Grade 4 Term 2 English Home Language Lesson Plan Weeks 7 & 8

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1 Grade 4 Term 2 English Home Language Lesson Plan Weeks 7 & 8 Summary of the unit This unit focuses on instructional text and working with instructions. The topic of Let s Have Fun fits in well with this type of text as it incorporates having fun using games. In the Listening and Speaking activities the learners will be introduced to texts about aerobic games. In the Reading and Viewing activities the learners will read about educational games. They will write an instructional text for an educational game. Language conventions and structures activities will focus on auxiliary verbs, moods of verbs, modal verbs, future tense and dictionary use. Curriculum reference Curriculum Standards (CAPS) Grade 4 English Home Language Term 2 Weeks 7&8 Skill Listening & Speaking (2 hours) Reading & Viewing (5 hours) includes integrated time with Language Writing (4 hours) includes integrated time with Language CAPS requirements Listens to and carries out instructions; Introductory activities: prediction; Recalls procedure; Identifies the features of instructional text; Notes key headings; Gives clear instructions; Makes notes and applies instructions read; Asks questions for clarity; Comments on clarity of instructions; Listens to and gives directions; Listens for specific details; Uses details accurately; Uses the correct language form Reads an instructional text; Pre-reading: predicting from title and pictures; Uses reading strategies: prediction, contextual clues; Discusses specific details of text; Discusses sequence of instructions; Uses the dictionary to check spelling and meanings of words Writes an instructional text Selects appropriate content for the topic; Uses the appropriate structure as a frame; Orders information logically; Uses topic and supporting sentences to develop coherent paragraphs; Uses appropriate grammar, spelling and punctuation; Presents work neatly using headings, spacing for paragraphs; Records words and their meanings in a personal dictionary; Uses the writing process - Planning / prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Proofreading, and Presenting Listening and speaking: Let s have fun Listening and Speaking: Jump rope games Reading: Make a Snakes and Ladders Language game Reading: Story creation circle games Writing: Write a description and instructions for an educational game

2 Language Structure & Conventions (1 hour plus integrated time with other skills) Word level work: auxiliary verbs, Word level work: moods Word level work: modal verbs, Sentence level work: future tense Spelling and punctuation: word division, dictionary use Language conventions: Have fun with Auxiliary verbs Language conventions: The mood in verbs Language conventions: Modal verbs Language activities: Future Tense board game Listening and Speaking: Jump Rope Games dictionary work Educator preparation for the whole unit before starting 1. Read through the activities in this unit and familiarise yourself with them and what resources they require so that you can be totally prepared before the unit begins. 2. Identify some of the necessary vocabulary for this games unit and write the words on to wordlists. Constantly revise the vocabulary and ensure that the learners understanding of the terminology is consolidated. Try to include two spelling tests over the two week period. 3. Note that this unit does not include any Reading activities based on the Graded Readers used by the class or the Grade 4 Home Language Reader used by the class. 4. Note who might need remediation and extension and plan accordingly by finding relevant activities for students who come to your notice. 5. Try to include other interesting games that the learners will enjoy over this two week period. Resources Learners will need the activity worksheets for this unit, dice, and counters, classwork books. Try out playing some of the games mentioned in this unit jump rope games, story circle games and educational games. Assessment Informal Assessment Assessment in Unit 9 is both Informal and Formal Assessment. For the majority of the activities the educator keeps a record of the learners general progress in acquiring the prescribed listening and speaking, reading, writing and language convention skills. Choose your own form of informal assessment. Note the marking memo guide for the activities under the relevant activities for each skill. The rating scale below could also be used. Formal Assessment Use the following rating code for recording and reporting assessment in the Foundation Phase. There are several formal assessment tasks in this unit: 1. Listening Skill: Listening and Speaking: Jump Rope Games: 25 marks 2. Language conventions and structures: It s time for revision 15 marks 3. Reads aloud: Reading: Story creation circle games 20 marks 4. Reflects on stories read independently (not covered in this unit) 15 marks 5. Writes an Instructional text: Writing: Write a description and instructions for an educational game 25 marks Total for formal assessment = 100 marks which can be interpreted according to the rating scale below.

3 Rating code 7 Outstanding achievement 6 Meritorious achievement 5 Substantial achievement 4 Adequate achievement 3 Moderate achievement 2 Elementary achievement 1 Not achieved Description of competence Learning Activities and how to teach them This Unit is based on instructional text, so a theme of having fun playing games fitted in very well. There are four Formal Assessment tasks in this unit and their mark allocations will be clearly outlined. Listening and Speaking: Let s have fun Place the learners and let them discuss the pictures of games on the page. Do they recognise them? The learners work in a group and discuss the given questions. Ensure that the group members have roles such as organiser (keeps the group together), time keeper (keeps the group on time, a recorder (writes down any necessary information) and a reporter (reports back to the rest of the class.) Other roles can also be encouraged. Ensure that the recorder has some paper and a pen to write down the group s ideas. The questions to discuss: What games are being played in the pictures above? The games are snap and hopscotch. How do you play them? Let the learners pool their ideas as they recall how to play these games. What are your favourite games? Make a list and share them with the rest of the class. The recorder lists the games mentioned by the rest of the group. Choose one of the games on your group list that is easy to play and play it. One person gives the instructions. The others listen and play. Learners own choice. Why do people like playing games? Learners own answers: Games are relaxing, fun, etc. Listening and Speaking: Jump rope games (This is a Formal Assessment task) Jump rope is a popular exercise using a rope and a number of players. Ensure that the learners have paper and a pen to jot down notes as the teacher reads the text. Before listening Before you start reading the texts show the learners the pictures and ask them if they can predict what the text is about. Read the title of the text and ask some questions about what they think the story is about.

4 After listening After you have read the information to the learners let them answer these questions in their workbooks. Suggested answers: B. Write the answers to these questions 1. What is your definition of jump rope? (2) Learners own answers that mean jump rope is an aerobic activity that helps build strength, tone muscles and burn calories. 2. What were the three clear headings in this listening text? (3) They are Jump on your own, Play Apples, peaches, pears and plums with friends, do relay races in teams 3. Write the instructions for the jump rope relay. (5) Words to the effect of, Divide into two teams and go to the starting line. The person in the front has the skipping rope. They jump over the rope to a certain point, turn around, jump back and give the rope to the next person. The team that finishes first wins. 4. Recall the procedure for the game called Apples, peaches, pears and plums. What takes place? (5) Two people hold a long rope while the rest of the players take turn to jump. They chant a song as they play. They try and reach their birthday month when they jump. 5. Are the three activities indoor or outdoor activities? (1) They are mainly outdoor activities. 6. Which country was mentioned in this text on jump rope? (1) The country is Egypt. 7. What equipment is needed for each of the three activities? (2) You need jump ropes for the first and last one and a longer rope for the middle one. 8. How can you tell that this is instructional text? (1) It gives instructions on how to do things. 9. Name three ways that jump rope can benefit you? (3) Jump rope activities helps build strength, tone muscles and burn calories. 10. Which of the three activities, do you think, would be the most fun? Give a reason for your answer. (2) Learner s own answer and reason. (Total = 25 marks) B. Use your dictionaries and write the meaning of the following words: aerobic exercise taken to improve the efficiency of the body s cardiovascular system in absorbing and transporting oxygen. Tone give greater strength or firmness to (the body or a muscle). ancient belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence. Arch - the underneath part of the foot that allows the foot to support the weight of the body in the erect posture with the least weight. Co-ordinate give direction to the different elements of an activity so that they work together. (Total = 5 marks) (Grand total = 30 marks) (Reduce this allocation to 25 marks for Formal Assessment)

5 Formal Assessment This is a formal assessment task. For this task the learners are required to complete a listening comprehension text based on an instructional text. Each learner should be assessed individually according to the mark scheme shown above with a total of 25 marks. Language conventions: Have fun with Auxiliary verbs Write sentences with auxiliary verbs The learners make up a sentence for each of the following auxiliary verbs in indicating that they understand the meaning of the verbs. The verbs are: Be, am, is, are, has, have, had, do, did, does, been, was, were, shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, must, might, being. (Learners own answers 23 marks). Assessment (Informal baseline assessment) These exercises are to reinforce concepts and they can be marked orally, or by the learners exchanging books. Make a note of their progress in language activities. Reading: Make a Snakes and Ladders Language game Before reading The learners look at the picture of the well-known game, Snakes and Ladders, and discuss the game with a friend. Read Read the text aloud with the learners following. Suggest that they take note of the headings and after you have read the text point out the way instructional text is written with a You will need section and then a sequence of instructions. After you have read through the text let the learners read the text again with a friend. After reading Ask the learners to do the questions on their own. Read through the questions with them first to make sure they know what is required. Suggested answers 1. Which countries are mentioned in this text? (3) The countries are India, Britain, United States. 2. How do you know this is an instructional text? (4) It is instructional because it has a title, a goal or aim, a materials needed section, and sequenced steps. 3. What is the aim of this game? (2) The goal is to move your counters from 1 to the winning square, number How many snakes and how many ladders must be drawn? (2) Six snakes and six ladders. 5. The sequence of instructions seems to be mixed up. Write out the sequence in the correct order. (6) *Each player puts their counter on number 1. *Take it in turns to roll the dice. The first person to get a six starts and moves their counter forwards the number of spaces shown on the dice. *If your counter lands on the head of a snake, you must slide down to the bottom of the snake. *If your counter lands at the bottom of a ladder, you move up to the top of the ladder. *If you land on a word you need to say whether the word is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb. If your answer is correct you go forward one space. If your answer is incorrect you go back one space. *The first player to get to the 100 is the winner.

6 6. If someone asked you how to play Snakes and Ladders, what would you say? Write out your answer in no more than five sentences. (5) Learner s own answer. 7. Is this an easy or difficult game to play? Give a reason for your answer. (3) Learner s own answer. 8. Look up the following words in your dictionary and write out their meanings: (5) horizontally: Going from side-to-side, like the horizon. vertically: In an up-down position. originate: The place or point at which any new thing or idea starts. encounter: a meeting, often an unexpected one. challenge: A call to someone to participate in a competitive situation. (TOTAL = 30 marks) Extension exercise One could ask the learners to make a Snakes and Ladders game. Informal Assessment This comprehension can be marked by yourself or informally in class. Language activities: Future Tense board game The learners can play this game in groups with a dice and counter. First revise the future tense with them. The future tense describes what will happen in the future. It usually uses the word will and will be. Ensure that they understand the instructions. In this game, when a player lands on a block with a sentence in it, he/she attempts an answer. It is up to the rest of the group to correct each player s mistakes. Reading: Story creation circle games (This is both an informal Assessment and a Formal Assessment task) Before reading The learners predict what the text is about after reading the title and looking at the pictures. Read Read the text to the learners first as they follow. After that they read on their own. After reading Discuss whether this text is instructional text and whether it has the ingredients of an instructional text. Go through the questions with the learners only to make sure they understand them. Do not discuss answers at this stage. The learners then work on their own and answer the questions. Suggested answers: 1. What is a circle game? (2) Circle games are any games or activities that involve the whole class sitting in a circle. 2. How many different circle story activities are mentioned in this text? (2) Two games are mentioned. 3. Who is being given the instructions in this text? (1) The reader is being given the instructions 4. Why is this called an instructional text? (4) It is instructional text because each game has a title, a goal, a sequence of instructions and it mentions the materials needed.

7 5. Write story-story as a proper instructional text.(5) Learner s own answers, with headings to differentiate the different sections 6. Write Written consequences as a proper instructional text. (5) Learner s own answers, with headings to differentiate the different sections 7. Which game in the text would you prefer to play? Give a reason for your answer.(2) Learner s own answers. 8. What is meant by the setting of a story? (1) The setting shows where the story takes place. 9. What is a game that your teacher likes to play with the class? (1) Learner s own answers. 10. What is meant by this statement: Each new person chosen picks up from the last word and tries to continue the story? (2) It means that each person needs to listen carefully so that they can continue the story if they are chosen. (25 marks) Work with vocabulary words The learners choose any five words and define them using their dictionaries. (5 marks) (TOTAL = 30 marks) Formal Assessment This is a formal assessment reading task where the learners read the text aloud. The marking schedule, for 20 marks, is as follows: Reading Criteria Mark allocation Learners read the text Learners read the text Learners read the text Learners read the text Does the learner use the correct tone, voice projection and pace? Does the learner make eye contact? Does the learner adopt the correct posture and gestures when reading? Does the learner pronounce the words without distorting the meaning? Does the learner read confidently and fluently without stumbling? Writing: Write a description and instructions for an educational game TOTAL marks (This is a Formal Assessment task) In this activity the learner s will think of an educational game that four people can play. It can be similar to a game that they already know but they will need to give it a new name. They make the game and also write the instructions for the game. Let them work in pairs. Before writing Model what the learners have to do by using the Snakes and Ladders idea presented previously in this unit.

8 1. Think about the game design (5) Place the learners in their pairs and model thinking about the games design using the Snakes and Ladders idea. Then give them time to come up with their own game design ideas in their pairs. They each write down their game design idea in rough in their workbooks. 2. Plan the content of your game (5) Help the learners to decide on the content of their game by describing some of the maths or language activities, or even activities from other subjects that they have tackled this year. Let them each discuss and then describe the content of their game and how they will add it to their game. Walk around giving assistance where necessary. 3. Work out the instructions for the game (15) Remind the learners of the different parts to their instructions: a) The name of the game and the goal b) A You will need section. c) The step-by-step instructions They write these out in draft. Although the pairs are working together they write their drafts individually. They then follow the writing process as indicated in the activity before handing in their final draft to the teacher. (Total = 25 marks for formal assessment) Formal Assessment task The learners are assessed individually according to the mark allocation of 25 given above. Language conventions: The mood in verbs and modal verbs 1. Language conventions: The mood in verbs Discuss this section before starting using the explanation on the activity sheet. The mood of the verb indicates the speaker s intention (what he or she wants to do) or the speaker s attitude. Verbs have three moods indicative, imperative, and subjunctive. Ensure that the learners understand this concept before moving on to the activity. Suggested answers: The learners underline the verbs in the sentences and say whether they are in the indicative mood (statements, questions), the imperative mood (commands) or the subjunctive mood (unlikely to happen) a) The water flows under the bridge. Indicative mood b) The dog chewed the bone. Indicative mood c) Hit the ball harder. Imperative mood d) I wish I had passed the exam. Subjunctive mood e) Be nice to one another. Imperative mood f) I want to be the richest man in the world one day. Subjunctive mood g) Hurry up! Imperative mood h) Tennis starts today at 4pm. Indicative mood i) If I was the president I would draw up new rules. Subjunctive mood (9 marks 1 per sentence)

9 2. Language conventions: Modal verbs Discuss modal verbs with the learners. We use modal verbs to show if we believe something is certain, probable or possible (or not). We also use modals to do things like talking about ability, asking permission making requests and offers. Ensure that they understand what modal verbs are all about. Suggested answers Add the correct modal to the sentences below. Use each modal only once. a) It s snowing, so it must be very cold outside. b) She can speak six languages. c) I can t drive I am only ten years old. d) My grandmother could play tennis very well. e) I don t know what has happened to Mary. She should have arrived by now. f) I am quite sure John will always be late. g) I really ought to to drink more water every day. h) We might go on holiday to Italy this year. i) Please may I go to the toilet? j) He would not listen to his parent s advice. k) I shall be happy when we reach the end of this term. (11 marks 1 per sentence) (TOTAL = 20 marks) Assessment (Informal baseline assessment) These exercises are to reinforce concepts and they can be marked orally, or by the learners exchanging books. Make a note of their progress in language activities. Language structures: It s time for revision (This is a Formal Assessment task) Suggested answers 1. Auxiliary verbs Underline the main verb and circle the auxiliary verb. a) The book is written by J.K. Rowling. b) We are feeling ill today. c) She is studying for an exam. d) I am running to keep up with you. e) They are playing outside. (10 marks) 2. The future tense Rewrite these sentences in the future tense a) I will buy a gift for her birthday. b) Today I will run in a relay race. c) It will be a hot sticky day today. d) Dad will lift the heavy boxes. e) The music will sound beautiful. (5 marks)

10 3. Instructional text Write an instructional text with three parts for this game. Show how to play it from start to finish. Musical Chairs (2) Goal (3) This is a fun game to find a winner who has managed to keep a seat throughout the game You will need (5) a group of learners, enough chairs for each learner to sit on, music, someone controlling the music Instructions (5) a) Arrange the chairs in a circle with each learner on a chair. b) When the music starts remove one chair while the learners circulate. c) As soon as the music stops the learners find a chair. Whoever doesn t find a chair is out. d) Keep doing this until only one learner remains the winner! (15 marks) 4. Change these questions to commands a) Fill out the forms and mail them today. b) Wash the dishes. c) Buy some new clothes at the mall. d) Pick up all the litter. e) Pay for the ice-cream. (5 marks) (TOTAL = 35 marks (Reduce these marks to 15 for formal assessment) Formal assessment The marks are allocated according to the mark allocation given above. The marks are then reduced to 15.


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