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4 Nancetta Wagner Research Specialist What a wonderful opportunity to have been a part of the creation and development of this Directory of Support and Counselling programs focusing on the Health and Wellness of Men, Elder Men and Boys throughout British Columbia. All organizations I contacted agreed to take part in the survey, and about 20% responded saying: There is a real need to have or to have more programs in our area but lack funding What a great idea, a men s directory and Happy to hear someone s taking the initiative to get more men s programs out there. I explained that by completing the survey they are helping us identify regional gaps and shortfalls in men s programs. I found it disheartening to hear them talk about the number of programs that had to close over the years because funding was no longer available. On the other hand, I found it quite refreshing that half of the participants wanted to know about the programs Grant is currently running at West Coast Men s Support Society. Knowing that the data we collect will be presented to the Government seemed to give them hope. Hope that their voices will make a difference and give proof of the need for Men s Programs in their regions and Funding to support them. Robert Drain Research Specialist Being a part of this project was quite an eye opener for me when it comes to the state of social programming that is available for Senior Men and Men in the province of BC. During our initial research we found well over 500 organizations that seemed to have programs that benefited the targeted demographic of this project. During the survey phase of the project, we were able to contact and send surveys out to over 80% of the organizations from our initial research. The response rate of the survey was approximately 20%, and through the responses we were able to compile a list of 176 programs. The disheartening part for me, lies in the fact that out of all these programs, there are only 20 whose participant is either a Senior Man or Man only. On a better note, over 50% of all organizations that actively took part in the project by responding with our survey, are interested in obtaining more information about programs that are currently running here at the West Coast Men's Support Society. This project was my first introduction to the world of social services and programming. I am not trained in social services nor have I worked in a non-profit organization before. My opinions with respect to this project is that of an average person who is looking at the data from an outside perspective. My opinion is influenced by the fact that I myself am a married, middle aged, father of 4, who is part of the targeted demographic of this project. It is my opinion, after taking part in this project and having spoken to many contacts at organizations throughout the province; that there are entirely too few programs available for Senior Men and Men in our province. $

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30 (*( Surpassing Our Survival S.O.S. Society + + Circle of Truth Program Kids Konnection & &, + &&, *,/ Gaming, Province of BC ), Prince George Prince George )*%( Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society North/East Region + + Stop the Oppressive Patterns & &, Public + &&, *,/ Ministry of Children and Family Development MCFD ), Agassiz Men's Circles Public MCFD Agassiz Children Who Witness Violence Public MCFD Agassiz Tool Time I Public MCFD Agassiz True Essence Counselling Inc. Men's Anger Management Burnaby Chilliwack Community Services Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society - West Region Children of the Street Society Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society - Langley The Family Education & Support Centre Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society - North Region Parkgate Community Services Society Tri-City Transitions Society Family Support Public Chilliwack Sexual Abuse Intervention Program Public Chilliwack Stop the Oppressive Patterns Public MCFD Clearbrook Men's Circles Public MCFD Clearbrook Children Who Witness Violence Public MCFD Clearbrook Tool Time I Public MCFD Clearbrook TCO2 Taking Care of Ourselves, Taking Care of Others Our supporters include Gov t, family foundations, corporations and individuals. For more info, see our website Coquitlam Stop the Oppressive Patterns Public MCFD Langley Men's Circles Public MCFD Langley Children Who Witness Violence Public MCFD Langley Tool Time I Public MCFD Langley Anger Management for Men and Parenting Support Groups Public MCFD, United Way and BC Gaming Maple Ridge Stop the Oppressive Patterns Public MCFD Mission Men's Circles Public MCFD Mission Children Who Witness Violence Public MCFD Mission Tool Time I Public MCFD Mission Parkgate Community Services Society North Vancouver Empowering Dads Program Public Federal - Public Health Agency Port Coquitlam Victim Assistance Program Public Port Coquitlam Richmond Men's Group Men's Group Richmond Touchstone Family Association Men Anger and The Family Public MCFD Richmond #+

31 Howe Sound Women's Centre Society Squamish Howe Sound Women's Centre Society Dale Trimble and Associates Changing Men Dr. Harry Stefanakis Inc. Anger and Aggression Management Group Strong Back Open Heart: Alternatives to Violence Group for Men Stand by your Women Stand By Your Women West End Seniors'Network Society (WESN) Whistler Community Services Society WESN Programs & Services for Seniors Senior Needs Action Planner (SNAP) We search out funding opportunities through local, provincial and federal Gov t sources, as well as community donors and foundations Some clients can access funding through extended health plans or their work place. Squamish Vancouver Unfunded Vancouver Unfunded Vancouver Funding has usually come by way of grant money to organizations - Victim Services uses me frequently to come to a city and work in schools for a few days with both boys and girls. Sometimes the School District will pay for the service. City of Vancouver; Vancouver Coastal Health; Provincial Gaming Branch; United Way of the Lower Mainland Vancouver Vancouver Whistler %$ Prince Rupert Seniors'Centre Association + + Prince Rupert Seniors'Centre Association & &, + &&, *,/ Province of B.C. ), Prince Rupert %$ Central Okanagan Hospice Association + + & &, + &&, *,/ ), Adult Grief Group Public BC Gaming Grant Kelowna Counselling Services Public BC Gaming Grant Kelowna South Okanagan Victim Assistance Services (SOVAS) Men's Counselling Program United Way and Gaming Commission Penticton South Okanagan Victim Assistance Services (SOVAS) John Howard Society of the North Okanagan/Kootenay Region of BC West Bank First Nation Change for Good Men's Shelter Bill's Place Public Civil Forfeiture Office Victim Services & Crime Prevention Division, Ministry of Justice Province of BC, Self Generated, Interior Health Authority and Federal Government Self Generated & Province of BC Penticton Vernon Vernon Gateway Shelter Public Province of BC Vernon Men s Circle of Courage, Wellbriety Group Medicine Wheel Alcohol & Drug Counselling Public West Bank First Nation NNADAP - (Drug & Alcohol Prevention Program) Ministry of Health. West Bank ()*% + + & &, + &&, *,/ ), North Island Survivors'Healing Society Family Place Partnership Men's Counselling Program Men's Counselling - Partially Subsidized Program Men's support group Funding Province of BC, United Way, Fees, Fundraising, Solicited Donations Fees, Fundraising, Solicited Donations Vancouver Island Hospital Authority Campbell River Campbell River Port Hardy #*

32 John Howard Society - Nanaimo The Compassionate Friends of Canada Nanaimo Chapter The Nanaimo Men's Resource Centre Traditional Housing Program Public HRSDC Nanaimo Vancouver Island Therapeutic Community (VITC) Grieving Fathers Support Group The Cowichan Valley Chapter of The Compassionate Friends The Compassionate Friends - Nanaimo Chapter Dealing With The Dragon Dads Make A Difference Program Family Crisis Support Services Referral & Resource Program Parental Alienation Awareness Program Ministry of Social Development, Resident User Fee We have relied on volunteer donations & fund raising activities in the past. It is crucial that we acquire Government support to expand our programs of bereavement support for fathers and their families. Volunteer donations and solicitation of community funds when/where possible Currently by volunteer donations Nanaimo Nanaimo Nanaimo Nanaimo Nanaimo Nanaimo Nanaimo Nanaimo Nanaimo #,

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