Effectiveness Indicators for Institutional Assessment

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1 Effectiveness Indicators for Institutional Assessment DRAFT 6/30/2005 Community College of Allegheny County

2 Introduction Performance indicators measure and communicate an institution s effectiveness in relation to its core values. The Office of Institutional Research and Planning reviewed performance indicator documents from community colleges around the country to investigate what was being reported and to determine best practices. The development of these indicators is an inclusive process. Oversight is provided by the Research and Development Sub-committee of College Council and the Academic and Student Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. Performance indicators are an integral part of the college s strategic planning process (See Appendix A). They will be utilized during the formal review of the mission, vision and values statements, and as a baseline for assessing the results of strategic planning efforts. The college s mission, vision, values and goals were distilled into six categories and are the basis for the 44 measures found in the Effectiveness Indicators for Institutional Assessment document (See Appendix B). Appendix C is the production schedule for annual updates. The categories are: - Accessibility - Workforce & Economic Development - Inclusiveness - Stewardship - Student Success - Community Connections Each measure follows the same format and includes: - a heading (the category) - the measure (how we define what we are looking for) - a subheading (the mission, vision, value or goal being measured) - an observation (an interpretation of the data) - an indicator (what we are looking for) - a chart or graph (the data) Normative information and peer group comparisons are used as benchmarks when possible. Most measures use five years of data for trending purposes. Executive Summary

3 Summary Accessibility is our mission, and is defined many ways including affordability, distance traveled, and choice. Is the college affordable? Do the people who need financial aid receive assistance? Is there a campus within reasonable proximity? Do people utilize distance learning? Is CCAC the college of choice for our students? In general, the college is accessible. Our students report that CCAC is their college of choice, it is affordable, and 70% of our students travel 10 miles or less to get to school. Distance education enrollment is increasing on an annual basis. Twenty-six percent of our students receive financial aid; a 49% increase in the total number of recipients in the last five years. Inclusiveness measures diversity and demographics. Does the college reflect the demographic profile of the community? Does the college respect people as individuals? How do the students and employees feel about inclusiveness? Students are satisfied with the level of racial harmony at the college according to the 2002 student opinion survey. Students report satisfaction with concern for individuals, and employees report satisfaction with respect for individuals at the college. The demographic profile of the college is similar to Allegheny County s profile. CCAC ranks third in African-American enrollment among colleges in Pennsylvania. The majority of our students are traditional college age. The majority of continuing education students range in age from Student Success is at the heart of the mission, vision, values and goals. Do our students meet their goals? Does the college provide services to help students meet their goals? The college provides many services to help students achieve their goals, but students reported less satisfaction with support programs in 2002 than 1992; the number of students utilizing college services decreased in the same ten-year span. The Office of Supportive Services has experienced an increase in the number of students registered for assistance. Developmental students success in college level courses varies from year to year and English appears more successful than Math. Retention rates and credit accumulation have remained steady over the last four years. The number of certificates and degrees awarded are on the rise. In general, CCAC students report satisfaction with the quality of education. The Workforce category includes forming partnerships that foster economic development and providing career programs that met the needs of students and employers. How many students are in occupational programs? Are graduates prepared to enter the workforce? Do our students accomplish their personal goals? The number of students enrolled in apprenticeship programs peaked in and has been declining ever since. More than half of CCAC s students are enrolled in occupational programs. In general, students are satisfied with their program of study and most graduates report achieving their career related objectives. Enrollment in computer instruction is down and has been decreasing for the last three years. Executive Summary

4 Stewardship is defined as the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care. This category measures the effective use of resources. Do we maintain appropriate class sizes? Do our students agree? Does CCAC control costs? How do we compare to our peers? The average number of students per section is increasing; in fall 2003 there were more than 18 students per section. Students reported satisfaction with class size in the 2002 student opinion survey. When comparing FTE students to faculty ratios, CCAC has fewer students per teacher than any other school in the peer group. CCAC exceeds the peer group average for full-time students and part-time faculty. CCAC dedicates more money to instruction and has lower operating expenses than the peer group average. The Community Connections category attempts to answer the following questions. How does CCAC meet the changing needs of the community? Do we form partnerships with the community to achieve a better quality of life? CCAC does help meet the changing needs of the community through programs like dual enrollment and the Public Safety Institute. The number of high school students attending CCAC for college credit has increased by 80% in the last five years, and enrollment in Public Safety has increased by 70% during the same time period. CCAC s campuses are used by a variety of organization to achieve a better quality of life. The college raises money to offer programs that anticipate and fulfill the needs of the community. More that 80% of the fund raising dollars come from corporations and foundations. Executive Summary

5 Accessibility To be the college of choice for our community [vision] CCAC is the college of choice for Allegheny County residents Percent of students who report that CCAC was their first college choice and percent of students who would choose CCAC again if starting over. Source: ACT Student Opinion Survey Fewer students responded CCAC was their college of first choice, but most would choose this college again. Was this college your first choice? 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% Yes No % 30.0% % 33.3% norm 68.2% 31.8% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% If starting over, would you choose this college again? Definitely Yes Probably Yes Uncertain Probably No Definitely No % 33.9% 20.0% 9.7% 6.0% % 33.1% 18.2% 8.6% 6.2% norm 34.7% 33.0% 16.3% 8.3% 4.7% Accessibility - 1

6 Accessibility To be the college of choice for our community [vision] CCAC is the college of choice for Allegheny County Residents Percent of Allegheny County public high school graduates who enroll in CCAC within one year. Source High school graduate data from the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Colleague. The share of recent high school graduates attending CCAC is increasing gradually. 12% 10% 9.2% 9.8% 10.0% 10.7% 11.10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Accessibility - 2

7 Accessibility To make quality education affordable and accessible to the community [mission] CCAC maintains affordable tuition. Aggregate rates of tuition increase compared with the consumer price index for Pennsylvania higher education institutions, and average tuition and required fees by sector. Source: PA Department of Education Tuition and fees for PA community colleges are lower than the other sectors and CCAC is lower than the state average for community colleges. CCAC Community Colleges State Universities State -Related Privated State-Aided 0.0% 5.2% 7.2% 7.8% 9.6% CCAC Community Colleges State Universities Charges $ 1,864 $ 2,468 $ 5,820 Private Private Two-Year 6.1% 10.8% State -Related Universities Private State-Aided Institutions Private Colleges and Universities $ 8,887 $ 20,462 $ 18,868 Consumer Price Index 3.3% Private Two-Year Colleges $ 11,762 Increases to Accessibility - 3

8 Accessibility To make quality education affordable and accessible to the community [mission] Financial aid is available to students who need assistance to attend college. Number and percent of CCAC students receiving financial aid by type of award. Source: Colleague The number of financial aid recipients increased by 49% during the same time period. Unduplicated Unduplicated aid recipients PELL PHEAA Loans Headcount N % N % N % N % ,308 5, % 3, % 1, % 3, % ,469 5, % 4, % 2, % 3, % ,846 6, % 4, % 1, % 3, % ,149 6, % 4, % 1, % 4, % ,872 7, % 5, % 2, % 5, % % change 22% 49% 40% 47% 49% Accessibility - 4

9 Accessibility Provide access to education without the limits of time, place and distance [goal] Students enroll in distance education courses. Headcount enrollment and registration trend in internet and VCR courses by academic year. Source: Colleague. Internet course enrollment is increasing steadily. Enrollment in VCR courses appears to be leveling off. 6,000 Headcount 7,000 Registrations 5,000 6,000 4,000 5,000 Students 3,000 2,000 Students 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 1, Academic Year VCR WWW VCR WWW Accessibility - 5

10 Accessibility Provide access to education without the limits of time, place and distance [goal] Comprehensive campuses and college centers provide access to students within reasonable travel distance. Travel distance from home for students taking credit classes. Source: ACT Student Opinion Survey CCAC students travel shorter distances than the norm to attend classes. Students are traveling greater distances than two years ago Percent Less than 1 mile 1-5 miles 6-10 miles miles miles Over 40 miles Norm Accessibility - 6

11 Inclusiveness To foster institutional diversity that reflects the demographic and cultural characteristics of the community. [Goal] College enrollment reflects the demographic characteristics of the community. Gender of CCAC student populations compared to Allegheny County. Source: Colleague and 2000 Census. Academic year 2003, 55.3% of credit course students and 62.5% of non-credit course students are female, as compared with 52.6% of Allegheny County residents. 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 55.3% Comparison of Population Percentages - Gender 62.5% 52.6% 44.7% 47.4% 37.5% Female Male Credit Non-credit Allegheny County Inclusiveness - 1

12 Inclusiveness To foster institutional diversity that reflects the demographic and cultural characteristics of the community. [Goal] College enrollment reflects the demographic characteristics of the community. Age of CCAC credit student populations compared to Allegheny County. Source: Colleague and 2000 Census. Fifty percent of CCAC s credit students are traditional college age (between 18 and 24) Credit students by age 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Under Over 64 Credit Allegheny County Inclusiveness 2a

13 Inclusiveness To foster institutional diversity that reflects the demographic and cultural characteristics of the community. [Goal] College enrollment reflects the demographic characteristics of the community. Age of CCAC non-credit student populations compared to Allegheny County. Source: Colleague and 2000 Census. Sixty percent of non-credit students are between 25 and 54 years of age Non-credit students by age 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Under Over 64 Non-credit Allegheny County Inclusiveness 2b

14 Inclusiveness To foster institutional diversity that reflects the demographic and cultural characteristics of the community. [Goal] College enrollment reflects the demographic characteristics of the community. Race of CCAC student populations compared to Allegheny County. Source: Colleague and 2000 Census. College enrollments approximate the racial and ethnic composition of Allegheny County with African American and other minority enrollment rates slightly higher than the general population. 100% 83.60% 81.70% 84.3% 80% 60% 40% 20% 12.30% 14.00% 12.4% 4.10% 4.30% 3.3% 0% White African American Others Fall 1998 Fall 2003 Allegh. County Inclusiveness - 3

15 Inclusiveness To foster institutional diversity that reflects the demographic and cultural characteristics of the community. [Goal] College enrollment reflects the demographic characteristics of the community. African-American student enrollment in Pennsylvania. Source: IPEDS Peer Analysis CCAC Ranked third out of 271 degree-granting institutions in African-American enrollment Fall 2003 CC Phila Temple CCAC Pitt Delaware PSU Main Female Male Lincoln Drexel Cheyney HACC Inclusiveness - 4

16 Inclusiveness To foster institutional diversity that reflects the demographic and cultural characteristics of the community. [Goal] College staffing reflects the demographic characteristics of the community. Race of CCAC employees compared to Allegheny County. Source: Colleague and 2000 Census. College employees approximate the racial and ethnic composition of Allegheny County with employment of African Americans slightly higher than the general population and employment of other minorities slightly below the general population. 100% 80% 82.70% 81.5% 84.3% 60% 40% 20% 15.10% 12.4% 9.8% 2.20% 8.7% 3.3% 0% White African American Others F 03 F 04 Allegh. County Inclusiveness - 5

17 Inclusiveness To foster institutional diversity that reflects the demographic and cultural characteristics of the community. [Goal] College staffing reflects the demographic characteristics of the community. Percent of African-American employees by position. Source: IPEDS Fall Staff Survey (NOTE: Maintenance includes skilled and custodial workers. AFT includes faculty and non-teaching faculty.) There are slight increases in each category except Maintenance, the predominant category. (Note: 2003 AFT figures revised due to calculation error) 40% Full-Time African-American Employees 30% 20% 10% 0% CCAC - total AFT Administrative Clerical Maintenance F 02 F 03 F 04 Inclusiveness - 6

18 Inclusiveness a climate that supports the richness of our cultural, racial and ethnic diversity. [Values] Students perception of racial harmony at the college. Students rating of satisfaction with racial harmony on the campus on a five point scale with 5 being very satisfied. Source: ACT Student Opinion Survey African American students reported a decrease in satisfaction while White students reported an increase. Both are below national norms. mean Level of Satisfaction with Racial Harmony Norm Allegheny Campus African Americans Whites Inclusiveness - 7

19 Inclusiveness each person as an individual. [Values] Students perception of concern for the individual at the college. Students rating of satisfaction with concern for the individual on a five point scale with 5 being very satisfied. Source: ACT Student Opinion Survey African American students reported a decrease in satisfaction while White students reported an increase Level of Satisfaction with Concern for Individuals Nat. Norm Allegheny Campus African Americans Whites Inclusiveness - 8

20 Inclusiveness each person as an individual. [Values] Employees perception of respect for individual differences at the college. Employees rating of agreement with respect for individual differences on a five point scale with 5 being very strongly agree. Source: CCAC Employee Survey Fall (Individual differences are respected at this college.) See text box in graph below Level of Agreement with Respect for Individuals This is a new, internal, un-normed metric for CCAC. This rating [ Neutral ] is in the middle of the range. It will serve as a baseline for future employee surveys. Fall 2003 Fall 2005 Fall 2007 Inclusiveness - 9

21 Inclusiveness To provide our students with an appreciation and understanding of world cultures [Goals] CCAC students attend classes with students from other cultures. Fall headcount enrollment of students holding international student visas. Source: International Student Office. In Fall 02, one percent of CCAC students held international student visas. Enrollment of international students seems to have peaked in No data is available for Fall '00 Fall '01 Fall '02 Fall '03 Fall '04 Inclusiveness - 10

22 Student Success CCAC delivers support programs to help students achieve their goals [goal] The college accommodates students with special learning needs Annual unduplicated headcount of students served by campus supportive services office. Source: Colleague Over the last five years, an average of 1,750 students registered with the Office of Supportive Services '99-00 '00-01 '01-02 '02-03 '03-04 students Student Success - 1

23 Student Success To deliver support programs to help students achieve their goals [goal] Students are satisfied with college services. Student response to level of satisfaction with college services. Source: ACT student opinion survey CCAC meets or exceeds the norm for student satisfaction in seven of nine categories. Academic advising / course planning services Library / learning resource center facilities and services Financial aid services College orientation program Vocational guidance / career planning College-sponsored tutorial services Personal counseling services Job placement services Student employment services mean Norm % who used service in % 58.7% 41.5% 18.1% 16.8% 16.5% 11.3% 6.3% 6.3% Student Success - 2

24 Student Success To deliver support programs to help students achieve their goals [goal] Students use college services. Percentage of students that report using college support services. Source: ACT student opinion survey Use of some services has increased in the last two years. Academic advising / course planning services Library / learning resource center facilities and services Financial aid services College orientation program Vocational guidance / career planning College-sponsored tutorial services Personal counseling services Job placement services Student employment services 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Student Success

25 Student Success A learning environment that fosters the success of all students [values] To deliver support programs to help students achieve their goals [goal] Students articulate goals related to education. Stated goals of students from the application for admission. Source: Colleague. Unlike 2002 and 2003, in 2004 the majority of students took classes without intending to graduate. 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% graduate and transfer graduate and find a job graduate and advance in job take classes and transfer take classes and find a job take classes and advance in job personal enrichment 2002FA 25.60% 22.10% 6.80% 31.00% 3.40% 5.80% 5.30% 2003FA 27.70% 23.90% 4.40% 31.50% 3.40% 4.20% 4.80% 2004FA 20.84% 21.77% 5.68% 33.47% 3.60% 7.25% 7.39% Student Success - 4

26 Student Success A learning environment that fosters the success of all students [values] To deliver support programs to help students achieve their goals [goal] Students make progress toward their stated goals. Retention measured as return rates to consecutive spring and fall semesters for entering fall cohorts of first-time college students. Source: Colleague Degree seeking students have higher retention rates. Note: this indicator is updated twice a year at end of spring and fall terms Degree-seeking student retention Non-degree seeking student retention 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Fall-Spring Fall-Fall 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Fall-Spring Fall-Fall 00-01FA 01-02FA 02-03FA 03-04FA 04-05FA Student Success - 5

27 Student Success A learning environment that fosters the success of all students [values] To deliver support programs to help students achieve their goals [goal] Students make progress toward their stated goals. Sum of credits accumulated by full-time and part-time entering fall cohorts in two academic years. Source: Colleague Students in the full-time entering cohort accumulate about 31 credits in two years Credits Accumulated '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 Entering Fall Semester Student Success - 6 Full-time Part-time Revised 6/2005: Part-time student data 2001 and 2002 Full-time student data 2002

28 Student Success A learning environment that fosters the success of all students [values] To deliver support programs to help students achieve their goals [goal] Students complete degree programs. The proportion of an entering fall cohort of first-time, full-time degree seeking students that graduate within three years. Source: Colleague Completion rates have decreased for the last two cohorts. 25% 20% Completion Rates 15% 10% 5% Career Transfer 0% '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 Entering Cohorts Student Success - 7

29 Student Success A learning environment that fosters the success of all students [values] To deliver support programs to help students achieve their goals [goal] Students successfully complete the requirements for certificates and degrees awarded by CCAC. The number of associate and certificate degrees awarded annually. Source: Colleague Numbers of certificate program awards are increasing steadily/ 162 more Associate degrees were awarded in than Degrees awarded annually 2,000 1,500 1, ,457 1,400 1, Cert Degree '02-03 '03-04 Student Success - 8

30 Student Success A learning environment that fosters the success of all students [value] An exemplary learning community where all individuals can develop their full potential [vision] Students on academic probation or suspension Percent of students returning to good standing after being placed on academic probation. Source: Colleague (Notes: Based on Academic standing in Colleague In December or January of the appropriate year.) Less than 20% of the students placed on probation return to good standing the following year % Percent of students in good standing by the end of the next fall term after probation % of students 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 20% 15% 10% 5% 16% 16% 13% 13% 0.00% 00FA 01FA 02FA 03FA 04FA 0% 00FA to 01FA 01FA to 02FA 02FA to 03FA 03FA to 04FA Suspension Probation % Good standing Student Success - 9

31 Student Success A learning environment that fosters the success of all students [value] An exemplary learning community where all individuals can develop their full potential [vision] Course level success Grade achieved. Notes: Success = A, B, C, P; Not Successful = D, F; Other = withdrawal, incomplete Source: Colleague The success and withdrawal 74.4% 73.9% rates 74.6% have not changed significantly over the past three years. 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 16.3% 16.9% 16.5% 9.3% 9.2% 9.0% Success Not Successful Other Student Success

32 Student Success To provided opportunities for personal growth and enrichment [goals] Lifelong learning courses meet the expectations of students. Percent of lifelong learning students rating courses as good or very good. Source: Lifelong learning course evaluation surveys. Students appear to be reasonably satisfied with lifelong learning courses. However, the course evaluations are not conducted at regular intervals % 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% Fall '99 Spring '00 Fall ' % 93.2% 91.4% Student Success - 11

33 Student Success To provided opportunities for personal growth and enrichment [goals] Residents enroll in non-credit courses for personal enrichment Unduplicated number of CCAC students who took personal enrichment courses (Y courses for Academic Years 1999 to 2004.) Source: Colleague Personal enrichment course enrollment varies from year to year. 25,000 20,000 21,815 20,219 21,993 20,485 18,200 15,000 10,000 5, Student Success - 12

34 Student Success An exemplary learning community where all individuals can develop their full potential [vision] Students in developmental math progress to college level math College-level math pass rates for students that successfully complete developmental math courses compared to direct entry college-level math students. (Assumption: Students completing developmental math attempt college-level math within one academic year.) Source: ARC: STCS and SECS Developmental student pass rates are lower than direct entry students in college-level math courses College-Level Math - Pass Rate Comparison Definitions: Pass Rate 85% 80% 75% 70% 84% 84% 83% 83% 82% 83% 83% 81% 79% 79% 78% 77% Developmental Math MAT080 MAT090 College Level Math MAT102 MAT106 MAT107 MAT108 MAT114 Math 102 or higher Math 090 Math 080 Student Success 13a

35 Student Success An exemplary learning community where all individuals can develop their full potential [vision] Students in developmental English progress to college level English College-level English pass rates for students that successfully complete developmental English courses compared to direct entry college-level English students. (Assumption: Students completing developmental English attempt college-level English within one academic year.) Source: ARC: STCS and SECS Developmental student pass rates are higher than direct entry students in college-level English courses College-Level English - Pass Rate Comparison Pass Rate 90% 88% 86% 84% 82% 80% 88% 88% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 84% 83% 83% 84% Definitions: Developmental ENG089 ENG100 College Level ENG101 Eng 101 Eng 100 Eng 089 Student Success 13b

36 Student Success To be a nationally recognized leader in academic excellence [vision] Student satisfaction with the quality of education they are receiving at CCAC. Student response to over all impression of the quality of education at this 2-year college. Source: ACT student opinion survey 79% of students rated the college better than average compared to 78% of norm. Excellent Good Average Below Average Very Inadequate percentage Norm Student Success - 14

37 Workforce & Economic Development To lead in the creation of partnerships that foster the economic development of the region. [GOAL] The college forms partnerships to prepare workers for careers in the skilled trades. Annual headcount of students enrolled in apprenticeship programs. Source: Colleague. (Apprenticeship program numbers: 289,339, 389, 391, 608.1, 608, 619, and 393) Enrollment in apprenticeship programs is turning downward after several years of steady growth ,479 1,679 1,636 1, Workforce - 1

38 Workforce & Economic Development To provide career programs that meet the needs of students and employers [Goal] Students enroll in CCAC programs that prepare them for work upon completion. Percent of credit students enrolled in occupational programs during the fall semester. Source: Bottom Lines pg 26 As of Fall 01 more than half of CCAC credit students are enrolled in occupational programs percent Fall '00 Fall '01 Fall '02 Fall '03 Fall '04 Workforce - 2

39 Workforce & Economic Development To provide career programs that meet the needs of students and employers [Goal] Occupational training programs adequately prepare students for jobs. Occupational program graduates responses to the statement Rate how well your program of study at CCAC prepared you for what you are doing now on a five point scale. Source: Graduate Survey Graduate satisfaction with career preparation peaked in Mean graduating class Workforce - 3

40 Workforce & Economic Development To provide career programs that meet the needs of students and employers [Goal] Students achieve their career preparation objectives. Percent of graduates who report achieving their work related objectives on the CCAC Graduate Survey. Work related goals include graduating and finding a job and graduating and improving your current job. Source: CCAC Graduate Survey & CCAC Exit Survey Graduates that are currently employed report achieving their work related goals more frequently than those who intend to find a new job after graduation. percent graduating class new job current job Workforce - 4

41 Workforce & Economic Development To provide career programs that meet the needs of students and employers [Goal] Enrollment in computer technology instruction Annual unduplicated headcount in credit, non credit and industry certification courses. Data source: Colleague CMP/CTE and CIT. Combined non-credit and certification in Enrollment in computer instruction is declining. Computer Technology Instruction ,786 6,489 5,193 4,226 7,825 7,771 7,462 5, Credit Non-credit Workforce - 5

42 Stewardship Assume personal accountability for our actions, as well as effective and efficient use of resources [value] CCAC maintains appropriate class size Student satisfaction with class size. Source: Bottom Lines and ACT Student Opinion Survey CCAC averaged 17.1 students per section for the last 5 years. Students report satisfaction with class size. Section size Average Students per Section F '99 F '00 F '01 F '02 F '03 Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Student Satisfaction 0% 20% 40% 60% '92 '02 '04 Norm Stewardship 1a

43 Stewardship Assume personal accountability for our actions, as well as effective and efficient use of resources [value] CCAC maintains appropriate class size FTE Students per FTE faculty compared to peer group. Source: IPEDS, Fall 2004 CCAC has the fewest students per faculty in the PIMA peer group. 15,000 12,500 10,000 7,500 5,000 2,500 0 CCAC 11, Peergroup Averages FTE Students FTE Faculty 12, FTE Students per Faculty CCAC Peergroup Averages Stewardship 1b

44 Stewardship Assume personal accountability for our actions, as well as effective and efficient use of resources [value] The college appropriately allocates resources Full-time to Part-time student and faculty comparison. Source: IPEDS (EF2004A & S2004_ABD), Fall 2004 CCAC exceeds peer group averages for full-time students and part-time instructors Actual Numbers Students Faculty Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time CCAC 7,976 11, ,657 Peer Group Average 7,181 14, Stewardship 1c

45 Stewardship Assume personal accountability for our actions, as well as effective and efficient use of resources [value] Students report fees are used effectively Student satisfaction with use of student activity fees. Source: ACT Student Opinion Survey Most respondents are neutral or satisfied. Approximately 25% of students surveyed did not reply to this question. Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 0% 20% 40% 60% Norm Stewardship - 2

46 Stewardship Assume personal accountability for our actions, as well as effective and efficient use of resources [value] Student and Employee perceptions about student computer services Satisfaction with campus computer services for students. Source: ACT Student Opinion Survey and Employee Opinion Survey Students and Employees report satisfaction with computer services for students Student Satisfaction Employee Opinion Very Satisfied Satisfied mean Neutral 3.00 Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 0% 20% 40% 60% '92 '02 '04 Norm Allegh. Boyce North South CO A College Center computer services for students are excellent Stewardship 3a

47 Stewardship Assume personal accountability for our actions, as well as effective and efficient use of resources [value] Faculty have access to and utilize innovative classroom technology Faculty and Administration satisfaction with (1) resources needed for innovative classroom technology and (2) training to make effective use of new technologies. Source: 2003 Employee Opinion Survey (q 31& q 44) Teaching faculty report less satisfaction than non-teaching faculty and administration College provides the resources needed for innovative classroom technology College trains employees to make effective use of new technologies Administration Non-teaching faculty Part-time faculty Full-time faculty level of agreement Administration Non-teaching faculty Part-time faculty Full-time faculty level of agreement Stewardship 3b

48 Stewardship Assume personal accountability for our actions, as well as effective and efficient use of resources [value] The college appropriately allocates resources Fiscal year expenses by category compared to PIMA peer group. Source: IPEDS, Fiscal year 2003 (F0203_F1A) More than half the operating expenses are spent on Instruction, Academic Support & Student Services Fiscal Year Expenses Percent of total opearting expenses 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 58% 56% 42% 38% 8% 9% 8% 10% Instruction Academic Support Student Services Combined CCAC Peer group average Stewardship 4a

49 Stewardship Assume personal accountability for our actions, as well as effective and efficient use of resources [value] The college controls costs Fiscal year total operating expenses compared to PIMA peer group. Source: IPEDS (F0102_F1A & F0203_F1A) CCAC s total operating expenses increased by 8.5% from 2002 to 2003 compared to a 3.9% increase in the PIMA peer group average Total Operating Expenses 140,000,000 dollars 120,000, ,000,000 80,000,000 60,000, ,000,000 20,000, CCAC peer group average Stewardship 4b

50 Community Connections CCAC is able to meet the changing needs of the community [values] High school students attend CCAC for college credit Unduplicated number of students enrolled annually in the high school dual enrollment program. Source: Colleague Dual enrollment increased by more than 80% in the last five years '99-00 '00-01 '01-02 '02-03 '03-04 students Community Connections - 1

51 Community Connections CCAC is able to meet the changing needs of the community [values] CCAC s Public Safety Institute trains emergency service professionals for the security and safety of the community Annual unduplicated headcount of Public Safety students. Source: State Reports The number of students enrolled in the Public Safety Institute has increased by almost 70% in five years Public Safety Students '99-'00 '00-'01 '01-'02 '02-'03 '03-'04 Students Community Connections - 2

52 Community Connections: CCAC forms partnerships with the community to achieve a better quality of life [values] The community views CCAC s campuses as common ground and available space is used by a diverse set of groups. Number of external organizations that utilized campus space between July 2003 and July Source: Room scheduling database External organizations appear to utilize Boyce campus more than the other three campuses combined. Other campuses may not use the scheduling database as often as Boyce External Organizations Allegheny Boyce South North Community Connections - 3

53 Community Connections CCAC forms partnerships with the community to achieve a better quality of life CCAC creates resources to offer programming that anticipates and fulfills the needs of the community CCAC fundraising comparison report FY Source: Development Office Corporations and Foundations account for more than 80% of contributions $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 Special Events Individuals Corporations / Foundations $500,000 $0 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03 FY 04 Community Connections - 4

54 Appendix A

55 Draft FRAMEWORK FOR INSTITUTIONAL Draft ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING Accessibility To be the college of choice for our community VISION To make quality education affordable and accessible to the community MISSION To make four-year degrees more accessible by providing quality transfer programs. GOALS To provide access to education without the limits of time, place and distance. GOALS Community Connections partnerships with the community to achieve a better quality of life. VALUES the ability to meet the changing needs of the community. VALUES Inclusiveness a climate that supports the richness of our cultural, racial and ethnic diversity. VALUES each person as an individual. VALUES To foster institutional diversity that reflects the demographic and cultural characteristics of our community. GOALS To provide our students with an understanding and appreciation of world cultures. GOALS Appendix B

56 Stewardship personal accountability for our actions, as well as effective and efficient use of resources. VALUES professional and personal honesty, and the trust placed in us by the community. VALUES To be a nationally recognized leader in innovative, responsive programming VISION To be a nationally recognized leader in technological advancement VISION Student Success a learning environment that fosters the success of all students. VALUES an exemplary learning community where all individuals can develop their full potential VISION To be a nationally recognized leader in Academic excellence VISION To deliver support programs to help students achieve their goals. GOALS To provide opportunities for personal growth and cultural enrichment. GOALS Workforce and Economic Development To be a nationally recognized leader in Economic development VISION provide leadership in workforce training and support the economic development of the region. MISSION To help prepare our community to succeed in the global economy. GOALS To lead in the creation of partnerships that foster the economic development of the region. GOALS To provide career programs that meet the needs of students and employers. GOALS Appendix B


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