Grade Level: Kindergarten Competency One: The student will use word recognition and vocabulary (word meaning) skills to communicate.

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1 Grade Level: Competency One: The student will use word recognition and vocabulary (word meaning) skills to communicate. [Research indicates that intentional, explicit teaching of specific words and wordlearning strategies can add words to students vocabularies and improve reading comprehension of texts containing those words. It is recommended that teachers select words for word study from texts being read in the classroom (e.g., basal texts, whole class texts, read-alouds, and students writing). When selecting words for study, teachers should consider using words that have importance and utility. Appropriate words for study are characteristic of mature language users and appear frequently across a number of contexts. Selected words should label concepts that are familiar to students, even though the words themselves may be unfamiliar. In addition, words selected for study should provide students with more precise ways of describing concepts, actions, or feelings that students already know.] Competency Objective Suggested Teaching Strategies and Student Activities 1 a The teacher will read a short poem chorally with students moving his/her hand under each word as it is read to focus attention on print and to demonstrate left to right progression. The teacher will have students take turns using a pointer to track print as the poem is read. 1 a During shared reading using a big book, the teacher will point out the front cover of the book noting the title, author, and illustrator. The teacher will point out the title page and back cover as the students continue to participate in the shared reading of the story. The teacher will ask students to point out the front and back cover of a shared book. 1 a During shared reading using a big book, the teacher will point to the first word on the first page and tell students that this is where we begin reading. Later in the story, the teacher will ask students to point to where the teacher should begin reading. Repeat the process with return sweep. 1 a During shared reading, the teacher will discuss and point out distinguishing characteristics of uppercase and lowercase letters. The students will use pointers or Wikki Stix to identify an uppercase or lowercase letter in the text. 1

2 1 a During shared reading, the teacher will discuss and point out differences between a letter and a word. The students will then use index cards to frame a single letter or a word. 1 a The teacher will give one half of students an upper case letter card. The teacher will give the other half of the students the corresponding lower case cards. Students should find a partner with a corresponding upper or lower case letter card. When the students find their partner, they sit down so the teacher will know who has completed the activity. 1 b The teacher will model clapping as each word in an oral sentence is spoken. The teacher will ask students to join in the clapping of words as he/she continues to model the activity. Students will practice the activity with a partner and independently. 1 b The teacher will use a puppet to teach rhyming words. The puppet says two words and the students decide if the words rhyme. The students will indicate if the words rhyme by putting thumbs up. Students put thumbs down if the words do not rhyme. 1 b The teacher will place objects or pictures in a shoebox. Remove one object or picture from the shoebox, show it to the students, and have them supply a word that rhymes with the name of the object or picture. 1 b The teacher will use an Elkonin box to model beginning, final and medial sounds in three letter (CVC) words. The teacher will then give a word to the students and ask the students to identify the beginning, final, or medial sound in that word. (e.g., What is the first sound in the word cat? /k/). 1 b The teacher will glue a picture of a bus or snake on a piece of cardstock for each student. The teacher will give each student a picture and a clothespin. The students will use the clothespin to indicate where they hear the target sound, (initial, medial, and final). (e.g., Show me where you hear the /b/ in bug). The student will attach the clothespin on the front of the bus or the head of the snake. 1 b The teacher will give students a word orally and ask students to generate words that begin or end with the same sound. (e.g., Can you think of a word that begins like pig? responseplayground, pencil) 1 b The teacher will model clapping the syllables in a two-syllable word such as football or summer. The teacher will give another 2

3 two-syllable word and guide students in counting syllables as they segment orally. 1 b The teacher will model blending and segmenting onset and rime of spoken one-syllable words. (e.g., I will say the first part of a word and then the rest of the word and you say the word as a whole. So, if I say /k/ (pause) at, you would say cat ). 1 b The teacher will tell students that he/she is going to say some word parts and the students are to guess the word. (e.g., the teacher would say /b/, /ă/, /t/. The students would say bat ). 1 b The teacher will model making the correct sounds for each phoneme and ask students to echo the sounds. 1 b The teacher will model blending three to four phonemes to make a word. (e.g., If I say /p/ /a/ /t/, you would say pat. Let s try another ). The teacher then gives additional examples. 1 b The teacher will point out the position of the mouth, lips, and tongue when producing each phoneme. The teacher will give each student a small mirror. The teacher will model making the phonemes. The students will practice using the mirror to learn the correct way to articulate each sound. 1 b The teacher will place a group of objects or pictures in a container. Most of the objects or pictures should begin with the same target sound (initial, medial, or ending). The student will select all the objects that begin or end with the targeted sound. 1 b The teacher will use a rubber band to model segmenting phonemes orally. The teacher will stretch a rubber band as each phoneme is spoken. Have the students pantomime stretching an imaginary rubber band as words are given orally. 1 b The teacher will draw a picture of an arrow on the chalkboard. The teacher will write a word on the arrow, evenly spacing letters from left to right. The teacher will model blending by sliding his/her hand under each letter adding sounds one after the other until he/she reaches the end of the arrow. The students will say the whole word and then write it under the arrow. The student will allow students an opportunity to practice sliding words at the board. 1 b Students hatch words by putting together two halves of colorful plastic eggs. The teacher will write the onset (e.g., b, c) on half of the egg and then the rime (e.g., at) on the other half. The students will put together the onset and rime. The teacher will have the students read and share their hatched eggs (e.g., bat, cat, pat, etc.). Words created should represent those that are part of a word family previously introduced to students. 1 c The teacher will print the letters of the alphabet on 26 cards. The teacher will draw a wiggle worm on the vowel cards. The teacher will place the cards in a container. The students will stand in a circle and take turns drawing a card from the container. The student will identify the consonant by name and sound as they are drawn. If a vowel card is drawn, the child says, wiggle worm and identifies the short vowel by name. All students 3

4 wiggle like a worm. 1 c The teacher will list high frequency words (e.g., the, has, an, can, run, color words, and number words) on a chart, smart board, or chalkboard. After sharing a big book with the class, the teacher will play the I Spy game. The teacher will turn to a page and say, I spy the word has from our list of words ). The teacher will call a student to come up and point out the word to the class. 1 c The teacher will guide students in creating a booklet of letters and sounds. Each page will include a picture cue of the sound and the grapheme representing the sound. (e.g., B and picture of ball). 1 c Using a poem on chart paper, the teacher will point out word families (rimes) by using highlighting tape or Wikki Stix. Students will be asked to identify and read words in the same word family. 1 c The teacher will guide students in creating a Word Family word wall to highlight words of common word families (e.g., -at). 1 c The teacher will introduce and add sight/high frequency words to the word wall. Students will use pointers or glasses to read sight/high frequency words. 1 c Students will be asked to bring environmental print from home including logos from fast food restaurants, department stores, grocery stores, and commonly used household items. The teacher will guide students in creating an I Can Read book or chart using the environmental print (e.g., I can read Kleenex. I can read Tide). 1 d The teacher will explain that some word parts can be added to words we know. These parts can be added to the beginning or the end and these word parts change the meaning of the known word (e.g., This word is tie. We tie our shoes in the morning. What do we do when we take off our shoes? We untie them. Un means not. When our shoes are untied, our shoes are not tied ). The teacher will repeat the procedure with other word parts or affixes. 1 e The teacher will give students pictures of common words. The students will sort pictures into basic categories (e.g., animals, toys, types of transportation). 4

5 1 e The teacher will show a picture of a common object or concept and ask the students to name the object or the concept. 1 e The teacher will take students to the playground and give positional/ location words. The teacher will take Polaroid or digital pictures of the students on, under, near playground items. The teacher will write the positional words on the pictures and create a chart. Students will use pictures to read positional words. 1 e The teacher will provide common objects and ask students to describe shape, color, and size. Students may sort objects by shape, color, or size. (e.g., Here are some buttons. Let s sort them ). The teacher will have word cards for each color, size, or shape. The teacher will read each word card and have students place objects into appropriate category. 1 f The teacher will discuss synonyms (words that mean the same) and antonyms (words that mean the opposite). The teacher will provide examples like hot/cold or tiny/small and ask students to describe the relationship (e.g., same, opposite). 1 f The teacher will give the student a set of three word cards with pictures of which two cards are synonym pairs, the third card does not belong (e.g., little, tiny, hot). The teacher will have the students select the appropriate synonym pair and explain why they selected the pair as synonyms. 1 f Students will select from a stack of word picture cards that contain antonyms. After the teacher has labeled objects in the classroom that represent the opposites of the words in the stack, the teacher will have students locate the objects that complete the antonym pair (e.g., long/short /pencil, full/empty/ jar). 1 f The teacher will ask students to name words that are the same or the opposite. 5

6 1 g The teacher will model the use of picture cues during a shared reading or picture walk. The teacher will ask questions such as, Look at this picture. This is a word that begins with the /m/ sound. Can you use the pictures to help you figure out this word? 1 g The teacher will guide students through a picture walk asking students to determine context by using the illustrations. 1 h The teacher will model the use of reference materials to find and confirm meanings of unknown words (e.g., During a shared reading the teacher might say, Here is a word I m not sure about. [Point to a word most students recognize.] What could I do to find out what this word means? I could ask someone if they know this word or I could use a dictionary. Do any of you know this word? When you come to a word you re not sure about, there are many things you can do to figure it out ). 6

7 Grade Level: Competency Two: The student will apply strategies and skills to comprehend, respond to, interpret, or evaluate a variety of texts of increasing levels of length, difficulty, and complexity. In order to develop comprehension, students must have multiple opportunities to listen to, read, and discuss text. Elementary grade students need many opportunities to engage in activities utilizing a wide variety of literary and informational texts. With the need to prepare students for success in middle school, to measure their progress with the Mississippi Curriculum Test (MCT), and to prepare students for the shift in demands from learning to read to reading to learn, it is important that the language arts curriculum emphasize student comprehension of informational passages. Following the focus of the NAEP Grade 4 Assessment, it is recommended that language arts teachers in grades 1 through 4 work to shift the emphasis from literary passages to informational passages as suggested in the following chart. Grade Literary Informational 4 50% 50% 8 45% 55% 12 30% 70% Competency Objective Suggested Teaching Strategies and Student Activities 2 a After reviewing text features such as titles and illustrations, the teacher will ask students to identify the title in a new shared reading and point to an illustration. 2 a After reviewing parts of a book such as title page, title, author and illustrator, the teacher will ask students to identify the parts of a book during shared reading. 2 a The teacher will identify the structure of a text shared with students (e.g., Was this story about something that really happened or is it a made up story? ). The teacher will guide students to determine the difference. Given a text, the teacher will ask students to identify form. 2 b During a picture walk, the teacher will model using illustrations to discuss the main idea of a simple story. The students will be given a wordless picture book and be asked to discuss the main idea of the story using the illustrations as a guide. The teacher should focus students attention on the main idea, not retelling. 7

8 2 b The teacher will create a chart for who, what, and where questions. After a shared reading, the teacher will point to each symbol and ask students to answer literal questions based on text. Who is in the story? What happened in the story? Where did the story take place? The teacher will follow up by reading a different text allowing students to pose who, what and where questions for their classmates to answer. Who? What?? Where? 2 b The teacher will explain that characters are the people/animals in the story; the setting is where/when the story happened; and the major events are what happened at the beginning of the story, in the middle of the story, and at the end of the story. The teacher will identify story elements during a read aloud. The teacher will read another story and ask students to identify characters and setting and to discuss major story events. 2 b The teacher will ask simple inferential questions about a narrative text that has been read aloud. 2 c The teacher will read aloud a narrative text. The teacher will model retelling a story using a flannel board. The teacher will provide students with flannel board characters to use in retelling the story. Students will be able to use the text as a reference. 2 c The teacher will read aloud a narrative text. The teacher will model retelling a story using a flannel board. The teacher will provide students with flannel board characters to use in retelling the story. Students will be asked to tell the beginning, middle, and end. Students will not be able to use the text as a reference. 2 c The teacher will encourage students to use movement and drama to demonstrate the sequence of events of everyday activities. The students may act out the sequence of events in activities such as baking a cake or getting ready for bed. 2 d The students will act out familiar stories using props, puppets, etc. ] 8

9 Grade Level: Competency Three: The student will express, communicate, evaluate, or exchange ideas effectively. Competency Objective Suggested Teaching Strategies and Student Activities 3 a The teacher will read a nonfiction text such as Baby Whales Drink Milk. Develop a graphic organizer for this text. Draw a picture of a whale in the center of the chart paper. Draw a circle in each corner of the chart paper. Write one of the following questions in each of the circles: Where does it live? What does it eat? What does it look like? How does it communicate? Generate discussions among students to formulate at least three answers for each category of questions. As students generate answers, write their ideas in the circles. 3 a The students will keep a personal journal using scribbling, symbols, pictures, and/or words. The teacher will encourage correct capitalization and punctuation. Students may share journal entries with classmates. 3 b Students will draw a picture of a familiar person, place, or thing and orally describe the picture. 3 c The student will compose a story to accompany a piece of artwork. Invented spelling is encouraged. 3 c Through interactive writing, the students will compose a story about a shared event (field trip) for a designated audience (parents, principals) (e.g., What do we want our parents to know about our trip to the zoo? ). 3 d The teacher and students will create labels for classroom objects using shared writing. Students will affix labels to objects. 3 d Through interactive writing, the students will compose a friendly note to a classroom visitor to thank them for coming to visit. 3 1 a e The teacher will encourage varied word use when speaking or writing (e.g., Student: The snake was long. Teacher: Yes, that was a big, long, black snake. What else can you tell me about the snake? ). 9

10 Grade Level: Competency Four: The student will apply Standard English to communicate. Competency Objective Suggested Teaching Strategies and Student Activities 4 a The teacher will model nouns as naming words for people, places, and things. The teacher will ask students to point to a noun in the room. 4 a The teacher will explain that verbs are action words. The teacher will call out verbs and ask students to act them out (run, skip, hop, shake). 4 a The teacher will explain that adjectives are describing words. He/she will model by describing the color, pattern, etc., of his/her clothes. The students will take turns coming to the front and describing what they are wearing. The teacher can play a guessing game with students in which the teacher describes what a child is wearing and students try to figure out who the teacher is identifying. 4 a During shared writing, the teacher will model the use of conjunctions as connecting words. After discussing conjunctions, the teacher will assist students in identifying simple conjunctions with words such as but or and. 4 b The teacher will start the day with a morning letter in which the content could include information about a particular theme of study, a special event, the weather and/ or special procedures. The teacher will read and discuss the content of the letter. The teacher will highlight particular language arts skills (e.g., capitalization, punctuation, abbreviations, and apostrophes). 4 b During shared reading or writing, the teacher will point out end punctuation marks and explain the purpose for each. The students will identify end punctuation marks in a piece of shared writing. 4 b During shared writing, the teacher will point out correct capitalization of first words in a sentence and students names. The students will identify capital letters at the beginning of sentences and student names in a piece of shared writing. 4 b On a piece of shared writing, students will place a green dot at the capital letter at the beginning of the sentence to show where the sentence begins and a red dot to show where the sentence ends. 4 c, d The teacher will write student s name on a sentence strip. The teacher will cut letters apart. The student will rearrange the letters to correctly spell his/her name. The student will copy their first and last name on a sentence strip. 4 c The teacher will provide an unknown word from a story and ask students to help spell it. The teacher would ask the students to provide the first sound and how to write that sound. 10

11 The teacher will continue with this process until the word has been spelled phonetically. 4 d The teacher will provide a tray with the bottom covered with a small amount of colored sand. The teacher will model using the pencil grasp to trace a tactile letter then write that same letter in the sand tray. The teacher will have the students repeat the process. 4 d The teacher will model following the outline of a maze keeping the pencil within the boundary of the maze. The teacher will present to students a variety of different shaped mazes. 4 d Development of fine motor skills will ensure the student s ability to properly grasp the pencil for writing. Activities to help with the development with fine motor skills include picking up small objects with tongs or tweezers, working with fasteners such as buttons or snaps, and stringing beads. 4 d The student will trace tactile letters then use colored pencils or markers to copy letters onto paper. 4 d The teacher will provide the student with writing paper that has a star in the upper left corner. The teacher will place the same star pattern on the student s desk. In order to assist with positioning the paper, the teacher will ask the student to line up the stars. The student will begin to write on the paper. 11

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