Tutoring Teacher Training. Module 5A: Reading Instruction

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1 Ace it! SM Tutoring Teacher Training Module 5A: Reading Instruction 2005 Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 1

2 2005 Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 2

3 Slide 1 Ace it! SM Tutoring Teacher Training Module 5A: Reading Instruction DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 2 min Materials (for the levels the participants will teach): Teacher Lesson Manuals (TLM) Student Resource Books (SRB) Reading Program Manuals Copies of sample lesson (Lesson F17) Anthologies Manipulatives for Level K Dry erase boards and markers Have the participants examine the materials. If you are having kindergarten level classes, share those materials with the participants. Q: What are the benefits of these materials? A: Some acceptable answers are below. The Anthology has all the stories together. All the materials are together, compact and easy to manage. The students like writing in the books. The dry erase boards are fun for the students, and writing on the boards makes it easier for us to see their work. Q: Why are the books labeled with letters and a star instead of numbers? A: The books are labeled with letters and stars so that we don t call attention to the students who may not be working at their grade level. Activity Have the participants review a lesson in the Teacher Lesson Manual so they can see how the lessons are structured. The lesson structure is explained in this module. Let the participants know that the Teacher Lesson Manual will be their buddy throughout the program Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 3

4 Slide 2 Participant Workbook, pg. 3 Objective Describe the three reading lesson formats. Implement effective reading instruction practices. DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 1 min Objective Review the objectives for this module or ask a participant to read them to the group. After completing this training module and viewing the video model, you will be able to describe the format of the reading lessons, and implement effective reading instruction practices Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 4

5 Slide 3 Participant Workbook, pg. 4 Four Areas of Reading Instruction Word Analysis Fluency Comprehension Vocabulary DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 1 min The Four Areas of Reading Instruction The Ace it! reading program is designed around four areas of instruction, which are covered throughout all reading lessons. You will see how they are tied to the lessons when we review the lesson components. First, we ll review each of the four areas of instruction, in detail. They are: Word Analysis Fluency Comprehension Vocabulary 2005 Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 5

6 Slide 4 Participant Workbook, pg. 4 Word Analysis Alphabetic Principle Knowledge of what letters look like Knowledge that letters represent sounds Phonemic Awareness The ability to identify and manipulate individual sounds, or phonemes, orally Phonics The association of letters to the sounds they represent Word Study The study of patterns and structural analysis of words DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 5 min Word Analysis Review the components of Word Analysis. Here are the four components of Word Analysis. Alphabetic Principle shows the children what letters look like and helps them understand that the letters represent sounds. This component is part of the kindergarten program. Phonemic Awareness teaches students to understand, identify and manipulate the sounds that make up words. Manipulation of sounds is done verbally. Phonemic Awareness is taught in kindergarten through first grade. Phonics is the understanding of how sounds (or phonemes) correspond to letters (or graphemes), in print. Phonics is taught in first grade through the first half of third grade. Word Study is the study of patterns and the structural analysis of words. Word Study is taught in the second half of third grade through the eighth grade. The activities in the Ace it! program occur over three lessons, during which you move through accessing prior knowledge and introducing the skill, to independent practice and applied practice. Let s see how this works. Let s start with some phonemic awareness activities Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 6

7 DELIVERY (Cont.) Activity INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS Word Analysis Phonemic Awareness Activities Q: Tell me a word that rhymes with sing. A: Acceptable answers: Anything that rhymes with sing, such as ring. This is an example of rhyming. I am going to say a sentence and clap for each word I say. The plane is flying high. (Clap once as you say each word five claps.) Q: Now you try it: Let s go to the store. A: Participants should clap five times. Q: Let s try it with a word. Tell me each sound you hear in the word: after. A: Four sounds: /a/, /f/, /t/ and /er/. These are examples of segmentation. Q: Now, I am going to ask you to say a word and then say it again without one of its parts. Cat. A: Cat. Q: Now, say it again but don t say /k/. A: At. That s an example of phoneme deletion. Q: I am going to say a word, and I want you to tell me the beginning, or first, sound in the word. Apple. A: Short a, /a/. That s an example of phoneme isolation. Q: Say cow. A: Cow. Q: Change /k/ to /h/. A: How. That s an example of phoneme substitution Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 7

8 DELIVERY (Cont.) Activity INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS Word Analysis Phonemic Awareness Activities Notice that all of those exercises were done orally, without print. Phonemic awareness is NOT phonics. Being able to manipulate sounds, like this, is key to successful phonetic skill acquisition. Now, let s try some phonics activities. Flipchart: Write the following letters on the flipchart: /l/ /e/ /p/. Q: Read this word. A: Participants should read the nonsense word on the flipchart as lep, as in pep. Lep is a nonsense word, yet you used your phonics skills to sound out this word. Being able to apply these skills and automatically decode is critical to the reading process. Phonics skills can be used to decode individual sounds, as well as larger chunks of words. This is where the Ace it! Word Study piece comes in. As readers gain knowledge of word parts, like affixes and roots, they can spend less time decoding individual sounds, and can focus on larger parts of the word. Flipchart: Write the following word on the flipchart: playful When students with word knowledge read this word, they can decode it automatically they know the word play and know that ful means full of. So, the students can read playful and know that it means full of play. They don t need to decode the entire word to know what it means Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 8

9 Slide 5 Participant Workbook, pg. 5 Fluency The bridge between word recognition and comprehension DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 5 min Fluency Next is Fluency. Fluency builds a straight path to comprehension. When readers are able to read text quickly and accurately, with expression, they can focus on meaning. Fluent readers identify letter sounds instantly and apply phonics to decode instantly. Fluent readers read with at least 95% accuracy and 95% comprehension. Fluent reading is smooth and accurate. Repeated readings of a text improve fluency. Activity Activity: Ask for a volunteer to read parts of a story in the Anthology, normally fluently. That was fluent reading. Here is non-fluent reading. Ask for another volunteer. Now, read the same passage non-fluently, slowly decoding words. When students struggle to decode words, complete comprehension is nearly impossible. Non-fluent reading can be an indication that the text a student is asked to read is above the student s reading level Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 9

10 Slide 6 Participant Workbook, pg. 5 Comprehension The reason for reading DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 1 min Comprehension Comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading. It is gaining knowledge through reading, and understanding information presented in print. When people read, they attempt to understand, or comprehend, what the author is trying to communicate. People read for three purposes: Enjoyment To be informed To perform a task The Ace it! reading curriculum deals mostly with the first two purposes. Students read narrative and nonfiction texts. In the program, students are given strategies to enhance comprehension Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 10

11 Slide 7 Participant Workbook, pg. 6 Vocabulary Sight Words Content Words Contextual Analysis Word Meaning/Association DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 3 min Vocabulary Vocabulary is acquired indirectly in various every day contexts. It is critical that readers build an extensive vocabulary so that they become more automatic readers. Effective readers are able to automatically process the meaning of text when they know what all the words in the text mean. Vocabulary is an essential part of a balanced, systematic reading curriculum. If readers can decode words, but do not know what the words mean, the reading process cannot proceed toward comprehension. Q: What are sight words? A: Some acceptable answers are below. Sight words are words that frequently appear in print. Successful readers recognize them instantly, as a whole, and do not need to decode them. Examples of sight words are: the, I, am, see and to. Knowledge of content word meanings enhances the comprehension of a text. Ace it! students are taught how to use context clues to determine unknown words. Students are also taught word meanings in association with words they already know. Attaching new knowledge to prior knowledge aids in skill acquisition and leads to text comprehension Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 11

12 Slide 8 Participant Workbook, pg. 6 Reading Chart of Strands K Word Analysis Phonemic Awareness Alphabetic Principle Phonics Word Study Fluency Comprehension Vocabulary Sight Words Content Words Note: Content Words are used to teach Contextual Analysis & Word Meaning/Association. DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 5 min Reading Chart of Strands This is the Reading Chart of Strands showing which area, or strand, of instruction is taught at which level. The chart is also on page 8 of your Reading Program Manual. Activity Activity: Let s do a quick sorting activity to see if we can match the skills with the correct strand. I will read a skill and then I will move my finger across the strands. Give me a thumbs up or down to indicate if the skill belongs in that strand. Activity Answer Key Skill Match and order letters Big Read a passage and set a personal goal for speed and accuracy. Long vowel o Identify first sound heard in the word time Fragile Prefixes Plot Recognize and write the letters, A-C Suffixes Facts and opinions The Roots Read the passage Say word rainbow without bow Enthusiastic Strand Alphabetic Principle word analysis Sight word vocabulary Fluency Phonics word analysis Phonemic Awareness word analysis Content word vocabulary Word Study word analysis Comprehension Alphabetic Principle word analysis Phonics word analysis Comprehension Sight word vocabulary Word Study word analysis Fluency Phonemic Awareness word analysis Content word vocabulary 2005 Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 12

13 Slide 9 Participant Workbook, pg. 7 Reading Lesson Format Lesson Format A of a skill Lesson Format B of a skill Lesson Format C of a skill DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 1 min Reading Lesson Formats As mentioned earlier, the Ace it! Tutoring reading program is based on the four areas of reading instruction we just reviewed. Q: Who can tell us what they are? A: Acceptable answers are below. Word Analysis (Alphabetic Principle, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics and Word Study) Fluency Comprehension Vocabulary Every lesson addresses those four areas, except in kindergarten when fluency instruction is not yet appropriate. We teach the skills in a threelesson sequence. Throughout the three-lesson sequence from first lesson (Format A) to the third lesson (Format C) the instruction moves from an emphasis on guided practice to an emphasis on independent and applied work Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 13

14 Slide 10 Participant Workbook, pg. 7 Reading Lesson Components Welcome Word Analysis Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study Fluency Comprehension Vocabulary Summary/Closure Count and Record Tokens DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 3 min Reading Lesson Components These are the reading lesson components. Take a few moments to look at the lesson formats on page 10 in your Reading Program Manual. Q: What are some similarities you see in each format? A: Some acceptable answers are below. Each format has: A Welcome and the four areas of instruction. A Closure and time to count and record tokens. Q: What are some of the differences you see? A: Some acceptable answers are below. Format A introduces the skill. Formats B and C review the skill and have more applied practice. Each format starts with the Welcome. You saw this step in action in the Small Class Management Good Example. Q: What should happen during the Welcome stage? A: This is the time to greet students by name, take attendance and state the lesson objectives for the day. Q: Who remembers how the teacher did this to ensure that the lesson got off to a good start? A: Some acceptable answers are below. The teacher: Connected with the students and prepared them for learning. Greeted the students by name. Was prepared with all the materials. Was upbeat, excited and enthusiastic. Introduced the token system Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 14

15 Slide 11 Participant Workbook, pg. 9 Reading Lesson Format Word Analysis (Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study) DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 10 min Reading Lesson Formats: Word Analysis As we discussed, the four reading strands are taught over a three-lesson sequence. In the first lesson (Format A), the Word Analysis section introduces the skill, building on prior knowledge. Guided practice follows, and the section ends with a short independent practice. In the second lesson in the sequence (Format B), the Word Analysis section contains a review of the word analysis pattern, or skill, followed by more independent practice and work in the phonics reader. The phonics reader is a synthetic text that follows specific phonetic patterns. It is used for Levels A-C, 1st-3rd, and is in the Student Resource Book. The Word Analysis section in the third lesson of the sequence (Format C), is more review and work with a phonics reader. The section ends with the formative assessment. Now, let s take a look at the Word Analysis in action. This is a group of students in level F (6 th grade). The students are completing activities on word study. In this second lesson of the sequence, notice how the teacher reviews the words with the previous lesson s root pattern. Then they move to a short independent practice. In the previous lesson, roots were introduced and there was direct instruction on the skill. Follow the sample lesson, F17, and listen for the lesson structure and how the teacher moves the students from what they know, to the new skill and to applying the new skill. Video Play video clip Time Marker 0:18:55 0:25:40 (runtime 6:45) 2005 Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 15

16 DELIVERY (Cont.) INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS Reading Lesson Formats: Word Analysis Q: What activities and questions did the teacher use to move through the structure of the lesson? A: Some acceptable answers are below. The teacher: Started by reviewing the previous lesson and asking questions using words that the students know, connecting it to their prior knowledge. Led a group activity to review the skill of roots. Then had the students work independently in their workbooks. Q: What techniques did the teacher use? A: Some acceptable answers are below. The teacher: Worked through an exercise to draw out the answers. Used the students names. Smiled and was upbeat. Made sure to call on everyone. Gave explicit directions for activities and where the students should look in their SRBs, and also had students read the instructions out loud. Gave a brain boost activity to students who finished early: Write three things you wish were permissible. Gave specific direction for the behaviors she was looking for: Put the pencil down when you are done working. Walked around to check work. Gave all the students a chance to share their answers. Gave tokens to students who were participating Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 16

17 Slide 12 Participant Workbook, pg. 10 Reading Lesson Format Fluency DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 7 min Discussion Reading Lesson Formats: Fluency Repeated readings of a text improve fluency. The three-lesson sequence of the Fluency strand starts with modeling the reading, and then provides the students with repeated practice with the passage. Notice how the teacher reinforces fluency by having the students read the passage with a partner. Video Play video clip Time Marker 0:25:40 0:31:17 (runtime 5:37) Q: What techniques did the teacher use to help students become fluent readers? A: Some acceptable answers are below. The teacher: Had students review their goals for becoming fluent readers. Conducted whisper reading and discussed what was read. Asked questions to make sure they understood what they read. Q: How did the teacher know when students were done reading and how did she keep students, who finished early, on task? A: The teacher had the students look up at her when they were done, and then she gave them a brain boost activity using the beach ball. Q: What else have you done to help students become fluent readers? Listen to the ideas and jot them down in your workbook. A: Some acceptable answers are below. Choral readings. Having students read in pairs. Having students set personal goals for how fast and how fluently they will read the passage Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 17

18 Slide 13 Participant Workbook, pg. 11 Reading Lesson Format Comprehension DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 15 min Reading Lesson Formats: Comprehension In the Comprehension strand, as in the other strands, students are introduced to the skill on the first lesson of the sequence (Format A). In the second lesson of the sequence (Format B), the students use the Anthology to read a story and practice the comprehension skill. In the third lesson of the sequence (Format C), the students extend the comprehension skill beyond the passage, and finish with a formative assessment. You perform the formative assessment using the Rubric for Performance Evaluation in the TLM. You also record the students scores on the Lesson Performance and Evaluation sheet in the TLM. In this clip, the teacher reviews the concept of analyzing the character in a story, then reviews vocabulary from the story looking for clues on what the story is about, and finally asks the students to read and evaluate the character. Video Play video clip Time Marker 0:31:17 0:37:14 (runtime 5:57) Pause Tape for discussion Q: How did the teacher present the concept of analyzing a character? A: Some acceptable answers are below. The teacher: Reviewed vocabulary from the story to get clues on what the story was about. Had the students pull clues about the character from a picture. Read a paragraph and had the students listen for clues about the character, and take notes on their dry-erase boards Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 18

19 DELIVERY (Cont.) Video INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS Reading Lesson Formats: Comprehension Play Tape after discussion Time Marker 0:37:14 0:43:25 (runtime 6:11) Q: What strategies did the teacher use to teach the skill of analyzing a character? A: Some acceptable answers are below. The teacher: Had the students take turns reading, and stopped periodically to have them take notes on the character and discuss what they know, so far. Pulled the specific details about the character and explained the relevance. Asked probing questions to help the students find more details about the character. Had the students make a connection to how they would feel if they were in the same situation as the character. Led a discussion, as the story progressed, about how the character was changing, such as becoming more comfortable in her new country. Q: What did the teacher do effectively? A: Some acceptable answers are below. The teacher: Gave tokens, with specific praise for students who gave answers; gave group tokens for good participation. Had each student give an answer, and gave students more time if they weren t done. Made sure everyone had a chance to read and give answers Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 19

20 Slide 14 Participant Workbook, pg Reading Lesson Format Vocabulary Summary and Closure Count and Record Tokens DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 6 min Reading Lesson Formats: Vocabulary, Summary/Closure and Count/Record Tokens The Vocabulary strand begins with accessing prior knowledge and introducing content words, which are used in reading during subsequent lessons. The second lesson, in the three-lesson sequence, is spent reviewing the content words with guided and independent practice. The third lesson is when the students do an activity, the formative assessment, with the vocabulary words. You score the activity using the Rubric for Performance Evaluation in your TLM. Now, let s watch as the teacher reviews the vocabulary words and recaps the lesson, then has the students complete an exercise. The students use the last few minutes, in the hour, to count the tokens they received for the session and add the number to the Token Tracker in the front of the SRB. Video Play video clip Time Marker 0:43:25 0:46:28 (runtime 3:03) Q: How did the teacher review the content words that were used in lesson s reading? A: The teacher had each student take a word, find the sentence it was in and then write a new sentence using the word. Q: What techniques did the teacher use during this part of the lesson? A: Some acceptable answers are below. The teacher: Gave students, who needed a few more minutes, extra time; she came back to them when they were ready. Asked students to put hands on head to indicate they were done. Effectively used the dry-erase boards Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 20

21 DELIVERY (Cont.) INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS Reading Lesson Formats: Vocabulary, Summary/Closure and Count/Record Tokens Q: What are some benefits of the summary section? A: Some acceptable answers are below. The summary section: Helps to reinforce what the student is working on. Teaches the student to think about what they are learning. Helps prepare the students when asked by a teacher or parent what they did in class. During the 3rd lesson in the sequence, you score the last activity (formative assessment, or your turn to write ) in each of the strands. You give each student a score of 1, 2 or 3, using the Performance and Evaluation Rubric in the TLM. You, then, record the score on the Lesson and Performance Tracking Tool, which is also in the TLM. This is the same tool that you use to record attendance. Open your Teacher Lesson Manual to see the forms. Q: What are the benefits of having the score and attendance on the same sheet? A: Some acceptable answers are below. Trends are apparent. If a student typically gets 2s or 3s, and then gets several 1s, you can easily make the connection that the student was absent on the days when that skill was taught Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 21

22 Slide 15 Participant Workbook, pg. 14 Differentiation Activities Allow you to adjust the lesson up or down for individual students Indicated with arrows in the lessons DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 1 min Differentiation Activities Throughout the lessons, there are differentiation activities, which allow you to adjust a lesson for individual students. Differentiation activities are written into the lesson. The differentiation activities describe how to modify an activity slightly up and slightly down in level. An example of differentiating up is to have the students complete an additional activity on their dry-erase boards after finishing the activity on the resource sheet. An example of differentiating down is to have the student only complete the even numbered exercises on the resource sheet. Differentiation activities are indicated with arrows in the lessons Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 22

23 Slide 16 Participant Workbook, pg Reading Lesson Practice DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 1 hour Activity Reading Lesson Practice Activity: Divide the class into groups of as close to four participants as possible. Group the participants by the levels they are going to teach. Assign each group a lesson in the TLM. Try to assign a lesson that is close to the level the participants are going to teach. Assign each person, in the group, one of the four strands in the reading lessons. Have each person take 15 minutes to read through the strand, teach the others and then discuss. The other participants, in the group, should participate as students. Remind the participants to focus on the small-class management techniques and, most importantly, on becoming comfortable at making the scripted lesson seem natural. Timing: This activity, with time for discussion, should take about an hour. Each lesson normally takes an hour; however, because it s not being taught in a real class, the actual lesson time is shortened. The discussion makes up for the shortened lesson time Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 23

24 DELIVERY Activity (Cont.) INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS Reading Lesson Practice In addition to walking through the entire lesson, have each group work through several what if scenarios, using the questions below. Participants should answer the questions in their Participant Workbooks. What if a student is off task? How do you keep students engaged? What if a student does not understand the concept? What techniques would you use to involve a student who is off task and doodling on the dry erase board? What techniques are effective if a student is not raising his/her hand? How do you know if a student should have the lesson differentiated up or down? How can you smoothly differentiate an activity so that you do not call attention to the fact that the students are at different levels? How can you use all the material in the lesson, but not look like you are reading a script? Bring the group back together to discuss the activity and wrap up Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 24

25 DELIVERY Activity (Cont.) INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS Reading Lesson Practice Q: What good ideas did your group discuss for taking ownership of the lessons and getting comfortable teaching them? A: Some acceptable answers are below. Read over the lesson ahead of time so you know the overall concept and the point of the lesson. As you review the lesson, think of the purpose for the activities; understanding the reason for what is presented helps you to make sure you present the key elements. When teaching, remember to relax, look the students in their eyes, smile and be the warm caring teacher you are. Q: What good ideas did your group come up with for engaging a student who is off task? A: Some acceptable answers are below. Use the differentiation activities as opportunities to have the student work on more challenging tasks. Challenge the student with brain boost activities. If the student continually performs at a higher level, discuss with the Program Manager, whether a move to another class makes sense. Q: What are some good ways to take advantage of the differentiation activities built into the lessons? A: Some acceptable answers are below. Have the students sit in assigned seats, but staggered by ability. That way, you can assign different activities to every other student, and be doing it by level. Use the scores on the Performance and Evaluation Tracking sheet to get a sense of which students should do which differentiation activities Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 25

26 Slide 17 Participant Workbook, pg. 17 Summary Describe the three reading lesson formats. Implement effective reading instruction practices. DELIVERY INSTRUCTOR ACTIONS TIME: 5 min Summary- Test your knowledge Q: Raise a hand to tell me the four areas of reading instruction. A: The acceptable answers are below. Word Analysis Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study Fluency Comprehension Vocabulary Q: Who can describe the areas of emphasis in the three-lesson sequence of the reading lesson? A: Throughout the three-lesson sequence, from the first of each sequence (Format A) to the third in the sequence (Format C), the instruction moves from an emphasis on guided practice to an emphasis on independent and applied work. Here is what some of our teachers and students have to say about the lessons. Video Play video clip Time Marker 0:46:28 0:49:41 (runtime 3:13) The next module is Math Instruction for teachers teaching math, or Inquiry and Enrollment for those only teaching reading Sylvan Learning, Inc. Page 26

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