l Venal, this W( ek He SCllO he hdd?o not always clec1rly lnt!l(,lte hlch to pnj\ de to,,] \\.lll \', lll hi S,lfHldy t, \Vl:.dn('~d 'v nxelved \c,.()ld flom the stale dl- Tlust funds have been n\estnl n Funeral Service ldboj Will work, the bul1dlngs, rna- ]{.'jmlj1td \1mra.y rv,. \\,1S d rectm, L. R Lcondrd cit Lmc.?Jn, secunt1es and bonds of politcal /s Held S d chlnes, land and mdletldls nl'c(jr>d pllr umonll J d loe,d ho:;- that addltlon.ll uollo\\,els can l UP sub-dlvtsions which latc became.' un ay ThClt capital S po\lctcd by t!l( pltll {\,... accommod(llcd dt..lmquent or were later n dc- l'unr'l,il nt('[; at the Presbyter-L)(lU'S and mes 'f Amelll;J \\nn ),1.~ and \1.r3.J, A'ofj~'r dnd The FSA S not n <lily w,ly tom- 'fault The permanent school fund l,ltl (hun h Sunday fo! J S Hor- h lve frugally ""\ed OUt pc'ml'" ', J...~J ",,","",F, 1 ' tt'dedtf 1 ' < '"~,,,~.r\"\-. Jl"Jf!ffi \\('n OJ ~ll,clj lj petmg wlth b"illks ~md othel lend- lcls been the great fillancmg (('n- ney were cl en!!y a arge con- dmes and douals th6t... C' may Ttll',ddy..11lc!{wii.( ctuj'ft'"'"f;)da mg agencl~, sldtes Ml VeJzal t'~fr for bonds of c1tles, Vllages, r- ({)urseoffnends Rev W F.Dlcrk- n\est them lt tools n sur-h culejt- r,lmc'r...dso.~f Gllkttr' Jv u 1::; offenng- help 11l subsh'itence t;gat.lon dlstncts and othel pohtl- ng and the ~eckenhduer sen,'lce p )ses as, n our Judgmpnt, pff(>l ('nl(' Sllnc! 1"..,.-1'<"t \\ ('( k to' \ lq[ 1: types of farm cntelpllses. Lo,w:; '<11 subdlvlslons The Hanson tom- hdd charge, and Mm;omc CClmmlt- the least element u[ ~hdnce uf,)s- the!lome ur his untie Ben Laso.; should ilpply only to those fam- 1.my'-s dudlt as.wthonzed by the t,d WdS londucted at Greenwood 109 our sa\ ngs CltH[ the b(' t,1 _ :vir c1nd :\1~ Lloyd Bladfor'd Jilts w.l2o cannot outjll fmancmg 935 leglslatule shows unmlstak- cemekly. Slliallce of ["nt111ul..;1 fll\ d('nc.l~ <ls 111"\( 1111' 1.1 t 'if this \\rtk to the ese\c,.!lep, yet who have <lcccss to lble lmp::urmf'nt m the v.:j1ue of Ml~ A L l\1llnkl'tl, McllgdJ(t cllmp'en;-;dllllll lu tilt' U:.Q of UK(' '('lkllh HJ(&L'... hnll trll) UJfurms and wdnt to mprove ther certa.n bond ssues held by the allrl George (,f St'dttle, and Jolmes s.\lngs tljdcot'd p l'ro'pecl<, fol' pelmanent secunt;;. pelmolnent school fund Any losse, () Horney of New l)rle;:llls, wj11 ProduclJOll empl"yo.; 1ll,(t1~('- Mr dnd :\11 Ernest lc\l'lt Clod Wth each loan plalls are worked Will ha\e to be made up by the l'r\ndln hllp 1m a tnt1e With Mrs met1t-/llcn WJtJ 'HlU'l\(, dbilltj :\1trlll1.i\11lfuld Ba1elm<Jll sp 'lll out With the fhmjly. Ml Velzdl L1xpayers because by Lon<tltlltJOn- OthPll hl'le" flom out oj tu blll1g labol and to<l\s t'lg(!lc Sum.!<Jy nclllrlg JJl the Henry FCwent (n to explam that d{'bt ad- J:l pnnlf':ilarl the ~ho(ll funp S, town the 'tps v.('le Ml and clnd to keep them 'lpe\allllh t., \,t h'jnl" justment <'Clll.sfetetory to the debt- ')Nm,ment fund Whde the de- MS Juhn Hufford Clnd M clnd f1j,d mclrkcts for \\hat S plodu(l:.'o.:\115 ;1\1('1\ n \\"ert and RnntllC buidenf'd ldlrncr and his cr('dltur ptcsslon has <.ldversely affected the Ml:; Hclln],d Huffol'(l of Omaha At all limes n Amell(G1 there ex- \\l'nt to tbelr home Thursday aftforms ;.tn ltll)()rtdllt o;tc'p n o T- v,!luc of all property, yet dlll'ctm., M,tld f;11s n,dfe Hufford o lsts fot each of ll.<; the oppoltunlty er spendmg a week n the A \\ LWllng.l ll'h.lbllltdtwl loan sho\lld ever stnve tn pre\'ent any Nl:lrfoll, Tile Huffnrds returned of a place n management f g..lld Ross home, 1\11 Venal ponted out th::lt boj- unnccnsary loss. t 1S;-l task that home Sunddy f"\enmg ~ when we demonstrate that cx('{:u- 1 i\1r and ;"'1r." Frank Larsen dlld lowels cllleady]11 the plogram cannot be neglected and should <11- Pallbearers Were f S. Scace,.J\.1 bve ablllty which \\ioujd m<lkp us Mel\m Lalsen wele m SlOUX Cty hclve mdtenally l1clcased ther WOlyS be taken serously The PC9- L Rmgpr, Herm~l1 Lundberg, PaUl of value to labor-those who \\urk Thutsday \sltmg the Everett ilt1nllcll ncomes Since workmg out pc of Nebraska wdl expect and Mmes, H B. Cr8\{'n and W. S WJth head or hands, and to'lp1.:1 L.'"1r::,.('n home the necess<uy plans that go Wth l:cqullc able admltlstratlon of this Bresslet "' tal-the savmgs of frugal YOl:, M d M' R ) F t the loans As d general thing, the tlust \ and mes of Amcnc:::l. Dwa~n~nwe[:SSU~d~1 RUf~~rn~l:~~~ ans :::lre bemg 1epdld according The plesent,personnel of the ARRVES N TEXAS t:.. _ ProductiOn 1S the result of these d Y to chcdule. boald's employees consst of a TO ATTEND SCHuuL three ngredients appled to U;e ~n r...:~\~~t~~~~ests til the D A secretary, an assistant secletaly, a Wdyne McMaster, who!cft here farm, factory, mme tlnd tlanspol-' Oard of Thanks, suneyor, (Wth some part time as- Tuesd<lY last week by motorcycle tatlon. r Mr and Mrs Frank L<lJ&en spent \~i..' v"lsh to explcsl; OU" smcere slstants), a stenoglapher, total <n- for Austlll, TCX,lS, arnved at h1s That S but the Simple ABC of' Fnd<JY c\enng Wth Mrs>..,Emma thanks to!1f'!ghbors and friends Dual salary hst $6,660 An asslst- destnaton SundClY. Snow foreed the Amencan system of free c:om- Peterson at Wakefield MS. Feterm Wayne arid also to those neat ant attorney general worlung pal t the youth to lc(i"e his cycle T petltlon, the American way of'tjfe, son remains quite the home fann for their many acts )time handles the board's hbgatlon. Fall bury He got a ride to Okla- under the ope~tjon of which we Y!s H J Lueders. Mr. and of kmdness and flowers at the There has been no member of the homa Clty v.hole he vlj:,...ted the have become th most prosperous Mrs A F Luedetji, Mr and Mrs. tlme of our bere.avemenl We want staff whose sole busmess W<1S to F.rank S1monln:; and was fortunate people n the w rd, Wth the most Wm Lueders and baby were Sunto extend special apprecwtlon also study nvestments and bonds. n rdmg from thete to Texas Wth equtable ds butlon of wealth d::ly dmner glj.ests ill the Chns to MSS Grdce Steele. -Mrs L. M. ~ollr senator heads a sub-commlt- a fruit tl ucker s 1t a better system than the totah- Lueders home. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs Charles tce to study what the board may The Wayne youth found the tarlatlsm of Europe') know 1t S. Mr/~and Mrs Frank Larsen and H. Kaldcll and fnmily, Leona!d lecjulle for an adequate and ef- SlmOnll1S ncely located Franklm Of the dividends paid by pro- MlSS LJlll.an, Mr. and Mrs. Ray-,~, Peter son. fh lent staff of warkel s to can y out ls enjoying his UniVersity work n duction n Amerca, labor receves mund Florme and son were SUrt --- ~-~ the the dlreetols. t Oklahoma City Weather has been 70 per cent of each dollar for day dmner guests in the Manon THE COLLEGE. ' looks as lf here was a pla~ whe1 e deal thel e, eqqlnng wmter coats which the products a!' sold. The Schuler home at Laurel.... The Teachers college here a 1easonable expendture of funds only a couple 01 da~y.s.. second partner---capit!al-gets 4 Mr. and Mrs. Hexsehell B~ird and Wayne anti northeast Ne- for mereased personnel, f ptop- Wayne Jkes Aus n The Cty per cent. Maflagementlgets only 2 plan to move to Prof O. R. Bowbraska are mutually dependent erly qualifed, would produce 1l- ls <JtlJactne and ha pretty trop1- per cent, andltaxes,.illsurancc, etc., en's house north of 'lithe Presbyand helpful. The school S not creased mcome, prevent capital cal trees and flower~ At nght the take 24 per eent. tenan church the frst of Febru~' owned by Wayne nor by the impmrment and losses. A perma.- capitol bulldllflg ~s especally...t. ary. state not-mal board Qor by the nent school fund conslstmg of 20 notceable m a Oood,of lights. The Reca-~ing the Battle of Norway Harry Bressler of Colendge~ college group m charge. t *ls m1lion dollars of assets and yleld- Wayne. youth plans :1.0 rcg1ster at. Major Burg, head of the munl- brother of Geoige Bressler of owned. by the state and t was 109 an mcome of about one mll- the unversity n AU~n. clpal government of the litoe Clty Wayne, underwent an - JpelfB-tion located here because Wayne 1S lon dollars per year cannot be ef- of Narvik, Norway, at the tme ofthe frst of last week n the Vet- ~fl~~~ ~~~~~%l~e:f~~c~t~;~ f~~~~l~:~~a~~s~,np::~dtof~o~~;~ Ha;:P~o~J:~~ct:HC~~~b met the German l~n, told me th~_t_~~~'_hqspitalin Lincoln. longs to the parents of thlb part policy 1S not des1red. 111 the Paul SplUgerbcr home l1j11i1. 5U t..u _ of Nebraska to faclitate the What S needed is flrst, nc eds- Sunday, January 19, :Cfflcers eec- = educaton of their children. in~ devoton to board dutles by dl- ted arc Mary Ellen Nssen, pes- These chllrlren desel've L pos- rectors', second, an'-~effi'tjtnt staff dent Bctty Nlss~n, v~ce presdent = u, 'a Ruth Damme, s~cretary.. Bonm~ sible tolerwnce and help, for t,ocn~:j~~~~~r,~~;dth~:ig:a~tfr~~~ Nssen. treasmer. D r nthy Splitt-.= Without them there wol"jld be..w: no school. Whatever Wayne can fund shall always be carefully a<!i- gerber, song leader~'1may Hcks, = do for the school strengthens ~Tlnlstered. n the future when cheer leader;.mil ed Frevert, the institution. Whatever the you see any of the state offcers news repartee; Man ne Spl1ltger-.: - school can do for Wayne aug- who compose this boarq, ask theln bel and Alice Mae iermann, en- " ments Wayne's support. t about ther stewardshp and gve tertcllnment commi tee. Sewrng i ~' should not be carelessly over- them your consistent support: and cookmg are the,ptojects of the, looked that what hurts the ~~~bf~l~~;~nt:~eparty is planned ""~ ~~:f~v;ru:p~?t~~' v~~a~it~h~i =1 the community or surrounding :'~~; territory is reflected in a weak- -. ened nstltution. t is therefore ~'1 'up to Wayne through its Cham- =~::: bel' of Commerce to see that the college is properly.safeguarded, -J and in turn the ~insti.1lution, if =~'.,; \~~v1~~~~~er:~::r=~~ d'ex; ".J~:~.~,. to "the surrquddipg territory and ~,';;',in dealing&" with e se<tt or, its exist,~eason for its lj(ist. point s that W1iile e pi-open,.:' f ever restored to old-time n 'm There is, more independence in priva emiljoyme t.. " '0'"'" The British sles are reported di gg ].g out of the worst snow st rm in twe ty years, which fact accounts for absence of bombmg raids for several ays. What e know about blizzl\rds and what we h ve heard about dodging Shel~g hurled fr m above, we would much prefer a blizza d. n fact we would have bhz ards contil\led for the duration.."~ t~_."'~~ ' ) Moves to change and simphfy the ]1rimal'y law, enabling CitiZens~to exercise ~he voting privilege more mtell gently, williof course be thrashed over in he legislatute, but results insuring impmve ent,are limly to be nil. Everybody admits something should be done, hut no one seemr able to offer a plan on whcn a majority can agr e. AsCdpfensp ~~:<.jurp, Senator Gurney of &;'Jth Dakota advocatem " sixty-holr week at regular wages for lahor employ~d in armame'nt plants. YVith an emergency as great as believed, t 1:-; also strangely out of harmony \vith plans for tuue safeguards to permt plants hanclllllg' g</:lvenlment COlltracts io be tipd up bv slnkos. ~ --~- A Ghost Haunts Mr. Wickard. (NdtiOl S BU<;lllCs),;) ~eerctal'y of Agriculture WH'kald 1l0l :-i a gto\\ lllg" scared \ or ma.rkdahle hog:-i pr(' ~a~pl1g high pnl l's 10t pork. Thp 1941 p~g crop \\ il be ] <1 per ({'Hi llnder ] 940, which \\(t:-\ t~,pll a rlja11\' ('~ low year "RaJ~.e more J1Jg:-i," was thl' ~\'ll'( j<llr.\ s appeal to farmen-i, Thul-\ ~ thp LL\\ ()j (Ornpl'll:-ill,tlO!1 agaill tetc~gl1lz~d. ]<'ornh'!" S('C! etary \Vallace, th~ modern King Jl'rod 01 the pig sty, annulled it 11119:;:; With his order to slaughter\ liitlp pgs and PJlfon~(' :-;\\ me birth con~n)1. Will ((}n~t1nh'~:'> l"l'mem\)pr that "s]amghtc't of thl.' llllot'f'nb" \\ hen they gripf abou~~-c('~~t,~ork ~'!~~'!,. ~ January Moisture Timely. (Om d1c1.toll! Tl,l1-Stoekm,lll) JallU;lry mols1111"l' h,[:-; been hig-hly Ndisfacl0 l".\t in 1h(' vn.'at pjalll:-; region which includes N"<'hraska Fllrthl'lmOre thl' mc>>1s Lure has ('oml' ; f 01l' nght ijlte!\!~ls and there has bp('1l Jltle ('X( ('s~\(' runoff. The sol \\,l:-i dl v and porous :-;0 th<it the raim! and ~'1l0\\:-; \\()lk('r! l11flozen ground. Allothet dllgl(' to 'thl' :'l1tuatloll \\'tl:-1 brought oul {'( ('ll 1.\ ll\ Prof ('ondl1rl of the statt' lllll\ ('l':-;j! \ (h\ lilt-( to the fad that the molsttlre h.t:-; 1)('('11 ~oaklng n, in~t('ad of ruljllll oft, tllt' \\al(l)' l('\'('\s Jfl thl:-; part of Uw l UUllt n h.t\ f' 11('('11 rislllg Thl' he~t\ \, rlt 1\ lll~,l]}s 1hd! (,ius!' dpslfncllve f1ood~ do not ha\ l' <111.\ <l!j!11 ccwhlc effpd on the \\.dcr lc\ e!". s the' slow, :::wak1l1g rams and t h(' 1('tardpd p\ aporation that influpnc'l' tlw \\at(r l'\\'l:-; that have ljcen \\orklllg-lower JO" :-;('\(',d.\cal~. From thl' fat mcr'e-. pollll 01" view thl' opening month u1 1b(' ])('\v yc,-ll" has prqvided a bhwd 01" \\1 ('at her that Hhould fore CaRt a favorahle SPJ'llg'" f,cason and foltlfy the soil agalllsf thc dl'struc1lv drouths and hot \\'inrl~ lha! ha\l' POVl'11 dlsastrouk in recent ycar~., Where Wallace Would Shine. (CUUl(J[ J:)llllfs Nllllpnrel1) Y1(1 Pn"'ldent B('1l1\" \Vallacc proljaljly \\ould J)(, nluch mote ll~pjul to thp Ullltcd ~tal(,s n ~ol1th Amcricd than plpsiding 0\('1' th(' Sl'natf' )11 \\"ashlllbrtoll. We doubt f h(~ kljo\\s nlnthlng ahout lhe senatl' ru!(':-; (1 hough th,ti might he llo g-rcat handh ap) and hl' \ T lmpj'csseu us as having' allv qlutljlh,t1lolls as a presldlllg' offl'<'r. But th~ VC(' prpsldpllt \\ould shinc as a rovng an~\has:-lador 111 South America. n the firet placc. he,peaks SpaJ1lsh fluently. This S very helpful in all Latin American countnes except Brazll, where Portugese i::fthe officl,al lang-uagp. V alla('c helwve:-; 011' competiton could oe greatlv leshf'npd f ~()uth Americans could be per::-tuadl~d to ralse more products not gro\\ n in this counlry le has in mind rubber, S {, teah, Spices, manlla, hemp and others f which our climate S not suitable., Tel nited States would absorb most of ther "duets, thneby increasing trade between 'N<lrlh and South America and at the same time diminl:-ihlng Latlll America's dependence UPO) Euroill'. A Bustail"'!! effort to achieve these objectives \\ould stimlllatl-> trendly relatiollr and rcllfolt(' 1he good nelghbor policy. We cannot thm)< of allvonc bctter G41Uipped to conduct fuch a cetmp,aign than Vice President Wallace. ~----<;-- Farm Labor Unprotected. (Nebrask'l State Journal) Workers in defense factories in$ist on wage increases. They threaten to strike. A govcmment coneiiator appeam and attempt., to iron out difficulties. Employers and employes get together. Around a council tahle they finally agree sometimes, on whllt wage~and hours shall be. f they do not reach a agreen'l)ent production i~ interrupted. Th publjp must pay thel price agreed up,on. \-, L There are other workers,who f1jjd demands less easily enforced and less q~rtain to produce results. n that class are the producers of foodstuffs. This nation anns't long survive unless it produces th~ food necessat;q to feed its armies and its. feople at home. Tljese produeers llltlst wo k. n many instances they OWn their ow factorie&--t~e ~arms. 1 UnlesR these ave oper-. at the farrer cannot eat. Unles the,y are mad~ to produce the nation ill st go hungry. ts lilrmies cannot be fed. Nevertheless the nation's federal''ldi:f!lctor of Pl'ice stabilization says food prittell \ will a'emain,co~stant 'regardless.,!f emer" ge-ncy. "' J T~hat poljcy;i$"n<lt ill,i e w'th, mile's mad du!illg i The, wag s paid' a,thaulaljy i.,rires~nt t ' Advance TELEPHONE 130 Retirement of Justice James Clark Mc :Reynolds from the United States supreme COUlt further makes over the high tribunal to the president's liking. Justice McReynolds, who was appointed by President Woodrow Wilson\ was the most conservative member, usually finding himself out of accord with new deal policies. The retiring justice had hoped to hang on until a change. of administration, but after the la~e election he gave up hope and decided to quit. > Harry HopkinB, fr.om the admihi&f,l;:a., tion's iqner circle" was quoted recentry i,l\ London as saying that America's contri Hutions W the eau~e of democracy are too, tardy to give ne~ded help. Others have criticized the United States ior lack of speed. So much ~nf1ictingtalk leaves the public high up int/je air, keyeq up to makll ev,ery necessary s~crifice, but in need of coljrage and con ideuce. Fewer Gloomy G s utterances w,uld be reas$uring. : Ehtomologists a; gl'assh0ll'jler~ in considerable number are, incubating in some llouthwest coulltie, bu~ encourage the belief that moat oftest fte will be ~l'ee from th'1l.pest thisy' OPed st!mething will happen tq ' on 'hopper prospects; still ffli!,ted, a :t~~t THURSDAY. JANUARY , Relt' n for DSaGREEMENT in con~ress over the Dzsa reement penqing loan-lea.se bill is hot disagreement o,"er help to mamtain t e existence of democracies. Differences ave developed from too much power. center d in the executive. t is believed limitat ons should respe~t congressional prerog tives al)d harmoniz" with the democratic ay which is soughtl to be preserved. t is h p~d the White HOluse will see the wisdo pf leaving 'l'ith ongress its traditiona rights in order to speed the work of def nse. The Omaha World-Herald differentiates cleatly in these editomd paragraphs : '''T~e questlon S to what extent, n the laud ;8l:#e erjcort to ald l short of war, n the dcstl llc '1ion ~ dictatorshp abroad, we should adopt \he w ys of dictatorshlp at home t S how, far w can and should go tt the dlrectlon ot surren ering democracy at home n,9rderj<i save EuroPE: and ASa and Africa Shottlct the po er to precipitate QU republc mto wal remai with congress, as the constituton plovides? Or should t\ be- delegated to the executve b~nch to be dangerously used, as a twoedged ord, 111 a bold and audac10ll.<; cam algn t.t d.ir ct and win a foregn War wlthout ht- 'Wg? hould, at the same bme, an am tot<ll contro over our soclal, ecorjom1c' mdustrial. e be ve'sted, on the plea or-emergency, in the hands of a smgle danng: and dete!'mmcd man who, however able and patnotlc, S vengeful of OPPostion and has httte llkmg for taking common counsel'! "For ourselves wc believe that the best way to love and scrve and presel ve free govern Lments for free men and women S to accept and practice the ways of democracy And those ways 10 our own country are the ways of a republic Wth a repr~~entatlve government, mae.e. up of branches With co-ordmate powersj au of them defmed and luruted by the constitu~0l1-." ---,---4$---- :Wendell l';! HS &ROADCAST Sunday W "llk" night Walter Winchell, evi Z ze dently endeavoring to be funny, said Wendell Willkie had gone to England to "verify the war." This smart quip was uttered at the sacrifice of respect due a gre~t"american per$onal1ty whose sincerity illj. wishing to serve the ends of democracy '\s unquestioned, and whose value to free peoples and free institutions is yet to be determined. Willkie's trip abroad on his own initiative and 011 his own responsibility mayor may not mea~reup to the expectations of, his friends. e can do no harm, and what hel may be ab to reveal as a result of his tr'p may do' ch to clarify Amencan king. Everythin\,! democracy stands for eeply imbedded in the Willkie nature, it is believed he can be depended on to oppose 'surrender of any phase of demvcracy in the processlof trying to save it. 'Anyway, judgment should be withheld until ground for conclusions becomes clear and tenable. -~--- As a way to' fix responsibility and reo duce accidents, it has long been advocated that liability insurance should be required by statute for every motorst. As it. car of little or no value, carelessly ha died by -an irrespon.sible driver" may wre an expensive car whose insurance is 0 protection. Due insurance provided a the time, license is granted would inspir sense of responsibility and lend valua e safeguards, and we know of n6 sound rgument_ against it. a:

5 SO A"~f'ORECAST.,d;.,..\::,,\ Bid~r '~',m'cets'todaywith M:l'S~ U. J. F bet. Score, oatd meets F):iday with Mrs. Carl Nuss.. Mrs. Joht;t Kay entertaihs M.. H. Februa'1' 12. Mrs.. J.. H. Nichols enteltains n.;r. dub February 4. w~~.~~~.l~.f;~.e~~~~;uesd:y M. B. C. meets llcxt Mond<:lY ; with Mrs. Geo. Bornhaft. ~o~nightly club meets today with Mrs. J. H. Morrison. Royal ;Neighbors meet next Tuesday in regular session. Ph~~e ~io.j~-lva~e~eb~~~~ti Cameo dub will have a 1:30 lunchcqp with Mrs. Roy Gates Friday Mternoon. E. O. F. meets Friday with Mrs, Percy Cadwallader n the va' James home. Baptst Aid meets,hext Thursday With Mrs. 'A. D. LeWS. Mrs. JPh o'lucn"tassisl'i. St. Mary's GuiJd bake ~ale t.; Feb. 1, starting at p. m.. at People's Nan Gas office'. J30tl P.E.V. chapter wj11 obs rve' /l constjtutlu1l ct'ly at the next melting FeurU<.ll;Y 4 \vith Mr~. C.. B. Flsher. Mrs. Clara Ellis as SlSt:::. club meets Munday MWC'l \'<.! \vlth, lv1r.<;. J. n. Johnson at Mr~. F. G. Dai-e has the program. Covetcd dl:,h luncheon will be servt~. Drj<l.m;l grullp Of~A.A.UW. attends' Ml~" Lenore amse-y's classj play at the allege Saturd;}yj and hel"; Dutch treat U~~1~o~Ll~f~,e~~:~:~~.,:v1iss \terna Anct1r.son and ~SS Bernice' Augus~,are u1tertamlng this evl' l1lng :at the H. A. Preston home. at a dinner honur:ng Miss Huth {ube(ck \1/110 goes to Fremont this ivl'ek-l>nd ttl be employed. P- sbytc an Aid. meets next \\t'cdm('~da:y at tnc church par 101"::-.. :vr,.:. Eph BeckenhaufT gl\ l':-1 :1 fc' W\':,md the college \\ ill flll :11-h Tl]ic;C Mrs. L. 'v' Mr' H. W. Lt'y, :.\1s. A No.U Can ~!ld Mr::,. Johll JCtl- SO(;ETY Circle' in Meeting. Blbl. Circle met l'u(".,t!ay v. jth \;.c; 1)11(:1 Hen;;houf. MS::; Char'"' Jutte Zllojgler \V<13 lr:;ld~1". Mr<;. Harry l[ow~lt th C'ntertal1::i next Tue.:ldelY. ~ Witl) ivlrs. Gifford. HjrmoJl,Y club met with Mr:::. Dallas GLff'Ot'rl Friday fur sodal time ~llr:i kr'~slngt(ln. The bo;;1 <-'::is &(''Je~J.. Mrs. L'J.lL'CnCl' SorenSC11 t'nfvrtams F('unl,lry 7. Fresh Green Top Sonshine Hi-Do Medium/Brown SUGAR 3-lb. Bag...,:..,../.. K'amo,, U~cheon' was served. The club m ets' a,ga'i!l Febr~arY 2ft with M : Harold Quinn. '.j <.* * With Mrs. Linn Wyatt..Cheerio club met Linn Wyatt Januajry Peerless Pancake Flour lo 3-lb. Bag Per Do-ren Fancy Delicious.4PPLES ) SWEET CORN 3 ' No.2 Cans,25 Balloon SOAP' FLAKES S..th., 29 Bo",-, '1 COFFEE with Mrs. 23 When plans for the new yearbook were made. The hm;;:tess served. Mrs. Warren Price -entertaiju February 6. * ox- * With Mr,. erndon. ; act c b met With Mrs. C. Herndon Thursday for,lu cheon and bridge, Mrs. C. M. Caven having high score in cont act. Mrs. O. R. Bowen cntel' ains February 13. -x. * *, Mrs.. Fis!ter, ~ostes~. Mrs. Co H. Fisher \\1ii:l~~ hostess to D. D. club Monday \vhen M~~t Carl Wnght re~'d frjlm OgdC:n Na~h's collection,lof poems. Th~ hoste~s served. Mrs. R. W. Ley entertains next Monday. With Mrs..Schrumpf. --.,Acme,club women and Mrs. Victor West were guests of Mrs. Jenme Schrumpf Monday when Mrs. V. A. j)enter had the lessoh on the cinema. Next Monday Mrs. W. A. HSCOX enterthins.. -x- * * Methodist Women Meet. Methodist \vomen me! Wednesday to hear a program by Mrs. Victor West. Mr;,. V. A. Senter. Mrf-;. M. V. CrawfO'd, Mrs. RaY Glldensleeve, Mrs. Tom JOhtl~ on. Mrs. JeHnle Pomeroy emd :\11"s. Chris Tletgen served. -if- * * Ca~eo Dinner~Bridge. Cameo members ~JOd their hlls~ands ~lljoyf'd cpvcred dish dmrher Fnday evc'r1t1g: 111 the Wlllani Wilbe home Pnzes n bridge went" to Mrs. Ruy Gates, R. K. Kirkman ;lld Mrs. J, R Johnson. The dub mc'c't:; thl;, Friday With Mrs Gates. * x 7. Entertain Husbands. Herr and Thf're' clilb m('m!j{'1 S enter tdlncd their hllsb;llds ct pal-ty Tuc-scklY C' f'ljllg Llst wvi'k..,t the rec1ti-ltlotla h,111.,r:;1rs Torn DUlin and Ml '-. C!1a~j Hilker W('l"C gll~,:;j;. Prizes ~fl :'O() w~'nt!( Mr and Mr.~ Llru]d QLlLnn and!\'t> DU!..x- -J<- * Club in, Meeting. B. and D. members wei t' guests of Mrs..Delm;lr Ftch,mil Mrs. Pard Andersen Thu!":">ddY pv~ /ling 1tl thc Fltch home. 'Prizes in cards wpnt to Mrs. J. W. Sutlwdand, Mrs. How;ld Kahler and Mrs. Merit' Beckner. The lllistesses :-(>r\""r!. Free Delivery on Orders of $1.00 orelmore CARROTS CREOlES e.55 ROD'LED'OATS ~!:s, e Minor group ~t' ~:~;y.monday with ;~'~~J. k Wi h Mrs. Canning. litrusa club met with MrJ. Wj p, Canning Monday. Mr~. Cites. Bakel" and Mrs. Faye Strahan were hostesses. Prizes in, cqntra ct went to Mrs. Baket al~d Mrs. Esther Thompson~ The holstes8 served. Mrs. R.C. Hahl:" beck entertains February 10. *.x- * At Frank Gries Home. G.LF. members were guest$ of M1'. ~a Mrs. Frank Gries Thursd~y.\ evening. Prizes in ca~ ds WEnt to Mr. and Mrs. Waltei Lerner, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Groskurth and Roy Pierson. The hostess served. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Crawford entertain in twlj) w ek::;, U-Rid-Urn Meeting, V-Bd-Urn members had.j::ftuncheon Tuesday With Mrs. Rlllssell Bartels to honor the two new members, Mrs. R. J. King.. sley and MS. W. H. Swett, who were ~ p( e~t::nt('d With corsages. PatriotC colors were used. The dl;j.b. meets 111 two weeks j WJth l\ts. Kmgsley. * *.;f Mrs. Johnson, Hostess. M..H. met Wedne5day last week With Mrs. J. Albert John~ sun. :Ylrs. A. F Lueder s, Mrs. Ed. Bahe and Mrs. Floyd Conger were guests. Pnzes in cards went tl1 Mrs. R. C. Hahlbeck, Mrs. Pdul Zeplm and Mrs. Albert Bastian. Mrs. John Kay l'ntertuins next Wednesday. With ivlrs. ivlelo'er. Here and There clull md!;st \rvednesday afternoon With. Mr:,. Bpn Meyer. Mrs. Robert Rme- :::~~ ~ ;~~er~~l%trs.b~~~.~w~ i D, WAYNE; NEBRASKA. TmmSDAY.JANuARY Cha~jes Wa e~ield C~dmarl,ct\fo Pla!-0S~ M~'r on.f3ruse and uth Da~~; P flcer in Blue, W ter WaUf1c~ mit~. Carla Wdght; Cujus An on from RosSni's,: Staoat ~Vlater. lvruhe, F~!'redricksoq; Ft.iher~ March! trom Sonata Op. 35", C~pin, Lms" Kaisler; Caprice l!;spopol, ~dskowskl, Rum Uamme; Sonalia in E!"JaL Up. 31 No. ::S, allegro moviemein, Beethove n, -Wan'tu Noakes; Moonlight Sonata, first movet;nent, Beetnoven, Clnd Rustle 01 Spr.lng, Sinding, Glenn Gle~e~ l'reluue in J::.hat.M;". BaCh, and"rondo CaprccJ so, Mendelssohn, CY' Mll; e ~roon, ~.o~thern dyll, Bo.,Har..:.. ts, two planas, Huth DcfJUlle and,w~ren Noakes. Business Women's Club. HU31ness and l-'roresslonal Women's club hold a dinm:r Tuesday evcning Lit the club rooms With a~out J4 attending. Mrs. F. A. MJldner rcvlc'wed the book, "Ttle FJre and the Wood," by R. C. Hutchlnsun. Mrs. Grace Dickson Keyser pres(;nted pupil; lt1 plano numbers 'as follows: The DanCng Faines, Logene ~yc;l.uw; To and Fro,. Rosalyn <:JQd Wclrrcn 1 Ellis; Soldt:rs MUirc:hmg By, Jacqueline Anders~n,; Sign uf Spflng, Ruth Lmgren'; Little Uh'irtaman, C1alre Mae Simmerman; Jolly Musician, Charll"s Guud; Restless..and Mcny WH!OW, F<lby Hook; Cuuntry Dunce, Marianne March; From an Aeroplane, Wal'n::n Ellis; l"rom the Chapel, D0~othy Brackenslck; tlurlanuci Ev. Lutheran Church. (Rev. F. C. Doctor, pastor.) Sel VCC 10 the German language With celebration of holy comrnuni"t"! Sunday,-,t 10 <.l. m. Preparatory service at 9:45 a. m~ Annouricements {or communion will be received un Friday afternob:tt and evening. _'_ Met.hodiSt ChlFrch. (D. Victor We::;t, pastor.) G. W. Costcnsan, supenntendent; Juhn R. Ke1th,i choir dlret:'tor; Mrs. John T. Bressler, J"., organist. ~llnuay program.' Fcbcuary 2: Church school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, With the sermon subject, "The Mg...o.;ter Buddcr." College league at 7 p. m. n the church sanctuary. Hgh school league at 7 p. m. the church parlors. Kagy's New "Kitty Fisher" and "Lenore" Juniors Pretty Practical Washable These sft<:lrt y~)llfilg styles are expensively tailored, with fit and finish. New Regular Si'ze "Geo,.gianas" and "Lenores" Shirt waist and dressy styles Spring.Blouses... Take your pick of these budget-pric:ed favoritesof Georgette White and colored stripes MojJd Clari-pi,ane HOSERY Pure silk' Stockings. Run-stop tops. 'Reinforked ' heels and toe.s. ~o NQ.N-RlfNS fj \..~ ~~=s=~;:~ce~:ff~':ni';;':~: Horrors of Nazi Reg;me Descti~ed by. nect:to be a special elp t(j) younf. M.. Wh H d 'N. peope..today. uslclan 0 a arrow Escape '. :rmdi-week service- ednetsda"t at Theophilus Church. 7:3'0 p. m..-..,uter ::;:Xi"ndlOg five dqys in the* '> (Rev. A. Hoferer, pastor.), -- COner LJJ. d smdj. ch..lrrl:ney 0 es- ~ LO'" A. T NEWS Sunday school at' 9:30 a. m.! Grace Lutheran,Church. ~ EnglSh services at 10:3,.0 a. m. Ckev.'Walter Brackepsick"pastor) ~~e cba~~ t~:eng~~ c ct::~~ s. M. HUr~n was here from ) i,saturday, church' school at 1:30 WOin cume tu Amen:~ ;0 make Elgl~ W~sday,. SalJcm Church. o~lock. ' hs hume. lvr. Wolt! S musician w:- eep your penmes., You can get (Rev. "A. HQferer, pastor.) :1 Sunday, Sunday school at 10. and S spendllg ths week a FR~ed at Kirkman.s new ~tore No services." {, :so~~'."ceatse"lv.i~e at ~O:lO_ English Wayne ruilege giving,rcctals' d J30U La~iies' Aid meets February 4 flv, lecturing to cla~es At a the Mrs. ra Lyons of Madison, was. 'Nlth Mrs. Ed. Hageman. ;T!le collection pn next Sun- Of-Cl.asS~s Wectn '< y ga h g a Wednesdi:lY gllest n the. Judge d~y_ (bot? se~ices) ls for Valpa- told 01 expenen <i morr~~. n; J. Mv--enerrY~~e, r~ls~ Umv~rslty. Ple~se UEe your and answered qu'. Mrs. Carl Victor, jr., was diss~tal envf1ope,, Un i\lovemoer V,!olJd, the ssed' Sunday from a local.hos: ~~~a!, SU~da~1 SC~OO teach- gestapo Closed all. reels ::;0 t at Ptal after bemg a medical patient. en~~~~~y~tlu~~e~n' Laymen's J;l~O one could esca and. au Jc. W. J. Vatn and Mi~ Gladys are lsh people were Jnto codfen moving next week from an apart- League at 8 o'clock. _ tratlon c.qmps. Mr. Wolff 10und ~ ment at Mrs. W. H. PhHlJps' to St. Paul's ~tb. Church. small place n a chl e~ WhCh one of Seymour's apartments. (Rev. G. Giesc?en, past~r.) ~~::l~;. ~1~'Jl~a~n:;e~~n~V:n~~~~ Mrs. Kate Gamble Baskerville Church school at 10 a. ro. Wor~ to call his mother and S. y. '.1' ~; S~t~~lliW:;:;nh 'i~:esc~j~:nc~~ti~;; shi~ service at 11.. all nght.' '1 he- 'phone ~n~ m~ thumb. She b mprovmg now. ~ Chol.e. rehearsal WednesdclY at i have been tappen lor un the 1J.l1h Free wel~~ any time on accur L4:5 p. m. day as he wa." comng downstars ate scales at Kirkman's Drug Luther ~eague for.a.il young m the house he saw a grou of pe<.>plc.tomght at}. ~oplc.."youth'.s gestapo going to hs hldwg p~ace. Store. New 10cat.1'ijll1, 221 Main. Falth n Action. Dls usslon lead r. woll! Wtnt on to the t1rst tloor Mr. and Mrs_ Wm. Mellor ~f3~t~ er, V~n Bradford, jr. and staytd. The men had already J05t:'ph, Mo ('<.me Sunday to ~'isit' ~ ~arlsh e.?ucatlon cabinet meets searched that loor and so he was h Frtday at 1.30 p. m.. not discovered..a fncnd n the untl! today with t elf son, Wm.. The week-day relig\i:ous ~nstruc- gestapo office helped him get out Mellor. jr.. and famhy, also with!on penod has beenj changed to of Germany foe good. ~~~il~~~llo:~.~m~~~1t~:. M~~s~'\~: ~: Tuesday at 9:30 a. ittl t is open :\lr. Wolll came to United States ShulthelS. to all n grades 7-9 who Wish to the lrst time about fve years ago First Baptist Chutch. att~nd. Conl1rrnatlUn dasses Satulday to gl'oe tuncerts Cit culleges_ lne! ~~~~~~~~~~!!!~ Amencarr people questoned him : (R~v. C. L. Eads, pastor.) at 1 and 2:30.p. m. a:;:, to what was going vn n Ger- ROY E. JOHNSON Church school at 10 a. m. Morn- many but he wa:;:, un«ble to talk ing worshlp at. Message, "s Our Redeemer's 'Luth. Church. because he W<JS return:ng to Ger-, Jesus God'?" ThiS message is plan- (Rev. W. F. Most, pastor.) many. Now he 1:> free to talk. Shepherd Boy, l\ljrjlyn Swett; Laughing, Buttun::" Wat.en' Ells hnaed'.'etod'.fbte'''uolftyh~,l.pl.','othtchoqsuecs'tv,hono v '- ", English service school at 10. German <.t. Sttnday service at Keep Minute Record. the muscian s eturn tu Un Gel- i Real, Estate Live Stock and Charles Good. GUests at "the club meetmg were :Y!SS Gladys Whorlow, Mi~s Mlldled" Wer~, lv's. T. P. Roberts and lvfls5 Anne W!llms. The comm1ttee h charge was Mr.~. J('S::C Mlllct, Mrs. L. W. Sund, Mrs. Valtah Wrtte and :'v!1c;:- DOriS.Patterson. The club meets aguul FebruJ.rY 11 frjr a costuml' pel! ty in charge of Ml:-;S TheudfJ, Carlson. 'the tel'stem \VC!S leader. Prizes n 50Q went to <Mrs. Will Roe anct~ Mrs. E.rnest Be,lle. The club rrleets Hgam m two weeks with!\ l-os. Ray Surber. sen 109 cummlttee '0'.'111 be Mss Hazel REc, V(', :\1SS Clara Chdson and Ml»S Dons Blazcr. rs. Morgan, Hostess. ~!\!r:;. F S l\torg,m entertained $ _ (lotc'l"e cljlj. <Jso Mrs. Wm. l=-'-' \Pllor )! St.Josf'ph, Mo., Mrs. W BUR ~~:-::h~~('~;::~ d~lt~.. {ln~l~rs.~. ~~: (By Stelf! ~)rresrond ent) h,ld high score pnzp Jr i, ~=~_ Thl' drib wlll have Dutrh John Fltm h"s bc{'n in OAnha 111_rH"heon next Mllnd;Y the p,!>t wel'k Jor medlccl C<l;'('. (";11 d~;,,(tf>t W;ll r!,t O)e, LllS Fll1il o;ptnt Sllnd,Jy nlgilt lon1t' oj Mrc;. M,!\j Fu"ter. : ann. :vund<jy With lvll.s. JUJiil 1' 'r- -:f..;<- -x- due. Entertain at Party. A number r,f nl'ighbors spent J.,,~:(~.;'(' (~a~lc;~~~h(~:~'tet'~:~e:i~~ ~:~~~~y L~\~~C~~~l~ll ~~\'~~els~~:e:~~t~; ~ follr tjbk::; of bridg-c n the cards. FnJwl" home TuesdaY evening Mr. and Ml s. Henry Bush, ;Vlrs. Lst week complimentary to Mrs. Ju!la Perdue,md Alliin called S<.Jt W. \V. Lippold and Mls~ Mar- mday on Mrs. Adf'lJa Bush who g,q-d Ahern. g-lesb in the J. J. has been i. The l<l;;t two cllso C"alJ 'le- * * :\t)e'rtl hnmf', Pnz('s in cards cd on 1\11SS Lottm Bush and Mrs. ""ith i\lrs. Johnson. \,'rnt til 1\1r,- WJlJ,lrcl Wiltse,nri llllry Perdu..'.!\l:ljlll lf til(' DtlplJl a!' 1\'11'''.J Ahcll1. The h'estc~::;cs Mrs. John Finn ~l'lcl cllrlot"cll had 7(- 7( X- H met :\onrl:!y w:tij 6 Sunday dllln(.t at Allan Perdue's. With \-hs. Allvin. :\'11"::> H,!)hnsull. Mr.,;. W A. M. and Mr..;. H('rbcrt Wrsl hhof U.Q.~ mvt TlC: ddy <ft- Wollenhallpl WdS <'1 guec;t. Mrs. For Marilyn Stratton. 'o\l('le <.l!tl'rllo(11l gu'c;t'.. Mr. clod C'rtl(J~ltl w,~'; ~rs_ Ct'lt'(Tl Allvltl F B.!J("ckel had,hgh SCO"<',nri Nallcy Mlncs ann. Pcltty Mrs. Al Jugrl clljlcd Sllt-lday hl"!ln b:1 Mrs. John '<ln;. C_ C. Stirtz <lnd Mr.'";. Hoy ttltcrtallled Satllld<iY mo/"ning and Mr. ilfld Mrs. Henry Swanson 01 \.Vel.:, a guest. 'Gates tied fol' secund. Mr'S. R. K. a w<lfflc supper l!1 BJ:oh FridilY. "1St'yG. rocery ~~~~\)~,C,;:;;yP;~:n ~,:,g;:,f~;;~ ~~~~'r.sjn~~~~~~~ddis_il Kirkmm~ cnterta~~"(j the :'times hume ful ;\'lcll"l- '[i.i~.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- """"lyn Str.lttoll whu S ffiul.'lng to MS9JlJl,." Mont. Othcr gue:-,l:; C evening Wcl:"> :-.pcnt SOCally, Malilyn WdS given a hcloclkcrchief sllowel Hom~ of Choice Meats and Groceries For Mrs. Cora Pratt. Mrs. Cora Pratt's birthday was -~,-- PHONE observed Thursday evening With a dinner party in the Albert Jones home. ln the group were Mrs. Mmnif' Kagy, Mr~. Sarah Haselden, eha::>. Haselden, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pratt and family of &ioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Braden Carl;!l.art of Omaha, Miss Vena Beth Fuller, Mr. and.mrs. Jane::; and family. ffpnor By~on Ruths. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ruth who are moving to Omaha, were honored Frid<1lY evening by Rebekahs anq Odd Fellows who had a Pa(rty after the Rebekah meeting. Cards nnd Chinese (:heckers were diversion. Odd fellows s rvect oyster stew.,the ~ebekah Committee assisting inqluded Mrs. Elma Baker, Mrs. tthe1 Phipps and Mrs. Ruby Watson. Entl"rtains ;\tonda)'. M, ;:;. :\, C S:1hs enh'rt~ll1cd JarnLllY 20 rill Mrs. Floyd AndTW:,' blrthdjy. Lunchcon was ::;crvcd aftcr g;unes and cuntests. --_. : S~tlhwes( Wayne " y Staff Correspondent) B~t~. Baier.has been ill Wth tonsilitts at Em1l Baier s. Celebrate Birthday. ~Arthur Magdanz was,-honbred on his birthday Sunday when.evenmg g;uests n his home w~rd the ClarEnce Mann and Henry Rethwisch, families, EmL Baier and sons, Gus Hanl<.; and child,ren of Winside. Luncheon was served. [ Birth Record. ' A s.or weighing 7;':' pounds was born to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Russell of Wayne, Sunday, January 26. The baby has been named Don~ ad Lee. A son weighing 6 pounds and 13 ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs_ Albert Evans of Bee, Neb., Monday, JilOuary 20. Mrs. Evans was formerly Mildred Moses, The other child in the family is a daughter.,. ~ daughter, weighing 4~l pounds, was born Saturday, Janu-, ary 251 to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Res- s,:guie lof Madison, at an Ord hospital M.r:;. R.ossegu.ie is the formet Aulda Surbe~ of Wayne. The baby will b~ named Linda imae. A son weghing 6 pounds and 2 ounces was barn to Mr.,and Mrs, L. 'E. :Kay uf Palos Parks. ill. ' Wednesday, January '22. He has j been named Roger Charming. Mrs_ Kay was formerly Miriam Prescott. 'The?aby is a grandson of! Mrs. Anna Kay and Mr.. and Mrt T't;.ue Prescott of Wqyne.. Al.John,Grewtlfe Home; Friends ga1\hel'ed at th.john Gi'eunke home Thursday evening ~ h;lnor Johp,Greunk~ c on his birthday. M'lfY anq Marie Eldhardt ~aked. ~-cak~ Lunclwon was s~ed:after cards and 'ii-nnes. 'rhe &1;O~p. includ~.dd th~, f.am.. ilics. of Julius. Eldharli~ Jakes Larson,.Cla;r,!Bryan, 'Earl.~d,erson-. and ~ailqjir$. Lloyd, illoijl,d:j;l\iaitin f., J' of Christ s deity. 7:30 p. m. many a few years ago, he wa::; t Farm Sales B.Y.P.U. at 6:30. Choir rehearsal Tucsday evenlllg called tu J the gestapo offlct:'. For. Evenlllg service at 7:30. The a1:7:30. four huurs he told everything he AUCTON~~ ~~~~~ OfS~~t~'Oi~:,~~c~~~ser ;~~~~~ i:~~~~~ S~~~)l ~O;kers meet h~~~n~~:'na~~nc:a~~;~:~~1 CO\oCORD and W1;NE rectlun of Prof. Russel Anderson, February 5 With Mrs. Oscar L1edt- hcol"d. To come to Amenca Mr. Concord Phone 1 3 Wll provde us With speclal mu~lc. ke at 8 p. m. Woltf had to get perrnhislon frum l~~~iiiiiiiiiliii~!~~~t~ ~h~~ ll~. ilih:d~~st::)r ~~':~r :~~~kfl~~ th;~~~~~ha~~r7:)~;t:~b~~~~ya~~~ ~~r~\~:~:\~;\~;~r~;.rry l~ pa- i ~!' '-r. t_, ~~~i;~l~'~l(;t'be '~~~a~:~s~ i::~~~~~~~ ~a~l~~~:~n~o~~'s~~~~ ~~~'n~~~~ th ~~:ls ~;t:rs~ ;~~1 t O ganlled that ii ; on the general theme, "H8PPY hostesses. ~e na~ ~aws and ;o~yt:~~l:e:iu:~~i.f-"'=;".--- -~-~.;..;-." Councllmen meet February 6 at [orct-, Mr. Wulff sald. The gesta-i! 8 p. m. ~o 01 the secret pol LCf.', wno al e in, t Adult lllstruction for confll'ma- plalt1 clothe", al e thc mo"t dan- Uon beglt1s Friday, February 7, <1t gerous ClS t11f'y,"'<jtch c,t-'l"y per;:;l>n' 8 p. m., at the par.~()nage. ~~~~i ~~rym~:e\ \~t~~; l~~~~~eu l~~~ i : The Church of Cbri5t. " n effect all U\ L'r Germany l!l : (G.B. Dunnqlg, rnjnlster.l lo time:'. The g..'stclp<j arc' the fast,. Sunday mo! nln~we begin a ~per t.') ~' tu d c1inqu:rt:'d co.untry. chal senes of sermons deallng Wth } amlly life n Germany 1:S gone, the fascinating numenc:? to be alcordlog to '.Mr. WvH. lf1e bl.dy found n the Bble, The"first ser- no longer bt'lun.gs to U-,e l<.lrnjly : mon wlll be on One. For- the four but to the state, he mlisiclan told Sunday mornings ld February the of one of hs fnend::; who was Ger- l SUbjects will be n successon, One, man and his Wfe was English. t Two, Three, Four. Unless one has Their sun did not JOin the Hltler '[ made some nvestigation.of..lh.e youth f~r a whlle but was ~ally occurrence and the meanj'bg of forced mto the orgamzatlon n numbers m the Scriptures, t S.Drder to a ttend school. The afitorushing what- is to be found in boy n this youth group was tram- this :espect. 9:4.5 to '~0:30 is the -ed to spy on the famly. The wea- \r mornmg preachmg bme. Corn- ther S the only tupc dscussed 111 ' munjon and Bible school follow. the fa.!ndy clrce::.. : n the evenlog the young people The speaker told hl)w Htler bc- have a live 45 m1l1ute song fest and came so powerful. E'oery nlghtl ~hscusslon begll1l1lng ~t 6:45.. This Hitler. \vuuld SPCiJk. tu the p:ople 1S followed by the evangelistic Jrl. his \ ery. forceful m,mner. E\'cry song"lservice and eveflmg sermon tme t wcls,the same thmg he told Sunday mght's serm()n topic Wll them, a pmmise to save Germany. be prophetic, "Th~ Great Tribu- Hitler panited such colorfu.1 PC- lalion."... tutes that the German people fll1ally began to believe hun. n 1932 there were 32 partes on the ballot. Each party was fightmg w1th the others. When the revolution came, the nazs took over completely i,: every departm~nt,i mus1c.~~~~:toan~~:thjng'l : As to a secret group organ!z.ing within Germany against naziism, Shirtmakers Are American Mr. Wolff thinks it impossible becatjse of the gestapo. The spy sys can wear and relax in- Pets.,. A Tailored Frock YOU witb convertible neckline. tem COUld, not be combatted. The secret poljce go into homes any hme and search everything, even Hubrite going so far as to look through every leaf of the books. One of Mr. Wolff's friends who Frocks sold newspapers was not at hs n.re styled willi exclusive usual corner one day. The friend's dressmaking details wife went to Mr. Wolff's home ~nd jnclu~ ex.plained the absen~e of ht:r_ h~- band. A Dutch. man nan- corrle 'fp Germany and was slaying at the ' hotel. He was talking to this newspaper salesman and said that he l had heard that there was a sc~city or ~ in Germany but he didn t ~elieve the report was right be- i cause he had had wonderful food. The German asked him where he : was staying and it was one of the best hotels in Germany where the best food -is sent as all' the foreigners sta-y there. When newspaper salesman started to say that he should come see what they get, he-was tapped on the shoulder by a gestapo and taken to acon-, centration came for six months. Sees Possible Ov"'i'tmm - The only possibility as seen by Mr. 'Volli for a breakdown in... the,. nazi government is for English pilots to fly'over Genhany 'every night with 300 or'.400 planes and bomb civilians' homes. The English people are '~augh" and ~ take all this destruction but r. Wolff thinks the German people. would not be ab'le to staid it. The Gennan people do not)mow of the blowing up of ::~u?1don plants as po~cemetl for ~les _~und stop llhe people fi;t!iir geff!ng dose enough to se:e the destruction. Mr. Wolff was going ~to:buy. several different *ews~pers.at a _news ~d an4 ask~ f.or?apersc-from. _ Beilin~ #::h~t1n~. ~~ ot~~r. "pare;.,saye >~e.man.".j~ cnarge. are ~O!~.him. c~~~ :. ' '...- ~rj;!:"',,: f an""dbeliv~.. ~~;.;,..~ ',.-... ~:.i, Wider seams to permit adjustment if necessary A broad selccuod of Cottons and Silks are here 10 choose from. Final Sale O~e Day Only -:...--=-- f'riday., Jan Dresses \

6 'e'i'l'u1 Have Pariy Thursday. A group of neighbors dnd friends had a party last Thursday afternoon for Mrs. rwin Lubberstedt in honor- 6 her birthdriy. piartfn' o e''11' COt"\. i, W','''-1 ij'yne Uer'a'ld North~a8e."kefieldt a~~e;:r's' :~~nc:~~~~ :~.~~ ::~:g~~: ~:', ~~li:~di~r:s~ tl'",., ' '(By Mrs. Jefwe[l 'KllllOn) n'fng n he sam~ hom ith a Chester Hansen an;] family VSted B MR~M HUSE WTT \ ~ \ d ~tharry ohn~on spent Nlon- children ntl ~day evenipg in of Wakefeld returned Monday of ' h~~e. ernoon ~ml t e Alfred Miers the Oscar omq1.11st home. Mr.. last week from a trip to the \.o.;e~ -'-' - $!' 'J ' ~! grou{i of 13 tv s. at the Rev. W. A. Gerdes hbme.." r 1 1 \ - rii.j r Mr a Pah Dahlgrep. and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hansen,'/1'1' ;:"." '~ ",' , 7 1 'J'''f1 " t\1 U ~A 'f'"7 J. C t st A d and famil:!, will move nexl eek' Mr Alf ed N and 1'Jrs nneth Slutz and Mar- coast, They called at AryLonge s 'V,:i'',,::o,man,'":.;:}:OCQ r.lan ~ nln'ns 0 t'1'een on e rrange ~o the house' they kurchased.wthe spent Tues~ay a%t:~~oo~nd~la~~: gle Kay an Dean Slutz were SU,?- on ther way. back and we~e Frt- ~,!;; '~~L,',, "..:. \<,..,~ ::;'. F De t property S across the sttaet from Pete Oberg horne day dmner. d supper guests n day supper VlSltors' there also. "'~S"" l,:~h'n'r's::'d~,:1r',o-eja! Ji1oreeast. berstedt'so brthday of Wednesday. or c ama on the s04thwest corner of the high Eph Johnson VSited Wth AlVn the BloomqUst home. Mrs. Geo Buskirk visiteq at.the. ll: 'G'J D 1 U.V. fedt No. 3 meets.hext Prizes went to Mrs. Fred Salmon school. lt1r. 'Rnd Mrs. Herbert Ce- OberQ n the Pete Oberg home h n :~~ ev;mn g, ~e t~q- r D P. QUmbY home m South ',. <}, Wednesday afternoon. T and Mrs. Paul Erlcksorttr'he host- Dixon County SchoC)lmen eil Wll mov'e to the house vacated Wednesday evening se P lc to am] y JOl~, 0 er SlOUX Crty Saturday, Mrs. QUm- '.. ~, PEa - t ~ ess served. 'bth V VM reatlves a a cooperatlve oyster by's b ther M 1 it th 'J\:re Cunducted' for." cuap er niee s next on-' Will Convene in Pdnca yean a ms. r afid Mrs, Harry Johnson u p at the GAS dell nome ro, aunce, e S..'"', day-evening with Mrs. Stina J hn- ~ were Fnday dmner guests n thes P er. un!1fi tt week'1'or Nagara to be employed Mr,s. Johanna ~al"laon son Mrs. C H. Madden. has the Bridge Club Meets. Next We~nesday. Elmer Nel ln home ~ m honor of Mr Sunde s'1ffit His famlly may follow later n the, Y U" S d '",,,[. Brdge club met last Wednesday [ brthday Mr Sundell S' the /' a)&e~e. ~n, a y ". lesson on The Women s Cenuury evemng Wth Mrs Max Coe. Mrs Wakefield hgn,.1 SChOOl, has set Southeast W k f '~ld Leroy and Bernard Levme were f<lther of1'rs Enckson year., " kes were held Sun.. of Progre&s." th~ local declamatory contest for. a elf, Wednesday evenlhg Vstors n the ~r. and Mrs. Will Lortge and for Mrs. tjohanna Socal. ~~:XerL~~SrOe~ ';~~ts. ~;~~esw~~~ 'Wednesday e,-;ening, FebrUary 12. (By Mrs, Elts Johnson) Morrs Gustafson home.., famlly Wll farm the Rudolph ho pass~ away M C f d B b d M n out..of-town judge will be se- Mr and Mrs P...ul KllllOn Vvprell ESL Longe place and live Wlt~ Mr. ~nd after an illness For M.fs. RisseD. :yro~sbu~~~rmts.u~i~b~~ pet::~ cured. The' winners will represent Mrs. Bert Harrison visited in the Wednesday evenmg supper.gu('sts ~ E Mrs. Longe as Rudolph S unable weeks. " es in charge of Neighbors and.' frjends helped sen entertains in two weeks. the school in the county contest at Melv!n Henry home WednesdaY ~ the Marvin Killion home (By Mrs Grace Buskirk) to c.arry on, on account of rheularenee' H?ll were' at the Mrs. John HisSelf celebrate her Ponca February 25 and the dis- evening. Mrs En: l RogE'-rs wa,s among matism. He he-d };jis farm sale funeral' home. Mrs. Glenn birthday Mdnday afternoon. E t rial F'da trict at Wayne March 27 and 28. Mrs. Walter Otte and Sandy those helpmg ~l:'s~ Helen ~nd('rson Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ring and Monday. "sang. Burial was 1i" the n~rs. ~ s~~o~ins and daughters Wakefield Trojans will play Pil- visited Mrs. ChCls. Kinney Friday ce~brate ~ermblrth~ay F~~ay. Merle visited at Geo, Buskirk's Mr. and Mrs. W~ltE;r Chinn, d cemetery. 'For Mrs. Lenzen. ' entertained at dinner Friday eve- g~r Friday evenin'g on the local afternoon..., dau:ht:r~ wet:.s Fr~~a o ~(' ~~d Sunday. Darlene and ~oris Mfle Mavek Jl?hanna Marie Carlson was born Ladies went to Mrs. H. J. L~n- ning for Ellis Ekeroth and son, court. Gerald W. Meyer of Pender, Miss Marilyn Harrison was a. to. th Edo' y 1) g Mrs. C. W. McGuire's grandson and Norma Chnn spent Wednes-. N~veJPber in Wrigstad zen's home this \\fednesday after- John Edwin, of Columbus, Ohio, will officiate. Wednesday supper guest Df Miss ~Sl rs 10 e e Bokemper from Sioux City h;s been with her day evening at Geo. Buskirk's. \:YonkosingLa~, Sm~land, Sweden: noo in honor oflher birthday Mrs. Mary Ekeroth and Miss Flor- The Febrpary meeting of the Rob-erta Kahler. o~e. d M.Alb L for a visit." Darlene refilmed to Scottsbluff, She was baptized. and confirmed n ---J ence, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fredhck- Dixon counfy schpolmen is sched-. Mrs. Ro~ Sundell attended ;,li. und ~ an hte rs. Sert und<lhl Mrs. A. W. Dolph attended a her home, MondaY. Dons Mae Will in the'lutheran' faith. n 1872 she For Mrs. LUDdah ". son and Myron, Miss Faye San-. uled to meet at Ponca next Wed- bl~thday pa'tty for Mrs. C. P. Hall noo a~~t rs. w~e Hun~ay ater-r club meeting at Mrs. Martin Bas- make her home at Chinn s. w:,bs married. ttl Carl Carls@n. Mr. Mrs. Charlotte undahl's birth- dahl. nesday. The group has been di- Fr;::~y a;ternoon.. dah~ hv~~eors m e er; ert un- tl<ln'g Wednesday. ~ Albert Killion, jr., won 'over his 'CarlSqn preceded his wife in death day was observedt Tu'esduy after- vided into four units <lnd each unit S~h aye k Sandu.hl remamed Mr and' Mrs Er t J h Geo. Buskirk attende~ the Wis- opponent, Norman Kirchner, of 'm 18tnl. Mrs. carlso,n and her only -noon when a group 01 ladies. visited For Mrs. Sundell. is to constitute a basketball team ~ve~. : we~ -end 10 the B. W. and ~on,s were' Sun~=s ft O nso~ ner Coopera,tive assocaton annu,al [Clearwater, in 38 s~onds of,the S~) Au(ust, eaz.ne to. Americ1 in her. Mrs. John Sundell, celebrated with. tj~o games played during the r,~:~.c ;~~eso~:~... and lun~heonlguests i~ t~ee~~~}~~ mf'" 'ting ~anuary 22. second round in the heavy weight l$s. ShE! had 11V~ n Wakefield her birthday January 22 when a evenu"j:g., ' l' 'ted M na.d, Paul.and ard Olso)1 home Rev. Zmmerman of WesteTTl, bout at the Golden Gloves tourna- 4~ years land had lost her sight 'For Mrs. Ekeroth. group of ladies visited' hel". Rev. How-ard Deems of the <state vo- TO~VS! ft. rs. Bert HarrSon Mr and Mrs' Elmer N j ~ ('b, was a Thursday evenmg ment at Norfolk Friday evenmg. s~tne!irne ago.:l ' " About 25 neighbo~ and friends and Mrs. C. P. Hall and family, ~t.ional agricultu~al_ department, u Mr. a~n~ ~;,,>oon. were' Sunday e~enjng Vi3ito~ss~~, :c,dler at L: J. Bressler's. Quite a number attended from.mrs. carl~o~ SO~~led n Hh8. spent Monday afrtern~on'with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sundel~ and ~H;]ted the Wal«efleld department Sandy visited ;~ ~:~'~:h~~~n~: the Harry Johnson home in honor Erich A~ers was elected. o~ the here.. Deceased. S" survived by her Ernest Elt.eroth in onor of her Dorothy were Tuesday evening l~st WedneSda,Y.". home Sunday afternoon. of Mr. Johnson's birthday. t~{);lrd of drecto.rs of the Ws:t:er The telephone line members on ~aughter~j:"',.w, Mrs. August birthday. dinner guests l<lst week for the ~ Several copies.of. Y?,ur R~~ts Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nimrod' and Mrs. Roy Holm and daughters Sal'S CO., at ther annual meetmg 250 held their annual meeting at arlson" Wlt~ Who~ she made h~r snme occasion..,... ~der the Con~tltutlOn and. U. sons were Friday evening visitors spent Tuesday evening in the Reu- last week.. fred Jahde's, Friday evening. Geo., ho~e! s~~ gliandlchildren, var, EF- For ~. Stron~rg. ~...,~ PresentatOn of AmerlC~n- in the R. A. Nmrod home. ben Holm home while the men,.\'[r. and Mrs. Alfr~ Borg,. ~t~r- Buskirk was elected president and J'!.ar- and, ~n~e Carlson and ~rs. j Fnends.a.od. relatives plan to At Emerson J-otne. l~'rn from the ~. S. Flag ass~ca- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Larsen attended the telephone meeting. lj.n g ;md Paul f:om Di::~n VCnity ::\1rs. Fred Jahde ~retary-treasur- Hal\old; Kinion, all of Waltefleld, sp.end this 1:.'hursday af~ernoon Mr. und Mrs. Ray Jensen of Em- tlo~. These coples are to?e gven visited in the Frank and Roy Thirty neighbors and friends \,\,ere Sund,a y dmner VSitors at L. er. The retiring offic~rs were Fred Mrs".~d:, Web r of. Wayne, ~nd Wth Mrs..rWn Stronberg n hon- erson, entertained at a p<lrty Sun- to.all members of the-s-emor class Hanson home Sunday evening. took luncheon and spent a social J. Hresslers... Jahde and M,rs. L. J. Bressler. Th(' ~~s. Alfied Adcock pi West P~mt, or of her brthday. ddy ev!!nll1g. Guef;ts were Mr. and fo the month o~.february. Men:- Mrs. Melvin L~sen 'spent afternoon in the Henry Nolte G~s Test ~f Wakefl~ld Wn ~e meeting will be at Geo. Buskrk':; ~se'ven great grardcl;lildr.e~ beslde~' Mrs. LLlwn~nce Johnson, Mr. and be,rs of the famlies at home wlll Thursday with Mr WU' Joh home Sunday. The Noltes are remnded of another blrthday this next year. Mrs. Jahde served vt several niec.es and nephews. (Choir Has Party.. Mrs. Clarence Thompson, Mr. and als~ be able to read them: A few while Mr. Larsen ~a~ l~n S?~~~ moving from th~ community in week when relatives from here the close of the meeting. " t~. ~S' 'U ltorium Here A group of ladies spent Friday "',.:Wakefield Community Center afternoon with' Mrs. Ernest Bahde ~ft~::.bltilding comf1?jttee met this.""!~_ in honor of her birthday. The ~~~:. nesday eveni!lg with' E. J. Hunte- guests served luncheon. ~"" mer, the ~rcl'dtecffrom Wayne, to " discuss pillit!ls for the building. After,.the plans are completed, they ~ll b~ sent in for approval. The t;omrtittee.hopes' to have the' questi6n pu1l dn the ballot in the spring 'electioh. 'PaUb firers were Harold, Clar-: Presbyterian choil' had a soi!'iol M.rs. Chris Neu, Mr. :and Mrs. Fred perods ma~ be d.evoted Wth each City. a fe~weeks. WJll be hs guests. e~ce, ReUben and Roy Holm, Will hour Thursday evening. after prac-' Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jen- class for dscusson after these Mr. and Mrs. John Bressler and. ~rs. Marvin Killion returned lvr. and Mrs. C. yr. McGull'e, Bbl'g, and Herman.Sfulle. tice in the Floyd Clough 110 sen, the last of Emerson. After boo~let,g have.be:n l ead. Other Warren were Friday aftejlnoon rrfn'.' Coe's hospital.to her home Mr. ~nd Mrs. Orval Puckett a~d Mrs. Clough served. curds, luncheon wa~ served, class gloups Wll also have an op- visitors in the- B. W. Fredrickson Tuesday afternoon. Elizabeth. who ~artm Yunker were, last week VS-,., JJro)'k A ',on d Proposed,' ~ For Mrs. Bahde. portumty to use them. home. has been with her,grandparents tors at Joe Cressey.s., For Mrs. Rodgers. N~w world almanacs have been Mrs. Carl L. Anderson, Velina meanwhile, returned that evening. Mr. and Mrs. t\vl Korth, Mr. Ed. Gustafson, Faith and Eunice, recelve~. Some of the classes have and Clayton were Sunday after- Lennen Johnson is, assisting m the and Mrs. Walter Bl,Jrh~.Mr. and Mrs. Josephine Gustafson, Albert been usmg them. for the mo.r~ re'- noon hmcheon guests fn the R. A. home. Mrs. otto Frey and!anuhes were Peters and Pauline, Mrs. Carrie ce~t data, especally the cltlzen- Nimrod home. Sunday dinner guests entertain- at Lester Korth's Sunday. Mtchell and Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. ship cl~s6... Mrs. ehas. Kinney, jr., assisted ed in the Norman Anderson home. ~rs. Fred Jahde ~a~ a,monday Eric Johnson, Linnea Dnd Harold, Th.e JunOrs had a party Fnda~ in the Donald Kinney home Fri- in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sher- Vlsltor at ~; MCQu.lstlan s and,a Mrs. Emil Anderson al'ld Rl,lth evenmg. day, Mrs. Kinney and children be- man's 35th wedding anniversary Tu:sday vlsltor at John Lutt s spe~t Sunday afternoon in the '.Junior High News. ing ill with the fu. included Mr. and Mrs. Harry whlle the men attended,a sale. Em,i~ J.l0dgers home f(jr M~s. Rodg-. Enghs~ 8 class ~as been study- Mrs. Fred fhtrison, also Mrs. Pritchard of Laurel, Henning Hal- Mr. and. Mrs. H:~ry Greve wer.e 1 '. :/,~.. NORTHWEsT WAYNE Mrs. John Finn and Jeanette spent last week Wednesday Wth Mrs. John Bush. Lois Finn was unable to go to high school last week on account of illness. She resumed her school work this week. Claire Finn spent Sunday with Jimmy Bush. GeJ;)e and Danald Wischhof spent Sunday of last week with Jmmy. ers brthday. M(,.' and Mrs. Peter109 a UTlt on news,?apers. Stu- Walter Carlson and Mrs. Melvin leen, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sherman. Sunda! dmner vlsltors at EmJ! For Mrs. John Bush. Oberg were evenng guests. dents have broughi----i{1 many and Henry were invited guests of Mrs M d M Pa K'll' d Greve s and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M d M HAd ~~ -... varied copies of pape~s for com- T. C. Hypse Friday afternoon... r. an.. ~. u on an Koch and family afternoon visitors. r. an. rs. ~nry rp an son, At Roy Pearson's. For Louis.Johnson. panson. JOun Holmbe<g brought Mr. and Mrs B W Fredrickson ~!zabeth K~l1~on ~were Tu~s~ay Mrs, Geo. Buskirk visited school Henry, MiSS Gumevere L:~rngren.,Bui(ding f9t' Filter About 30 relatives and friends n honor of Louis Johnson's 88th one published in Malmo, Sweden. and Myron, a~d i'vi~ Faye San- h~nn:r gu~s~s ~ th Jewe!1 KlllO~ in distri~t ~9 Wednesday and Mrs. M~ and..:i rs. ~er~ert ww~c~~of "..1t i'1 -.1 spent Tuesday evening, January birthd~y FridclY, guests jn his Elton Miller exhibited 48 differ- dahl were entertained at dinner t ~h~ ga u~;a! e~e~l~ and Walter hinn and nieces visited an ~ns,. r a an ;::.. d' M le - 8 J.,'f'f!f'tr "", omjll'ljtion 21, in the Roy Pearson home for home were Mr. and Mrs. Henry ent pap~rs. ~w~rds. were given to F~id,ay evening in the Collins ~rs. J:~~n ~:~, ~~ u i1~ Fa : :~d Friday. Miss Eunice Gustafson is ~:~l P:~:n sa~;~, last\v~nesd~s. The bu~lding for the water fil- their 10tb wedding nnniversary. Ander'1on and daughter, Miss Hel- the pupj1s brmgmg n the most dif- home. Doris. Sunday aftehln:.on an~ sup- teacher.. evening in th~ John Bush hom~ tering plajit js aoout half finish- en, ML and Mrs. Robert L. Ander- ferent papers. and papers pubish- 'Mr~ and Mrs. E. W. Lundahl, per guests were Mr d M Mr. and Mrs. Karl Koch of Con- f M B h' b' fud ed. The weather has hindered the For. Mrs. Rawlings. 1son, Mr. and' Mrs. Ray Worth of ed the farthe8t away. The most: in- Glenn' and Jeanine, and Claude Harry Johnson G n. ~nh r9. cord were_ at. Henry Grev~'s last or rs. us s lr ay. progress. The structure will prq~-,a number of ladies called on Dalton, H. J. Worth of O'Neill, Mr. tere$ting papers included: the McConnaughey were Sunday aft- ' e n. ~n.e en. week as w~re Mr. and Ms. Gus ra};j}y be conple~ed by: the middle 'Mrs. Thomas Rawlings Thur~day and. Mrs. Andn~w Johnson and Leeds Merc,L,rY, Allers FbtPjly 'ernoon visitors in the Ellis John- S.u,nda y afternoon Ylsltors n the~~aseand MrS. Geo. Laase of,near o U&~Pt ~ of'march. Tne.tilte:fihg ~«\uipment afternoon in honor of her blrth-_ family,: Mr. and Mrs. Jake John- Journal, HOfl0ulu Star-Journal SOh home, Eml Rogers ~o~e m h?nor of Wsner. ~fll be ~,s~au:~ as soop. as the,day. The guests ser~ed luncheon. son, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Carlson. The Standard from"buenos Aires:,M. E. Carlson of South Sioux :~s'ari~o:;;: ~i~:j~kns~~cl~~ Mr. ~d ~s. Ch~~el' ~nsen :1Juilding' is 'ea~t.. The Gut-of-town folks remained The following students earned City called in the Bert Harrison",and famly were at Ervm Cllnk"el1- W'eS.. tin~"d'k,~e For Mrs. Lubberstedt. for the weel~-eljd. They. ':Vent to all A's or B'~ in spelling for the"l1om~ Wednesday. He left Sunday ~:~s::da~ar~~thm~ib~~e;e~~..eard's in Thurston SUiday as s:uuu,at Mrs. Hans Lubberstedt enter- da Grove Monday and vlslted un- semester: j;.lal'ne Bokemper, l>elor- evening for Niagara Falls, where d P i M' C. Mit h were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kotth ~ tained at.two tables,of ca:ds Fri- tit Tuesd<lY in t1)e Orville Worth is Hall and Carroll Fredrick~n of he has a position. :~d M~ Vi~~'Ed.r~Us::~n.E~ni~e an~rw:~~e~~s Dave Nelson were ~ZDA~MPS day even10g for Mrs. rwm Lub-! home. the 6,th, Betty Conner an~ Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sundell and and: Faith and Mrs. Josephine Gus- Frida' lunch'eo'o visitors and Mil..ff -~... _~~--- Shellmgton!f the 7th, Jim An- Dorothy were Tuesday evening tats'on Mr and Mrs Pete Oberg t ri t f. d M' 15 _ Z5-'\\'att EriC-. Sf,.JoliWs Luth. Church. Editor Appointed n National Guards. derson, Bob Clough, ~lton Miller dinner guests of. Mrs. J. A. Sundell were Sund~y evenihg guests on us a ~o~ an son,. orns, (Rev. W. A. Gerdes, p~stor.) T St t Off. Mal'vin Bichel, Carl Benson, Al- and Bob Paul of the 8th. and Miss Helen for the fonner's. ~aturd;y vl~~ors ~n ther way Oc 'English services at 1l:3(). a, m. 0 a e z"ce vin Dutton, Donald Stipp, Arthur Junior hii~h boys played tht? F. birthday anniversary of Wednes- orne om mne ago.. _ wa.,tl S d Governor Dwight Griswold an'- Hanson, Paul Gray, Bob Nimrod, F. A. boys m a basketball game day. Mrs. Roy, Sundell joined a N h DT,. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tarnow VS:- 13 un ay school at 10:45 a, m..nounced thq appointment Monday Roland Montgomery, Kermit Tur- last F:-iday, and. lost 29 to 19. group. of ladies who visited Mrs, ort west rf akefzeld t:ct at Wm Kbrth's Th,urscta y eve- _ c Christian'Church. of Clarke Wilson, Wakefield, as a ner, ClareJ;1ce Nelson', Weldon Jum~r htgh g'lrls club had a 1'011- Sundell Wednesday afternoon., (By Mrs. W. C. Ring) m~g and oh ~aturday they.enter loa-watt v. G. B. Dunning, pastor.),mer 'er of the state game, for- Weaver, Berton Borg, all of Wake- er skating party at Wayne Friduy ''- (" ~ ". tamed the Will Korthg~ Eml Tar- 15c 'estation and parks commission to field; have joined the national evenjn g.. Evening Party, ' Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmer Lund nows and Mr..and Mrs. Louis -a;:dc~~~a:~i~~~t ~i C;~~~.succeed Guy Spencer, Omaha. The guards through the Sioux City of- bl C~r1s v~n val\~ s~ffered a Mi~ Marilyn Harrison enter- were Sioux City visitors Thurs- Hansen at a duck supper. L. W. MeNATT.t~rm of five years exlires in Janu- fice! They may leave about Feh'ru- DC e e an a swo en Jaw from tailied a few high school friends day Mr. and Mrs. Ray Worth of Dal- HARDWARE s. itn Endea~r at 7:30 p.,}fl' 6rY, The office carries no ary 10. The camp' in which they a hockey game last week. at a jwu'~y in ~h1'!. Bert Harriso~: Eiton Miller was c,l Sunday din- ton, former r~side~tsof,here,we're. ~ stl:lary. will receive training is not definite. ~ourth Grade. hom{f'~;flday evenmg. The group ner and overnight,guest of Paul at M.rs. Lena Tarnow.s Sunday Phone 108 WaY'he, Neb. J::' PauJ's ~uth. ~hurch. Mr. Wilson, 48, has published the John Ek~ro.th who had been at- played games, popped corn and Gerdes.. e::v~e'llnjrm",gr..-w~he~r:=e~o~l~her~fr~le~n~ds~\~g~attl1h;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( ". W. A. Gerdes,\pastor,) Waltefield Republican since 1930 Wakefield Local tending,s.chbol' in ColumbUS, Ohio, mude candy. Mrs. Hjalmer Lund spent Tues-! mlll.. 'EngH$h servi<;es at 10 a. m. Sun- and previously published the Mil- Margqret Bichel of Wayne, r~lled n the 4th ~a~e last 'fte~k. dar afternoon with Mrs. steve,' = day schabl at 11 a, m. - ford Review for Six years. He was spent Sunday in the A. C. Bichel lctures and clppngs Whch Oyster Supper. Swanson. SO' W". SAL'E J = Adult class Friday evening at 8. preside.il:t of the nterstate Press home. 'ha.ve been ~,ouecte~ to suppl~m:filt Tl\1e-following were entertained The Levi Dahlgreh family visit-..,~ association,in and presi- Mrs. Harry Johnson spept Mon- sclen~e u~~ts studed, are ~emg in the A. L. and MaJivin Mortenson ed at Erick John~on's Sundny _ Covenant Mission' Church. dent of the$j'ortheast Nebrasktt as- day afternoon with Mrs. Emil comp.iled ltl. a se 7apbook. 9?~rts ho,jre Friday evening at an oyster afternoon., l (Rev. C. A. Turnquist, pastol.) sodation in'1936. Rodgers., showmg group lfe havelbeen supper: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gus- Mrs. C. A. Lundberg spent ANNOU'NCEMJ;:NT This Thursday evening, mid- Mr. Wilson is a veteran of the Mrs. Thomas Rawlings is im- drawn and will be added t~ the taison and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thursday afternoo~ with Mrs., L- week service. ' - World war and is active in the proving nicely after her fall two booj,;::s.,. : Oscar Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Al- Arthur Felt. d 01 uai h Sunday: SUnday school at 10 a. :begion. weeks a*o. A~ a rev~ev.r of Norway, ual bat- fred NelSon and Elaine, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Je Turner were Wayne View Farm will h d it~ add 'sa e at t e m. Services at 11 a, m. and 7:30 )', Mr. a~d. Mrs. Ben <;:hase visited tle of the s~xes" will be ~ond~cted Mrs. George Claseman, Mr. and Wednesday evening, guests at Er- WAYNE SALES PAVLON p', rt;l. Lion~ f.;'ub Meets. in the H~J '"Y BOke,m,per home Sun- in geograp~y plass.. ',1' Mrs Weldon Mort~nson, Merltn nest Packet's. ~,_ LipJ;ls.club:,met Tuesday eyening day eve.ing.. ' -'- ;, and Marcia, and John Boecken- Bobby Hanson an Bbbby Cul- SalUc;pa" F.br'uary 15 Prdbyterlan Ch1lteh;-.?) atthe1iol"li6filinjf.r ~fid'a'1'etu- Miss ettie.. Ekerp\h of amah., Wak~field Local, i hauer on were las~ 'rues overrught!,,'.'.,...,.(~. ~, "~'- (Rev. Allan McColl, pastor.);). lar meeting. ~pent from thursd~y evening to Miss Vema Wolters spent1sat- guests of Elton Mill r. i 11 Sunday: Sunday school at 10 a. Sunday afternoon,in the Ernest urday with, Miss Anita LesJman. Mr a~d Mrs. Cl. en~e Wolter p Selling thirtyfiv~ purebred sows and gilts,m. ChUrch services at~ 11 a. m. DMg"liter,s Born. Ekeroth home.. Fred Minf!r :of Dixon, spentsun-' SHOLES, ld spent Tuesday evem g 10 the Gus bred tor Mal'cli and April farrow. Junior Christia'n Endeavor at 5 - Mrs. Roy Lennart and Jacl~ie day in the Mrs. W. E, Ml'ner'"o~e, ahd Leo Schultz- ho e. A = daugh,ter weighing 9%' pounds n, "r" ~~ ~...,.. M d M L Vtecht _ p, m. ~was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ertil returned to Estherv'l1~,p., Tues- Paul Gray was a Saturdayldin- (By Mis. ulen Burnham) r, an rs: a ence,. ASK FOR CATALOG _~ Joint mee~ng of the Ladies; A~~.Larson of Wakefield Sunday, Jan- day a_~ter spending' two weeks in ner gue.st ih the E. o. FAnton ', were Sunday dinn~t.~~s of Mr.. and the What,:"so-ever society! will the Ed. trarlson home. home. i 1 Mrs. Jennie Jones sp'ent the past alnd Mr~. Clarence ~olter.' _ = 01' G N'"s 0 : be this Thursday afternoon" in the ~~;:;e.26, at the Dr. L. W, yers Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Peterson and.miss Ve~ Wolters vibited week in the,borne of her so,n, f~l~r;~;;~~~~~ kvla;t~;n~:~~r : e " i e OA".:, wn~~_. _ = ;e~o:~~:sa~~~~~~;a:e::t~~. daughter moved. Tuesday to the friends at ~'llfrfolk from SUPday vor Jone:;, at NO~Olk. C 'ai week's visit with rflatives and :, i * ~. Wh"" t h' Sale Well Atten.!kd.. Driskell house across the street to Monday.! Ralph Porter an son l, arence, f:r!iends " r a -so-ljver t e lunclieo~:. The R. Longe farm salle. Monday fr9m tpe Christian church../ Mrs. A: lborg is having a:; for- of Broken Bow, spent Sunday at Mr,' rid Mrs. Clar~nce Wolter ~'t Mr. and Mr~. Miles Bauermei- mal openln~,of her new baauty the Glen Burnbam, home. return-,.fl 5'0 C"lylTh da' to M-ethodlst Church..,was wt:j.l attended in spite 'Of the S': d 'N '"1 "T:o_ k B r M da were n UX,urs y (Re~Kent Clifton pastor,') bad~weather, The offering brought e-r an eal of Pender, spent shop Satur a~. 1 ing to.d,-o. en 0 o~ y. s..je her' uncle, Lelan' Jacobs, who.~ Tuesday.. afternoon last week in~' August S iei of Emerson, e the Mrs. Gall Seno~ receved, word h1d undergone a m 'or, operation. Sun ~y se~vices; Preaehing at 10 good prices. Carl Vogt was allc- tlf~ G E' b 'ff h C 1 W d d f th death of her Cl a. m. riday school at 10:45 a. m. tioneer and the Wakefield Na.tional,eorge.C {.o orne,. oe h?spita~ ast,~ednesday~ He e nes, ay 0 e 'Mr. and Mrs. Jos ph Erickso~, Th ' b h' k. ~rs. Carl Fransen and Florence, was a surgihal pa,lient. father at COl1f:ord. Mr. an~ Mrs. Ln,'s an'd Du'ane a'n' Dean Siutz e con regation is having-a fare- an {, e c er.. Stell F 11 d M F dd' st g at y '~well dinner' after serv!c~ $unday a isher, Mrs, Hepry ROplt.en, Clifton a d ' Ch~rles Pau i of Lloy.. c a en ar~ ay? b were Sunday aftern{>on and supfo~"the E~ne.st,M~tehellfanu,'ly,who ' called to- West. and Edith were Sunday afternoon Sioux City,! V;sitE!,:d,-qver SU~daY the sen~tl. b~me du~g,~hel1j a - per ~ts' at. the P!l Dahlgren, j,gu~sts in the Ed. Carlson home. n the E. W Plmlhonl.. sence". ' home.. are mov PfJ to a fann north of Al- H. J. Nuernbetger l~ft TUesd Y Mt. a:nd Mrs. Ray Jensen of Em.. M.ts. Erie Hi~ and E1'ru>ra cte Mr. and ~~lrs. Le~r Bode~- Mr. arid Mrs. Ber'ard Eri ksoii. leh'!t fql'.~s. Ang~les. because.of t er on, Mr. and,mrs. Fred ;ehilan ~visited in hel! <S'eorge Eickhoff stedt,"a~~'wchi,j-:r~~.~f V!d?~~=' Mr d Mr and Mrs.,Joseph EtiCksoh and Ladies" Aid meets.february 6. i~ess of his. daughter, Mrs. A. E. da ht J.' d M."ay an.11u.m N ~, aq., ug ers, Mr. and Mts;' Hen..,home Thur~arlJ~l:f'ternoon.; an,rs.../ an..,/...l -'., Duane were" Tm: ay ainner rs. ep Swaggerty{ an! Mrs: ;'F):ensl~r. vim is seriously m. Mrs. ry htenkamr' Mr. and Mrs. Mar.: Dr. an!i!\t,'rs Mi'x Cqe attel.ded M, rs. '!.:loyd MC~~<ld:n wther" ""S~dn- "guests at the E(lofi, 'icks,qft' hoine, Mary Patterson are htlstesl3es. 'Hensler 'had,under'gtm:e a coupl~' tin EChtenkarlip and family were: the Five!:.Coui Jvtedical mebting day. dmner gp~ S n 7 u a,e at Rari.dolph~ i ' : Salem Lutheran. ~h"';h. "of operatiohs recently, SJ1 ay dinner guests in the Al-,.ilJ: yv:ayne,, 'u,,.d~,ly.".nin!!", ' McFadden hom:...", Mr. and M;S' Will,rLsken wer~ '..:f:... ber E'chteMG1t:p home. JUr. and r. ~uy Cray '!Paul -" ft'-' Fridayevenmlt'.gues.t:s at -E:thil (R '.ev. C) arttpce P. Hall" pastor~). His Ekeroth arid s'olkjolln E",d,_ at.t~~floydl i 'aij.d 'Mrs,' M'atirice, Daughtler s DO,m., 'Mtuer's j3.nci: Mr. a.no Mrs: Elmer, 'Th~ movirlg pictttre, 'l'~he Life. yeq' loner, ' est5' ': ' A daughter' w~s', bor~' sawr?ay, :L~~ndbel'g y.tere Sanaa,Y, 'e, vemng of! Stt' Pai~,n_was,snown-1his, Wetl- Mr.' ~anuary 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Sldar :~'"kst;; at t,he same ~~e-:, '.', nesdalj "j~t,'." '.Kuhl, Mr. and: Mrs;' Ern~Sj;.Anderson,Cotit:ir [ tion clas~'meets' )SattiT ' suent MoritJay '~ve.ninif:ill: ~e.,a:x,el., a$ us4.a~., ' Fredrickson" home' e1'i>iilg ~- Clif~, 'Mr, ahd' so ".'-.~

7 "~, "1""';\'''"1!,< { '\.' \~. '. ~ -, " '..-- itliiiia-t, " lv' '~Bi~f' i'.,",,l.v i.'dt,'i.;~~a:t/j, g.''e,. W(JnY'nNe'''''..itihg~a slted t 'o"p tat~~s D~~;-- ~~1~;:;~::t;:.t -h:~~;:tl:--wndeals' ~a~;:tpj; is ~fh$~ month ~e destro;et:'~=~-~~:~e~, to ""'~.".." '"., :' 'J!'rluag' ~ahg e wi Ween 0 eat m thote it is propos <! to build n the, W' f'" '",t, N' so' Pot...f S lttle left Some oith G. E S"; L The Wayne high school basket- es ".,eyan "' :"Rl:les~!!inUgfJf,N(j,ebrn!!k'",61 S 0 ta n te "dh,coy'_'...1'._. e,. J... 'U. d bome lor extra m611ey en j ' reat LaKes ship-yards. Thi!se are.ar' y" "'e'a'8'10n' 0"S S 'eel's,. with two loop victories to - Y ~... O:l~ -.r J der to keep up Wth the mad soc.'" ~~~eafofrewthoefntahtel'onalaltedrefednenwnds. ' -,.. '.,their credit, are at present sitting T d ~ 'lh c~~~~i. W'Y...~ -J., race Th se pro,.," '.',. On the top step o~ the Northeast ueij ay 4' 4 ' e.~e competition" the Wi;1yne State &..aft renoo ~riv'e K~8~ S \D. ere- are many of these gr.'t is likely that much mol';. _ "... N b.,.,. ldcats UJis Friday tangle wi. 3S to' 30'''Vin for Vayne. young ~eople, however, 'Yho Sooj Will ~required to make 0!f~~~. S.io:ux.. F~lls.'. 46 f6~~4.s. p-ass-'-in-g-p-l-ay--th-a-t-e.-o-'d-ed...:.-w-n-h.. 1 hi~h~asl~~ld~~.~fe~;nc~he~~~:~~~btz~ WOld T-k'.. _ d'! tc1',~h~t:ui~~a~;~n ~e~~po~e~ TR1a1i#tlg re~urrrs on a ~~tettrrin~ ~:= ii:e:;ci:~ja~kk~' :~~a~g; 'invin e otl the setren ~~. navy, in\ Tll ll ij;; ~,;...;,j;,,' t ;~J, 1-,,championship, is down in the cel- c,ts a e '~c(j.", Win.'NAA tilt. '1".' ed, last ~~riod sc'oting d'tive, CoaCh of the many opportunjties to!its-it -. :, t,lug vvefbfue i t '~nitmtj:re's ~ip from undet the lar position with three.defeats and. of Se*son froril'metho~hlts Tbe Bnbcats, Whd started the Joe,Lindahl's Wfi:yti~ Pr~p cagers places of h'istottc interest and the The costs of constructlcr,tl tmder at College Court jtul"day basket. M~gdanz tossed one from no wins. Af P'" k"''' ated - p 10 f h the ptogram seem to be increasing '., n:~ar the foul line to put :Wayne N. i::. Neb'taSka Staftdlngs. tel" Last ~iod! RaJ~Y. se~ on with only four 'vhe}'ans, d~fe,the,stj;~ng W~ oint ~e~nsbo urt er their education by a large percentage Congress,t was sweet revenge or Cpach tqur points ahe<i!d and the Braves Wayne.. State's,.."mento'r, J. fl.. have Quilt up a team that is today h~gh st'!1ob team ~e Ftlday ev~- a a \md here. endeavored to' prevent" the run- JU!' M6rri,son and his Wildcat cag-.ea1led tinw out. W L leading in Nebraska college com- nrng, 35 to 30., - away d t f ers Saturday ~vemng when 1\1ey " Meier scored fran Cl6se in, but Wayne ~~r~~~~~'tb~~f s~~~~ :fl~:~: N~~ petition. Paced by th(!i two vets, The PreP. lad? displayed a Questions come to the Third di~ jcamprn~:~nw~~~es~~~~~endowned the SlOU;X Fal1s co11~ge Gothier came back with a nke Plainview 1 0 bras.ka -Wesleyan university at C~ard Jack Mcntire and Forward speedy, ~ehtn~-uke offensive to ~~~ ~f:i~~ea~ot~ justun,hdow many 'pend.itures ~f World war da;s~~~ basketeers, 46 tq~5, in an OVertime shot from the. comer. Anderson Pierce 1 Lincoln Tuesday evening and de- ~e~. Walker, the Peru cagers have take a 15 ~o' 16'.lea: d at th.e first Th a:r e ; er arms. provlded a fixed fee for contractilt,that fumisltjed more than its missed his free throw on Aberle's ~~Or~~fgir~~ feated the Plainsmen, 45 to 40, for a ~gh-scoring agg'rega{,ion that. is qul~rter.. With his team easmg.up e a~wer ~o that S that the army tqrs instead of the "plus lo7r-" of quota of thril~ ' tou. Goodbarn and Houk then -- 1 tn W'ld ts d.,~~~~;s~ in a strong bid for loo}:> ~u~~~er~n d~:hse~~~~ah~n~d t~~ ex~~. to ave- 1,4~,OOO men in cost profit allowed in that other, er~s~;f~~lna ~r~~~i~~e ~tai3 '~rc:~s ~of~~~d~~ ~h~ec:am~o~t ~~~ Creighton ~~=~=~O 3se:son o~:r t~:c:et:~~~~~ of the,heturning to the Wayne cou'tt, sid.erable substituting. ~e. W~t ~~al~nge.b~h~:x~~~m7~'u~:rh~~: ~~~~a;~i~h ~~b~en:ai~oft~he t. defeat at the hands o!.,jhe SioU'}t all midway in the third peribd. L. T' Getting off to a slow start, the th~ Wildcats play a return en- Pomters saw an.dpport.umty n ths regular,army. the ~atio'nel ~uerd appropriated 187 million dolla~, Falls team at Sioux F5lls. And Magdanz fouled Watson on a scor- eglon oorney ~a[n~6s.t;te~~ t~~nef at h~f ~ime, gagement with Augustana Monday cqange!fld mmediately. took. and the draftees. t S.exclusve of for the new camps. Costs wej;'e Saturday these smne Braves came ing try and the latter tauied on one < ever~ Wtli~mor~ ~~d ~:i~la'ff b::: evening, February 3. ~~~el~:l~,ea~l~;i/t~~oac:~n~oi~: the navy and the marme corps. carefully estipiated lor each cainp, t~ Wayne pxpecting another easy of his throws to gi've the visitdts Plans' Com t gao tinding the basket, enabling Blues L~se to mg a stim lead at the' end For general' tenseness '-af the l'hnodsetheesyt"mwtaeeres.tonobwe b,.tun,t s wa,icthe'rln. ~ vlctory. But this time they went a one p'oint margin. Wayne called, p: e e th W ~ up. t diff f t t 'th t ' e ayne men to finish on top of the third frame. TheYrep coach situation in congress and in Wash- tained that the actual costs will be s3m:gf~~:n in per~~~~~rte~~tt~~ ~~inir;:; ~~ t:e 1 qua~t~r~inutes re- Entry List of ",,'ourteen Fl've"'~ with a scant 5-point Qlargin. sent his starting five ifi'to the game ington, January, 1941, is much,like ~re than 320 million dol1ars, an!" entil' ely different team in spirit Bud Best put Wayne in front r 031 Quentin Whitmore, forward! led N f k H at the opening of the final period January, 1917, when our whole mcrease of $133,000,000 Over the and t t w th 1 h f h ncludes Strongest Te'ams the Wildcat attack with 16 points or 0 ' ere ~:~~,~ ~i:dr~l!gan to change to country W<lS seemingly more ('on- original estimates. i Usfn~a :~quad that was in top a 1 qui~ko~;e~kot~r~c;: ;h: ~?s~to~'~ of This Section; Schedule to take high scoring honors in the cerned Wth what was happening t form almost to the last. man, CO<l(\"h goal, Fitcn scored on a nice one- Places Finals on Feb. 12. ~ame. Close be!1ind was "Sonny" P th Off P Five Prep players shared scoring in Europe than with our domestic Blame tor su; great increases t ~otison h~d devised /if plan of han.ded flip, Meier scored from. etzlaff, substitute guard, who ac- an er en*~ "ella Tao honors on almost an ~ven basis, problems, of which there are many is passed from.one authority to anr,' tt d d th f F counted for 12 Wayne L.'1.11ies. Lead- Much W ll p f~ ~~~ll. r 1Jloss tallying 8 point!;., Echten- alulays pre,",'ng for.ttentl on l'n " a ac { an efense that was suffi- Hear e au line but "Retzlaff inal arrangements are rapi:dly Q U u,-.jd]q 'C c1., ~ iter. The contractors. accused. of 'e t t b tk lth ing scorers for the Plainsmen wete Bl T ~ -H t:~p 7. an SpTague, Whorlow any month in any year. This COT-, ~~:tag~ ~~]~c~;~h~h~is~;~~~t ad- ~:~e'~ le:~. a~dnic~:h ivti~d~~~ ~~~nt::i~/~:t~:h;:~~~~l~:;~ Miller with 9 points und Geis with. ~e eam as \ 1~rfollmn. and Bob Hughes 6 each. GUaTd t ff' ~ ~~svhal~~n~:ter~~~s~ndht~ei~;: ':'J Bra.-ves Fool Considerably. a~ain asked for time. with'21 sec- team basketball tournament to be 8. Win by: 39 to 1 17 Score. Beckenha.uer led th~ attack for the ~~s~~dar~o~ie~~~~hegf,;~'~~~ bel' and other material people pass, Th d. The box score: A f' \.. b c1 Visitors with 11 pbints, to cop high to what may happen to OUT c"-ntry. e two lankiest of the BraveS oh S remaming. held at th<> municipal auditorium me Y orgamzed an of slx- scoring honors in the game. vu 1t on to others. One camp origin-,.,o'odbart and Aberle, found then: notlk tossed in one from the cor- Wayne (45) Wesleya~ (40) foot cagers ~rom NorfoTh. high Tho West Po,'.t o-o-ds downed whether we do or do not become ally estimated to co~t 8 million tremendous height to be of cbn- ner, i1 t as the quarter ended. Fcbwary 3, 4,.'>, 6 and 12. fg ft pf fg ft pf sch~ol..appe~ring at the municipal the Prep ~cond;, 2~~0"18, holding embroiled n the war which is dollars will actually cost 8 million stdera'bly less advantage than that Score:ry!ayne 31, Sioux t'alls 30. PClirings of the fourteen teams W'tmore, f 72 2lGeis, f 322 audl~ol'lum m Wayne last Friday the lead throughout the preimln- devastating Europe and threa1:en- dollars. t will be remembered that to which they apparently had \leen Fonrth QU'arter. entered h1 the meet' were made the Gothler, ql P'mlilter, f evemng defeated C 'h 1 d ing the entire world. There is lit- a few years ago a senate commit-. accustomed. As a rt-esult. they 'be- Houk put the Braves in front latter pmt of la~,t! week, and the M'gdanz,ell 2lMiller, c Morris' 'Wayne high ~:s~etee;;o~9 ary cohtest. tle of tolerance of Opinion from tee investigatt"d the prices and " 7!"~ gan to resort to over-guardinglantl with a nice shot ftom the side. t0urney schedule" c'fll1s for first A'erson, g 40 2jMetzler, gll to 17. ' The box score~ t eithf'r side. Even chance remarks profits of the munition and othe'r ~r some unethical,play in their, at- Goodbarn then committed his round gnmes to be played the first Bestl g 1 0 OJ B~rry, g Following the lead of Don Barry, Wt,yrte O~S) 1 ' Poltri (30) by those who discuss the issues industries in the World war. What,t;~ tempt for effectiveness. Goodparn fourth foul and was forced from two days, second round games the Fi.tch,- f 0 0 ~Plper, f 001,6 foot 4 inch cent~t, the Panthers fgftpt, fgftpf are quickly seized upon and made the cornmittee found was plenty. ~. was 'emoved from the game with the) ~ame. Fitch scoring on his first third, sc'mi-finals the fourth day, Nltz, col ~ Vaughan, flo a,used their height advantage with e~oss, f 2 4 3l Fe :g son, f the most of by those of contrary t did not account for the making,. rigur fouls midw,l.,{ in the second gift toss and missmg th~ second. and lh~' losers o( thc semi-finals Retzlaf, g Guest, ell 11 good effect, hplditlg cb'titrol of the ~ kamp, f 3 1 llklmk. f VJews. With all the horrors of war of 25 thousand extra war-profit ~m1t, and Aberle went out for the Nitz put Wayne ahead with a neat will mf't't.,dong with the cl1am- Ahern, g wen. g 222 game throughout the four quarters. ~J-a~e, c 30 3,Wagner, c 32 1 so plainly recogdlzed, there seems millionaires, but it unearthed prac- S :s~n:e reason just before the regular corner shot, but Aberle also scor- ion.'~hlp floahst<;. on the.".,t d-y, B'master, g 0 lthe Wqyne boys,. playing their' Fini, 0 0 OlBaum~. g to be no cuncerted opinlons as to tices which Ehould have sent many fpt flnsb gang Also g g t f th ed from the corner to ag' t' "-- -- fast floor game, were unable (0 Wh.o'tlow,g 3 0 2!Kohlm,,r, goo 0 what is the best way to keep out millionaires to the p.enitentiaries-- :. ~ i.. om Oll 0 e. <:1m \VednesdDY, February' 12. G ff d B k h 3 'l1. game because of too much rough thmgs up. With five minutes re- - ToL:l1s Totals cope with th~ speed plus the reac'h R.H~;e~, g 3 0 2f ec r. g. 5 1 W- war and to keep war away from but didn't.,,~ play were Houk and Watson the maining. Sioux Falls called for a Thp f(llll tcen tc<lms in the me~t Fr~e throws mlsscd: Whitl!l0re, of the Norfotkans. Barry was the Dal goo 0 ourselves. Had we not so lately ---~---- ~; two Sioux Falls'"'startwg forlv~rds. rest. Coach Morrison took advan- h~lve been dvided in two brackets Gothler 4, Nitz, Retzlaff, Ahern, spar~plug of the visiting team for e, g. be n nvolved..in a world conflict, NoTrC8 TO CONTRACTORS li:-". Wihlcats Use Speedy Attack. tage of the time out to send his of s~ven teams each. This arrange- Geis, Miller 3, Guest 2. tphoe"rrttlsr'ont'hf,"""eld qg~aartlse. TaD'.':'Ol'ipo nwersg14 Total 15:; 13, Total t'ohealm l eemxcoerpy, lh f ow,ehi~}s' Sy~i~'nCgleaestr tl~e~~/'j.abiodfs ~~l Dbeep"""a~eVned, oaft.l.~ f "..: : By compari.,liqn. the Wildcats starting line-up bclck into the ment gives spectators three first 'V "" U1 fie vu He or...~ dlo::"!.l ~*. played a rcmnrkably <:lean brand gamc. round games the first two nights, P Wi f Wayne forward, was high SCOT'~ Oftiefers:' "'Rehra!f and Best conscription age, lack of that recoj- RO"a'ds and rrigation in the state :JJ..~ of bask~tban in spite Of the flash Hauk broke the tie in the with one teflm in each bracket reps n rom {or the Blues, chalking up 10 (W'aj'ne State). lection might make the present capitol at Lincoln, Nebraska, on } and speed of their attack. Using Braves' favor with his gift toss drawing a bye and automatically. 45 ]6 points. seem strange. t is at least strange t'ebruary 20, 1941, until 10:00 '~i Gothie-r and Magdanz to watch the on Anderson's foul. A few seconds adv<lllcing to the second round..jallre,. to Coach Ray Baxter had his band Blues lle8ii~e Loop with Or without t. o'clock a. m., and at that time pu'b- ~!l tw.o 1all('st,.BrLlves, Morrison <1.1S0 la~er ~derso.n again fouled Ho'u]{, TOP 'Bracket Pairings., of cagers in excellent form here B 1 lidy opened and read {or $apd ri started Wftttmon.. Anderson,lOd this tjme whle the latter tried f With SchuYler. scheduled to play Mtttr;"y's Cliget' UNable tb Friday, the lad~ exhibiting a tricky att es This Week Attracting m'bch less attention gravel surfacing and ineid~:,_ Best, ;lld f,ound this col'lbinntlon shot from close in, and Houk t<.11- to 7 g'cl(jck, drawing the top Cop~ with l Wa1yne At".ck. offe':lsive and air-tight defense Holding top spot in the North- for the present is 'pur own p"o- wo"tk on the wakefietd-pendeipa?~~;:~h uble to cope with the visitors in lied on. the first of his two free bracket bye. opening night games, Q formation that has carried them east Nebraska conference with gram for aahonal defense. Placing trol No state road. ;!~:;,~ every phase. throws. Best muffed his gift toss FeMuary 3, will not begin until Wayne- Prep~s Little wndcats thrbllgh the season so far with wins over Bloomfield and Creigh- supreme -powers of control in the The approxim. te. quantities are: ~..~ Both teams!'>tarted the- game by on Houk's foul. and Aberle missed 8:00 with the- Winside-Allen clash. had little trou~.le downing -'Fr~ only one defeat in seven games. ~on, Coach Elwood Morris' Wayne hands of Mr. Knudsen dnd Mr Cu. Yds. Sand Gravel Surhitting a good percentage of their on Magdanz' foul. Houk followed Wayne Merchants and Belden will Mutray's La'ural high cagers at the FiNt Qaart.e'r. high cag&s will resume loop Com- Hillman has not as yet pushed face/tourse Matenal. ~~~ ~~~u~l%~~w,:nyaon f etvheen fk,erestl i~~p~~f~~~~nmdeargdthaenzbaosnkealn "ant d - tangle at 9:00. and Oakland and conege gjm Mbnday evening, tak"'::' Wayne scored. the first basket of petition F'riday evemng when they production to the point desired, The attention of bidders is direca '-' Wakpfif'lcl meet in the nightcap nt ing the one-sided encounter by a the game wheh Powers dropped meet "Dutch" Henkel's Pierce high and progress confessedly is tar too te~ to the s~cl81 provi~ions covhalf whf'n the Wildcats hit a hot "Maggie" came through on both 10:0(1. 45 to 16 COUnt. one in from near the free throw quintet at Pier':e. Next Tuesday slow. Many big things hav~ beeo enng sub-ettmg or asslgnmg the str~ak to go into a 16 to 10 lead. tries to put Wayn~ i~to <l tie. 36- l!~o\-"'r Bracket Pa'i-tings. Paced by Dtlli' Bloss with 12 line. Den BartY- then dropped in ~he Blues invade the camp 01 Chet started, suth as expansion of in- contract. T Thrs, however, Was swallowed up 36. Aberle made a ~ce shot from G;lmes the.' J';Ccond nighi' Febru- points and Dort thtenj<:amp with two quick fielders fo'r Norfolk, Carkoski's Hartington hi'gh cagers dustries, but the sum total of re- The minimum wage paid to all when the Braves l;>eglln peppe~ing th.e comer buwothl~r came bnck 8ry 4. will begin :]t 7:00' o'clock 11 points, the Prepsters held a ]5 one from the center and one from for another conf~~rrce tilt against sults continues to lag. New plans skitled labfj"f employed on this conthe basket shortly befbre half hmej With a one-haneted flp from close th th W R bl t to 5 advantag~ at the end of the undet., the basket, but Berry flip- the team that la st w(>ek lbst to come forth almost daily, some of tract shall be fifty-five (55) cet\is to put t~e tean:s i.nto a d "ad- in: Houk put the Brav~ in ~ront. ~le COl~rid::n;~g;~~ ';~~t~t~~~ first quarter to 12, at the ped Ole from close in to tie up the Pierce, 31 to 21. Which would command national per hour. lock at mtenrusslon. rw~th a shot from the Side v...:lt~ a Dixon will battle [t R:OO, [lnd the half and were out in front. 34 to gnmej Barry and Stover followed The Wayn~ cagers return to the attention but for the bigger issues. The mmimum wage paid to all E danz Shows Up Good. minute and ~O seco~ds remammg. Metz B,lkerc;-Battle Creek tilt at 16 at the end of the third quarter. with a field goal apiece. Powers home ~ourt on Saturday evening, One will provide $ ,000 for intermediate }abor employed on.j. Lo ~ll!"maggie.'~..magdanzrwijd...j\rderson,missed hls free throw ~;1)O will close the evening, with tp f' ' 'cd th P d wa..s;, fouled by Farner and came February 8, when they tangle With more merchant ship~. Britain has this contract shall b~ forty-five...rat ent~r, turned.in a highly im- on Aberle s foul,.but. Magdanz Mocy drawing the brclc}(et bye. 41d ~h~n~i'~~~~~ scor~le:sepw~il: thr6ugh on the gift toss, but,far- the exceptionally strong SChUyler already placed orders for $60,000,- (45) cents pet hour. p'rovled brand of play, chalking up score!d on one of hls tnes after a adding it ponts to their total ner -c~me back with a }kl~'-r, as high five, one of the leading teams 000 worth or-such ships. There is a The minimwn wage paid to all 11 points to 'hold soor!ng honors two-shot foil} by Cnmer. With Second Round Games. Forward Johnson dropped i'n 6 did Stover. Powers dropped a'long in state high school compet!tion. previous appropriation of 50 mil- unskilled labor employed on. for the \\t'ayne team. Don Gothier, one minute ~nd 10. seconds left, The big lllght of the tounwy, points to lead the Laurel lad.";. one as the quarter ended, Se'Jre: lioh dollars annually for this pur- con.tract shall be thirty-five ( assigned to the 6 1 /±! foot Goodbarn, Aberle commtted his fourth foul from tl1(> ~t;h1dpoint of number of Thp box score: Wayne 7, Norfolk 12. nstructor Dies. pose. Before the ships can be built, cents per hour. did ~ nice job of thwarting :l good ~nd was. sent from the game, Goth- games, will ilp Wednesd~y, Fe-bru- Wayne (45) 1 Laurel (16) Seeond ~. f'dr. Anton L. Fro!ik, 33, a!ssociate jhew and additional shlp~ards will Plans and speci!' ~o' perqentage of the lanky Brave's let' s,cormg on the fre~ throw and ary 5, wlwn all RP('nnd round con- Holding Wayne to four flpints in "roressor of agtonomy at the Uni- be necessary. Added to billions for work may be see hd i ormation scoring attempts and holding him ~ndjng thef;a;e itlto a tie. te:::ts will be plnyed. The C'vening's B10'Ss. f (f~ f 6 Pii\ndersofl, :~ f~p: this frame, the NorfOlk team added ve.rsity of Neb}'aska, died in Fort war ships, the ship-buildtng indus- secured at the office of e county to 14 potnts during the game. v!~.r;:er ~u fe his :ift th toss on opencr will begin.'1t 7'00 o'clock Gifford, f 3 1 1:JohmHM1, f more to therr o~ score. Eckert Leavenworth, Kan., Monday. Dr. try wll soon far out-rank that of clerk at Wayne, Nebrask at the Wildcats Sink Lo-ng Shots. \ ~o~e s au an ~ game with th"(' winner of the Wayne E'kamp. f 4' 3 01Nielson, f scored from under the b'asket. Flplik had coached many crop automobiles in st of plants. num- office of the county c~erk at e P'"daetically ihe cntire Wildcat ~:nynln4'0' as~,oextrfa Pl en 4'00. Score: R~tmhblPhrs - Coleridge tilt tangling $ptague', c 1 0 nljewell, c Smitq made his gift t~ after be- judging teams at the university. bier employed, st of materials, der, Nebraska, at the officedof the squa was impressive with sharp- e, ux as. W t e winner of tle" Walthill- v c ~gmfeourl,edghtb.yo.bckattyw'ilhbuthisbrlfdrgeee M.'~-' S'h_- C1~. e c. dmisetnnt'c!aferngo'andeersanad f trhte"gat,~apnarta-1 sho&ting from a distance. Unable Overtime Period. Dixon game. Schu:Yl'l' will n'le~t 'Finn, coo 4lBeebe, goo 0 a - _...1C:ln> "..., Ull to penetrate the, Brave defensive With tension incteasing along the winner of,the Win.side-~llen Wh6t"}OW,g' 4 0 2!Kostrup, g throw on Hossle's toul. Powers Mothers' Stildy Club meets Feb- Previous to the war, advocates Norfolk, Nebraska. or at the ofwan on seve'ral occa!?,ions, the with the accented ~pe('d, the play battle,11 R OO. The winner of the :B.HU'EoS, goo O!Detl's~n, goo 1 scored a long one for the l.8lu(> s. ruary 6 with Mrs. H. E. Ley. Mrs. of greater air strength were ridi- fices of the Dep.arlment of Roads blaak and gold tried shots from of both teams be~ame a trifle Wnyne MNl'hants - Belden gatn't!! n.hu'es, go 2 1 OHar'gtbn, g Barry scored from under the bas- S. A. Lutgen will spl!-ak. culed by battleship propenents. t and rrigation gt Lincoln, Nenear the center, and these shots, rougher, the visitors committing will comc up aga.lnst the win'her -- kct, Farner scored on Derry's foul was said naval vessels, equipped braska. with their effel.:tlveness, served in considerably more misplays than of th(' Oakland-Wakefield fray at Total Total and Eckert counted from close in. " '" with plane carriers, anti-aircraft The.successful bidder win be re-,a measure to disorganize the visi- the Wildcats. And it was juflt these 9:00. and the victor of the Metz Offici 1: Bob Garvin (Wayne Berry dded. t B' etc., need not fear bombing quired to furnsh bond in an tors, allowing the Wilyne forward fouls that determined the winner Bakers - Battle Creek affair will State).. foul. S~ore at ~;r~lnme~way~~~., ,., planes. For twenty' years mat word amount equal to 100% of his conline more playing'ro$m under the the winner of the tilt. Watson clash with Macy in the,evpning's Norfolk 20. 'f fin 11' ;t.j battle continued in congress, with tract. basket. committed the first foul, Gothier finale at 10:00. Third' Quatter.. ARL T'". battleships' winning in the appro- As an evidence of good faith in The teams played,the first half scoring the free tjhrow. Shortly Senli Flnafs Thursd~Y. The Panthers came out after priation bills. Now comes the navy submitting a proposal fo}' this ~)'f the game in one. 2-0-minute per- after "Houk was. cajle~ on.his Two games are on tap for the intermission with seemingly in'- Among the N~bFaska attend- department, asking an appropri- work, the bidder musj file, with O,~, and then contmued the game fourth foul, Gothler,a-gam sconng semi-final evening the f"r~t tilt creased power in their attack aild ing the inauguration was Miss Ze- ation of $3l.2,000,OOjl to put n~'y his proposal, a ~ertified check after intermissi.on in two 10-min- the grmis shot. ~derson then arranged for 8:00 ~'clock ~~d the -- added 12 points in the third period. da Werner now teaching school in armored decks on the,battleshps made payable to the Department ute quarters..' ad.dm two more pomts for the second for 9:00. Lindahl's Boys Have Easy B ted f th f 1 BAJtimore, Md. She used to'tl:!'nch and cruisers. t is explained that it of Roads and rrigation and in $ "'he S"ouxFlrsFalllsHalfte'am talll'ed Wthleldcate't' onnekoonl~:hi~st'sfofualu.lw.nt~ Championships Februai'Y 12. Ti~ in 37 to 18 Victory. ci~~~ ~~r;,. fli;~~ ~:rfro~ ~e at the Gran1 school at NortOlk, now has been demonstrated that amount not less than two hundreid!. ot{1et vn... - center, but Bridge scored two ~~b. Many of,h~r, fortn~ pupils such additional prot~ction is neces- (200) dollars.'" first whe& Meier dropped one son scql..ed on. a long shot from the To avoid necessity of 8W team,,-,arne ~r@'s Little Wildcat quick baskets from dose in'. Gran!..ate now.grow'1 people., She Was sary. About tour years will be re- The right JS re~rved to waive from unde1'i1"fue ba.s:\tet. Gothier enter to bring the Brave's score playing two ~ames in one evening, cagets, P~YJ1~g at Wakefield Wed- Quist scored after Wise's n'li$play a-ccompaniedpl,h!~r brot~e.r, hank quired to recondition the ships of all techliicalities and reject any or missed his gift toss r-hert tquled to 42 against the Wildcat's 44. the tournm1,eht chairman, R. F. l1~sda~ leve1'~i,last w~e~!, ClMeat- and Powers added a fielder. Barry.~erner of A.ldt.. ~;a... '. :t. ~ the present navy\ and possibly all bids. by Watson but came 'back wltj a ~!1derson added two more fot' Jacobs, has mad~ arr~ng~rp.~tsto ed Coa~h We 't im'sht~'tst ~ to scdred on a elose-in shot. Powers- ' '. r- ", longer, as the yards are crowded DE"DA"DTMENT 0F ROADS AND fielder from close range, and!lest Wayne on a shot from tke Sde. 'ryo]d the champlonshlp senes on!$, in ~ gal 1that ~.ffi'~ flreps whs fouled b' stover and seoted' Governor Gi"i&WGld-flOt1fl~",the-wi'trihe--new- ships.- " _... -~-". ~ RRGA'TON put Wayne ahead wittl a shot from McD~rmott missed a free- throw Wedensday evening, February 12, n fton.~ th'3il'froot the cantelrt. On the free th~ow.band ECk- Nebras~a,.defegc1't~o?, t~t.~eca~se n. b'ehind the free: throw line. Watson oh Whitmore's foul, but Watson gving a11 patticipating t~an'ls Both! te ~ pjaet!d.a:et~nsi"e rt: l h dd d tw ~ th of too muc~ offcal b~lsmess at The n~vy also wants an addi- Wardn'er G. Scott. State Engineer dt<;tpped one from deeji> in the cor- made good On Magdanz' foul With plenty of time to rest up)l'he los-- p.lay fore.md,du'tifte,the entire ~U$~~ e~d~. sc~r: w:y~: l'1 e home h~ could: not attejid the in- tional ont> and one-fourth billions J, B. Martin, District Engineer -- nei' to tie things 1!lp,A-4. Bud Best, 29 seconds remaining, McDermott ers of the sem~-finals will open the first pertod, :Wifll 1t'JY'hl! out in N rf lk 32 ' a,ttgura,tlon. Nether could Lt. Gov- for still more warships. When L. W. Needham~.CountyClerk,, ", biking th~ ball under "the visitors' scored from ilear the foul line, final night of the m:eet with theit front, 6 to 6. But in the second 0 0. ernor johnson whose m lther's ill- completed in the course of five Wtf'l'o.e C'9tmty,,'''basket. dribbled,the length of the Holding a scant 46 to 45 margin clash at 8:00 o'~ck. T1:le bigg~st t;1j~rter the t..!i'ttle Wildcats found " Fourth Quatter. ness k~pt him away trqrn Wash- years, there will be over 1900 war- Ftb'.Yd t. o-tiflirt, CltUn!y Clerk,.l f~:or to put Wayne ahead, but with btit.,three seconds left, the and final game of th~ s~ries, the the basket, fr~creasing their lead The Wayne ream.was ~~~~ ~ mgt,on. Accordingly, the! Nebraska ships, not including 230 new. cu~- ~ ".tfrorittm C6tlnty -i\:il!>-erle,came HaCk, with,a set-up Wildcats refused the free throw one deciding the meet')~hamp, is to at Half time. The third pe~etrat; the. Norfolk ~efens;e.~ delegation'did not have any social if~;;;;~~~;;;;;~~~~~ j~~!' ~iii sl1ot, and Wayne tobk out ti:rt.e. resulting, from Watson's fourth set for 9:00 o'clock. quarter ended after very little ths pertod arid ha.d. tronble firid- function during the inauguration 1testimfnW"PU1~, Andl!rson drih.. ~?u, and instead t~ok tl1e ball on Several Strong Teams. scoring with the Wakefield lads on i~g the ~ask~~, fan.g to tally a activities. [ ' ~i~ from e~my t~ito~ to.seore an. out-of-bou'tlds in mid-court. n Thisyear'smeet although small- the sh~rt end of the 25 to 15 count. ~ngle, ~o~!1t ~he f~n~ ~arter. 'While a number of farm distrt~t " tft1.~ COrner shot.. Goo~bar~ fhpped ~plte of a tn~ scramble ~n the er in number, js ~xpected to pre- Le~ding th~ attack for the Prep- arne: collve on (},1 S ~ o~. :from, close tn. Gothier was?a'rt of the VStors, the Wldcats sent a brand of 'bask tb 11 J... sters were Forward Don Eckten- a two shot f~~l b! Hassle, An~~r- members were meeting together ~.:, fofi1~ ~y "Goodba~ wh~e at- ~~pt pbssessi~nof the ball unti~ the to that seeh in ;ev~us~prlor, kamp" who Wli~d 9 points, and son and F~tn~reach st:orell ~ field- the other day, word came to them g alshot from und~r.the fgtgl gun. Seore:r Wayne 46, SOUX From eason!s ec P'd t as te Y atrhs. Guard Bob Hughes with 8. Ken- er and BrdgE.' scor~d'on a gift toss: that Sam Massingale of Oldahoma, tmd' stored on both" free' :Palls 45. s,r, or s 0 a, l! neth Echtenkamp, who had played SClPre: Wayne 17, Norf61k 39. had died ~uddenly. He is the rtemt, '.,.' tt~ts~. f'ut~' Oddb~tTl sent The' box score:,j ;~~~;:~l(~~a::~ J;;:e ~::e~ntw~~~ ~ith the WaYne Prep cagers for The ly~x score: 'b@r who is the auu-.l..~ 0' the fann the g~ine io'a: ti" Wlth a shot ftom Wayne (4$) SflJUx Falls (45) Sch ler. WinsiM and Oakl~nd all the past twa seasons, led the at-, Wayne (1'1) Norf61Jl (lffl) ct\;t ot proa'udti6n bill ~hlc! has FOR RENT 'the s~de. Magdanz tpped m?!,e: fg ft pf fg ft pf rate as favorites to enter the tack of the Wiakefield team scor-, fg it Pf~ ftt n p been backed ~ the fa1tri'~ district:::=====~=====:t f r the b~sket. Best rtlss-, mt're, flo 3 Huok, f 4 4 4,final arne. n tije lower bracket, ing, 7 >oints. 'Derry, flo Ectert,'f.1' () 0 ""'embers, He had plan ed a eon- FOR RENT:-House al 802,Logaii ~o~s a G~t,1;1~~, f Wa~oon" f " only' 0 e team has any record that p.lay!.ng in t,jile cut1ain raisel" the pow~rs., f B.ri~ge. f 2 2 terence on the bll. in. few. day.s. s,~or~. ': M,d~z, c Gt~arn, e \makes i worthy contende,t for ~ep seconds ~efeated the Wake. BetrY, ell l,bro:ry, C arrd had been working hard Wth Braves,,:., : 1m'" A~d~on. g 2 2' 3 Meier, g, 3 O~2.,the championship. Md tbis toam, field seconds ' to 6 in a game that H<1C k om; goo 2 atmit, t.2 3 ~ other members..t~. getn anpth~r ",',:,,', ' ',oj,. 'B~st. g Ab~rle, g, tm Metz Bakers of Sioux City has ~w plenty,df basketban of au Snjith, goo 1 t~"it, t h@anng on 11., Othl!t me bero will z agad/., o"oroi'! U;pm hll Nlz, c 2 () Cr~mer,,C J 0 a~ready lost 'to Winside llilsyl'l1t kiiltl. but a!dlniltlum (almost) of, H$lle,g O l!l Wire, t 0, 0 1 :;fry on the fight fr<}m where "!l!l;l', g, M,e,P'm'!'i g 0 ) hya 01'gb1'e marl/in. Wayne h<iw- ~coring. Th", Wayne lads. held a Grl"qulst, f 0 0fAnt/'sotl' g 1 0..tassingal" left :!!f. : F!",h', f 1 1 0KQOdCh{f ' a 1\lllitJi. a te~m in 2 to 1 ~dvanl'ge at the first quar- Suhd, f eierson, coo 0 B dg t tl tes h'. t Re,tz.'.in~f'fil,'. 0 OFeigber,:,f,' 600,'.: j'thes.a,to,a~,w',h,~.,,,.e ler. Tl) Wn!&iJeld ads wete in Le$sm'n;go 0 0,u e ehis. rna.f ave no a- ~ U~. 'ironl 4 'to 3'l the mlt, and the :.~ ",': ng fo~. ar forostry, 'Tota~, 1& :l4\!, Totl!': ~O: to u!'l;et a~ and leilms ~reiadlocked ~t 5-5 at Total,' '6'5, B TolU 17 & 13 thtli"rest': ~e:"e~n:tooll:~d[.:i::::=;:;;=:~=~~==:;;;:;;;; hit lho h!rd qtt iiler... $'e01'~,by <lumll!rs~. J 'date"d w: The"po'x s e:. w~ tl>rbelt 0\ h \Va yṛ '.e...,.(.dt.~.' i..1:w'aket,ej..l.(...1.8y...'.no ~1:..';..'.:.: '. '.. ~ '. 3l""'. :.'.t...~., wlui v!fanio~~' B.". tht,t. f~ft'/>f Uii'6'w.l1iliSe<l.~, 8', litd other WilneSses in Carroll for $700. Marliii h loss i,f Y. 3 Be. 5, Sitli'tn,.:RiJll li!, Eclt-/!if. 8,.l#f. SUb-eommi harl,llljlo'g. RilJger; ':~> ':ill d~ 3, 'l: ~r ~ge_.2:,.p~~l't;, ~,' _,._,..:,. tlle ri~tio~s for.agn. c~ltqj".e. 1:±:3:'''''''c':-:::'--2:'=-';-::;:::-:::;::::":::i.::l....,.' c- "'~ '".-, '-f for-. P,Q. tiy.. '~with g (10:1, d.v~. g'olt*,pi. ",." 'g,;q,.;lm',;vi'. r"'as d~u

8 .,~ / FRUT and jlut ASSORTMENT lb. Sox 2-lb.Bo;<.5! $1.50 $3.00 "'-:, SLVER LACE BWE lb. Box TWN HEA.RT..$1.50 -lb. Box..$1.00 TAPESTRY HEART.lb. Box 2-lb.Box...$1.00..$2.00 Other Packages 2Sc : 39c - SOc. SOc ~R:KMAN'S n ' '.:~.!::..~. ",'n',r;d,..":: ~,. op...,.n,46,. :M. n~'sd',rma ~,aonn-dd ' ~eine Car, ~ visitors.. ii ~e!derson. and f,drni'y, ;.,.. _ gues.ts in..' J.~.'~ning >'With. the "$~nday.school 'ily ere' Sunday evening visitors dny \./ete the following: Mr. and daughter were Monday':.eve:ni:~g son",h e tuesdaylaft~ thf. Axel Fr;J;ic~son home. Mon" will giv, one number. This,ervice at nry Bartlin9' Mr" Anders JorgeT1f ll and Neva guests last week at R. H. Hansen's. ~ ~ Frank '-'r~' ~,~on",1\llvip. ' ernoo~f" h.s.t. week. ". ',,~Y-night of a l' wee- in h.onor df,,$v.,.h be.uso in recoghi.'tion an,'d hon- M,'. and lvlrs.,clarence' Holm Ru;h Armstrong, ;Mr. and Mrs: l\iss Elna Siefken spent ~rom, '..,.' Harv,ey a:s.t~de Mr. arid ',t'$. Wm. Canning and C' fe: Fred 'ckat&'~s birthday '"pl'. of new.,membexl;f received dur- and, erlyn were ~mday dinner Walter Grose, Mr. and Mrs. Rug SundaY -evening to Tuesday eveei'"guests of'mr. Dick of Wayne, were Sunday aft-,' w ie was naay and i Ward 'lrig,the past year. : A fellowship gues'es at F'rank Holin's.( sell Park and Janet, Mr. and'mrs. ning last week in the Ernes~ef- Allen. emoon and supper:, guests pf Mr. 1 P~te on's WDe wij.s Tuesday. hour 'W,ill be held ~in the ~hurch Mrs-, Clarence Holm 'aftended a Otto Nelson ana danghters, Mr. ken home. Mri" ~rtd' Mrs,;, 'Joseph,'(:lll'lson dnd Mfa. Carl Luth. : ' i. parlors after the setvice. Le4 us all blrtltlt'iay party for Mrs. Clitiord and Mrs. Lf'nus Ring and Lenora Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Splitt,gerber.and Mrs. Clarem:e Baker noon guests in the Albert Green- t.' ~~'exe:'sud;day, dinner guests iii the Miss Farny FredriCkson spent' it,- Con ucted come. ' ~,Mun$on Monday aft~rnoon, and Mrs. da Holmberg. and daughter were Sunday after-.. :1:l'avene,peterson, h~me.' Saturday ni;ght in the Fred John- es - Conf~matiop class meets Sat- Mr sp'en~ M.issDQrlsN.elsiJn r~lurned.home son hoine. She visited with Miss' ' th~ 1~ H' urday,at 10 aj m. " aj!,ld hudren were Monday dmner,, wald home. Sunday. from a 10 diily4' stay in the Helen Carlson Sunday. " n u en er~ t>oreas society will meet next gu<:s at Herbert Barelman s: ' A ON Mr. and Mrs. Axel Tullbhg of John :WeJersheuser home. Mi~s Clara Jolulsdn, Mrs. George ~!. week Thufsday entertained by 'Mti. and Mrs. George Aevermann! ~rr A Wakefield, were Sunday supper Miss Geneva Nygren visited with Anderson and Mrs. Roy E. John- Frank Kardell, 4J Passes at ~s, Waldo Johnson at Dixon. A 8?d C~r?la were Thlllsd<.lY eve- i (By St.-ff Correspondent) d. tit eek in Mi6.S Evonne Wallin in,he Wy- son visited in the C. J. Peterson' Home in con~,td Last Bble study hour will pe had.. n1l1g, VSitors at Henry Bartling's.: ~~ ~~~~l~et:~:nsh:~e.w. more Wallin.home' Sundcqr. home Thurs'day afternoon. A thanks to all for mem,onal Mr. and Ml S. Paul1:;iengtson and Fred Krlehlmoos 'Tbb ght 79 Mr. and Mrs. Aden Austin""Lwd Kathleen Pomeroy aqd Opal Miss Eleanot and Miss Edith Week Tue day. gifts for missions r~ce.ntly r~ei.v... M~. an~ Mr:s. a,l,af '~elson.,and.acre~ from Ed. S. R~nri:r.,. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bcn- Swanson.and i :Mildred Cairison spent Thursday' evening Forsberg returned to Omaha Mon- Funeral rites,;.vere.!onducted at ed. Thr.ough our mlsson socletj~s C!-Brenc.:e spe.nt Saturday at SlOUX, Martin W(Jeh. e' has moved to nett and sons were Sunday dinner enry 'Rastede's Satur- in the Verne Carlson hoq"le. '-b day after. spending a week at Concordia Lutheran hurch Fri- and the church channel approxl- Cty. on~ of the Walter Putz farms west guests at,ralph Austin's., ~~. 'lo 'H'eHnr'yFa'nKradeGmeoery BRO hmb~rt c"allaedy' ~ hom~. '.. MSS Mildred Swanson cared for day for Frank Kard, 84, who died Tuesday last We(l while sitmately $900 ha~?een given the past year for mlsslons. We should. Clar-a, Loretta and Arz,etta Bart- of Altona. img and Mr. and Mrs. Carl F:an- Mr. and Mrs Alfred Sydow and Mr. and ~.t.8, Albert Greenwald :~~?th~~:~~:al:o~:e~ttuesday' at Rudolph Sw~nson's." the infant son of Rev. and Mrs. L. ling in a chair at his home. Rev. be thankful that we may have this "eo were Friday afternoun VStors, family Sunday evening at spent ~~~t~~~~~~' ~~. ~~~g~~' ~:~~ Mr. and ]:v's. Everett Hank and M. Doctor Thursday while the W. T. Chell was in charge and privilege of giving fm the spr,ead:- a,t Bernard Pa:k's. ",,f\.lvin Vogel's. Ji h Rodney called in-the C. H. Doe- paren~s were at W. D. Stalling's burial was in Soncord 6emetery. lng of t~e Gospel in remote frelds Frtday ev.enmg vsltor_s at Will, Mr. and Mrs Oscar Peterson Sunday_ evening at Walter Splitt- ) MJ..7 Roy -VemonJ,slted n t e scher home Saturday afternoon.~ for Ald. Mr. Kardell was born'in Tores- and. fo~elgn lands and fo: support Borg s were. ~r. and Mrs. Bernard were Friday evening call~s at gerber's. (,'~S: t ~r ~~'1 ErWin home Friday after- Mr. and Mrs Geo. LlPPOlt e-all- Sund,BY afternoon luncheoll bo, Sweden, and came, to this of l~s~ltutlons that adml1lster to ParK_ and chlldren, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Austin's '' 1 E made a busmess ed the Fred Matthes and Ru- guests 111 the W. J. Mclrath home cduntry in,1891, locating in Dixon Chrstian needs. Elves Olson and Velda Park. Mrs. Frevert and Marcella T(Rrienvi.lYwLal telhreb~nacckehnnr61.cch.k, ' ~ '.L:~~. rwm dolph Swanson homes Thursday. were M,l'. and M~s..John Taylor county. H ' farmed south,w.est of Mts. Jo~n Bengtson and Frank spent Friday <ftermfun with Mrs. \ '~ p to Chadron Tuesday of last Mrs. Anme Rice, who has been and JeWell, Maf1Jore Paul and Carroll for some time and 'had re- Holm.rec.elVed. word of the deat!! August Erxleben. vacancy pastor), LWeek.. \ seriously for t-he past two weeks, Paul Hart. si<:led in Concord the past 18 years ' L ga V of ther sster-l1-law, Mrs. Charile. Sunday, German service at 2:00 '" Marland Dahlqulst spent Sun- S reported as~bemg about the Monday afternoon last week ''''\'r. Kardell had been a,faithfui 0 n a ey Holm of Mt. Verno.n, Wash. Mr. Mr. and Mrs, ~runo Splttgerber p. m. 'to~~:'.,!'~red ()~y ~ternoon 10 the Henry Erwm -same. Mrs. Mabel McCaw and Gordon, 'member of the Lutheran church (By Mrs. Alb~t Anderson),and Mrs. Holm ViSted here last and d?ugh~er \,e.re,at Wallace Confirmation instruction Tues- "< :ho~e.., Mrs. Orval Beith, Mrs, Ed. /1.1- Mrs. Ha:old Shell an.d daughters, more than half a century_ ~, ~ 'summe~. Meyer s Friday htnm g.. day and Friday at 9:i5 a. m...!'4r. and Mrs. Julius Kirchner len and Mrs.,c. E. Clark called on,all of Dixon, called 111 the Floyd M"s. Kardell died 10 years ago. Mrs. Emll Ekberg entertained Mrs. Paul Be~gtson and chldren Ml'. and Mrs Ernest Sefken relatives in Sioux City Mrs. Nettie H'art last Friday uft Reynolds home.. De.ceaSed lea.ves two duughters the Birthday club Tuesday after- were Sunday afternoon ViStors at were ~unday afternoon guests last John Rustemeyer, 89, residr'jlt_ ern~n. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lippolt call- M'lss Hilma with whom he lived' ngon. John Anderson's. Mrs. John week 111 the Fred Sefken home. of,pilger for some years, dh:"d,t Mrs'. FlOYd Reynolds attended ed Monday at RUdolph Swanson's. and Mrs. Alice Sellon of ShQles' Virginia Mitchell who teaches ~ngtson ;!l~d Paul Bengtwn were Miir ia.njjd.mirsi if'rieidif.rieivei'itian.d.bioinie6iteiei.is.'.d.iiiiiiil the meeting of the J:plly Dozen club, Mrs. Swanson returned with them and two Jons, Charles and O:ka; near Dixon, spent the week-end at luncheon guests, havi~g'attended in -Laurel Friday at'the Earl Gar for a few days. Mr. Swanson went of' near Laurel. There are nine home. _ Mrs. Joh<.lnna Carlson s funeral. vin home. for her Thursday. grandchildren. A brother, Otto, Helen Pdcrson spent thc week. Monday evening visitors at the Mr. 'and Mrs. Reuben Carl%ll Mr. and Mrs. Art Doescher of lives ncar Laurel. end vislbng With Mrs. Harold An- John Dahl home helpmg Norma a4d family of CarroU, were Sun- Ponca, visted in the Olaf Nelson derson. Jean celebrate her birthday, were d~y dinner guests in the HarclJ home Saturday evening. Miss An- Roller Sluiting Party. Eunice Busby of Dakota City the Henry Bartling family, the G~;s~r~~~S~~:in,Ml'. and Mrs. ;'.~~\S~~ef~n~~;s~~;e with them A numhee of young, [) 'Uple ('n- :~~~t h~h~e.week~end at her par~ ~~::;~eh~~~~~'g~r;:i1fa~~:;:; :~~ Waldo Jbhnson and Mrs. Glen M d MEl 0 tt M joyed a roller skating party at M d M H 1 Magnusop. were Wayne visitors and rm~~ JUf~~S a~irc~~~r' anl~ Randolph Friday night. TU~~~:Yaanf~e;:~~~tt~~~~~~~,~:~.~ ;::n and ~rs. e~:; ~~~::OOd Saturday afternoon. Louie, Tilda and Carl Kirchner Card of Thanks. enee Baker s. entertained eight little girls for Mr. and Mrs. Art Anderson. spent T~ursday evenmg m the Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Anderson dinn r and supper Sunday in hon- Delores, Clayton and Kenneth, Edde Kirchner home._ wish to thank the many friends were Friday evening visitors at or of Elaine's luth brthday. :The Eric Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hanson, Rev. O. W. Swa- who by their visits, flowers, let- Clall'c Anderson s. table was very prettily decortited b~ck and Fred Wessman called fn ~:rl~s~~~c~lft~~l:evep7e:~n7~~~s~,mrs. Charlie Fleetwood and n pink and whte with a birthday Ask Hard Su,.face On Highway He,.e Earl Orcutt, C. M. Clark, E'rank Reyn91ds and E. E. Fisher drove to Lincoln Friday to consult the state engineer in regard to hard surfacing the spur connecting highways No. 15 with 20 horth of Dixon. For Sewing Cirde. Mrs. Lyle Cleveland clt['rlilled the Sewing CJ1'(:~le Thursd"y aiternoon. Has Quilting Party. Mrs. van C,nk entertamed a number of ladies at a quilting party Saturday afternoon. ']['wo Are Honored. a~~~n: ::s~n~r::~.:a e t~s;~r~ ers.on,mr. ~nd Mrs.,_ Ernes An- REM,OPELNG! W"t'Paper Sale,.ENTB'ESTOCK"MUST MOVE!. ; :.-~".. the N. O. Anderson home Tues.- Robert Day. ~onald were Slmday dinner guests c9.ke for the centerpiece. Birthday day afternoon, of last week. EmJ at Elmer Fleetwood's. cake and ice cream were served Nelson and Ene Carlson called on Mr, and Mrs, Elves Olson, Ber- fof luncheon. Thursday.. Goes t~ Fort Oflo-ok. _ nard Park,mel Etta Jean Velda Monday evening visitors helping Sunday ;:lftc:noon -callers and,han Andcrson, son of N. ). An- Park and Emil Halstrom a~d fam- C... arlo Holmber.g.c.et-ebra._te his birt.h-. supper guests D the George Mag- derso~, dro~e to Pon~a ~l(md!:ly ~. " '._~ ~ ~_.~_~ _ nus~n home we.j"e Mr. and Mrs. n.'.()rn.l1 g ttl JUl1l the others 1:1 D.~X- ArVd J. Peterson and family, ML on January quota for select:\0 and Mrs. Garfreld Johnson and servlce. They reported Lit }< '11'1 family. Melvin Magnuson was a Crook JfJlLwry 28. dinner guest there. ' Birthday Shuw~ r. kallers in the G. D. Juhnson Mrs, R"bcrt Day who is r' home last week were: Rev. 0, W cl"lng slrnvly fnml Cl rl'cent. Swabal:k, Fred Wessman, Edward was -the n.:ciplel'lt of a g','dnng 111 Forsberg and Carl Gunnarson, c;lrd shower' on her bidhd8y ;:;C;\- Tuesday aftel'lloon; Rev. P, Peel/' la::t w('clc She e:l1sn hlld ~~"/_ son of Wayne, Mond<:lY after'noon; l';lllcrs lln that dlly. Rev: W. T. Chell, Thursday afterhoon; Ml S. Fred Johnson Sunday afternoqu Clnd the Roy E. J ohnsons, Sunday evening. We must move our entire sto~k of Wall Paper to make room forr the contractor. 'Here's your chance to make _a substantial saving on your 6pring Wall Paper needs. Card of Thanll;s. to to nplgllbors nnri our SJlccre 8ppl'E'CiilUon for their marly acts of kmdncss find for floral trl-butcs at the time of the death of ~ur iath ('r.~hilma KardEl'l, Mr:. <lnd Mrs. Chas. Kardell and family, ML dod Mrs, Oscar Kal'd-ell and family, Mr: and M S. Gail Sellon. Celebrate Birthday. A number of guests wcre entertained in the C. J. Magnuson hof).f' Mond.ay night of last week in honor of Melvin's birthday. Those present were Mr, and Mrs. 'Arvid Peterson and family, Mr. and Mr s. G len Magnuson and son, M r. and Mrs. George Magnuson and son:-; ellld Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Olson. Primary Room News. The 1st and 2nd grades of Concord school have stdrted new readers. The 3rd graders are building and furnishing a doll house. n art pupils have been making Valentines. This week they are working on a Valentine store. Paper money is to be made'and pupils will play at selling Valentines. Several have been absent due 'to illness.. For Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Orcutt were pleasantly surprised Sunday eve. ning when a number of relativt's came to hel'p them celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer and Eda, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyer and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Meyer and Bobby of Coleridge, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kirchner and family, Mr. and Mrs. JUlius Kirchner and Louie, Tilda and Carl Kirchner. The time was spent socially after which luncheon was served. St. "Paul's 'Lutheran "'Church. 4 miles northeast of Concord. (Rev. L. M. Doctor, pastor.) Sunday, February 2~ Sunday school at 10; communion service in German at 10:45, 3PJlQuncements to be made Friday- a(te,rnoon and evening.. ", Catechism instruction SaturdaY morning at 9. Evange;ica.l ~""Cli'urch._ \ (l::rev. O. W. Swtlback, pastor.) Young,_people wil~ dismiss their service 'this' Thursday night and Will go in a group to the' services :,whicl]. ate being (;pnduct~ in thel Methodist-,church 'in Laurel. ~S~rvi~,es '.f9'r the Lord's day as i, follows;",;8uhday school, 10; morn }ng,,worship,,11; the.. message" ~W!!1:iiee '.',Ctl).'cifi:;p.ons"; t. evenihg~ '~hr~ic~j._8. All: are,:, w.elcome. Spe ~~~~~~~,Uf!ic,At-ea~h'f~ice. -! A New Shipment of Beautiful Chenille Bed Spreads Brighten up you r bedroom with these beautiful new chenille bed s p r' e ads. HeaVVifted chenil~ in h. W deep tonea colo.,.,98 BroU!nilfuslin Ranger "rw'~ 36 ins 5c wide. YAlD_... B,.owilBheeting 81 ins. wid ': Cerii. 23 fled and e ted. YD,. Feathe Granite. Ticking Fe'ather-proof. ~~~weighl 19. i. Blankets 5% Wool. Extra h-eavy. Lar~e size, 72x90: Deep tone colors..... ~ Pillow Cases 42x36 Vicijor.. 10 PurewhitO. EACH.., SoUd colors or white backgrounds with c-olored c hen i 11 e. Colors in blue. rose. peach, rust, green. Solid chenilles Extra. large size 72x90 wool and rayon in deep tone colors..extra wide 4-in. sa.teen seam binding. Pequot Sheeting ~';,,;o~~:"~~'39 pkquot.tubing -!:;:;::4-.'"'-~.1 :;~:es wide'27 Pepperell 81x99 Sheets ~.=t~ee~':"":ach84 "'ppet~1 $l-in. Sheeting &each!ed. He:JY muslin that f1~.ta;?ji~hard29 Peppe.."U 42 i~. FJne q~llty. Tubing Pure ~hite. :YARD~~... >iotce, CTY DELVERY CUSTOMERS:-'-Startlng February 15, the re will be no more free deliveries. We will ('harge 5c on all deliveries of $1.00 or more. Nothing less 1h&n $1.00 delivered. 'We can save you more money by making this charge. You can prove this to yourself by mak~ comparisons,'\.-ith any other store that has a so-called freedelivery service. *LARD ~:i'::r"; *PORK SAUSAGE HAMBURGER WALNUT MEATS SOAP '~:~d q 100-~~ 2 -lb. Cans_. Stork SALT l\ayn()~'er Fancy Pink SALMON staley's SYRUP Golden Table l()-:::il, Nash's or Nut Brown COFFEE _2.,;~,;.;0~~s \~...;;;. 2 No, 2 Cans. _ Home Made Made from Fresh U. S. nspected Meat OLEO ri~:~~hl PERFEX ~~;'~e:enne~~~~ing No.2 can Bars Per Pound 2 Lhs'. 2 Lhs. Per ('an 1 -Lh. :t Bag 3 Bars Be 2ge 25e 21c 23c 25c 17e.2 Heads 15c 5 Lbs. 27c 6 for 15c ~~en. 21c 14-~:i. 15c ::~nd_14c Leader *FLOUR Fully Guaranteed Dixianna- Kellogg's ' PANCAKE FLOUR 3- Lb,'t' lo Bag......~.._4_7_ '1 p:;;p=-:r::;:ge:...,...;;;;...;;;;...;;;;.,:l.:;o. Bubble Jack Sprat PEAS M,yflower torn Blue Rose RCE Fancy Engli~h LETTUCE' ~::li~or;:'ds CELERY ~~: *APPLES ~':::~ps.*grapefrut ~~~6 *ORANGES ~~~~:"ja KETCHUP Heinz "57"" MNCEDHAM':'logna CORN FLAKES PORK &BEANS oz. Tail Can. WHEATES 2 ~ae~ages 21..J Sanla Clara PRUNES sweet. Med. Size 15 (~) l\lay Be Purchased wilh Bloe Food-or~,:"Stamps,.

9 Secti~n Two Pa es 1 to 6 nfant s Baptized. Draft Board NllJ)1ed. The infant. daughter of Mr. and 1 Harry N, Larson, Wakefield ai- Mrs. HerJ:)ert Thun was baptized ;~orney,-dave PauJ" Concot'd, Hen,ry at the Thun home ~llday_ afte~ l;\aslet, Dixon, Mill~rd Martin, Al- noon by Rev. W. F. ost. She was ~ l~p, H. J. Lendermk, Eme~'son, named Karen Mae. t. and Mrs... "Jrm es Breslin, Ne,wcastle, ;Buc!ty Hr.elYUl"llllaens o,th f RUen,aMreosStP.dnnsdoHrSe'v!ahne,1.Q91benson, Maskell, Charles Chase, ~..., Waterbury, and Harold ijeffrey" Thun w,ere 1 O'cloc,k dinl/er guests, CQncorq, comprise the :Dixon and the Fre hun fam ur spent county draft boart;!. the afternoon there. Mt i~and Mrs, H. E: Ley and.,.mias. s, Brought to W:alvne. ;,L~noterRarosey were in SiOUXiCit-y Mrs. Geo. Hof4nan, Vo.{ho under- )'Jlli:ursd~'y -evening to -see- Ruth :went a major operatiol1 Monday Cnat1411:0!1 in "Pygmalion.',' last\ week in an Omaha hospital, Fr===========~lwaJbl'oughtby ambula!!ce Thw'sdaylio a Wayne hospital: where she <A'ms of the Law' Mystery.Drama.' To Ntw LocaUon.' '" Jj '" PHLCO RADOS and"refrgerators 'lendlxand EjASY WASHERS HAMLTON leachvacuum CLEANERS ELECTRCAL S,UPPLES,,/1[; A,,i Al1'TE',~3ASKA,THURSDAY,JANUARY30, 19 ER THRTYNNJ'; c,'cepi~;p08iti' i LAkG}:N,t1M~~,R~HERE'" ',F ' -" p" '1 ""t'e,; ;'~: :noon. Sweet, corn 'and "russels Eleetric~l Op Stran,ge Cont'rasts'''''Are-e--No'-t,ed-h-'''y~W---a-Y'''('' 'r.,'; "f'f' FOR THUTltE SHOW.re r yen on 'sprouls were!i"rv"<! We$esday,' :, ' 11l?'.'T1"!on~ 0 we The Ga theal:e Was ack"<! to,:r " and peas, 'carrbts.am, ljullered To lye,docallon y' th..1 L'f. P '1".' J d,111,,s,' Ruth Rubeck w,h ha~ been oa acit?hu'sday fo' ~he stage Sub,iect of tal bee~s "ill) p~ served Fld.y. Mrs, Meye, & Ross i movng ther on n 1 e n 11 rpine 8 an ;; empjoyed ~n the REAl offce m P > Y V- s.red.., f o K AWlSZ~ 'Mrs. Bramhall, Mrs. Ar~ electrical shop t 0 floors west, ill wa.y~~j"has accepted ~ position ::~r "& ~chel s~~~~l'micf-. +-' 'thurv~seggern~mr~.ja~esjen_the ~ast rooroof tne~'building ~ Extremes in modes of life, as "As ~e h<;lve\ had to '~alt!"f ' wi.h. lli~ 'Neb~B:sk,a e ployu1:ent Dee ing re resen'tatives were' here Miss Anne Willms Takea sen and Mrs. G. GleSChep,i;'v,e which Ed. S~o.r pas. Just comh these. : pleted. The ftrn'l V{llllbeill the new seen in the Philippipes, are noted ~y Llewe~lynWhitmqre who is 5tagovernmc.Qlt.':iSUe clothing to lome from the states all my U,nifOrl1l.5 ar: serthce and begms' wo at Fl'e- t a' p, u -n. mont 'ne~t Monday. H r mother, 0 st. p uhe~ as Teac er. Mylen' Kai and Shirley, es- location Februaryl!.. tlqned Wth the army at Nichols tailor mad;e," c0ntinues the Wayne Mrs..A:nna R~beck, win accom- Card of~ ' n Citt School. tedt are 'new on the den-4l honor, : r,field on the islands. youth. "These are khaki or sun ~n. liny her'to Fremont. wi"'h to tht n l c all who visited A talk on fi e preventio,n w,a~ 'rolpl.up.'s a.e tel11'ng o.,'g,'-al slo.- Name New anager ~ Though the anny was provided, While on duty the- Tegulaticn.;,., j ~... ~ Fl.. W G. au the luxury possible in ts prescrlbedl. While off duty one 1, ;ormer Resident me and sent c rds arid gifts while given Mond~y in Wayne Cty ies about Jictures on the bulletin' ~,.,r ay rocery Christmas dinner _ cigarets, ci- privileged to wear ci\i~lian or Spill t was at the hospital.-kenneth school for 3rd hrough '8th grades board for English. R~bert Link is eiw manager of gars, ice cream, all kinds of cold clothes. One j's not allowed off u,,,' \ Tie.s in Qontest Peters.) by Mr. Fetters, t?f the state "ti;elparl- Kirr.dler'garien ~~ws. the ~ayne Food Jn~rket, taking meats, turkey and chicken, nuts post in sport clothes-after 5 p. m.,? a contest"conducwd by the ment of,:ocath"nal e?ucation.~. The ro0rt:'s second set of twins, charge Monday, H:~_!had been as- and all such luxuries--the Wayne however. Each man S giveq.51 f'jf,t Mi1~ukee Journal, ~iss Enid Has ~jor ~mtion. F~tters ~ S cardudmg specal,bobbie artd Donnabelle Stee-e sistant manager az1d\succeeds Har- youth writes that he felt blue when and w,l1llockcr for his clothes and Conklyl1'.of Wau~atosa. Wis., for- E. Kostomlatsky, 7~, underwent courses for WaLY.ne!iremen.,lier 'have their birthday Janupry 31. ' old forgen'sen whp!went to Nor- he thought of horne and the ac- personal possesslons, Lauhdry go':; merly of Wayne :\.vas one of two a mai.or operation early Saturday. g~ve d~monstra:tlonsn connecton, Pupils are learning a new song. folk.,t. H. Fritts of rawford, for- customed family group on thchoh- out onf:c a week, ~he bunk boy having correct solution, The two morning at a local hospital. He has Wth hs t-alk.... twhich ends with an 1"~ho One merliy ~ of Wayne, ~s' here' for a day. makes the bed, shines the shocs, have been given another set of 25 been doing' Q-3".well.as can be ex- Miss Anne Willms of Cole,tidge, :chiltl sings the r~'peat&i part from while assisting Mr:tLink in his new "Living is on an extremely low cleans the barrad;:s and-.. )i questions to determine the win- pected,' began duties Monday as 4th trade! another room to make the echo work. Mr, Fritts 1i~es his sales ter- level in most places about Manl~a," work. For HilS, each soldl j" ne,,' of the $1,000 prize. instructor, She $Ucceeds Mrs. H-en-J!realistic. ritory iei western :Nebraska very Wntes Llewellyn "Little s;mlta- $3 per month is receiving care. Her condition has been serious. Rev, W. F. Most am. 'Wm, Beckenhauer went to the city will be presented bi ~o; ~~~u~a~::a~:.n~z~~;~t::~ Dramatics Class Miss Frieda also accompanying ~ them home, Mrs. Conrad Bernat ayne' hardt of Laurel, Mont" sister of Co. Auditoriu~ Mr,s, Hoffman and of Mrs, Geo. SalNrday, Febr. 1 Wacke' of Carroll, anived with.,... her family Thursday. i 8:00 p. m. AdmiSsion 2.5c Mrs. Chas. Sander' <lied at l iiiiii...ii..ii...rnliliiii...lli::~:e.:~~:i::.:.7:~.ii t f ~~'" r! - '~'~-~'Oi:i.. ;;1"![\ficarilia\> *m'!ie r<l'ciite'<t;rebruary 1, = two d~~18 west of the present location on West '3rd Street. il1~llst par~of the new; Seymour bui'ding. ( 1 k~l'rner 11nd new curt'brn~,\..--l.<7invitedto visit Ac,S,,,. W..'ll be pleared t:~e you. ""<:RNG Area. Man,~amed. ry ~ynolds who had substituted' A new place of business ~ill much. tion, dirt' more blessing than an All Ty~ Are Foond.. Henry Cassell who had been the flrs'b semester. t :500n open. This is the kindergar- evil because t repels the ev{:r- "Here at Nichols field tht:>rc ilh~ district supervisor f<!' the food School board meets next,mon-l ten 1 barbtfr shpp 'and further de- LE~VE. df ABSENCE present mosquitoes,. f11th smells, 674 enlisted men and 3i comm. _ t h s been promoted to day. '\. ( tails w~ll be given next week. N. WORK EXTENDEDnakedness, degrade\tlon. One sees sluned offcers. Sounds lkc <J grt,-,t 1 :t:~pd~~~~r. ~Ohn Thomas is new Classes in religious instruction, Mi~s.Jessie B?~ce, who had it all and wants to leave t all and f number Qf men, but Jl1 re,dlt] r,ll '. area manager and is located in r:~~3~e;~:s~~~e..1ri~ro~;s~~~i~~new Age,nt"Picked plalfed to resume! her duties jn come horne. However, duwn along! neve!' sees more th~n d thrd '0/ Norfolk. \ ~' F D" C l the rrathematics department at t~e the w~arves there S much life and these at one tme CKCe!1t Ct rl'll ----'---f'--"' early mornl~g~ all ho desire to or lxon oun Y college the second semester, w111 changmg ~.cenery. Great ucei:ln, call. Many uf the n,~c.. o.'s llv{' [ Gives No-Fund ~heck. take ~e tr~mtng at he churches Howard Gillespie, former as- conulue her leave of absence liners tie u,p at the docks and un-l the po.sl Life out here is cheap,jll! Jamcs Grier, jr., who pleaded of ther chotce ~a! 0 S?'. ~istant C\gricultural agent of Cedar throqgh the rest of', the year, She load their varied foreign produce livng S m a raw stat('. Mr)r;Jb.<]"0_' t J. 22. Jean Foster, assistant n th~ of- land Knox cou,nties, became Dixon will remain in, Siqux Falls with -autom,objies, bbxed, hardware, lax, JnJtl~tive S a scarce thng <l1 t r~~~~a;;ec~:~1~~~u~ no~~~:7$10 flce of Sup!. N:.:F. Thorpe, return."/; 'County agent, taking over the of- her mother who is', ill, Ralph W. whiskey irom reland, tractors, am begmnng to thmk that \)'.ljr, checlt lo Sherry Brotherp Oil com- ~ed to her v;~rk Monday after sev- fiee Wednesday, January 22. The RaYr(lOnd will corltinue in Miss floill', nce, hemp, cotoanuts, "l!r- don't count for much. Everywhrr" panx, is serving 2Q. day's'. He was eral we~ks. llness. bureau office has been moved from Boyce"'s- posit!on for the rest of this pian's, etude oil, army SUppllt's, one turns, he sees brown. Ut1\\..l' h- qlso assessed costs. "'e:~vyende nhe?;,h JP.eCPkeCtsUb"nmte"mlle,be:rsto 1:P~on_c_._t_o_A_n_en_.~ ~_term.' lead, ZlnC, canned milk from ed, ill-sm~l1ing natv("_. Dm',n J' ~ r~-~-- SWltzerland, frut, lumber. AjmrJst the rptaji section of Manda 111['1(: Plan for LOcal Fair. W. H. S\y~ett,. yv. E. VonSeggern, R. L. Larson;" R. W~- Ley and H. B, Craven went to Lincoln Sunday to attend the state meeting of fair directqrs. The Wayne men are making plans for the county fair to.be held her& next August. Home from Hosptal. Mrs. Harry Miller, who had peen in a Long Beach hospital recovering from two fractures of a t limb, h retu-~ned to her mome in that d,writ~s Miss La:ura E. Lyons., r~ Miller is nut yet able to wa*,- Mrs. Pauline Malteur, nee Voget, who h9id bf\en in Long Beach with her cousin; Mrs, Miller, is now in.palm Springs. W. W..King of Carson, la., and his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Clark of El Monte, visited Mr. King's niece, Miss Lyons, recently. The party enjoyed a dr'.ve to the Palos Verdes hills overwoking the ocean. in the wool ptoject, the best story _ brqught his fist down. He missed on each phase being selected by ight months ago Claudia ot- t~e ~able, struck and b~oke a bowl the class f0t; t~e book. llustrations ten, telephone operator on the Los ho~dmg potatoes, cut hl~ hand and are made. LloMti Pflueger brought Angeles pouce complaint swltch- scattered potatoes over the guests. 1938,ehevrolet DeLuxe Coupe. Beautiful finish wool and a catding,machine. Chil- board, lost her pet/poodle, Sarge. and spotless upholstery. New tires.' Low mileage. :Js :t~l ~~~efi~~:u~~s: of'-'miles,'of economical transportation. ' wear them fop the Wayne-Norfolk St d t' R ' h " every known commodty. When- ;Jre modern air-conditioned, of{lc~ game Friday, The Pep club rc- U en s :/ esearc s evel" posslble, boarrl <ltld prrm;] buildings and store':. The Amcncently elected Shjrley Powel'S through one of th~e deep--"ea can bu.sness representatves <H e president, Bettie Pile vice presi'- 'p, tt t monsters. One S, however, a!way'j college trained and hold respon~ dent, rma Back secretary-tre.f}sur-! UZZ eons rue or under su~. pic n. An <lrmed Britsh Sible positions.,most of the s-treds er, Jeanned:lerry, Bette Jo Gi\der- r - mcrchantrn docks onel" n a are narrow and congested. Tuxi sleeve and Nancy Mines cheer: ) -~ boys, were persuaded to play while an here the utmost secrecy cabs by the nundreds'-roam thr! leaders. ; Sister and Brother Meet checf,eros indoors. A chair tipped is maintained. A four-jtlch gun S streets maklng life excitmg fur Junior flighl News. ( After Being Separated over With qne whl)lse arm was mounted on most of them con the the pedestnan. There are tw'j Jun.ior high ~nglish class ~ ~ For Many Y~ars. brok,en. after-well deck. Pier No.7 1S the classes out here, the upper cla.s:.; plannmg to publish a paper thl longest dock 10 the world. There and the lower class. The landownsemester. "The Chit Chat" is the An instructor was l\)nplussed A Kansas City ma~ not only took. f t je t h f dozen i lu and d name picked and the paver will b~ V/uin seven univeniity SUl' veymg his f~re to the fire station but took ~sf ~h:c~ig~~: PacJ\c ashi~s, G;eat ~~s bi~e~~ick~u~~ Ca.oun, hisued once each six weeks. ThEt students turned in identical al1- it inside. While flilemen potfred cranes on tracks unload the cargo lower class work h cd"o, itaosriafo]slotawffs' "folccr't,e h d e 9':'f,:sh ṫ e.:slsausesl.' ~wers 'on' a surv~ying problem. water on the burning upholstery out of the ships and load it onto tasks and accept their.-. ~ Their estijlate of diffcrem:e in el - of his car he explained that it was lttle tractor-pulled trclm3 whch children are dirty but surp. Editors, Richard Sala 'and Jack:' vation of two campus buildings, ;~nc~:t j~;gs~t ~: ;a: v : t~oe tf~~~ take' it loside the pier. The Fli- healthy. Every man, woman a Fitch; as~istant editors, Jacqueline ".l'ncgco~deci~~ ~",Pa'sofwe::'SoiOnng",Tshuervp:Yo-_ pinos do all the work about the child smc)kes. All hdve black h:;lr Wightm:ut and Joan JQnes~ art ~ ur<!6':w ~ L with his troubles. ships. When meal time comes thr>y and eyes. ~~i:~~s~p~:t:di~r~~f:~del~l:~~ : ~:~;~~~~r~te:de:ni~~~~~l~.ii~~~. hb~~ Hearing a crash im her dark ~i:~aa~~w;i~fj~j~;r::~sa ef:t~n~mt~l~ hi~~ t d:e~~:fi~~~~ ~W~;;J~i:~cr:~ Jean Smolsky; humor' editors,!building had settl~d., kitchen, a woman dalled police dirty mess with their blaekened forgets easily. There is much rod-'" Alice Sntolsky and LesUe LindsaY WguhnOs,enoteff',eCde"sffuotuiOnUdflYa ashndattew!ethd fingers, t is an oriental setting and and banal talk. Thoughts are Ch':'iiP reporters, Donald Boyce, Cleone 1 Though they lived within two ~ one which would appeal to a small and &e's neighbor knows more Heine, Billy Allen, Roger Giesch- miles 'of each other for two years bowl and. bread dougn on the floor. boy, a poet or writer, or on~ thrist- about the oth~r fello~ tj1.~n be en, Carla Wright, Dick Sund, Gene ~d attended the.fame church, a, The dough, overflowing the bowl, ing for adventyre on the high seas. knows about himself. D1Scu~slOn 13 Hockom, Jobn Hawkins, Donna ~other and Sster met recently for had caused 'it to fall from a table. City Bas Historic Parts. of ratings, promotions, pay day, G'anquist andimary Tess Kessler. e fll:st tme in 27 yeals. Lee "Manila is noted for its hls- chow, fofmsi of amusements, odd The 7th a,ithmetic class is oth, who left Brooklyn when he DUCf(S had their war at the Spo- toficalold churches:md mona5ter- charactets on the ost, army regustudyin'l{' advantages of budgeting.~ was 20, learned from an eastern kane airport. Melting ~now created ies. These are black, discolored and lations, barr~q h ps, utt non-. -Pupils are learning how b~ ~d that his sister; Mrs. ~lrettz~ pond~ on 'ih~ 1ie l c!::. :fti~~4 to fjefac:ed, P):,~~~,.ea~q~~.f:!D~.sen_s.t?~~:;;o "~~ r?-< < are f.ormed and are arrangilhg perg, was living in Los Angeles doqge the biitrs~'mcathse 'the field battles. They were built by the are drunken :flghts, bra l'v1r. and Mrs. E, O. Stratton were some for various incomes. Thes~ too and he. traced her through a di- is ittl" t}le middle of me game pre $paniards 300 years or more agp,exchanges,_carousajs. in,omaha the last of the week on are planned a:ccording to liv'ing rectory..' serve and rio shooting is allowed, and have been rebuilt several not as strict ~s it mig,ht business. conditions in Wayne. times. The old walled city is the the infantry: units ha L. W. McNatt and Dcnnjs Col- Richard Kieilstrup was first to Name Orval Boyd of near A new hospital in' llinois has original city and S a part of Man- more stern dlactplin lins were jn Siou~ City Thursday complete his building project in Plainview, Texas, to a jury: and he been completed two weeks but lia which is outstanding as an his- the air crops. Eat all you want~ to attend a West.rh.ghouse meeting. 7th art, Students are building serves! The Hale county farmer, hasn't had a patient' yet. And it torical monument. t was built by there is pleni,)' more. f you don'~ 'Mrs. Maude Hansen, who held a rooms and making the necessary selected for jury duty, drove 25 isn't because folks are not m. The forced ChinesC' labot. The walls ljke the grub; then growl. AlwaY3 most successful farm sale recently, furniture. Principles of COOT pod miles to spend the night at home beds haven't been delivered, " are about 25 feet high, 30 feet thick say 'please' when asking for a disi went to Hooper' SundRY to make furniture arrangement are learned. and arose early to do the chor s and made of square blocks of hard- at the table. Never forget to hold hel' home. The Herman Steube Sixth Grade News. before retuj::"tling to court. He When prisoners joined in loud ened clay. A road used to run on an empty dish up for the k. (). tl} ( fa ily moves from near Winside On a map of the United States stumbled in the barn and fractur- singing ea<;h evening, a jailer in- the top but now houses are built refill Chow can be compared tq. to e farm s. Hansen vacated. pupils have located all important cd his leg. Mrs. Boyd drove him to vestigated and found the prisoners there. The U. S. army had a regi- the feeding fldor on a man's. farm:, Mrs. G. J,. Hess. who had spent airports. AirpJanes are being stu- Plainview. A physjcian set his leg were keeping time with a hack- rnent of infantry stationed at one You know when the fanner put3 h died for the week. Herbert Reese and he ehtered the J'ury box on saw and not on the bars of the end. This distinct part of Manila the hogs on full feed wi1!h the EXa few weeks in..t.he Hug Drake home in Greel~, Colo., arnved reviewed the book, "The Wright time--and on crutches. song. is about two miles long and a mile pectation of selling them in 60 home Friday. Mrs, 'Drake accom- Br thers." The book, "We," was. wide. nside there are unsanjtary t\ays? How they eat and eat? ThlOn panled her and will spend about a als reviewed. t took two da'ys to dig out a On being released from jail, a conditions and crowded quarters. they steal off to a shady spot to week~ere. Mrs. 8', ~ Benson, who he reading' class did some re- digging machine that dug a hole lit4e fellow went to the police sta- t is said to be dnsafe for a lo~e lie down. But don't accuse me f)f had been in Greeley: also, re- sea on animals in Africa. 'and fell into it in New Mexico. tiol~ window. Big flakes?f snow soldier to go about after dark on this. 'm not on full feed yet. MfYfR ' & ROSS turned and spent a few days in' "Jung Life" was read and Rains softened' the earth and let wete falling. "Can borrow a dol- the darkest streets unless armed. "There are a considerable num". " ',',',' Norfolk before coming here to be prompted this~' the dragline cxfavatoc down nine lar?" the fellow asked~ "No" was A restriction against some of the ber of ambitious, hardworklll5",, _ with Mfs. Hess. Lyle Brassfield of Several presented an original feet. the keeper's reply, "Then just lock shops hatl been placed by the army. conscientious me..~ i~ the army, but "! skit, "Going on a Tour in an Air- me np agai.n,''' said the fellow as he One can get some w~ made SOll,- it is the d"eed', of,the worst which, Owanka, S, D" enrolled in college d t t dl ba k. t ~-}. ~ i f th Phone,43 WaYne, Neb..this semester and is staying jn plane." Employed as a civilian in the cra:we con en e Y c m 0 a venirs there, howeve of the Pilf- make th reputaton 0 e army \ 1\ '" L.Mrs. Hess' home. Self-testing drill No.6,in arith- quartermaster detachment in cell. lippines, Chin~. Java Sind ndia. appear bad/, concludes Llewellyn. b ~"'ii> ~,~,)1!~, ;";' showed much improvement. Georgia, Harry Lesher lost his job, Pupils are now starting to multiply When the army found an enlisted The old pmblem of making a mixed numbers by mixed num- man who could do, his work. Lesh- pu~se' out of a sow's ear ~as ~ot bers. er enlilfted for three years aj.1d got.been s~lved but German s~lenttsts Third Grade News. his job back' ~ave fgured out how lto :make a,the little theatre is being rc-. _ ~ut;se from a cow.'$' stomach'. And decorated. in gold <and black. Boys The Schreiner twins' dance team 1hey make not only purses but are building living room furniture is out of 6usiness for a year. One.gl~yes, belt _and susperlders from for the stage. n connection with of the boys was drafted so the oth- ths squrce. the cloth~ng proj~t the girls are er vblunteered Both will have -, making curtaifls, pillows, rugs and their year's se~jce finished at the Hereafter ~il~er ~~lm~n wi,ll table covers f~r the stage. s~e time and then retul~ to danc- be ~ess enthusla,sbc abo~,t his poll- A large cla$ book is being made ing tics. Arguing at a dinner, Salmon dren wasn,cd the wool and carded This week, amid cetus of assault, Police are wonder~ng what it. burglat:y, robbery and attack, she thi~ves are going to do 'with their Lorraine K4rrelmeyer and Mary heard a woman's voice inquire, looit. 35 sewing machin~s'and 58 Carhart had ~tories for the' Safe "Where can reach the humane canaries. Way club me-eting Friday, Society? A cute little poodle just - SecondiQrade News. wandered illjto my back yard." "s tit sn't unusual for $ons of. Rowan Wil~se was 7 years old it white?" Miss Otten asked. "Does wjrld war veterans to be ready for = Wednesday la~t:weekanu celebrat- it have a btown spot on its right dt<\ft now, but the H. W. He.htl ed in school! Rowan received a hlp?" t s, t did, and today fa~tly of Polk, Neb., is- unusual :,po~ for.his ~~lrthd~y and this 1n- Sarge is ba k m t1).e Otten home. m that twp sons were rer.r"f1p: the. :,spu'ed orlgina~' stor1e~., w1 - Wdrld war and two'? ~r sons, _ n the cregjtive writing project Deciding lit was unsa~e for chit- b\l"'qthers of the first ones, site ready = ;an e"kamllle of this work 9Y Mar- dren to p y on Cy ~trbets, two to fei1ve now. l ~.. lys Johnson Mllows: One morning ~~-.J j"j little bear jwhped out' or 'bed, He : ~,, ~T : = 'jumped.ihhisllitt~epa:q.tsandwent S ttl D' --"'4i D',ft! 1 t~ eat ltis," b~e.kfast. He said to! al,e,ade ~ ere -.:.: =5 hls mother, <jmay go to fish?;' l<y~s." said mother. "But do not. ca,tch a":co,d:'1 1'1 wonjt.'j So'away =!:he went,to fi~h.-soow:'he: came to.j,tl1e, fisrung' [lelol al'd he sat <lown i ' to', fish, 'Spl~Sh!' Dow~Jie went. = twpep he ca~ out' he"was all~we butwhen \~ jgot, home'll" h)ig, =' his mother ~tight~-antt' s~d) <~.,. night.",', ::1,<,'Ci' :. 'Jan~tte":qaw so ll ;: i 'i.~;

10 . e ~. ['Beaews l '1',.,;m"er,1\:r!l ~ ~:'i\~;:,:il.'-,!::~:,,;t~ :', ',~", _.,. '$' :. " _._~ '." tail!:'o." pjltes Mrs. Lloyd. Filch\:ianuart 25, '.1' "..._ fol-':o,, :.,;. -':SfllHed Early. A son was,born 10 Mr. an~ Mrs.,~:,',;::-' p!~rti:~' ~~'ys frbm the Wayne r~~o~u~:rs ~:~ar~a~~a,::2523,.'::lh~~r?::f(jr' Ja~utir~ 29, 1925: 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert 1.. ","~~r,,3':~~o/t respite,from uo- Paulsen..; :. ~~~~slitnt::e:,lej:ttents, seve-e winter C. F. Longe and Mtss Elsa F.:lck- '( :.retj~e~"i.s,.;grip,a:nd the mercury hoff were married,jatluary 28, 1 'ldropi!sl1to,)!.'beow zero Monday 'an4..!''jju~~~3ti, ~y Wednesday the Lowell Henney and ;Miss Emma,wea~9.e~~~demted.and snow be- Lue Roe were man'i(>(l December.g~n,fallllig. llaill pnd sleet ill the 2, J924. ~ ~'e'arly,plu't of the storm were very Miss Amanda Holt of Winside,!des't~,et~~. and Herman Sclmeidttr of Mis- " Cal l B8:1t~ move-q from W'-a)te- soud, wcre marhed January 28, 'field to.cll~erirt" Wens, Colo ,M~. Odo Harman ~! Wakefield, Mrs. Caroline McCluh:-, 82, died,~ndetwent a' goiter operation in Janpaty 23, 1925,. ';Siou~ Ci,ty. Fire which start.ed in tile fur, Jo~.n.J:ie,ters9nj died' at his home nace room destroyed the interi~r [near 1:,C;:Ohoord, Jdnuary 25, 1925, of the Leigh school. L(J5S is est\- goo \76. melted at $30,000. Th~Cha?-,Brockrhansmoved in- Geo. C. Shufelt and Miss Mury '! W~~side'-attel' 26 years on their Brockman were married January ~at ' :'.', ( Za, : WQ-Vl$ were captured in 'a Wayne college second semester '~u t in,~tirning county. opened with an increase- of 75 in,;' ack,l'itjelsen of Newc-astl~, has enrollment. f l1r sots of twins in his dairy Decision uf 1l,C slale railway -N tllza8 1'f\~1'lMf,lHEa.6lSH d. commission "pgurding curtailed 665 iss" EliZabeth Lenzen and service 011 lhe Bloomfield and ' E6fO lte CA~TLf Of BLARNEY. h Plilkl>im.n of Randolph Crofton bnmches in this tecrilm-y "~E RSft COMMAlDER SUCCefDED marrledln,january,1925. is expected soon. Th" milmad 'ldela'/n65ljrrender WTH flatter'/ k Ap~in, Wi~er. Piori~er, company w,ants t~ run one ins,te<ld at the a~t! Of 9'1 -in. January, of two trams dolly on the me~. < Franklin,brought it back from France, where he'_scrved, as U. S. ambassador Vernon, 4-m~th-()ld son of and ':::J~e~l~es:O-:::O:;Q.~~b~:~~~:a~~:~ ts own food the mauler pushes the thorns nto the eaglet's bed. :,Mi'S.: W,.., H. ~ry, mother of Rev. and Mrs.,tA---A. f!tltchins of r!1~ "Sowen,""dled at't!t-h.'hr-_'o'l'\1ei1; formerly llf Wln>pde, died , , ~ r---._ in,. 1:925. JBhel in- Jani13ry, Wayne players were A. C. Nor- ning guests last wflek ~lt Arthur Peter Nelsen <lnd Elwin, Miss M?- attorneys, 824 First NLitionnl hzlnk 1!::J4/. ia and well Rev, D. Harris,.former Con- ton, Otis Stringer, Hnrry Wekh, Odegaard's. rie and Mis", MClrion Test. Mrs. bunding, Om8ha, N('lJr~lsk:::J, (St';J) Custer and gj'egational pastor at Carrol!,.>1'- L. J\. Keller and James Wri~ht. Mr. Clnd Mrs. 1.. E, Co!t-y and Bruno Splittgerber and Mrs. Walofficers. LEGAL NOTCE j2,lr~ Her hus-' repted a call to ppnnsylvaniu. From Ponca Journal. family were Thursd<:lY dinllp tel' Splitt.gerb( )' baked Lind dec- n the county Cflllrt J[ W~yn~ T()~~VE YOU EVEN BETTER WE HAVE <~<.i;~' '.;.' mont~s.,freshfrolen " fruits and 'Vegetables Mr, The choice fruits and vegetable. ave picked at the pe of their flavor and are preserved for 'YOU: b modem freezing. You can now have the aelva tage of summerti""e foods in winter month... e.. ntr. a ' '. '8.rket NOT(OO TO CllEl)TOlS The state of Nebraska, Wayne county, S$, n the matter of the estate ot Christine Suepl, deceased. Creditors of said estate are hereby notified, that will sit at the county court room,in Wayne, in said coutty, on the 7th d~y of February,. and on tile 7th <lay 01 May, 194(1', at 10 o'clock a. tn., ito receive and examine all qlaims against said estate, with a vi~w to their adjtj.stment, and allowlance. Tire time!.,lirrllted fot' the;,pres~ntation of dj)ims against s'aid es~te is hree months from the 7th d y of February; and'the time,lim" ited for Payment of llebll< i' one year,f~onlt said 20th day of.lanuary, 19~1, WittrO$.. '~. nmy..la.1d and the',se.l o~ sa;d.cdtuity liiiurl;tbis <lji! of;j",,~~1l41.>.' ".." (selll> ii'.. 'y \.Tii j~i~~l:;:~i~~{l~~;~:~;-.' :~;~ NOTCE OF PROBATE ;int~~)[jf a pe~sonal repne- testanie~t_of S_~il~<d~~e~s~dt~;'~"'l n. the county'cou.tt of WDync sentati~~ flt said decedent's. es- the prove~ and~al1owed! a:~ ~he ;t9.st county, Nebraska~ tate, barring all clains'agains't said wm. an... d. testame~t of said R09.. ert n the matter of the estate of 'estate and dispensing with ~u.rther A., Stambaugh, d"la&e3sed, and ~at Audust Lo~berg,'deceased., " administ~ion of the same. the-,-execution ~o( said instr~:rri'el1t The state of 'Nebraska to all You are further notified that a may be co~tt~d to Epha l G. persons interested in said estate: h.earing will be had on said' peti- Stambau~h.'85 e~ecutrix. twn before said crt' tb nty ORDERED, That February,7, You are hereby notified that court room c{ ~u m t ~cou t 1941, at 10 o'cloqk 8. m., is 'assigned. Alyce Linn has filed :l petition inwayne W~yn~un y c~ur N ~us\a for bearing said petition, When all said court alleging t~at,'august on Fep uary 10 cr~~~y' ~.~as a, persons interested ~ay app~lt at Loberg departed this bfe l'ntestate f[til td ~ppear b~tore ~a~dnco~l: th~, county court,room in, Wayne, on or about tre 17th da?, of No- February 10, 1941, at 9:00 o'clock and show cause why the prayer ye m ber,.1940, and Yrflymg,that a. m., and contest said petition, the of th,e petitioner,should not, be AlYc~ Lmn? appomted 3?mmi,s- court may grant the prayer of said grantfa; and that notice uf the tra~rjx of S31~ f'sta~e: HeHring will petition and make such other and pendency, of said petition and the be had on sad petition before ~e further orders, allow<.lnces and 'de- hearung thereof, be given to all at the count~ court rqfjtn ~, crces as to thls court may seem persiilns interested in sai~ matter Wayne, Nebraska, nn the,7th nay proper to the pnd that all matters by- puhlishing a copy of this order of February, 1941, at 10 oj'luck a, pertaining to s;lid estate may be in the Wa'jne Her.a1d, a weekly m. finally ::-ettk'd ;ld determined. newspaper printed in said county, ~Se~J!) J, M. CfEHRY, (Scal) J. M. CHERRY, three,:;uc('fo<.;sive WE'{'ks print to J23t3 County,Jlldgt"1 jl6t3 County Judge. said day of 11l':::JriYll.(". -' (Seed) J. M. CHERRY, NOTCE OF PROBATE NOTCE OF -~TT...EMENT OF j23t3 County Judge. n the counly ('O\l"1 (, \\.',yn(' OF A(TOL'NT county, Nebra5k,1., r ln t)w ("(JUrt of Woyne n th~ matkr of til{' (': Lit!', (1lJnty, Helen Flsher, deceased. The state uf \( br<lsk;l, Wayne The state of NC?rWik;l, t'l :ill,1 (1Jnty, BS. persons interested n S~,d '-t:lt<': TH :ill pers(jn~ ir,terc'sted in the Vou fjre hercby rlljtlflf'd lkjl: l'sble of Ernpst deceased: HD.rty C. Fisher has ft!('(i <l 11('11-, You <:lre hereb..- th ton ti(ln in ~nid court ;:l1lpg lng, til:,t Uw 21st dciy of-,januclfy, i941, Helen Fsher depart('(j thl"; 11ft, j- rdl'n Jenkins admlnl~tratrjx filtestate on or ubout the 2h~ d l'r.! h"f-'r flhal a'ccount and --petition Nov('m!JC'r, 1940, and p!"<j?,mg f',r distl'ibutjrm of the r('c,id\).c of Hnrry C. Fisher be ClPPulntpd :'11- 't,d Cl determinelu;m (if ministr;ltlj' or said (',..;t<.1t('. Hr 'lrijl!: Lind 8 discharg,' will be held on s~dd petition lwf(jl'" '}.'ll bl' kid (n said,-cujullt me 8t U\p county ('{Jurt HJ(Jm )1"lltl'm,Jt the cuunty ClJll;t room Waynr, N( lj!';jsk:l. nn tll(' 3 bt ' \\"jyrw, Nebr<.lska, on the 7th of Jtlnu:lry, l~}i 1, :t ]U (j'clu('k lhy "f February, 1941, at 10 u'clock m. : :1_ m., when 811 persons interf:'stf'rj ~Seal) J. M. CHERny, n:!y ;lppc',lr to show cause why the J16t3 County Judge'. jjraypr of the pel1tj(iocr be nut gr:,ntf'd, Ritchie, SWE'nson and Welpt(lD, /):h'd this 21st d:jy (Jf January, J. \1. CHERRY, County Judgc pidn!!ei' d'odqr in Tools and coij were taken from From Ponca Journal for Febl-- guest5 in tht' ell'a.". C'rusf'n!wrt'y lll'::lted the hirthday cake. Prizes county, Nebl'a:d<~ ~OTCE OF PR.OBATE OF WLL the patrol house at Laurel. llary ll, 1886: The mencury drop- home at Pilger. in games and c<lrds went to Mrs. n the matter jif the cst<:lte of The state of Nebraska, Wayne From Early Wayne Events. ped to 28 below zero Wednesdny M', and Mrs. Arthur Odeguard Willard Hammel", Miss Hilda and Mary E. Lawrenc(', df'{'('<:sed: county, 5S. From Wayne Hefald~, for Febr- and rose to 40 <lbove Friday, a dif- and duughters were Friday f'1/e- Miss Mable Brudigilm. Luncheon To the heirs-at-bw, devjs{'es, At a county court, held at uary 16, 1905: A. C. Goltz of Win- ference of 68 degrees within 48 ning guests lzlst week in tlt(' Nelsc V:.!.S :'lervf'd. legatecs, creditors and all otrer county court room, in ;lnd for said side, bought a section and a half hours. Such sudden jumps al"e Granquist home. persons interested in said estate, county of Wayne. on the 20th day near Pierre, ~, D. Gas lighting good for doctors but hard on oth- Mr. and Mr,:;. Cui Granquis{ ~ ALFRED D. RAUN You ;lre h.f'rt'by nntifif'j"l that :1 uf January, lamps have been installed in the.. A good deal of tall< about were Sund;:Jy aftf'rnoon and Attorney-at-Law petitiun W:1S filpd n thi..:: ('ourt on n the matter of tht:> psljte of M. S. Linn.and Beebe & Fr;:]ncis a bridge over the Mi~ouri is go- per guests two weeks (lgrj in NOTCE OF REARNG January l3, 1941, by Edith B, R(Jbert A. Stambaugh, deceased, stores n Carroll _.. Hermnn ing a(ound. Siuux City do(\s not Antnn Granquist hnnw To nil pnsons interested in the Lawrencc and Alief' M. Lnwrpw'C", On reading and filing the pcti- ~.i@.~i!!!!i!!!!!!~beckenhauernhd Miss Lodema f~l\'or Jl<Jving.,the Jridgt.' as far up M,'s. Arthur Od{'gannl, lo:vf'lyn f'statr- pf Chm'!es E. Ford, deceas- <.llleging th;lt \J<ll'y E, Lnwrpncf' tion uf Epha G. Stambuugll, pri:ly Kesterson wel'e- married Febnlllry ll > l'j\)f'r <1_" F OTlC : 1. Thf' weathl'! :t\d M<lxinr- vi,,,j1r'd \'ll's. F~d\\"ilJ cd, buth crcditol".s,lod heirs; died July 2(j, 19:12, ~ rf'sidi'nt qf ing that U1P instrument filed un the 13, J905.,,The WauSiJ.'ca'k, dl'ug h:1s beel~ _"u ('old lh~lt rtot much hus Lindsay,t :.l WnynpAH,spit,d S;Jt- You me" tlef'coy notified Uwt on Cook county, llinni~, owning-,"n 18t11 dny of J,muary, 1941, Jnd They are the latest in year 'round boots COLOR MAKES OLD FURNTURE "NEW" tl r's a Simple mat.. ~tr to tr;nsfunn sarnd. faded furnj~ tvre and dun, drab walls and wco'dwork into objects of sparkling beaaty with DU-lCWtK Flows on easily and' dres in 4 hours to a mirror-smoofh iiriishwith DO brush marks. So firm and baid it wash~s like pcrcelain. Per Quart Sold Exclusive-Jy by t. W. McNAT Phon", 108 Tht'y'rf' ht'"t>! The' 1l('\V njljbe'y hoilt" th,]t...c'l"\.(' :111 foot pr()t['~t"n1 ~rposes fot'. them. T.hes~. high s of rljbf)f'; <:re (':~'Y to _~Jlj) o":.light to lirt and :"o;urc-«\\_-;j"ln, dr'y pn,tcc{lun. ':~~~~r7t15~~;~~~r~~i~ii~~~r:i~~~~~ii HARDWARf Wayne, :."l'f'b. Store, implement house and po~t Uf'('ll, '''dlll,j;jlel: <lbn.llt the coal, urday afkrnooll l'l."t wf'eje the 27tl1 day nf Janu<lry, A, D., un d i v ' d (' < (lw-twc'nty-fuurth purportillg' to be' tlw 13::t will and j.)&la'jl"' Sj.~,:aj.s., office were burned with a loss of, mjll(. A (omfwny will likely x Mr, and Mrs. Henry M<lu, sr., 1941, Willlam Wingett filed hi!:> Pf"- (lj24th) inl~l'f'"t in till" fulluwing" j iiiii_iiifll_iili_iiiiiiillliii_iiii ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_~~ $8,000 ~.,' W. O. Gamble!'eturnE"d fur~n,f'(,j,til,. _ th/:', l'()~11 pros- 3mi Arnold and Howard, Dorothy tltion ih the county court of Wayn ' 'tj.,roperty: ji from TeXfis where he owns an9lljc( ts,is SO.(_.l,. as (old ~Jbates. Lutt WE"'P Sunday evefling gue~ts county, Nebra"ka, alleging th4ilt one ''h N tj J]f f 11 N tl 1 G h d R and wh~j;e,oil has bevn discov cd last week ~jt GJlhprt Mau's. Charles E, Ford dl('d on the 10th f'as~ d~~al'lt('/(n~in~\4 /Jr~nl(l aos es an ub'bers Combined... More snow lies on the groull Hobert Coley :;pent from SundaY day of J~muary, A. D., 1873, that the Northwest Quarter (NW than '~t any time since 1888 und ( UDBNl'(..:A to Thursday l<.1st WL'f'k in tt1(' Wm suid (,hurles E. Ford was, at the ~ ) of Section Twenty-Onp this is givewas an assurance of.,..,. ~' Wylie home helping with the' w(f,'l d<'jti' of hi.., death, u resident of (2l), Tow:flship Tw{'nty-Six abundant crops... '-pf'o, W. Cul- (By Stn!r C-rre~pbndent) Mr. ~nd,mrs. Wylll~ were' \XJth ill Grinnell, state 'll" Jowa. that he (26), North, Range Tw.-) (21, ler, 72, died February 10, with the- flu. dic'd s('j;t.ed of a, sta,te of inheri- East of tbe Gth P. M.. in Tb~., ' > ~." :Sat1lrday and Carl Baker, son of Wendel Bakf'r, Mr. and Mrs. Emil h(l1.t... pe'nt Mr. and Mrs, Will Test an~ M,lt,- tanc ' in Ow iolj(jwing dc-snib{'d W<:lync County, Nebraska; SlU1a.y_ "'~',''Weelt. are and Miss Emma West 'rh6ljsf>-we.re Thursday at WilJ ~T~t'~, ill wpre Munday dinner gue.:m." in J"l'al estate: that said ]1e~jtionE'rs, under the»iddte'lmdds. married,february 14, 19f15. Mrs. Gi1bert:,Mau and.janice t.he.herbert Harelman!1Ome k,.c-t Th terms _of sai:d decede-nt's ils"t \vill ~=~O-':;::~:1s~e W. 1. Porte' rcsignt'd as trustee "WP'C Fnd<!y gllesb in thl' Frank week. Marcelle Barelm<lTl llcc( nl- e northwest quarter (NW and testament erich [lrquired an of Carroll village board ~lnd E..J. Bakel" horne, panjed them home und rf'mai f'd :~~n~~i;e~'~)~ nt;ye~?i-~e:~~ undivided one _ for t y - e 1g h t h _,, }:D:: Ai... Veal takes his pbce. Mr, Portel'l Nuditw.. Bair:d, f'perit '-last Wed- until Wednesday evening when Mr, nn e three ( ) W (1 /48th) interest in said rt'nl t'smoves to the Tom Evans farm.. nesday night With L{'nms Schel- and.ml's, Barelman called for he!.,' C;)U~ty, Nebrask-a.,f yne tate; that said petition pr;:lys thdt...e ',,,l1,,,,..y,,,,moo... 1 V 1 Mr ani M H d A ' 'The Henry Leys af1d A. N. MHth- ell l('l'g 1ll ' ml( (', ;jill] f ami~y, ~~;t.t'l:l1~rh.ler'~~~ne~~~:;; Tha~ Y(Jl~r petitinner is inter- a d('cl"(,(, be made ;:lnrj {'ntf'red :1d-,.' ere enysentertaim'd at Ull ndi<:ln puw- Me 811d Mrs. Her'man Reeg and pstf'd 111 S'Jld re<ll f'st'ltf' th mitting <:n authenticated ropy ()f 210 tl'gjd 7::20 tg 10 p. til. wow party.. ' Carroll <:lnd \\,ayne! family wert' SUliday gut:'_sts last Gf'W B,lird left Wedne,<;d,ly :dk.-- f'~e(,l1tol" '~f t.he" est te' f as J h. e said will to prob:ltp:1" th(' bst will a.mlod: fiettlla to m. ('hecket clubs mf:'t,md CaJloll won we k <1t Ad 1m Retg" ;HJi:11!:lst wf'ek j"ill' S;mLl All~l, Cdl. K'~; de-ceased, th~ ares{'~t O~f'n and tesbment of M;lry E_ Law- fred L. Bl"A'R Sam Hurlbf'rl, M S Lmn, Davel Ml 1!1P M'" Clil Rron7ynslu fht' Anders('ns h~ld!jppn )\(')'(, \'~- fit id tt h W r J't"nc(', determining tl1;lt' :jh (,f Jp-.,,,jiiiii.ni2;Ji~=iiii~w~~CU~X~,~G~~a:n~tiy~0~u~n~g~a~n~~M~l W( e s\aify dlntll gllf~sts last iti~g," net' tht'!l()lld:(ys, C('tlf' ;~;jm \~.s~or~e:ase~:e(';()~e;:~. J~ ced{'nt's pro)jc1'ty desccnds in ac- a -~ Sunthy afternoon gllf'sh 'J-:t wppk 1.11 in-w("st,. jllim; that no application has be~n in th;' Frarrl.; Jl:d{('l' )~;lmp:,,., 'made by any person for the apr r,,_ :vtno;l's, R,~, (ll f':l":lrlf'll<l'1 jjointme-nt of an <:dministrator of M,,dlO Ml~", Ernc,,,t Bca!(' ;llld C J!":lmily W(')'/' gjh"';!s l'l.<;t :1._:. ".0 1 :-:,,):',('11 qultl'~., tll.". tlw Charles E. Ford Eswte in the wevk,t Hil"'spil thl(( \\((k~ 1,\'llh )\.llt Stut<" of Nebraska" Evelyn B;llnl H(', hd~, ij,(:pll.. tlj(~ tjrnr> 1 Yuur petitioner, There-fore, prays '\ night. wlth 1l't1y 111 ~~:. M. Mo:-,cs S ll( uf t. S. thatadecreeufthiscourtbemade. :n([!" r. )/[;«'S. Clnd entered determjning that Wil- Leonard Norling h(jlw' <.1t Winsi - li;:-m N. Ford was the father and El~~s'were G r~l~~~:~(~(lnyd ~1t~~,~ For' Mrs. Vog('l.."ole heir of Ch:Hles E. Ford, aenoon gtlps!s in tllt> Clarpnce lkck S;)~~~.~i~~ 1l the A~~nm;;:-~;e\~1,O~~ ~~)<:l%~~e:~~i~~~~tn~h~h~~:~~e~b~~: C Balley_co~pr_lsed_ til ' Canol~_ am W('(!-.. at H y (;,trn]j!( ~ Baml has gone to ~J'('k em)jloy-1 ' 'i b E F dell' 0 d '1h h 'd st ill nd Wayne's Leading Clothl~r -- - M.nd MS 1011 BJkpr w<'lf' nh-'nt. ~ ~tll~:("l"il;f~ ~;<11 es~:t/~~~~dnebdo~~ ~~J;ta~~~t~ispe:s~~~ w~~~h ~he ~p-li;iiiiiiii;iiii:;;iiliiiiii~ M h()~~,' <:lnd M)-s. Lylf' Gamble and MS. Vogel',,,; were Mr. und described re'dl estate descended to J<.1nice W('!'f-' bst VVednesd::lY sup- Mrs. Fred Thun family, Mr. s;l1d William N, Ford. That said per guest." )11 the H:lTY G"<.1l1ftllist und Mrs, Harry Baker, Mr. ;:-11d matter has been set for he-dring af.. homc. Mrs. ()na Martin, Mr. <.1nd Mrs. tht> c(}unty court room in said M". nnd Mrs. Ltle Gamble and Fred Bilson and Dorothy, M.-. }Jnd ( ol,mty.of W<.1yne on the 15th day Janice were lnst Wednesday after- ~~~:e ~~l~'~k:.{'~ef~~;'~~~ds~~~~'~~2 ;)~ n ~~~l~~'~:~'. ~.41, ~t the hour of ~~~ne.g\lests in lht' R;Y Gamule ('on was serven. (Senl) M'. and Mrs. Victf)r Kniesche J;Wt3 and sons spent Sunday eveningl ~ la~t wec-k in the Arnold Vahlkamp A]f~TONA NOTCE OF.-ROBATE home, (By Staff Correspondent) n the county court of Wayne Mr. <:nd Mrs.-Harry Granquistl....l'lco~~t~h::~~tSe~~ of the estate of and!amily spent last Wednesd<:lY M'. and Mrs. Elmer Meyt>r and William J, Loberg, deceased. ~~:~~g in the Russell Linds:Jy.Judith were Sunduy evening sup- The state of Nebraska; to an per- Mr. ~md Mrs. ClarencE' Baker per guests!jst week: in the Hf-'l'- sons interested in said estate: Gerald and Jeanette wen' Sunda; bert Bergt home. You 'are hereby notified that ~ dinner guests wf'ek at Will Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wallace and Clara Loberg has filed a petition Teslt's. Rich~l'd, Lowe- Wallace. Mrs. in said court alleging that William and Mrs, t!jenry Doring and Anna Mau,and Warren were Sun- Loberg departed this life intestate family were ~nday evening day (.'vening guests last week: in the on or about the 7th day of Janu~ guests last week in the Alonzo So- R. H, HcJnsen home. D.ry, 1941, and' pr~ying that Clara. M. \1_, Crawford PHONE 66 den home. For Rachel Hwr..,en.' Loberg b~ apf~int~d.dmin~:r~- 1 Mr, ~nd Mrs. Louis Test, Mari- n honor of Miss Rachel Han- ~r~~ ~~ s:~ide;e~j~j'one.::~~:ew~e a~ _ ' _.._."'. _ " " '...,_, _ -, yn an Larry were Saturday ev~- sen's bir.thday Monday, January the counlty court ~oom in Wayne, 1!1! i ll!elueilmmd OliHaWt!lmlMltJ!lElssiH iilllilli lilme!d!ifeljamelllml1!lll!mmml!3mmfl!lm~ 20, evening guests in the R. H, Nebraska, on the ~}st day of Janu- N ". A Hansen home were Elmer Sind El- ary, 1941 at 10 o'clbck a. m. E ourse '. S any r.eases anora Holst, Erwin Henschl,e, Mr. (Seal) J.M. CHERRY, [3 a,nd Mrs. Fred Frevert and Mar- j 16t3 County Judge. = NOUllSE FRCTON.PRooF: NOURSE TRPLE-FnLTERED g cella, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Test.,.11 'try the- oif~ ~e' w~ $tand' speed. mo\-e speed beat qver..loading... coldi, zero weather g ',, thai wlj~n,ot b~eak!db"",., t lias tllr.ee times' tile. fiun strenglh of 011 we used tg think li Progl'essi"e Homem"l<ers, ~ba' SDt. all t/wilt i"educe oil and gas consumptloh" ine~ease powet' pick-up and B Progressive Homemakers club M '-a smoother rumiing motor. and minimize repair 'bids. =met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. l'l~{~1l as. 11.O~d. ~'.o.r.. Y."".r..traet... o...r as.. :your mott)r car. t will give. you a. gr~-many 'Work- M Ea~l Bennett.,: Mrs. Fred Siefken ; f cording to he co,utitiolli'of the tractor. it is a. 100% pa.i\af:(lne based oil made from =asssted." The lesson on vlrindow -11 ~ tnone~,!l buy...,tjde',.,o-u is,~()ld With a 100%;money-bs'c}, gua.ran~ee'. The beau- treatment was preswlted. Miss El-,11 ~Y to,~~:.,~.,o~s~:ri1:.:r...'"de~::.::ice no h:gher than ordinary tills, Give it a trial..! ::'~li~~~~naw~~v~r~~e~is~j~i~~~~ Tractor Fuel ;:_ Ke,.o.en....:_ Di.tiU~te.:_ Anti-F1eeze ='Febtu.r.\' 20 in he Aden <,\-ustln.., f ::: home with husbands as guests....-w = ' fi"e$~'l'-chitin. -:. Acce~.ei>ries' c.' 'll '..~,, ',: 1 ~ F"or'~~ Meyer.,, r C"ld.:r~.s"pa;a~*~tt<;~~=~~~:'a':~:lG~:dic-!'ted Ho~ Oils,S e)sn ~~f~d~; M~;i=;~lac :~~ ' ; WE jie);.nter,!an Y W H i: ~:~- AN Tl'lVlE i! ~:'i,~n~~~~.~:;;/~;u i;:~~,:, <,'. t,,;"' 'llt~ndi8eai~price' ' ::Mable,HiJda.,ndDorothy, t.and :11'.,... ',. '. i c..... l!t~~'j:~~~ds~~~~~~~;; ~~ itt~~: '.bllr and Lynetta, Mr. and em $; Arc OdegOllrf:Maxine'ln E"". 'd Mr Frank 'rudj_

11 """'OJ.'.,1"1' '",'*~;;" '0,! The ate of the first 8th gr,hle exami a!ld)ls m'-ly be ch~ldgl'd from rid,],y, April 25, tu Wednesci', 23. State SUjlt. C' w:> ;-,clll nairc::i to county,ur,crint"ndc"t.s asking their opinions on tile milltel'. The Chalg<.' is proposed because the liller-sidle spelling contest is ::;('t 1'(>1' Apt'1~.2? atld the stale spellillg event fo~rll:w. Supt. F B. Decker fa l's tile change lh"t':lusc holding t u.-'(llc:-.;ti Wcdnesd,ly ~ollid C'lla him to have papers of 8th gradl?l's at. least C'orrel'ted ljy thl' SaturdLlY fohowirrg. ('nauling tlll'lll 10 get results then providing tests llre simjur to last )lei'jr',; Mil]Ol'lly opin,ion of the COUllty ~up('rin- \;;1 tejil4.ents wil.l,.,pe;l'nnine the mc;ltter"and the results of till!' (llles,ti'onnal't-liwl11 be announced the middle "f Fcul"uury. Tuitlun L-; naill. Supt. F B. Decke\', fx11d $81 tuition fill' first semester to Sholes, Ow :-';lne ns L-Jst ye<lr. Wakefield ~:()t,$2.,016, dll!- l<lst year had $2, A lew othe1 tuition 'claims will come in,.probably from Pender, Randolph, Wisner and NorfoUc -'-, May Change Date For Giving Tests Files Are Available. re~~:~~dofat~~~:sl~f~~': ~~~ua~'~ F. B. Decker where they may be examined by any interested. Costs on Wiring ~f Schools Compiled Answer;; to qucstiquflaircs sent to schools \vircd for i eled!- ~rlcity a{'e avallcl?lc for xamloat1ol1 n the offce of S~pt. r'. B. Decker. A report frdml 10 schools shows that cost of lllstallation ha::;o. vilri{'d from $24 to $58, The lower co::;t is m schuob with electl'lcity only ill the sehool foam. The!ligher c..:ost S for wiring also n twu cloak roams, outside hall, bascment and Y<lrd. Sc..:hools are gven <.l flat rdte uf $18 a yeal' f01' electricity. of Fa mons People, JBirtAday~ Feb. 1 ~Vlet()r llnbert, mus1 l'1,-11, lr5u. Feb_ 2--Fritz Kl'ti;;Je1', violini~',\i"c\~~5j_",_1~1()r:,(,c Grecly, cdi 1,l', 181l. Feb 4--Cl,lrh's Lindbergh. aviator, Feb L. Moody, (''',-lngell"t, District 8. (M S. Ja Nuyc,';, tcat'!lct" ) Esther, Harold (lilt! Mlldrcd Kdrn, Doris Mac Meyerr and Joann Gnmm had perfect <ltte.'ndance the frst semester. The 1st graders have completed the Elsun rcchtcr ilod are now starting the Winston n_'ildl'j". They an.' making spellmg lj(juklets. Mal'c!el!a Ull'SNl and Gmdoll Helgrcn earned 100 in every spelling Jessun last month. Those whose semester gr<ld,{'s averaged 90 or higher are Esther \:ol'n, MardellCl Lars('n, Joan GrllTll,md J,lllet Larsen. Studf'nb have written Sl'vL'r<l1 letters t(l KC'llnetll Peters, 4t.h gr~dcr, who has been ill a lluspita!. Each CUlltribukd tu a gift for K{'nneth. A c..:arcl table and football h<.l\'c been pl;rc..:hased Wth proceeds from the Christmas program, The 3rd a,nd 4th grade\>,'hclve been studying Benjamin Franklin's life. Mardella Larsen,md Doris Mae Meyer brought clippings about Franklin. Gordun Helgren is mak.ing drawings of seve~al important men. These will be taken to the fair. L'FE EAS, R". wmt AUTOMATC ( G You'll be amazed at the difference. ln Automatic Gas W~ter Heater will make in your home. t provide~ your family with piping hot water ally 'bour cf the day or ni9ht-reqdy'~i'nstontly, right o't your fingertips! You'll find routine housework less tiresome, too, when' yqu hove ojl tho hot water,you need. No home should be without the comforts and conveniences.of an Automatic Gas Water -Heate.r! ia Vase We Lost?' Pat, dsh lad of 15, had such ;j charming personality that he could sell a two-months'-old' newsp"per S the very j;;i'test editiun-and occi.lsion"dly did~\"i.lnishing beful'c the customet had time tu luok at the dilt~, line, His cljntag)()ll~ ~mlll' instantly exacted one return. Althuugh 5~tty. his transgres ~ions \\.:ert' mdny, but b~cause he cuuld ~mile lis \'/ily thl"ough a ~t()ne wall, must of them did not {"omt~ tu the attentlul1 uf the juvenllr ('(Jurt. Hnwcv('J'. when P<lt clppeclred fot' the thll'd tme for a third of J('ns{~,Jt thl' end uf the Ullrd \ve"l'k, bei!.u' fearful that he wuldd;;n11ltltain his record of one (ffet)se per w('('(, we thought of, P:lcst, also ihl rishman, who had 'shmved in1ere;.;t in our system of placing first youthful {l'fender,; on probation Clnd had ;1 wish to be <l "big to <l prublem'ny. After looking at the record of Pat's somewhat,-lmusing ~ut checkered he WelS deught-,d to the red-headed, rreddcd~f(lccd,witty lad un prub':ltioll, mmediately hl' showerd Pilt with loung ~lttention, outfitted ljm \villj good clothc$, gave him too much spending nloney, and ('onsl'quently accll-"tomcd him to luxuries beyond his station in life. Pat l"untll111cd his mis~ chievous habits. " FeaJ'lllg tu report tl\- m to til(' court, tlw pcdd\for SC\'- 1'J'<l1 smaj! On Ole O('{':l- SJnll when he missed hs wlilch, uvercoat and shutgun frum their usual rn.aces, he Clppl'oachcd Pat, Two Wri'ie 1m Tests, EXillninatiolls werf' takell S<ltllt'dilY by twu elpplicllnts fl~l' tt teachers' ntti~i~es. HisLori<'al Event'). Feb l--screw Sf'S. pl"upellel patented,,s:m. Feb, 2-C'dndlemas d,ly, Feb, ;~-Ex-Pre~ident Wilson died, Feb. 4-First Confederate congresli, 18G 1. Feb. ~)-Pt"csjdent Roosevelt submits Supreme Court bill, District 42. (R,:lY Potter, te<:lchcl') Merlyn ilnd Milford K~ J;ad :~c~~~~~ a ttendllnce for the "-, Hot lunches have been a welcume treat in culd weath'cr. At the tup or the bulletin board are branches decorated with flour to resemble snow. This has become the retreat for winter birds made by 8th grad~ ers. fl The harmful ('ff~cts of al\ cohol are shown JU original posters ma.de by 5th graders. Boys gainlxi much enjoyment from sleigh riding when roads were icy. District 2,'). (Kathleen Mayberry, teacher.) Anna Marie W e~terhold, Mary Westerhold, Melvin Svoboda, Mar-vin Westerhold, arjoric Svoboda had perfect alttendance records' the first semester. The 8th graders have completed t:'te study- of Evangeline, Rip Vaq Winkle, Snowbound, A ~hristmas Carul, Legend of Sleepy Hollow und Courtship oj Miles Standish, besid~s mahy her selections. Each'student is w - g summaries of the stories or- selections, a short biographical sketch of the author '?'l7d :a descriptipn of the most lffipdrtant characters 01' book-' ~ets. 0 Marvin Westerhold and Marj()rie, Svoqoda 81:e <;:aptains for th.e.,.\goodh.e.llh and.~odmannerslr contest. A spe. g chart,is, a1$o kept based on, e aver.g~s '1for week'the,boys are cqmlfting ",ith- the gij\.ls. /.9fficers f?r the "good.eng ~fl" i.cl,~t,t._af -~a~j~~,e,sv_oboda t.tbtcr~ssti(' ---,p~.~.e.si.a.. e.d,t'<'r~.um_e.,~be. vtice U~sident, '-H~leq ~~'e :i':,~ecreg a- ngnt;;'>:'.; teacller.) Jo j;m Anders()B is the only pupil ixith verfl'ct <ltteml~ml'e the P<l$t month. Absenc..:es were due to illness. Vacaltion was held December 25, 26 'and 27 and January 1. Rcc..:cnt visitors 'were Darlene Bolender, Mr. and Mrs, Herman Bronzy'nski, l\1,lry ilhd M,:ll"ie (Mrs. 1Llo~~S~~~~s:r~: Eldh,,, ~L Evelyn Erickc:on treated all to!jome-made c;lldy ful' her birth-' d' y December 23. "The' Girl uf the...j:-.jmb('r1()~t" is eing read for opening exe,r CS.C Ernest L.Reeker who pr9duced the pawn ticket for them and again smiled his WiJ.Y out of thc situation, As ~P8t grew older, he l{)~t much of his boyhood chnrm, seemingly becomll1g cullou;.;ed. f ever a human being did everything within his power to help another, the kindly priest did 1t for Fat, und bis fillth never faltered untl the boy stole eight dollars frum a church offering. Pat's next offense coming to public light found him in a court for adults, pleading guilty tu a penitentiary offen"e. A few days after p'at entered pns.on, the pricst died;' and,l1though mute evidence indicated that a broken heart hastened his declth, it is c that he died with a prayer 111 h lips fo!' his beloved but \Viol \~<!td Pat. [ the yril':;t made any 1n1-stakc t wa;; n bell1g too good to Pat, \vith the best uf intentions, of course. Was Pat tuo much uf a problem frn' u,,? Why were all our efforts in his behalf in \'<-Jin'! At least uur conscience is clccl". We.did ou!'l-levcl best. but we f<til r _? Our only defense S that we are still ;;adly limited in uur wisdom when dealing wlth the "behavor Cd~," f il bor, is pathological, psy C!lOpathiC,\Or feeble-minded, di 8gno.si,.$ is e<!c:y, and he Ciln be referred t\ the proper institution fill' trentnwll't. f, on the other h'-lld, rrw is a "behavior problem," the juvenile iudge ofk'n is ;t hi~" \vit's end tu' know wlwt is best, to do. Will iyuu, Mr. and Mrs, Heacl (~', kiddly write us and tell tis frankly if YOll -feci we milde a mistake in placing Pat on probation" <lnd if so, Why'!. ld is much ~njoyed.. District 77. (John Sellon, teacher.) DalbEt'l't som has the highest averagf;1 in the sc..:hoo1. Laveile Schnoor, who lives the gre, test distance from school, has att nded the greatest number of days. Four of the 10 pupils had pedect attendance the past month. They are Jo Ann som, Ladonna Stamm, Elton Weich and LaVerle Schnoor. At a pistt'ict meeting January 17 patnlms favored spending the progr.anll money for wiring the school house. All anxiously wait this imwrovement. Visitdrs the past month were Mrs. C1arence Schroeder, Mrs. Franklin Archer and Kay" Archer 0iGraJld sland, Marian. Sellon, anet Sellon, Dick Krueger, yron Riggert, Carroll Weich nd Mr.; and Mrs. Lynn som. t ' Dish;ict VSitOr.,-, 48. (Do o~hy ljutt, teacher.). ~rs.. J; Hamer was a l'ecent DOlorfs and Jack Qtte, David Hamer nd James Hansen fur~ nished t eat.s. for theil' birthdays. A ne v. blackboard has be n ordered New-tbrary bool{s are Pinoqohio, T e Wizard of Oz, Tom Sawyer' ''Ehe Five Little Peppers Midwa~. ';'he F.ive Little PepM pel's G w Up, Navarre of the North, ranny's Chair. A he th contest is in progress. A star as been made of cardm board. Each point of the star represefts,a health duty. nspection is. ad~ for only one of the duties e ch morning: The pupils must '1> pre~ared for all. The th aj/id 8th grades are making b60kte:ts on the poem, J(:vange e.. D1ftrlet60. ' ~C'lgebb""g,t~'ch~f') anil :MaTVin i:ittle,. District 29. (Henrictta Vah-kamp, teacher.) Drawing of a snowm<ln t.raffic ('op decorates the front of the t'lght-page schuol bulletin. Paul Brader is cditor-in-chief, Low (l'll G,bssmeyer ass't, Earl Thies <Jrt e'ttltor, Herbet't Brader cor 1"espondent, Donald Glassmeyer ~nd Arline Brader riddles und.i~s. The issue was the first ~;hb~j1~~~~h:~~~~nr:.eparca 'the. 2nd graders have new n.'uders and the lst graders al-e ul"o to have new books. The 3rd and 4th grades compkted ulphabetical OCcup<ltion buuks. The 5th and 6th grades have made an extensive study of common diseascs, assembling m,jter into a notebook. Th ) and Bth graders are stu il)g "Snowbound," by W)iittihr: (First semester clused January 10. Floyd Koch bl'ought candy treats January 22 for his 8th birthday. Travel in- the early days was slow and far from comfortable, according to Herbert Brader, who traveled by train in 1860 to Utah. Mr. Brader boarded the tram at St. Louis. He had to stand as no seats were provided. When the train came to a hill au the effort possible would not pull the load. Passengers got out and pushed 'the train. Mr. B~,:de' tells that as he was looking out one of the windows a gust of wind took his hat and Ulrried it to the river where it stink. At night passengers slept on the floor. The floor was hard, and tracks weve not smooth sa that little sleep was <1110wed. After a hard night's travel Mr. Brader learned that the train had progressed 20 or 25 miles:' ndians, buffalo and forest fires werj common and the travelers were bothered by all three. The cumpleted journey took 60 days. Town Team Basketball Tournament MUNCPAL AUDTORUM e February 3, 4, 5, 6 and 12 -J eo rstop 'at -Th; BoYd "\BYNE'S POPT;LAR DlNN~, Meab or Lun~es at any tim~ Good Food Smokes t'age TllRl!!: ' Kruger are the only upijs who trip.to Noi'- were Sunday dinnel(" guests 1 t LOCAL had perfect" attendance for the./ week in the W. G: Ellis home~t NEWS montl;j.. The,7th and 5 h grades are Plainview. Dr L. F. r Perry, dentlst, Phone 'nlny;?uegerr6,..a.deain edc0'1,tehset Mmaorsi-t i5eeping graphs showing their ~r. and Mrs. Chas. Pierson an~ BB-W. n~7tl 1y.o..l- rn impro\femen,t in ithmetic from Dean, and Patty Je,m Prtnce were ~E Galley was Elgn last point~, and in th~ hea~th contest day to day., Sunday dinner ~st.s the Roy T day With his fathel, E. Marcella Wiese was, the only The 1st and Person home G lley. one to pass, mspection each guage class ha e learned the lv <lnd Ml s Ralph Becltenhau- ~M7S Mable and MiSS Hel1lletta morning. ) poem, Little Bo Blue, by Eu- er and daughter::;, Mr and Mrs. urstad VSted ML'>s Ml1dred and All pupils are on thei;r way to gene Field. Th are l now piay- E H Yerchant spent Fllday eve- lss Georgma Eckstr am Sunday H~alth,la,nd l('y <!lwning a large ing store, using aper money. rung <.it Hobel t /Auker s venmg Valentme, These' 'Valentines at'e New imtru ents for the J. R.,lVfilfer and W. P. Thomas in the form of a large 'circle and rhythm band w e bought with To City lospital were in Omaha Th~day. They each is trying to see l who dtn the fair money. ; A. new water" Mr. and Mrs. Will Lutt w.ent to ~ar:mt~'::t ~no.ld\heer\gr1eotvuersn.~llney at get to Healthlana at the center pail, wash pan, ~ pan to be used; Sioux City Monday. Mr. Lutt (.'Tl- e1. first by filling his lame with for hot lunches i and a new oil tered 'd hospital vfor medcal C8:e. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pill'ker, small hearts, ~ cloth for the wa:$h bench wji bl' Mrs, Lutt will remaln Wth him Mr. and Mr::;, Mathies Holt, sr., and Lojwer grades \lave been cut- bought with. m~ey from ~hc for i.l week: Donna Mae ~olt called in the ting (alphabet letters While up- program. Matl)ies HolV jt., home Sunday. per grades are d!awing scenery. Larry McQuistan celebr~lted Wilbur Sheep Club. ~ernclrd Decker of Arlington, All <ill'e enjoying new library his birthday January 23, His Wouly Wilbur She~p c.lub mct visted frum ThUrndBY to Saturbooks so they can add these to mother treated the pupils and '- day in the home of his son, F. B. their lists. Among new books teacher to ice cream, cake and vhth Alden and WilmCl Dunklau in Decker, The latter met him in Pilavailable are: Two girls in a cookies. Joy Fanning also ob- thl' John Dunklau home January gel'. Mystery, Al Thief in the Night, served her birthday, 14. Chl't Walters was ej guest. Boyd Backhas, Betty,Jane and Tex Looses Hi's Temper, Donald Donald Longe: was new~ Luncheon wa~ served Clfter the R:OH:hel John:>"tJn of Wausa, we're Duck and His Nephews, Billy porter. fju,,,mes.s mectjng. Th: ~lub mycl'lllast Wednesday evening sl!,p,per Whiskers, Stowaway, just Stor- <Sies, A Hidden Trail, Bobbsey 'i! the, Hansen home. \ GeorgJna Eckstrom.. ;=======":==:::"':"":"'-=,1 11 Wth Cylli Hansen guests of Mss MJldred and Miss Twins at the Circus, Boots the 'WLBUR Fireman's Dog. 1 ;\Llyr)l- H. W. Rakow of Ponca, is Office in Hospital. (By Staff Correspondent), Dxon count~ chairman in charge, Dr. -$, A~ Lutgen has his office District 50.," '1 O_f the nfantlle paralyss dnve. t:j the 'wayne hospi~l. Phone 61. (Mrs. Alice Meiners, tc'dchcr.) ~ar~~~abhe~ne~p-e~~ the WCl'k-1 ;.;. ; -'i:-...a A,fare.well'pariy was given in en W essie atsoll. :_ honut of Vivian Hofcldt, 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Aukn grader, who muved to Wayne. were in Sioux City last -Wcunl'::'- : PRESERVE : Patrons of the school furnished day. : YOU C ice cream, cup c..:akes and pop- Mary A,nn E\'ans spent U1(' R AR'S VALUE : cnrn. ~oe~~~end m the Guy 'lpjltt :' Vernon Loberg, 3rd grader, Mr. und Mrs. Jot.' Bcckt'nll:!lll [ _. At very small co:st you can have body dents removed, celebrated his 8th bil thday h f" h January 17 by treatmg his teach- called at Hubert Auker'" Sund, : t e lnls renewed, broken glasses replaced, and e1' und sc..:hoolmates to popcorn evenmg. a your car washed and polished so that its value is balls. te~:ps~n~~v~~d~yona~~e~nn~on :.: preserved. Patrons' day is set fdr Febr- r ' uary 14 when there will be a L. Evan's'. ': Have this work done now so your car will be in ~ood patriotic program observing the Mr. and Mrs, Roy Person \V(,l'l' birthdays of Lincoln and Wash-' SCUr'allwdafYorctc.vs.emng catters at :\1. V. ':. rhape for spring. t will look better,and will withington. Valentines will be ex- stand all kinds of weather. changed. Mr. and Mrs. ~il!al'd Bleck ' and '1: The 7th grade history class is son visited <-t Wl! Lutl's TllC"d ly W O Mr. and Mrs. Barl Y E, "n L ",d g J. regan, Morman and Denver. U -'... '. studying overland trails such as evening last weck. : AVNE BODY SHOP Pupils find it interesting to 10- family were MondaY supper guesb a cate important landmarks alung in the Will Eva~s home.' : Phone 289-W ''"", 219 So. Pearl th~~etj~~:~sgj"aders hclve com- ~ Mrs. HObe~~' ~_ElQS~.~~.!-_._~_.._"--_._"-"-----_.l ~ pl"f"terl their required number, of reading.selections as outlined in the.course of study, Art cl"-!sscs are sketching freehand drawings of lundscapes. Al~ th~ death of Wm. Luberg, director. District 7. (Jeanette Stuve, teacher.) Jean and Joy Fanning, Donald Longe, Glenn Longe, Joan Mc Q'uistLln, Mary Ann Pus, Oarleen, Derald and Virginia Utecht had perfect attendance' for the past month. Junior Utecht' had the misfortune of cutting an arm during the holidays. Happy-Go-Lucky club elected new off~cers as follo' s: Mamie Thomsen, president; ijoy Fan~ :ning, vice president; '-f..arry Mc 'Quistan, secreta6';! Virginia u~ep~t, treasurer; Jurbor Utecht and Betty McQuistc:ln, order; Darleen Utecht and Glenn Longe, beautificatioji;~joan Mc Quistan and Dop.ald Longe; cleanliness; Jean Fatming and Derald Utecht, good ctee~. Joan McQuis~an mad~ a "motion 1Q senti 10 dimes of the club );loney to the a.. id..~. iilta.nt;l.e- p.ai'.al Ỵ sis. The lith grad~rs are. studyng ; South' Am~ri~~,.~i;!;( jmpb~tan~!feature's:;are','be,~g:,..p-~t"in maps, made.. \b... ";f... th~. e.. h.i.l.d...r.~.n...;... i.. i L~rry. ;McQuist.n. a"i<;(. :1 p Wayne Welcomes You Defore or after the basketball games, you'll enjoy a lvjt meal or lunch. r Best olpooi Best ol Service,.. AT A SAviNG Before or after the game:! al~o at any other time, you'll appreciate one of our appetizing home-cooked meals or lunches. KOZY KANTEEN Across from Gay Theatre i Eat at The Gem Wayne, Neb... before returning home af~er the games or at any other time.. Candies Gem Ca~e Acr~ss from t.he Depo' ROOM",Hotel, Stratton, '"l',cafeo,:.. ~ AGOOD,PLAC"" i<:l1ea:t ~c~~~~~~ 1

12 ~ :::lr ~~~~,.==~==~~~~~~~~~~~o===='f~==;=~=~~~~-" - ~- -~ -~-_._ and Mr~. ~ZH~ithOldand 'Gloria, -, ~\fil'i'ne'aftmefit..--way. e tlerald: ;~;;;;,~;'~~:~;f? r~f ~;t~,;,~:~~~~;:; '. " f' P By 'MRA" Hue", W""".'" ;'! guestsjast we<:k in the Harris 30r- Rev, O. W, SwalJack and Emil FOl' BUger Meyer.., c\' n >oil~ ",,'.,, ensen lliome. \ Carlson cpf Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harrson an )-'1' ',',.. -, Mr. <lmd -Mrs. Alvin Roeber and Reuben Carlson and family of Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs." George ir~jl,if'!'wmiientel:. Social Happfthings 01 Week :' ~ ~F~:~oi:::::: oi: w:::p~~:~:~~~~z~~~~\e~1~~~:~~~~;~r.:~ :ue:s~s ~~:~~el~v~~ ~~?;J::~~ ~~~;~d~~ :~~n~n E~:~:;~J!~::~:;~~n~~:~. ':".')iqi~~k!etj)~1levent S1 f1ll1ol'_sl. in Norfoll< last Wedne.da ) ak'l,fitilct, and.mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Johy Horstmah Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B ek""r. ;d'fj Cop~act ~lub ;->;:~ ~,! -_-; _. and D~lpha were!vond.jy ~upl't'r Gerald and Marilyn,... Ed<l" Dup" F~ ege. j meets next MO,n- recitntid. an'd dialogues by, the ponald Hansen sper;tt t e week- Howard Witt of Wayne, were Fri- :'~':::'~"'~ $(ijdellf:il'lilt Winside- H~ar day Wth p4~s Ruby R~ed. children of the district; song, end at his home in B~ncrQtt. dwa,ytt~~::~sg:~~e~~~p~~~~:~~~ guests, lnst week n th: AHJrcw klau, Evelyn Rpckner, r. a kammrp~'aa"j'eemrrass'tedeerj1,mesa\t:hl\e~=,:.:\,.-~.i:,r",' "~ '''';~ ~,'\,:l Coteri~ ~lub meets this after- "Battle Hymn of the Republic," Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Carl on were Parker! home. Mrs. Fred Bilson and. o,th PresJ~, ~ Ra" '~t'trv~~~ '" noon w:ith ~rs. H. L. Ne~ly. by nl: song. "Old Faithful," the in NorfoU~ FridaY utterno. end' at home. Mr. <fhd Mrs. MlHvin Victor and ~re Thursd,ly e\"(ming vlsitors at tori, ans Holtorf, Gust Kraemer, ;',,'.',,' 'lhq,qgural esaa,.ge. Center:- Circle club meets Febru- quintet" Glenn Hamm, Mnurice Harry Nelsen llnd lami! moved Rev. and Mrs, H. M. Hilpert and V3rnelJ Lee were ;rupsday evpning Byron Ruth's. Mel v i n and Kenneth, Fred J>;.:,'.,! ary 16 with Mrs. Fred Siphley.,.jntH;ay-, Peter and Arthur J'en- to Pierce the last of tlw eek: Janice, Mrs. Wm. ',Janke. Miss guests :1ast week in 1he George Mr. and Mr.". Man'in Victor and Kae-mpf, Mr. and Mrs. James Hank / high. s.c~ool ~a~l~et~~!l M. B. ClU? meets this li'r~day sen; Herman Schuetz, mubloal' Mr and Mrs August Br lo~ynsl< ~~r~h~~~ue~ge~'ndm~~~~:.:~~ Wackej' home. son called Thursd<:y evening in the and family, Edward Luth, Billie sent ~ et: tnr t,q.,,e afternoon W:~ MJ s. Helen Wmbl~. nurnbes, M<lUrJce Lwdsay playmg welle 10 SOUX Cty Thllrsd~y Mr. ;and Mrs. Etiiif U~~Jlt ;,nu George HOf!man hofte to see Mr. Kraemet spent Monday evening ~,'. ' fqr ~ornp~u.tl0j7 n he cl)~ B f ~our Four s clu~ rn.ee,t:s this the accordion and Clarence Han- Mild,red Jeol'lon spent Sllnday "Sunday dinner guests in the Er- Meh'irli were Sunday ev)!r1ltls: (!l- and! Mrs. Cunr(ld Burnhardt and last week in the Fred Flege home :?~,.,.to.,,,.~.j'mm.~1m,.glymg prefere~e Fn~ay afternoon Wth Mt~. J. H. 1len the' piano; play. "Sitting Up afternoon.with Eunice NYidahl. nest Pfeil homc'. ner gu sts in the Mrs. Ab'l'llol Lch. L:JVten and EO'ther who fetived for Mr. Flege'g birthday. Cards ":'""/tq«m-,~~,vra::me, Whl.mey... for Husbands to Come Home," Kenneth Fleer, who has' been ill Mrs. G. A. Lcwi,o;, Mrs. Clint tenknmp home. that day from L::lurel. 11 o nt., to and games were dlver:-ion for the '....~... n.:.s1d,e b~sk~tbal1. te.a.m m.~ets. Nejg~bovmg,?:cle el~l,b mee~c; Evelyn Kr8mer, Dorothy JOJe.n.sen with pneumonii,t, is tl1;prqvin~ Troutman, 1\1r~. Jomes Troutman" Mr..-and Mrs. Glenn f-larnps:m visit Mrs. Hoffm,-lll who is ill. Mr~ evening. ;>. ~tnnton here. ths :rnday e:remtphg Febrl.{B y 13 tvlth MS. ChriS nnd Wilma Jensen; two, humorous Will Cary is improvin~ tel' and Corinee Sue, Mrs. R[lsmu:.c; d f '1 M d M P l Bumhardt ::\1r H ffman a i ".j,~:.;"'he t~a;p"l :Vll~ alao pal n, e Peterse. songs. Arthur Jensen and Maurice havi?g slight auael< o~ pne - Rasmussen, Mrs. P. C. Jensen, ~eyer~~j'fam~i/~pentl~~'ll:.~:':; Mrs. Geor~e' \V;j'cker~ t.he last :'f 'For FlOYd Echtenkamp..'9~rroU lqvltllt~~n tournament 'Fe-b- - l-oindsay; musical numbers, Peter moma. ) Mrs. Leland Wallpr, Mrs. R,-lph at Geoj ge Meyer's. COTToll, Brc :,ic,1l''.~. n honor of Floyd El:htenl<~mp',., -x~ary- 18 to1p.. < Social. and Arthur Jensen and Maurice Mrs. Artie Fi~her spent $.atu'ry1ay Prince,Dnd Mr::;. Bpn Lewis spent Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Hollman and birthday January 2U, evenll1g Ca:rO~ team cnme here TuesdilY For Gerald, Qruggel'. Lindsay; play, "Betty's Blunders," with Mrs. Blrdie Mitdhell ill Thursday afternoon in the T..J. family and Mrs. Sophia HfJJlm,ln For Jimmie Hansen. guests in the W. G. Eehtenkalllp evenmg. Ca.. Notrs. DO~~;h~n1n~~:~e~~~r~~~g;~:n';~~~~,~:~;~ ;:;c~~~:'o~n~o~~nn~r;;;~~ :~:e.~~~n~,~hlfr0~~,;;~t~,t~~~~~;~;or homo The ladies we'e quilt-i:;:;~ ~~~g~; ~~:i:'e~r guests <n the fo~i~/~r~~~ ~~t:' ~:~t~~~:,:;~ ~i~c~h:;,r~r~;~;~~n~~sg~:'u;;,~ A quiz was c9jaducted in high in the Waldon Brugger home for Jensen; song, "Whll'll Was a Boy N h W Mrs... As am moving to a smaller far~,in owa, will sell the following property at public;:. adctioj1 on the Herman Lundberg farm, one mile north and one and one-quarter miles east of Wayne, on- Tuesday, February 4 / Commencing at'l:00 o'clock.ha~p 64 Head Cattle Registered White Fa~ B'11, 2 yrs. old No Extra good ~llality and gentle FOllr mil<!h cows, all givij;lg milk; 41~hite Face yearilfgsteers; Six Short?orn~.earhl)g steers; Two yea~ling heifers; Ten calves. Lunch wagon on the grounds 3 Head Horses Team of horses, roans, weight 2,750, 6 and 12 yrl. old; Sin~le..row cultivator. Two disc c...ltivators. John Peere 6-ft. mower. Western hay stacker, nearly new. 12-ft. hay ~ake. Three bay sweeps, one -nearly new. la-ft. horse disc. HurQw cart. Blacksmith forge. Six feed bunks. Bay horse, weight 1,500, 5 yrs. ald. Hogs Ha" and GraiD 2% tons of' fourth cutting alfalfa in ba.rn; B~oader house. ndividual hog hau"'... 1 Three sets work barne~5. One' saddle. Loose-head sweep. Good Enuf sulky plow. 3-section hurqw. Hoosier box.aedel;..' Truck wagon with box. > Loadinl chute. Ta"k heater. S~e baled horse hay; SOllie Atlas sorgo; Some com. Far.~Ma~jnery,Etc.. Ste~1 bin, holding,sol!' bushels. '1 Wawon with~. T'nlpk wagon with rack. Joh" Oeere 2-row tractorlister 2 rqw go devil. Joh" pee~e 14.;n. gang plow. Su.lky plow. John Deere 2-row cu~. v1lt lll'. Harry McMillan, Mrs. t\l-,nd family, Mr.,lld Mrs. Ed.. and Mrs. Alvin Roeber and Mel'll',;.sebool- Thursd~y morning. QUiuen/Qlerald'S 4th birthday. 1from the Mountains," the'quintet. T~l\l.l:~:.d.~a tll Wills and family vis- Qrt east ayne Lin C'lrlson 80d Harold Wl'n' :,t Heithold and G1J'i,j were oyster D~an. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert KralJli'ox" Earl DaVS, A;rlfne Soden an~ - Refres.hments were served by Mrs. '1 "uppet guests in tht.' Wm. Hansen man and Gary, ML and"mrs. Hel'-. 'Na:~e{ll1 :a~ird competed against ~f Mrs. f:ricksqn.' Frank Krueger, Adolph Rohlff and Hed Mrs. Bert Prince 3aturday (By Staff Currospondent) ConcOl"d Monday <lst week f(jl the home Sunday evenmg l;,pt week man Geewe, Ml". and Mrs. GCO!"i!:" SlJPt. E.', P. Wendt" Jack Neely, Mr. and Mrs. Herma", 'J~eger Wm. Krueger. The club meets ;lfternoon., fum'nd of Cml Forsberg. for Jimmie's birthdcly. Meyer and family, Herm""n Ech- :po~othy Jo Jensen and Betty Lou al'nq family spent last W~ne~day again F'cbnlary 14. Gle-nn l,amm, Mr. tlnd Mrs. H8rry Rhudy nnd Mr. and Mrs. Hurry McMillan Mr. and Mrs. J.' H. Claussen tenkamp, Harvey Echtenkanw, Weble. The latter team won by evening in the Fred Eri,*son home Mrs. Gus Kramer nnd Hennan Miss Rosemary Neely Were in' were Thursday supper guests in Mr. ane! Mrs. Ottn Heithold and For Mrs. Weiersl-teuser. August Roeber, Johrt and M.-s n points. fbr:>-mrs. Ericl(son's birthday. Schuetz hovc' the enkrtainment. Wayne S<lturday. the E. F. Shields home. family were Sunday dinne\~ guests :\1r. and Mrs. Otto HeithnJd and Lydia Weiersheuser, Doris NelscJl, H~;~~ ~i~:~nl~~ee~e:n~e~lif~ ioyal Neighbors Club. M"Jn~rj~ li,~. ~~~~:r~e~~:~'n~il~~er~l\~: sp~l~s's:~~~~ ~/~~~~o~~d ~ilf7~~ Ul~~' ~~: f~~~i/iasrpve~t E~~~~~; ~a;~e~eck in the George M'.ll"t~m fclmily, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Helthold Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harsh and the semester e"';:3rj1l-inations in Loyal Neighbors club had (l par- rwin Miller home. 1f> evening at Fn~d W. Meyer's. Mr. 8nr! Mrs. Win. Brudigilm and '-illd.-g1uria., Ruebel' and family, Mr. and Mr. ~'.Emil. n Mrs famity. the last of Stanton. -world history. nj economics, ty for the members, fam'nics,-lld School Board Meets. Mr. <l'ld M S. M<:X Ash [lnd Mr and Ml ~ Han S Sorensen sons of Winside. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hollman and famll,''s. At Herman Geewe's. gr'aqes of 100 were i'med by Ar~ gllestt:, about 50 in nil, in the VJggo Wi'lside school board met Mon- Jen y wei e SBturday ('\ ening Cclll- and family SP('llt Saturday e"enmg Frank Brudig<lm spent Tuesday ' ene AsmpJi. da J e sen,...eona ' liansen r, home Friday night. After dny ('vplling fm routine business. ('S ot!f C H dnsen. s bst week <:t George Martl':ns'. evenmg last \\eek Clt Fred Ae"el- Emma Welersheuser, rene {3art-, Mr. and Mrs. John Geewe ilnd y 0- dancing Dnd, cards, conpf'rative S Mr and Ms MBnln Vlctor and manns.. T+"" ottman" J ac~ Nee, B' 1 P M FB r,ln{ lonzyns{ lit,~'sltec Lou, Mr. and M)'S" Erne,st Geew(\ ling. Mr. and Mrs. Andr w John-, qoll, Arlene aden nnd Joyce luncheon was serwct. Winside Firenlen Pb,y. Mrs H{ my Pohlman at S on on son weh~ Sunddy afternoon guests M;?s Frank Brudlgam speer t ~:;~/;~es~~be;~n::~~ F[~~arn e~'~t~ ~~o~~~~r:~:~~~ ~.e~~~~~~~.~ ~ S~~~~ Of ~. ih Ame:rican histqry Wimicjp fit'c'mc'n b~lsketball tenm a ~~~v ~~~s ~~:t ~~1~11~ We\ble :'Jnel lclst week n thl:' Fre~ Vetor home ThurS,clay n the Hel mdn n G' t'v " COll <.Jd Weiersheusf'r home for and :'V1<lry Alice. Mr. and!'.)'" ~w.ej}t~o Nudesn ~.,aird, lene FO~~~dS~~~.. W. B. Werner, ~~~~~/~);\~{~~,(,1\1:~~el~~~~~nt~~~ f[lmily c.lllf'o n t~e Ben Fenske fd~l~yas~~~~;lt~~~:~\~e~~~~el~~~ ~~r~ef~~ :;Ue~;~~ndJ~~'\l'~ttl:llT~, Mrs. \Veiprsheuser's birthday. Willard Hammer and Barb'il.t,Chris~en, da Jensen, Etta,Jen- LQwel.l'and K.enT).cth, Mr. nnd Mrs. pldys Blttlt C('('k h{1(' this F- home Flday evenmg "sen,' Leona Lettman, John Lynch, Fred Siphley. Henrietta Clnd Har- ddy (\ l nlng M,Dr, ""dndmmrsrshn,,"rly' RDh'utlJ'yanw~,.n,'el Dedll Meyer home ncar Emerson 110r supper For 1\lrs. HeithQld. Jean, Mr. and Mrs., ~rnold H;Plmer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Otte, E\ 1_ o Virgil Maas, Jack Neely.' Glenn old spent Monday evening..janu- '" ~ '- Mr. and Mr~. Clyde Wilson of Mr. and Mrs. All){,l't Lambref'ht n honor of Mr;. OJto Heithold's lyn and Raymond, Mr. and Mro Neb;e:n, Arlene Petersen, Billy Po- ary 20, in t.he Wm. Suehl home To Fum'ra) at Cook. n Norfolk FnddY evenmg Hoskins, were the Byron Ruth were Sunday dinner guests last birthd,ly January "21, evening Gilbert Krallman and Gary, :'\11". doll, Arlene Sod~n and Jo~ce for Mrs. Suehl's birthday. Mrs. Cnrn Schmode, M's. Helen Mr. and M s. Otto. Ka.nt ~Jnd home Tuesday c'\"('ning last \-veek. week in: the Byron Ruth home. Me guests m her home were Mr. and and Mrs. Frank Brudigam cll1d $we.i~'i1~d. The class enrollment is, Weible and Frank, Mr. and Mrs, baby were Sunday dmnel!' guests Mr. and Mrs. Herman Geev..';: and Mr~. Fr~.Bilson and daugh- Mrs. Dun Heithold and family, Mr. Ruth Hackett were 6 o'clock -;up-,'30. J.Jla 1\iae Neary and Betty Lou With Mrs. Fleer. Ed. Wpiblp. ]\,11'. nnd Mrs. Fred in the Louis Wilel's home. s\)ent Friday ~vening las~ Wf'~'k in tcr were evenmg guests. and Mrs. Conrad Weiershel.Jser and per guests Sunday in the Herman j:\veiwe had A's in English 9 tests. Mrs. Herman Flef'r entertained Wittler ;llhl Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mrl'i. Hermon Frese the Bill Brlldlg<lm home at Win. Mr, Bnd Mrs. Ralph Dll-h,.'Chekl BernlCf', Mr. andmr. s. ErWin Vahl- Gee~.ve home. Prizes in cards \W'llt 8J1tire high school student the G. T. club Friday afternoon. FleP' wpnt tn Conk. Neb.. last werp SunnilY dinner guests n the side.' of Hoskns, were week-end guests kamp and family, Mr. and Mrs. 10 Mary Alce Hammer and 11:s. is~ned' to the inauguration Mrs. Robert Johnson wns a guest. W('rllwsr!ny fol" tle' funeral of Mrs. G. H. Albprs home ot Wisner. Mr. and,mrs. W. H. Racherbau- last week in the S. J. Hale- home. George. Martens and JUl1lor, Mr. FrClnk Henschke. 'Q1 Monday morning hlst Mrs. Chas. Unger received the H('nry VJittkr Thcy rctmned Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Werner, _...'. _' ,.- ' ~",_',. ---'.. - " ~ _., '.<... prize. The club meets again Feb- Jlom~ 1))(',""lnw ('\ C'ning. Kenneth <Jnd Betty sppnt Friday e begmnmg typewntmg class ruary 7 with Mr~. Geurge Gablc'r. _. ' evening in the Wm. WadB home: nvera~ed words a minute in _ (To Undc's Funeral. Gurney Hansen and Roy Lan'-- last \week's speed. test. Ruth Social Circle Club. F.1'llf'st Eldpr went to Omnha dnjl~cr were in, Omnha Thursdoy. Gorml~had the highest score Social Circle club mf't lnst Wl'd- to nttc'l1d 1h(' funern} of Mr. H;ll1spn drove back a new car: with 4 \ wo~'ds a minute. nesd8y afkrnoon with Mrs. Fj"('d hie: V... C, KC'lly, who passed M.r. a~d, Mr~. Fred SiPhley., The ngltsn X..cla,5s has begun Bright with 20 ~nembers pr.l'sent. l:j~1 Wc,hwsday ('ve.nin g atfnmily vl;;lte~ lt1 the Ed. AndC'l$on the s,fi'l: Y o~ Enghs,h llt~rature and Som're'set was dversion. Tlw ho,,- the o[ hi" nicc ', Miss Dora home nc';}!' Pllger Sunday ~v('nlng. Engl.lS. wnters ths 'semes.ter. tess se.rved a {)ne-collr~{' 11lnchp(.ll. Ke.,..Y, lj..,. tcrl11f'llt \'v'<ls' 01 Clcn- ~r. tl?d...mrs... Herma.,n.Rltze 8.nd Grammar Room. The club meets it... two weeks Wth wr;'nn, 1.1 ill th(' f;lnily buri<1l plot. Don~ oj Pl~g 'r, w~rc Sund<lY dm- Frand. Nelsen celebrated his )\Ars, H: S. Moses. T\-1f Kt'lly was ;1 prominellt f<ll"m- ner guests 111 the Carl Rltz~ home. birthday last Thursdny by'trenting, - ('' ;ll1d (',Jll ' fucdn 11('<11" Lnu)"{:l. ~1'S. ehas. Robf'rts of Omaha, 'ti w children and teacher to candy Fede~ted Club Mer-ts. fllr m;llly }'f.;ll's : \'1~lted With Mss H('~s Le,Ul'Y. fr~l~ b.. '.'. Juhl'or Fedel'a.ted Women'f; club Fnday eveiling 10 Sllnd,lY r.ftll -.a~~e 7th and 8th grades have met ~.onday evening with Miss Rapti'lp. llau/{htrr. lloolfl. '~ started studyingj'ealth" the- sec- Ad.elme Fl.eel' and Miss C:ladys (;C'";l1dilJ(' K;.lY, infant fintlghterll.f Ml{. m."<!d M~~.. 'C;~()h~l~iZ('~~~1(i ond semester. Reichert, 'n the.herman Fleer of Mr. <111(1 Mrs. Arthur Bleich,' ami y <in ~<1f ~.'. :_ During art perl d Friday, red, home,' Mrs, H. M.!Hlpert and Mrs. wus; baptizer! Sunrluy evening 8t Th~~'sdClY evenm~ at Chris Wel-!}~bite. and,blue elds were tnpde Leo. Jordan, had the program.of the Bleich homc' b:-' RC'v, H. M.,be s. " n ;l~~th a black silhouette of Jthe ffi.usl.c. study. A ~etter from MSS Hilpert. W;dtel' Bleich and Mrs. M.r.,md Mrs. V:. B. We' e1"~ :.)~~ibej'ty bell pasted aeros~ 'the Vrginia Troutmnl1 was rc"tld. The H1Ul Dahlkoetter the last of Pil- Lov.;ell, Kenne.tb <lnd B;tty sj?cnt :n.oont.- Valentines, water colorings hostesses served. <ll'(' sj)(msm~. For th,: occa- ~at.urday evenmg at Fred Slph- ~nd some pastel ":l0rk ~ere d.o~e., H:10 dlnlwl' 111 the eyrvi,,\,ss Rosemar Neely. 'whp Mrs. Lavern LeWS VSltpd At lll. L. Neely's. B.~el('h honw Wf'!'(' <1nd Mrs. te~('h~s near CO--;;'idge. spent the 'fhursd8y ~fternoon. Mr. and Mrs. ~-. L. Neely and -hlp{'l"l ~nd J<lnCe, Mt'. and Mrs. d' tf M' J G Neely nterm~iategrades. Mr. and Mrs. Harjry Rhudy e-nte1'- Dahlkud~er,md fam. il y. of Pilge.r, wll0emee,-.en 1n/ f' S.., 1. tained 20 gl:! sts at a 7 o'clock din- d f n the health test last week, ner bridge Sunday evening in the Mr. and Mrs.. Provltz, a~ anu y Mis~'Elsie Hornby, Mrs. Bert Nqrma Trampe and Florine Graef Neely home. YeUchw and 18v~ndnr of Pllgf'r. l~ermf!n W('stPlCUS and Bert Hornby and Miss Merna had the highest grades. Norma flo)vers and placerards were used. W;d1er Bh'lch. were in Wayne TuesdflY afternoon.trampe ond Vernon' Brader won Prizes in cards w nt to M, s 1. F'.~.:CR.' ~. -D.. RCH~ill. la,<;t week.. n the hl::;tqry test. Gaebler,,Louis Klahi, Mrs. D. 0, Mr. <mel Mrs. Wnldon aru~ger r~ and 4th grades have Craig and Wm, Mlsfeldt. and 1'<.lm\ly visited in the Supt. ed 'the (lisc~ion of "Life in A. H. Jens('n home,t Carroll Sunesert," and ave started the W 'd W ' 'C h day evening, ~s4dy of the Sc dinavian GQun- ~~~s~de ~:~rl's ~l~b m('t )ast lnunanuel Refol'med Church. Fred Wnrrwmunde spent Thurstries. n the fina \, test over the Thursday <.lftern~on with Mrs. (Rev. Chas. Riedesel, P<lsto~) day evening in the Dretrich Meyer first project Doris\',Mae Boulting Walter Gaeblcr. ryrs. Helf'n Wei- Sunday school!t 10:15 <. r ho~e and Sund3y evening. at B. O. received tpe highest grade in'the ble was leader. Mrs. Weible. Mrs. Scrvil'('s;1 11:1!1 J, n. VonSeggern's. 3rl1 and JoAnn LQW~ in ~~e 4th, Wm. VJisfeldt. Mrs. A. H. Carter Mr. 80d Mrs. Lnuritz Hans~n Mrs. Lavern 4eW l s VSited the and Mrs. H: S. Moses took (part in Methodist Church. and M<-lrie were Sunday guests n room Thursday afternoon. the program. Mrs. EtL., Perrin, (R~\', GC'l"ald ROS0nbergpr, pjstor) the Pet~r Jensen home. Gilbert Doris Mae Baulting had" pdrty Mrs. H. 4. Neely,1Od Mr>;. l. F. SuncLly school at m. Sundahl was an evening caller. at school Monday. evening last Gaebler ~ere guests. The club lvfoming wnr'ship 8t 11. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hansen week from 3:40 to 4:30, in honor m~ets in two weeks with Mrs. Bible :-tudy <-"lass stnrts next nnd sons, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jarof her 9th birthday. Guests bes.ides H. S. Moses. Sundny. Please makf' n special gensen nnd family were,sunday members tif the room we,'e Carol effort to attend the first meeting dinnc'r guests in the M. Jorgensen J~an Jongs and nobert Bou~ting. Ace High Card Club. at the Sunday school hour. 'home. After games, Doris l'4,ae Boulting M~ss Gladys Reichert, Miss The Aid circle of the W. S, C. S. Mr. nnd Mrs. fr8nk Bl1Jdigamj qnd ;Mrs. Robert Boulting served cmisti~~ Lueker!:ltld Miss Norma met TllesdDY afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brudigam an<~ Jepo nl1d cake. Fresi- enterta'ined the Ace High sc;ms were, last' 'Wednesday su.pp~ '~';< " Gra4es 1 an,d 2. carcfclub Saturdy- evening in the Trinity Lutlheran Church. guests in the Herman Brl1dga, 'MofS. Lavern Lewis and Mrs. Sam Reichert home. Miss Esther (Rev. H. G. KnpuL. Pflstor) home. F: Nt Jones visited last week. Frese wasea, guest. jprizes in court Sunday school at 10 <l. m. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jaeg~~ The 1st c and' 2nd ;grade pul?ils whist went to Mids,Meta Strate, Services at 11 '0. m. an~ family, Mr; and Mrs. Chn~,have given Kenneth!Fleer: a fruit Norris Langenberg. Miss Esther Ch'oir rehearsal Thlll'sday Weible and famly we;re Sunday shower. Kenneth is ill with pne1j.- Frese, Willis Reichert and',. Miss nring. evening slilpper guests n the Cad, mania. ~ Frances Lange1'lberg. A one-course Next Sunday afternoon the Thies home.. ' Most of the children's pictures luncheon was served. The club teachers-workers meet. M'. and Mrs. Herman Brudlgam have been kep;t on the "good work- meets again in two weeks. Ladies' Aid meets February 12. and Lois visited in the Henry ers' chart." The league mel!'!ts the evening of Koch home Sunday afternoon. Scenery pictures with crayolas With Arnold Bronzynsk's. the same day. They were evening guests 'at are being made in art. ''!'he best Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bronzynski Henry Releg's., ones will b't! ]{ 'pt for the\fair ex- entertained a charivari party Fri- st. Paul's Lutheran Church. Miss lverna Hornby, Lenne hibit. '-.. day evening,at the August Bton- (tev. H. M. Hilpert, pastor) Mae Boring and Rev, Gerald zy1'i'ski home. Guests were Mr. ~nd Saturday school at 1 p. m. Rosenberger were in Wisner Sat- Cont.n'\1llliity Clu\J Meets. Mrs. Erwin Ulric't). and family, Sunday school at 10 <l. m. urday for the mid-whiter Epworth Winside Community club meets Mr. aud lv1rs. Samuel Ulrich ana. German ServicE'S at 10:30 3. m. League meeting., Tnu'rsday, F~bruary 6, at the family, Mr. and Mrs: Kent Jackson Only one service will be held Dave, Harry and Margaret Mill- M~thodrst;;rch.' and family, Mr. and, Mrs. Roy d~ring the winter. Two services er were ;Sunday qi~mer guests in ~Z!U,~!.~~~iii!~e'!!.~'~' ~!!!.!!!~!! Neary, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin lrricl;, will be'resumed: when the weather the Reutien Pu~s hotne. Margaret ~, Hazel and Raymond oehen. p rmits spent from 'rhursday evening to Charles Maas, Mr. amf Mrs. alter A go~d crowd attended s'ervices S\.nday at J?uls'. Maas, Mr. and MrS. 'Ed. Mlfa and S~nday for tihe installation of. of- Mr. and Mrs, Samuel1,Jlri~hand daughter. After, catds and Visit,fi~ers and Sunday school teachers. family, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin thice cream and C_8ke were served. The envelop s for contributions rich and: family, were Sunday din-. were given q'ut with fine coopera- ner guest$ in the Ernest :PUs At',C. E. Needh~D1,~s. tiqn from everyone. homm r e. aatn"dqmskrisn,s. carl Ritz" jo'd Mrs\ C. t. 1"eedhlun; Mrs. ". E, -- ~ an: Siman; ond Mrs. Chas~ Misfeldt. Willside Local fqm11lf.. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Adolph e.nle.rio..ined 20 guests. at.a 1 O'clOCk. Dale ThorjnpRon was at Laurel Rohlff and family,and Car\ lwhlff,bridge luncheon Friday 'in the sjaturdar. spent 'StJnday evening in the Mar- :Nee..d,ham h6me. Prizes in briqge car.1 Niel~a.n was in wayne. tin Pfeiff~r home.,)., 1.Yen~ to Mrs; l. F\. Gaebler and 11lut!3d~y. '.,. Mrs. rionm.z,nl~m3.nn ~ejt io l\ir~!r.eq JQ;doll. Mrs. ~""dham '1':4. Weibl$ was in Norfolk Tues- thl' l\g!/ert :Ro"mlba l hpi"ejat jlnd Mrs. Simop en~rtoine4 an- d>tv 11\st wt. Alinea!Tl\es<\a~ Qf last week! to l>ther~9'guestsat a luncheon Sat- 'Martin Helle was in WOYlle c~re foj' her fot\ler, Mr. 1to!llleljin t,i~~m~.e~t~~~~ Omaha bach, W~~ is quite ill;,!, M~. ~ildred Witte", <!\t t~~~s~ :e~~:dq'zq~:;4' fi;:'~ 'es: ",y,~l~qw> and b~q~~, th~ Vol, -end atll Oliot Tio,~tfllan'$,.. il""'!,:with.;v\"j1li:n "Erwi JoneS', called' at Coot h~ ~<Wtainers.".~ Trout n's 'S1Jnday a:t'fern~oi.,"':',~~s ')erved ~~9,~.~, " 1., Tue~q~y: rs,.\a.~us. aslp.ml~..:mrs, Dave'!Nelson, ),

13 i i' ~-""'r"' "--,"'.---- Fisher's Garag ~ Tbe Beckenhauer Service Wit.h Mrs. Paul Geary. Baptist Aid met Wednc.<;d;ly with Mrs. Paul Geary. P'lt luck luncheon was server!. AUXiliary M e-ets. Auxiliury met Tu{'sd:1Y afternoon for business and soci<j time with Mrs. J. C. Woods. ) Club in Meeting, Hillcrest projcct club md Friday with Mrs. Evan Hamer ;lld Mni. H. F:..TonC's in the formcr " hurne. ~ DR, T, T. JONES Osteopathic,PhysiciaJl Eyes Examined -lcl\lsses Fitted Wayne, Neb. n30tl,g. fl. Lamberson :lite'al Estate and All Kinds 01 ~rn: nsurance Exc'ept Life. +!1:d "~._""~,,, ":ayne,:;znebr. ' ''''~r'--it CAVANAUGH NSURANCE AGENCY Dr. El L.Harvey Veterinarian ~ Friendly Neighbors. Friendly Neighbors met Wednesday with l'ijrs. w. H. W<lgne~ and Mrs. N. A.' Warth in the former's home. The project lesson on curtains w~s given and '-1 social time followbd, S11rprise on B.rthday. Mrs_ Emm;) Eddie W:1S surprised on JW" ljinhd,-ly \vhen members of her rami y brdjllght ('overed dish dmnel' to lw" h(lme Sunday. Tn the group wer(' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Eddie,wd family of Belden, Mr. Clno 1\11":-;. KennlPth Eddie and fnrnily, Mrs. Anna 'SC'hluns and Merle., M. ilnd Mrs..ylp,/l'nkins and family, Mr. chd M s. Floyd Andrews :1n<.l l';lmdy ;lld Alfl'f'rj Eddll'. s Quite 'H-ere. Wm, Pritchard ha~ been qult(' ill thl:-' past week '-t his home nenr ('arroll Mrs. T,ewis Johnson went 10 the Prit.chard home Friday and has been there since. Mr. Johnson,-lDel Leota, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glass n\ld M,-lrlon called the1'e Sun cby,. Moovie to Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wagner and daughters moved Wednesday lost week to Norfolk whe-re Mr. Wagner will C()~tinlle his and selling of Tlw N. moved tl) W;lgnf'l property. MSS BerniL;e "Pe1ronis, who stayed at W<Jgner's, has moved tn Perry J(Jhnson's. 10nol" OUn Wagllf'rs. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Utt(J Wagne-r, who mo\!(!(j j() N'lrflJlk la.<.;t week, W<']"(' Carroll Local honoj"('d v:hc'n neighbors and Egert Lage has a nt'w car. friends 1),.'('1'(' at;1 party.kn." Christl'nsen has bcl'll ill. Thllr~d;jY th(' v-". H",' Lot MOTis W<lS in W;Jylll' Sat- Wagner homf'. \V,l:-; pl,-l)"f'd urday. ;d,.~. e t;jljj(-~,'ill~d pj"i/ys.wvl1t t.o Mrs. Don Brink "vas in Om<ll1Ll!VL. H..<:Jenbne1" (nd Tom turday and Sunday. Hu. Th(' \VC''{' prr'-, rs. Wm. Mills Dod Miss Hansentp with;1 Mr.<.;. W<lgncr nan ere in Wayne Saturday. and Mrs. N A. hoskssl's, Mrs. Ed. Trautwein is <Jbout servc'd luncheon. again after being ill for several days. Carrol' Loca. The Clifford.Parkers and Hans Mr~, Geo. OUe is improving aft- Brogren were at Aug. laozen's er being ill for some days. Friday evening.. The Perry Juhnsons went to Mrs. Robert Jones anq son, With Mrs. John Davis. Willing Wor.kers met Thursday Hartington M(j)nday last week. Gene, were Friday guests o~ Mrs. with Mrs, John Davis, 10 being Betty Jane, ~aughter of Mr. and Clifford Parker. present. The project lesson on curtains r,was given after which the The- q~to W-agners of Vorfol~ te?,fr~m.friday to Sunday. here Mrs. Eddie Jdnes, has been ill. BuS". Jennewein of Omaha, visihostess served. Mrs. Morgan Jones were Thtltsda,W night guests at w. With his Sister, Mrs. Don Brmk. entertain's February 20, H. Wagner's' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hansen and Observe Birtbday, Miss Wanda King's birthday was. --All Kinds of Jnsuranee- observed Sunday evening when dinner guests in the A. A. King Dr. E. H~ Dotso~~, ~c':e~~r~~=~s~,w;~~is~~~e~~~}~. Eyesight Specialist!Kucera, _ Belden, Vernbn Ben.son" and Alfred Wayne, Neb~ For 'Arihur Campbells. ' Neighbors had a party Monday -:::-::c-'----c---.-:::.::='. Martin L.RinO'er last week at the Art Campbell. e ~... home for the Campbells who mov- 'lileal ESTATE \ FARM LOAN/ ed to the Glenn Wingett farm Mrs. Aug.'4.J.ranzen helped Mrs. Mr. and.mrs. Will Hokamp visited Art Campbel~ with moving last Sunday the Matt Lackas home week Tuesday. at Randolph. Allan Pritchard W<lS in the Lew- M'-s. smael Hughes, Mrs, Gust is Johnson home Wednesday eve- Johns~m and, Mrs. M. 1. {'wihart ning last week. were in Wayne Tuesday last week Mrs. Andrew French and baby for the project leaders' training. of Laurel" visited last week in the Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hall re- Perry Johnson home. turned Friday to Richland, la., C. H. Morris went to Stanton after visiting in the Geo, Hansen Thursday to 'spend a few days home. Arnold Han~~ accompal~ied with his brother, L. E. Morris, them for a short VSt. l <3?~~r~~~e~~;eo~~~r~;~~:~~~~~ dl~i~~ g~7~1~! ~tw~~~~:l:~~e~'~~r_ :'1lU. _CU RCH ESJ southeast ef, Can-all. Luncheon was served oaiter dancing. Clyde Wack- ence Morri.s,! were- Friday supper guests in thel Elmo Jenkins home. Methodist Church. Mrs. Frankj G:rafflg and children (Rev. ehas. Stevens, pastor.) pent a few ~ays last week in tl;le Services at the regular hours lonor WUva.Jenkins. ~u~ Jenkills home, The women next Sunday. Mr. and Mr.s~ Chas, Jorgensen, aressters. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jenkins and Duane andl Minnie Benning were ~ Presbrletian Church. fa~ily, Miss Viola Swanson, Miss in the Aug. f'rani:en home Thurs, (Rev, S. N', Horton, pastor.) Leota Johnson, Miss Valda and day eveningl to'ksee Dale who has Services as, usual nex~ Sunday. Roy Jenkins, had oyster supper had bronchitis. ' Ladies' Aid'meets next Wednesday, :'l\1:"(d'j:~ay ewhing last weelt in the Ruby Fr~ridkson, Vermond, Albert Jenkirts home for Miss Wil- Mildred ~ndltlarence'nelsonspent va" J~~~ins' birthday. Sunday m the Ralph Hinrichs Congrega.tional Church.. ;...'. - home near!laurel., Sunday scbool at 10:30, F'or<uecent 8ride.. '., Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Link. Ladies' Aid met Wed'lcsday this. Gla<!Ys.,McA;lcxandere.n... ~.,ltlqpard an Robert Link,Mrs,'C, week Wth Mrs, Will li10rris and ay ~fternoon at, a,t. Morris"a d Harold M6iTi~ were Mrs, Elgin Tucker hos!'lsses, Writes e~ery kind of f:hsur~t'!ceex. cept h(e. Special iattention to FARM and AUT0MOBLE er i~ on the farm the Campbells nsuran~. e ft. L ".Mrs:,: :.'~unday din er, guests of Mr. and,,f'tap~ 'M~s" Obe~U: ' Morris..,}ffrs. A!rt Ul'" Glass As am leaving the farm and moving to town, will sell the following personal property at public auction to highest bidders, without reserve or' by.bid, on the farm located miles east and mil~s south of Concord, 4 mile$. south and «) miles west of Allen, 5 miles west and 51j2 miles north of Wakefield, and 3 miles east and 7112 miles north of Wayne, Nebraska, on-. Mon.day, February 3 Sale Starts!t 11 o'clock Sharp.. j Lunch Wagon on the Grounds. 6 Head of Horses Span of bay mares, 4 and 5 year$ old, weight 2,500; Grey mare, 6 years old, wei~hl 1,400j Grey mare, 11 years old, weight 1,400; Bay gelding" 7 years old, weight 1,500; Smooth mouth gelding, weight 1,300, Seven Dozen Hen;; and Pullets Grain ~ Corn ~ Feed 1,7QO bushels Good Yellow Ear: Corn in crib; Four st~cks'of Straw; 500 bushels of Gopher Oats; 200 bushels of Spartan Barley; 40 acres of Corn Stalks. 30 Head of Cattle,Purebred "Hereford bull, 3 years old; Six milch cows, ~st fresh and 2 to freshen 500n; Five stock cows in ~l~ Three springer heifers; Four yearling heifers; ~~~ht coming yearling calyes; Three small calves. 92 Head of Hogs 46 head of good thrifty stock hogs; Seven bred sows, bred to a Hampshire boar; Four aged sows, bred to a Berkshire boar; Hampshire boar; 34 good fall pigs. All hogs are cholera immuned. ====='~======r======~===:;=============='. Far.,Machine,y, Et-=. i ;14-in. n.ternational trac. Jolj,n Deere manure tor plow, good as new. ' ~preader, McCormick-Deering 12-ft, Three box wagons, tractor disc. 4omplete. Emerson 14-in. gang plow. ntbmational corn planter John'Deere 42-ft, elevator, "ilh 160 rods of wire. complete.with speedjack,ja*esvill~ 10-ft. disc. and hoist, in good sha,pe, 3-s\'!ction barrow. Jo.lin Deere 8-ft. binjer, 1~'. su~y plow. good as new. Ja e8vi~ corn planter. John Deere hay otaclker. 81 ck Jiaiwk fultow a~od 8S new. rj pener~ JO.hll Dee.. re 1 %, h. p. T 0 Sin.~e.row go-devils. puml>mg e'!glne. E erson ~Ooft. hay rake. John ~.ere Sngle row Da har,) stacker. cultivator., MC orm~k 60ft. mower. New Century cultivator.. l.a'!'ge ex ension bobsled.' Champion push &Weep,, Hard co sheuer. good as new. Oufsid~ cable hay. caltier. McCormick. Deering ~~t. Tw: rwj.ing bqard mower,"good as new.'! hick~n crates.. Smal!Jnternationa'fee? i Th e s ts, worrt, harness grmder.,ndc liar.. :! i;liay ra~k with iron ru ~. set leathe... ~ets. Endgate seeder, Harrow cart. Buzz saw. Dirt scraper., Hog chute.! Grind stone. Chicken feeders. Oil barrels. Forks, shovels, tools. Heavy stock saddle and bridl(ia No.1 outfit). Set of hay slings. No. 16 DeLaval cream separator. Houseboid Goods Dishes, fruit jars, stode jars, etc. 32-v. Atwater ~nt radio. Circulating heater. Eleclrolux refrigeratjr, goqd as new. \ Kitchen range. Cuphoard. Laundry stove. Some small tables. DaveDlWart: Some kit. ncbair Kitchen inet.,,'. J}lffet. ' '\,':"~"l~' ~ Dinm. ro<lm t'llme... \!. LJ"hrary table..', AutonplticAlarm Clock Switch F!"" earr'iight"' you ben~ Good, as DeW and'>works;. '

14 Phone 108 s~~~".tes, it's a $-ply body constnlc :tion, lined with pure sheet cop'.pet where Gther 'ranges rust out. '\. 5-ply 1?06y holds heat-saves 'iuel and m~:mey. Th~. new model puts style and. bea).ty in your 'kitqt{en '-( M'lre Value Per Dollar in Copper Clads Today Than E~er Before. L W.1McNATT mmmm HARDWARE Wayne, Neb. For wold Fleer. Mrs. Peter Haberer and Bubbie spent last Wednesday afternoon ill the Erwin Fee..r home for Hurold's birthday. \ / For Harold M'eier. Mr. and Mrs. John Kay <loci Johnnie Eugene, Ardale Test spent Thursday evening in the Otto Meier home for Harold's birthday. At Emmett Baird's. K.K.K. club met Saturd<JY eve 'ning last week in the Emmett Baird home. Mrs. Alfred Sydow, D m B m~dmmm.ge.bmd smammmm~~ = PUBLC SALE 5 = As r am fluitting the fa~,.l will sell. at public '!'uction <t the ~ E., "1-~/~C~l~l~ ~~~~s o~atta'i~e~~~~.~~~ 7tQ street, '2 miles south and : 5 FRDAY, JANUARY 31 5.', Commending at 12:30 Lmieh Wagon on Grounds m =, 4 Head ot Horses M 15 Head of Cattle Dozen Chickens ; =' Complete Line of Farm Machinery M Household Goods m = Ha.y r- Barley Com - TrAtu1cask Ford WJs~trhgOStoCk Racl,.= Farmall TratlJW;;N'lti;tO SAC K E R i = CoL Fred Jarvis, Auct. " State Nat!. 'Bank, Wayne, Clerk. ~ g COUNTY BOAnD PRO<JEEDlNGS Wayne, Nebraska, January 21, J:l941. BO<rd met as pel' adjournment. All membc'l"s present. MJ1utes of meeting held JanuClry 14, 1941, rend and approl/ed. The following official bonds are approved by the cdunty ltluclrd: John G. Greunke as overseer of ruad dstrict No. 30. Clarence C. Boling as ovel"seer of road district No. 23. Edwin Bauer as overseer of road di:;trict No. 29. Martin Pfeiffer as overseer: uf r09d district Nu. 33. Clurk Smith as overseer of road dist'id No. 19. Alex Eddie as overseer of road district No. 24. Will E. Back as overseer of road d~strict.no. 39. Henry Schroed~r <S overseer of!'odd district Nu. 18. Frank Griffith, jr., as overseer of rdlad district No.2!. H.arold Stoltenberg as overseer of road district Nu. 2:2. Wa\ter Tietgen as overseer of road district No. 27. ~~.r~o~~~~~l~~~~~e{~v~~s~~~do~i~~:i~td~~~i~~. No. 28. August Kruse as overs r of road district No A. L. Swan as memb of soldiers ~ relief commission for 3 years. A motion was made by isfeldt anld seconded by Swihart, that a notice be s nt worthwith to administrator of the estate of Nels Carlson, deceased and also to Anna Nel.ton, one of the purpqrted heirs ot said estate, that they immediately contribute and pay for the support of the minor children of Nels Carlson, peceased, namely-alma May Carlson, Doris FilY Carlson, who are by this board considered to be paupers as defined by secuon compil@d supplement to the compiled statutes of Nebraska for and that a copy of the within motion be sent forthwith as, aforesaid. Motion carried. The following claims are on motion audited and allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the respective funds as herein shown. Warrants to be available and ready for delivery on Satur?ay, February, General Fund No. Name What for Amount 2901 Arnold Vahlkamp, treasui'er school district No. 2U, 1940 general election rental, e;laimed $5, allowed at $ N. W. Bell Telephone Co." rentals 1-16 to , tolls to , :~:~ L. W, Needha~, salary a,s Co. Clerk, January 24 zora Laughlin, deputy Co. Clerk, January 25 Susan E. Ewing, ass't to Co. Clerk, January,.. 26 Twila Bergt, ass't to Co. Clerk, January 27 L. W. Needham, Co. Clerk, supplies for elerk $22.70, cash adv. for postage $ J. J. Steele, salary a$ Co. Treas., January Leona Bahde, deputy) Co. Treas., January Dorothy F. Steele, ass't to Co. Treas., January ~~~en~~~le~~~~'~~oy;~'f~~~~ha~::u::;co. 'T~ ~ ~'~~~ J~i/ to December 31,: J. M. Cherry, sala~y as Co. Judge, January Gwendolyn Bartot;l, ass't to Co. Judge, Dec. and Jan. 23 dayt; Frank F. Korff, sa,[ary as Clerk of Dist. Court, January Vena Beth FUller,;'ass't to Clerk of Dist. Court, January Frank F. Korff, Qlk of Dist. Ct., cash: Cldv. for pqstage, Jan F. B:Decker, sal~ry as Co. Supt:, Jan~ary F. B. Declter, Co.,Supt., postage and express James H. Pile, sal'ary as Co. Sheriff"-Jan. $100, cash adv. for ~~~~~ej3pii~ : Cb: Sh ~ ~i ff: ~ii~;g~ ~~Ti~~estiga lr~:~~ tions. Omaha Compound, CO~ supplies-co. Sheriff James H. Pile, do. Sheriff, jailor fees and boarding of prisoners.,.... \.... ~ ~. B.1.lelson, sa~ary as Go. J~nitor. Jan1i.a.ry :..:_ ~.65.0'0 SOUX.san~tarY~S\-lPP1Y Co., supplies~o. uanltl?r ~ Peoples NaturGa. Co., gas ac..i (} to 1-2-4l... 93,62 t J.,J"Ste~le.,.C.o.! Tr.. eas., frelg.ht.a.dv..,co'.. J..nltar, _ 2.07 J.. J., S.te",.~, to.....east,..fre:ght ady.., C,.O:fal)torl'~_""'''''''''''''~.4Q Luc11~ Reeg sa' ~ a$ ass t in F$A: offl ~ai1uary'.'.'..'.':-"[r", ~60.00 ~;~t~ Wrig.~~J ~. ~~~::_"'~" '~~'~.. "!.~"~.~~"'.~'_~."".~,...~:..,...' lles for eo. Re. of!. ".., ,'Child, Welfare an.....,c.,.,,,,! 7060 chas 'poilingplac' ~'.~~:~..,.'.~...:-:' ~.:~:":..i for:wayne::,co. ".c~~1{j~~;(~~:~<:~~* '. -..:h'..'....*';.~.' ':: ' 1. J.a";~t.';'W.".hiC:.'.'.hl tl1 H.eF.hert :Barel.nl Ffed F~e.v. t, Mrs. R. H Hansep son' and Mrs. Henry ~r4au,.jf.,. la~.t 58' L.age & Pfeil, tw..'.. c.cfncret~.~..'ox C.Ulvert i-. _-.. _- w[ - - ';11 (home.' and Os Pe son- won prizes. wegnesd8y aftej;noon '.Dlstrict Funds J, Mothe Pension Fund:.,# 1 Road ~t. 'l'{o., 25,~.',',:,._J ;,1',,: :<' ~ Mr. 'and MrJ"' otto Meter apd The duq met, ago last Saturdayj r. and Mrs. Erwin Vahlkamp,,~ J. M. Cherry, Co Judge, -0 ers that Mothers Pensions be allowed 86 Arthur Larsen, r~ad wroarak D ~t".. J1~ ~ 28. ~espop.d~ht.)" r',il, i.1 taroil.y v.;rerei unday af.t~'nopn evening in t~e Earl Bennett home.' a?d,daughte~s were ThFsday eve-,at amounts as listed n Claim '0. 59:, i d. 'i''''', ',gulists in'the',e it Meyer,llomeJ~st -. hlllg g~ests m the.fred VCclhlkamp,. Mrs~ Lyle Asay, others p sion for January, c:-~ Wattier, road work and putting up snow fence was,;tn. NQrfolk!w~ek, " Plum ~k Clqb., jr.~orne. Mrs. Anna Hattlg, mothers pension for January, fj4l '-0.00 Road DisL No. 32. " Mr: and ~rsj :J~hh B:rudig~m PlumCreekCe terclub.metlast. r. and ~rs. Fre~ Vahlkamp, Mrs. Gladys FoxJ,..motherp ension for January, l~l B8 Harry Griffith, putting up snow fence 'a'nd ctaugpter were, Tuesday er "Wedn~sday afte Don.,With M.rSt Jr:,, er~ Friday evemn gog. uest~ at A.dininistmt ve Expense Fund 89 John E. Morris, putting up snow fence 2,80 ~ingguestslastweekatf;c'.ha - Martin Bastian. Mrs.,A. W. Dolpli Au~ust Alleman's for Mr. A'\e- 60 de,srtehcetlo' TNhoom.PlsO.~,'..' D i.r...'..:b..a..l d.." e o..n. salary or,j<jn. as 90 Donald Frink, putting up snow fence 2.10 mer's. " and Mrs. Chet Butterfield were mart's birthday. -, 11., David R. Mon'is, putting up snow fence -:..: Mr. and Mrs. George Fox Jnd guests. The time wa,s spent in sew.. Mr:. and Mrs. H.M,' Rethwis<:h ~1 Myrtle D. J<9hns$n, "\risitor,!salary as visitor.for Co. Relief Old Age Assistance, Child Welfare 'andjbllnd Assistance Claims son were Tuesday evenipg gu~sts lng" and visiting. The' club meet~ Em~: family were $tturday eve- office; J:anuary ~ \.... ". 85.0U ha~peen approved for the month of Jan~y, last week in the Herby Hanl;en in fwo weeks with Mrs. Dan Dolph. ning guests last week in the Ceo. 62 Myrtle b. Johnson. visitor, rpileage as visitor for Co. Relief '1~' Laid Over (1laims home. Mr. and Mrs.,Edmund La ge 'For Mary AUoo lammer.. Mr. and Mrs. fred V~hllfarnp, 63 Standard Office Equipment, supplies---co..rel. Office 4.27 '1ot been' pass<:d Ull or allowed at this<time: t were Sunday,evening gue::;ts ast Sup~r guests in the F. C. Ham- Jr., spent Mo~day evenmg1 last 'unemploy~nt Relici' Fund General Fund tl ~,. t i. ~ "" Stolz home at Carnol. Office, January 9"1O... ~"".. ".. \'.".'.'.'.. ', 5.00 fh( following claims are on file ~ith the County Clc~'k but hn\"e week 'in tne Arthur. Hagerpan mer home Thursday for JVary week in the Alfgust, ~~ngberg 22 N. W. Bell Telephone Co., 11ental to tolls 1940, No, 1533 for $17.30; 1941, No for $100.00, No. 95 for $49.82 hom~.., Alice's birthday were M~: and home for Mr. Dangberg s birthday t C REl" f ff' ' Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hammer Mrs. Willard Hammer and Bar- Mr. and Mrs. Walfred Carlson, 64 ~~o';anceo~or- supp~t ~r J~~~ar~, 1~;4i :, Wpereupon board adjourned to Februari..\v~9~kD,(AM,Clerk. and Delores' were Monday evening bara Jean, Delores Test. Other M'. and Mrs. C. E.'Nel$on were Cit Elmer Johnson., ~, _.+ (: guests last week in the F. C. Ham- evenip.g guests were Mr. and Mrs. Concord Friday fo!" the funeral of Leonard M Pick~ring, : i! : m~l"' home. John Brudigam and Eleanor Mae, Mrs. Carlson's uncle, Frank Kar- Mrs. Alice Chance, bal. d~ ~ f~;'b ~ ;~d : ~ ~~~-~ ~d ~~;~ ~t.:.p~or : MR. FARMER; :: Mr. and Mrs. John Benj~min Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brudigam, dell.. Tabitha Hume, care of poor children to ,00 and daughter spent Monday ~ve- Mr,',and Mrs~' John Luschen and Mr. and Mrs. Dlbert Dangberg, 65 Esther Thompson, Dir. No. ll, food stamps issued fur Dec. ning last week in the, Henry Rel- Alma and Johnnie, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Hnd Mrs. Russell Pryor cmd and Jan. for POO: 139.UO : Why not Join th~ parade of leke home.. Peter Jorgensen and Nadine and daughter were Sunday luncheon T' '. G.f. Mi. and Mrs. Harold G Hster of Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. John LuU guests last week at Walfr~d CarJ- ~~ E~~~~ ~h(j~~~~~', ~1~~~NO~rl~~%ileage$7.15; cash ndv. for 4.74: satisfied Firestone customers? : Pender, were last Wednesday leve- and Ai'dyce, Mr. and Mrs. Pete son's. postage. $1.69, for box rental 75c 9.59 : ning guests \rl the Herbert,Fre_ Nelsen'and Elwin, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Longe spent Friday 68 Wayne Hospital, hospitalization i for poor 1500: vert home. Otto Lutt and Delor-es, Mr. and afternoon n the Melvin Longe 69 S. A. Lutgen, hospitalization 01' poor $44.50, room and care. : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meyer and Mrs, Ernet't Geewe, Mr. <\od Mrs. home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longe of poor~january $ family were S~nday aftennoon Carl Bicbl1el, Mr. and Ml's, Ray were aiso guests there Sunday of General Road :: Now guests last week in the Martin Hammer, LeRoy and Lyle. Mr. and last week. Holst h0tne. Mrs. Franz Hehschke and Eldor, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grubb nnd' Comm. Dist. No. -Erxleben c : Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brinkman Marcella Brudfgam, Marian Test, family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarpnce- 57 Wesley Han."cn. pl1ing lumber and bridge work J,OO. And Save Time and Elaine were SundClY dinner Gus Jaeger and Louie and Hans Mann and 'family were Monday 21' Lincoln Ruad Equipment Co.,repairs 99,00 : d 70 B. F. McGuig'l1. repairs $6.65, gasoline <lnd oil $U, ;-) an Money, i~~~s;~s~o%:~~ in ~ the Martin Geewe~ ~~~~/~fe~~f:y~~.guestslast week at 71 H: Assenhelm(;r, repairing tractor ,: Mr. and Mrs. John Benjamin Cind Mr. and Mrs. W. R. French WC1'C 72 Leon Hansen, repairing tractpr 24.01) La 73 J. J. SteL'](', Co. Tl'eas., express adv. fu' Comm. dist. Nu. 1.46;: r;~g~~~~a~~e~~:~~d;{~m:v;~~n~:; NOrthweE;! Wayne ~~ ~~~U~~.it~r~~~~~:~:;~~~~t;.e~~ 74 J. J. Steele, Cu. Treas. freight adv. for C()mm. Di:;t. No. 4.25[ ~ Meyer's 'birthday. (By Staff Correspondent) French of Laurel. who is in a hmj- Cumm. Dist. No Swiharl j a \ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Frevert and pital. D. E. French is 93 years old. 75 M. 1.,swih;l,t, overseeing road work~dec., HHU 40,()U!: ~nuly. called~h sday evening in Fauneil, Mr. and Mrs. August MSS Ora Lubbel'stedt spent \;.lst Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Going r f 76 Emil Tietgen, repair work and Show pushing ~8.40 tj.it~ A~gust: Wit er home., Longe...,were Thursday cvening Wednesday afternoon at Hans Luh- Pender, M'. and Mrs. O~is Hall, Comm. Dist. No~ 3-Misfeldt ~ ; BesS~, ~ nct..~erbere Foot,e guests at Arthur Longe s. berstedt'o>. Mrs. Har-old MesserschmJdt an-j 77 NiemCin Oil Cb., gasoline. oil ~and anti-freeze 35.96,:.;called.m the Curts Foote home Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rceg and Elmer Nelson Cind sun of LZlUrel, Marj-ori~ Ann of Wukefield, M s. 7H nterstate Mach. & Supply CeL ~upplies 8.B8 1_ ~O\?:~W, aft~rnq.on last.w''we. ek~ '.. '.1 Mr. an.. d Mrs. Walter Reeg and sons called. ThU'S.day in the Willfred Jac~ Butler' of.a.1s Angeles, 1\-1r. '~ Automobile or ~tor Vehicle Funt : Tires and Tubes Rim5 and Welding \. '* 'M': <;ind Mrs.. John Be)"j.atm~ were Sunday afternoon calte:rs last Carlson home. and'mr s. Frccm,:m Lubbf'rstedt an;] R.o.ad Drag.gin g D i>no. -Erxleben : :Jmd.da~ghter wele Sunday q!~~~~l week. in the Dave Kuch hume at Mr'. clod M's. Raymond Ellis and family \>,)('rc Sunday, afternoon ';'fj Leslie Swihney, ope'ating patr l" COME N TODAY!. ~ests 10 tl1 e Carl DoosE1 hotne!-] ~ WinSde. C. J. Ellis wcre at Ratidoi-ph l\oll- guests last week 111 the Augu.,! fjo Lonnie Henegar, operating pa ral : \ 'Mrs. Hannah Beck and H~rvey Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Victu\' and rl-t.-if last week.. Lllbberstedt home. M'. and Mr>,. Road Dragging Di$t. No.2-Swihart _, ' Beck ~ere Jast Wedn~sday ~mner son, Mr. and Mrs. Car! Meyer and MelVin Otte was a Sunday dm- W. H. Meyer' and Myron. Mr. and 3010 Central Supply Co., grader blades : E COMPLETE,,' '. [;,.,W~y~e Sal~s,Pi!vilion '{ _ Saturday, February Starting at ]:00 o"clock" p; m. 30 These horses are all Qrrect from the farms and ranchelof Keya Paha county, and are all good sound individuals with quality, color and disposition~t will suit the most critical horsemen., All horses are guaranteed to hitch satisfact?rily. Aj1yon~ desiring to see these hotses htched before the! sale ~m'~y do so either Friday oj< Satur ay mol1lljng before the auction..! i HEAD of HORSES in offering 1-30 ~ Matched Teams Team of sorrel mares, 6 and 7 years old,. weight about Team of grey gejdings;~y~al;s.,old, well mated.. "=: Team of mares, bay and roan, 6 years old., Team of iron grey geldings, 7 years o~d, weight about c 2 SaddleHors.es Grey colored saddle well broke. Cream coloreil saddle w~ll broke. horse, 7 years old,.r horse, 4 years old,.\...- \~ 0.,~.S1" B,@lance of Hors es l:allrc~-!- rin the offeri g will consist of sorr~ls, red roans, plue 1'0 ns, blacks and bays,'~~ary all between 3 a, 9 Yi:lars old. B.O Buy Tractor Tires : Me h t rc an \guests n tile PaulJ3aer home. family were Sunday afternoon ncr guest last week of Dwaine and Mrs. Gcorge Meyer wejle evening 8,: Beach Hurlbnt, moa,.linctaoi.n, ion,gl r."oo.. add~:.1n,~. ere..pair work 3' :. ar Mr. and M.rs. Ray Gildersleeve callers in the o'red Victor homa wwell Rl'thwisch. cullers..:, u o)'ku., a d, family spent Saturday eve- last week. 1Mr. :11d Mrs. Elh;.l1"dt Pospishil B3 Glen operuting; patrol' 4000:., n.'. last we.ek at Emil Barelman's. Mrs. D.ean Baird an.d d,llghtvr wcre la.~t Wednesday.gu.esls :1t For Two Birthdays. Road Dragging Di~t. No.3-Misfeldt. ~.'and Mrs. Raymond Nichols, returned Tucsdny last week to the August Lubbcrstedt'l;. About 20 neighbors spent SU\- H4' E. H, Molgacnd, maintaining and repclir work 840 YOUR FRESTONE yealer JOF nd L:avo:pne spent Tuesday Ben Lewls home at,wms,dc afkr Ml'. and Mrs. Henry WJCtlng arid day {'vening last week in thc Fl"d 8~ OlivC.'~RCJl:hl'l'.t.,rfi,aintaining an~.pushir~~~no\-\~ ~ ~o~ ~~~~_~~.!!!!._.!!~~~~.~. ' ) Bmrd Sp~dlngtwOw~k.slnthcEm.mcttls..andl..ilw.ereFl...ldaydlnn.('rgucsts home. Vahlkamp.Jr.,homef()l.Mr.Vah)-li.~.~~~.~ 111 thp Fred Reeg home. k,lmp's blrthd,ly of J;muary 23 and Mrs. John Brudlgam and Elc,l-!\wl Back of F'alls Cwty, Spf'llt Mrs. Vahlkamp's uf Januul'Y ~,1. nor Mac, Mrs, August Brudlg,lTll from alternoon to SundCl)' Jlrizt's in card;; wc'nt to Mrs. Cl;ll'- and Marcella.were Tuesday afkl -1m tl1(' W,. Back homc. cnee M;Hltl cltld Mrs. Frerl noon guests last wcc~ in.the F C' Mr,,!r\d Mrs. Bilg(.'.r Ml'Y.C.l" <lld Luncheon W,15 serl/('o. Fur Hammer home to quilt. family o! Wakefl 'ld, spent Thur,i- same occn:,ion Thursd<JY. 35 rcla~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ta1HlW,lHl clay at August Lubbel'stcdt." tl\'{'~ v,, cr(' evening gucsts. Pr'.. :,.~ family were Sunduy supper Allen, Huth <lnd C]co Shufell in cards.\~'nt to Mr.'l'-Otto Frc\"t! t last week in the George Fux "pent Sunday afternoun la.'-,t weej~ Fred HCl 1". Jr., and HCrmi1tl V'i1d- Mr. and Mrs. Will Korth <md Lllll- \vith LeRoy and Lois Spahr. kamp, 51".,unch('on was s{'n cd. i1y. Mr. and Mrs. John Brudigillll Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vcl!1lkdmp. _.. ~_ and Eleanor Mae were e\'l'ning.ir.. Spt-'llt Wit Wedncscl;ly cvenillg.loseph Hahn. SO. died lelst weck guests. )11 the DCJrl'ell Hubbard home.,t hi,:; home ncdr Hartington. Mr. and Mrs. l-enry Barelmatl Mr. and M s. :Valfred Carlson. and family, Dc 'and Mrs. L. H. Mr. and Mr;;. Gilbert Dangberg, A four-day celebration f~r completion Young were Sunday afternooll Mr. and Ml;S. Russell Pryor and of Oakland's new,f$35,uuo callers last wed:. in the Emii Bal'- daughter visited Mr:-;. Co E. Ncl Ciudltorium upened Sunday. elman home. Mr. and Mrs, Artl1u1 Dranse1ka and family were evening guests. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jahde, M'. and Mrs. Hussell Lutt and DW~line, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lutt were Tuesday dinner guests last week. in the John Lutt home. The men attended the Wm."Pamer sale and ladies spent the afternoon with Mrs. John Lutt...~~~~~_~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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