STEM School Reflection Tool

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1 STEM School Reflection Tool School line of sight through the lens of the School Improvement Hierarchy A Strategy for STEM in Queensland state schools focuses on the following key priorities: building teacher capability achieving excellence in STEM (lifting student achievement) engaging more students in STEM (increasing student participation). The state schools approach to STEM education maintains the integrity of individual learning areas aligned to the Australian Curriculum, and supports interdisciplinary approaches to real-world contexts. The STEM School Reflection Tool has been developed to assist school communities to work towards improved student achievement in STEM. It uses language common to the School Improvement Hierarchy to guide schools in reflecting on current performance and prioritising areas for focus.

2 How to use the STEM School Reflection Tool Make observations about current STEM practices and culture in the school Conduct strategic conversations around each focus area Develop a vision for STEM and a STEM School Plan Embed strategies in Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) This tool provides: guiding questions; evidence of success; and example resources that can assist schools to structure their conversations between school leaders, teachers and the community, on STEM improvement. Guiding questions are provided as school improvement conversation starters. Evidence provides examples of things you would see around the school, or hear when discussing with staff, students and the community. They are the items that allow school leaders to have line of sight between what is written in policies and plans, and what is happening in the classroom and being discussed in the community. Resources are suggested documents, plans and data sets that will help the school to set performance measures and targets. Explicit improvement agenda Analysis and discussion of data A culture that promotes learning Systematic curriculum delivery Effective pedagogical practices An expert teaching team Targeted use of school resources School and community partnerships Differentiated teaching and learning Identify priorities Determine measures Set targets Devise strategies to be implemented over the four year STEM School Plan to: increase student participation in STEM. Record these on the STEM School Plan and STEM Annual Implementation Plan Template. Review this four year STEM School Plan each year to define strategies and actions to be implemented in the up-coming AIP to: increase student participation in STEM. Record these on the STEM School Plan and STEM Annual Implementation Plan Template.

3 Explicit STEM improvement agenda Does our school have a shared understanding of and commitment to our vision for STEM education? How well documented is the STEM improvement strategy - are there specific and measurable targets and timelines set for STEM learning outcomes? To what extent do teachers take responsibility for changes in practice required to achieve targets? Are STEM issues regularly discussed at staff meetings? What processes do we have in place to monitor progress towards our STEM targets? What do the data and other evidence tell us about achievement and participation in STEM in our school? What do we know about our teachers and students perceptions about the value of STEM education? How can we promote the value of STEM learning and skills and nurture a culture of high expectations for improved STEM learning outcomes? How do we engage students, parents and the community and communicate our STEM vision, targets and strategies? Establish a whole school vision for STEM education. School leaders and teachers understand and are committed to the school vision for STEM education, and have clarity around school priorities and targets. The STEM School Plan identifies strategies aligned to building teacher capability, lifting student achievement and increasing student participation. Teachers have agreed roles and responsibilities, are optimistic and committed to the STEM improvement strategy and are working towards student achievement targets. Resources are appropriately allocated to support implementation and evaluation of the STEM School Plan. School leaders are monitoring trends in student STEM achievement and participation data from year to year. Teachers are using quality evidence including STEM student achievement data to differentiate teaching and learning. All students aim to achieve success in STEM, both teachers and students regularly participate in STEM initiatives and these routinely feature in the school newsletter. Students value STEM education and achievement, and believe the STEM skills they are developing are important for their future. Parents, teachers and students engage in conversations and share stories about STEM. The STEM School Plan to identify STEM education as a key priority, and associated strategies and targets. School Improvement Unit and STEM Champion to inform the STEM School Plan. Student achievement and participation data to identify and monitor trends over time and focus improvement strategies. Learnings from school reviews to develop and monitor specific targets. Quality evidence from a variety of sources to inform the STEM School Plan. The Parent and Community Engagement Framework to support communication strategy. The school website and newsletters to promote STEM visions, strategies and targets, and to celebrate achievements.

4 Analysis and discussion of STEM data Are school leaders driving an evidence-based STEM plan for the school? Are we tracking our school and department priority groups in STEM, identifying areas and strategies for improvement? What is the data literacy knowledge of staff and how are we building capability in this area? Do we adequately communicate to students and parents the school s purpose, processes and findings of STEM data collection? School leaders have a line of sight that links the school STEM data to teacher pedagogy and teaching quality, and can clearly articulate the systematic process through which school data is collected and used for continuous improvement in student learning. STEM student participation and achievement data is routinely analysed and used to inform targets and strategy development for female, Indigenous, refugee, EAL/D and disengaged students. Staff conversations, language and record keeping reflect deep understanding of the value of assessment and data and the AIP and Annual Performance Review (APR) demonstrate a commitment to skilling staff in the analysis and interpretation of data. Parents understand the types and cycles of data collection and how they are used to progress student learning. School STEM Plan and STEM Annual Implementation Plan to articulate sustainable strategies for improvement in student achievement and participation in STEM. Student, staff and parent school opinion surveys to evaluate STEM targets and strategies, including communication plans. Meeting agendas to analyse and discuss STEM data. Parent communication plan to build understanding of the school s purposeful use of data. What data sets (achievement, attendance, behaviour, participation, post-school destination and student wellbeing) are being identified for use as STEM performance measures? Are sufficient time and resources allocated to analysis, discussion and planning for purposeful use of STEM data? What other quality evidence do we use to critically reflect on our performance in STEM? Academic, attendance, behaviour and wellbeing data is triangulated to identify gaps in student learning, monitor performance, inform curriculum decisions, practice and set STEM targets. Moderation and discussion of STEM data trends and implications is recorded in year level and department meetings. The school gathers data from student and parent feedback and considers local, national and international analyses of STEM performance when developing and evaluating targets and strategies. Whole-school data sets to show trends in STEM participation and A-E achievement of cohorts across phases of learning. Results of standardised testing (including NAPLAN, PISA, TIMSS) to monitor progress towards targets and plan for next action in AIP. Report card and NAPLAN data. School destination data showing post-school destinations to evaluate targets and strategies. Are we collaborating with neighbouring and similar schools to develop strategic approaches to common STEM goals? The school has a systematic approach to working with local cluster schools and collaborates through professional development opportunities, moderation processes and sharing STEM expertise. Quality assured assessment and moderation processes to support robust discussion of student performance.

5 A culture that promotes STEM learning Do we promote high expectations and develop programs that enable all students to value and be successful in STEM? Are we developing a strong awareness of STEM and celebrating student success in our context? How are parents, students and staff working together to promote STEM learning across the school? Do our STEM teachers model lifelong learning? Is there mutual trust between STEM teachers and school leaders? Are we using an action learning cycle to review the effectiveness of our STEM programs and pathways? How are we promoting growth and planning to meet our future targets for school STEM pathways, subject offerings and participation? How do we ensure STEM students are engaged, motivated and supported to improve their achievement, and inspired to undertake STEM pathways? Have we developed a culture of inquiry and innovation where creativity is valued and students are supported to take risks in their learning? STEM teachers and students believe that high expectations exist and that STEM skills are valuable to all students. Participation in STEM subjects, competitions, clubs and activities is valued and celebrated within the school and wider community. Parents and teachers actively support student participation in STEM curricular and extracurricular programs. Teachers engage in high quality professional learning in new technologies and innovation with STEM industry and university partners. STEM teachers feel empowered and supported by school leaders. STEM teachers and school leaders critically reflect on practice to identify challenges and opportunities to improve STEM programs. There is a strategic plan to promote STEM subjects positively across the school, build expertise and establish partnerships to allow STEM subject offerings and participation to grow. STEM teachers take responsibility for every student in their class and ensure students see the relevance of their learning. STEM teachers have academic coaching conversations with their students about STEM pathways. STEM programs build in flexibility and choice to value and foster development of students talents, interests and creativity in a safe learning environment. A professional learning community structure to provide positive learning environments with high expectations for all students. Newsletters and presentations to engage parents with STEM plans and celebrate student success. Advertised extracurricular STEM programs and activities for students. STEM hub for parents and students. Queensland coding academy. Professional learning plans to strategically audit expertise and map focus areas. Local STEM industry, university and community expertise to build teaching capability. Meeting schedules and agendas for long term STEM planning across the school. An academic coaching strategy used within senior STEM subjects to ensure students are supported and receive high level advice about subjects and pathways. Student centred and inquiry pedagogies to inform STEM programs.

6 Systematic STEM curriculum delivery How are we maximising the potential of the Australian Curriculum (or other curriculum approved by the QCAA) to improve STEM within our school context? Are we using standards-based assessment and reporting procedures aligned to the Australian Curriculum, QCAA syllabuses, P 12 curriculum, assessment and reporting framework? What is our system for ensuring that our teachers and school leaders maintain a deep understanding of the Australian Curriculum and QCAA syllabuses? Can we demonstrate our science, technologies (digital and design) and mathematics programs are cohesive, sequenced and vertically aligned? How do we ensure that we have a common understanding of the standards and they they are applied consistently within our school and across our cluster? Do we consistently address the Australian Curriculum general capabilities and relevant cross-curriculum priorities in all STEM learning areas? Are our STEM programs responsive to local priorities, contexts and expertise, and students backgrounds? What practices and processes are in place to ensure our STEM programs (including assessment) are inclusive, challenging and accessible for all students? Are our STEM programs culturally inclusive? School leaders have a deep understanding of the Australian Curriculum and P 12 Curriculum, assessment and reporting framework and use this to lead a STEM agenda across the school. Alignment between curriculum, assessment and teaching/learning is documented. The achievement standards are used and judgements are moderated and supported by student folios. Teachers are provided with strategic opportunities to build their curriculum knowledge. STEM programs are mapped across year levels and refined over time to ensure they are developmental. Records of internal and external moderation, as well as meeting agendas and minutes show discussions of curriculum, assessment and reporting in relation to student achievement. Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities are embedded to enhance student engagement and skills in STEM, as seen in student folios. All students are actively involved in STEM learning and assessment and are able to see relevance of their learning to their community. Teachers use knowledge of curriculum and pedagogy to justify their decision making around curriculum provision, special provisions and Individual Curriculum Plans in STEM. STEM role models and contexts are culturally diverse. A documented, clear, sequenced plan for STEM curriculum delivery across the whole school. Curriculum plan, unit plans and the school assessment strategy to ensure strong alignment (within STEM subjects). Staff induction programs and professional learning schedules to ensure timely opportunities to develop understanding of Australian curriculum and QCAA syllabuses. Australian Curriculum: science and mathematics PD. Curriculum into the Classroom. Mapping documents for scientific literacy, ICT and numeracy across STEM. STEM program to identify the relevant school context and accessibility provisions. Social and cultural inclusion experts to provide input into STEM programs, including assessment.

7 Effective STEM pedagogical practices Do we have a shared understanding that improved teaching is the key to improved student learning? To what extent do school leaders drive improvements in STEM education across the school? How are we using a research-based school pedagogical framework to continually improve STEM teaching in our school? Are our STEM teachers receiving ongoing clear, coherent feedback on their practice? Are there processes that support STEM teachers critically reflect on their practices in light of current research? Are teachers using inquiry-based pedagogies to teach STEM disciplines? Are our teachers using STEM education as a platform for developing critical and creative thinking and the ability to innovate? How are we developing our staff in STEM disciplinespecific pedagogies including the development of scientific literacy? Do teachers have high expectations for all students and believe they are capable, successful STEM learners? Inquiry-based pedagogies are identified in the STEM School Plan and are evident in planning and classroom practice. The professional learning plan outlines opportunities and strategies for teachers to improve their curriculum knowledge and practice. The school has established a model of feedback to provide STEM teachers with clear and coherent feedback on their practice from STEM experts. Students can articulate strategies and frameworks they use in their learning. Teachers are sharing and modelling best practice and processes exist to enable team teaching. Teachers use inquiry-based teaching practices focused on success for all students. Quality assurance processes are used by STEM teachers to critically evaluate new programs. Student folios provide evidence of higher order and creative thinking, problem solving, innovation and scientific literacy. Students talk with their teachers about their progress and together establish individual targets. Regular feedback is provided by teachers that enables student learning to progress. A whole-school professional learning plan that demonstrates line of sight from the school pedagogical framework, school professional learning activities and Developing performance plans (DPPs). Analysis of school opinion survey data. Staff school opinion survey items. Discipline-specific pedagogies that form part of the school s professional learning approach and provide articulated approaches to developing critical and creative thinking in STEM students. How to teach Science online coaching module. How to teach Mathematics - online coaching module. Interim Review of STEM Education in Queensland state schools. STEM Quality Assurance Tool. School-wide assessment and reporting practices to embed feedback and discussion of progression towards learning goals.

8 An expert STEM teaching team Do school leaders and teachers take shared responsibility for student learning and success in STEM? Do all STEM teachers have high expectations for the impact of their teaching? Are we fostering a culture of continuous professional improvement and encouraging our STEM teachers to reflect on practice? Who are the STEM teachers and how can their expertise be shared to build capability across the staff? Do we have a process for identifying and supporting out-of-field teachers? Have we established a culture of collaboration and teamwork among our STEM teachers? Are we mapping and tracking our current STEM teacher capability to ensure we can deliver on our long-term STEM programs and plans? Do we identify and foster leadership capability among our STEM teachers? Are we leveraging school and community networks and external specialist STEM teachers to build relationships that support STEM teaching capability? STEM teachers have expert knowledge of learners, curriculum (content) and evidence-based pedagogies. Teachers take personal responsibility for the performance of their students and the change in practice required to achieve school targets. Specific actions and targets for student achievement in STEM are co-developed, have associated timelines and inform the professional learning priorities of the school. All teachers are committed to an observation and feedback model in order to continuously improve their own teaching. Discussion of teacher capabilities (skills audit) is used to develop a workforce strategy. Regular collaborations, coaching, mentoring and classroom-based learning is used to build the capability of STEM teaching. STEM teachers collaboratively plan, share and reflect on their practice. The school climate is supportive with high levels of trust as evidenced in the school opinion survey. Teachers feel empowered to show initiative and leadership in staff development and curricular and cocurricular STEM programs. External STEM experts participate in curricular and/or co-curricular activities. Workforce and staffing plans containing strategies designed to enhance capability of teachers, build effective teacher teams and identify and support out-offield STEM teachers. An induction program for teachers new to the system, profession or school to ensure STEM teachers have a deep understanding of the school and department expectations. Plans for coaching and mentoring of STEM teachers specifically for beginning and establishing teachers and out-of-field teachers. STEM Hub for schools Documented systems in place allowing teachers to regularly observe each other s practice. The systems contain the flexibility to allow STEM teachers to see a range of other professionals in the classroom. School opinion surveys related to opportunities to collaborate. Staff Performance Review Plans to identify emerging STEM leaders. STEM School Plan and cluster plans collaboratively developed to maximise use of local STEM expertise.

9 Targeted use of school resources Have we conducted a school-wide audit of resources and facilities that support STEM teaching and learning? Is the allocation of resources designed to meet STEM curriculum and student needs, including targeted groups such as students with disabilities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and girls? What flexibility are we building into our STEM curriculum delivery to enable staff to identify and meet the needs of individual learners? Have we maximised the potential of our available physical resources, facilities and expertise to benefit student learning in all STEM subjects? Do we regularly review programs based on student achievement? Are our budgeted school funds used for STEM initiatives that are designed to improve student achievement and build teaching capability? Do STEM teachers and school leaders critically evaluate investment in new STEM resources? How are we using and sharing our available STEM expertise, resources and facilities to impact on student learning in our cluster schools and the wider community? School leaders can articulate their decisions for the allocation of human and physical resources and can explain how these decisions support the strategies and targets in STEM School Plan and STEM Annual Implementation Plan. Teachers can access the physical materials and expertise necessary to teach their subject and students effectively. Technology resources are utilised across year levels and STEM disciplines and access is prioritised for teaching targeted groups. Timetables show creative and targeted solutions to maximise the use of use of school and community expertise, physical resources and facilities for student learning outcomes. Students feel they have access to appropriate, wellmaintained resources and support in their STEM subjects. Budget allocation, including I4S funding, is responsive to the needs of the school as identified in the STEM School Plan and targets teacher capability, lifting student achievement and increasing student participation in STEM. Quality assurance processes are used to evaluate investment in new resources. STEM teachers and students visit other schools, businesses and community venues to participate in meetings, curricular and co-curricular activities. STEM School Plan to outline the use of funding to target priority groups and identified weaknesses. A research-based project, for example, by a master teacher. Process of centralised resource collection for ease of planning and access. Strategically developed timetables. Budget overview report to show alignment and allocation of funds for STEM teacher professional development. STEM Quality Assurance Tool to critically evaluate investment in programs, resources and professional learning. STEM Student achievement data. STEM cluster plans collaboratively developed to maximise available resources and expertise.

10 School and community STEM partnerships Are we mobilising our school s parents, families and friends to become engaged with our STEM programs, activities and plans? Are we measuring the effectiveness of the communication tools we are using to spread our message to our parent community? Have we formed partnerships with our local primary/secondary schools to build the capability of STEM teachers and scale up best practice? How can we align our plans with our local schools and community? Are we planning for improved, targeted student outcomes such as knowledge, engagement, attitudes, contextualised learning and transitions to work or study? How can our school be innovative when identifying and establishing strategic and mutual STEM partnerships with business, higher education and community organisations to address resources not available in the school? Do we communicate clear expectations for the outcomes of partnerships programs to all stakeholders? What processes have we established to monitor and evaluate impacts of our STEM partnership programs and ensure their sustainability? Parents and community groups are actively engaged in school STEM events and classroom activities. Parent and community engagement data is collected and monitored over time to inform development of communication strategies. Professional learning communities existing within the local cluster of schools. Teachers describe the positive relationships that they have with colleagues from partner schools. Partnership activities are promoted to parents and the wider community to enhance sustainability. School leaders can articulate how community partnerships support their plans for STEM education in relation to student outcomes. Partners views (collated from interviews or surveys) demonstrate that the existing partnerships with the school are meeting common, identified purposes and goals. The effectiveness of programs for identified student achievement, attendance and/or learning is measured through regular data reviews and staff/student surveys. Parents and community engagement strategy, assembly items and newsletter articles being used to share and celebrate learning and achievement of all students. A school website page to provide the community with information relevant to how the school celebrates and supports STEM learners. Parent and community engagement Framework. STEM cluster plans collaboratively developed to maximise local partnerships and networks. Processes and templates to ensure objectives, roles and evaluations are consistent and clearly communicated. Student achievement data and surveys to evaluate outcomes of partnership activities. STEM Partnership Framework to enhance sustainability and effectiveness of partnerships. STEM Hub for schools.

11 Differentiated STEM teaching and learning Do school leaders have deep knowledge of STEM curricula and actively promote differentiation as an embedded practice for all STEM teachers? What steps are our teachers taking to identify the STEM knowledge, misunderstandings, skills and learning difficulties of their students to inform the starting point of teaching? Are we designing STEM programs and classroom activities to ensure that all students are appropriately engaged, challenged and extended? How are we supporting our teachers in closely monitoring the progress of individual learners in STEM subjects? School leaders promote an evidence-based approach to differentiation is embedded in all STEM subjects. STEM teachers have the necessary resources and skills to differentiate teaching and learning to meet the needs of all students in their STEM classes. Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of their students, and can articulate the interventions (both within their class, and whole-school targeted interventions) that their students are receiving. Teachers are providing targeted interventions based on student data, for both intervention and extension. Documented differentiation teaching sequences are evident in class teacher planning. An evidence-based pedagogical framework to provide the flexibility required to meet the range of student needs in STEM programs. Diagnostic and OneSchool or school-based databases to track student progress. Common tools and processes to assist STEM teachers identify the learning needs, levels of readiness, interests, aspirations and motivations of current and future STEM students. A documented bank of differentiation strategies that are available to all STEM teachers. How to assess learning and use evidence to differentiate. Are we empowering students to monitor their own learning and to set goals for future STEM learning and pathways? What targeted information are we providing to parents and families about where students are in their learning and what progress they have made over time? Students can articulate their STEM learning and pathways goals. Individual student goals are contained in student plans. The achievement of learning goals of all STEM students is celebrated. The school has effective processes for identifying the individual strengths and weaknesses of students, and is discussing with parents how it is implementing and monitoring targeted interventions to meet student learning needs. Senior Education and Training (SET) plans and other plans. Formal and informal reporting opportunities. Parent and community engagement Framework.

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