Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning (Morel) Teacher Evaluation Standards

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1 Comparison of Teacher Evaluation Models New Jersey schools use a multitude of different teacher evaluation models, including major frameworks recognized nationally and regionally and individual models developed by school districts and approved by the state. NJ Spotlight (February, 2013) lists the most popular models, from a total of 85% of districts reporting (496) at the time of the article. Five models accounted for over 95% of districts reporting at that time. The five most popular models are: 1. Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teachers: 291 districts or 60% 2. Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Performance System: 53 districts or 11% 3. Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) Teacher Evaluation Standards: 45 districts or 9% 4. Marzano's Causal Teacher Evaluation Model: 44 districts or 9% 5. The Marshall Rubrics: 32 districts or 6.5% Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teachers The Danielson Framework consists of four domains: Planning and Preparation; The Classroom Environment; Instruction; and Professional Responsibilities. These domains are broken down into a total of 22 components. Each component contains from one to five elements. The Planning and Preparation domain includes teacher knowledge of content, and resources, and designing instruction and instructional outcomes and student assessments. The Classroom Environment domain includes creating an environment of respect/rapport and culture for learning; managing classroom procedures and student behavior, and organizing space. The Instruction domain includes communicating and using question/discussion techniques with, engaging in learning, ongoing assessment, and showing flexibility/responsiveness. The Professional Responsibilities domain includes teacher reflection, keeping records, communicating with families, and professional participation, integrity and growth. Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Performance System: The Stronge model is composed of seven performance standards: Professional Knowledge, Instructional Planning, Instructional Delivery, Assessment of/for Learning, the Learning Environment, Professionalism and Communication, and Student Progress. The Professional Knowledge standard concerns teacher understanding of curriculum, subject matter, pedagogical knowledge, and developmental needs. The Instructional Planning standard concerns planning using state standards and the district curriculum, as well as appropriate resources, data and relevant strategies. The Instructional Delivery standard pertains to teachers use of varied instructional strategies effective in meeting individual learning needs. In Assessment of/for Learning, the standard pertains to the use of a variety of formative and summative assessment and the use of data. The Learning Environment standard concerns development of a safe, student-centered, academic environment conducive to learning (Stronge/NJEA Review, 2011, para. 6). The Professionalism and Communication pertains to professional ethics, growth and communication. The Student Progress standard concerns commitment to and evidence of effective, standards-based student learning outcomes. Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning (Morel) Teacher Evaluation Standards

2 The McREL model consists of five standards, under which are a total of 25 elements. The standards and elements are statements of teacher proficiencies. The standards are as follows: 1. Teachers Demonstrates Leadership; 2. Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of ; 3. Teachers know the content they teach; 4. Teachers facilitate learning for their ; 5. Teachers reflect on their practices. Standard 1 includes leadership in the classroom, school and profession, ethical standards and advocacy. Standard 2 includes providing a nurturing environment, embracing diversity, individualizing and adapting instruction and communicating with families. Standard 3 includes content knowledge, alignment of instruction to standards, recognizing interconnections, and making instruction relevant to. Standard 4 includes understanding how children develop and learn, planning appropriate instruction, using a variety of learning materials, integrating technology, and developing critical thinking. Standard 5 includes reflecting on practice, analyzing learning, professionalism and professional development, and effective institutional functioning. Marzano's Causal Teacher Evaluation Model The Marzano model comprises four domains, with 60 elements that are contained within segments or sub components of the domains. The four domains are: 1. Classroom strategies and behaviors; 2. Planning and Preparing; 3. Reflection on Teaching; 4. Collegiality and Professionalism. Classroom strategies and behaviors involves 41 elements on routines, content and on the spot behaviors demonstrated by teachers. Planning and preparing includes 8 elements on lesson and unit planning use of technology and materials, and student (special) needs. Reflecting on teaching Includes 5 elements on self-evaluation of performance and plan(s) for professional growth. Collegiality and Professionalism involves 6 elements on promotion of a positive environment, exchanging of ideas and school and district development. The Marshall Rubrics The Marshall model consists of a series of 10 rubrics in six domains. A. Planning and Preparation for Learning; B. Classroom Management; C. Delivery of Instruction; D. Monitoring, Assessment, and Follow-Up; E. Family and Community Outreach; F. Professional Responsibilities. Planning and Preparation for Learning includes planning of units and lessons, and assessments that anticipate student responses and engagement and differentiate learning. Classroom Management includes building relationships and respect with, developing positive student interactions and responsibility, and efficiently and providing varied and creative incentives for. Delivery of Instruction includes having high expectations, clear goals and content, engaging in learning, differentiating instruction, being nimble and summarizing learning. Monitoring, Assessment, and Follow-Up includes having clear assessment criteria and varied forms of assessment, analysis/diagnosis and follow up of data, support for with special needs and reflecting on practice. Family and Community Outreach includes showing respect for, believing in and expecting family/community involvement, communication and outreach with stakeholders, and use of varied community resources. Professional Responsibilities includes high attendance, professional demeanor and judgment, collaboration, and professional/leadership growth and development. The Following pages provide a table aligning the elements of the five models described above to each other and to the New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers.

3 Comparison Table of Evaluation Models with Each Other and With the New Jersey Professional Teaching Standards Danielson Stronge McREL Marzano Marshal NJ PTS 1.a Demonstrating Knowledge of Content & Pedagogy: i. Content knowledge 1.a.ii Prerequisite relationships 1.a.ii Content pedagogy 1.4 The teacher demonstrates an accurate knowledge of the subject matter 1.1 The teacher effectively addresses appropriate curriculum standards. 1.2 The teacher integrates key content elements and facilitates use of higher level thinking skills in instruction 1.5 The teacher demonstrates skills relevant to the subject area(s) taught 3.B. Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty 3.C. Teachers recognize the interconnectedness of content area/discipline 3.A. Teachers align their instruction with the New Jersey/Common Core Curriculum Content Standards and approved District curriculum 3.B. Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty 1.8. Previewing New Content Processing of New Information Elaborating on New Information Recording and Representing Knowledge Attention to Established Content Standards 1.9. Chunking content into digestible bites A. a. Knowledge Elements A. b. Standards Element 1.9 A. g. Engagement Elements b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students: i. Child development 1.b.ii Learning process 1.7 The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of the age group 1.3 The teacher demonstrates ability to link present content with past and future learning experiences, other subject areas, and real world experiences and applications. 4.A. Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual physical, social, and emotional development of their 3.D. Teachers make instruction relevant to Effective Scaffolding of Information with Lessons Effective Scaffolding of Information with Lessons A. i. Differentiation Elements A. c. Anticipation C. d. Connections Elements

4 1.b.iii Special needs 1.b.iv student skills, knowledge & proficiency 1.b.v Interests & cultural heritage 1.c Setting Instructional Outcomes: i Value, sequence & alignment 1.c.ii Clarity 1.c.iii Balance 2.3 The teacher plans for differentiated instruction 1.7 The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of the age group 3.2 The teacher builds upon existing knowledge and skills 5.5 The teacher promotes cultural sensitivity 5.6 The teacher respects diversity, including language, culture, race, gender, and special needs 2.4 The teacher aligns lesson objectives to the school s curriculum and student learning needs 3.7 The teacher communicates clearly and checks for understanding 2.5 The teacher develops appropriate long- and short-range plans, and adapts plans when needed 2.B. Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and the world 2.C. Teachers treat as individuals 4.A. Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual physical, social, and emotional development of their 2.B. Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and the world 3.D. Teachers make instruction relevant to 3.A. Teachers align their instruction with the New Jersey/Common Core Curriculum Content Standards and approved District curriculum 4.G. Teachers communicate effectively 4.B. Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their Demonstrating Value and Respect for Low Expectancy Students Needs of Students Receiving Special Education Examining Similarities and Differences Examining Errors in Reasoning Understanding Students Interests and Background 1.6. Identifying Critical Information A. c. Anticipation A. i. Differentiation D. h. Support Lessons within Units A. c. Units A. f. Lessons Element Elements D. h. Support Elements Elements Elements A. g. Engagement Element 3.1, 3.5 Elements A. g. Engagement Elements C. e. Clarity Elements 8.4 and 8.6 Element 1.1

5 1.c.iv Suitability for diverse learners 1.d Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources: i For classroom 1.d.ii To extend content knowledge 1.d.iii For 1.e Designing Coherent Instruction: i Learning activities 1.e.ii Instructional materials & resources 1.e.iii Instructional groups 2.3 The teacher plans for differentiated instruction 3.3 The teacher differentiates instruction to meet the needs 3.5 The teacher uses a variety of effective instructional strategies and resources 3.6 The teacher uses instructional technology to enhance student learning 1.2 The Teacher integrates key content elements and facilitates use of higher level thinking skills in instruction 3.6 The teacher uses instructional technology to enhance student learning 4.4 The teacher aligns student assessment with established curriculum standards and benchmarks 3.5 The teacher uses a variety of effective instructional strategies and resources 5.1 The teacher arranges the classroom to maximize learning while providing a safe environment 3.D. Teachers make instruction relevant to 4.D. Teachers integrate and utilize technology in their instruction 4.E. Teachers help develop critical thinking and problem solving skills 3.D. Teachers make instruction relevant to 4.B. Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their 4.C. Teachers use a variety of instructional materials 4.E. Teachers help work in teams and develop leadership qualities Demonstrating Value and Respect for Low Expectancy Students Needs of English Language Learners Needs of Students Receiving Special Education Needs of Students Who Lack Support for Schooling Use of Available Traditional Resources Use of Available Technology Use of Available Technology Use of Available Traditional Resources Use of Available Technology Using Academic Games Reviewing Content Providing Resources and Guidance Organizing Students to Practice and Deepen Knowledge A. i. Differentiation Element Elements Elements Elements A. h. Materials Element 4.8 Element 4.10 Element 7.7 A. c. Units A. f Lessons Element 4.8 Element 4.10 Element 7.7 A. g. Engagement Element 4.8 Element 4.10 A. f Lessons A. g. Engagement Element 7.7 Elements 4.2 and 4.3 A. h. Materials Elements 1.1 through 1.3 Element 1.9 A. j. Environment Element 6.11 and 6.12

6 1.e.iv Lesson and unit structure 1.f Designing Student Assessments: i Congruence with outcomes 1.f.ii Criteria and standards 1.f.iii Formative assessments 2.5 The teacher develops appropriate long- and short-range plans, and adapts plans when needed 4.4 The teacher aligns student assessment with established curriculum standards and benchmarks 2.4 The teacher aligns lesson objectives to the school s curriculum and student learning needs 4.5 The teacher uses assessment tools for both formative and summative purposes, and uses grading practices that report final mastery in relationship to content goals and objectives 1.g Use for planning 4.6 The teacher uses assessment tools for both formative and summative purposes to inform, guide, and adjust learning 2.a Creating an Environment of Respect & Rapport: i. Teacher interaction with 2.a.ii Student interaction with 3.1 The teacher engages and maintains in active learning 5.4 The teacher establishes a climate of trust and teamwork by being fair, caring, respectful, and enthusiastic 5.7 The teacher actively listens and pays attention to needs and responses 5.8 The teacher maximizes instructional learning time by working with 4.B. Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their 4.H. Teachers use a variety of materials to assess what each student learned 4.H. Teachers use a variety of materials to assess what each student learned 4.H. Teachers use a variety of materials to assess what each student learned 4.H. Teachers use a variety of materials to assess what each student learned 1.B. Teachers provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adult 2.C. Teachers treat as individuals 4.F. Teachers help work in teams and develop Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks 1.1. Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales (Rubrics) Managing Response Rates Using Physical Movement A. f Lessons A. g. Engagement A. d. Assessments C. c. Goals Element 6.11 and 6.12 Element 4.9 Element 7.4 Element 8.1 C. c. Goals Elements 5.1 and 5.2 D. f. Interims Element 5.7 D. I. Analysis Elements 5.4 and 5.7 B. b. Relationships B. c. Respect B. d. Social-emotional B. b. Relationships B. c. Respect B. d. Social-emotional Element Elements

7 2.b Establishing a Culture for Learning: i Importance of content 2.b.ii Expectations for learning and achievement 2.b.iii Student pride in work 2.c Managing Classroom Procedures: i Instructional groups 2.c.ii Transitions individually as well as small groups/whole groups 1.4 The teacher demonstrates an accurate knowledge of the subject matter 1.6 The teacher bases instruction on goals that reflect high expectations and an understanding of the subject 3.1 The teacher engages and maintains in active learning 5.1 The teacher arranges the classroom to maximize learning while providing a safe environment 2.2 The teacher plans time realistically for pacing, content mastery, and transitions leadership qualities 2.B. Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and the world 4.F. Teachers help work in teams and develop leadership qualities Demonstrating Value and Respect for Low Expectancy Students 1.3. Celebrating Success B. f. Responsibility D. e. Recognition 1.7. Organizing Students to Interact with New Knowledge Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks Maintaining a Lively Pace Element 1.1 B. f. Responsibility Element 7.3 B. e. Routines C. j. Closure Element 6.4 Element 7.8 Element c.iii Materials and supplies 3.5 The teacher uses a variety of effective instructional strategies and resources 4.C. Teachers use a variety of instructional materials A. h. Materials Element c.iv Non instructional duties Element c.v Supervision of volunteers 1.A. Teachers lead in Element 6.9 and paraprofessionals their classrooms 2.d Managing Student Behavior ii. Expectations 6.1 The teacher collaborates and communicates effectively within the school community to promote well-being and success 5.2 The teacher establishes clear expectations, with student input, for classroom rules and procedures early in the 1.B. Teachers provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adult 1.4. Establishing Classroom Routines Acknowledging Adherence to Rules and B. j. Incentives C. a. Expectations Elements Element 6.10

8 2.d.ii Monitoring behavior 2.d.iii Response to misbehavior 2.e Organizing Physical Space ii Safety and accessibility 2.d.ii Arrangement of furniture and resources 3.a Communicating With Students: i. Expectations for learning 3.a.ii Directions & procedures 3.a.iii. Explanations of content 3.a.iv. Use of oral and written language 3.b Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques: school year, and enforces them consistently & fairly 5.2 The teacher establishes clear expectations, with student input, for classroom rules and procedures early in the school year, and enforces them consistently and fairly 5.2 The teacher establishes clear expectations, with student input, for classroom rules and procedures early in the school year, and enforces them consistently and fairly 5.1 The teacher arranges the classroom to maximize learning while providing a safe environment 5.1 The teacher arranges the classroom to maximize learning while providing a safe environment 3.7 The teacher communicates clearly and checks for understanding 3.5 The teacher uses a variety of effective instructional strategies and resources 3.3 The teacher differentiates instruction to meet the needs 3.7 The teacher communicates clearly and checks for understanding 3.7 The teacher communicates clearly and 4.F. Teachers help work in teams and develop leadership qualities 4.G. Teachers communicate effectively 4.E. Teachers help develop Procedures Noticing When Students are Not Engaged Demonstrating withitness Applying Consequences for Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures 38. Displaying Objectivity and Control 1.5. Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom 1.5. Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors that Indicate Affection for Students Engaging Students in Cognitively Complex B. i. Prevention Element 7.8 Elements B. g., Repertoire Elements Element 6.8 A. j. Environment Element 6.1 A. j. Environment Element 6.1 C. a. Expectations Elements B. h. Efficiency C. e. Clarity Elements C. e. Clarity Elements B. g. Repertoire Elements C. f. Repertoire C. e. Clarity Element 1.7

9 i. Quality of questions checks for understanding critical thinking and problem solving skills 3.b.ii. Discussion techniques 3.b.iii. Student participation 3.c Engaging Students in Learning: i. Activities and assignments 3.c.ii Student groups 3.c.iii Instructional materials and resources 3.c.iv Structure and pacing 3.d Using Assessment in Instruction: i. Assessment criteria 3.5 The teacher uses a variety of effective instructional strategies and resources 5.8 The teacher maximizes instructional learning time by working with individually as well as in small groups or whole groups 3.1 The teacher engages and maintains in active learning 5.8 The teacher maximizes instructional learning time by working with individually as well as in small groups or whole groups 3.5 The teacher uses a variety of effective instructional strategies and resources 2.2 The teacher plans time realistically for pacing, content mastery, and transitions 5.3 The teacher maximizes instructional time and minimizes disruptions 4.1 The teacher uses preassessment data to develop expectations for 4.F. Teachers help work in teams and develop leadership qualities 4.E. Teachers help develop critical thinking and problem solving skills 4.F. Teachers help work in teams and develop leadership qualities 2.D. Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of with special needs 4.H. Teachers use a variety of materials to assess what each Tasks Involving Hypothesis Generation and Testing Asking Questions of Low Expectancy Students 41. Probing Incorrect Answers with Low Expectancy Students Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes Providing Opportunities for Students to Talk about Themselves Using Homework Presenting Unusual or Intriguing Information 1.7. Organizing Students to Interact with New Knowledge Maintaining a Lively Pace Demonstrating Intensity and Enthusiasm Elements B. g. Repertoire Elements C. f. Repertoire C. g. Engagement C. f. Repertoire Element 1.5 Element 4.1 Element 8.7 Element 7.8 C. g. Engagement Element 1.6 C. h. Differentiation D. a. Criteria Elements

10 3.d.ii Monitoring of student learning 3.d.iii Feedback to 3.d. iv Student self assessment and monitoring 3.e Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness: i. Lesson adjustment 3.e.ii Response to 3.e.iii. Persistence 4.a Reflecting on Teaching: i. Accuracy, to differentiate instruction, and to document learning 4.3 Uses a variety of assessment strategies and instruments that are valid and appropriate for the content and for the student population 3.4 The teacher reinforces learning goals consistently throughout the lesson 3.4 The teacher reinforces learning goals consistently throughout the lesson 4.7 The teacher gives constructive and frequent feedback to on their learning 4.2 The teacher involves in setting learning goals and monitoring their own progress 2.5 The teacher develops appropriate long- and short-range plans, and adapts plans when needed 2.5 The teacher develops appropriate long- and short-range plans, and adapts plans when needed 7.2 The teacher documents the progress of each student throughout the year student learned 4.H. Teachers use a variety of materials to assess what each student learned 4.E. Teachers help develop critical thinking and problem solving skills 4.H. Teachers use a variety of materials to assess what each student learned 2.D. Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of with special needs 2.D. Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of with special needs 5.A. Teachers analyze student learning 1.2. Tracking Student Progress C. h. Differentiation D. b. Diagnosis Element 4.11 Elements Element Celebrating Success D.c. On-the-spot Element 5.7 Element Using Friendly Controversy Identifying Areas of Pedagogical Strength and Weakness Evaluating the Effectiveness of Specific Pedagogical Strategies and Behaviors D. e. Self-assessment D. h. Support Element 5.5 C. i. Nimbleness (Element 4.11) C. i. Nimbleness Element 4.12 C. b. Mindset D. g. Tenacity D. i. Analysis Element 5.6 Elements Element 10.5 Element 7.4 and a.ii Use in future teaching 2.1 The teacher uses 5.A. Teachers analyze Revising Knowledge D. j. Reflection Element 2.3

11 4.b Maintaining Accurate Records: i. Student completion of assignments 4.b.ii Student progress in learning student learning data to guide planning 4.1 The teacher uses preassessment data to develop expectations for, to differentiate instruction, and to document learning 7.2 The teacher documents the progress of each student throughout the year 7.2 The teacher documents the progress of each student throughout the year 7.3 The teacher provides evidence that achievement goals have been met, including the stateprovided growth measure when available as well as other multiple measures of student learning 5.A. Teachers analyze student learning 5.A. Teachers analyze student learning Evaluating the Effectiveness of Individual Lessons and Units 1.2. Tracking Student Progress Reflecting on Learning Element 5.4 Element 7.4 and 7.5 Elements D. i. Analysis Element 4.11 Elements Element 7.5 D. j. Reflection D. i. Analysis Element b.iii Non instructional records 4.c Communicating With Families: i. About instructional program 7.4 The teacher uses available performance outcome data to continually document and communicate student academic progress and develop interim learning targets student growth 7.3 The teacher provides evidence that achievement goals have been met, including the stateprovided growth measure when available as well as other multiple measures of student growth 6.6 The teacher works in a collegial and collaborative manner with administrators, other 2.E. Teachers work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in 1.2. Tracking Student Progress Promoting Positive Interactions about Students and Parents E. a. Respect E. b. Belief E. c. Expectations E. d. Communication Element 4.11 Elements Element 7.5 Elements Elements

12 4.c.ii About individual 4.c.iii Engagement of families in instructional program 4.d Participating in a Professional Community: i. Relationships with colleagues 4.d.ii Participation in school projects 4.d.iii Involvement in culture of professional inquiry 4.d.iv Service to school 4.e Growing and Developing Professionally: i. Enhancement of content knowledge/pedagogical skill school personnel, and the community 6.7 The teacher builds positive and professional relationships with parents/guardians through frequent and effective communication concerning progress 6.7 The teacher builds positive and professional relationships with parents/guardians through frequent and effective communication concerning progress 6.1 The teacher collaborates and communicates effectively within the school community to promote well-being and success 6.6 The teacher works in a collegial and collaborative manner with administrators, other school personnel, and the community 6.4 Teacher sets goals for improvement of knowledge and skills 6.8 The teacher serves as a contributing member of the school s professional learning community through collaboration with teaching colleagues 6.3 The teacher incorporates learning from professional growth opportunities into the lives of their 2.E. Teachers work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their 2.E. Teachers work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their 5.C. Teachers function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment 5.C. Teachers function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment 5.B. Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals 1.B. Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school 5.B. Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals Promoting Positive Interactions about Students and Parents Promoting Positive Interactions about Students and Parents Promoting Positive Interactions with Colleagues Seeking Mentorship for Areas of Need or Interest Participating in District and School Initiatives Mentoring Other Teachers and Sharing Ideas and Strategies Participating in District and School Initiatives Developing a Written Growth and Development Plan E. d. Communication E. e. Involving E. f. Homework E. h. Responsiveness E. h. Reporting E. i. Outreach E. j. Resources Elements Elements Elements Elements F. i. Collaboration Elements Element 10.6 F. f. Above and beyond Element 9.2 Element 10.2 Element 10.7 F. i. Collaboration Elements F. f. Above and beyond Element 9.2 Element 10.2 Element 10.7 F. j. Growth Element 10.1 Element 10.3 Elements

13 instructional practice 4.e.ii Receptivity to feedback from colleagues 4.e.iii Service to the profession 4.f Showing Professionalism: i. Integrity/ethical conduct 4.f.ii Service to 4.f.iii Advocacy 4.f.iv Decision-making 4.f.v Compliance with school/district regulation 6.3 The teacher incorporates learning from professional growth opportunities into instructional practice 6.5 The teacher engages in activities outside the classroom intended for school and student enhancement 6.6 The teacher works in a collegial and collaborative manner with administrators, other school personnel, and the community 6.1 The teacher collaborates and communicates effectively within the school community to promote well-being and success 6.1 The teacher collaborates and communicates effectively within the school community to promote well-being and success 6.2 The teacher adheres to federal and state laws, school policies and ethical guidelines 5.C. Teachers function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment 1.C. Teachers lead the teaching profession 1.E. Teachers demonstrate high ethical standards 1.D. Teachers advocate for schools and 1.D. Teachers advocate for schools and 1.B. Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school 1.E. Teachers demonstrate high ethical standards Monitoring Progress Relative to the Professional Growth and Development Plan Mentoring Other Teachers and Sharing Ideas and Strategies Adhering to District and School Rule and Procedures Mentoring Other Teachers and Sharing Ideas and Strategies Adhering to District and School Rule and Procedures F. h. Openness Element 10.1 Element 10.3 Elements F. f. Above and beyond Elements F. e. Judgment Element 7.1 F. c. Reliability (Element 9.1) F. g. Leadership Elements F. g. Leadership Element 10.5 F. a. Attendance F. b. Language F. c. Reliability Element 7.1

14 Resources NJ.gov - List of NJ Approved Models: NJ Spotlight (2013) List of most popular models: NJEA: Comparing teacher evaluation models Achieve NJ: Marzano Alignment to New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers (and list of NJPST Standards): Paper: Other resources - Models: Danielson Framework for Teaching: Danielson, C. Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching (2 nd. Ed.) Alexandria, VA: ASCD Marzano: Stronge: McRel: Marshall:


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