Boyle McCauley News. Gate. China Opens. r J.. fetivitie that followed. city's Chinatown has finally

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1 -- "",..., Boyle McCauley News novdec 987 VOL iss '.- r J.. - a I ioo: month and a lot of expert to put city - addreed crowd at gate opening. The Piay on. of, China, Edmonton' twin toger China gate, Here Hundred of people tunned out fon opening and aie een putting on finishing touched. fetivitie that followed. in China Opens Gate After long months of construction, gate to our city's Chinatown has finally been completed. The opening ceremony and celebration were held Oct 24. Several hundred people turned out. The gate was jointly opened by Mayors of Edmonton and our twin city in China, Harbin. Provincial Minister of Culture, Greg Stevens was also on hand. In spite of time it took to build it, wait was well worth it. Colourful and ornate, gate stands on avenue at 97 St & 02 Ave. (The Chinese community had originally wanted gate located on 97 St but was turned down. ) The gate has added a new dimension to our already colourful inner-cit- y landscape. When you're in area, be sure Qreg Steven, to touch Provincial Ptiniter lions' of Culture, tongues for good give luck - a an rouing speech on Edmonton' Chinese ancient Chinese heritage. traditlonl

2 knowing TRAGEDY STRIKES Boys' & Girl's Club IT'S MICHEUN XM-S- Don't wait! We have XM-S- 's you a price you'll likel Raised white letter P25 75R5 Radlals on sale for" a limited time onlyl Hurry, sale ends while stocks lastl special pricm on fe-mah- Y OTHER POPIRAR. "L IMCHELM SIZES By GARY DeLEEUW Saturday, November 7th was a tragic day for many in McCauley area. That was day Cougar Boxing Club volunteer w COMPLETE Murray AUTOMOTIVE Letourneau SERVICE lost his life in a multi-vehic- le pile-u- p CORNER OF 92 ST. & AVE on Hwy. Mon 2, to Fri just south of Leduc. 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. FULL SERVE Murray was respected in Sat 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. both his professional and volunteer life. A provincial employee, Murray worked in Carpentry Apprenticeship SunHolidays 0:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. SELF SERVE Program. He was a volunteer at Cops Cougar Boxing Club, part of can be Boys' & Girls Club of BOCCE a go Edmonton - McCauley Club. buddies too It was from McCauley Club that Murray left that Pat Bruni is a man on fateful day. There is no small Three Bocce fields will move. As one of City Police irony in fact that Murray soon be built in norast School Liaison Officers, Pat was killed while doing what he corner of Giovanni Caboto Park divides his time among 0 did best - helping ors. if Italian Canadian inner-cit- y elementary schools. Enroute to a boxing Senior's Association gets its Constable Bruni and his tournament in Drayton Valley, way. uniform have become both a Murray was driving two club A public meeting was held familiar and welcome sight. He members to 9:00 a.m. weigh-in- s. by Edmonton Parks and doesn't get too far before His jeep was involved in Recreation on Nov 2. About 50 students surround him. original pile-u- p, which people attended. There were no Being a naturally friendly happened when smoke from a objections to NE corner of person, makes him a good choice nearby field made visibility park being used for Bocce. for this program. Growing up in zero. A traditional Italian sport McCauley, Pat has a unique Still only thinking of - similar to lawn bowling, but understanding of area. those around him, Murray left having different rules - Bocce Before joining city police, he his jeep to care for those who dates back to before Roman got his teaching degree. He had been injured in first empire. The addition of three says working with kids is one pile-u- p. It was n Murray was narrow lanes will help preserve of things he "enjoys struck down by a vehicle also this ancient sport. most." blinded by smoke and fog. If plan is approved by The school liaison program The Cougar Boxing Club Council, city will lease was designed as a salutes pilot project Murray Letourneau - a area to Italian - to meet special needs of man both loved and respected by Seniors, who will be inner all. Although young, city. boxers responsible for both "Many inner city he kids," Pat coached all remember his development and upkeep of points out, "are new Canadians integrity and dedication. area. who've had a bad impression of The Cougar Boxing Club is The general public will be police. Through this program, establishing a trust fund to allowed access and lessons are we want to change honour Murray that." Letourneau. It planned. At beginning of each will be a small but fitting school year, he is kept busy tribute to a man who dedicated making sure kids are aware of his life to service of personal safety issues - not ors. talking to strangers, and If you want to make, a ' contiilution to. tiust fund call Qany DeLeeuw at mi ' ' i J ir own name, address and phone number. on. would like, moie Info imat ion, The rest of year a 8. number of topics are covered. Sometimes class brings up what y want to discuss, or times Pat may show films and talk about things like children to Identify vandalism. Block Patent 4ign i jutt Sometimes it's just as one way ContaS-l-e Biuni (left) important for some fun and get acn.04,4 pen,4onal safety games to occur. Basketball and meaaage. Knowing a Aafe place floor hockey are just two popular activities. i4 a good 4taii. What does he like best about his job? "Working with kids on a level. If you're open one-to-o- to ne m, kids can sense it and y open up too."

3 Streetwise & SERVING THE RESIDENTS of BOYLE McCAULEY Boyle-McCaul- ey Health Centre 0:00 a.m. to NOON daily by appointment NOON to 4:30 p.m. walk-i- n Foot Care Clinic by appointment only Street 'Ts and Rs' - it's easy to see why girls thrive on m. High, y can pretend it's all a dream. Or nightmare. The eyes glaze over, y change. And maybe nothing does matter. 'Till y come down. Sonny is back. She asks By FRAN MACPHERSON middle-age- d couple gets out. A Sylvia if Johnny hit her. If younger man follows. "Look at that is why She's she's crying. 5 years old and trash on this street," "It was just anor fight," Sylvia she's crying. Her name is woman says. She wears her tells her, "no worse Sylvia. than In anor situation, disgust like a banner of her usual, he didn't leave any you would reach out and try to respectability. marks." comfort her. After all, she's The young man gets half way It's all so physical. The just a kid. But here, re is across street, n turns. way y make a living to a difference. Grinning he sidles back. Three way y live. Violence so Sylvia is crying while she feet away, he spits, turns and commonplace y see it as part leans against a parking meter laughs. The three continue of everyday life. Beginning behind farmers' market, in away, all laughing. Sonny with backhand as kids, it heart of Boyle Street. It's winces but says nothing. escalates to become a pummel ing Saturday night and she's Inspecting her shoes to make before y're teens. As waiting for a car to cruise by, sure y weren't hit. adults, it's happened so stop often and open door. Sylvia "That doesn't bor me," y believe it's how to handle is a teenage hooker. she says too quickly to be any The man she calls her true. "They're all like that. conflict. Partly why re's no husband has just dropped her fear You learn to live with it. That getting into a car with four off. Telling her how much she woman would be very surprized strangers. If re is has to make before she can come if she knew her husband cruised violence, it's nothing y home. He doesn't look much more here. Maybe he does. A lot of haven't seen - or felt than 20. A car cruises by, m look same. before. backs up, pulls over beside "This isn't really bad. You There's so much judgement her. Sylvia negotiates with a ought to see it when out re. Judgement that says grey-haire- d, middle-age- d man, teenagers come around. They it's dirty to sell yourself. n hops in. usually pitch empty beer Sonny Judgement is 25 and still bottles at us. Garbage is one that doesn't take waiting. into account respect, or It's probably been a of nicer words we hear lack long time of it. If you've spent since she cried. At around here." all your life physically and least about anything that A car carrying four young sexually abused, is self-respe- ct happened to even a her on street. Vietnamese men cruises by. Outwardly, she handles how Sonny's spirits seem choice? lifted. Or are so beaten-dow- n she makes her living with ease. They stop, three cars up you in "We all by know that every time we parking circumstance that what lot. She runs over. The 'normal, middle-cla- ss get into a car, it could be negotiations are successful, takes for granted last thing we do. There are no she hops in. She owes is totally out of reach? guarantees in this life." dealer $20, four "tricks" will Some of se girls make Sonny doesn't work with a leave her with debt paid off street. Sonny has done it pimp. She says, in fact, that and $80 left over. The odds are most of it four times. But she always older girls don't. not good, but money is, to comes back. There are no Yet as soon as she turns a her, far more important. real trick, she takes money home friends here, but re isn't After all, who cares if a any judgement eir. to Fred - man she calls her hooker's body is found in an roommate. "For safe keeping," alley or ditch? It's not as if she says. she's somebody's daughter. Or Down here, man that pushes 'Ts is it? & Rs' gives credit. Sylvia is back. A pimp of a different sort. Still crying. With ESP born of It's a vicious circle. The streetlife, "husband" girls that mainline are forever appears. To collect money in debt. Most of m spend all she's just made. This makes ir time working to pay off her cry harder. He promises her a dealer. fix. The blubbering slows. He's italia It's nothing like gone again as fast as he came. "stroll" downtown, that stretch She says re's no escape. between 05 and 08 Streets. "It doesn't matter, nothing espresso coffee Where hookers wear fur matters. First it was my step-da- d, cappuccino 'icecream coats in winter. Here, on now it's Johnny. Why soft drinks strip, y're lucky to own should I care about my body a jacket. when nobody else does? At least street A car pulls over, slows to this way I get some money. And edmonton,olberto a stop. Francine starts to walk a place to sleep. And once in a mimmo over, n sees car is while, Johnny lets me get parking. A well dressed, high." phone

4 New Board The Boyle McCauley News has a new Board of Directors. They were elected at Annual General Meeting on October 7th Ḃoard terms are for one year, Oct '87 through Oct '88. j HiMP MIL MR. About 35 people turned out ALICE. HANSON for annual meeting DORIS OUNIUK year. this And had lots of good ideas to share. You'll be Doris Oleniuk is a longtime resident of McCauley. A seeing se in print over Illllllllllllll 3S next year. The evening was former corner store owner, she rounded out with an open house is well aware of conditions where everyone had chance facing area to residents. Doris meet one anor and see how is paper's treasurer and paper looks before it goes has done a great job with to press. books. Thank you to everyone who Alice Hanson is new to Editorials The or parties came out and made evening board this year. Alice worked such a success. in inner city area from About two weeks ago, I got , and was a phone call from a woman who instrumental in getting is a long-tim- e resident of It won't fade away BoyleMcCauley Health Centre McCauley. She posed an started. She is now interesting question: "Was it Executive Director of DECSA. up-sc- ale editorial policy of Condos, apartment paper to only support New blocks, and lately redesigned Democratic party?" older houses are starting to Strangely enough, it was take up more and more of next afternoon that I Boyle Street landscape. spotted an ad in Edmonton "Skid row" is shrinking, Journal for a public meeting almost daily. Pushed back into put on by MP Bill Lesick. I alleys. checked clock and But fact remains that meeting was already it won't ever disappear. It over. This two-thir- ds was only place, can'fci At best, it will just be as far as I could tell, farr from it was pushed away advertised. downtown core. Isn't it far better to work mm CHoy In response to woman's question: The Boyle McCauley with what is already re, Thim Choy has spent 4 News does not support any than to push it away. The truth years in business in Boyle political party. But we can may be bitter but it is real. Street. His Edmonton Cash only print news which we There are countless numbers Register has never stopped receive. of people who don't have growing since day he first It is extremely frustrating anywhere else to go. Who can't opened on 95 St. Thim is to find we have been excluded afford suburbanite rents. Who currently a of Vice-Presid- ent from receiving information that wouldn't fit in even if y Boyle Street Community is important to our readers could. League and is very active in such as a notice of a public These people are not going Chinese community. meeting. (This is not first to fade away until social Malcolm Archibald is a time - City Hall is also very problems that have made m long-tim- e resident of quiet about meetings.) do. BoyleMcCauley area. A The News would be more than journeyman printer by trade, happy to publish information Malcom operates a small from any political party -- Getting to know us publishing company and does provided it is relevant to work for many inner city BoyleMcCauley area. agencies. -- Frank Klemen was born and The Boyle McCauley News Is a nonprofit newspaper published monthly by Active as a volunteer for raised in 95 St area. Boyle Street McCauley Newspaper Society. years, Frank got inner city The Society Is made up of people who live Lacrosse league started in '83. and work In Boyle McCauley neighbor-hood- s. With degrees in psychology, sociology and Opinions expressed education, Frank In newspaper are not necessarily has "come those of board home" of directors. All submissions will be subject to edit- Mental Health Worker at to work as ing for length and suitability. Boyle Co-o- p. Street Brian Mahoney is going into Editor: Fran Macpherson BON NIC AUSTIN nary AnR0NQN his second board term. Brian is Board of Directors: very active with M. Amerongen Bonnie Austen is a longtime board member. She C. Holmes fundraising committee and M. Archibald F. Kleraen is currently works for himself in B. Austen currently Community M. Longo School flower delivery business. Co-ordin- ator A. Borkent for Sacred Heart Amy B. Mahoney Borkent is starting her T. Choy and St. Catharine's Community D. Oleniuk second term with board. She A. Hanson Schools and has worked S. Takats in is very busy finishing her BoyleMcCauley area more B. Voogd than medical residency and looks eight years. forward to becoming an MD in Boyle McCauley Newt Mary Amerongen has been a '88. Amy has been active in Room 20, Avenue resident of McCauley for more Edmonton, Alberta, T5H A4 inner city area for a number of than a dozen years. A long-tim- e Phone: years and served part of her community activist, Mary has internship and residency at been on many committees and BoyleMcCauley Health Centre. Deadline for next Issue: boards in inner city area. PEC 4-4:30 P.M. She works as a building manager for Inner City Housing Society.

5 At far below poverty line for even a single person and not Legislature nearly enough to support a family. The Alberta New Democrats and I are fighting for an immediate increase in minimum wage, with regular increases to at least keep up with cost of living. We this Monday, NovemLei 23id and King's College. By PAM BARRETT Question Peiiod will He. iioadcaat live on CKUA Radio, will continue to work hard for and or changes so that serious problem of poverty Bruce Voogd lives and works in Alberta can be finally in McCauley area. Last year ended. he chaired newspaper board. The legitlatuie e.-0pe- He is.n4 Student Recruiter at Only one part of Alberta's 580 An and (Monday -- economy has grown dramatically Thuitday at 2:30 p.m. and over past few years Tniday at Boyle St. 0:00 a.m.) League poverty. Since beginning of 980s, number of Albertans living in poverty has more than more faces... Neighborhood doubled. Official figures show 07,000 Alberta families and almost 90,000 individuals were living below poverty line Watch in 985. Today numbers are even higher. The Boyle Street Community Poverty figures are not League always is organizing a same eir. Neighborhood Watch program Statistics for Canada calls its your area. poverty line Low Income The next meeting will be Cut-of- f. They estimate this held on: level to be $0,653 a year for a single person living in a SATURDAY NOVEMBER 28 city size of Edmonton. The TIME :00 a.m. National Council on Welfare, PLACE - 95 ST. & 04 AVE though,' judges poverty line for same person to be an Shirley Takats is new to If you would income of $,079. Eir way, board but not McCauley like information before meeting, it amounts to between $204 where she's lived for eight contact Ed Pineau at $23 a week for a single years. Shirley has been or Sheryl Clark at 7. person. involved with Boyle In Alberta, many people McCauley Health Centre classed as single employables McCauley After School Care. and-th- e She get only $380 (short-ter- m) and works as a Vocational The Neighborhood Watch program has been going for some time in McCauley $44 (long-ter- m) on welfare. Counsellor with Workers' District. That means a single person Compensation Boyle Street is now Board. trying to living on get one welfare gets between Last but definitely not off ground. There $95 - $03 a week on which to are a lot of good least, is new member Carol reasons to be survive. That's between $06 -- Holmes, who is already part of $3 well-kno- wn know that: this program. Did you less than even poverty in inner city circles. As line. District Recreation C- only about half of all The numbers of people oordinator for Edmonton Parks crimes are ever reported? living below poverty line and a Recreation, Carol works delay of only five include those Albertans living with not only BoyleMcCauley minutes in calling police means on social assistance, on but all downtown chance of catching soon-to-exp- ire UIC benefits and neighborhoods. She helps people criminal drops by 65?.those on pensions. But perhaps and agencies plan, recreational, only one out of every 0 - even sadder, many Albertans activities and is keen to see sexual- assaults is reported, work with 90 full time and still cannot this kind, of news gets out to of assailants left earn nearly enough to support you. free! to commit anor assault? ; mselves and ir families. victims of sexual assault range In Alberta, employers are in age from six months to 90 allowed to pay workers as years, and most sexual little as $3.80 an hour, re assaults take place in is only one word for Alberta's victjims home? minimum wage - 25 disgraceful. of all girls, and 0 of all boys, will be There sexually is no reason why our assaulted before y are 8 minimum wage should be so low. years old? It has been nearly seven years This is fact, not fiction. of constant inflation since But re is something you can provincial government last do about it. The Neighborhood increased minimum wage. Watch program gives you Today, our minimum wage is solution to a difficult lowest in Canada. problem. Just across border in mimmo lonqo Toger with your Saskatchewan, workers must be neighbors, you can work towards paid at least $4.50 an hour. In Mimmo Longo has been in making your block safer. The Manitoba, workers must be paid business years, running program teaches you how to make at least $4.70 an hour. Both of Bar Italia in heart of your home less likely to become se provinces have less Italian district. He is married a target. You will also learn unemployment than Alberta. with three children. Mimmo was how to mark things in your Even working a full 40 very active with Italian house or apartment so criminals hours a week, an Alberta worker newspaper and is kept busy with will be less likely to take making minimum wage would only coaching soccer and Italian m.. '8t take home about $600 a month, community.

6 PUZZLE FUN Italian Centre ACROSS 44. Young frogs 79. Fertile desert spots 0. Cook In TtltPnOfie water VK tomomtofl. AITA CAMADA. Cushion 46. Handled clumsily 80. Operatic solo. Hotel T5H 2C4 4. Charts 47. Measured quantity 8. Serf 2. Tied 8. Custom 48. Requests 82. Old measure of 3. Pushes wpomcia. PAcnero ft dwwbotohs or itaiiam upomtd roora 3. Ooze 49. Raves length 4. Roof edge 7. Single thing 50. Lucky number 84. Fast runner 5. Always 8. Great Lake 5. Forms 88. Leading actor 6. Writes 9. Make amends 54. Type of bear 89. Eaten away 22. Carousal if DISTRIBUTOR FOODS 20. Possess 55. Hate 90. Ireland 27. Religious Image 2. Tattletale 56. Caverns 9. Epoch 29. Lyric poems 23. Be sparing 57. Crowlike bird 92. Spinning toys 30. Skillful COMPLETE LINE 24. Baking chamber 58. Strong affection 93. Scornful look 3. Notion OF 25. Does wrong 59. Above 94. Stupid fellow 32, Wheel hubs PIZZA SUPPLIES 26. Important 60. Keeps 95. Morning moisture 33. Is concerned 28. Lingers about 6. Daydreams 35. Swindles OLIVE OIL 30. Grimy 65. WordlnMPH DOWN 36. Cringe SALAD OIL 32. More pleasant 66. Saltpeter. Hawaiian food 37. Kitchen range MACARONI 33. Yield 67. Pry 2. Arbor, Mich. 38. Comforts 34. Small whirlpool 68. Miss West 3. Guarded 39. Expended 35. BLT ingredient 69. Involved 4. Gay 4. Mislays 36. Touches lovingly 7. Steps 5. Weapons 42. Hean 40. Professional 72. Isinglass 6. Popular dessert 45. Wallcovering charge 73. Snow vehicle 7. Meetings for 46. Loses color 4. Animate 74. Delight In worship 47. Inhibit 42. Tiny openings 75. Footways 8. Hurry 49. Wanderer TERESA SPINELLI 43. Faucet 76. Pay attention 9. Fragrance 50. Cut 5. Extent I i Refuge Avoid T Covered with n 24 asphalt 55. Pigeons Urgent 2627 OH Appraised 58. Even CHEESE SALAMI TOMATOES MISCELLANEOUS Dear Block Parent, Shop Limited OF Ptxjri HP3 IHiHHR 60. Quiets The Block Parent Area " 3? 6. Setback Chairman in your area WLf Hr " 62. Copied (McCauley) is unable to p' Mr BB3 63. Apiece continue in this capacity. The Oceans position of Area Chairman is 66. River In Egypt vital in structure of 67. Wash Block Parent Program. Without 70. Colorful flowers tan tarf" an Area Chairman, contact with 7. Annoy Block Parents in your area 72. Principal is hindered. " 74. Lift 59 thpo Publish What are Area 65 Bpe 67 flht 76. For fear that Chairman's responsibilities? 77. Words in a ratio These people contacts new Block 78. Speak sharply Parents and arranges for m 79. Wind Instrument to get a Block Parent sign. 80. Seed covering Supplies and training are given Jl'TrM m Vase to all Area Chairmen. ai pb 83 Ha In favor of Our goal is to have 86. Before Kio 9 Block 87. Uncooked Parent program operating 92 "! LLBH J lh r Solution as on you smoothly as possible. Can help achieve that goal by naae. 8 volunteering to become local Area Chairman? Please help to fundraise for ice rink members at following You can call May at or Dianne Machel at McCauley The League also needs some call Vacancy Committee improvements, such as League news lighting. numbers - Andrea Wilson at 46 By MARY AMERONGEN MEMBERSHIP DRIVE The League is getting Const. Linda Billings ice rink ready for winter. It's that time of year - Block Parent Winston Gillanders and our ice again, annual membership Liaison Officer rink committee, Wendell drive. The League is always Crime Prevention Section. looking for new Gelderman, John Posanic and members and is Brian Doornenbal, have been anxious concerns to and meet get you, involved. hear your hard at work repairing and you The membership fee is $5 painting boards. Would you enjoy getting and is well worth it. Don't feel, though, you involved? There are lots of have to join possibilities. to let us know your concerns -- we want to hear from everyone If your group would like to reserve ice rink, call in neighborhood. Wendell at If you get missed on drive and want to join, call Sharon at or Mary at The rink is looking for supervisors. If you enjoy skating and children this might 'I'M MOT BOM, X AM A FBEEIANCE TRASH COUXCTOR.' appeal to you. It takes about NEW CO-CHA- LEAGUE IRS two hours a week. You can contact Brian at if For 98788, League ClcCauley Community League, you're interested. will have two chairpeople. They i made, up of. Accident Do you feel you could use are Rosalie Gelderman and toger to meet community some exercise? Once again we'll Sharon Salomons. Wishing m need a. The League uoiki out of. be needing volunteers to clear all best in ir efforts, S acted Reait Community School snow off rink and flood it. League executive and meet second 7huAday You can call John at congratulates two. of eveiy month, tvenyone i 6 welcome to attend.

7 NEEDLES..GET YOU HIGH LINTON DRUGS AND GET YOU AIDS! ST EDMONTON By JODINE CHASE The best protection PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Every hour that goes by, someone dies in New York City is no injection. (ACROSS FROM of AIDS virus. Thousands 97 ST. SAFEWAY) and thousands of people a year. But if, in spite of Many of se deaths are children - children of all dangers, you still shoot drugs, intravenous (IV) drug users. Separate Children whose parents mainline HERE'S HOW TO REDUCE YOUR RISK: plunger heroin i speed and cocaine. and needle More than half cases of from syringe AIDS in New York can be traced to IV drug use. In just one Harlem hospital, half babies born carry AIDS virus in ir blood. Most of M se kids will die before pour bleach into 0 y're five years old. clean So far, only 3 people have glass died of AIDS in Edmonton. None of se deaths have been linked to IV drug use. Yet. Of 440 Albertans that have already tested positive for AIDS virus, more than v let works 0 are IV drug users. People pull bleach soak in who mainline speed, Ts & Rs and up into bleach cocaine. AIDS is already in syringe for 5 Edmonton. It won't be long through minutes before more cases can be traced needle - pour out to IV drug use. squirt out bleach The most likely ways to I catch AIDS are through sexual Do this contact and sharing of several times needles. - Unlike cold or flu, you can have AIDS virus a long dry time before get sick. And, you can give you or people AIDS AIDS is spread by sharing works even though you seem perfectly or having sexual intercourse with a healthy. person who has been infected with Most people who carry AIDS virus will eventually get virus that causes AIDS. sick and die. Some of se people will have spread I.V. drug users (past and present) virus to lovers, or even ir unborn virus to children. Anyone who can spread ir sexual gets AIDS virus runs partners. Use condoms (rubbers) risk of dying. In United States, most whenever you have sex. Women I.V. drug users and IV drug users are aware of AIDS danger. Less people are women who have sexual intercourse sharing needles. Some dealers with men who shoot drugs can pass have even been reported to virus to ir unborn babies. include new needles with each drug packet. In some areas, though, dishonest dealers have been known and to repackage used needles sell m as "clean". The best advice for IV drug users comes from outreach workers in Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto. NEVER SHARE NEEDLES Keep your own "works" clean - ordinary bleach will kill AIDS virus ALWAYS clean new needles before you use m If you have sex, ALWAYS use a condom to protect yourself from AIDS and or diseases If you want more information about AIDS, contact AIDS NETWORK of Edmonton at It 4 not all no4e to. guindttone.. Tloo 429-AID- S, Sexual hockey 4 one. of. moie popular 4poit4. Heie Transmitted Disease Clinic at iv? Pice-- office aie lu4y fending. off potential goal , or AADAC at odine Cha&e i& a men&ei of See Stony Page 2 toaid of dii.ectoit.4 of AIDS NE7U0RK of Edmonton. Let works

8 Literary Corner Kalian This issue we feature two poems. The first Bakery is by Grade 7 student, Sharon Walker who attends McCauley School. It's about peace of country and inevitable, sometimes sad, return to city. The second poem is by Lynn Randall. After WITH 3 LOCATIONS suffering a series of heart attacks, he wrote TO SERVE YOU BETTER this inspirational piece. It was sent in by his nephew, a long-tim- e Boyle Street resident, who is now on road to recovery in B.C. STREET The Peaceful World AVENUE By SHARON WALKER As I'm running 'with ; w!ns$! th AVENUE I suddenly stopl Listeningl" I'm trembling with excitement. I notice a world I have not Hot Bread daily at Old Sale Price seen in a long time. Visit our Dell at each of se locations I see sunrise on water, The like Second Coming sun-sprink- led diamonds, of Christ excited ripples sparkling. By LYNN RANDALL The fresh smell of dawn. I see leaves falling, I've always questioned trembling and waving..hellol second coming light wind pushing m. of Christ... I look at hills, but held firm in my and see form of a dragon belief, and thanked Lord asleep for many centuries. each day for Listenl all of blessings along I hear water rushing, way. leaves talking in excitement. I often wondered how The birds chirp..morning, He would reappear... morning...welcoming dawn. would He return in a Kneeling down I can feel thundering bolt of light? moist soil, Or would He come wet, cold grass. unknown in The leaves falling beside me, stillness of night? bright, Religion... as if sunrise sprayed m going to church... with gold. wasn't part of my routine, The water is cold like but by being good 7hi yean ne wene a necond touch of frostbite, to people and numten. of. children on far away, from Arctic. treating m well, tneet. And a necoid nu.mi.en. of jack-o-lante- nn Beyond those trees and bushes I hoped good Lord houe with must be a hidden story -- would keep me from going to lighting up window, Qnate-full- y, maybe a legend hell. ne wene alto veny few incident with goodie. Now it's time for me to go, I've gone through life with though I'd love to stay. se thoughts, Time to go back to every day trusting Volunteers... traffic city. Lord would come to me See you again someday. & my I awoke COMMUNITY CALENDAR this morning... peaceful world feeling so free, completely overwhelmed with WILL REAPPEAR IN THE SPECIAL ecstacy. At CHRISTMAS first I couldn't EDITION - DEC 9 comprehend what was to to be, n suddenly....clearly.... I could see. Want ads The second coming of Christ had come to me. WANTED TO RENT The joy, freedom is complete, OFFICE SPACE IN INNER CITY I'll never want FOR SMALL PUBLISHING COMPANY again. PHONE: Solution to l I im I i n imhttnta ' X l I I m 2. ifflt5 Hallowe' en wa a lot of fun fon. page 6 e iimcoic sis U s lu ulnui all neigh6.oa.hood kid. At tp eg li5lsiil5 t v t n flccauley Aften School Caie y even had puzzle llirsii.i!ll a haunted houe. i x JUTslrl lixiiiaxislmxii i " i. at IMH ljniilim luuul j. i I I a i i i I mms ushhshheiflhbibq i I I S. X I I I ffimjj U IB MITMS P II ImJT I ll IftlOlllEBf lm.mrlall

UNIT IX. Don t Tell. Are there some things that grown-ups don t let you do? Read about what this child feels.

UNIT IX. Don t Tell. Are there some things that grown-ups don t let you do? Read about what this child feels. UNIT IX Are there some things that grown-ups don t let you do? Read about what this child feels. There are lots of things They won t let me do- I'm not big enough yet, They say. So I patiently wait Till

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IN THIS UNIT YOU LEARN HOW TO: SPEAKING 1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 2 Work with a new partner. Discuss the questions.

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