Level Q/40 Protecting Our Oceans. Science

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1 Level Q/40 For students reading at Literacy Level Q/40, including: Grade 4 readers Grade 5 8+ students reading below level English-language learners at TESOL Level 5 Science Skills & Strategies Comprehension Strategies Identify Cause and Effect Summarize Information Use Graphic Features to Interpret Information Use Text Features to Locate Information Metacognitive Strategy Make connections Vocabulary Develop academic content vocabulary Phonics/Word Study Recognize words with -y endings Grammar and Usage Use when adverbs Fluency Read exclamation points Bridges Theme: The Environment Deforestation and Desertification (Level R/40) (Level Q/40) Ecological Disasters (Level R/40) Science Big Idea Readers learn how pollution happens, how pollution affects marine life, and what s being done to stop ocean pollution. B e n c h m a r k E d u c a t i o n C o m p a n y

2 Prepare to Read Build Comprehension Pictures To Think About Hand out books. Read the title aloud. Ask students to tell what they see on the cover. Tell students that keeping our oceans clean is important if we want a healthy Earth. Have students turn to the page titled Pictures To Think About. Tell them they will use information on these pages to help recall and add to what they already know about protecting the oceans. Use the map in the center to point out the world s seas and oceans. On the board, create a chart with two columns labeled What is it? and What do I know about it? Have students make a copy on paper. Ask partners to study each photograph, starting with the top picture on the left-hand page and moving clockwise. Have students complete as much of the chart as they can on their own and then share their ideas with the class. Use the sample chart below to help them fill in any missing information. Invite students to find each photograph in the book and read its caption. Words To Think About Have students turn to the Words To Think About spread. Ask them to study the word map for toxic and think of other characteristics and examples to add. Then read page 7 and ask: What characteristics and examples can you add now? What do you think toxic means? (harmful to fish, wildlife, and plants) Ask students to study the word bench for ecosystem. Explain that this word is made up of two word parts from Greek and Latin. Read the parts out loud for students. Say: Put the word parts together. Dwelling place organized doesn t make sense, but think of a dwelling place as a community. Does organized community make sense? Then read the first paragraph on page 3 and ask: What do you think ecosystem means? (a community of things that live together and interact with their environment) Ask students to study the word pedestal for sewage and think of other answers. Then read page 4 and ask: What information can we add now? What do you think the word sewage means? (human waste) Remind students that good readers use their own knowledge and the text to figure out the meanings of words. Pictures To Think About Photograph What is it? What do I know about it? 1 bird covered in oil cannot live with oil on feathers 2 volunteers people picking up litter to keep beaches clean 3 life under the sea clean, healthy ocean environment 4 junk piled up near water often ends up in the ocean Benchmark Education Company, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of the guide may be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN: Benchmark Education Company, LLC

3 Before Reading Preview the Book Turn to the Table of Contents. Point out that each chapter title has the word pollution in it. Ask student partners to discuss what they think they will learn while reading the book. Turn to the Index. Explain that an index lists the topics in alphabetical order and the pages they are found on. Ask students to find the words dead zone in the Index and then again on the correct pages in the book. Set Learning Goals Pair students and ask them to generate a learning-goal statement about the book s topic, such as I want to learn what I can do to help keep oceans clean. Have pairs share their statements with the group. Post the learning-goal statements on the board in the classroom. Build Vocabulary for Comprehension Write the words toxic, ecosystem, and sewage on the board. Remind students that they have already discussed these three important words. Tell them you will now share additional words they will need to know, adding acid rain, bacteria, chemicals, currents, debris, food chain, plankton, and polluted to the list on the board. Read each word and ask students to pronounce it. Model how to sort the words on a threecolumn chart labeled Know, Think I Know, and Do Not Know. Say: I know the word polluted. I will write polluted in the first column. I do not know the word debris. I will write debris in the last column. I have heard of a food chain, but I do not know much about it. I will write food chain in the center column. Ask students to make their own charts and sort the words according to their current understanding of each one. Explain that as they learn more about these words, they can move them to different columns. Know Think I Know Do Not Know polluted food chain debris Introduction Ask students to turn to the Introduction on pages 2 and 3. Explain that an introduction tells what a book is about. Ask students to discuss what they see in the photograph and map and why they think the author put these here. Invite students to read the Introduction silently. Then ask: What is the most surprising or interesting thing you learned about oceans? What would you like to learn more about? Turn to a partner and discuss your answers. After partners confer, invite them to share their thoughts with the group. Text and Graphic Features Use this table to help students see how text and graphic features provide extra information to readers. Chapter Feature Prompts Answers 1 map (pp. 8 9) 1. What vocabulary word goes with this map? 2. What does the map help explain? 1. currents 2. how currents can carry sewage and debris thousands of miles 2 sidebar (p. 15) 3 chart (p. 27) 1. Why do you think the author included this sidebar? 2. How are the sidebar photographs similar? How are they different? 1. What vocabulary word goes with this chart? 2. How are the items on the chart arranged? 1. to introduce the term food chain and describe one food source, plankton 2. Both photos show plankton: the top photo shows plankton from a distance; the bottom photo shows plankton close up. 1. debris 2. from most to least pieces of debris 2011 Benchmark Education Company, LLC 3

4 Chapter 1 4 Before Reading Build Vocabulary for Comprehension Write polluted, debris, chemicals, bacteria, currents, and acid rain on the board. Point out that the author defines polluted with a synonym on page 2 by using a comma and the word or. Ask: What is the synonym for polluted? (dirtied) Say: The author uses the words another word for on page 5 to tell us she is defining the word. Ask students to define debris. Repeat the process with chemicals on page 7, bacteria on page 8, and acid rain on page 13. Say: The author describes currents on page 9. Let s find the clues to its meaning. (ocean, can carry, thousands of miles) Have students define currents. Model Monitor-Reading Strategy: Make Connections Say: One way to make sure I understand what I read is to make connections to the information. I can make connections to my own life, to the world, or to other books I have read. Use a real-life example to demonstrate making connections. Explain that today, students will connect the information in Chapter 1 with their own lives. Read page 4 aloud while students follow along. Say: I ve seen trash that people leave behind in the park, so I can imagine what this beach looks like. This connection helps me understand how trash is a form of pollution. Set Purpose for Reading Ask students to read pages 4 13 silently and write about connections to their own lives in their journals. Tell students they will read to answer the question How does pollution happen? During Reading Observe and Prompt Reading Strategies Watch as students record connections between their lives and the text. Document who is and is not using this monitor-reading strategy. Take note of students who have difficulty. After Reading Discuss the Reading Ask students to share the connections they made as they read pages 4 13, and invite volunteers to explain how making text-to-self connections helped them better understand their reading. Have students answer the question How does pollution happen? To focus on text and graphic features for Chapter 1, use the map prompt from the chart on page 3 of this guide. Read and discuss the checkpoint on page 13. Use the Bridges: Com pre hension Question Card for textdependent questions that refer to this section. Review Vocabulary Ask students to restate the synonym given for polluted; the direct definitions given for debris, chemicals, bacteria, and acid rain; and the description given for currents. Ask students to locate the words on their vocabulary charts and decide if they want to move any to another column. Summarize Information Explain that a summary gives the key ideas from a book. Say: To help myself remember what I read, I often summarize the information in a chapter. Summarizing means pulling out the most important ideas and details and reducing a long piece of text to something short and to the point. Have students review Chapter 1. As a group, decide on the key ideas and have one or two students write the information on chart paper or the board. (Our oceans are badly polluted. People let debris and sewage get into the water. Currents then spread the pollution all over the world. Oil spills and acid rain also pollute the oceans.) Keep the key ideas posted. Say: After we select the key ideas from the rest of the book, we will write a summary together Benchmark Education Company, LLC

5 Chapter 2 Before Reading Build Vocabulary for Comprehension Write the words food chain and plankton on the board. Guide students to see that food chain is directly defined on page 15. Say: The word called is a clue that the author is defining food chain. Ask students to define food chain using the text. Repeat the process with plankton on page 15. Guide Monitor-Reading Strategy: Make Connections Remind students that when they make connections to what they read, they better understand and remember the information. Say: Today we will make another type of connection. We will connect what we read in the text with what we already know about the world. As you read page 14 aloud, stop to model a text-to-world connection. At the end of the page, ask: What connections can you make between the plants and animals in the ocean ecosystem and what you already know about plants and animals? Set Purpose for Reading Ask students to read Chapter 2 and to make and record connections between what they are reading and what they know about the world. Tell students they will read to answer the question How does pollution affect marine life? After Reading Discuss the Reading Ask students to share some of their text-toworld connections with the class. Ask: How did connecting your reading to what you know about the world help you understand how pollution affects plants and animals? Discuss students responses. Have students answer the question How does pollution affect marine life? To focus on text and graphic features for Chapter 2, use the sidebar prompt from the chart on page 3 of this guide. Use the Bridges: Com prehension Question Card for textdependent questions that refer to this section. Review Vocabulary Ask students to restate the direct definitions given for food chain and plankton. Ask students to decide if they want to move either of the words to another column on their vocabulary charts. Summarize Information As a group, decide on the key ideas from Chapter 2 and add them to the Chapter 1 summary. (Ocean pollution affects all living things. Pollution kills plants. Pollution can blind or burn fish. Birds with oil on their feathers cannot fly. Sea animals may swallow debris and die. Marine biologists study the ocean and its animals. They try to find ways to protect the ocean s ecosystems.) During Reading Observe and Prompt Reading Strategies As students read, observe them carefully. For students who struggle with making connections, model it again. Then read the first paragraph on page 16 aloud. Encourage students to make connections between the text and what they already know about oil spills Benchmark Education Company, LLC 5

6 Chapter 3 and Conclusion Before Reading Build Vocabulary for Comprehension Although no glossary words appear in Chapter 3 or the Conclusion, use this opportunity to introduce additional content words. Write the words cooperate and recycle on the board. Have students turn to page 26 and find cooperate. Say: The author does not directly define cooperate, but we can figure out the meaning using clues in the paragraphs. Guide students to see that people cooperate when they all clean up the coasts, so cooperate must mean work together. Repeat the process with recycle on page 30, noting the clues in the previous sentence and defining recycle as to process materials to use again. Apply Monitor-Reading Strategy: Make Connections Remind students that they have connected the information in the book to their own lives and to what they know about the world. Say: Now we will make connections to other texts we have read. Read page 24 aloud as students follow along. Say: This reminds me of an article I read about recycling. The author said communities that recycle have less litter. Then ask students to share other texts they have read about trash, recycling, or pollution. Say: Making connections helps you better understand what you read. Encourage students to make text-to-text connections as they finish reading the book. Set Purpose for Reading Ask students to read Chapter 3 and the Conclusion, making connections to other texts they have read. Tell students they will read to answer the question How can we stop ocean pollution? During Reading Observe and Prompt Reading Strategies As students read, watch them record connections between this text and other texts they have read. Ask yourself Who is still struggling with this strategy? How can I help them? and provide support as needed. After Reading Discuss the Reading Ask students to share text-to-text connections with the group. Ask: How did making connections to other texts you have read help you understand the efforts to stop pollution? Discuss students responses. Have students answer the question How can we stop ocean pollution? To focus on text and graphic features for Chapter 3, use the chart prompt from the chart on page 3 of this guide. Read and discuss the checkpoint on page 29. Use the Bridges: Com prehension Question Card for textdependent questions that refer to this section. Review Vocabulary Ask students to restate the descriptions given for cooperate and recycle, and invite them to add the words to a column on their vocabulary charts. Summarize Information Have students turn to Chapter 3. Ask: What are the key ideas from Chapter 3? (People and governments are working to prevent ocean pollution. People clean up beaches, throw garbage away safely, and recycle paper, aluminum, and glass. Governments create laws to make the air and water cleaner.) Tell students they will write a summary of the book later on in the lesson Benchmark Education Company, LLC

7 After Reading Build Comprehension Identify Cause and Effect Model Say: A cause is what makes something happen, and an effect is what happens. Sometimes authors provide clue words, such as because or as a result. Other times we must recognize causes and effects on our own. I notice on page 4 the author asks, What causes pollution? The clue word causes tells me the author is talking about a cause-andeffect relationship. She gives the cause in the next sentence. People being careless about throwing out trash is the cause. The effect is pollution of beaches and oceans. Draw a chart on the board with three columns labeled Page, Cause, and Effect and ask students to create similar charts on paper. Record information for the cause and effect from pp. 4 5 while students do the same. Guide Help students locate the cause-andeffect relationship in the second paragraph on page 11, making sure they note the clue word cause. Record their responses on your chart as students do the same. Have students reread page 14. Say: The author says sometimes pollution harms one plant or animal, and the whole ecosystem changes. What is the cause? What is the effect? Record students responses in the appropriate columns while they do the same. Apply Reread the chart and then explain that student partners will find causes and effects on pages 16 and 19. Remind them to look for clue words, such as how. Ask students if they have any questions before they begin. Monitor their work and intervene if they have difficulty. If students find cause-and-effect relationships different from those in the sample, be sure they are supported by the text. Review the completed graphic organizer. Shared Writing Summarize the Book Say: We have selected key ideas from each chapter. Now we will work together to write a summary of the entire book. Review the key ideas recorded on chart paper, and then ask: How can we summarize the book in our own words? Ask one or two students to serve as scribes as the class forms summary sentences. Sample Summary for The world s oceans are polluted. Debris, sewage, and toxic waste escape from the land into the water. Oil spills and acid rain damage ocean plants and animals. Pollution harms the oceans ecosystems. Chemicals can kill fish and make plants grow too fast. Oil covers birds so they cannot fly. Animals die from eating debris. Fortunately, scientists, governments, and citizens are learning to solve the problems. New laws and better practices can clean up our oceans. Identify Cause and Effect Page Cause Effect 5 People were careless about throwing out their trash. The beaches and oceans were polluted. 11 An oil tanker hits rocks, which make a hole in its tanks. Oil flows from the tanks into the ocean. 14 Pollution harms one plant or animal. The whole ecosystem changes. 16 Algae use up all the oxygen in the ocean. Fish do not have enough oxygen to breathe. 19 Oil coats birds feathers. Birds cannot fly Benchmark Education Company, LLC 7

8 Intervention Support for Struggling Readers and ELLs Phonics/Word Study -y Ending Ask students to locate the word partly on page 3. Write partly on the board and circle y. Say: The y at the end of partly stands for the long e sound. Slowly draw your finger under the word as you say it, emphasizing the final sound. Ask students to do the same in their books. Ask students to skim the book for other words in which final y sounds like a long e, such as family, carry, estuary, plenty, many, energy, tiny, biology, chemistry, fifty, very, and every. Write the words on the board as students locate them. Model selecting a word to use in an oral sentence about oceans, such as Big fish eat tiny fish. Then invite student partners to do the same. See SpiralUp Phonics Skill Bag #25 from BEC for more in-depth instruction. Fluency Read Exclamation Points Say: Sometimes authors show that something is amazing or exciting by using an exclamation point. Our voices sound different when we are excited or amazed. We speak a bit faster and our voices move to a higher pitch. Ask students to turn to page 9. Read the page in a flat voice. Then read the page again, saying the exclamation more quickly and in a higher pitch. Say: Reading more quickly and using a higher pitch expresses the author s amazement at this interesting fact. Have students read the paragraph aloud as modeled. Invite students to locate a sentence with an exclamation point on page 12 and take turns reading it, speaking faster and using a higher pitch. Grammar and Usage When Adverbs Say: Authors often use describing words when they write. Adverbs are words that describe where, how, or when. Today we will use adverbs that describe when. Ask students to turn to page 5. Say: The author writes Sometimes tires and used needles become debris. The word sometimes is an adverb. Sometimes tells us when tires and used needles become debris. Invite students to read the third paragraph of page 15 with you. Ask: Which word is an adverb? (often) Why is often an adverb? (Often describes when food chains are connected.) What could you describe with the adverb often? Ask students to locate the when adverb in the sidebar on page 19. (today) Invite partners to make up their own sentences using today. Then ask them to think of another adverb that could replace today in the sentence, such as now or presently Benchmark Education Company, LLC

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