The present study investigated whether subjects were sensitive to negative

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1 MIYAKE, TINA M., Ph.D. Metacognition, Proactive Interference, and Working Memory: Can People Monitor for Proactive Interference at Encoding and Retrieval? (2007) Directed by Dr. Michael J. Kane 118 pp. The present study investigated whether subjects were sensitive to negative transfer and proactive interference (PI) at encoding and retrieval and whether sensitivity varied with working memory (WM) ability. Monitoring at encoding was assessed by having subjects make judgments of learning (JOLs; E1 & E2) or by controlling study time (E3) while learning word pairs. Monitoring at retrieval was assessed by dynamic prediction of knowing (DPOK) judgments. At encoding, the results suggest that subjects are sensitive to negative transfer at the list level but not the item level. At retrieval, subjects were sensitive to PI at the list level and sometimes at the item level. Sensitivity to negative transfer did not vary with WM, but sensitivity to PI did. Implications for control are discussed.

2 METACOGNITION, PROACTIVE INTERFERENCE, AND WORKING MEMORY: CAN PEOPLE MONITOR FOR PROACTIVE INTERFERENCE AT ENCODING AND RETRIEVAL? by Tina M. Miyake A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of The Graduate School at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Greensboro 2007 Approved by Committee Chair

3 APPROVAL PAGE This dissertation has been approved by the following committee of the Faculty of The Graduate School at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Committee Chair Committee Members Date of Acceptance by Committee June 29, 2007 Date of Final Oral Examination ii

4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my advisor, Michael Kane, for his expertise, patience, and guidance on my dissertation. And, to the other members of my dissertation committee, John Dunlosky, Lili Sahakyan, and Stuart Marcovitch, thank you for your valuable expertise. I also would like to thank Douglas Levine, Julie Baker, Brad Poole, Jen McVay, and Michael Serra for their assistance in understanding gamma correlations and/or their input on the interpretation of the data. Finally, to Will Drath, Alisa Haymore, Shannon Holmes, Brad Kenyon, Kyle Lauricella, Alexis Lockett, Heather Motsinger, Jody Ortman, Amanda Page, Dara Rogers, Craig Rogers, Liz Simmons, Jacob Stewart, Lena Stuart, and Ashley Zimmerman, thank you for helping collect data iii


6 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. E1: Comparing interference and control condition subjects on mean proportion correct on immediate and delayed recall tests...91 Figure 2. E1: Comparing the interference and control conditions on the overall magnitude of specific-item JOLs for list 2 across learning trials...92 Figure 3. E1: Comparing interference subjects' List 1 and List 2 JOLs across learning trials...93 Figure 4. E1: Mean gamma correlations between list 2 JOLs and delayed recall across learning trials...94 Figure 5. E1: Mean gamma correlations between list 2 JOLs and immediate recall across learning trials...95 Figure 6. E1: Comparing interference and control subjects on mean DPOK judgment magnitude for list 2 word pairs...96 Figure 7. E1: Comparing interference and control subjects' gamma correlations between DPOK judgments and delayed recall for interference and non-interference items...97 Figure 8. E2: Comparing interference and control condition subjects on mean proportion correct on immediate and delayed recall tests...98 Figure 9. E2: Comparing the interference and control conditions on the overall magnitude of specific-item JOLs for list Figure 10. E2: Mean gamma correlations between list 2 JOLs and immediate and delayed recall for interference and control subjects Figure 11. E2: Mean gamma correlations between list 2 JOLs and immediate and delayed recall for high, medium, and low WM interference and control subjects Figure 12. E2: Mean gamma correlations between DPOKs and delayed recall for interference and control subjects Figure 13. E3: Comparing interference and control condition subjects on mean proportion correct on immediate and delayed recall tests v

7 Page Figure 14. E3: Comparing interference and control subjects' list 2 study time for interference and non-interference word pairs Figure 15. E3: Comparing high, medium, and low span interference and control subjects' list 2 study time for interference and non-interference word pairs Figure 16. E3: Comparing interference subjects' list 1 and 2 study time for interference and non-interference word pairs Figure 17. E3: Comparing high, medium, and low span interference subjects, list 1 and 2 study time for interference and non-interference word pairs Figure 18. E3: Comparing control and interference subjects' gamma correlations between study time and immediate and delayed recall Figure 19. E3: Comparing control and interference subjects' DPOK judgments Figure 20. E3: Comparing high, medium, and low span subjects' DPOK magnitude for interference and non-interference items Figure 21. E3: Comparing control and interference subjects' gamma correlations between DPOKs and delayed recall for interference and non-interference items vi

8 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Underwood (1945) argued that the single term, proactive interference (PI), was misleading because it referred to two separate phenomena: negative transfer at learning and proactive interference at recall. Negative transfer refers to when people learn information more slowly due to learning similar information previously, whereas PI refers to reduced recall of information due to similar items in long-term memory competing for access into short-term memory (Whitely, 1927; Underwood, 1945). This distinction is potentially important because variables that maximize performance during encoding (i.e., that reduce negative transfer) do not always maximize performance at a delayed test (i.e., that reduce PI; Schmidt & Bjork, 1992). However, contrary to Underwood (1945), Schmidt and Bjork (1992) argued that learning and recall should not be separated because performance measurements at learning were ambiguous and that researchers should view long-term retention as revealing how much was really learned at encoding. In effect, they recommended that instructors keep in mind the long-term goal of retention by focusing on factors at encoding that would enhance long-term retention, even if it meant increased negative transfer. In order to illustrate their argument, Schmidt and Bjork (1992) cited a Landauer and Bjork (1978) experiment where subjects learned names and had to recall the last name when presented with the first. They found that increasing the interval between 1

9 study and test (e.g. 0, 3, 9 intervening items) lead to slower acquisition (i.e. increased negative transfer) but more long-term retention (i.e. reduced PI) than did the condition where items were tested immediately after presentation. Schmidt and Bjork (1992) argued that the additional difficulty in the expandinginterval condition prevented subjects from engaging in superficial massed rehearsal. The present research focused on why increased negative transfer at encoding would lead to better recall. The present research proposes that people might be able to enhance longterm retention by monitoring for negative transfer becoming aware that learning has halted or slowed in order to engage control processes to resolve negative transfer. Specifically, initial negative transfer could provide an opportunity for monitoring, leading to the use of better strategies as seen in the expanding-interval condition. The present research focused on whether people can actually monitor for negative transfer during learning and for PI during retrieval. Because the importance of monitoring relies on its coordination with control, the two are discussed together. Monitoring and Control Cognitive neuroscience researchers have recently argued that the role of monitoring in tasks needs to be better understood because monitoring processes might be necessary to recruit and modulate executive control processes (Botvinick, Braver, Barch, Carter, & Cohen, 2001). Furthermore, a better understanding of the relationship between monitoring and control of interference also has practical educational applications such as in the metacognitive literature. 2

10 In metacognition, the concept of monitoring and control being coordinated in order to accomplish a goal or task is not a new one. Nelson and Narens (1990), within a basic cognitive framework, proposed that people could monitor their progress in a task and use that monitoring to initiate and exert control. For example, a student studying for an exam might assess the degree to which he has learned the material in order to decide whether or not to keep studying the material. Nelson and Narens proposal was not focused specifically on a particular problem like PI, but much of the research they reviewed concerned retrieving items from memory, which can be hindered by PI. In the case of PI, there is ample evidence demonstrating that subjects can control or reduce PI (e.g., Kane & Engle, 2000; Sahakyan & Delaney, 2003); however, there is a dearth of knowledge about how people know to exert that control. Nelson and Narens (1990) argued that control and monitoring were coordinated in order to accomplish a goal. They proposed that goal-directed cognitive processes might be divided into at least two levels: an object-level and a meta-level. The object-level cognitive processes operate on objects or some other external stimuli. For example, when learning word pairs in a list, the processes responsible for associating the two unrelated words together, so that one word cues the retrieval of the other word, are object-level processes. In turn, meta-level cognitive processes operate on the object-level processes. So, if after list 1, a student thinks, how well did I learn those word pairs? she is making a meta-level judgment of learning (JOL). In making the JOL, the student is having a metacognitive experience because she is thinking about her own thinking. 3

11 At the meta-level, there is a goal state, which is a mental representation of the processes occurring at the object level (Nelson & Narens, 1990). In the above example, the student has a mental representation of the goal to memorize the material, as well as how to memorize it. If using a rote repetition strategy was not as beneficial as the student hoped, then she might use this monitoring information as justification for switching strategies. Thus, two information pathways called control and monitoring connect the object-level to the meta-level. Control refers to the flow of information from the metalevel to the object level, and monitoring refers to the flow of information from the object level to the meta-level (Nelson, 1996). In order for the goal to be accomplished, the current state at the object level must be transmitted back to the meta level, and, if the current state is judged as not progressing towards the goal state, adjustments (e.g., choose a new strategy, allocate more time, re-read previous material, focus attention) can be made to get back on track (Koriat & Goldsmith, 1996; Nelson & Narens, 1990). Thus, monitoring recruits the control process in the service of accomplishing a goal. Monitoring, Control, and Working Memory Working memory (WM) researchers have made similar arguments that monitoring and control are linked. Despite differing in their views of what specific abilities WM tasks reflect, Baddeley and Logie (1999) suggested that there was agreement amongst WM researchers (see Miyake & Shah, 1999) that WM reflects monitoring, processing, and maintaining information. WM is measured with different kinds of tasks, but most involve two components, storage and processing. The dualcomponent nature of WM tasks reflects the theoretical perspective advanced by Baddeley 4

12 and Hitch (1974) that it is advantageous for people engaged in complex cognitive activities to be able to maintain information in active memory while processing relevant information (see Conway, Kane, Hambrick, Wilhelm, & Engle, 2005). For example, a frequently used WM task is the operation span task (OSPAN; Turner & Engle, 1989). In OSPAN, the processing component is solving a math problem, and the storage component is remembering a word. The task consists of several sets of math problems and words varying in set size from 2 to 6. Subjects verify aloud whether the math problem is correct and then they say the word out loud. Subjects must therefore pay attention to the math problem in order to verify whether it is correct, but they cannot ignore the word because their eventual score depends on how many words they recall correctly. Subjects continue in this manner until they are cued to recall the words in the serial order that they saw them presented. For example, for a set size of 2, subjects would verify a math problem, say a word, verify a math problem, and say the word and then they would see the cue for recall. High scorers on OSPAN or other WM tasks are referred to as high spans while low scorers are referred to as low spans. Recall differences between high spans and low spans typically emerge in high PI situations (Lustig, May, & Hasher, 2001; May, Hasher, & Kane, 1999), with high spans being better able to combat PI (Kane & Engle, 2000), perhaps by suppressing prior-list items (Rosen & Engle, 1998). Thus, WM seems related to control of interference. But is it also needed for monitoring? Converging research findings (Kane & Engle, 2000; Rosen & Engle, 1997; Rosen & Engle, 1998; Turley-Ames & Thompson, 2003) suggest that WM might be needed for monitoring in learning and memory. Thus, monitoring for PI 5

13 might depend on WM resources, but before WM and monitoring are discussed, WM's role in PI control is discussed since WM's importance in combating PI is better understood. WM and Control of Interference Kane and Engle (2000) demonstrated that controlled processing was needed at both encoding and retrieval in order to combat PI. High and low span subjects (prescreened on OSPAN) learned 3 word lists that were drawn from the same semantic category, such as animals. After each list was learned, subjects performed a rehearsalprevention task and then recalled the list. Span groups did not differ in mean recall for the first list, but on the 2 nd and 3 rd lists, low spans exhibited greater losses in comparison to their list 1 performance than did high spans, indicating that low spans experienced more PI buildup. To assess whether high spans experienced less PI because they used controlled processing to combat it, Kane and Engle (2000) divided subjects attention by having them repeatedly tap a complex finger sequence (index finger ring finger middle finger pinkie) on the keyboard. Once the list-learning task began, subjects tapped the complex sequence during the encoding of each list, during retrieval of each list, or not at all. High span and low span subjects in the load-at-encoding and load-at-retrieval conditions exhibited equivalent proportional losses due to PI. That is, divided attention equated the two groups, specifically dropping high spans performance to the level of low spans. When high spans were compared across the 3 experimental conditions, those in the two load conditions recalled fewer words on lists 2 and 3 (but not on list 1) than did those 6

14 in the no-load condition. Thus, divided attention selectively increased high spans vulnerability to PI. In contrast, when low spans were compared across the 3 experimental conditions, there were no differences in PI. Kane and Engle (2000) argued that low spans used controlled processing to learn list 1, but exhausted their attentional capabilities in doing so. Thus, they could not use controlled processing to further combat PI present in the subsequent lists. Consistent with this, low spans under load recalled fewer words on list 1 than did low spans not under load, whereas high spans showed no load effect on list 1. In contrast, the increased PI exhibited by high spans under load suggests that they normally engage a control process during encoding and retrieval when faced with interference. Thus, Kane and Engle suggested that low spans might be more susceptible to PI because they cannot, or do not, use controlled processing to counteract it. Rosen and Engle (1998) investigated whether high spans and low spans differed in PI control due to differences in the ability to suppress competing items. Subjects learned 3 lists consisting of semantically associated word pairs such as Bird-Bath. In the interference condition, subjects saw the same cue (e.g. Bird) in the first and second list, but in the second list subjects saw the cue paired with a new, more weakly associated response (e.g. Bird-Dawn). The third list was the same as the first list (e.g. Bird-Bath). In the non-interference condition, subjects saw 3 different lists (e.g., Bird-Bath, Table-Salt, Candle-Stick). As predicted, high spans experienced fewer intrusions from list 1 during second-list learning compared to low spans, suggesting that high spans experienced less negative transfer at learning than did low spans from list 1. Moreover, high spans escape 7

15 from negative transfer was due to suppressing list 1 when learning list 2: high spans in the Interference-group retrieved list 1 responses more slowly than did those in the non- Interference-group when asked to retrieve list 1 responses (as list 3) after learning list 2. Furthermore, high spans were slower in retrieving list 1 responses (as list 3) than they were when retrieving list 1 responses the first time. In contrast, the low spans in the Interference-group were slightly faster than in the non-interference-group, and they were not slower on retrieving list 1 responses (as list 3) when compared to their initial list 1 retrieval times. Thus, Rosen and Engle s data suggest that high spans suppressed list 1 responses when learning a related list 2. WM and Monitoring By suppressing list 1 responses, high spans might have been able to escape from negative transfer and PI whereas low spans could not. But how did high spans know to suppress first list items? Rosen and Engle (1997) proposed that high spans monitor for intrusions during retrieval tasks and then suppress them, whereas low spans exhaust their WM capabilities in monitoring alone, thereby leading to failed suppression and control. In the Rosen and Engle verbal fluency study, high spans and low spans generated animal names for 10 minutes out loud and were instructed to avoid repeating names. In addition to the fluency task, some subjects also had to track digits on a screen (a load-at-retrieval condition). In all experiments, high spans retrieved more unique animal names than did low spans. But, the addition of the digit-tracking task reduced generation of unique animal names only for the high spans (to the level of low spans), suggesting that only high spans used attentional-control processes to generate animal names. Rosen and Engle 8

16 argued that low spans might not have used attention to retrieve animal names because a significant amount of their resources were directed towards monitoring for repetitions. And, indeed, when Rosen and Engle removed the monitoring component of the task by encouraging subjects to repeat animal names if they came to mind, low spans were more likely to resample animal names than were high spans, and low spans were just as likely to make a repetition as they were to retrieve a unique animal name. However, Rosen and Engle s (1997) study only suggests that the ability to coordinate monitoring and control might depend on WM. They were not investigating the role of monitoring in retrieval. Thus, the link between control and monitoring has been implied but not demonstrated. That said, Rosen and Engle s argument is bolstered by a study by Turley-Ames and Thompson (2003) indicating that high spans might have better monitoring capabilities than low spans. Subjects read passages, and following each passage, predicted how well they would answer True/False questions about it. WM, as measured by OSPAN, correlated with performance on the True/False topic questions (r =.18), and with subjects predictions about performance on topic questions (r =.53). Also, subjects predictions about their future performance correlated with their actual performance (r =.29). More importantly, the relationship between WM and performance was mediated by subjects predictions on how well they would answer the questions. That is, when the variation from subjects predictions was partialed out, the correlation between WM and performance became nonsignificant. This implies that high spans enhanced performance on the True/False questions depended largely on better monitoring. Turley-Ames and Thompson noted that the correlation between WM 9

17 capacity and topic question performance was small, but their study, like Rosen and Engle s (1997), suggests that WM capacity might be needed for monitoring. Moreover, high spans are more likely to report using a strategy during OSPAN than were low spans, and they spent more time viewing the words in OSPAN (Turley-Ames & Whitfield, 2003) suggesting that high spans use strategies as a control process. Taken together, it is possible that high spans might use monitoring to recruit control (i.e., strategies) in situations like reading or in novel tasks like OSPAN, where PI can build up across trials. Although Turley-Ames and Thompson did not address PI, the use of better encoding strategies seems to help people escape from PI as demonstrated in directed forgetting (Sahakyan & Delaney, 2003). Encoding Strategies and PI Directed forgetting is seen when individuals are instructed to forget one set of materials, such as list 1, in favor of another set of materials, such as list 2 (Conway, Harries, Noyes, Racsma ny, & Frankish, 2000; Sahakyan, 2004; Sahakyan & Delaney, 2003). One result of the instruction to forget list 1 is an increase in the recall of list 2 compared to subjects who were not instructed to forget (Bjork, 1970; Bjork, LaBerge, & LeGrand, 1968, Muther, 1965). This benefit of directed forgetting has been attributed to an escape from PI because subjects who have been instructed to forget list 1 (i.e. Forget group) show identical list 2 recall as subjects who learn only list 2. Sahakyan and Delaney (2003) demonstrated that this escape from PI could be attributed to better encoding strategies used on list 2 compared to list 1. Their subjects learned two lists of 15 words. On the first list, subjects were required to use a rehearsal strategy (i.e., shallow 10

18 encoding), and on the second list, subjects made up a story with the words (i.e., deep encoding). If the benefit of directed forgetting is due to a switch to a better encoding strategy on list 2, then controlling for strategy should eliminate the benefit of directed forgetting, which is what Sahakyan and Delaney found. Sahakyan, and Delaney (2003) investigated why subjects might switch strategies between list 1 and list 2. Specifically, they re-analyzed data from Sahakyan and Kelley (2002) and found that subjects in the forget group reported spontaneously switching strategies more often than did subjects in the remember group (i.e., subjects instructed to remember both lists). Sahakyan, Delaney, and Kelley (2004) proposed that the forget cue between list 1 and list 2 prompted subjects to evaluate the efficacy of their list 1 strategy (or lack thereof). In comparison, subjects who received the remember cue might not take the time to evaluate their strategy because it might cost them valuable time to rehearse the words. To test this idea, Sahakyan et al. had subjects learn two lists of 15 words. After list 1, half the subjects made a global judgment of learning (JOL), where they predicted the number of list 1 words they would be able to recall on the final test; the other half did not. Then, the forget or remember instruction for list 1 was given before subjects learned list 2. Subjects who were told to forget, and had a chance to evaluate list 1 by making a global JOL, did not differ in list 2 recall from subjects who were just told to forget list 1. In contrast, subjects who were told to remember list 1, and made a global JOL about list 1, recalled more list 2 words than did subjects who were just told to remember list 1. Sahakyan et al. argued that the normal tendency for subjects told to remember list 1 is to not evaluate the efficacy of their list 1 strategy. 11

19 It appears that subjects can evaluate their recall performance using a global JOL without actual feedback and switch to a better encoding strategy, thereby allowing them to escape from PI. What is still puzzling is what the evaluation is based on. One possibility is that the global JOL and other metacognitive judgments reflect subjects awareness of interference in general. Metacognition and Interference Relatively few studies have investigated whether subjects use the presence of interference as a basis for JOLs. But, a few metacognitive researchers have demonstrated its influence in some contexts (Maki, 1999; Schreiber, 1998; Schreiber & Nelson, 1998). For example, Maki (1999) found that subjects were accurate in predicting their own performance in a traditional paired-associate task. Subjects learned two lists of numberword pairs (e.g., 321-rancher) where the number served as the cue and the word served as the response. The goal on the subsequent cued recall task was to recall the word when shown the number. In the interference condition, the number cues from the first list were repeated in the second list and were associated with new words, and in the control condition, the number cues in the second list were completely new. After list 2 was learned, subjects made JOLs for the first list only and then took the cued-recall test for list 1. Maki found that control subjects gave higher JOLs to the number-word pairs than subjects in the interference condition. However, subjects do not always use interference as the basis for their metacognitive judgments in paired associates tasks. Metcalfe, Joaquim, and Schwartz (1993) presented subjects with a list of word pairs such as turtle-lucky. All subjects 12

20 saw the same cue-target word pairs in the second half of the list. In the first half of the list, a cue was paired with a synonym of the response that would be seen in the second half of the list (e.g. AB /AB: turtle-fortunate/turtle-lucky), or with the same response (e.g. AB/AB: turtle-lucky/turtle-lucky), or a new response (e.g. AD/AB: turtlefunny/turtle-lucky), or the cue was not repeated (e.g. CD/AB: lamp-funny/turtle-lucky). After studying the word pairs, subjects completed a cued-recall task for all the word pairs, and they were instructed to recall the second word associated with the cue if the cue was associated with more than one word. For the incorrect items (both omissions and commissions), subjects made feeling-of-knowing judgments on a scale from about how sure they were that they would recognize the forgotten item on a subsequent recognition task. Then, subjects completed an 8-alternative forced-choice recognition task. In the first experiment, recognition was best in the AB/AB condition followed by AB /AB, which did not differ from AD/AB, and lastly, CD/AB. Thus, subjects did not experience PI (AD/AB pairs were recalled better than CD/AB control pairs). In the second experiment, AB/AB was the best followed by CD/AB and then AB /AB and AD/AB, which did not differ from each other, and so subjects did experience PI here. In both experiments, however, the feeling-of-knowing judgments were consistently based on cue repetition. When the cue was repeated, as in 3 of the conditions, subjects gave those word pairs a higher feeling-of-knowing compared to the condition without the repeated cues. This suggests that subjects based their feeling-of-knowing judgments on how familiar the cue was and not on what factors might influence recognition or cued recall performance, such as interference. 13

21 Another basis for people's judgments in interference situations is their beliefs about memory. For instance, McGuire and Maki (2001) had subjects learn the locations of different objects ( The exit sign is in the airport. The exit sign is in the lounge. ). Some locations contained more than one object (single-location, SL condition). For example, the exit sign, the ceiling fan, and the coffee table could all be located in the hotel lobby. As well, some objects could be located in more than one location (multiplelocation, ML condition). After viewing the sentences, subjects completed a cued-recall test where they answered questions like, What is located in the hotel lobby? After studying the sentences in this way, subjects made JOLs for each on a 1-7 scale. Lastly, at test, subjects verified whether the presented sentence was studied or not (non-studied sentences were new combinations of the objects and locations in the studied sentences). Based on prior fan-effect findings (Radvansky & Zacks, 1991), it should take longer to recognize whether a sentence was studied or not in the ML condition because multiple representations need to be activated in order to verify whether a particular sentence was studied or not. In comparison, subjects should be faster in recognizing studied sentences in the SL condition because only 1 representation needs to be activated (Radvansky & Zacks, 1991). Indeed, sentence verification times were longer as objects were located in more places (i.e., in the ML condition), but not if they were located in one place. However, subjects gave lower JOLs as fan increased for both the SL and ML condition. The disassociation between verification times and JOLs in the SL condition suggests that subjects were not directly monitoring response competition. Thus, McGuire and Maki argued that subjects used a heuristic (e.g., a belief that 3 sentences will be harder to 14

22 remember or recognize than 1 sentence regardless of integration) to make their judgments of learning. In summary, subjects' metacognitive judgments can be based on more than one type of information (Koriat, Bjork, Sheffer, & Bar, 2004): 1) factors influenced by interference (Maki, 1999; Schreiber, 1998; Schreiber & Nelson, 1998); 2) beliefs about memory (McGuire & Maki, 2001); 3) cue familiarity, or amount of information retrieved (Eakin, 2005; Metcalfe et al., 1993). Consequently, metacognitive judgments in interference situations could be based on both the experience of interference and people's beliefs or knowledge about their own memory. The challenge will be to decipher what subjects are thinking when making these judgments. All the interference and metacognition studies discussed involved metacognitive judgments made after an explicit recall attempt, even when they were made during the learning phase of the experiment. Consequently, these studies inform researchers about subjects monitoring after retrieval but not about their monitoring before retrieval. As previously stated, the primary focus of the present research is whether people are able to coordinate monitoring and control to resolve PI. If people have a sense of difficulty while learning the material, then control can be exerted before a test rather than after a test. However, before research can be conducted on the possible link between monitoring and control in resolving PI, the question of whether people are influenced by negative transfer and PI at encoding and retrieval must be addressed in the first place. When Experiment 1 (E1) was conducted, no other researchers to my knowledge had investigated whether metacognitive judgments about interference would be 15

23 disassociated from recall performance if the judgments were made at encoding. However, since E1 was conducted, Diaz and Benjamin s (2005) unpublished research has come to our attention. Diaz and Benjamin also had subjects make judgments of learning at encoding before explicit retrieval attempts, and their research is discussed later in the Discussion. However, to preview what was found, Diaz and Benjamin s results confirm ours, that subjects might be aware of interference at encoding. 16

24 CHAPTER II EXPERIMENT 1 E1 addressed whether people are sensitive to negative transfer and PI at encoding and retrieval, respectively. Subjects learned paired-associate lists while making immediate and delayed specific-item JOLs as an assessment of sensitivity to proactive interference. JOLs asked subjects to predict how likely it would be that they would recall the second word when presented with the first word on a scale from 0-99%. Immediate JOLs were made after each word pair, whereas delayed JOLs were made after the entire list was presented. Of particular relevance to the primary question of whether people are aware of interference at encoding are immediate JOLs. Immediate JOLs are more likely to be based on ease of learning an item (i.e., encoding fluency) rather than the ease of retrieving an item (i.e., retrieval fluency; Begg, Duft, Lalonde, Melnick, & Sanvito, 1989; Koriat & Ma ayan, 2005), on which delayed JOLs can be based. Thus, if immediate JOLs were lower for the interference items on list 2 than the non-interference items on list 2, this would suggest that subjects are sensitive to PI. For the metacognitive judgments at retrieval, we had subjects make dynamic prediction of knowing (DPOK) judgments (Vernon & Usher, 2003), with multiple, consecutive POKs for each item at retrieval. According to Metcalfe et al. (1993), subjects metacognitive judgments at retrieval are based on cue familiarity. However, depending on how quickly the judgments must be made, the bases of metacognitive judgments may vary. If judgments must be made very quickly, they tend to be based on 17

25 cue familiarity, but as more time is allowed to make metacognitive judgments, they tend to be based more on retrieveability (Benjamin, 2005; Koriat & Levy-Sadot, 2001). Consequently, during the retrieval process, consecutive POKs might vary as subjects either expect or experience greater difficulty in retrieving an item. Finally, in order to induce proactive interference, half of the subjects learned two lists of Swahili-English vocabulary words (Interference-group: AD/AB) while the other half learned only one list (control group: AB only). For the interference subjects, there were two kinds of 2 nd list items: interference (i.e. AD/AB) and non-interference (CD/AB) word pairs. The interference word pairs shared a cue across the two lists (e.g. tabibu banker/tabibu doctor), and the non-interference word pairs did not share a cue (nyanya banker/ladha flavor). Thus, interference and control subjects list 2 recall were compared to assess whether there was a list-level PI effect. To assess whether PI was occurring at the item level for interference subjects, the recall accuracy for interference word pairs and non-interference word pairs were compared. If subjects can monitor for PI at the list level, then interference subjects should give lower JOLs than control subjects, and interference subjects should give lower JOLs for list 2 items than list 1 items. If subjects can monitor PI at the item level, then interference subjects should give interference items lower list 2 JOLs than non-interference items. Method Subjects One hundred thirty-three native English speakers completed the study to fulfill part of their research requirement for their introductory psychology class. Data from 12 18

26 subjects were dropped: 9 subjects did not complete the study, 1 subject was ill, 1 spoke a language similar to Swahili, and 1 had learned Swahili before. Consequently, data from 121 subjects were included. Design There were 2 between-subject variables: JOL type and Interference-group. Subjects either made immediate item-specific JOLs, which occurred right after studying a word pair, delayed item-specific JOLs, which occurred after the entire list had been studied, or no item-specific JOLs. As described above, PI was induced at the list-level and item-level. Word pair type was a within-subject variable, and Interference-group was a between-subjects variable. Materials Thirty Swahili words were selected with their English translations from Nelson and Dunlosky s (1994) Swahili norms plus 10 six-letter English words, without their Swahili word counterpart, to construct the Swahili-English word pairs that would repeat (i.e. interference items). Swahili words with English translations consisted of 6 letters, and the normative mean likelihood of recall for the English word was matched across 3 recall trials (see Appendix A & B). Mean likelihood for recall is not available for the additional 10 English words because these words were de-coupled from their Swahili counterpart. The length of the Swahili word was not restricted, which ranged in length from 3 to 8 with the mode being 6 letters, and mean word length was Six lists were constructed with each consisting of 20 Swahili-English word pairs: 4 versions of list 1 (see Appendix A) and 2 versions of list 2 (see Appendix B). Because 19

27 the structure of list 1 depended on the structure of list 2, I describe list 2 first. In list 2, the English word was the actual translation of the Swahili word. In order to avoid the possibility that certain Swahili-English word pairs might be easier than others to recall or learn, I counterbalanced Word pair type (i.e. interference vs. non-interference) across two versions of list 2. If a word pair was designated as an interference item on one version, then it was designated as a non-interference item on the other. There were four versions of list 1 because of the following (see Appendix A & B): First, because Word pair type was counterbalanced in list 2, at least two different versions of list 1 needed to be constructed to correspond to the two versions of list 2. However, since only half of the cues repeated in list 1, another set of Swahili-English word pairs needed to be selected to complete list 1. Thus, 4 versions of list 1 were constructed from three sets of Swahili cues and two sets of English translations. The 3 rd set of Swahili cues were only learned in list 1, but which of the first 2 sets of Swahili cues used for the repeating Swahili cues in list 2 depended on which list 2 subjects learned: list 2 version 1 or list 2 version 2. Finally, the two sets of English translations were counterbalanced across the 4 versions of list 1. Procedure Subjects completed the study over two days. On the first day, subjects learned the lists (or if they were in the control condition, they completed a reasoning task and then learned one list, corresponding to list 2). Forty-eight hours later, subjects returned to complete the delayed recall test of list 2. Session 1. Subjects in the Interference-group learned List 1 and completed an immediate recall test, and subjects in the control condition completed the Letter Sets task, 20

28 which was adapted from the Educational Testing Service Kit of Factor-referenced tests (ETS: Ekstrom, French, Harman, & Derman, 1976). Then, all subjects learned the critical list 2 (the only list for control subjects) and completed an immediate recall test for list 2. Lastly, subjects were reminded to return 48 hours later for session 2. List 1 learning proceeded in the following manner. Each Swahili-English word pair appeared on the screen for 4 s. Then, depending on the JOL condition, subjects either made an item-specific JOL (immediate condition), which asked them to judge how well they learned each word pair, or subjects studied the next word pair. After all the word pairs were presented, subjects in the immediate condition made a global JOL (The global JOL results are reported in the appendix in order to cut down on redundancy in the results section; see Appendix C). If subjects were in the delayed JOL condition, they were represented with all the Swahili cues in a random order and made item-specific JOLs. Subjects in the No JOL condition did not make specific-item JOLs. In making the JOLs, subjects were presented with only the Swahili word with the following question for the specific-item JOLs: If 1 hour from now you were presented with the Swahili word, how likely would you be to remember the English word? Please make your rating on a scale from 00% (definitely will not remember) to 99% (definitely will remember). Subjects studied the list 3 more times with word pairs presented in a random order. Then, in the self-paced immediate recall test for List 1, subjects saw each Swahili word and typed in its English translation. Subjects were allowed to guess or leave it blank. The order of the Swahili words was random, and subjects were not penalized for guessing or misspellings. List 2 was learned in the same manner as List 1, except List 2 was presented 3 times for 21

29 the interference subjects and 4 times for the control subjects. Because interference subjects might learn list 2 better because of the benefit of learning-to-learn (Postman, 1972), list 1 was presented 4 times to the control subjects in order to equate learning on list 2. An immediate recall test followed learning of list 2. Again, subjects were not penalized for guessing or misspellings. Subjects in the control condition learned only one list, which corresponded to List 2 in the Interference-group. Rather than learn list 1, then, the first task that controls completed was the Letter Sets task. The Letter Sets task lasted approximately 13 minutes, which was the approximate time that most subjects took to complete list 1 learning in pilot studies. After completing the Letter Sets task, subjects learned the list of Swahili- English word pairs in the same manner as subjects in the Interference-group except controls saw the list 4 times. The Letter Sets task consisted of 20 problems. On each trial, subjects saw five letter sets with 4 letters each. Four of the five letter sets were constructed based on a common rule. For instance, four of the sets might contain the letter L where the remaining letter set did not. Subjects had to select the letter set that was different and press the corresponding key (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5). Each problem appeared on the screen for 33 seconds, and subjects had 5 seconds to enter their response. Afterwards, subjects made a confidence judgment: "How confident are you that you selected the correct answer? Please make your rating on a scale from 00% to 99%." Session 2. Forty-eight hours later, subjects returned to complete session 2. The first task that all subjects completed was another version of the Letter Sets task, but this 22

30 time, subjects heard a 150 ms tone prompting them to make a judgment. The purpose of this version of the Letter Sets task was to familiarize subjects with the DPOK procedure that would be used during the subsequent delayed recall test of list 2. Subjects heard the tone four times, and the tones were 5 s apart. Every time subjects heard the tone they made a judgment as to how close they were to solving the problem: 20%, 40%, 60%, or 80% close to solution. Experimenters instructed subjects to make their judgments as quickly as possible since their judgments were supposed to reflect their gut feeling. A strict RT deadline was not imposed, but in order for the computer to record the response, subjects had to respond within the 5-s interval. Thus, experimenters told subjects not to pause for more than a second or so to make their judgments. After making 4 judgments, subjects entered their solution to the problem. Subjects had 4 s to enter their solution to the problem before making the confidence judgment. The Letter Sets task consisted of 10 problems. None of the 10 problems overlapped with the problems from controls session 1. After subjects finished the Letter Sets task with the tones, subjects completed the delayed recall test via the same DPOK procedure. Each Swahili word from list 2 appeared on the screen, without its English translation, in random order. Subjects heard a tone every 5 s and judged how close they were to recalling the English translation (from list 2 for interference subjects), and 5 s after the 4 th DPOK prompt, subjects typed in their answer. If they could not recall the English word, subjects were allowed to guess or press the "ENTER key to move on to the next word. Subjects had as much time as they needed to recall the word. 23

31 Results The main findings concern the metacognitive judgments at encoding and retrieval. The primary question I am interested in is whether people are sensitive to PI at encoding, especially at the item-level. First, however, I present the recall data to assess PI. For the inferential statistics reported here, I set the alpha at.05 and effect sizes are reported as partial eta squared (η 2 p ). List 2 Recall Accuracy A 2 (Recall Test: immediate, delayed) x 2 (Interference-group: control, interference) x 2 (Word pair type: non-interference, interference) x 3 (JOL type: immediate, delayed, no JOL) repeated measures ANOVA was conducted on the recall performance for list 2. Interference-group and JOL type were between-subjects variables, and Recall test and Word pair type were within-subjects variables. Subjects recalled more words at the Day 1 immediate test (M =.61, SD =.25) 2 than the Day 2 delayed test (M =.43, SD =.25), F (1, 115) = , η p =.67, and control subjects (M =.58, SD =.24) recalled more words than interference subjects (M = 2.46, SD =.24), F (1, 115) = 8.41, η p =.07. However, both main effects were qualified by a significant interaction between Interference-group and Recall test, F (1, 115) = 15.15, 2 η p =.12, indicating a greater PI effect at the delayed test than at the immediate test (see Figure 1). Two independent t-tests were conducted to follow-up the interaction. At immediate recall, control subjects recalled more English words than did interference subjects, but the difference was only marginally significant, t (119) = 1.82, p =.07. At delayed recall, control subjects recalled significantly more words than interference 24

32 subjects, t (119) = Consistent with Postman, Stark, and Fraser (1968), then, the listlevel PI effect increased over time and was only significant after the delay. Although interference subjects differed from control subjects overall, indicating a list-level PI effect, we did not find an item-level PI effect for interference subjects. That is, there was no interaction between Interference-group and Word pair type, F < 1, p =.45, nor was there an interaction between Recall test, Interference-group, and Word pair type, F < 1, p =.49. JOL type was included in the ANOVA because it was one of the manipulated variables; however, JOL type was not expected to be a significant factor in influencing recall performance. Instead, JOL type was manipulated because Dunlosky and Nelson (1992) found that JOLs made after a delay rather than immediately after the item were more accurate in predicting future recall. As predicted, subjects in all 3 JOL type groups performed equally well on the recall tests, F < 1, p =.75. (Remaining significant effects 2 were two-way interactions between JOL type and Recall test, F (2, 115) = 6.91, η p =.11, 2 and Word pair type and Recall test, F (1, 115) = 6.33, η p =.05. No other effects were significant.) In summary, interference subjects recalled significantly fewer words than did control subjects at delayed recall, indicating a list-level PI effect. However, interference subjects did not recall fewer interference items than non-interference items, indicating no item-level PI effect. 25

33 Metacognitive Judgments at Encoding The two primary questions about metacognitive judgments and negative transfer at encoding were the following: First, would subjects who learned two lists (i.e., Interference-group) give lower specific-item JOLs to list 2 than would subjects who learned one list (i.e., control group)? Second, would interference subjects experience the interference and non-interference items differently? Despite not obtaining the item-level PI effect, I kept Word pair type in my analyses because subjects might still have experienced the interference items differently from the non-interference items. Recall that Metcalfe et al. (1993) found that metamemory judgments did not necessarily follow the same pattern as recall performance. List 2 specific-item JOLs. Subjects made specific-item JOLs for each word pair. A 2 (Interference-group: control, interference) x 2 (JOL type: immediate, delayed) x 2 (Word pair type: non-interference, interference) x 3 (Trial: 1 st, 2 nd 3 rd presentation of list) repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted on the mean JOL magnitudes for list 2. Interference-group and JOL type were between-subjects variables, and Word pair type and Trial were within-subjects variables. Figure 2 presents mean JOL magnitude for the control and interference subjects across the 3 learning trials. Subjects gave significantly higher JOLs at each presentation of list 2, F (2, 152) = , η p =.50. Control subjects gave higher JOLs than did interference subjects, F (1, 2 76) = 6.05, η p =.07, suggesting that interference subjects were sensitive to the overall difficulty they were experiencing at encoding due to having learned list 1. The lack of an item-level effect (i.e., the comparison of JOLs for interference and noninterference items) 26


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