An Independent Newspaper -- ()pen To All Parties -- Influenced By None

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1 O01 Success is of audacity." the child Benjamin Disraeli An Independent Newspaper -- ()pen To All Parties -- Influenced By None Volume 11. Number a,t Southington. Connecticut 06,i89 Thursday. July One Section, 16 pages Newsstand price: 25* Councilman proposes assistant to manager hy Ken DiMauro Wcichscl cxplmncd he currently underplays the amount of work he and staff t, riter works bct`'t,ccn 50 and 55 hours per White handle. "There are times when week Besides pumng m oificc hours he puts m plenty of hours, not leaving For the past 2o vcars, Town dunng the day, Wmch cl cn'c,, a the him with alot el time to handle smaller.",lanagcrjohnweich,,cldndhi.ssccrct- exccuuvc hmson to sc`'cral town detads,"lhecounctlmansald.anasslstar. Stnrlcy White have capably mn boards, including the Town Councd ant manager could follow through on Southmgton', cxccuuvc olficc. II and the Planning and Zoning Comnus- details. Heor., v.ould also be the per- "bran Councdman Paul J J anto,0n w o an cs e comp gets In', v,,ay, they could get a helping There is a 'Catch-22' situatmn public. hand m the form el an assistant tot,vn " conccnung the hmng el an assv, t,mt Kylc Mcccancllo, a Democrat maoagcr manager 11,,t,ould be, cl,aho serving on the council, likes Jlantomo.,,rod hc wanted to pro would ollicuily zei.omnmnd the.hantonm.,,,,ugge. tion, but for admit-, i! P 'c the hmng f an assistant I'd P sm n he e'tahhshed the ugh the tedlydfffcrentreas ns' Wetchselhas 'li' klcs<.h,,cl, nd see what the publics Iown b,.u;dge49roges That process h)r beert lt-4:hettos ol toatoltg, h rcdl.lloll might be ttc rcah/cs the hir- the 1986-' 7 fiscal }car is ot,cr Io noting thdt if and when the manager l, _ mg o he p s r, on hot ngh addttlon, acharierrcvl, lonchangema`' lea','es or rcurcs, an assistant manager llo,,, but eventuall,, sees tl{-c need to ex- be in order to spell out the duties el all v, ould mdke for a smoother transit,on pand the manager (,,tall ass st,,.t manager. Mcccancllo l cls that Welchsel should The Planta,,xllc Rcpubhcan said Wmchsel admitted other towns notha`'c.spcntahlctmlcinthcpost!yi.2 gi! ],,._<,.,,,,,,, Ionnmg their dullcs llov, c,.cr, the would v, clt.otnc aoy help th% (the assistant manager post drown up to,ao k load vail mcrc,r,c,l Southul loll courted) `' ould want to gr,c me," thc nearly thc same quahficatlons as the TheWat,c, Dep,lr -mana,_er,ald._reah,,ng t' hudgs.t manager That wa / if Wei_c_hselgges. IllClit ll.ik,1 ood kl/ d t.lll,' Jldll{t)llltt h..ucks end.lth the council, ail?r OIFl O11 vacation, the assl$1aril ;vould have.s<iid.,iddin7 thai nlo l el the io o de- througk the: B.oard el Pirl.!.n.o, but q,lll the expertise.,.,..,_ p.irlmenlk hdt,e ill(ire th,ffl lit,() peol' lc `'Vlth Ills oil]co -. th o. e,... ' Here's you! " Town Democrats back 'winner' Young Christopher Nadeau found the perfcect `'anlage point from t,t,hiell to "l)eoph' t,`'atch" during a recent,,ummer da.,,,,pent at Recreation Park. Chri,,topher nla?, be "'behind har, ", but lie t,t,a, free to come b`' Mike Chaiken the Southmgtml 0 Nclll slate and T Kelley. James Korenklewicz, Jack and go a,, he plea,ed aboard the giant metal car on the park', pla. ground. t',lff t, riter challenged the town dcleeatc primary" McBride, Robert Oshana, Elizabeth thathad',cntthcm to the C mvcotmnt Shanlcy, Robert Carbone, James [hc Dcmocranc delegate,, el give the Govcmor his upport. Mol- ('lt,oc.,. Frances D'Angelo, Nicholas Gingras named new principal a,,,nnerat thc fett',,,,ultst,ltedthaivotmgn, ach,nes,lt,k:paola. Juan,ne DePaolo. Thomas 19b ) Demob.ram. State Coo`'cnt on tv, o Ix)lhng places crc not operating Gah.k. and Robert I,'o. did not hke "lhc r chtncc. Go`'cmor \\'dham A until 45 minute,, alter the polls `' ere the amount of controversy Molfett dnd O'Ncdl. v.alkcd av.a 3 v.tth the part)'s ',chcduhng to opeo NlollctI, v.ho had hi,. people had placed on the gubematby Beth Utke nus,cd prc lou, mccm gs due to but 1 thought Gc r3 (;m : a,) t,va, the nommat,m `'t,hdc the Democrat,, lost b) 61 "votes m the pnmary, onal nommauon. staff`'t,riler lllne,,s, bul,.,ls al I,tst,. cck ', mccung beq gubernatorial challenger, Toby Mol- clmmcd that he,ould ha`'e k t the,', Friday mght. before the,delegate to caat her t,otc lice vote apparcntl,.\.cordmgtoo',han,l,lhcc\pc cn- left, h,mkered away for a Scptcmbcr votc' during Ihat, l mc lo the end. the couot. Robert Carbone quoted Shake- Alter what may have, ccmcd hkc broke the mlpa,,c luch had riot, clop- te (;mgra ha, at l}cp,tolo p, one el pnm, r. that thc majority of delegates, judge assigned to the case rejected the spcare and sa d Moflett's challenge an eternity lo job apphcant, parcnh, cd Broph.. Ja,.k \k.bhdc. Walter the pomt ', luth make Into.lUq,t hth.' including Southmgton. dcc dcd v, dl smt on a lethmcahty v,,a, "Alot to do about nothing..." he teachers trod an\ ou', qudcnl',, a prm- Dcr. no,k and board th,umaao Kcvm more quahficd lee the lop lx t not happen added. "It's 0us campagm) all over. 1 cipal was linally chosen lee Joseph A Kelley. all l)cmo.r,a,, t,otcd along ' tie has c,.pcncn c at the,c ond It had been a long mad for file T(mn delegation don't know what he's trymg to prove DePaolo Jumor thgh Sdmol with Rcpubhtan Za. a Oqlana to dame at) Ic cl.' O,h,ma,,ml " lc kno, Southmgton dclegalcs Back m May, Southmgton's I4 delegates Elaine Formcrvtcc-pnnc p,d Gerald Gin- Gmgra, pnot p,d the qcngths and x c,tknc,,c, el INc Toby Molfett filed a law suit against Bcdard. Stephen K Elhott. Jr. grab was selected lam t,.cck IO l l] the "l'hosc nol `'Ollllg Ill I,P. or el ndm-.hool. lid tllldcl l,lod', MlhI,ItI, al IIIc,opspotatihesthoot. succcedmgeug- ing Gingra,,o ihc lx,,i,,ere Repuh- juiuor lugh It, el and hc h.,,.,,l,,t%t.x t,, "res' en+ as pnnclpal,,-. Rlchdrd,\lOllld. ]UC,,,,<,,,,-.,. J,IOIt. <.,,,,, C t[,lgmiom "l tlc,c Idt_lol', sort el lip lhc ',talc, Carlson a unique Jaycee Glngrds'dppolntnlclltl.dmclollo',t,- Add Pclcr \l,tiltn iii his I,lt,or. hc,mdcd mga 5 to 4 `' otc by the chool board Za.',a O.,h,ma, lilt board mcmb :r The t.hool I ald', otc pla _cd (,m h} Beth l'tke "I hc Sotllhlnglo l Ja. ccc group p, t,t,omcn holdu]g memb lshlp m the Board FI1dlllbCr' nlc[ ill c\ct.utl`'c sos- `'t,ho ill,ldc Iht2 i]lotloo to dppoint grab In the pllllt, lp,t] ',]el cllc,.tlxc IIII staff t, ritt, r nov,,it t)(- nlcnlbcr, qrong,,llld ii group, arid Carl.,,on ha.,, seen a trend slon at pre`'.lous board rliccllngx lo Glrlgrd',,. " d d the clct.ltoll el Gmgrds nlcdldlcl", It,it.hers IIOtll I)cP,io]o actl'.lt esdrcgcaredl0",.t,drd lulldi,ll'qllg Iormore aild moi IOJOlll{M_ consider file poslllon, but,j,, pnnc pal,.,j,, not,i nldller prcviou i ',( t.oll,cll/ Ih,lt dll\ Lee Carlson is a rarity ill Conn- to help the tomlllullll.`' ",.t,hlle,ll o help- "Moq people, when.hey heal each lime,app,lrcntl.,, rear.hod,i,l,llc- "\ e ".. crc `'oltilg lee the pmson oilier t.,lllthd,llc,,clc,.tcd Io hl[ the *h,r ecl cul ing people dc',clop IcadcF, hq,,kill,, mate v,e ca,.h lhoul2hl v,l,, bcq,' he sires- She',, one el truly a handlul of Currcntl',, there arc,iboul Board member Mildred Broph) bed "The.,, t,cre all good c,indld,itcs Icontinued on page 51 t,t,omcn heading up local chapters of the n,ltlooal J,l.',cee orgarll,,'dtlon Carlson..34 ','cars old. has s,e,nt,, gt the la,t couple mdnths scrvm a r si- ZBA buzz over bees in Southin on; o ffic all.', took el lice in Ma,',. becoming " " panel g ves them okay to stay here th Carl on fir.,`'on,.,oto,eadthe,o.lg explained l "leot sought,up.. alt out r a,,.l,:,.. the ' by blike Chaiken decision `' a,, based on a zoning the PZC that a bee Ill`'e th,it produl.c, president.', et,cn though I `",'as a httle staff t,t,riler regulanon that rcqmred an.', hone) i an agricultural u',c lhdll a Irmt ncrt, (;us about bcmg a v.oman " agncultural use el land bc oll al least trcc or a garden in ' OOlCOIle'S hoill,: ' It SOillCthlng I've alv,,ays t,`'ant- : three acrcs xard also constituted the nccd lee dl cd " Pcoplc In Southlngton t,t,ho kccp ltov, cvcr, the ZBA decided that [c,lq three,icrcs el land C,ulson re,l`" ha,.c bcco the first bees for a hobby may continue to do the hobb.,,t.q bcckccpcrs m Iov, n did Tot,t,n Planner St,:`' "] uckcnn,m v,'omcn to even cck lhc lop.spol m the so as thc Zoning Board of Appeah notconst tutcanagnculturaluseofthc loldthczbath,itthcan.,,problcm,. th Jaycccorgan /,ilioo, bccausc t't approved unammously an appeal Item land ZBA member Norman Nelson bccluvcs,,hould bc {.onsldcrcd a that long,lgo the group was for men Rose Mane Coscia of 65 Cowlcs said in COlllrllCllP bclore file vote on private nulsallcc malice" rather thdll.1 only Avenue to rcpcal the cease and desist the appeal that the appell-ant's bcehwcs,,onmg problem. Last car, when the Jaycee, order from the Zoning Enforcement v, cre"nothmfl kcana.nculturalcntcr- Lomb Cosc a sa d that l xt,,p, hp, mcr cd t,t, lh the Jaycee Women. Carl- Officer that v, as issucd to about 15 prise as 111 Planning Council loller undcrq.mdmg lhat the nngmal ohlcr son broughl her many.vear el cxpcrresidents who keep bees on less than stated Th s s a hobby qcmmcd Irom neighbors compl,unmg cncc to the lhe ncv, ly rcorgamzed three acres of land The appcllam's husband, Lomb about bee,, belonging to tlarold Bacon group The cease and desist orders had Coscld, who ot, ncd the hwes s,nd thal v, ho kept five hives on Sunrm t Street She'd bccll t,t,hh the Ja)cce been issued on May 22 foiler, rag a the bec luvcs `' cic a hobby tte s,ml Coscla stud. "It is `'t,rong to l,lkc an \Vernon slnt.e 197g and knc`'t, a lot Planning and Zoning Comm s, lon hc did not sell the honey Item the solated s tuat on' and appl) t to all aboul the,,t,orkmg', oi both dcc sion that banned bcckccpmg on h vcs but ust. tl i[ hml',cll or ga`'c t beckccpcrs groups,qhc had ',cr,,cd,aith Ihc sljle property less than three acres The av, ay ttc s,ud I one u', d the logic el CosclaexplamcdtothcZBAat' oul Ja.,, \\omen,is a Itca,,urcr, the fhght patlcms el bcc',, lhc r D rec or,mdcommumt.`' Dcvclopmcm stinging hab l,, and thmr btenclw, Io the V ce-['rc klcill area to show rhat they v, crc not a On her Ioc,ll It',el,,,he scr,.cd the Inside pages.,:ud. "th,,,, J.,y c Worn<,,.,, and 1 q on sighted )ou're t,lklng a s,i) scclct,lry (',irl oo'.s Iot.,ll th,iptcr at (/lie el our n,iturdl resources " thdl lime ",.',i,, [ rl',,iol,,llld,i]though,,lie Births l,etler,... Towll PlannerTuckcm an IoId lh qlll hvcs Ihcre,,,he's I :Cll a member Bocce tournament Looking hack... 7 ZBA, as pnvale cltl/co, "Thi did nol el the Busiuess new,i... 9,Marklev Jo,eph... 7.OllMllulc a violation " tie added, "[I i cr Classifieds... la.mllitar. ne,,s ph.,,lcall) imposs blc Io rc.qrlt.t ever)- Cart,,on c ptall cd thai a Jaycee Conrleetienl la,... 7 Ohituarie,... I thlllg a pcrso l tides on hp, propcri`'. ' mdy bclollg to,r, m,iny ch,lptcrs,is Douglas, Boh... Ii Ohser' ations... I lte also lold thai rcnler 'ing Ibe hccs desired, and,,he had no Iroubl at,ill Editorials... Ii Person-to-pl, r,,ion...,.. 8 could prm, c to have ralnll CallOlls lie tlecldlllg I0 JOlll the group hcrc lo Engagements! Prilll,P time ,,aid bccs,ire a part el ;.i l ccolog c,il town Family living... 8,9,111 School per,,onnel... 5 mchc rcmovlog them iua) c,lu', Its,, "Jell Shoncck, lhc la,,t picsidcnl, Fusee, Angelo... Ii Southington co meet'on.. 4 tlcs rcahle insect,, sul.h as yellow jack- ulviled n c do'.t,o Io,i mccliog last Gel[ Rollndup Splt,,aking Ollt... li I or wd'.,ps Io lllov mid lhc nlthc t,c,lr " hc said "The ciiihtp,i,i,,tli I s,l",. Legals... I I Sport.,, q'ul..kcl'lll,ul S,lld the bee luvcs arc iberc v,,i,, o`'cl',t,hchlnll 2 " "11",,i vcr', plrilcd glollp,lild LPe ('al' SOll I t.oll[ililit d Oll llal.{i' 21 there,lie a Iol el'good D:opl "

2 2--news The Observer, Thursday, July 24, 1986 Notice to taxpayers Alice Gray, tax collector el Southington, s,q Lhas_toM TlmObse.rver that_ having tax bills for automobiles returned by the post office because people have moved out of town and left no forwarding address. Gray said that a person must pay the taxes for the,town that the vehicle was registered in on October 1, Gray said the Department of Motor Vehicles set this guldehne and the town has no control over this. She said that although the town cannot get the bill to someone who has moved and left no forwarding address, it is the owner's responsibility to contact the town. Any payment not fulfilled by August 1, 1986 will be reportcd to the Department of Motor Velncles as delinquent. Once this is done the owner of a motor vehicle will be unable to rcgister. Gray once again emphasized that any one who was registered In Southington up to October 1, 1985 and has not received their tax bill must come into the tax office and pick rt up to avoid being labeled delinquent. Swinging time Three year old Clinton O'Neil is all nliles as his (lad l,arr> pushes him oil the s`' ings. Clinton and his dad found time to enjo3 some fun-filled activities on a recent sulnnler da.. The> didn't `'ant to let the nice weather p m h>. Fusco feels confident Bozzuto. can do the job State Representative Angelo Fusco.(R) ofthe 81st District told The Observer that he lhink former state Senator Richard Bozzuto will mcmve the gubernatorial nod without a direct primary at the Republican State Convention in Hartford this weekend but he feels that a d rect primary if needed would be good for the Republicans. Fusee, who was nominated on Wednesday night by the Republicans to run for the 81 st Dtsmct for a second term, said "I think R chard Bozzutto knows how to count... (and Bozzutto has said) he has more than what he needs for the nomination." Fusee also said "a primary may be the most healthy thing that could happen".., if it's a fair primary... issue-oriented... the most viable Republican will be victorious." Fusee said that he has always been an advocate of direct primary. He said the present system of delegate selection was "archaic and antiquated." He said the "party bosses" should not decide on who wall be the "standardbearer" of the party. He sate the rank and file of the party should have this pnvllcgc. "Tile rank and fdc should v,a.." Fu,,.o,.ud.\n>one v.ho's gubcmatonal candidate, Toby Molfet, tmkc an actwc role on w l bc a t,pearl monc )m)hshstandard bearer" I, Fu>co.,>o ha,,.ud he s a Fusco said dial golllg imo the []i la, xovaijol I],v',l] IntgaNly convemion, Be/lute ig lhe "odds Oll [ U O k [ltlc d;,vtl,,tllg tile favorite." He said he ould hkc an elect on a d (;ox O Ncdl sho s election t ckct of Bozzuto lbr governor deluntc lack el Icadc,htp,thdtty. and Jube Belaga lot heutenant govcr- Fusee,aid ()Ncdl s a race guy but. most riddle team dnd the one (Govcr- goxcmlncnt ' nor) O'Neill tll fear Fusee,ud fom cr Democratic Bozzulo ho faded to m the nod from the Rcphfihcans for govc 6r and U.S c dto s IR t a "t* o time thafs a misconception " Fusee s,ud He explained that both Im3e, Boz uto backed out no his doctrine In the l t'll ae o111 pa e 1 governor's race, Bottuto backed out toprese epanyumty, Fu cocxplam- rcg,tc cd tth the qatc lie,ud the cd. roasoll Inr tins is o the M,IIO ca m- Fusee stud that Boz uto has the pcct and prc cnt th da cd bcc Item "quiet charisma" ota Ronald Reagan getting rote the lale lie,ud 1 c He said, that llen Bozzuto a town outlaws beekeeping m Io n campmgmmg "the ople loved lum " omc people may keep dlcgal bce and "He's an excellent reproscntanon x Hh out Mald inspccllon ma} let loose of the middle class," Fusee said el dl ca cd c* URn the state Bozzuto. Fusee explained that when "lutkcrman. tlus tram acting a Bozzulo came to America he could l/or Io n plarnor. Iota the ZBA thai speak Enghsh and.worked h s ay pmxmg lhc clval el the cca,c and into society "He came up the hard do lq o dcr h r Co ul ould also IS YOUR REGULAR SAVINGS EARNING YET? Give us your twed and your poor nterest passhnoks, earning only 5V % With the hftmg of restrictions on nterest earnings as of Aprd lst. few banks have offered r3 e r customers a bet tar rate At the new Bank of Southmgton we nwte you to t ke advantage of our 6%sawngs passbook rate F nd out how easy It s to open an account and start earmng 6 nterest today of Southington ZBA-gives b-ees)he ;gkay Member FDIC va m a tough s tuatton. WlmJ,c (.hallcn ng the go', cmor, Fusco stud, Molfct had pubhcly associated the O'Neill campaign v, tth waste, lraud and corruption No,.,, that hc's lost, Fusee stud, Moll t has been asked by the Democrat,, to endorse O'Neill for va,,: "" s... \x,... s,. (Moffcttl going to do- endorse waste, fraud and corruption " remo. w omcr flora the other hobb3 beekeeper, lu to ll lie,ud ZBA a a tuall 3 acting ou the ccpt el beekeeping rather than just an uldl dual The ZBA mot nn tatcd that ey wcre o%crrldulg Illc dcclsioll of the Zomng Enlbrccmcnt Olll cr from May because the I 'ckcepmg a "pro r and pcnm,flqe u e" of the land It as approved 5-0 Hot lunch rnore costly School board members recently approved,in mcrca,,e Ill hot lunch and nnlk pnccs Ior the school year Although prices will go up, the Board el Educanon did not approve a prcxtousl) suhmntcd plau x htch ould have nlcrcascd pncc mo Jack McBride, chamuan el the school board' finance COlllnullcc, presented a plan luch ould mcrca c hot lunch b3 fi c ccnh lot all studcnt ttol lunch will cost g5 ccnt at the h gh d ool. SO at the jumor, h gh schools and 75 tcilts In clcmcfltar> schools The toq el nlllk m all schools will remain al 25 ccnls for students hdc aduh dl pa 3 30 cents. Hot lunch Ior adults wdl cost $1 40 m the schoon The pace of hot lunch pmwded to St Thomas Junior H;gh School tncma cd by 15 cents, making the total amount for student lunches there 90 nts An increase m lunch fees was proposed by Lunch Program D ctor Slnrlc) Ma on m what she explained wa an attempt to avmd a projected $ defter m the school year ḃlason' pressed increase was scaled do n by McBride, d h s figures crc approvcd by e Board of Educanon. Number ems oacr a (continued from page I ).. I think it should be solved here... rio morn expenditures... everything that shonldbepn:wen should be item." James Korenk cvac7 stud he drd not think tile direct primary Moffett was asking for was necessary "Toby should pack his bags,and go home. and stop fighting Democrats and defeat the Rcpubhcans." Robert Oshana also he did not hold Moffett's challenge n lngh regard. "I think it's a farce," he said Oshana felt that Moffctt should give up the fight and help the Governor's campalgn "If you lose congratulate the w nng.l..,and help him." The Southington delegates said they were aware of possible nfts in party unity from Moffett's challenge but added they were hopeful that the party would sta"y whole Robert Carbone said, "I hope it (Moffctt's challenge) doesn't leave too much of anything but there's always scars, things arc stud that can't Ix taken back." Oshana stud, "It `',dl t{urt party umty alv, ays has." Moffett speech MOffC2... )" h s own nomination for governor asking the convention to hold a direct primary. He said th s was necessary to Dye the people a chance to have a vmce However. the Southmgton dele- A tt on said they were not impressed Fran D'Angelo, the vi d-chairman wtnner of the Southmgton delegation sa d, '1 think it was an impassioned last plea. He didn't win the SltUauon n the voting booth or in the court room... lie'.s-asking to be given something he couldn't-w ere.-... He hagno right to ask for (it)... The man's not a viable candidate James KorenkleWlCZ said Molfett's speech was "very desperate " Korcnklewlcz said that Moffctt was "a man rembmed to lose." When Fran D'Angelo formally announced to the Convention how the Southmgton delegates voted on the gubcmatorlal candidacy she said, "Southmgton, the town who won its primary twice- once m the voting txloth and once in the COUrtS- wants no primary in September. We cast our 14 votes for our friend Gov. Bill O'Neill " Alter all file delegations had given thmr voting counts, thc South ngton delegation celebrated as it became apparent that O'Nedl won the nomination and there would be no primary The delegation hugged and kissed and sang flit old rock song "Na Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye." James Korcnklew o' stud, "1 d dn't want a pnmar> I th nk rye worked up a too?c Or, a- l er/- -rst." Robcn Carbonc said that "if he (MolIctt) had half a brain, he sho'uld,.omc out and umly the party he's quug all the nmd " As ot the umc, The Observer went to pnnt \loll.'tt stdl had not mud to nir) Democratic convention a major battle of words try Mike (.Imiken Fomlcr Senator Ribtcoff stud in staff `' riter - -- Ins kc)notc address to the convent bn on Fnda> mght. "Ball O'Ncdl bnngs to \Vhen l[ came to the endorsements and nominations at the Democratic State Comcntton, Governor Wflham A O'Neill rolled out the big guns of the Connecucut Democratic Party to support h s cause of reelection. Howcvcr gubernatorial challenger Toby Molfctt spoke out t the convention to refute these endorsements and shoot the O'Neill campmgn full of holcs O'Neill v, as nomtnatcd for Democratic gubernatorml candidate b} former state Governor John N Dcmpsey and,aas seconded by state Rcprescntanvc Wllham Dyson from New Haven ONcfll received pubhc endorsements from fomacr U S Senator Abraham Rtbtcoff. U S Senator Christopher Dead and the Democratic State Representatives In tus nominating speech, lormcr Governor Dcmpsey refcrrcd to O'Neill as a "dear friend and a great leader" He said that O'Neill had the "maturity and selflessness, experience and Zc,ll and. mfimtc warmth and humamty. that real affcctmn and concern for tile common men and `'`'omen el Connecticut" Ins bid lot reelection an unassailable record el accomphshment... His $5.5 bllhon program to rcbudd the infrastructure el tilts state -- our htghwa),, and bridges -- ts a model of it Mnd m the natron We have gone from dehots to surpluses under his administration, and he has put through the largc,,t program of tax relief in the state's history more people are orklng than'c cr before in Connecttout, and c `' tll end the )car w th the lughcst per-capita ncomc of an) state m the nat on " Senator Dodd has called O'Ncdl s polm(.al tenure,is go`' cmor "bnlhant" m Ills en(jorsenlcnl el tile Governor The Democratic Slale Rcpr entauvcs rclea',c a joint statement el endorsemcnt of ONmll Tile shltement sa d. "We,a he ha', e v, orked v, th the Go', ether and,.,ho krlov, hnn best no`',,' encourage all our {'ltl/ens 1o recognize ]us leadcrslnp He has the vision to identify rcmcdms lot the needs of the state tile cxpcncncc to `'ork V, lth the lcdslaturc to get them adopted, and the energy and cnmm tmcm those plans `' ll cll ale, cxcn no`', building-the Dcmpscy added as lcg)slator,.-foundal)on lorthc a.,, nary future House Majoruy Leader, the leader el of our state " our party, "Lieutenant Governor and now Govemor of our state -- he has been our leader, and has led us wtscl> and cll. lhs s a steady hand at the tiller. (he is) a very rare and prccmus commodity in flus age of mllhmctcr thin, mcdm hype and polyester pubhc personalmcs. " State Rcp Dyson, hcn secondmg O'Neill's nommatmn stud the Govemor is "the Govcrnor of all of Connecticut's people He is the Governor who cares for Connccucut's cities. He is the Govcmor whose local tax relief programs have. saved the people of our cities n]llllons of dollars in property taxes. He is the Governor whose housing programs have sheltered the families of our cities He is the Governor whose nfant mortality program is protect rig the children of our cities..." Moffctt. m Ins speech seconding Inmscll for the governor's seat, Cntlcwcd the O'Neill platfoma on,,everal polms "If th s convemlon closes the door on this candidacy certain issues,.,.dl get lost.thcy wall d sappear from the d,alogue." hc said Among the issues, Moffett said, he,it the O'Ncdl lacked imtiatlv,e, on er A av cqult}i for woman, the DIIght o1" crees, "the children in povcrly has doubled in this state. It's a d sgracc.," reducing racial bias in cducauon, eslabhshlng toxic waste standards rather than guldehnes, cconom c conversion so the state relics lcss dcfcnse, basic d gnlty for factory workcrs, and d vcstment from South Africa School board always open to puol c Board of Education mcctlngs are opcn to the public, and townspcoplc arc rcmlndcd they have the right to speak at any regularly schcdulcd mcct - ing. According to school officials, "The Southmgton Board of Educanon wishes to be aware of, and knowledgeable about, the problems, requests, complaints, and suggcshon of mcmbers of the commur ty An authence 1o v mtors period will he schcdulcd dunng all regular mcctmgs. to scrvc th s purpose The board dcs ms that Its meetings bc sufficiently formal to assurc ordcrly conduct of business. It is imperative that thc board not permit its desire to have audience with citlzcns interfere with thc giwng of diligent attention to thc affairs of the school system Rcgula - tmns and procedurcs havc bccn cstabhshcd in order to assurc thc proper conduct of the mcctmg. Copies can bc obtained at thc Board of Education office Public participation at board meeungs is welcomed and encouraged but to avoid embarrassment, unhappiness, and the possible waste of time. t s strongly rccommcndcd that all adlcm to the following. a) Refer all questions and problems concerning individual schools first 1o the building pnncpal. b) The matter not being resolved at the bmldmg level should be brought to the Supcnntcndent of Schools. cl The matter should be brought to the Board of Education if not settled satisfactorily by the Supenntendent of Schools " Regularly scheduled meetings which remain for 1986 are: Aug. 21, Sept 4. Sept 18. Oct. 9, Oct 23, Nov 13. and Dec 11

3 The Observer, Thursday, July 24, S- ho--ooi-boa--gvdq-o g by Beth Utke staff writer Zaya Oshana, member ot.the c_'ommince charged wath fm&ng a permanent site for the Board of Education meetings, recently presented four proposals on the matter. Last week, Oshana told the full school board that possibilities available to the board included: renovating an existing building, finding space in existing schools, finding a site on town property or leasing private propcny Ṫhe committee was formed last month m response to a need to hold regularly scheduled Board of Education meetings at a site accessible to the handicapped According to a report filed by Oshana, the committee feels the followmg would have to be done if meetings are held in the Beechcr Street board room: One renovation plan would include a new door directly to the existing board room. Oshana's report stated, "installing a ramp to the ground level of the existing building would allow for the installauon of a new cx-!poor door to the board om. Lavatories would have io oc auoco aojaccnt to the board room at ground level Addiuon',d space should be added to board room to accomodate more visitors." Another plan would call fora new front entrance would be needed for the braiding According to the report, "A new cntr_ancc to the board budding that includes a ramp and the ej v_auon of the entry would allow accc',s to the board room at ground level Lavatories would have to be added adjacent to the.board room at ground level Addmonal space should be added to the board room to accomodate morn vis tors." Also cnn',ldcrcd would be to "install a ramp fromtnc parking lot to tfic lower ground level floor of the cx),,lmg budding, construct a board room and add lavatories adjacent to this area." Oshana reported the only space available in schools now is space at Central Elementary School and Milldale Schoool "Adequate space to install a permanent Board of Education Room can be found m two (2) locations at Central Elementary School Classroom space can be convened in the front portion of the school located nearest to the auditorium This area would allow for the full utthzat on of the clcctromcally controlled door and ramp adjacent to the Blcentenmal Auditorium. Suirab-te space w uld-also, be made av d?hip hy COllVCltlllg die ful]l-l...l ailti,..h,,, m,..aa G the former high school. This would require a Board of Education entrance at the rear of the school. Handicapped parkzng at this location may not be ideal " At Milldale School, "It is concelvable that Mllldale School would be used for educational purposes other than instrucaional "classrooms or programs. Any possibility of Mllldale School becoming a site for a permanent Board of Education meeting-, site is inappropriate at ttus time." Town properties O hana reported that while the Board of Education could consider locating a permanent meeting place on town property, the only area discussed was any "space available m the Town Hall or utlhzatlon of the former town hbrary " Leasing property "It was discussed that It is always possible that private property might be secured under a long term lease as a solution to the establishment of a permanent Board of Education meeting site," the report stated. However, the report also said, "No property was given serious consideration due to lack of reformation. The possibility of leasing private property is mcl.uded only so t would not be lonked upon as an oversight Ola l,he Members serving on this committee with Oshana arc school board members Richard Montague and Walter De noskl. Street scene Few attenct cnar er e sion meetiyl signs 'r-c'i n' alerting them n 'n to a-' - detour. ut Traffic -st L will '" dent continue drivingwe to be closed, [rom ta' n Route ther adw"lene unter 10 to Buckland Street, until further notice. by Mike Chaiken M chacl Clyncs, amvcd latc at c Councd and thc pubhc, staffw'riter meeung a.d told The Observer he Headdcdihat spcnth,gcellmg Status of Milldale Schook DiNello issues report w tcd to m e some mmcn on on non-budgeted expcndttmc of _ Last u ay, e w a pubhc the proposed ch ges but amved t )0,0( ) also should dcred beating for the Charier Rews 9n late smcc the beanng was over n 10 b the Town Councd and tbe public. Boa of ucat on mcm re- ance, $1000 per month lor uuhues, housed m Mdld e School. Commission to rcwew ch es cy m nutes He then sa d, "Beware when He stud at th s ssuc snt proposed cently received a more detadcd report $1650 per momh for fuel, $300 per "This approach would budd m have p poscd for the token's charier thcystantakmgthingsfromthcpeoplc to a o d troubles-such a the recent ont estatusofmflldaleschoola month for upk ot greeds-and g-te mm c dchange e but not toomuch ol the pubhc showed. wasn't there a guy m Germany controversy over Mulberry Street He mon -to-month opcrauom. $100 per month lot other cxpcn cs recommended monflfly fee from $450 up. In fact, o y two people besides who tad at" sa d the chan c w s needed because V ctor D Nello, th ctorofspecial such as supphcs, materials and legal per month to $415 per mon," he exth m n d thin, attended wh the ong tcvd $ services, presented a n outhmng ma pla ncd n h s rein. e meeting. Additional proposals was set 20 ) cars ago at the level was the keep at Mdldale and e Based on these expenses. D NclIo The mong y rent fee to tenets TownM agcrjohnwc chscland e o er pro s s for chaacr "anawfullotofmoney." Heexplamcd m me which may derived f m sa dfftheboardofeducamm"w sbes of Milldale School. as of Juty 2, was Ruth Manne, the representative from changes include allowing the town at 20 )'cars ago a good home cost ntal fees. to charge thcmsch'cs nt for the uscof $4 per room A 11 e Soutlungton Taxpaye Assocmt- manager to ap mt and supe tse the about $15,000 m Southm on and one Accorthng to DtNcllo, total ex- two rooms and budd m a monthly admtmstrat onon estatusofmt d e ion, were the two members of e pub- townclerk, wh ch spmsenoy elect- could buy several homes with pcnscs to ope te the school would charge including long-term maimcn- School wall cp sented to the Board hc who made appearance atthepub- ed office, after the current town clerk, $200,0( Now, he continued, a home $5805 per month. Tbe total expense ce, the monthly rental Ice wo ld 6 of Educauon by October 1. h will hc hcmng. Juamne DePaolo, chooses to u, costs $200,0 or mo The ondn coms of: $2000 r month for clean- We chscl spoke before the Corn- low town depanments to spend up to level of $200,000 s not a "wable mg e bufld ng, $320 each month for Th s charge would apply to all future use of Mdld e School. m ss on and comphmentcd them on $5000 w thout seeing b ds, ts was ount" be stud. monthly maintenance, $435 each tenantsand Alla, thc3umorh ghschool their "fine work" He stud "n s very previously $2000 Both of these pro- The proposals now go to the month forlong-w mont ymainten- temauveeducattonprogramcurrcntly serious and importer ork" e Corn- sals along with rinsing the spenthng Town Council who c accept, reject, m ss on had done. Hc added that he cefl ngofnon-budgetedexpend tu s, orrecallthecomm ss ontomakemodwas at c meeung not to cnuctze their wc based on p pos s by Town tficattons to e proposals Once th s s work but w "here to pat you on e M ager We chsel done e pm sals wdl go to a pubhc back... ( d commended) leave e The other proposal for change was beanng. e finalized proposals wt d intact." Thee of the four to namethelndus al Development en go to pubhc referendum m pm s s made by the Comm ssmn Comrmss ontotheeconom cdevelop- Novem r. were based on suggestions made by ment Commission. etownm ager. Commission Chal an Leonard YMCA Ruth Manne told e Commission, Marebeselle sa d after e mceung that "I question e e c pro r way" e he was su n cd at e low tumout at Commission pro scd is ng e emecung."therearesomeve m- e s ndmg ceding on s c, non-bud- rtant pro sals that the town peo DeLed ex nd tu s at mus go to re- should have say on," he said. He tad ferendum from $200,000 to not nk that the low turnout was a The p schoolers' Summer Fun $4,000. She said at the proposal s gn of agreement w th the proposes. Club still has opcmngs for the next was never put nto writing befo tt He stud at c turnout could be at- session July 28through August 8. The was brought befo e Commission mbutcdtopcoplcbcmgawayonvacat - progr s a full mormng of actw ty, d t was her unde t d ng a pro- on d the fact at e was a Board Monday rough Friday, dunng e posgs for change had to be n wntmg of EducaUon mecnng also at mght two week session, according to Bdl "Nowhe did I see yone submit a March,stile sa d he didn't th Ski er, D rector of Heal and written p posal for $400,000," sbe e wdl be controve y over e Phys c ucauon. said, "You took it upon yourself to charier change making the town clerk Tbe p gram p vidcs a laxed m e your o propose." appointed by e town m ager. He atmosphc utdizmg c ationalsw m- Commission member Fran sa d e Commission toed to t e the rmng, movement exploration, and D'Angelo explm d to Marine at e on ity d e pe on out of the d crafts m a group setting for childcommissmn was not reslficled to e job dcscnpuon. He stud cu nt town n ages e to five yea. written proposal e themselves "We clerk, Ju ine DePaolo, s "a great For redstrat on o atlon call d d not instruct ourselves to put t in town clerk and she's not the one we're e YMCA at writing," D'Angelo Said. moving." He explained the town Ruth Manne when told the pro- clerk s an mportant posmon d it cedure said, "Maybe l'm ck but I should h rcd by e town m ager Val DePaola became fi t don't undemt d it... There's no ng so it can be responsible to e town as lectmh In DePaMo w I can say... rmght as well as go home a whole noted pa y loyalties. He ad- one of the few Southlngton cltl- d not w te your time." ded that this pmpos ought In be ns to ha e been a lectman and ningboardofap smem r, seriously considered by the Town Tmvn Councilman. news--3 :n's tlor asonable ices 7 No, Main St, a Southington CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CARE Complete Dental Care for the entire family Eady Morning, Evening and Saturday Hours HOME CARE Plaque is a stinky accumulation of bacterial products that grow in the mouth and adhere to the teeth and gum tissue Plaque causes the gums to bleed, become tender and swell Eventually. the fibers that attach the tooth to the gums ere damaged and the underlying borne that supports the tooth is destryoed Plaque combines with refined sugars forming acids that U'o America! A SOfa. multi t.fted nylon toothbrush with rounded ItO b.,s,,, is ideal for plaque removal Unwaxed. ny,o. dental floss removes plaque lodged between teeth..,d. brush,n, after meals with one of the ADA ap proved fluoride brands of toothpaste, it is impotent to thoro.ghly brush.rid floss at.dtzme Call For Your FREE Smile Analysis From hot do s to e rides t = ew des. Pi te Ship, ave Dr. Georgec, op,act, J'Pws,c,a.c stanz -HBO Ca[S Houn by Appointment shows. 're all si ]in' at Swinger, Musik p ss. and. *NECK & ARM PAIN. IATICA / _mc ] HE HEY e Com unce. e mo ddle ddes *LOW BAGK PAIN.ARTHRiTiC PAIN *SHOULDER PAiN come [or e sizzle, en " Wate lide no open (sep- *MU SPMMS.PAINFUL JOiN *T.MJ.... WILLIAM COUTE, D.M.D. c l off in e e or on e a te ad ssmn). Spedal.DI PAiN * O PAIN *STIFFNE I I MCM DENTAL GROUP br d new Watemlide. A Guests: Sheer Ene, (Chiropractic health care is covered by Blue Shield! I I I o.,.,..,o. CT a9 Bring e f ily back r.'_. A tribute to M, (CMS). Workman's Compen tmn, Med=care, and U o for e [un. UM H Man-Sun, July Major Medical Insurance compames) 74 Ma n street I Br O Streel Avenue, Brmtol, Conn 'ttcut 176 NOAh Main Street South Me =Oen CT 0 MP den CT Take =t 31 oil I-, Ihen follow the signs Park o n dmlv fnan H) to 10 For dehuls' all 2 Adams Insurance_s= = Building'Southington t H H Y = a trademark ust'd under h

4 l( ith- p ge 4 The Observer, Thursday, July 24, 1986 The South ngton C nnection by Greg Brezicki Baptist : back to the 1700s Tradition states that the First Baptist society in Southington might have started as far back as 1738, but was without any organized existence unul It was then known as the Farmlngton, a name coming fromahe facl.flaals l w_as.still a pan of the town of Farmlngton unnl Them were various reasons that the Baptists did not organize tn those early years. For one thing, them were only a few families and most of them were poor and socially outcast because they did not belong to the estabhshed church. Another reason was that them were Seventh Day tnd Freewill Baptrst societies n some of tile nearby towns m Probably the biggest mason why other churches did not organize ro those early years was because o,,f the Connecticut statue that warned, Nor shall any person neglect, the public worship of God in some 'lawful" Con egation, and form themselves nto separate companies rn private houses on penalty of ten slnlhngs for every such offense each person shall be gmhty of." Tlmlow m his writings felt strongly that them was no written or,erbal prove that the Bapnst ever practiced or held any services in town before He said, "Not a trace of church of- Probably what really happened was that a few farmhes in town began to have occasional meetings in the homes of'those adhenng to this faith by VlSlUng peracbers like Rev. John Mcrnman of Walhngford..Them_wnma_lmna[ actor _wh_i_ch lead to increase numbers after these years to this faith. These may be listed as the m ghty evangelical preaching of George Whltficld. (See Southington Connecuon, Dec. 5, '85 article), the coming of John and Charles Wesley m the neighborhood of Wethcrsficld, and the reluctance of the Rev Jcrermah Cumss, Soulhlngton's Congrcgauonal pastor to give encouragement to the widespread desire for a revival of rclig- Awakening. Still otber factors wcm the dislike of an lncreasrng number of people to the idea of levying taxes to support a state church, and the arnval to Southrngton of the first leader of the BaptLsts, Ray John Mcrnman The founder of the Baptist faith in America was Ro cr Williams. who foundci:l the colony that is now Rhode Island. Williams advocated complete freedom of the individual consocnce ltc ',,,as for scparauon fo ctmrch and state by taking a stand against supportmg ministers by cwfl rcgulauons. Because ofh s bche fs Providence and othricers ol arty kuld, not a trace of r--er town:, in the colony adapted a policy red sandstone you will lind this inscription. "The Rcv John Mcrnman Died on Feb 17, 1784 In the 89th year of his age He was a CalvamstlC A_ntlpedo baptist minister Hcrc lies the baptism according to the forms of this of tolcratlng all religions, including dcnommanon, can be found before Judaism body death was bound Who',e soul The first Bapnst mmtsteraoq:.q3mo tfi m msteral glfl,g asdrox n'd. Hag He goes on to say that the, "rite of baptism by immersion would naturally excite curiosity and controversy, and to Southlngton was the Rcv Mcr- life-hismaslcr'sdoctrine did adorn and as t ",gas always performed m those days in some stream, it would have drawn many to witness it But It was not until after Mr Robinson (1780), became pastor of the Congregational that any trace of this rite appears Obituaries Fred Moulton, Jr. San Jose, Cal fornla and former Southington resident Fred A. Moulton, Jr, 44, died Saturday, July 12 at San Jose after a long illness. A nauve of Plymouth, New Hampshire, he was born August 24, 1941, son of Fred A. Moulton, Sr. of Plymouth and Desmondc 'Dobbin' Comeau of Southlngton, and resided in San Jose for the past 22 years. Mr Moulton attended school in New Hampshire, and was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. Prior to becoming ill, he was employed by Circabco of San Jose. In adthtion to his parents, he is survived by two daughters, Wendl Moulton of San Jose and Kelly Moulton of Santa Clara, Cah fomla, a son, Michael Moulton of Santa Clara; a sister, Betty of Chestum; a grandson; several nieces and nephews. Della Vccchla Funeral Home was in charge of local arrangcmcnls Charles Conway Nevada and former Southlngton resident Charles H Conway, 38, thcd Monday, July 14, after being fatally wounded m an modcnt m a Black Springs, Nevada bar. Mr. Conway was a native of Waterbury, born them on May 17, 1947, son of Charles J Conway of Southmgton and the late Dorothy (Nash) Conway. Hc had resided m Southmgton for 16 years prior to moving to C,tiifonua and later Nevada He was a veteran of the U S Army, serving in the Vietnam conflict. In addmon to h s father, Mr. Conway is survived by a son, Randy Conway of Oakland, California; and a sister, Kathleen A Conway of Southmgton. Bcrgm-Hallahan Funeral Home, Plamsville, was in charge of the burial arrangements. Burial was at St. Thomas Cemetery Philippe Coderre Phthppc L. Codcrrc, 71, of 69 Autran Avenue, died Friday, July 18 at Walnut Hill Convalescent Home in New Britain Hc was the husband of Jeanne (MarteL1) Coderm A nanve of New Bcdford,.Massachusetts, he was born April 15, and resided in Southlngton for the past 31 years. Prior to his rcnrcmcnt n 1979, he was employed by Connecncut General Life Insurance Company in Bloomfield He was a member of St Thomas parish and of Calendar House semor center In addition to his wild, he leaves two sons, Philippe Coderre of Bristol and Eugene Coderm of Southington; two daughters, Rachel Wolcbeskl of East Haven and Murlel Klrcher of Fort Lauderdale, Florida; a brother, Roland Coderre of New Bedford; throe sisters, Lena Prevost and Jean Sylvia, both of New Bedford, and Yvette Pacquet of Fall R ver, Massachusetts; e ghl grandchildren; several maces and nephews. Della Vccchm Funeral Home was n charge of burial arrangements Bunal was at St Tbomas Cemetery. house with a 'lean to.' With Ms wife, Jemima (Wilcox) and their four childran, they settled n. They were marfled, Feb 25, 1726 Jemima died, Oct. 11, 1764, age 64. Very little is known of the ame when,he began to hold mhgtous services in gouihington. Fo? any years befoi'e he died, Rev. Merflman was confined to his home. It was probably on account of his confinement that he had one of the rooms in his house fitted up for religious worsbap. It is supposed that on occasion he,preached at the house with the help of Rev John Wnghtman who came to live m town circa One of Ray. Merrrman's tegaetes his Geneva Bible, published n the 1500's. This B blc marked the first time in history that tile tcstanlems were pnmcd into chapters and verses. The Bible, one o-f 2 e church's hartrage, was vcd from the blg fire ro Janu.ary, Its still owned by Fl t Baptist Rev Mcrnman dmd In 1784, at the age of 89, and is buried n the little cemetery southwest ol Wonx Spnng Cemetery on Marion Ave. On his plain nman, in Rcv Mcrnman had waits IlLS last reward, till the ansptoous been pastor in Walling ford before ranrang into some difficulty in that town John Wnghtman, the second mom." The date 6f bis arrival in leader of the early church ro Southregion, appears to have preached as an Southington ls ascertained by deeds. The farm he first purchased consisted Evangelist after hearing George of 110 acres and was located on what Whltfield Under the influence of the now is near Mt Vernon Rd. in Marion The house was a large red tcontinued on page 8l Joseph Derouin Joseph C. Derouin, 80, of 116 MounfVcrnon Road, Plantsvillc, died Friday, July 18 at Bradley Memorial Hospital. He was the husband of Josephine (SmmrmatkoskO Derouln A native of Waterbury, he was born June 20, 1906, and resided in Southmgton since 1956 Prior to his retirement n 1973, he was employed by Waterbury Farrel in Cheshire. He was a member of Immaculate Conception parish. In addition to ins wife, he is survwed by two sons, Norman Deromn of Waterbury and Walter Deromn of Southmgton, three daughters, Luctile Cberasulo and Lorraine Pratt, both of Waterbury, and Jamce Green of Plantsvillc, a sister, Irene Blackburn of Waterbury; 15 grandchtldmn;se, eralgreat-grandchddrcn;severalnmccs and nephews Della Vecchla Funeral Home was n charge of the arrangements. Burial was at Immaculate Conception Chumh parish. E. Padersewski Elizabeth C. Padcrscwski. 85, formerly of Clark Street. Mdldalc, died Thursday, July 17 at the Nursing Care Center of Bristol. She was the wife of the late Anthony Padersewski. A native of South ngton, she was born October 4, 1900, daughter of the late Edward and Ella (Roy) Curtis. Mrs. Padersewski was a graduate of Grace Hospital School of Nursing in New Haven. From 1925 until 1944, she was a registered nurse at Bristol Hospital. Later worked for G. Fox & Co. in the pharmacy and the first aid station. While residing in Southington, she was an active member of St. Paul's Episcopal. She is survived by a brother, Roy Curtis a, t o nieces and a nephew. Funk Funeral Home, Bristol, was in charge of arrangements. Burial was at Oak Hill Cemetery. Memonal donations may be made to St. Paul's Episcopal, 145 Main St., Southington The Rev. Charles Kennedy was pastor of St. Thomas on Bristol Street from 1982 until Send News to: The Observer, P.O. Box 648, Southington, CT Card of Thanks We wmh to thank our many friends, relatives, and neighbors for the beautiful floral tnbutes, sp=ritual tributes and all the acts of kindness. shown to us during our recent bereavement The Family of Joan Coppola Borse First Baptist In this eek's Southington Connection. Greg Brezicki researches the history of the Baptist in Southington. Pictured above is the First Baptist t Meriden AveuueL constructed in the 1950s. The original church as located in the center of Southington-The downto n church was ravaged by fire in January, Religious services directory BAPTIST :aith Baptist of Southington 24 Lamng Central Baptist Sunda 5 hool.mornm8 Scr t,c Wed Bible Stud. Also Chdd t are I0 1 a m II a m First Baptist tertdcn A enuc " p m Bible School lor.htldren. outh ]ables are cared for lr/lhc pectal Nursery Jr&St BYF Youth Program month " t0 pm Youth Choir O 30 pm Thur Semor Choir 7 30pm, trd Sat Adult Fellowship "O er 20" Club Ist Tues at nt m 4th Tues 7 30 pm EPISCOPAL St. Paul's 145 Mam Street Re'. John E McGmn, Holy Eucharist a m av alable 10 a m Heahng 4th Sundas of the V[onth NON- DENOMINATIONAL Bethel 594 W Center Street Robert G Wolfe, Wed Mldv, eek Worship 10 a m CATHOLIC St. Aloysius - 2 Bumtt SI Plant s tile Re Joseph Pastor St. Dominic I0 0 Flanders Road R \'(alter F Gcraght, Mary Our Queen Rettorv Re'. 'wt'hur j DuPont, & Fn Vigil.\ta. Sun Ma 9am Sat 5 p m s a m a m &llam Sat 45-4 ]0 p m St. Thomas 09 Bristol Street Res Thomas Bennett. Pastor Dally Masse 7 am & pm m chapel Sat Mass 5 p m Sunday's Luurgv Sun Masses , & 12 noon Saturdays 8 a m Confessions Sat p m Confessmns for.f rst Friday the prewous Thdrsdav. 4 p m untd fimshed Good Shepherd Prayer Group Tuesdas 7 30 pm Miraculous Medal Nos ena Tuesdas 7 p m St Thomas School Bingo Tues 7 pm Baptisms Sun 1 p m Or bs special appemtment' Rex I)ads 3lass Immaculate Conception 130 Summer Street Theodore P Gubala, 8 a m CONGREGATIONAL - First Congregational - l: stabhsh, d m 1 "24 " Mam Street Re Wdham A Chafe Ir Sundas S.hedule Scrx ce ot Morning \'( or h p da ot the Month ( hdd Care provided Sch* [ kls e ('oltee-fello hlp Hour llam Plantsville Congregational R John an Lonkhu mn Pioneer Youth Jr lhgh Pdgrlm "l,uth br High Sun " I s p m LATTER-DAY SAINTS of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Menden- aterburx Rd Snllman s Hill Bishop Ra,.hard Green. Pastor Priestht,od Mectmg Sun School Sacrament,,teet trig II 30am IO 45 a m 930am Aaromc Prtestht, d & Young Women Sun I1 0 a m Prlmar Sun l0 4 a m Rehef Soctcr. Sun a m INTER- DENOMINATIONAL Faith Living 20 Grove Street Plant vdle Ronald Thomas, Morning Worshzp Thurs e emng Southington Jewish Congregation P O Box IO a m 7 30 p m Sabbath Services Ist and 3rd Paul's Epls,.opal 7 30 p m An Oneg Shabbat follows LUTHERAN First Lutheran 2 2 Bristol Street Re Frank Mele hmg, 3 r thru adult Worship service Sun 9 a m 1st & 3rd Sunda,s Zion Lutheran 31. dru[t Streel Ra,.hard J Kteqlng Sun Worship Sun S hool B ble Cla 9 15 am I0 30 am Sun I0 30 am ASSEMBLY OF GOD Calvary Assembly of God 56 Dunham Road , Sun Scht fl 1O a m Morning Worship 11 a m E enmg orship 7 p m Pra er & Pt:alse Serx ce Wed 7 30 p m Youth Sers ce bun 6 p m All Night Praser Fn I1 30pm-3am Cahar Assembk of God is a chansmaoc church dedicated to the preaching of the full Gospel ot Jesus Christ CATHOLIC NATIONAL Holy Trinity Polish National Catholic 200 Summer Street Plantsvllle Rev Joseph B Kruslenslu, Pastor School of Chnsuan Living Sun 8 45 am Hok Mass 9 30 a m Wed Catechism Class 4 p m Parish MeeOng 2nd Sunda, of the month Ladles Adoration Society I st Tues day of the month /',lens Meeting 4th Sundax of the month METHODIST Grace United Methodist 121 Pleasant Street Ray Rolland Frenth Pastor WorsMp Service, Crib Room Nurser'.' and Schtall 10am Jr H & Sr H Felh)wshlps 630pro i

5 The Observer, Thursday, July 24, 1986 newsy5 Personnel changes in the school system The lollowmg pcrsonoel moves ncdy Jumor lhgh School as a teacher have officially taken place ul the of mathematics. school system. Anne Tartagl one, 38 Payne Drive. Ezio DiCnst(Ham has Iranslcrrcd Chcqure, has been appointed to the from-his ] O.glllO l ar seeond,wy Ie cl rr- l 3silJolIDfNeerfff( cre CllVC of industrial arts asmgncd to Soutlung- September 1; Tartaghone rcceivton High School to tile posmon of cd her bachelor's dcgmc in elementary secondary teacher ol tnduslnal arts assigned education and is complcung her to John F. Kconcdy Junior master's degree in reading at Southern thgh School cll chwa September 1 Connecticut State College, she has Lms Jardmc ha tr mqcrrcd Irom been a tutorial teacher m Federal Project her posmon a elementary tcach ol Uplift at Joseph A DcPanlo kmderga cn assigned to }qandcrs Jumor Fhgh chool since September School to the position ol elementary 1985 Tartaghonc has bccn assigned to leacher ol grade t o assigned to Joseph A DcPanlo Jumor H gh Strong School School as a leacher ol developmental Dawnc Naples has tranqc cd reading and htcratum lrom her po ttum a wcondary teacher Roscmanc ZbtkowskL 1{}0 Yorktown ol Enghsh assigned to Southmgton Road, has bccn appointed to the H gh School to fl c pontoon ol gmdan- counselor as gpcd lo_south _ t lligh School elfccuvc Scptcm r 1 Carol R chtcrs has uanqc cd from her poslllo as pawnmc teacher of mdcrga cn assigned to Handcrs School to the posmon of lull teacher of kmdcrg,rncu assigned to ander School cllcctwc September 1 John Vfllcttc has tranqcncd horn his posflmn as secondd v teacher of lxtsmon of secondary tcachcr el fcctlvc Sg_ptcmb cr 1 Zbtkowskt received her bsciicfor s- grce in sh -Tf6 - Ehns College. Clucopce, MA., and her master's degree in reading from Southern Connccucut State College, site hat been a tutonal teacher assigned to John F Kconcdy Jumor thgh School since January t986. Zbtkowski has bccn assigned to John F. Kenned), Jumo[ Htgh Stt ot)l as a teacher of English and rca&ng. }h h School m tim pontoon Elementary Appointments ccond dmr ol mdu rnal an - Diane Raczynski, 88 DcFaquon tgmcd to Joseph A DcPaoto Jumor Street. Plantsvllle, has been appointed lhgh School cfl cuvc Scptcm r 1 ra!n rc to the posmonofelcmentary tcachcrcffee n c ScptemlmrA_ Mrs_ Vctodmamccwcd from her posmon a clerk a signcd to her bachelors dcgrcc m John F Kennedy Junior tl gh elementary education from Central to the pomll(m of Sccrctar3 IV assigncd to South End School cllcctt c August 18. Sally Scanlon has tranqcrrcd Connecticut State Umvcrslly, silo has bccn a substitute and an tntennl tcalhcr assigned to ltatton School as a teacher of glade one her smon as clerk assigned to Josc A -Panln Junu Ih rh the posmon ol Secrclar) I11 a gncd Special Apl 4ntmt t s Madchnc Brunclh. Fa.', c Lane, has to Joseph A DcPaolo Jumor thgh bccn appointed to the position ol School clfcct c Jul) 7 Spccml EducaUon Supervisor ol lnq rd. t mwelfccllve" A ugllgr lh Blu rcih d Docdkrol 5 C3 k Kld. has bccn ar, pomtcd to the po'qtlon ol rclcp,'cd her bachelor's degree m secondary tc,)cher ci Ict'l e Seplcmber l A!!cg lr cdu iglon, nla,,tcr's degree 1. Doerllcr received her bachelor',; in mathcmaucs and 6th car m specml degree m h story' from North Carohna Wesleyan College; she ha', been a substttuc and a part-tm c tc, m Southmgton S.l ools since October Docrflcr ha bccn a s gncd to John F Kennedy Jumor thgh School as a teacher of social studies Secondary Appointnlents Manl)n Nlc,,um. 4 Nop.',ood Drive, has been appomlcd to the posmon ol secondary teacher cllcctw Scptcm r 1 McsMna rccm cd her bachelor's degree m Enghq and her maslers degree in counschng dl Central Co cct cut State Umvc t), she ha< been a subblltuc and a part-time tcadacr in the Southmgton Schools since ober 1984 Mcssma has bccn assigned to Southmglon H gh School as teacher of Enghsh. Regina Moss, 174 Skyvmw Drive. Cromwell, has been appointed to the s tion of scconda teacher effecnvc September 1. Moss received her bachelors degree m French from the Umvfl ty of New York, Bmgh ton. N.Y., her master's degree in seconda education from Boston State College and Spamsh ccmficauon from Central ConnecUcut State College; she has been assigned to Southmgton H gh Sqhool and Joseph A DcPaolo Jumor H gh School as a teacher of Spamsh Karcn Smith, 56 Hall Drive, Chesturn, has been appointed to the pontoon of scconda teacher cffccnve Scptcm- r 1 Smith recmvcd her bachclor's dcgrce in clcmcnta cducauon from Central Co ccucut State Un ve ty; she has been a signcd to John F. Keneducation from Central Conncctlcul State Um,,cr, ty Site rcccp,'cd her 7th.,,car m administration from tile Umvcrslty of ttartford. Bmnclh has been a teacher ul the Southmgton Schools since 1965 and MathematicsCoordmator s ncc Scptemer Janet Galan, 262 Little Fawn Road, has been appointed to the position of special education leacher effective September I Galati received her bachelor's degree m elementary education and her masters dcgrcc m special cducauon from Central Connecticut State University, she has bccn asmgncd to-southington High School as a teacher of special education Llnda Gathng, 102 Sabma Drive, has been appointed to the position of special eduction teacher effective September 1 Gathng received her bachelor's degree m English at Hampton Institute. Hampton, VA, her master's degree in audiology from Teachers College, Columbm Hampton Institute. Umvcrsny, N Y., and C.AG S m special education assigned to North Center School since Septcmber'1985 Gathng hat bccn assigned to North Center School as a teacher of spccml education Juthth Haddad, 9 Dcmarcst Street, Waterbury. has been appomlcd to the poslttonofaa tcachcrcffcct!vc September 1 ttaddad rcccwcd her bachelor's degree in art from Nev, ton Collcgc, Newton, MA, and her master's degree in art'from Southern Connecticut State College, she has been a part-time teacher of art assigned to John F Kennedy Locall.',, chddrcn v, ho,,,,ill bc five )'ears old on or belme Januar.,, 1 of tile school ) car re,i) bcgm,,chool m September of that slhool 3car Sharon the splendid This Rose of Sharon, found on the Rose of Sharon bush, is a splendid sight of the season. Fnlk all around town are now getlin lovely blossoms such as these on their flowerblg {ree and hnq!e. I ae o!!e can enjoy the view! Fun in the sun Summer is the time for fun in the sun, and Betsy Torres, Elsie Torres and Velma Lespieo (shown from left to right) gof'their share recently during an outing in the park. All three spent a lot of time just enjoying the playground at Recreation Park. continued from page I ) aboul the Ja)cccs, they th nk its an organl/anon for men." she said "Bul a,, an organi/aucm far.m.-ewone" To join the group, an individual must be bct ccn the ages ol lg and 36 Mcm r, are nccdcd Ior the man) C C acti IL CT [llch tdkc pljcc, they are encouraged to parnc pate n Assistant manager (continued from page I ) Democrat Robcrt Carbonc hkcs J antomo's suggestion at first glance, but would like the opportunity to "s t down and study the matter tn great detail." Carbone said he's often thought about what would happen if Weichscl were on vacation for a long time or became rll In the case of the town attorney, an assistant afmmcy has bccn contmcted 1o fill in. Councd Rcpubhcans Cheryl ",Lounsbury and'joseph LaPorte echoed Carbonc's slatemcnts, holing t]]cy'd hke to hash out the details with J mntonlo, to scc what hc has in mind. 'Td hkc to see the spcclficanons they'd wntc for such a postition," Lounsbury stud, add,ng that the post would have to bc justified for her to vote for 1[..LaPortc said rl Wcichsel needs the help. why hastft he put m for anass stant "I've never heard John complain (about the work loadl," LaPortc said. Lounsbury stud that m some cases, "more doesn't necessarily mean more ellicmnl " Both c\plamcd Wetchscl would not take an cxlcndcd vacdllon, and I1 hc wcrc incapacitated for a Icnglhy pgr- od, the town crutrtcr would allow for an acting manager According Io Carl on, there tsn't a day that goes by which doesn't rcqmrc some kind of work lot the Jaycee group AIthqugh serving as president s a great deal of v,x k, Carl on docsn'l mind "Bmng prcsldcnt s the highest you can get in a chapter so it's rcall an honor, she c\plmncd "l"t's a COmm tmcnt, but I knew basically what to expect." "1 knew l'd have to make a total t.x)mnnffncn[,, Carlson called the Soulh nglon Ja)cce chaplcr "one ol Ihe slrongcst in the state", and explained it made a "comeback" in recent years She credflcd prcvlous presidents Bill Rlchards and.jell Sh0ncck ',' lth makmg the group as cfleclwe as ii is The group, '.quch meets on the second Tuesday ol every month, is alv, ays looking for more members to help nl better,, the community The benefits ol becoming a mcnlber arc man,, according to Carlson 'Td encourage people to join the group because.hcy ould make a better person out ol themselves," she make new fncnds, lcam how to work with other people and learn how to be a leader." Carlson added. Because the group is basically a over 36 )'cars of age is ',.d]owcd to jom. When members roach 36. however. tllc _ comc assot;lates and are allow- _ ctl I1 partu. pate in the group but not hold ol l-tee Caflscu invites an) )dung person mlcrcstcd in the group to drop n on a mcctmg the second Tuesday of every month dt Arncs Restaur,mt. 8 p m. She's Iound most people enjoy belonging to the group, and can testify lo the mlportance it plays in people's hvcs. She's glad to have joined the Jaycccs and to have experienced the many adventures available to members. Although lhc are a number, ct wllc wluth lake place, Cafl on slresscd that the orgam atlon allows mcmbe to do as milch the) anl She qrc scd there lhl g Ior e c one " "lr not hkc 3ou have todnevcry- IhUlg," ('d l ou trcxscd "You can p k and choose llal )ou Wahl to "This s probably one of the best l'rojccl ha e included car waq c tot juvenile d abetcs, transportation for tlnogs I've cvcr done in my whole hie," Carlson said. lhc hand.capped, a 'lazy e)e' tc tlng A member of Jaycee groups for chm lot chddrcn, and a lncd dough die past eight years, Carlson has Nx th at e Apple Ha est FeMoral v.orkcd for Ogna Corporation the last Future pmjec now bcmg planned 17 vea She is now a senior bank coordinator nl the claim deparunent. include a Christmas pa y for chddren, a dance for ttelp Us Grow HUG) In addmon to bcmg president of Inc, the annual carnival at the Apple stud "They would make their commumty a better place because of all the volved vdth the Big Brothers/Big Sis- the Southmgton Jaycces, Carlson is in- tta 'cq Festwal and a candy sale Accorthng to Carlson, the Jaycecs commumty projccls we do." tcrs organization. In her free Ume, she are also planning a 'colfce break' "You al'-,o get to mccl new people. hkcs to play terrain and ski. along Intc slalc 84 over the Thank gwmg Hohday Ja}cce lll be on hand to provide collee 1o tho e using Gingras new principal h ghway, and members hope to receive donat on to-benefit muscular troph) at the,m e ttme (continued front page I) and easy tranqtlon Other candidates "All the money we m, e n f drinsing goes back nto e commumty would have a problem nlakmg thc N cholas DcPanla, Robert Lgsbury, for the job crc: Paul Baillargeon, or for ndw dual development," Carlson explained "To a member of the date Robert Wood transition to the school at such a late Ncna Nanfeldt. Lorenzo Langdon and Jaycccs, a person must be committed Oshana agreed thal Gmgras' tmle IO lhe organl/a[io d be interested al the school v, dl make for a smooth helping their comumty." Whde members may spend a lot of ume hcldng out, safe to say the Dandrow political again president spends just about more ume an anyone on group actwmes by Mike Chaiken slaff writer Former Southlngton Town Council chalrperson. Ann Dandrov,', as un 'ruinously chosen at the 30th AsscmDly Dpqnct nomnnanng corn cntmn to represent the p,rny m the acc for the General Assembly scat vacated by Lorcn D ckmson Dandrow, who h,l not bccn revolved m polmcs smcc q c Icll the to n council tn 198 atd she dccklcd to mn because she nn cd lmcs and "nns cd sc mg the people " Dand6 w said m October 1985 that she did not mkshe would get back mid polmc ymom Dandrow al o sdld she chose to mn for the 30th D str,ct seat at the ns stcncc of c sci11ofcilizens at the Bcrhn Scmor Center Dandrow was the d rcctor ol the center Imm 1085 two momhs ago "Ira dehghtcd back m," she sa d. Dandrow, a rc, dcnt ol Southmgton, sa d she Iccls quahl cd to mprcscn[ the 30th d slnct cvcn though nt eludes the cnlirc [o n O[ Bcrhll and only a small pornon of Southmgton She atd that she had worked m the SClllOr Cl[I/cn CCIlJdr nl BerJln She dlso stud her husband had en a manager of a More In Berlin Inr a nunlber ol )ca She ald 11C I al o " ell known" in the dl tl cl S11 and thai alj thi dl help her tn glll inlo the need of the commumt Dalldrow,lld Ih,ll he, hinderer, Mdl IookHlg inlo in icamilg her kno lcdge ol the ncctl ol Ihe conlmunhy She ald ql and her elccl on omillll[ ear planning lo ciid oul,ill lind out what percentage of the public are concerned about what ssucs. She s,ud that the letter will bff going out Althln DAO v, ccks. There arc certanl issues of concern that Dandrow stud she s researching on her ov, n She said she i looking mid the ConnPACE scmor cmzcn prescnptmn plan She is looking into the lx ssthfl ty of "increasing the bottom gutdchne" ol the program so more cnnor cm,'ens could become chglble Dandrow said she is also concemcd v, lth die day care issue She said she would hke better momtormg of the industry in order to prm;cnt cases of chdd abu',e She added that she was also concerned,,', th tile big Republican issue.,, orcducation and taxes. She said she v ould hkc to continue the increase in tile quaht) ol cduc,mon She said that reducing taxes to reduce the burden on the huddle class was another goal Dandm'., stud that she,.,,,ks also gomg make sure that she is ' always acces- Mble and accountable to the people." Dandrow sa d she had no problem getting the nonunatlon of the party in Bcrhn She stud the) cre impressed with her past experience However. she adnmtcd that prcscot 30th D!smct represcntanve. Loren D ckmson v, rll be a dhficuh man to replace "I ha','e the otmost lechng [or the man.. lle was a model representative." she,..aid Da.ndrow ddded that D ckmsoo,,upport,, her candidacy "100q " D ckm,on p, leas mg In,, Repubhcan seat becati,.e ol mcrca ed job respot,lbthty. Dantlrov, said she,,,as looking Ioi\, ard Io,.,orkttlg v, till her Repubhcan

6 opinion & com-m'e:n-t 6 The Observer, Thursday, Jul 24, 1986 The Observer an independent newspaper, open to all parties, influenced by none. Published by The Step Saver, Inc. Anthony L. Urillo, prestdent James J. Senich, editor Jennie M. Urillo, secretary/treasurer News & Editorial Adverusing & circulation P.O. Box, 648; 213 Spring Street EO. Box 548; 213 Spring St. Somhmgtnn, ConaA SS Southmgton Conn Telephone: (203) Telephone: (203) member New England Press Assoclatmn CAC audged ctrculauon, pubhshed every Thursday ot the year Congrats to G ngrao An alarming statlstc is making itself felt in this country-- less and less people ale voting in elections, and soon, less than half of those who are ehgible to vote will be responsible for choosing our lawmakers In Connecticut and in Southlngton, it sn't as bad as the national average, but generally, less people vote in muniopal elections and state elections. More pcoplc vote in a presldcntlal clccuon (around 75 to 85 percent), and it is Ironic, espcclally when one considers that a local election will tend to have a greater affect on file individual voter. Speaking by Paul J. Jiantonio, chairman, Southington Tourism Commission Promoting tourism group's assignment In 1982, the town council authorized Southington to join a newlyformed tourism orgaruzatton. Those appointed by the council to the orgamzation played a very important role in defining the by-laws, goals, and functionofthe Central Connecticut Tourism Dlsmct (CCTD). The CCTD consrsrs-of Southlngton, New Britain, Berhn, and Platnvllle. The group is funded via the General Assembly's legislation allowing a small poruon of hotel/motel sales taxes to be used for the promotton of the reglen Ṫhe Southmgton Tourism Commlsston, the Soutlungton arm of the CCTD, works with local civic orgam,ations and tourism entitles, to proof Joseph A DcPaolo Junior H gh catcd and thorough professional motetlle mgtontovlsnorsandtounsts. School would go to Gerald Gmgras. whose background in admlmstratton Materials are produced to introduce longtlme vtce-pnnopal of the school. and education will most hkcly be good these visitors to what thc area has to offor tile students He has worked with fer. The dozen or so tourism districts The decision was not one made tn, and tile final vote needed "tlebreakcr' to end a long dead- many, many y ars and seems to have a goal-- to encourage peoptc to vasrt the )artier htg.,h school age youngsters for throughout Conncctreut have the same gpcc]a] lock It took man. hours of grasp O11 uttdt:lmaudmt; those" beaulffut Numaegs ate mffseesome of "behind closed door" sessions before youngsters its many attractions. the vote as taken and a pnnclpal named Still, the final outcome is one Gerald Glngras as pnncipal of We applaud the choice of The Southlngton commissioners which in our eyes will benefit DePaolo DePaolo Junror High School, and feel Junior High School and the comm-m'rrt'y l-argc,vote was a postttve Aep for'dae school the final outcome of the school board's Glngras. as vtcc-pnnctpal of While all of the candidates for the job the school, no doubt has a famllarlty were no doubt cxccpuonal, o's hard to and workm_g knowled of the faohty. argue.with the fact Gmgras has a vast Teachers at the jumor high school even amounf of experience at DcPaoltr. felt so strongly about Gmgras that they We wish the best of luck to lobbmd the school board in his behalf Gtngras in his new posttlon, and applaud the sd-mo eets on-. Although this not sway school boa d members, since each candidate We also applaud those on the school Several bills were approved du'n a was surely judged by lus or her own board who thd not vote for Glngras, the 19S6 session of the General Assembly with one goal in mind making merits, It does show the community but had the courage vote their conscience at an open meeting hfe more accomdaung for tile scmor what type of esteem teachers have for Glngras. Congratulations to Gerry Glngras, and may he enjoy many morn One b,ll involves home care in tins citizens in our state. Glngras has been at DePaolo since,t opened m The experence years at Joseph A. DcPaolo Junior state It changes operalronal and hcensing rcqmrcments for coordtnaung. and insldcr's perspective which he has High School. gained through the years IS one which assessment and motlromg agencies, while expanding ehgtblhty for home health services to people who quahfy f.or the Department of Aglng's promotron of Independent Living Pro- Exercise right to vote. their own way gram. Late last week, a pubhc hearing Ifthey meetcertaln income requirements, senior Cttlznes arc granted an was held t.o sc,ck opinion on whether the town clerk s post,dlould be elected exemption from the real estate or appointed The clerk's post currently is elcctcd. Some fccl u should be ap- on dividend and interest raceme and a conveyance tax. A reductmn in the tax pointed by the town manager. Only phase-out of the inhentance tax on two mcmbcrs of the pubhc showed to surviving spouses were also approved speak in th s year's session It is mterestlng to note that in Steps were also taken to address Southlngton has had its share of close electrons In 1980, Ann Dandrow pnmancd Gerald P Cream Jr. for the Democratic nod for state representative in the 81st Dtsmct. The vote on that September day was very close, and by 95 votes Crcan defeatcd Dandrow If Dandrow had won, she would have been the candidate for state representative. In 1986, we could have been looking at a Democratic Ann Dandrow- Repubhcan Angclo Fusee race, instead. A httle later on, Crean faced Rcpubhcan Robert Flynn for the seat Flyrm lost by 77 votes If Fl)nn had won, it might be safe to say that Angelo Fusee v, ould not be running for the legislature. In thc town council, In the former Drstnct A, there was a squeaker in Democrats Phdlp Pomposl and James Korenklcwlcz bested Republicans Cheryl Lounsbury and Arthur Blumer by a handful of votes Instead of a 6-3 Dcmocratlc-controled council from 1983 to '85, thcrc would have been a 5-4 Dcm council Traditionally, referenda that spend mllhons of tax dollars locally attract a pitifully minute amount of voters In one recent multl-mdhon sewer rcfe rcndam, lest lhan five percent of the electorate decided tile fate Yet, 80 pcrccnt will turn out for a prcs dcnual contest They may come a tnnc that 30 or 40 percent el the voter,, will have their say in a conte I, such as General Assembly or town councd That'll make rt easy for spcoal lnlcrcst groups to get.west a winner For the last several days, the Wcstcrn Baseball League played host to Babe Ruth teams from throughout the state The Western League's own Babe Ruth team competed tn the 1986 State Chanlplonshtps here, pleasing the hometown crowd even in the face of defeat Babe Ruth players may have lost a couple el tournament games, but the have done a remarkable job tn producing pron otlonal mdtcrials Already, t o sets of six post cards are available for lrcc in local motels and tourist hot- 'pots. The e cad, de p tmg scenes of State Capitol Review by Angelo Fusee, state representative...,, h,roct, &02" very_, popular xx.tfla people _ lon ttr itth... he have come to tills area tot the first executive vice-president of the Chamtnne. bcr of Commerce; Robert Cusano, -Bills passed to help senior citizens cent Some local races (thankfully not n Southlngton) revolve under 60 percent of the voters. Perhaps it is best that the town appoint the town clerk position. After all, the public isn't concerned with losing its voting power. Councilman Bob Carbone joked recently that the proponents of the change want to take powcr from the voters, and perhaps the entire town council should be elected If the voter rate declmes much more than it is now, perhaps it'd be best to appoint tlie town council. That's just a httle food for thought. Please take some tlme'out of European counmcs, bctwccn 90 and thc problcms of famdy violence The 95 percent of the voters make their bill speaks to ways m winch pohcc and dpnnons known in each election. In courts can rcspond to the problem some countries, governments have Directives and guldehncs are provided changed roles of thumb for elections to to those group explaining how to banmake the effort easier. For example, die family violence cases, and manpoll hours are extended past the tradtt- tonal 8 p.m., and in some places, votrog takes place during a two-day period or on a weekend Some of these changes WlI1 have to be made in the US. Registrars of voters are constantly upgrad,ng voter hsts. Periodically, the y hold tnass registrations. TechniEally speaking, every man and woman over the age of 18 should vole in each and every clecnon Local young Democrat and young Repubhcan clubs will woo potential voters in area colleges and in some cases, high schools.. Meanwhile, the average state election rate still shnnks and dcchnes-- in many states it is around 60 to 70 per- dates the cstabhsluncnt of training programs for pohce, judges, and court personnel. V cttms rights xcre also the subject el a bill pa,,scd th s )car. The act gives crane victim, the right to be notdicd of a st.hcdule pica agrccment and to presenl the court with a stalemcnt before it accepts that agreement. Mmors arc allov, cd to suc for damages On and off the record by Bob Douglas Arm the police, not the judges It has already been a tough )car for Connecticut's judges Three members of the brethem were axed by the General Assembly when they came up, carher this year, for rcappo ntment. And the latest flap is unhkely to cam any accolades for the judiciary. Now, the state pohce has taken on the judges over guns in the courtroom Ttus dispute surfaced rcccndy (though not for the first time) when Superior Court Judge John D. Brennan dismissed a drunk-driving charge against a Vernon man. The dismissal came after aum formed state trooper refused to remove his revolver in order to testify in the case. This is the same judge involved, more than a year ago, in a controversial grand-jury report that sought to dis: credit the state police. Clearly, there's your schedule and vote, whether it be a local race, a state contest, a referendum, or a presidential sweepstakes. Storm safety tips Your country, state, and town will be -- For the long term, however, the little admiration for Brennan amoung simmenng feud between the state certain people in the Department of police and the judiciary remains to be Public Safety. addressed. Chm f Court Administrator The Southington group has paid former chairman of the town council; for or helped pay for the following and Ken DiMauro, staff reporter items-- the Historical Society's first forthe Observer. four-color brochure, See Historic In May of this year, several Southmgton, the Apple Festival's members of the Southmgton commiscolor pamphlet; the Central Connect- sion, along with Dismct Executive lcut, Always In Season guide; a region- Director David Prendergast, held a al dining guide, the Arts Coanclrs pub- workshop at Briarwood College to inhetty for its _U,.S. Navy Band concert; troduce civic groups to the CCTD's and coll rs' car s dtsfn'bfited during purpose. Unrortufialely, only-/.laree the Rochambeau Day Celebration. local groups sent representatives, even I ne commission is made up of a though more than 50 separate organizations diverse and bipartisan group el were contacted. We explained Southlngton people. Paul Jtamomo, a that the district was more than happy town councilman, chairs the to have groups apply for momes to contingent, consisting of the following help promote Southlngton and the volunteers. Barbara Mackay, dean of state. studcnts at Briarwood College; Mark Clcmcnts, director of sales and markcling for the Greater Hatdu d Cui,-,cn- Funding sought /',a..., O f,v,:... tlon and Vtsnors Bureau, Denms Conroy, in charge of pubhc relations at funds to repnnt its brochure. During Barnes Museum recently applied for BradleyMemonal Hospltal;RoyPntchard. manager of Howard Johnson's ttems will be produced for Connect- the next few years, more promotional Motor Lodge; Helen Bembe, Southmg- tcut, prowngthat S.ton,.tlms re.gion, and the enttre state is Alwa s in cnnrdmator. Ehnor Silva. Season. caused by sexual abuse, assault, or exploitation up until their twentlcth birthday and extends in almost all cascs the three year statute of hmitattons up to seven years, depending on the vtcum's age at the time of the incident. It requires the Criminal InJuries Compensation Board to give victims a hst of tbelr rights and available assistance programs within I0 days after the board receives the victim's application for compensation. The bill also directs all hospital to prominently display in its emergency room posters giving notice of compensation to victims of crime of their dependents. There are just a few highlights of the extensive measure. There will no be five Area Agencies on Aging, with appropriate federal and state funding for them. The State Department on Aging is now requlred to notify the Human Services Committee whenever it seeks federal approval to spend more than 5% of federal funds for state administrative cost. Four hundred thousand dollars is belog appropriated in grant payments to Area Agencies on Aging for numtion Aaron Mcnt, a judge who is paid well by state taxpayers, presumably can do something to help resolve the problem. Certainly, it would be in the pubhc interest if he could act. It's simply a copout to leave individual judges to decide on beanng guns in the courtroom. The need is for a policy that makes sense -- one that all sides can understand and accept. That shouldn't be too much for the judiciary to handle, or too much for the taxpayers to expect. Feuding with the state police will only blacken the already-poor image of the state jud,ciary. Beyond that, Judge Brennan's action has reopened wounds in a criminal justice system that needs healing and leadership. There ts only irony in the controversy: While some judges take it upon themselves to decide whether pohce must give up their guns in the courtroom, there's a possibility that the Be prepared for nature's complications from Northeast Utilities players, coaches and other officials Many of us are painfully aware of turned out to be the "hosts with the the widespread damage that can result most" this week. from weather-related storms and other Everyone involved with this natural disasters. As the season tournament deserves alot of credit for famous for hurricanes and other carrymgthroughwithamajorundertak-storms arrives, Northeast Unlmes rag. From top officials right down to (NU) offers the following tips to help the players, all made thetrcontributlon prepare for the possibdlty of power and helped make the tournament a outages: pleasure. If there is sufficient storm warn- lng, turn the controls on both the relngcrater and freezer to the coldest position. Food will stay frozen up to 24 hours--even longcr if the freezer is full and if the door is kept closed. (However, don't forget to reset the controls when the power comes back.) Cover the relngemlor or freezer with a bhlnkct alter you close t. The added lnsulal on wdl keep the cold In. Never re lrecm thawed lend. When in doubt, throw t out Always kccp a supply of canned food--and an opener--handy Emergency Item Checklist Stock up on emergency supplies: Extra batteries, flashhghts, candles (make sure they are kept out of children's reach), a battery-operated radio and clock, extra medicine, a firstaid kit, freeze-dried or dehydrated food, canned goods, extra baby and pet food, a nonelectric can,opener, services and the Apprnpnatron Bud-- get includes $150,000 for administrat- Ion, which would be divide dcqually among the agencies A Department of Veterans' A ffalrs has been approved, to be located on the grounds of the Veterans' Homes and Hospital in Rocky Hill. The Department has been established to assist veterans in secunng benefits that are rightfully theirs Satffed by eight people, six will become service officers, and one must be a women, specializing in women veterans' conterns Two hundred and fifty thousand do'liars has been appropriated to fund the program. The CONN PACE (Cormectlcut Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly) program was enacted,n the 1985 Session and provide onehalf the cost of prescnpuon drugs for semor Clllzens who meet certain income requirements. Many other newly passed laws will help Connecticut's senior citizens. Please feel free to contact me at should you have any questions. same jurists could bc packing six-guns without anyone knowing. Public Safety Commissioner Lester Forst says that at least 16 Superior Court judges, and one Supreme Court justice, hold pistol permits. That doesn't necessarily means that the men and women in robes go" armed in the courtroom. However, state pohce have a point: It's conceivable that the trooper might be the only unarmed official in the courtroom. Of course, the idea of people carrying guns is a scary one. But in the real world, it's something we have to hve with. And I surely feel safer when I see a police officer who ts armed. That gives some protection to the rest of us, who aren't carrying a weapon, against the nuts who shouldn't be carrying guns in the first place Pohce officers should be the only armed persons in the courtroom. Disarm the rest. extra blankets and sleeping bags and make sure the gas tank m the car is filled Cooking During an emergency, a camp stove, fireplacc, or a can or Sterne (placed in a holder on a flamepoor surfacc) can be used for cooking. Freczer-dncd or dehydrated foods mcd by campers and backpackers can be prepared with a mmmmm of heat.

7 your p The Observer, Thursday, July 24, th e newspaper 7 Calendar House Dir. trea:tedbadly To the editor: In a recent news release it was pointed out that a program coordinator to be hired for Calendar House will earn morn than his boss, the director. This is absolutely unbelievable. Would our town manager hire someone at a salary greater than his? Would a pmstalent of a company appoint someone to a lesser position at a salary greater than his? I INnk not. Our Town Manager, Mr. Welchsel, says the Calendar House Director, Mr. Stephen Karp, "will be due a raise." When? He is due that raise right now and Mr. Weichsel says "there's nothing we can do about it now" as 'qt would be unfair labor practice." 1 ask, "unfair to whom?" Certainly not to Mr. Karp, because he surely is being treated anything but fairly right now. It is my understanding that the director of senior citizens' centers in several neighbonng towns is paid much more than the Calendar House director. Members of the Calendar House, and yes, the town as a whole, lost a good director two years ago because of a dcmal of an increase in the director's salary Now that we are fortunate in having another very fine director of the fin e,n senior citizens' center in the state, let us loam from past mistakes and,not allow the same thing to happen all over again. Proper steps taken in DUI case To the editor: Since I have been the President of R.I.D (remove intoxicated drivers) for the last two years I have received dozens of phone calls from all over northem Connecticut concerning poopor have lost loved ones to drunk drivers The first thmg they want to know is, what should they do. Some of these acldcnts are several months The very first thing to do is to get -in touch with a lawyer that is experienced m drufik dnvrog cases That is the most important thing to do the next day or as soon as possible. This gives him a chance to check all things out, the road conditions, skid marks, and all types of mca.surcrucnt, and many more little things that are not really little things, but very important things He can get pictures of the cars, things to do, that you could never imagine. Your lawyer will work for you harder than anyone else can, always with your welfare m mind. These are the things to do immediately You may have hospital bills to pay and no money to pay them with. Your in_ urance, and other _tmrsons insurances are all very important. Because of the accident you may be in the hospital very badly hurt, or even m a come, unable to consult anyone, or even family The party in the other car, who was intoxicated, had heirlmef time in court, probably plea bargained and was given a years probation and let go. By the Umc you are released from the hospital, there is nothing much you can do. Unfortunately, everyone doesn't kalow some one else who can take your place at a time like this. So now you are left helpless and very much m doubt and someumes with life yours-and the other one r tv o4,-there---long problems. -. arc pohcc reports and so many other Don't listen to your friends who Chadles L. Foreman, Jr. 750 Andrews St. Southington tell you not to worry, the district attorney will take your side. They are wrong, the D.A. is working for the state, not you. I don't mind getting these calls. I want to help, that's the job of R.I.D.. We want to be of any help that we can. 1 hnpe lhi help nraenne. somewhere. Martha Sanko vski R.I.D. "Smahingto. n Thu u your page your onmbutwn Keep this page lively, mformanve and opinionated Send letters to. The Observer, P.O. Box 648 Southington, CT Type or clearly pnnt and double space your copy And mclude your name, address and phone mvnber for 'rom the desk of Sen. Markley by State Senator Joseph Markley A plan for our state's environment Envimmcntal concerns must be addressed at all levels of society, and according to the state Department of Enviromemal ProtecUon's (DEP) recently released "Envlroment/2000" plan, we can achieve a more clean and safe future by setting realistic, workable goals for dealing with modemday problems that adversely affect our natural surrounding. The DEP is now using tesumony offered in recent public heanngs to develop at 15-year master plan for effectively managing Connecticut's envimment, based on the proposals put forth in a preliminary document of Envimment/2000. A crucial element in this document is the concept of "stewardship," the perception that we are only t.emporary residents of this land and it s our responslbthly to preserve, protect, enhance, and pass on this rich, natural heritage we enjoy to future generations The rclauonshrp of ourselves, nature and fellow citizens serves as a theme as the plan comments on the state of our enviroment in four major areas, preservation, pollution control, resourccmanagcment,andgovernmental support services Within this broad outline, 38 topics are addressed, goals am set, objccuvcs are established, present status and past trends are recogmzed,and management strategiesarecreated -- which DEP proposes to achieve by the year The 38 topics cited within this ambluous document are recognizable Prime Time by Cy Brickfield concerns, among them, toxic water pollutants, endangered species, hazardous air pollutants, pesticides, hazardous waste, noise pollution, coastal resources, land use, drinking water supply, and environmental information and education -- a few examples of the diversity of enviromental issues with which face us hem. The far-reaching goals concerning these environmental issues address both state and local levels of action. Among local goals are the establishment of comlssions to preserve historical areas, the protection of oyster beds and the conservation of inland wedands -- another indication of the comprehensiveness of this report. Some of the state gorls include advocating nauonal and regional control to reduce sulfur and mtmgcn oxide-reduced acid ram and delegating state authonucs to inspect small quamty hazardous-waste generators. As the DEP prepares a final "Enviroment/20(X)" report, incorporating public vmws and op mons and serving as a model of cnv romental standards, it plans to yearly update the document to guide proposed legislauon, budget submissions and program implementations by the DEP through the General Assembly. Piecemeal approach It is time to abandon our current piecemeal approach to cnviromcntal legislation in lavorofa more clcariy defined, purposeful and objcctwe approach crucially needed if we arc to preserve and protect the fine quality of life we enjoy in Connccucut. "Enviromerit]2000" outlines a course of action for everyone, from the highest elected of ficial to the individual citizen Information on the "Enviroment/2000" report can be obtained from the state Department of Enviromcmal Protection in Hartford The number there is If you have any other questions about this or other state issues, please contact me in Hartford: Sen. Joseph C. Marklcy, Senate Republican Majority Office, State Capitol, Hartford, Ct., Or you can call mc toll-free at the Capitol at , or at my home in Southington at Reaching out and helping each other Albert Rose is normally active, healthy septuagenarian who lives alone. A bad case of flu kept Rose housebound for a few eeks, and, as a result, he was unable to do household chorse or buy groceries. Forunately, Rose lives in North Miami, Florida, one of two urban areas in that state participaung in a pilot program in which older persons volunteer to help other older persons. In so doing, the volumeors collect "service credits" for themselves or their spouse. Rose's service credit account was good, the result of many hours spent elping others. Rose cashed in some credits in order to get the help he need- d while sick. Another volunteer did his grocery shopping, prepared his dinner, and did some chores around the house, all of which made Rose's confinement less worrisome than it might have been. While Albert Rose and his story am ficuous, the program described is not. The Florida volunteer service credit program operates under the state's Department of health and Rehabilitative Services and is open to people over age 60. A computer keeps track of the volunteers and the credits they earn. besides North Miami, the program is also operating in Fort Meyers. In Reston, Virginia, a program called useful Services Exchange involves pcople of all ages. Unlike the Florida program, Useful Services Exchange is a membership organization. Members offer certain services, such as chauffeuring, shopping, cooklng, lawn mowing, carpentry, etc. They arc then matchcd w th another member needing those services A,, with the Florida program, crethts arc earned for wolk performed. In this period of rapid growth in the older segment of our population, these volunteerprograms are encouraging sign. Millions of our older citiznes live without close ties in their communities. While they are normally able to cam for themselves and can handle most household chores. Them are times when help is needed. When that help comes fi'om a neighborly volunteer source, it is doubly welcome. Perhaps your community would benefit from a volunteer help program for older persons. Peek at the past This old photograph shows Main Street in Plantsville center circa the 1910s. The regal looking str.ucture as Plantsville Baptist. built in the 1870s. Today, the church is Faith Living. The scene today is not that much different, but gone are the trolley tracks, the overhead trolley wires, and the oldfashioned street lights. This old photo is from a group of glass negatives recently purchased by the Southington Historical Society. i Looking Editor's note: Looking back has alwa.,,s been a popular feature in our pages. We started it again last,. eek. It is rather fascinating to look back and remember hat it as like. ears ago. This eek e turn the pages back Ihirty years. July 24, 1956 The town's registrar of voter,, took a survey lnthcatmg Squtlnngton ha,, voters, including 1,481 m the new fourth district The rcgr,tran, estimated another voters v, ould be added to the h,,t before the October clccnon Inc dcntallj., there arc "about" Rcpubhcans add nearly 1,600 Democrats Wnh six daj, s lclt before a deadhne set by the state Water Commission to take "aggressive action" on a sewer project, the Town of Southlngton was at a standstill Ck State Highway Commissioner Newman E Argraves told ofhcials of towns along the route of a proposed superhighway that by-passing Southlngton t,, one ol the chief rams of the project The commls',loncr said the Plamvdlc-Southmgtou parl of the 17- mac road',,ay,aill ha',c priority v..hco mone. i a allable to Mall Alter t,, o members of the Southmgtou Planmng and Zomng Comm,,mn had argued for the advantage,, ol clo,,cd meetings, the commis-,,ran voted to bold open meetings lhr t Selectman Jo',cph A Luty', an cxolfio member, joined Samuel Boy, or,, and Robert Telfcr in contending that the press should be cxchidcd untd the comml',slon's v, ork had re..dlcd a morn advanced stage Rcpubhcans were a week closer to the contest most of them hoped to avmd as the.,, by-p,a.,,,,cd any endorsemcnts at a mcctrog of the tov, n commince Unlcs a last m nute change is made, the party will settle whether Valcnunc DcPaolo or Seymour Tassre heads the ticket in October at a caucus on August 6 Mr. DcPaolo has the cnor,cmcnt of the Italmn-Amcncan Rcpubhcan Club Mr Tassm has the personal support of Kenneth Butler, president of the Second Dismct GOP Club and other individuals who are prommcm m the party. An cc cream and cake festival will be held on the Central Green tomorrow from 6-9 p,.m. It will he sponsorcd by the Southington Junior Chamber of Commerce and is the second annual event. Miss Joan Coppola, "Miss Jaycee", wll/be featured in a program of sclccuons on her accordion. The Soulllington L ttlc League All- Stars will be looking for their first victory in the 1956 Dtsmct Playoffs when the engage the Forestvllle "nine." Managers Mllt Gagne and Ralph Salzfllo announced a possible starting Imeup for Southington. Mike Mdo is scheduled to pitch with Mark Hobson behind the plate. The infield will feature John Spain at first, Dick Tully at second, Tony Mauro at shortstop and Dom Mongillo at third. In the outfield, Bob Hall in center, John DiCaprio in right and either Bob Scott, Ronald Carbone or Dave Lombardo in center. Conn. plain language by Atty. Gen. Joseph L Lieberman Saving wla n you sell your home The real estate market r, hot Homes arc changing hand and pncc are skyrockctmg. If you are thmmng of taking advantage of the current market, there am some recent changes in the real estate industry that might help )ou when you sell your home A threeyear antitrust mvcsllgatmn conduclcd by my office has helped lead to a court settlement v, hlch should generate greater competmon among broker, trrd the terrors of the settlement, Realty B 9(ards arc now prolnbacd from mqtu ng or encouraging their members to charge fixed comm, mn percentage on rcstdcnual propcmc This should come as welcome news to Connecticut homeowners since Realtors will have to compete wuh each other on commls, ion charges in order to attract bus ncss The settlement also provides consumers wldl greater access to lhc multiple listing services that are,,o vital to selhng a home Realtors and multiple hstlng scr'.'tccs can no longer.discriminate against propcmc,, with low commission percentages Nor can they refuse a hstmg simply because the bomeowncr has a contract v, htch allows him to sell his own borne and to avoid the commiss on altogether, as long as that contract hmlts the number of listing agencies. In addmon, the settlement encourages greater compctmon among real estate professionals by forcing local Realtor Boards to pubh,dl hstmg,, Irofn out-of-town Realtors. In the past, local boards sometimesd relected home listings from brokers who did not have an office in their commumty. Now an.',' Connccllcut Realtor in good standing can join boards m other tov:ns and lrq homes m thc r multtple liming services without opening ol rices in cacti of those towns If you arc planning to sell your I ome, I offer the follov, mg advice. (1) Negotiate for Iox er commission tales v, hcn )ou are shopping around for a broker. Until recently, rate,; were more or Ics,, umlbrm Now the.,, should vary throughout the state. You may save vour,,clf thousands of dollars by hunting Ior the lowest rate (2) Sign an "exclusi',e agency listing" instead of an "exclusi,,e right to sell listing." When you give your broker the cxchislve right to sell your home, you o c the agreed upon commission even if )ou sell the house yourself. An exclusive agency contract means that ou only pay your broker a commission if he or she finds the buyer for )'our home Listing services may no longer discriminate against exclusive agency listings which permit the homeowner to sell his own home, so the tradmonal disadvanta to agency hstlngs has now been ehmmated. Knov, mg,our rights can save you subst:mtlal time and money when you go to sell our home The recent court sctdcment may change the way real estate brokers do business, but its pnnclpal benefit will be to those consumers v, ho know how to profit from the changes. And that's the plain language Health Notes by Kirsten DahL PhD, Child Study Center mer: Home with children The end ol the school )'ear is an cxcmng umc Ior young children. In the bcginmng, the lack ol structure pleases them but the long days and the lack of structure can be a problem. Some children become bored by the lack of sooal hie Also, as a parent, 3 ou may loci that )'our clnldren should have some kind of regular acttvlt.,, This problem rs really one for the whole family, not just the child Someone, usually the mother, has to provide the structure and social life the child may miss. While families vary, children do seem to hke some predictabthty in their day. It can be helplhl to them as well as the rest of the family if they have chores and respons- bflmc that must be ct 'npletcd daily. Parcills Illd. also have to create opportnnme, to scc friends If there are none in the neighborhood, a young child nnght bcneht from some kind of organized summer program.

8 8am g The Observer, Thursday, Iul 24, 1986 Sign in, please Sixth District Congresswoman Nancy Johnson, left, autographs.the honor certificate of Sara Pringle, as Pringle's father looks on. Johnson took time out of her busy schedule recentb to address the Ilonors Night attendees at DePaolo Junior lligh School. More then 270 students, famib,' and faculty members were present. The Southington Connection by Terry Marotta (continued from page 4) and hc `. as the first to be buried them house on Ccmcr Street was then used sonic, s,. cf[ig( Joseph A cpaolo Junior High Ill odlcr crax, hl [OrlC c%chts stepped n to delinc hie h r a )oung per- Tile inscnptlon upon hls tombstone is as a school for ten )cars. School has released the names of Great Awakening them wm man.',, as follows In 1S68,,in ad&tlon to the mare tho,,c students ell the Honor roll for soil In the 1930 there a tim - people who left the establisbed church "t-terehes the remains of the Rev. ch,ar hwa,,bulh. Agamm 192t, furlh- the final scmc+tcr. Obtaifiing first qon to try to hvc )our hfc around (Congregational m various ohn Wnghm an, who departed this er addition,ls tarted and dcdkatcd l.alcr, 1 d tile War The cnse el honors '*'*ere" Tracy Bates, Vlcky section of Connechcut, and these hfe April 4th A D 1781, m the 55th tumult that those m thou t cnuc today Carrier, Kevln Conroy, Klmberly people became known as 'separates' )'car of llls age The servant of the Tragedy strikes ManyoftheseseparatesbecameBapt- lord most hight sent with the gospel Then tragedy stuck in Jan loci arises n pan perhaps Item the lad Coulter, Timothy Curley, Mart' tim( c're a coulllrv at peace, with a DcBisschop, Angcla DcMarco, Daniel ists and all of them worked at a "more from the sky In dreary shades of lone- 1953, v, hcn tile church burned and healthy economy Thcre' l,mc to cxpcnmcnt {or 3dung people tlonyak, Gregory landrcau. Docrflcr. Kclslla Gccr, Eh.,abcth peffectstandardoffaith, rehgiousfeel- some mght to spread the grace of v, ascomplctcl.,,dcstro)cd V,;Inlcholding, andliving, than had before prevail- heavenly hght " mg services m the YMCA for over there's room, in hl, In get lo t. at lca t Christopher King, Christopher Kohl, ed." three )'ears, men, hers began a Building for a while Michael Kostr,'cwa, and Lon Kupcc. Timlow writes that when Mr. The Baptist Fund and chose land on Mcndcn Ave- Wnghtman came to Southington, Rev Until the church went under nuc as the site for the nc v church. In I took on adult hlc m a tune of Also, Dav,'n LalutcrL Jeanne peace and prosperity I too had a turbulent t cnttcs Luccy, Suzamlc Matta',. M chcllc Linczak, Chrlsta Loptccolo, Jcmufcr Merriman was already nearly eighty the double name of The Fanmngton February, 1955 Ground Breaking years of age, and "to INS veteran and SouthtngtonBaptlst After ccrcmomcs v, cre held and on Easter I was luckier than some. though 1 Napoh. Maryann Nedjolka. SnlruU Christian the presence of such a sym- that. Farm ngton' was dropped Sunday 1956, the congregation of the patluzing friend and ally must have The first attcmpttoerect ameetlng First Baptist worshipped tn been the occaslon for greatjoy." house was during the pastorate el thclrhewchurch. Mr. Wrightman was married to Calvin Hurlburt,( L The first The following account came Item Polly Stoddard and later to Content meeting house was built in 1791 the research work of Mr Ray Thomas, Marks, and had four children. His There was much discussion on,.,,'here president of the Gcncolug cal Society housewasjustnorthofthejunctlonof to build it Finally it was decided to ofsouthmgton Mr. Thomasprescnlcd themadleading from WolfHill.(West build it near the present center of thrs material on the Plant Family (for Center St.) You still can see the home town, rather than m a more northerly whom Plant vfllc i named),it the he built on Mr. Vernon Rd. On page place Twenty five members gave Soclcly's regular mcctmglast Fall My 33, of The Directory of Southmgton's about $950 to'build INs first budding, thanks to Ra', lot Icmng me u',e th s Old Homes you can see a picture of It stood on a small hill on what is now material " Red Sox and this house, built in The dcscnp- Center Street and Center Place Renlmlscencc el rchgmu', hfc,is tion in the directory is as follows: The church which was located on nttcn by Ebcnc/cr Plant In "Baptist church services were first Main Street was built dunng the mln- 1830, v.hcn lie (Ebcnc/ct} wa,, nine beldlnthehvingmomofthishouse, istryofrev lrenusatklnswhoservcd ),cars of agc, hc,. asapartolanc',qy Tbehousehasalargecentralclumney as pastor bct`.`.een 1827 and 1839 orgamzcdsunda) SchoolatthcBapt st with three fireplaces. One in the keep- Quoting from Mrs. Betsy Havlland's. "I have been in the Sanday ing room has recently been uncovered sketch prepared inl913 for the 175th School every )car since 56 )ca and I as was the large bake oven. The anniversary, these were years of p o- w' sh here to bear tcslmmny to the firelace in the dining room has been spcnty and harmony, no root ofbmcr- mcalculablcbcncfit',olbthlcschoolmblocked up. There is One original fitq- ness nor contention disturbed them " structlon" In thrs next temperaplace upstairs. The windows upstairs An interesting incident occured ion Ebenezer ttoward Plant. a vclv ream the 12 over 12, however the ones dunng the building of the church. The hglous pcr,,on, writes on the subject of downstairs were replaced. A small story goes that "one morning Deacon death. center hall leads to the second floor by Joel Neat coming to the village with "During the writing, the Lord,,,,as way of a spiral staircase which has a his team was told that the bell was in pleased by his spirit and trust, to mdrying cupboard going up it There are New Haven. Hc immediately started press upon my mind the importance of two small bedrooms reserved forhlrcd with his team to New Haven. tlls a prcparatmn for that event, and also, help and two large bedrooms for the wife, Harriet, was worried all night It was until 3 o'clock the next mormng because of sins unforglven, I was not prepared 1 was deeply impressed that family upstairs" Before tus death, Wnghtman had when he returned bringing the bell with the present was the hme wben I should succeded in having a burying ground.him "The building was dedicated Oct- seek the Lord `.`.lth all my heart. I laid out, not far from his house, on the ober 31, Wolf Hill Road, (West Center St.), In 1833, the old Baptist meeting (continued on page 9 OFFICE OF TAX LEGAL NOTICE ( LET A PROFESSIONAL JEWELER AT POLUMBO FIRST INSTALLMENT TAXES, JEWELERS CHECK and REPAIR YOUR BROKEN XES ON THE GRAND LIST OF OCTOBER ARE DUE JEWELRY ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES. A o A SLEJULY 1 '988 MOTOR VEHICLE TAXES ARE Not easy surviving the terrible 20S I was leafing through a book about the Roanng Twenties recently, and lound myself pausing at a photo of Scott and Zclda Flt,'gerald taken at tile crest of their lame They look, In ttus old hke two sad cl'uldrcn drc,,',cd up in party clothes. That's v, hat they 'o, ere, course: tw u b nt at e t me of the photo, n their twenties shll for most of the long decade of sm d hdanty that followed They w,'re chddren up pa t their bcdnmc, k ds ins to swim in cu cnts too strnng lbr them, casulatte, by the end of the era. lda fightmg lbr the s t she'd Io c finnly,,scott srukmg ever cpcr into.alcohol s fierce hug The CllI]C, It looks hkc, arc not counld or an individual, q hc mcnca el our century ccaaml ' dtdnt come through them unscathed, Scott and lda didn't. And, Lord. oun" W-ople today don'ff. In lo cr umcs, dt cnucs a man wa m the job he'd hold do n lot hl, a oman a or three kld Inlo motherhood No dda}s, t's dfllcrent Adulthood doesn't 3(I K d m their tx cnnc are cxplonng was matched with my hie-partner by then, and thus grounded somewhat emotionally More important, IIlad as my job the enviable task of working with high schools kids as a tcachcl of Enghsh. It wa,, my privilege In take that whole body el learning down off the shelf el memory, dust it ofl, and have another look at 't I 6t to re-read King Lear each'year, lloat down the Mrsslsslppl with Mark Twain, range through the woods at Walden with Henry Thoreau 1 got to go through high school agam, you might say, this time without the d stractlon of wondcnng who'd ask me to the Prom. I spent seven )'cars in the presence el people just beginning to wonder what life was d dn't find all the answers, but v,e thought up some real good queshons. I've been chewing on some of them ever since And I still kccp in touch wire mosc k Is. The2/re 30-no, survivors themselves of the Difficult Decade One works as a carpcntcr in the btg oily. Another cams her living as a physman A third makes movies, and a lourth drives a cab. One young expcr,n,c,,t,,,g,,,th DePao!o various hfcstylcs Tile rcsutt, lor The Savings & Loan Association of Southington's 6 Month woman quit high school, joined the Army, quit the Army and moved to California. Now she's earning her master's degree in Biochemistry. Most have not married. All seem happy. And none, vath the exception of the doctor, feels he's doing now what he'll do for the rest of his life. Last week I heard from a student I'd seen twice ifi tile dccad si ce he sat m my class. He called from a Drug Rehabilitation Hospital in another state. Hc called with bandaged wrists. In the course of our conversation, we asked the big questions again. "I'm 28 years old," he said "When will I know how to hve'" What could I say to him? That life is difficult? That lots of people get very turned around'? That it takes years of tudy to find out who you are'? I did say these things. I don't know if they helped. I think of hrm now, and all the young meruand women struggling to find. li.chon m today' wnrld The e arc rough seas to plot a true course in. Those just setting sail in their frail small ships nccd all the support we can give them. Par-lkh, Michael Poulos, Chrishde... Rapp, Peter Ross, Kathy Saucrer, Knqcn Shubcrt, Valenc Shay, Sandra Spring. L sa S,-mco, Philip Thlbodeau, Tara Torcello, Christopher Waak, Tanya Wright, Sel Jm Yoon, and Paul Yevlch Those on the second honors hst include: K rsten Barrasso, Robert Bo kowskl, Dlanne Bodreau, Stephen Calnan, Marc Capno, Patrick Camlody, Christopher Chyhnski, Susan Comparonc, Ken Crooker, Amy D gnazlo, Christine Gombotz, (continued on page 9) Yankee Grand Slam CD's Pick Your Favorite Team CD 7% Interest is Guaranteed For Every Game Your Team is over.500 At The End of Regular Season Play, Pay You an Additional.01% " Plus a Bonus of.25% if Your Team Wins The Pennant Plus an additional.25% if Your Team Wins The World Series PRICE QUALITY SER VICE COMPLETE WITHIN FROM THE DUE NORTH MAIN UTHINGTON 21.7 f DAY T OFFICE HOURS Come in And Get Your Team Grand Slam CD Before August 1st. Minimum Deposit of $500 Required IMPORTANT NOTICE & Loan Full Une of Nautilus qtp t -u=-men*,.,, Sauna Steam Room NOTE Air Conditioned,,,o o,, 92 North Summit St. o o Soutblngton T Be een West Street end the Town Green TOWN OF SOUTH INGTON 132 Main Street Southington, Connecticut

9 Weddings Elaine Rclbman and Peter Suwesk, were united in marnagc May 31, 6:15 p.m, at the Country Club of Torrmgton Officiating at the ceremony was Timothy Dnscoll,jusucc of the peace The former Miss Rmbman is the daughter of the late Harold and Claire Re bman. Mr. Surveskl is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Survesk of Southlngton. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Larry Rctbman. l ynne_ Rudck sewed her ststcr'as matron or hohor o ha Sim0fi was the bndcmmd. Tom Suwcskt served his brother as best man Another brother, Dave SuweskL sewed as usher. In addition, Kathy Marold was the guitarist and vocahst at the ceremony. and Katie Rclbman, the bride's niece, was flower girl. The bride wore her mother's Thomas, E. Nyerick, Jr. Engagements A November wedding l being planned for Jeanne R. Thomas and Edward P_ N yenck._jr vliss Thomas is the 0augtitcr of Jane R. Thomas of 79 Kensington Road and \lcllham Thomas of New Britain. Mr. Nycnck is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Nycnck, Sr of 77 Kcmlngton Road. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Del Sole of Wallingford have announced the engagement of their daughter, Denise A. Del Sole, to Daniel M. Theriault, son of Danford and Theresa Theriault of 539 Kensington Road. SHS graduate,attending law school Miss Thomas graduatcd in 1979 at Bridgeport lrom Southington ttigh School. She i -- iss Del Sole graduated in 1977 attcndcd Tunx s Community College 1 from Quinnipiac College in Hamden, in Farmmgton. Currcntl,y., she s cm- III where she received an Associate in. ploycd by the Travelers Insurance 1 Science degree. In1980, she obtained a Company in the Employce Dcntal m Bachelor of Arts degree in Legal tlcalth Umt Studies from Quinnipiac College. She is attending the Urttve it ol Bxidge- _ Penn State U = port School of Law. She is employed 'q Mr N)cnck graduated in 1978,,..., by the paralegal firm of Del Sole and -,... erlot, inomas from Soulhmglon rl gn 2 cnool. in 1982, he graduated Item Penn State tlarttordlnsurancegroupasacompu University He is employed with the cr prngrammer Boston College Mr. Theriault graduated from Boslon College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting. Current- Business news ly, he isemployedbythehartfordln- Reihman, Surveski " surancc Group as a certified public ac- Denise Del Sole An August wedding s being plan- with an off-the-shoulder lace neckline, long lace sleeves, fitted bodice, full handicapped children as East School in Torfington skirl, and the tram was mmmed with Mr Survcsk) graduated lrom!q. - Soulhmgto H.t 2 St2aoo!, 14 obtmn: The new Mr Survcski graduated cd a Bachelor ol Science n Owl Engfrom Lcwrs; MrlN Rcgrorral Hrgh m the..,...,...,,.: o r, Ccr School in Burlington She received her ncctlcut. Currently, he )s Bachelor of Scmnce degree in Special a constmctmn project manager at Education tram Whcclock College tn Northwestern Building Company in Boston She obtained a master's degree Tomngton in Early Childhood Special Edu- Following a wedding rcceptmn, cation from Southern Connecticut the couple lelt on a wedding mp to bt State Umvcrslty renew Haven. She is Bard s and St. Maartcn. They will restdc employed as a teacher of multiply in Tornngton Lori Bowman wins title South ngton resident Lon Bowman has been crowned MLqS New England Cantata Club Council Bowman, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowman of town, was selected in a pageant held July 11 at the UniversW of Massachusetts, Amherst. UConn student Lorl is employed t New Britain Machine and is a college student at the UniversW of Connecucut. The Miss New England Camera Club Council compctiuon consisted of modchng an cvcmng gown and swim suit Bowman was judged on poise, beauty, grace, and the ability to model. Southington assistance Southlngton resident Valcric Greene, who has worked with the Miss Souttungton ScholarshlpASsoclalion, helped Bowman prepare for this pageant. "I encouraged her to do the best she could and enjoy herself while she was there," Greene said She advised Bowman not to count on winning. "I knew that if she were rehevcd of the pressure of having to win, she would do well." The old Sho kase T'., atre, x hich closed in 1981, has several previous names. During the 1910s and '20s it was Coleman's Theatre. From the until the rntd '60s it was the Colonial Theatre. Lori Bowman Out of 26 contcstaots. Bowman finished first She indicated complete surprise upon being chosen Former Gov. Marcus Holcomb, a Southlngton resident, died on March 5, Holcomb v, as leader of the state from 1914 until Steve Nyren N)ren back at SSB Stcxen Nyrcn, ass sl,lnt secretary of South ngton Sawngs Bank, has returned to h s bank duties alter receiving a d ploma Item the National School el Fman,.c and Management el tile N,itmnal ('tuned nl Savings Institutions N.,,rcn,.,.as one of 55 nlcmbcrs el tile Class o11986 v, he look part m con> mcnccmcnt ceremonms at the Center for Financial Studies on the campus el Fairfield Umvers ty Nyren graduated In t979 from Eastern Connecticut State University in Wllhmanttc with a Bachelor of Science ineconomlcs and Business Adm mstralion. He joined SSB in 198(I as tant manager of lhe Queen Comer Ofrice The Southmglon le, dent '... meted lo asmsl.llll ' ecl-e al} bldlk.h manager of tile South End Olht.e 1983 Currently, he is manager of customer SCl'V CC atthe M.nn Slicer Olrice Dr. Kurz joins practice Dr. Kenneth Kurz, formerly cluel resident in urology at New York- Comell Medical Center in New York City, has joined Urological Assooatcs I)r. Ken Kurz el Central Connecticut, an established practice uth offices n Southinglon and Mcndcn. Urohlgical Associates At I'rolog cal Associates, Dr. Kur/louis Dr Ely Wagshul, Dr. Robc t \lornson, and Dr. Coong S. Sohn. I hc gloupma nlmns offices at 55 Mortden A',clmc, South ngton, and 116 Cook Avenue, Mcndcn. Dr Kur/s areal of expertise is In cndourology, the technology that pcm fls the d gnosls and removal of kidney qoncs w ahout major surgery. DePaolo honors (cnntinued from page8l Jason ttcnnlg. Laurie Htllon. Ryan Kcll.,,. and t.aunc Keller Al',o. St,lccy Lcnklcv, u./ Michael Lund c. Beth Maslr,ann) Craig Martin. Jellrc', Nhegs, Cindy N cholas, Jason" Ohnqcad Lynne Palmer. David Pcndcll, Darcy Peronacc, Pang( P.ard, Anthony Pompflc. Sara Prmglc, Paul Sczurek, Larlcnc Smflnak. Stephen Te xelra, Dma Wright. Brian Zaccagmno, and Sonya Zit.klcld DISCOVER THE COLDWELL BANKER DIFFERENCE! RESIOENT1AL REAL ESTATE SERVICES THE HOME SELLERS North Main St Southington, Conn The Southington Connectibn... (continued from page 8) greatly distressed because of my sins agmnst God, and for days and weeks, I sought earnesdy and as I thought sincerely for God's forgiveness. I tried to make a full surrender of myself into the hands of my Saviour.l did not l"ind that great change m my feelings that I had been expecting but from this time onward I took great pleastlre rn attending_ prayer meetings regularly and m somety of Christians and oiien felt that I would like to take some part m the meetings I continued m thts way until the forepart of the w nter of One evenings while at the prayer meetings of the church, I felt so. desirous of letting my feelings be known that I resolved that if my feelings at the next meeting were similar, I would make the attempt. At the next Sunday evening at the Congregationalist, Miss Sarah Walldey, afterwards Mrs. Orsen H. Stow professed to have experience rehgion and it was reported throughout the town the next day that there was a young convert. Tlus seemed almost a wonder. A young peoples' meeting was called for that Monday evemng at the house of Mr. Samuel Pratt. "The house was crowded full and the fcehng was most intense. Many were strtcken under conviction for sin and called upon God for Pardon, and others were rejoycing in Christ as their Saviour at this meeting I, (Ebenezer), felt constrained to bear testimony of God's mercy to me, and then began to the hope, though feeble at first, that God, for Christ's sake, had adopted me as one of his sons. Quite an extensive work of grace followed. Many professcd conversion and united with the two churched. I felt constrained and also deemed tt a great privilege to obey the-command -.d fe!!aw flae.z.ample of Christ m the ordinance of baptigm and was baptized by the Rev. A. Atktns, wuh thirteen others, on the 25th day of March 1838, uniting with the Baptist of ahlch I have continued a lncnd)cr years (1888)." Ray Thomas says, "He was twice elected Deaconofthe church, waselected Secretary of the Society in 1842, kndretalnedthat osltlon untffhe mov-- - ed to New Haven m 1860 He was elected Clerk of the in 1852 and retrained that until present time (1888). He wrote the history of the church in He also revised and continued the history of the church tn , which together with the catalogue of members, revised the Articles of Faith, was pnntcd in pamphlet form as the "Manual of the Baptist of Southington. "At the repairing and remodeling of the church in 1852, he was elected chairman of the building committee and also for the rdmodchng and addition m From Alice B. Bradley's diary account we get this. "July 8, "This afternoon sister and I went down to Mr. Plants' tower, (the hill that's currently being tom down near center of Plantsville), as the Baptist sabbath - school met there to celebrate ts anniversary. All of them had therr pmture taken tn a group at the tower." For more on the Southington BaptlSt read pages from Timlow's S etche " of Southlngton,(1875) and pages 322 to 329 from Atwater's History of Southtngton. Conn. (1924). PUBLIC NOTICE! PIANOS & ORGANS Closeouts Freight Damaged Direct Imports Bankrupt Stock Special Purchases BALDWIN & OTHER NAME BRANDS 3 DAYS Friday, July 25, 1-9 p.m. Saturday, July 26th, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday, July 27, Noon-5:30 p.m. NOW OPEN Our Own - Just Picked PEACHES APPLES PLUMS BU']-rER a SUGAR CORN FRESH BAKED PiES DONUTS (2OLD SWEET CIDER Mon-Fn 8a m-8p m Saturday, Sunday Hohdays9a m 3p m APPLE VALLEY WALK'IN MEDICAL CENTE i Most insurances accepted Partm=pates w th Blue Cross Blue Shield, C H N Quality, Convenient Health Care Whenever You Need It! No appointment necessary, open 365 days a year 360 North Main St., Southington, CT or High quality pianos and organs shipped in from 6 retail stores and 6 manufacturers.available for=de to the public 3 days or. 9upeMoUs savings! Factoq Warranties and local service in effect for this speda] sale. Choose from Spinets. Consoles, Studios and Grands 50%! Financing available with low downp yment, and no payment until September MasterCard Vlsa Disabled American Veteran's Hall 191 Riverside Ave. (just off Memorial Blvd.) Bristol men, on Premises: Clavier Music

10 1 O---living July 24, 1986 Observations School, College news Bradley emplo)ees Brad.ey..c..mo6 r Hn pilal has recognized three of ts workers as Employees of the Quarter John Mullett, president of BMH, announced that Margaret F nland, Moly Nemec, and Elaine Foruer were selected for this honor. Each was normnated by thmr supervtsors for their attendance, mitiauve, cooperation with others, production, rapport with patw,nts and v,s tors and personal appearance. Finland, a nursmg assistant, has been at Bradley for 14 years. Nemec, an administrative clerk, has been employed at B1MH for two years, while Fomer, an admimstrauve secret- - ary, has been employed atthehospnal for 16 years. Each of the winners received a gift certificate for Branmgan's Restaurant, reserved parking for three months, and a ceruficate of meet. Bahaq Faith The Bahaqs of Southington will conduct a discussion of scriptures on July 28. 7:30 pan. at for tnformatton. Sargent A daughter, Stephan, Lynn. was born July 12 at New Bntmn General HosDtal to R chard and Manlyn (Skinner) Sargent, Jr of Southington Mane Skinner of Southmgton s the mammal grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Rtchard Sargent, St. of South ngton are tile paternal grandparents. Stephante jotns a brother, J mmy, age one and a half, at home. Cochrane A daughter, Kristin Heather, was born June 16 at Bristol to Southmgtnn residents Glenn and Eft,on Cochrane. Gerard and Edeen Tompkins of Southington are the maternal grandparents. Donald and Shirley Cocharane of Plantswlle are the paternal grandparents. Helen Flyon of New York is the maternal great-grandmother. Kenneth and Helen Gnmm of Bristol are the paternal great-grandparents. Kristm joins a sister, Jessica, age three, at home. Valk A daughter, Melissa Ann, was born July 10 at New Britain General to Scott and Debora (Sullivan) Valk of Bristol. plantsville residents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan are the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Valk of Southington are the paternal grandparents. Emma Jean Galhgan of Massach.usctts is the maternal greatgrandmother. Margeunte Grabowski of New Britain is the paternal greatgrandmother. Mchssa has a maternal greaton your auto or homeown,re Insurance Compare Allstate for value Absolutely no obhgetion For an estimate, call us betwn.n a S 76 N. Main St., Southln ton -Allstate" Grange, Talent Contest The Southington Grange will sponsor a Talent Contest on Saturday, August 23, fro'm 4 to 6 p.,om as pan of the Grange Fair, held )early at the hall, Knowles Avenue The contest is open to any age, each entrant must supply fits/her owri music or tnstrumont, and entry forms are available by calling t or Prrzeswill be awarded to-different age groups. Arthritis honor The Southington Police Department has been honored by the ConnccUcut Chapter, Arthnus Foundation, for raismg money for the chapter. More than 60 parttctpatmg departments raised more than $9,500 fro benefit people in Connecticut who have anhrius. Police Chief Phthp D'Agost,no accepted the honor for the Southmgton Pohce Department. Layre BoWl--a-tho Zayre Department Store in Southington will sponsor a bowl-athen benefitting the Muscular Dystrophy Association. The bowl-a-then will take place Sunday, July 27, 7 p.m. at Banner Bowl in Plantsville. Last year, the Soulh ngton store m sed more than $1,800 for 'Jerry's Kids.' SARC puppets Rotated Citizens (SARC) is looking for inthviduals interested in becoming puppeteers for a 'Kids on the Block' educational program. For fi.trtherinformation, contact SARC in Plantswlle or ea Public Library crafts Southlngton Public Ltbrary hold crafts classes at the followin great-grandmother, Lflhan Hdton of Waterl. Daigle A son, Matthew, was born July 2 at Bristol Hospital to Guy and Susan (Prebis) Daigle of Platnvdle. Southmgton residents Edward and Florence Probes are the maternal grandparents. Southlngton residents Eldon and Jeanrone Dangle are the paternal grandparents. Matthew joms a brother at home. Tufano A son, Anthony Carmen II was born July 7 at Bristol Hospital to Southington residents Anthony C. and Deborah (Moues) Tufano, Jr. Sandra Mouris of Cheshire is the maternal grandmother. Carol and Anthony C. Tufano, Sr. of Cheshire are the paternal grandparents. Florence Cahill of Waterbury ts the maternal great-grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Antonucci of Cheshire are the paternal greatgrandparents. Levine A daughter, Tamara Rachel was born June 18 at St. Mary's Hospital in Waterbury to Howard and Julie Levine of Southington. Migneault A daughter, Kathleen Ann, was born June 23 at Mercy Hospital in. Oklahoma C ty to to Parcel and Edward Migneault. Southington residents Mr and Mrs. Wallace Truss are the maternal grandparents. Paternal grandparents are Armand and Edna Migneault of Fall River, Massachusetts. SERVING THE COMMUNITYFOR OVER 10"fEARS PAUL R. MASTRIANNI YEAR ROUND MAINTENANCE b LANDSCAPING Commercial Resldennallnsured Serwce PATIO WORK STONE or RR TIE WALLS Top SOd Trees Shrubs Chips Stone Fertdtzer lrewood Trucking Tree Cutting & Trimming I Lawn Mowing Shrub & Hedge Trimming] Backhoe-Loader or York Rake Work An Answer ' CLOSED One of Connecticut s Finest # / tyler M u -- Restaurant Mmn St., (Rt. 10)" %'o' 'Southington Fresh Seafood Daily Italian.American Cuisine Buslnessperson's LUNCHEON SPECIALS Weekdays Dinner Special Every Night dates and times. Children must register for the etasse srand-ha, -completed-thegrade n'wd c a August 5, 10 a.m., grades 5 and 6, cross stitch; August 12,. 10 a.m., kindergarten, button pictures; August 15, special program, reading club. All books must be recorded by August 13. For more informatkrav, call Y Seniors The YMCA Seniors will hold a meeting, luncheon-potluck dirmerand birthday social on Monday, July 28, 12 noon at the Y Hall on High Street. International Student Exchange tnternationalstudont E ehange is looking for families to host students from Brazil, Mexico, Japan, England, Span and Germany. If you'd like to find out more, write to International Student Exchange, P.O. Box 58, Fen Jones, California or call HOST. Ustomy Association to the monthly meeting of the United Ostomy Association, New Britain area Chapter on Monday, July 28, 7:15 p.m. at the Community Room_ of. Burritt Interfinanctal Banco p, 267 Main Street, New Britairk Wendy Henderson will discuss acuve listemng. For more nfo., call Paul Rodriguez, MD, son of Mrs Evelyn Rodriguez of Southington and brother of North Center School principal Dr. Nancy Arnold, recently was elected president of the medical staff of Hale Hospital, Haverbdl, Massachusetts. Hale Hospital is a 200 bed community hospital with a medical staff of more than 100 physicians. Dr. Rodnguez attended Southington schools, and graduated m 1957 from Southington High School. He is a practicing gynecologist in the Haverhill area and resides in Bradford, Massachusetts with his wife Jerene and four children. Current School Supt. John V. Pyne was prlnclpal of the Llncoln- LcwB complex In He became assistant superintendent in Gerald Heller Heller Gerald T. Holler, son of Sophia K Holler of Southington, has been awarded a Bachelor of Science degree and an Assoctate in Science degree from Bentley College in Waltham, Massachusetts. Hell,r, a 1982 graduate of Southington..High School, has Tennison, Kennedy and Lcnehan n Boston. Concepcion Jeffrey Concepcton, son of Plantsville's Mr. are Mrs, Oscar Concepcion, has been named to the facultms honors hst for the spnng semester at Trimty College m Hartford. Concepcion, a junior at Tnmty, completed an mtcrnsh p with the Cormecticut Busmess and tndu ry Association and was a staff writer for The Tripod, the campus newspaper He is a 1983 graduate of St Paul Catholic-High School Bouchard A_ daughter, Lauren Ann, was born June 27, at New Bntam Gener to Plantsvltte residents Stanley and omflitary Donna (Kosma) Bouchard. Nell Kosma of Southmgton is the maternal grandmother. Bernardi Southmgton residents Mr. and Sgt. R ck A. Bcroad of B Mrs. Rossaire Bouchard are the Company Inf. 82nd Atrborne paternal gran.dparents. Dw sion, Fen Bragg, North Carohna. Lauren lmns a brother, Shawn, has been assigned to the Southern 'age three, and a sister, Shannon, age European Task Force m Vmccn/a, two, at home. Italy for 18 months. The sergeant fll train w th all mrbornc NATO lorcc,, He s a 1976 graduate of Southmgton Rodriguez elected H gh School. Bernard s married to the former Sharon Palmer of Texas They have two sons, R cky, Jr. and Joseph. WNEC M "/chael gram, an mteroational cultural exchan- Gel So[omnll ge. were awarded degrees [mm Wcstem New England College m Spnngfield, Massachusetts They obtamed bachelor degrees lronl WNEC. Mauro Southmgtou resident Kate Mauro received a Bachelor el Scicuce degree atcommcuccmcnrexct clse heldrecentty at the C W, Post Campus el Long Island Umvm ty Kate Mauro Ram,,a) Peter R.m.t) el Southington rcccnlly ',cmetl I'J.O lnorhh% Ill the tmn W rk Fxpff'rlt' t't" Abroad pronews gained agncultura omculmrm work experience from the exch ge pro- gramiamsay has been an o.f.ricer,n. the. Southington FFA chapter, ne receives the State Star Agri-business Person Award tn 1984 and the Eastern Regional Floriculture Award in He is the son of Stewart and Sylvta Ramsay. Tim Dabkowski Dabkowski Tamothy Dabkowsld of Southington has zceivcd a Bachelor of Science degree from Western New Engl n_d College n Sprmgfield, Massachusetts. Whde at WNEC, Dabkowski served as a resident advisor and member of the varsity wrestling team and and the Restdence House Council The late Dominic Egidio was a deputy sheriff for ilartford County for more than 34 years. mender Subm,mnc Group T o at the cqmpmc t repmr spcctahst sub ba c lot the pa t th cc )ca alter Level., at Fo Leonard sc.ulg a lout m ]la ah lie a 1980 Missouri. graduate el Southmglon Ihgh School Murra) rcmdcs I11 (;roton ltll his %% lie, DOlllla Ta alot/i Armx N,illonal (;ujrd P'd Glenn Q] '[ d\ aio//i. ItCphc\\ Ol AIIlld dnd Tom S/pak ol I1t Wcq Center Slreet, ha compldcd the Ann)'s tonstmcuon SPe Murray Navy Petty Officer Second Class Weddings YN2 Richard Murray, son of Thomas and Irene Murray of Plantsvllle, has been promoted to his present rank on Engagements June 20 at the Submanne Base at on Page 9 Groton. Murray has been stat,oncd at Corn- The Observer's mailing address is P.O. Box 648, Southington Steps,Block,Concrete Walls,Stone Block Ramps.Patio Blocks Stone lnground Swimming Pool Decks Patios Complete Waterproofing Services New Repair Work Free Estimates l T ACT R 'TMA SAFE DRIVER. WHYSHOULD!HAVE TO PAY HIGH PREMIUMS?" Auto Pohcyholder 'With L,berty Mutual I don t have Io Because Ihe people' at Dberty Mutual reward me for my safe dnwog expenenco w th lower auto premiums And Dberty Mutual also offers lots of d=fferent money-sawng programs As far as I m h. concerned you can t find./ p. that k=nd of sawngs., anywhere else So call your =m. " lpll local Libert Mutual office = =, ': llll and compare You II see why, I believe,n Dberly.. LIBERTY MLrrUAL INSURANCE. LIBERq'Y " MUTUAL li' Darnel J. Downey L berty Mutual Insurance Company 1247 Queen Street $outhington. CT OS4BB 793-B226 Spring Cleaning Tml Trimming Clean-up Wo. Land Cleared int. & Ext. Painting Window We hlog Att=cs. Cellars Garages Gutter Cleaning Free Estimates INSURED REASONABLE RATES Jim Perkins WOLCOTT VIDEO OUTLET I course, Wood, The course tramed the solther,n repairmg thesel engmes, fuel systems, and such components as transmissions, brakes and hydrauhc networks. Current School Supt. John V. P)ne ', as originally a 6th grade teacher at the former Lincoln- Le ds and Holcomb Schools. BLACK CARPENTER ANTS CAN DAMAGE YOUR HOME 8hss to the rescue Black Carpenter Ants excavate extenszve galleries m wood to serve as nesting places and can seriously harm your home They're unsightly and unsamta but they are no match for Bhsslramed techmc ans Ask about our PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN =t's backed by over a century of rehabdry PHONE: THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN CONN. & II Summer Video Movie Blow Out SALE New Used, ow s24.95, ow Start your own library at these pricesh! OUTLET II OUTLET I Met -Wtbv Rd 1796 Menden Rd Rte 66. Me,on. CT SHUR FLO OIL,,,e Oid Colony Rd, Walhngford Now is the time for your Spring Burner Clean CALL US TO DO THE JOB IOME E,.TING "'t:!" 24 Hour Burner Service " ' Office Furniture Computer Supplies Computer furniture Cards & Gifts Prompt FREE Delivery !1

11 Observer sports The Observer, Thursday, July 24, 1986 Observer swim meet-- 13 Golf roundup 12 Fishing advisory Out with the crowd by V.E. Takesian More dayiigh t, more play Opt,mism is running high that the Southlngton Little League championship round robin senes among the top teams tn the Northern, Southern and Wcstem Divisions will be completed in next year before the start of the state and the Town championship round robin series among the first place teams in each di,ision could start in late June It will be completed well "ahead of the Dlsmct 5 double elimination tournament involving three teams ament among some 15 all-star teams. Based on the fact that daylight Savmgtlme will officially take place at 2 a.m on the first Sunday m April instead on the traditional last Sunday in April, the South ngton Little League season could open during the final week m April instead of the first week m May. Bill Masci Due to the heavy regular season schedule of the throe divisions during the past several years, Southington Lntle league officials were forced to cancel the champlonstup series at least once because tt condieted with the Dismct 5 double ehmination Tournament. As a result, the town was without a Little league champion. Again this season, the Southregion Little League championslup series is delayed for a minimum of two weeks because of the District 5 Toume). For some unexplainable mason, Lmle league officials desm mg to complete the town round robin series as soon as possible decided to hold an open date on Wednesday, July 9. Had a game beeh played on that day, there would have been no mason for the two finalists, the Westem Division champion Elks and the Nonhero D vtslon title winrang Braves, to walt until the first or second week in August to meet in the deciding title game The Town Lmle League round robin series among the Southern Division champion Cardinals, Braves and the Elks started on Monday, July 7 and games were scheduled every night with the exception of July 9. The Elks eliminated the Cardinals by winning both games and the Elks and Braves split even their two-game home and home series. Because of inclement weather Sunday, July 13, the showdown between these two fine teams was postponed because the managers didn't want to risk injuries to their players. Some of the players were also members of their division all-star teams involved in the District 5 t6umament. With daylight saving rime updated four weeks in 1987, t makes it possible for the Southington Little League season to open one or even two weeks'xahead of this year. Subsequently the regular season would be completed by mid-june a representative from New aln,wallingford, Plainvllle, Berlin, Yalesvdle and Terryvllle. All of which means that 15 allstar teams will play m the toumament. The earlier daybght saving llme in 1987 will make it possible for many athletes in the town's Little League program to take deserving vacations w th their parents in Aug- These athletes am involved in the Little league from early April and maintain a daily schedule for more than 15 weeks In addition they malmaln h gtracatlcnnc - grades dunng the school year Theh' definitely need a rewarding vacatmn because of their 1 l-v,eck schedule. The carhcr start of the little league season will enable parents to schedule their vacations m August because they are assured the baseball season will bc over. Early softball, too Bill Masch rccreanon dlrcctor, is thrilled that da)hght saving time will be four weeks ahead tn 1987 because he dl be able to update the timetable of the Southlngton Men's Softball League "I will be able to start our gigantic Men's Softball League in mid- to late April mstead of early May and close the regular season in late June or the first week in July," Maser said Mascl points out that the players in the league want to play an 18 game schedule dunng the regular season before the playoffs. "It is especially hard for many players to play playoffs games m late July or early August because they want to take their vacations long before Labor Day" Mascl said. Completing a schedule for as many as 50 teams for 9 to 10 weeks is a time-consuming responsibility and Masc accepts it m profcssmnal style. It must also be po,nted out that some players am unable to play on certain days of the week and Masc has to consider th s proposal m finalmng the schedule. Often umes he pmnts, "It is mposslble, but we do our best ". There s always the poss blhty of future expansion as them are 50 teams t us season, points out the very busy Masci. The director of mcmauon has a dynamic daily schedule because Masci s involved with many organized sports in the community. He is called upon to check numerous complaints in the parks as well as ma,ntain many hours daily in his Town Hall office with a variety of detailed work There is no question we are all looking forward to the 1987 season because of the earlier daylight saving time schedule" emphasized Masci. We are certain that the earlier daylight sawng tme will be accepted with open arms by the hundreds of Southington athletes and followers. In fact the Southmgton High School athletic teams wall never be concerned w th their games being called because of darkness because they are in tough competition in early Apnl. Over 40 tennis results are on page 12 Ballpark babes v. The Western Little League's Babe Ruth baseball team made a fine impression as the host of the t986. l? be Ruth State Tournament. Above. the locals admire an aeriel shot o[ their bali park as taken by balloonist Robert Zirpolo. The photo was presented to league head BuSch Bretphy during opening ceremonies, ln phnto_am_right,q lay r har a m m nt together between inniogs. (;ame results are mt page 13. Thrills abound as fierce competition ouu tu s in n2en's utlu n Pla.cRf I?ma m L O. hvlsaons of the Southmgton Parks and Recreation Men's Soltball League wdl be decided Sunday at Recreation Park. Robcrgc Plumbing lll face tl e w nncr of the Evergreen Nursery and V&H game lot the Divlsmn B2 t tle. The Dfvtson B2 t tle game will start at 5 p.m Sunday at Recreanon Park The second game of the doublchc' Jer w ll follow the opemng battle. Batter Up and Wooden Rail Restaurant will battle m a doubleheader for the D ws on C2 title starting at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Rccreanon Park No 2. Roberge Plumb,rig advanced m the playoffs by sweeping Mid-State 0 and 7-6 recently. In the first game R ch Elhott v, lntewashed Mid-State as Ed Sflva,. Rooerge and Scolt Chcsanek homers. :xur,cr2,_ c,tnke h,l kall kc..tbe n gbtcjp, 18-4 iqre Company 5 sv.cpt a doublehc-adcr over TN4an,, 84 and t t4 - In the opener Bdl Brooks contn- "butcd 3 b s, nctud ng a bomer and Rtt [ cr added 2 Bob Roper wa the winning p tcbcr m g cs Strong attack In the second baltic, the lirefightcr unlcascd a 20-bit attack as Bob l.udv, mov, tc.,, Glenn Brecdlove and hm Sardo cacb banged out 3 lnts wbde,l pair ol bit', 'Acre.ollcctcd by Tom Morn,, and Dave Gammer Baiter Up ehnlmatcd Nyrcn Bros by "<ores ol and 17-6 Tbe top htttcr v, ere Gary Elhs. Bill Paragme, Dave G nco, Tom Pclro and Steve Murray. Paragmc lut 2 honrers and chased home 7 runs Tbc winning p tchcrs were Steve Murray and Mark Sopemar In the second contest, Elhott knocked,n the wmmng run in the In otbcr playolf contc t, Rcnaldo mmng Jim Kowalczyk was the winning pitcher of 12-7 and 6-5 P Ma wcpt Supreme Lake by scores As a msuh of the ccp, In the first game, tnmng p tcbcr Roberge Plumbing wall relum b:lck to D ck Tull, Lou Urso and Tom Dowlcr acuon facing Evergreen Nut,cry m a each banged out 2 h ts Bill Tully was doubleheader at Recreation Park the dclcn lve star Stanco Heating overwhelmed The In O c mgbtcap, Ellcry Dupree Observer Tuesday mght w th scorc ol knocked n tbc mnmg mn M ke 16-3 and 11-3 to advance to the fm,llx mmcr also comnbutcd 2 b Ls whflc in the Division A-1 finals Brian Lcpore,ls bnlhant on dclcn e D ck Tull) as the unnmg pitcher Adamox icz shines Stanco was sparked by the unrang Behind the hnc hurhug ol ol AI De- Paolo, Tbe Rcdmcn lntc a bcd the of hm Adamow,cz, ho collect- Topcats, 5-0 AI DePaolo Jrand ed 6 b ts and knocked in 9 runs tic Im Wa) nc DcPaolo cacb had 2 lut 2 homers Brian Stefanowlcz knocked Winning p tcher An Schneider. in 3 runs n the mghtcap while other Bill Sa)brook John Dulac. Brian top h tters in the doubleheader cre Donna and Brian Zack each b,mgcd out. wmmng pitcher J m Kocllcr w th 2" 3 h t a die Topcals won tile first homers and 4 runs-batted-in, Perry, Lee Dibble and Glenn Lehnow Stanco will return to act,on Monday in a doubleheader against Rcnaldo Pizza for the Dtws on A1 playoff title starting at 7:30 p.m. at Recreation Park No. 1 and 2 fields. '..--I The winner of this best 3 game series will battle the winner of the Fire Co. 5 vs. Citizen's Bank series for town championship sometime next week. The Firefighters will face the bankors Friday m a twinbfil which will start at 6:15 p.m. at Recreatmn Park A and B fields. If a thvd game rs necessary tt will be played Monday. In other games Tuesday, The Topcats beat The rcdmcn 20-7 as brt,m Czak baged out 4 hits while Vtc Gallagher and Steve Barker h t homers Art Schneider was the winning pitcbcr Citizens Bank swept Tara's Calc in a doubleheader 17-8 and Collecting more than 4 hits m twinbill were hm LaRose, Rich Topshe, Ron Ingriselh, Bill DcFco, Danny LaPointe, MNe DcFeo, Bob De- Fed, Mike Fasulo, Marc Ingnsclh, and Brian Calder. Several crucial games were played Monay. V & H and Evergreen Nursery spht a doubleheader. V & H won the opener 9-8 as Mark Russell and Rick Cross cacb banged out 2 this. Dave Cello was the wlnrang pitcher W th Dave Nichols and Dave Mc- Carthy the power. Evergxunc ovcr_thc_redmcn,_ 1 1 l_sag-_ brook h t tv, o roundmppcrs Joe S mone powered 4 h ts and Larry MeNelhs hu a homm" Flondclla Constmctmu beat Ccraruic Tdc, 14-6 All 5 Tool cbmmated Mr Lucky',, from the playolfs by sweep,ng the doubleheader by scores of and 11-4 Bob Spreda was me,vanrung pitcher in both games Popular Restaurant beat The 196 House 6-3 on the pitching of Tom Valentine Gary Baron, Rand Jant and Bob Ouellette each hac 2 hits MtdState topped Rogers Orchards 13-10, Jim ttcnnes cy was the winning p tcher Coming through with a 17-bit attack, The Ob,,ervcr beat Srma's Mark Tbomas came through w th 4 hits hfle Larry C pollone and Start Math each contributed 3 hits. D Campagnao and Clpollone Int homer Joe S ton was the w nmng p lcher T ffany ttousc advanced m tbc playoffs by beating LaPorta"s Funeral 1tome, 8-5 Don Kopc,'a and Jun Sokolo skt each contributed 2 btlc Bill Bell was the mnrug p lcbcr Newcomb Spnng beat Tbomas Construction 6-3, but dropped a 6-5 decision to Nyrcn Brns,,6-5 For N)rcn Bro. Don Nout the wmmng pitcher v, hdc B Benson banged out 3 Int', Connng through v, th 2 b ts each cre Steve Chesanskh and Mark Johnson. Scan Granger lut a roundmpper. Skip Albrecht was the wlnmng p tchcr as LaPorta's Funenal florae beat FamdL Rccreat,on, Norm Hyncs knocked,n the winning run. Wooden Rail Restaurant beat Crystal Home. 2-0 on the lutlang of Todd Saltdlo, Dave Seraeki and Mike Saltdlo In other games played, Rick Bymcs p tched Mr. Lucky's to a 2-1 w n over Wcrncr. Close game Bill Frederick hurled Ceramic Tile to a 2-1 win over The Redmen. Bill Wink made a game saving catch. Ceramic Tile also romped over L ght Metals, 20-2 as M. Pichette came through with 4 hits. Fmdericks was the wmrung pitcher. Ed Morawsky was the w nning puchcr as The Observer edged Liquor Outlet Dan Campagnano smashed 4 hits, including a homer, while Larry Cipollone added 3 hits, includmg a homer and triple. Fred Ptcone contributed 3 luts wlnle Kcwn Daley hrt a homer and ch;tscd home 3 runs. V & H beat SouthmgtonPaint 14-5 as Nhke Prutchey and Bill Mongillo each banged out 3 h ts. Guy Bnssoneault was the wmmng Dtcber. Earhcr Kevln Hyde pitched Southington Paint to a 8-5 win over the Bombers. Bob Cortulo banged out the,x mmng hll Wooden Rail Restaurant outclas-,,ed Cr stal Home, Pt tc Manware, Dave Sieracki, Scott Hubeny and MtkeSalzdlo were tile batting stars Popular Restaurant and The 196 tlouse split a doubleheader as Popular won the first game 7-5 and 196 House took the mghtcap They were perfeet'. The Giants of the Southingtoa Girls Softball I,e *g te capped a perfect 18-0 season b) winning the league champiouship playoffs.'de[eating the ri,.al T ius. First row, left to right: Tracy Waack. Dawn Hall. Karen Sweezey. Wendy Greed, Jess Hall and Jayna Ilinsnmre. Second ro : Corrlne Greed. Jill llolley. SIr nnon McNellis. Kerry Sweezey, Diane Damboise anti Kerri Norton. Third rm : :oach, Dave llall. Manager. Gary Sweezey, coach. ('hip Ih)lley. Mi,,sing ', hen I)hoto a' taken: Tara Che,,k..

12 Western Little League champs The Texas Rangers Elks captured the Western Little League title this season. Fit' left to right: Chris Zemliauskas, Anthony Matukaitis, Steven Smith, David Dank and Ed ard Bradle.. Second row: Popular's softball team enters pla.yoffs holding first place Golf Roundup by V.E. Takesian President's cup this weekend The third round of the President's Cup will start this weekend at Pine Valley Country Club on the spacious Welch Road course. Sixteen golfers remain in the thick el the fight for the coveted award. Action in the final three rounds will be continued ocxt week. The results of last weekend matches follows: John Doherty defeated Paul DcPccol, 5 and 4. Bill Jcnscn beat Skip Sova 2 and 1. Gary inn defeated Dora Joslin 3 and 2. Joc Martmcth defeated John Gray 2 and 1 Bob Mchllo beat Vie C/amcckul 3 and 2 Melnl er-guest Morn than 30 athletes participated m the Member-Guest 18-hole'toumament la,,t weekend at Pine valley. The Dave Hlggms and Don Higglns (lalhcr-son) combine were the Winning mnnemp honors was the George Rote and Bob Scanlon duo th fi9 Third place honors went ta the Joe m 1948, when tile Southmgton Country Club was owned by another famdy, Viola DiCapno, of 287 Summer St., Plantsvrile fired a Hole in One m the 16th Hole. She fired the perfect shot, distance of 191 yards which was wlmesscd by Jessie Margots. Her caddy at the time was her nephew Joseph DePaolo, who now has a doctorate degree m education. Mrs. DiCapno still has tile ' : crfect" ball she fired 38 vca ago She is considered one of the most dedicated women golfers m the community and the immediate area and is a member of the Lady Falcons Women's Golf league. She has a large following lteaded by her daughter Mrs. Barbara Lessor Based on the latest inlbm atlon, only two women have fired a Hole in One at the Southmgton Country Club ltole in one L lst weekend at the Southmgton Country Club, Mickey Belas fired a Center at the University of Connecticut' Health Center,the UColm Chddren's Cancer Fund and the L ons admtmstrat ve fund forchantable scr- Each foursome wdl feature a member el llte Hanford Whalers, or a hockey or sports celebrity. The entry fee of $125 per person ncludcs green fees, cart, lunch, beverages on the course, a prime rib d nner and a chance at various prizes. Prims will be awarded for both hand ap and cattowayscori%, aswerl as for longest drive and closest-to-thehole. There will bc two hole-in-one contests, with the prizes being a set el woods. rons and a golf bag on one hole, and a 1987 Ford EXP on the other, dnnatcd by Mooned and Sons Ford of Glastonbury. Tickets forthepost-toumamcntdinher alone are "also available at $35 purchased m advance Special guests slated o play m- elude hockey groats Jean Ratclic and Dcmk S dcrson, ong wz alc ' Chris Cassid.,,, Chris Walsh, Michael Mihalak, Jon Evjen, Jason Bradley attd Eric McGIoin. Back ro : Fcmta :rod Bdl Maxwell team with 70. Hole In One while playing wlth Dick President and General Manager Emile Coach. Bill ('assidv, Manager, Gary Bradley, and Coach Rich Danko. - The team of- -Ed Robllarlle atnd Alackoa ki, Mike Abeam and Lee Francis, who recently was named the " ka... y- E qla Bmne worv 4o,*' n onal Hockey Lca guc Executive of hollers with 58 Jm Gughotu and He fired the perfect shot in the file yearby the Sporting Ncv, s. -- Underdog Popular Rcst,urant clinched [, d place m c S. tahmgton Women's,,oltball league Tuesday mght as loam membcr dcg:atcd Harvest Medtcat 6-2 bchmd the fmc pitching of Irene Math. These two teams cre tied for first place with records last week when the reguldr,,edson came to a close. Popular, attcr droppl,n.g two of rune decisions 0urio4' tile season, came game winning streak, "including a pair of wins over Harvg t Medical to chach fi t place. Playoffs underway The playoffs among the top tour teams in the league wril get undersea) today (Thursday) starting at 6:15 pm. at Recreation Park. First place Popular Restaurant 14-2) will face fourth place Mr. Southmg-' ton Cafe (5-10) m a doubleheader at Gavin Waycotte were second with 59 17th Hole, a d stance of 160 yard.,, The team el Frank Hayes and Russell and used a 7 Wood. Tt,,dale took third with 60. The Southmgton Country Club wd.l be the site of the annual Southmg- Southington Coontry Club Ion Lodge of Elks t 8-hoIe tournamcut Tltts reporter has learned that m on Sunday, Aug. 24 and a field of cll 1948, a Soutlungton female athlete over 120 athletes will compete. at this populai Southmgton Country Club president Nlls Mary Manclni reported several ccks ago in this column that Jc,uulcttc Gtcgoly of 86 Grove St, Plant vllle fired a llolc m One carhcr thl month She bcheved it was the first tmte a lcmale golfer had ever fired,i lxrlcct shot at the local course. It as brought to our attention that Charity tournament Local gollcrs am mwtcd to participate m the second annual Hartford Whalcrs-Glastonbury Lions Club chanty golf tournament Monday, Sept. 8 at dtc Glastonbury Hills Country Club. Proceeds from the tournament lll benefit the Vision Imomnology back trong and launchcd a seven caandb clds. Boys avelers basketball team EdwarOs Hartford's assistant coach qompile fine record in leagues Local Inns of the Untvc ty of She led her team to c D ws on II1 curmndy an a,stant manager lor For registration and droner reformation, interested persons should contact George Rowe ( days or evenmg ) or Brian Tyrol ( days or evenings.) They can also write to Glastonbury Lions Club Charity Golf, P O.- Box 75..G' IasronbTary, New York Mets announcer Ralph Kiner was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1975 During his 10-year career with the Pirates, Cubs and Indians he hit 369 home runs. Shea Stadium in Flushing, N.Y. has a capacity of 55,601. will see their favorites guided next year by newly named assistant coach Carol Edv, ards Edwards, a fomlcr t o-tlme All- New England player at Pl mouth State College, hat just been named assistant coach for the soccer team, accorthng to interim athletic director Roger Wickmail. As a midficldcr, Edwards was ncmaed to the All-New England squad in he sophomore and junior years. Red Sox baseball tickets available Bradley Memorial llospltal takes care of the injured and ill but for one day only, it has baseball tickets., and to the American League Eastern Division leading Red Sex no less! The hospital v, fll sponsor a bus trip to the Red Sex- Kansas Crty Royals game of August 1, a Friday night contest The bus will leave Bradley at 3.45 p m. For ticket informalloll, contact the hospital personnel office redder soccer m Glastonbury. She is background 1 nccd" Southington sports trivia SHS assistant football coach Bnan Gobdout was an all-state running bac,.k for Bristol Central m Joe Ors ne coached SHS football for s x great seasons n the early stxtres, compiling a record of The legendary football coach Joc Fontana had a career record at Lcw s and Southmgton H gh Schools of His teams racked up four undefeated scasons...eight had one loss Tile first Red Sex pla er 1 1 m a batting tide,l the uohcarldcd Dale Alexandcrm 1932 IIc tut 367 Midget football registration set Registration lor candldatc m or - cd with Flag and Nhdgct Footb.dl League forboys mthc 7-14 age group m lher Southmgton Xhdgct Football dl bc held at Vctcran Mcmonal Park dunng the cnt,rc month ol Auguq from 6 to 8 p m Coaches lot both leagues,uc needed and rcgt tl,ll On l r lilac po I will behchlat McmonalPpatk Aug 5at8 pm in the Waterbury Pearl Street and New Britain Boys Club Summer hoop circuits. In the Waterbury loop, Southington mumphed over Terryvllle and Thomaston, In the wm over Tcrryvdle, fivepla. crs hit for double figures. Shawn Fccncy scored 33 points, lbllowed by Brian Otis nh 26, Tom B rmingham lth 18, Marc L'ngaro th 17 and Jon Lc,..lS tth 14. In the victory over Thomaston, the tlcfcnslvc slats cre Chris Robergo, Jelf \Vh. tc and Mark Sobolewski The locals dropped an dec- rstoo towllby of Waterbury Brian Lewis was the top local scorer w th 21 points, followed by Shawn Feeney with 18 and Chris Robcrge with 17. Kaynor Tech of Waterbury came through w th a decision over Southlngton. The leading local scorers were Brian Ous with 18 and Shawn Fe- Hartford women's soccer team have ECAC title in 1982, 1983 d 1984 Court ttou c One m Avon The Southmgton Parks and Recto- eney with 10 Chris Ro rge was the top local scorer Edwards served as tcaqm captain"in 'Tve al a.v,, wanted to coach and atlon Boys Travelers basketball team In the New Britain loop, the locals her senior year and graduated with a fccl tlus tll be a good experience lor has complied 7i5 records m two topped Plalnvillc, as Scan Fceney was the top scorer with 20 degree in physical education. me," she stud 'l look forward to leagues this season. Since then, Edwards has coached olktog,th Ilcad Coach Ted They came through with three points The defensive stars were Jeff in the Stmsbury area and has played Stavropoulos and gauung the valuable wins in seven decisions last week Whyte, Bruce Vagts, Tom Bimlmgham, and Marc Ungaro. Southmgton dropped a heartbreaking decision to Berhn as with 16 wlulc Dave Majcsk, Mark Sobolcwski and Marc Ungaro played very well on defense The Southmgton Travelers were soundly beatbn by St. Thomas Saints, 70-53, desprte a fantastic game by center Brian Otis, who led au scorers w th 28 points. Weichsel and DiNeno reach Over 40 tournament finals Two prommcnt tuwn officl:ds Batelho. have reached the finals of tile South- DiNeno had prev ously beaten ington Over 40 Tennis Tournament. Bob Qucnm 6-2 and 6-3. Town Manager John Wclchscl and In previous matches, George Hall Finance Board chatm an DomD Ncno beat Tony Ccnce 6-1 and 6-3 Rich will battle each other for the to n Kasek previously topped Sarge Mur- Over 40 title sometime next week. phy 6-0 and 6-0. They came through with cxcmng ' Hall advanced in the tournament victories Tuesday at Recreation Park. by beating Tony Cence 6-1 and 6-3. Weichsel eliminated Richard Cence had previously won by de- Kasek 6-4 and 7-5 m the semi-finals fault over Dan Reynolds m the prelimand DtNeno beat George Hall 5-7, 7-5 mary round. and 7-5. TownTennis Director Tom Haeff- Weichsel reached the sem -finals net stud the date for the Over 40 finals winning by default over Alfred wall bc announced m the near future. Hard hitter " Mike Ca. ale takes a cut at the ball during the first tournament game played io the Babe Rath State Chatnpionship'i held here. The Western Babe Ruth players made a good sho iltg in tile game. hnt ultiltudel. lost to East Hartford ill the upener. Babe Roth baseball players from the Western League are shown daring opening ceremonies ot the 1986 Babe Ruth State Championships. The Western I,eagae hosted the toarnament, much to the delight of local [PIIS,

13 Baseball squad captures title The Southington Parks and Mike Forgione's s nglc scored mau added 2. Doug Caycr was the winrang pitcher. Recreation baseball squad, managed Mike Fisher, who had doubled in the by-p-aul-nlajeski c-apmred-the-greater second Dave B'oudrcau's sacriricc fly Sbuthington 4- I on Mefiden dr last week.. The unbeaten squad won 8 games, fielder's choice and advanced to third. BaLLista, Mike Forgione Mike Pucm including 21 games last week Southington beat Jefferson Fader- and Dave Boudroau. Joe Wm blcski They clinched the crown by beat- al, 11-1 as Mike Barribeault came was the wlr0aing pitcher and went the mg Wilcox Each, 4-0, behind the fine through with 3 hits and Dave Boudhurlingof Doug Cayer and Joe Wmble- cnttrc route stoking out 8. ski. They fanned l I W,lcox batters. Softt,al! tea wins Dave Boudreau knocked m 2 runs and Cayer, the starting hurler, executed a perfect squeeze play. Sponsored by Harlcys Small arch Sweczcy went the entire Southlngton also defeated She ban Engines and the Southtngton Parks route for the victory whale other top of Wallingford, 14-2 and Recrcauon Department, thesouth- performers were Lisa DePaolo, After trail,ng 2-1, the locals came lngton Softball team came CorinneGrcco, CaronChalfant, Kerry through with 13 unanswered runs as through wrth four straight vlctorieslast Sweczey and Stacm King. John Lepito banged out 3 hits and chased home 4 runs. Dave Boudrcaau had week m the Central Connecticut Girls The fine combined hufllqg of Softball League Chns Gombotz and - in the first game, the ioca s'b fft- av6 g6u-tfii-n ton a 23-6 victory over Winning percher Wmblcskt had 3 East Mountain el Waterbury, 7-2, on Beacon falls. hits. Dave Majeskl and Douglas Cayer the combined 2-hn pitching of Kerry Kerry Swcczcy banged out 4 hits combined with Wrubleskl to fan 15 Swee/.ey and Chris Gombotz. while Chris Gombotz and Statue King She banbatters The offense was sparked by Karcn contributed 3 htts each. The defensive The locals beat Maloney 6-1. Swcezey, Mary DcBlsscbop and Cormne Greece Mandy Greco. standouts were Mary DeBisschop and Southtngton took a 2-0 lead m the first inning when Dave Boudreau Wendy Grcco was brdliant on defense. beat Beacon Fails, In the second game, Southlngton doubled, John Lepito reached on an error and Steve Bentz came through w th In the second contest, Southlngton Southmgton will compete m the beat A,-',,n;a, 11 3 louthington bocce ph yers standouts 'I I '6e y-c Fs of com-pctnion in the Bocce World Sen s. Southington has finished in 5th, 6th and 9th olaces. ey fimshed n 5th d 8 place m the No,east Tournament. They were the 1983 ch p ons m fl e Tn- S sic. The HM1 of Fame team s s nsorcd by A hur Sccondo. S a ll represented in Wo c of m Rome, N Y Jayson'.., Manulactunng Nuntbcr One team fimshcd n 5th place among the tl g teams that represented Canada, Nc York, Connccucut, Massachusetts, Pcnnsylvama, New Jersey and Oluo Jayson's Number One team is made up of MAc k ro, Ralph Landrelic, Assunlo Palazzo and Dominic Palazzo Soulhmgtnn's other mpm- entafix, e Hm'l ofpame. mnbe l"2 l place overall and was ehmlnated Saturday while.iayson's Manufacturing Number two team, which was also criminated Saturday, fimshed m 38th place overall Jayson's Number One team sponsored by JocTellenco, won thin r openmg our matches before losing to Geneva, N Y They bounced back wllh a win OVer Toronto before bmng criminated by hnst Rome, Southtngton fimshed ahead of D 'rb ry, tw'0--umc cllawrplons, a N'ew ttavcn Western Babe Ru:h Players win one The Southlngton Western Babe Ruth baseball team notched one rectory and dropped two deosmns m the state Babe Ruth double chmlnauon tournament held at the Wcstcm Baseball F,eld on Spring Street. The locals dropped their first game to East Hartford, 1{}-6 last weekend Chad Boudreau was the leading local better vlth 2 h ts wbflc Mtke Longo was brilliant on defense at the "hot comer". Mike Casale was the losing pitcher. Playing mspmng baseball from start to finish, South,ngton West beh,nd the exceptional pttchlng of Chad Boudreau and Mike Casale, edged Mdford in a thriller, 2-1. Boudrcau p tdlcd 6 strong ran- too stabng lor the locals Monday mght lngs, gwmg up 4 h,ts and one run as the wstt]ttg Icaga won by a 23-0 hllc Casale hurled one frame and score w s perfect The State Tournament as v, cll Boudrcau :tlso helped hts own organized and attracted large ere,ads. cause el fcns vcly tth 2 htts while Joe Evcr3.thmg v, as m order and the Dcnmson, NINe Casatc and Jay Southtngton Wcstcm Baseball League Salerno were bnthant on defense, officmls deserve spccml rccognmon It was a case el East Haven being for the Cllllm,,he.t, Parks The Southmgton Parks and Recreation commission has scheduled a spcoal meeting lot July 28 It will start at 8 p m m the Parks and Rccreauon Department office m to n hall, accordmg to Bdl Mast] (,heerleading tryouts s( heduled Tryouts for thcjumorvarslty cheerleading squad at Southmgton H gh School will be held on the first Fnday of the school year. However, there will be a mandatory practices the week before the tryouts The pract,ccs and tryouts will be held in the high school gym and proper dress for practimng should be worn. Sophomores are eligible forth try- OUts. The jumor varsity squad cheerleaders will be involved with the varsity soccer and jumor varsity basketball teams. Ten girls will be selected based on splnt, shll, and atntude S ofic dates and t,mc for the sosstuns will be announced by h)gh school faculty members in the near future The Observer's mailing address is P.O. Box 648 Southington, CT Recreation notices He also said that due to a lack of quorum, the August 13 meeting of the Parks and Reef at,oncommission has been cancelled. The Observer will sponsor meet Tile Observer and the Southmglon YMCA St,ngray S m Team,11 sponsor an Open S ml Mccl at Mcmorml Park Pool August 9 lot. oungqcr who have not competed on a sv, inl team Ṫhe Open Svdm Meet will be all town boys and g rls 12 years old and younger, the specific age group are: 8 and under; and Boys and gzrls will compete scparalcly, w th events 25 yards and 50 yards.- sports-- '56 Knights identified We ran this team photo o[ the 1956 StlS baseball team a few weeks ago. At the time we didn't have the,tames o[ all the players. A reader graciously identified here they are: front row, left to right -- J. ORsene, R. Campochaito, A. Meade, C. Cassella. D. Lorenzo and F. Dudzik. Second row: T. Ma'uro, R. TItorpe. C. Mauro. W. Coppola. J. Lombardo, B. Buteau and F. FIorian. Back row: S. Porter. Brooks, J. Lorenzo, M. Itabruary, P. Lazaskus, B. Kowaiczyk and coach Walt Lozoski. 'ilarskis capture doubl_es treestyles, and speoal mixed age m- la s. Free T-shirts will be awarded each participant and ribbons for first througb sl\th place fimq crs Rcg str,luon ull take place on the mnmmg of the meet at 8'30 at the Mcmorml Park Pool deck. There is not rcgmtratmn Ice, so all youngsters are invited to pamc palc Join in a luxurious Mid Winter Cruise to: SAN JUAN.ST. THOMAS-ST. MAARTEN AND NASSAU On the brand new Home Lines MV HOMERIC SAILING FROM FLORIDA JAN. 17 T o more Soudnngton Tcnnts Jameson, 6-4 and 6-2 in the finals at Tournaments have been completed Recreation Park The lantasttc brother team of Stay and h was the tturd stnught wm for Chit PdarsM successfully defended the champions their Men's Doubles ntle last week de- In fact, McNellis won her second lcatmg the W nt Fdtpck and Bill Korp combmanon by scores of 6-2 and 6-2 at the Rccrcauon Park courts. The Ptlarskt's emerged victorious four nmcs m doubles tournament play The Central Connecticut Chapter dunng tile past several days. It of the Amcncan Red Cross is x a tile sixth time in the past seven }cars that the Pllarskt brothers have p,onccnng a new program cnntlcd nn the Town Men's Doubles tide. "KNOWING MOWING". The course The only nine the Pdarski's were was developed jo,ntly by Bnggs & defeated was m the1984 finals against Straiten Corporauon and the American the team of Fdlpek and John Sullivan. Red Cross to teach lawnmowcr safety The team of Tom Ha finer and to both girls and boys, 12 years of age Judm McNelhs captured the Southtng- and older. The pmgrm consist of a 1 ton 3/hxcd Doubles tnle last week de- 1/2 hour session w,th an hour classfcatmg Mrke Capobianco and Meagan room lesson covcnng basic safety and maintenance procedures for walk,rig a lawn mower through an obstacle course. There will be representatives from various Southlngton agencms,ncluding H.U.G. and the town Youth Coord nator present. toumament this summer as she took the Ladies Slngles..t,de The winners of each tournament wall receive a trophy from Recreation Director Bill Masci in the near future Program on outdoor work set Frank Gotch,,, hom man)' conqider the greatest westlcr In modern times, held the record for the quickest fall -- pinning an opponent In 6 I/4 cconds. The New York Mats ha e retired two uniforms:numbers 37 and 14. Casey Sengel '. ore 37 and the familiar 14 '. as orn by Gil Hedges. Bngg & Straiten is underwriting all cost of the program and is providlrig the practice lawn mowers. The American Red Cross ts presently seeking qualtfied individuals to become instructors in the Knowing Mow,ng Program Instructor candidates should Ix 17 years of age and older and enjoy working w th youth. Before being certified as a Knowing Mowing Instructor and individual must possess the abdlty to teach, have good commumcauon skills and be reliable. The instructor course is approximately 3 hours and is to be held July 29 at 7pm at A R.C. 45 Russell St. New Britain. A "game lnnlng RBI" Is the run batted In that gives a team a lead It never relinquishes. Note: There does not have to be a game dnning RBI In e ery game. Southington and Plalnvllle didn't play a Thanksgiving Day football game In 1952 becattse Plainville couldn't field a team. -- Stock Holders -- The Bank of Southington Your certificates are available at the Bank during regular business hours until Thursday, July 31. Why not drop in to see your bank; p.ick up your certificate and open an account at your bank? If we don't see you we will mail your certificate on August 1. HOURS EVERYDAY- OPEN CLOSED M.W 730am 430pm Th.F 730am 700pro Sat 7 30a n 12 OOp m Tht lank of Southin ton 130 Nolth M.un St S,,ug;;,+gton, CT ])hone 2" fhqhttromhartforcl Spacehmded Depos tsduebvaug SOUTHINGTON TRAVEL n..#...'..'.'e.." $...' d t)pen tt, Serve Y,,t, SOUTHINGTON'S FINEST lt.;:!ll oo oooooooooooo ooo ooooooooeeooooeoooe =. Fhe,It'.'.'It_'." :'":" Movie Gahe y.':it:.' " 'C--) k& / ; :.ll< ] " OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Men -Fr, 10-9, Sat 9-9 Sun ;-S Rochambeau Mail, 1 3 Mer-Wtbv Tpk, RI 66 M,Ildale l."'.' VCR's ON SALE Ldet,me Membership w,;purchase of VCR.:,,,, , BUY AT COST VCR$ --, cfioose from many models -- quasar & RCA FREE Passcard w.,,. VCR purchase,a $19 98 value) THIS WEEK'S FEATURE.'.;1I. "Spies Like Us" ll 8, "Delta Force". ll.;.'.o.rues..orweo Movie Rentals A dull Movies available VCR RENTALS h,ck,des One Mov'e Dust Covers Other Video Accessories,m,,.....,,..,,:t, o.. Italia Restaurant 83 W. Main St. Plantsville or Have you tried our take 'n' bake Pizza? "This is not FROZEN... Choose any topping, take,t home. and when you are ready" to eat. place the p zza in your oven Fresh hot pizza, the way you want t. LUNCHEON Dl=Pl^/ Slice of pizza w/salad 1.99 MaN -FRI Pasta Salad 1.99 DINNER SPECIALS MONDAY... Baked Eggplant s8.98 TUESDAY... All the Spagheth you can eat s2.39 WEDNESDAY... Baked Lasagna (Homemade) THURSDAY... Fettucmm Alfredo s9.89 a9.89 FRI.-SAT.-SUN... Lobster I, e s9.89 (baked stuffedl Sl 1.98 With the Exception of Tues all the above are served with Appmtzor Salad BIButter Doslort SODA BEER WINE Ample I rkin$ /or toke-oot or in.dote dlnh$ s =, Fridays Et Saturdays, Live Music o m BRING THE FAMIL Y t t, )

14 14--sports, news,fleg is th- Ob erwe -T-hursday-.J Y 24,-! Fishing advisory from Department of Environmental Protection l ln aml ishlng Trout fishing s generally very slow m rivers and streams, accordnng to DEP field personnel.- Excellent trout fishing ns reported nights at East Twnn Lake, at depths of 25 feet, and at WononscopomucLake,trolling durmg the day. Beach Pond, Mashapaug Lake, Long Pond and Quonnipaug Lake report good conditions Fnshing has been fmr at Mr. Tom Pond, Highland Lake, Hogback afiffcoldbrodk servbnrs and Lake McDonough. Bass fishing is generally good in the eastern d strict with better fishing in the evening in decpwater. Fair to good condmons are reported in the western dlsmct. Pachaug Pond, Moodus Reservoir, Cedar Connecticut River and its coves are good prospects and throughout the eastern v, lk Islands. forlargemouthbass;comp- dismct; good at Bantam Fishing for blackfish ensatmg Reservoir, East Lake. good, wnth the dumpmo Twin Lake, Bantam Lake Marine Fishing g unds off New Londln, and Mudge Pond offer fmr Bluefish, fluke, Harkness Mcnronal State prospects. Smallmouth porgles and blackfish are all Park, Rocky Neck State bass fishing is good at likely prospects for marine Park, south ol Menukct- Mashapaug and Bashan anglers on Long Island esuck Island, south of Lakes, the Connecticut and Sound. New H:lven Breakwater,. Housatonic Rivers, Barber Blues are providing Charles Istand and Pond in Bloomfield and excellentresultsattherace, Bridgcportjemcsamongtlnc Colebrook Reservmr. the Millstone outflow, better areas P ckerel fishroglsgood Southwest Reef, New Striped bass still oiler at Amos Lake and Quad- Haven Harbor, Charles Is- fmrto good prospects at the d ck Reservoir. land and Fayerweather Is- mouth of the Connecticut P ke fishing haspicked land off Bridgeport. River. off Charles Island upconsiderabb;onth-econ- Summer flounder md al lj e Norwall is;latld< nectlcut River and its (fluke) fishingisgoodtoex- It should be re)ted that coves, pamcularly near the cellent at the Mystic River, striped ba s may be kept. Rocky Hal Ferry area. the mouth of the Connect- Any fish caught must be un- Kokanee fishing is icut River, off Hammonas- medmtelyrclcascd,unbamlexcellent at East Twin Lake set Beach State Park and ofl ed at night at a depth of 25 feet the Housatonic River. Winter floundcrarc still and trolling during the day Good scup (porgy) provldnng fanr results at atwononscopomuclakeat fishing is reported at the dumping grounds off about 20 feet., dumping grounds off New London, Harkness Memor- _ _t_d t lg fqy panfish i I ondon Fmdkner and ial C'linlnnH lr.har.and, 1 excellent at EastTwln Lake Goose Islands, and the Nor- Fayerwcathcr Island. Slgiders come in all shapes and sizes The world has 35,000 species of spiders, an alv except about 35 lead solitary, sometimes cannnbalistic lives But for those 35, spiderhood means a certain amount of fratemixmg Some spiders of the Mexican rain forests, for instance, live in colonies made up of-thousands ol webs A colony of the speciesmetepelrainc rassata can contain as many as 100,000 spiders, their webs strong "along more than a kilometer of power line. For these rain-forest spiders, sticking.together means behaving more congemally than thmr counterparts in the desert. The rain-forest sp ders hve more closely together, interact less aggressively, and even cooperate to build webs. And when placed in an empty peanut-butter jar 40 at a time, they refrai from feasting on one another. ritorics where food ts so supports their webs. When sortofastand-back signal," pientffui would be a w sle they'd meet, there was ato- sa suetz ofspaceandenergyforram- aggression -- just corn-" Ifthclntmdcrcontmucs forest spiders," he says. municatton by leg-tapping ' along the web or plucks m In contrast, Melepmra andnntertwlnlng." return, the mulual plucmg spnders tn the harsh desert Desert spnders, Uetz may escalate mid Jarring Observation "Two or three spiders of any other kind in a jar would turn into one fat spider in 48 hours," says Dr. George W. Uetz, a University of Cincinnati biologist studying the spiders in Mexico. Uetz's study is partly supported by the National Geographic Society. The unplanned peanutbutter-jar observataons led to research showing that a high degree of tolerance has evolved among these spiders. Uetz hypothesizes thatmetepeiraspidersinthe moist tropical rain forests space webs closely togethe,r because prey there s abundant. "Maintaining largertarofnorth-central Mexicorarely live in groups, most are complete loners There, prey is scarce and more spread out. Congenial Spiders Uetz's laboratory experiments have revealed that social spacing is more than a response to a spider's environment; it is genetically programmed. Under identical condntions in the lab, the rain-forest spiders settled down almost twice as closely together as the desert species. A third species, which lives n a semi-arid farmlands, positioned themselves In between. Uetz had set out in search of the farmland spiders near Mexico City However, on weekend spider-hunting trips he found specimens in the rain forest and desert that looked physlc ly similar to the farmlarld variety but acted differently. One day at a hotel near the rain forest, he saw a cleaning woman go after a colony web with a broom, scattering the spiders. Male Guards Females "In contrast to what would have happened in other enviroments," he says, "these spiders climbed on top of each other and formed a ball under a leaf, apparently with females in the center and males guarding them on the outside. Over the next few days they joined in rebuilding the hammock that says. probably would have hidden after such a catastrophe, and then turned to individual rebulldnng. L atcr laboralory stpdtcs-- revealed that coopcrauvc web-building apparently IS pan of the forest p der's genetic program. When put into a cage, spiders that had grown up m sobtude lmmedmtely clustered and budt a hammock together. Desert and ram-forest spiders show ntualnsnc combat bchavnor over web sites. By observing the spiders in a darkened lab m thmr acnve early-mormng hours, Uetz and students Maggre Hodge and Koran Cangnalosl have learned that rain-forest spiders may have four to five times more confrontations than desert spiders, but the confrontations are much less aggressive. Congenial Spiders The spiders build an orb, a finely engineered death trap with a circular hub and silken spokes radiating from it. Because the spider doesn't see well, it relies on web vibrations to detect prey, suitors, and intruders. Contrasnng behavior during conflicts over web sites reflects different levels of social organization in these species. When the deserr spider, sitting in the hub, feels a vibralaon on one of the web's spokes, it uses its legs to make a "locating pluck." If the intruder continues, a "threat pluck" is issued. "This is Terrific Twins The T ius of the Southington Girls Softb.a, ll League carried the American League division.title into the league pla o[fs finishing second place o erall, losing only to the undefeated Giants in a close contest. First rmv, left to right: Staeie King.Lisa DePaOLO, Kathy Saucier. Second row: Joette Lane, Jen King, Karen Pienko ski0 Sue ('arey and Debbie Burns. Third row: Manager, Larry DePaolo, Tracy Corn, Tami Christopher. coach.. l haler favorites awarded honor shaking by the rcsndcnt "It Two members of the le Leafs orgam,'auon. Bedoesn't usualb d qodge tire tlanlord Whalc family torecverplaymgagame for Intruder, but tt must be a were recently paul prolcs- the parent club, he was pretty unprcsswc state- s onal bockcy's highest dcalt to the Boston Bru lt, ment," the-biologist ays..-- Resident Usoally Wins If that docqft make,m l oronlo Both BOlVUl and impression, the rcsldenll Kcon crc standouts In rashes from the limb and NItL for many )carb. and grapples w th the mirador, each s very dc c mg of even ch mg t across the the recogmmon. web w ts lhng open Kcon played live and "There may be a straggle, one-bolt d in mom ca cs lhc Whalers, and scn'cd a the resident uns," Uc sa3 The loser may die In contrast, the amiable rain- forest spade rs gcnc rail) take care of such a molter w th a s ngle vammg pluck. The result ns DitCh a compromise, an "agreement to disagree." The two,pnd- ors generally take caw ol suchamaucr, warning pluck. ',thas,nglc The result IS club's captain dunng season Bmvln bus been lth file Whalers organn/atnon Ior Line palm lhrcc. car as a scout under Prcsndcnt and General Managcr Emile Franc s. BOlVm's career began in 1952 nn the. Toronto Map- honor,_as,leo Rotv '.rod- v, hc,re he-anchored a strong. Dave Kcon were elected to dcfcn,,e in the pre-bobby the tlockey Hall of Fame m On" era Bowm wasn't a tlash. play c r, but tint 5- loot- 7 rcarguard made up for lus lack ol q,'c tth houri and aggrc lxcnc "Leo as a real steady dclcnacman, and when be hut somebody - - thc3 qa3cd hit," noted Frano, hun clf a 1983 Hall ol Fame inductee. Botxm went on to play the final tour seasons ofh s ca cr with Dctrmt, P ttsburgh and Minnesota As t mcndous a team pie)cr as Brown was for 18 seasons, he ncvcr pla)cd on a Start-- Icy Cup winner, bcmg on thc losing team in his two lnps o floe frrral. Leo rctrred in 1970, rankcd 10th on the all-rime NHL penalty minute list with L150. Conversely, Keon -not only played on four Stanley Cup winners, but he starred in the finals, earmng the 1967 Conn Smythe Award as playoff MVP. Keon's career spanned 22 seasons, the majority of it with Toronto where he established himself as a star, and carded the captaincy of the Maple Leafs Kcon was a qmct leader who led by example. "He was a great offcnswe and defensive center," noted Francis Keon came to Hartford m 1976 and,.scored 91 goals and added 203 assists ''I I arning is Fur " program set Ior 294 points while with the Whalers before r tir g in Keon will join Bobby Hull and Gordie Howe as the onl v other" of6-rmer Whalers players to - be elected to Hockey Hall of Fame. Keon and Boivin will be inducted.along with former Montreal Canadians defenseman Serge Savard, at ceremonies in Vancouver on Sept The Hartford Whalers Softball Team plays its first of six games on Wednesday night, 7:30 at Muzzy Field in Bristol...Expected in the lineup for the Whalers are Dave T ppett, Joel Quennevllle, Paul Lawless, Steve Weeks, and Torrie Robenson. often a compromise, an "agreement to d sagrce. The Parks and Recrea- ford, attend a planetarium interestofchddrenfmmsix toaccompanytheiryounger The two spiders may build lion Department will be show, vnsnt the Live Animal to 12 years of age. Registration forms are available at to join in the fun. For more children are most welcome webs that adjosn but face exploring nature and science on Tuesday, July 29, reef tank and do must the Parks and Recreation information, contact Helen center, vscw the Caribbean opposite dnrecuons This behavior rs from 10a.m to330p.m. Department office in town Bembe, youth co0,r.dinator, more, cvldcncc of an cvnlut onary Program coordinators The mp has been hall. at the Parks and Recreation step up -- to a hll a r.dcgrcc stress it will be a fun-filled designed to challenge the Parents who would hke Department office. of socral tolerance, the and educational tnmc for all. scicnnst says Social bc- The first stop on dm adtotally havnor was unexpected nn spalcrs "Thclr,,ocial Ccnter in KcnsLngton. The organlzanon turo'; out 1o stop wull nncludc a picmc much different from that of and nature trod walk. social insects -- bees or Tbose pamopating in ants. which have caste the program wall then visnt systems wnth divisions of labor," Uetz says "The spiders' system s more lnkc that of some vertebrates, living together yet separately." Safe at first'. Supreme Lake player Beau Perry almost made the out, but the ball got by himand an opponent rum_ Tara's was safely on first during regular season play in the town men's league. There's plenty of action on the softball diamond now that play-off season is underway. vcnturc filled day wall be tbc Hungcrford Outdoor Read Observer Editorials Oil the Scncncc Museum of Page 6 Connecncut m West Hart- Weare Fully Insured ROOFING & SIDING, INC. Jim Lasek Aluminum Siding - " " *Vinyl *Roofing Siding *Gutters ostorm Windows * Replacement Windows ALUMINUM AWNINGS DOOR CAHOPiES "" - " : --Samples on Display-- Southingl:on Glass Co. 217 Berlin Ave All-Stairstill playing Southington's three LittlcLcaguc 12-ycar-old All- Star teams didn't fare too well nn the state D strict 5 double ehminatlon tournament. In fact, the three all-star teams compded a I-6 record Ȯnly the Northern Dnwslon All-Stars came through wnth a wnn TOWN OF SOUTHINGTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Pursuant to the provisions of Sectmn 87, Chapter 124. of the 1958 Revmlon of the General Statutes of the State of Connect= cut. notice s hereby given that the South ngton Zomng Board of Appeals has taken the following ac tlon on the fol=owmg descnbed pr - perry APPEAL #2713-A Bemto Bnno, of 53 Sun Valley Drive, Bouthmgton. appellant and owner of affected premises, equests a 2 8' front setback variance for a new home Location of affected premises 12 Royal Oak Drive, Lot #7. located on the southeast side of Royal Oak Drive at the intersection w,th West Center Street Ext m a R Zone Th s appeal s based on Sections of the Zoning Regulations The Bouthmgton Zonmg Board of Appeals, at its July 22., 1986 meeting voted unanimously in favor to approve above Appeal #2713A The Board voted to approve a 2 9' front setback variance instead of the 2 8' requested as this is an error ig calculation borhood, and s all0wable under The Elks and Braves are even as the Braves won the first game by a 3-1 score and the Elks came back strong to take the second clash by a 11-8 score The winnerofthe deciding battle at Westem Baseball field will win the town title. The date of the game will be announced. legal notices The above appeal shall become effectwe on 817/86 and notice of" the above Variance must be duly bled by the apphcant m the offtce of the Town Clark Douglas Hageman. Chairman ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHINGTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Pursuant to the prowslons of Sechon 8-7. ChaptO 124 of the 1958 Revision of the General Statutes of the State of Connectv cut. notice rs hereby gwen that the Southlngton Zoning Board of Appeals has taken the following ac tlon on the following described pr - perry APPEAL #2714-A Martin F Tafley et el, of Lucy Court. South=ngton, appellant. Dale F Kammerer of 303 South End Road. Plantswge, qwner of affected premu s, equosns a 9,a41 square foot rear area varmnce Location of affected premises, 303 South End Road, located on the Easterly side of South End Road, across born the intersection, of South End Road with Mulberry Street n a R Zone Th s appeal is bases on Sections of the Zoning Regulauons The Southmgton Zomng Board of Appeals, at ts July 22, 198 to approve above Appeal #2714-A

15 "1 m fm "n. ' The Observer, Thursday, July 24, 1986 Clc[ssi e :fi; for Qu ck 1 esults. Call legal notices l gal notices for sale for sale for rent services e tomobiles general help wanted.,'. fded the above Variance Spec,al Excep hen Appeal from the ruhng el the Bu,ldmg Offnc,al must be duly bled L ZONING OAROOp APPEAtS TOWN OF SOUTHINGTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC NOTICE Sect,on 87 Chapter 124 of Ihe Southmgton Zomng Board of Ap perry APPEAL #2711 A Court of Probate. D,str=ct of South ngfon NOTICE OF HEARLNG ESTATE OF HUBERT A LEISE. deceased Pursuant to an order of Hen Carl J Sokolo skl Judge, dated July 18, a hearmg wdl be held on an bate on August at 1 45 p m Carl J SokolowskL Judge D=strict of Sout ington NOTICE OF HEARING ESTATE OF AGNES C MAYO, deceased SokolowskL Judge, dated July , a heanng wdl be held on an pm Carl J Sokolowsk, Judge Mathew Flornan of 45 Buckland NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION AND - NOTtCE TOCREDitORS OF PAI IL Cf -CRE T10N =ENTI I, INC Pursuant to Sect,on (a) of the Connect,cut General Statutes, as amended, notice I$ hereby gwen Road w,th Sandra Lane,n a R 2025 that Family Recreat,on Center, based on Secr,o f A )peals at ts July ed Douglas Hageman Chairman ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHINGTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC NOTICE TO WHOM it MAY CONCERN Pursuant to the provns,ons of Sechon 87 Chapte 124 of the 1958 news=on of the General Statutes of the State of Connecb cut notice,s hereby g,ven that the Southmgton Zonmg Board of Ap peals has taken the followmg ac t on on the followmg descnbed pro petty APPEAL #2712 A Rose Mane Cosoa of 66 Cowles Avenue Plantsvdle. ppellant and owner of affected premises ap peahng the orde of the Zonmg En forcement Officer dated May Locahon of affected premises 65 Cowles Avenue located on the north s,de of Cowles Avenue 200 east of the nnter Sechon of Cowles Avenue w=th Street in a R 12 Zone Th s appeal ts based on Section of the Zonnng Regu ahons The Southmgton Zonmg Board of Appeals, at ts July 22, 1986 Enforcement Ofhce dated May 22, 1986 because the Board felt that 2712 A the Zomng Enforcement Ofbcer must be duly filed by the apphcant Douglas Hageman Cba=rman ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TRAVEL AGENT TOUR GUIDE AIRLINE RESERVATIONIST was d=ssolved on June 26, 1986, by 7 30 P M m the Counc,I Chambers of the Town Hall Buddmg 75 Ma,n 1 Meetmgw th GZA 6 Report Traffic hght request 7 Award West S de 10 Sale of Grader to US Life Bldg Code Structure Up FOR SAL Rrebird, loaded, excellent conditioo, must see. Best offer, call FOR SALE: Subaru 4 door station wagon, $200, call evenings FOR SALE: 979 Mercury monarch, 2 dr, AT, PS, FOR SALE: Hone 61,000 m les, runs well, da Prelude silver, 5sp, $1,200, sunroof, stereo cass., good condihon, asking FOR SALE: 1973 Jeep $3,500,ca CJ-5, $200, call evenings FOR SALE: 1984 Black Ford EXP, in excellent condition w th only t;eoomdes, AM/FM stereo cassette, cloth interior, great gas mileage, must sell, $5,500 or best offer after 5PM, call FOR SALE: 1973 Chevrolet Capnce Classic, auto, FOR SALE: 76 VW Bus 400 ca, engine needs n good condihon w=th body work, runs good, snowhres and wheels, , $275, 628- $1,000, wk- U/Z3 ends FOR SALE: For pads, 1977 Chrysler Newporl, 2 new tires, n front, radio, NC, no battery, blow9 tran$, best offer, tow away, call after 6PM, FOR SALE: 76 Mercury Monarch, auto trans, PW, F, air, VS, good cond., no rust, mechan=calty sol- d, $1,500 B/O, FOR SALE: 1979 Honda Civic, 4 speed, 2 door, second owner, 56,000 mdes, excellent condition, $1o600, C, / after5pm FOR SALE: 1982 Chevy C-30, heavy duty p k-up, 4-speed std, $5,800, call FOR SALE:_ 72 Chrysler_ e orkerbrougham, FOR SALE: 1976 Dais- one owner, pedect conun 280Z+2, AC, AM-FM d t=on, has to be seen to cassette, power antenna, good cond hon"! Must sell (mowng) $1, after 5 FOR SALE: 1977 Ford Van, customized, stereo, carpehng, panehng, bed, new exhaust, tires, mint in and Out, FOR SALE: 1979 Buick LeSabre, 8cyl, auto P/S, P/B, A/C, tdt steenng, rear defogger, AM/FM, 4 spkrs, landau roof, 61,000 mdes, excellent cond., asking $3,800, FOR SALE: 69 GTO Hood, scoops, tach, foldup headlights, rebuilt motor, 4,000 ides, 4 speed,. trunck opener console, carl after 6, $3000, FOR SALE: 1974 Ford maverick, PS, PB, radio, heater, good cond=tion, call FOR SALE: 1978 GMC 1/2 ton pick up, 6 cyl., standard, $1,800 or best oiler, FOR SALE: Corvette DATEDAT SOUTHINGTON CON 1973,.exel. cond., 4- NECTICUT. THIS22nddayofJuly. speed, 350 eng., match Ing no#s, $8,000, 1980 TOWN OF SOUTHINGTON MGB convt./hardtop, 4- John We,chsel speed, $4, Town Manager or CARPET INSTALLER Year round work. Top rates. Need insurance, truck, h.elper. A ply in person: CARPET FACTORY OUTLET 185 Webster Sq. Rd. Berlin, Ct. AVON VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE AUDI Automotive Technician and Service A visors If you are happy, we can make you happ,er E pandmg nmport car dealetsh p offers outstandmg hourly and bonus arrangement for above average techmc,ans Last year's top men bought motorcycles, houses RVs and pen,as Fringe benefits in clude prod hohdays, prod vacat=ons, prod medial and m surance, etc Job securrty Immediate startmg bonus m the 100s for quahfied job applicants AVON PORSCHE AUDI VOLKSWAGEN PLEASE CONTACT MS MILLER AT Personal interviews 416 p,m. daily. Confidence assured., appreciate, re, FOR SALE: 15' Sped Craft, 115 H P, Mercury OB, new seals and carpet, plus much more, can be seen at 5 Broad St, Plamwlle or call FOR SALE: 15', Scotty Camper, stove, ref., new cudalns, upholstery, sleeps 4, exel. con&, $1,300, FOR SALE: 1974 Scamper, pop-up camper, sleeps 8, heater, stove, refng, asking $1,500, call FOR SALE: Coleman Pop-up Camper 1981, n mint cond=hon, many extras, sleeps 8, call after 8PM forsale general FOR SALE: Floral Velour Ioveseat and chair, excellent cond hon, call FOR SALE: 24" Motorola Color Consol, $200 B/O, SUMMER POSITIONS Summer Resort in Greater S msbury- Granby s Iookmg for k=tchen staff and cert,- fled Lifeguards Ideal for college and h gh school students Must be enthusiastic, hardwork=ng and personable c School Bus Drivers Sport I Field Trip Drivers Van Drivers & Monitors Excellent part time positions f01 homemakers, rehrees, college students, sen or cuhzens, shdt workers, etc (Mothers ask about bnng,ng your pre schooler to work w th youh Free trammg evadable now for Wallingford area call Double A Transportation In the Rocky Hill, Wethers fmld area call G ] 64 7,Cromwell Ave I Rocky Hdl FOR SALE: Bolens lawn traclor, 1 yr old, 16HP, 36 =n deck, rear bagger, $2, AMF Skamper pop up, $1,500, call aft 6PM ALUMINUM SHEETS 00.8 thick x 23 x 35 Used as pdnhng plafes. 5 for $2. Whde supply lasts. At the Step Saver, 213 Spnng St, South=ngton. NEWSPRINT off white paper end rolls. When available Ideal for shelwng, p=cnic table topping, etc $1 per roll At the Step Saver, 213 Spring SI, South=ngton, FOR SALE: Morose Ansen aluminum wheels. Wail hi G M. products and disc brakes. Hardly used, $200, call FOR SALE: C)n flagstone, 18"wx3" th=ck, call alter 7, free dehvery, Rudy FOR SALE: P=tney Bowes, #3'58, copy machine, $25, call alter 4PM, _6_64 _ FOR SALE: Peavey Classic Amp, two 12 =nch scorpion speakers, very loud, great sound, reverb phaser, $225 DO, FOR SALE: 19ft angler deery with 100hp ewnruder and E Z load tra ler, many extras afler 4PM, HELP WANTED: Chddcare supervisors, drivers, and a,des needed lor before + after school ch=id care program, supervisors must have 2 yrs expenence work=ng w=fh school age chddren, Wheeler Reg=onal Ymca, , EOE HELPWANTED: CLERICAL: Water, Wastewater and Gas materials d stnbutor has immediate open=ng for a full time Clerical-Secretary. Good orgamzational skills, professional art,rude and flex bilily to pedorm a variety of ofhce duties. Respons bd=hes include inventory and invoice record-keep,ng, attenhon to detail a must, typing of quotes and general correspondence, some order taking and proces- We Sefl Propane Gas and... RN & LPN Full e Part Time positrons are Ca//Par Ext :0364 WOODMERE HEALTH CARE CENTER sing. This pos=tion offers potential tot advancement to customer service and/ or Sales. Benefits include medical - dental plan, vacahon, hohdays and proht sharing, education. Competitive pay based on experience. Non-smokers only Send resume to: George A Caldwell Company, P.O. Box 507, Southington, Ct , Attention: Mrs. M=halko VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to work on a hot line deahng wdh personal crises. Volunteers rece=ve 19 hours of train- ng and do cnsis =ntervenhen, telephone counseling, and =nlormahon referal work 4 hours a week. bout train=ng which begins on September 15, please call motorc'cles FOR SALE: Yamaha 225 DX TD moto, 1985 New Back hres, fresh tune.up. veqt good must sell, askmg $1,300, call between 3 30 and 7, FOR SALE 1975 Honda 750 cc be Call after 6 pm. FOR SALE: 1976 Honda, 750K, black, 16,000 ides, excellent shape, must sell, $1,000, Bnan alter 5PM FOR SALE: 1976 Yamaha SX 500cc motorcycle, new hres, 17' camp trader, 10' shde on camp trader, call FOR SALE: 1985 Kawasaki KX 80 motorcycle, $575, call real estate FOR SALE: By owner, 6 room, 1 1/2 bath, hmshed rec room, confempory raised ranch, $139,000, call "INVESTORS", 3-Family home for sale New Britain/Kensington, quiet area, 5-5-5, three garages, aluminum sided, new boders, good cond=hon, princ=pals only, Ph. # PAINTING Inted0r-Exterlor Trim Stained Celllnga Corrected Fire Damage 25 Years Exbat,ence FREE ESTIMArE$ New Soutbmgton No SECURITY OPPORTUNITIES for rent FOR RENT: 3 Rm Apart, 2nd floor, central Ioc, stove, ref. 375 me, 1 me. sec., utd. extra, call , keep trying. FOR RENT: Bnstol 4 room apartment with garage Stove and relrigerator furn=shed, wall to wall - carpehng, very goodjocat- ion, no pets, adults only, FOR RENT: Furn. apt., 2 rm, 1st floor, central Plantswlle, all. and heat inc, $65/wk for one adult, NEED WELDING? Bench, TIG, MIG +,O ne fabricton, two (2) bedroom townhouse 1 1/2 baths, central a r condltioning full basement, close to 1-84, no pets, evadable 8/1, $6 5 George Petermann days, , evenmgs, services REFINISHING AND LACQUERING of solid brass and copper items. Anything refinis.hed, Call for more info alter 6 pm. HOUSE PAINTING: College student with expenence, for tree estjmales call Scott after 5 at 621-0O77 LICENSED DAYCARE -.E pedenced mother/ teacher provld,ng TLC, achwhes, meals. Mdldale. Conven=ent to Rte. 10, 66, 84 References. September opemng, pairs, lawn mowers, snow b[owers, call after 6PM tag sales TAG SALE: Friday + Saturday, July 25+26, 9-5, ra=n or shine, 117 Roseanna Rd, antswlle, , anhques from 1800's hke stoneware, FOR RENT: Apartment, +h e 4arge - : s p us n New Britain, excellent [ eighborhood off Shuttle Mead6w Ave, 2 d floo _jugs, c ocks, oak furniture carpehng, clean, immed- lake spinning wheel ate occupancy, $500, trunks, cheats, etc Many stove and ridge avadable, old accessodes Also security and references, toys, clothes, house days, 628- wares, pnced to go, evenings Kawasak KX80 FOR RENT: South ngton five room apa lment in two famdy house, $475 plus uhht=es Also, six room apadment $550 plus uhhties Secunty deposal and references required. No ddgs after 5pm PAULINE PERSONAL SHOPPER let me do your shopping and run your errands for you or take you shopping, EXTERIOR AND INT- ERIOR Painting and Paperhanging For free eshmates Call after 6PM CARPENTERY WORK: Decks, sheds, porches, home improvement, renovahons, roofing, hcensed and nsured, call Randy or Rack NEIGHBORHOOD TAG SALE: Furniture, toys, clothes (all sees), books, plants, household items, gym equip., hamsters, Homesdale Ave., South ngton, July 25, 26, 27 TAG SALE: Contents of house, furniture, sofa, Ioveseat, $200, end tables, chairs, side chairs, from $10-$60, small appliances, tools, chain saw, wheelbarrow, etc, make an offer, July 26-27, Sat. 10-4, Sun 1-4, 139 Halltop, 0020 South ngton, 621- wanted WANTED TO BUY old dimes, quarters, halves for $360 per dollar, $1.80 halves, 90 quarters,.36 d=mes, gold co=is and silver dollars. Call Tony Calvanese , 1588 Menden Wtby Rd., Mdldale I I I Immediate Opening In Our Display Advertising Sales Dept. We are seeking a person(s) to work part time or full hme seli ng d splay adverhs ng tn our already estabhshed terntory Your weekly take home wdl depend on your efforts n th s challenging posmon SALARY AND COMMISSION AND FULL BENEFITS TO A FULL TIME POSITION Apply In Person THE STEP SAV 213 Spring Street Southington, CT. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

16 16--news _ Ir'l The Observer, Thursday, July 24, 1986 Writer reports on media coverage by Mike Chaiken staff riter Theeteet on;c vu;ual med:a v. a,. m sitc cvcrv here at the DcmocrdtlC Slate Convcn(lon m Hartford. Matter of fact, one could say lbc actual news was how the television c', s plundered the convcntlon and nflucnccd issues as if they,,,,ere a conquenng army swooping down on an unsu',pe.tlng land Thc candidate,, exposed themselves as budding lackeys txw ng dov, n before thc TV hordes as the.', did all in their per, or to v,m the I,l``or of this army of magnctlc mu.rophoncs and mml-camcordcr,; Tile a, plrlng pohtlcos primmed and posed lot the video cameras and dtte_m _ntcd to v,".dx 1I one had not re'ached the conclusion that tile television hordes were thc most tg'rrrficzmt-mc-rrtbcn's ol he-eon enuo.n,,he r pre.en&. thc speeches ould ha c clarified I Wh) would speeches pmvc the m pommcc of [CICVlMOfl to the conv nllqn? B - cause. n s akm lt]l several el delegates and obw 'mg tile cr6 d, no one could hear the pcc hcs The delegates generally could not comment on the nollllndilllg pcc llcs. lllmdad the} apolog zc4 but dld the 3 thd not hear hat drc s) stem couldn't o CKOlll the dull roar of the dclegatc talkmg anmng thcmselvc anti #nonng the But 11 one atchcd the Icl lmol/ co cragc, cvc ord o[ the pcc llcs was[ rchensdqc (that Ioqudfltl in true soalsb x-rmihmf s, If Ol: C an Otl]pr ] Cllef]'[IC ra``ing., For the cameras, the politic tans v, ere always ever so gracious couldn't hear the,,pooches but tile tele- el a polmc an I 11 the delegatc However, when the pnnt med a vision ptlbhc could. O[le umld a tllllt: would appear, most especially a rcpnrter from somewhere other than the Hartford Courant, the polmclans v, ould grimace their faces and tu' ever hard, but not quite able, to ludc a look of open disdain for thc, e plebes el the that the speeches ctc intended Ior the television hordc 11 the dclcg,ttc el the COI1VeO[IOll cre uppo cd to bedr the ctoqucm ramblmg el their pad} lcadcm and bc aycd m lhc r vetch, the head honcho el the Dcmocr,mc pa,y d h v easily m %e elumc ed from the std.ehncs all appearance ot discomfort melted lrom thmr lace and of c PA s)mclll up so the dclc- gale hear t a smile would appear as it thc Tbcn there ere the paradc tha pollncmn was gmctmg a loved one c rclcd the convcnhon hall to l]aunt the, avcd avamp,ugnsr m lor which ever candidate bad h s/hcr people shove it rote thmr h lnd. It- one of th c pcr cn c that look b t mdlmancc el a canrera hovcring overbead The experience was compared to looking at the moon. It looks race and stoned1 [rom Earth but once one arnvc on the surface t s full of cratcr and Ila. The M nlc conventmn probably ould ba c bccn held as a stalcw de tclcconlmcncc fl Toby Moffctt bad not pm cn to bc such a pare m the neck to tbc Go cmor Ruth gubernatorial cand datc, needed re do sonic el the delcgatc Io make,urc their canthdacy ould cacb Ihght buo)ancy and the COII ClltlOll pies Idea a IIiCC cenlldhzcd point to Io ate the proper ballaq I1 tlu ami2 th case. th oii cfifidu h,t c bccn bold m a tclev mn studio lh p c ccotdcd applause and hoopla Tbc chamncn el the md wdual to n dclcgatmn could have tdcotapcd theft prm c el the candidates to shown at a later date The dclcgutc could h,t d taycd home and phoned m mr otc "lbcn they ould bc able to atd the Hycttaclc at home and swtlch hol air spcct]lcs botanic IO I 'ar A for u newspeak, since e tclc i um hordes wahl lo lake over tile Of course, tile tclc``l.stoo people gubernatorial candidates p knew they were the favored soils and These "paradc, ' conveniently passed e ba ork a d tile newspapers can daughters of the convention Tha s each and c``cr. tfl- the tcic Eion report Oil the ro-nvcndon via the why they shoved thcm clvc,, into hordes' cameras."do',t el the delegates Idle',eqon reports Also v,c can report every comer and took file con``cniioll [bat `` cre not m,lldllllg,. ccnlcd IO on hey, tack.`` tile v, bole thing is and away from the delegates. They took it ignore tile parade, looked on ul toniaway v,,r,b our bands of the entire process. first of all by becoming the plctc Sol doratu ould ball bcartcdl.', of he "'.candadatc rattmr than delegates. The tclcvlsmn hordes also _ confiscated the convention by taking up so much space in the already crowdco Harttord Civic Center exhiblt4on= &c,hool otficlals,,.tale that "mhall that one couldn't v, alk m the c struct on shall be regarded a', the CIll/Cn Ill our dem(k'rdiic primary purpose el the Soulh region ]hc Board el Educe without bumping into canlcramcn or TV reporters or tnppmg over transmission coaxial cables osoplt} cntpha,q/es tile inthv du.d purposes the cxpcncnccs of st t Pubhc School %`.,,tcm Ttw, phd- bchc e that to achieve the c orth 3 Tile television arm 3 was so im-,ttldonl alld e,h.h Mudellt,. IlIUm[ go be)ella Ihccl sroom [-deh illdl ldudl mum receive portant to the convcnuon that the Democrats had even installed a television in the sectmn set,l, lde Ior the pourer relations el the prcss (rodin, papers). This way the non-space age metha could wlmcss the convcnllon on a 19-inch scrccn rather than the hiesized Cinemas ope of realtly that surrounded them opmcnt to I/I,, or her lullc',t potjiitl,ii for pamc pat on m hie Sach lnmkiciion ill`. el`. c TM the use el a `.vide ``'ariel.`. el Icchlllque alld experiences v.lm.h v. dl help ea.h sludcnt to`.', ard total I',cr,,dual de'. ciop - meni, excellence 111 leafllmg, Ihe de`` clopmcnt el cnllcal Ihlnk ing,kill',,,.in appreciation el our,..ul uppomng c i cs needed to dc dop hl o her apabd l CS In order 1o,lthlCkC lllc C qalcd purpose the Board muq prm ude adequate support Ior all,ic[l% iilc ll cll arc included In Summer sailing... "'... Den llogan, on l-e, g ts -et to hoard: art inflatable boat and ha e some sailing [tin `.ith his sister, Kavly, center, and their hal Timm ('lark, The youngsters decided to take all afternnon cruise around the Ilogm ', hackyard "pool doe (er. arm day. Bee. Karb add Tin ny found thatlhe po l served thri, justas ell as a pond or lake. merican Red Cross courses lbc Central Coimc.u,.ut ('haptcl, CPR program el file AI11CFICall l' cd ere,e,,, ollcrulg The Central Connecticut Chapter a coulee ii1 nlcdsurlllg b]oo,.l prc.,'aurd el the American Red eros The 3 hour coup, e, ', hal S gn, II file Iollo`. lng course in tirst aid and Blood Pressure,",,',ill bc held Aug 2b cardlopulmona ' m,.,useltatlon' tr mt I? 1 to 4.30 at the Stmtlmtglo.n On Augttat 5 and 6 lram 7-gPM PuSh,. l_lbrary the "CPR Rate For Life" v, fll be held q [le Course teat.tier ulth' iduai,,,it the Southmglon PuNic Librau v, th, hide or no health backgrourtd lo rcgp, t& contact, K,ircn Grc.', ho' to lake their own or omcone Sabo, d retror of ttc,lhh Ser`.,tccs at cl c' blood pressure. II lelt unlrealed, the Ne'.`. Britain olfice CPR is serious high blood pressure can cause heart Sureness When.,,dmconc sullbrs a,ltta.k, stroke or kidney disease cdrdlac arrcsl, immediate aid is cssenllal RcDstral on may bc made by' If )ou koow how to admlmqcr tailing Karen (ire.',' Sabo, D rector el CPR..',ou can make the dtllerencc betlcalth Sc lcc' at IV, COn hle and death "Emcrgcncw' and accidents happen all tbc time Often they can be pro- spon,,e 1 or the sake of youracll, )'our lama',, and other,, in 3our hie take a Ecc[ au.t an Ct'K aurac. ' Souflnngton's Tov, n thghway Department ha,, lie `` telephone nulnbcrs II )ou,alql to reach the clerk, call ( Tbc supcrmtcndcnfs number is nm And the Inremans new number "be Obsert,er P.O. Box 648, Southin ton, Ct all the other papers. You get more: local Southington news local South=ngton ed=tormls local Southmgton letters to the editor local South=ngton sports local Southmgton advertmmg local Southmgton family hvmg local Southmgton troth and rehg=on local Southmgton features local South=ngton want ads ORDER NOW Dv J,.,vv LLIXI? NOW is the perfect time to cl and repair y'our jewelry,. =10 1 year subscrlpt,0n 6' fi month subscription OUT OF TOWN SUBSCRIPTIONS =12 1 year subscnptt0n 9 6 month subscription DO NOT DELAY! Subs.cribe to South=ngton's Complete Weekly Community Newspaper BUSINESS REPLY MAIL Tb Observer Circulation Dept. P.O. Box 648 Southtngton, Ct First Class Permfl No 76 Soulh=ngton, Connechcut we'll personally' assist y'ou with all y'our jewelry' needs! THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL I IP+ar'shape diam nds:i 40% off I. n Rochambeau Mall, 78 Mer.-Wtby. Tpk., Rt. 66, Milldale HOURS: 6Z8-0608

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