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2 TEACHING NOTES Unit 1 LIVING THINGS: Animals INVERTEBRATES Lesson 1 Activity 1:Warm-up Power point 1( Living things) slides 1,2 and 3 worksheet 1 Show the children slide 1 of power point 1 ( What are living things) and ask them: T:What do you know about living things? After hearing their answers, show them slide 2: T: What can you see in this picture? S: Plants, animals and people. T:Are rocks living things? And the wind or the air? Are plants living things? And animals? And people? Slide 3: Read it and ask. T: What do you think are the differences between plants and animals? Children share their ideas then say: Imagine you are a pine tree. Can you move? Now imagine you are a spider. Can you move? Let children think about one of the differences between plants and animals movement then give them worksheet 1 to complete. Once they have completed the worksheet show them slide 3 and check the answers.

3 Activity 2:Classification of animals Power point 2 (Animals) Slides 2 and 3 Slide 2: Ask children to read what is written in the power point. T: Animals can be divided into two groups. Can you guess the groups? ( possible answers: land, water animals for instance ) T: Why? Once children have answered the question, show them the classification (slide 3). Activity 3: Let s learn about invertebrates. slide 4 Children see some pictures about invertebrate animals and they learn their names in English. Before telling them the answers, check how many names they know in English. (Previous knowledge). Activity 4: Can you sort them into groups? Power point 2 slide 5 Flashcards and word cards ( supplementary material unit 1 lesson 1) Children work in groups of 4/5. Provide them with flashcards and word cards about invertebrate animals. They try to classify them and then tell the rest of the class their reasons for doing that classification. They can use L1. (Possible answers: parts of the body, shape ) Once they have made their classification, show them the 6 groups in the power point.

4 Activity 5: What have you learned? Worksheet 2 Worksheet about invertebrate classification to complete. jellyfish coral Cnidarians Worms earthworm Sponges INVERTEBRATES Echino derms Sponges Sea urchin starfish Molluscs Insects Arthropods oyster clam octopus fly Arachnids Crustaceans Myriapods snail squid spider centipedes grasshopper butterfly scorpion loster crab

5 Lesson 2 Activity 1: Warm-up activity: Pass the pen Divide the class into small groups of 3/4. Tell them to take out a pen and a piece of paper. One of them will be the writer. Explain that while the music is playing, they should pass the pen around the group. When the music stops, they look at the teacher who holds a picture about an invertebrate animal and the one who has the pen, is the one who has to write the name of that animal on the paper. The others offer contributions. The first team to finish says STOP! Then check the answers. If they are correct, give them one point. (To revise vocabulary from previous session). Activity 2: Animal passport Power point 2 from slide 5 and above sentences about invertebrates (supplementary material, unit 1 lesson 2) Flashcards precious lesson Worksheet 3 After reviewing the previous contents, show them the characteristics of each group of invertebrates. Spend time reading the slides and let them ask the unknown words. Display the invertebrate animals cards around the classroom taking into account the group they belong to (sponges, molluscs, cnidarians, arthropods, echinoderms and worms). Also stick some sentences about them but not in the correct order. Provide students with a report template about animals. In groups, they match the sentences with the animals first and then they complete the fact file. (Make sure all the invertebrates groups are represented). Once they have finished, they describe their animals to the rest of the class. They then make their own invertebrate book. You can use this activity as an oral assessment activity (observation sheet)

6 VERTEBRATES Lesson 3 Activity 1 Let s learn about vertebrates Power point 3 Slides from 1 to 7 (with language support) Jigsaw ( supplementary material unit 1 lesson 3) T: Look at these animals. What do these animals have in common? T: What have they got? S: A backbone. T: What else have they got? Show them the power point where they can see the main features of a vertebrate animal. Once they have understood all the vocabulary, show them slide 3 (lion) and encourage them to tell you its features. Ask them about animals with similar characteristics. Do the same with slides 4, 5, 6 and 7. Ask them about 15 questions and every time they answer right, give them one piece of the jigsaw. At the end, they have to complete the jigsaw and guess the five vertebrates groups. Activity 2 What have you learned? Worksheet 4 Activity 3 Find some information about see worksheet 5 ( group work activity ) To carry on with this activity, click on this link: (accessed 06/02/2010) and follow the instructions: -click here for the program -All about animals (find out more) -Index ( and then you click on any animal) Show them an example of how can they use this program to find out the information required.

7 You can use this activity as homework or in the ICT class. Provide the children with worksheet 5. It has a fact file that they fill in with some information about vertebrates. Each group should choose one type of vertebrates. Tell them how to use it and also tell them not to write the name of their animal in their fact file. Lesson 2 Activity 1 Picture test-true or false? Power point 3 slide 1 Ask students to look at a picture about an animal. Tell them a statement about it. They say if it s true or false. If it is false, they will have to correct it. T: It s a mammal. T: It s got lungs Language support for the children It isn t a, it s a It hasn t got, it s got It doesn t breathe through, it breathes through It can t, it can Activity 2 What do you know about vertebrates? With their fact files completed and in groups, tell them to exchange their fact files with the other groups. None of the groups should have their own fact file. One of the groups comes in front of the class and describes the animal they got from another group. They guess the animal they are talking about. You can use this activity as an oral assessment activity (observation sheet) Time for assessment: Worksheet 26 Assessment Unit 1 (Animals)

8 Lesson 1 Unit 2 AQUATIC BIRDS Activity 1 Warm up: Guess the topic Cards: Aquatic birds game ( supplementary material unit 2 lesson 1) Children work in groups of 2 or 3.Give each group a card (picture or word). The ones who have a word have to find the corresponding picture and the ones who have the picture should find the word. Once they have matched the pairs correctly, they read loud what they have got and stick their card on the board. They have to guess the topic they are going to learn about. friends food Aquatic birds Parts of the body Ebro Delta The pond Activity 2 Getting to know aquatic birds Power point 4 slides 1 and 2 Show them slide 1 of power point 4. T: Where do you think they live? Slide 2 power point 4. T: Do you know why? ( possible different answers) S: Because they can find Show them the pictures: Pond, rice fields and friends.

9 Activity 3 Coping with different conditions Power point 4 Slide 3 Flashcards ( supplementary material, unit 2, lesson 1) Worksheet 6 T: What do you do to cope with different situations? What do aquatic birds do? Divide the children into 4 groups. Give each group flashcards and ask them: What do you /aquatic birds do to protect them from you pick up make deal greet the rain? the sun? the cold? a bed? small objects? with the dark? friends? T: What do you do to protect you from the rain? use put on look for turn on I/ have Aquatic birds send make produce take to protect me from them to make a bed. to pick up small objects. to deal with the dark. to greet friends. the rain the sun the cold

10 Students hold up the right flashcard and say the sentence. S: I use an umbrella to protect me from the rain I put my raincoat on to protect me from the rain. T: What do aquatic birds do to protect them from the rain? S: Aquatic birds use waterproof feathers to protect them from the rain. All together complete the activity on the board. Give them 5 minutes to have a look at them and then take them off the board. Give them worksheet 6 to complete the grid. Then, they read aloud what they wrote. Make a poster with the flashcards to hang on the wall. Lesson 2 Activity 1 Warm up: Can you remember? Flashcards from the previous lesson.( unit 2 lesson 1) Show them one flashcard and ask them: T: What do aquatic birds do to.? And to..? Check if they remember what they learnt in the previous lesson. They can have a look at their worksheet. Activity 2 Movements in water Power point 4 Slides 4 and 5 Worksheet 7 They read slide 4 and try to answer the question (different answers but guide them until they say parts of the body). Show them slide 5 then. They have to guess the meaning of divers and dabblers. T: Looking at the pictures, what do you think diver and dabbler mean? Can you identify the differences? (Possible answers: on the surface, under the surface). Slide 6 Work on the diagram you can see in slide 6 asking them questions about the contents there.

11 Worksheet 7: Fill in this identification key taking into account what you have seen in the power point. Worksheet 7: In the world of aquatic birds, guess which is the diver and which is the dabbler. Activity 3 Make up a menu Power point 4 Slide 7 Worksheets 8, 9 and 10 Give them worksheet 8 and tell them they have to make up a menu. Divide the class into two groups. One of them makes menus for the divers and the other one makes menus for the dabblers. They have to take into account where the different species live using the facts on the worksheet. They use worksheet 8 (cut out) to complete the menus on worksheet 9. Without telling which bird it is for, some students read their menus in front of the rest of the class. The other students guess if they are menus for divers or dabblers. T: How do you know? (If time, they do a role-play: At the restaurant. Two of them pretend they are aquatic birds and one of them the waiter/waitress.) (Worksheet 10).

12 Lesson 3 Activity 1 Riddle time!! Power point 4 Slide 8, 9 and 10 Worksheet 11 Footprint flashcards ( supplementary material unit 2, lesson 3) Show them slide 8 and tell them to read the clues and to find out the solution. Slide 9 T: Look at these feet. What can you do with them? S: run, jump, walk T: What about aquatic birds? Have they got feet? What can they do with them? S: swim, find food, dive, dabble. T: What do they look like? Worksheet 11 Children work in pairs and they draw what they think aquatic birds feet look like. Put them into groups and provide them with flashcards about different animal footprints. T: Which ones are from aquatic birds? How do you know? Show them slide 10: aquatic birds feet Students classify them according to their own criteria. Accept their classifications, but ask them to focus on the number of toes and the presence of a web between toes. Worksheet 11 Tell them to finish the worksheet by drawing the different types of feet that aquatic birds have. Ask them to write the parts and to complete the descriptions. They read them aloud.

13 Activity 2 Question time!!! Power point 4 Slide 11 Worksheet 12 Let the students guess the first answer, divide them into 4 groups and tell them they are going to do an experiment to find out the second answer. Hand out worksheet 12. Materials: 4 aquatic bird flight feathers 4 droppers 4 microscopes Water The conclusion is: The feathers are water-proof so they don t absorb water.

14 Lesson 4 Activity 1 Memory game Power point 4 Slides 12,13 and 14 Memory game ( supplementary material unit 2 lesson 4) Divide them into 4/5 groups. Provide them with a set of cards and tell them they are going to play a memory game. They try to match the picture with its corresponding definition. Ask them to read aloud their answers and also ask them why they match the pictures and the sentences in that way. After that, show them the slides 12,13 and 14 in power point 4 to check. Activity 2 Watch!! (camouflage video) (aquatic birds behaviour: defending territory, special sounds ) Let them watch these two videos and ask them to hold up a card (memory game) when they see a specific behaviour in the video. Stop the video and let them say what aquatic birds are doing in and then ask them why they think they behave that way. Activity 3 Wall dictation Worksheet 13 Wall dictation cards ( supplementary material unit 2 lesson 4) Divide the class into 4/5 groups. Give a coloured card with a text to each group. Fold the papers and stick them on the classroom walls away from where the groups are sitting. One person from each group goes to their sentence, reads it and dictates it to the rest of the group. One of them writes it down on the corresponding place in the worksheet. When they finish, assign them another colour and another pupil goes to read the sentence.

15 Lesson 5 Activity 1 Create your own aquatic bird Worksheet 14 and 15 (language support) Provide children with a sheet of paper and let them draw their own aquatic bird. After minutes, children cut out their aquatic bird and they stick it on the worksheet 14. They describe them and also create 3/4 questions to ask to other children. Put them in pairs and let them ask their questions to their mates and then write them down on their worksheet. If time, one of the children can sit down in front of the class with their aquatic bird and the rest interview them about it. You can use this activity as an oral and written assessment activity (observation sheet) Assess how much vocabulary children use in their descriptions.

16 Lesson 1 Unit 3 HABITATS Activity 1 Let s talk Power point 5 Slides 1,2, and 3 Show children slide 1 power point 5 and ask them: T: What is it? ( a city ). T: Who lives in a city? (if they answer only people, ask them: what about plants and animals? and carry on with the slide). T:What have people, animals and plants in common? (living things). T: So, what is a city? (let them answer in L1 and translate). T: Right! A city is a place where living things live and grow together. Show children slide 2. T: A is a place where living things (what are living things? And carry on with the slide) live and grow together. Can you guess the name by putting these letters in order? Children try to put the letters in order to guess the word. Once they have guessed the word habitat ask them: T: Are there different types of habitats in the world? Talk to your partner next to you and tell me any other habitats in the world. (previous knowledge). Show children slide 3 and ask them: T: What is it? (Water, food and shelter-home). T: Are these things important for us? Why? And what about for the plant and the animals? T: Can we find them in a habitat? (Yes).

17 Activity 2 Discover the habitats around the world!! ( whole class activity ) Power point 5 Slides from 4 to the end a world map Numbers, flashcards and word cards (supplementary materials unit 3, lesson 1 ). Stick just the numbers onto the map in the following way: arctic 5 6 forest 4 pond 7 ocean desert 1 rainforest 3 2 grassland Tell children you are going to travel around the world to learn about different habitats. They start with number 1 and they guess the name of the habitat by solving and answering some questions about that habitat in the power point. Once they have guessed number one, they go to number 2 and go on. After guessing number one, stick the flashcard and the word card of each habitat next to the number. 1. Desert Task 1: Make sentences. Children look at the pictures and following the pattern they make correct sentences. Answers: The temperature is high in this habitat. During the day it is very hot and during the night it is very cold. Task 2: Name the animal and describe it. This is a. It s got / It hasn t got.. It s a (group it belongs to ). It can/it can t. Task 3: The right answer is B.

18 2. Grassland Task 1: Order the sentence. Task 2: Read the sentence and they complete it by naming the animals in the pictures. Ask them why? And give them the answer. They describe one of the animals (follow pattern in habitat 1). Task 3: Complete the sentences about weather and temperature (fall=autumn). 3. Rainforest Task 1: Forecast. They guess the weather looking at the maps. They make sentences about it. Don t click too fast and let them predict first the weather. On Monday it will rain, on Tuesday it will rain and so on. Task 2: True or false. When the sentence is false, they try to correct it. 2. F: Trees are very tall. 4. F: There are a lot of plants there. Task 3: They listen to the sound they guess the animal, one by one. Then they describe some of them. 4. Ocean Task 1: Helped by the word bank, they try to locate the oceans. Task 2: After watching a video about the ocean, ask them the questions. In the video, you can see a whale swimming through the ocean. Also you can see some animals which live there. When you ask the question, which characteristics do they have in common, they should answer: gills, scales, fins Why do these animals can live in this habitat? Because they have fins for swimming and gills for breathing. Task 3: Let them complete the sentences.

19 5.Arctic They make sentences. Examples: It s very cold. The winter is long and dark. It snows in the winter. It is not snowing in the summer. The summer is short. Task 2: Looking at the pictures, they should guess two characteristics of this habitat. Task 3: Question time: Give them time to try to answer the question. Also, show them the picture before the word. Finally, they describe them. 6. Forest Task 1: Fill in the blanks. Task 2: Read them the clues. Task 3: Question time: The answer is trees. Task 4: They guess the names and describe them. Take into account Number 7 is the Pond. You stick the number but not the picture or the word card because they are going to learn a lot of information about this in the next unit. That s why it is not in the activities. The last slide is just for showing them the different habitats in a world map. Ask them some questions like: T: Are there a lot of deserts in the world?( all the habitats ) What can the dark blue be?

20 Lesson 2 Activity 1 What s in the bag? ( warm-up) A bag Flashcards of habitats (supplementary materials unit 3 lesson 1) Worksheet 16 Divide the class into two groups. Each group decides who is going to be the writer. Put the flashcards in the bag and take one out from it. They say the name of the habitat and they have 1/2min to write down what features they remember from the previous lesson game on the worksheet. Keep going the same way with all the habitats. Once you have finished, each group reads what it has recorded. If they have missed something use the power point 5 to help them to complete the worksheet. Activity 2 Animal adaptation game. Power point 6 ( whole class activity) Show children slide 1 and ask them what they know about animal adaptations and then, show them slide 2. Tell them they are going to play an interactive game. This game consists of two questions and one task. 1 st question: Would this animal be happy living here? ( less-able children ) 2 nd question: Say the main reason. Choose the right answer. ( more difficult than the first one ) 3 rd task/question: Children think about more examples and some reasons ( more-able children ) Between the 2 nd question and the task, there is a slide in which children can read and know some interesting facts about the animals they have been talking about in the game.

21 Activity 3 Speech bubbles!! Worksheets 17 and 18 This is a triple matching activity. Give out worksheet 17 and tell children to read aloud the speech bubbles and to cut them out. They stick them on worksheet 18 next to the correct animal. Once they have finished, they match the animal with its habitat. Some of them correct the worksheet aloud for the rest of the class, reading the animals speeches and saying: Speech bubbles camel whale parrot lion polar bear deer I think the ( animal ) lives in the ( habitat )

22 Lesson 3 Activity 1 Warm up: Find your partner Templates (supplementary material unit 3 lesson 3 ) Give out one square to each child. They write three things about habitats or animal adaptation. After two or three minutes, they walk around the class and they have to stand next to the person/s they have talked to who they have most in common with. They should ask to each other: You can write the language support on the blackboard What do you remember? I remember Activity 2 Habitats fact file. Worksheet 19 This activity is a classification task. Divide the class into 6 groups. Each group chooses a habitat. Give out worksheet 19. They read all the sentences and write the most suitable ones for the habitat they have chosen in the corresponding place on the next worksheet. Once they have completed them, provide them with and envelope. Each envelope contains five questions they will ask the other groups, but the questions are not in order. They cut them and stick them in order in a sheet of paper. Finally, group 1 asks the questions to group 2. While group two is answering the questions, the rest write the answers in the correct place. At the end, all the groups have the information about all the habitats. Each group has to decide who is going to be the secretary (the one who is going to write) and who are going to be the helpers. They change roles each round.

23 Lesson 4 Activity 1 A year in the life of a pond Power point 8 Slides 1 to 5 Worksheets 20 and 21 (language support). Stick number 7 onto the world map and tell them they are going to learn about the pond. T: In Spring all the creatures living in and around the pond begin to look for mates. Frogs do too. It starts the life cycle. What about in summer, autumn and winter? Show them slide 1: The pond through the year. They read the sentences in the following slides and they guess the seasons they belong to. Give them out worksheets 20 and 21 and ask them to make sentences taking into account the language support, and to write them next to the right season. To correct the activity, they read them aloud. Activity 2 Life cycle of a frog. Power point 8 Slides 6 to 14 Worksheet 22 Life cycle of a frog cards (supplementary materials unit 3 lesson 5) Divide them into 6 groups and give 1 card to each group. When they see the picture that belongs to their card on the power point, they read the correct sentence aloud. Check their answers in the power point. Option or differentiation. Once they have watched the power point, give them out the cards (the long ones (more-able children) or the short ones (less-able children)), one set each group and ask them to put them in order as quickly as possible thinking about what they saw in the power point. The quickest group is the winner and the one who will check the answers. Give them out worksheet 22. They draw and write sentences about the life cycle of a frog.

24 They pass their worksheet to the child next to them and they correct their worksheet s partner. Activity 3 Pairs dictation Worksheets 23 Divide the class into pairs of A and B. Give each child their respective version of the text and explain that they should keep this secret. Tell them the texts are the same but different words are missing. They take turns to read the text, which is the script from the video, and dictate the missing words to their partner. Once they have finished they compare and check their texts. One of the couples read the text aloud. Activity 4 Video about life cycle of a frog ( you tube ) Show them the video about the life cycle of a frog. Let them notice that the text is the same as the video. They watch and listen to the video. They pretend to be reporters and they watch the video again but without sound. Life cycle of a frog (video) Frogs are amphibians. They spend their lives part in the water and part on the land. Frogs lay their eggs in a pond. The eggs hatch into tadpoles (baby frogs). Tadpoles live in the water. A tadpole has a tail and no legs and breathes with gills. It eats plants from the water. It grows back legs and front legs. It loses its tail and its gills. Now it looks like a very small frog: froglet. It can live on the land and swim in the water. The frogs breathe with lungs and eat insects. Now it s an adult frog and it can lay eggs. If time, they can act the story out.

25 Lesson 5 Activity 1 Put them in order. Music Flashcards and sentence cards.( supplementary materials unit 3 lesson 5) Tell the children to stand in a circle. Give them out the cards (flashcards and sentences) of the life cycle of a frog. While they are listening to the music, they pass the cards around and when the music stops, they put themselves (the ones who have got the cards) in the correct order (thinking about the life cycle of a frog). Then they describe the cycle. (They can do it again but they try to remember the sentences without looking at the cards). Activity 2 Animals in a pond Power point 9 Encourage them to think about animals you can find in a pond. After listening to their answers, show them power point 9. Ask them questions like: T: Which group does it belong to? (vertebrates/invertebrates/both) What s its name?/ Where does it live?/ What does it eat?/how is it moving? Let them guess before giving them the answer. Activity 3 Dice game Dice (A3 sheet) ( supplementary materials unit 3 lesson 6) Pictures of animals (supplementary materials unit 3 lesson 6) Stick the pictures onto the dice. Divide the class into two groups. Throw the dice and group number one says as much as they remember about that animal (from the power point or any other features they know). Give them one point for each correct fact. Then group number two does the same. Who is the winner at the end of the game?

26 Activity 3 Identification key Worksheet 24 Give them out worksheet 24 and ask them to identify the animals using the identification key. Activity 4 Hot seat Worksheet 21 (language support) One of the children goes in front of the class and sits down in a chair. He/she pretends to be an animal from the pond. The rest ask him/her the questions in the identification key and try to guess which animal he/she is. Questions: language support worksheets. Also they can ask their own questions Activity 5 Odd one out (to consolidate learning) Show them in the power point some pictures of different animals. They guess the odd one out and they give their reasons. I think the odd one out is because.. As it is an assessment activity, ask children more questions about the animals in the odd one out although they guess the answer in the power point. T: Where do the other animals live? Can you describe one of these animals to me? What do you remember about this habitat?/ Can you tell me the names of the oceans? You can use this activity as an oral assessment activity (observation sheet) Time for assessment: Worksheet 27 Assessment Unit 2 (Habitats)

27 Lesson 6 Worksheet 25 If possible, visit a pond in your area. Children will learn about the variety of life at the pond. They use worksheets 25 to record all the information they get about animals in a pond. Children can add pictures and labels. Every time children work in groups, one of them is the teacher s assistant. She/he fills the teacher s assistant sheet (next page) assessing his/her peers work.

28 Teacher assistant s sheet Task distribution How do your peers distribute the tasks? Language Do they talk in English? Organization Do they well organize the work? Any comments?

29 Follows teacher s instructions Demonstrates understanding of new concepts Identifies the main features of the topic Uses language of interaction appropriately Presents and describes using topic vocabulary and Uses vocabulary related to the topic Presents their work in a clear way Listens with interest and respect Shows a positive attitude towards the foreign language ANIMAL WORLD: TYPES AND HABITATS Observation sheet Comprehension Production Interaction Students Key: A: Always S: Sometimes N: Never Comments:

30 Self assessment Name: Date: Name of the unit Activity or activities I like the most How much I liked it How much I learnt Level of difficulty worksheet / power point / game / experiment other: Some expressions or vocabulary I learnt Would you like to do this activity again? YES NO

31 Bibliography Bell,P. (2005) The National Curriculum. Topic Book. Bentley,K. (2009) Primary Curriculum Box. Cambridge. Essential Science 5/6. Richmond Santillana. Calabrese, I. (2007) Cross-curricular Resources for young learners. Oxford Lauder, L. (2006) Projects Across the Curriculum. Scholastic. New Science 5/6. Richmond Santillana Science Study Book. For KS2 National Tests. BBC Active. 100 Science Experiments. Usborne 2005 Maley, A. (2007) Teaching Other Subjects through English. Oxford. Mehisto, P., Marsh, D. and Frigols M.J. (2009) Uncovering Clil: Content and Language Integrated Learning in Bilingual and Multilingual Education. Macmillan Books for Teachers. Read, C. (2009) 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom. Macmillan Books for Teachers. Stewart, D., Bergin, M. (2002) Pond Life. Franklin Watts. Magloff, L. (2003) Watch me grow, frog. Dorling Kindersley. Great Big Animal Book. Ticktock Entertaiment, Spilsbury, L.,R., (2007).Habitats. Step-up Science. Hewitt, S. (2000) All Kind of Habitats. Franklin Watts. Parker, S. (2003). Pond and River. Eyewitness. Websites Videos: Pictures:

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