Your responses to The BrainStyle Inventory indicate that your brainstyle is that of The Conceptor.

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1 The Conceptor BrainStyle Page 1 Your responses to The BrainStyle Inventory indicate that your brainstyle is that of The Conceptor. This means you have fast, though random, access to the gifts of both the left brain, the hemisphere with language, analysis, and measures, as well as access to the right hemisphere that processes spatial awareness, emotions and mental images. In the BrainStyles database, Conceptors are nearly 10% of the population: approximately 65% male, 35% female. Weird. Outrageous. Impractical. Dreamer. Head in the clouds. You may be familiar with labels like these. People may have attempted to make you conform, get you organized, asked you to prove what you re saying, to stop being so moody or intense or distant to do something to get you to change who you are naturally. Why? Because they don t understand what your strengths are and how to take advantage of them. Instead they just react to them. And what about your own self-criticism and defensiveness? How much time do you spend explaining the decisions you ve already made or retreating from the world because it s just no use trying to explain to people who cannot understand you? Are you called arrogant? Strange? There is a better way. Now is the time for you to not only understand your strengths but use the information to make a choice about how you want to live your life as a whole. Do you want to use the magnificent hardware you were born with only to serve yourself and your ambition? Or might you consider how to expand and make the world a better place with the ideas you have, regardless of the social response? Are you willing to do the work that establishes your credibility? Develop a discipline? This is a moment-bymoment choice, which will be apparent in every conversation, every relationship and every negotiation that you can move from win-lose to win-win, as you realize how your strengths are your gift to offer and inspire others, rather than a way to make you look good. I don t come across very well at parties, making small talk or being clever. So says a Conceptor who has been very successful in business. Where others are usually articulate, the Conceptor often is not especially about ideas in the formative stage. They have nearly the opposite gifts of the Deliberator lots of brain processing of ideas and little organized recall. This sounds a lot like thinking out loud or talking through ideas in order to listen to them yourself. When at a new or unfamiliar Time Zero event, the Conceptor is at his or her busiest, talking, formulating and associating ideas a most distressing event for the more thoughtful family or team members who need time to think. Why do Conceptors do this? All material is the copyrighted property of BrainStyles, Inc., Do Not Reproduce in whole or in part. For more information or to learn more about your brainstyle contact BSI at (972) or

2 The Conceptor BrainStyle Page 2 A Conceptor is a person who brings Vision... who uses a left-right brain exchange to apply logic to sort mental images; generalizes first; gives the overview; lives in the future; is original. This brainstyle makes up new rules; likes change; prefers concepts; envisions disregarding precedent; often prefers new ideas to relationships or being liked, yet seeks admiration and recognition for achievements. The Conceptor sees patterns and principles early in random situations; is often criticized for being unrealistic; not as strong with specifics, procedures, routine, or follow through. When the Conceptor is outgoing or has a high energy level, sees conflict as necessary to solve problems and create synergy, when more quiet, may approach conflict more carefully in order to achieve the goal. When shy, the Conceptor may invent new ideas but can be hampered because s/he may not sell ideas well. Some of your basic strengths as a Conceptor derive from the fact that you first access both sides of the brain in a random way to combine analysis with images or intuition to reconsider things others either consider finished or not worth thinking about. Because there is no delay in your access to both sides of the brain, you are often inconsistent in your response. Most often you analyze first and get information in what others think is a random (and annoying) way, disregarding what is tested or proven. Then, processing that information with right-brain insight, visual imagery and foresight, you are the one most apt to propose a new hypothesis or consider a whole new direction. You like spontaneous change, willingly take chances with something new, and find it easy to look beyond what exists to what could actually work in the future (which is very different from brainstorming ). Your gifts mean you are the inventor, the one most intrigued by your own world of ideas and philosophy rather than the world of people and things. This is not what others consider sociable, and so getting along with a crowd is always difficult. You can screen out ideas before others get a chance to think them through. They do not like this and label you arrogant or worse when your timing interferes with their thinking. Did I mention moody? If you get intense about your concepts and take time to move from your inner world to the outer world of performance and relationships, you can act very inconsistently and so can be described by others as alternately passionate and controlling then preoccupied and distant. Your strengths demand achievement, or the need to see your ideas put into reality. In the early years (sometimes as late as your thirties and forties) this means learning the discipline of a field of study with its procedures and systems so that you can track and measure your ideas and impact. Your biggest challenge will be selling your ideas to others because of the way you reached your conclusions. I think concepts, never facts or details, though I love poring through chaotic facts to find hidden patterns [O]nce I see the pattern I toss out the facts and try not to allow them to cloud the concepts anymore. I know no numbers. Instead I know how we are doing and what needs to be done to do even better. Conceptor executive, Allstate Insurance. Remember: Your perceived value can come from showing others how your ideas can make them look good. If you are willing to give up the credit, you can realize your fondest dreams. Conclusions: You need a challenging career and have the profile of an entrepreneur. You will make a creative situation in the home, and will tend to create challenges if not enough exist around you. You need to be learning or inventing something new and like to be around people who are idea generators themselves. All material is the copyrighted property of BrainStyles, Inc., Do Not Reproduce in whole or in part. For more information or to learn more about your brainstyle contact BSI at (972) or

3 The Conceptor BrainStyle Page 3 Accepting your limits can allow you the greatest freedom of all: unlimited growth in your strengths, forgiveness for imperfections and mistakes, and the joy of partnerships to make your ideas a reality. Your NON-STRENGTHS which are delayed or take more effort: 1. FOLLOW THROUGH on plans and implementation in a step-by-step manner. 2. COMMUNICATING so that others can understand your thinking. Impatience with their different way of thinking (NOT stupidity or dullness) can really slow things down, getting the other to focus on you instead of your idea. It takes practice, clarifying, and repetition for any one idea to become tangible enough to make happen as well as for others to understand it. 3. DECIDING just once. After you get more input, you tend to change direction. Doing so too often will undermine your creditability. 4. ASSESSING information in an objective way or in detail. (You re best at being subjective, personal, and general or global in your conclusions.) Others love to catch you saying things that are not true for every instance. As one Conceptor put it, Only generalities are true. No other brainstyle sees patterns in the way you do. Conciliators come closest, but certainly not all the time. You need to explain how assessment and specifics come later for you, and not as readily as others are able to think of them. 5. ORGANIZING things into a linear or rational sequence that can be measured or repeated easily (you use your own internal organization that is not a straight line). You need a tracking system for your ideas and projects. 6. STAY EVEN or METHODICAL for great lengths of time. If you persevere, it will be for a dream, but the path will not be a straight one to the end. Routine or repetition, needed for follow-through, is a tough discipline for you. 7. BALANCING your activities: It s extremes for you often, wholly committed or sick of it all. 8. RELATIONSHIPS with those who think very differently are very difficult for you, as is socializing just for the sake of it, or debating words (NOT ideas) without a big payoff for your efforts. 9. TAKING ACTION QUICKLY. You d rather think about it than do it. 10. PLAYING POLITICS WELL, meaning saying nice things just for the sake of getting in someone s favor, or attending to someone else s agenda, which can make or break the implementation of your ideas. When you get impatient with slower, more fastidious folks, you will jeopardize your projects. 11. KEEPING AGREEMENTS. Don t make promises that can t be kept. This will happen if all you discuss is the overview and your need to achieve the outcome. Use time to think through the alternative plans you know can take you to the goal. Work with other brainstyles to fill in the gaps. Stay in touch. All material is the copyrighted property of BrainStyles, Inc., Do Not Reproduce in whole or in part. For more information or to learn more about your brainstyle contact BSI at (972) or

4 The Conceptor BrainStyle Page 4 A Short List of the Non-Strengths of the Conceptor (which actually describe the strengths of the other brainstyles). Assessing the details. Making quick, clear, black or white decisions that eliminate alternatives and focus on clear actions. Following through on the plans. Organizing the vacation, party or project into a step-by-step process. Communicating by explaining thoroughly. Collecting all the facts. Acting or performing evenly, without internalizing a lot of stress. Routine and stability are the Conceptor s nemeses. Making friends quickly, socializing readily, and being diplomatic. Relationships develop over time for Conceptors. Managing Your Strengths and Non-Strengths: Your non-strengths are simply the strengths of the other brainstyles. To learn what those others can offer you as well as more about whom you are dealing with, read or listen to more practical and simple How To s in BrainStyles books, audios, or seminars. Learn how to create agreements where no one changes. See how to manage Projects with timing and natural brainstyle strengths rather than compromise and complex plans. Learn how to prevent conflict by applying brainstyle strengths. Save time in meetings and family decisions by as much as % by applying BrainStyles timing at The following BrainStyle summary charts will introduce you to the gifts each of the brainstyles bring so you can begin applying immediately what you have learned about yourself and others. All material is the copyrighted property of BrainStyles, Inc., Do Not Reproduce in whole or in part. For more information or to learn more about your brainstyle contact BSI at (972) or

5 The Inventory was designed for two purposes: 1. To help you identify your brainstyle and 2. To serve as a learning tool The BrainStyle Inventory 2.0 Definitions and Applications I. CHART I summarizes the core BrainStyles Descriptions. Each summary describes the way people with that brainstyle approach new decisions and unfamiliar situations. The descriptions also summarize overall strengths. You may see adjectives listed under other brainstyle headings that describe things you do. Remember: we can all perform in most categories, but only one is our natural strength, used effortlessly and quickest in new situations. We learn other brainstyle s behaviors and can become competent in them, especially if the situation demands it, but they are not our natural strengths. People in the same brainstyle don't act or behave alike. They do, however, approach new decisions similarly. Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Presidents Carter and Bush, Johnny Carson and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher all have the same brainstyle. People in the same brainstyle have different energy levels or paces which can create very different appearances. It is important to know all four descriptions because once you know your strengths, you automatically know that you will be less gifted in the strengths of the other three. This is why brainstyles are simple to apply in your life, you ll know what and when to call on others to give you. II. Use the Charts to recognize and apply BrainStyles. Chart II outlines the general communication preferences of the four brainstyles. Chart III outlines what to look for to determine the brainstyle of others, and how to use timing to get along with them better as well as get the most out of their strengths. Chart IV focuses on what each brainstyle needs to Keep Doing to be their best and serve others with their strengths. Working within limitations is the key to focus for success, so there are also guidelines for things to Start Doing, and Stop Doing to work with others. Chart V shows how each brainstyle is influenced by others in new situations, with tips on how to apply brainspeed or brainstyle timing to reach a greater understanding with someone who has another set of strengths. Chart VI gives some tips on how the most common brainstyle pairs can work together. III. If you have any questions or concerns, please read the section called BrainStyles: Q and A. You are about to clarify some critical notions you have about yourself. This will help you start refocusing on your strengths by reading what others have considered. Give yourself some time to think before revisiting the items that ask you to choose between the two brainstyles in which you scored similarly. The BrainStyle Inventory 1992, 1997 No Reproduction without Permission from BSI page 1

6 A Summary of the Four BrainStyles CHART I The Deliberator: accesses memory throughout the brain first, delaying a logical or emotional decision from either side of the brain; assesses the new against experience; likes precedents; evaluates new directions; wants to understand first; asks why; looks for gaps or what s wrong ; focuses on what s rational; is analytical; has many priorities at once; multifaceted, establishes or applies rules; innovates or improves things with a logical approach; often the expert; discourages or avoids conflict. Can have stronger left brain access to be better with numbers and facts, or right brain access to have more emotions, spirituality, and intuition, but maintains a literal, rational approach overall. The Knower: fastest with logical, unemotional decisions in new situations; most comfortable with conflict, least able with relationships. This brainstyle likes efficiency and appreciates a no-nonsense approach that is well-prepared. Leadership, said a woman Knower, is to go forward and see the consequences, not just advance in the blindness of passion. Knowers are best taking in sensory, factual, literal information. They seem to sort it quickly, editing as they go. Most in this brainstyle are very good with numbers and watch their dollars. They do not often choose the personal service field as a career because it does not draw on their strengths, whereas financial, systems-based, technical, scientific and entrepreneurial fields do. The Conceptor: fastest with the overview and seeing what to do in the future; most comfortable with unstructured situations and change, least able with explanations and following through except when they care about the project deeply. They work harder at the start and go for the Big Win, the overall strategy, and are motivated most by building the entire business, rather than delivering the service. Routine is death for them. The biggest risk-takers, these are the people most often exhibiting foresight to invent new large-scale, practical ideas, strategies, and products. The Conciliator: fastest with imagination, brainstorming, feelings and warmth; most comfortable with people and making friends, least able with rules and sequences, being on time, or staying with a decision. They can be the least reliable, yet the most talented, the most able friend, team player, and confidante. Their right-brained gifts are most compatible with the service field, and they are most at home within it. This brainstyle has one major left-brain lesson: to keep their word, and give up overpleasing and under-delivering what they have promised. Maturity emerges as they start accepting their real value which cannot often be quantified and stop taking everything so personally. Motivated by images or dreams of the future, this often ambitious brainstyle does their best working for a personal goal or dream. Each brainstyle is presented at length in real work situations as leader, follower, and peer in BrainStyles: Change Your Life Without Changing Who You Are, Intimate partnerships and how to rejuvenate them are presented with real life examples in BrainStyles for Lovers: 2004 The BrainStyle Inventory 1992, 1997 No Reproduction without Permission from BSI page 2

7 CHART II A Summary of BrainStyles Communication Preferences DELIBERATORS KNOWERS CONCEPTORS CONCILIATORS This brainstyle prefers written communications This brainstyle prefers spoken or concise written information This brainstyle prefers visual/spoken information This brainstyle prefers personal dialogue; needs writing for structure This brainstyle often appears: This brainstyle often appears: This brainstyle often appears: This brainstyle often appears: Neutral at first; opinionated later Curious about details, related subjects Thorough; questions new subjects Listens critically, challenges specifics Likes documentation presented A,B,C,D Dislikes exaggerated claims Likes an intelligent audience Wants to know why. Will tell you how. Blunt, straightforward Impatient with details; focused Interrupts with questions, opinions or conclusions Likes conclusions first Likes content which is complete, concise, and applies to real problems Shares on a need to know basis; personal information comes later if at all Wants to know what for. dramatic, passionate, out of touch Curious about ideas and possibilities Likes summaries, will generalize early Likes to contribute new directions Dislikes details Likes to be entertained Likes to rephrase or take over the idea Cannot explain why very well. Wants to know what for. Informal, friendly Agreeable now, may not agree later; curious, shares about personal subjects Interrupts with new ideas or reactions Likes to give and hear anecdotes Dislikes high pressure Likes to hear support, endorsements Likes to react along the way Wants to know why, what for. Tells how. BrainStyle appears in new situations and over the long-term as a pattern of natural strengths with new situations and changes. Watch the person make decisions in several situations and think about their long-term contribution before deciding their brainstyle. The BrainStyle Inventory 1992, 1997 No Reproduction without Permission from BSI page 3

8 CHART III TIMING with The BrainStyles System TIME IS THE PROBLEM. TIMING IS THE SOLUTION. DETERMINE BRAINSTYLE WHEN THERE IS A NEW EVENT AND A DECISION TO MAKE: DELIBERATORS KNOWERS CONCEPTORS CONCILIATORS Assess first. Sort into elements. Compare to standards. Do the right thing. May react, but won t decide now. Conclude first. Sort into 1 or 2 categories: A or B. Simplify into a system. Decide now. Feel later. Reframe into a concept. Simplify, test, and generalize. Create or change the idea in a random way using trial and error. Decide on a hypothesis, to direct the future. Respond/ react with feeling first. Imagine possibilities. Are aware of relationships and impact. Feel now. Decide now. Then revise. TO BRING OUT THE BEST, ALLOW TIME FOR THEIR STRENGTHS. DELIBERATOR KNOWER CONCEPTOR CONCILIATOR Don t ask for a quick decision in a new area. Offer goals, alternatives early. Provide interim deadlines to manage progress. Notice how they organize the idea or break it down into doable pieces. Listen to their questions and see what s missing. Watch how they anticipate risks to keep you safe. Realize the first decision will come fast, and won t change very much. Offer your goals early. Don t argue methods or history. Look for their gift of clarity and focus to define what is unclear. See how they bring structure and limits and problems to make things work. Acknowledge this. Allow time for specifics. Get interim decisions. Ask questions that elicit their thinking rather than facts or history. Fill in details. Notice how they have taken something overlooked or simple and given it depth and taken you somewhere new. Get excited with them. Refuse a quick decision. Allow the left brain time to add logic and consider facts. Expect changes. Be supportive. Look for their integration of differences, their personal touch, the brilliance and warmth. Appreciate this and they will offer more. The BrainStyle Inventory 1992, 1997 No Reproduction without Permission from BSI page 4

9 CHART IV TIMING with The BrainStyles System TIME IS THE PROBLEM. TIMING IS THE SOLUTION. EACH BrainStyle CAN MAKE THE MOST OF HIS OR HER STRENGTHS DELIBERATORS need to: KNOWERS need to: CONCEPTORS need to: CONCILIATORS need to: KEEP: KEEP: KEEP: KEEP: Bringing a neutral, balanced perspective to emotional issues by assessing them against experience and standards. Assessing things for what s missing in order to improve them. Making thoughtful, informed decisions. Cutting through the chaos to make things simple. Making unemotional decisions. Setting up the plan, naming what can go wrong, and stating the goals that are practical and reasonable. Keeping others on target. Being the strategist, the one that envisions the future Looking for solutions to real-world problems to improve the ways things are now. Using others ideas on how to get there from here. Creating supportive possibilities to make things work for everyone. Being spontaneous to make friends, then keep relationships working by supporting both your goals. Make things meaningful and personal in a constructive way. DELIBERATORS CAN KNOWERS CAN CONCEPTORS CAN CONCILIATORS CAN START: START : START : START : Including ideas from others when deciding to act. Working for agreement on goals, rather than getting stuck on how something should be done. Using the thinking of the other three brainstyles to round out your plan. Allowing for other s timing when trying to influence them. Acknowledging others ideas and methods. Keeping agreements you have made. Allowing for others timing in adjusting to your changes. Asking for time before deciding or committing. Then follow through. Saying Yes when you want to say No. Acknowledging yourself. STOP: STOP: STOP: STOP : Trying to do it all, be it all. Avoiding conflict, just going along Judging others against your standards. Stereotyping others as incompetent if they lack quick logic Getting impatient with more imaginative approaches. Getting impatient with others timing, Waiting to be appreciated until you appreciate others ideas. Judging that you are worth less because you are slower with logic. Competing for recognition with other brainstyles. The BrainStyle Inventory 1992, 1997 No Reproduction without Permission from BSI page 5

10 CHART V How Each BrainStyle WILL BE INFLUENCED BY OTHERS IN NEW SITUATIONS The DELIBERATOR The KNOWER The CONCEPTOR The CONCILIATOR Resists influence initially Asks for lots of information Needs time to assess Is least influenced by others reactions Is most definitive May not readily share information Is somewhat influenced by others reactions Takes in limited information May need time to digest main points Is most influenced by others reactions May sound sure early, then change May not have words for a quick response; needs to talk Has spontaneous reactions To INFLUENCE the DELIBERATOR To INFLUENCE the KNOWER To INFLUENCE the CONCEPTOR To INFLUENCE the CONCILIATOR Remove time pressure Offer direction or solutions to choose from Meet or discuss a few times Offer more information to study Challenge the decision or goal directly Propose another solution of your own choosing Focus the conversation Use several shorter presentations Conceptors are most receptive after initial event Don t pile on facts: use examples, show trends Ask the Conceptor to conclude from illustrations or examples Use stories or examples of success Ask for their reactions; help them to find their own reasons for actions Help them decide by developing a personal relationship The BrainStyle Inventory 1992, 1997 No Reproduction without Permission from BSI page 6

11 Chart VI Applying BrainStyles Timing to Some Common Partnerships: Some Tips The Knower Conciliator pair The Deliberator Knower pair The Conceptor Deliberator pair The Deliberator Conciliator pair Will work when: Will work when: Will work when: Will work when: The Knower quickly determines the solutions, sets goals, and outlines how to approach the tasks in the matter; The Conciliator visualizes how to get people excited, involved, and motivated. The Conciliator presents limited information, asks for advice on a problem, or suggests their own preferred options for the Knower to consider. The Knower listens and offers summaries that help focus the Conciliator. Subjects are reviewed more than once, and the Conciliator has the time to think things over. The Knower sets the direction and goals which the Deliberator can challenge before making sure they get done accurately. The Deliberator presents clear choices for action so the Knower can stay in control and the Knower respects the values of the Deliberator. The Knower breaks projects into small, clearly defined pieces, the Deliberator sets and keeps dates. The Knower brings focus; the Deliberator ensures inclusion of the right people and accuracy of the facts. The Conceptor defines direction; the Deliberator thinks through the plan to make it happen. The Conceptor depends on the factual assessment of the Deliberator to maintain credibility, challenge values, and follow-through. The Deliberator can keep improving how things get done, while keeping things calm. The Conceptor does not create confrontations, but uses timing to present ideas. The Conceptor works on multiple projects at the same time, but is careful not to overload the Deliberator with too many To Do s. The Conciliator brings the sizzle and the Deliberator makes sure there s a steak. Each will listen to the other. Both think through plans out loud and need a good sounding board. Time needs to be set aside for reaching agreements. There are clear projects and shorter-range goals that each can discuss and contribute to.. Each helps the other not to take things personally; the Deliberator needs explanations, the Conciliator needs empathy. Will NOT work when: Will NOT work when: Will NOT work when: Will NOT work when: The Knower shows impatience with feelings, new ideas, and the Conciliator s quick reactions. The Conciliator uses feelings to get his way. The Conciliator competes for control. The Knower wants control of how things get done, and won t allow time for the Deliberator to do it. The Deliberator insists on one right answer and his own timetable to reach it. They have not agreed on the goals and ethical ground rules. The Conceptor cannot take enough time to explain what he means, or institutes too many changes. The Deliberator critiques too early and insists on a logical explanation for concepts. There is a need for many new decisions in the situation: the Deliberator can procrastinate and the Conciliator can change his mind too often. They do not draw upon a third brainstyle to discuss goals and focus. The remaining brainstyle partnerships are discussed in BrainStyles: Change Your Life Without Changing Who You Are, Intimate partnerships are presented with real life examples in BrainStyles for Lovers: 2004 The BrainStyle Inventory 1992, 1997 No Reproduction without Permission from BSI page 7

12 BrainStyles : Q. and A. Q. What if the brainstyle description I scored highest in doesn't seem to fit? A. About 90% of those who use the inventory the first time are content with the match between the description of the brainstyle strengths and their own self-described strengths. If you find that you disagree with the brainstyle identified, it can indicate you're adapting to the setting more than using your natural strengths. If you have equal scores for two or more brainstyle categories, you may have drawn from prior learning, job demands, or self-image as you answered the items. Use the score sheet to go back to the specific items that compare the two brainstyles you are considering. Ask yourself, which response has shown up over my life as a long-term pattern of responses in a variety of situations? Which is true of me in new situations in general? What do people rely on me for? It is not uncommon for many of the 10 percent who are not content with their first score, or those with a tied score, to change their responses after taking some time to think about how they have geared their lives to reach an idea of who they should be. This thinking time has caused many to adjust the way they see themselves, where they put their attention, and then make some changes. The results have been more happiness, a more relaxed approach to previously stressful situations, as well as feeling younger as they own their natural brainstyle strengths. It just might take you some more time to identify your brainstyle. You may need to read * more or discuss your profile with someone else you knows you well and understands brainstyles. Using The BrainStyle Inventory as a learning tool is very appropriate. The questions may be useful in helping you become more aware of the difference between new decision situations and those you handle with experience. They may start you thinking about where to focus. One thing seems to be true for everyone: When you get comfortable with your strengths, you feel relieved, and you don't want to be different than who you really are. When you're using your brainstyle, you're at your best. Here are some of the comments of those who reconsidered their first responses: Knower or Deliberator? Mary originally scored highest in Column 2 as a Knower, learned more about new decisions, thought it over and re-scored as a Deliberator (Column 1): "After thinking about the questions, I see now that I would think ahead about the issues to be dealt with in a meeting, so that when I got there, I was more decisive and faster than others. These were not new decisions for me. That's why I answered questions about making fast decisions the way I did originally." Deliberator or Conciliator? "When I filled out The BrainStyle Inventory, I thought of times where I'm very intuitive and know my feelings. My friends call me an "intuitive banker". After thinking about it, I know I first assess -- both feelings and facts, but don't make a decision until later. I have learned to handle a lot of situations so that I am now comfortable enough with my early assessment to quickly be aware of my gut feelings or alternatives about a situation. But first comes the analysis, then the intuition." Barry had even scores for both Conciliator and Deliberator, re-examined questions and scored as a Deliberator. The BrainStyle Inventory 1992, 1997 No Reproduction without Permission from BSI page 8

13 Knower or Conciliator? "I was confused. I know I'm impatient and often abrupt. I react quickly to issues. I guess after thinking about it for awhile, I first react with feelings and do take things personally, which is why I now realize I have a feeling-first brainstyle. I thought I acted with no feelings and I do later. But first I'm a very emotional guy." Mark originally assessed himself as a Knower, then rescored as a Conciliator. Conceptor or Deliberator? I thought I fit the Conceptor at first. My job involves negotiating contracts. I seem to be the one who always looks for the new angle or the bigger picture. After reading more carefully, I realize I don't look for the overview in new areas -- I get the facts first. I have enough experience in making deals to look for a bigger picture than the guy seeing the information for the first or second time. Eleanor originally scored equally in Conceptor and Deliberator, than rescored as a Deliberator. ````````````````````````````` Q. When I took the Inventory, I got to thinking about situations I've learned to handle, and how I often see the big picture in those. I project into the future and set up long range goals. It seems natural to me. Is this part of my brainstyle? A. Every brainstyle develops expertise in the areas they choose to master. That expertise (stored information in memory) can be used rapidly as a basis for projecting the future. But each brainstyle will do so using their unique approach to reach a conclusion. This does not mean that the real strength of the brainstyle is to come up with a future scenario like the Conceptor brainstyle does in a new situation. Q. Is a "new decision situation" the same as an emergency? A. Many people in the medical profession, for instance, learn to handle emergencies so that they do not have an unplanned or natural reaction. Others can react to an emergency with more or less emotion than they would to daily events. For this reason, we advise not to consider an emergency as a "new decision situation". After learning The BrainStyles System, you can observe interesting and contradictory patterns of response by different brainstyles in emergency situations. Q. My job requires a great deal of analysis and detail. People tell me that I'm very spontaneous and friendly, and I know I am a very feeling person. I don't know how to choose between some of the Deliberator choices vs. the more feeling or intuitive choices for the Conciliator. A. Many people have this question. If you read the brainstyle description carefully, you will notice there are those in the Deliberator brainstyle who access the right brain easily. You may be one of those right-sided Deliberators who can look a lot like a Conciliator. The first difficulty in taking The BrainStyle Inventory is to think of new decision situations -- and for many, this does not happen very often on your job. Separating yourself from your job setting may be the way to look at your new decisions event in order to tell in what order feelings vs. analysis come for you. Look at the overall pattern of your life. Are you relied on more for your enthusiasm and playfulness or your steady and rational way of sorting through things? Ask your friends or family. The BrainStyle Inventory 1992, 1997 No Reproduction without Permission from BSI page 9

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