DOMAIN 1: ELL EDUCATOR - PLANNING AND PREPARATION. Component 1a: Demonstrate Knowledge of Curriculum Design for ELL Education

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1 Rubrics Domain 1 DOMAIN 1: ELL EDUCATOR - PLANNING AND PREPARATION Component 1a: Demonstrate Knowledge of Curriculum Design for ELL Education Elements: Knowledge of content and the structure of the discipline Knowledge of prerequisite relationships Knowledge of content-related pedagogy Knowledge of content and the structure of the discipline ELL teacher is not familiar with the important language concepts necessary to support a ELL student s understanding in a particular discipline. ELL teacher is familiar with the important language concepts necessary to support a ELL student s understanding in a particular discipline but it is not consistently displayed in the planning. ELL teacher displays solid knowledge of the important language concepts necessary to support anell student s understanding in a particular discipline. ELL teacher displays extensive knowledge of the important language concepts necessary to support a ELL student s understanding in a particular discipline. Knowledge of prerequisite relationships Knowledge of content-related instructional practices ELL teacher s plans and practice ELL teacher s plans and practice ELL teacher s plans and practices ELL teacher s plans and practices indicate little awareness of the ELL indicate some awareness of the ELL reflect accurate understanding of reflect understanding of the ELL student s prior knowledge of topics student s prior knowledge of topics the ELL student s prior knowledge of student s prior knowledge of topics and concepts. and concepts, although such topics and concepts. and concepts and reflect integration knowledge may be inaccurate or of interdisciplinary language skills. incomplete. ELL teacher displays little or no ELL teacher s plans and practices ELL teacher s plans and practice ELL teacher s plans and practice understanding of the range of reflect a limited range of effective reflect familiarity with a wide range reflect familiarity with a wide range language instructional practices language instructional practices of effective language instructional of effective language instructional suitable to ELL student learning of needed to support the discipline practices needed to support the practices needed to support the the content. being addressed. Some approaches discipline being addressed. discipline being addressed and are not suitable to the discipline or anticipating language to the ELL student. misconceptions.

2 Rubrics Domain 1 DOMAIN 1: ELL EDUCATOR - PLANNING AND PREPARATION Component 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of ELL students Elements: Knowledge of child and adolescent development Knowledge of the learning process Use of strategies Accommodations and modifications Use of resources for ELL students Knowledge of child and adolescent development Knowledge of the learning process Use of strategies Accommodations and modifications (GT, ESS, ELL, ESL, Medical needs, Problem Solving Teams, etc.) Use of Resources for ELL students ELL teacher displays little or no knowledge of the developmental characteristics of the age group. ELL teacher displays partial knowledge of the developmental characteristics of the age group. ELL teacher displays accurate understanding of the typical developmental characteristics of the age group, as well as exceptions to the general patterns. In addition to accurate knowledge of the typical developmental characteristics of the age group and exceptions to the general patterns, ELL teacher displays knowledge of the extent to which individual ELL students follow the general patterns. ELL teacher sees no value in understanding how ELL students learn and does not seek such information. ELL teacher recognizes the value of knowing how ELL students learn, but this knowledge is limited or outdated. ELL teacher s knowledge of how ELL students learn is accurate and current. ELL teacher applies this knowledge to the class as a whole and to groups of ELL students. ELL teacher displays extensive and subtle understanding of how ELL students learn and applies this knowledge to individual ELL students. ELL teaching strategies are carried out by rote and lessons are designed with a one size fits all approach. The ELL teacher may use different strategies, but they are used with little thought about their effectiveness in helping ELL students learn the material. The ELL teacher may use different strategies that take into account different learning styles or multiple intelligences. ELL teacher s use of various strategies is effective in helping ELL students learn the material. The ELL teacher attempts to meet the needs of all ELL students in the class, by differentiating whenever and wherever possible. The ELL teacher is passive in the development of appropriate accommodations and sometimes fails to carry out recommended modifications or accommodations. The ELL teacher is passive in the development of appropriate accommodations and modifications. The ELL teacher works with the classroom teacher and/or other educational specialist to develop appropriate accommodations and modifications. The ELL teacher works with the classroom teacher and/or other educational specialists to develop appropriate accommodations and modifications. The ELL teacher is able to adjust the plan on the spot in order to make information more accessible. ELL teacher is unaware of resources for ELL students available through the school or district. ELL teacher displays awareness of resources for ELL students available through the school or district but no knowledge of resources available more broadly. ELL teacher displays awareness of resources for ELL students available through the school or district and some familiarity with resources external to the school and on the Internet. ELL teacher s knowledge of resources for ELL students is extensive, including those available through the school or district, in the community, and on the Internet.

3 Rubrics Domain 1 DOMAIN 1: ELL EDUCATIOR - PLANNING AND PREPARATION Component 1c: Designing Coherent Instruction for ELL students Elements: Learning activities for ELL students ELL Instructional materials and resources ELL Instructional groups ELL Lesson and unit structure Learning activities for ELL students ELL Instructional materials and resources suitable for ELL students Learning activities are not suitable to ELL students or to instruction and are not designed to engage ELL students in active intellectual activity. Materials and resources are not suitable for ELL ELL students and do not support the instruction or engage ELL students in meaningful learning. Only some of the learning activities are suitable to meet ELL students instructional needs. Some represent a moderate cognitive challenge, but with no differentiation for LEP or NEP ELL students. All of the learning activities are suitable to meet ELL students instructional needs, and most represent significant cognitive challenge, with some differentiation for different groups of ELL students such as LEP and NEP ELL students. Learning activities are highly suitable to diverse learner s instructional needs. They are all designed to engage ELL students in high-level cognitive activity and are differentiated, as appropriate, for individual learners such as LEP and NEP ELL students. Some of the materials and resources All of the materials and resources are suitable to ELL students, support are suitable to ELL students, support the instruction, and are intended to the instruction, and are intended to engage ELL students in meaningful engage ELL students in meaningful learning. learning. All of the materials and resources are suitable to ELL students, support the instruction, and are intended to engage ELL students in meaningful learning. There is evidence of appropriate use of technology and of ELL student participation in selecting or adapting materials. ELL Lesson and unit structure The lesson or unit has no clearly defined structure, or the structure is chaotic. Activities do not follow an organized progression, and time allocations are unrealistic. The lesson or unit has a recognizable structure, although the structure is not uniformly maintained throughout. Progression of activities is uneven in complexity, with most time allocations reasonable. (Example: easy to harder, simple to complex, one domain to another) The lesson or unit has a clearly defined structure around which activities are organized. Progression of activities is even, with reasonable time allocations. (Progression of activities is even: moving from simple to complex and including more than one learning style with reasonable time allocations.) The lesson s or unit s structure is clear and allows for different pathways according to diverse ELL student needs. The progression of activities is highly coherent.

4 Rubrics Domain 1 DOMAIN 1: ELL EDUCATOR -PLANNING AND PREPARATION Component 1d: Designing ELL student Assessments Elements: Design of formative assessments Use of ELL and regular classroom assessment for planning Use of standardized assessments for planning (CELA Place, CELApro, CSAP, DIBELS, MAPS, etc.) Design of formative assessments (speaking, listening, reading, writing) Use of ELL and regular classroom assessment for planning Use of standardized assessments for planning (CELP Place, CELApro, CSAP, DIBELS, MAPS, etc.) ELL teacher has no plan to incorporate formative assessment (speaking, listening, reading, writing) in the lesson or unit. Approach to the use of formative assessment (speaking, listening, reading, writing) is rudimentary; it provides little feedback to guide instruction. ELL teacher has a well-developed strategy to use formative assessment (speaking, listening, reading, writing) and has designed particular approaches to be used. Approach to using formative assessment (speaking, listening, reading, writing) is well designed and includes ELL student as well as ELL teacher use of the assessment information. ELL teacher has no plans to use ELL ELL teacher plans to use ELL ELL teacher plans to use ELL ELL teacher plans to use ELL or regular classroom assessment classroom assessment results and classroom assessment as well as classroom assessment results and results in designing future regular classroom assessment regular classroom assessment regular classroom assessment instruction. results to design future instruction results to design future instruction results to design future instruction for the class as a whole. for groups of ELL students. for individual ELL students. ELL teacher has no plans to use ELL teacher plans to use ELL teacher plans to use ELL teacher plans to use standardized assessment results in standardized assessment results to standardized assessment results to standardized assessments results to designing future instruction. design future instruction for the design future instruction for groups design future instruction for class as a whole. of ELL students. individual ELL students.

5 Rubrics Domain 2 DOMAIN 2: THE ELL CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Component 2a: Establishing a Culture for Learning Elements: Importance of the content Expectations for learning and achievement Importance of the content Expectations for learning and achievement ELL teacher or ELL students convey a negative attitude toward the content, suggesting that it is not important or has been mandated by others. Activities and assignments, and ELL classroom interactions convey low expectations for at least some ELL students. ELL teacher verbally communicates importance of the work but with little conviction and only minimal apparent buy-in by the ELL students. ELL teacher communicates enthusiasm for the content through selection of activities, and ELL students demonstrate consistent awareness of its value. ELL teacher fosters active participation, curiosity, and ELL student initiative in the content area. Activities and assignments, and ELL Activities and assignments, and ELL classroom interactions convey only classroom interactions convey high modest expectations for ELL student expectations for most ELL students. learning and achievement. Activities and assignments, and ELL classroom interactions convey high expectations for all ELL students. ELL students appear to have internalized these expectations.

6 Rubrics Domain 2 DOMAIN 2: THE ELL ELL CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Component 2b: Managing ELL classroom Procedures Elements: Management of ELL instructional groups or individuals Management of transitions Management of ELL materials, supplies, and time. Performance of non-instructional duties Management of ELL instructional groups or individuals Management of transitions Management of ELL materials, supplies, and time ELL students not working with the ELL teacher are not productively engaged in learning. ELL students in only some groups are productively engaged in learning while unsupervised by the ELL teacher. Small-group work is well organized, and most ELL students are productively engaged in the learning while unsupervised by the ELL teacher. Small-group work is well organized, and ELL students are productively engaged at all times, with ELL students assuming responsibility for productivity. Transitions are chaotic, with much time lost between activities or lesson segments. Only some transitions are efficient, resulting in some loss of instructional time. Transitions occur smoothly, with little loss of instructional time. Transitions are seamless, with little or no prompting from ELL teacher. Materials and supplies are handled Routines for handling materials and Routines for handling materials and Routines for handling materials and inefficiently, resulting in significant supplies function moderately well, supplies occur smoothly, with little supplies are seamless, with ELL loss of instructional time. but with some loss of instructional loss of instructional time. students assuming some time. responsibility for smooth operation.

7 Rubrics Domain 2 DOMAIN 2: THE ELL ELL CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Component 2c: Managing ELL student Behavior Elements: ELL teacher interaction with ELL students Expectations and Behaviors Monitoring of ELL student behavior Response to ELL student misbehavior ELL teacher interaction with ELL students Expectations and Behaviors Monitoring of ELL student behavior Response to ELL student misbehavior ELL teacher interaction with at least some ELL students is negative, demeaning, sarcastic, or inappropriate to the age or culture of the ELL students. ELL students exhibit disrespect for the ELL teacher. ELL teacher-ell student interactions are generally appropriate but may reflect occasional inconsistencies, favoritism, or disregard for ELL students cultures. ELL students exhibit only minimal respect for the ELL teacher. ELL teacher-ell student interactions are friendly and demonstrate general caring and respect. Such interactions are appropriate to the age and cultures of the ELL students. ELL students exhibit respect for the ELL teacher. ELL teacher interactions with ELL students reflect genuine respect and caring for individuals as well as groups of ELL students. ELL students appear to trust the ELL teacher with sensitive information. No standards of conduct appear to Standards of conduct appear to have Standards of conduct are clear to all Standards of conduct are clear to all have been established, or ELL been established, and most ELL ELL students. ELL student ELL students and appear to have students are confused as to what students seem to understand them. interactions are generally polite and been developed with ELL student the standards are. Conflict, sarcasm ELL students do not demonstrate respectful. participation. and/or put-downs are observable. disrespect for one another. ELL student behavior is not ELL teacher is generally aware of ELL ELL teacher is alert to ELL student Monitoring by ELL teacher is subtle monitored, and ELL teacher is student behavior but may miss the behavior at all times. and preventive. ELL students unaware of what the ELL students activities of some ELL students. monitor their own and their peers are doing. behavior, correcting one another respectfully. ELL teacher does not respond to misbehavior, or the response is inconsistent, is overly repressive, or does not respect the ELL student s dignity. ELL teacher attempts to respond to ELL student misbehavior but with uneven results, or there are no major infractions of the rules. ELL teacher response to misbehavior is appropriate and successful and respects the ELL student s dignity, or ELL student behavior is generally appropriate. ELL teacher response to misbehavior is highly effective and sensitive to ELL students individual needs, or ELL student behavior is entirely appropriate.

8 Rubrics Domain 2 DOMAIN 2: THE ELL ELL CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Component 2d: Organizing Physical Space Elements: Safety and accessibility Arrangement of furniture and use of physical resources Safety and accessibility Arrangement of furniture and use of physical resources The ELL classroom is unsafe, or learning is not accessible to some ELL students. The ELL classroom is safe, and at least essential learning is accessible to most ELL students. The ELL classroom is safe, and learning is equally accessible to all ELL students. The ELL classroom is safe, and ELL students themselves ensure that all learning is equally accessible to all ELL students. The furniture arrangement hinders ELL teacher uses physical resources ELL teacher uses physical resources Both ELL teacher and ELL students the learning activities, or the ELL adequately. The furniture may be skillfully, and the furniture use physical resources easily and teacher makes poor use of physical adjusted for a lesson, but with arrangement is a resource for skillfully, and ELL students adjust the resources. limited effectiveness. learning activities as ELL classroom furniture to advance their learning design allows. as ELL classroom design allows.

9 Rubrics Domain 3 Expectations for learning Directions and procedures Explanations of content Use of oral and written language DOMAIN 3: ELL INSTRUCTION Component 3a: Communicating with ELL students Elements: Expectations for learning Directions and procedures Explanations of content Use of oral and written language ELL teacher s purpose in a lesson or unit is unclear to ELL students. ELL teacher attempts to explain the instructional purpose, with limited success. ELL teachers purpose for the lesson or unit is clear, including how it is linked to a particular discipline. ELL teacher makes the purpose of the lesson or unit clear, including how it is linked to a particular discipline and for real work experiences.. ELL teacher s directions and procedures are confusing to ELL students. ELL teacher s explanation of the content is unclear or confusing or uses inappropriate language. ELL teacher s directions and procedures are clarified after initial student confusion. ELL teacher s directions and procedures are clear to ELL students. ELL teacher s directions and procedures are clear to ELL students and anticipate possible student misunderstanding. ELL teacher s explanation of the content is uneven; some is done skillfully, but other portions are difficult to follow. ELL teacher s explanation of content is appropriate, recognizes diversity, and connects with ELL students knowledge, experience, and diversity (ethnic, religious, cultural, gender, etc). ELL teacher s explanation of content is appropriate and connects with ELL students knowledge and experience. ELL teacher encourages ELL students to assist in explaining concepts to their peers and ELL students feel comfortable sharing their backgrounds. ELL teacher s spoken language is ELL teacher s spoken language is ELL teacher s spoken and written ELL teacher s spoken and written inaudible, or written language is audible, and written language is language is clear and correct and language is correct and conforms to illegible. Spoken or written language legible. Both are used correctly and conforms to standard English. standard English. It is also contains errors of grammar or conform to standard English. Vocabulary is appropriate to the ELL expressive, with well-chosen syntax. Vocabulary may be Vocabulary is correct but limited or students ages, interests, and the vocabulary that enriches the lesson. inappropriate, vague, or used is not appropriate to the ELL subject matter. ELL teacher finds opportunities to incorrectly, leaving ELL students students ages or backgrounds. extend ELL students vocabularies. confused.

10 Rubrics Domain 3 DOMAIN 3: ELL INSTRUCTION Component 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Elements: Quality of questions for instructional purposes Discussion techniques ELL Student participation in discussions Quality of questions for instructional purposes Discussion techniques *May be topic, curriculum, and grade level dependent ELLStudent participation in discussions ELL teacher s questions are virtually all of poor quality, with low cognitive challenge and single correct responses, and they are asked in rapid succession. ELL teacher s questions are a combination of low and high quality, posed in rapid succession. Only some invite a thoughtful response. Most of the ELL teacher s questions are of high quality. ELL teacher uses higher level questions when appropriate. Adequate time is provided for ELL students to respond. ELL teacher s questions are uniformly high quality and of varied levels, with adequate time for ELL students to respond. ELL teacher encourages ELL students to extend the discussion with their own questions. Interaction between ELL teacher and ELL teacher makes some attempt to ELL teacher creates a genuine ELL students assume considerable ELL student is predominantly engage ELL students in genuine discussion among ELL students, responsibility for the success of the recitation style, with the ELL teacher discussion rather than recitation, stepping aside when appropriate. discussion, initiating topics and mediating all questions and answers. with uneven results. making unsolicited contributions. A few ELL students dominate the discussion. ELL teacher attempts to engage all ELL students in the discussion, but with only limited success. ELL teacher successfully engages the majority of ELL students in the discussion and respects individual student s verbalization of his/her culture. ELL teacher successfully engages all ELL students in the discussion and encourage individual students to verbalize aspects of his/her culture.

11 Rubrics Domain 3 DOMAIN 3: ELL INSTRUCTION Component 3c: Engaging ELL students in Learning Elements: ELL Activities and assignments Grouping of ELL students ELL Instructional materials and resources Structure and pacing ELL Activities and assignments Grouping of ELL students ELL Instructional materials and resources Structure and pacing Activates and assignments are inappropriate for ELL students age or background. ELL students are not mentally engaged in them. Activities and assignments are appropriate to some ELL students and engage them mentally, but others are not engaged. Most activities and assignments are appropriate to ELL students, and almost all ELL students are cognitively engaged in exploring content. All ELL students are cognitively engaged in the activities and assignments in their exploration of content. ELL students initiate or adapt activities and projects to enhance their understanding. Instructional groups are inappropriate to the ELL students or to the instructional purpose Instructional materials and resources are unsuitable to the instructional purposes or do not engage ELL students mentally. Instructional groups are only partially appropriate to the ELL students or only moderately successful in advancing the instructional purpose of the lesson The instructional materials and resources are limited to the district adopted materials only and the ELL students are only partially mentally engaged with them. Instructional groups are productive and fully appropriate to the ELL students or to the instructional purposes of the lesson The instructional materials and resources come from a variety of sources (district, internet, etc.) and are suitable to the instructional purposes and engage ELL students mentally. Instructional groups are productive and fully appropriate to the ELL students or to the instructional purposes of the lesson. ELL teacher allows ELL students input in the formation of instructional groups based on content need Instructional materials and resources come from a variety of areas, are suitable to the instructional purposes, and engage ELL students mentally through ELL teacher guidance. ELL teacher allows ELL students input in adaptation or creation of materials to enhance their learning. The lesson has no clearly defined The lesson has a recognizable The lesson has a clearly defined The lesson s structure is highly structure, or the pace of the lesson structure, although it is not structure around which the activities coherent, allowing for reflection and is too slow or rushed, or both. uniformly maintained throughout are organized. Pacing of the lesson closure. Pacing of the lesson is the lesson. Pacing of the lesson is is generally appropriate appropriate for all ELL students. inconsistent.

12 Rubrics Domain 3 DOMAIN 3: ELL INSTRUCTION Component 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction Elements: Assessment Criteria Monitoring of student learning using formative assessment Monitoring of student learning using standardized assessment Feedback to ELL students Assessment criteria Monitoring of student learning using formative assessment Monitoring of student learning using standardized assessment (CELA Place, CELApro, CSAP, DIBELS, MAPS, etc.) Feedback to ELL students ELL students are not aware of the criteria and language standards by which their work will be evaluated. ELL teacher does not monitor student learning in the curriculum. ELL students know some of the criteria and language standards by which their work will be evaluated. ELL students are aware of the criteria and language standards (speaking, listening, reading, writing) by which their work will be evaluated. ELL students are fully aware of the criteria and language standards by which their work will be evaluated and have contributed to the development of the criteria. ELL teacher monitors the progress of ELL teacher monitors the progress of the class as a whole using a minimal groups of ELL students using formative assessment that gathers planned formative assessments that little diagnostic information. gathers general diagnostic ELL teacher actively and systematically uses planned formative assessment to understand and monitor the progress of information. individual ELL students. ELL teacher does not monitor student learning in the classroom or use the diagnostic information. ELL teacher s feedback to ELL students is of poor quality or not provided. ELL teacher monitors the progress of the class as a whole using a basic standardized assessment. ELL teacher monitors the progress of individual ELL students using planned standardized assessment. ELL teacher actively and systematically uses planned standardized assessment to understand and monitor the progress of individual student. ELL teacher s feedback to ELL ELL teachers feedback to ELL students is uneven, and its students is timely and of timeliness is inconsistent. consistently high quality. ELL teacher s feedback to ELL students is timely and of consistently high quality, and ELL students make use of the feedback in their learning.

13 Rubrics Domain 3 Lesson adjustment Response to ELL students Persistence DOMAIN 3: ELL INSTRUCTION Component 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Elements: Lesson adjustment Response to ELL students Persistence ELL teacher adheres rigidly to and instructional plan, even when a change is clearly needed. ELL teacher attempts to adjust a lesson when needed, with only partial success. ELL teacher makes adjustments to a lesson, and the adjustment occurs smoothly. ELL teacher makes meaningful adjustments to a lesson when needed and the adjustments are smooth and timely. ELL teacher ignores or brushes aside ELL teacher attempts to ELL teacher successfully ELL teacher does not pass up an ELL students questions or interests. accommodate ELL students accommodates student s questions opportunity to enhance learning, questions or interests, although the or interests. building on student interests, pacing of the lesson is disrupted.. culture, or a spontaneous event. When a student has difficulty ELL teacher accepts responsibility for ELL teacher persists in seeking ELL teacher persists in seeking learning, the ELL teacher either gives the success of all ELL students but approaches for ELL students who effective approaches for ELL up or blames the student or the has only a limited repertoire of have difficulty learning, drawing on a students who need help, using an student s home environment. instructional strategies to draw on broad repertoire of strategies. extensive repertoire of strategies and soliciting additional resources from the school/district.

14 Rubric Domain 4 Accuracy Use in ELL future teaching ELL Teacher does not know whether a lesson was effective or achieved its instructional goals, or ELL Teacher profoundly misjudges the success of a lesson. DOMAIN 4: ELL PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Component 4a: Reflecting on ELL teaching Elements: Accuracy Use in future ELL teaching LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE ELL Teacher has a generally accurate impression of a lesson s effectiveness and the extent to which instructional goals were met. ELL Teacher makes an accurate assessment of a lesson s effectiveness and the extent to which it achieved its instructional goals and can cite general references to support the judgment. ELL Teacher makes a thoughtful and accurate assessment of a lesson s effectiveness and the extent to which it achieved its instructional goals, citing many specific examples from the lesson and weighing the relative strengths of each. ELL Teacher has no suggestions for how a lesson could be improved another time the lesson is taught. ELL Teacher makes general suggestions about how a lesson could be improved another time the lesson is taught. ELL Teacher makes a few specific suggestions of what could be tried another time the lesson is taught. Drawing on an extensive repertoire of skills, ELL Teacher offers specific alternative actions.

15 Rubric Domain 4 Student progress in learning ELL Teacher has no system for maintaining information on student progress in learning, or the system is in disarray. DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records Elements: Student progress in learning LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE ELL Teacher s system for ELL Teacher s system for maintaining information on maintaining information on student progress in learning is student progress in learning is rudimentary and only partially fully effective. effective. ELL Teacher s system for maintaining information on student progress in learning is effective. ELL Teacher provides a means for classroom teacher to contribute information and to participate in additional learning activities for the ELL student.

16 Rubric Domain 4 Information about the instructional program DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Component 4c: Communicating with Families Elements: Information about the instructional program Information about individual students Engagement of families in the instructional program Information about individual students Engagement of families in the instructional program (May be topic, curriculum, and grade level dependent) LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE ELL Teacher provides little or no ELL Teacher participates in the ELL Teacher provides frequent ELL Teacher provides frequent information about the instructional school s activities for family information to families, as information to families, as program to families. communication but offers little appropriate, about the instructional appropriate, about the instructional additional information.. (Examples: program. (Examples: letters home, program. ELL Teacher provides a letters home, phone calls, electronic phone calls, electronic means for students to participate in communication, translation, etc.) communication, translation, etc.) preparing materials for their families. ELL Teacher provides minimal information to families about individual students, or the communication is inappropriate to the cultures of the families. ELL Teacher does not respond, or responds insensitively, to family concerns about students. ELL Teacher makes no attempt to engage families in the instructional program, or such efforts are inappropriate. ELL Teacher adheres to the school s required procedures for communicating with families. Responses to family concerns are minimal or may reflect occasional insensitivity. ELL Teacher communicates with families about students progress on a regular basis, and is available as needed to respond to family concerns. Communications are professional and timely. ELL Teacher provides frequent information to families on student progress. Responses to family concerns are handled professionally and promptly. ELL Teacher makes modest attempts to engage families in the instructional program. ELL Teacher s efforts to engage student s families in the instructional program are frequent and systematic. ELL Teacher s efforts to engage students families in the instructional program are frequent and systematic. ELL Teacher provides the means for students to contribute ideas for projects that could be enhanced by family participation.

17 Rubric Domain 4 DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Component 4d: Participating in a Professional Community Elements: Relationships with colleagues Involvement in a culture of professional inquiry Service to the school Participation in school and district projects Relationships with colleagues Involvement in a culture of professional inquiry Service to the school Participation in school and district projects ELL Teacher s relationships with colleagues are negative or self- serving. LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE ELL Teacher maintains cordial Relationships with colleagues are relationships with colleagues to characterized by mutual support and fulfill duties that the school or cooperation. district requires. Relationships with colleagues are characterized by mutual support and cooperation. ELL Teacher takes initiative in assuming leadership among the faculty. ELL Teacher avoids participation in a ELL Teacher becomes involved in the ELL Teacher actively participates in a ELL Teacher takes a leadership role culture of inquiry, resisting school s culture of inquiry when culture of professional inquiry. in promoting a culture of opportunities to become involved. required to do so. professional inquiry.. ELL Teacher avoids becoming involved in school events.. ELL Teacher avoids becoming involved in school and district projects ELL Teacher participates in school events when specifically asked. ELL Teacher volunteers to participate in school events, making a contribution of time and effort ELL Teacher volunteers to participate in school events, making a contribution of time and effort and assumes a leadership role in at least one school activity or event. ELL Teacher participates in school ELL Teacher volunteers to and participate in district projects when specifically school and district projects. asked. ELL Teacher volunteers to participate in school and district projects and assumes a leadership role in a school or district project.

18 Rubric Domain 4 DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Component 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally Elements: Enhancement of content knowledge and pedagogical skill Receptivity to feedback from colleagues Service to the profession Resources to extend content knowledge and pedagogy Enhancement of content knowledge and pedagogical skill Receptivity to feedback from colleagues Service to the profession Resources to extend content knowledge and pedagogy ELL Teacher engages in no professional development activities to enhance knowledge or skill. LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE ELL Teacher participates in ELL Teacher seeks out opportunities professional activities to a limited for professional development to extent when they are convenient. enhance content knowledge and ELL Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development and makes a systematic effort to apply pedagogical skill. new skills and knowledge. ELL Teacher resists feedback on teaching performance from either supervisors or more experienced colleagues.. ELL Teacher makes no effort to share knowledge with others or to assume professional responsibilities ELL Teacher accepts, with some reluctance, feedback on teaching performance from both supervisors and professional colleagues. ELL Teacher welcomes feedback from colleagues when opportunities arise through professional collaboration ELL Teacher seeks out feedback on teaching from both supervisors and colleagues. ELL Teacher finds limited ways to ELL Teacher participates actively in contribute to the profession. assisting other educators. ELL Teacher initiates important activities to contribute to the profession. ELL Teacher is unaware of resources ELL Teacher has an awareness of ELL Teacher has an awareness of ELL Teacher s knowledge of to resources to enhance content and resources to enhance content and resources to enhance content and pedagogical pedagogical knowledge available pedagogical knowledge available enhance content and pedagogical knowledge available through the through the school or district but no through the school or district and knowledge is extensive, including school or district. knowledge of resources available familiarity with some resources those available through the school more broadly. external to the school and on the or district, in the community, Internet. through professional organizations and universities, and on the Internet.

19 Rubric Domain 4 DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Component 4f: Showing Professionalism Elements: Knowledge of child and adolescent development Knowledge of the learning process Use of strategies Accommodations and modifications Use of resources for students Compliance with school and district regulations and procedures Integrity and ethical conduct Service to students Advocacy Decision making Compliance with school and district regulations and procedures ELL Teacher displays dishonesty in interactions with colleagues, students, and the public. LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE ELL Teacher is honest in interactions with colleagues, students, and the public. ELL Teacher displays high standards of honesty, integrity, and confidentiality in interactions with colleagues, students, parents, and the general public. ELL Teacher can be counted on to hold self to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and confidentiality and takes a leadership role with colleagues. ELL Teacher is not alert to students needs. ELL Teacher s attempts to serve students are inconsistent. ELL Teacher is active in serving students. ELL Teacher is highly proactive in serving students, seeking out resources when needed. ELL Teacher contributes to school ELL Teacher does not knowingly ELL Teacher works to ensure that all ELL Teacher makes a concerted practices that result in some contribute to some students being ill students receive a fair opportunity effort to challenge negative students being ill served by the served by the school. to succeed. attitudes or practices to ensure that school. all students, particularly those traditionally underserved, are honored in the school. ELL Teacher makes decisions and ELL Teacher s decisions and ELL Teacher maintains an open mind ELL Teacher takes a leadership role recommendations based on self- recommendations are based on and participates in team or in team or departmental decision serving interests. limited though genuinely departmental decision making. making and helps ensure that such professional considerations. decisions are based on the highest professional standards. ELL Teacher does not comply with ELL Teacher complies minimally with ELL Teacher complies fully with ELL Teacher complies fully with school and district regulations and school and district regulations and school and district regulations and school and district regulations and procedures. procedures, doing just enough to get procedures. procedures, taking a leadership role by. with new staff members.


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