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1 IDistrtbutton 1tst of ~mcers OF THE ARMY MEDICAL STAFF AND ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. [This List is prepared according to the latest information received. Officers are invited to communicate any particulars regarding alterations, errors, or omissions, to Major T. McCULLOCH, B.A.M.C., 68, Victoria Street, S. W.]

2 SPECIALIST CERTIFICATES IN: a = State Medicine ( qualification). b = Diploma in Public Health. c = Bacteriology. d = Delital Surgery.. e ~ Dermatology atid V Einere-ai Diseases. = Specific Fevers. g = Laryngology. 11 = Midwifery and Gynrecology. j = Operative Surgery. k = Ophthalmology. I = Otology. 111 = Prediatrics. n = Psychological Medicine. o = Skiagraphy. p = T.ropi<)al l\!e.dicinel. -c... c J R Army Med Corps: first published as /jramc on 1 June Downloaded from on 11 December 2018 by guest. Protected by

3 ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE. HEADQUARTER STAFF. Rank. Name. Appointmen~. Surgeon.General Keogh, A., M.D., C.B. Director-General of Army ed,services. Fawcett, W. J., M.B., C.B. Deputy Director.General.., Lieutenant Colonel. Babtie, W., M.B., V.C., C.M.G... Assistant Director GeneraL. Major.,.. McCulloch, T.,'M.B. Deputy Assistant Director-General. Lieutenant-Colonel Russell, M. W. Ma.jor. Thurston, H. C., CJ\I.G.. Rank. Brevet-Colonel Lieutenant-Colonel. Rank. Oolonel(temporary) Surgeon ~ GeneraL. (temporary) Lieutenant-Colonel. Major CO:ptain Name. Burnett, W. F. Olery, J. A., M.B., C.B... Charlton, W. J... Donovan, W. C.B. Edge, J. D., M.D., C.B... Fawcett, W. J., M.B., C.B. Gallwey, Sir T. J M~D., K.C.M.G., C.B. Gubbins, W.L., M.B., M.V.O... McNamarp,,:W>H,,-M.D., C.B., C.M.<h',. TowDsend, Sir~., M.D~,. KO; B ' C.M.G... ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE ADVISORY BOARD. c Name. Bruce, D., F.R.S., I1LB. Davies,A.M. Skinner, B. M. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL COLLEGE. Name. James, H. E. R.. Stevensqn,W.--.F., M.B., C.B.,. K.H.S. Expert in Tropical Diseases. Expert in Sanitation. Secretary. Appo'intment. Commandant and J;>i;ectorof Studies. Prof. of ClinicaLand Military SUrgery Firth, R. R., Professor of Military Hygiene., Leishman,W. B., M.B. Pathology. Fowler, C. E. P. Assistant.Professor of Military Hygiene. Harvey, D., M.B.... ' Pathology. SURGEON GENERALS. Eastern Oommand, Southern Oommand, England.. Eastern Command,England South Africa. Irish Command.. Headquarter Staff Western Command, Aldershot Command Principal Medical Officer.

4 Barrow, H. J. W... Blennerhassett, B. M., C.M.G. Bourke, G. D. Chester, W.L., M.B. Dorman, J. C., M.B., C.M.G. Duke, A. W., M.D. Ellis, P. M. Fenn, E. H., C.I.E. Hughes, G. A., M.B., D.S.O. Kenny, W. W., M.B. Laake, G. D. N.. McNamara, J., M.D. May, W. A., C.B Magill, J., M.D., C.B. Morris, J. J., M.D. O'Conna11, M. D., M.D:.. Pratt, W. S., M.B. Quill, R. H., M.B. Rainsford, W. J. R., C.I.E. Routh, J. I. Stevenson,W. F., M.B., C.B., R.H.S, (temporary Surgeori.General). Saunders, W. E., C.13. Slaughter, W. B.. Swayne, C. H., D.S.O. Sloggett, A. T., C.M.G. Travor, F. W., M.B. Webb, W. E., M.D. WiIliamson, J. F., M.B., O.B.,O.M.G. Wolseley, W. O.. Whitehead,~H. R. Anderson, L. E. Babtie, W., M.B., V.C., C.M.G. Bruce, D., F.R.S., M.B. (Brevet.Colonel) Bedford, W. G. A., M.B., C.M.G. Corker, T. M., M.D. Ambala, Rawalpindi, 4 COLONELS. Devonport.. Peshawar, Cape Colony, S. Africa Chester Curragh Ohatham Edinburgh.. Pretoria Lucknow, Gibraltar Tidworth.. Cairo Portsmouth York Mhow, Dover Bermuda. London Naini Tal, Colchester... Cork London District Poona, Hong Kong Bombay, Malta LIEUTENANT-COLONELS. Principal Medical Officer.. Administrative Medical Officer Principal Medical Officer.. ' Principal Medical Officer, Welsh and Midland Commands Administrative Medical Officer.. Principal Medical Officer, Scottish Command Principal Medical Officer, Trans. vaal District Principal Medical Officer.. Administrative Medical Officer Principal Medical Officer, H.M. British Troops, Egypt Administrative Medical Officer.. Principal Medical Officer, North. ern Command Principal Medical Officer.. Administrative Medical Officer.. Principal Medical Officer.. Certifi Officiating Principal Medical Offi. cer, Eastern Command Administrative Medical Officer.. Principal Medical Officer.. r, S. China b: (Under Article 865 of the Royal Warrant.) London War Office, London London Gibraltar Belfast Temporary duty, Headquarters.. Headquartar Staff.. Expert in Tropical Diseases, ~y, Medical Service Advisory Boo.'l'd Administrative Medical Officer..

5 Coutts, G., M.B... Oroly, A. E. J. Dodd, J. R., M.B. Emerson, 1. B. Forman, R. H., M.B. Ford, R. W., D.S.O. Goggin, G. T., Hodson, R. D. Harwood, J. G. Heffernan, W. Hathaway, H. G. Inman, A. W. P., M.B... Johnston, P... H., M.D., C.M.G. Johnston, W. T., M.D. Jennings, R., M.D. Jones, J. M. Salisbury Edinburgh Mhow, York Woolwich.. 5 Roy,l Hospital, Ohelsea Belfast. Oeylon Portsmouth Wynbetg, S. Africa Pooria, Allahabai,l,.. Jamaica Oanterbury Valetta,Malta Davonport.. Kirkpatrick, H. 0., M.D. Barbados.. Kerin, M. W. Peshawar, Lloyd, o. E. P., V.Cl. Love, R. L., M.D... MacNeece, J. G... Moffitt, T. B. Martin, H., M.B... Mulvany, P. MacNeece, T. F... Maclean, F. B. Macnamara, W. J., M.D. Milward, E. O. Murray, H. W., M.B. Maunsell, E. L... Mosse, C. G. D... Moberley, H. J. R. North, E. (001., Mauritius) O'Connor, A. P., C.B. O'Sullivan, D. Peterkin, A., M.B. Roahe, E. A. Robinson, G. W. Robinson, S. C. B. Somerville Large, B. W.. Seymour, C., M.B. Sylvester, G, H. Todd, 0., M.B. Ootaoamund, Fermoy Luoknow, Shornoliffe.. Alton Cork Woolwioh Bloemfontein, S. Africa.. Southampton Halifax, N.S. Gosport Winchester Mauritius.. Bordon Mian Mir, Ourragh Chatham Aldershot Colchester.. York Royal Hospital, Ohelsea.. Cairo, Egypt SpeCialist Certificates in. Assistant to Principal Medioal Offioer, Southern Command and Officer Commanding 13th Ooy. RA.lVLC. Officer in ~harge Royal He~bert Hospital Deputy Surgeon Offiner in oharge Military Hospital Senior Medioal Officer.... H_ Offg:'Priricip~l Medi~al Offi~~r Senior Medical::Officer and Officer Commanding; R.A.M.C. and Officer Commanding 7th Coy. RA.M.C. Senior Medical Officer and Principal Medical Officer Khyb9r movable oolumn Staff Offioer to Madr:as Division of the Army Bearer Corps Medical Inspector of Recruits, Irish Command Officer in charge Mititary Hospital - Officer ill charge Princess Louise Hospital Standing Board Survey Army Medical Stores Principal Medical Officer Orange River,Colony and Officer in charge Military Hospital Embarkation Medical Officer Senior Medical Offioer and Officer in c.ommand, R.A.M.C., Canada Offid~r in ch;{rge Cod~aught Hosp. Senior Medical Offioer.... Administrative Medical Officer.. Officer in charge MilitaryHospital and Offioer Commanding 17th Coy. R.A.M.C. and Officer Commanding 10th Coy. R.A.M.O, Officer Oomdg. Dep6t, RA.M.C... Officer in. charge Military Hospital Physician and Surgeon In chargej Surgical Division

6 ''l'wiss, G,B. Webb, C. A. Nawe. Wardrop,D.,.. M.B: Woods;,'C, R., M.D., Beevor,W;D.;,M.13~,C.M.G. Bitt, C. '..' Berryman;W;-E:..-, Oowen, W. D.A-. Culling, J. Q. Carmicliat:iI, J. Oaldwe11, R., F. ~.:J3.;lV[.B.;C.B. Davies;k;'-~, ',, station. Dover Rllwalpiildi,. LIEUTEN ANT-COLONELS. 'Alderney, C.L 'Pembroke Dock WarIey M:~ernt,1:ndia Standerton, S.' Africa London,. Certifi. Registrarapd S~cretllry. ;', Officer in Gharge MilitllrYHospitll1 :..:,,- Officerin chllrge ROyll1 Infirnrary ', and Officer Commanding 14th Coy.R.A.M.C. Atlport, H.,K., M.D. Bulford 'c.._.()ffi~erin ch.arge Military: Hospital Burlton, A., H... ~etur!ling to England; tour'!3xpir<)d, ' '.,,:, BattersbYi'l'):: t. ',.f, Baremy',,...:> Officer iwob,arge rm,ilitaryhospital Baker, W..J...,.',:.. : Returning to England, tour expired '..;,...,: Butt, E. '..' Birrell; W; G.'i M: B Edifrburgh Medkial I~speotor' oc Reot:tlits; SoottrshCommand ' Braziet~Cieagh, U; W.,Fjl1(abad;'I~dia Offleerin charge Military Hospital -e.m.u.,,', Barratt, H. J.,, Agra, Ituiia,., Burto ll, F. H.,M., MoD.. Standerton-, S. Africa.. Bartlett, Q~,R., Tower Hill, West Africa.. ' Senior M~dical Officer and in charge Military Hospital Brooke.Pechell,Sir MA.; 'Port~J;llottth 'Bt.,N[;Bic ' Bond,R.P. ',.. Returning ];0 England, tour expired _' BraddeHj1vL D'D., :}\!L-B. Woolwie ~.. Registrar,[tnd Secretary.. -Royal Heichert'Hospital, OffiCer Corn... mand,ing,12th Coy. R.A.M,.C.. 'Medical:' l!tspector of. Recruits, ~Wersh'lI:Etd Midland Oommand Karachi,:i~dia Officer lil charge Military Hospital' Pretorla,.S. Africa In char?e A.M.S. Laboratory.Dover.. Officer in' charge Military Hospital Offic~r in ch~~ge Mili't'ary Ho~pital and in charge Dist. Laborll,tory.Officeriu cbarge Military H9spitaf Expert in Sanitlltioli,Army M-edi cal Service Advisory BOjJ,rd Amesthiltist....,. Senior Medical,. Dunddn;M.:: Devonpor Dick, W...,','. Fort Canning,' S. Setts. Donnet; J;J.C.., ',',,'Quetta,:lndia Dugdale, W.,.,.., ',:.: Wynberg, S. Africa Demp~ey;:-p'-c;r l\i[.p. Portsmouth Officer in charge Milit8:ry:H;osvit'!:l Dodd, ;A;~.'..:' Qhester ' Dunca'l;t;,EL E,.... '.. Ret,urning to England, tour expired FlanagaD.,'JI W; H.,Lichfield.. Officer in charge Militllry Hospital Franklin, D.F... Oha);:rata, lndia Faunclf, C. :El;,.. BOlllbay, Firth, cr~'h::... London.: R.A.M. Oollege Freyer, S.. l!'nlvi.!1.,jj,.m;g, ' F6rres;t,J.'R:: '. ~,, Ahmedabad, Geoghegan, A.' 0;, M.D.. : Bury' Gibson;J., M:B... ',.; Templemure Geddes,R.J.,M.13.,D.S.O.. Maryhill..!}ubbin, G. F.'.~Eastern Opmd., Englllnd ~b, Officerfn charge Military Hospital. D.

7 Hall, J. L.. Hetherington, R. P.,M.D. Hubbard, H.W. Hackett, R.1. D. 0 0 Haslett, J. c.., M.D. Hale, G. E., D.S.O. Hamilton, T. W. 0'; Ho, Quetta,.,7 Aldershot Harrismith, S. Africa Allahabad, Kirkee, Limerick MoB., C.M.G. Heuston, F. S:, C.M.G.... Royal. Hosp., Kilmainham Hunter,G. D., D.S.O... ::Egypt _ Haines, H; ca., ~.:rr.. Dalhoililie,~ Henderson,: R. S;:F., M.B;. Deesa,~Ii:idia Specililist,'. Certifi' eates in. '. Officer ih charge Military Hospital, Portobello '. Officer in charge Cambridge Hosp. Senior Medical Officer' and Offioer iir oharge Military Hospital.. Offioe!: inoharge Military Hospital Physician' and Surgeon '..'.. Principal Medical Officer Egyptian Army. Officerih charge'militatyh6spi~al', ~ Offioer,in oharge Military Hos_---:..', :.pital'station Staffaria'DetaoJ:i: ment Laboratory. -.. Irvine, P.L. Aldershot :In charge Cavalry Brigade Irwin, J. M., M.B. Assistant to Principal Medical Officet,Aldershot Army Corps.. Johnston, H. Ho, M.D., In charge Medical Division ' C.B.. Jencken, F. J., M.B. Deolllli,. James, H.E. R.. (telllp9 London RA.M; College -. - rary ColoneL)'. Johnson, C. W., ;M.B.., Cawn.pore, In charge Cantonment ;Hospital. ;. Kay, Ao.(1., M.B... lretley.()fficerin charge Lunatic Hospit~l Kirkpatrrcrk, -R, ;M.D., ;)1J,llundur; C.M.G Lucas,T;J. R-,: M.B. Alexandria, Egypt Lane,A. V. Glasgow In charge,recruiting Duties Lambkin, F. J. _ Returning to England, tour expired~.... Lougheed, s.- F.,l'4.Do, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Senior MedicalOfficer : C.M.G..,.. Lynden~Bell, E. H. L. Allahabad,.. Lilly, A. T. J. Returning to England, tour expired'. McCreery,B, T., )1.:6. KihSale Officedn charge MUitaryrHospitat Morse,R: E;-R. :... Newcastle,on-Tyne ,. Magrath, C. W. S.;M.D. Rilsea,i,.. Morris, W. A. Sialkot,,,, :',... McGill, H. S. Returning to England; tour expired' Macph,rsoIl W. G., M. B.,,-Attached Japanese Army CM-G'-. '--.'...:::- Mo~re:R~' R H., M.D: Maher, J... Alder.sMt. 0 Sandhurst.. Manders, lr. Curepipe, Mauritius Mofiet, G. E., M.B. Perth Noding, T. E. Middelburg, Transvaal lricholls, F. P., M.B. Barbados.. Nichol, C. K, M.B., Ranikhet, Ind!~,::. D.S.O. O'Keefe, M. W., M.D. Woolwich O'Donnell,T,. J., D~S.O.. Preston O'Brien, R ;F. Sheerness -. O'Connell, D. V., M.D... Gibraltar Porter, K, M.B... Pretoria, S. Africa Pike, W. W. D.S.O. Rhodes, J. H. A... Valetta; Maltl1 ~owney, W., M.D. Cawnpore, Rose,A, S.,M.D. Meerut, Risk,E,J.E. Holywood.. In charge RE., A.S.C., & R.A.M.C. Surgeon RM.C. In charge Medical Division Royal. Herbert.Hospital.,. : Officer in.charge Military Hospital and R:ecruiting.... In c,harge' Staff and Depa:rtme:nts Officer in charge Military HOspital Officer in charge Military Hospt1;al : 0: h. h.

8 Reade, W. L. Russell, A. F., M.B., C.M.G. Reckitt, J. D. T... Reilly, C. C. Russell, M. W. Reid, J. M., M.D. Sliabey, L. W. Sawyer, R. H. S., lylb... Skinner, B. M. Simpson, R. J. S., M.B., C.M.G. SeJ;llple, D.; l\'ld. Stuart, J. R., M.B. Sloggett, H. M. Scanlan, A. De C. Townsend, S., M. D. T4iele, C. W., M.B. Treherne, F. H. Tre;vor, H. O. - Tyrrell, C. R. Thompson, W. B. Tate, A. E. Thompson, H. N., M.B., D.S.O. Turner, W. White, H. L. E. Woodhouse, T. P. Weston, G. E. Wight, E. O. Westcott, S., C.M.G. Wyatt, H. J. Wilson, G., M.B... Winter, T. B. Yourdi, J. R., M.B. Weed on London Multan, Murree, War Office, London Salisbury.. Calcutta, S. Africa London London -Kasauli, Fort George Cottonera, Malta.. Aldershot.'. Wellington, Warrington Nowshera,.. Shorncliffe Portsmouth Nasirabad,.. Woking Kasauli, Woolwich.. Ambala, Prospect, Bermuda Hounslow Certifi Medical Inspector of Recruits, Eastern Command See'Headqu~rter St~ff Medical Inspector of Southern Command Recruits, Secretary, Army Medical Service Advisory Board Assistant to Principal Medical Officer, Eastern Command In charge Anti rabic Institute.. Officer in charge Isolation Hosp, Offic~r in cha~ge Military Ho~pital and Cantonment Hospital Medical Inspector of Recruits for Aldershot Army Corps In charge Military Families Hosp. Staff- Surgeon in charge Army Hd. qr'. Staff and Establishment Rec~~iting Duties Offic~r in ch~:ge Military Hd~pital and Recruiting, York Medical Inspector of Recruits, Northern Command Curragh Ferozepore, Returning to England, tour expired Secunderabad, Officiating Principal Medical Offi cer and Officer in charge Military Hospital J R Army Med Corps: first published as /jramc on 1 June Downloaded from Adams, G. G. _ Alien, S.,G. Adamson, H. M., M.B. Aldridge, A. R., M. B. Austin, H. W. :. Allport, C. W., M.D. Alexander, G. F., M.B. Austin, J. H. E... Anderson, E. C., D.S.O... Alexander, J. D., M.B. Austin, R. F. E... MAJORS. N owgong, Ambala, Bareilly, N aini Tal, Sanitary Officer, Eastern Comma: QUetta, Fort Allahabad, Officer in charge Military Hospit~i Bloemfontein, S. Africa.. Fort Canning, S. Setts... Shorncliffe Returning to England, tour expired Imtarfa, Malta.... on 11 December 2018 by guest. Protected by

9 Anderson, J. B... Buchanan, G. J., M.B. Bray, H. A. Buswell, F. R. Black, J. G., M.D. Buchanan, J. B. W., M.B. Brown, H. H., M.B. Baylor, H. T. Burtchaell, C. H., M.B... Bent, G. Barefoot, G. H... Brownirig, T; Buist, R. N., M.B. Burnside, E. A... Browne, E. G. Bullen, J. W., M.D. Boles, W. S., M.B. Bate, A. L. F. Blenkinsop, A. P. Borradaile, A. L., JVL B... Birt, T. ' Beach, T. B. Bewley, A. W. Beveridge,W.W. 0., M.B., D.S.O.. Bray, G. A. T. Buist, H. J. M., M.B., D.S.O. Brogden, J. E. Begbie, F. W. Beyts, W. G. Blackwell, C. T., M.D. Brannigan, J. H... Berryman, H. A... Cree, H. E. Cocks, H., M.B... Corkery, T. H. Clarkson, T. H. F. Cottell, R. J. C... 9 Meerut, Bareilly, Attached Egyptian Army Belgaum,.... Wei.hai-Wei, N. China Darjeeliug,. Sheffield Shorncliffe S. Africa.. St. Lucia, West Indies Buttevant.. Sialkot, Punjab, Ireland Mullingar.. Dundalk Mhow, In charge District Laboratory, Oantonment Hospital, and Gurkha Recruiting Dep6t S. African Constabulary Lucknow,.. Brecon ' Returning to England, tour expired Shoeburyness London Pretoria, S. Africa In charge Chelsea Barracks Staff Officer to Principal' :M:edic~i Officer, S. Africa Portland.... Returning to England, tour expired Ambala, Certltl, cates In. C. Quetta, Officer in charge District Labi;> ratory, Sheffield Gibraltar.. Company Officer o. Dover In charge Recruiting Bangalore,.. Devonport.. In charge Military Prison and :a.~~ Jersey cruiting. Officer in charge Military HQspital, Fort Regent Woolwioh Officer in charge Military Families h. Hospital Cummins, H. A., M.D., Rawalpindi C.M.G. Cockerill, J. W. Clark, S. F., M.B. Oopeland, R. J., M.B. Oonnor, J. 0., :M;.B. Crawford. G. S. Condon, E. H., M.B. Chambers, A.J. Cardoza, S. N. Cree, G. Curtis, J. H. Col1ins, D. J., M.B. Oarr, H., M.D. Prospect, Bermuda Cape Colony, S. Africa Portsmouth Ireland Ambala, Golden Hill, I. of Wight Devonport.. In charge Effective Troops Sanitary Officer.... Officer in charge Srd Brigade In charge Staff and Families.. Officer in charge M:ilitary Hospital In charge Hospital for Soldiers' Wives and Children Returning to England, tour expired..... Anresthetist Royal Infirmary. Mount Abu, and Lawrence S.chool k.

10 Durant, R. J. A. Davts, E... Day, W. B., M~13.': Daly, J.H. Daiy, T... Davidson, J. S., M.B. Donegan; J;F.' Donaldson, J. Dowman, W. S. Davoren,V. H.,W. Dalton, C.'.> Duggan, C. W., M.B. Dunn, H; N., M.B. Elilerton, F.. D.. Elkington, H. P. G. Eckersley, E.;M.B. Edye, J; S. Elliott, O. R., M.D. Erskine, W. D., M.B. Ferguson, N. C., M.B., C.M.G.' '. ' Fallon, J. ~. Fayrer, J., M.D... Freeman, E. O... Forde, B.;:M.B... Ferguson, J, D. D.S.O._. Faichnie,N.,M.B. ' Fleming, C. C., M.B., D.S.O. Faichnie,Y. G.. Fletcher,,H. J., M.B. Fitzgerald, A. O... Fowler, C. ]], P... Green, J, S., M.B. Gordon, P. O. H..', Griffiths, A. P. H. Gerrard, J. J 'M.B. Garner, C., M.B... Gray, W. L.,M.B. Girvin, J... Graham;W. A..S. J. Gibbard, T. W., M.B. Dum Dum,.. Subathu, Ourragh ]0 Queenstown Poonamallee, Parkhurst Oafro, Egypt Agra, ])evonpott.. Royal Arsenal,Woolwich Newport, Mon. Woolwich., Paonajlndia Khartoum, Soudan, Egypt Middleburg, Cape Colony Dagshai,, Duke of York's School Oolchester.. Middelburg, Transvaal Oork York Glasgow.J.ubbulpore, Ohatham',.. Gosport,.',.. London ' Bangalore,.. Birmingham Certifi, Ammunition Factory, Oossipore and Dukinsore Factories, and' Cantonment Outdoor Dispen -sary, ' and Cantonment Hospital In charge Hospita} for, Soldiers' Wives and Children Officer in charge' Military Hospital Offi~er in ch~~gemi1itary Ho~pital, Kasr-el Nil Oompany Officer Sanitary Officer, Aldershot Army Oorps ' Sanitary Offi;, Western Command,b_, Officer in charge Military HospitaL ' h.- Offid~r in M~dical ct'arge. 'Sanitary Officer, Northern A,rea, Eastern Command Sani tary Oftl.;, Northern Command Adjutant Glasgow Ooy;, R.A.M.C. (Volunteers) In 9harge Glln Oarriage Factory:, and District Laboratory Officer in 9harge Casualty Hospi tal and RtlUrUiting Officer incharge Military Hospital 'Eastern Commd., England. Egyptian Sanitary Department Valetta, Malta London Chatham London Goodwin; T. H. J.. 0., ' Woolwich D.S.O. Greig, FJJ:.., Algers'!:ot Dep6t Hickson, S.', M.B. (Brevet. WOOIWICh.. Lieutenant-Colonel) Hearn, M. L.... N. China.. Sanitary Officer and in charge Laboratpry In 'charge ' Wellington Barracks and Oompany Officer Oasualty Hospital.. k.b; Adjutant London Coy., R.A.M.O.' k.,(volunteeu's) Officer in charge Cadet. Hospital, Royal Military Academy. 2nd i'nconi.lllaifd and 'Instructor' In charge Surgical Division, Royal Herbert Hospital Senior Medical Officer

11 Hall, R. H., M.D. Hanley, R. G., M.B.., Har-ris, F. W. H. D. Hall, F. W. G., M.B. Hay-man; S. J. W. Henness) D., M.D. Hall, R. J. D... Hosie, A., M.B. Holyoake, R. Hayes, J; P. &. HOITocks, W. H., M.B... Hale, O. H., D.KO... Hinde, A.B. Hore, H. I;?t. G; S. Holt, M.P.C., D.S.O... Hassard, E. M. HalIaran, W., M.B. Healey, 0; W. R;. Hardy, F. W., M.B. Healy, O.,J., M.B. Hardy, W;E..' Hennessy, J., M.B. Hinge, H. A. Hodgens, C. 0'0... Innis, B. J. Jones, F.W. O.,M.B. J osling, O. L. '. Julian, O. R;~A;;C.lVr:G;; ; Jackson, R. W.. H., M;B. Jeriitings, J. W.., D.S.O.. Jameson; ;Y O.M.B. Jolinson, H;P. Jon~, T.r M.B. Kearney, J., M; D. Kennedy,...A..,.. Knaggs, H. T., M.B: Kelly, J.. F. M., IVLB. Keble, A.E?O. ' Lane, C A., M.B: Lavie, T;Ct..., Le Quesne, F. S., V.C. Leishman, W. B., M.B... Lu:ther, A. J.. Lenehan,T. J., 'M.B. Lawson, O.B., M.B. Lewis, R. C. Longhurst, B. W.. Melville, O. H.,, M.B. Mills, B. L., M.D. Cork Rawalpindi, Bodmin: Barrackpore, Athlone Holywood. London Colchester.. Dover Gibraltar, Rangoon, Birr Jamaica Ferozepore, Cairo, Egypt Colombo, Ceylon. Shorncliffe.: Aden 11 Up Park Camp, Jamaica Lucknow; Nasirabad,. :. Hong Kong,' S. China Certifi. Oompany Officer, Anresthetist,. and in charge of Recruiting Offi~er in charge Military Hospital.:Officer in charge Military Hospit~ Sanitary Officer, Southern Area, Eastern Oommand Company Officer.. Sanitary Officer Officer in {jharge Military Hospital at Up Park Oamp In oharge Cantonment Hospital Sanitary Officer Officer in cha]:'ge Military Hospital Officer Comdg. B Company, Depot, R.A.M.C. Officerincharge Military Hospital Officer in charge Military Hos'p'ital,' Viiitoria.Cha-tham.~;>.. Anresthetist b'., r. Oork Sanitary: Officer.. o. Royal 'Arsenal, Woolwieh Bareilly,,... Woolwich : Adjut,ant W 001 wich Ooy.,.Bo. A. M. O., {Volunteers). W-rexham Officer in ch!\rge Military Hospital _, Poona, In<l\a Uublin.. In oharge Staff and Depts., North. Returning to England,... tour exph:ed :,Chatham,. Trincomali,: Oeylon 'Bella:!:Y; Inflia LiJcknow;.. London '.: Delhi,... Middleburg, C. C.,S. Africa Valetta, Malta Ranikhet, ~ Cyprus ';,... Wellington;. PO.Qna,.. Moir, J., M.B. Landguard.. Macponald,C,J., M.D.. : FElXmoy:;,'~:'-:: Mathias, H.,B,,;,,:D.S.0: Campbel}pgr~, In cliarge Military Families:Hosp. h.. Officer in chac~ge Military Hospital :R.A.M: College Offioerin cha,!'ge Military Hospital Company Officer.... '..' Bacteriologi t. and Anffisthetist, In charge Cantonment Hospital,. Staff Surgeon and Civil Surge.on' Sanitary Officer Madras Oommand Staff,Officer, Army Bearer Corps,. Western Oommand Officer inchaige Military Hospital AIlffisthetist and in charge Officers; -Women and Children c,.offt{)sr in charge Military Ho~pital 'and Cantonment Hospital.. j. d.

12 Marder, E. S. Marks, G. F. H., M.D. Morgan, F. J. McCulloch, T., M.B. Macdonald, S., M.B. Morgan, J. O. Mould, W. T. McLoughlin, G. S., M.B., D.S.O. Mawhinny, R. J. W. McDowall, F. MacCarthy, I. A. O. Mason, H. D. Morphew, E. M. Mitchell, L. A., M.B. Martin, O. B., M.B. McNaught, J. G., M.D... McDarmott, T., M.B. More, L. P., M.B. Moore, G.. A., M.D. Marder, N. Meek, J., M.D. Morris, A. E., M.D. Mansfield, G. S., M.B. Mangin, F. M. Molesworth, R. E.. Macleod, R. L. R., M. B. Maturin, B. A. NicoUs, J. M. Nash, L. T. M; Newland, F. R., M.B. O'Hanoran, M., M.D. O'Donnan, ;f. J., M.B. O'Oallaghali., D. M. O'Reilly, H. W. H., M.B. Penton, R. H. D.S.O.. Poole, W. C., M.B. Pocock, H. J. Paterson, J., M.B. Peeke, H. S. Parry, H. J M.B.,D.S.O. Powell, E. E. Pearse, A... Porter, F. J. W., D.S.O. Pilcher, E. M., M.. D., D.S.O. ponock, O. E. Powell, S., M.B. Power, R. I. Philson, S. C. Pinches, W. H. Rowan, H. D., M.B. Russell, J. J., M.B. Raymond, G., M.B. Reily, A. Y., M.B. Ritohie, J., M.B. Canterbury Sita pur, Ambala, War Office, London Woolwich Calcutta, Fatehgar, 12 SiElrra Leone, W. Africa.. / Multan, Peshawar, Kilkenny Allahabad,.. and Cantonment Hospital In charge Cantonment Hospital Headquarter Staff.. In charge District Laboratory and Gun Carriage Factory, Mount Auriol Staff Surgeon Returning to England, tour expired J ubbulpore, Officer in cho.rgeoantonment Hosp. N etley Assistant Secretary and Registrar Edinburgh Sanitary Officer Calcutta, Bareilly, Warley.... Tower of London.. Woolwich Rochester Row, London.. Jamaica Ranikhet, Woolwich Forrest, :Malta Portsmouth Hyderabad,.. Harrismith, S. Africa Leeds Bedford Wynberg, S. Africa Southern Comd., England Baugor, Aldershot. Watford, Bermuda Aldershot Aldershot GibraHar Welsh and Mid. Oommand Ceilchester. Royal Arsenal, Woolwich Malta Aldershot Ballincollig Roorkee,.Shorncliffe.. Mian Mir, Rawalpindi, Bangalore, Maymyo, Tanglin, S.Setts... Sanitary Officer Officer in charge Miiitary Hospital Anresthetist and Company Officer anil Cantonment Hospital In charge 4th Brigade.... and Army Medical Stores Company Officer No. 1 Company Officer. Comdg. A Oompany, Dep6t, R.A.M.O. In ' charge Moorish Oastle and Poca Roca Sanitary Officer Officer in charge Louise Margaret Hospital ' In charge Recruiting Staff Surgeon In charge Distriot Laboratory Offioer in oharge Military Hospital Certifi k. g. k. e.o.

13 Rawnsley, G. T. Reilly, O. W. ' Robinson, 0: L. Read, H. W. K. Rivers, J. H. Sexton, M. J., M.D. Starr, W. H. Sutton, A. A., D.S.O. Saw, F. A., M.D. Squire, W. P. Salvage, J. V., M.D. Saunders, D. M., M.D. Scott, G., M.B. Scott, B. H. Stiell, D., M.D. Salmon, L. E. A... Stone, C. A., M.D. Smith, F., D.S.O. Smithson, A. E., M.B. Shanahan, D. D... Samman, O. T. Stalkartt, C. E. G., M.D. Stanistreet, G. B., M. B... Spencer, O. G., M.B. Stalkartt, H. A., M.B. Slayter, E. W., M.B. Symons, F. A., M.B. Swan, W. T., M.B. Shine, J. M. F., M.D. Sparkes, O. S. Tatham, O. J. W... Trotter, W. J. Thurston, H. C., O.M.G... Thacker, R. O. Thomson, J., M.B. Tate, G. W., M.B. Tyacke, N. Thurston, H. S. Tyrrell, A. F. Thompson, A. G., M.B... Taylor, W. J., M.B. Wills, S. R. Wilson, J. B., M.D. Will, J., M.B. Wtight, R. W. Whitty, M. J.,M.D. Portsmouth Gibraltar 13 Attached Egyptian Army Muttra, Dover Secunderbad, Chatham Tidworth Multan, Rawalpindi, Thayetmyo, Southern Command, England Dover Middleburg, 0.0., S. Africa Tipperary.. Jamaica St. Helena.. Oairo, Egypt Curragh Railana, Naini Tal, Jubbulpore, Jullundur,.. Rowloon, Hong Kong Devonport.. Citta Vecchia, Malta War Office, London Jhansi, Edinburgh Barberton, S. Africa Jutogh, N. China Gibraltar Neemuch, Pietermaritzburg, S. Africa Oairo, Egypt (Seoonded Colonial Govt.) Portsmouth Cahir Certlft In charge Effective Troops, Arbor Hill In charge Windmill Hill, Buena, Vista and Military Prison Officer in charge Section Hospital, Dover Oastle Sanitary Officer, Eastern Area, Southern Command Assistant to Principal Medical Officer, Irish Oommand Sanitary Officer, Northern Command In charge Officers, Women and Ohildren Anrethetist, Newcastle, Women and Children, and Senior Medical Officer ' Oompany Officer.. Operating Surgeon. _ and in charge Headquarter Staff and Establishment Sanitary Officer, Western Area, Western Command Officer in charge Sanatorium Headquarter Staff.., and Cantonment Hospital In Medical charge, Statiou Staff, and Agency Surgeon Officedu Charge Military Hospital and Senior Med. Officer, Natal Officer in oharge Abbassiyeh Company Officer. :.. '.. o. P. n. j. o.

14 St.ation. Certifi. cater in. Windle, B.J., M.B. In charge Staff and Depts.,'South Watson, J.J., M.D:, C:I.E.St. George's, 'Bermuda Whaite, T. Du B., M.B..:. Gibraltar.. Watson, A. O;C., M;B... Aberdeen.. Officer in!lhlirge Military H~'Sirlt~l : Wade, G. A., M.D. Dorchester Weir, J. C., M.B:.. London Wright, A..... Ealifax; N.S. Winter, H. E. Way, L. Meerut, WiIliams, E. McK. Guildford.. Wliitestone, C. W. H., M.B. Eastern Corn.,. England Wade.Brown, F. J... Gosport.. Withers,S. H., M.B. Benares, Officer in charge Milital'j Hospital. ~'-,;: Yarr, M. T.. Staff of Governor of Bombay. Young, C. A. Enniskilleu Ashe, F. Ady6':Curran, S.M. Anderson,H;,S:':.. Adye-Curran.W~~J.P. Argles, R L. Adderley, :.LC. Aylen, E..V..... c Archer, S. A. Addams-WiIliams, L. Archer, G. J. S., M.B. Bransbury, H. A... Black, R. B.., M.B. Barbour,J. K., M;B. Bostock, J. S., M_B. :. Beatty, M. C., M.B. Brodribb, E. 'Barrow, H.'J?W::. Brakenridge, F. J.. Blackwell, W. R... Butler, S. G. Bond, J. H. R Babington; M. H. Buist, JamesM:, M.B. Biggam, T., M.B:.. Baker, W. L. Bennett, W., M.B. Bal'tlett, B. S. Bennett,E. Brown, R. T., M.D;. CAPTAINS. Returning to. England,... tour expired St. Lucia, W.I. L'Olldon. 'Bulford., ~. Secunderabad, Wei.nai Wei, N. China Belfast. Sanit~ry offi~er Lo';don Di~trict~ ~:.. Officer in charge Military Hospita;l - In charge Officers, '~.,_ Q,hildreri at~vigie -: ~-,~ R.A;M.College..... Standerton, S. Africa Sauitary Officer and.,'\noosthetist,. Retl!rning to England, tour expired... _ Kandia, Crete. ~ Attached Egyptian Army Haliiax,N.S..Mti.l.ta;:~.. Mhow, Gibraltar'... Ambala, ~ attached Egyptian Army RA.M. College. F.ort Tregantle Returning. to. tour exp1ted Transvaal,..8: Africa Poona; Meiktila, Lucknow, Delhi, Bloemfontein, S. Africa.. Luckiiow~... Bennett, W. L., M~B. Julluridur,.Illdia:.. Burke, R B. ~ :.: : Ra\vaIpindi, Baillie, G., M.B... Quetta, lti.dia Bodington, P. J., M.B.... London District... Branskill,J. H., M.B... ' lbllia... Bateman,J3:. B:.. M... ~.:.,Yaletta,: ~rta Sanitary Charge, Citadel.. In charge Troops, St. Francis.. Barracks.. In charge.district Laboiatory... ; Office! in c~a_rgemilitary Hosllital England,... Staff Surgeon, in charge~district Laboratory ;:-.... ::.h. h. ~..'. -, ~':7i;.

15 Barnett, K. B., M.B. Boyle, M., M.B.., Buist, John M., M.B. Blackham, R. J. Bliss, E. W. BirrreH, E. T. F., M.B. Bowen, A.~ W. No., Browne-Mason, H.O. B. Berne,~J. G. Bourke, E. A. Clark, E. S., M.B. Cameron, K. M., M.B. Campbell, J. H., D.S.O... Cocbrane, E. W. W., M.B. Clement~, R. W., M.B... StaLion. 15 N. Cbina Shwebo, Pretoria, S. Africa Bulford Sierra Leone, W. Africa.. Eawalpindi, Woolwicb.. Returning to Engla.nd, tour expired Purandhar,.. Londonderry Peshawar, Ambala, Colchester.. West Africa Mancbester Corkery, M. P. Meerut, Clarke, T. H. M., M.B., Colchester.. C.M.G.,D.S.O. Cummins, S. L.; M.B. Carron, F. F., M.B. Carter, G.B., M.B. Cowan, J., M.B... Curme, D. E. Tbayetmyo, Cunningbam, R. A., M.B. Returning to Chopping,A. Crawford, V. J. Connoily,E. P; Crean, T. J., V.C.. 0 Cumming,C.~C., M.B... Carylon, A. F. Cato, C. S... Croly, W. C. Cotton, F. W. Carro11, G... Churton, J. G. Cuthbert, J. M., M.B, Citrr, C. H., M.D. Crosthwait, W. S... Oautley, J. B. Oballis, O... Oowie, R. V.~ Conway, J. Clarke, J. B., M.B. Cotterill; L. Collirigwood, P. H. Crisp, G. 13. Craig, B. A. Dansey-Browning, G. Delap, G. G., D.S.O. Douglas, H. E. M., V.C., D;S.O. Dorgan, J., M.B.. Dinnis, B.R., M.D. Douglass, P. C. Duffey, A. C., M.D. Davidson, H. A., M.B. Davis, W... Attached Egyptian Army Devonport Madras, tour expired Windsor.. Cork England, Peshawar ~.. Southern Command, England Chester Secunderahad, N owshera,.. Sitapur, - Nowgong,.. Agra, ~ Hyderabad, Calicut, Roorkee, Malta Banga16re,.. Lucknow,.. Meerut, Secunderabad, Ashton-under-Lyne Hong Kong, S. China Attached Egyptian Army Returning to ~~ tour expired Mian Mix,.. England, Poona, Secunderabad, Mhow, Pretoria, S. Africa St. Thomas's Mount, Meerut, at Mahanta ~ Personal Assistant to Prhicipal Med. Offi., NOl:tbernCommand In cbarge Military Families Hosp. Adjutant Manchester ~ Oompanies R.A.M.C. (Volunteers) Staff Surgeon In charge Women and Children.. t~ In charge District Laboratory In charge H. S. Meeanee.. In charge Cantonment Hospital.. In charge District Laborator,y.... CertifIcates in. m. o. C.' h. j. g. f. f. j. h. c. o. j. h.

16 > Khandalla, Ellery, E. E. Name. Elsner, O. W. A... Ensor, H., M.B., D.S.O. Evans, O. R... Ellery, R. F. Evans, P., M.B... Fell, M. H. G. Falkner, P. H. Foster, J. G., M.B. Ford, E. G., M.B. Fawcns, H. B., M.B. Fielding, T. E., M.B. Furnivall, O. H... Fitzgerald, Fitz G. G. Fry, W. B. Fleming, C. Eo, M.B. Fawcett, R. F. M. Falkner, M. W... Foulds, M. F. Ffrench, E. G., M.B. French, H. C. Fleury, C. M. Fox, A. C... Fairrie, S. H. Forrest, J. V., M.B. Fuhr, R. S. H., D.S.O.. Gallie, J. S. Gill, J. G... Goddard, G. H. Goldsmith, G. M., M.B.. Greenwood, A. R. Goodwin, W. R P. Gibson, A. W. Green, S. F. St. D. Grattan, H. W... Gunter, F. E., M.B. Grech, J... Gwynn, W. P. Hewetson, H. Hudleston, W. E. Hopkins, C. H. Hall, S Heffernan, F. J. C. Herrick, H. Hewitt, E. P. Houghton, J. W. H., M.B. Harvey, D., M.B... Humphrey. L. Harrison, L. W., M.B. Harvey, F... Hime, H. C. R, M.B. Hartigan, J. A., M.B. 16 Returning to England, tour expired RA.M. Oollege Attached Egyptian Army.. Allahabad,.. Port Louis, Mauritius Malta Gibraltar.. Jamaica Quetta, Ourragh Rawalpindi, St. Lucia, W.I. Halifax, N.S. Muttra, Saugor, Jamaica Cyprus Malta Shorncliffe Tower Hill, W. Africa Murree, Bordon Bloemfontein Secunderabad. Rawalpindi. Deolali. Prospect, Bermuda Sierra Leone, W. Africa.. Dinapore, Devonport.. Dover Kamptee. Bombay, Madras, York St. George's, Bermuda Sialkot, Peshawar, ApPOintment. Certifi. Oompany Officer, No. 2 Company f. j. Anresthetist In charge troops, Fort Ricasoli.. In charge District Laboratory Amesthetist, OompanyOfficer. and Instructor In charge Officers, Women and Children at the Morne Sanitary Charge, Wellington and Glacis Barracks In charge Officers, Women and Children. Military Prison, and A. M. Stores e. o. h. Officer in charge Military Families h. Hospital, and Anresthetist Officer in Charge Headqr. Staff.. Officer in charge Detention Hosp. In charge Female Hospital and Military Prison Offi. in charge Cantonment Hosp. In charge Staff and Departments, h. Officers, Women, and Children Sanitary Officer c. in Skiagraphy for East- o. ern Command Company Officer a. h. f. f. h. Company Officer In charge Staff and Departments, Officers, Women and Children

17 Hyde, D. 0., M.B. Hamerton, A. E., D.S.O. Houghton, G. J... Henderson, P. H., M.B... Hardy, F. H. Hunt, R. N., M.B. Howley, H. E. J. A. Hull, A. J... Harding, D. L. Hodgson, J. E. Hyde, P. G., llb. Harrison, W.'S., M.B. Howell, H. A. L... Hayes, E. O. Hooper, A. W., D.S.O. Harvey, W. J. S... Irvine, F. S., M.B. Irwin, A. W. A... Inkson, E. T., V.O. Jameson, A. D.... Johnson, J. T., M.D. Jones, J. L. Knox, E. B., M.D. Kennedy, J. 0., M.B. Kiddle. F., M.B... Lawson, D. Lowsley, M. M... Lupton, A. C., M.D. Lauder, T. C., M.B. Leake, J. W. Lloyd, L. N., D.S.O. Lauder, F;P. Lelean, P; S. L'Estrange, E. F. Q. Lambelle, F. W., M.B. Lloyd, R. H. Langstaff, J. W. Mainprise, O. W... Morris, J. 1. W... MacKenzie, T. C., D.S.O. Morton, H. M., M.B. 17 Karachi, Ferozepore,.. Calcutta, Ahmednagar, Alton Secunderabad,.Warwick Oamp, Bermuda Jhansi, Secunderabad, Calcutta, Bareilly, Chatham.. Rochester Row, London.. Poona, Hong Kong, S. Ohina Barbados.. Malta Hong Kong, S. China Colombo, Ceylon.. Simla, Valetta, Malta Ahmednagar, Portsmouth York Watford, Bermuda Winchester Ootocamund, Aldershot Hong Kong, 'S. China Welsh and Midland Command Huh;ne, Manchester Tidworth Rochester Row, London Staff Surgeon In charge Cantonment Hospital.. In charge Troops In charge Oantonment Hospital.. Company Officer In charge Women and Ohildren.. In charge Lyemun Forts.. In charge Officers and their Families Secretary, Principal Medical Officer, Mediterranean Fever Oommission Anresthetist.. Personal Asst. to Principal Medical Officer, Secunderabad Oommand In charge Women and Ohildren, Marlboro' Lines,.. In charge Female Hosp., Victoria_ Returning to England, tour expired Matthews, J. Deepcut' Officer in charge McLoughlin, W. M. Middelburg, Transvaal MacLaughlin, A. M., M.B. Belfast Merry, F. H., M.B. Harrismith, S. Africa Martin, J. F., M.B. Attock, McDonnell, E., M. B. Maymyo, McLennan, F., M.B. Murphy, J. P. J., M.B. Myles, C. D., M.B. Mason, S. A. Mitchell, A. H. McN. McGregor, H. J., M.B. McMunn, A. Lucknow,.. N owshera,.. Jhansi, Middleburg, Cape Colony, S. Africa Oawnpore,, Woolwich '.. Ambala, Sanitary Officer and 2/10 Gurkha Rifles and Staff Surgeoncy Sanitary Officer Staff Surgeon, Special Health Officer Oertlll_ c. f. k. k. b.. b;

18 'Mc'Munn, J. R. Master, A. E., M.B. MUner, A. E. Morgan; C. K. Maurice, G. T: K. Morris, A. H: MacDougall,A.J., l\'lb.,. Marriott,E:W;-P. V... McKessack, P., M.B. Pretoria, S. Africa Cottonera, Malta.. Ootacamund, Cairo, Egypt Ohatham.. Piershill Pembroke Dock Plymouth M;cCarthy, J., MeD., M.B. 'Chester Martin, H. G..... Ballincollig Macpherson,J. D. G.,M.B. Portsmouth Norman, H. H... Nicholls, H. M., M:B... Cork Nickerson, W.H. S., V.C., l\lb. Nickerson, G. S., M.B. Attached Egyptian Army, Norrington, H. L. W. Returning to England,' tour expired O'Plaher~y, A:'R..,, how, Ormsby, G. J: ~., M.D.., O'Reilly,,P. S.,, Quetpa, OdIum, W. H. Nasirabad,.. O'Donog4ue~I\ J. F. O'Grady,'S. de C., M.B... Belgami:J. Limerick-.. O'Gorman, C. J., D.S.O... ]?,rynne, H. V: R.A. M. Oollege Woolwich.. Profeit, C. W:, M.B.. Perry, S. J. C. P... Probyn, P. J., D.S.O. Phillips, R. E. G. Poe, J,:; M;B. Penny, F. S., Parker, 'L. E. L. Packer, H. D. PalmElr, Jf. J. Presoott, J. J. W., D.S.O. Parry, F.M;, M.I!. Powell, J., M.B... Furser, L. M., M.B. Popham, R. L. Power, W. M. Pinches, H. G... Parsons, A. R. C... Powell, E. W; Parkes; E., E., M.B. Palmer, H. K. Potter, T. J. Riddiclr, G.,B. ', Rattray,M: MacG. ;M.B.' Ross, N. H., M.B., Rutherford, N. J. C., M.B. Richards, F: G. Roch,' H. S. Robinson, J. H. Ronayne, C. R. h, M.B. Riach, W., M.D;.. ~yan, E... Roche, J. V; Dagshai, Wil,berforce, W. Africa R.A:M. College R.A.M., College Newbridge.., Luckno Cork, Devonport.. Aden Rawalpindi, Diyatalawa, Oeylon Victoria, B.C., Poona, Lucknow,, Ghain'Tufficha, Malta Cork Gibraltar.. FerIl).oy Poona,, Bombay, Oanterbury Oal?~ Town, S. Africa Rawalpindi, Calcutta, Alexandria, Egypt Cottonera, Malta.. Fyzabad,, '. Company Officer Offig. Staff Offi. to Madras Divi, sion of the Army Bearer Corps Skiagraphist, Officer,iIt charge Women and -'Childrep~ Consulting Surgeon R.M. Ry. Company Officer...In charge Station Staff, In charge Cantonment Hospital:. Certificates in. J.,' g:'- o. 0; m.' 'c. c:' '0;, a. h. h: Ophthahnologist, Royal Herbert.k: Hospital' g: o ' *. -':.'. In charge Recruiting In charge Detention Hospital, - and Embarking Medical Officer,-',:,:, In charge Cantonment Hospital.. '

19 R6wan Robinson, F. E., M.B. Ritchie, T. F., M.B. Rogers, H., M.B..., Scott, A. L. Sloan, J. M., M.B., D.S.O. Scarlett, W. W.,..,, Simson, H. Seeds, A. A., IVLD. Siberry, E. W.,.. Smith; d.s., M. B. Safiord, A. H. '-,.. Sew-ell,K'P.; M.B; Straton, O. H. Stevenson, T H., M.B. Spiller~VV~M., f., l'lb... Shea, H; F.-, M.B... Stephens, F. A. Steele, W. L. Sparkes, W. M. R, Smith, S.B., M.R Silver, J. P., M.B. SWeetnam, S. W... Steel, E. R, M.B. Skinner, R. McK. Sheehan, G. F. Scott, H. H., M.B. Sampey, A. W. Staddon, H. E... Smith, L. F., M.B. Statham, J. O. B. Swabey, M. Stammers, G. E. F, Stallard, H. G. F. Selby, R., M.B... Tibbits, W., M.B. Thom, G. St. 0., M.B. Thorp, A. E.. Taylor, H. S. Tobin,J... Thorpe, L. L. G.. Thomson, O. G...:' Unwin, T. B., M.B., Aden 19 In charge District Laboratory Ferozepore,. Staff-Surgeon Mian Mir,.... Pretoria, South Africa In charge Troops, Artillery Bks. Bdinburgh,.' Oompany Officer Returning to England, tour expired Pretoria, South Africa.. Anresthetist.. Harrismith, South Africa In charge Prison and Nat'ive, Hospital, Oompany Officer and,. Alioosthetist Returning to England, tour expired Woolwich '.., Ranikhet, Dalhousie;' LandCiur, Ryzabad, Allanabad', 'Tidworth. 'Gibraltar...Lucknow,, Amritsar, Multin, Barbados'.. Oolchester.. Aldershot Mount Auriol, W. Africa,.c ' N ewcastle-on-tyne Curepipe, Mauritius Attached Egyptian Army Woolwich..,Barrackpore, R.A.M. Oollege.. Tower Hill, W. Africa Indore,, Aden:.,. '.. CeyIon V~ughan-Wiiliams, H. Wo,'. O.R. Oolony, S. Africa M.B. Walton, H. B. G, Winkfield, W., B... Wroughton, A. O. B. Woodside, W. A... Webb, A. L. A. Winslow, L. F. F. Wood, L... Wingate, B. F. Staff Surgeon Anoostlietist In charge 'Officers, Staff, and Departments Officer Oomdg. 0 Oompany, Dep6t, R.A.M.O. Gibraltar ' In charge Grand Casemates Bks.. Blakan Mati, S. Setts. Pietermaritzburg, S.Africa Company Officer and Anresthetist W. Africa ~.:.. ::--- --;'.. ' :: Vocoas, Mauritius In charge 'Effective European Troops and in charge Detention Hospital, -. R.A,M. College. Mandalay, R.A.M. Oollege Kirkee, Gibraltar. Rawalpindi,, Bacteriologist In charge Effective 'l'roops and. Hosp~ for Women and Children In charge Cantonment Hospital.. Adjutant Dep6t, R.A.M.O.. In charge Effective Troops, Women. a.nd ~ChiIdren... 0' Officer.iri charge Military Hospital No. 16/B B.F. Hospital, Dtliala-:-. In charge W.. 1. Regiment and Military Prison In charge 'Cantonment Hospital' In charge Europa Barracks.' Certifi charge. Military Hos- pitaii{3;ndy,.. n..,.'-r f.' b: c.. m~c

20 Waring, A. D., lylb. Weston, A. F. Waters, W. J. Whelan, J. F., M.B. West, J. W., M.B. White, T... Worthington, E.S. Wills, A. J. W... Woodley, R. N... Winder, J. H. R., M.D... Wilson, R. C. Williamson,A. J., M.B... Williams, E. M... Waring, A. H. Ward, W.A. Wanhill, C. F. Watts, B... Weld, A. E. Walker, F. S. Young, A. H. O. Ainsworth, R. B... Ahern, D... Arthur, A. S.. M.B. Anderso:n, R. G... Ahern, M. D... Balck, C. A. J. A., M.B. Bagshawe. H. V... Browne, W. W... Bell, J. G., M.B... Bridges, R H. Brown, G. H. J., M.B. Bramhall, C. Bradley, C. R. Bousfield, L., M.B. Bowle, S. C. Byan, W... Beadnell, H. O. M. Buchanan, R. J. B. Booth, E. B., M.B. Crossley, H. J. Clarke, F. A. H. Conway, J. M. H. Coates, T. S., M.B. Carmichael, J. C. G., M.B. Carmichael, D. G., M.B. Crawford, J. M. M. Collins, R. T. Cathcart, G. E Jubbulpore, Rawalpindi,.. Chakrata,.. Peshawar,.. Bloemfontein, S. Africa.. Fort Ohambray, Gozo, Malta Agra, Poonamallee, Cottonera, Malta.. Malta Cairo, Egypt Quetta, Valetta, Malta Gosport Bangalore,.. Prospect, l'\ermuda York Devonport.. Fort Lahore, Secunderabad, Karachi, Peshawar,.. Ferozepore, Ambala, Rangoon,.. Wellington, Bangalore,.. Bangalore,.. Maymyo, Aden Kamptee, Curragh R.A. M. College RA.M. College Wellington, Chakrata, LIEUTENANTS. Ambala, Colaba, St. Thomas's Mount, Rangoon,., Mian Mir,.. Rawalpindi, In charge women and children, Verdala DIstrict Cfficer in charge troops, Tigne, Manoel and Sliema Districts Anresthetist, and in charge Mena Camp In charge Staff anddepts., Female Hospital, and Company Officer In charge Fort Rowner.. Sanitary Officer In charge Staff and Departments O'n probation Cn probation In charge Military Prison In ch~;ge Oantonment Hospital and Staff Surgeon Staff Surgeon and in charge Can. tonment Hospital In charge District Laboratory Oertifi cates In. h. o. h. c. h.

21 Oonnell, H. B. Oahill, R J., M.B. Campbell, J., M.B. Carter, H. St. M., M.D... Peshawar, Curragh 21 Egypt Curragh Aldershot Pretoria, South Africa Uganda, East Africa Seconded with Foreign Offioe Cordner, R. H. L. Churohill, G. B. F. RA.M. College Davidson, P., M.B., D.S.O. Rawalpindi, Dawson, F. W. W., M.B. Middleburg, C.C., S. Afrioa Dunbar, B. H. V. Poona, Duguid, J. H., M.B. Tanglin, S. Setts... Dudding, T. S. Bloemfontein, S. Afrioa.. Dunkerton, N. E. Douglass, J. H., M.D. Dwyer, P... Davy, P. C. T. Aldershot Doig, K. A. C. Bordon In oharge Troops Ellis, W. F. Multan, Franklin, R J. Benares, Fawoett, H. H. J. Mooi River, South Afrioa Fairbairn, J., M.B. Foster, R. L. V., M.B. Fraser, A. N., M.B. Frost, A. T. Gatt, J. E. H., M.D. Gray, A. C. H., M.B. Glanvill, E. M., M.B. Grant, M. F. Garland, F. J., M.B. Gater, A. W. Gibbon, T. H., M.D. Harding, N. E.J., M.B... Holden, C. W. Harty, T. E. Hughes, G. W. G. Harvey, N. D'E., M.B. Hanafin, P. J. Hildreth, H. C. Hole, R. B., M.B. Harding, H., M.B. Hayes, G. S. C. Hills, W. H. Humfrey, R. E. Harvey, G. A. D... Holbrooke, C. D. M. Hallowes, R. C., M.B. Hoa.r, J. E. Hayes,A. H. Heron, G. W. levers, 0.; M.B. Johnstone, D. P. Jones, P.A. Kelly, W.D. C., M.B. Kelly, H. B., M;B. Kempthorne, G. A. Longley, J. A., M.B. Le Bas, D. Lewis, R R. Luoas, T. C. Long, H. W., M.B. Lambert, F. C... Lewis, S. E., M.B. Standerton, South Afrioa. Woolwioh.. R. A. M. College Shwebo, Offioer in oharge Military Hospital, Sanitary Offioer and Anresthetist Seoonded with Foreign Office On pro ha tion Returning to England, tour expired Meerut, Attaohed Egyptian Army Wynberg, S. Africa Pretoria, S. Africa Karaohi, Curragh RA.M. College Curragh RA.M. College Peshawar, St. Helena.. Bangalore,... Sialkot, Malapuram, Woolwioh.. Bloemfontein, S. Africa.. J ullundur,... Pretoria, S. Afrioa Pretoria, S. Africa Offioer in oharge Military Hospital In oharge Women and Children, Stanhope Lines Staff Surgeon Certifi

22 Luxmoore, E. J. R. Lynoh, J. P. Low,N. Lithgow, E. G. R. MoKenzie, J., M.B. Meadows, S. M. W. Meldon, J. B. MacNico~, R. H., M.B. l\'[centire, J. T., M.B. Mackay, G. S., M.B. MacDowell, W. MacD. Moore, E. H. M... Meaden, A. A. Mackenzie, J. F. C., M.B. M;aydon, W. G., M.B. Millar, C. R. McNeight, A. A., M.B. Maughan, J. St. A. Meredith, R. G., M.B. Noke, F. H. Neaior, W. S; Nash, R. P. Ommanney, F. M. M. Osburn, A. C. Ormrod, G., M.B. Otway, A. L., M.B. O'Brien, C. W. Pennefather, E. M. Patch, B. G. Powell, J. E. Paton, D. D., M.D. Pascoe, J. S. Pallant, S. L. Power, P., M.B. Painton, G. R. Parsons, W. Reed, G. A. K. R. Rutherford, R, M.B. Rivers, W. C. Ranking, R. M.. Richmond, J. D., M.B... Rugg, G. F. Ryley, C.. Russell, H. W., M.B. Rahilly, if. M. B., M.B... Richard, G. H. Roberts, F. E. Smallman, A. B., M.B... Storrs, R.. Seocombe, J. W. S. Skelton,.D. S. Stanley, C. V. B., M.D... Swanzey, H. H. Skey, J. F. Stack, H. T., M.B. Sinclair,. M., M.B. Sidgwick, H. C., M.B.. W.. F., M.B., Tyndale, C.M.G. Tulloch, F. M. G. Tabuteau, G. G Woolwich Aldershot Calcutta, Mian Mir, Wellington, Secunderabad, Bloemfontein, S. Africa.. Pretoria, S. Africa Mhow, Middelburg, Transvaal Mhow, Bordon R.A. M.. College Curragh Secunderabad, Ambala, RA.M. College Jubbulpore, Deepcut Jhansi, Deolali, Kamptee, Hong Kong, S. China. Qnetta,. Attached Egyptian Army Curragh Lebong, Ambala, Trincomali, Ceylon Cawnpore,.. Middelburg, Transvaal Luoknow,. Aldershot. Ewshott Camp.Allahabad,... In charge Cordite Factory Seoond~d with Foreign Office ;.... In charge Women and Children., Staff Surgeon, in charge Departmentli.l Followers' Hospital and Harness Factory Officer in charge Staff Snrgeon, and in charge District Laboratory Seconded with Foreign. OfficE\... SPe<'ia.ijst Certificates in.

23 Turner, F. J. Thompson, R. J.. C. Thomson, D. S. B., M.B. Thomson, C. P., M.D. Turner, C. H. Turnbull, J. A. Thurston, L. V. Vaughan, W. F. H. Walker, N. D.,M.B. Webb, H. G. S. Winder, M. G. Wood, A. E. B., M.B. Webster, J. A. W. Wilmot, R. C.... Watsoll, D. P., M.B. Wetherell, M. C., M.B. Whitehead, E. C., M.B... Wiley, W., M.B. Wright,T. J. Wilson, H. T. Willckworth, H. C. Wallace, G. S., M.B. Rank. Surg. Lieutenant-Colonel Surgeon-Major Surg~on-C~ptain,., St... tlon. 23 Colaba, Aldershot., Rawalpindi, Woolwich.. Quetta, Peshawar, Potchefstroom, S. Africa Fyzabad, Secunderabad, Rangoon,.. Bangalore,.. Rawalpindi, Aldershot. In charge Cantonment Dispensary Trimulgherry & Military Prison In charge Followers'Hospital, and Staff Surgeon MEDICAL OFFICERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD CAVALRY. Name. Deeble, B. W. O. Power, J. H... Rayner, H., M.B. Cowie, R. M... Killery, St. J. B. Pares, B. Regiment. 1st Life Guards 2nd Royal Horse Guards.. 2nd Life Guards Royal Horse Guards.. 1st Life Guards MEDICAl; OFFICERS OF THE BRIGADE OF GUARDS., Regent's Park Hyde Park.. Windsor Hyde Park... Windsor. Regent's Park Certifi. Certifl Bank. Name. Regiment. Certificates in. Brig. -Surg.-Lieut.-Col... Harrison, C. E., M.B. Grenadier Guards London Surg.-Lieutenant Colonel Crooke-Lawless, W. R., Ooldstream Guards M.D. Surgeon-Maj or Bateson, J. F'., M.B... Windsor Kilkelly, a. R., M.B., Grenadier Guards Caterham a.m.g. Moores, S. G... Scots Guards Aldershot Sheldrake, E. N. Grenadier Guards London Whiston, P. H. Irish,.. Aldersh9t

24 24 QUARTERMASTERS. Dates of Date went Rank..A... Name. Present abroad Birth. Promotion to present rank. or arrived home. Major. Merritt, G S. Africa Hon. Major Beach, J. H. W London Captain Bond, T ~ Portsmouth Hon. Capt Thowless, E Woolwich Hirst, J Portsmouth Hewitt, M Curragh Goater, B Chester Lockhart, H Bere, C London Lines, E Malta Crawley, C Egypt Brake, T. F Short, J. B S. Africa Lieut... Hasell, H. G Ca.nterbury 'Dallas, D S. Africa Mathews, J Finley, A Aldershot Diggins, W. J S. Africa Alien, G. L Malta Captain Bruce, A Woolwich Hon. Capt Lieut... Macintosh, P Edinburgh Hawkey, R Woolwich Whitehorn, J. C. B Cork Painton, G. H Dep6t Brook, H. S S. Africa Spackman, H Chalk, A. J Dover Green, J Devonport Talbot, W. J. C York Moss, E. P Hong Kong Essex, B. E Colchester McClay, J Woolwich Short, G. F N. China Woolley, H Gibraltar Glennon, J Belfast Ferguson, J Southampton Hall, F. W Aldershot Morrison, A S. Africa Attwood, J Salisbury Plain Duncan, W Roberts, R. O S. Africa I Seconded with S. African Constabulary. 2 Seconded with Transvaal Medical Staff.

25 25 Dates of Date went...a. Rank. Name. Present abroad StatiOlI. Birth. Promotion to presellt rank. or arrived home. Lieut... 'Bruce, F Holway, W. G S. Africa Offord, E. P Gosport Andus, H. J. F Alton Conolly, J. B Houghton, E Scott, R Malta Wilson, A Hong Kong Glover, H. W Aldershot Exton, T Captain Crookes, F ' Devonport Hon. Capt Lieut... Cowan, R. R Dover Benson, G. A S. Africa Jacomb, T. J Chatham Wakefield, H. P S. Africa Wheeler, A DepOt Pilgrim, A. J London Lunney, A Portsmouth ]905 Clapshaw, A York Arohibald, W. N Egypt Watkins, J S. Africa Gillman, J Cope, T. F J R Army Med Corps: first published as /jramc on 1 June Downloaded from B I Speoialist Certificate in Skiagraphy. on 11 December 2018 by guest. Protected by

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