Practicum in Marketing Dynamics I: Marketing Dynamics Student Objectives Two Three Credit

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1 Practicum in I: First Six Weeks MD 8(A) The student will identify and practice effective interpersonal and team-building skills involving situations with coworkers, managers, and customers. MD 8(D) The student will participate in leadership and career development activities. MD 7(A) The student will communicate effectively in a business setting. MD 7(D) The student will apply written directions to achieve tasks. MD 8(B) The student will develop short- and long-term personal goals. MD 32(C) The student will demonstrate responsible behavior, honesty, integrity, and ethical work habits. MD 7(B) The student will develop effective business correspondence such as memoranda, business letters, and reports using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and format. MD 7(C) The student will use technology in receiving and sending business communication. MD 8(C) The student will identify and use time-management principles. MD 9(G) The student will use database applications. MD 32(A) The student will apply ethics to demonstrate trustworthiness. MD 31(A) The student will explain the nature of positive customer relations. MD 31(B) The student will describe a customer service mindset. MD 31(C) The student will explain the management role in customer relations. MD 31(D) The student will identify a company brand promise. MD 31(F) The student will analyze the nature of customer relationship management. MD 31(G) The student will describe the role of ethics in customer relationship management. MD 31(H) The student will describe the use of technology in customer relationship management. MD 32(G) The student will discuss employment relationships. MD 33(A) The student will analyze alternative responses to workplace situations based on legal responsibilities and employer policies. MD 33(B) The student will evaluate alternative responses to workplace situations based on personal or professional ethical responsibilities. MD 33(C) The student will identify personal and long-term workplace consequences of unethical or illegal behaviors. MD 33(D) The student will depict personal and long-term workplace consequences of unethical or illegal behaviors. MD 33(E) The student will investigate the most appropriate response to ongoing

2 Practicum in I: workplace situations based on legal and ethical considerations. MD 33(F) The student will explain the most appropriate response to workplace situations based on legal and ethical considerations. MD 10(A) The student will analyze self-assessment information, including interests, aptitudes, and personal traits. MD 10(B) The student will research and assess employment trends in marketing careers. MD 10(C) The student will locate and identify career opportunities that appeal to personal career goals. MD 10(D) The student will match personal interest and aptitudes to selected careers. MD 10(K) The student will list the standards and qualifications that must be met in order to enter a given career. MD 9(A) The student will use information technology tools in marketing. MD 9(D) The student will perform web-search skills. MD 2(E) The student will describe types of business activities. MD 2(F) The student will explain the organizational design of businesses. MD 7(E) The student will analyze company resources to ascertain policies and procedures. MD 31(E) The student will explore ways of reinforcing company image through employee performance. MD 7(H) The student will make oral presentations. MD 7(I) The student will prepare oral presentations to provide information for specific purposes and audiences. MD 7(J) The student will identify support materials that will enhance an oral presentation. MD 7(K) The student will construct support materials that will enhance an oral presentation. MD 7(L) The student will align presentation strategies to the intended audience. MD 7(M) The student will implement multimedia strategies for presentations. MD 9(F) The student will exhibit presentation applications. Second Six Weeks MD 13(A) The student will expound on characteristics of economic goods and services. MD 13(B) The student will identify economic needs and wants. MD 15(A) The student will determine characteristics of a private enterprise system. MD 15(B) The student will expound on advantages and disadvantages of

3 Practicum in I: private enterprise. MD 15(D) The student will list examples of competitive business situations. MD 15(E) The student will identify examples of competitive business situations such as price or nonprice competition. MD 14(C) The student will determine the relationship between government and business. MD 32(E) The student will defend the nature of human resources regulations. MD 32(F) The student will explain the nature of workplace regulations such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration and statutes such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. MD 1(E) The student will describe the concept of economic resources. MD 14(A) The student will compare and contrast how economies answer basic economic questions. MD 13(D) The student will describe the function of prices in markets. MD 13(E) The student will clarify how the interaction of supply and demand affects price. MD 6(B) The student will interpret charts and graphs to make informed marketing decisions. MD 15(C) The student will express the role profit plays in a market economy. MD 14(B) The student will explain why most economies are mixed. MD 16(A) The student will identify economic measurements used to analyze an economy. MD 16(B) The student will research how economic measures are used in a market economy. MD 16(C) The student will describe the concept of price stability as an economic measure. MD 16(D) The student will interpret the measure of consumer spending as an economic indicator. MD 16(E) The student will examine the impact of a nation's unemployment rates. MD 16(F) The student will describe the economic impact of inflation on business. MD 16(G) The student will illustrate unemployment and inflation tradeoffs. MD 16(H) The student will portray the economic impact of interest rate fluctuations. MD 16(J) The student will summarize the concept of gross domestic product. MD 17(C) The student will illustrate economic indicators that can impact marketing activities. MD 16(I) The student will determine the impact of business cycles on business activities. MD 17(A) The student will explain the concept of business cycles. ongoing

4 Practicum in I: MD 17(B) The student will describe the impact that phases of a business cycle have on the economy. MD 1(A) The student will categorize business activities as production, marketing, management, or finance. MD 1(B) The student will explain the interdependence each business activity has with marketing. MD 1(D) The student will describe advantages and disadvantages of various forms of business ownership. MD 2(A) The student will comprehend the ramifications of business conduct. MD 2(B) The student will distinguish ways that businesses contribute to their community. MD 2(D) The student will portray the role of business in society. MD 32(B) The student will explain the nature of business ethics. MD 32(D) The student will describe legal issues affecting businesses. MD 32(I) The student will describe the impact of antitrust legislation. MD 12(B) The student will explain how diversity affects marketing. MD 12(C) The student will probe the impact of multiculturalism and multigenerationalism on marketing activities. MD 18(E) The student will explain the nature of global trade. MD 18(A) The student will distinguish between imports and exports. MD 1(C) The student will express the impact of an international economy on business activities. MD 18(B) The student will clarify the interdependence of nations. MD 2(G) The student will discuss the global environment in which businesses operate. MD 18(C) The student will analyze advantages and disadvantages of international trade. MD 32(H) The student will illustrate the nature of trade regulations. MD 18(D) The student will determine global trade's impact on business decision making. MD 18(F) The student will describe the determinants of exchange rates and their effects on the domestic economy. MD 18(G) The student will discuss the impact of cultural and social environments on global trade. MD 18(H) The student will interpret labor issues associated with global trade. MD 12(A) The student will identify the effect of languages other than English on marketing. Third Six Weeks MD 11(A) The student will discuss trends affecting marketing. 6 Days

5 Practicum in I: MD 11(B) The student will research emerging technologies in marketing. MD 9(B) The student will identify ways that technology impacts business. MD 9(E) The student will demonstrate word-processing skills. MD 2(C) The student will explain contributions that marketing makes to business and society. MD 2(H) The student will depict factors that affect the business environment. MD 2(I) The student will express how organizations adapt to today's markets. MD 29(A) The student will differentiate among a feature, an advantage, and a benefit. MD 29(B) The student will compare and contrast between consumer and organizational buying behavior. MD 29(D) The student will classify buying motives. MD 29(E) The student will analyze how customers and organizations apply the decision-making process. MD 29(F) The student will identify major influences on buying behavior. MD 29(C) The student will determine customer needs and wants. MD 29(G) The student will acquire information about customer needs. MD 30(A) The student will locate product information. MD 30(C) The student will illustrate why the approach should have a theme that is related to the presentation and the customer's buying motives. MD 25(L) The student will model communication channels used in sales promotion. MD 30(B) The student will approach a customer to open a sale. MD 30(D) The student will incorporate questioning and probing techniques. MD 30(E) The student will prepare a sales presentation. MD 30(F) The student will demonstrate how to overcome objections. MD 30(G) The student will demonstrate how to close a sale. MD 28(B) The student will demonstrate knowledge of safety precautions and skills related to health and safety in the workplace. MD 34(A) The student will identify training, education, and certification requirements for occupational choice. MD 34(B) The student will participate in career-related training or degree programs. MD 34(C) The student will prepare for licensure or certification in a chosen occupational area. 4 Days 10 Days Fourth Six Weeks MD 3(B) The student will describe each marketing function and how it illustrates the marketing concept. MD 9(C) The student will describe the scope of the Internet in the marketing

6 Practicum in I: function. MD 13(C) The student will explain the concept of utility and cite examples of types of utility. MD 3(A) The student will explain the marketing concept. MD 4(A) The student will explain how each component of the marketing mix contributes to successful marketing. MD 4(B) The student will illustrate the importance of marketing strategies in the marketing mix. MD 5(A) The student will explain the importance of target markets. MD 5(B) The student will compare and contrast advantages and disadvantages of market segmentation and mass marketing. MD 5(C) The student will distinguish among geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation. MD 7(F) The student will employ communication styles appropriate to target audience. MD 7(G) The student will handle telephone calls in a businesslike manner. MD 24(A) The student will state goals of pricing. MD 24(B) The student will identify factors affecting pricing. MD 24(C) The student will explain how pricing affects product, place, and promotion decisions. MD 24(D) The student will compare and contrast pricing policies. MD 24(F) The student will describe the role of business ethics in pricing. MD 24(G) The student will explain the use of technology in the pricing function. MD 24(H) The student will analyze legal considerations for pricing. MD 24(E) The student will calculate a product's price. MD 6(A) The student will execute calculations involving money, time, space, materials, and data. MD 6(C) The student will use formulas and equations to determine price, profit, costs, and break-even point. MD 6(D) The student will recognize relationships among numbers. MD 6(E) The student will perform mathematical operations. MD 6(H) The student will determine rate of change mathematically. MD 6(K) The student will illustrate the use of relational expressions such as equal to, not equal to, greater than, and less than. MD 9(H) The student will execute spreadsheet applications. MD 19(A) The student will understand channels of distribution. MD 19(B) The student will evaluate a distribution plan. MD 20(A) The student will identify physical distribution activities. MD 20(B) The student will determine costs associated with distribution. MD 21(A) The student will describe the receiving process. 4 Days 4 Days ongoing

7 Practicum in I: MD 21(B) The student will relate types of inventory systems. MD 21(C) The student will evaluate inventory shrinkage. MD 21(D) The student will rationalize the impact of technology on inventory systems. MD 25(A) The student will explain the communication processes as used in promotional activities. MD 25(B) The student will evaluate types of promotion. MD 25(C) The student will consider the concept of promotional mix. MD 25(D) The student will define the role of promotion as a marketing function. MD 25(E) The student will list the elements of the promotional mix. MD 26(B) The student will differentiate between product and institutional advertising. MD 25(F) The student will describe the use of business ethics in promotion. MD 25(H) The student will explore the regulation of promotion. MD 25(J) The student will convey word-of-mouth channels used to communicate with targeted audiences. MD 25(K) The student will explain the nature of direct marketing channels. MD 25(M) The student will describe communication channels used in public relations activities. Fifth Six Weeks MD 25(I) The student will illustrate types of advertising media. MD 26(A) The student will illustrate types of advertising media. MD 26(C) The student will identify and evaluate elements of an advertisement. MD 25(G) The student will describe the use of technology in the promotion function. MD 22(G) The student will develop strategies to protect intellectual property. MD 5(F) The student will conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis for use in the marketing planning process. MD 22(A) The student will defend the need for entrepreneurial discovery. MD 22(L) The student will describe the opportunities for entrepreneurship in a given industry. MD 22(D) The student will describe entrepreneurial planning considerations. MD 22(B) The student will examine opportunities for venture creation. MD 22(C) The student will conclude feasibility of venture ideas. MD 22(E) The student will assess start-up requirements. MD 6(F) The student will predict reasonable estimations. MD 6(G) The student will create mathematical models from real-life 7 Days 6 Days

8 Practicum in I: situations. MD 22(F) The student will probe risks associated with venture. MD 22(I) The student will investigate processes used to acquire adequate financial resources for venture creation and start-up. MD 22(J) The student will determine a venture's human resource needs. MD 22(K) The student will evaluate risk-taking opportunities. MD 27(A) The student will categorize business risks. MD 27(B) The student will interpret how various types of risks impact business activities. MD 28(A) The student will evaluate security precautions. 4 Days Sixth Six Weeks MD 22(H) The student will illustrate components of a business plan to define venture idea. MD 5(D) The student will explain the nature of marketing planning. MD 5(E) The student will perform market analysis. MD 5(G) The student will create a marketing plan. MD 6(I) The student will depict methods of collecting relevant data. MD 6(J) The student will express the organization of useful data. MD 23(A) The student will illustrate types of financial services. MD 23(B) The student will explain the purpose of a credit contract. MD 23(C) The student will predict the impact of credit legislation. MD 10(E) The student will model the steps for locating and securing employment. MD 10(F) The student will use multiple resources to locate job opportunities. MD 10(G) The student will develop a résumé. MD 10(H) The student will prepare a letter of application. MD 10(I) The student will complete an employment application. MD 10(J) The student will participate in mock employment interviews. MD 10(L) The student will employ critical-thinking and decision-making skills to exhibit qualifications to a potential employer. 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days


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