Mental/Oral Main Activity Plenary Objective Activity Objective Success Criteria Activities incl. differentiation Key questions/focus To know table

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1 Maths Planning Year: 5/6 Teacher: Mr Wells Date: 03/09/15 Wed Thurs Mental/Oral Main Activity Plenary Objective Activity Objective Success Criteria Activities incl. differentiation Key questions/focus To know table What is 3x6? etc facts by heart 15 min mental maths at lunch time tables by heart Find pairs of numbers that add up to 100, 1, 0.1 Introduce table chant songs. Sing around room, in tables individually etc. Racetrack tables in given time. In pairs find two numbers that add up 100. Repeat with 1. HA pairs to numbers that add to 0.1. To know by heart all multiplication facts to 12 x 12 To be able to read numbers up to and beyond 1. Have I got a 12 x 12 grid? 2. Have I written numbers 1 to 12 across bottom and top? 3. Have I multiplied every number by every number? 4. Can I use it to answer table fact questions? 1. Put number cards down. 2. Can I say the number? 3. Have I got the place value correct? 4. Can I write the Assess children s recall of facts by using white boards and quick fire questions. For HA give some related facts questions e.g. 4 x x 0.2 etc x 9 etc. Discuss knowledge of tables with the children and why it is important to learn them so its instant recall. Tell children they are going to make their own resource in the back of their books to help them throughout the year. The more they look at it and use it the quicker they will learn them. Model how to make multiplication grid. (misconceptions might include not following grid properly and putting for example in the 5 x 5 box the 5 x 6 answer. Ensure children line up properly so this doesn t happen.) When finished children use the table grid to test each other. Do as a game. Score points for all get correct. Differentiation: Can they make a multiplication for numbers less than one/less than 0.1 GW work around room where needed. Set HA children off on multiplication table for numbers less than one. Discuss what they will have to think about. Eg. 0.1 x 0.1 = 0.01 Why? Write a number on the board and ask children to say it. Continue with different numbers. What is the number? What is the value of this digit? Play game with large cards. Children turn over card in turn and give to put on board. Each time say what is the number? What is the value of each digit? HA join in to assess understanding then move to work on larger and decimal number. Work with rest of children to ensure understanding and address any misconceptions that may arise. (misconceptions might include not understanding the value of numbers above 1000, or after 100,000, give name cards for those What is 0.3 x 6? Repeat with other questions ensuring children understand and can use their own table chart Play a play your cards right type of game naming numbers Ask HA group to share their highest number. Record on numeracy wall

2 15 min mental maths lunch time I can double and half efficiently Play around room doubling and halving. How far can they get? number in words? 5. Have I spelt it correctly? who are struggling) Check understanding and move to individual or paired work. How would your write it in words? Ask children to have a go. Ensure correct spelling of words. Make word bank on board for them to dip into if needed. Set children off on independent work I can read and write numbers to c/4b Children work in pairs to generate numbers up to 10 digits long. They say the number to each other and then record in their books and write the number underneath in words Misconceptions might be not getting place value correct. I can read and write numbers to infinity and beyond - 4a-5b How high a number can they make? Can they say it? Can they write it? What is infinity? Who can make the highest number using their number cards put together and still say it and write it? Misconceptions might be place value Address by grouping in 3 digit pattern Write in words underneath. Fri I can multiply and divide by 10, 100, 1000 Using white boards and decimal points play multiply game. Children are numbers and they move themselves according to whether multiply or dividing. Physically move so get idea of what happening with numbers Play tables game. Can they challenge each other? To understand what has happened to numbers when they have been multiplied or divided by powers of Have a generated a three digit number with the dice? 2. How can I make that number by dividing/multiplying by 10? 3. Have my digits moved the correct amount of places? 4. Have I found all possibilities? 5. How do I know? Recap yesterday s work and discuss how numbers get bigger and smaller. How can we make a number bigger? How can we make it smaller? Write a number on board. Ask children to think of a way of making it bigger. Now make it smaller. Tell children that because our number system is base 10 it is important to ensure that they understand how to multiply by 10, 100, 1000, and beyond in powers of 10. Give target number eg How can we make that number? Eg 34 x 10, 3.4 x divided by 10 etc. Repeat with other numbers. Misconceptions might be that the digits don t move enough places. GW Set HA off on using higher numbers and then suggest fact file. Work around room where needed. Children feedback their findings and record some on the working wall. What is the rule for multiplying numbers? Which way do the digits move? Repeat with division. Record on working wall.

3 15 min tables to 12 x 12 I can multiply and divide number by 10, 100, 100-4c/4b Children generate target number and use it to find as many different ways as they can to hit the target by dividing and multiplying by powers of 10. I can multiply numbers by powers of 10 up to a/5c Children generate target numbers then find ways of multiplying and dividing by powers of 10 up to Can they say and write the numbers? Extension: Why do the numbers move one place when divided/multiplied by 10 and two places when dividen/multiplied by 100. Can they write a fact sheet to explain. Mon Recall multiplication tables x 6 15 min 6 x tables Play table song. Sing around tables. Backwards/forwards. Count in 6/s. 0.6 s etc Count around room. Quick fire questions. Make follow on game I understand place value up to and including How have I sorted out my numbers? 2. What have I started with? 3. Shall I work across or down? 4. Do I know which number I am looking for next 5. Which number comes below this number? 6. Is my square complete? 7. Why is there one left over? HA 1. Where do I start? 2. How can I sort the Picture a hundred Square in their mind, Challenge them to answer questions orally such as: What is immediately below What is two squares to the left of 99? 97etc. I start on 34.and move three rows down and three places to the right. What do I land on? 67 Each time, invite children to explain how they came to a solution. Assess children s understanding of place value and how the number system works. Give children scenario. When I came into class this morning the 100 square we were going to use today had fallen off the wall and all the numbers were jumbled in a heap. Show on smart board. We need to put it back together. What strategies would you use? What would you look for first? Model on board discussing ideas as you work through. Tell children they are going to practice putting a number square together so that they can help me in future. Children work individually to complete their own number square thinking about where each number goes and why. GW to work with the SEN and spend time with KA What did you find easy? What did you find difficult? Which way did you work? Why? HA Where did you start and why? Which numbers were the easiest to find? Why? numbers out? 3. Have I used my

4 knowledge of number to help me? 4. Which numbers are going to be the easiest to find? 5. What comes next? 6. Am I working across or down? 7. Have I cracked the code? I can use reasoning to complete a number square - 3a/4b Ask the children to stick number square in books, cut out the numbers and place them in the correct order on their number square. Ask themselves questions as they go referring to the success criteria. I can use reasoning to complete a coded number square - 4a-5a Tell children their numbers are in code. They need to crack the code using mathematical reasoning and ensure all the numbers are in the correct place. Think about where they are going to start. How are they going to crack the code? Work through a step at a time. Can they crack the code and complete the square? Tues Read whole numbers and decimals. Use decimal notation for tenths, hundredths and thousandths. 15 min Generate decimal number on smart board. Ask children to read it. Misconception: read decimals whole number eg read as four point eighteen. Assess childrens understanding by saying numbers and asking children to write on white boards. Eg say eg 9 hundredths as a decimal fraction etc. Play complement tennis. Serve number they serve back correct complement to make Read/write, order and compare numbers up to and know the value of each digit 1. Pick two numbers 2. What are the numbers? 3. Can you write them in words? 4. Which number is biggest? 5. What is the difference between the numbers? Recap previous weeks work on reading and writing numbers. Assess understanding. - Show number on board and ask children to read it. Say a number and ask children to write as a number and as words. Give children a set of numbers and ask them to work in a group to order them smallest to largest. Assess understanding and discuss findings Tell children that today going to compare numbers. Write two numbers on the board and ask children: Which is the biggest? How do they know? What does each digit represent? How much bigger is this number than that number? etc. (Misconceptions are that when using decimals they read the number as larger than 1.24 because it has more digits) GW set LA ability off then work with HA I can recognize numbers and compare them to each other - 3A/4b Children have sets of numbers including integers, decimals. They pick two numbers and record in books. Say which is biggest and what is the I can compare numbers including integers/decimals and negative numbers - 4a-5c Children pick numbers from a set given. They look at numbers, read them, write them and say which number is the biggest and what is the difference between. Assess understanding of number. Play your cards right kind of game but with different numbers. Higher or lower.

5 number bonds to 10, 100, 1000 and beyond either 10, 100, 1000 etc. difference between? Encourage children to work it out mentally by looking at place value of digits. Extention: Pick two numbers and write questions about the numbers eg, comparing, value of digits etc. Swop and solve each other s problems Wed I can round numbers to the nearest 10 th,100 th, 1000 th and nearest integer 15 min tables to 12 x 12 Give children a number and ask to round to nearest 10 th, 100 th etc. Assess understanding and discuss how and what they are looking for. Ask to round to nearest whole number. Roll two die and multiply numbers together. Play in groups. Who gets most poins. To find 1, 10, 0.1 and 0.01 more or less than a number To find numbers that add up to 1, 10, 100 etc including decimals. 1. Have I generated a decimal number? 2. What is the last digit? 3. What goes with it to make 10? 4. Have I thought about rounding? 5. Do I need more 10ths to get to 1? 6. Do my numbers add up to 10/1/0.1? Recap with the children all work done so far on number place value etc. What does each digit represent? Assess all children s understanding. How many different ways can you make 10? (Misconception is that they will just use whole numbers) Encourage children to think about decimals. What do you need to go with 4.5 to make 10, what about 3.4 etc etc. What do they need to help them find the number? Model some ideas using their knowledge of number bonds to help. How can they check they are correct? (i.e. addition of both numbers) Do they add to 10? GW work with HA group then around room where needed I can recognize number bonds to help me find pairs of numbers to 10including decimals - 3a-4b Children work together in pairs. One child generates a number with 10 sided dice, either with one or two decimal places. The other child has to find what goes with it to make 10. Record their findings and working out in their books. What about finding pairs to make 0.1? What do they need to think about? I can use my mathematical knowledge of number bonds to find pairs of numbers to make 1-4a-5c Children work in pairs to find decimal numbers that add up to 1. Role 10 sided die 3 or 4 times. Record numbers as a decimal eg Find the number that goes with it to add to 1. Check each other s answers and peer mark. Extension: Can they find three numbers that add together to make 1. Assessment Play complement tennis. Give a number on white board, they serve back with complement to 10, 1 or 0.1 HA: Play as a group. One person serves and they serve back...

6 Thurs To use related facts to solve questions mentall 15 min mental maths tables to 12 x 12 Ask what is 4 x 6? 40 x 6 4 x 60 Establish answers always same just multiplied or divided by 10, 100 etc Repeat with other examples. Use number fans to show understanding Play multiplication snap/differentiated in pairs To answer questions mentally in the given time. Children will have answered questions mentally in given time by: 1. listening to question 2. deciding best strategy to use 3. visualizing question in mind 4. working through and making jottings if needed 5. Writing answer in correct box. Discuss mental maths with the children and quick recall of number facts. Recap on work done during week and how they need to apply to mental calculation. Model some examples and mathematical thinking. Ask the children how they would work out certain problems and what knowledge helps them. Discuss how this is going to help them improve during the year. GW to work with LA/SEN group I can answer questions mentally in given time - 3c- 4b Read through mental maths questions discussing with children the quickest way to answer. Practice examples each time ensuring understanding. Play CD with mental maths test on. Children complete. Go through and self mark assessing understanding and addressing misconceptions and where they went wrong. I can answer questions mentally in given time - 4a- 5b Assess understanding of HA. Give mental maths test as would SATs test only giving time allowed. Can the children keep up? Where are the gaps? Which questions did they find difficult in the time allowed? Why? Use this to inform future planning in mental calculation Record results in mark book. Tell children target for next week is to get one more than this week.

7 Fri I can count in steps of 1, 10, 100, 1000 etc Split into 3 groups. One group count in 10, one 100, one Give start number and each group counts up in their steps, swop groups. Count up and back To use reasoning to solve mathematical problems 1. Have I read the question properly? 2. What does it tell me? 3. What is it asking? 4. Can I use what I know? 5. How? 6. What do I do next? Display poem about the balloon bouquet. Read together. How are you going to work it out? Where will you start? Encourage children to use what they know and work around it. Work through together modelling mathematical thinking. Give children differentiated mathematical puzzles to solve. i.e. coded puzzles. Balloon bouquet to complete. Children work through using their understanding of number. GW work around room assessing understanding. Discuss the children s findings and how they got there.


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