by a scale or rubric performance? the majority of majority of students desired effect of the strategy. Effectivee In addition to

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1 Design Question #1: What will I do to establish communicate learning goals, track student progress, celebrate success? 1. Providing Clear Learning Goals s (Rubrics) provides a clearly stated learning goal accompanied by scalee or rubric thatt describes levels of performance relative to the learning goal. Teacher has a learning goal posted so that all students can see it The learning goal is a clear statement of knowledge or information as opposed to an activity or assignment Teacher makes reference to the learning goal throughout the lesson Teacher has a scale or rubric that relates to the learning goal posted so that all students can see it Teacher makes reference to the scale or rubric throughout the lesson When asked, students can explain the learning goal for the lesson When asked, students can explain how their current activities relate too the learning goal When asked, students can explain the meaning of the levels of performance articulated in the scale or rubric Levels: (choose one) + + Providing clear learning goals scales ( rubrics) Adapts strategies for needs situations in Provides a clearly stated learning goal accompanied by a scale or rubric that describes levels of performance students understing of the learning goal the levels of performance. Provides a clearly stated learning goal accompanied by a scale or rubric that describes levels of performance, but the students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy called for but not + Providing What are you clear learning learning about goals your students as scales you adapt ( rubrics) create might you adapt create strategies for providing clearly stated learning goals rubrics that address the needs e providing a clearly stated learning goal accompanied by a scale or rubric that describess levels of performance,, how can you monitor students understing of the learning goal the levelss of performance?? can you provide a clearly stated learning goal accompanied by a scale or rubric that describes levels of performance? can you incorporate some aspectss of this strategy into your Page 1

2 2. Tracking Student Progress facilitates tracking of student progress on one or more learning goals using a formative approach to assessment. Teacher helps student track their individual progress on the learning goal Teacher uses formal informal i means to assign scores to studentss on the scale or rubric depicting student status on the learning goal Teacher charts the progress of the entiree class on the learning goal When asked, students can describe their status relativee to the learning goal using the scale or rubric Students systematically update their status on the learning goal Levels: (choose one) + Tracking student progress + Adapts needs Facilitates tracking of student progress using a formative approach to assessment the students underst their level of performance. Facilitates tracking of student progress using a formative approach too assessment, but the majorityy of students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Tracking What are you student learning about progress your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for facilitating tracking of student progress using a formative approach to assessment, that address unique student needs facilitating tracking of student progress using a formative approach too assessment, how can you monitor the extent too which students underst their level of performance? can you facilitate tracking of student progress using a formative approach to assessment? can you incorporate some aspectss of this strategy into your Page 2

3 3. Celebrating Student Success* provides studentss with recognition of their current status d their knowledge gain relativee to the learning goal. Teacher acknowledges students who have achieved a certain score on the scale orr rubric Teacher acknowledges students who have made gains in their knowledge skill relative to the learning goal Teacher acknowledges celebrates the final status progress of the entire class Teacher uses a variety of ways to celebrate success Show of hs Certification of success Parent notification Round of applause Student show signs of pride regarding their accomplishments in the class When asked, students say they want to continue to make progress Levels: (choose one) + Celebrating success + Adapts strategies for unique student needs situations in desired effect to be evident in all + Celebrating What are you success learning about your students as you adapt create Student Interviews Provides students with recognition of their current status their knowledge gain relative to the learning goal evidence of the extentt to which the students are motivated to enhance their status. might you adapt create providing students with recognition of their current status their knowledge gain relative to the learning goal that address unique student needs Provides students with recognition of their current status d their knowledgee gain relative to the learning goal, but the majority of students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. o providing students with recognition of their current status their knowledge gain relative to the learning goal, how can you monitor the students are motivated to enhance their status? Student Questions: What learning l goal did today s lesson focus on? well are you doing on that learning goal? Describe the different levels you can be at on the learning goal. Usess strategy can you provide students with recognition of their current status their knowledge gain relative to the learning goal? can you begin to incorporate some aspects of this strategy into your Page 3

4 4. Establishing Classroom Routines reviews expectations regarding rules procedures to ensure their effective execution. Teacher involves students in designing classroom routines Teacher uses classroom meetings to review process rules procedures Teacher reminds students of rules procedures Teacher asks students to restate or explain rules procedures Teacher provides cues or signals when a rule or procedure should be used Students follow clear routines during class When asked, students can describe established rules proceduress When asked, students describe the classroom as an orderly place Students recognize cues signals by the teacher Students regulate their own behavior Levels: (choose one) + Establishing classroom routines + Adapts needs Establishes reviews expectations regarding rules procedures the students underst the rules procedures. Establishess reviews expectations regarding rules procedures, but the majority of students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Establishing What are you classroom learning about routines your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for establishing reviewing expectations, rules, procedures that address unique student needs establishingg reviewing expectations regarding rules procedures, how can you monitor thee students understd the rules procedures? can you establish review expectations regarding rules procedures? can you incorporate some aspectss of this strategy into your Page 4

5 5. Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom forr Learning* * organizes the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement focus on learning. The physical layout of the classroom has clear traffic patterns The physical layout of the classroom provides easy access to materials centers The classroom is decorated in a way thatt enhances student learning: Bulletin boards relatee to current content Students work is displayed Students move easily about the classroom Students make use of materials learning centers Students attend to examples of their work that are displayed Students attend to information on the bulletin boards Students can easily focus on instruction Levels: (choose one) + Organizing the physical layout of the classroom + Adapts strategies for needs situations in Organizes the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement focus on learning evidence of the impact of the environment on the student learning. Organizes the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement focus on learning, but the students are not monitoredd for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy called for but not + Organizing the What are you physical layout learning about of the your students as you adapt classroom create might you adapt create strategies for organizing the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement focus on learning that address unique student needs organizing the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement focus on learning, how can you monitor the impact of the environment on student learning?? can you organize the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement focus on learning? can you incorporate some aspects of this strategy into your Student Interviews Student Questions: What are the regularr rules procedures you are expected to follow in class? well do you do at following the rules procedures why? Page 5

6 Marzano Protocol: Lesson Segments Addressing Content Design Question #2: What will I do to help students effectively interact with knowledge? 6. Identifying Critical Information identifies a lesson or part of a lesson as involving important information to which studentss should pay particular attention. Teacher begins the lesson by explaining why upcoming content is important Teacher tells students to get ready for some important information Teacher cues the importance of upcoming information in some indirect fashion Tone of voice Body position Level of excitement When asked, students can describe the level of importance of the information addressed in class When asked, students can explain why the content is important to payy attention to Students visibly adjust their level of engagement Levels: (choose one) + Identifying critical information + Adapts needs Signals to students which content is critical versus non- critical the students are attending to critical information. Signals to students which content is critical versus non-critical, but the students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Identifying What are you critical learning about information your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for identifying critical information that address unique student needs signaling to o students which content is critical versus non-critical, howw might you monitor the students attend to critical information?? can you signal to students which content is critical versus non- critical? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 6

7 7. Organizing Students to Interact with New Knowledge organizes students into small groups to facilitate the processing of information. Teacher has established routines for student grouping student interaction in groups Teacher organizes students into ad hoc groups for the lesson Diads Triads Small groups up to about 5 Students move to groups in an orderly fashion Students appear to underst expectations about appropriate behavior in groups Respect opinions of others Add their perspectivee to discussions Ask answer questions Levels: (choose one) + Organizing students to interact with knowledge + Adapts needs Organizes students into small groups to facilitate the processing of knowledge for the students evidence of group processing. Organizes students into small groups to facilitate thee processing of knowledge, but the majority of students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy + Organizing What are you students to learning about interact with your students as knowledge you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for organizing students to interact with knowledge that address unique student needs organizing students into small groups to facilitate thee processing of knowledge, how can you monitor group processes?? can you organize students into small groups to facilitate the processing of knowledge? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 7

8 8. Previewing New Content engages studentss in activities that help them link what they already know to the content about to be addressed facilitates these linkages. Teacher uses preview question before reading Teacher uses K-W-L strategy or variation of it Teacher asks or reminds students what they already know about the topic Teacher provides an advanced organizerr Outline Graphic organizer Teacher has students brainstorm Teacher uses anticipation guide Teacher uses motivational hook/launching activity Anecdotes Short selection from video Teacher uses word splash activity to connect vocabulary to upcomingg content When asked, students can explain linkages with prior knowledge When asked, students make predictions about upcoming content When asked, students can provide a purpose for what they are about to learn Students actively engage in previewing activities Levels: (choose one) + Previewing content + Adapts strategies for needs situations in Engages students in learning activities that require them to preview link knowledge to what has been addressed the majority of students are making linkages. e Engages students in learning activities that require them to preview link knowledge to what has beenn addressed, but the students are not monitored for the desiredd effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Previewing content What are you learning about your studentss as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for previewing contentt that addresss unique studentt needs e engaging students in learning activities that require them to preview link knowledge to what has beenn addressed, how can you also monitor the students are making linkages? can you engage students in learning activities that require them to preview link knowledgee to what has been addressed? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 8

9 9. Chunking Content* Based on student needs, the teacher breaks the content into small chunks (i.e. digestible bites) of information that can be easily processed by Teacher stops at strategic points in a verbal presentation While playing a video tape, the teacher turns the tape off at key junctures While providing a demonstration, the teacher stops at strategic points While students are reading information or stories orally as a class, thee teacher stopss at strategic points When asked, students can explain why the teacher is stopping at various points Students appear to know what is expected of them when the teacher stops at strategic points Levels: (choose one) + Chunking content into digestible bites + Adapts needs Breaks input experiences into small chunks based on student needs chunks are appropriate for the the Breaks input experiencess into small chunks based on student needs, but the students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Chunking What are you content into learning about digestible bites your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for chunking content into digestible bites that address needs breaking input experiencess into small chunks based on student needs, howw can you also monitor the extent too which chunks are appropriate? can you break inputt experiences into small chunks based on student needs? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 9

10 10. Processing of New Information With Students* During breaks in the presentation of content, the teacher engages students in actively processing information. Teacher has group members summarize information Teacher employs formal group processing strategies Jigsaw Reciprocal Teaching Concept attainment When asked, students can explain what they have just learned Students volunteer predictions Students voluntarily ask clarification questions Groups are actively discussing the content Group members ask each other answer questions about thee information Group members make predictions about what they expect next Levels: (choose one) + Processing information + Adapts needs Engages studentss in summarizing, predicting, questioning activities the activities enhance the students understing. Engages students in summarizing, predicting, questioningg activities, but the students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Processing What are you information learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for processing information thatt address needs o engaging students in summarizing, predicting, questioning activities, how can you monitor the extent too which the activities enhance students understing? can you engage students in summarizing, predicting, questioning activities? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 10

11 11. Elaborating on New Information asks questions or engages students in activities that require elaborative inferences that go beyond what was explicitly taught. Teacher asks explicit questions that require students to make elaborative inferencess about the content Teacher asks students to explain defend their inferences Teacher presents situations or problems that require inferences Students volunteer answers to inferential questions Students provide explanations proofs for inferences Levels: (choose one) + Elaborating on information + Adapts needs Engages students in answering inferential questions the students elaborate on what was explicitly taught. Engages students in answering inferential questions, but the majorityy of students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Elaborating on What are you information learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for elaborating on information that address needs engaging students in answering inferential questions, how can you monitor the extent to which students elaborate on what was explicitly taught? can you engage students in answering inferential questions? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 11

12 12. Recording Representin ng Knowledge engages studentss in activities that help them record their understing of content in linguistic ways /or represent the content in nonlinguistic ways. Teacher asks students to summarize the information they have learned Teacher asks students to generate notes that identify critical information in the content Teacher asks students to create nonlinguistic representations for w content Graphic organizers Pictures Pictographs Flow charts Teacher asks students to create mnemonics that organize the contentt Students summaries notes include critical content Students nonlinguistic representations include critical content When asked, students can explain main points of the lesson Levels: (choose one) + Recording representing knowledge + Adapts needs Engages studentss in activities that help them record their understing of content in linguistic ways /or in nonlinguistic ways this enhances the students understing. Engages students in activities that help them record their understing of content in linguistic ways /or in nonlinguistic ways, but the students are not monitoredd for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts called for but not + Recording What are you representing learning about knowledge your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for recording representing knowledge that address unique student needs engaging students in activities that help them recordd their understing of contentt in linguistic ways /or in nonlinguisticc ways, how can youu monitor the extent too which this enhances students understing? can you engage students in activities that help them record their understing of content in linguistic ways /or in nonlinguistic ways? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 12

13 13. Reflecting on Learning engages studentss in activities that help them reflect on their learning the learning process. Teacher asks students to state or record what they are clear about what they are confused about Teacher asks students to state or record how hard they tried Teacher asks students to state or record what they might have done to enhance their learning When asked, students can explain what they are clear about what they are confused about When asked, students can describe how hard they tried When asked, students can explain what they could have done to enhance their learning Levels: (choose one) + Reflecting on learning + Adapts needs Engages studentss in reflecting on their own learning the learning process the students self- their assess understing effort. Engages students in reflecting on their own learning the learningg process, but the students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Reflecting on What are you learning learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for reflecting on learning that address unique student needs engaging students in reflecting onn their own learningg the learningg process, howw can you monitorr the students self- understing assess theirr effort? can you engage students in reflecting on their own learning the learning process? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Student Interviews Student Questions: Why is the information that you are learning today important? do you know what are the most important things to pay attention to? What are the main points of this lesson? Page 13

14 Design Question #3: What will I do to help students practice deepen their understing of knowledge? 14. Reviewing Content engages studentss in a brief review of content that highlights the critical information. Teacher begins the lesson with a brief review of content Teacher uses specific strategies to review information Summary Problem that must be solved using previous information Questions that require a review of content Demonstration Brief practice test or exercise When asked, students can describe the previous content on which lesson is based Student responses to classs activities indicate that they recall previous content Levels: (choose one) + Reviewing content + Adapts needs Engages students in a brief review of content that highlights the critical information the students can recall describe previous content. Engages students in a brief revieww of content thatt highlights the critical information,, but the majorityy of students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy + Reviewing What are you content learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for reviewing content that address unique student needs, engaging students in a brief revieww of content, how can you monitorr the students can recall describe previous content? can you engage students in a brief review of content that highlights the critical information? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 14

15 15. Organizing Students to Practice Deepen Knowledge uses grouping in ways that facilitate practicing deepening knowledge. Teacher organizes students into groups with the expressed idea of deepening their knowledge of informational content Teacher organizes students into groups with the expressed idea of practicing a skill, strategy, or process When asked, students explain how the group work supports their learning While in groups students interact in explicit ways to deepen their knowledge of informational content or, practice a skill, strategy, or process Asking each other questions Obtaining feedback from their peers Levels: (choose one) + Organizing students to practice deepen knowledge + Adapts needs Organizes students into groups to practice deepen their knowledge the group work extends the students learning. Organizes students into groups to practice d deepen their knowledge, but the majorityy of students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy + Organizing What are you students to learning about practice your students as deepen you adapt knowledge create might you adapt create strategies for organizing students to practice deepen knowledge that address unique student needs organizing students into groups to practice d deepen their knowledge, how can you also monitor the the group work extends their learning? can you organize students into groups to practice deepen their knowledge? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 15

16 16. Using Homework When appropriate (as opposed to routinely) the teacher designs homework to deepen students knowledge of informational content or, practice a skill, strategy, or process. Teacher communicates a clear purpose for homework Teacher extends an activity that was begun in class to provide students with more time Teacher assigns a well crafted homework assignment that allows students to practice deepen their knowledge independently When asked, students can describe how the homework assignment will deepen their understing of informational content or, help them practice a skill, strategy, or process Students ask clarifying questions of the homework that help them underst its purpose Levels: (choose one) + Using homework + Adapts needs When appropriate (as opposed to routinely) assigns homework that is designed to deepen knowledge of informational content or, practice a skill, strategy, or process the students underst the homework. When appropriate (as opposedd to routinely) assigns homework that is designed too deepen knowledge of informational content or, practice a skill, strategy, or process, but the students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy called for but not + Using What are you homework learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for assigning homework that address unique student needs assigning homework that is designed too deepen knowledge of informational content or practice a skill, strategy, or process, how can you also monitor the extent too which the group work extends their learning? can you assign homework that is designed to deepen knowledge of informational content or practice a skill, strategy, or process? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 16

17 17. Examining Similarities Differences When the content is informational, the teacher helps students deepen their knowledge by examining similarities differences. Teacher engages studentss in activities that require students to examine similarities differences between content Comparison activities Classifying activities Analogy activities Metaphor activities Teacher facilitates the use of these activities to help students deepen their understing of conten Ask students to summarize what they have learned from the activity Ask students to explain how the activity has added to their understing Student artifacts indicate that their knowledge has been extended as a result of the activity When asked about the activity, student responses indicate that they have deepenedd their understing When asked, students can explain similarities differences Student artifacts indicate that they can identify similarities differences Levels: (choose one) + Examining similarities differences + Adapts needs When content is informational, engages students in activities that require them to examine similarities differences, the the students are deepening their knowledge. When content is informational, engages students in activities that require them to examine similarities differences,, but the majorityy of students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Examining What are you similarities learning about differences your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for examining similarities differences that address unique student needs engaging students in examining similarities differences,, how can you monitor the extent too which the students aree deepening their knowledge?? can you engage students in activities that require them to examine similaritiess differences? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 17

18 18. Examining Errors in Reasoning When content is informational, the teacher helps students deepen their knowledge by examining their own reasoning or the logic of the information as presented to them. Teacher asks students to examine information for errors or informal fallacies Faulty logic Attacks Weak reference Misinformation Teacher asks students to examine the strength of support presented for a claim Statement of a clear claim Evidence for the claim presented Qualifiers presented showing exceptions to the claim When asked, students can describe errors or informal fallacies in information When asked, students can explain the overall structure of an argument presented to support a claim Student artifacts indicate that they can identify errors in reasoning. Levels: (choose one) + Examining errors in reasoning + Adapts strategies for needs situations in order for the desired effect to be evident in all When content is informational, engages students in activities that require them to examine their own reasoning or the logic of information as presented to them the studentss are deepening their knowledge. When content is informational, engages students in activitiess that require them to examine their own reasoning or the logic of information as presented to them, but the f students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy called for but not + Examining errors in reasoning What are you learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for examining their own reasoning or the logic of information that address unique student needs engaging students in examining their own reasoning or the logic of information as presented to them, how can you monitor the extent to which the students are deepening their knowledge?? can you engage students in activities that require them to examine their own reasoning or the logic of information as presented to them? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 18

19 19. Practicing Skills, Strategies, Processes When the content involves a skill, strategy, or process, the teacher engages students in practice activities that help them develop fluency. Teacher engages studentss in massed distributed practice activities that are appropriate to their current ability to execute a skill, strategy, or process Guided practice if students cannot perform the skill, strategy, or process independently Independent practice if students can perform the skill, strategy, or process independently Students perform the skill, strategy, or process with increased confidence Students perform the skill, strategy, or process with increased competence Levels: (choose one) + Practicing skills, strategies, processes + Adapts needs When content involves a skill, strategy, or process, engages students in practice activities the practice is increasing the students fluency. When content involves a skill, strategy, or process, engages students in practice activities, but the students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy + Practicing What are you skills, learning about strategies, your students as processes you adapt create might you adapt create practice activities that increase fluency address unique student needs engaging students in practice activities, how can you monitor the extent too which the practice is increasing student fluency? can you engage students in practice activities when content involves a skill, strategy, or process? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 19

20 20. Revising Knowledge engages studentss in revision of previous knowledge about content addressed in previous lessons. Teacher asks students to examine previous entries in their academic notebooks or notes engages the whole class in an examination of how the current lesson changed perceptions understingss of previous content Teacher has students explain how their understing has changed Students make corrections to informationn previously recorded about content When asked, students can explain previous errors or misconceptions s they had about content Levels: (choose one) + Revising knowledge + Adapts needs Engages studentss in revision of previous content these revisions deepen the students understing. Engages students in revision of previous content, but the majority of students are not monitored for the desiredd effect of the strategy. Uses strategy + Revising What are you knowledge learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for revising content that address unique student needs o engaging students in revision of previous content, how can youu monitor the extent to which these revisions deepen students understing? can you engage students in the revision of previous content? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Student Interviews Student Questions: did this lesson add to your understing of the content? What changes did you make in your understing of the conten as a result of the lesson? What do you still need to underst better? Page 20

21 Design Question #4: What will I do to help students generate test hypotheses about knowledge? 21. Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks organizes the class in such a way as to facilitate students working on complex tasks that require them to generate test hypotheses. Teacher establishes the need to generate test hypotheses Teacher organizes students into groups to generate test hypotheses When asked, students describe the importance of generating testing hypotheses about conten When asked, students explain how groups support their learning Students use group activities to help them generate test hypotheses Levels: (choose one) + Organizing students for cognitively complex taskss + Adapts needs Organizes students into groups to facilitate working on cognitively complex tasks group processes facilitate generating testing hypotheses for the Organizes students into groups to facilitate working on cognitively complex tasks, but the majority of students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy + Organizing What are you students for learning about cognitively your students as complex taskss you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for organizing students to complete cognitively complex tasks? organizing students in groups for cognitively complex tasks, how can you monitor the group processes facilitate generating testing hypotheses? can you organize students in groups to facilitate working on cognitively complex tasks? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 21

22 22. Engaging Students in Cognitively Complex Taskss Involving Hypothesiss Generation Testing engages studentss in complex tasks (e.g. decision making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, investigation) that require them to generate test hypotheses. Teacher engages studentss with an explicit decision making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, or investigation task that requires them to generatee test hypotheses Teacher facilitates students generating their own individual or group task that requires them to generate testt hypotheses Students are clearly working on tasks that require them to generate test hypotheses When asked, students can explain the hypothesis they are testing When asked, students can explain whether their hypothesis was confirmed or disconfirmed Student artifacts indicate that they can engage in decision making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, or investigation Levels: (choose one) + Engaging students in cognitively complex taskss involving hypothesis generation testing + Adapts needs Engages students in cognitively complex tasks (e.g. decision making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, investigation) the students are generating testing hypotheses. Engages students in cognitively complex tasks (e.g. decision making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, investigation), but the majorityy of students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Engaging What are you students in learning about cognitively your students as complex taskss you adapt involving create hypothesis generation testing might you adapt create strategies for organizing students to complete cognitively complex tasks? engaging students in groups for cognitively complex tasks, involving hypothesis generation testing, how can you monitor the extent to which students are generating testing hypotheses? can you engage students in cognitively complex tasks involving hypothesis generation testing? can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Page 22

23 23. Providing Students with Resources Guidance* acts as resource provider guide as students engage in cognitively complex tasks Teacher makes himself/herself available to students who need guidance or resources Circulates around the room Provides easy access to himself/herself Teacher interacts with students during the class to determine their needs for hypothesis generationn testing tasks Teacher volunteers resources guidance as neededd by the entire class, groups of students, or individual students Students seek out the teacher for advice guidance regarding hypothesis generation testing tasks When asked, students can explain how the teacher provides assistance guidance in hypothesis generation testing tasks Levels: (choose one) + Providing resources guidance + Adapts needs Acts as a guide resource provider as students engage in cognitively complex tasks the students request use guidance resources. Acts as a guide resource provider as students engage in cognitively complex tasks, but the majority of students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy + Providing What are you resources learning about guidance your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for providing resources guidance? acting as a guide resource provider, how can you monitor the extent too which students request d use guidance resources? can you act as a guide resource provider as studentss engage in cognitively complex tasks? can you incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your Student Interviews Student Questions: did this lesson help you apply or use what you have learned? What change has this lesson made about your understing off the content? Page 23

24 Marzano Protocol: Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Design Question #5: What will I do to engagee students?? 24. Noticing Reacting when Students are Not Engaged* scans the room making note of when studentss are not engaged takes overt action. Teacher notices when specific students or groups of students are not engaged Teacher notices when the energy level in the room is low Teacher takes action to re-engage students Students appear aware of the fact that the teacher is taking note of their level of engagement Students try to increase their level of engagement when prompted When asked, students explain that the teacher expects high levels of engagement Levels: (choose one) + Noticing when students are not engaged + Adapts needs Scans the room making note of when students are not engaged takes action the students re- engage. Scans the room making notee of when students are not engaged takes action, but the majority of students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy + Noticing when What are you students are not learning about engaged your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for noticing when students are not engaged that address unique student needs scanning the room, making note of when students aree not engaged taking action, how can you monitor the e students re-engage? can you scan the room making note of when students are not engaged take action to engage students? can you incorporate some aspectss of this strategy into your Page 24

25 25. Using Academicc Games uses academic games inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement. Teacher uses structured games such as Jeopardy, family feud, the like Teacher develops impromptu games such as making a game out of which answer might be correct for a given question Teacher uses friendly competition along with classroom games Students engage in the games with some enthusiasm When asked, students can explain how the games keep their interest help them learn or remember content Levels: (choose one) + Using academic games + Adapts needs situations in Uses academic games inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement the students focus on the academic content of the game. Uses academic games inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement, but the majority y of students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Using academic What are you games learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create strategies for using academic games inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement that address unique student needs using academic games inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement, how can you monitor the extent too which students focus on thee academic content of the game? can you use academic games inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement? can you incorporate this strategy into your Page 25

26 26. Managing Response Rates uses response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions. Teacher uses wait time Teacher uses response cards Teacher has students use h signals to respond to questions Teacher uses choral response Teacher uses technology to keep track of students responses Teacher uses response chaining Multiple students or the entire class responds to questions posed by the teacher When asked, students can describe their thinking about specific questions posed byy the teacher Levels: (choose one) + Managing response rates + Adapts needs Uses response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions the techniques keep the majority of students engaged. Uses response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions, but the students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy + Managing What are you response rates learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions that address unique student needs using response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions, how can you monitor the extent too which the techniques keep students engaged? can you use response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions? can you incorporate this strategy into your Page 26

27 27. Using Physical Movement uses physical movement to maintain student engagement. Teacher has students st up stretch or related activities when their energy is low Teacher uses activities that require students to physically move to respond to questions Vote with your feet Go to the part of the room that represents the answer you agreee with Teacher has students physically act out or model content to increase energy engagement Teacher use give-one-get-one activities that require students to movee about the room Students engage in the physical activities designed by the teacher When asked, students can explain how the physical movement keepss their interest helps them learn Levels: (choose one) + Using physical movement + Adapts needs Uses physical movement to maintain student engagement these activities enhance the students engagement. Uses physical movement to maintain student engagement, but the majorityy of students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy + Using physical What are you movement learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create physical movement techniques to maintain student engagement that address unique student needs using physical movement to maintain student engagement, how can you monitor the extent too which thesee activities enhance student engagement? can you use physical movement to maintain student engagement? can you incorporate this strategy into your Page 27

28 28. Maintaining a Lively Pace uses pacing techniques to maintain students engagement. Teacher employs crisp transitions from one activity to another Teacher alters pace appropriately (i.e. speeds up slows down) Students quickly adapt to transitions re-engage when a activity is begun When asked about the pace of the class, students describe it as not too fast or not too slow Levels: (choose one) + Maintaining a lively pace + Adapts needs Uses pacing techniques to maintain students engagement these techniques keep the majority of students engaged. Uses pacingg techniques to maintain students engagement, but the majorityy of students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Uses strategy + Maintaining a What are you lively pace learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create pacing techniques that address unique student needs pacing techniques to maintain students engagement, how can you monitor the students keep engaged? can you use pacing techniques to maintain students engagement? can you incorporate this strategy into your Page 28

29 29. Demonstrating Intensity Enthusiasm demonstrates intensity enthusiasm for the content in a variety of ways. Teacher describes personal experiences that relate to the content Teacher signals excitement for content by: Physical gestures Voice tone Dramatization of information Teacher overtly adjusts energy level When asked, students say that the teacher likes the content likes teaching Students attention levels increase when the teacher demonstrates enthusiasm intensity for the content Levels: (choose one) + Demonstrating intensity enthusiasm + Adapts strategies for needs Demonstrates intensity enthusiasm for the content in a variety of ways the students engagement increases. Demonstrates intensity enthusiasm for the content in a variety of ways, but the majority of students are not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Demonstrating What are you intensity learning about enthusiasm your students as you adapt create might you adapt create techniques for demonstrating intensity enthusiasm for the content that address unique student needs demonstrating intensity enthusiasm for the content t in a variety of ways, how can you monitor thee students keep engaged? can you demonstrate intensity enthusiasm for the content in a variety of ways? can you incorporate this strategy into your Page 29

30 30. Using Friendly Controversy Among Students (team talk)* uses friendly controversy techniques to maintain student engagement. Teacher structures mini-debates about the content Teacher has students examine multiple perspectives opinions about the contentt Teacher elicits different opinions on content from members of the class Students engage in friendly controversy activities with enhanced engagement When asked, students describe friendly controversy activities as stimulating, fun, so on. When asked, students explain how a friendly controversy activity helped them betterr underst the content Levels: (choose one) + Using friendly controversy + Adapts needs Uses friendly controversy techniques to maintain student engagement effect on the students engagement. Uses friendly controversyy techniques to maintain student engagement, but the majorityy of students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy + Using friendly What are you controversy learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create techniques for using friendly controversy to maintain student engagement that address unique student needs using friendly controversyy techniques to maintain student engagement, how can you monitor the students keep engaged? can you use friendly controversy techniques to maintain student engagement? can you incorporate this strategy into your Page 30

31 31. Providing Opportunities for Students to Appropriately Talk about Themselves* provides studentss with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interests. Teacher is aware of student interests makes connections between these interests class content Teacher structures activities that ask students to make connections between the content their personal interests When students are explaining how content relates to their personal interests, the teacher appears encouraging interested Students engage in activities that requiree them to make connections between their personal interests the content When asked, students explain how making connections between content their personal interests engages them helps them better underst the content Levels: (choose one) + Providing opportunities for students to talk about themselves + Adapts needs Provides students with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interestss these activities enhance the students engagement. Provides students with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interests, but the students aree not monitored for the desired effect of the strategy. Usess strategy Providing opportunities for students to talk about themselves + What are you learning about your students as you adapt create might you adapt create techniques for providing students with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interests that address unique student needs providing students with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interests, how can you monitor the extent too which thesee activities enhance student engagement? can you provide students with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interests? can you incorporate this strategy into your Page 31

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