HUONG DIN oat Ong dm Cum thi dua cac tinh, thenh ph6 true thuoc rung trung va Kh6i thi dua cac BO, ban, nganh, down the Trung uong

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1 BO NOI VU CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM BAN THI DUA - KHEN THUONG DO lap - Tv* do - Hanh phile TRUNG UONG Ha NOi, ngcly 30 thàng 6!Vim 2011 HUONG DIN oat Ong dm Cum thi dua cac tinh, thenh ph6 true thuoc rung trung va Kh6i thi dua cac BO, ban, nganh, down the Trung uong Can cti Chi thi s6 39-CT/TW ngay 21 thong 5 nam 2004 cua BO Chinh tri v6 viec tiep tuc d6i mdi, ddy manh phong trao thi dua yeu nude, phat hien, b6i duōng, tong Idt va nhan dien hinh tien tien; Can ell Chi thi s6 725/CT-TTg, ngay 17 thong 5 nam 2011 dm Thu ttrong ChInh phit v6 phat dong dot thi dua thuc hien thong lqi nhiem vu phat tridn kinh t6 hoi nam 2011 va k6 hoach 5 nam ( ) theo Nghi quy6t Dai hoi Dai bleu town qu6c Ian thti XI ciia Dang; Thuc hien chit truong cua H0i clang Thi dua - Khen thtrông Trung uong ve viec thanh lap the cum, khoi thi dua de? t6 chtic car hoar d0ng nham nang cao chat lirong cac phong trao thi dua yeu nude; Ban Thi dua - Khen aiding Trung trong huong clan t6 chic hoat clong cua cac cum, kheli thi dua nhu sau: A. TO CHUC HOAT BONG, TRACH NHIEM VA CHE DO LAM VIEC CUA CAC CUM, KHOI THI DUA I. T6 chile ena Sc cum, kh6i thi dua: Cum thi dua cac tinh, thanh ph6 true thuqc trung uong co cum truong, cum ph6; Kh6i thi dua cac B0, ban, nganh, doan the trung uong co kh6i twang, kh6i pho. Cum truong, kh6i truong, cum pho, kh6i ph6 do cac don vi trong cum, kh6i bau Juan phien trong dip tong k6t nam. Cum truong, cum pho, kh6i truong, kh6i ph6 mdi, t6 chic dieu hanh hoat dong cila cum, kh6i ngay sau khi duqc Ban Thi dua Khen thurbng cac tinh, thanh ph6 true thuoc Trung uong, Vu (PhOng, Ban) Thi dua - Khen thtrang cac BO, ban, nganh, doän the Trung uong, Tap doan kinh t6 va 'Ring COng ty nha nude dm don vi lam cum twang, kh6i truong, cum pho, kh6i pho la b0 phan thuong true gitip viec cum truong, kh6i tithing, cum pho, kh6i pho. H. Trach nhiem cua Sc cum, kh6i thi dua: 1. Trach nhiem cna cum twang, kh6i tn./ong:

2 Cum truong, kh6i twang chiu trach nhiem truck H0i clang Thi dua - Khen thugng Trung uong v6 hoat d0ng cila cum, kh6i thi dua; cum trading, kh6i twang co nhiem vu: Xay dung chuong trinh, k6 hoach hoat dgng nham day manh phong trao thi dua trong cac don vi eita cum, kh6i; Can al nhiem vu chinh tri, chi tieu k6 hoach dirge Dang, Qu6c hoi, Chinh phit va HOJ Ong nhan dan tinh, thanh ph6 truc thugc trung uong giao hang nam to oh& cho cac don vi thanh vien fly dung, cu thd hod cac tieu chi thi dua, thong nhat thang didm pht hop v6i dac didm, tinh chat hoat Ong cita tong cum, kh6i, dam bão ve not dung cac tieu chi thi dua chit yett da dugc quy dinh; T6 chtic cho cac don vi thanh vien trong cum, kh6i ky k6t giao udc thi dua, td chdc ph6i hop gliva cac don vi thanh vien trong viec phat huy sire manh tong hop, khai thac th6 math cua m6i Be, nganh, dia phuong. Dinh ics7 t6 chtic hoi than dd cac don vi thanh vien trao d6i ye nghiep vu, kinh nghiem cong tac thi dua, then thuong, ban cac bien phap than g6 nhtmg kho khan, vuong mac va tuyen truydn nhan Ong cac dien hinh tien den; Chit tri binh chon suy ton va d6 nghi Thueng truc HOi d6ng Thi dua - Khen thtrong Trung uong xem xet trinh Thu tuong Chinh phi). tang Co thi dua cita Chinh phit cho cac don vi tieu Nen; d. T6 chilc so k6t 6 thang va tong kett nam. 2. Trach nhiem cita cum pho, kh6i pho: Ph6i hop v6i cum truong, kh6i trucong xay dung chuong trinh, ke hoach va t6 chuc then hanh hoax dgng dia cum, kh6i thi dua; Thay mat cum trading, kh6i truong giai guy& cong viec khi cum trading, kh6i trading uy quyen; 3. Trach nhiem cita cac don vi thanh vien trong cum, khoi thi dua: Can al nhiem vu chinh tri, chi tieu kb/ hoach dugc giao va phuong huong nhiem vu cling tac thi dua, khen thuong hang nam cita Hgi d6ng Thi dua - Khen thuenig Trung uong de xay dung not dung cac tieu chi thi dua, t6 chtic phat dgng cac phong trao thi dua, thuc hien cong tac khen thuong sat v6i tinh hinh thuc t6 cita don vi; Trien khai thuc hien cat noi dung da ky k6t giao ugc thi dua. Tham gia day did cac boat Ong cita cum, kh6i thi dua; dinh ky bao cdo 6 thang va ea nam; to cham didm thi dua cita bg, nganh, dia phuong minh theo cac not dung va tieu chi da ky k6t va girt bao cdo k6t qua cho kh6i Mktg, cum trading theo thing quy dinh. 4. Trach nhiem cita bg phan tinging truc gitlp viec cum trading, kh6i trading: 2

3 Du thão ke hoach, chuong trinh cong tac, chudn bi noi dung va cac dieu kien hoat dong cita cum, kh6i thi dua tham mut, chit tri cac hoat dong cila cum, kh6i thi dua; Ph6i hop vol Vu, PhOng,.Ban Thi dua - Khen thtrong cac don vi thanh vien trong cum, kh6i va cac chuyen mon cua Ban Thi dua - Khen thuong Trung uctng de danh gia tinh hinh phong trao thi dua va hoat dong cita cum, kh6i thi dua; tong hop didm theo he th6ng cac tidu chi thi dua cita cac don vi thanh vien; to chtic trao doi, thâo luau th6ng nhat va bao cao cum truong, kh6i twang. III Ch6 di) lam vicc va noi dung sinh hoat dm cum, kh6i thi dua: 1. TO chic so k6t 6 thang dau nam: Viec so kel 6 thang dau nam do cum trueng, cum pho, kh6i truang, kh6i ph6 chu tri. Thanh phan: Lanh dao BO, nganh, dia phuong la cum twang, kh6i truãng, cum pho, kh6i pho; Dai dien lath dao cac Vu, PhOng, Ban Thi dua - Khen thuang (d6i vol BO, ban, nganh, down thd Trung acing), Ban Thi dua - Khen thuong (d6i vol cac tinh, thanh ph6 truc thuoc Trung trong) cita cac don vi thanh vien. NOi dung: Danh gia k et qua thtrc hien cac chi tiéu thi dua da clang ky dau nam; trao doi kinh nghiem, hoc tap cac dien hinh tien tien va ban lien phap then khai nhiem vu 6 thang cu6i nam cua cum, kh6i thi dua. Thai gian hoan thanh vao thang 7 hang nam. 2. Tang k6t hoat dong ciia cum, kh6i thi dua: Viec wing k6t hoat dong cilia cum, kh6i do cum trtrong, kh6i tithing chi' tn. Thanh phan: Dai dien lanh dao cac BO, nganh, dia phuong la don vi thanh vien ciia cum, kh6i thi dua; Dai dien lank dao cac Vu, PhOng, Ban Thi dua - Khen thuong (d6i vol BO, ban, nganh, down thd Trung 'tong), Ban Thi dua - Mien thubng (d6i voi cac tinh, thanh ph6 truc thuoc Trung 'rang) cua cac don vi thanh vien. NOi dung: Danh gia kdt qua hoat dong cita cum, kh6i thi dua va cua cac don vi thanh vien trong nam, ban lien phap trien khai nhiem vu nam t6i; Binh chon, suy tein cac don vi ti'eu bidu de nghi Thu trong Chinh phi' tang Co thi dua cua Chinh phii; ky ket giao troc thi dua, bau cum tnrong, kh6i tnrang, cum pho, kh6i pho med. Then gian hoan thanh vao thang 3 nam sau. 3

4 Trong nam, khi can thiet cac cum, khei thue hien viec kim tra tir 01 den 02 don vi thanh vien de nit kinh nghiem chi ciao chung. Thuc hien the de thong tin so ket 6 thang va tong ket nam bao cao dong Thi dua - Khen thuong Trung yang. didm. diem. B. MX DUNG CAC TIED CHI THI DUA CIHJ YEU TOng s6 didm chain thi dua la didm. Trong de: Didm thuc hien 4 nei dung thi dua chit ydu (Muc I, II, III, IV) tei da la 970 Didm thu6ng cho viec hoan thanh vuot mac cac tieu chi thi dua tei da la 30 Cu thd nhu sau: I. K6t qua phong trao thi dua vel viec thgc hien nhitm vu chinh tri (dic'm t6i da 550 diem). 1. Dili vol cac tinh, thcinh pho true thuik flung ming: Thuc hien cac chi tieu phat then kinh te (Teic do tang tithing GDP; tong gid tri kim ngach xuat khan; tong thu ngan sach ten dia ban va cac van de khac); Thtic hien cac chi tieu ye van h6a xa hei (Giam tst le ho ngheo; giam ty suat sinh; s6 lao dong duct giai quyet viec lam; cac Firth vtic van hod, gido due, y te, phong cho'ng te nan xa hei, moi tnrong va cac van de khac); Thuc hien cac giai phap chit yetu On dinh kinh te vi mä, tang twang kinh te ben vling va bao dam an sinh xa hei (theo Nghi guy& hang nam elm Chinh pint); Dam bao ye quec phong, an ninh, tat to an toan xa hoi; d. Time hien cal each hanh 2. DOI voi BO, ban, nganh,down thi Trung :sang: 2.1. Del vci cac BO, co quan ngang bo, co quan thuoc Chinh phit: Nghien dm, xay dung luat, phap Ienh va cac van ban quy pham phdp luat theo ke hoach ducfc Chinh phit giao hang nam; Nghien can tham mutt, hoach dinh cac chit throng, muc tieu, chuong truth qu6c gia phat tridn kinh td nganh va the chinh sach cita nganh va Firth vgc; Thuc hien cac giai phap chit yeu On dinh kinh te vi mo )tang tnremg kinh ben vting va dam bao an sinh xa hei (theo Nghi quyet hang nam cita Chinh phit); Muc de tang tnreng GDP chung (ap dung deii voi be, nganh kinh te); d. COng tac nghien cuu khoa hoc, bei du -Ong va dao tao can be; 4

5 Dam ban v6 qui& phong, an ninh, trat nr an toan xa hoi; Thuc hien cai each hanh chinh D6i vol cac Tap down kinh t6 va T6ng Cong ty nha mak: Cac chi tieu v6 kinh t6 (T6c do, tang truong GDP; t6ng doanh thu; nang suat lao deng; lgi nhuan; nep ngan sach va cac chi lieu khac); Thuc hien cac giai phdp chit y6u on dinh kinh to vi mo, tang tnthing kinh t6 b6n viing va bao dam an sinh xa hei (theo Nghi quy6t hang nam cita Chinh phi); Thuc hien cac chinh sach xa hei, giai quy6t viec lam; Dam bio v6 qu6c phong, an ninh, trat tu an toan xa hoi; d. Thuc hien cai cach hanh chinh DOI voi cac Ban, nganh, mat tr4n t6 qu6c va cac doan the chinh tri - xa hei Trung uong. Cong tac nghien cat, tham muu hoach dinh cac chit tracmg, chinh sach dm Ding va phap luat cua Nha na6c; Cong tac tham gia thuc hien nhiem vu quan ly nha nuem, tham gia va xay dung cac van ban quy pham phap luat va cac ch6 de, chinh sach; T6 chile van dong quan chang va t6 chute cac phong trao thi dua thuc hien cac chi?' truong caa Ding va chfnh sach phap lust dia Nha ntroc; ang tac dao tao, boi duong can be va nghien cat khoa hoc; Tham gia xay dung, ciing co qu6c phong, an ninh, trat to an toan xa hei; Thuc hien cai cach hanh chink. II. Thuc hien cac chit tracing, chinh sach cila Ding va phip luat cua Nha ntrac (diem t6i da 100 diem). T6 chac hoc tap, quan triet cac chit tracing, chinh sach cita Pang va phap luat cua Nha nuck. T6 chile tridn khai va k6t qui thtrc hien CuOc van deng "Hoc tap va lam theo tam guong dao dutc HO Chi Minh" theo tinh than Chi thi 03/CT-TW ngay 14/5/2011 ciia Be Chinn tri (Xay dung k6 hoach; t6 chic tridn khai; k6t qua thuc hien cuoc van dong va co cac dien hinh hoc tap va lam theo tam gm:mg dao chic HO Chi Minh). 3. Xay dung chucmg trinh hanh dong va tridn khai thuc hien Luat PhOng, ch6ng tham nhiing va Luat Thuc hanh ti6t hem, ch6ng rang phi; Thong at lien tich BO Nei vu va Thanh tra Chinh phi quy dinh khen thuang ca nhan co thanh tich xuat sac trong t6 cao, phat hien hanh vi tham nhfing. 5

6 III. ray dung he th6ng chinh tri, t6 chic Bang trong sach, viing manh; xay dung chinh quyen, doan the qu'an chimg viing manh (diem t6i da 120 Xay dung, ciing c6 t6 chile co set Ding trong sach, viing manh, xay dung t6 chile cac doan the, quan chting yang manh. Xay dung t6 chile chinh quyen co hieu ltre, hieu qua. Trien khai thuc hien quy ch6 clan chn co se theo Chi thi s6 30/CT-TW ngay 18/2/1998 cila Bo Chinh tri. Giai quy& don thu 'chi& nai, t'6 can theo quy dinh. IV. T6 chile tri6n khai va thuc hien t6t cac chit truong, nhiem vu cong tac thi dua, khen thin:mg (diem t6i da 200 diem): Ban hanh car van ban lath dao, chi dao ve thi dua khen thisong de tridn khai va time hien cac chi thi, Nghi quyet cita. Be Chinh tri, Ban BI. thu Trung uong; cac Nghi quy& cila Chit-1h phi]. va Chi thi, Quyet dinh cita Thit Wang Chinh phit ve cong tac thi dua, khen thueng. Trien khai, thuc hien Luat Thi dua, Khen thuong, Nghi dinh cita Chinh phit va cac van ban hiring clan thi hanh Luat Thi dua, Khen thueng, cu the: Ban hanh Thong to hoac Quy the Thi dua, Khen thireing cila BO, nganh, dia phuong. Xay dung ke hoach, chuong trinh cong tac nam ve thi dua, khen thueng. T6 chile phat &Ong cac phong trao thi dua yet ntrec (Thi dua thuong xuyen, thi dua theo dot, thi dua theo chuyen de). Thuc hien vice xet tang cac danh hieu thi dua va cac hinh thirc khen thuong theo dung quy dinh cita. Luat Thi dua, Khen thuong, Nghi dinh cila Chinh phu va cac van ban hu(mg d'an thi hanh. CO ke hoach, chuong trinh cu the trie'n khai time hien phong trao thi dua "Ca ntrec Chung silt xay dung nong then mai" do Thit tuong Chinh phit phat deng dat hieu qua. CO Quy the" hoat deng cua HOi deng Thi dua - Khen thueng Be, ngänh, dia phuong, co ket hoach phan cong cac thanh vien Hoi derig theo doi va t6 chile hem tra don dec thuc hien nhiem vu. Trien khai va thuc hien cac quy dinh v6 t6 chile, be may va can be lam cong tac thi dua, khen thuerng. COng tac thanh tra, kiem tra giai quy& don thu khien nai, t6 cap. Te cline bei (Nang tap huan nghiep vu Cho can be ve thi dua, khen thueng. Phat hien, bed duang, tong ket va nhan rong cac then hinh tien den. 6

7 Chi dao didm ye t6 chgc phong trap thi dua va thuc hien chinh sach khen thuong don vi cap tren co kr va cap co' s6. Thqc hien ch6 de thong tin bao cdo. (Cac nqi dung nen tren phai duoc th6 ch6 h6a bang cac van ban cu thd BQ, nganh, dia phtrung) V. Diem thu&ng (diem t6i da 30 diem): Thubng cho cac noi dung: Thgc hien vugt mtic cac chi tieu kinh t6 - xa hqi, thqc hien nhiem vu chinh tri duct giao, thgc hien tat chit twang cai cach hanh chinh va nhang nqi dung sang tao trong t6 chit cac phong tan thi dua. C. BINH XET THI DUA Can cir kit qua thqc hien nhiem vu chinh tri, chi tieu, k6 hoach duct giao (d6i v6i cac firth, thanh ph6 truc thuoc trong uong, can cfr kit qua thqc hien nhiem vu &A duct HO clang nhan dan thong qua) cac don vi thanh vien cita cum, kh6i thi dua tir chgm diem tren co s6 cac tieu chi giao ink thi dua, thang didm va phu'ong phap cham diem dä dirge cum, khii thang that va ky k6t thuc hien trong nam. Tru6c khi m& HQi nghi tong kit, b0 phan thueng trqc gitip viec cua cum twang, kh6i twang c6 trach nhiem ra soat bang di6m cua tirng don vi, d8 xu gt, trao dai v6i cac don vi thanh vien vi nhfing nqi dung can dieu chinh trong bang di6m ciia tang don vi; cum twang, cum pho, kh6i tn.reing, kh6i pho thang nh gt danh gia viec thqc hien cac tieu chi thi dua de2 bao cdo veri cac thanh vien trong HQi nghi tong kit. Lath dao cac BO, nganh, dia phtrong IA thanh vien chinh thirc dai dien cho don vi thao luan than xet danh gia hoat cong cila cum, khai va tong don vi thanh vien. Can cir vão kit qua tong hop cham didm cita cac don vi thanh vien trong cum, kh6i thi dua va y lci6n dm Ban Thi dua - Khen thuang Trung acing, lath dao cac don vi b6 phi6u kin suy ton don vi tieu bidu cila cum, kh6i thi dua va cong b6 kit qua ki6m phi6u cong khai tai phien hop (TruOng hop dai diet lath dao Be, nganh, dia phuong yang khong tham clg phien hop tong kit tam don vi do se mat quyin be phi6u). Quy dinh s6 Wong don vi duct binh chon, suy ton nhu sau: Cum, khii co 5 don vi : chon 1 giai nhgt, 1 giai nhi Cum, kh6i co tir 6 din 8 dan vi : chon 1 giai that, 1 giai nhi, 1 giii ba. Cum, khii co tit 9 din 11 don vi : chon 1 giai nh gt, 1 giai nhi, 2 giai ba. Cum, khii co tir 12 clan vitt:ellen : chon 1 giai nhgt, 2 giai nhi, 3 giai ba. 5. Trinh to bo phi6u dugc tiers hanh nhu sau: a. Nguyen the chung: Thgc hien theo phuung attic be phiteu

8 Thao luan theing nhat danh sach cac don vi thanh vien dugc chon de dua vao danh sach bau (don vi Cum truong, ICh6i twang gioi thieu cat thanh vien thao Juan va thong nhat bang Neu quyet gio tay) bao gam: cac don vi tham du bau chon giai nhal, gidi nhi, giai ba (neu co). Tien hanh b6 phieu kin va c6ng bo ket qua chon giai nhat (nhting don vi khong Ming giai nhat se &roc b6 sung vao danh sach bau chon gidi nhi). Tien hanh ba phial kin va c6ng b6 ket qua chon giai nhi (nhiing don 14 kw:mg trung giai nhi se clugc b6 sung vao danh sach ban chon giai ba). Tien hanh ba phieu kin va c6ng b6 ket qua bau chon giai ba (neu co). d. Cling b6, thong qua ket qua danh sach cac don vi cluqc cum, khai suy ton giai nhat, giai nhi, giai ba. nghi cac cum, kh6i suy ton nhiing don vi duct tang Ch TM dua cad Chinh phit khong vuot qua s6 Wong qui dinh. Ket qua xet chon, suy ton do cum twang, kh6i trueing giri bd.() can ve thuong true HOi dong Thi dim Khen thubng Trung uong (qua Ban Thi dua Khen thuang Trung uong). D. TO CHCC THVC men Cum twang, Kh6i trueyng ce, trach nhiem xay dung ke hoach de t6 chtic cho cac thanh vien trong cum, kh6i hoat dong theo cac noi dung dm huong dan nay. Can al vao nhiing not dung tieu chi thi dua chit yen neu tren, cac cum, khai thi dua cu the hod cho plat hop voi dac diem, tinh chat hoat clong cim cum, kh6i thi dua va cua tirng don vi thanh vien. Viec cu the hod nhi dung va phan chia thang, bang diem khong duqc \Riot qud tong so diem da quy Binh cho mai tieu chi thi dua chit yeu va phai dirge dan chu thao luan, duoc cac thanh vien trong cum, kh6i thi dua nhat tri lam can al cham diem va binh xet thi dua hang nam. Khäng xet thi dua doi vol nhttng 130, ban, nganh, doan the trung uong, dia phuong khong clang k9 va ky ket giao that thi dua hang nam cila cum, kh6i hoac nhting don vi co cac vu viec tieu arc, tham nhung, co sai pham nghiem trong trong viec thuc hien chit truong, chinh sach cita Dâng, phap luat cua Nha intik va chin xet thi dua d6i voi nhitng don vi co dau hieu sai pham dang chic cac co quan co thdrn quyen ket luan Quy dinh ye mot se, not dung tit diem nhu sau: - CAc BO, nganh, dia phuong trong nam khi trinh khen thuong, neu cac cap thdm quyen khong xet duyet hoac tra lai do có cac MOTT hop de nghi then khong thing quy dinh cua Luat Thi dua, Khen thu&ng va the van ban htrong din thi hanh; tang s6 diem trir ye not dung nay khong qud 20 diem. 8

9 Tinh, thanh ph6 trqc thuoc Trung trong chua tridn khai thuc hi4n dting tinh than ThOng tu so 01/2010/TT-BNV ngay 16/4/2010 oh BO NOi vu ve viec huerng dan to chire b0 may Ban Thi dua - Khen thuong thuec SO Ned vu trh 10 didm. Cap huy4n (quan) kh6ng co can b0 chuyen trach thi dua, khen thtrang, m6i huy6n (quart) tit 3 didm, Be, nganh, clia phurong chua ban hanh ThOng tu hoac Quy ch6 Thi dua, Khen thuong tilt 30 didm. 5. Can al k6t qua binh xet, suy ton cam cac cum, kh6i thi dua; Ban Thi dua - Khen thtrong Trung acing tong hop bao cap ThuOng trqc Hoi clang Thi dua - Khen thuong Trung acing xem xet, cho ykin trade khi Ban Thi dua - Khen thuong Trung acing trinh Thu trong Chinh pith tang Cet thi dua cua Chinh phu cho cac don vi tieu bieu, xuat sac. Tren day la huong din chung vé td civic hoat dong cua cum, kh6i thi dua. Can eft van ban huong din nay va can cir tinh hinh, dac diem cita ttrng cum, kh6i de cu thd h6a cac tieu chi va thang bang didm cho phh hop, lam can cur binh xet, suy ton tang CO Thi dua cita Chinh phai hang nam, dam bao clan chit, tong khai va thing quy dinh. Trong qua trinh thqc hien co vudng mac phan anh kip thi ve Ban Thi dua - Khen thuong Trung acing cld ti6p tvc nghien cup sixa d6i, b6 sung, hohn chinh. Van ban huong din nay thay th6 van ban s6 1349/BTDKT-W ngay 01 thang 7 nam 2009 cita Ban Thi dua - Khen thuang Trung acing. (Kern theo bang danh sach cac don vi thanh vien am cum, kh6i thi dua. D6i v6i cac cum, kh6i thi dua thay d6i, b6 sung don vi thanh vien hoac chia tach cum, kh6i duvc that hien tit nam 2012)./. Nai nkin : Trg CP, Chit tich HD TDKT TW (de bao cao); - Cac BO, co quan ngang b0, co quan thu6c CP; UBND cac tinh, thanh ph6 trqc thuqc TW; Van phong Thing ucmg 'Yang va cac Ban cna. Dan - Van phong Chu tich ntr6c; Van phong Qu6c koi; Van pheng Chinh phin Toa an ND t6i cao, Vi6n KSND t6i cao; - MTTQ VN va co quan TW caa cac down the; Tap down kinh to va TCty nha nubs (TCty 91); - Cdc d/c thanh vien 1-ID TDKT TW; - Vu TDKT (PhOng, Ban) cac B(3, nganh, doan the TW; - Ban TDKT (SO' Neil vu) cac tinh, TP truc thuoc TW; Ban Thi dua Khen thuang TW + Truang ban, PhO Doling ban; + Cac Vu, don vi thwic Ban; Luu : VT, VI. TRU'ONG BO NO! VI/ Tran Thi Ha 9

10 I I I III II II lir tnilm I I n I.

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